Jh "-.? v ixjt t- Any p'Vron xxho li-Jo" the -ipr r tilarlv Irom the pm-t i!.n li !.! i.r to lit; mum .ruin' In r l.. i Lot. .s n p"t h 1 i 1 s ."Si .enens ii. i Vf ilrnl . j., re- 1 - . n -wfc r- jtin :i.,r iti.i t i irniif f-' i o I -i I'ir. EVERY-DAY VORK. f treat ite.-ls ;ue ti uiiiift-!, loud Ii-1N art: rtiiiir. Ati'l tiieii turn jiuMjil tu ..: "The IiikIi Jx'itKs -!i In the i mils -UN ' -oiiie rn .it victory. And xt ci iti ilc-it- me lew. Tin mt.ul.'5l llieil HlHl OppOllUtlltl." IllJt liOW JlU'l tlieil i-'lwilt nui- mi nil.- tlirfjiiIt ton Sityi of peace, W 'ii'tinjj ' wttlls In -i-.tif Or lie ill I5 Until -.tliefe'l'lotl rii'w l.uic- li'in in liteu ili- Kale.' T1i"' vtiil: ctiniirh. "'. ''"'' t'hiy? II e uiiiK count- tun t ulm IuIom every l.ty. I jMurreill fWf -ps .JnWJi the JllflUtltUWH tnow Willi Initm hint ll.i-liaii'l rMir. .iiuii i htl HKlli I- upei.i. when- is it lifnv.' ItKnne nlmil inv li n it. Kilt lliecle.ii iK-iiui that through the weitiJnv iSnws wl! Hie long niiiniiiei mi It- iiu-Mmi -. lletier ihe fcl-iiJy tlnir: Hi'- torr.-tit'i Ou-h J-'noii leave-, il- i..t Iriiek dry. The Jixhl hi- hue I- not the l.glilnmg l!a-h J'rotii ntit it tiiidmi:!)! nky. liut ihe Kwi-et f-iiiiKhnii. wlir.r.- tiiilailin; niv I'ioiii Urt calm tlirt.ne ot Miie light-, every tii-. The MV test ll'H me Iho-.' In Jllt Weil ho-- -!-.. t.oili gu-ni atid email. Are c-h. .!. ii it -tnuiitH l an iiiJnkcii thica.l. I When: hoe iiiim.I.'.'-miII. i-!iewoii.lmiirmii!i!i- t. iinu.'t-. mix tin i Ik-IN: Tin- JSoolt ol l.ilc the nhitimg ii-ninl tis.l. -' rUic 'MK MM IN.IlIXr Tho Power ttxid TriekM of tho Rod Man's Doctor. '!!... 1...1: 1 1. 1:. .:.... I iii'.i.in .. i.i. '.i in. 011 iii ......a, . j ;i rii-riiiiMiiuii-t' iiin.iii i.ui linu pin- ( . ' phel. lie del iv.-. hi-. atillioriH lioin no 1 man. ami no man can lai.eit iroiu nun. He i- no eiadtial- of any coHejr." Mill . . . has no diploma, but he vhiliil -. thedi-- , 1 liin-lie marks of hi- profe-,,ion by .... - weaiinilhe r..be will, hair-idc out. " . , ii .- i ' :iinl Ihe ever pie,enl ami all nowerltil ! 1 j liicdli'iiie-ba'r. cuiioti-l; oriiaiiietiled. I mchcme-.eio-. cunoii-iy on.ame, 1. j Aecordme to Ihe ludiau li-Iiei; -J lie--, 1- cau-eii iiirot.en im- niuueuce oj OiMee m tile direct :I""C1ICV ol .-llperiot' ptiwcr-, and coiiseipieni! their -y.-leiu oi medical Ileal iiienl i- '.lie tialural re sult of Hieir belief. They delight ill i-ion-.seeknii;. liiioitii e.:in-bath-, la.stine; and s.-lf-tmil il.ilion. The Indian doctor alt-nijil- Ihe cure of di-ca-e mainly by an apjieal to the "unknown" and trie- to propitiate hi power by ilaiiciiij. -inline; and other tioisv iIiMiion-lialion-. .Smne of Ihc-e "medicine men" claim lo cute the sick by remedies known only lo Iheni-elvcs, and which. Ihey in-i.-t, are disi'oxered ly them from Ihe vhi-eriiij- of some animal to (hem while Ihey were asleep. They stand very hijjh in Ihe c-Leeiu of their people and their adice in council i- ino-t powerful. When, however, a certain number of their patient- have died, I heir power- to succe fully battle with the evil spirits are much doubled and they lo-c their hih -lauding in jocicly and their practice. .Some of the tribes even kill Iho.-e who have thus outlived heir u.sefiilnc. A few illus trations of their mode of treatment will bis of interest lo Ihe reader. Lioutcnanl (.'. was - retched out upon a col in my lent at Fort (Irani, Ari.oiiH. one day, when Ihe medicine man of the "Me-callero tribe entered. He was a repulsive lookiue; and lilt li v old man, with sore eye-;, and almo-t cntirclv nakeil, but ttood very hieh in the profession. " I am eoine; o play -iek," .-aid I'.; "see what he will do." Accordingly he eroaned. as if in jrreat pain, and the intcrpreler e .laiucd to lb. native jdiy-ician that t.'. w a-very .sick and de-ned hi- profe sioual service-. The aboriginal .ll-cu-lapius advanci'd slowly lo the side of the cot. made a number of pa e w it li outstretched hand- over the -up-po-eil sick inan'.s per-.ui, while chant -in"; sonic doleful melody throiieh hi-iio-c. when all al once he -pit lull in the hitter's l.tcc. The lively way in which (. kicked the doctor out of the tent was proof po-ilive to the Indians. av io witnessed the scene, that a rand cure had bi en acconipli-hed. 'at:iiu W 1. Clarke ejVe- the fol- low ins inlercstius account of Ihe treat- nient admini-teivd to a man who had been badly burned: A The. siill'et'er w as bi'oueht lo thelobe , 11. 1 m the exetiiio-- ami a doctor siitiimoned at one. For .-ome reason he delayed .... .. -- .. a'isxxerins tin' x.U until the folloxx ins I nt sat down in silence, and remained 33 1 1 . : , , ... ... ... . . , :. :. .IE mill ,011 less 11111:1 11 1 11 III- vi:is iiii -11 riiiii ii-iii-:-.. o. .... .... . ... . .... 1 .......... .1. JtsR , -. 1 .. 1 - t 1 held a ip at arni - lensth ovcrhi-head ffor a moment, muttered .-.urn nnintelM-.-i'iIc siuin !-. lowered it. carefu.lv took lrom the bowl with his thumb and foiv- r.nscr a siua" portion oi the tobacco. : d placed il tm the cde of the hearth 1 eforc him. One of the fami'.v then held a brand from th lire lo the pipe a bad spini. and U Iy remedial ; opinion woj my 01 ..noun-in uii-eon- !!r,. ai,l0 identical. Vcars f.f v it-.ou, "I'rHcilIa ae an account 01 " 1 he romntcn-iallv "dat- jairtret i agency lound in the materia me.lin.i of ,, ' . . ' .-,-,, 5"',,1"n !l' a -:tinrptiHil in the inves- , fo ,-., d ,v ,.,...,.,., :mil r,.mr, .. 1 ourt-hip of .Miles v-tandish." "The ,:,.tt ,- m.tI,t . ,-. . ". h Vrr ." . .... , upon the pari ot the patient - body in .;.,.. ,,. , .,... ,, .,-...,.. ; ., ' , . J" " u mapie .u.u. in wi.i. n er the 1 odors cou.si ol incantation- tor , , , , , . it . , , . m..-i. hi-- hum m ..... u l- t.-.i-.- ... .... i;Mi.i.irl ot V a-tel I. uil.e. more m UUmt stdl I.-uit w&. nUmt ".' 'mi tiii. . , , .. . which the diturhiii'x spirit 1- -iiijo--ed 1 -1 -uppu-e thai, next to piilmmuirv il-s. :j 1 1 . j w,.ll " Tlien ... . . - ,, .. ,, mom siui 1. .u. u a awmi .... wit the liliroov of cKolci-m. As the Indian- . . . ... .. .' el!-, more 1..1-..11- .'..Hie to ihe-r .l.-nlh hv i ." "'" . . he Miinl ol Ii'tr. told ol "IV- . ..... V..,-.k..... .It I.......K lr.,.. , ., to lie oeted ll-iiaily Wtiei'e the lllosl ..i,.,,!,,,, , tn.ui limn nu. other niie cuii-e " line rapid change m health. . ., ... .' , ,- ,. ' - - " " ire a erv .super- :l 1011- people, hey ' . e . . - i .. - , , i . .A,,, i. , . " w. . -t ;.. . t a-u- in ound. And "Kin-4 INib-rt (M1nn, f -niio tre m ul.- from th. 1 II . i.'.m i fell w.mo-1 line, u.le;il Irietlotl. , Ml in l....v. tl.-.t 1 1. .... . .-r.. tiltr.-e alld lloltie. e lepitce t - " ilil.inin.. m -11 III. an IO.M1- nuni tut momrnir. iiuv po-.-ibly to add .-ome- ,.,ex to picture Ii.mj.-or and it- htt-i- 1 ' " V '' n. ., I r J , t ,. f-":in"1 """ .v t.,ndon,ns even part., it the Krwina h .pme rr. tnf ,. baT mmitm emlrh, W thiiti- of in.pr. ss.vc importance t . his .. ' !..,.. ... lllt.v ;,: sllllll,ar H1 ' f. . a1" .". "' .' .. V. " t'z ! .. .i .n ,,:l! "' .-n!-1 ?? " n. di.st will s ,ot, tind it, way into thfb-i, . ... - t,,k ,w vott , III V .' "... I - i " " "" " '" " '"' " " " J.-., plea-ure. I Won JttUlW and -.t ,.,-.. .r..l,l.. unlnu rr-moXed f comine. He w.tsaecompanic.i by an-, j.,: Hep i- 1 part ot the x iexv: i the way lo Lelieve thi- e-timato i-cor- rramwtf .-pr, ' -.miitui. unie-s trnu-ui. je through the cwntry caltm aw ft . K other doctor. On cnl.-rms the lodsf. j l nn adjnkiius buiblins was the t.I- ' rect. "in the vicinity ..: every work-; ' ZL ,.. ' &rtae;ixn- eras or M raw will get bi;: ,,; an i Jn-r binf Kvim. Ko .j ., th.x did not de-en to notice anv one. i 1. ...v.... Tl..,.! e,l .,tl -.-ixv t1;i: '--""! and factory the rum-hop dour-1 tl f.-.,;., t..ki xvound anmnd the -haft inthe In.-t. II- .." -,! miui -v eT. rx u -. m ... , . i " 4 i 'i i.4 .--.---. --- ...... 14 till it wa-light.'.. The doctor --Umly , ..uVIv and come on: bright. Th, n. ( "v,en. m kcco n-!., may a, .. -non 0 t :.,;iw them in any; atu mot t ompiOJ wer obuin-d by inrctittg : M feen llm " X,og t. pnll'id the smoke txxo or three time- nr 15lll.." h, eontimun, "and r as tlepHvn'Tut iAheXd gin $ ? "' ' L U I mM. We who wa. um ..w . Jlij.ward. downward ami towards each ! .. otr,rt nrt being made to bnng j- : :l.0 tnJ, that it might, perlum-. vit jn ever, citv wh-re there are la- strong prepare. At "Ae Amteram v (tlJirrr mac fcM ,.th Bu- .. 4.1 rf the cardinal po.nt-. an I taking the j tu . j,aajr,. within three minute-. W.- - be well pro.ided. tor i: a portion of uie inxr trouW.- the s ".i,r. mI. rat.- conn- Exhibition, however, almost al! th- c;nv8,Bj y: tr H fce j Tlfee t-.h of fv a. -l liiiv by the bow I. pa.d it to his com- ,., on a r:Ul,er lrge dov of ;lu. Loth-'""'-wage- did not go for nun. 1: -0l-of con- rvative. hone-; !ahonn products had been prepared with thr tmtibe at Crt A the tKa. i lark t -. v.h r . 1 .....). ?... ... 1 1 .-.I.- ... ..;.i. !.... ,. 1,,,.. 1.. ........... . 1 . t-...-. 1.1 . .. .. . - . niaiiion. who weiu iniougn .a -ame 1 ,,,, ,x j,l:i w,. aUompt thi-. but the pa- ," :;.. ...... w...--r, .....u ....-uioux-y. Uen w.mi.j prcx.ti . iwxniww .ea-, u.ne- ol t.ep an-l wasi pK-tr ot o-r r (i Aj TOO iwtr t The Hae' of al ........ t -:n .t ' . ... . . ! lie retort; thit th,. iwx.xr ttoiti i n nxn- li -... ii-;'.. tl...T- .sTirtt-.. . tul ul.n.r .... . - r -. " . . -I rorm.a,id t ; wa? - t 1 ie aH .:l lhl, Wlll raB th(. n i. , -j. J' Hr dtffnV wltlt nT iovi.; - - " r?', T. I ' - J Ju- wt7n - C -U-,.t contents oi .m-rr .. .x,..-...tu. ot never wakmg up again rather tn.xn ; ru.h ll5a j, ;u hi-wine. It won id be !.. - !,, drove-of drank. PrP-- "r " , 1 ,wl that I wWlw rrMCiwr .trjpwil U ffe.. I It was then iiauucu o, ... one ..,, 1(t. iu..u. I an unoit.-tionable bbing if lKth were ea men. whether thev are laborers 01 "'"v." ensonoe o . - , x- G D,vn. ?o0 gus in M MM, ; vw 4 w I ' had lighted it. lte empl.ei. the -Wo haw had to bury a few. bat 1 deprived of their drink. It would never belotis to any other cla--, ar.- hkelr to heat-! by team along with iho oa Altin-t m? 1 I -a-ho upon the hearth, entirely what i-that to .-avo a mint! to. and to j t!t' lu r,,or m:u or the rich man the bring' about not-and ommil outrage, co a- to forma fiuid au-v. V which ar j yi'i; Whr. how I OMrin"lhep:irticlOsoitonaccooeiore lHat tho raseaiiv oopo-ilion line? T:11. f'-w :'- I ' ' projH-..T. .ai...m- . --' aUtleti a te-v bunttretiin-o: aium. ie y k ftr mmxT,to-. r4frf. - . . .. .t 1. ...1 .1... . . .1 1 leatm.- honor. We have no nitv to .-m. Imit xx hi-kv and dynamite together .1 .- .1 1 : .4.. .- ,1,.,,,, 'Iim there, no uivii iwmii-u ...c neotilo all -iv l.o ahead 1 0'lJy- -' ' . . t. " . , .- - ' aia.-- is .nen aiserett. uiic-i c bt -., 1 , , . m Po.j,u,liiiiiiu. , , pi pit .111 . .iy . i.u aiuau. 100.. Wjl.,. m !HlV :oiuaeh who-e owner make a terrible combination. lit, 1 . t, i i- , l-h .' . , r!. of his tinseis to the ."ul i"WMw. think- it i- outm-ed becau-o it i- not -- ani wi : h;i-?n a baJl 0 -An eXr.r tfa on Vh Cemtml A)-i-cd hi.-hands in succe.-sioti over tho . m..i with alcohol. We know that if. The amount of permanent iartv-;- :lura. the re.-ult being white uwigh Vtrn0int rawT da-it! arca4 a i)it)t from wie bowl to tho end of the Why should chimney sweep- bo we could top every -till, and -hut up meat in -e'ojl -i:.- ami binldiug- in j plate-, which are more ea.-iiy w octet! .j. xher dsr aad ru-fc-.J aao- 1 . ... t ...niriied to the owner, who contented? l'ecaiise they alwar not everv rum-shop, and plug up every s the I'nited Siau- i- $ilV-.lltt .and aauara! horr. .V. . Herntd. .. 1, r-itS hlofehnr a. f ten. ami .etttt . k J U u . rumbarrcl. every human b-ing aipl the the current exp-n-e; of th. -caool- . - Tj !id the same. Uf doctot u i ...'.. N: K-t intent. of society would Abetter I I.vM were $HO..W7.:.o.. Hotn of the-e -When a hot:-, b aoi reatediaMcx-1 ---- ' R-T e- Ijlk-,. rwded to int-peet the patient s injure. . ''""lu,n --oatact with J.im.-.. fl. Hince :L, :h(, aWntV of liquor ; item-would not half pay our national ko .. .. Vet ;h irzh did sc: Htc J raa. If nd. after the eauuiialion was eou- J..u;tr. t,0ix be a public blessing, xve think j wht-ky bill. Can .! f:tw:. I eluded, began tin ir practice-. One ol tl.-m took a mouthful of water from :. calnba-h jI;t'-I It side Iwui. groaned, j beat hi- brea-i. crept backward and I forward on hi- hand-and fct. took up oiuc dust from tip ground, rubbed it in hi- hand,, mad, various iritricat. ".-tun--, and tht-ii pretended to oinil ! tin- water, which all the while hal been in hi-! mouth, upon the hearth. Again j In filled hi-! mouth, after soinn through an i-wn more elaborate per-j formanec. parted the hair upon th- j head of the patient, blew the water in ! small 'juantitie-i upon tin scalp, breast ' mill other part- of hi-. bolv. Thi- wa.- 1 rcpi-ateil .eeral time-. II; then ap- ..i:.i :.: ...I. ...,.,.;.... i.. r.n. i .;.i ' j.u... mi i.i.iMui. ,... .....i-v in. water, to the .-iek man's heail. ami . , , , ' iMth jfroati.- -eemeil to be i-iii!i;ivor ' j,,,, vjtj, .,JJ J,J, luV')a to !ck -ome. ' thinsr from it. When thi- hail contintieii s-ome minute-, all at once he started back. and. ijiproaciiinj: ( ii I the hearth, squirted the mouthful of j j - i . v..H''l upon ii. :t-i ii i ; ;i .- ii uoiii t;i- jm j alid'- head. The -anie opetatiou wa-" I repeated fti dill'.-rent pari- of the bodv. ; He then took up -nine of u a-he-einptied froii; the jiie, nibbed them in I i hi- ham.'s, -.id bb-w th"iu upon the patii-nt- head, brea-t. and wh'-n-vrr th -uctiou had been tried. After all. .,: M0ii-i'i:-e. h tonka minute ijuantt- ' j, ,. . .. . .. . ,. f , , .,,, ,i;,.;,,,. . '" '--- J"'"" ""--- " ' bae .iruiKieii it on the inirii- ami :- j I i j part.-.!. Dining thi- perforiirn-e the , !.tt...i- i!i...(ip i- in'ilv -liril, ini' liii , , t. i- i i j rattle, parading hi- mcdicme-ba and , - ..... .... ..... .... -.-. .....--... danciii"; witii jrreal violence over tlie -uftcrer. the occujianl-. of the iod-e , looking on in profound attention and " I av.e. j 'riie-i- ab-urditie- were rejieated .. .. r . tw ie a ilav -o Jon"; a-tin itniortuuatc , .. . .... 't.i i 1 ...... min lied. 1 lie uiht lie iiieii. lour , . , , . . - 1 ili- alter he received tlie injures.' , ,, , , , t ' . . . tl .1 to-Uoctois weie -en; ior. auo wiui re- ,,,,.- , .. i . . dottiiled turv be an their elabor.tti . - .' . , . ,. parade .i jti-'Iuie;. and bv the noi-e l , t . , ' :u"' -'tifu-i.n. to all appearance-. c - .. , .. ... ..-. pedlled ilts-ollltloll. I Ii:- Will -eive a- , . - - . , . , .- .. 1 .-....... I -..!. si f:ii. Mif.rilJll., ui thl.ir .hl.1..ll.util. I tr, .,...,. ! , . . ,. .....i..- i- i;.,,r .. ft,., ...I....r , ..!' i- t,;..,l Cener-dK J h.-v ! attempt to irishteii away the di-lurb-inr -pirit liv noi-e,. a- mutterins. vel lins. barkins. oi si,'w''",n- ,,r ''." -transe po-turins. :'.- of a xxolf. a buD'alo. or bear, or by ansry deinon--tralioTi-. a- brandi-hins a warclub or tomahaxvK. and tnreatenins to .-ti:..'j' " l. . ."5- ... i 'ci.: ..f the a fleeted part. This treatment of disease i-, ol eolir-e, .-en-e'e . but to the ma of Indians it doe- not ap pear so. ami very tew of them, even after -emi-cix ili.ation, xvill -ek relict in the white doctor"- medicine-. I haxe. hoxv.-xer. Ireiniently n I them administer drus- t their ow u preparation. I'ulveri.cd bones, roots and herbs are freipicntlv u-ed by them. i .i .- :i: ...ii. .i... anil lll.' .lie .. oil.... i . no no ., ,. - .... , , , ,, , cathartic qualities ol -onie ldant-. 1 1 They u-e decoction- of m'smisia. iimiHinlti. Uh-iilm and .ii'W both intcriialh and as di-'tnfectants and cosinelie.. 1 1 1 the treatment of wound-, conttt- "";" -ions and sprains, -ueh as are of ire- Mueiit occurrence, some cf these medi- cine-inen are xerv skillful no ha 1 11 lllC hems u-ualix 1 set broken bones quite -kilitliilv. and ' xxithin the writer s knoxxl- , , t t . i . .. ,,.,.,1 etlee. where Ic.d.an doctors te-totcd . ", . , .1 badly wounded men to health, alter they had 1 11 sh"n "p a- hopeie-s by - -- --- the asency doctor n,e cha: s made for treatment de- "" peml seni.-what 11.11 the i-s,ie. which 1 , -ill seem- to be a tm .-en-ible and prac- 1 lical way ot dome bu-me-- .oine- times the ehars"s are .juile exorbitant, auiountius in the asr.-sate to sex era! potiic-. Cii'..,."" fMjiu '(., Ill du al j O'r.;; ; .V.v. RAPID TRANSIT. n lit, '.-trie Trip from ISangor. le.. t l,e-t.uioitli.- Mr U.TS. Anions the pu'It-!ied paprs of tin late .lu.Ise Kent, of Maine, tli-re is one I trille xxe'.l worth tre-"rvms for it- wit. j .,.,,-.. u ., lllliniiriin, j.rophecv in re-ranl I ,.( jm, ,(. oI 1...lVi.. w hk.h win ,. in Ui. i j a ln.1:ilri.,j ,,...,.. .,.,.. The paper' . .. ... ..,.;..,, t'.,. tl... 5, ..-,.. to uf . ,.... . . ..... . ..1 :...i.i : t..;.. i l'.-. ......, i-i;i.ii.i.. .i,i4 .'. ..... ... ..-t j .. home of the vuial old Coxcrnor' ' :m duds'. The xvriter allowed hi instead of wires thev hail near 2 .k. :; ...I .....ill ..... I -w. ... l - I asked: 1 'iiHiiiii inn.' 'i jmii.w .-... . . -.- - 1 . .. . .. . .... , v, ,,v tj,, eiians. auu vva- ;o.u uia. . , . , ,i,,.x v.,.t ....jjers on them, driven bv clectnvitv. to Huston, in four min- IT I . 1 1. - -r.ut how can tin human -y-ter.i , staml such ve'o-itv?" Oh. vve .-tun "em the fellow said. xvittt the Let 'aeon, and then we tie j -4,m m iHlx.i ,,n little xvhee!-. and i'.u - ----- ....,..-.-- 111 -"!-. II"" ' IO.II " .! rf . . . . -- t practice amputation, becau-e ll.ev ten per cent would be a J..w c-timate. , ( a- he wa- Men), that he besan to Iy around the shaft it 1- apt to h-at J ,... , ,-,, illrila;lstil. uww.r r a"r" thn ' -l " xeso little knowledse in -urserx. it- would sive .:- 17 -.7 deaths think the matt.-r oi.-ra .ntieim.r i.-mm ,f ,t lit too lo Iy I he shaft ,.,. wnti. ,.ra, ,,.; . barln-r -I-p. lo-r- b. ; ti. . c.. .. 1 1 ;.i ..f ..,.;".. 'iv; chiidien caused by inherited , 011-Jv. I Lie xva-a man 111 the p.-mp; miM jUl. eotish plav but no more. J . .. , .. , t ,it . . .v , , hae and a hazl ! ere 1- thestlons"st kilidot picju- ,,.,,,;., ,. ,1H, , ,ht. ,M,lHlr of if.- 111 up l.ilsiii.. after r.i -ins ... it". ,t .. i " "'d man. which prlue.Nl ,,., ell.Ht. . . ... r i-..i. 1 ....1. ."'oaiii 111 oi nun to wit .n in , il . , 1 oo mueli idax Is more f I'eollell tl v the. ... . ... ,. . . , rent. e asain-i me loss oi a num. oe.uu j,.,.. ,. tirvatioii re-ultiii"- from tne a -miii -iil'ictent t retire upon comtort- . . , , . " J till one ua lo- ittre.tiene.i t. attarn nt .... r. .... . " 11. i .. . .. . .i . .eiii-.e tnati too btlle oI;ix As ihe m:i- ; ,.'.-. ., .... t..W. tr...t.u r ireleireo. 1 nev oiieu .iiinL h-i n. .. t i, in..ntv laoix.anu "iilitJ nil me i oniitiou ' ' - i ririn ii lie tint not. call km: wllie XV till- " "' -" -... - J rpr-My mmt. '. Vfe W l)(l j itJil VAlM LU.L.xA)Lj. LABOR TO SAVE. ' Io:.: u'ter the car ,-; won!: i rwi.1-. r.j.ei n .tit . - .h. j cXT&llZlSXZ' ' lnhor xhiie x-c i ma; ol.. r-m-itMT en- n- .at. . rom'Sjv s y tic! iol today. j .., n .irfitn ujh surlue" fa'r. 'the teinjili-reMi.- w!h Klui-t (KtO. Itm a 'ii ; ; tli- iJrej-H i.: iJrk dffnur Await the vnaT a- They tlont Hinwfy oni tr.jn tin- TneiHllv BtirB. Her Wil- reujii of w ! renown. Over Mil- r.T :fiAt !! Tn ileath. r.ilii-tMJv -. tniy j- 3r:t IiirKT ttowo! No'h-r. i-wi-iur th :ei :e,., oi.tr i he jf mat !'.. .'ur iMJOtt; ' ith wi.tkiiii-.ir.'Hfnnf rey hut. J-iaaii.iu th-ear-. xi.at i-tyei looomifc Other lip-hitw In ii I"ir- h luh.-r- tiuxe worn tht ji.t -- brow. OihT ni.:i.-r- linu- m4 ! itt : .f"c ii! ;if:iJ n: :he wiirt- cup. how: Oh. tor tfie love jnu ;.. forth'e -nfe Hi th- -oiiii of tour T.nll" t-nng'. ill. b lh- IMiut.f u! hnjH-i tun hokl. Wfitthiii.r a innmiiKxi prnjl bjmJ strong! 1'nlJ.T not. though eai bfl .J sun Font .on -uh Mi-h.iik' l..-art Ktid brow. !-ager to gru-;. a hilpln." 'UI..1. "-tn tiy - . I-? ua.t.rj.- now! Let ti- ijth.ir. with purp. . tlrin. .l Hith a i hantt !. anil kee; Mnv H.'M'.-ii h ip uj I" n. oi' tii' path Kii-i tor m.I "!. wm r 1 l"'t t,'nlllt M- until ti lh' -tl'- r- we tue.- ou:it .ir h.ipp !.-- k- ii--iirpaJ, If h a w..nl .r .. l .-.S ' n - in. ! I - l-ov .- - ii..- ..t Jaf ' ALCOHOL AND MORTALITY. ' " '" -agg.-r.il inn to . That Our llun.lr.-l I lion, .. 111.. I mm It- I' .naii,.- (Ur re.id.-r-; ill r.-me'iii, -r that w.- ...... ...i .. v..,.. .i... i'.... ;.. i. ..iii. .. .i .i.i i .11. i.l iiiiiti inr . f ul I .. . , . - ,hic!i that ji.iper a rt.-d that it i- an (.xar";er .ition to claim that 1if.hh j .irunkard- die :inua:iy. and that in ' ujlr t-.,intiiet- we -aid that while iroi- ' abh not 1hi,ihX) died drunk or drunk-! ard-. more than twice that number .. - -.. . . (lp.il m con-e.pieue ot tae uv ot honor ) in our trav.-i- m ar.oii- part- o . y thi'iu-M'lvei or other-. . J a.- Mt.ffun Sn hint ( !( iuot'i ,.,. ,...,,. ,,.....:, ..-.,... , ,. ., , " . ...... ..... ............. ... ..... 'brea-t of 1 11 i Perkin-. The tor-,, to "' . proe that i! v. a- an ea;ru. ration, put . J. ,..i ,...,. ,i. ... ,,.- .t....ti. ... f.sii .. lm-total tnimli.-t ol deatii- in Ivi at . 5701,1,. The ci-nsti-i.uL-th.-m at 7oi;.- I ' ' S'.l. . 1 -i ... -.. 11. ....:. .-......, .t... IViii.fitii)' IliMI Tl II -T'ft: r . V 1T TMl ihe following -latement from th vice-piv-plen t of the New York Ivjui- j tame .1 iii-uraui" ompanv is an io'i t.v, a!....tlt. fi-i.ni ini!in..ii'u' .li,. . e:l-.' -. alld het 111 t h- !i-t ate dl-ea-.- j '..! .. . . . .. t .! :. .. I oi ine iiei on-. -iciii u mi u aieixen - at -.:.to. -o that death- Horn alcohol ( prai-e -oim-tiuie- lax i-hed upon the according to thi- hih atithorin uiii-t ! u rk.-r- in tm- eau-e. It xva-our-be between .-:'..! 7" and 1 .:.. '..'..". ami it ' peiience one d.ix I -tumble acr a doc-not -mack much of evisceration j burly eusine-drix.-r. not many moe to -ax that Hm.ooo die from the p -ult-j t"',,, '''"t rbop.". and -cine hi- "cl ot th."- ii 1 alcohol. J "J"" thins, we were -oon on hi- track. I.' ...II ;..." ....I ..!..;..;.,., 1 ...... i I Ii-. t:ile xx :is an iiiiii-ii:iI one. He had , . . -. . . i that a Iai'"e perc.-nt. oi Ihe death-at- . ... - ti-iiiiiteil to enteric lev.-r. .liarrhetii .li-- ' .uses eoii-iiiiintioii and .ti-e:i.es of the i in-rvou-and dp'e-tie -v-tcni- are tlie result-, direct or inherited, of the u-e . ol alcohol. ; The total of these death- xva- - JS - 7S:. nui nut the r:ite e.-ii I bv ulcobo! :ii ,iri. a moderate o.-r "centaee. U). should haxe ;'.... '.'.". deaths attribut- ed to these di-e.i-c- but real I v imluced by or re-iiltm from the u-c of alcohol, . 'Ihe total number of death- ol children i i tinder live xcar- of as wa- -I7s.f7.i. .... . . r. , . , 1 he larse-t mortalitx anions children is in ,1(. tetieinent-house di-trict.s ,,f ' l-mo-r citie- xx here alcoholism U onm:- pieent a-a di-ease. with its re-uliant ipoxcrty and starxation to which must acciedited a st'"at portion of the iu-! .fantilemoitalitx. To place the whole ,,.., I14(l i,,,.,,,!,., j U,,. other .,a,... ', raeeabie to alcohol a- the im- of death at Hied or remote cau-i Ir. Nonnaii Kerr de -lared that in i-opinion foiir-httli-of ail the .le.ith-, " . . . . ,. . . . in hue :UI, xvere tr.iceati eto tne dtrei-t - i-.- . or remote u-e ot alcohol. x nch 1- pre!- 1 authoritv lor th- modcr.it. , ,",,;.,.. Wl. j,axe made, which summed up would be 117. li -J death- attributed : to other n but pallv :h p-sttlts f . .- t t i-i" i .1 , - "f al-'l"l. The. add to these .1... t........ ,...,..i .1.. .ti.. ,.,,....,. .it. 1 in- iaii:e iiiiuioci i ii-awi- unit 1-1 -an v 1 ,, . 7 , , , . , . , .. .- . attributed to alcohol, itn-Iudms tin 1 ,,,.,,.,. wlt, .,..,. KiU,-i ihnmHi th. the larse number of death- univer-aliv eriminal intent orcarele :.es,,i drunk- . 1 11 men. and ui-ti-ad of its b.-ius an e a.r.t-craliou t -ax tint 1 "i..mu die from .1 . t It.. 1. tl 1 . . . t..-mWa-:.H. ,fwexx,.ldap- proximate the truth. -A"l.i - li - . - u.nl " WAGES AND RUM. A IJx-i-Mean- Kitrmagaiit .--o 111 pt I..11 liver an. I Whisky ami the l.:ilmr I'rol.l.iii. 1- it too cxtraxasatit to -ay that thive-iji.aiicr- of the money that t-i-pent f.r rum iu thi- cotintrv cotne- out ot he poi kit- ot men xx ho arc compellei! to earn ttnir moipv ' I - n ! hard xvork? We know ot no -tati-tic- that could lead u- to a coiiclu-ioii in i-he- a- Ions -- th work-hop ami i.i1.m-v t1,,r-!.h- '.tut .I'-tit.f fhn .1.v,.i i . - . . .. .... .o ..t.ii-ii, ... ...'v'.. .i. ,..,-i ....... iromxt I h. t lilies ot :ii, t ,.r-ii . aroumi nu i.mi - oj wit .iv.ra.i , Kl on mav he -ecu men. ottcit 111 . , crowds, who sue unm:-laka-le ei- ! "fticf that they ar. toiler-. I he mm- shop, therefor, heeom. - a direct bur- . den to the employer. The laborer find- that hi- was- are in-utliciettt to prov ide for hi- tnmiiy ami iuv hi . . II.. !. - .." tl eros. aTiii :ie neciuie- iiiien.-x . iie . plead-a-an excu-e f-.r a demand for ; bis;h r wage that he t- not setting stiiiicieni to Keep ui-iamiiy a 1; -nouiu ! ! U.ii' ': 'f t.r . w ' ;'e- - ; .t' -' - mi-j'j.. . i -lr t'i ;.rv..i z "f !' rk.u.' r .... i"H a '. Ji r' r- m ' ' j re! with aini-oL wu !;ien st j m U-Iief or jr.- : . i t.t .. - wii.iniy . an ! :. w. . .. able a man t bin m i r ...i Th nil trafii"- l- t ::tK . :.T i ! UKn fie--n mi! .ml !..-.n.r lie?. without a n t-mul.r- ;.- r-J-tly to ti;.n it. it t iar :T -. Wtt.r for iiini-lf and Uthr l-r f 1 conimunitv at iarsre. lor a -r!m m t 1 ..1 . .. . k. . . 1 recf;ie o little i.av that be ran not 1m rum than it U t ha-.r rn.uSh t ' nable him to nil h.tt:-M If. If the rum- shop could v elnninateil from tQ lalMr problem. U wouhj h . ai r of . lutionby i.Tj larvHTvMt. U.e ! mojiev ..pent tor iiiiur in th c.ui.tn i mi,: h -ireater than thai -.t for an v article of consumption, and i-v.-ral ; times more lh.tn that H-nt for .tluca- I tioti. t'omtiien; ujKin mifh a -tatc of 'atTair i- entirely unnii-e.in. It i- , mcnnJiMe that a nation in which sh.-n- i are -o in an t who cnipiam f an nu- ipo.-ibiiitvioircioninthe-.vorhUhoubi Uuppr.rt a hundntl riiiah. to out S M-hool-house. and ju!' ruina.it it were a nec--sar- articlo : ctoiMitup- tion. lurth.r. the .3b.oii always fur- ni-he- ;iie tlanie that tiurttt forth into riot and tdinnl-hed. It t- the en- mr of !the workin-man am! every UhH .'!-. 1 I.ut thou-ami- of workirii-m.n an ready to boycott any thinir b.fon ihey ; will boycott tlie rum -hop. M my a man coiildiite n,-:i ami k.- niomv upon hi-, pr etit v,a--. il he WtUlnl t . ... u : let rum alone, bi.t loii a he i a ' patron t., tin har-room it i- iwt likely 1 that he would Ih i.atd ciiotiirh u 'U- , utle him to tie ii c ti'Jv or to -.a'.e :t ;,.,.nt V,s.rtt l;,-i . . . . . A COMPETENCE, ... . ., , . Ui.m Intat Al. tin. -in I'.n In. in i. Tlmo-v -t..n.i-i-..ii.i -11... .-.n-ii.i.- i;nrine- ,ri,,'r' f the ti- .- .t 1 i line 1; i-ati cncu'irajni; -111 of the ln- . . . . , . , , . c!is.- that n nit to tnan i.n!i utiiai- who hae followed the advice uneca-iiiir- n icn nv the alM-atct o: it ti ai- . , . .t -tuieiice. At cacu station, one if not ,, . tnor-. ol tic -alt tan iva.fi'v lie . toltnI Un ha- amid-t all -ism- of op. ... .... . ... . (lo-ltloll and ridtcu.e. put on the "bit .- 1 ... ' . t ..-.. .. : r- .. .. ly icn by the aih.cate-, of tot tl al- f blue" and with this fricii al ,.,. ,.. j,,.,, 4,,Ilv,.r,at io friend hi In r-lat.-d h'-ar -ueh testunonie-. and Siu-v '!. mole to a W:i kcll I; Midi V -y Uipatil.V 'iiii ..lli'i ... f".r.. :,...! .(itMi fill the ,..,...,. ...,, ,,,i ; , -.tt..i ,.!" u..f....itx t.. nexei .ouni ii a maiiei oi ii 'in i . ., , . ., "put on the nieah -o iar a- tne -o. ial shi wa- concerned, but althoiish now oniy any year- oi ase. ne i-inini ba-t of b. ins :" ab-taiin-r some thn ty odd year I o our ijuery a lo IIOXV 'thi - exent .auic to pa- a Itlll account of til. he save li- x hole mat- learner- in t.-r. With many ot'i. the larse ensim -lied- near at hand - wa- hi- wont to call ex cry exeli- nis at the lavont.- local -pub. am t''"''' to ia "in inerrio compa tmb. ' and . .. ; - , , - a pica-ant t.-xv hour-. no ,,;..!, .1... ,-,...v..r .;.... .... ..i .1,,,.,, , nisiu the 1 onxer-.i.io!i tuineii upon , niox ins about from various localities. when mine ho-t put iu the volunlarv -ws .,f hi. intended departure tor , foreisn Parts. "And what- the cat.-., t xotir l.-avins 11-? ' wa the s'i'Tal ; r-i -. !,. I 111 -..mir to retire. and in- and mi--u- are s'dns abroad ' br a y .-ar or t w o." Thi- piece of n-xx , - ti.-kl.-d our Inetid. tl nsineclean-r , t"" "Weil (thoiisht our friend ). it- :i v.-rx sd .auiple to fol'ow." and . I. .. ..-!-.... I . ..... ii..t. .. ' 'iaiinxxay oeieiiu.iieo uiai ueuce- t,,tl. h -,- ;. r i,.,.,l w,.i.l.l J... ti. . totth h- -a. HIS .'-ink Would he the ' l":-olic.. in-tea.i of the pubiie-hou- , ' To-day h- linds himself. :,s a r- -ulv of thi- "-traisht-t.p." po .-sed of more than -ullictciu to retire upon. and. tor . ..II tl...t d... !.... It-... Iit ,, all that. s abroad, too. I.ut -exen- and--'-a-dax and over-t 11111 1- .iiiil..t.i.i li. .tiii nt',.r. ttt.li. !.... ...ti..r to a man -till in the full M,,r ,.f life -o he -tick- to hi. e.Me. and although occasionally eh:il;.d about hi -teapot" prim ipl--." he has alw.u- v, ry much ...... - ., ..... .., .... i-tini. - . .,': the b.-st laush when he f.-llec;- that he I..I.I t..k .-..,.. ....11. .. ..... . .,. Ill I.. in time. Hi, litt bankins acotint 1 "n lay by .pti.-tly aifiuuiilatin-r tor a ".ear or two more, ami then he can ; i.iiow ti.e example of th pul.lie.i:,. ' and enjoy re-T after a Ions pnll of hard v.ork. "And lec.v tttanv ol vur tu :.ok xotir adv'a on that memorable i:isi,tJ" we ask. The reply can be im ajrinetl. Tiley went 011 their old wav. baiit up a h:ind-oine p-erxe fund for -.iiie other ccujaiH oi the local nun. md then in time of -ere and v.-ilow w leave.-, repent..! their tolly, its the .as, in manv a home out-::. that o. t.tiT-.e ttta.l. Mil? t! ttl'lV .-It '1 tl.'.. tli-lt . . t!,i- in-taiice'm v awaken a iho ishtful one to realize 'how much mm be l"l. f.-.t. T . . ..........It .. n.. ..rl..: j nt- 1 'iiiaiia iy itipirii.111 . -.i .;. . in?: -. it- 11 . i ti -. main tpmbl- in all ihcs- JatKr riots 1? . , ... u ; ,..uji wnB.,r w hi-kv. It .i.,uor cottitt Of Kent awav . ,. ' rrnm TvnL'iiicr-mn ivnnn : wwt-r iT-f .an t " - , , , strike, there would be very little dan- ser to life and property. The Anarch L-t-and Coiuniunist who want to de- 1.-1- a:iu X..IJUJIIHUI.SX- . t.-xih 01 ur- i- -tro. proiH-rtv lor the -ake of bmldins no "a new "-.-tctn are not nunier- iit. 011- an vw here. oler worktn --nit n would -pum their ttuin-ci-: and rfa-e t loow ihein in anv atl. mot ? f.Am. f ! . Tl. t attb ""- a ' t ' A LONGFLLLO.V STO-t'? 'Mi'lr I j Jr. m tli- If f .-ii- -f '! '..-f l'-"l ' -Th.- ii- i:. - r. f .'-: ' -atnrv la t ii'Hi"' Aub'irn .. tut i. .- i-fn pplins: :rm the .. .i.j. ..J thr lr4in A merit-. i " r-. ..n J a- 4 wntvn e -ri-KM- .i. f ff :.-. ni h - prepared a i.: r. -ntrl. r. ..i itn frui a nin.. a j...i!),f 'i! ii'- ,i rjatnea -J Ineieiiow Tk- ".j- ui lh. t3kVr pr nt be,.. .. .. , w - ..;,.. ii.v" in te- At th ol.--- of a llatn . t1-. n i' .... .... i,jw'.v "Autumn. -il.aw..tb. :. u- Sin-or.r -TUe Kit- ? I"'1 ,J .amA f tnriei!o rk- O.i- ul Btchi:ij: "Thfr VtUa n;a.-kmith j,,. ,rim, with which 8v -ao.t ti- ..Iirvl, of paa' hcn he h.n! . . . ,. , ,-,.,..' "fbe Mar, m th, 11 wntfing -It I t ' Il ha.-tcnel toward the spot nl there m.-: The Black Kntsht." who ' tome frm "Tne Cx-tl.- b the .--a." ttm-t iut pliant half hur uiwlrr - . .. . . . ,, . "The Il-mimk Tne. -vbtlr- thr Wat k "Knight to! J thr torv of the "Maiden- hiKid of the Lunatic tiin" nbo sl U-,n ki lied m 'The reck of the He- ,, j-n, ttn) .iu.- :. , - TuU w-urr-tl jn at th m!, t nerh ha.f . .r. . f :i... - ..t. tK- ' , " " ' V'R1- ' "' '" . liwrllmr. as the ve-cl wa n-- tumin in.ni ()! M.-r. ' ; -The Ucli-of Atri." hanginm "The ijif.-,-. f lini.v " thfii n!i. tl the ; ,.( Isrf,.w-- m! t;w.t w, nt f,.r.,Ulvr to : .... ,,. ". i .. - ' "Ihe av-itlf Inn, whyre the were - , p-ined by a num. rou- company. Att. r , all had r-frc-heti thcmr.v. with; "lat.nta ine irotn " 1 n. u.uii-i m ,ls ,ar to en?.-; .1st. t Life." which was handtd routoi i-y m., tn. but tt i- ai.l -The Quadro-n C.iri" they pa-M.1 of M Uj,, ai:MiaWr a,!t . aw ay a lew hours ciijoymiue iwh li'ht" and ton., r.-ia- t.e'ettier Thitm-rh "Ihe Open m-U" they tOllllI see "I he Ktenitlg M.ir" SHI h. ar -Hie Sneers"' chantiti-"A Hymn to tht-Niht." and a littb- lat.-r they u.-re "The Witne-ses" of "i'aul IV- . re-Hide." The .Spanish ."student" tlfM-rilj.'.! The Launching tl the Ship.' w huh he had witite d from " I he Ir.d-e" ov.r The Mrook oil "An April !a." "Kianeliuc" told of -The II jn.ii-.' of the Crane" on "An Aftern.Hn m l-''bniary at her hoin- m i.ran i-prc ot Meiix told -tone- ot "ihe l hail- toil! ship 'tin! "The Haunted Hoti-e." and bade them "I.e'.x are ot ' .sk. leton iu Armor " At tiie coiiciii-toii ot the-e "lap-, ol a Way -ide Inn," "The (lid Clock ' on the tairs " saxe "The arnins" that it wa-time to retire, they could hear The Mae .S:nsi" at M.ilnis!t." a.s they walked in the "l'oot-t.p- of Ansel-" up ""'I he I.addcrol St. Aus'-- tme" to "The Terre-tiia! I'aradi-e. " ami each fell a-I".p lisienins to the "Voices of the Nieht." 0'-i,.'.' ('oFUlltTCiuf .':. 't. HEATED BOXES. Tlir I'uutr ul .Mueli Xrtntli.ii. Iirliir. Wur rv mill I moil, .-iiirin-.-. Tic- heattns of the bov.es of the reap- A prIllilt,.tIt M.lin,. j..nia:it. for er or mower frequently occa-.ons x.-va- nMr,y .t,lr a ,.rlUlll, pil. r ,iM ,. tion- delay, and occur.- without any f h m , v rlt .im, at t,,u apparent eau-e. It 1- noticeable that - ,, K.ritx.- a box. once heated is more proii- " heat aj;ain. and if the box holdins the hhaft to which the siekle-drixer i- at- , , , , j j , fli:,in. ""' '" """ ;""" 7" , "-"" is x. r thoroughly h. at. dtu. up ,,,. 1(,.,..imi. ln,i,.i,,,.,n..r -mall amountv trouble can be avoided only In '",, :i I1IUI1,. r of stop -k.-epeix hrr ! i:rcat.-t care. It the bo lit- t.M clo-e- ehiue comes from the manufactory the boe-are properly adju-t.-d. but u-e . . . xvear- them lar"er at the sain- time ., ... .1.,. -h-ifls 'ire xv..rn -m iller I'leh " " ",,-,,,J "l " w,,n . m'iMr "u h -":,'" !" ' " pa'-kin -hoiihl be removed and tne Io tishtctied. If it' then hat-. th- chamc- are that it ha- t 1 . .-t. 1 . r.i bc-n made too tisht. ami -ome of the . ..o.. ..k.r l.i... I... .-f.f ...., t , n"f " ' 7.. " ... . ''!l,"k of ''r,,-,,,r ,,,I,M W"K ,f Cmlri"' Cim'' lh" bov'" l" h,,;,t- r.v f'"w nr' .-o carele- a-not to apply oil often enoush. but the oil mav b inferior. It .ft .. I .'... ,jr. lvmi.m!:rin:: ;h:U ' lfU mav 1h. ... . ". , .J , 1 . : " n M,W :u a lou I ,r" ' h,,t K'1 0,, f an '"- 'I nib for oilins a mower or reap.'.- should he. "little and often.. The lioxes in which the sickle-driver work-, should be oiled fxery ic w mo ment. If tfo much oil is applied, not onlv is the etce-- wa.-ted. hut dust is jrathered, and thi' is a frequent caiim of the bot, he.'UiilS- If & heats. 0 jjr,. tnm. in d.o i to remove all t ,i:. .i- .t 1. . :.. :.. ..! .1 .1... .....li.!'. .. ...1 .....r.--..,..- ,ir'; -'r'" I-revention as well. It will al-o rudtic th. wearing of th" w no woui.i never aavc a 1101 w m- i -: . have a -han eye and of a carfui tmr.d. .i'rt rir.iri Airint tun$i. A Substitute tor Lor7. An o:ni inc.t-try ft.- tnn in France to supply an artit:cia! j.o"et- . . .. -., tute Ior naiurtl nt m TU"! 0l ,h jrrowins inntSeemr of thr UtUr to meet tne dfmands of an and industrr. The majority of the product formerly suuar sTAnsrics l rki 1 1 y 'I .- vr.r-l ; "-1 t -n ! iywrt'l fr.l t'.iff ! i t -.-. .' !.- ' ( ., . j r !i ' - I t i n -.r:n- r a tu ... m ?- w Ar b :r t-p.rt 'inxnal a.I i.. ( Tenr li-w frfcJ. ".?- Th ..,..,.., ir,..;, ,?' 3 .,.- - n, . Sl . - f,.r . . r. -... : -. j. 1 .... v,.ar ,.f ,,-.rv. t.r--J..-:s . .' . . T:j. ,., ,.,.. md n,, 4 . t Vl :U , ., of U.-t ar. !: t tta-l ib-4 rv. , ,,u. . ,, , rv n tK -.. . eir u ; ,,., r, ,. t. j..-;-.... t- ... tn-t ,. .., ,v U.t-;-.r . r-. . . z:i t! - . .......... ,.. .r;., ta- r t of a l.,.-r .'r-?r' reultia fivro th- low pn,.e, 0f x- y ar ( u .a f..!u m.ijy taaa n ..'iar!. r i-f th- wl-. , ,,rt llf,.,K f ,-tUr. s; .,r. 1 v: t. .r- prildlli.t .: M t..v .i., : ..... . ?rjir Wlll ;,ri,Wv ,. Ua1 h, r .- .: , CIVU , j ,., . . . j,..,, j Uf t'.i-. m r-t!ian h .f - . i: , ! 4 - -I : t i. o" . t ' r i rn: . rem,.,, ir-.m ina: tin, LouiMaua Pr-l.... ! but '."!," ton-.. n- r -r- nearer I.'.." : -. t.. . mir (lh..r 4.ni, j u ,4r w ,,, Um Ui,t; j sr-i-, , ..otribot.- ..m rwi .oiurioof .-m xhr -,.in,w,rh UUn,!- . r j,tuuu I u of the tr. ' . r quality of nat.ve UUr. the pi ;? :, of t h.n. . unI the U.-h pre e ..! w. ;. ! jU Ux ht, ,Ml a far Irr.,sT j, C jf th,. h., J-Mltr Mii.:t. Lerilltli pr,MIM. iA,t vxr !...,.'.v., ,, Au ' tna ;,;,;, Ku .1 .. I r .1. ;i..,,oi. U I-i,iiii :, and If .-It- 1 ! .V.is t..!- tturih'.'t ci.titnbu:..:. s , ..hi-p,,, frro a f.w 4- A.t.re. ,'j pri.iuing aU.uS l.i ts it j, i.j,, Mj ,toll tm w,-i n,,m, , nIl im..nant I'a. the -o,t .ndu-trt i fj,.t HU;..,r t, lar-U iini-'ft.-.! int.. v ; country f.r reAitiu j t.rp.- v am! r ,.. a!, Mlw ,Jat.-p.im -uj.'..r. t ail. a hr !-i.., ,.ri .v, ,t .1,,. WW k nni -l j ,,. ,.., ,h,. xnarkct a nu iinih.rta,t B. M - - comiiien la I source of erstaihai. 1 susar. the Iar'ei cr.phabts l-enbiit .,.. n t,js. .ur s. untitle ajrricu.tor ft-, xxhojjixe ;ih ir.no fur hki to ,liN !is ,. ,,f tjl(. Kr.B; Am.n.R ',.... o-of the future li:i-..- vet to fii-t.fv their faith bv their w..rk-. '1 he main. i .---.--. i,t,..nr,. f , oinin. ntal j;!uco.e. or arti- ticial starch -near, has ..flat.- jear- ! r,.: h.-d fiiormii- pn.j-rtion in tin ( olllr . ;immi ,,,e tu x able t. n third ' of our cm. -usar cp.i K. U. liottk, r. ... U.irt,. r 3 M.i ui hi. I ' --..--- COULDN'T TELL A LIE. Old Mini'. Il.rolr sw,rtll, .. In t It ( .in..- of I nil It. 1 An i,Vl.,j i the neiehborin- tow 11 of 1 .ml - f ht,; ,m ,. prop xx a- xcrx .-loxx a In. tit pax ins his btlN ' . for;v.,M;;hSi i,olir.. The thr.-at maUe j . ,, " ,. , . m .. . C . " o .- . .1 " '" next morning afUrrcm injr the ' . ... . , letter h- appeared at the law -yrr a f- . m .uj .,,, ri,.e, :ha, ht. Wj tV. ---- -...-.,. .. , -an- pared to pav. "How much lo" it all ,. ., '.,lirvv itt. rd 'I wenty -fight ttolhtr." aitl the ( . iawxer , ' HwV that, ..purr ' draaet the ' old lan I .... '.v-m-m is dollar and ' I . c...w .... ..:.. .t..ti.. -.r I.,,..-.,... ' t XmJ' h-ctmj: 1 ir tlollar. "1 ll tn.t know rm had ajram,t TO,.. wmir,.." ... ,nf,t ' nac mv pay for ight iollar. aati m charge f.r rol- i tun b:!I , pnj lor wrttmjr i s thoe letter toy ou. ' I "W. li. I declare. viwir. I ws t calco.atin' on that I'm a pretty old man. i:iot e.g-hty-two. and it wa hard for me to ir,t " nvnj together : p the. b..i. I'm at prparl to ffctlV llftll X - . rhe ohi man beggwl She Iayrr M him Mfd ,,.. ejrfdewhi UU f lawrer aaid Lk hT. ir . . . wb, b5t j,. Ifcw tJ.fc . . .. . ,k. ,!, VM.-r -.i.i uu - ... -..., j- a.ut mei fale. 111 fenotJc erfTthe B dollars" After rwhbinr hi M gray head. tk i 0m man were.J "Ar falten, m ' at e:rati-two -ar oM. aad loo - - ,- x ,. v. ..! t m ! rtrni,-,r to X" ' T b J U,wN , w th."- ior rf. .tf'. ) iVHft. .. - ! Snrs ;-ecoviz. - 1 and l-oM tojt. ami tnev sxv.- ttiei: , th. FULL Ot f ii i At 1.. i- t. ..-- man t- ,. . r m y . mtt r N ' r .: W -' l . r a ! t I - I I .. t :.. . f . ". I . ' I . . rn. lit ! u'.i r - . : : u. i ' . - f .- 1 . 1 h - .: ' t , . . 1 i' n : a. . IT m r . t 1 . t!e ,1 al " V n. t !.-OI h ' tlt I' wit?! a ' 1 its. , . , . Y. .-; Mr. . t . I ... Part '. atlW ou . "tenrsj ui,! th. h lwt t. r ta. i'.t. r. . it p-t "i ".ii.- not oaiprox.u like to ha.- ... r 1..i-e. t. uM in. he . Ui."hl to t tabt . ; a.l 1 . Uen to rwrx .lrw town. .uf an't ttml a Im! .nfclf. -nt t.. N. ". ..rk f-r mir, tut hax.nt b. .tl fn.t :.. ry. :." ft tn.jtm r,u. riUMS OF l MIUlliPT, Tlie naHi'-of lJ.it Tn h I ehlXIe,.i f K. .11 I lit. (. , !o-r. k.-- in.l.tit ol lit- t ne I Up Ute.t Ktatiai.al retur ' the atiTitlH r f Ji.'et m lhi . r to l li..t.oyi. a atn t 1 -i 1 ' "" V : .too.., in ifxnwar, l-xV. nitict l.t-t yrar m . - " pound. w ,.. u s-mtlieri, t. ua' " I-1" a ,ft a,, r"rl Ttw r - i . ' . '- I . r 1. 1. jrt.. f.a itt thr f t . 'i w ,r u. itm(r; l'lar oo.ur ' u . - j '- It-i'm. Tv aritl . 1 hirty-. tt'.'l tie rnne w.-- ' an.1 Ii . the- .. .1 tweii r . r.- of .tr ha.- yrar ' r i . h. - ! Ii. . r 1 t , . . 1 d ' I ' ' ta . I - r . n . - a' t ! v. h . , 4 '.. - tj. , r. - . ' w I- -1 B. 9f rj'- ' r. '..! t . " i - r rJ A id fix . .-, . ' f' . f .'e- u r 'id . l r j , . . t" &!. : ,00,! . k.o mt-, x I m th, ,-. tr fatiii a c . r rv 1 j mtvthrt rreat.j;yUr ap,b.A r. wa e.l i rnxij tato4 ti U phent Mta !- f4rta. bat aht eaa wa, be uae. a :t it f'XrivJ JBeUotl ao.' Uv- sut ai ' 'atrwent of a. llrr Vfff. !tlt cnrfr Ltuffj that it a o aawd --a"t it wi. uuid to b- piaied bj tottaj !alk. It w etenbafiv tadj' HK-tKaiK foe i- tutel :h.2. at a rorert in UUaL Lni. U f-iKn perforwn .' ihr &? iat paaaiii f rrrrdi wj lon of kio. ?"Ml 31 l i'. f" N T vsas&s&Mi.-