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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1886)
ir '- Ixa-fSt- i-T,urt : Z2 -7 i ? i - T. 13, BACKER. H Red Cloud Markets. tviiittr A li.-.jt ;..? v. Sjirm Wheat tVft.v. Corn - lie iini- :i Hurler-:iV.'T. !: at. "atil.- i .ti fcWclierV -toe', .j6 .i .j. I O Per Cent, Farm Loan. The. Nobra-d.a Farm Losmi Co w dl innl.' jou a lcj:tn ti fiii Jarm at UraieJ.t I' per r-nt ami himx-li the inoiifV Hithont mi dr-hiv Cull on them ", u. liwl Cluml NaUonal Hani: r.tiilthiiK. CITY NEWS. Mr M n.nK i- builtiin:' a r Mtience. Jli 1 '.tt.r ha uiv'.cd hi fam il t 1'raiil.lni Iami.- Lai mi nw rjiceth "vcr the adeul of a Hi ouml on 1aa Fl-ii f Cbrtii. u.i- in llie il on biiMin--- Wt-dlifMlay L II Kl -1 1m- -.Jllie of til' fmri-t. jirif-t- tr.iwb'Tri- j! lot of them, for aJ Howard Hn-by ha- b..urlit i" !ray- ami embark ! in Utt uaii-jfr-talioii Uiz Mi and Mr.- It It Vtiw ol luaval ivturiifl .aiunl.i lrtin tltir i-t ;'1 t Luui- Mo A 1 1 l'.r.ivwi - t-inMirarilj ab-ent hmi tin- n v lo-.J.iiijr afu-x tli mti f i-d in- liiarbb and j.ranilf wojl.- "W'-iMnrjr iiiitattoii? and e.illinj: enixl'- of beautiful drMirn-, liamlfome y j-niittd at The fIii-f ofii- Cme ud - fr yorkelf. I'l'-t'iivt orI rnifiifd on edit' dny. .Iudu 'ijlm jre-idui- and but little luiaiiie w.i- -jiip A full rei'oit Will he en en n xl week The Woman - Helif Cr- will hold a t raw berry and ice cream fV-tival at the MxMinn- Hall on Tm-day veiiin tlie .-uh int All an- united. Then- will In- a Sunda) djo.d and wsrket j.injir in Willi? Kul ton irrow AValmtt Cre-k Saturday, dune H. All Sunda htlioul- :ir- invited. Tin -thvi-llni" d Ml (iUiiei, a lew miles d IliaUtle. toetluT vllU it- e..iitm. were burned la-t Fii!?iy W- dil m.t learn the amount !ot t- A Ivl i.Tl lia- ivturiu'd lroiu r.eiikelinan. where lie na- called la-t week to attend the lunenil of hi? lath rr V. Klett wlto Ii-l nuddenh f briii ft -r d;he ladies .nl Mivit't M lo'alu iiill Imlil ilu-ir iiuiial fctival hc c enuii; tf Kndy. dune 11. at thr .-chMd Iioum- Suawbeirie, ice cream mid cakt will be -erved. Thif- week wr devote considerable tiiHicc t nieuiorial -enice-. tuheiin" i will he ot uneieM Hi ulii leadfia The nddn--i- eie neci's-sirih abridged and hardly do llie -j.eakel- j?iiip HltdottnvN. ol kallarj.e. lllinoi-i Imih j-eeured mum-mer me ru-t .a l 1-- .V T.ank. and will couiiiioiue iht mactiee id at oee The bhiol wel ouie I tie doipir io one oj hcbe-t town- in the stale. I. Funk i- haiii; a -jdeudpi tradi- in imricultural iiijtieiieutV. ba-t Li1ii1nv hl- ale- auiitiiuted to nxer -2.U(iO. Four K-tfih jwino hiudura . . . '! . I .. .1 I..... ...... clie UItin.Hti i iaior uue-uei. mv t one line buii:. and other pood- lDitAK! Noiu l.. ol Thoin-on, Illi- imi dsy- i land int it $iuMta e.aid Frank Wriirhl. leading .-.oineti-l in 5ell- Uio-' oireu-. and J:tke Uuidief. one of the main feature- of tlu con cert, both tdd acquaintance- of the editor ol thi- paper, paid their compliment- to these hcadtjuarter- n Thur-uav. loth of thc.-e irentleinen nre irom Chilton, Uhiioi.- The Chief h iea-t'.l to'know that the y oil in. I iicn :u lio.-iiji.i. tit . - " dm: Kajional lndiday appronehc- j Ti celebrate or not to celebrate i-now he iiuitliii;. v uibi cupi;e.-i lliu .iropnetv o) tlie ni:Vr-- ealling a nieetim: at an early date lo take ac tion in the matter, perhap- the -'ui Vie- miht cocr thetii-chc- with dorv b "ettim: u: a rou-im: celcbra- .,",.. ..... : . lien. -ll mat i necc ary is oruau Red Cloud i...l ."..rr ?iul i,iii,r"v. , , ". . "m s".rd U be patriotic a well a lijr sjsttcr Cities in cerasa. Tin: tail end of a cvilone -truck the citv l.i-i Saturday niht. -hakinir who ha- been -pendine :t few livine. north of the city, brought m Ilia Mtilinx made it- appearance liu w"d; Ie9." 5j0pl, whifh ar- dreatl band ciu- Uilrt liven1 ah r' um lurndan r.tef i- -.trwirciins in the a een-l .- n mmtm " !r n llfeenuntv lookimr niter in- """V 'V . I , V. ' - l "v . " ,"""" """' impel-, it cannot ne nuu- io eT&ii a - - - x . 'V f , , . ,tmm,.kt. Unt- ,. u-h puzl-b - m m-mm . ., rnoHnf .. fiNimdiiiL'. ip .ph!'' .;,;,...m,Ia. . .,.? ,.r..o...l ...ul m.u.v - .... ..... .. . -.. . r. in an uul iioH li, hi ciiirad. - .iah l lire. u. e.ii im w .e. nnwK t . ere-t- on Walnut Creek, IM1 .""..: ".. .r..,..M. ..nb. -' ' ' 2 ", " .. VCJ .. . i ,eW " -nV -H ,.,,. ,.,,, Ull.IU rt.,.I r lo U. ra.ib-of mo,k..n btaa,!'rT T :",JF.J" ". .1 . .,;,.- ed j"1- - " " "'. -;"-'"'- . auiu umi us. uiiuie ua-n-oit ui uot-.v whoaC triuirtpti ttiev -o treeiv -urren- , ,, , , ri ' ir t ' t k.mnb Ihere i un -.rh h- i iv '- "- " w iwr .lltri a Ideaeaiij iMjM.iii altlPf a wo can aUeJt frtini sniiipliiis; tlr.-iv poker -ouml to !t. U. alter all d au Kvi.Umtly q mu,-. admit "" lh' "',; , , , . me tbttnd-r .f . anma.. no nirn,f,eo,.l t.r t. it ! ,, Hk hr W u f-emi,: -Miueon m-. -miPR.i donation. Come agntn. Our ;...vlll( s U1 a Iume A ro0- etc' We ,i, ,..!, nf ...,. Lin.l ,1 ,n doin- ,M,","rJ .!. .... ......- - .aWll.t IKI m,,,,.-, i,Mi ,4lfl,. I rr.ff r- ' i-r. ... iliinir- up in a lively manner, but do ins no serious damage to life or limbs, except limb- of thi trees. The bant oi ' W Uurti- wa- blown down. and one -leer killed. A few -mall imilditi:- Aiere blown eer and -ouie jesidemes were v.inriirady i..m:ed ijv the"raiiibt!iii? .rceil in through the roof- and -viiiduw. delugiiij: the wall- and eeiliag. V11-'' 'P'P1" Winlou'a barn a as unruored. GENERALITIES. Mi:s. FuUKKriKi. goc,- east on a viiit , K)uli. j Mis?. Mvkk.- is again around after jher recent illness. 1 .I:oi I'. OiTiOS of Rtverton was in ! Kcd Cloud Tute-tl.iv. Mit-. m. (Jatk-i has returned Irom her i-it at Odee-.a, Kan. Kn. smith anl family were vi-iting ' ti,eir l;iuhl-r lit MeCook this week I; v (.JJv. ;. . JVMi. will preach ,.,..,-. i t.. r.i . n the liapii.t Lhurch June Oth, at 11 'a in Miui. f W'iksli: will he home thl- week. Our frinml Charles will then hajipv. Till, little infant child of Mr. ami Mr.- .V. J 'helps wa-s burned in K:uis.l on Mniiday. On. friend, L Ilaum, ir very happ Cu- another heire-s to his enUit' w.-iyhl Ji.k .miih can now liurk in th twilight lie ha- ju.-t completed a po:-h ! hi- ie-iCe.n:t Mi:. i K ('i.sf.Y ha- eme ! In-lirmapoli-, Ind., to be ir'at-d by a .surgical 'nstitute of wide repute. I' !iKVli;i:oriK i-. oin to erei-t a (Hvellin boiiic on hi- lat-ly acijinreil real e-t.iw- neir tli- M K eburrh. mi. iarty toiV. on-.i-niii the othei dn, while Mr- Maryatt wa- ab-ent, t de-troy tome of hex hand-oino hou-.e plants. Fi.MloM., whil' the fatuity were ab-ent, '"iitietl M. Hirny- nulem' and in-il: a 1 tt!- niom-y and -ouie few oth'T arti b- An attempt wtij- made to burn the Salem Arus printin; oHi-. Sucii a plan i- a mighty pooi way id e-l fven wiih a new-pajier man J)i. oktio day become more ir.-terc-tin yea i by year. Iit Monday the .-erviee.-. were uneceptimlly pl:ui in, iiud beneficial to all. Tin. ladies of th Congregational ?o ri'ty will ;i' a j-trawberr' and i"e cream .-, ciaable at Mr-. Dwi-ht .ioe , Frithiv eeniii", .luii4 All are mit-l ' 1. minors huh 1u.11 a muj iiauien , Maikell, of K.verton. contemplate, W I. I .1 .. .. I ..!.. 1 ijenin a millinery c.-lahh-huienl in thi- citv The ladv eviaentlv would receive a e,o"d piitniiai;e. A 1:1: the eiti'-n- of Ued Cloud point; to celebrate the Fourth of .Iu!" It sO'-ius highly proper that the American oa'le mtiid -cream on that oca aion ' ... .. i...n.f.... iiHintii v ill tfw?iM ..... ..i ..... ............ .v lied Cloud. :eb.. there w.i- a county let u- iiave a ceUbratiuu. aupointed . and if there an- An .1mo() tire at Arapahoe the :inv proailts lhai wi-1, it W C. T. V. .other day. Cnles- Ked Cloud protect- orj...lluei if Uey will iniurm Mr.-its.-lf.-,oon wc fear such a seene heie. j Tj10usla r:lkclicHl .lie Mill respond A few hundred dollars spent fur a tirej I)ro,aja,V co..,pai,y and watr uoiki maj 1 AVLi;.risU, ,l.II1SlllI,1Iu. ,. save tSiotamh of doliai, in the future, j oai,mi for m the V (.. at Kcd Cloud l: V .Simtt.l . ea-hier ut the Ked fr lllt. WCt.L eiulins; Max ;;i.-t. 1-0. Cloud National Hank who hi? been M Trie(e K:;llVtM! m.i- Jeiinie takm- in a number of the principal Hiir,un j j i'ri.....raU. !:. M. Frvr., cities 0! the east, ha- teturned home ( Tl(,nm, i.lty un.f' ijonrv .Mr. Miirev 111111K-. .eora.-ua i- uu 'ahead t.l the t-.--i- Uu nas :u,t.oinnaii- ied home hi ids brother "Key-. ' The tiolden Kmjle'k jjrnnd pri-"' tlirtwlni: el.-or duly A. Thi- beini; the thiid drawine;. people know it i- a -ijuaie de.iil. Kvery pureha-er, in ad dition to buying good- al bottom ' - -7 i . .. t... ..... - ,. ..,i. .,,,,, .;. ii --'. -v - - " . i , 1 I,,. .."l.n.w.r. iv .v... aticket.andhi.-admntt. to win one or tVe fr:t'.r ,.iue, Mu. K Y- Uowi.xM received word thi-week that one of hi.- married. dnueJiter-s had tliel neiv I'.cd C.h'aid. ; V p , on Muuuin . abe jjot up m the inorniii!: a- well a- ii-ual. and in a lew traivberriea. bro HuKunriii !..... .1. .1 .!-- a nnt'i... nr . . . . . . . i. ...'.... . - , - ..-.i-- - - - -..-- .- . i mini .oiei .... .. i !-' m , Kir a whole acre ot .,. P.-blicmidii become tbe beacon ... ,!.. ..r ....... .h. ..f - ... ..n.l Iwi ui WniHinsi.. ftr it ltai ' e . o in- ni-f hti-baud int to etlIIlska about ,. ,, , m .... ... ,. t . ' , ,, .... , -.... ' ' T . . . .-u.l.u ..t.,-. .for .t. rtutum. on ! aaKher rtOmr . . .. ... ii -...- -.j - . jj.-jik .ij tm.- ......... ...... ......, ....... IIIIIM11III i:s.I.ll . ijt i ...' - - - .. ..... .i . rt.mii I'mir. lt." ironi l lllieini . . ... .1 ' . .. .'.-... . .l.r-1 all.-r nil llao tunru .- .ul i 1. mil iMOinr ! . ar - w- -mw ........ , -j ..mi .ii i no .rro-i Tir . iiuv nil t.sirro 1 .1. -...,! . .-.. 1........ .u 1 ..i... ... i.-. 1. .i .....l.i. ..j --",-. - - --,-,-.- -- - , - !;...... 'lit ;.;.. ... -, ".- -. ...,....,.....--... - . --- ,1,,,, .flmniHi'ii n. fimtlh ananl. w- i ai la1 'i? "' " On: Iriend lloisw.irtn. lener nubh-hed a t Ulue Hill by La ton and ..illlV5 ;P u c " h -loon that dream-' ert "r : me bvitlt In Utm d-aili i-.t , , u Im .m.-I the !' t. f hir le.aro l t, . ., , j,.,,,, ,. ...i f.,r , . .ii. i . V ' rae.. are uhkiiciwh i nun- inri-.i Rp- iirrm m'T9.r. of ta-tlr W itt. i ' am t-... n mr - . r-.f.. fjr. .nai....j.- ,Tn ii.hmj; pud lor SIPi.olti the new llwlshtia a hearty ,,,;. m. nM,.-i : ..t th. urnT,n,iiioii .,- i ' .... L .rnn'Vr. ll ". , . '... ei .w. r i .... - .... .......... .. ..... ... ,..,. .. r,lls iiunaiiiint .1 ninui 1 "mi"ru i. mmi) jurr iki niiiniu cr : "- ..... . w B . Wi. were shovn tiir ohi3i tln one -uccwSa. oftbetlr-t siateiu nte made hv the " " Fir-t National llauk ol thi- city. A: ' - ' AnKii. of Iowa, brother of it- organization the ..tiiteinent -hoived ' Mr-. A. F. I.ockhart. i- visitintr hi. ibe liabilitie- and re.-ouroes to be ?iicr in thi- city . $U9."fi3. Toduv. three vea r- from the first -tatetnent. -how th'e hank to have , -Mauuiko. in lied Clotnl. Wedus-increa-ed it- bi.-ines ?UHUi!..':?.'dav ir.p jr.;.. Jt.i.t i. l'k by th makinpn nrsV,-l :"t:l cio.2'.'l.?.S i Rev II X Fond. Mr Wm Sjmrck. of This "indeed t-'n pro-perou?" ftate of nthiirs. At the regular nuvtpii;of Ked Cloud bnte 'o tHi A. IV i'-. VT "hist 3tu niirht. the iolloivui1 othcer: elected to till v:'.canciti, Over-eer H. K. Fond. Receiver A. J Kenney. Financier H Ik Rudd. Kepre-entattcs to (Jrand lxnlue- ! W J5r..ivnr J I. Miller V t! H.mer - j -- - -- --- I Th- i-- kept bu-y takinc in new I nieuibers and i-:n a highlv nru-nsrou - 1 . . .... iia-iii..i-i; ;... ..i ..,. iLu-ii.-.uu- conditio:; Out citv r.ther. oi the committee on -: lew.ilk- should -ee that the ide - ... intact with ti.e.-e little jumping places. It ave- bunder but it ? " l"V fellow who don't get much to eat. walk- ire put ilo.ii per o-der o" the tiiterx-tin-: iK.iker A d.-en religious ' trea-ure. ami tbe uiitoM sorrow tlu Then it Ja.rl r.. i-4 mliy l. ai tn l""'-' " ,n - j tlrroar .af -ch M Uareni aawc cuttncil. sl alu-n put 'down.' tbev iu- rest i- being taken in the m-ci- ,pr,g- from war- sad revenge. ?ep- W,,;. 1,),,.. 14 v tb r jit JSi; th H-- : .bonld'be completed. There are ing- Several per,o,is h, e professed aratc reliSi..u from pUatc.- -pa-riW rn.i.U jt trw. w fV ; 1- Ai-H-.ea. ih-u aa Uar H- ' VU.r -k N'ff ' i t i " - . - -i - i - -...o-.n " t' in.- -ere ....a r;h-- rlu deterwiaaiioa aa to aiat B la , f i-- -.u.-, jLih-rT taaV. Ic4bti la raer atalrnvoe manv places whereabout a t.H.t or two a saving laith in Chn.-t and united .eltgion l.oin w. m.. p-... rt, ,,,.. .. ..i. w,. .laeW'S- Mr uw wjit t , "- - ,,.-.,, , .- ., t.m trie- be ;.om ixira:" relt-un c -Jh hie ii . f.f to Mi-tirr hr- ther boe-a n. Th im- liwj aat-.u-a mi at the end ot walk, have never been ,,hh ;l0 Christian chnnh Tier.- J ;p ; ' ' ! r --- thieklv fi-r ti. K-JiW 'W fc ,,' ltet tr L hta-arta.a ahrara t eompleud. To a pedestrian who ha- U .. u;.m,.n; (Fritljlv., frm all 1,1c. jhut out Imk from oor g . .. R. J, to depend on the acuiene,s of vi-ion . . , , "l ,M 111(n,v , . tbougbti. and ou .-bet mil tbe Kpe H k-ti. th- hre f-tlo-r frow the ,aemr4.. e.ner.r l- .. l'-r Ia -T' ! to pierce the oensen ol ilarW. ' r"'? " " i """ IUOr"" ; of all who -ufier, and tbe drd of .1' ;.-J H W tJ,-id. f e -. a: ...,. : ! Aitnn iMi-f .V.U-. W IU aa W. hnd-hineTfofienj.irred bv1c.;,n,ng;U,-:,ml "- t .W"W! T "fho wrons. TUa ery of di.lrcvs u in , .i- eLrade-. fanag the j.ule aaryhi W ii a 0,; IfaA U-abnrM. I-,. ralaM Laaaa HOC E M PICK-UPS. H V .iinui."i i doing Denver week Tm: Blue Hill Winner complain of tver ripe czz in that nmrket A" 3t. smith ba. the contract for bin id i nc the court boue ?idewalk .-" r" i.TON tif ell- wht in the city Tue-duy on conraional btisinCi Tin. b-arl of -upervi-or- met tins j week and lrama 'ed the usual cninty lei-lati-iti Mrs Jad: IIirdeU, wife of Conductor Iiirdaell is in the city vt-itiwj: the fnin- il of Jutin Voun. Sdiiu iJI the counter ojkI- it c?: at Furre-tei furniture store to make room for furniture Dl"':iu the aiorin ! Hiurd,iv msbt. i .if ..rv ir - .. ii-.. , ttii" uoiit ui i ii an iv.e wiic, ' ,! t.,..t ..i.. u.i. t.i..iv.. litmt fail to s.j-iir. some of the j . , , , - 1 . . . . wonderful iMra.n-.m the o audio mid )&ia'W - --- .rw I.i e-Mitit.-r- at t'urret'r . Till. iN'il f'liiinl I'.trtia.'o!. ill - -- "- soon commence tio- .Taction of a hire.- j bri k ail liti'jii tf th'-ir iirt.'iti work1 1 1 l I Cowi.i-- 1- ?.oti to have a bank, a Iiankiu Company b.i b.-ii f-rm"d and will commence iei-inr-.. at an ear aim win coni-.nii'-'e lei-inr-.. at an ear- , . Tin. hir.-t fih of tbe s-ea-on catmht with book and line was caught by Lddie Kmili last ."-illinlay, weihinj; five and r ne half iiouihI- Cla war- idmo-t -h mvay on ibe couiiOm i at Forro-t.-r. (Ila-s stem diihe- Id niche- hi'h only li et-. eon red ili-bo nun -" bottle-, ! I)o not forgot that th' (Joldan KhI-kc-'-pa the be.-t stock of boot- and rho' fr men, women and children, at pi ice- that none will i;o away di-.-ati fied. A good stock, hone?! tnatinciil, with biw tuice.-, will a'way- win Tho 'odd en K.ij;1c lothmj; store old la-t ?.it urd.iy "'.I .-uit-5 tf clothiiij; for men and boy-. Application.- have al ready been made to rent - -tore room- in the new 0n?I , j, ,ocl. lhftl - lQ ,, confidentially expected that work on ! lh(. ,.v(.nuilU)M ior t,0 bnihlillj;, will ,p , l,Jnni(.cetl SO(II1 Thi. tlude.1- are now .-tuck on the pumpdoor hair rut 'a la mode tie I blacking brush, the object of which i- to make each particular hair on the crown of their pates", .-land on end like the quills of the fretful porcupine. At tbe count v convention held at ..... .... !T.. ... . ,. ,,1. u-....,,,, "M.'Vl ....." -... 'I m. Ilivorton ltittri'ri come? to us thi week reduced in sie. the publish er claimine, the pre-eiit p.itronai;tk ne c . itated a cut down Thi- i- by no mean- a il.itieriue, compliment to any town The l!ivertonite -liould brace i 1, M.iiiiivi jl-.-i in . .mi iiiiii ,-,(:u in. i.i..irpn l.i.:. r...,. tli. .. ..iif.i nwf ti , i ;ie me uewpai" ; iii- no. iiVH-piii" .- ,. ,.i.i "iii'iiii " .-..,,....,..,.,. St,.lllt, ....... .,,.:.. lively a.,k-if it will be at all po-ible forhim to obtain a eompl;ir.Ci.tarv W,,V. ble.- vottt innocent un-ophi-ti- welcome and W'sii it : i:eservinr t d-nn. Xeb. to Mahle yaut of , Sheritlan couiitv. Ki,,,'i;. ti . i . ant tiliice ot re.-or Tli.. ..-,. ,;, i ..1iucu.d . - tt--, -, !,,. ,nrr- ( J $o. JU ha..o-e sc. :, still :n nrugre,.- i-c cv - ' crcc :leU:an 1? a vor -orcibleamt otf CCJVeu hc "n.anw ul to.!?SBlS i- iWUiersiuii. iu the river. IHiosday even t- low. nntiul vfllll .- rii !. nTlllihlltll1. f t I 1 ..a al .a . . ... . 1 . . - !. ..ii.ia . i i . i i i i b. saiiiaiaaaaa '...-.. .. -arkia waiii :ar iTiaaiavr aiaa . ' iiiuue oiis. ...I. . w.'v ...-.. .... .I.,..,, ,,i .nl .Iniuiter in an on 1 1.. u. t..r. tiraixl Arm Unt ii illi- i'. ..tut itw. i.i.u; "inn will elon i .- i.. ..r.i... ....... .............. ..!,.. . -... . t . . . . .. . . i k. ... .... .J . j . v., ...... ...v ..... -,--, j- i?iuuiu- ui ine no'- .vini.-. iwm iuti. i ...... .. , ...,t (-. i... . .1. -. . ia it.. I.. i.i i.n.i.mi ktati in lip. i- . m . llllt' .1.1 ill .11 ....... .11111 1.1.1 .1 L.I 1.. 1 1...... . .. ,,.f. ..... 1.1 .11... :..1.U. ll." .11... ..... .... - . ...s. . .... ...... I C...F .Bfl..VT .....'---....v. .. . .-w. - . maBi.aLva.aaavB-aaaa,-rL a vj .aa v. 11. n it ri. riiiiiaiai. tai n . aiaviai--- tt t ... n r t a ia mm m a a i mmr ara . a. ii i m anataa & . . . . a..s.. . a tm: tir.-tt.oin numoei 01 me iioM'f . 1(ival lnl,utt, u, llie mei.,o.y 01 the ' n ail In h riH d K ii-tm- m. j,, , MktNmM mw fr A hv i rna" iwi Wtl rdavi l-nrk U-at.-oii. t the 5tar l.e-lau- uhich tut. in tti mtuic, ooiiuime to rmbraeed b r. aUeetioiiat and U tag j eentT of ;;. reh i line the i-ionm a" a m - " ' ........ .... . .. r .- . . ..i.r ..., .... . Km f.t n.rkl 1 .i laeiid ' liatf tt teiae ! aTf. . ?..-. - . ... " --. ". a - JJ a. ttejrat,;. ha-nisu cmharM-d ttt the ice be tne mrt ettieient tmnister- - , w,:e. - " ! l-;r- -. f aTg,,,,., i.n.-, 1 ki uaw- M taarta. crK. - W cteuiii bu-lne- We haw .ampled the , pros-re-? I speak today. ntt a- a nun- aa ever clwerfal aod Jew--e -.-rr. "" ., war-. j, ,,. ! ,ao,t tt ha " lt a , t ,t ataat ' cream and found it a mo-t delecialde ! ter of the goi.el. 1 speak not a- a a- aarr h-ea Vi " f f; : .htie ah.. in-r-r-' ' '' - "- -. - ... ... - , -n ", partisan in politics or reform. Rut th- 'h . -weel aa-l Wader 'WW : llWl tj Ji,iw. watniial ( Mai! A Iei taa f re tha iar g.- Ui-1. The ice cream pr k will be , I . w w,wJrot -nd .. anier aaaaxler -!. kt a. Ia.a -" .1 : ...:.... ...! .. ., ..!..... . . ... j. . - , , ,, j ..... ,.-,. . ,..t l..atik ti (ha amall .ill oaf ama.r HOMAGE To Our Heroic Dead. Muic, Spooches and Onrlands. I in..,, M.i..rul -cm.,- -.- h. hi Plumb director, Mr- C K W.d r -aiii-t Me-r-. K. II Fulton. A. L Funk W C Fickm- Will Miu-hrll Mr- Ifiiile. K'- Fank Mrl. icl- Mi--1- Kimch. Tulhv.- nd I'urrl ! er -4HL uoic- -election ; xuiuetH and rli'tii'tf al intenal- thn2bKt the est reiser. whicU irrre highly a-p-in-ci:id h the hxrsrc andu net irt ctiL Tht jator of tilt rriou- Chun hi ! tac city rrc pretest ! . d 3bri.-ttdin the txircK-of tit day ! t 1 t 11 .1 1 Lev J. G. Aikiuait dthvtrec th. ad- ire?.- j-urtion-of which ajcar iIm.- where, A liber-! flection a ul- where. n for the Win Si ilo dttuiu idow and homrlo ?holw of d-, j 1 1 ' cea-cti oIdnr.-. On Muudaj bH-iite-s wa jrrfterall ' ....... ,....l...i -..J !) n.u.r. I ,l- IF' I1MVM . ' i " I i'i'i v- priat. ly oVcrved by vrryw IV .1 proeeioii w;a lart r than n an . .. r nunar occasion. i.rc-'iiuii him ai- " l" ' h-trail- aou th line of marcl - ....... 4 ' the i.-m.ter. the KcdChmd -chd. j '. . ,, ,.". ,, r c rv ,,if I ' j ' - ' u ll l OI v iJa " l low.-. Knr'ht.-J of Fthia-. and oiii-r pnrticipatiuu. Arnvius at the eem- terv the trrave- of the departed -ol ' .rt. iAU,mrs de.-orated I if. .toll.. I ...I.'.- Ivlll.'ltL-. lit I Illli -""" ' " ffirnifil nrioiiitl llo- "rave th-ir lie-I . , , i- .. -s ji .-irv iw. . ib mtv oik mrem'- . . 111 me t.K-ra mm-c ruwix n...n.iu afwl. UVR On zn t of wo- ( mrvc4 ihrvmab Udy ibaib Tiik tin- u "-xerci.-c were hi'hh interim tins: " p'o. rl cb"drrn r t-ric t br?d , Jta., JB j,, "" UtT like Mr of r " j and iwr.rr-.m-. Th clioir. tTe. M AuJ ',w 7 f au I airt pn-w. fr. -f ? part, d br-.tlor W II Sindtm. and tV l",Wli SV'J, "-"i lo l..e -aj-1 lution ol thr protioMii. a Ur a it wa jd.ieed a beaut it ul floral otTcrini: cm ,,1,1,. f..r a Miigl. tfii-l .iUr 11 bbm.itl- id tin order upon hi- jrrji.- ( That tbe -'lied it nsbt'y. to! on! aceouipani'd with the ininairc ecr j eitiouie.-of Pythian Kuis;hi!iitHlv and . a ?lemii tir.- ty tin uauu. im t 1 . t .t it 'I'l . 1 by the baud. 1 1 ,,,-,. . . , , -f , t Oddfellow- then plarcd beautiful tribute- over the "rove- of th ir ! r diad. eiirht 111 number Tin- I rand Armv .vercife- around llo IlloilUIIl'Mlt erected to ill iiii-iuorv of the unknown dead, wi-n- well calcii lat-d to makt .1 deep and kttiu na ,-ion ,. the mind- of the behold ' " , el- Coniratle .Jo-'-ph iarber dellM - r - ...1 . i.... t t 1 ...t.l.-.. ' u. I'll a1 11 i in louin 111 ii'rii -- - . .11 ,eir.d the proc-ion re- fortin-d. and leaini; the silent it of the .had matched to tin court l.ou- , paik. whue appp.pii.ite adtlre e- wep- bv .Iutb'.' lelei','hnn and .. 1 . m 1.1 II..11 .It (.tilhaiu Mhieh we repro 'htce but uttiuu' to a l.i k ol -pact- ttere oblii;el to coudeii-e mote th 1.111 we wished to. THE NATION'S TRUST. Itl.V. J '. AIKMVN . FkiXo iTi't -- t nstLMis e a einhied today in o letlieuce to a HStiilU-Hiit i.n.1 I'vorihy cu-tom-'hat ot . .. , . , paxing atlectionate tribute to the mem tirv riT of our fellol.' cili'eilS who . -. 1 i . 1 1...:. laul UOWIl llieil live- ll incu i-uiimi - , V 1 1 ..I cr.ll, that dome-tic peace and national . . 1. : ....if pro-peruv iium n-immit i" -.I...V upon tb;.- fair hind of o.irs. In tbu.- coinius together we eitl'iyj.t ., -. .r.i. 1 ut onK 10 the -enli- . . ...'. ..V .v."--.. ".-. .-- -T " " ' , . .-..11... . I.. .;,. ..-...., . men; o graiiiuue, mu ot hiuiuunhiu ,, ..... . .-. .1 t. ...-.. ....,.-.,, Weil C reioue iiisii mu- ;uii-im):-i.i , ., , - i t.n:0y.,. ,(I puhiVcid "iteedom Hint j hom.w :,re .llf,. fr,,nl f:-; luftl Mi,j hi.lllinlll,,. Uli, j. n(J. only that Hem, not .". mon. but the hu- man race, i-i.otl'.- mo-t -acrel tru-t in thi.-world. Hi- value i- derived from hi- relatives in nature, and not Vn... il.n .w.M.L.t.ti of eireiii.'.-Uinr ti ..... r . ....... a Va a " .aavaar. --- ----- ,7 t Illt'.itlU Ilie-lt..l '.I ........ ., lV .... mv . ,u..- C0...M .he , of ham... tv, how may tbe neb continue to be rich, nor how may tbe droits retam their poaer. but bow y e reach i mr' ".... tl.o... fnre. whlf!!. ill the , ...v. ....... ... w - past, nave contributed inmt to d; - 1 levaiion oi i ie human inmuy, i ;f e :ire t0 b" thi.U'-huul or hoae-t m any.bmj;, let Us be both -erwtt- and I honest, when. ,s,einble a, yr ar5 1 todav, and vi;U v,noo cred hr.ds utir J ' " j breith i-hu.hed :., we bow lv , of liiwcllltrd dtjad. aml , why lhl; aufui ?4lCr.fice f life and l? ' the Atr uf don lanil today, Uea-e - every land there .is truorance crime. I 1 today i !. ....a ?-. rrriaa-i v- a-- if fff mav 4U4 4, WMta"a w 4aV ..' V( u , the. supreme need ! t;.e r- t.d.y cvpah'Tr i Oi-wtMfi rii?!.ati W to .1. and Ur r j no rxm -r iHii:. tnt ihejrt tnt;e - a- juriwl llie tmin of til 'h. tilt 7 -tautl U I '!- f T UrtOf. Prtwv are um. j,, k-o. ix car -., t. , .i r . a ." . . A.a.lia o; iur i is-iea ria uuim al eari St .. .iVJw mw t; ' titMirti to o the Itta-i ftl Turk- ' - mpwus. ile fcm-tk-me of .w-r!! j ..1 . k. Jill. lllU'f'ft A ..atftttai nillUM -., .-i-.- u-iMM. ,if- .....! U.,1.' il.t.' editor Jiulrm. ruf ar. turn a no , i x m ikii ib aw- i a m. s r. mm m a o.v w - . -. . lmm i mt cv.. bbb & M KAflL.J U1T1I V Vl VUM Illir i J1. Ur rlilirr pfevaa ! 1 IT ! , tt W ini! :l olkr Ve4 4 uf pniU-, HfcitU- Ibe L' tutl Sitr ! wilho; ha.i r Ur t Ad fcrar-nuruU-r? oii' S5 ).ut One f U.r J lf; sV ! H, r Wacf tW ia lora ltdin- iMitrt.rf Ur li.! tul Sa-i j a r.fc. tt .i-aj l.Ai,r-l!t rJir lUiit (rf Tf .. L . r. m.i- li-naire, i.m- mHi-4b m rr ctHMnU-d with -real cap Alton 1.. ?lVu ..j ,fca 1utrlnft4 -rf c TnUod ep'- Ur .Uiier tHiiitt. mtirvht-l od &u-bt, iiuuij ,..- itUj wer Kiiitm. mi'y itti. .'i.y t,,BOtf,.rf !,, arJ iiri-Hi Mt In- l--f b-v M-- br.usht AJil piiMtl l-itl VitiJrr.1 du-i -m- lo- " Ufmiuk-l Rrt.. ..nie nr in tto r id nmrt found -i-.dMirt- Wlo-u w f-.tliti - IJaty iIms' Ja"t- i4T mfrts v- &ai. AiTocti.iiile ieirv dints lit- cv with t !".. e uru m jviI t . wr si ai land fK tbe berwic iled. aid try i Isctftlyt' th nTes .lers? tle be. Wit 1-the manin-of if a! Tlt .7 . 1 1.1 the f- miot ..- nne lord- am! tb main tbeir U' .. iuii . rtt tLa!s. Ami if lttir t. b i r i aitltuii it certa uh ts -h tot' Anwri'M 1 t" tweotnp lh sit t enipirt- lor the .ri t llir tj.-.-i tb-n for ivbirh tir -..( lo-r- lrtgti! w.i t.' t niirrv one It Hi. naliioc 1 .1 1 .... ... . . . ' Milium aim itHinnri -tvtttK. it wast .. .-.H.ri.iti 1w4ut-'i rt.'tat mtu win ' ,,,",Itl,SK our dei'liir'. lnt Uie H.rv ,od Ualioii evi tin- llo nag mat iiti uic auoo 1111 1 ration fir eryarhere ftn- ..i...,.-.. o !(..' t.i.M.1 uimn ut I. n.. r j..i-. - " - - (rtit iirroif u.-a.r i Ur llo- r)Uie fur wl4 U Uli.v Wr,. T ttAc alrerol -.aid that the cry of the ag 1 lr lenteil . I ttl 1 rnl!ii; ctrruui t,tnc- tbe out r rnedv t'r lfrv wa tbe uoul. Bat the ft.-rd arii not ' roe Ibe nev I 'leiii !! or.- '- .- ... 9 .. ...I ... ...1 .. pro iievereii'i hihi oii'i .umfii: o! ia-nig en,. aith their e'.- ihi tb ui '"vir Utarts .n the lutme t-.U.ote m O.r.-ttan rnilinU . -mt l'uinv in l!iri.t . iriot .i !- , l(tj X ," nf j.rn, IM-e ,f ,'-! t ini ... .-liier .leil.Tintii. v a-htnt-n. - - -- -.------ --, . ' Linet.ln and the ouphf lit of m- , nain (imiHi wh.;f, mttBor u ; ,,.M.v to everj lover of hit e mulri i For the prj-erratioti of thi b,d with ; nl! it lde..-HR of lr'iotn. il ; r ,,nderful r.otir- of ai-ltb ltn tnnpiihi nt op..rtiiuitt.t ..r ' compel ne, i- wiiUnnli-l trm- J. , vt.t UaittL-act ckitowledge or ititlcbt'duH inflav to the olliet of ) tbe Kepubhi., iitas.y ot wtiom -.letji 10 1 "ravoi nndecirated -ave l tbe band ot'twtuie Many leep with ki-id..d ' ib pit. where ann-iallv tl wioalli i p'.actd -ouie are beibel a;-d- of 1 the :tM'.tn and olhui, u tloe e -ec I nn .ny u tihy, uro in Ibo p aeeful 1 walk-of hie A wroatb to ilieim tnon nj tj,,. ,, .... it-ted. and an oath of fid 'it wiih tl. I. 1112 heroes ol h bin I in "f- - -; l'-v hetr valor -ed Mav that winch gtv.- hutli t aacre.1 . lll.;1Kll,. ltl fcUa! f worth. reao n- .!... .,.!.... ..c' fi.-lit.-ooan.Ht. nrit frufli ..-.i. . , r........f I-......1 s itntii aj iiw ....... - .-,.,...... , ... ., -. - . ..-.-- That 11 -rave inv mrtiL Ibe -pot .fMber of iet,.rv. but tlv tiepngti tha w. .:r-"c '", ., ' ...., t . ! .u . .,. .i .h. h.iror. ,J aaWt. II I KT" PI'UM, aim " i .-, - .,. wronn. . " ; S. p, n t-.v j-ipii .r:iirt f '..inri.ib'. I!.lt f Pnrta.. and titi - -,.....--..-.---.--.. --- . f i.. ......... .... . i.i.iill. .1 I, . eii- o-. m..i. .- t ....... ... ...r...!..,! tin . l... Ill It lu.- r -I a.,....-...-. .... ... ... ,,,,,, tl arth trow htii cut, ' d-top ui,tm- m the .,b- ..J - Uin. ti-ju noi um -p.n m ... ." f!J "V" " '" J ' i?l'I " " ' !- w.-w - . . a- -. ma r (;,j . beautiful irifl tb- frar4nt flower- th- field and U -mtu T mon-finnWtix mtuiii'ti ihe.l ..roti- ., -, d i..- v-iio-- prave we , tt- HHrUli2 and itho wh'W it- ' e.ntrv wit- -ore!? aI p-intll - . . - , - , " . ' --- J " ., . .... r i -ion ie .i ..imi..ii. LM.7i ...ft-. . ... ie . . . -.. ' , , . , mU UnRj aU-'iiou who ,. , , w. th a.i.-el . . 1. t . . ...1 . 1 - . n iiii'iiiuent iaia"r. n ut an smuautti lath-r. . hmger '-- .. Ui ,,,. ,n,verfal i-nt- ..f akiad ----,. ' I...' .J'u t-h f 1.1 M.(.?ii-r tit. aa..r. Lt .... . -...- . ww- . . - - - .. ..l .ki . .- ,v " v"i lv "111. i I'i ri ar i Ota VC4 Ihx call. CIW rm,.r i n y.A ana ridel oa and , a ,e.-.wrt.try hall u itted ati' cnnrac u aatil there wa.- dre k- I. m UKltl tllt.v fwi atal bow. thir'otra eoarsge i V t Ml f 1. ' I a. I a- w - i n rv t.- j!. in!r it?i uoate an men..- m- cair-i .i , race iij-Ji " J4-, .a. - - -- 7 . . . . . i.'.i . .. i t i.-fc, I. -I ! fttad ilabler tul;- the !ic f re. tv ...r. . ".!". " . , -.l i.-a. i. i.JJ HrtMar Aiad there U Ilia. 1 taaiaA !or hi- c ouatry aa ?? iioaac or, - -- .,-1. .U-mr qiH. ' old ; i .r-ir i! . th" 4o;, , j.--rcei th-! irrt. imt elan-' and thev r !nfr br the ruhnc t,ii nf KatUe Cae htb: mi 2 S Uh "i ;k aM4 death the rli n fi; twi ! ya Wl ni Or . - th. match iWr er -.did 4m - ! mLio iWavMar.!. tlkv a 'svil lnaffl -?. -.----i .-. . ..,.. !! tdar sat tW (-. ! I -vettik dkmlrfeMc iniiMit iw4 a s- f ffiRt xrthffij km llW fimJ - - L. Ma. ., -- l-Bfl WV ... ww-- "v-- - - i l J viwa btitvrlf oa TV ? pr f VT h l W It kle fUc a .,.. , nm , 7,. fc, tk. ....:, a. j ,. a ,t 4tt4 Uf ,4 t i . , V n-jfv ji-1 bUi vf lttk i- .mU ! iirlii It hm rry rm Wim of ifc, cmm f . - k ikt wrrv ar bias mki Btlig a J i.-i itt.' and dit ?h .atbbat 1 hWrty th- Bntoftof a -r t ftatros ft SH' 11 n ;iti. .iiny r j Tb" 4VI lo rlM,-l in il c- war for Uw pr-sMii'n 4 lb lie fHiMftr. l4imr!v iad. Tixiaf. um mutiiut who Uata eJ sa . J tk.t mar mtA 4l..r th.ur ffwiMii-. ' wm urTir UMa. hAr4 aml? Ibp rril lrne1r mn t ibr httht of its grat arxuiuettt atl in lb vtme ti.rrniif lrv 'h, ti .aar ioftt hrrMtt olfrrtjd tb' tr I. .! t.ioS arnnec t ttw cat- .f ttrit 4XMintrv hntftAnitv and to! foffrth J t-r bwilrr t ImuMt. in bi I tp. tb l inult.ti.!- ol tt i( .!tl of the I.IMHI Wtit brS!V i-jtliitiv e-Mit .-! tt.'Wti into lb .. 11 I ..... . I..L.... ..I imU ul . W.. '..- -1 .! ...-T K, !. t.n rMaan . i au n biii-i 4aoul.i le, atal tba kTo- who ah'-uM be Ibe war in liiel wrrt tn eti:al tboM" ahe jtrare t- bar t.!tv dt.rtel in t.M r,l-, ol tl" lit 1 tig eo8i'ii'le tun. ! rtlel 10 ki-torr. The ti.l nnaubrr i tropa pntragatl in it im nt b tbn . Its -trno (nnter ilH i Uai l!f a mdb'Mi nt titf iiattou slfblirr- b-d in tbe urroo- ditni during the ar, of were .tH'haicir. lrt l".! a iulM for further wru-r 01 iwrnint of i t rirt-s rit'eivi-ii Tlia war wan aetiMU-d tint bv a firit .if war, but by frtt of iHfRie It tm ttuUrrabM. ir it al- f .k ..I W ... ft. .ft A. rnT 01 inr i- ibuhi msr j jjrt-tt war ort ffo.i tbe lHHr ; that tieii tte luttiiu: mi Mtre ws di .. .mr wa. totw m e i re4 eiupt le anl eril4 tonu ! For tu b ditin lion "ti tH?. tbts I al nliiine. a titunii r . might ttre a wtblier . w 1 . .... t..ti.. .-,.. t ..i III-.!'. l-.' na" ..- - j .... . . . a ' an MiU n lannex ot liie, rirr)ati iv prlia r in ft cilljs;r.. m th tr.- i.lrey i an uiUil watt ' nrntriU. twrrta. 1. . , . 1 hgure .akwarl m-iniKT. aiMt te a ' ' " ' -Kr.o efnl -I--, l, etmtamiug iinled j tl..n.n.U .4 le-.J- .. !.. . cr.ienii - 1 rcf. -r t. ih r . eiitu-.'" d Ibo Hit r-KiM ,l IhiI n etrtiiiied in the fur- '.'t uatM.M'1 iij-nu In lle met. 1 CRtllt Wetc brttltfi citwtAb. Ure- vetted b men who kue notliiog uf ... .r i..a.n.. ..f thnu And imh i Uevttliil l.o. .ie M.mel.-J hal lo l- - '' '' -y --- - - - . - - r ! Iur tin hr.t UaV. ol the wai tiore a la-iire Uilliattl th- ........ .... 1. . o.r. the r ln-urt kindle 1.1- en! -nd tmite hi to th . 1 W ' -m.--- - -- - - i fik of i:"r Tl evatitilett tl I.itnein ami ileuiy exeile m.iinlv . t.Hitfiiip? 'r tuu It.inll o rli-e of the Cobnb rale tfiir.' atrl ! it CtlUm-MUIH a- the llHe IH'.gbt Atoii- .. n'tieklv eUl.tfUfbrI h the t rnhe a.lntli'.t fl lt !. ... 1 laiir.d. trrud. Slob.h .. ..... ale limgiog lor tho ixturn f i?er Vet li..n.-.t rav;Hai.jn rf tbe srreai ' u:i'ft..d iri io'.o-ti mel faitb in tit j aimijItttaviH it eternal j.Se-- awI h.Toif re- tgnattmt to Ue rf tmtt.ti..i iiUHtentent In tlio Mihiimfty idlbat addr. -, in it ej.ltatMm. it breatht- 1 juritiaf bvtUon -writ f sacntb e. a p'Mt rtd of a.i htr. jtli of all kimlbne- that Mirap iinu the rwart r lenilrr of a wartj r bt. m Hm - mtrti ibTO uire the rrtt ifixpa Mount tarr. to lflk t i t mtnrabe M morning f l-t IM. rfTB. jt ttiS. weT. wtan ft. Id with no fted liro lt'b.. Vherp i ii'itbing lit ho hv an the dimc. Ih ehnr;ir and tne falling n.roft-robmg l4. fro . .)... 1;. A.a'. jnat-n.k.a. .!. inn. - .- . ...,- - - ---- j .int. ..I wrjit.rt liata -A ueait a . .....t ,; -.njtawt krl . nr " - "" -- -- w - - - - "K mV ..-W. -wmmw-.-m .. - , .rwti..-.i thi. meht mftrah ftor - U a-tmtwlfnn.1 emmag". ' for re;,l Dit pr r4rtjat. b a re U - t.4. 1 . --tt-lnm arnti a. rare ! t, 'Pi. ir. ile-faeral.. rti.rM Laurel Hill A-d y: no Ky of : ".. .. .. .... . , .... 1 iiiri itti i.iitr - amcavuir iu : aWvvrNa L: V,. ;.i. r.l -t.... th. mid , r ....... .--.- ..... .v, - . te ' ...k.t Mi.n I Jinci. 10U. - II.K.W - . ..i i -l u!. ti.. I'nana. iriMa r- LaK?. - - r im w," , , , ,. , . .1 ,..u .. lti. iWimfUM I .art k. itaaer' , h . iw.n i.ur: ouuid 4Unl ut Kttt tie !"W. k !i3er-larg rl rn a .- M-u.rjtn try ir;- ora xicn reTir??iiiA kiirr ciiiia - - - -- -w a- - -w .m. n.Hter -a. ..n . . . .-. .... re" -- -. . , . .....lifiraa.! ht murt!- aiao- U Dra?a Ut H OB i. --a-tla-fc-' r , . .L I W"-'. ' ,JrcOP y WW' ' 5- , f -ft , p!ar giwetnrarat ta tiie 1 .. .' ,. ., . . -t ...nm..: I ... , ' .. . . -... WtJf l. Alkrtrrt Mari-er. fit. ' Hf -? rKi 'if cTrrmnt h.o ex itd um .- mkwi aft. r ff,'ie. a" mx-lrd-! aft? ie ft; in J ) . in Anwwv '.vft him ail pV . h thr -.-tn (frr wa rutuaotd th- ron"h v . lirr at rflN r " .M Rvmi ' , Ci artd :n.rlt4CL 1 14 4i u mcmimmsm m ptdiuotl fMts'wr lb o pilot m cxa. taaftMaft. 9 bv mi tl at ruuMi Im Aia bat v?v aa SMMMW to ir4 Vv 4cr law thinr rrfat -ftill Bn t m, R!i U-4 U (urvV n A ihvmm mnlrtt tfc army t4 fr tit- aMk m IVUMM, MM Umt (0Wp MmI (tWT taf ?':f. tt 'Ir If aw ul a vitf DMMirf tfaA HiAjW tlx- .4 tt ma aVr?U .- awu i4 ih chi4 wafkf in t ri aaacih I ) m tua a-i JtaMMaUwn W ttmncuv a 14 Haau7 Ifttst tduoki ! a1 ' rrlvailloav H at. waong V if ta-t tv . hma 4w 'uutwai ta Aruvnous 2fc rrttAkcui aAkk j TWy awai t- kMf. trwiaaa tug tWwuprl,. Ixat U-jr k al taw a lu Umt AItps4 : YtW alter jraat thr fX tlr 111 pa.. -i Ur ivUiki a r p4.c. v. tlMr hejtrl taw tmm $ wnrtumm r4r ! ! w4. Ibr ; M4 okWan4. taat I- tta)rU n' dt tba frt 4 UaMr !Jh fr tr tM,tumu rajettt ut tim , -nd rt3kUot mI tlarr i ' !ttilr Hs-;. nt Uatrt 4J a4 tajW- . mo a rvmuMmhtr 1 u twiwma -iirtMot (t t im4 atnt! aa t ! '4 "' ' .tf4 .- 1 P "' J " K lK faa 1 1 1 1 1 1 2m at - Aft . t to UarWun l!wto Mtit.Wl ... Iaa4i ltr!i . iuin utvorT m lt.. I n.ui SMVt- Ato-aloMH ftiM.' I -i!tmi Ut raimiUtn TtW wlat , . rrnt ol Ur nltiJ Utm i wvka''. foMtgVti n"ll it-It aNMoi w. UU 4 of to r.tjt- in taw Hr-' ; tMtH llo tu.iMtMM 4 rtii. ' ' ifs.e t. irl 1 . . aAreltits M.1 - n . 'u. uri titt Vnii(i4i: hi! t im em "t ti ti - 'Mil .. j 0 ... ' lflatlf !'? 4 d t 1 M- . tor. t lb Midi mr tarH h i.r tbr iftinll il o.-li -tiltar.l ! - . l Hi- irtli. avthl ittr artrn . i(fS4tttari mm Might ! i U ir aatr f tW Nat urn' t ..i N!4 u tl tUm h I tor jr..i. t 1 tMHFtli trfdiir tAMl I0i ir-i ... i t k1 ktm rl 4al lb"y r-. I lo . ' f ttr ltUltis bot wu.a. Ai. glaarw! " tta . tJtttta a it .tJW-l bk i ir .4tr t ar .Itraaa. V mi traWr, eitaj " 'Vh .. mm - . lb fuuati', U" i ' ! tlw i. m-o ! tb ttr i. .1 1 l.r to.. -j . M,r j a U m IimH 0M 't- " .lraj f1. .1 . OtHb Wta (!' -! 'I tt4 - I Um tlliMt ttr w ft. lb. . " ,,- ', " " ' ' ' a en iM ir-i .1 ' wt.'i, ... 1 ...... I U.1 .J Ink ait. d 1. .- - " -- .-.. rnmWie. Ih.i. I '' "", n ntf ni. ... m. .1 Itv, aitl tH" SM-ntrf o km..... .1. , kKlj - " ! ' '. H-J i -o.tHnii.5; krru n. ... m, ... mdM l artawd m. t l t i whoe arheiin I.) abrd 1 j ailaairati a. 4 ih- i.l .- - 1 " -p--- p iuesr.Me.t ir.-M . tatintb he tan-n gatl ' I 101 . ! Abu t a ,tnmtU t ' BMtl MIHT til i-JM t jwiflf Titur ! fit-" 4 ii.. taent tlw frm atnt t;nfl l f tiretiaaratl the I t -t '. v4rr l hl tm it l -i t , UhI tbra l n ihe !.. t. ,ul ' are rMB " r'"" - or-i.. w i I ine htw .1 ...- mm U lo pn iim . img I- - ' ' " th, ami h-ie rea-m to Wl. e th,f tit ..... . -. j ihr ttMi w re aail-l l U ' f Unl iJi mt b hhhtv tl. . M410, ami - men ihat .r tl. gr .-itA mr h al- W ml mt-lrf tir Mt ''' "',' ' !', be pri hel .d Korntr ! Mnr, Ti :inri l to. ! h Urtr h ! w-wtut I iip ' t ift - I' h ttmU-Mn . nanr. i. imii i. r. t i.itH-ni mmm 1 are h'ar iain h. of ! chrir aiaf f -mm. e tre .anew ! wif tn l-). - 4 ? agi - ! alt tilt thVat. 11 .. me (itinj; naei iiffmii. t t-.e.f wtf. fg aa-Mf jili .? aiii na 11 avawt . tfMg t m hrtgh! 1 ' uf , the MC ho the . HaMo-tl rM- ' that ! h lhir aw.j ll ha ' r ro-nhiorl if' hal I eratfw in th h.mrt rf .'Wjo.. Um- l.. -w- Ielttr Hl hrnji W f. ..... a. ia.ulai t I a- aa-V 1 aata. baalaaaa - i e m" mtw-m .-.. s. --- " a tnabie -.'ra It - at av to taeea- '.' . ' e - 1 ..! U th - .'I tw t.". ii.i . tht Ur rrtrti tb. jte-ei ml Mt ,-. wiH 4V th- b. i ba roho 4 on I UwaUfct.i. -jni ghf inr theiu 'tM-l- J f inataortat rt e.r, a At .jihi f naj . . nattnta' -frtr i Um tmtmnm tw rav4 We faotKr. ihii tHaM V - ,lrmd We . ih tfc. V -" --- ae brbt th-w gartar-i hr- toniwy lal M aaar ti o fco ta rwrafto tl our Cifntn at7-H ls Mapa? - sM aiaa'. M Ivavati -aMfal 7am aaarca w CM trwem!! e.UJ;t-. of iIm ruwlaeai yn-ei- txwuKa i wa tmrru". sa - w ' I Au: 3L Tcrxu T4hcr. r ) .r 9 -tt- . - W iBSaHBwpwss5a! 3S&, JMfees. v 1 i-Jtti. tsst 3a-A rrrgjgiat?- rp- i?f&."5 ?!S '"aSr-- s' i HTn tjMfjfflejg"BiiMff lij&2te 'iSCttiiSsStSSKmxMmWSItllwr aaajf9JMaBaSBaBBiBBBBBar