The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 04, 1886, Image 8
-i ay? .11 i P ft THE WESTERN HORSE H CATTLE ! INSURANCE CO. THE ONLY AUTHORIZED LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE COMPANY IX THE STATE. GO TO ifes aQi lr . .VTMfflfbiBaaiBKlZV".'! .-.: .ns.'i' SSMCC! Shades f - V.-- Iii.suif-n hor-f- at the a'-' of from 3 to I J year.-; mule- from '.', to IT .Stallion.- and Jack from '.', to h e:ir and rattle from '1 to II aaiu.-L lu-i canned ly himu.v. Injury Am'ibut, bin , J.i'htuhiif it Tli ft, for not ie-i than -ne or more than two years cvwptinj; .teei-! which are hcin fatted for the market, wnich ran he in-un-d for six month1-. Sjeeial attention i-i railed to our l'ne and Lihtmnjj Iri-ui.iuei, which i jjood anvuheie in the stale of .N"el;ra ka, wlieiea.s tlie liability of lj-- hy Fireand Lintnm ol Kire In-ur.iuee eompanie-. i- limited Jo the premi-e-; of the a-1-u red and j;ciliaj-. a small radin-. beyond.' Tin: aIvantnires and beneliu which tlu-i coinjiuny oilers to farmer-i and o.vueis of -lock generally are .-o plain and appaient that it is hardly ne- aiy to tall alleniion to them. COTTING'S FOR BARGAINS IN Window AND WALL PAPER. Finest Pattern tlie Market, also Painty Oils. I)rurs. &c LUMBER Great Reduction in Prices wall PAPEri J Reasons Why to Insure. I!ecrtii-eit i- the only hue. Stock In Miru.ire eompanv authoned by the lauh of thin .-t.ite t do hu-meas m thin .state. iJeeanse it is a Home Company, or ganized with home capital; the money tiaid to the i-itiiip.iny i- kept in the tat ani i- paid mil fr It.--!-, to the iti'.cii oi the .-tale K al! remain-, in tin: Male. Heean-e it is a leliaiile in.-titiilion, who-' Mockholder-, diiecto- and o!!i eei.s, are amoni; the wealthiest and mot itiomineiii bn-ine.s men m the .state. HeeaiKe it manner of adju-lin. and p.-mne, in-.-is aie always in hamioiiy U'itli the pimeijiak of Miiet jtr-tlce and liberahtv. I!ecans(i yon caiinot -illord lo b.i without m-iii. line mi your live -toi'k ! anv mie than on your hon-eand barn. I If yon aie well oil" yon can loo-e ' nothing by in-nnni;i: you are pour ami cannot :illoi to Iuom any of voiir .Mock, it would be criminal i:e:;lijence not to iuiuie IVcatw .-hoiild you wNh to borrow money ami oiler a-, .-.ecm'ity your .Mock tlie-ecunlv will be more ample, and you can obtain in.ine- nioie u-adily. anil at a lower intereM. if that .Mock i. covered by a policy of iiwiranee in thi company Uecau-e we lUsiiioMoek ii:iiiM.( bil nrrbh nl, iltst ur or lli ft. we in-ute j-tud; aaiu-t A.v. biijh't fir li'ihiu'niii. Iteeau-c no other insurance com- any can ie ou the uue kind of lu-iiranre. I5ecau-e a paid up capital ot and a cou:antIy men a-ini; u:plu fuiiil ieuder it afe and -olid aain-t any emeii;encv tliat ni.ivan-e. iivau-e itv popularity anioui: tuiu eis and Mock ownei- ialtc-tcd lv th' fact that then- aie now wiit'enand m force over 1.".imiii i .t i-it . -jili 'itimi a ill .. ,,, , til, I ,iu A. J . To m i.i xso , Agcn r. Red 31oucl. Neb. wmm LllMBEBCa At Mrs. Newhouse's WE SELL CHEAPER STILL. A. lot of white goods, hamburgs. hosiery, etc. sold cheaper than ever or elsewhere. Please give us a call before buying, Geo. 0. Yeiser & Co., lii ESTATE AGENTS Red Cloud - Nebraska 30 000 acres Laud for Sale. Improved Furni0-, ummnrovod Land" ' Business Houses, Residences and Town Lots Correspondence invited. AT M HENRY COOK His stock is very large and prices very reasonable. Also job lot of CTJFtTAITS! -WILL MAKE FIGURES ON LUMBER As low as can be bought from any dealer on Earth. NEW SECOND-HAND Jo. W. Wakkkn STORE : 1 'rop. AND I haw ivviitly nin-liaM tin- to k f mmI- uvin'l 1 (. D. McMillan. anl am pivpaivd to -.11 ami m HARDWARE,STOVES. Clothing. Furiiitmv. fv and .S-ond-hand Sfvini;M:u liin,-.-of all kinds, and in fart Farm Marliinrrv, Ftr. AVill hold aurtion Hwrv Saturday aftrnmon. at 1 o'rlo. k. FIXTURES CITY DRRG STORE Ferguson & Co. For Low Rates -ov Alltho oldpntronsof tho City Drug Storo aro cordiallv invitod to continue their patronage as horotoforo, wo sliall endeavor to ploaso you. Our stock of everything that pertains to the drug trado will be kept up to tho HIGHEST STANDARD OF KXCEI.F.KXCK Come and sec us. c:o to Tin-: First National Bank, Cit fiiilf il No D lays in making Loans. RED CLOUD, NEB. fin k sj At half pvices W. HOUGHTON Merchant Tailor, RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. u:.t :h Kii-Mt lino o! CLOTH?. CASSIMERES. MELTON, &C. Custom work neatly done and after the most approved fashions cutting and fittine a specialty, prices reasonable. Old Stand Eiint Sldo V.obut.r Strut. GI LFORD S CASH HOUSE ! COWLES, - NEBRASKA. MENS HOOTS $1.7," APR LADIES SHOES SI.OO AND UP SUMMER COODS AT 6c AND UP Our prices on Clothing Boots, Slices, Furn In and around Red Cloud, THE CATE CITY- Of the great Republican valley. Buy your liomes.wlnle property is cheap. D. B. SPANOGLE Farm Loans Negotiated. -llr1 Mia - Dr-.i. s h;.ii(a- DENTIST. PED. CLOUD NEBRASKA. I'iif Ufliec War',; a Spvrmlhj. lr H.1 a Estate and Insutanee Aent. Olllco over Firt National B'ink City bakery andRestaurant A. LAUTERBACH PROP. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Koocs constantly on hairl fresh broad, cakes, cigar, tobaccos canned fruits, confectionery, etc. Bread delivered to any part of the city. Warm and cold meals served at all Hours. Ice cream and oysters in beason. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THC CCOCMAPHY OT THIS COUNTRY, WILL a M.W. mi nawmwL. r rio WAK, IMAr THK inn F1S goods, liats, unci Caps arc so that none con undcascll us. nttjp i fiPHw urn i iUM G-ive us a call and be convinced H m m OMAHA MEDICAL 2Tf KflBiLWVVriI'VHUa. H4 mm. 3fct feLnELC 4kpJ HfcfcT fcjfc m9m- - AIOi i.j , ccr RED CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS net bargains in j ffwrfr.- kn. 1..I,- .,.,..:......"'.' l -'. '''"'. CHRONIC AND SURGICAL DISEASES. ERSCES AD irPUA.CS fOif flrrOSVITirS 'hnvothoiart mo-. ;i.pantH,..r,,n,s,,1,vf,v. ro.ju.rmc ..ith.-r 1(M. u or-....-,i ,""tV, 'V, , fOi.Vititlr.ilIv itl.....r ,r,at ,2,!U! v ..... t. ..." " ''. Is the pbee to BUGC;iKS, & SPRING WAGONS, hav- 9 ing purchased our stuck at i educed prices we are able to place r r the market all k'nds oi ve hicles cheaper than the cheapest. sh , , XSr. ri . . -5rn 1 KhX- I II " I'. low i f rv i rp .' FAGKABE. ' ; rUfiPt "I mWk- m sltf;raww IT(v7r.i s v if i r i rt ' j Ft&ZmWmmmfF$ 3157" ' . I jf r2''' i ' ' ! Jl -... I VWBtHpill - " i , i mm i a i IV - -. - -7 B!-i T.ia3' -' wine ' A,p J ,. II'T.r'r.ViP'- v i c o :j u i f . if - j Vr.Kr.Tv-'ANW5c.N . w.- tw A. . , rL-'C 5S!-' ' . ' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Ilvri'ii'i.i tc , , i h. . i -i. ..f. : I fltq ina -ut unit Wt-t Ht i t i ti 1 i. i .; t . .- nM)tnni tn.n:l- itnt il I n' i1, t - '! .' . t-.' t-H-i. w u N t'tV!t4 iiui rriil. tnSWl'KV'l .i t f,f! 't - I 1 ff IK.- l-. t fit(l fVMialn It PHAKTONS Tho ll'x-l: I :-'.'l -y - -n In-. Kis n it i'. .! ' ivl .f, i , (,blrnn Join-t O'vi-v. I.if3U. ow. tiwk Mi in.. ri'l Hr.K iHtm.j m llhniAml ln: "ij'irr M vtyinf V. itjli j Fl'Te.t "i.vrfl (lrV-i V.i I.lxTtr !' tntj f M':n- i:.''r.. '.. rt At:nr.?jf JCnovrtPn Ailf)o.. JIM..- '" :' ' "' '"' . ' r" n Ib UnHniJn' Tr"n:-n ('wrfiu v. i K . m mm. , "n. -f . k f km AtcMifn In Kntii. A!mIm -.-'. ' 1 I V rnn,tj V.'torviwn In Dikox Bi'l i!al:t:-' ' :.r. .. . . : nl ta,f-ri. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE l i'iMntnt"h i'j pitr tbor ,-tl.iV .'! i 1 r ! '.it ! "n : .; r Mt.t.'j !i ? . - if. r" Mil . f, j i l.jruiin l t-.n n. .: Ot '!trt. uti opirn'Jon of ... it t v rt i-r ftR ' '' rwtt "fijA4'iX , all connwtirj tKr .lx it iM-m li-iwA m. it- 'w rvM r4t?Wr'a Zl T i" rvn f.xr4 T '.' i--n f mt.. f ; vj no"l o; w'.l ?,. tjwj "i 'alw S'.iM-rr" ' ' h ttJTrl V,f M m.i . .r1 Vri--urm ens Jrrr-r. .i 1" " TT. - . ljf TTTirTrw. I The ana rLo tlt! not buy a Itoci-forJ waii. (lit ot IcXt.) Jho cas v! LJ Irsr a Ucci!irJ wck (OS bCii.1 tUurrt llwnrhUI. I.,l.alai,:. K!.vVn ,C lAr,".' miivirti ..!.T-ti. -., "i"i tn nil n.TTMir. niiAMis. itict,r- Aiipliamv. ititniii.i iiinsl ail j ! r 4 ,. " urv-' The only reliable Medical l.isti!ufcrnakinq Pnvatt, Sptcial Nmoiis Diseases wiu'm.ui.mtv,.,... , Ut'tttN rv.ji.n-f - fini.iic it.i.,, miR) lh. .v-lV..i: wtitiottt xumirr v ".ia .w xvttnitii trtt:inn: f t l. of Tit-tl ,Vi-.,- AU. 0MMrNMCTloNvloiihNitvVH,7ii ami c itiMilt ii or "il r.amo m..i j- j rt,c,. ,j.i.,V 1 -plMitih wntxon-c-iol. . .-t:i:i.p. atMwon.'l -onJ plain tTr.ixiHV. ur -.a PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN NW O. H. Maryatt agent for Rockford watch. j w irood.-arriving daily. ATo-t -mijlft- lint- ifjfvlry in the ritv. fcr v r. . Ar.pu:. .l i-a.:-. o-. -- h.-w-. r- i K.w rtJ? -art AichliOf.. .ri a.o r-; . ' - ,-.: k,.rr.-- CI ur Var THE FAWIOU6 ALBERT LEA ROUTE It tho drw: ur,, ',v n: .rv -t c-tju. w. 4 Mlr.noU and t I'mul finl &riuh Prov.or- O-.-r . i r ; Br rTTr-T' .7 n t o? Col. Buford ! C. Schenck i i Buck Boards at T'nrfc hliorcrnc of ISI.KKT. VAKirirKI.K..SlKICTllir. a1 ul K-JiJlAilK W dgUUS Phaetons IINKii1NllVTIIK iIKVITiWlMtlN im-.M....... cr onJ hi:itr- of rour oae lor an i s'tMrn Ii'rnn una Mo to vMt n iinv b trvauM a: thM lio:n. bv convponlonoi. MiIt nc ,,i ln:rn-mont-nt tir mail ir vjirtj MCCl'KKI I'ik. 1-JI F1U1 OHKKVATIO.V. n. raark t . n.licato crtntont"'ctKlor. Oin tH'rn:il Intorvionr prricrnM if iMnvonient. ttft v nKW for tin ncwainiVaxlon of patients. Roanl an.l attoiJaiuv ax r,a-;at !o price. A.l.ltvp- ail I.'ttor X Omaha Mtdieal & Surgical institutt, Cor.l3th St.. and Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb. Attention Teachers. Notuv i Jp'ivi irlvcn I will pmu m .!: jkmo:i iiii)iii:iik-.iiv t il.'r tli- u-ls- :i r:iiuli(' lor ttMfiifr of tin c'i .jjm mIm'uN if Wt'lj-U-i -iiiiii:it m itthvia i:'il loinl on tliinl Satiinlay of cadi 'umiitli. Hi .m iiiulion .Miiiunenee at vn. m. Do not ak for special t x ammalions. C. W. ii;i.cukk, Sitp't. at $3500 $65.00 $75,00 rit. iini!!".,! iii i 1.1.1 j. , (l i:ir.'i.ii!.M. . i. r ' w t ! j raU.l t ri.ti r nt 5 n 1 1- - ht v ill t.iil fir tflr l.' vf - Mil- . 1 -n ;n K 1 d-m-l I Kl!l -To mir -'.' " . " !-s an ktiouti ! tl f i l'rti- u .! -I ! .Ml ir' n-s:?llv r nrr. .I..;.,-., f Will 1k 1)H1 J l IM (! IT-' ' i 1 I iWrn t.i jirr-li! .o-l.l'it- 1 t ! mi ' "' i" r-.'-n-! Fi't h Uil ai') v r L. D. O ATM AN. SlOCOOi - We arc also nivn.-iivtl ttulo ri 11 k?ml. of iob and lvnair work ! PnnL A tMO'inhoni 11 -- I mmmmW m W mmW I BTm ! I I I III at bottom prits. ( ld biiirgit's naintd and npairtl ;it lvasonabh' ratos. It will mv vou to irivous a rail v. and gtt our pritvs bt'forf imn-hayiiiif flsewlien'. (o!i-. t'b-ttr ( o . rb Real Estate AND Collection Agent. Farm-ami unimproved laud fur A'llf Oil tilt' HHSt IV1. onabIk tnn.-. WKinn 1'- - mffi'-r t..r rx? i.'Hi k-c. :. ,.,.,1 .,.' ""..?;" council Bl :rr-- K3W tvy Ml'-cra, VTi inlVV&i R. R. CACLE, g st JOHN Western Cottage Organs! AXI) Mason & Hamlin Pianos. ta & Si, Cowles. Nebraska. j ni:ii:iyi.v Drutjs, Paints, Oils, Book.. Glass, . Stationery, fcc- i Prrs-rriptoiis iirefIiy " rnmpoumitrti all hour. An-M.-bnit.-! fur thrir U-auty ami fmlOi .jiii.-k wiwiicti purity and voluinn of ton-, and mad- of t,- !.t material and bv !hf l--rt workman that r-m ita. i...,i l :.. .- . . r iii. i.-i iii.-ti iiiii'-ni I!ar ritU ltr-!ir ifUM M.'iiir mt1r 4 W'rtHUr mm t au lui! 'jti'i r (or ias mm4 leu: Im4. rr twf h4 m kxiw. 1 j rt t"ir urfrrr' ; i t : r. ti t it "mWu.-atets... tania,I t-xamuif tli iiL-tniim-nt- U-forv iiitrt-Ii;uiii tmArm-mni ka arv rarr till Hi?? wmm! ttit. tr O C.5CHK.VCK. Xoutxy I'oWic. t J. S- NOLL. Cm; dour north of Argus ofiicc, K.jl Cloud. 11 ,y:xifSKrZ -J&C l'w.'ft. 5i Sw--. -JSSf,,' - rfi ., -A!at.f .. -.-. -A-i. ae rilL -vg;7 i i'iiOiii ifljiL111 HjtiwaM(:ttitBaatf)gagBjt. - FS0Bi! 3i te,apiBfen?aa-s55KsS; . j- . -SKK 5S2S