The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 11, 1886, Image 3

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A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
UEI CLOri). - - NEHI.ASKA. !
- 1 1
' (J S K f -
1 wa
a"i :
:i t..' ;oint of u- 117 wor,
-.t.g liiii. wnen. s.'iij ;rtu- , ( ..u
!.. 1 Wil called S3S t?
" hat - t,. hnr-J.-; ,, , Tll t,r. ,,, f .,i(0wr
.i. .-r.. i. J !,. J i, ... ,ir nttj..
i:.itiH., .! in it :i4aj tu itt juUj
J- t: wMiaa. a lark beau 'riftUt
A t i . rU7xie owt rate.
l tmtitaa the Imski m i.,.
iwl 1.-G , far-nvrny fitiuf,
i HIKr a vearttraie JKIM.
i I.
prominent cirtaen. hopclc.., x drunk
otit of the bar-room, where he would ! ! n.
wi x'
:o I in
r r.t -4 r. in
u i diun t want
to ;!. i "ki: N
dor. t git n- a i
i"i u!'j jii:t th.joi. it t'tr tig
I 4
. r
! I
a tmrd thin t fo.t.n.
Tfc.l u4 M; ,f vasanes.
- Xou TV i tli MiutM bard l fWRjJov,
y theruicol ixmtnu-it-."
r.ifeinal Manias.
' rJ Ifiliwttts. I grxi.
r luata :are ant of carvlav
JT n )ur 1 pre.
' T. tliat ft Una in a fclau&et
rd maltusr to iottow:
artl dii vitur tay nutfe It
i. Irut" jnveu to xaihw.
r ha.-vj thins t do-
teu ur- rnas4, u -jr
' i ... !i! . n w
. It I - . "i kP
At ''," . . .
"" ''. . . irt ereJtt
'" I k . n -jit fli..
r .t"ttKititat'-- ti- rr4 it.
v. !ut tl- awl t 1oih
nvl -tr-"lii.
.ltlH- Hit -nt.
knw. jrt-t r
i ait t.' -r ff. ..
t i t rrrnal t. .
! aJ . ip tt lir.l-ft tri foliow.
H .v tho Wearer of Costly Ovor
conia Gausod Trouble.
'in- f u ii!-twtj ht-!.
ki litiijt from M:uii'Mtt
i Hi f. loHin Htr" t'
1 : ,. -f Junrr- (Jilr truit-
'.' m'htn a, to
4.- - f !4Tf-r-trv
i :t IihJ rir
mtM in Mdirorinj t go t 1hI ojj , th- tjrv-. no! a nan df.n t . t.
uh of tin- uibfenj tbki It onh
tKk m a mintito to dHjKrp f tbi
iitaMr. bit wbn 1 ra b-d tb
rt ttr -rfat mmn had diiap
pard. Kvrv night for an ntir-w-k
1 look inr taTid in nay !! poni
tin l th- windw. but to nopurpHK.
rharifr tt cati:v hi thirst motv ttan
oxw id a bio moon. iir f"ouin
j l!olon-. th ftoiM-4-maa. has political
mfiwMiKv, and b'8 a ?oin to gt tn
on ttr ifirr. hay. now, yon ain't g'o
in' to g,v- thf naj away, are you'
UVil." (octintid tb- drtctiTp. !
proiuiwd him 1 wouldn't and i harnt.
could a: di-iai him Xrom my 1 1 aj.j.rf iat.- a joJ. wtHr"v-r I Lnd it.
thought. At h'njrth J gT-iv no nmou
and hd;rly that ibr ttv. notif-d it
'Jim. aid h. ifi any thills' b matter
with you Smthinr --m lo bav-
!l -.fll.
. i I ..i
t i .i
i" ..!.
i M
til .1 I .l
' ! . Il
. kl
I.. ',.
1 1 J I .- It
' : .i
I". -. I ...
: 1 1 . . . :
ho ' -l-J
l 'i -.i!
bncu worrying Ju latj." Tb-n i
told him tfw nrbo'b Rtory. Alt r
b hnrd it h thought a moment and
thT Maid- Jim. ! have -oiilud to
jnyou a h.hU. Millar wiiltak
y our plar-e hih- you an- awa . f Jo off
dun to-aiffht and d'.ti'l com back
anin. Jim. uutil you hav- m-h that 1
o-r'oat man and are in a poi
ti'n to finish th -toiy whih you
hai jut told :i-
th whole f that Mory and you mti"!
-t it II it tak you a c-ar. Your .al
ary will cotitiuu- a u-uaL UVU. I
w.-nt off duty that niht and t.troil'-d
ov-r Vt t- tin fn--Ml at tti-tt-towti
botd. -By th- way,' -.aid !. art-!fh .
alt-r i had nhak-ii handn with htm.
hav yu -u nuy thiii lately f our
iritidwith th- oin- .it-' Ihud.r
YouW tut th- -rv tbiti. f ;. ju-tt
jToiiijr to uL tou," h- Ihijm-.J. flt
ill hT4- lh olhT Mjfht, and
I'm a pitln-nii idiot if h- didn't u-:tr
another -at 'Hla-k lo kin-" !
M;rjr'-td. VV;i. Jim. if you an-n't
foJ wh'n it -ojij-- toa'ntioii offur-v
IJIatk Jo-kiu! Why. h- had on a
lonjr ult.-r made oj Aiaka j..ib!-.
xrituiu-d witli u r'" and h- riimd
at tut- with thf MU'om !- m-y of on
wh l--lt that Im- h:ti tlottr-d an pjn-m-nt.
llut I fl4w.r-d. 1 uiS-d
him ood -i niiii: and nauntt r-d out
.f taht N.M-m- ! tulu thv -
t;.- tnht -1tL ! I'"or a Ii 1 w.-k I put in m ni;ht.
. . i. i ran r to waU-hini; th- hoteio in th luihbor-
i I ,,u tioti- j liood of Mudin Lilian-, iluriu; tht ;
w. ,iniia tua- 'a tmi I vi-itd fuirivr-. Ila'iu
'-' ..T. Hho jtint J w'' "U"b and iuth an oT-at
1 had tKtti4i ' this M-aMt1 1 nottld a-k. d--niiii;j
"U1I." Iw t- J oiM- I on- tb" s-t:i1 rarni-ut worn
-, ulinivnii v..t- ! ' l'M tfiat man. lnaliy th-y
a ii "ht. :ifnit thi ,S,M tht-v ii!tin t. Som-tuwi thy j
-an'- man 4-aiiit in would -how iw an or-oat -oiiH'thinj;
laat-r Knmark"l i ' ,,, "br.h in had uoru. I T.uld
'.i!h n pair of i-uornioii- j fs-amiur H nti-Hy and ak th al
a it Ti I tn.ift lilt 4:'i4 lii..iwN.nillr ll.& liuJ
- aim a -ati- cap. i m i " i .- ... ... ..
i-Vf-n wben it rouft a Iittl- bit roujfb
on my-eli. i saw ih' orerroat man
paradm a Mrwt up in llariem y tr
day in Un- fu"! majrty oi i blw- oat
and bra buttons. hxi I don't. b' !-
tb- iurrU'T ha diov -rd to tli t ne
'nt day th- T'ii hi-, n.jrht wstcliiiiin
pia;.-d on h.m. - .V J .Vxr.
A ttny IVlio sit ljt -.t tli" ruiailmr-tit
if it load lrMiu.
An old nun, who wa.t b-rn and m a r-mo- part of Aatnjw.
Hind. .Jim. I want ; in -on-r-ation with a party of irw-nds
Y.'4, th old timts was putty "oil
in tiit-if way. but th wav wa'n't a!lu
tiw tft. Wall, -vvht'U ! wr. a bo. I
u-ti-r wondi r tf ny man r-r had a
ia-.?i oran-- a he -ou'.d eat. I tns
KeifuI fond o" orati-.. an" I u-t4-r
:rit .n- about -vi-ry Chri-tma-.. I't
think that thar wan mur'ti one or two
orange tr .'u thor world. Andeuily
W'y I uter think thatuh.n I $r.t to
tM- a man I uoulJ work until I f't
liiu'i-y fioua to buy aii th" -attiy 1
roaid -;tt I ut-ut on thi-. way 1. 11 1
a- about -it'-n y-ar 1L "I h-n 1
htl an opportunist o' leavin lim I
;rukou;, thin'ntu' aiKut not bin but
randy and orange-. N-TaI !ay
atr: rw ard 1 r'-'t work at a saw mill !
lite ! oil en u br-.-.l au' bacn fr two
month- an then 1 told ther i. lliat 1
u anted my mone. H gae m twen
ty dollar, an I Mrtiek u: i wan
afe red that it wa'n't money en uh
to f t a!l the eandy and orane..
ecuM eat. but ! thought Id r:k :t. 1
tramjM'd to a little town. ut
duriu to en 1 money enough to take
m-douu on a nteauiboat. I na as
htiury at a wolf wh-n I rea lie. J the
town, but I thought with eontt-iiip: of
meat and bread, for my lif.-"'
tin- aioitt t b- n-aliz-d. I went into
a -.tore an' told a man that I wanted
a- inueh candy an" as many oralis- a
1 cot'ld eat. an' that 1 waawilliu tu
pay for the fea-t.
I.i.iitf t .fnto'-f It Nf
r ah I X i rft. I "It 4..j.r
' t ... ! . V. O J l
arounU in t:.-- pruJ , -.n .J a
j.r. ii:-ij j.-i... i,t -r I..-..! -.r.
, jn ib :n.ta":i I : art. . - :-.
tetion. ja n.te ex-- out A ten.
never ww A'- in any f-rm. Ne
' JrrsrT or Man Und iurnlbed tte ma
tenai to make therr: f ,r V..- .. Ir . f t
devptMid and ham.'.- w:ts
drnnsed by ki!lfu. ruakt-- thr
' be.: imitation of .si.'.i an iU..tir;on
so cl: that th true i only m paratrd
i frcm the fai5c after the mot eref;!
', examiactjon. It :, ' e;.
j error to imagine that tn- N Jer- y
! fj'-herman -.oa d'rmai.: .n wmt.-r
lime. n tne roBirary. Hi- i wiae
awake and oeeupien hi t m trapptn;
mujikraU. The salt mar-h-- on u
, line of the Jeriy roaot are full tf
5 EaukratA, and the supply em to w
! inexhaustible Jsiukrr-t' are naturally
herbivorouii. Tbev feed on land and
witter plaiit alove. in xu- trr-a:m
imiij; rct At-ms and frutt. Ttu- ar
noted euemie of the "bottom ground"
f farm-r. for it i- in hi held tb&t -ni
jrrotv- m.t pientifai. and on tLat
t-eiH-al muLratj love to feed Th y cat
eora at any t:m- after it t otunte.l.
j taLinv the eed from the Tm?id or t.'se
" younj p!.Uit Imoi th furrow Tte
; jTratet damage i lom a!t r the eur
l Well fvrai--d Their fHJ i not efi
! tirejy vegetable, f r in winter and in
1 early prii;r they ub-it to a jrreat es
J Sent on the fl-h of rter mua- i- The
' mu-krat d" not tii" out of h. lair
, fh the day-tiiu . on rare- a-j n-.
, ."omt-ttiue- on very dark c.oudi dav
he may be rf-n wimmui a r- tn
. ond or down the stream w tth bi- h ad
just aUe water It i- an uly.
i iM-ioulo.dunj; art mal with tisrly claw.
and lon whit- teeth He i a fair
-wiiuiuer. and hi apaiit for .-laying
t -r -
1. .i. .
'. ' .. . ,
I .- . : I ?r.
:- RMind
er.. r . 5. r or
t n.- i. " br
... i .r, ... I -----
1 ru". i . ' , i-" i!
tetrhnx hr an i ! t'' .. r.iy
i w s: St ";- ' n. .' i -"' 1
I . . br '.' -
-! t n
rre nftdt1
: r
'r .- -.: n. .
!.M . r own an!
worn do c'.ar f
iia-.-i- .tj-'- -at- " an! 'iin.' r.
ar- ofter. a. m.. xy. ' . -ins.-
. Z"' f r Tr alt. -t. r. t-
and whai' :. but th-- nt- l tie
und. r water i extrar-linanr
eat to a fif"f! a' -"k-e ?. !.
ririnti! I .. N -ef. ,4 ja . t .- a. ;; r
prett ii-. fa. .-i f"f any r.ji..
and diff r f rtm Iat e-.r" i: ha..
only one tdc doble piatt at the ia k
and one m iront
v.r..rt ar "H. w : th- r a.i
t...ti apra frotit. h.-mni"i '.r tr-cr..-.!
w th tti:rMii-,y or ia Ttie baea
br-adth are ?tr.i,ii: and p-:hered to
' th- U-.l Three or ft.ur it- plait
i!"t': t'l- e i: .! ar- !i . i ' ",
t '. (T' tapeH, ew-d ut. Irn.'l:
:n. and the fnni t.yeadt'i i.rv;
th - an draw u ar- t th-- r rt -,d
a'il auht up into by i p and
IttitVui. ( Ui'tlt'' tuff dn n- v
t" narrow riif1e t. .'rr
..rt eotJoti
Win h two rut. r;t.. rj j !a,n sti !
tijrured. i -4i. tt.e cni.''.ni'i6 t
-.m-w hat dd. ror Hi-tint . t.n ha.-'jti
and fott-piaitinr mi. -f j.I-::t
' nlf i j":ir.. . anu th" -. rt- wa.. J-
I lar acd cuC of :.i h : -t.-. I
i ail over Thi t an e '.,' '? ty ! f'
rvtnodeiin,? old dr- . b'.t r. b -. k;
. new. it i- Iatlr t Lite a-, ot
n fu'ri'.
In whit.- aiuha. embr'.b?'l tr p
are rhe in-net m !- "Ihe; a'." Iau-
ttfuly made with a t.z-r ja k-t. that
ha a lov'y-thted w-t"M. -n b k.
, while the front, are cut away, and d:
play -oft full e-t of d""icat'y t:ntc4i
ir-i. ii". r nk iuu in. Naeu.--. r
tar. d T n-a t-- "; ' - rd-rr-i
ctumj'"tr.! a -i ! o-n
tpTce that bi;d be Uv ard after and
t -.?.-. t r..- i-l-itt;' -
frr..e- . w ri Larder t-.r. t.r
nor j.r;wr -u n- uj . .! f--
tin... mt4r
' ! ;k Sd
i-: . ... i . mtiUK? in
t - ... w hat . rm- an I tettpta tk?
Mttfr 4b"oi a&S11 im
rb t
neje t t.;tl.S tle
u ' ' .r -
.i.s a a-: a ..r..-. I' nt
In the jt at"-r t a nj ti . i" t
ar 1muJ
of farm
are r.s.
!" ;
arT p-vi ..-! t - t t !-: oi- !
B:tD) M14.BI..1 ja-d tut f r a m r
t -al ft rti'iXrr tu tot te ae-. t r.. 'e
thi ub---t the atreoi -n ." nij rae
p.aBl l.i.r
at. 4reet;
!. ur r-aj
i'i. : ;?. ,7 tw r1
pi ' a- '-1 a !'' f
r& -,f 4fk- rf- -f-d
i H, 3 r ij - a.
i TV
Hr... " -.t n,
rf. .! ar.naaL ta
ran k
W l,i
;-j t- i i.- . - ; t f .
i :. ma:..-" : v- ?
.rljj out .a. . ai. ! t tV
a . 'in4i!at.':; mikr ; ..
neeeary Ihirtnif tn. w
w h r. t; '. - rv. - f
c.n jwtfc.'d iaT- ' '.
Sr h..a- d a- . f '. w - -r t c a! !- -
can S te di - ' !
i.f jcratM i! i.; . ..-o
..f t!.r ta'
. ' . - jt e i
a ! t"ter,v 4r
(j.j . te i'-Oj!
-. t -'a-h
Ni'T .' . p ',
wa-tt-d trau: '. A
i- .t m1 -a ! .n !-- 4. l
th ! .! when i t" 1- ! e -l II .:
may if;.f.t u-i i "at .ft,, m
.iti!),,' t. f.-bl. r a'nl f'tui it ::
wm Litn th ri4k w-ej. t .
m.tdr H.i-l ,-. f T U '
W,r. ;
U-r an '. -,
'. k .j
au u.
- r j t
' a ; -
' c a
. I :
fre .a
w,; tr
'a e
f a i.
i4 r-
ad t.
I, i
.- n ! .
f v ,
! f r
. b i.'s
t a" a & . .. a
lu- ;- -. a. 5
f -, -Te
' t' . x, -
'.'I." - r s.i! ?i
aitiiti t.. rr-e.
o J-
: i k a. .. n-
horn-, if the -tream or ind ha- a hijrh . ... ., . . . . uumind it.t. th mw.i .! f
r " iar-.v -iiown tht Mar and apjear '
bi.nk. i- a littl.- hollow plac und. r ."... . ., i . tnrne.1 into a-!'- 1; dam ..-.
1 in -o:ii" irm n cotton ir an. I m
rounil. live or .ii fwt from th
water t edge, and the entrance i
undcr iatr. The haii-way. after"
it hat- jtenetrated the bank. curv -enuiualiy
upward, und at it- end. in
hi miujj htUe -u bterratienu i-hamb'r. !
the tuuikrat jpenii- hii day in Ief pmj (
r in lorinj; aa,i fil for winu-r. It
makes uir trapp. r happy v hen he find . rt ,.. ,.,.,,.,.,
mo-t d-'-iflel aru! exariraj,.4l ..u-tra.-tv
liiii-, brtil.utit ) ur. l nbi-on
i- now worn on darh-V.'.i. -at-. n tud
Anil i'Mn on '...: p:uk mulla,
.-. ej -j a A'rt u''.'i'
4 . ,.
at I
1, . k
r !r ittef '
. ' m . i
.: '
f ) Tl.l 1 l; '
tt-rj a-; '!.
. tb .: i
a?, 'a
f eta ' W
- ;
-j -d
4 L -
' t
a;. !
4. 4.. 1 . ..- .
ieaa lo a.iw o :'"
tra?.jait rid.ia-r. appr r-ri.
tJ.emtle- Ihe bet fc!.! laTj.' t
of aiailat'.e p.aat f't f'-..n 1 '. '
o.l Su h farm itfT 4'ti I p ' H
u otdr t;.at i h farm r ;-utn-o'se
aUmt hort roj and tj:bt t.n-
Ther- liould - k pt on band pi nty
of Uiable abr !'. c r. a lr
tuu. k or road iut. t.rHl m 4rue
oh. ii t "iil-! Hk w iv
me enirame. ,o ,n muc. .i n. n The Kmt.rc Haru i- a ..-ht iittb
, he find- .me he hi trap ja-t hi . ,., r,.t ,. ,.., ... ... ,..,., i... onventent
- ww w 'ma ! inr t I ill i lll 4T
the entrame If the rat i raubt he . hM ,h. Jajf, Vf. 1W Al fh. rifi, rJt .,,. in the barn .. rx few da, it
! will probably drown, us the weight of ,.mtun-a and .. al fac. -f tne hh- 1""1,1 ?nnkied und. r th. r.wM
I 4 .j. !
p' ! t i h-a :
!e thtlt . IJj.- l- !;.
.''.J.r . a-r
t i 'i ' i '. r d.' t -! ..
f p . ! a h . ! . - .
!... t i 111 'Ik! ti ' ..r .
nit.':r 'itt4l '- tw . '
t'.o' -uj' mtv 1 - -
e . a ! . n ..! t ."
th rrf atnkr thr unnm. .
!! eTowtb is rberke 1 ani
produce frtni iat .l uf rani
hae Ihmii worth 7.V
t i
.. i
1 44.
- It
. I.'
1 !
.,. .
' U
I l
b i
: ii
i .
1. .
. I'
In v
. t
vin .
!ably the gentleman iva-
ntrie. fond .f driviug out j Iack ag-iin. and w.ll
." ! tin luvtirv of two .iT..'
.old an overcaJ anweniigthe denp
limate ' 1 fusented ! "'. :t,, then I would aeerlaui the
purchae'r - name and look him up.
lie na aJway- the wrong man. It
took me just a Heck to lini-b up !h"
fur -hop-, and then I v, a- at the .-n,! of
I n':-at--hrk 4ofT.-d at :li idea.
him Well niini he passes." he
ilid In'si.les lip dldli t ime down i
it Iu.--.lax night, for I had the
ity J go out i the street and
ti him when he left, lie ..track a
ine for down-town and he wtit
tot. Moreover, the iar c.tshier
Im caught a glimpse if his
when be unbuttoned hi- lin
at to pay for hi- drink, and lhat
v' a .old and dirix a- a iramp.
opportunity to point out to
"-re wa nothing in his ol
;. my theory about the tux -tc-
.'. for at that moment the
mx i.-thei. Ii w-.u. .-Mindax nb'ht and Uhrouh with 'cm I'll comeback an'
- i
it via.- sn.uviiig. 1 don't think there
j ha lmen another uch -now-jorm dur
ing th.
entire xx inter.
acrosn the
tip ltjfadvuy
x itid
like :i
je. Al''uigh a friend xo
in the b urn r and remit to tt-
lh- trnn and hi efforts to cscaiM- will . t
i easu- .iiiiiaii.1
t tire him. and he will -mk In-low water. rU ,,roi:rh. BM(JnrlUt th,. rt,trn o.m;! heap as fast a- im amount Ibr farmer m,
A favorite method of catching the nJ ,,.,., o m:kll. n.frni, untl a.-. un,uat.N at Jeat on.- a w.ek only th domett
i.i.-i . .. " .. . kt ... ...
mushrai m ni o n nou-e ,- ;,, , t ou vancem. nt. and a woman of SUr- rtl xhr tlir ''- ".' , ' C "T
caudv b
etiouirh'-'' In- a-ked.
that A.ood m-ar tn door.
1 don't kuow. Lei me have about
four pound- o" that red -wiped .mix.
an" a do.eii orange-, an" when I git
irit some mm-.-
"1 took my precious parcel, weni down
to the rixer an" -ct doxx n on a bo 1
spread out my fca- and ga.-d at it
Tl t ..:...!. I .. At. I '. .
sxxowpeii tip l.Jfauvuy like :i ' ' " '" '" " '.' M-n.ii
pack of xx-ohes on the prairie.. ".v l"''tn. 1 pai.l m attention to nry
It xvus ne of those .searching winds -uiTvutidiir but I rccoil.-ck hearin' .r
xx inch seemed to eat right thit.ugh feller thai ooine along .y 'that boy
J xoui skin and rattle y.ur lium-s about. i'"t ' "1 , " hog eatin mah.
' 1 wasalmo.d t-n o i lock and I xxa.- Aisfer while I "gunler huk iip. but
pist meditating whether 1 should knot; r.-m labenn" how hard I had worked
oil and go home ..r Uie night, when ' ""'' ? :' waited. I fell to
HomelH.dy turned the corner and S'"' "'' n-new.-d xie,.r. i'utty -oon
mumbled again-t mc It xxa, jl thought 1 had emmgh. but -what' -
the oxercai man! 7A m-st ' -be lis, o tpiittm." I mu-ed. M ..xx-.-impulse
xvas to coilaj- lum. but '" J " """' !" "' " "Twa"n't
1 thought le-ttcr of it.. I judged from '-' airtcr ;h.V n!I I gnnter gil a little
hi gat that he had b-en drinking, and ! L i,t ! -f, ' piutin doxvn ther
a he hadcvidetuiv not rccognir. -.1 in. . -:uS- na'b ' couldn't stand it no
It.. ... i ..I . . 4- ai i i t i: i ! Iiiis.!1 I tr..i'liil mt-.4.!f ..nt mi tli.
til-- that for a mouieni 1 ' '"", ",,i" " i,,iM"' '"" a,,u ' " "" '. , . . , ." "I" '.
w a- tit.-mo-t com-I IuJ wa" t,:,,h "''I ll'l,,n!- TUl' i a Ml h ""''' ou -
! i.x. in iti di.i not to li.n .- mainuer o in, title, nut l umn I leel
. ., ,
aiiy dettnite notion xx here he w a-gong,
lie r.Umt aimh-ssU. tir-t u
oti- -idc of lite trcxt and tn.ti on tin
other, until tiuaiiy he came to a dead
-top and lean, d against a lam-po-t to
think. IVuirc nix auia.-uunt wttcit I
discerned bx the flickciing ga iiht
that his fo:m .nxi-lop-d 1:1 a
-M-a.skiu doimau rf -aj.nioiis diiueii
Muiis, Mich a i ordinarily xxoru iy
corpulent doxxjger- wuen they take
their attrruitou drixes in Uie park.
i. . 4- i... -t : I.. i i .i...
me oi ot ins uojiiiuur suu oinx jic ,.. ,.,, ..i-. , . . i ... ..
4.4 4-114.4. lllriv . I 1. " S, 4411- .UI'4T .?
ir.t: iii the center if his m -, ih-d. , ,-., . . , . . . .. .. ,.', ,
, siiil niacken hr ; in the old stvle
1 he iKit trap l- the faxorke one !or i ,t ,l . k , .
I and thin arches ol exehr ws have lHen
1 ireams :i: it i eailv m;ub-. and sex- ' , , . - .. .. "... r n
i - traced anove thoKe innt nhe duttftillv
i era! rats are ojt.u, captured in single , M mm p,..Xol a ..w,cj
nigbt. ltcon-i-t- ot a long straight ornaiMt.nt j.a nnp ilu. hr;v.
. X.... ......1.. I....I. ........... n. I....I. i. .
444f... 11441.1' llll 1-1141 .4111-.-- 44. FI.4 I'Uli ! . . . ... . ,,.
i tier co-ttitii" and eoiisure did not dine;
:.: all from that d th" ladies sunound-
!arg enough to admit a m ra:
ea-ily. In tiie end- are hxed irHt"s , .
....i. .t 4 , i... . .i :
in. nit- iij -tout 4ji-. -laiiiiiii; oaii ... i . . i. i. ... 4 . 5
i wa- her only distiiigitishing mark..
till- insiue oi me imix xxiik-ii enn lie till-
I Nearer, there xx-:- i mnii'st; of il.-
d up ea-il bx th.- ratgoiiivin hist can i .- . ,
1 i mcauor. a digni.x of pre-eime. an lm-
uot be opened otitxvardix. The bi i- ... . , , '.. ., ,. .
1 pres-ive. intangible something, that
.-link in the middle oi a treain and -- , -.. , ., ., , , . . , ,
livmitx ol a ruler, and had she sod
etirelx-anchored bx big stone- being . ., " , . , . . 11 .
- , . " in the ganleii alone he xx'oiild have
idaeed on it.- top. Then .stakes ; ....
1 been s- imires.-iv. m manner and a-
drixi-n from the box to each side of ihe , ' , . ,
much a -oxeriign a when tirpiind.'d
iv:im. 1 lie mu-krat lind- hit- wax , . . . ,. , ,
- i bx le-r -uite. xvith court and strangers
barred bx the stukc.. -xvim- into the! . i -ru i.
- bowing low Ihe Lmpi-es- wor- trie
trap, di-eov-r- he can not get out. and ,..... i 1 , . t
" I red -lipjM-rs ad skirl, and a kunooo
drown-. 1 he iiinKrnt i- no coxvanl. , r x. it.. tt . ... i :n. t - i
I ol rich t.Jtiish purple silk. brocad.Ht m
If he l-taken on Ar ground and the ..,.. ... . ,;. ;. i , -m
. i large moon ligur.-.- in pale oirs I he
jnxx- of tiie trail haxe caught hi- leg i . .. , t . , . . ,i r . .-. r 1 i .
J - - I pointed liet-K xvas luted xvitn fold o!
..... ... .11 a .. .... . l. . . .i. .
(reiax xxen uiihii near iiie ioe. iii rai , ....,. ;i ,t i i.l. i : i .
' I !u;. -ill. nnrl she I.B Intii-iwI in rn-r
XJt l r t . ... ' !-
tl ,trr4l) Ik. U, -
fainter rx Ja.m m b. BM
annual about hi
m h paaturr.
adopted for the ptggrr. for tie r. .t. but alw th lxe. tht ibbahi: th Imr
i an enormoti wast. ea. h xar A cot, th irtl taaf bowl tlnr m t in
siij.plv should aliM. b- provted on- the grtva and even the untamed aai-
xenien1 t. the pnvx. where tt hod mal lhat burrow in lo w..l -4.
in ued oU.r.w! an.! ojten Th.-re i I: b ba not th ame kmd of prof.
r.allv nothing on farm to wat . if ert in .-arb of tbM If th ragm.
in )fod hand- but th.-r- are. Itonro-r. .juirr! -ai and the tamed mMwi
xx: antes and iWak-on mam. farm that run away and retn ajatn. to fi
.1 l. .. It. - .....! .1 !.. Tff w. Ilt .. tk.A- . .te l...n. m .
and at a di-tan. her tiaraoI an "- - " """ ' ' vr " - " l" - " "
' ri ..-.. mm tl.... 1 !.. ... k . , k.
the mcke their habitation lfthT v
rrn Ptmt mtt
lnilHr t ! ('r(lntn nt I miiHf- anil
I llliruIllifHt C.rk.
mot to the land of another i ti-
ip wax' art ar at mui u wi
i.t remark- came m; of
'r and p.M-.i u- on
S tHk goo.l look at
..: n
king mdixidual that 1
i Hi- hair wa- the color
,na-h. and a wiry, blackiug-
mu-tat .'ic of lh Mime hue
- i'betal mouth. Hi- nose
..: an acute angle and his j
. xxa- cpre i-of n.-ithcr
x ti - clean! itie- More-
fur which would
t ati-jHra g.wldes,
'!.- dirtiest col-
!. ,1
at I
i ,
-e neck if a
vet hand-em-
.: I wa tr.lking
. ! t 4 up-towtt hotel,
x -.-'lor w ho drops in
. s-ud he. a ntau
Here 1 interrupted
into our jdaiH tin
1 saul. IIc i- a short
lik" reach in doxxn aincr it. Ilearr.
but 1 "guuter git .ick. I thought '
tlie candy an" oranges an' gagged.
II. ea I xvi-hed I xva back at home x ith
ImiIuhI cabbage an" nap Iwan-.. I got
i.-k.-r r.n' si-kT an'L-rJ 3 ma-y box
1 did r.-tch an" heaxe. ! he-t my ree-o'lci-tioii
an" xx hen 1 com" to my -c!f I
xxa- in a hotel an burn in up xvith
fevr. Kvery tinie I thought o" andy
I'd h".ivc. and once when the d i-.r
said T motit eat a wc t ran'?". ! a!-
i "
-1 wasju-t nn-overing from the cl- m 7 !,wnwi .m Ma' 0,uwaru- i,M'
f....t .....!.. Ii.. .1..- -.. ..... . M". " u a -iu iu uawesi nine. i
. b in ana i-aa aa aaai- a ia i a m u a. aa kmm am
not being abb- to p.l away w-,11 gnaw j hamI an ,mbr,ha of u. .tuTpluth Htk
oil his leg just a-oxe where the trap ., aM l(X,.r Wllh wlaria.
hoUNit. When found .Hue h- tight. Shl. J)aw.d - n Ut , u
desperately .-rod :.-.,uin. many a bloxx Iaar,w .nt- snis ,,r para,
on the head to sii-nce h,-n. hen . ,... attilaftU ,ltf.r,.,i atld aJo.l0
there l- m other way of escape, le , m a ihruhkt. or- a large
maks a dash at Uie tr.tpp.Vs bg. and vaJ taW, ITpr .n tlt.niljinU
il he once hdd. his -harp v lute j n a ri-.Ulf.1P. WIt lTlUat
teeth ,ink into the bm,e and his strong Uw 1h.B!JJ j d!f,lomaN
jaw-chug to the unfortunate hunter tb otbt-r Ia! and noWes trrr .trd
with the tenaity ol a bulldog. r-. . M ,hllf t:ads below i,r. The palae
veuturesome amai-ur trapper- ofun , utu.UttM .. hf. eompanv to the
lind their way home with linger bang- " rfahuai(. dilation of exerv" thing
ing iu shreds and b.g holes ,n their ' unMl j(.., aI( w an! tniffl
hands, the xvsult of loohng xv.ih a cor- t,Jt. llt.autlfH, .. iws. wrn. brok(.R
n -red muskrat. A. 1 J. und Ex- j u.t th. t.hmniI,ajrn, irolh B tma
1 . I-4HI ls.--4 JlMT.U r.ll 1411 111-
horsr erxap'-4 he tu tiil mine, into "'he
Almost any thing i nppeed to tw aoever piMaevaion h roin
g.Mid "notigh for a hog toeat. proMbsft Th." animal bicii ar toasM
it xxiH eat it V.'by tti idea i and ;,, ,,r Mr retrain-sl in r ,Urtix.
prevalent, if i- hard to a. uni It haxe a pft.jrt in thrmseltea. while
he b-i-aii" the hojj ha ii. h tr..t g thoa- whirb ar bm- in a wild lalf
dige-tixe H.wer-.. and i. thetvforr. ,,,. ,lBpIy a part of I.V- land where
abI-",o mak" ue of ftMwl thai thv thex arr TV- hm nh.ih a hunter
Ntomivh of other animal wll start and rat ti" . m. !.nd m mine
r-j. .t Th- hog ha- the h.rgest d- in th law a.. an h i.g y 11 I
g.stixe i anal, or . of any of take a prtr.!gr ..-.- ..f t ,. fowler
tie dome-tn animals, the nheep onj. ' nr wan h 1 ; i,.J ,u n ... bv.
ing next with To feet to the hg" :' whatever th m r. t riax
fe. t But while the hog ham the ion-.- m rondo ' t t 1. w ' ..
t t aiimentar; carta", it hn a!o th implv takm mx owi.
.mallest toma'h. Th" onjj.. H and V' :d b-e ,,, t.s. f .
contents of the ox nr. viJ to axerag tm.rr ,,f the l. tp t,. . .
1!) j-ront oltlMi'in w.ightofthe .,.; i f,,- f,, ha . .tltfomr
bxefx f th h- p. 7; -r c-nt . atid ,jr j u j ltt,p-f li;M ., tf,. .r u r.
r the hog. i4 per cnt IStit whn it hi if If 'hrx t'x ttn
rme to t,ie the eae i r. ar, , n, j ,ffl, . . . i
rej. fh" intrstines of tft.- ,,,j. rf t,f . ,.,n.j mn, niari. ' i- t- .
their corn nt t .instituting tj j r -nt h m n irprt' .' t'
of the . ntin- Weight of the hedx J t!.. r t.ftt t. '.h fe.ii. x t :? x
die p. .. pr e-nt ad f the ot j per
.-iit .o .t would m tha the won
derful dlgtixe power of the hog d-
t,k .!
I !lae
' .rb
'I- -
jwnd upon trie length aiid raparitx d th
r ght ti : h fei. x
tto 'W n f f thr
"1 hr a i ',u
I tl h' ti ! i h a l
ts -
' aV
'.' to
.r i i o t
f- :o- 1 tr itn
!.. r '-
You ar- wrong in
the overcoat matt drctx a large bra.s
door key from the inw rior of his
strange oisl.mie aud -taild with un-xi-rtaiu
sU- in tiie diretioti of a large
Mtorc. direct! v a.-rxss the wa. . 1 wh-
at hi- t-iUtxx- iu a moment, and as
kv turiu-d m tiie d
hcaxilv tu hi houid.
wa? gittin a.ou putty xvell w h n one
day tbe com in an' aed
, me wtten I wanted the other ta:dy.
That knK-k. d m an I gaggeJ f..r an
hour. At last I got well enough to
,. . ! tramp hom . licfore 1 went to tlu
tl .... . ..... . .1 .!!.- I ... .
omharrandhcweaiva key turm.l , the door my hand Ull "' '' T " T -r ,
cr -I'm au ollicc -.' i""" "" " r n.i-u.n.M , ,... sf
;i.r-vTR uosHM-rsqcc ! p-nal crct of ixtn-ttaled chrvan- wimm . awl n. r, ,th .,WP., ,l ,f , .. .rt 'i fr n, -a.
SUhiMtR WmSH DRUSES. them.,m Errr one wa .erred um-i- -- I- . an d - , .... ., -.,. ht. ..-p.r. ..f t.i
-rimeix ni..ii..r ie.,m.mi.-i in., ix... !v and tlecvruualT. tb bad .T , n4 tiil tmore f.Im af. t tu. ,4WT..r rmg at .ink-' -..,. la
III. limited M..a. thtre wa, th. -itHlued hum of oft. '' ""'"- '"' "'' 'lU- '" ' ' W w': f,! I'"" '.-. It, . . ,
w--- "- s--. v.w--w - w.w - -m - -- a
The fabrics f .r ...:t..n dre-se r jxt xoices ,n cnterat.n. and one t.T ' nMtt Ir" " ! '' N'ior. a . r a -d . .
nrint gown-, a- th- Knglish ta.Ior . ..n.. tka. t- ri . a,,,..w4ii ).. w.- n,ueh mof" r""n h H ' ' f n? nt.. a tr. m 1 u. 1 f -h I- t ..
call them, are this year particularly j of th foreign IjnbaiMlor and Mini- : 1,n whr ,l "' ! -" W t .,u.r TV,r -r , v! .we.
soft ia tim-h and aurartive in da?ign. 1 1(. to her for a few r-rae.ou xvortla. - a" "B r f '" U ,'' " "th' r --nal them and he.. .' . .,, . v, H
- lt. . ..I. -... 11 1 !.
- . i 1 i i.mi.l..r .1 !n-i.ii,.r U..L . ... -- ...! ' o r a jar imi o outiermii.. i
said mx frt'Tid. lau-h- ' nunuer.-o. lu.umg ack my co.-.. ami ! ...
. .- i ii , iim.1,.,,1 ,.. h,..i 4 .vi,,t .I.. ...' on ami jurneu ii up. an t. on
..d tbmTk thi.t au old nand !: ' u " niel4. " liat do you T
. . . ..... .! io i4..rim4iii.!mW i, . .w. ' me. how I did hang on. I t;niigl
w sealskin when he saw it. " ' IHTambulating the street at. .,,,. , -
. . ..i.o.t -,. '...i ,.! ... i. t. .tc ri. " t sr: lik" crnns.sone aped fn.m
tans coat is made of real :,,w -;: out iu this sty m? The ., , -
, .. ... L.r. t .-,. -.L i ..-..m ;. ' J!:jii. dnnkm o the wt r o luc
a peneci ocauiy .-x young i -- ... ..,. .. vwmr mi- ..
m it the oth -might, and j ""- part ot the store, sir. -aid i r'""
. a m ft-siroiH and kamvs all ' . -and 111 tdl xou ad aiv,ut it.' 1 ful- """4,m"
Many of the sateens. er-!ickers and ! f or. tiei'i:i.i f. -uir. r
gingham's ?o cl-:ely reseuibl silk, and
xvool. that their ;val origin L- only re-, GREATLY OFFENDED.
x-ealed to the touch Con.siicuou I
, f I'nint : Xl..ntlnia In tin" IChI.- ot u
among .ac are navmg ;r.c el- j ,,.... . i:nuMT , ,,,.,
lectjs, -boxvn in stripes, blocks and bars ' mt
will touch and whh evwlent x w... n4 marked tH trr. 1
j pnitM-e wui.nir fh h for h.n.siji ward a man ntnd..ff .
! food" The meat made of .5t ;h down. detr'-'! t
animal at. and even th p!ii'J.l t!i- r honei
mott'i aft-
f datwag- tmr
t -
bx thi '.
I..okig .
call ..-a" o :
:.!wst i r:
tion. i stooa
n caed stieaking an 1
ft 1 41.1- --! . I . j
i. . . iff. 4 .kii viiii.v tji-.t n r.k-. t . .t
Thing-, -ad that it xv.- 'ow.i mm to tin- rear of the bu.Miug. , , , ' "
. thousand it a penny. ben-W rtoppM and urrned op the f "''- hjA J" l--".--i . u
4 il u. myself. -.. my friend JT hu-a wu- tv-b. in a j """' ' . .
- ocreoat- Tbi neei I bracket pnjeci:ag trom tin wall, j
1 Then he -At down on a small cot 'oe I .
. .... ....-.. t .i .:.! .Murn,,t4.BiA,.,ui T- ""'l -:irvv for th Niagara
- 1 l-mi Ul-tU WUn ilM Ua s..- ....... u. .aw aa.aa . M
xercoat-. rather, didn 1 I xsm oi uik- ttrre lur store. 12 xou
.,.tel a i' tin. tine ie4t think that it's a pleasant ion. iutt look
.. 1 . - !. ....-..,... ' r .... th
:.ient alter in .- tmnx-ersa-' v ii-a iwn ana oears whu
-V I B
i gestive organ t,j in nog ran n: p'in- aDd toiT and
' ft- vrl4!,r LI ml.i.k 4- .... ....m v
w x- f. mud. tig armnd in a -
ff rich, quaint color-, such as a light ----- t . . ?i ...... ..i r.. .j 1 rtnr'rt nto a t,ooaa and nntrv ia .fc ra. , ..mnwt f th li
bine or biutl ground. xvi-Jj dsrk-green H,ndm -or am tf-iroue-t. j tmo diet format; lrv, w want fcAa ,, aaor r r t e:3, th t-.
or brown frtsr. agures. C'raiy cloth m j .. tM Tu .,. m,. " .jj . man j lMrbter-bo!te fattened rk. no tkmB h-. aa. a ngi: to Ua n. hi n g-
al-oanexx jmd pntty. though rather ; wjtn a ?rraX i diatiil iop prk. no p.r mad from bofAcwwwhsrk u .px.-! :.-. kit
llim-T. cotton mat.ri-i! that tv-atble ..-rhesher Thi. e.e i tk .-- ... ' th 2r-td material trn from land. r a barn. wan f.e nod
"--""- !.. w ' e aass.v
i the manure of other animals
Ths rail of r.'iaara
The recent .;irx-ev for th
- Falls e iV'h';ri(ooI ran way a;cat- to
haxe compleTely np-et a th ory a- t
itirttneof Niagara rixer from the
As w In wttods br it h4 in a tMiai
apple b too. tt L !r1st.r r-
rnia-l5'J. Hvt wfiro ti .wr'
still reuxin it cnnUed anpearanee. Is ; s ... ei i .!!.,;.. iIP1''' Hr na ' l,tr ff4 toani '.'gr nbb- t thai t -
L -aid. uh. ta n juire no iruniag. ' road. " ' BJ hr,,n m-1' fr"m 'r, " nt irom hi fc.-.r
Blue-grav L- now Ui. fashionable color 1 .. nt whlLt d t .nt ,.- ' Sh-T " th Z ' gor
crape. It w ii: prohanir t extensively .
ii-eJ. as it come in .vmis.te'.y delK-ate .. jfr r lilMj the rWMlllrtnr ..j,. i r4-r ' ' from e., appa
.-hade-, ami i -a arreted to w Md mto y Kku hrr i a voinm ' Wrta ,h" f .T "
h rop-ty
in Pan and appears her in ttie ever-. .. it ud lf tot. ,
! In thi wai . we tand a Hian to aU-er
Tb owtaer baa ao ngltt to rota. vfmr.
the window in the lob-! tbeir eye- -giariug at you all n g ,t f1L ' ln'-;" bndgx A getitc make ttv.h dri,.htfu! trarelin-dtvs.
useful .-i-vr-nck-m and iinen. which fill nax nU. 99rims at i mtt;t 0prQti rL-r " " ld t"-- ' notiir m pyrMi.-t of jaj-w.
': x. locking out at the lazy snoxxtlakes long. Look at that there htllc imp of
s'-nrlj dnt;ig low nxx ar 1. suddenly - :idx-at up oa txj of the 1h anu t 11
.. x :i;eu:.,i wa rxe;.d on a familiar me candidly if the sight of h.m aiu't ,-
man who recall building of :h
tlreat We-tern rai'.way and the mi
pettivm 1 r.dg. about 1 ". Htate-. that
i. klltn .. i.f -i la .n.Tr- At -.. M
I'rtTrc it ia Xe m-rrr.aT lu-t.u Ht -noufa togiie a umfvotl luu.o live .
Ma walking at a haugyiog. shu!J-.g blind Maggers, i 1 sat h re Vmvd "" - rixerC' :al y
Vac-ro-ti,.. park.S bet, he reached ni-: nftcr night until 1 leit an tf ! . m other wixnl, that th-
a mnmdiateh oppos.te the f.-oat i I'd hnst if ! dalat do otnetmnjr. "'' V " " wr a" " :'
, , M-i. .- i'4i;r man i. j i..s
i a.- accounted for bj. t.u
' ....... ...t . . ... ... .. . . .. ..
-cratched povx crful lonesome that I u-ed lo sit "!r" ' - " l'" -- - -
. ... ..n.. m.. .. L... .. T-t. .
i .v ii xiui- urr .ic iaos. mt
my tira" mnning akmaide tb
The gather ba.,ue and long dmp- j traiB rponiajj m poino to the p- n. , "'
crie. are the f..vor.te ,tvle for making , .a?rr l nx th m '
up waHrt-sood. For thin, eoioml I that To5ttm. t i . ' to n'- av- k.n
- - IIUUIX Mn a.-J--W-' . tllI w -fc, a MMU 4' CH.UIT'i,. tl. 1 r . .
.- km he pau-cd w ith one foot on ihe ' 1 hadn't no overcoat, and .o didtt t ' r.? aM 'n T'
, itii-'-x.i .- . Tbe cUITx Ut W ;
i -irlsoiie. and liHik.-J imjmringlT dare to go out. At lintc- ! gxt h, ,
xx ard ihe hotel. Then he
i.i- bead in at: undecided xvay. hesi- j ben and talk to them then- stuff- iu4
tat.Mt a i.ionient. turned on his heel. sad for company"- sake, but it wasn't iu
jihuitU-d fi'dxox-n the -tivel. , gvt.
it p
j w nave a much rbdr. wtr meat Ikit it w tt aavciot law that b mmy
than ran b mad from aaimai refae. atr u bmnt thomm animal rtnj
and rftteti eta '., of prv. orb aw wo! adivt TW
T4. v. r JK.. m . r.. 9wtmm4Mi miw ma 6m 4u al. f. k. . .
that voiume taat comoel me ton.. . .
mulk. batiste-., or any tranpareat fab- j h .j, -IT- 7 "" CT!I T " JLT!.
ric, the ba.-.4ue i made double. .hatLs. and,T.u" tBrw.-, :h wijw. from ito. tmtw-tleT ktw bow it had advane.. Jnwrr .rfc ius wt;w4
liaetl xvith the same t the outride. ! r'uL -e Am.. . v ! n s1 " tattt. iy ataa o. i oonwtaeat Uw.nti "A
A ,. .. ., theirown pff& out 1 eJeaa food, f-4 may jMtfy tb li,mt of a fat
.. T " - 1 '" a ' to a clean lot of bojj-a, kept is a clean th jrowad f aaotber if tlar b mat,
tae hacgagv car tuts jmd rolled into t . .-.-.. .x -
. f.n XL. atrfBt.iki taitk fiWc in mm , . ..wtWv 4a.4 - f .. i.
: . j.. .i.- . ni s .'"-- " . r ' "' " "" "". J "j" "wffe vsaa i
' i .r.w iiiii'ti e .ixMifrwaa . titat a eHi -
I w. mimm va a,a,.7.Ti. aaV a.
fiWi-i- no Mj.-ni trr ?rm- u.-kitaa i ... . I umrms W Ora nl
'J ---- - --.. w--. -. rvm.Uai at.ri whi we turn of teer
Thi- i don that the waist may be of
the 5ame shade a- the doubled s-kiru.
Cambrics and ginghams. howe-er. r-
i survey .-how- that t.Ser- is a fall o! -:x
cornet cover worn underneath bein-
and scoot across th prairie afer a
It to a 1
eowra:ie i not b- frmiAnt m dtysgrmg ha
t ,k ., .,.- .u- a " " ,. sutSci-?nr- The fullae,- i, all coaaaed j iak -1 t... - tw- j
One u t giit the idea struck me U j . .u .- i " ' i . ' to the front of the ba-ia. and i? done .. ,n i , ;"..- fi-j -Br rJ-,
.... - , ! to the brHig,.. sad that ;,ie ...,...- . i st. aj -,. u OB Bat any o --
ton m rea.-wi and
1 srooo b?ailb. ScUsmn! Lttt- Slock J&r- ih- grooad
nceary tor iul sing tWfoa. hot "a!
Uunr.g the lew bnef ecoiid- in i-r xnv-eli out in one ui them jua- ..- .. u . ,
. , . . , I.- -, .. ii .-tmne o: the grade, w hich eiul- a. ;h.
Inch he iiad -tod iH-lore mc m the craeK oxercixa.s jj. ju. loe-. oxeri .- . . . ...
lite boc- ox er i
, , , - ,. , . . ., j , j -. .,., T ; w hiriiHMi.. has a dec.iae of l:ftx-fMir
"lavxt x.f the clectrn-light riv -ir-in:ng there and I it. I hen I xveal oxer ! j . ,.- .- ...
, . , , . ' ,. . .- .i- i.i , , and one-hall leci. mw.'ots i ra n -nw.
ox-e- had dearix :ind mdi-pittablx ami go: a drink round :h corner, bat . m.
suHed the fact that he xx ore r. fur over-, the telloxv- gayctl lnc. ji-rribiy. The
or.t. and a ditl'erea: one trom any that 4net night 1 w cut to one of ibeta big
lie had previously xvoru. It xvaa a o;e!s xvaere yon pay liftecit cents for
- -t.ive :ae the moon and I xt;'. Ik
co'tteaitni." sjh; a poet. Let him have
it. Most poets xx-:it the earth.
by simply adding fa o or three inches
to the w dth of the front- w hen cntang
oat by any ba.-que pattern, and gather
ng the neck, the xvai-t I.a. and end of
the barque. The front- and back- arr
roagor than the jkle... and the itdv i
Uaiahed with a bias piping fold. Hijs
direetiunv. If .m don't, in tb fntor 1 - - . Ww,:d :nejd.
piew take your own ob-.-roft. Utal by a two-fat -mare 4J,a
th xb-i,"-.:,, ;b T) i::tn a .- ptKxl caR i-? ..M
Tbe Ixo-ioa r Aibany rra.Iroad ha.
a ctrculatiag library of :o ihusd
virft:rat free to ii empiey--
ltee can t-r tarud
-naVieni to p.ant a row two hundrrd
fjrt log. xmd br o doing probabxlj
three w?k ornilii k-c gaial oxer
p!i2t!aj"ii ftr?t oet of iv3r-
! la alTrowiatg lb kiMtv of fx
-. bt frTtwidiajr nmj mearT - Ac
laad. w to UW ctty Leaa-s r;o cM
hotad. and aunt, bet ' J-vi--.. iil
lb nrbt aij4dgd U ayrt to ct
j bu p'nd sf fi4a frvm of Aaiost
rn. bt lK-harlag hte: te ! ov
krp .' CVrtitasa nlxd. Lawr
. e,
jsA..tto." yt:. .