The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 28, 1886, Image 7

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Rod Cloud Markets.
T'nlcr i:.:,.
-i-i Hi, Wln.jit-iv.iy,
lltl IjC
' -:n.
ltTl. 3 VU , l ,.
1 IN lids' -Jn-1.- .l'.'. .
O Per Cent Farm Loan.
'I In X-l.r:i-k:i Farm Loan Co.
in ike oii M loan on von farm at I
-might 1 pfr rent and fnrni-h the!
.... ' ml , Il ...II I
II , .. ill i .in i ill-lit Y. , I
tl.rin in the lii-d Cloud National Dank
- . -
.. . I
1IH your lly tup-.
v. i.i.i inu'-ic from the i-ioc-k yaid.-.
. l)vi:u eonlemplaifa :t tour Ur
T a.s soon.
I'iri.M. poet- have given way to the
P .ito luj-.
Mi:. P.Km.s, M. ,t M. y. right-of-
iiinii. wu ding tho eity l.u.1 u !;.
C. Coo.n u our lijauk1- for a
-I hd roll of giant rlttiharh i pie
I .:i.
I -torxTv eoiiiniiiuner John
M' Callum was in lljo city Tiies-day on
lli ial huiiie--.
1 in Mre't purji.- juo not n iiuiiicr
i as heretofore, t-inw ihe dog ordi-
.. na-c -t-iii into e!fict.
A i-irn- of our you g people a '
-'ii..Ia- .Sehool pienie I.i-t Sunday
II A.Stoweir a embly ground-.
loii Fi.oiihs. ha.- purchased fiacre-'
of lanti of lvl. Kellogg and eAjvt to
( muieiK-e building a lesidenrn hjoii.
I addition to the iual fihernian's
;! i., the city kids now rutin n from
li hiiig with nil tiie river eaH Uiey ran
I u im. ei vice, with niu-sir, will be
l. .1 in the ('atholie church, Ped Cloud
1 11 Sunday, the 3uth instant, .Jo-eph
( . 'y, Pa-t)r
u townsman, I n !; John Tom
iiu on, Mild the it j t team Uiat hauled
(hi fiiht 'litt- ever hauled in Kincfln-lot-
pnee naid wasU..
m l'l.oin:- has recently received
-J0U1J back pen-. ion from Cncle Sam-
ml .Mr. Ir. has purchased land in
Hi d Cloud and will Mon coniinence ,
1 Hiding thereon.
Aii Su.uu-.N is the proud jm-se--or
I 1 -i-fooHl pig. Hi- pig-hip uses
. 1 : of hi- feel when walking and i.-
pp newly a-lopcciable and happy,
.1 .iity pig in Weh-n-r counly 1
I M l.i; Ll.M .Mooick h.i lelutliedj
1 .mii hi- frip anioiig the .lay hawker-.
in! icpoits iiiogie..-, ;iud good proi
p i t-i for the early completion of the
C N. K A- S. W. l.-ailruad.
1. I. Po-.!, f AihIhiv, has retuined
li un his meaiideringt.iu Hie Sunny San
I ni- Park. Colorado. The gentleman
.- .w some beautiful -cenerv, but .-till
hi. iiKs there s no place like home. t
!' 1.1. Pi.rri: M i:-Pl has Mild l.'i '
. ad of cattle to W. N. Hichaid-on.
Tin tr average ige i- hi months Thev !
,.-aitl to I..-the finest bunch cf cat-j
111 the Web-ier counly dioce.-e. lettcis, for the week
1.. m .... ,'. .' :
( Ijdllii. Ma 11
George A. t'ornnei,
Mepheii A. Hrown, C P. Henry. Mi. .
M.uv Lane. W. Weaie. Win. It.-uker, '
Mat J Foster, K. P. Hobci, AI.
I'm. tnoriiiiig f .Line befoie (
unii-e. 1-the Dutch time for planting j
m lunltcr. i Mir agricultural eunoi
h t-. tried the plan for several years i. e
tried to get uj eaily enough
but failed.
lo trv it ,
Tin: dust dusf- where it du.-leth, but I
unlike the wind ou can tell from '
whenee it comcth and whither it goeth
It the wind be fioni the south the du.-t
cineth fioni K in-a- and goeth into
eeiy corner ami crevice of Nebraska,
and if from the noith. ice versa.
.hpci: M.-ICi:i.;iin has apjuMiifed (
lbvlolhwing board of aihitrahon mm. u iison. tcaciier. 1
.ipprai.-e the aluoof the riuht of way 1 H. '. lUmtow-, -late evangcli-t f ,
through Web-lev county, lor the No-;
1 ra-ka A- Colorado b'aihvay; H. M
lone-. S. W. Fulton. W. W. Ungate,
!no. McCallum. Wm. Arnold. Uoo. W.jand on Sunday night many we.e
Wri:n:i: Fncatnpment, No. -.. 1-
0 (. 1. met on Wednesday evening,
Mi IT. and elecled the billowing ot
J ei-:
p c p.K. l Hummell.
' P. A.. I. Mean-.
.W. W. 1? Koby.
II V.O. II. Maryatt.
.-1 ribe A. O Kerg.
Heptesentative F. 1. Hummell.
II. .1. M uukk 1- greatly elated over
1 j- suce- a pisciculturist. The
bl.i.k lm-s sit 11 put in the ponds :;
c it ago have gnnvn with surprising
1 lpidity. some measuring six or seven
liuhe- in length. Mr. M. will ".et L'uO.
oo more little fish from tne state fish
liitchery ne.i month, and plant in his
..mi risciedture is a scaly busines
I .it we believe Henry has shuck a
1 1 mana.
Cyci.ok parlors are now the most
I pular places nfiooiiin ilu west.
Thev aH'or.1 opportunities for deep
meditation and prayer, during a bli.
iid. nnsurpa.-std by the finest ehureh-.-m
the land. In the pre-asthetic
-, when frame dwellings were as
..nee a.-angels' visits, and gr.isshop
1 ti thicker tha- hairs on a dog. they
wtre known hy tho unromantic title of
dui:outs." Thev not only allord a
-ale' a.-vlum for the stn
ptde.-hian. but also a magnificent
abode for Cue industrious I'.f.i. The
hit ciessed dugout of the wide,
-.V.St will ever romam dear to the
hen is t.t those it has sheltered.
I Am s IIii.u did Hurr Uah thi
J week.
Mak.-h.yi, Hutch i.-on i after the un
I licensed canine.-.
j A iiitiWK and disorderly occupied
the coop Monday
Tin: citv schools olo-e next month
for hie long vacation
Okam-JK Tavlos: U now chief clerk
,M -'"-rIiiijl .- .-tore.
1-K: I" theie will he political'
.... ,
rwirc VIII . I ......!. il... ..:.
iwi'i.' in iiij liii I i" I in : ir
- ---ii- ...- .....
Yk- L M. Cum. '.ml r- '
I --- ... ..... i . in. ..-. i in
.I.u;l:-on have gone to Colorado.
I fi- V t I." . ..
-I. - i i-o oi luverion A.i-
vi-iting friend-, in this eity thia week, j
W'll.l. J)ickin-o.n h:? resigned hn j
portion at Melarl.vnd'-, and h;is jone;
M. W. I)kki.!JsON,3 nroduee and
exchange huilding now wear, a new
Wm. Ilr ki.K ha- eointiMMict'd huild
ing on hi- lot-j in the northwe-.t 'pi. tr
ier of the eity.
Kone-.ler ii .-elling hi eouutei goods
leganne,-- oi eot to maKe room lor a i
new -toek of furniture.
Hi.i.i ri.uV: carriage worl..-, of thi-eitv
h ive turiu'il not thirty ehicle- .-nice
.March. A goed showing.
Ji.o. Y. l5i.i.i.Nn.M., general j-tock
lament for the 15. it .M. Uv. enioed the
halmv aii of l: d CiotidVndav.
'i :'i; people of the fit' .-hould all
Jui ii out on Decoration I) ly and take
part in the ceremonies, of that day.
Fie Ni.. Iloim, jiie.-cription rleik at
the City JJiug Stole, ha- heMi sMiih-ring
fioni a eveie hilhou- attack thi- week.
I li k Firtt National Hank lia.- heen
renovated and finely decorated. The
interior prc.-:eut- a very inviting ap
pearance. 'i.oKoi; .M. has opened a
lemonade -ind fruit stand in the liiahu
between Millei'.- harnes.- shop and
Maryatt's jewrliy .store.
Mi;s. L. Ii. II -K)N.-, of W'.-OOllaltl,
mother of our e.-teemed friend, L. A.
IIakiusi, i.- visiting her s(n and his
.family, near Red Cloud.
Ki.Ml.Ml' the hor.-e fair, '-'ulterior
.lime I I, .", Guide Hock. IS, 19. Hod
Cloud. ".'!. H I. and J.I; Hurr Oak. U'J and
:j() 1 he program will be out soon,
.1. Wi:. 1 l FA. of Well-, called at this '
office Tue-day, having lecentlv le-
lurned from .1
w inter's sojourn 111, fully convinced that Neba-ka I
m .. - I
ii gomi enough lor him.
So iitv for the Home for the
Fiiendle-s. will meet at .Mis. Wallace's
on I'tidav instead of Tiiursdav. A
laige attendance i, dciied, a- import-1
ant matter- need attention. j
Tn 1: inenibei-i Hed Cloud Lodge ;
.Co. r,l, l.O.O. F.. a,e rcMuested to j
meet pion.ptlyaL their hall Monday .
.May ,;i, .or un' purpo-e 01 lainng pan
in mmonal seryice-
Kvery Odd!
l-How should turn out.
Tin. people living 111 the north pait
of the coun'y are highly elated over
their new railroad pro-pecU The 1
diit i- Hying lively up that wav, and
j ere many nioon the iron hor.-e and 1
ii- -i :n 1... . 1...
hi- rider
will lie prancing over the
prancs of north Web-ler.
To .-how how stock
increase- we ,
have only to cite the following instance i
Mc.-m-. Gardner and .Moore, who own
a ranch near (. ow le-, purchased two 1
year-, ago two cow-, and from the-e two
cows iiim UH-ii progeiiY inev nave
inciea-cd to 1 1 head. This i-cci tainlv
woiulerful but achtallv the case.
Hi.roKr ol'-chool m district TO, foi
the mouth ending May l!l-t. 1m; !
.Numher enrolled, 1,,. not absent.
ilohnnie Meier: not tardy, lVarlie !
Mekeign.ui. John those who i
wereoYcr M m deportment. Lilhe '
McCuuc. Fannie Oii-man, Je-ie Me-,
Keighan, Pcail.o McKeighau. Clara
the ( hn.-han church, is holding a.
series of meeting-at the cotnt house
thi- week Hi- audiences are large.
iinanie 10 gun aummance. eme 11a.-
..i ('!..;. 1 .n-.i.ii. .i I..H..1M..1 1
... ii- e out a iea.-i tnree months oeiore hie
hnph-m and church members!.!-. f;ur Comc-otl. so tht the people will
Meeting everv evening this week at S h.iYc an oppotiunity to prepare arti
o'ch ck. i cles for exhibition.
A in-Kirr meeting will be held on! Pkof. Wyd Ki. Wykh delivered a
Chas. Smith's farm ii: Gai field, T miles -eries of lectures in the Methodist
southea-t from Hed Cloud, on funday. chinch this week, on .the subject of
June ' Preaching at 10 o'clock a. in. ' lUc and custom.- in the Oriental world.
The ordinance o' baptism will .e ! The Professor is a nat.e of Jerusalem,
administered. Love fea-t at '2 p. m.. ' whete he was born and bred, hence
preaching at :. A number of proba- N thoroughly poxeti in the history,
tioners will he icceived in lull n em- l'otn P11-'1 i present, of the Holv
beiship. A general invitation is ex- J'""1 amI V,'.1:'0l,t VOIJlUriw- U,
, .. ,,', , .... lectures and illustrations are highlv
tended to all to be present. i entertaining and tustrudivi. "
.1 W.HKMI...Y, wife and ch-. Id, were Mk VynAi.sT,nk. the veterinarv
thrown from their buggy Sunday even- M,r.on who ,au,v camo to Rc, c,ou;,
iug. while driving near the railroad t(, practice his profession, yviys severelv
track ia the vitm.ty of the Hed cloud injured one dav th's week while it-Mill-.
Their horse wa- frightened by u.IIM,linc to tio'otur a hor,e It sCtl4
someequesttians iidmg up suddenly lhjU the hore ? , , , die,is.Hi.
ll!lll.l III I'llll I 111 4111.III.
from the and became unmanage-
able. The buggy wa a total wreck.
Fortunately the occupants escape.1
with a few hiui:es, but without serious
injurv. '
(Skm:ki. .Ioun A. Lix.yn announces :
that everv soldier's grave that is not
ureadv provided i- entitled to receive i
a headstone free from the goyermnent.
Wt would suggest that Garfield Post '
take matter in iiand and see thai the ,
la-t l.-ting place of each and every
out, of their departed comrades is I
properlv marked with one of these en-!
dor,,:,.onument.-. Full particular-
can be obtained bv writing to Genetal
, . ... ,
' ' l"1 '"" ;:"-4 v.vt..ti !
of the United States Army.
o . . . . . - .1
ju) i oi ft i again on wit lanii.
An elegant line of wall paper at City
Lu-.m: numbers, of hog are coming
into market at present.
Hon. Fr:ti has returned to lied
Cloud from Ins trip wvt.
The best mix.d barn paint at TO L
per gall. ,n. at Cot ting's-
Tin. demand fur monev scerns to be
prettv go ;d just a: ireent.
I . r J
u.. . f . .1 r r t
i . .1 ivi'ii iitrirnrir in nnp iri.iini
l :i....w.t n.., ... ., .....i ; ;.. .i...
... ii.. .. isxr.i.. Iliv.lll - v114 lilijllll.
iiunii-i ii' i, lajh ."V3 vin, is in me
at v.
tr . .. .. . ...
ii i:kv ri.l.iiT iia.-siuir: a well in
front of hi- .-.iloon with a water c.i-
pacity of li.' feet,
TlIK worko; h.nlding idewalk-
igocs bravely on. for which pedestrian-
are truelv thankful.
Tuift.toii the kindnr-s of M. Ii
I'entley we a-c permitted to fenise a
Hot Sprint:-, Ark., paper.
I.i.w: in mind the union t-ervice- at
the opera hou-e next Sunday. Inter
esting service-, will be held.
AlHS MM!. UirKU:-o. ha gone tot
Germantown, Kan., to visit an uncle,
thence to Kirwin to choohnate-
Tni. Chick's reporter has been in
formed of an approaching marnagt in
the near future. Thk Chiki" eats cake.
.M Wojt TiNKkk ha- arrived home
from hi- extended tup in Colorado
Thi Mayor think-1 that country i-: goixl
hut Webster county "gooder."
Giu.irn Hito-. of H;u-ting.-, .Minn.,
hae iiifoimed Tin: Cmjkk of their
desire to locate in Idul Cloud with a
-?.''." ,000 stock of general merchandise.
()i:i: imp blushed deeply the other
day when a gentleman mi-took ou
fhree -tory edifice for a laundry and
wanted Satan to do up a diity shirt for
him. M. PlhKCl-, genera! manager
of the limn llitiii'd'u I, of I)e.i Moines
an old friend of Frank Ihckerson,
paid Tin. CiMhr a pleasant call Thur
da, on his way west.
Ai the next ?e.-ion of the county
-upervi-ors some action should be
taken in icgard to making the necc.--
irv arrangeineni- :or a couutv i.ul
t I .1 .. r .. .
, .nut .iini ini ,i
county poor houe.
Till, court house i- being remodelled
; on the interior. I he Judges stand ii
being elevated and a jury box erect d.
The-e aie inipiovemeiit- that have
, h , ,
ur Temple ot
Tin: farmer' aie very busy oer the
county getting in their crop. So far
'he cioii Pionects are L'ood. Thi- we
.,r(. ,n1 Q noJ(. ,f .mv (I(l.orve
,,,.,,.,.;,,. iL H p ,,..,, workinK
' A y .11jmilt,vifl, of Virginia,
e in , ,.it Mr pitm:n, is looking
Illin i,.,..,,:,,,, .- r ,. - . .,...,
I I VH-fl IMIJIIM-', tllll
pa location tor hu&iuc.--, and thinks
1 Hed Cloud is about the light place
Tin: Ciiiki will be piea-ed to have him
locate in our thrifty city.
To be or not to be" that is, the
M,uMlMn ui1(,ti.r lt j lnor,. beneficial
U) ,. (.ili0M , Mini.r tj. ,j,t t0
,,, r ,ake , enou-h to
. procure a man to .-pi inkle the streets,
and theieby end the discomfiture that
..... .,,. i.;..,.,...! ...
,nii. 1 11 411.
I), ,:in.. the lir.-l three ,!:,v- ,.f ih
u.t(.i .j,,,, MeKei"ha!i's iourt was
t-0U,ie,i j,y ,jlc tr,.,i f ,ret jcntCy
of th rliy v M,. Wooley, of Kansas
e c.i-e wa- elaboiatelv argued hv
council on both sides. The decision
wa- ic-erved Iiv the .ludee until
phui-dnv too l-nl. tor fl.U i.-n..
Thk bridge across the river at this
mim. h:ls ,,., ir,..i,.il,no.l
,,v mnv .,;,, uhjch havc bocn riven
tilcri.umlor at thc iIlstit?atioii of our
,OUIllv M1crv,-oi. This was a move
in lho ri.,ht lhr.vl:OI, !lm, TlIK ,......
is ;4,.ul to k.)v lh;lt the tiu js
co.nnarativelv safe for future Use of the
tr.ivoliu- public.
It seeins to
that the Webster
j county agricultural association should
h. ami not uail until .1 ivcok or two
, ,. , , , . .
"in'ii- iiie e.MOiiutou. 1 lie lists SIIOU ill
. , , , .
and while the doctor was treating the
J8illie the horsc . jlnift ... n
throwing VanAL-tine violentlv again-t i
a wagon, injuring him internailvrfrom '
. !. 1. .,tl.i..i X. . .. Ml 1
" ov.ii euei is. ue iu n
"llr !'.
laid up tor a
Thk sidewalk boom still continues.
Xl e'or- """S - city council
i everv
W:llk5 ar--,'c i Liid on some of our j
sl,eola- This 1-a move in the right ,
,hrcctum "J -hould be encouraged. '
'T lnere J; no one l,"" ll:lt Siv olir !
0,;y :l ,nVcr !ll5r:ince than Soil t
uloU;,lk Evr property owner!
ol,W frb' liW walks in front of;
!" r' "- The indisenminate
I'li'itii. ..I i-..ll- .... !.! 1. . .. t. . . .
aing in v.aoc- yv. .ii iii no. perhaps, in- ,
juuietous. im. every ttreet sh.uld hav
one good walk.
' Program for Decoration Oay.
' Jatnc A Garfield IV t No. jO, w I:
men at rrccniHSOii nail ai rs a Ail
., ill 'r WTH Wltl the UUAl tu-
secret rou'he? joining m the -cmcc). . , ,,. , .M.,.,.
' " ' torn nl with a M u; paYing
will meet at their respeehYc halls at prop.r Jr,l yte o the memory of the
J 1 11.30. march in a lody escorted by
I Garfield Post No. SO, G. A K . to evirt
houe park at 1 ti. :n
! ..'.... .
ML.-I' V JM.
Procistiun will form on Tth Avenue
and Cetlar street, left in runt in the
following order Baud, schools, pn
rn iry. :literine!iate and hi-h school
under command of principal and their
respective leathers, (.i.trfield I'o-t. fir
ing party m front, u- of Veteran-,
Knight- of P thus, Intlependeiit Or
der of Ui'd Fellow?. "uman's Ilelief
Corj.s in carnage-, with :!uwers. other
M'rim.i ,tt i,.-ihh
MNK of .MAlirn.
Wot on Tth Avenue to reward
sheet, .-oiith on Reward -treet to )
vi-ion .-ireet. west on Division street to
. . .
cemetery. On arming at cemetery
school- uiH opei order, Garfield Post
and Woman's Kehef Coip- mow to
the fmiif iin.I mkf. the lf-H.1 111 iheifiu.aii-ixaiuc-rciicar vieii.iiiwi wi.
' "Vrottiim- ceremony, n.-i.-tetl by .-ns
of Yeterau- and K. of P
I. U. U. !.,
ami public school-.
After decorating
ti..- proceed to the center of
cemetery and form hollow .-.juare.
firing party in fiont. when the wreath
for the unknown dead will tie deposit-
ed by Comrade Jo:. Garber, with ap
propriate lemarks. After wh:ch the
entire comiiiaiid will form and march
to court hotis-e naik, where appropriate
address will 1 e made by Hou. W. A.
Mrl-ighan and J. S Gilham.
Fir-t ward rci ool will lorni at their
.-cliool building and be ready to fall in
at rear of second ward schools on
arrival at Hivi-.ion 'treet. Hy order of
Janif- A. Gailield Po-t, No S.
L'niI K Li Mooin. met with a eri
ous accident 1 n Tue-day night of this
week It s-eem- that while out riding
with Harry Feight they had occasion
to -top in front of the po-t ollice. and
while there for some cause the hor-e
started up suddenly, ami the buggy
having no top, and a low back, I'ncle
Levi was- suddenly t hi own out backward-,
lighting upon his shoulder and
head, injuring him severely, but we
are glad 'o note that he is recovering
iw fast as possible. Ii was a clo-.e tall
Fi:om teliale -ource- we learn tint
the Hock Is'aml official- having made
-att-factory arraugeiueiits for the ex
tension of their lines in Kan-as, are
now turning their attention Nebra-ka-ward-,
and doubtle-s the Nebraska
extension will be pu-hed with Mgor,
and eie nianv dav- we mav look foil
, . , , , ..
something tangible in the railway line
pointing direct towatd fted Cloud. 1 he
Hoirk Island meau business, and will
receive substantial aid and ercourage
nient along the entire line of the
Nebraska route.
If .Mi. Chancy receive- the nomina
tion of the lepubhcan party of thi-district
theie will be no danger whatever
of hi-getting left. Chief.
Why. certainly. "If Mr Chane)
receive- the nomination .10 one, not
een a democrat, would doubt his
election. Mr Chancy ha- not yet de
cided to become 1 candidate, but
-hould lie so decide there will be a
ru-tl:rig among the liy bones, and
Webster county will ionic neaier
"gutting there" than evei it has in late
ears. politically. The "Chief Strad
dler" will then fall into line. Argus.
Wonder which side of the line the
grand and lofty Argu- mugwump
"bolter" would fall in ia.-e of Mr
Chancy 's nomination.
Mi:.-. IkH kt went to McCook thi.
YVeek in re.-pon.-e to a telegram an
nouncing the seriou- illne.-- of her
grand-daughter, Mathe Calnies. Mattie
died on Sunday aftc r a painful illne--of
tluce Yveeks duration, aged VI
years. Her icmains yycio biought to
Wk Cloud by her grief stricken
parents, and buried in the cemeterv
Kev. G. W. Hummell officiating. Mr.
and Mis. Calnies fotmeily le-nfed in
Hed Ootid, and have the sY tnpathy of
their many friend.- hereabouts, in their
.-ad ntlhction.
I r now looks a thong the P. k M.
roa-'. will build a branch of theii line
from Hed Cloud smth. through Smith
Centre and Cedamlle. in Smith county
thence to Stockton, couutv seat of
Hooks county, and on to 11 iycs city.
The people all along the line are very
jubilant OY-er the pio-poet of the early
building 01 the load. .J. H. Newell, of
Cedamlle, thinks the toYvn ha- the
best pro'peots ever known. At one
time, and long before the railroad
completed here .there iva a large col-
ony of Atchison county jieople here,
hut the drouth droYe nianv them back
and noYv the town is taking another
start a railroad and building boom is j
going on. Cor. in Champion. i
A vofNrt cyclone struck the citv
Satuiday eY'ciiing scattering things
gala-YVe.-t and crooked," but fortun
ately doing no serious harm to build-'
ings. Dr. LimiL'h had a narrow escape J
from death while hying to secure a
gate in hi- back vard. The wind
ca"S1'1 "! :l n:c ben h. whirling it j
through the air. striking the doctor on right leg with such force as to
knock him down, badlv sor.iininir hi?
TKa knet. flUi ;everely barking 1V1-
lft suill- He manased to crawl into!
tne lOXl:C .iuj 1:5 llOW oblige! to wear
crultiltS. I; la fortunate the bnch
l,;M,,,one,l :p slr,kt liim so near tho
gnmnd. othe wise he would doubtJes
iavc rCceivcl f.ttal injuns.
HighU' eneouragu.g rejHVts are
'"'-' weired from along the line of
' .1 . - X- ?- I -- ii-
ihe C. N. K. A S. W. Kv.
r ...i.
YVi'-tern rulf if dead, makes a mighty
lively corpse.
41V -I'lllil-
M fi4.K - On r f. Urn Ci 1 1,
' i
heroes of the late war. I Ivrehy :eouet
that the btt;int"-t Ji'Mi0fc oi He ! Cloud
he cl.-el frm 12 ? j m to 5: In p m
on MoikIi.. M.iy 21. Iv-. ; that the
ch-rk' mu empio) tan uke prt i
the memorial peruec The poiiv
geoerallv il-roaghoct th" city to :
nueeti?l to iuVe rl m ihe -itvuc of
IJii da li I T'K.R Jliji
I. H. WilLiLi.. tm CUrV
CoHV At h r home in Crete. Tdo?da
.May I, ?. Uuih It Corv, a 7j
ear-. .1 month and 15 day-
Mr-. Corov va- born in Oraigeillc.
j yow York. December 3rd. 1 !5 In
! I -..? -ii; nj nitrrifd to Sanfurd J
; Cr. who wa-- ri-tantlv kilh-il bv she !
j itiAut ,,rn ymit trltn n lrt,e l)ot0.",iiber j
17 j .- Mr- Corey wa tho mother j
of Mr-. I. Frisbie. of tin-city, ami wa-
! ;l " rhri-tian inulhcr ami 11 cw- ,
, -j-tPtit ineinti r of thi: .McIIua1ii
1J1.. .
.Mn. K. Klett. well known in tim
I hi- home in llaigler. Neu., Inestiay
la-.L W
ue unable to learn the
oarite-ibir-! if the ca-e. His son
! i.r Hauler Wednesday monit ng to at
, len.i w.e uinera.
: . 1.1 r . - 1
lll.HU o' lijU JioiJiea lve been
mi.irteml htrs for the pvt week and
our citizen are indulging in Brum ho
Something new thoe stlk finishel j
,. . 1 . ,, i j
wall pajKTs jui receiveu at vmis.
New ceiling paper? and decoriiiion
at Cot ing'.
Special -ale rf ladies s,1hh-s for next
M) il.iy- at the Golden luigle lod
large aderh-ement.
Hon t buy your wall pajnr, painL- or
wiudiiw shailes without examiuing the
stoi k and prices at Coning'.
H1.M.V CVtK. now ha- the most
complete -lock of wall tper, shades,
etc , in the Hepublican Valley.
l'-o the Senour floor aiuts. Make a
perfect cement, at Coltmg's.
I am prepared to furnish door plates
which for durability, cheapness, beauty
of design and finish, cannot be excell
ed. -impJe- on exhibition at the
ollice of Tin. CillKl "'i our patronage
respectfully solicited. C K. Wool), tf
sroin: room lor nnt. Jrl't' feet, 3
door-south of po-tollice Impure of
1). Featherly.
If you wisti to sell your farm or town
property call on -lo.-i.rii (Ikyvk.-,
lUtf " Hed Cloud, Neb.
F..i: -ale. or rent -A s:ood tore room
in -outh He 1 Cloud. A fii-l-clu lo
cation for a competent busitus man.
Impute ot W. F. Jackson
l'Ki.oi; -nit-, bed room uits, d lesser-,
dining room and kitchen furuihite
in abundance. Lawn chairs tuul set-e-,
picture Iiatue-, etc.
F. V TYUu.
I . "lllHl I. Mill IOI -ill-J nil. .13
' A Ifv to Graves
I " 1.... -..I.. .... ,...(
ij ('loud Neb.
10 tf
Wyntkp. A girl to do general l
hoiisewoik. Impure at M I! McNttt - 1
hou-e. h'lf
The Nebi.i-kiufc Kan-a- Farm Loans
Co. have plenty of mone to loan. '
A M 1 hue of diy g'ifl- will be .-obi '
but very cheap ut Mr- Newboii-c- (
A good team of hor-cs for -ale In- .
piire of .Joseph Giave.-. W Cioud. tf
A 1 im. line of baby carriage- at F
V. Valor-. Micc--or to 11. L linker.
I'or cheap fa: 111 loan- call at the law
office of Chiiuev fc Henth v, Heit Cloud,
Net. ' STM
good span f hor-cs for -ale at
Howell Pro-, lumber yaid 10 tf
Hoy-' long ho-e ;it the Golden Kaglo
Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. New-
l'MMs ami oils of all de-euptions at
C thng-
Tworooni-.fii rem. Impiireof W
IX Forrester.
'.I per cant loan- at the Nebraska fc
Kansas FarniLoiin Co.
Go to G. W, .'hue's for fresh home '
made candle-, cigars, etc.
Fre-h home made candies at G. W
Cltne'-. Call and see bun.
si ki. vour piopertv with Cnas.
Schallnit. l'b.l Cloud, .Neb .JOtf
Tin. Amboy Milling (Company wiil
nav Co cent.- iter bu-hel for goiwl wheat
that will test 5T or ."i pound-. tf
15. y-' blue flannel -ailor -nil- at the
Go'.deu Kngle clothnu -lure at L-'iO j
and upward-. Hon t torget il
A woman tor laundry work, ami
dining room girls, at once, at B t M.
eating he u-e. if,tf
Tin: Hed Cloud Milling Company will
pay GO cents per bu-hel for good Yvheat
that will test ,V7 or pound-. 41 tf,
Now i-the time to get your furni-j
lure. Cir load just received at j
Forre-ter'-. I
Special -a'e of ladies -hoe-1 for next J
:,n iliiYs .it (i ilden Fagle. Head large
adn'iti.-enien '
n.iier. lemonade, ginger '
lie, birth bet r, it
All fr-h ar. 1 ni 1
it G W. Cline s. j
Cal' and see him
' -
Absolutely Pure.
Tfaii i5 TT.'crt r a 'Im 1 inri
rvapvUll w-U Uf u -t :0- iu trl rrl
lacSi. HOY XL L.VKLNO li W1)1.1: o.
WJJ j, Y.
Red Cloud. Nebraska.
A ov
And Umbrellas
.lino another li uf Httlx- tPrvs i'nt turns
at prin's thai tinut Ik- Dnptivatvtl
(.Juki and Silver .Shirts are the Bol Maile.
WchavcbHrtjains thai enu m-t he h?ul nnywhtM-tf ociu
1 he following':
Wliitt- (iw4.
Table Clollwi
Kaiuiit uiir
1. 11 11111 1.
JO jM'r vent, op from
inumUjr wc AXzv ' a Ii ui to m iir rf the ffiUow'iiiir
four ri. July Hii. lort.
First Prize $20, Second Prize $15.
Third Prize $10. Fourth Prize $5.
In goods. Even- pun-haMT of 'j will gt n ticket for a
chance in alotv pria.
Liluvii? tif all Kiiufc.
Lied Spronil.
I Ml low Sham?.
i k 1
Kvyular lrivrn on all
. it
Zf J&3&&&&
rW-&zx-'-Z: 3ET? 'z 3Ui-5,K:34sk,fc '"
- - . Jl.
'v- .
- n- i . Afc "