The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 11, 1886, Image 2

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    The Red Cloud Chief
frTd a yT .funk i i7 1 ssgT
Mil. CiULMM i. iiittinr an nlIit ion
to his residence.
Wii.i. IJakhkk. f Norton, Kan-.,
is home on :i visit.
Mil. Grow, an oll friend of Prof.
Picking ia in the city.
Mr.-.. I'rof. Picking and family are
vi.-sitinjr in I'utnani county. Illiiioi.
lJon"t fail to read the new adver
tisement of Atliow & Young in thi-
I K. Goble is, building a very neat
grape arbor on hi- Seward street, resi
dence. Fred Hummel and IS. S. IJrigg-
have ;ronc to Curtis. eb., ior a !"
(. V. IJarker ha- ium-l hi- law
flie' to the rooms o;-r I'Vrjru-on s
drug store.
The Qui Vi'.- fir- lfjnrtinnt have
about concluded to jiiiicha.-c a hook
ami ladder outfit.
Wi: invite the attention of our
leaders to th Cobbm Kagle clothing
Lawyer.-.1. L. Kaley ami ). ('.
Case were in Hlnoiiiingtoti this week
on j.rofc ional biisinc--.
The daughter of Mr.-. Ceo. I.
Gates has returned home after an ex
tended visit in this i ty.
The county snpervi-or.- an in ms
sion thi- week a- a board of (juali7.I1
fiou in the :is-t -niciit of taxes.
Mr.-. ('. Wiener ha- returned home
from her ea-tern viit. aeeumpaiiied
by Mi-i Hidiua M-yr. of Chicago
P. A. U:. II v. of the First Nation
al liauk. contemplates an extended
vi-it to the Key-tone state in .Julv.
Mr-. K. Wilrox and .Mr.-. II. I.
Craig have returned home, after an
extended i-ilwith Mr-. Wallace, of
this city.
.Iomn Kiv;, while in lied ('loud the
other day, lost $17. The finder will
be rewarded on returning the -aine to
Mrs ('. M, Xelligan. who ha- been
to Orleans for j-onie time attending a
hick .si-ter, ha.s return' d home, her
sister having died.
I "licit Levi Moore who ua- recently
thrown from Harry Feiirht'.- btiggv. is
atrain on our street-. We are dea-ed
liis rapid recovery.
I'lIK annual meeting and banouet
of the Republican alley pre-s a--o-eiation
will take place at .MeCook mi
Tuesday, dune 'J! I. "We'll be thar.
Ciiaui.m: M.i: in. agent at Oxford,
for a lone time freight clerk at this
place, has our sympathy in the lo-s of
his- youngest child, who died last
I'rof. Picking goes to lb-public
county, Kan-as, thi.s week, and thence
wc-t to grow up with the cowboy- for
a week or two. when he will return
to Ked (Mom).
e ale under obligation.- to
Thomp.-ou. of Norton. Kan-,
complimentary to the June
to not
for a
r .. r
Light .-bower, Mond.-iy morning.
I'ari" Green and London Purple at
Colli ng's
The Fourth of July comes on .Sun
day this ear.
For sale cheap, one good soda foun
tain. Enquire of E. A. Voting. Ah 2w
Herein door-' Screen door-:' Screen
door-s cheap at Chicago Lumber Vard"
Felling ill the counter good-? at c-A
at Forre-ter'- furniture store to make
room for furniture.
F. P. Gt'Mi i- doing the old oaken
bucket co;,g and dance, mid-t the
fccne- of hi-, childhood in Ohio.
Thk-e are indeed lovely evening,
''he bright moon ari-es, and herheen
bathe-1 all the world in beauty."
F. V. Twi.on. our oast -ide furniture
man, went to Lincoln, this week on
bu-inc-s connected with hi-s hou-e.
'fill, ladie- of tiu Congregational
oci"tv will L'iv a. lawn social at Mr .1
L. Ka ley.-. Friday evening. June 1-.
All are invited.
Mi.--f- Effie and Eunice McGorkle
went to Ked ("loud Wednesday evening
to -pond a few dav with their friend.
Snjt'rior Journal.
'ilas-ware almo-t given away on the
counters at Forrester-. GI:i-s .-tern
di-b'- 10 mche- high only 1J ct.
covered di-Jic-and .-ugar bowle-, etc.
l)n not forget that the Golden Eagle
keeps the best .-.lock of boots and .-hoes
for men, women and chilt'ren, at
pi ice-, that none will go away di.-s.atis
In (ikriii state veterinary -surgeon
ami Messrs Iiamliart an J Hiriiey of the
state sanitary board were in Red
('loud tlii- week looking after gl.mder
eil hor-e-.
u i ix OroMwi-.M. i- now the dandy
copper of tip depot -.jund, vice Harry
Pond re-igned. ('. L Miller, a brother
of Mr-. M. w. I)icker.-on, repre-ents
the night A-ice.
The Hurr Oak :.. made it- irt
appearancf .June .'J, C. E. (Vippen
editor. It is a neatly eotten up shoot
and a general all wound "ru-Ller" with
deinociatic lufirmitic-.
Maxwi.i.i., the .. Loin- murderer,
ha- been convicted of murder ia the
fn-t decree, and now hi- lawyer- are
conniving at come plan to cheat the
gallon--, af its ju-t due-".
('. W Iv.u.iy, as mentioned several
weeks a-o, in tbi- journal ha-, let the
contr.ict for his new dwelling to
Me--,rs .-'ten art and Sullivan one of our
promii.ent contracting firm-
l'be boaid of -upervi-oi.s arc con
templating building a county jail, in
accordance with Tin. ('iiiik's
lion and were con-equently looking
oyer ouie id.iiH and specfic.itions on
Thiir-day I i-t.
The ('olden Eagle'- grand prize
drawing clo-e-duly J. This being the
third drawing, people know it is a
-qti.ue deal. Every purchaser, in ad
dition to buying goods at bottom
price-, by buving.". worth at die time
et- a ticket, and his a chance to win
one of the four
('. It. mi -, of the Oberlin ( Kan.) V,
gl.iildened tbi- sanctum with bis
pn-encc Tuesday afternoon. The
gentleman presided over paste pot and
i . -
i hi: t, iiii:k many
We rc ioforintui there will be
J?mecting of the officers and execu
tive committee of the Webster County
Agricultural A--ociation to-day and z
full attendance ii expected the
committees are to.jepcTrt 6n premium
Hit and tither "important matter.. The
committee on grounds ha.e built
twenty-flve additional stall- for hordes
and are Hitting in a well and other
improvement.-. Al-o have put the
track in good condition and there i.
no rea-'on why there .-hould not be a
large attendance at the coming rac
June 22, 23, and 24. We are al.-o
informed that reduced rate- over the
J. 6c M. have been .-ecu red between
Che-ter ami MeCook and Oberlin.
Hor.-es have been entered at thi- date
from MeCook. Kearne. and other
dace-. The amount of pur-e- offered
here, $"''M). i- of sufficient amount to
induce good hor.-e- to come and par
ticipate, and we are confident that the
fair will be well patronized.
At a meeting of the Web-ster County
IJar A-'-sociation on June Mh, 15C,
a committee waa appointed to draft
resolutions of respect ami condolence
in memory of W. P. Overman, deceased.
The committee report as follow-.
Wnr..:KAS, it has iU-itif-.l the Shjuouim Julge
of nil huitiitn l-itiJiy to r-iuon from our luiiNt
our cnUi i.i(-c hrotln-r ninl fneml. WtHlRtsiI. who (ti-iurtl thi-, hf tn oh.ln-nie '
thliviin- buuiuifiii on Ju:i-7th. lts-, nxnl
WifKitKAs wo ilcutrt- l ttify in noait- iti'Iur
ini form Jirnpjirix-mtioa of bin chnrnct r mid
our hyuiimthy with hi br.-ntl faiiiily nnd
frK'iidi, ,
' ho it rc-solvi!. that in the iloath of
our ih'initl brother tin- bar of Weht'r countj .
har lost an able. Honorable, anil iuIuitnouJ
memlfr. who dunni; the ahort tune he hai re
niileI iiiifiti iih. has ho f.omluctI hunielf an
citizen mi'! ii lawyer a, to men: the rejwct am!
Rir.-:niton not only of the bar of whirh he wa
a member, but of all of our ieojile with whom he
came in contact.
AnI rcHulvet!, that we ettoml tohls fanillv and
relative our h-artfelt byniiathy lu thia their
nour oi u:::ic:ion
An 1 rcn-ilvctl, that n co.y of thaie rcxiilutionk
be tent to the pirni'ito of the deceaseil an! a
copy fumifcho'l w each of the city oanors
C. W. ,
K. A. SwKr.T. Couimittte;
U. W. lUltKUM
,- Farrfiers of Nel rkn :. sur 'ir;r-niic; r '!. c
Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Co
Again-i loss r damage I y Ha: T. i c injar. i the ode-t, large.', an-1 j:
in the state, with coh caj :'. 1 .u-'-eL; amounting to uvcr !
Gnervanve m it- manasemeot it wi 1 not write . exceed It-o acrej in any
ection, consequently an ear'y app!: a':'n ? iece.?san. Ii?: fjLon thir
Company insured Thousand? of A to ' (irovwng crops f-r the farmer of
Nebraska, and paid iL- numero l- I ---e- i rt-mpth and libera! 'y ami to thu
entire -atifactton of '-unny r' i:m i:.L- Fr further in-juir" f
0. L. WINFREY, Agent.
At Sheriffs Office. Red Cloud. Neb.
Never Rip
Li .,irS r lr '
(..'. i: II '.ar.' l-n
For -ah
at the Chn a -
aild -ee tilt III
Irv of
al Nori
m on the
which take place
ISth and PUh.
W X. Hirn.!(isH. piiicha-cd 2
ear InaiN of cattle at S.ilem thi.- week
and brought ihein lo ihi- city for
shipment. The price of fat c.ittle
M1rins to be increa.-ing.
The Statement of the Ked Cloud
National Hank, which appear.- in an
other column, show-- that intitut ion
to be in pro-peroii condition and a
coii-tantly iiicrea-ing hu.-ine
Poii't forget the . I line race- to take
place in thi.s cit. The buy- de-erve
a good jtatronage and we hope to -ee
a large crowd The P. A. M , we
understand have given a reduced rate
on the occasion.
Ked Cloud .should make a .strenu
ous effort to get water work.-. If there
i- any one thing needed it i- water
work-. The co.-t would be very small
compared with the benefits to be de
ried from a good s-tem of water
works. There arc strong probabilities of
several new brick buildings roinir uu.
iu"the postoflice block within a short
time, and that work on the same will
commence moii. We hope the report
istrue. The Chief feels highly elat
cd over the prospects of Kt-d Cloud.
Kead the new ad of the Chicago
Store, and tlou t fail to et their
prices on clothing, as they are hound
to increase the clothini: trade and will
make prices that no house can com
pete with. ali giing awav a pair of
men's- .-.hoes in the bargain.
Klders Hoopcs and baugdou com
nienced their scries of free reliiiou
lecturo as cr pre ion-announceiiiciit
in The Chief, on Wednesda evening
in their commodious pavilion, corner
weaiy moons ago, -inl h thoroughly
cmver-ant with tlie earlier hi-torv of
Ked Chuid. Tin: Chii:f will le pleased
to have him call again when convenient.
'iin: I i.ird tif riu.iIi.ulion was in
-e inn ihis week. They appear to
have found many gro-- error- in as-e-.sinents
f property In-tead of m--e
nieii- heing eratiu.iteil (hey -eem
to hu" I. ecu made l.y hit r mi-.- in
snine iii-tances It -cents tou- that
a--e-s mems of pioperty should he
made tijmu a eraduated ha-i- n real
estate Improved jirnpei ty slmuld he
a e ed at a grater figure than unim
proved prnjieity The :i.-.-e or- Jaie
not wholly to Maine tor these enors a.
tiieie has heeu no organized etlort to
regulate real e.-tate a-e-smeuL-. but
ha- been left largely to the judgement
of the individual as.psor
The weather o-ntimie.s hot and
with very little proipeul of rain.
Thomas Htxlgson departetl from
Cowlcs last week for Colorado, leavin-
behind him a disconsolate, dog and
-ome unsati.-ed ilcbL- and di-satirfied
creditor-. The dog is somewhat
Mi-.s Clara Roberts, of Kdgar, is vis
iting with Mrs. Latta.
M. P Hurd, of Inavale, is in Cowles
this week.
5. A. Harris ha.s opened his store
with a good stock of groceries which
he will .-ell strictly for cash.
Some tf the business men are agi
tating the question of a new.-paper in
Mr. (Joed i- at home with his family
for a few days.
Cutter t Rest have a herd of cattle
near here, and have bought land near
town, and are having wells bored and
arc making other improvement-. They
are both very pleasant gentlemen, and
will no doubt, with their families, be :
very desirable addition to our com
munity. The Congregational church is com
pleted and will be dedicated .Tune L'O.
Further particulars next week.
The ladips mite society of the M. E.
Jhurcli is in a piospcroiis condition.
At the reguhr meeting of the society
last week Mrs. K. P. Chance was ie
elected president, ami Mr-. .-Vhenck
was elected -ecietary, and Mi-s Limiie
Clapp trea-iuer.
('. F. father and Sheriff Scott were
in town t lis week on htisinc-s.
.1. f. Waller has .sold his farm ad
joining Cowles to Douglaa Terry,
fnit-nleration 3,JOO.
Lirn.K Hatc iikt.
MiAinvaml 1'uesd.iy evening-, f.d.
Alexander Ilngelaud of Louisville, Ky.
made two of tiu ino-t conuunti .-etise
"nd eloquently pathetic aIlres.-c-. o.t
the subject of unrestrained an. I neg
leeted bos of large cities and towns
ever n ade in our city The i olouel hit
the nail -ipnrely on the head and
clinches bis argument with undeniable
tacts The object o: this vijt to our citv
was to elevate the morals of our ho vs.
and e-labh-ii a hrinch of the Vout'li
.Mutual Iniprovment Society in this
place, to co operate with .-imilar sure
ties in other place-, for the purpo-e of
pr.'cuiing employment and -belter for
the unfoitunate little waits who are
thiown upon t!te cold chanty of the
wot Id, through the death of friends or
otlierwi-e The object r- a laudable one
and our citiens are nthu-iastic o er
it, let the good work go on.
Second Avenue and
vward Street.
Whiir:i. Mr.
Superior, and Mi
The lectures and exercise- are highlv
interesting and instructive. All are
cordially invited, aid reiue-ted to
bring their tlosj.el llvmn-.
Ika.1. Rf.i.nai. the jtopular and
couiteou.s 1. Ar M. passenger conduct
or, a former resident of this citv, now
running the cannon ball and express
between MeCook and Hasting-. WOut
ea.-l last week and formed a matrimon
ial alliance with a ladv. name wc did not learn, .ludtl ?
uumcmu friends all along ilu- line
unite in wishing the happv couple a
long life of unalhned happine-;.
The demand for room rent in the
new brick block t he erected north
of the Red Cloud National Rank
block are firm. Application- have
been made for the entire eight room-
aiul we have been informed that work
will soon begin on them This will
i i t" i .i i -I i .... i .. . i- i
in- a oouu. . "v. v e .ee, , :l lo j,ri,piue teachers for examination
confident that she will boom a- inver the work of the .hol room an 1 t-t
before. The credit For the new bbu-k ! advance in then -mdies They will
can be given to Rev. teo. V. ei-er. teach any branch require : lor a county
or t.ite ernlic.ue. or any branch of a
bu-inc-s ct-ur-e. Profe-or Smith will
come from l'ork direct to Red Cloud,
having been engaged a- one of the
instructors fljr the teachers institute,
commencing July 19.
C. K. Pavis. of
Klla A. Putnam.
of this city, were Married at the resi
dence of Wm. father in this citv
W ediicsday evening. .Fune Mth. Rev,
tteo. (). eiscr oiheiating. The groom
formerly studied law in the office of
C R. Chancy. K.s,. . lut for Mlll,
tunc past has been engaged in the
practice of hi jirofession at Superior.
The bride has been engaged as a
teacher in the Red Cloud school- for
several ear past. Thk Chikk
acknowledges the receipt of a generous
-upply of wedding cake and unites
with the numerous friend- of the
uewlv wedded pair in wishing them all
tlu happiness in life They departed
on the cannon ball for their future
home in superior.
Piokisok's Smith. Niehol-on. ami
Andrews vvf 1 conduct a Normal and
bu-ini -chi.ol in York College com
me icing June JI. and Ciutinumg four
week-. They will u the apparatus
ami other facilities ot the college, and
offer a rare opportunity to teachers
or anyone wishing a brief thorough
rev lew ot several branches, or to give
all the time to one o.- two. Tncre will
U brief talk- on memory, reason. ng
health, etc.. but the mam aim i- to
give practice work m the best methods
ofstudving. lecitmg. exp'aining, et .
the work will I e oral and written so
A nice rain a couple of weeks aeo
Corn is all pi uited around here, and
the farmers have turned their atten
tion to something els.
Hid anyb oy go to the eireu-?
Knm raitf give lb mure rain
A large number of farmers have had
to plant over (ii account of the dry
A friend of (Jeo. Willard i out here
from ""pringtieM, III., looking for a
Almost eyervbotly th..t listed their
torn tin- year says. "I don't want am
nion of it in mine" There will be
chance.s for tho-e who do like it, to
buy li-ters cheap.
A niece of Mrs. Dickson and also an
old time friend, Rev. Mr. fhi?bie, from
.Michigan, have been vi-iting her for
some time past
V are not afraid to say that Mr
Hoi-worth has the nicest bed of straw
berries in the county, mid they are to
cheip thi- year that everybody can
enjoy a short cake
Mr-. Barthold. of the city, i.- visiting
Mr-. Howard thi- week.
It is rumored that the farms c Mr
Waterman, of Red f loud, have na ed
into the hands of W. N. Richardson
R.iilrod-' HIe-s vour soul. vc: we
are going to have a half dozen here
inside of year. Rri.ti .vo.
We all liveth after the big' wind
storm Satunlay evening. ()ne young
man got so badly scared that he took
refug in the cellar, f. H. Rust had
tvo sections torn off hi- windmil'.
I"!m Ihbby is seen in these parts
Au-ttn JellVey and Will Cook will
-trt forShennui county, Kansas,, in a
few day-, to -ecu re homes.
Mi Amanda Rrook- i- visiting at
hei fatiieis at present.
Vi-s Finn McCallum is numbered
with the -uk.
ii Grave- and wife were vi-tting at
I.o.; in Rigm-
.M'-r-. A aod I. Wil-on of Hopktn
ton Io-.v.i vvre vi-iting friend-heie .
.ir aim ,ir- .i.j trown, oi I oom-
ing'oti. were vi-utng at .1. McCallum.- I
'J per cont luatis at the Nebraska .":
Kans.isi Farm Loan Co
Don't buy your wall paper, paints or
window shades without examining the
stock and prices at CotlingV.
Ft r cheap farm loans call on" Chancy
it Reiitlev. Intere-t at . per cent No
bono- charged, ami no delay in money ;
(Jo to (i. W, I'line'- for fresh home
made candte.-, cigars, etc.
Fre-h home made candies at C W
Cline'.- Call and -ee him.
Fa i m loan- made al .- ami 4J per
cent, bv f hancv .v. Rentlev, attorneys.
Red Cl'uud, Neb.
IssfUK your property with C'mu-..
Schatfnit, Red f loud, .Neb 30tf
Thk Amboy Milling Company will
pay GO cents per bu-bel ftr gootl wheat
that will test ol or rs pounds 11 if
Hknuv Cook now has the most
complete stock of wall paper, -hades,
etc., in the Republican Valley.
Thk Red Cloud Milling Company will
pay GO cents per bushel for good wheat
that will test 57 or5" pounds. 11 :f
Now i-the time to get vour furni
ture. Car load just received at
Pol, soda water, lemonade, gingei
ale, birch beer, etc at . W. ('line's
All fre.-h ami nice. fall and see him
A good faun for sale or tent. As
furni-hed. Applv to Jo-, ph Craves
Red Cloud. Neb. 10 tf
A hunch of 30 head of nice -tot-k
hog-, consisting of brood sow-, etc for
sale. Iii'piuireof
,'JStt .h'sl.TH ( I i:vk.-.
The Nebraska it ICan-a- Farm Loans
Co. have plenty of money to loan.
A M i: hue of dry good- will be sold
but very cheap at Mr-. Newhotise'.-.
A good team of hor-es for -ale. In
quire of Joseph ("raves. Red Cloud, tf
A iin'i: line of babv carriages at F
V. Taylor's, successor to R. L. Tinker
For cheap farm loan- call at the law
ofli;e of Ch.inev it Reniley, Rett Cloud,
Net.. " ?.7M
A good span of lior-e- for -ale at
Howell Bros lumberyard. -10 it
Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. New-
I'vinis and oils of all desciiptions at
Ct Ming's.
An elegant line of wall paper al City
The be-t mixed bain paint at 7 cts
per gallon, at Cotling's.
Something n w those silk tini-hed
wall papers ju-t received at Cotling's.
New ceiling paper- and dccoralinn
If you wi-n to sell your farm or town j
property call on Josi i-iMJh ivk-. !
4L'tf KetlClnti.l, Neb.
Uo the Senour tloor paint- Make a
perfect cement, at Cotling's.
Farmsrs and Merchants
t-'Onoral bnnkiuc business trans
acted in all its branches.
Window Shades
Kiikvt Patt.-rn tin Mnrkft.aUi Paint.. mK Pnig Ar.
Three r five vear- -Iraigbt a jH.r
cent, .single mo:tgae No deiA
in securing money
"m mm urn
Sila. iirl-rT. (;.-. It ItutUna.
IL llhMilh. c (i V-trr.
vv. .- i;.trbr.
Kiuiiit lln-.,
1'ir-t .Vaiionu! llawV.
First NatkHinl IMiilv.
Nrn ark. t tty
lniiiJi,i. '-li
I lurola. Nt'lt
i:i:i'(i:i of mi. uin jo
o riiK
Red Cloud Nnuonol Bonk
A I KKP t t.ort..
In th.
Uili- vt Nfliraskj. at Um- l'j ot
IH-ss. June tr, !,,
&fr. .
. m. jo
l.. ' (i
IT. .t
.-.' :
i:t'. v.
.oi- .11
1..-U .1-
; u'
ti :-.
.il I')
As low as can be bought from any deal-tar on
For Low Rates
M "."
J .' i tJ
J - - c
I.J ' n r.
1.' 1 1
'-V.'T. t
I.4t,Utv .Hill ll-M iHlllts s
I s IhmhK t" - iiti-1 ten
'tin i -tM K-. 1-ni'N. .tii't niirti.i'-s
I mm- (Miniapermrtl n - r- dig'-nls
I'll'- IM'III etfu-l N.lOoll.ll IClJlk-
Ini)-lioiu. Male It.inK- ami lHnki-r
K .il '--tui.-. iiiiiiitiiti- a' Uturi-s
( iim-iit i--n-''i an.) t.i.e- tll
I'n-iiiiiiiii- i:tii
ln-rk- .ilMI ether f-Mtll ltfH-
Fr.ii .ix-rt iiMi'iwv.Mk-Kt-l. aiitl
i enl-.
l.e::il leml.-r Utile- . .
i:l'!iiitiiHi nihil nith f s. tren-oirvr
' -r -ni ! 4 lrriiMtiit
t.t vim irn.
'.ti,i( -ii k .-iit in
Mriiii linn!
tlllllilel tntllts
N'ntl' llHiik nole-i (Milslatitltiix lli'lMf-lls -llllk-ft
toiji'-rk M, M
I in. mil ri-i tltl .! s iIi-ki-U 7.V11 .:
In-1 st.ilf ami UinJrerH
.VtU .net ltll- r (Ils.MiHlet
Mate oi Nr-l.r-ka. ( ouiit of VV.
I. IJuM. s,ft.j. ( nlii-ros the ;0nve nSNe-tf
I'. ink. ilo s..tiinilv sH.-ai th- rIm.o vtat
im-iit K triM lo III It't of u kitoM Icil tt- :nl
tlltff INoir siutju. (ji-hlfr.
Mlls-rilwit ailit .worii to l.'-fore Mie tin I!t o June, l-v, .1 A. Tll.liv-,
Nt ir l"uMi
r.itri.t Vtr.-ss P M 'i n t
VV I .1 k -n Icr. i'-ri
I I He in M
Red Cloud SmithGenter Stage '
Stouk room lor rent. JJs."." feet. . i ... 4i i i c. 4 I
iloor, .south of iiostoflice. I.ojuire of, L,m rrif. th.- I lilt.-fl Stat- !
I). Keatherly. HlJliN Ixt v'n liVd Cloud
Hath 51'Piige-. a fine a-sortment. at ;md Smifli f'intir '
m .-- a .-...-.r..V..-s. -
City Ph'irmacy.
Patent mcihciue- of eveiy kind at
City Pharmacy.
A guarantee with every can of the
Sherwin William- jaint.-, at the t'tty
A large tjuautitv ot excellent tirick . -Tj i "i a
lor sale at I'luiiil.'Hros brick yard. vv4 Philip Barklej, PrOp. J -DUC JBOaTQS at
'I he largest a-.-ortment of -oajw in - --.-. ril.. l.x.-. i.
I.enlvM(.'ilvl' 001011 DDIPII P DUggGS at
r?:Z!?Z l'rzi r. D nllilV ! Dnlull ! : Spring Wagons
Fifty cmiity liarrel-for -ale V llv illt huriii'd :i kiln DVioftfAno
Citv I'h:irm:iev .A ilAUvvliO
- -.- .' .ii. i-t .
I .N 1 lrn K. WllH II 1"
To ji.irtii- -Ic-irmg tt.f -am Will
-c . at
. I" Till.
First National Bank,
No D. luyn In innkiiik' I.01111- RED Cl.orii. IfKU
Is the pijee to get barg.iins in IMIAI IONS
Hrc;r;iKs, ScSPRINC; WC0NS.Im-
);rch;isL(l our stock at reduced
prices we art able to place r r
the inaiket all kinds of ve
hicles cheaper than
the eher.pest.
art nun ii!, ,,. 1 .r . .i.mjiiij; i
i:ueiiger. pan e t
Pn- e in j rate 1
i7vQ VTv
Try the K-tey Sewing Mai hm'-. It
i the finest machine thai i- made.
Km sale by F V. Taylor the ea-t -nb
turnture man, Ked Clomi
The H-l'V Sewing Machine the be-t
in the world for sale by F. V Taylor
A ioNV fr sale. Apply to Plumb
Hros, at their brick yard. 43 I
Toilet article-' Toilet arttrJe- of
various kind-, al City Pharmacy
We aic receiving fnrnture dat'y
don't forget it. and we are houtid to
-cil it. F. V. TTio!t
Money to loan it reasonable rat',-, on
goinl per-onal or chattel -ecuritv. Al-o
farm loans made al lowest rate- of
intere-t. C- r. L TH.R,
curetl in .) minute by Woolfo.-d'
Samtarv Lotion. l-e no other. 'Hu
SI 00.00
W an alo jpjard .d all kind' f jl ,uid rjair
at bottom irir- OM htijfii aint--d uw r"jrfiirl at
p'amahb' rat--. It uill jmy ym toit-u n all
and jj't our ri l"for jmp lia-in;' 1--aIi-p
Reasoable Prices !
And a'-" 1 a? r -1 . ! n'f- Par-
t.i-dt-.r.i.g ! :.trativi !ilve!l
tt ( a'.! "ti n- l lore pn-r finding
a-- vvc g-iarirVet -atifnctiou
W. H. Ludlow & Son.
V k
Final Proof Notice.
Alclract Utlicc, Ked Cloud. ' -'"' m.-....:.. ei- ! ' .
, , , . . . X"1" " l"1 IH.XMO i.IO I II V I III
Itch and .-cratches of every kind , t.4u,uz 1.41.1 w-ttw h si-.j ' .t
iO intent rti ti lunt. tui yrctti !'i - (r .'
b(- rUim. sunt :v; s. 4 iK '-
iurr -rt . h 4e4.'KJ ict W''t
never fail- Sold by Fergu-on .V Codru;
iuud. 't.
'Hi mtni'tt I'.-n 3
gist. Kid Cloud. 23-1 v
The be-t and cheapest hue of lace
llamburp', and everla-tmg trimmtng- .-1 ni
.U Mrs. .Ntwh.'Use'- , '
l -
t t I ii 1 r t t
v . it. nu-ianu.i. 1. rrame are re- jot., -uuaietl in
pianiing inetr corn, wmie olliet are nart 0f t,e ci:v. Can b- bon-hi op
p!..vvii'e:iHMrs through the second time longtime fnouire of I. M PUt;
v. i'ao., 01 in-u v iuiiu. rreicueo . -..-
n H'4 4(4. - N I--. fan-tbr .
north to c- z v r it
Klr,'', U in hi AtiiK "
Mrtonr Hi-it ual ruitiiMtMi v4 aM L. U
Vnrsjilrtfit 11 n.irirr.jn. J I & H-Wt--M . "'f'tlL l-t. JulM
new -evn room hou-e with :our t.- '. -witzm:. iuk
the in-r-i deiiablei . .. .. "
iQm .oiit-
s Mis
who ha labored uncea-ingly to con
suinate the erection of the same Tho
present rajuil growth of Ited Cloud
can be placed at the feet of our enter
prising; citizens geuenilly.
an able sermon at highland
Pr. John Andrew; is somg to C-Jra,
Kas.. -Oi)m. to start a drug tore. 1?.. 1 ;..-. 0...1 u;-.... t ,..t.....
. . l.Flli.lf ...lit III. .ill !.!' IIVIl (
.lif.'r 'irfl lini lt-mr- it tli n.iir7riK - 1
-.". ...v. -.,.rv.. ... ....- .iv.,1... ..- '
Pieise na-s the -travvberrie-
cream to
Farm Loans
Farm loan- negotiated.
on m
lii.MVlt HKlAKKN ,l.Vt i
I m Af br-r t4itM Ulytf tfcr ? )
.. ( -. I. I fi trimt ttteml HsoV ml
I' trill IOSIII; llMuht N'fT.Jk lMWt. Um4 tU -tJ HI
lo-t fnvomble terms. !- ean ' "ti-uir; r.rt .t -wr rmm, -.
ill ty giving J" da - none w U- u.tUl A j.-tsi -r-u- rk .()1'ri
out extrt
Successor to R. L Tinker,
arrit-s tin? lnrgpsi t- k f U-l nmi. imrlr nwl kilcL l
funiiUirc and uulfrlaiEfr'ptAb' in lh- p.?t?nHic&A
Card of Thanks.
I desire lo return thanks to my j
ncss. -ympathv. ami conideratt alien-,"- t L JL 1
ion during the lite il!nes of mv wife. All work garantetd.
J. H. Divi. I First National Baak.
n- I-ok to vrnir t'e-t -.ii i. 4 1 mirtt mi irv: tttnmi
:.....-. , ...1 ...,ll .... . f , .n- ', J ' - I-' ' tr '' tf- :
JnI ! nv.r Fir-! VltHUllU l.Ulk. mat- rrvlU kri l-u W II It
Vsft I) It ft tuarr xi -l bum A 4g to Un4-
' " US. ztM - Ifc- pnvit (- 1 fcv-r-rife. xir ,
r-3 IMr tok- aMrike4 x- .t? rr-r:. tm J
- 1 "I -.. U Th ffJm-wt K jmM I
Iui 1. wA rate I! vn( knMl mwii m
' rr Inr'.tfcr mrUmt U r Arxl U titi
x !tr 1 -.-1- 1 ' XT imi
. r. i ii. w n. . jotii tm ; .tw- :w s.;fc Uy mi J. yi.
Koom- over
i.ojMrr,ii, .s.ika.m. ILv.k. 0 Uxoia,
Give 1
Oil iiinting pictnru fmi- ct
in Knitt variri
inn a Call. Onnmirr
n "
bank. Prices vcrv