The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 04, 1886, Image 2
B5 tl N rs.2 i P Si p ii r"ll 1 I IS tes .as KSS Fi t-j( k sr The Red Cloud Chief A.C.HOSMER - Propiletor FRIDAY. JLNE47TSS6" Tho President Married. (.1 rover Cleveland and Mi-. 1'rance. E. l'ol.-oni were luarricl in the White House. "Washington, I). C, Wednes day evening, June 2. We hope now that G rover Is-, married he will he a better man. The hidewalk on Cedar .-tract is being put down ilowly. Sunday. June KJ.will he Children's Day in the M E Chureh. Hami'EL UltUNKR expects to gather l.'iOO quarts oflicrrie-: rroni hi- straw bcrry patch. L. II. Hi -T has our thank- for a box of home-grown strawberries mam moth in size, and nio.-t delieiou- in flavor. 1'nele George W'inton. during the toriu of la-t Saturday night, had his leg cut by gla-.- from a window blow ing in Thk aecuraey of the jrophetie progiio-tieations of Tl!K CHIEF rela tive to the strawberry crop, have been amply verified. TliKKK will be an iee cream and strawberry festival at tho residence of Mrs Wm Gate- on next Monday even ing, under the auspice.- f tin W C T u. A. I'uosKuVK'' ha- returned from a tour through tin state in tin intere-t of Brown's marble and granitd work-, ami reports the crop looking fine and business, reviving. Klder t A Hooped and G E Lang don will comineiiee a series of lree free lecture- on biblical subject-Wedue.-day evening. Juno 1, in a large pavillion on Seward street and Second Avenue. The wheel of mi.-fortune young man, the buggy-whip young man, and the little nutshell young man all did a thriving businc?- on our -treets yes terday The eredulity of their victims is remaikable, and the fool-killer ha evidently been direlect in hi- duty of late SKI.I.s Hums" eireii- -bowed to an im mense erowd ye.-terday. lully live thou and people were pre-eut. The eiicii is the be-t one that ever exhibited in till city and gave entire .-ati-l'aetion. The nienageria was partiettlary line lu fact Sell- Urn- .-how is a iir-t ela--outiit th roughoiit THE SUNNY SOUTH. McEw a v. Tks.w. May 2 3. 1 SSG. RcdwNet. Our spring has been very jflcartnt Wanted. A girl to and wa-in. but summer is at hand Rather warm, but plenty of rain to keep crop- growing. Wheat id headed q - ., ,.' will lie readv tO IiarVCit fOOIl ""'", - a. i(t line ui ui owia mu w. ' OaLs and millet doing well; corn lookfi ut verv cheap at Mrs. NcwhoiiseV. COWL.ES verv well and had been cultivated twice It does not grow here ai rapidly when it first comes up, as it does with you, but it grows a considerable taller. Tame gra-s is fine; clover is in bloom, and stands three Icet high. Vegetables are very fair. We begin to have new peas and putitoes. Peaches are a failure. The winter was too warm for them; they started to bud and then there came a cold snap and froze them. Apples, pears. plum, and all small fruit will be a heavy crop this year. The Mowers are very fine. The South may well be termed the land of, the door yard-. ae full, the garden fences are covered with the bushes, all colors in bloom together, and the roadside is lined with wild roses' They are a singular ro-e, tho ou-h being about six feet high, and flower- are very fragrant. McKwan just now i.- a dull town in matters of trade, but candidates are on a boom; we have seven for con-table in the lOh district, and mx in the fifth. Whereyer a group i-: seen on the street you will find a candidate; they do a good share of their own electioneering. Election is only held once in two years. If a man is beaten he has to stand off and try next time. If this was the law in Nebraska it would not be quite 0 hard on tho.-e politicians near Inavale as to trot around the circle every fall. A meeting of citi.en- was held in Mc Kwan la.-t night to take some action to liuiltl an academy. $0'J W:i sub scribed, and soon wo hope to have a line school in good i tinning onb r. At present we hayo a good di.-tiict school, which run-, ten months in the year. Many thanks for the package of papers from the ollice last week. We greet it with joy as we would an old time friend. L. A. A. An elegant line of wall paper at City Pharmacy. The best mixed barn paint at 7 cts per gallon, at Cot ting's. Something new tho-e silk finished wall papois ju.-t received at Cutting's. Koi: -ale or rent A good .-tore room in .-oiith lie 1 Cloud. A liisi-clas- lo cation for a competent busine.- man. Inquire ut W. K. .Iack.-on. :'.:5tf New ceiling papers and decoration :it Cot.mgV. Jf you wi-n lo .-el! your farm or town propt'itv call on .losmi Gkwks. .jo,j " lied Cloud, Nek Ih.M.Y Cook now b:i- the mo-t jj.leto stuck of wall paper, .-bade.-, etc, in ill Republican Vallr-y. I'-e the Senour tloor paints. Make a period cement, at Cutting'-:. J am piepired to furnish door plates whicli for durability, cheapness, beauty of design and tiiii-h, cannot lie excell ed. Samples on exhibition at the oilier .!" Tin. Ciiikp. Your patronage respectfully solicited. C. K. Wool. " tf Siui:r. loom ior rent; 'Sls feet, '.'. door-s.outh of pototHce. In.jUire of I). Feat belly. Hath sponge--, a line a-.-ortment. at City riruni.icy. iMirnlure ol all de-cription-s at Tinker's old stand, at price, that defy competition. A I way.- iv u- before vuu buy, a- we buy extensivi W, and "can theiefoie .-ell cheaper than .1:1 y huii-e in thev.illev. 15o .-uro and .-ee 1 (J-. I 1 I "' Patent medicine- of every kind at I'arn or- are smiling again ince the rain of Satuiday night, over the prop ped uf another bountiful crup of -mall grain and fifteen cent corn. Tho rain w:is accompanied by tbu.i der and lightning, and a .-eveie wind which a far as wi have learned wa--111 ore severe nortboast ufCowles than el-ewhere in tin- county, pa--ing from wo.-t to ea-t. or a little south of east unroofing houses, barns, -nod- etc. ami .scattoiim; overv thinir ''enoralv that wa.-lying around luo-e. duing a meat! deal ol damage in tho .-mall way, but City Pharmacy. without lo. of life, or any damage ( 1 A guarantee with every can of the .-lock. Peter Mill's wind mill' ., I fheiuin William-, paintr, at the City .-.truck bv lightning. Theodore Cole- I ,l,----,y- 1 r 1 -t - t 1 - large uuantitv ot o(.eiient jic. gretly damageil, L 1. Well-: house un 100 lied, Mr Sea rles stables demolished J. T. Robinson's house ruined, and his household goods .-eatteicd over the prairie: and the Cood Temolai- Hall in that noigbc-rhood toin to pieces. The Good Templar-1 of Cowles ha.l a grand supper on Friday evening la-t in Turner".-h ill which was veiy cred itable to those who prepared it. and wa greatly enjoyed by tho.-e piv-ent judging from the maunci in which they disposed of the rood things. The Kev V. 1). Page preached the memorial sermon at Cowles on Sunday to a large audience. The sermon wa well prepared and well received. Ilev. .1. Iean also preached a good sermon in the afrernoon. M. .1. Turner ha- ono ; Kansas City to spend the summer. K Anderson is we uing a bland -mile woieh gives place occasionly tea grin. Its a girl, and armed on Sun- day morning just after the stoim. All doing as w oil as could be expected Emanuel especialy. P.orn to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ma-ten, a sou, June 1. Standard weight Xext. L. H. A tn.vl f:irm frtiiiKi&flr;rftVt. As T mm ":JP ' "' furnished. A,TfTV.ta Jw. pn do Graves 40 tf ccncral 1 j: housework. Inquire at M B McNitta j j7i$2Ci' housc- J2&P:T . Imp fliri-tat KUMarwrm Loans KiMA ). have pli&frsof Whey to loan. A NioHine of dry goods will be old v'.r f A rrnrxl te.irn of horses for sale. In quire of Joseph Graves, Red Cloud, tf A fink line of baby carriages at F. V. Taylor's, successor to K. L. Tinker. For cheap farm loans call at the law offi:e of Clianev fc Dentlev, Rel Cloud, Neb. " 3"'f A good span of horses for sale at Howell Bros lumber yard. 40 tf Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. ew house'a. Paints and oils of all descriptions at Cctting's. 9 per cant loans at the Nebraska Jc Kansa.- Farm Loan Co Don't buy your wall paper, paints or window shades without examining the stock and prices at Cotting's. Go to G. W, I'hne's for freh home made candie-, cigars, etc. Fre-'n home made candies at G. W Clint; .-. Lall ami see mm. I.-t 1:1: your propertv with Cii.u-. Sehaifnit, Retl Clouu, Neb Jotf j Thk Amboy Milling Company will pay CO cents per bushel for good wheat that will test 57 or 06 pounds 11 tf Tin. Red Cloud Milling Company will pay Co cents per bushel for good wheat that will test 57 or 5S pounds. 41 tf Nov. is the time to get your furni ture. Car load just received at Forrester's. I'oi soda water, lemonade, ginger ale, birch beer, etc. at G. W. Cline's. All fresh and nice. Call and see him. Wantod. A woman for laundry work, and dining room girls, at once, at B. 0 M eating hruse. r.ytf You Tako No Chances when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, rM. ,-.!..... .....1,. Poi.i.i I It i- I positively guaranteed to do all that is claimed for it. An attack of bowel complaint and griying pains arc so often sudden and dimerous that no one can afford to be without a prompt and certain rem edy. Ask your drug gist for Chmb orlian' Colic, Cholura and Diarrhoea Remedy. Manufactured at De- Moines, Iowa, and be sure you get it. Three sizes. J5 cts., 50 cts and $1.00 bottles, sold by druggi.-ts. - Good Results in Every Caso. I). A. Bradford, whole-ale japer dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was seriously alllicted with a .-eveie cold that settled on 1 is lungs. had tried many remedies without j benefit. Jfing inuced to try Dr. King's New Di.-coery f )icons,imjition did .-o and wa.-entirly lv a u-e of a few boWii'W. Since which time he has used it in his family for all cougghs and coldis with the best rosiili- This 's the expeiience of thousand- who-e live.- have been saved by this Wonder ful J.-eove-y 'I rial hollies fr."1 at lleniy Cook's ding store SW-" THE OLD RELIABLE DON'fFORGET THK THIRD Annual Prii- Drawing of tli.- FURNITUfE STORE. FRANK V TAYLOR, Prop. Successor to R. L- Tinker, CarriVs tlu-lartrst .tM-k uf h-(l ruom. parlor ami kit.Ikn furniture and undertakiTV goods in tin republican valley. Oil paintings, pi-tur-fraiiR'S ett in ircat. variety. Give him a call. Opposite First National Bank. I3 rices very low. ni-n m Dei! CO n i CLOSES JULY 4th. 1886. i st Fri.c Sio.oo 21I Prize 5 1 5.00 -rd Pri.e 5io.o 4th Pri.e C.Ot). ' Kvi-ry puivha.-vr of Nr.0H in fciKults L -nliU-n! U a t Ourstook is thfibnyfrt and our priw the k)W-: that r:i.-h will buy. uit iii- f Men's, Boy's, Children's Clothing, Men's Hoot and Sho . Women and liildreu hoi-. Men'. KumifliiiiK odf Mat.- and rap. 'I'nuiki. Vnlit-ii, &m We iiivitt all lo rail and be on in ! i Wiener's Now bhw-k. KcdCloud. t. WIENER, f r HAIL ! HAIL! HAIL! HAIL !j i'-riiier- of Ntlir-k 1 n.-uri " ir gioum ( rip- m tl.e Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Co., I Aaint 1- 01 damage l.y Hai l'lii iomp:i iv i tin ild-t, l.iign-1, ;ini oot I in the shile, with (ah 'ipilal ami i l- aiiiuntmg to i.r 370,000.00 '...r. ..,..,.- .. 5t t.ioii'nrtiietii i will iniL r;le to e.xeeeil lr0 neres in :in iv diitv to let siiiienng luunanit Know .;;.. -.....- - - . .1 ' - . . ? Ueeiinn. eoii.-jiiUent!y an eatly .ijipiie.itiim 1- nece--ar.. J.a-: i!i-rm tln . ll:vehad a innningoie on iny(.ojn)!tMvinH;n(raoJJil.ij;ilArr f,;louinj: ,.ro,w flir Hie fanner- of 'X t..i' eight ye ar-. my doeters told me ';i, uml paid il IIllluerl.i !ims promptly ami Jiler.illy and to the would liavL to have my hone serapod entire -atiVaelion ofit m my c!uiru.t 1-- : :"i-rih.r part:-ular- in.jiur" o C. L. WINFREY, Agent. Red Cloud, Neb., An End tc Bono Scraplny Kdwurd .She dioid, of Jlarn.'-hnrg, III. I says- 1 laving rereiveil rn iniien henlit from Kleetrie Iitier-, I feel it my duty to let siilfering luunanit know it U I STORE tor sale at riunili 'liro- hriek yard. v 'lhe large-t as-ortmcriL of -oap- in t'.e eitv at Citv rhainiacy. llenieiuher the City riiurnnuy eur- l'us onlv the he.-t giade- of medieinea l-'ifty emptv barrel- ior sale eheap at (,'ily rharniaey. Try the K-tey .Sewmg althme. It i- the line-t nniehme thai i made. F1.1 ale hv F. Y. T.ivlor the ea-t ride j lutniuie man, Ked Clone. The K-tev ruing Machine the hest in the wiiild lor t.-ile ly I'. Y.Taylor. A rosy fr ale. Apply to I'luiu'o U10-. at their hrieK yard. A'.w4 Toilet article-! Toilet arliele: of various kinds', at City Pharmacy. Ye mx receiving fiirnture daily don't forget it. and we are hound to sell it F. V.Twiok Money to Loan. Ir. Schenck ha- heen appointed ly the Neluask.i ami Kansas Krm Loan ( as their agent at Guttle-, r.irtie- wishing loan will do w-eli to see the doctor. The comnanv i- nre- pared to make loans at per cent, and m sum- to suit. o'.ui Money to Loan In nut it:itf iii Xelirji.xk:! or Kan- v" " V . ...... 1 sas. interest at y per cent. -o oomis charged. OlM:vt Rkntlky, :J7tf lied Cloud. Neb. Mr. C. Schenck w.i in Uhie Hill on bu;-ne- l.-t week. There is considerable talk of stalling a weekly paper in Cowles. Ye think thi- should he eneour.igtd by our Inline-;.- men ;uul by every propeity owner in the eily. by ail mean- Vi have it. u- le iininiita ted. 1 u-ed. in-tead ' threee bottle? og IClertric Outers and -even boxes r.ucklen'- Ainna Malve, .ud my leg i now sound and well " Hlectiie Hitter- are sold at fifty cents a boitL", aid Ihuklen's Ainita Salve at lo r. per Inix b Uci)ry Co k. ( - -- j Koop Qulot And take Cliambe rlain'- Colic, Choi-j era and hiarr lioea b'emedy. It cures 1 paih in the .-torn aeh nlniost instantly, j get a !'." cent bottle, take nothing else. , You wiil need notpi ng el-e to cure the ' wout ca-e of diarhoea. elioer.i mor btii or bov.ei J omplaint. This medi cine i- made fo r hiwal to;njlaint onlv. and ha- heen in constant, u-.- in tlie west for neaily fifteen yeaie. lt. has been unbounded and its name ied.nie a household word in thousand', of home Try it Sold by druggists. I suffered with ir.MUu:ati-m in my knee joint-. After tiseiu Athloluoros : for a short time I could bend my knees easily and could go up or down stair without inconvenience. Mrs. II. F. Rowers 90-J -tate -treet. Racine Wis c;.':-in. At Sheriff's Office. il:i- llarlx'r. Pre- I :'. 11. HoU.iiki . J U it.ul r. ( Ni Farmers ui Merchants BANKING CO., BRICK! BRICK! V linw ju.-t Imnn'd ;i kiln f X). 1 Hrii k. w!ii li i- POR DELIVERY ! Red Cloud. Nebraska. A. iVev Invention SELF OPENING SUNSHADES A goneral banking business trans acted in all its branches. To partie-j de-irlng tin ! -(.I .t .hi' V 1 1 Reasoable Prices ! And Umbrellas .Ji;.ST KKCKIVKD. ( ALL AND SKK TIIKM ,Ik 11 not Hi' iot ' Udn iivvn I'att in at prirv that vim not hv DitH I1 J'ir- 'i ISTERES7 ?AI3 it TiKS SS?0a. And a -o anl at rolu. e.l r - 1 i.rliirtii" tfti iMr.iilKi irl itti J t nil -n ;-. before j ir l..img a- r guar w- -itif.i tim ! W. H. Ludlow & Son. i-A ty ljjans a .nriAirv. Three or five K.irc .-ti.vtJi n:nn pe rent, .-ingle mortgage. No delay in securing money. J: or Sale at a Bargain. 1 A new .-even room house with four! lot-, situated in the most desiiable ' iianof the city. Can be bought on long time. Inquire of I). .M. IMatt. Farm Loans. r.irm loan.- negotiated. K.:rm loans . .-... 1.1.. . ...... 1 .-..... ...... I Oil III 1 t i:iV''li- innr. i'.iii- .! Mr. Ueti. Hani- will in .1 few day- l,e imid rv "iving r.O lav- notice with- I " t out etra eo-t. i.vk 10 your i-i interr-t-; and call n meat my tftice Liver 1'ir-t N finnal I ink. t I). 1. SrvNott. ! I ..-..- open up a grocery tnre m the Turner buihliug. Vo be-pe.ik lor him a liber al -hare of the patronage ol the people ol Jowles avd viein ltv. MoNKY to loan ut rox-onable' on Ked j .,00l fUMCnal orehr.ael neurit v. Also ! tarn, loan- made at lowest rate- of .1. D. Fuller wa-i:i Iilue Hill on intere-t. C F. kkk. . , a.V.f AU.tract Othce, IUv. v tCtiul. r inlay. , . . .... ,11 . 1 . ' Itch and .-cratches ot overv kind Thos. licvL-son contemplates gomg ..(, miIos w, vrAfoTlV, futherwe-t. Hetter stay in Cowle- 1 0111 ! Smutjiry Lotion. I"-4 no other. This Thos. l'aul an I K. I. (.iauce were in ; never fjiil-. Sold by rYrgu-on .v Co drug lied Cloud. 0.1 Montlay ol tms week. j ui-L HI Cloud. iS-Iy .-. 1' 111 it-ii I Tin- I .ui .....I .....! rvner linn itC lif W fil ROYAL Rl B iui:kiti:-Hn- Oarl-jr. i'.iM. 1L HeCasd. K.n.Miiik "' ' THsr. W. . CurtKT. CVMU HSroN"! ItTa Final Proof Notice. I-iii.J i3kx- at IM-MHin2tiM. -! . Mj i !" V'l'lirK I- HKUKm t.lK TIIT 1IIH ll f'J...n.- .!- l ttlkr h ! i-'U "j Jjt. 'I.O.u Mil l'l3i -JJ T"i '. " "-- - I i.n-. U rV t O. .IH."! . I A'-7 " t, I tin! Iiwi " -juriJ. jhw -". li. VIIUAM 1 M'Mlt.-. ;, J.WIt I. tMWtll II lC- i-' II" r (.i&mlu? wHn- I?w rwJ w rr- Met- iii- rtun40 ' '. 1 jlw.t, riii..O. ln.r J: !vti-. Jutu lUMm- . MkIiIiu rMlil. ! "t li-4 t . jGOLD AND SILVER (JuM nnt Silver Whirls ar Lh5 IWt !nl. I KtMint Ilr.. 1 Kir-t National UnriV. i Kir-: N.:ioiwl Hank. vw Y. my Uyrei. . Wj liavu ttargains that irn nci )i Urul nnwlrj ofa 2Vi a. ivnr1.1:. t Lcifal Notice. - 11 rx. ANI ! mbt l .M t'jr tnfc ! .. I I.. f T t..1 P w , pH. E .JORDA.V. UKXTUF. ! KKIM'Lorn - - MiHKXi-KA All urk gnarJntee.1 Il.x.m- 'e. First National;l L. C. Cilbeit spent Monday in Cloud. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Notice. Notice 1- heren' g;n ; the mi I i . .. .. .m. .1 r it .--3 iv - -' I W.Urfaln .- )uiSMrt rJOc rorh 4 ) tr 1 i -im .H - .T- l. b "".! vn "Pt I at U.- rat t" r " " ,Jf'" ' i g ..i i- ib- f.-j ":"- ,jiz t ;-. n (&- IkJU rfcirt'8 r j.rd Ih m , . J i-i r-S '" I. l"-i ' i-HStM r I- iff IW Z- ) t Jt. " I (,.M4ril TI"-L noo.fOmiu.l Nrii. 11'. tolCfW!nj Paraila. (.Hurt of nil K little Kan?. I'd jnai. AVhito (!.. I'flUnv- SInumh - B&i in ! n i ot i r tc-ri? pf ' J lis ir M!rr nrver Mmilcl ;ninl -tri'ii.r'ii -a lit w!i.ili--.iiriit Mirf eitUKMHlcal i!i iinlituirv Vliui-. mu caiiiu: t- -'il m Weltrr County Al-:ncl Oiltfi tm eom;i'.i:in uii xhc inuuitut rf low :-i -brt Montlay evening. June ,. i?t v.eishl .tliimtir jiu-iliaJi j-iJtir-. -M onlv) . p I.-Vrrr 1'rei ia -:tii- Kit YAl. RAK1M; JliWIlKB TO. ' -' -rrr "-' 1 ..s.;.w n tti.t .trV'iMilfr- 0: tul ' Uetl Cloud Home-ten.l. Unildtng und Cvt t . .... ,k ,Uii nf' A I llr.i wan M,tiare n.i on Uk: : Loan Ao,.;ition l..r jbl '' . . :o ,i,fi .1 fWumm W a rail officer-and the tran.-nct:on of chr , Jva M ftJ )ttmr., important bu-inf ;, ui'd Ik heW in "he ysK Krx. V-niUne. ' Men' Shoes I resWkrwt- Umrli ol T l,4 of - -lorl bocs oowstoUnv W WchI :, er. Ar le. 1 intr of 3U Jt WH (jKAVPd, AW k YOUNG Mr. ciuner 01 nine mu wa- m in --.. .... - ... . .vles ,h rt W. I $Ml?aUng ,r""m,"S8 I Wall Si., .v. v. I A Hovrp,- iecretnry. &2, . M - ta. t- -jt' 'i . .- -"A r-?- "JV-1 flWaiWB-- JgMfwii I'jtyww. jiig ra C jfcw a- "" - - - - v. k iiiiiiiiHPPt'iMrFvNBawii i i -r - i-?r'ir'afTrfctfta-ai-nnTrwriTrTTrT?i,nfiiMi-iit ii iriiwirrrii-' ni 'i III I I I Vi '""iImii i' i il'lT" ITiBi-" . .. J I MjE 'Cyjtrrjjfctjwdff' -fpPJBtfy pB " tSti? eES.B' w WQd& 'pyBBMMJf KSttZjftrftKHMr'jtf iBbflt PH2i;i mmmmmi&2immmEMeg&