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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1886)
. THE 1ED CLOUD CHIEF, A. C. HOSNIER, Publisher. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CURRENT COMMENT. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gloanod by Tolcraph and MaiL A nrroKT from f;rbam lo-in'.r A T.j .-,..,. .,.. CT.Tp VLIVC fHvstbnt al-.tit rVVVriit. Mountain ? irb-. - r.IKAv5hA I A 1 1 - r. 5 have left tbe-r rc-.-rvation nad are start. nr; ' t on a ra.din;; tur tn raham itml rba,. D-xrxr. th- ,.!. ' :: .n f r-i at a.- Counts at.n-ft- other r:.,-ct in - "" Tin: demands of the ZOO br.rkaiaker- o! ".Ted by I u.-!sd .tad e.'st--l a All-KbTiv f onatv, I'b., for it advance of Tin. caiaboo at Holdr; aaa flr4 tb- r.KATKX. rirh Knrr.o :'... I In tho Iloueo ol Cotr.:t;o;ia. a';:- do 's t rt Vh Ief- . n'-",-' Birr : C .1 .' " cr" Wf j--.-. T" ;"-r. !f ftT d lore. I' , r ;-r:-tf!-. J" fcTO th r.r.s'i .a ui r o i ! s. Mr. ..du,--. fo, u-.d. 'n ifi!j MAXWELL CONVICTED. Cmlitrtli Ti,l -r M..1-..II ym, its. l.-. - lr l-. J V .. x few "am-.- ifier t,r U9 . ? i : -f ro.r:iiciiKintii. Iv th Snafe on June J .Mr DTk iniro-, -0 I--T cent, h-ive In-ea ;-ra:it'd and the otbor ai-bl sad !o prwcwwr Hrry f.rHrpt.i..48 KtHt Apl r.nh duc.r a hid to probtb t nirnbr'o: i'on;ri tbr'-sfn"! strike averted. ' -ai and Cbarl-a Sanson waiy wini". frora artiriir n tiorn' or ttnp otc or mJJ- Tun Hit-bland Kefura at a tar-i- . Ib former fatally It waa atoted t-a? Pi 1 1 ..... t .1 t . it ..-. i l;.i road 'oniisn ' 'but hotd charter- or had in:; b"M in (th-ipf-ow. rvlopt-d re-o'utiont Mnnwa s-1 thetire Im estate of the bit U.-nr; . Ki.l- t, t lhr , IM .tftJ,.. ?. ...,., ;on . Dt "r-.J','-!. I MtL-rntioii of tbe NortbTa l'ur nr" for- tnr ( !! r l i At Iwi.d" ' the linrmrupfy J. tl a talfti un 'ri-ra! oth-r bil w-r- l.S"irl Ih It lir)f.l-ll.Atiii Uj Thirty .:irtt.'. 1T lishtaiat: aI drtmcI rvjMdrrmUv. LKr. number of Ormasafa :tart-! i . n w.. ...4. . in - ''r" i "mjiw-m yit 'i w- - J l I.!'- Vl.l.'M.'- uotltx! from th Ii ibUu up. hut no flrml snion win rfi tit! wi a hxlv of "' lalorers :i-nr Hflf&. im,k,.m.,' vM-f ii-ri him -oiilnn-'I to his !. ti.ilKi tRkonup-n.irur.-r'.'i..iiiinoia. , ,- , ! crand ixirtnKs and rvlcbratiufi IB ivtaorof ' in tt-.- tl tiie v.'hoii- .!jourM Titbout Ixrali:i jr,r.ou'iljr CoiutUorai.e M. ' M""" w"iv w mw mm - fltml at tjon. riti-meat was r-rortI thc '"niplt-uon tf tit Union I'Mnflr rol U I'l.Uloiill fill : II h;i. .oto(J th' j Is tb'i S,'" on tbn 1M. after routiii! A. TrHwni' r .onfi.r-rn.tioi wax mxi'iM thS plr. i A tekuiiu k onflssrraltoa xvportM i:-v. Hi-nr. V:ipJ r.ih:r i'a; of :th-j "'"'. -nior Mron r-..- .ot ih? rasnns S-o:tiai. Pa.. a tb morajni? Mk. Turn., of lriin:. bi! x-raflr jj f,...r.. w, that L, .an taU a trip to JTK.rJa'l't LV.ut' -" lha: ifTT1 d,n, ,I' !" i T "i" "?? 3XT1 ' Kurot,.-. '. : to o . ,o k. wn,., ih- Ku .rol U...1 , '" -l'le t"a. Tbo bnildiajr. w motiy I t hr bawf. and it re-jo-red the a4 of a i tni:ii:on otii nr. mo wiiir" !! -i- .iti . fiii i ' '' b :! nut I ! cot v-"-on A'J.o'jrul. A M Mlil.i: ol iali'" lm ticon ::r-, ln:b-)icii. -ni -i.ntf atn-i .iwi'-n'-. Ti'tI :n La.Mtiia. N i!.. ch:irjr-d with ' " "". ' '""" --l'.""'!'"' "" 'J'' sfr-l iff nnl others i.oa oa urr! :- -Jr thlrtiuri" jiniiional rfi-ni)"S Srom iii ;.. i r'-tKirt-i . to i.-i-hi7- tli" inonr- iiorntioa iT trMI-s iitii ri J ti- ii'-omar- inrim- t.i.l tln-n further con- ' fi, Union --i:k-:t. . n .- - ...... - r kk..h... - ..-. .L- t.&. L .- .1 :.- i rojniiii; !. ill illf filir,us iiii i wn mi jii ni,i - ifii iu- iu tunr cr- luiriv ft ti . .l..,.'. , .fTici'' 'I'm ..1..1. ... ..( ..rtn'in OTtll.l'T, .... . .....- n-T ... wjiT-. o n' l-i'J K J III. .i.iu-u- -. , ... ......... tlOUV jtl lljrn"J frnin.3. ' earrrn t tauocb tt. How f Mood Thk r.orth Atlantic ijuadron fca Iwa; TC rntlr oat iruntnK vn Howard inlfritml to v:mi the :lsn.ri-i to l.rlj. allay ; ,f.un.r a vwnjr ma nam1 R-, ,-,.Je:i-tb...fct.aS Canada. mUr ,hot , hJt brutter. mfllct,Bg a r. T he -rnptiou of ilounl .Lta.i baa a4. ' oa wfJOD aal th town f Ni.Iwt i afe . ., . . -. .n i k.i.1 ib -ijomiu uiuuainvn - i" - - - 1 k. ii uta: at to Lihm wt ; nr W1! . ,,.,,41 iv lijoT iKrt.-mii fcv. p n..Bbr fria Co tppo tn u;nif ,-! tb&t r:m ' n.&rt4 a it fj .v.n 1 t:A:!ao'fei 'J . fax e-sJ ifcilra:i.mTi .' "' I ' P"- dot i U4.BS fTf l opon the an' ta! IjOSn. Joae ".- The ("inat cotJT rtin' of Li; ;..S at En.i "s tJefsate! bj a as..r. '! o ' .VotiiJf itfnl zrarfm- of Uw Horn Ko Nt.i !a?t lr. t.adtc m rr-:.M U Ui - Ptcanr Tbe tt- oo U wsmv w a 3: i a-"?- '', r ' -W- , . . itln U U.r b. :. au-t .a twos ap for aad At I mL ... iwiii..ii. ra.-. on of fr.?: jfk. Sir. Wmmi mo! an ad.Hcr- vf;r 4n t u. p.j s.if f iatt uaul TLcrly atd the hboUmo was (.-k b:!. ilr. t.iOj:ti r.i- uJM (- tni " Irr..ui JtAinl at THir Nm t ad4noa oatwwl tb Hta of t'oBv tx-ft-ot. tt .',.:. : uu vurj- wM. n tbtaitcrKtii ail pfverr p . , ril-- ?' b. araS. Wf.en L a prrt- iu aM, : ,i ..; k f tb al. tnU was noUcd be was giiUl ltb 8iu- ,n tBAt tt:.,i W!r intn i a i-f a p:i,;j ! . w wr. ja4 -. rTt.-.tion 1 a a: fi ' ' ' w tht laj bt jjctwJ a-, lwil rSti 1 tmlX. TT Jary wna a; mn rt f""f&il in Jw Wk 1 from Jaim.Ti t, Aj.iil. inrlu-iii. indi- 1 llio Konaf on tbe M Mr Daww f.r '-" " h',e ut l'-'rtnr -w' ww -.a . f :i. i;,a..k Hilandea-twarda '..t.S rat.- a i.r- in. r. a- m li- .-xi-ortation e'"'J !" -"n frr.m ho trot ;...ur.T..r. ' .,, , , , i Man. . pra. at-for rta! 8tM.ii on at.ala for "'""M al,n t.f l.-til.- f..hrn -. h:iilan- am. ma- j 7ur..: Au.r ,.,, n,n? -.- This June .. numtier! i:!ijm-r. r..frfrtL I arcs for rn di' ettil'! -d For tb- I' rtt- .! to nn x-untor a tk. l u itt. I aria-is. JJ. total. !' Fa:itir-a il.. . on fo.ow.l or thi. . - I...I. ; ,. .. ...,.. . lk., . ., . ,. ,, it whi-u uh Ih : ni1r-an.1 u- t'.n t.r"V1 n? ..., Till. 1 ro ! Ji'- (i.. I) J.:t- '" ' j..r Ui-tax nir of ra lr.l land rrao takn i At('urjim;B MurClw-a;;-" on th I'..'. riiiti at a mo.! itf n-'-'-nt . !-t!.l t. . "ifani .a.j -..i.-ra: ..t0. r i.u.m .r jaad road, on t!i4th. um.-two t'.-u-at d ....... ...a. ... ..... a 1 ..i.HK.Ml .1.. .... ft... .1.. Mt.. ml... K n .. of tba nail tr:kTs." ai;e ai 1 i..dr n tb tra- v t! at t.ifS a- tft &n hers, iin rstr. t!4 Ii:UH xmi brradtb ol the -r!4. rane th :trtar f ail CHit.trtf-v and tni "f a ca ' ! i -e. m a ut( e t.i,. fta-i a n t-"H a a, nt e it-wjria;? artie.i? in a r'i t.e r.,! .f r . nl toward !r Mr. (tlaiWtotia. tep'ysni to a ia:-ii 0-1 and ts sn?ra ura:t vi-t f dMi eierttjr. !aj . Tbe Houm- o C"ran.tH- -r-.-I-l t''Tea in rtidto to ap-pen- trd lh r' feT -At ten tm!'itm tn tM - - '. prort nv.mpaaVswi & vj . lna'n. Kn f.e nef.l J' r-upied t;,ri t j trt :.. attortaev. ' Im an u t a rnal ha t3or.s II nl man ;t r..a f U.. a. I..h1 o4 r il: t'-tur up. Vtr Utm ertl. m try atrnl eovt iv ' Ji'tai a. t Ce Bca m'tf sta api-ejuanre ". m at,J:-t-t V '. ' ! to t&e f '.ml r w c om'r a he ;-. i. t rtaitt fa m fem.a Waetr eat I -In , 1 ' a xu ' fcr; kr. i H' t 1 .. .-...$.'- nel 4 : - i -ij-.fl lur in' !tif tint after tvhit h an tH-il iJihl.and. owin to tin- J.oor at-:iilan-c ; tv- &...s. ws .. an.! ihi- bnatr r tl1 na , " . t ,1 .. : journ.-'l In ti- ii'.i.w lurtb.'r .-t!.n wa t.l'ikad'-.l III ill"- 1III'-.. II 'j'JI' " -'- iviih -r :',-'" in ih tr-a-tirj, an! aa in iVl.t alx.nt .-1,.fHi. tb t.mid. Tt t Uatiroo Sb'ting flub a. Lar r-hnrsr- of tbe tianaamnt. Tnr j..j. t,f lireenw.xxl. l"a- o':nt. Lar ul . nJl .".. of th ".. nce--arv t't ntr a ratu-!i; fa-t' Ni : ". ry to an -ti t -3t 1- Bi in j r i-irm "ti- tO".-!''fat-1- a;-, r-a b- .UZ lourt'i in tn: Aihtm-bb st!' t":e a;rr. aa.a t.-e V, .ert airnt aiiHi d be 6-ib!e li 1 ti iii . to lttirtrst Kiraaurr for II- ate II.- gove::,iief.t ;ti ! ni d. WaJ.-a ml d iu ! r r.m-d It h liotne I', e l wieti tt .' v.t d :-tuj;lit in durittf: u. aot-.tan e.on. in US.' en.t -,- .j t iRw fa.i-v k. i f w -' rt it. ;a.t.tT a rii.! ral ni t.tia. i,-. - 1 a iv'i e 1 1 ' f 'I !i i b'-. . "- ee.fJ l?l lff' i ;,.! f auae t f.-i,4 ao! I I'.rt -''n.nst n. Are tf-me tr.e utl." ! '' w .1 1 we a iiwvl : '..i c'lofrroinl f 1- );; .-; " i.rv of o .r r- :-t. 1 c 1 - j- a ri thaa at , it ut-: - pa t 1. ... ), &..J at 'e a I l. v. . ! 1 'r . t t t r a . - r" - t a t ;sj Huri:i-o. of 'IVntu w. in'rwltK-.! naa.niiiei:...t.iarirarint. r..ii. ait. r a.iopr. - .m.te;v sV.uih-4 When ti.v trt'-k a .ti an amr-f dn.. nt p u-.t:jr tbe tat -n I oais , ' , iiitt'rnt r.- -.-f.f - K-r f.tind a "Je tr i reJ a aew d.riiilt ar. in tb.- refu' 1. a ...! rtti-l th It pas"i t.y i;T v a- to UH . of tra.u bfind to mov -M-ai. ' iikii. an vi. An ein.n? eh..m a ne..i for d-t ...- ... .,. b,u.i . 1 ....- :. lm1oontbrfifelabf.niat.ll. I . "K r r," WQ", k"iP'1 -n'' f"! ' n ,a is. i... ....- ii... 1.1. tt,. ck.H,.,. I-. ' jure i.t an a ". on i.i ra.iw;v Im 'i1; At".,oi fir X-!.ra-ka nAd . t-.:-. Iirh: an 1 ird Ha:t.i..:.'i as ta-.i ei.- Ir. it !a ifii ai vail I niir "" . . . :.-tntr-tr bil war. la .1 a ' to pertn t the en- l't?n Valparaiso and KaaUaKo. t u..i. re for .- i:imtit Jo .Mr. K. II I'.rov.n iiiw dollars for 'Ioni in.'iit :tlirtiti in th- Kno. jl!. 117, j.'il.Ii-li.-il in-1 im-lianil. i!i famous I'af'on" I'.rov. nlow. "Willi.!. I'ljiut;. I'liit.-.I States Mar rhal .r.-n ami jios-.- won-ajij.roai'hin tli.. .listili.-n of IliIit V Hanif-. jii ;. nton 'oiint. 'I'.'iin.. r.-r'-iilly tin;. tv'i. lir-.I iijioii I iv moonshiner. The rshot.s v.. -re tetiirii.-.i atul a li'.el. fnsi la.Ie u:ts kej.t uji several minutes, hut no one Inirt. The revenue n:eu V.'eie ei.!JJi.He. to ret feat. Tin. r-mair of an iiiiiii.-n. ma'to- Ttill ha. hi'i'it follllii liV ome .ilteljer-. in a inar-h. loeateil eijht mile. viiith of t. III.!. die Jiieeeof shoulder ldade weitrh.d over fortv pounds and a 1ooth. Well re-erved. weighed four joit:n! and a half. 'I he frontal lumr jiieastireil t!ne f.-i't 111 width, and a ml. -rat on .f Tf.- 1 n,ii ar and fno'oraat e eeatiy. Appropnat on t. 11. ,t iw o'e'o.-l. tt j J Di riorr. leader of iii. .Jt-ja'. t-. Inntx-f. li l.-rntiiti bin via. taken m ami . ., ... i. .. . t. s..naor . ok.,:i pok. aen 1. H,.- td 1 ,n " '- ten enteu.e.l t a year iin-ii i.Hsw-.:. . : im . l' Tb- b:'l lr.Mnnient aad Smn1 Si iV for eic-.tinir .-.iitbor n:r tb- It . tU-tit to artan th,. , u, riot and i;.s.iiun.j the Kint; in a para ,...- -' i f".,rt,-.t f Jutiinl 1. .. -ii-Tn mil It. I b lidliien I.V the . , , . 7 . ... , A T!.M iiam-d t ort.-Tt. i ri.,t at Ho, k pr tu-H. V.y.V . , . pte,t ..,. , I'1'- iti.-l fb t opl a t ateeb.m. ' va. t,Jled hv IlKbt0in !-s. ati'l t p wm li ! s T'.- ninoi.tit a; Si.ri. loua. was i.adtv seop b.l lv lire , .kti- ... -r:.j lw it'i t-s-I ta.l A 1 .' farmer at t'.'n-dTi n-M.t; Tr?'N'-d ti'St be n.11 t"-r; a! 1 t a-' ' ' mad:, n wife .f the rii. -t aj t.i 1 I 1 for ta:rvt tin, H-I -a:-. -f a f it .: ' "fit a res, f. -I. ... .r ,Ted l'. r.iv. a la..- win ltoiaia? Vntr..! " r n a. ; oa .f .imai i titn ' fe-t in ti.. .:.r and c!epoitd .' f-et ft- us it- j.iKtml re-tinc pltxre. i.:e! and tofiW tlirir a.'t-. Ttie rii-.l.tea w.-te ! m fw! . aotl tl.ejr tfave . &A n a a. : riitb,. :jstiC otne. I.r ii i f pa-e 011 tbe n:4 n tloort n vr i a :a ibe ?,&. ci.e. was ori-uf eL At won bundled of afit. bad been se-caro-l t'V hatlsnjt foi f ee .silll; .!eh!a. Hon. (.t-'re J. (.nt. Nfii. I.-.ta-raJ. r. rael the d :le tn tin ll.-'.ae Ku.e hit! it U . t lie- I rM.t ot..v it f tt l r f r t . it , ' ifv, . a fir w : ; 1 ZU9 l v i.i a b4.i ft'!- u: ' ' an " ' U e f'Jt.irv. u i e we are n.i . 1. ..i t-ea U n t u in rr,.-t t.- . s .. AtJin a Ntt tt m r.ev t ii-,s itwj t :t si.t tea. .-. . i.t'.nk. I r"jr.N-!i . a 1.,.a, e wiaelr. Ih.iitt i."t t ti.e ' . :. t -1 I a . 1 r . t r t FivJiorTh;.;;;,;,;,;-;;:;;;: rn;v .b..,,11.,11.::.Wnstr,.i.; ERM lh, otb,r . nr Ijtlv lf . oi, and Htplomai .;.ropr!Ht ..,,. H '"' ,,,': ' tiria Wi. , 0-foim..r. ,'-H from in, n.m in th- An-ade .V.-,a.l.."w, e..";iV,:.l,-Vr...t! when Mr ." """ I-"-" --ally after cutmS ,,a .. of sstT f,:. atl, wa, a.junvl la. nt !! .iiti'Mlur ! a ,i, . .'a. j.if to the .J. it t -. on tl-li. 'I In- li II pi nt termi ( mites I.'ic lre- 1111 t.mtnl 1011 .f I'..!, Ml- ! .-i.-nses tin. iinpoit tliiti-H on a.l Rh. At : :ot"tios -I ( b.tio&. .Mel. pan I otintv. III. a a nivsterv. He died the same da JiHV i" Kirr'. wb:Ie en rotit t- I'ti-HTUri.i v Las nssuuied epi.Ieiuie jir 1 rtHuis -1 f'benoa. .Mi-I.poii ( otm.v. III. j U,"iJ,Z'Ulni: "S ':i r'x'Mf'' " I'""'"0" b.lls 1 F.,t k l.nsiness hollos wore d-str.,-.l Uv Uiial.a ('haptuaa, was rol.!! of 51 i. '' Tm' proa,:n.,,t Mil.j.rt tb.-SViiRte 1 'l!t "'"'lary tiro at AHeuilale. Ill . re- usu , n.,te and hia jc.we.rv. wat.-b. etr .n tbe ".th u- S.-niitrir l'i:n!S' r-olut on -'t liiiiroii tbe .'.-( rci:ir) of tbe Inter or tor nllv A KEtrvT d...iit.-b fr.m li:Us t'tty. j m the ear lie said lb ttl wis io 1-e .1 i.Maaai;e f nmi l..n pt-ar- to Ireland. t.'.e Freiuter saitl the vt.ra t 1h1x jju nearSidner wou.d 1 torn Jo raiu'r.t fort wt.'. after p aa." ltb secoitd teadiuc. I be svetegnti of Imd a-! enthe a? rl.eerSnc f tbo iu.p.-r.a; 1'ar. .anient depe-i'le.1 , , u;, wj. t-i Mr. t.dt"i tetiitt-d or a .aut-c "ImiIi 1: a b-lny , rt. pto'mM.. tfie a.a;.nty of '.be H.i).i -ne etriteiitent Jar n Shw dlv.aian htul VMMi.d avrr Cona: to. If tin- b.,1 pa-ed n pM lei la tt' o tbe Hoiue f a Utuneiido i.?tnu:!evToiild 1m tua.tjturatetl ( owitiun. Ird !Ud.itl timtchi 1 fcrt bt tiu C'.itl.ol.r r ni of Iie' for t e t!xoerti tbt the t..etuieit was de! .r t'tuati. -n in tbtit I foMeJ, ad, tv vu,,tir hi rat aad in wlin thi .juett.on v, the to I wnu'd , Juij 1 in ether s. fui deiuuittAittt. prt..L a M'tt.i-itietit of the Irib dill . arvMvet the et.t:oia n-in f tba a.eiiibcr of ciiUv r leioi to evfi.tua: s..Aia:ion. I ;ie upix..: ... who. rte c. vavei the.r Ihe r.j!n-ry M-urred w bilt b va asleep L.o-chi-n as.l be l 1 tit Until. :t wou.d hat .ttd rheered attain atul a(3tu anl (ten ! ' te. I . V 1 I . ' t 1 l"o a In hia abut and tbe a- ident prone n Iitia.i'.. ' vni.l depen.l m iht Henri's weie -:i..outKed 'Mo tw-ir wa inioraiiittoii n totlif niiibor t v o.r tin- i.i- ' ilont . sav : The t 'iioypiinos bnve nil one ' V.'n 1 tt.M Ftci prn. arreatetl at Oiiiahu nti tmlj ou the .uninr.-s c.v.-a b liie t.t trfeniMJ. W- 1 . 1 lie ' i" 1, '. ft t. . is :.- 1 . n a , , 111,1 ' 1 ' . ttti 1 1. : '.' lief tn. g t in 1 t ftii.'r fsatneti I ". thm ihj' nt i.,t . . ha-l a fet of the Sift W!a tt 1 I) . j' ' e . "plei'te t ..lift M1 !ie repl.oi. taarn. -m? mt-- - "!'V;i.';fJ.,,','.,r.7 1;:',, '',,,,r ,,v',T,"T"rl" Tomru.- river Ii.t-. at the tt.o.,thof' - - ' "' re,,, er a. one tm.e m 1 h. Fame:; - ebl!.ie4 th rote and HEOUClMC EXPIW&I- K.,a? i '-- -. - -RM tbo lr I larea nH.raittel .-.boat had. tbe ev.den.e ln l". f ) V??". . v T, - .'! "'V1 -1 " '""" "U " ! EUCMC ft .sPtrtSl I a.... r . ',,:t,i,e ,.n.t I.'.-J.-rV 1 anli- ! A I ,1 l.b ,.,! ore,,-, of tbe m.B .la.,.. , a-.s, biai lie,,,,; orv sttoat;. T.t h Z J ' T"' " '' "1 " W ." i T '--- '- - -.- !,V ;;.. '":;;;;:, -it ';;;;'-;-j ; - r .. r .r ., and ,,f., .be-B . Twirmr-niat ,. ; "riXZ l - ' fr,.,,, th- lions.-, jitm nttei ! raie. i.v t.i-..ileal of torture. .-onvat ion of tbe murder, r n "r.-ss V, I, .it the centtemaa tfi.nt: 1. .,.,,--..,. ,.i "r'- iiie.-e o i.ler f the lu-1. live ineiie in di nii- T1.1. follow in"; ettrioiK disjiateh rutins from .Munich: The I'.avarian-., having Uite mad.- uj. their minds to ret rid of Kin"; Louis, are now anious Iv diseussjiio; wavs and niean. Mean while the Km"; has withdraw n ftoin the ul'rar "a.e and harr.d out his niin; lefs. who have latelv l.eejl j ..-iiiiit t t to rommuuieate v. it Si his .Majestv thtoiiirh J r'i lhr 1 oval hair-djvssrr. At f.e.nt meetiujr ,,f the ('Itieajfo C'ouneil Ma.r Harrison vetoed the or-dinau.-e jiasvt d imniidi.'telv after the lav marl.. -t tuasaere juovi dd:tiu of lift men to fotve. The Mavor held wore no iiimis availatde III. -nl of the lii-W men. elard that n ent 1 vents had shown lln re was no u. e.ilv fr the apjniint men; of audit jmiIu-c. two li.iiitlft) iiii-I twi-ntv 1 ens no I.iiN thf ...i .iiot.i ( to tl... tl.,.,. . .tt.. .1 ! r-t w sp eiiinis for aenmoiiv tlnm nr'iriK nt Th pii-toii iiii-uoii ui realiv iii'ii'ini on uv in ..... .. 1 1... ... 1 . 1 i.. ..... . . ... . . .. ......, .. ,..,, .- . .....on, ,.. i..K j.. w-v , un1.1T anu oats are rei.oriHi teii ni Dukinl lLc 11:1 k-!it:i. 1 km iuy raitrt h-im i.- t..,.. .- .i ... ..... ... r,ii,,rKl..a,,V.,,'n",,ile itnVlrVad 1 rt" n-.on'r.i'l J " IVf tb.;tb. Us the f,mr. vaaeed tiirottk'bou: Ne.i,ks. Hii.1 tb. d anon of tbe c.-.i statemet.t I b..d u- (ham-ihiui, e -, , .ne t, ltt SM...t, a- tiiht-n up and letl .. n tit-lmte ttioree.n. 1 "f t'wrt-aa, wbo lost Ins life lu tb iierious ! weather prosper ta ar- for -mmI .-r..p Com suiv.'d to reeoa.tiii t the hih." 0; uttiUa " ani "Jmlas !-ati." t'ttait.- i li-btlv lekward iti growth. i.nera!. '" '"n. reMunii.. and aa i3v n dis- lr'ain merry iauhett riot littiher ultiiiv law. v ..'lid he uiadt tbe Mllijeet of 1: ( '0111 sji iji.-i 1 lliijllirv Tin .i.., IV'ii.i. .f St. I'-t.-rsl.arjr. states tl.nt tin Fbali of F.-isitt ;ffues tin I i po-nl fioin Turkov to join nut universal JtMal. A 1 MtvtrK named Iavi-i I Hewitt resitl inp; near Vork. ws ree.-ntlv the vi -tuijof : .IlatreaHiat; aeeideat. while shell, ntf He vi as epKRtfeil m sbovoltiij; near tie beller. v-bea th elevator . h-aut hrohi , a 1 iir:i. ir.Ti..n riunrtit. !ir mrn - -j.. - . . tttf tin hill for th-td na' lot the! , '. . . "... ;,e p.,;s ;r a .top tn all e.-rt-'itls nr.- ..pp.. 11. Ills,.! the I'l.Ieon.tlleli. e.l tl ' lli.s).!- l"i snow ri .X-.I livent Hirn'OViiI . it...-. anl uithoiit iMf h'tii, 11 voie tin- Hou-o 1 otnpnritl v. ith the eorn-sjumdiasr; week of adjourned. last year. In New Vorl; tiio ttierensc wn . rj:itsi.v.t 1. .vt f(ii.trni l'Z'-. i u.-t i.-:...ried j.rohr.h,.. that i-...jni AvoT"' ,: Saeral tiottjioa the New York s;.,n..r St.atks' netion u, susoei,.'.,," th. ' ""'I I't" .fclya atiwl earhaea lo..'. i.!ai-.a Slit' itn h.iiN (I'lJiMrv. h M-.ond frnier, hilled Asa 1C. i'nrk!. another eoavjet. wi!i ji , shovel at the .It.h.-t ill! 1 jieasteiittary : lit!'.' I t, l 1.1 ... 1. 11'.. .1 .1 .1 . II..- 11. . ., .,-, , . t . 1 ' "iii..ii. is . iin- ton--, iiiiii. ji ii: .Miissiiiuiau nlliinee. 1 lie paper fat titer , . , , , , - , , , ... .. . , , , , . 1 ipsttoveii tii ent. re lumber wnU of tlie .leeiates that 111 the t.-xt of lil-s lefto'il tb ,. ,. .. , . le.iuuonu ..lan-ii 1 ouipiiny. .v to, ami (Nbl.osii ..iateli Lotn- Loss, riiMi). no nistiranee. ijo lien, tesiimn. tlnrt n. but w.i to sc how the, U hen ordei if.tored i.laditoi.e arnar, l'lriiuer could nv.ed thr d.rl, The j u-hltn and t.i!.. i,. and movta! f.diouia it mi", whs now mtt.ttiietl t.'iAt the t .IS was men; uistii 1 1, ui !.. v. pot to be ttsonstri..ttsh ( 1 es of "(j. . r (;' and rln'.-is. ami..'! wh.'h .U.I:oii.r I 1 FATAL FLAiViUS. cApieNsed s.'.s of il, .:., He wniitetl : ktv if the 'loveitinittit a- j;oin to stand ' . -ivrirmrm n..u.e 1 i... in iitei.-:o Cso. . bv their ot not. II. ml or posit, on it... i.....n. ..r mi.i ier. ...... se,-t,on of it str.kiai; luni latlieeie .h..-r.. 1 hi t.ite f doah: c.une from j r,tI, K,,, .fMM 7 r.,.-h: per.,,, burned plet-heuttutberiebteveotitofbishenil votui ,. not on the 1..II b,.: ,... ,tl.e exp, .ana . d,.aln Ul ,.alflll '9UtMmty ,.f thi. Ills miurtes weiesttell as ;os-8ii,iiip.;,; .1011 1 'i ritt-ii .won- i on- n 1 .. . r nii'i ;:i- MfN.T.V Jtti 7 oral nsj .attt it a r W' liist tl'ne t th.- , Mid wpetMsI laat '.. r.trtne'.. - t tauimd etiel,-. i . itppiit-a ta lrt f.. f . ernnieiit la .- , e ; filing 3 ftjjuie t , 1 w '.eav rhan;r, .;, t . I. how it t ts ,- tiM.'t under its . .(nil loaraet I' teen in nur.-e.' t I a: IjH -f f ' v I' - -r,' r .ji , .- I I r- e ' t . . M - , .1 .... . .... A... t.t '1 .ji..i "-IS SwltK l&B.flA K...... .ul.a. t of his reeo.erv. p.ia.-u arm ep:uun-.i awav on in? 1 ,ui.v , ". --..,. . ......-, -.... . .1 . i- . 11. t. .. , follow in. Fiittht'i exp'ntiatiou. p. the nn . tre.h Jut how lunuv v.tfti la.ure-1 ean ae.iuirf of ma. ... .11 1 nil-. 01 iiuiiufLr, lias 1 i-i-i-i t'o - I fl-.n.'". h:s share .f an est m (.ennanv 1 - Shah uses the follow itifC laiijitiaee- "Mv ft tend, llus'ia. will not allow nuvhodv to' 11. 1 u lltlnek t.le. , ' ' 1 'hii li, eonvieib 111 ine pemieatuirv at Tin foietnnn of n irn.Iiii4 aii!; neat sv.-ei wet. made on the envim.: .Mondav. It imd aSo beu el. ited n vat en lettfts net bo aferhtln.l. wlu.-h had 1 ,i".'. between tl-e 'i.-niier ad At an eariv hour tbl Jnst Tur ei.piiuitfei of tli Freaeli Clir.inher t tl.eie Wtl! le a lot 1. I -'ee. trade. Never io i 1 - - ' ? ee llefHirtiiietit I .-. it fmo I ah? tul 4it' ' at-et ! ,t e t lay hf..' - . .i. and it in it t.-!t I " adinnlare of the ni dill" for the voie..f i. to., tual the measuie he ettinpul- I , ' . , ' , Till stnlde of .I..I111 liahlnt. nenr IViIIm-i. .... achieved II . r te..t if the l.l wn- w hi.;, envr.ope.1 th- lai. frame ntrurtiires " I . It- - ... "'"r1 WHS SLO.I.IL'I oil lilt 1 liril'IH) I OHO. .. l. ..I... .. . ,.....! .1 I . . .. -1 .1 - s. .1. ....! ..... ,. i- -01 4 nr 1101 pel iiiissi VI: si i-oiii;i . 11. .11 ;l .... ... ,,, ,.,,.: I.. 1 t"l 1 1 1 -K i'....iit It "itnl lie ' " " " ' J.t--.-o tt -.- 011.1 ji--ii . .-. . tl nm. -. .- ... n,n -.-. 1 .!! 1 oili'e ' - I I.....T- i....irm . ( l-.,.-t.l.t tl Iii- l.--..i. Was still h. O IIII II I. II, l"i n.11 .lllii tit ' ,M I';11" he e.pplie.1 to all m.tiiil.eis. ,.f all families, "'V ' " ,' " r, , ' ' ', strove,! together with a vnlunble mate '-'" -M-d th.t siacr. 'I ne Fte.,..r The hott. were . twos h..,. that there whjt.h (. nu Jiiif. . .,, - ,-,.,,.. j huhwavm.ii. who m-uc.1 t'w trensme box, stioyni. m tn tai 1, mat. WJM Mlt lllor,. ailXM,, :., varn .Tom bi. th. tnen bad learned lb- . e of f..r H... ,.ay. ,.. . ,,, Ih.. ,lw f ,.,.:,.,.; ,.e ' ' j ";; " ' ' " I--, aiT;;;,,;;;f';,nT 3"-. smith. of,. ' r "ir-'T: hfi "v.. : .r ?" . r,: . rrrr- r' j'liti ti le also iiV- I p.ovi.!-d lv tin I.e::i--Iafire r.m! not bv .. . i...., .,-....i ..,.1 1....1, .i... !.,. .t..v mi... .... ... , . - . .. . .. . . . . - " - 1 1 lie ii-rv 111 iin" 1 roller mtirtlr f..-i-.e eon- .-. . -......... . ..... - .. .,,,. i--iriiellllis woliai -lri-er.t. 1 l.rei. lr..:u tt.e l... .itton:!er lo mmn :.ui- ni.nts - Im 1 far :is t aiuin.-d the hnol.--; of tin f itsj.i-nded rl. :haiis" N.itinnal l.tiuK, PI. I'l ... .1 ... I ! .1 ol reoi ia. in.. -,.. ii:ai .,. i iinav Hoke, hite 1 ooK-K.ijier. and now ItriLen Kou was tveently hilled by a la ,1W ..... .t,..f ,1... r... ,...,. r ..... sheddm. il 8tV. Imui. hui the bai.s on wliieh m.uij meiii,i I J-bi on tin sleepui- citv. the Hie One thousand and thirteen Inad entries would un.tem vot.n; witn the imn-iumi-rit brl's r.11 out two .dhri.ii In ijui-k t..t.... nt ..!-. .....; 1., -i.t.. i... were aiime a lie wui-iuiiih oiiii-i' miruu- on .1 in.-.tMite v.1.1. a e.erv.ine adti.n:. .t w 1-. son. l r.e ,'ar.'-is rni a .iiiiexii' ta . . . -. . . ... ooir 1. 111,. 1 111 1 "iiniiii' o ip .111 110. 110.1 - ol lieputie.s. Iinviai; the l.overiimeai s l.x-1 ioj r jJ April The ab iit-eipts nmoiiiit-.! to the most luiporTtiit f.i-t -nhiii 1I.-.I In I'a:- -potitl-.l to. but tool at.tMic -Ueiuns of ra- ttr- t, esperiai:. e pill-ion lull m ehiuj-e. ha deeided hv a J ......... ... ,' ,. .... , . T. ,. . . Sl-a. real IlHlilellt. i he . ptioiu-nts of the hill would ter wetu in-iiHieiit to oi;-u It the tUtnet lit! twin pt.tT ant I'oatn.aster latter part -f .- itteX 'piaife! tte ! the lontr-trls with ' and a- a t.mxt t . -: out .f ll lialot not teiv crreat vi.-t.-d Mn x well of murder 1:1 ;ii- lir-t .K- lwi l""'" ivwl-nt ,.f ..cLrHsla .,n.-n l.i. 1 1 . tone a ititfeieut. It bad been shown later. lnr. rietdrf ui l..i. n four of c...ii. ..! t . Her mat. :n ti'itue was t lain 1 11" ainl thitt the !'.iiti-h rarinuient w,ts not ui'-'nietl ' persons. vcii iih'iii.i reeeirt-il t lbati-n of t..-, t . sho was a dirvt Ies.-endent of Huuiei to eonnlei" l'anie.t ih- tlirhstot. LI.oud jiiatpiu-; out of the in .hs tsir-iy torove w.rk mit cft Itoone. of llent't'-kv. (Ciieets.l fa'ah fl.e fire started at Vs 7 it. in t rhae of iir,. Wit 1 im TJvn: . aa oilv tonj-ued yotitiK , -Mr. I'.iinel! spoke s foilovv: ee.iar. but .' h.w has Jt.t rten a-eer latitude iea.? II - man who located at I'apil'ion two "I ""'"''I oid.nt,ly h.ive i3c:,csl cotili- 1 talmsj Tiietnoi,e had t:l. tliw bona faer of fai-r-r-., oeii. .: in io.ionii "t att.e aiwi ei.-t-tietit a ' i"-i. re an, oi n. t-r ipanta na-t even nen ot etir..., e 1 t. sj.akir in tins contest of t!:c tri.tnf. hut I , aroused and oeaih oeit.a.a Uiem bfr farturet-. o '. n llnnk "tl r -.' is he aitt.ed who hnth hi ; they eotiUI ruh oat of the.r rhanaf-era. Ilia ja a tit h quarrel jnsi J.-Sh-is . and luiojuailv in J"t of dead .a n f!!ow- Mtrhaei Mur- rn t . i..- ' ferior as I am at many point. I hop.. I phv. aired th.r'v the; Ann-e lw.rthr. aed a u and - . I t.otr.1 at lt 1 .if everv inaaintowa it is .Moujrb'. his steal . Iitr U .thou! utiten.m.i: to offer ar.v Mary I -r S.I11 ae. tlurtt . Fit-ey lTt.,. tr . d. oati . in,'swtll aa.ount to over two tliou-.i.n.I d.sre-.-.: I co-.n.l tit-tie.p tl mk inj whi ts . ated four tbr -at?ek-. obi hale, of Mrs. ..,.:, a-1 .lol'.ar The nhscottd ag ;::ntn huver le.iv.- li-tea.m; to lis , .- 1 1 that. i- a ' Ine Itett loirku:. ti.atn Hard, aj:et utrikhh ft.;,.. 1 ? a vt ifr and bnl. 'ftknttt aiv mentis of suje catis.sA I .iiurcid ' Vwo of theuijeied werea.ii.aof lia I'.rn .,.., .-. 1 , . the ett- Titr ut iv. 'resident hn s nnprove.i ine ae; . ... . ., ... r.i. itl S.1 I .ttt .... ri.. ..11 miit-iidm the net r.-vutin-' tin i'!tt of , r ., , .. . ' . , . . , , , , , A s-r.. 1 tt. from Ke.l 1 orks, in the Indian wnt for 11 rn lioad and tea ppTtapii hue . . .. , , .. , . , ,-.,,, , , ... . T rrto:. ...s that tvto -em;nde !i!:niio lhrt.ti"h the Inn.'- tf t?i ( .101-taw- ami , . , , , , . . .. , . , 1 Hbopii aired -d sotae dots a.. fr .- Ti.fkusnw .-ition- if lad.atis t. l'i. St. .. . , f ., ,..,,. 1 ' sanitm;: a otn.n. wer from tie I.011W . Mn I niiiei-,o !..itir r.d ( ouipatrv 1 , ... . .1.,. ... 1 . til ft Tift IT t'-!l.M I.t "ta Itt.f Ittllt. Jim ' i i-i 'vw a' aaa-ai-'ia ne;n- oj;.at forth-Oainbn l'.lernt..r nad Srvsroi: Vr.T has repot t. 1 f.iv.-rnl.Iv the !:r..fci. .'..... ,.f i'.au-ii. h..B .iaa fotnpnnv. r.cetit!v diMippenreil and (; j bill to aut!...iie tbe St I.ou.s Met hnnts annt, Ux a t . . , - . ,:ll ,,, nRI.. hi- aot sin e I n b.-anl fiom His Koiiir meat .f Suti.luv sale i ,,-,i..r I. l pr.iv.d- . 'bl not he rerett. -1 but for the fact :ba: to a ... 1 ' ,-.. I 1. t ' i t Mm 1 .1 t ll 1 1 f.. - . 1.. i s ' I Utilise I" .tup'ittv to l.titld a lr ii;e neross jotmiir." in Catiada. has mkvci -.! in ; ,,. jh..j,,,, Mtaltn-: rli.'Mi of the I-aul.'.. nioin-v. j i,r.l;'e. run! it is lteliev.d wln-u the e:titiii.:i-! Tm. .ertnnii 1 . : . 1 1 ., . il 1. ,- .... t . . t... I Si.trit Tn I.'ll has i:.To.: tbe hrsi imra- ,l "', I ion ,s ,-om- , d-d ,1 -w ,11 I iMttm! .0 he J f uu Ihn:mali ., oUti'm. f -,:..: report . front ih.rt.- . S-.a'... ,.!. -lt-.o.a.. ihe Itanl. ..llifials Slit,tIM MtxM.. -f the National li J- t!v .11 lb iTina5r. ..... tndi e..e -. k.sti. C lai (te.ti.Oiit a a --. (aa ar.--a -r.v- 1 'a -.- .-,.. r .i t . I . k u:atf 11 ! ),. - il in -ttaIT Til IIAt ir-ir . 1 i . .1.. t fa. -a. . . .. .1 "lot.. t.lsit 11011 of tin. I"inl "s moti.-v 1- 1 iiik i.r laeeiosiiioi jiiii.ue iMoiscs .-.-- s, - s t.-i i,,,-. ic so jar femiio r. 11.11.11. ilea: nne: -, , ;e .! rpr.y, gfc'e.i o.-ven. .mjrs. Mnli'vir ... . :.":." ,...,:. 1 .. t -l : ... I To. i;.-nft,. IWAon r(.!..ii on the I . tlp-hoei KuKaiB'l ,- pi in I.of. 1 m a:.-i 'Oil; .1 IS l.-lll- I'l. vt lit 11 lllf t- -.,101111.1- I - "- " ------ r, .ts suburb-'. H. I..- mu-t have siit.h sttilru I Treastn-t. 1 nth s..t h,s ivs.nt.-.n i , ':,lU',i a" '''"-'"'!';- ",1,!"-1- i:!S2ATr:i:s. Irom the coliu:. t and i.rawei'.s and tlcd j lresidei; Cl 'velnnd. on the'id o itn j AI.ti'Tto:-. 1.:- Looks :, .rdinlv. j paired health. The Fresident ( Tur S.-jnni S.-i n. l.eius dtv rs-i '. . j him toa..e.t n leave of al.-uice until f. - f,ji-v Um d ia ti.e count rv Mei iiitiou- claim has been - 1 when l !n resiijantioa coub! lwa.te.I .:i;es Lave been sent bv tb.. be'uop: ..j h n The Signal Setve-c It p. iid the new .rram elevator at lre rnont will W a lar;. striettt-e. lir,ir'-'', 1J fe-t bi;;'.i. and will ro: ft.oou. I.I..HTMM. killed sit head of .to. ' ..ti tb farm of 1! A. Abl-ol. near Fremont, re entlv. Tb liolt ran aloni; a w;re fetn-e an I hi everv bend nar it. out in? tnanv veirs pist. he w.-s nei-r s , ano ar.oth-r imjihter of me haei 4urpb i 1 .a ton r IttJIo effec'ive as wh.-n eoiiter.d iu Z n The ght at th rums l-..;ared ab-ser.n- trn..!.- t.. t .e the t..U v.e hop" to rea.l a -ond t u.e te tb Tom-h ig f-puw e.err wittteaawl eia ti 4 i,r r trcbt. I'" eet-.J (iej .in s.eij-i.1. J Hi nj. r Hia tit. aid to xhho'-i reeotfoxed tlte .. ,,. .; t. r a very ut.tairi, to cast a lur d i--fhl on fari-s of the dead Airevar tb f.o whtmtev- r,, use tin .? t..e s:tiiat'oti by his nKuvoit 10 those im- ' raped with hat Mrf ht in urn wa tb bua- t'.ing to do ta ., t h.ij ; y O'ltrnir.s m Jtl-rr.. I join K tho ! band of Ir. i i k.u, in 4h. eharr! m efia.rdu . t epi.-s- on of otten.;.; f.r tho. roa.n'lr, anna .v, foni.-i hn .n'ait!, urue.! to f..i, ',et tt e ,1 1 it pi. tiers. I Mnn h ;n 1.1 Ute arris;.. Kr u l'i people are sa-I to bo trouMrd fullest extent. lil.-ar! IleAr'i 1 .... ,k . - upon or othi-rv. iso. .Manatn-jareeu to the dist.-j.aeo o" :. nn'is ...t.-.i -.1 the 1 re sin-v 1 . 111. -nt 111 ' " List,...!, t ... . 1111. is. , , .' request . c,ii-ts Rt Fort .Wver vull have e.tias.vj Ihe shaii, ..J a ccitittcate : iiaai.-ftj..I- 1 .i:iiinHti:T.. the "F.oger Ti.-hbon,..' I vVlin, ira,.,.t... I(I1H sner lie-ot me i.ovciiiiii.iii ... .101111 ..-s- eiaitiiaiii. was , .xovv i oil; :eeni!y OP- . ,.,,,, NT of a .. iho M-rimac wtth an extta amount of che.-k on nc.unt i.eituer do I mv I! at hecie. .,:,. ... 0 1ird.iv. ol 1 hti.ttlf 1'dii.i. .l.itcij 1 I'lirti- riitu;:iij; a leetitie 10111. river, near North 'h.-lmsfoiil. Mis- wet-j 0f .j, prevalence of mumps in that con been mote autnei.. , m Krrr thar. n -II ' r.rv II 17V.. si.r..(H. .1 nh Notir... I Tlir U,tH"e '" "p 0" " "dici.nrv t..tly t;l!,. :n!l, ;!, nvor. .foL-i ; ' the tr-t of Mm -iter j.n: tietl er duriB? ih irr.. -.1-...1 iii. tce-.ti't'cii and hearing inter, -t ut i - 1 SERIOUS ACCIDENT. altetrt eit tata. e.r.Trart t,jl t -r..aUarU-r. ta. f.f n, ei a a ! ... t' I . .1 -a! i I I t. T.t.lI f 'IVnfMli '. ittt ft lilll . 1 . . . iioii1ii: av.-ft fr V rt . -. - m . a f..r I - iiotuoa was urowne.i .vu eviie-i s.. ct.i- r. , r,T, r t:lM.rt' Itn rnhart found tin... ,s.-s. ....-- .,.-...,. nl tl. si. t.prml. ICe-.. lelrot- pir.l Wrl. 11... m n larit,.tl.. m- Islile.l. AffCTHCR SI HIKE 6..n:jI : ..i..v..tii. ; rt 01. 1.. 1. ,.... tt. 'It., I irpint ........ ....... tin.... .ntl-i '. 1.1 int flfifr fur r.nlr-2-. .i,.i.i.l..ii ..-,. f ,, , .,,. ,- , , j------ - ior. .-in ti- niiailoriMtits. tell iat. llio watcT horses l.idlv ntleeteil with the irlnnde-s " . , it 1 .. . .- ... i.:it. from -'. 1 .1. f toy,: of the Fnit.d States upon 111 iat.-r-'..,, v n, nN)hix,n .tJ ti .r .- t.i.ii ..11 t..i uiunn. uan it. ;,(),i;, ,- lllllV Uiv .11 Hi w. ,.! , Sr I t i-. M Ju Murine tha Ahhoutrh the fcrtiliea.e i- for e-t coupon -f a bond of a mt.n.eipal eorpo-J H,:w 1 n,,s j'i.ev.sile.i m Pres.-l-o fouuv. nim- n;d..rver;.f H;imphr,RIe;,rder.-d V' Jur!1 J77 TnT' ! "" '" "" """ ' """"' !:1.7:.... tin interest ,ur on i, ainount.s J rat,.,,, shall ,., : la- coeI,,s,ve in ouestious ,, n xhp ,)h Thi fh. lal, J'1 UnM .., . S;nf, Vf.s,r.. ? b" r V 'irv ' M t. ' '':'""U ? ' '"' "" "" ,..-H..'j:..ut:ikin- the amount of the j,,,'t',u,-,1)t'!'0 nana,, r ul! --e tie :. itrM .--r.,.d Ir t.e pr-t trem re , laim .-rl-J.77.,. 1-Trsi ( omjdr.dler Dut- ' n,'",t; ";;' - .y"- to K,v.. ,,,.., ,.vr Kiuiu , ,,R. (I:vtJ.:,t Tkt kjk Slv!..:.,v of n. (.,t:I1.v jurisilu-tion to the tsuprouio totitt 011 n;-I r..,..,,.,.. i...., ,. .....,, ..,-i. .1 . 1. .1 -.1, iiatu is lookin-into the matter to see if i,..., -."aiel .bn-.. o...,i.,oi tae itb. ws nrtested in th other inorntnt: ...",., . , ., , t . , . , ., , , tram on the t.ooici.i eatra. ranr-u;,! w.-re for a h"iivv defil '.-::ou in his .,;'.l . T. 1 he cum 1.. valid. s ,t ma- V paid to - im-ivt.ii from W n-hucton of the 4th .,., . , .,, . 7.. ... . ., ,. ... r , .. ,. ,UI J n . , , , , , - ' 1 ..... , throw n trout the tr.tck bv v rx-oKers nt l..- ,nrr-t wa caused !,-. Jus ImniKmo;! Tl 4'.. sats Hurt tic the present vioii there, ,. . , - , , . . gvi.soiuuv .sin lis. . t ors. Oa . tho other aiorimi; nad the tneinaa inresi.-atoa of na into Simpson - ' lt-. li...... 1 1. 1 .i.o-....l 0. th. I.1111..1 rf I.... . s 1 I kt ltemO . .imm '. Im.... ip.a-' nar iu-4 i k. n 1 rn . Jte " At tti , .ar ett) tet Utm Ut ! tiperat . e.jtin tljt-e rf I . . 'io-ebfti is crr'.tin y free fo-n r.- eni ;-ei -vim ri-.-i. ei-io-' aw.a ..n.i ao 1 1. n,. n it r proacll. He ha. not Iyrd Ihilelo J.b w l'i It tie itwl l1l I'ml aft. a.. h .... ( titireiiio and Lumber am m th- n- ot th. taiel .,;: mei. r-u-atb. I b W-lr. i.t. I I r ro. In. wr- ret't.:cs :.T."i..2e in re'erent- 10 the atr.-uri ! f r. . " -'- m": --r- aj.ird r l to learn that a -. - . rounttv h rti ti not t fir rouniry .iar. i.i-i. -..- -i-". -... . r.r.-ie- ia.r nan re e-i , if a 1 1, l . 1 :...i nseaiaiives .i..t.t n:ns and i.s jouu resoiu- 1 ooks show a shortage of ahri'it i-o' jrhe.tsj, iiiterfer.-nc. for wh rh lh.- bad the st. !ui lirdl r 01 -er- lat-rnai priri)!ii.f.H,miiW-. not the tialtrv eTrus. ti.atit was an r Mill ' or ifom wi.ieii e -w m.-w v..-.'j r arert lie airiae otT. m I e. ft era - .. .1 1 - . ! ,r. 11 -1- ..ti.. Tit.tii.itt.i, .o.-t tc ... 1 1 1 .1 1 . 1 11 1-. s v i.r-.t ri..:o it. . t..i --tit it. oti iiti- . .,n - t .. - .. ... ft-, tit iu.n rtmi. (..... .. . . .tl- .... .. .- . A. t-. ... .. .......... . - ...v....... .. j ,,IIK ,.,. ,,-,.,1 of' ''"ho bill- that " ne-i of theirs or that il.ej l.i.l any it-:rre. r- t.-..n-. .--... . .- .-. erai ssaoif , r.ra to ... ir I-ouiu-ine-; the Ftvsid.-nt's mat tiaee . m-,. ,,.,e,i .i,e H,.M. number . m.-le,' ' S" ri'5iUt' th" oitt.i.ti-: uutnUrs of th- re-ci-t.r linvy l-e found to be mutilated tbrre ti. Mv r. lea-ftir-i ban u tta.-s pas; atpl l'f- i,.n- serefy Jajat-d ,f-, ,4 Ut, ,,,, , im v , . . xvee sent out from the . hite House hv mel"pr,vnte and 101 pub!,, mures. ; ".h-.' of I 1 ut..-. TbeCalb:.i .;;mi:m.I Th- iH.n.Uu.en have l-ea Me,.rl to tb- e, , tlrlM, r,e,l beiau., tber haxr not b -a Joaetb H '"; m- " ' lt'' to 'trt "-' ..- ., , , .,., .,,., 1 11 , . 1 -. ,1 clev-a .seats 1 be I ha.'nlK'r, r.ow consists .,.,,. 0 n-arlv ?'Jiio S.:npon rccentlv tarrful to look at tie: etTerl of the.r ' u- "' ' "f" '-- rt.. wr.t vt .. tf !m-u.. ot tlw t a'r r litail. liicsM-necr and 1 hey m,d .f th-se b.lN.t private and .. publ.e of lllm.:w..vl.K Ca:holte, uu. ;ur u!10 it, Omaha for the purr.- of en r..a-,'e and ,t.-Ui.,e. Ind.r-et rs;o. s Maty rr,.-l.' F Itotwie. of .-V.-o-r r;l!r f.,.,,,,., . . . :i?- eMV.-dittirlv .simple, jdainlv on-' ,"u' -v-I--'', --' oi-.att 1, ',!l" ' i.,-,t ,..,. -a-in- it, business h.. b.-n einplove,! arain.. then, to the ex- I :.--'. Me.- broken. ;--.. ta.'-red b: th t--rv t an-t tatr.f ..oft . :.v , d in heavv' lines o:i full sh.vt of " I'-u and .t to the H.,s0 -s., i,,1K , lvvlowml , . Bc!fe,. cu ,hj w. Im khvm. reeentlv J.-.IW t faiab tnt of ,n,f.nmn.eni. If that d-rtri.... of .be -n.i !.. ..o, - .h u.4r brom tr ... n r U,. it . i.e note puvr Thev re-id follows ot flrh " "V"' ha" ,:l",,,1 '4' ",b1"' sth Tbe tronlde crexv out of the defeat f for assault:,,-- a refused b.,., induct resM.ns,h ! tvl emp.ol rae.,; A I. t - br ';- f- tf wfrf. m.a -- e,,..,. I.11 ..ot ,..1, . hv t..u.,s,,,nov.s is pnvatebids eml-ldea.! :b moaev. ,s e p.! et,v,ct from the Ml. d . hurrh.,! or U.H, V 77 T , 7.. a r.M a.e. ,, aa . . . ., t ., '.Mr. dnuor i UtM:niti Mini . Us 1 nr .iYrnnri..nn. rin nrhi hill hn. ! n -. " - r Ijinl r'ituI.ilMi ( hirrM!I -rta-f-h .A U9Tt a.a.l. r tt..f-4L il Iknr - f.- faa ia-awl i.., , - . vr--... .- ff - - -- - -t. , . -- -wm in. "- , - . -t j . - . . ..a a..... a i . - a a. ta Le L. eTs otJ-ii f-tr-iri-. -...-i: . .m ..-. ma,. tm t--ate tt,wo, - read a th rd t'.mo m the Huiisp of Commons. 3:r:i:ues Tnlsum. married, on Wednes. i!:i..Iiiii,''J. I-vm! Km fttiive Mansion. aship.ejton." Thrse aunouueetueut v. ere scTit to nienil'Ots of tin. I'ahinet. .hisiic-s oi the Mtprenie Court. on:i toi s. lo-prcscniativcs in i inn--.. the li; I. math- ..::. i,:itmnam Ccr.cral ol tin ariux. Admiral of the navy and outer oiiu-iais m vv asi,:n-;ton. and to , hcaith was reported '; j' t'sonai fr'n-nd.s of the Fresident tun! Zh. Cli-v eland in Aibanv and I.utVnlo. . ! Orjiaceiaea. .ouri itenttcatiarv. where te -a a. .mnc a "vV v' H.ium... i: C.. woolen auli a- eatea". for hurrlnrr. Aa offl'-er fron f .-..,.f.,.l f...... ,s..n-l.. m. ,w...1 M,..l T....i.i &...? i rir-i-.l'iit nt-t.i etfitmA.1 hir i ... . 1 P I 1 .- tt .. . -..... .- .4. s UH. . ...MAMS HI V I !-.'- Ut. , U .' v... ...... - --. ....- .... - .... lit: tmu'iTl of .lohr. isellv. tu i nniiiinnv ,, ...,." . . ... chief, took place f,.m. St Patric's's Catlie- ! l,,tf ,'"1,1UB "'ft'? UI,th "" KS ?? . -M -" " lnK f"" -aoi---" !n dral.New Yotk. on the ,m .raia.,- of the Mh. ! wa il',-- be loss wa ...u., , T. rii. u.Rether with it-content-. ..r . ts-. t!v insured. .-... t. t-.. . t i .. i ...... Sr.r.cTitti JIiwisi'. tHire ut recent ' .. ,,. , , rum ..-.p..-:. o.., a....... - .....----, .. i.:i ..:v .up-,ui wa-s n-eie.e.j .... v.,,,fcVi w-a t .ta! r lestr.,t-e,i naUir I y tbe IIuiKie l-laud Uv frt lh 4,U:r r, eh. jr stroke- i ad a J" oa -' "b- i mip. stu.l of nd Nrmar i tj.ixi i-j. u' . e: s. vho tnard r-d lu-- pietid t, ptf-sj. !..! iii no'.l.i'ic and r.ti .lf a be eoa'd not p. .. ... - -- - -. - . bu: h m- !' .' e r.. woea J.. vi aw4riff4 .t,,.,, tHe!a-:itat'oe' exj-eet any i-,! "" "i .ti aii i-.s ;-o. ft um teertaa. a taaal fa-. . 1!. cr-.xt '.t-port ineri to t- attared to h'a de- ..-? n ' -'ra.neH W- rrh ta- -f rf fM4i twffli t thmt vt. hxrat.ots; cheer-. uchtr whi Chaa.ter wt4in o.' th b at tf- B9jr-X , . eli ULit .1 .tits si so ill, l'-ir.u t. ... ,, . . ,- , i , Hon V. tt :.:,m miiruev to Hot riiu, v a., reianricablv ( ,. .... ,, , v . . . .k. . " uite I Matt.s Sen well ami sutTt-tvi; no i.uijp ttsun the tr.n. , . , . , , , , t i . . l.i-aeral Assenib! w inch im laded a carrinse t':- of twentv . . , , J lain w.stit hre -a ., and Hrmj Tery trty the rail iewn-d r la t wnimmm that n- U aVto. ite'r t-n.nant of a., rr -t i e tu' ll Wi.rnt rarmce-i cp m V t" '.'' to ' -jc- rf tt 4Pmtem W.tV-ta.- mVert-j TT Waat.-..T,i Jax T..- IV' mill' ifter ! earia-; the tram, nad hi- MISCi:t.hlKKOlS. Oni: of the la.t oilicial act of tho lrei ' caH. sweetheart at tho K.chmond t'a I vt?r I voir and 11 condemned t han-r. recvntly e.jsei a plot; of pn-ouers in jatl to e - - - - - - - ' dent rrevicas to his aiarriai. vtas panloa- Coi..nei. Tin ti vkp il. Hos. -aeu:or ineta Tin: on'.cts of .-ci-rciarv l.antar su-- ! m IS. F. Htel.m. the .!ofalui:s teller of Iht of the tinn of IL Hoe A. t'o . niaaufa - -,e:niinir ct. tries itndcr the pro-eti.:ion , the National I.-.nk of the Kejuilo.-. of turers f tbecelebrated Hoe inntia jres... siiui timber culti-re I.iws '... m...;. ;, ' .V.iainst.'a Three year. aM I'.uelovv d,td ,nHrair at Florence, lta, icaUy. . , . , . . i was sentenced to five -car" is n alter emiMjIiatton wtln ' meat - T.... .. .1..'. .... it-.t. . . .- . . t, 1 . ' ,; i ,-i.iiniui-f tn, 1 nunc in me .ncw .tersey :toue a ...i provuiiaar . Mk t,,,,,,.,, after tlie defeat of b.J ) . I . 1 1 e . m l.l. ....... wL.--...b .X. . .. ..-. V .-. .... t V. -. j.titois in not it nouses oi t onervss. wr vai ,..-i iKH-suni.. iar.-..-,.v lUr Home Kuie bill ..-Kiued u aiake aa a.-.-, al rum.:HS-( iu It rp.ehrit-l -iroieetetl vi: t.ere .Mt a ik.I har- li of n e ra-. 1 - 'umSiiH waifht wa a--" la.- o : fe!'T tt,j ti i." .UiW MMr f rt of t. !ltvt l' 1 ttaw -faw. t4 !)!! Mfr.lj-- and one Cl ddale. all -f which fr....i vibat wou'd t- th -fleet of b s lnr.are. lb are uat fo l-.w-d. It -etw M4it -, i ,p - ,,.---, 1 ia th- tlata-s The eaoae of tbe fr -- jrh-rer j Hovver, haie t.-a rd"t .ii of he :- -are.! w.U aava reowreraw ). -,. ; , Jf j--..,, TOpj-o-eil to l iBtdiary. a tnks were , ,n (.ne mnrd? alrrr -, tt- .a t a tr oaj . rt !: t found; from tbe t-arn to a gate Up: fa-.; and I tn.: .n fo.-ire tntr.b?rj ! tilere-v wajjon bad t-eea opjd H: k- reaml-r tne .rrtso-tance and tism r-ra ty at,-, t. St i will ! not leaa thna -esiJo soa- The ! returned u Washta-rt-.n , fr-mi hi weddntT trip on tbe sib. insarasft. tl.OU A -NitiK tbief nsraeI Joint Jvinc ' ceatlv captored ia Pon-a Lil retting plunder ia tb defot bofcel. HoL-tact-E boaita of .1 eiuzeta sis f-l tfizhz iacas ia bee-bs. of orcurr-oer.-i which naa fo'.ow .a l . "!"Mse c-rnrnrB". j -ia a- t f nnfcer at the oot de Uiaa o.uce s:1 a-a ntt-i ant tt-r i I dep! very rra--;. uri ht may I ; d ua this -ab." at-d the an' i t of la-joiUir-- r rea U- donjfs ..' I a er tarjcn. XS do n aad artn.t tisi rrr-j-ar-s to t eod-ir a-td auJ ---or.. t b iirpr-"d. B'-L Ti.e lr lard-nL'; ft a t" ... ... Ilil-lliVe .ttLl-sTtilTt tl M m. H ( . 1 fV 1 X' 1 T Ti f . T I - ...1 !..-. f 1 -. .-- .AM. Vfl ... Jiil.-satv now penum- ::i tuui, liottsos . m- . - , tote country ': ? VtZ -r I Cb-sriiiU imi (eh-r. aj u ey .-- a tor. peal tho pre-empt io:! ami timher ",.."- -re ...-,...- ', s.-, t,n- -,.. In :he S'aat- oa lho lh- A -;---B Cah.oni.a. wa- n.-bl oi .j ben fc- ao . . u .a Ww.lf. ..ihur..nil Thi-iv, -mnlnios-mnni , o T T anaaia. -a ttl, .., WBS. m Us..L retara-d : h f.l tta: -me party .3 11 a, .al ku frtead out b- aat 1 .illtir. .ti I-. I h. t .Utnosi miam- tlint jel!ow f.Vor t the epicemu oa the Tae lUm ., yvz &r ;n KJ. r.IfrwiIH to.i .ent borne u bis folk-, f -r w :t ,,.. t, ,r,A. - ,4, r Moils scr.tmtetit 111 Ivoth holts,.., ot ( Oil- isthmus The .-rerac-v -daily aunilr of ' n M tar.ton tbo Seret-.- of r.r an- ?U. whir aad'-beea . Favmeat the .- O-nl'tone . trr IB eeei of f ro-- rn .ss in favor of their repeal, and it is deaths from this disease alone is about tjt.r i.,.icvjn ijse Lecialat.e-. 'drift for tb !atr .swo-int w ?-. 1 eraaeat. Ch-er.; Tar a iues-t:on ol opjioitumty. oore tarv I.atnar liav in-; leartui! that a irreat fortr Tus loilt?r of local freicht earjine No. tfc- Krr and Judicial AT.propr.-iTjoa b.ll wa ao All tbe ral: of . heap ratirad tiek-t.. jra j-esor. io u-rr- t- -y w.Uvery -Mpws - . r-a-.a . a . a. - 1 t . . a iuc Lr:taa nna compear jja- r-o-?-- aaa m? i., o. irr-x -. jk u .--utp w r- j ' Kc-cw-4 r-i-cr Th. r-epM Oaa-ti. !7fc -.- . rt.arrt.ast.... Jane's- la aewMsS fc,. ,M . . wiU. a peer to- rrJ&j-taei latwe tb , wr tu . .c-aetary l Wat F.'-deott attd Si - A . .v f.-mttarr. of ta-a ?. tfce c rard : t-a 234 '' -" ' rt..avJ sttea J faatry aa.ata a4 tar's at ??? -4 . a.. th t.a.-j"d tjr "i I tar artt f - at tvi t--5 .ataay. and l-e-. t tarda 4a lo aaaa a-apb i.J i t wi.i rran U t. ytae. aawf lJmrt. -au- o r a' Mwtrfe . ta for immt "J a! -- tb reiy aaT.trr a"d trt-'.i'.x mmr -twiai P-k- aa t.e t--.. Mtat .-.- r-aar a In, Jfcj. trt-a. Jimm T. -Brsata ft. brtmrw to b thaaik .Vair -yj. to . j,, j tdi--? laTma Itaav-i t evt .e .- ' 7 -,sr4 o, .J U aarw . aw am-tja- w! - "- - l BaSa am.!pty. Ma. a4r cwaaf-scted. l-.p-sl Its J, it. ct-in-idered 1. ,,r P .... I. l..-r.r-. A' 1 Ihl.. .ltTv'..lrt.l P. -- - t.2.n.-. ..!. ..'.V. ... M . t.s.v ...- .'......v.s ., s-... . ..-..-.... ... --. i, ,.. .,.-.. . ta. .. . .... .. t rti .. . . a . I-. .a-r-.i2T-.-t.. .a- r.m-b.i ... ucl-s v inanv tuv-iMtiptiim ami ttmher owltun ltelhure. O . recentlv Two eazins. and 1 ... ". .": ." ' .l,,,-. r.xh!b.e M.Mr .d , i Ia artti. : ta- h.d tt- aere?-. -e ato. .'" ' . "-, "m . me' Hia toaT : . . i-i . -,,.,. . ; -oiii-aiieu ;o iinprove -n a-.iua. :u- appt- . - ..... . ,... ,i -. i .. ..... , ?. wa Baiw-ai iJT. .- bt - rntr i-s v.iTi te:t.r made m order to an- a t'.reaian were nistaiitlv killed. I on-HiiT- , . ...,.,......, u., . v 1 .. bovs froai lo.i-iar arocad :b dtm. -.r ! - i nto ad .edre tf-a--s . -tataa. . l.s- s,i,(i .u l-- . wu -l.m i..s j;n M.UIU . ,v l.ts . .. .. ... .. . . .J.. rI rsnclCi.. ltll lltlUSflBT MM XI -UTP-MP . UC r,.;. ..i.. !h.. r..M.a, of tho law. he de- abledamare was done by rra:-aienu of tho .,.,. ...p, ,n .,.,.......r...i vards of tbe wtasaaT. ud also v. raalre '"" " ' " ' " r 77 TT. 7 . .- . . . . -" TeaT4 ,......i ... ., ,.! hi.iii until the end of -S-lodinB boiler. . .. for th n4M,,w- ...-.--,t.s rr.. tae jcajptacoaaadoff of trains rmaiaaa-Ma ,. ,. . , . . .a.I . . . .--f .- . s,' m4 ....... .- -.-, - TiirAu?tro-Hua-rarinr.(;ovranioatcrisis ' ' , "- ; ----.------ , . f rir-JaUasw. . '" . " T '"" " T . .' " ,"" -'--"-"- . -----7 . tl... scss'cm when 11 tno lavvs are not , , . ,, "v,-'r riea..i rmnc u : srm .;,-. -- - - - - ; , tta..;- ea-s . to ae.? a. tar eja-rry. A. '.. tKt-ra, ? ?rmTe- . --, Il.i M.-.S.I.J. wi.iu.11 io- hn been avertctihx a coamrom-j-e. aa airree- t ,. .. ... Tax hotel at Arlia-ria an lat-lT r!e- l , . .i -. .-. . .. . .... ...... -. ,.. -. n P-ratj ... ; -,, ,,.;ii 1... -. , . , ii.icjaii; a au m at- Mrefk.. s -rn.jiy lan -- aacy aa-- isb wtm t; i.-h a i iiuira ima - . ... . . . repealed, the uM.en101l Mill uo re- m.,n. havin-r been reached :o reconsid-r tiio -.- p. r . ... ! cn.r.V. l,r rlr.. mnui-- k k,-1' tv.ft. : , . . ... ..' . . . m, .. .. I rf. . f ia ?- to -i -- - - . ... j ihe rvporr. 01 nenvv i-OtSt- oaraa'-.a'; tae 1 " " 1 rwF" " !-- - ( wp- !!--. itc ;. w---y .- - 1 , 1 ...I.,.,... .,. ,..-r.,l.,Tt .MTT.- ... " t? 1 ... .- -l T tt . - . . .. . . .... ..... .. I - Oti'ti. -.-.-.-SS.S s.. ,....v.s ..... rops of Dakota jirovod -nttcsdiesa. i -i .'' j :a,e.-,i s-u5 to uac ramzi. w. n jm toavta- sa-faa--mv, 1 -w msntt V0rway mtmmS taa aa;tma frmT t Kag.T'a v ut" Frvtay av-- W fOsSfc to fib fe?- tml rat ClrnhmW ' tt ' altoC an,jra4a to rV Tlto para-TUiJtm of ta ifj .tacmt isjeaa , arad at .C aeese-ftta fa It fmawL ,-.- -a a' .tmrnbeir tae i-crmtf w.i p -si , li-r-Sr fTrii-ffit -"