t"-2ei b .Ve- " K (I it J fe ' -'t & K ) k m m I I a iiv nee-on wim tui-Aj.- Vi.irlx ln.iiiil.,.Mni.-. u,',.,,!r'!,.(, v - .j..- iiiiuii- ur w ui-ilier lie t ool Ss r.--j..i).,t,. f.M Ji(. ... ic court-Imvo ilir .!.! Mrtt oili-writ...- irtt ff tu ne..,.,i.,er--. from t,. ,,.,.. ,,, mj; ii I H mml nf her hope- anil schemes. Silly i nig- and jeaJou- p'i"io:i. I'll only j CUBAN HOUSES. had gr.cn Ii.-r tir-t reception, ami fnun 1 dr.ixvhnrfc to tin t'io-ry xva- :h:it I low- I "' .-'--nti.i-i..,oU-.i: Kr.i.Vnr,. an.i Ji-r pO'.t:on a- Xl -1 liaI iioti-i t!n i ard seemed -oiii-tini. lid-iiloii-'v and ft. lour., xirnr.'ur'. t lliom. lirii.m fn. ., l -in HIT l.nTll jn . ll in- 1 1 j progress of afla:r britthl !v. Sin- un.-xplainablx att-ntix . to h-r-eif. Hut j h.ti wati-hed their meeting and tin ir thai wa- prid, of our-'- - pique. S.:lix 1 -ni.-fjii::; mter.-our-e anxiously: -.lit? , lixed in momentary expectation of hit .ItrCfun o r-t :n f thi ..-v.- -igt.t 1 .! and A BROWN STUDY. linn h ---n-: TiVn i no quarter n Harana Ifvot ! xiholV. t bu-:iie -. not-.. tvfrJ ly to h itt-. 'Hi'-j are delighttu'ly coinmnigc-ii ur. 1 !t'-n fu-n.-i iuu-l entertain. ng iM :"- The billings how 4 j; jo !. rr fleeted light f'r r,: orbit- f t: IIS ttt-o.riC u SENTIMENTAL CHARITY. :- r FULL OF FUN. i..r- -.' ". Cix. Th. JJie rush or l.i iwti tin..., tliii.iixti tlj- Ui'.-fill. Ami Hi.- litfht hi Hit- Im-'ih Mr an- two riI on- -.-.rx than three but nigg-d ami f-o".id.. tlu-v .-een. am! j had c- mtrivcd that 'linn should go in tha. in; a tale of xvound-d love and to supper together, though that hail I blight t-d hoi).-- poured tnt. h-r -xmpa- :- tlfiM t,nur of ihi-ir jir:u.ior :iMli , . . I.-n no ray matt.-r. Mr. Alfnil j th-tir car-. nwllaii,-!.! row ,ior.-.i j.a-r. ' 1'"'lt'U' ,,," I,"I",l-'J :ilIionair-. con-, Th.- ! ami w.-k, rolhti In: Kilty' - Thir liiuf i.j, hu,.. ,.y,.fc ,.," n,(T,. Vj, 1 ''niinj; who;n .n-.-ry body ivn- -o , vi-it v;.v tfrawinj; to a cIo.--. anH n r '-'. i riilii-nJoiisiv tirr.-I up ha-iiiij; liown !xn!y -.Ta- !ookin' forwani t-a-'i-rl; to iifi .1...1 .. ... - . . . . 1 - -"" -""w 'w".-j 1:11 i iatr. iJaiM'.-rou-, lu'i-nl on, .if f.ik i' i.-r Mr. Mmili.V. m. ...1,. .,!!, h,.r. mi'Mirol liiou-11 tf,tv-Mii ii.it mi,,,,,,,. 1 . . , , ' Ahoif imohii wihksIii in.-:,.-.tt. , luiii-i'lf. anil liouanl haimi; bf-.-n 1 If forgot mr -i-h-'ini-- ami arMti oiiti:-- a- to olb-r bi arm to hi- in thi- ilutti-r of jri-paration Kit-.y iio-i.--.- Urn ih'-- iitlii-tilfii- ami a trs-to j a a irjp-v. in a bright -ilk 1 fi'W -imilaroui---h" Inn! brav.-!y sur- botlin-. a ra;. ly U'ji.in;!-ii pi-ttii-oal ! moiiuii-'i. ami h.u! .va t .! i-a'-riy till ' ami ahihU--oloriI .m! hiirhh-ix-inn-t tin- Ia-t ;in--t hail ;oii.- to hear Kilty ' ' inj: turban t:nnir that no '.!-. h.i I vi-nlirt. j f-vi-r !ii'ji known :o ut-ar. ;illy wa- I "ISathlT I'Otill-lookilM'I" illl- rooi-nJ- 1 tn !i'.i..-ir iiiihIii.IK n. M !ii-:i.M!lt tit """ ' -d. .J..-ps,r:n:ly. -Win. !,, a p-rf.-t ' doubtful nationaim. with a lw..xl ,W i hkm f..r ih-r. i vrx ( a. !..; I.;.t.-'-' ' : 1 i.i .. : 1 1 :. I .. '"'K -'fll. ju-i. jv- vl TV HI K.TS.snn- -ai h fmni--n: 1- -ipp..-. I i path ihT:nrt Irtm kII tir uui-t K highly Hi-ntri whwh ik r int Ut th" notjriW JitT-rtr- in tii app-r.iXir of th 7tdi.n al bjjht a; iliil-M.: t.tiii -C'fli. .'- '.n. BAKER'S LUCK. nl.l.r Itn.t llnr. .f R l l.r j Ui) "3vl " to rar-.v i-m " to-ir -i"n-- m initi- 1 11, w .i min ntri 1 irru ...t r. K V..-K I itRi hmtHHla'. 1 flir.n' lvtkT t-a trrt-I. r tut I it. I in : . nt-T rrr iin n. tH-- - nr t-K" rhjr,tT. rhn rv- ijfS trntmrnr:-it;-. :.! . i rr.a- it t ... vb-r t!4t th hsr ibrtn ro.tif.7fet liwW' rUr W , vr - rt t ORkT J""- ! - ".fin ;-ju-i m frt. it-fi- ! b I f . ;? E . I h pl fef t '? ar.. th-n- i- a -' ioii-.i- anil iofti- 1 i"Jab iph. . an I a -.' r i m to. hnt -y- of mj 1 v.-tui- !i- Cold li.iii ttMi I nrvf-r ull in it. Vt-C irii l, I HiiiM. Inn jh Mint',. Tfll' hiKl llllll I luv. I HoOlK'l.,- Av I li- Iiknu.1 uf i,ur iniithr r. tin- i-.'rth Willi a uU-ntu lik.- thi- .lj.ni, .,! U."il, KOIIII'I H-i IIihI lli- .!. Iiuk !- t ol.-ur. All'! warm. Iil.- tin I.hm,i ., a lunj.i. mil n l.irwu. i.. (in- harof my O.-tr. From .-.lirr of On .111! wr- l..k J'.irmntnJ-i 'In Ii-kliori-. inn tin- ,,t-. anil Hi" town. Ami lifiwrii is III- -lijrl turj . hii nil. Tin-Jl-liiii.'..)itti" mi!-. ir- i I !.. i). "riiffcky mii In Mm. ih.it- Ui- li.i.-kroiiinl Hut llic iililun- ilvll. lo Ik Inn JIiiH.i.i 11 hliml.i! itu! viiiji. - iiniini Ik i.i'iwu im on iiu:-n that you J nc. nboiit nn- i3l rior- in n- mil nilin-i'. Ki-n if 1 -hoo ir aparim.-nt tfj Iittlr it i ah'a hijrh. :! with tit? H- l.-'l- thi nn.- ft U 11 ipiaint ut.-u-il.- r.a .' bttin-r'' and r.-r- ! Y wi ,-.' h- .v i Id onta!ant.- w hih ar- c'rJrn f ;muin-. poii-hi-d lunt.ai- alr.jt- pr--bnuinntinir. oxir--. ihonht "oia- rWi u, .ij vwi.t & b-!ji n.i j. un- ; iij.;ji jor t iiir. if -. n '.v : in ri,: . iUt-tii tor jarerfjr. "it .,.. ; av. i w-v .1; .1 U rubif n -t wsU rhar.'ii ); (, .ummti " lart. a nu.-h: tVs.i.fe miu-nAJ I-i i r-aT e.Miiti.- -w.w ;H-tr fj-r- wai-l and abbrm iatl -kirt and hi-r AifHil- "Oh. ..vrH." I don'l Know!" ,aid Kit- hair in two braid- down h-r bark. - Il,,- l"rn ;"rm the . li"-:J amI ?'U ;w , U' h ,"!tl "' :'"r tn'' d"4" b " ty. rnnii-i-dly. "Honani .-h" muI ailv"- iidpr ha-I -omehrv ri-i-n ra;hr I1- ti .. .. t . :..r n, .b-r I r.i.h.,: LnK ;V r tm i"1 - wf T "" ' "' tbaL m' 1 - y -w- .- - . . -. . - j' 4 i lurk limr-ln to ii'.liii-wiit Miiiiimi; 'I'll' lull .il I nw 11 Ki"''- ' in- I101111 Anl iiiov. a In on. 11 jK-k. Iii in r:lu' AjiiiimI tin . i.o -Aiin!y-kt .fi.nii-: Ami In hint;, Hmv I I.ii.ia.' I.-iu-itrint- UK 'J' Iciiiim nil lii imO . Wll.lt III.' 1IICIIII 'J'i.il it 1111 lin col.11 I (,' loi. lint yoiirhi-ll l my i,'ip,i. iijj lin-iti. All! Ui 1'iik I. inivt . my i.:nt -I in-, l.ui- KUlll-.-. It's 111 v Iii-miI In miikh mi to iln -kii-.; Jt in iiti tint) I I (.!. 11ml ulint miiiti-i Tin- .olcii ol linn .11 ol i3'ii' "o 'loiilit I hlioul.i lov.-joii it-, .l.-iiily W in you 1 lulu lik mi ajiiicof- liniiii; An-! yum ..- Jik' th.. tfinj j tin ufirii Inir Hut I'm rlii'l. "Il tin kiiiiii. tlml Hit;, 'n lnowii! . Xr.l.il, ill lls'HJ. IIKK AIATCII-MAKIXr;. on, dri-auuh: hi- look. a- though hi- ' hi-rh. Thi- vva- almost :h -nii of Kit- I nam.- ua- Howard; all th Howar.Ji I ' t.'- vi-it almost th la-l tinif thai h- i.-vi-r kmnv w.-n bi- and fair, and - j and Howard would bt to.'th-r and rath-r -ott. and " j -oimthin; uiu-l happ.-a. Th-- fai-l ! w stopp.'d Miiid.-nly: -h' had th-ir approaching -.'paration wmiM cau.'hl a iriiini-i- if SaIIv fare in tin? emu. lu.im 10 ih.oii m:1i: would brio" " - .--.---.-.- f, ..... i r 1 .- 1 . Khi-M. th.-m m-anr to-lln-r: would -ink.- . '".- """r- ruuuwu-.-.i iva- -..m.. mfiu ami in m . .n.J.-r naan, r f, f vuur own American "joni- t.Rrr. of r--lirs-; t Siriw th-iNiswreffr i ...- :o-ii.iv uitii -uch a -crisc . : I.mira" ' t hi- bt--'si'N. but it nr-r ui,-.l and d.-Iijrht t. th- old X.-w Kuiaiul . -n.i onh -: -a... h. xtt w,i- .. hoMjc- v.lii'.-c th.-r' ar -til! unl tp.n. . tin kit. h. n In a iw mmnti h. rv .-olid bra-- and -olid sdwr. or to turned w:tit my ,,ni.r ut no ...... . - - -- ...... t.S n f.- WBtw' I - ir-m" -w -. ,.' W-maiJ.!. r.n -J - A t . - y . 1 n bw!M ml ti...r..i?f S..s,j w.'-ull ! if I4:a . . ! tto fcw tbl tn -r ft . tn part . -,:i .-. !.-. i& xiinrti 1rfa: H " trt 'Jt. t.l. . lir-riatntitt .? Kr.. .f harm . 'Vfc .i .,. I-ii;.h. not " tv Mwrtrht.rkS ?! I ? !-. th-- drrn:.. livt- h train -.uic of the lilt!. old 6hnp-h.H-.-t--1 i. cr iih v & a brin n-wr ft-i...:.,r 1'ii-k-ii- kn.-'-r and s. lovinri jr-bii!. I th.u-;r-4 't w a j f oa kk- of? I'm -orrv. dear! I -uppo-.-hi-'- down all ob-tacl- hith-ro .M-t.:,- ' -!iv!,!";l!l :J,:tt '""" -- n ti.-r:.-,! -uu.-k it 111 mv x-ket and .m. rJi. .,.! a ;n-:it fri-nd of your--." -he -aid, and brin matt.-r- to a happy finl. .Mr. npoIoio-ticaH;. --I5iii ra!Iy I don't I'.cadli. wa. ot i-oiir-c lh chief b think him -.0 eiiicrt:tiiiiu; a- Mr. ! 'facie. Mr. I.eadle had -hown a jiro-ISi-ad!.. and he ha-n't half the mouev. found interc-t in the occ.t--ion -a po-i-you know. "and Kitty laughed, wii-kt-d-. tn- enthu'i:-m. which Sally cvn-iI-lv. ; .-red r-.oIfinr. Mr. lit-adle aain! .Sally- h-..rt ! "A man of h ajre!" -In- had -aid to '..... r 1 -t 1.- tt II.' in .111 iiiiiuiiierai.ie poit-hci c.-.rM-r i li Uf !..;.! th. .landi I hud t-in ii ut.-n-ii- and titling' hi-, own i-.II. the hotel a r.mi : ! ..,. u.. ... al.."71uIt. Si u-'f.c aSt.r highly i-!up-d. copp.-r-p.h-.h.' i n..-.-. ht !flio QuoHtion Now la, Did It Roitlly Suit Hor? Well, do 1,011 like him. KiM?" h, Vi-ry much. Sall. ib-ai." I fill!.. Shi Iili.rhl h:i.. i twit.-il -1. III.-- 1 Kitrt' iiub.-'ii'iiillv "I? i fi! tinl' ....... ..... -i'- - - ---- , --...- ................ .. . ... ...... filing of that -ort. Kitty w:i- totally will pmbanly come a Infaiifn." dillcivnt iruiii h.-r-.-lf. j ould u.n.-ri -.rndoubtedU :" Kitt had rc-pond.d. he ma I.- lo -ec thini;- a- .illy -:.w ; t-axh. -And" Mr. M.-nmlt a- lamj.-lh.-m: -h.- v.;h di-tn iii-rjy inatt.-r-of-1 j.oVor a Iie;htnin--ro.i -he L- .-o amu-f.n-l. SaMv -a I nou.li'ritir -crioii-lv. ;...,! i..n,M ! with th- liht- surnel J.,w. aft-r Kitty. 1 y,. .sm..ih..- room- w.n- a Ida. llii-'ii-d and tired and happy, had fallen ,,f !,,. :iml a .,...,. ut v. hirlinjri:a.Mt. a'l.-eji. Sitri-h thin-" mu-t com.- out ' :lU j,.,,.,.,- ,, jj. ,.,.ai.. lt.n ibb,.-.!. liffht. Howard mu-t be baek.-d ami J froi.'i fh-retir.-iii.'iii of a M.fa. Mi- I. id encotir.ijc-d. and Mr. I'.. ad!. iim-1 be j ftl ,i;.lt .- Kittjs.. stn-I in tin piv-.nt -nubbe.!. v:ii-.!ii'il and aiinihilat-d. .sal- ,l:il,. ,,f ,-otif.t-ion could not be'-mv of i w:f ikii iiiu.t clear a- 10 ):.,w un- . K:1())X ,,, j.r .,.,.,.. A 'talwart Hi-h- I. . I I. ; .: 1 1 . . 1 "n Kiiii- u.-n- 1- -niiu. M-riuc. ul-;i:iliiT I Went t the crk br ttt Ltii in:. All buildiu ;-. are of -ton.-, am! a.nd 1 nb-r m b.i-;.t, i,w u all wall- an- xti.-t"i-.ely thick Ik'-, -Wjia:'- the bill-' I .4,k.t. -ine 1- -.--un-.i aim..-: anv w l.i r in 1 1. t u:' f .' a div t' -? -. m- u .Anv..-f J iur ru" tfMt rrp. r-;. .t..i.t.:v IUtv. f, .-t r-nitfi t. :im. m w .,. h . t t.-njHrt t's-: : nmpiiM .n !. ct--a truth t-i.t:- t. I s. f.Kt-. -rflU r li! d.vrn r, .., .t, r j.rt of o:j.- .f :... r.n',.u .-. tMT- ami, wtir.- flu . tutl .nf .rr:; ti k iti liiA mij-hti t br t... . rrt!r k for : li.r rl ..., :.i th.. ..r .r ! Mm.tarm ical laim r.iul iropical heat. proportion of c-pl.-ndid truc!tir- - If c..ure I did It vu-.irt on Ihn bill f Ut, W,u. laller w;is to b- aeeoinjii-hcd. but -lie went lo 'lei-p wisij renewed hope. "I -tlppOM We -hall be llooded with c.tl!-. -han't w." -.aiil K it I . a- thev Hi-, lovel; mu-l.teln- and hi- lib- -at in the parlor th blue eyes! Did you not ice. Kitlv!'" lander, with a feroei.m- ma-k. jiau-ed before her. and appeared to l- eam iniiii: her in t.-u 1 1 . . Then he came 1 netirer and -tood rear.fini: Urr crit- neM ev.nme;. j i,alh. uiih hi-head on one -id,-, fold- 1. . : I I t .-. 1 :t . -1 ' t- . , . in- i-. him, 1- f.i. .wim .-.i.'iiTi tv.iiki-.i i.iu-i. i.'it i-i.-rs. -i.irji -'.-....- .... ... . and ornament. ! when Hr-t ijuarrnil. drUlar bill. . .V. j 7.', m :t " but 1-eom.- marly a- hard a- granite - -.Vh-t ! nn mean i .iiarr.ir from aire am! .-vjwnr.. i. porini-. and half !wljar 1 tr. ftt th.a n..-.'. .L th-refotv col and. altogether, it. i- a Wl"'" I t-x.-hiimitl. ati.'riU. ort .t kimll;. pnv;dence ajr.mi't tr p- : -f'ttlu't .u or!er it at dinner ' Ihe j comnared with tiro in our citic r iont:nen;.il ciih-. L' few: but th re 1-. - i; fh!nt -e.-it thre. yet -omethm- 1 and impo-injr in : -lut von did ,' there a note whnh 1 hsbirrn the verv plaiunt- and imeMM-ii.--, ui t1.l: -Ail di-he, ord.n-.t , ., t':i. ; a-k.U ot au ..:! m -m ino-t exterior-, li.iu.wev, r. dc-oro-'. ht: f tare iii U.. nhar-:-.! rx...M ! Kmt erb.r.f u i,. - lion 1- laekni"; in tin, re-pect. much i' itln't m-' aton.-d for m th- nv.pi.nev. U-.-tuU -rhai brok- mv heart." e..nai..ie. am! -cell and ... th- 1.. w-' um s . - . l!ut 1 t w'lt inxV.-tbU .. t punetTii v t',n f to-r 11 cut it m. ;.-' .. v ,,n . lent. tt. pru-.-. y . n t'.'i.'.. HIGHLY CTiLIJLO A 'IlMchllHl rsfl. J), it Hi. i. Wl.lt . tn . . .SIHW.II. HI I' .i . ! . 1 - J?-P -V. int , I Rn.fstjt! lifb U. f lm . 3MUi " -(" tftr. pfe-MIe W-i , U -r4ia-! ! t- 1 l' -. - :h r - - t r t 1. !r -tt . I : r. t I i .. it Ml. t V.-ll -mr i.fctibr. 3' po-mre Janice in window. lljiiiM 1'ooL. ol what t. ririrlie I hadn't a word to -.n iM-r door. ImIcoiit .1 thin; do but .it.e .tta iui! I -hoilld not ilidbir aii.I l:ii i,.r tt. .t . ...l ....i ..... --- - -- ii, r-t ' 1 UtU wilh oci-a.onal yawn-. 'Itliie:' Why Ihey'ie a .-oil of reen-i-li Jiay; and hi-. 11111--I n.-Jn- i- decidcdh a t f Muiibv. Stubby!" Mi-.-. Sally WiKon dropped (he paper in which .she was iwistiiir her hair for 1 ami her dark exes xv.-re btiirht xxitii an FS I . J .1 :..i.. .t .. 1 ... ... 1 I .:..: .: 1 h 1 j;ii ion. "I.y the xr.-ix talking over the last ni-hl's fc-tixity. j iu.r hi, .,,,, :U1(! ,..,,:., 1,--mtiK-" S:,m W . m! :l' "V11 '" l''111' .-. a.I Im Iaiu- t.r th.m. ,, r ' . . . . rl..1.tl. ..-.. ... I..1.. . . I . . . .. . '... .-I I l.ur.ii.MU hi . i.F... U.- - 4i." ."I lou t 'imlihv 4.v xmiT "n . sih ".. t .trunk " ' "IWh ' I heu what feKu -f J I'loihed leir- with a -ati-iied air. ... 1 .... 1 1 Mippo-e so. near, re-pomteii ai- 1 ..!,. thinks I'm -omebodx .1-, I :.. . 1. ... :. . .- .. 2 . i. ...: .... . -..-...- a. ii.-i in 1011.1 a.iiiiiiauoii. i Sail; to her-e!f. auni-i-dh. and for-ot Kilty xx.ts al h.-r Ioxeliest. H.r red j,j lip- xx or. a -mile of .s-.veel expectancy. i one of eternal -uniiuer. inie lit! t onfotiii.l :i m m tJtnt r..t. .. ....1. "(isii ., . . . . -.- I lint 11 lilr. .1..... .1 . 1 .. ... ... L. " 1 - ..ti-.i 'mini anxnoxx. .is i moii.'"" I " 'HI .. ....I .. . 1. . ...:.. 1 ... : . ' . ?..!..- I..; in.- ...lut.oxi is a Kre:u ap-r- xva-' an,l I harh. -.iirhed and :ikri "U hat & ! Ult ;.. ti 1 J X. II ..I t.rf II 1 fm I the nilil, and turned upon her Irieud x ilh a ea.sp Sfnhliv! I "or mercy r sake of whom :tre x.011 ( ;il 1. 1 11 jr -Why. ol Mr. ISeadle, lo be . sure Mr. Alfred Ueadle. Ihe jri-al hoiul lioldet. Ihe hero of Ihe ex'enin; ol "xx horn el.sei'" Killy pulled oil" one small xvhite -lip-jM-r ami .stood txvirlinj; around upon (he other and l.iiieliiiii eleefnll. Sallx '.xaleheil her in disntaxed Mh'lice. Mr. Iie.jdie! she .said, rejiroach- lullx in'iu iii.nvex'iteiii..ut"' " , tun-. x,ry wide and hi-h. and ott.n th, !mv . ,, p, ,rtll t., tl. hlrat ml "T-r ,v ftm,:i - ... W She had ram-nfi .dim.-.' of 1 red I -'".'-M'-tn- hi decoration. I'.ut Lake a sl.u-w ui, h.m. -.W r. ., ,,. -'-- mU-r. .h- e -,,. . " . .. " . ' ." I irhiss is tor oniameiiL here, not u.-- '-. (urn out. h. " . I tier "'' ",- I n,S ' Kiltx wa- in .1 low chair at tit.- farther an opposite mirror and pattiii"; her hair: "Mr. le-adle -aid sotnethin-x about comiii"; to-ni";ht. Dear me! how do I look:"' Sally groaned inxx-ardly. -1 presume ?dr. I'.eaillc will not no lice much." she said, -everelv. -Hi-is past tho-e thin-x- I should think. He mu-J be forty at lca-t." -About that." said Kit lie. sweetly. Tin- bell rani; at the moment, and the -abject of their conversation xx:is xxatst and a txxmklmir .1k.1t: of a mx i 't. . .. , . , , . ,,-' Ihe xvmdoxv th.-n. t..r a hett.-r t.-rui. in turban ami a !lviur ma ot dark hair. ;.i . .... ..... .-... .(... ...... il... i- -mini, .ki.iii ( '-iiii'ir.. oiii'tii.i.. on .t ...f-...l I.. .r..it. i.-..t. end of the room, her ban-, round amis . ... . , . " , . , " ,. . , .,,.,.,. i liar-, and at niiii bv miier -ohd xvik-I .1.. . 11 ...in. 1- - i.-.niiiii" . iiue. aim 1 i.... .. 1. .. .1 . 1 11 ... I shutter.-, l.iii 111 the titier buildines- I indeed, in mo-t the-, are i;rand af- m-in the form of b.ix- .1.. milinir, red lip-, itisj vi-ible. A .lls!il'-nisli.-i!-I(M.I. ill.' imlii iiln-.l in ! . . 0 " I fair'-. Som, I... ............. ... 1 ....: vi-t ... . 1 ..-l.illl. ill I..IIIIS -v 1.. W.IS 11 I I . . . , -... w.b,wof elabor.ltedeil.'U. xx.th their tierched upon an ottoman at her -id.-. ...,,-.- , .- ., . ,. 1 , . , . ' ; proteetmir;ironxxo:k ot thenehi-'i tolia- ejaini: upxvard m an obx-ioti--tateof ,: . ... ... . . f- 1 '-- . tloli- 01- ivifli ..-'... L.tt..... 1.-...1 ... ...... . -. ...... '......- b...i-.....rv l.l poii-hed bra. 1 -ixv om-of the latter You know I meant Howard . ii'lu-red in. followed bv a tail form. admiration and bliss-. -sallx er.ned her neck. .Siin-Iv it xxas Howard! nlx the top ot hi- head x-.a-vi-ible be hind hi- e.ie-vrat.-d rulT: but -urelx th it limited itor:iot) bore a .-trikin"- re- semblance to I loxvard It. .. 1 .. 1 I "'"''- lu'"" : !:Tiiea.i. ic oiner than Mow-. .s.,lh f.-l, :, .iri!l f exultation: ihi- K1II3 paused m her jriddx nxolulioiisj an! hiui-elf. Mr. lt-adl poiuieed up- J ,V;t, t-x:ir,K ui;it sin- had hoped tor. :.nd s.tl down, wilh hcrelbow.s on Mie j on Ihe chair nearest K i 1 1 . : Howard j Tin- musa-"-inick up: tin- Highlander iMircau. ami lox eiy, inisjn-.i i.n-e m her, -sank ;raeeniiiy upon Ihe -ola at Sallx bands. j side. - Dear me' no I don't." she said. " 'M"" "r duties of hist ni.jht lixin-; hei soft ees xx oiub-riul y on ' ' "' M1''''" worn you out," he said. Salh's Iroiible face. Cut i-oine lo looking d w n at her teu.Ierlx. oU'en-d his arm promptly and axxav they whirled. Their si -j.s .vere emi nently stii;.... .-sally "s i-heeks bewail to e;iov behind her ma-k and her exes to parkle. .siiiliicni'. tin music c.:is,mI. H. he xxas rath.-r nice-look-! " h. dear me. not at a!-l!"' re-ponded j ,1.,. u alter- par.-ed. Tin re was a lit- , Sallx. r:.ther sharplx 1 1 tie hum of excitement ami then a -1- tiiiuk of in-." ... . mi .: o ..... ....... allv irio.ine.l Was this the icxxar.l . ms xvas an xx tone;: mil xx mil xva- inn taiieou- r -iin.x.il of n.isLs s.tli of her loxe sih,. mesi' Was this the way "',')do'.' looked around i-am-rlv. Kittx and in xxhich hei dreams xx ere (o be real-1 "It wa.s a charmiii"; allair." How an! j .,,uis X VI. stood near." Kittx -niilin i.eil her hopes o be tullriled. M i.-s j oiniiiiieit. inoviii"; a Jittie nearer to ' :m, .Joxvin-.'. I.ou:- XVI Wil-on xv.ts a romantic xoime ladx. ! her. She had always been, and rejoice. I in belli... As regarded he-r-elf. sli had Innjr -since t ome lo (he coiirlu.sion that -Thank you!" .-aid Sally, abstracted ly, .she xxas xx atchincj tin pair op-.. .site, xxith ri-ini; uneasiness Mr. ! I'liL inir i I sjuliiix mustache an I be.-tiiiiu-; doxxn of da..Iine; briirhtm . il- dcin- be in: in ijuart-rfoil form, marly thn-e centuri.-s old. ex.-rx stroke of xxork upon it done by hand, and an ait cn-ation xx orlh jjoinc; a Ioiijjxx.ix to-ee. Il these xx imloxvs an interestni"; .1 sjiiilies. backed a- they fre.pii-nilx an by the costlies; interior b .-oration-, xxithan occa-ioual rlimps. of .1 be tu titul -euorita to complete tin pict ure, the doors ot the-.. llaxan.t FASHION'S FANCIES. e.in. ilul (in it. Iiiiinrt.-il from Hi.. .; it pit itl of I inn. .-. Int.- i!n - .tn : . i.- the rao in 1'ari-dire, tly tie- hot xx .-ttiu-r 't-ft tn. loak- f..r sin-i -jiils ,ue half lift iu ami cvleui" to the bottom ot the in-f. -kirl. A foiir-lr-i. ed shamrock in atinv en--t.il medallion is the la-t onuimeni xxorn m Imne;h". I'oeket hamlkerehiefn are nox tiiadi xvith narroAi hems, c Ied with a b.r-l-rot Vale-acieniii's hice. Hehoti-nt.' i af.ix.nt color of -nude in -ilk fabric- only, however, for m ' xv.H.lcn it I'M.ks dtt. I and faded. India siik- an x. r e..l and pba-Hnt tt vx.-.ir in -mil in r. and aretiot v-rv expert -!-, Whilt.. ihie an- many fancy -tvles in the nexv etiil.tt. of io-;erx. -ohf eol- ' 'i I It I. Ym an f.K.b-b tu x Iv in order . hvip . ir as " F.-o!ih. ll'v r .!;, n in .- er'- taikin" 'b-ntt. KtbWMt t i Dn. itittu rt" X all. b wi't" nw .-"HrrV. but I.. died la" e.k an' Wfpii heat tr hi.. I111111I liatl ivoiily n h k " And t u tl. pnx.' (miiv I and fauulx in rd.r to Im lmrtsit in ti.. w ' .. niiM3 t :.inftt, ; Mrr aoU - I f on ax vt. .. I I... j . 1 II f. .ut 1. 1 tr . 1 1 i 'A -toe. I tltH-,. Ke.-Ki.ni I ttit jot I" " ' .. jM-ti. ? I mar;ib kk.- .-r gj r. M--'r. I lt I want', ti-r I biir.-.J ;u.. r .!,. l'. man. I .loan want r b lurt-! . ... t. n oli l. I want' r tin- hv t.t ..n siU.r on i. Doar taijt, Utr t. . fni I -.- t-r ileriii.f jMi'...i. Ark.tnntn I rn- f r CHCAf LlVtWO- xr 'Hie popularity .f black hose itu-reis.-- r.tth.-r than diminish.-., and ni.-a 01 proieciton. u is xiriuany a on or J iVu story ea-fh. and 1 ould not ! taken xxitSiotit xioieut si...;... Titcn-, is probably not a door in I'ubt xxhich' lll Xr. .XtLl.l.HH -ul.-l.ts .... . f.n Dwllar l-r XX ....!. A Detroit le.ti.trer r.nfh t! r.r -lo.) it 1 i-l. ul. .!.. k. ...... f.. Iu. l. . f . 1 I..1 1 .- -..a. w ....,.. , . it. ... .- Itl. ..1- iio.i-e.s iii- ;us. ..i.i, n ser.araie )iiM . . . onte-. :.nu in"pce:ion. ; mii't : itri kitoxxu tti-it tli. 1 'ttW'iii l.i.tti. ... I.. ..I ... tl... I-"" - - I ... -Il I ...... r. xx ui ! xioru xx;in njni ire-s. ot all sort- and xxith the moi tirt-ev that "a er-mk n.m. ! Vik k-u ' . laim-toi!.-t-in exenintf shad'-s. etl that h- 'ni.d !ie . fur $17J a x .ilkinj cu-foiii.-s of uimii.':-t'irji venr I he rank u -tIv . i..ine i xxith a phtit.-d ' it but he has ...:n it htmef I "r 011 much ihxr:e :. dollar m .. k Mr. Aikuiork x)Mt on taff to Ntiiii' are -ecu xvhi'ie fhe-e iHilt-he-.tds 1 any toniautic emlini; wa-. if not i.ttitc I lieadle was leanini: lorxvard at a dan- j ,mih inun beneath a blonde mu-tache. taipossibh. at h-a.sl most unlikelx. She j jjenuis an!e. talkiu-; with horiibh! - It is rather warm hen.' -aid ihe txa- not. in the lirst plae -. of the prop- ! volubilif . with his eyes lixed on Kitty's Hiirhlandcr softly, -shall xv.- st..p oili er appetr.tiice .she xva- not inipo-in; lace. allx felt a xvild de-iri to -ee his j side?" e ih lot (he .pieeuly .sort of heroine , '"hair roll b.ickxvard and land him on j And Sallv xveut. Half an hour later. --t foith itt her faxoril m.xel-. and -he J lloor. I loxvard looked a little hurt ' xvhen the riot in;: xxithin had reached had not J he necessary rax en locks and ,.N herlirexity: but Sally xxas oblix ioiis. j its xxilde-t joint. tuex xv.r still -;:nn!. li. nimbly in. inner, and the petite and j "l'on't you think her lovciy ?" -die ' in: out under im -tar-, xxith the niii-ie babyish sly h xv is e.ptally out of the --aid. tloatiu: out to them -oftlx. Howard's Mii.-.li,ni. She ,-,d not a vn.vw n Kitty was xetiturini: a remark at the fair head wa- heiidin-; xery low. and j .....j,.,. .m, pediment and at the si.bs not ph-.dinir. blue eyes, and her slock moment xxith a co.pietti-h little lane;,. Sally'- Join: braids f.H over his arm. j f ,,, u..,n ,.n,i,r:,,nr,'.. IXU. fre.nienll', ol iittupics xx as extremely limited and -sany coui.i ijiaiiiy have -Jiakcn her only made x isiblc by painful contortion-. Then h.i circuiuitaiuvs xxcre xery much ae;aiiis her. 'Sally xva-an heiress, and her parents iieinmlcad she xx:is liviii'; xxith an aunt whom .she had advanced from the ob- -.euril x of dre.ss-inakine; to preside over fit tl,1 lf lir.i (. a.Tt is not bullet-proot. and slu-ir ie and , . , , . 1 1 .1 .- : . . '" J s-end -kirt st l-.-M-! Ii "H" i-lllil. :ili stli-e..ti. i.-o.It ! il...... I....- -s-.ll, 1....I ...1 ... 1 ........! . .... !.:ul".i aero-s the irttttl. torturifit-. ?i . a tlailt n'mn i'iui.ititur J1 1 n. 0 ... n.-i Miiini : ,i.. 1. .1 , .. 1, ,.....-. 1, .r ...... ...s. - -. -' 1 Fi. -I. ...... -..'. I.I. I.lill. Il...l a . . . . , . m ama.i-and encountered theatlection-j .u.li(..lh . ,(1 : sitawi-poini at im- -iii.- an.t a pntr al tire.-jttarf.-r '4 Ajniutuioi -! u. i. ite 'a.e of a pair of blue exe- and a! . t . , . . . . n.iek. I h bo. I ice comes lioxvn totn.a i thr.-f-tiart'r to me i.n4 C br. at - 1 ,,,u ' ' pe.irance at loni: rantri like the dooror I . , . . . , . . . r .. -1 ... ..... . ' I ...... I iw.il. ... v.... .....1 .. .1... 1.....1 . :. t ...... t.ir ... . .-. . ... . ... , .-.It. 1 1. 1 t I ,,r ."- .1. .1.FU1 .in., ai ,.. ifw . li "-..., .. ilr IM..IIHI m IMWIit r door- ot the Iciin-xlxania Dutch barn. ! , . . ' ' .. , ' ... is irimmii!Mith a collar ami rutfb: of t-tne other fejrft.ht. i- half ni.l Manx-an- of mahoj-anx. and all an t , , . . ,, " . . . . , , ' . .. . xxool.-n lae-to match. of oatme.i!. orie-h-wf . 4 t.r. rixeted with iron bolt- an inch intck. .. , . , . . 'irs nnis nttu iionnet lor si.rrnc one 'uhmv i .-.ir. a iar .!; .r t. -Very." aid Howard, rather vague ly, and xxithout loohini; aioimd. -He is jealoli-." .-aid Sally toher.self. -Poor fellow!" -She is alxvay-s pica-ant. like that, fo lock-of a doiijon-keeji, and also xxith imm.-n-i xvood or iron liar- for fasten i imr' behind. Ahoxv niaiiv are lim- i.ut it 1- so perfectly unexpectcil. I .Ultiue pat ras and L-at-'oxles in -he wa- -ay in-in a -tib.lued way. "I ! ,:i,..t. r l.j-.,ne. xxh.ie the am hnt had n.ner tlmii-rht of -iieh a tlniiir " ,,.., Knocker i- hiih.-m!. am! oft-n ... :ini iiowani, in an ariexci ,.- ,,. ,,,rn. ...... ,; .,. ,.- .. .,. .... - j...,,. in L'htftijo , , .. , , , i a iv inostix of dark .straw, ami the ura- , or e.:iee with a or.rJ of e.mt n-.J an-immense knobs ot polish. .1 brass. . . . , ' ... ,, .. , ... . . 1 , , Jritv of ilji 111 are fa-d with .lv-t r ! niuk. an tr.nf, an aifnt .r .m.- ail an provided xvith locks like the, , ' , , , , . , , , ,1, ,,..,., , , . . lher d.ir. material ami turn Trr far dried fnnt r.--pt trw br l. wi '. lock-ot a iloiiton-keeii. and :ii-n uiifi I . . . - ... r tone --every body could '-e that."' "You see," said Sallx. in a meek. every body." she said, aloud, xx ilh j apolo -etie xvax. "it w.f Kittv I xx a .sympathy and reassurance in her tone. fol'jnr I.. St irs. 'nk''1miit. Indeed." said lloxxard. 'he beaultful home lo' which he had ! 4'S1", ''"" ,'-m -l.v 'l'5""-: .v t." recently ivltirncd from hoanline-x-chool. Nobody could ever love her madly for herself alone reach across D ear and .-he 1 THE ZODIACAL LIGHT. thinkiii": of. laughed. Tin- (.rnrr.ilU- r.-.,,t,-.l I l.c.r. of Tlil Halt an hour ao -he xvotild hanlly ."xi.-tori.- rii.-iimiipiioii. liut he did not .seem ciiite to under- i have laughed at x ii i -. kiu.xvldi;e of the The odiacil liix'i: i- the iiain iixen -.tmitl the force of the remark. Mr. iiriionimioii- failure of her nlan. It ; to a faint column of lieht xvlreh max ra "iitnier of pivcrty and marrv her ; '-'dle xxa- beirjjin Kittx to -in::: ami in the face of : di-approviin' world. I u,u" wa-sally's chance. 1 1 ..... . .illx sonictiiucs regretted tn-ii her 1 ' nar. :te urjreif: -our nexv fathi-r had been the hbdilv si. -. wait. -on:. Do you knoxv it?" sh, -"" -- - l ccssful railway contractor that he hadl4',l'ut ,m 'nrnini: to Hoxvard. "Mr. been Her very name xxas dis(oura'- j J'',t will turn your leaxc. Kitty." in: Sallv Wilson! Who could con-! Hoxvard follow eI Kitty to the piano fii'ion around h -r shoulder', her -ihi-r ' I:.' nearly in the plain of the ecliptic xxa- .piite inexplicable. "I could hardly wait to tell you!" cried Kitty. She xva- -iftin: on the -id. of the bed, her dark hair in charmiiij: eoti- j b en ri-in:: from the xve-tra hori- 1 on in clear moriiin;- in the wjnter an! -priti': and from the ea-t.-rn hori- ron ju-t b'-fore day -break in tin 'Uin- i mer and autumn. Thi- hi:h: reallv -x- back from tin- face, the britikt in nianv ! ii luhf bake., mieti e-knij; i r- 'tylei n-achiari the lop of rite laiyh ' pire-t for lh ahfT ir rft'. t I with eroxvns. xx hin they an- fa.he.1 ty a one et-nt rtl of oil bo-jo-i in a -trone stitch or an- held in with .he . bind lamp by n-xn rf xrtnt h triminin:. A few made f.-ath.-rs an- hi -r.j.in' laboratory." Mr A n iim!. but more n.tri. h vij- an --vn ."n. bow.-jer. U mrkl.'? rxira- ih.ill Usual. .V ' ft'.r.'.. it. flf e-eiU lnj R.r lixre r-nt ( -- of tfWketM-rnutn ptra-MMp tabl-t Tn A Considc-rate Judy;c. j, .vbal ,,.. (riruun mrmj , wh ...f The pride of xx 0111.111 oxer a n.-w lr.n- "'J reatwHi t.Ok. A nvtvurut UbM a m... ....., ...I. . l.... ... ft ft-.k. trA ffmttt.f tlttfe Im-aV t-M.-k u.tt. -., .- j. .f j .Ft.ii. i.ut in..-, ...en aii- inn -' - ----- j. - - ---' -- -. iif.fii, u j so considerate of the fact as th' jtd 1 ' " t nactee tKan tu;h U .j- a ivfr .- in a police court in the fo..oxviu'tKrT m"n " - inu ',If '' At A clear and -iinple ts. U id t-"t'n tr-I ' kirn mt-at of hxiltii,: a ... bef. ire him. and hi- Honor w-s al,ut lr n 1m k' : - mtt-ht ;.u t . x 1 . 1 . 1 i i'i .. 1 . tin 1 .. t.flh . .1 . . f tt . .i t r 1 I i... 1. it ' ' ! i.h. -1. r . T At 1 1 h . . 1. .( ' Ill, t . . .r.. I ..... ' l. I al' t t.i ' . . I as ' ' ,tf , A. u .1 . i' 1 t t i I h.- f . ' - - . li'.i . . . ". 1 " ' . ' . r . ft fi . ;., I - . ' . r f ., ,,. . . tv,, 1 . .' I I 1'. a., x - 1 it t . . I I I . t- b . tUr tend- out on each side fif the -un. and obediently and Mr. Beadle joined Sally ! band- in a pile beside on the -ol'a. 1 turban on the floor. .SO?" reive of any tittup interotiue; happen ine; to a person with so horribly piosaie u name-' liut Kitty! tt xvas all very different xxith Kitty. Sally'.s roniantic oul had Ihrilled xvith prophetic delight tin mo ment she had een her .sittine- on one loot in one of Madame l.avine's si-hool- ro.Mii windows. Kilty had been edu- ' l:u'u' with 'iidden jjrax ity. -rated by a bachelor uncle. She wa-! "Stubby! :ood racioit'. vc! beautiful and penniless, the xerx .liiab- '"" - herself, xx rathfully. fic.Uions for a heroine. Sally "had re- "1 . should han!ly think m." he added fleeted. She had taken her iiiuhr her ! with some a.-neritv. her. her ret! . or earth"-orbit. A- the cour-e of the ecliptic i-. t dv-i Ih-f in north rn lafi- -Hoxv extremely well -uit -.1 they -I e.ni!d hardly wail! Oh. Sally, can are!" Sallv ob-erxed. -Thev .seem , vou -uess?" tud.-s. xerx- nar the lumon dunn;th summer and autumn, in tho-e -ta-on- fr each other. "Don't you think j "It i Mr. Keadle. I miwom?"' -a'nl ,!1, ''r'1 is extinmu-m-d m the ven- ' Sallv. iv-i-'tiediv. .-o re.-ienedlv that i : .' :h ""''"' 'I atmo-pher. "Keally. I had no noticed it." re- ! Kittv -tailed. throui:h w hicli il mu-l pa. Near ihe joined Mr. Ueadle. itrokini; his mil'- "Dear me!" -he cried. d.iihied!v: equator, when- the ecliptic alway- . "I thouirht so all alou:. Wa- I ri-iit ! ri-e- hi:h aln.-.e the horizon, th- tiirh: lid 1 after all? It i- Mr. liemielt. I wini;. as it xxcre; and nuxv that school was over, she had brought her home with her for a Ion; visit.' the chief ob ject of which xva.sthat Kitty and How ard ticimctt illicit be brought together Sally had met him xx hihit home on her last vacation, and had immediately consigned him in h r heart to Kilty What could K more fitting, tnur delightful? HoxvanI xxa fair; Kitty brunette, xxhich xxa.- ju-t as it should be. liowar I wa calm. languid ami slightly peiis-e: Kitty uras gay and vivacious. Opposite qualities are alway necessary for f.er lect happiness. Tho time had arrived for the fuliill- "No!" said ally. frigidly. And they relap-ed into -llenee. That ..3- -up po.- "I I'm afraid -o." lx. Hi.-.:i';if;'o7i 1'os!. aiil Sally. oft- j an be seen aloui equally well all the v.ar round. Il generally i- -.eii to extend not more lhan ninety degree' from ihe hopon. bin in a clear r.: mo'tihere. b.-txveen the iropie-. h.- to give h;s d.- i-ioii. wh.-n he n.ttK-ed a j i-1 .r hire rvnt u dt A wh-i .laught.-r of one uf Iii. parti- and , " pre ! a.to ih- l.blet in aldite.n ..-kF-it hr to cm.- forx.ani and lw b fa. th-n-mp m rrrj tomh sxvorn. inK tb-vt Frve Fr. Aft-rxx-ard-. at the dunier-Hibb-. oa . - of th- laxvy.-r- as)tiif u w.i m-fmry ' Trvc G,,fr. r Ct. tr that young lady to testify j Y-Mi ar.-.u . n a -irl bab Y - il. f ! tl r . Ka.u n V.r'taai t a .. ha mm ar- f att-ft, -a--. ar4 (! w! illCMaf '. t'.m .f, I . Ur f , t ' - . i-. ! MMtrlal' ur. . . '.( i -rd-r, -l ' . , hv ilk. in , r r--b-l tiu-.. .. . .. .. ...... . ".Not m th.- least. n-piwMl the 'n'lge. WJrk- 11 .nil thr- r.otthbt t- fiwat. xvith a -anionic smile. "n m th- , rJ ,.,b:. I -bH ri at S .Tm9 ' : least, but I .saw - had a ev hiMia, ' -. It a y-r '! " And Uw mt.r j llJn. m ,".'.'7 and feeling in an amiable mood. I .. w d.aixhfe.t. and t-;i errrt tlf ttai -1-. lk- 1''. "-" " 'ek in-. .- niiwin- (. Mr tnita i n. tauMt at'lTK?..r- r-tr- ' . , . , 1 . t:. IL 1 Jr imU aian in rwox kows, irn ; .j,i .... . Mos: -.voin.n a-nnld prefer to allow a fasr t turf, fcrr. fimi'- ' mtmJi m bonne: to dwell in ob-enrity. rnia-: J vou iarlaf. '-.rfe r. grr.t cri. nmd J". . f - fr ifw, ; " it ., 1 - t ' - r-f I 'r 4 I Youth's C'lMffiition. Too Young to Gro Trc.. .i- than app-ar np-.n ih wilne--,tAad. - j j tn trr.r Xm oth " am urn 4 f5iu ijn cr-- 1:1- oni w,viiMJ W i'Urj t,ittd. j tin'. Ajh-tiM-r tm rr. wm. kai 1 trmm ,tm mmi b, ,. . j ntr yo mn to rj4, dir.t m - Hnm tmmU ... f r. tuft Uk tuj - nw An Amert s a n lat--. lhal h. w onot ;ra.Teh:ig in Ki.g!nt. and bs w -laying fir a xvt-k al a larj;. eniiry Nexv-paper men ami other' will be been trace! all the xvav ncm- ih- : house, which Ha.-, a- r.nal at tha: a- h (0 mjtl-te ring -on. fnil of gi--!-.. iax itl. like biro-lf f.1 -.rati tttatterr t rtkio. t yrmte mn' r ran l tt mm SlV,,. ct-r jfrr that) t-n. tl as tfeat inn- rtyr 1 : im it mtl fn in hmf tt j aji.- ior th 2j4 in n-tafil Ba Hmrii t fmmtm aU- and haw! lb u-.xial : th proper -aitcv for th ??"" - Bottom ' Ar Brm' W. P. tfw wis the ttrst of l,.M,r ..-;.. ... ;,;i. . , .1. ...... 1 ... I...,-. .t t 1. .1. . 1 ... aeax-n-. .o.miu a .... - .... ... -. ... .. . .. -v..v- ... .-111.11... 111. .i-i.it l.F II ,1111 .11. 0 IJI'llll-.I lllf I.OU- I . .. F . 1 f . . ' I . ;- .1- , Thi-appearance xxa- tir-1 C.i.lel to ;ne 1. xa. an io --a..' ami bwi in" uwai w? propr mmht wr uw ynit. - imwh r ijmw . wi ;. U 1mr ma ii 1 1 m 1. .1 ., , . i . . ' " ' 1 Hten'ion of a-tnuioim-rs bv Cas-iai , di'plavof or.k-. whieH an -o aml-fa 1 Tr9mrt4. k -ttiajr mUms Howard and Mr. Headle railed m- .-tone- it i' great on ..--- stories. ...- a mm on . x, , ,... ,!, 1 kk.ii;.. :...:. :.. ! ,..0 ...:.. , .. -.,-.. . ..'about llvt: and f-.r many yvr the j and picturem- a featniv ul LnjcM-h , 7 mtTZ .. , , -- ? aaf fc. . --.....,,. .411-. ..twii. - .111 xii-aii-- m- 1 ii;;uMii; iiiiiii ;t j;jm L,urrXorn:t,:il , . .. ' . . t tr i-:. 1 J ? ? mm mm nrvrvvv tr m 1 1 u....t- . lvj-. t . j rv :ri iLiii..r ifi v- i c ji" tt fViui i i ',"-" '; : . - . - L . ,...: "fch" rmtttti oik ht4r4 a4 . J 'im ' atnto'ph-re. l.aptac w-a.s in.' , inrun-.-.i .a- p.s ..j- tT -., 'hat tat- idea, was hau''htT an-ioeralw Ja-Iv. --It .... ...i .. II 1 . "I"!. ... - v.v.i-eu arcoiiuugix. i mugs were verv , i- it.' latt-'t: "1 Hunk some oj xotir .-ci discoura-rinir for the mo-i nan. Mr. ' emitii r.-ul. i . part. Mr. ' entitle reader' max- be intere-ie.! to Ueadle w.is plainly enamored of Kilty's ' knoxv of an extp.10rdin.1rv e-g laid by manifold charms, and wa determined- j one of my pullets. It xxas (4 an enor- ! lydexoted. Kitiyxxa? gay and care-i moit- si7.e. inea-uring nine and one- less am! bexvitching. and HoxvanI xvas ; half inches round it' length and wei'-h- lauguid as ever and rather more pen- ing sj ounces. It xva- coke.I. and on sixv. Sally was conxinced that this opening xva found to contain a wile ' w:n due to unhappiness. Ho xva- and white, as xvtdl aiiotiier egg of grieved and angered by Kittv's indiffer- oniinary .size witu xlk. while and wice; he w:is a prex to hopeless yeara- ahrll all perfect-'' I tirst to demonstrate that thi- uh-z wa- haughty an-ioeralw Jaly. -IU.e yon .. . . : . i-' .tL la 1. ineorr.fl, and to atxauct :ae ;nory. , any ire ir .xra-ri.?..- -uw -u.w now .'erierallv acoeplexl. ihvl iie ap- ' aJ-'crd him. He wa- u mac icn 1 rwaranc i- cans...! bv ininule meteoric aback lo -p-ak iar a mots-ru:, ami U-- b-Mli.' rex olving around Ihe 3un. Kx-, fore h- couM reply -b Woke ir. amin.ti in the. sH-ctrur.i. the light era- J "Why. ha: a -illy qtt.;io I hxr. anating from Ihe aodiacal appara:n. l a-k-d you! Of Csior-- yon hav.-tit in: is seen to .-how not dt-tinc: chromslic , m-'. Ta-country ia: W tot-jh. lia:st but a coalinuoua -at--.", w'atca I .Van Var-rucc ChrtTiicU. j lT-am k-ii-r-. Wh u witan. t m- J sr-ditaf firrrk roiptiUr h ahrmt m- . . , I .... . m. t frr aurnlr: k! txtf -mm vo .jre. .. tj4)a Hrrmiti. & ,f- f daaav. 1 tatak. Ur do . m mvtmf to mn pmn . Mi ML U k Tta. -. . k-- Ar-an aadh ill dt-taor-' . .... ..... , Mas. iwr ojmo i ttra oM na vmpmmy Th' N.KTre.fft Hrtud oggt thai the af ' Y.'ahiv 1 -rrs- ; tr T.- N -a, oot. r4iHrtS. hot I'm af,-Ai. W. oa to nam MMtaW r. port. Mr Ik - V'.'aa mat. yo thital tory b- rhg-I Vam-Yam t 4zi:- j Mr T. -WrlL h- iti ho ;o t cc cnci to :Jf arTct Jz.xsk r ti- -;:- t5fj.f.z 2'c-au 1 It f r 'T ,r JJf i I - K ?-ykiaMia - J'W'i-,9? msm $$mztimm ? vr f rl!5aaaaaC-b- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmgmmammm 'w- f 1 .. nk ytvfiM.1 l.a' f i - -Ssr-Sib"Vs,A:5;! - - --r-'iJlp1gSiSi f