The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 28, 1886, Image 4

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I l
- ill
I pi
A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
Oenkkal Ko'-F.f i:ans ha been con
Ernied Ilffi'-t'T of tho Trea-ur..
Oovkknou Him. baa -iirto-ti the bill
p'Tinitting vorm-n to practice, lav.- in
Kew York.
Glouuod by TGie&.T;iph and Mail.
lie- Smut- on the. 1-th -eT-ral com-
Wn.i im akv-tk.n. uw. k dwiaruu.iit IshlWiASKA S I A I'h .tr-w.
in Wa-jis.-rt-m i-. Miy t th-"ir: that j
i:B.;.-:. . i. tiV Trva-urj. oif-red itt.i-..d A i-nt.
Jo "-b I mi lb po-it.o ? puotoj-rapb-r ..f ( Th" follow .n 'tAtM.-al -hon th- nu:n
the D.Tj-.rtm-n: for il." H;:m cm-!1"'"' rn.'--. the a d vacation pr
t.hatii-n'iit .!i-mI the .!-?. , cub. and :h :Ml ass. sed v,.oS. .f
Til- !!- Iltrr.lwrr. Wltnt IN tt.- Msr-
"I Trial Tim t rrir. i.-hho.- --.
I Ion.
r. I . ns May .'. - The l-'- Tr. M--
t ....... a . - - t . . 1 . . S. ...
1st -ine failure- for -evcn davs -a-Ifd raur.aa in ;o-istai- i .ir. a i i ui.oi.-n. wr.ocni :itr:,ti.t...tfi.-
.Mat M numb-red Fur th- t "ailed Stat. - by the State P.uard of Kieai:.u n jad. has in- srajii.unjil w.:.-. .n :h
a:ur..atioi:. from th- Nrcur of -he , !". t'aaada. JO. lo.. fht? total te -wu. rriirr nmnlTcv jju, 1U a.4 be
Treasury wer- r'clt.-d trHn-itdtr'n.; infor ue.k pr-vioui wn-17o j ." "" " o-ffi a detrrtitrr for I t ia't(,lhtd
-.nation fa i-d for -"tera! tsil - of a !. a! Tur .-ruption of Mount .Titus was J''-, 's0 r-!,. be'onc-d U t'mkrrtoa Ivice it. N-w .r
"H ur,,U. '" ,,;," "iC "'.,:.'. !. J',r:,-J int"airis lw- in-jyn lta rn o? Hi:roa 3tii. T..tS. I'TUtw j imt A. X lr. a.i a.4
mil r- iiii . ' i'.i" - -- .-- -
" . - ,1. .- . .., " I. . ...L..
tfinjMirMr .; .k. ii'Mi- to j.-rti. -t ".jUMtor , "". iv i.i.ui .- .m. .-iv.i -,--
ok" t. iJ'-"f :! '-ti:t- (iiitliI.r.'KirAr :ni.i from (."atinia on :h" Jlst, when ih
I. trat on I, .i. u h-n t ua .-K,n '-' ;"; iTihabiTniit. I'.-il Manv duollixics vr- dv-mto.-j.-i,- . .. n iin.I lU'-n aljourti'-! -trojl. t.'K :jo live, -were !: J.ara-
Iii th- iJoiit." vrai -tarn! ny rotMiiito qyf,'h(. h '..-. ur o- urr.ii
r-iort.-! Anions t. . t' fort'-l'-I'o-i ( . -,..,,- (;,.r, s ,,.M,.i: of ta
oth.- Aj.proi.riKt on t.ii,. vth tho -nur "K -"KVJ, ,,unv I.i'.-.u o. I.."
tij'ii1ni.'it. J, c.n' that known h-th- J-vo UV-:th I'nion Tt?lts;ir.x;h ( ompMiiy. wm
William K. Vam,i:bii.t v.ill ,,a ffi:.1:u!;-rVr',nt.V WhT. J'wni'ZX "" ! "' M,;atr?' ,Mf-nU; 7;tJ for Iho
live tlifHi-an.l l,llar for th- ti- of a mid -.. n.- th- .J..,: ..:. i.i..w.-d tr.- , tr.n-f..r of th- ka held by hi- cow; anj
I.'nidon r"-i!Ti for t-n vc'k- thi.-fciiiiini-r
for himself and vif..
Fl!ANf I.- Mi i:rm iiKlors-'-'- thf Dow
liquor law ju-t pas-.-d lit. Iln Ohio
J-iri-J:it ur-, aiid -av il v.ill rlo- om-
..nn !i -h w- Jti- -!.:: ol c n'-m on. i f ;j.,. f t-!'?rai'h y:?rn lo th
.rmraot r.-I l-v Mr (.ii.'n'n.-r ! W i
citikili ii k i'.ft toth- I'.ir ilcMa.l ii.oiiomi:
W.thout fat hliirf llnnl action th" Hoi.- i'l-Jotirii-'l
CRxmtlian i'arj:l CompRiiy Th.-r? was no
doul.t that tM- would ho ar.o:njd.-h-d
Tjik oth.-r monunjcHamJohrnson iwhit.
Am a i out ixi" ..Usui-.'-, in the S-'iiat-j on j,,, UJf nIl,j daujrht. r, W Hall and H.oii' 'Mrnha. ot.rara
tm-rtb. tho I. it-r,n t,. l .ni tnV. ti u; im-1 j -.j.,,,.., j,.fi :h.-ir hom a fw :n;l- b-dow , ."'" l .,'
:t.-rvfrii!itii,.:idtn.ii:- ha.l J u otTorJ j.:n.,x-,.,.., T,.un , ir L..,l0ir. a U.a: -j "jiilh Ai.-and n A Mi--
..jr iCipr
'inm1! A. Siuth
-' ri."a
H. ut.iTnVhi-r
Veu.'OO .V Nrbra
Ijnr.i'n ft North
. t rn
.; raka A t ol
' "b.'ti-o V.'braska
A. Kana-
ltJ' 'I !. -fl.-ti
ar-t A itcpijh'ir
au a.. j
I nite.1 Matt jrrrt r
-Th- 1 l-r lllS tfrfitln-! U h"
lr Ir.r 4H.I K,rt,.r lt ..! -'
'.-wr.! Plfliii'. .I.l- !- x """
I... l tti-r
M:oia WaOiiut-.n prcw "
Stt lprtatrtjt I- r;l!T fffC lrt
t. ra.. ..f fS f-p (- 4h-nDo. TW'f
. . .. , . -?.. i.iK !
i . .. . ..., --.... -n.u .rw iuil r. i .-ii t.. .iir.f : i wrt -
ir.fl!ti H Has du.n la.ted : ofk ,,. taal!l.,n .-,, , ,. tr.0.f-t !-
i:b.h-m. whtowj h lie h. .. , .
P. Jf l t7l..tV .f WIT ' h,.
il!. m.
th- -Cr-J l M lri. .V i.
Tb" Fir; f-w fa? - -hW
i trtnit T i.
Jt r-n lrtl
12L3 t.trk
Bfr'rMpiit-tit -f.
.... .... .... .w wni
."- 'asSiarlotrd tn V.n,R.,.-. - u WIHPUifM'u.rr nr r lMvrr
:-h-T'. pro; r-.iors of a lar.-' ir no,! i... U a t2r ,K v,lm "'rt--'0 t fff,r Tb- th-r -. t-
"l-- lit. ade.nh'R x a dWfvavf ji tt stotra l ma-;' :.- .fTf " " nJ t-ph-i of tfc war
IXCX !mis;? f wsMwn iwn. :hi nt'i t' '4prr brrr ' : M-4 !: r K
,.-.,, Tl.fUili.r- v. d tl.f -4MTF of ri Pttl. .,h ..Jf fP. .;, r to agUu'. H t-" t.r-rr rr?nttiHi .f n
t .w.o ..jHirutb Fur..x. I. a aif? d .ntrt lxn Srn-?rt Htr Arw, of u RpnllN- f
filter - -..'- -.w tf mhwh f.dl.oa i Vi that h I f
(. 11.1.1 v.....!- jnrnl..bim. lnn,.l U, ifc. ., .,..t lt Srtftta(lf stAt. ,;.c fc,Uto
S:i.'5 .-(C
Htnl th- otif itiakuiir rn-ri oil- not !- than , , ,, .,. . ,t.... Thnr.. Ml. t.!,.n.i in-r
third of the -alooxi'" ill tli- Mai-. it mot Hi ati-1 an ni.i.-rj.'.iitii mr tt..- , ', !!,.. .,,'i tV- !. -tnui: a ro-k "ui t .n A facia. -&
TV thr-- niit.-Hd .: si ti.ont.i- v-.-r- j BMit nirr.-nt an: it.'- - -irti. i. a ro- rmn i:n-h.-u
- - itfioi.t.-il, tti- . i tlna !y j.a---I byatot. , w.,lHS tu-:it v ff: of ihj Ixiak. and all but ,v Mi-.uri itZ,:i
A, hsu-k.-.! hviii- '" ' IV lsimkrui.trj t.i ! nr- '-": John-oii". .-r-' th otco -t P...:
..." j r.-'lori- th- .. tint.- Aojoui vI In !(. -""-'" " lnm & . ni.ii 2JI V
!i'jn'inli-lit iju r:ttoj. an! liv Iotltimor' ( Hoti-.-th.-i otiitn xt..-on I.iim-1:. .-ulatiti th-I ,., M,,,. .vas rurr.'tit in I.erlin that al! kii'- -an a !.
and l'iii.!,rfr, tat.italiM-. i. lK-in- J "" li'lt'l .K.X. ! ' ,;-" "? o!!""-r9 ,v.!,n . k..--.' .. -.
foniM-d lo lihl lho old oraiiiatson.
In Tanianliiat. M-it-o. iln- l.i: tr-t
.fat tikth .iSh.'o! . on J Vi .- l'r !.-rit Frnn' had I-ii r'ailcd cad that iatT
d "th.-r ofli- tTi had l.t-Mi r-fu-c 1 lhtr
lh Hon-.-thfti wnt .nto i oxtiiultn .f tin
ollir,. Ap;in..ri.n on M... Alt.-r f.-ii-ml ).- "- u:nnnT ttirlotih- I h- io-a 1 w as
fc-hii v;iv n.,,:l.-d oM-i.n- h.-t vv--n Journ.(, j r m s sl..n:n,.r Nllr.. :n.m
.ov.-rnoiM ti.-iiarantl in- oiu nun-on..-j i iu r-nat.-on tn jmh, is.! iii.-m . Suu., Am.-n.-a, whi.-b uas t bought to ha-?.?
rota I.
mi.-, r--n:h i.ul in jio'A.r In l'i.-si- n"J"ri.- tn- h-j.-nti- A- Northern railway j jm. .irh juj .....j,.,,.. j,rj v,anJy Hook , u:rs n; i,maba. rommtttr.l aunndr th
,J(Mll 1,'r.u ' ' '.' ' " rVH" '" r"" Ih" -V,''1 , VI u Tn!; ' l 1'""1 of :h- J .:h.-r,K by hanim...- aim-if Hi.
1 "L '-'- i ,,,t l.iuHtiii'- r -f. at loic. n'i , , j . , ... ,. ...
l:r!t-- lii wa- tlnn ji.ii .-.I until two A m -sbi k i: barns and hh-:s i"lori3it.j; c-od l--d w at found ban,', ii t .!. of t!
:,.;.. i.'...-......... .nr.;.. i.oj ft... xn.-ii t .- at .n.-.v ini.
I.llll. .11 UJ i.O.'F.' ...1 llil - -. ..... ,..- t ... , . . ... .1. ...-.i
1 i wa- th ti ttirtli'-r li-c il--..--! miTli itUJc.urti
f.--liiio; ntii.n.-d by th- sul-n-(tint
jiifiiiiulalioli of lh: juMffful
i.-u-. of tii- ih-w (Iini-rniin-iil of
Ai Aihanv. N. V.. i.-.-.nlh. Altoni-;.
JJciK-i.-il )'I'.rn-n ajjili--l to Alton II.
J'arkrr. on-d" tli .hi-to--- of tin- .n-j.r.-in.-
'otirt. for tlt- :i.oiiitnn-iit of a
i'-ci-r for th- N--u York Ilioadv. ay
Surfaro railroail. a- pr.nid.-d in th
liill n-i-.-tiih pa--cd r--iiid:nir tin
i-liail.-r of that .-onijiam. and Mr. John
U"I5rit-ii was iJi.-k-hjh.h :ijjm .in J -.!.
in. : In tli- Hoti-- th" .-.-nut. aiiii ti-lim-tn
to ti..- I'ost ..Hi. c A:itiroriaiti !!! -ni
tak"iiiij in t'otiitii tt"".l th" 'Alio..-, itii'l tt--5wnni
ul.s;l to Ain'-r can v --"Is ! i-itnl
a Ion-.' ."!.iu" " 'Hi" am. inJtii"!it -ab6 tinnliv
!-l"Ht.l l.v th" ! -n- ot- of l to -.'.
alter li ih th" Hon-, ail ournt-d.
Am it tli" u-iinl loiitiii.-"-s in th.-i.-nut"
on tli.-'I-t. th" I.I I .roii1itisr foi clo---liik'
th bu-iiK of th" otirt ol t l.t tn- was
ink. -it uj. ati.J jM- 1 Th" I rsr.-tu-v
I"Ji"."IH- t.i.l w I- "t Hltll.lll J"hlll"
Th" "" it!--.-'"!i on its ,ini iiltii nt- to thr-I'.i-t
oiln ..;..-oii nl on oil. aii'I a i.'iil'f
. in " tint :. u.i- iiiijiom!' it Tin- lion-.-bill
.tub I 'iiiiii: .-.Ttiiiu (i.l.Iit onal ..I" -aviti--tut
on- tiis p.!--!-! -v t til t.-ri-ioii biil-u-i"
tlii-n PM--I-.1. ami n-ii.imt ili"
oil of oth.-l- n wa -JUllli-' on tin-.lin-t.-"
of p. i iinr r i fit to lis nil blll
u thoiii iio-"r -.ri- .1. tut on Th" -i-nat"
tli-ii in.ioiii m .1 mil 1 1 Mi unlii In th" iton--"
Ijey; (4 " ,n' i-'ii - f "T-U i .;..a.-
mrtits :., .vme uir i:e;..rii:- t .usl
"at5s'' ' No. sir: f.'. fajmru? wrre mad-v..;.
tititvdy. AI-iJt tra U aftri I r .t .- x.
)-tI he U.'kitt fo tar- r'b.uI tii v j-oi. . . -i.
and -aid ibry '? t Hit and ha.i t . i :
btraK lum aown. a:d Uir ti)f r .f .
l"ir I d tai.t-11 :.;m into lu vfii.- an i ! ad
gum li m i'. .. and ..: b th- ci.t U
wrasdrimfe. . ..;. hun ap..-tur of ! rt
taarn itftrr .if wasi dt. and -.d f 1.0
kltrw it Xjt.ur.l &a,4 i. , i. i a i i r
would I-a f -: to in h, , ii ,.f fc ,,w
bira. Ho fo.d ii-r that .t. ,j ,1 ,, .,
it Thl waMbrhf-gttitntic. Wr tm . . r
ronvt-r-uliMi. Ho !!. r.t I t . .:..-! ..
lioto;io... s.-.-ii uf f.:rr ..! v- , A a,f
bx. f to d h i. 1 I 1 t a , ,ii .- .( a i
alibt. I ii .1 ; '.. it. H a-vf.1 i ..m I
.n.l lit. tit r...t.... If.. . . .1 f . . t
..-... tt. jr. in ...!..-.i . t-.i.. t...... ....... ...... 1 .! . .. 1 . - - ' ' ----- -" ..r- i a
- " nr-s- aim . .t.ii i : t f.fc- ,; (l,. ,,, ,,4
on uorebtirn-d th- oth"r xnornius'. I., Ir 1-aid tbat thr Wrst I'...ut iair 11..U trit thr .Nat.- 1 i.. .-1 .,.,., , ., u
?.V.J. fulh ln-urt-d i, now n:nmn.' hi. r..I .!-! T-... , ,.. -j..I tf I r.!.. i.. .o. . -. . . 1
Ti- from th.- ( Lirag.) J a.-kins ' ? nv 11 far U hid with it- oitlrra and it Sif tint br Iu t -. in .. 1 m-...r .nl...-
Tbr t A R v .-.' K
fr i r4 - f A fr
3f Kju-w- H Mr 'l
h-trl.iil"-il Ri hTl R
A JV man ! hs wifr .
tairiHN tlf-.f humr pr!
.1 tu7 tb - -tanl ,
; ail lx lkh r '.
A"iT- Rh it ayounj; 'i.-rtnaii v. ho liad
for -otnr tuu- past lca Iit.u on ar U.t
M r... S f"r"t rt-r r s
I in -i- rtm-iri'l'. mis-xH .'
r. ''i.U.n tn ru-Knf I ttrr'n f--
.tf Xnurt cm , llUrt fn I ..ol tlol jrt.Otd l th t
.- 1 . -am.jr .f i-mm'-lta at.ii fA to wki.'h ttta. tv t
!. . j 'trt.,tit mr f rH-f of !. ,ttti
r. tt rr mi r-t Np tJnat" I l"
Sf! r- ...r. !-.t.if r-. 4 . rrn
rnt a- rntl-- a .! 1 f-4r a-t t !
X, . t,ty ,-t lrt 1 i,-0'l !)!--
t ...; 1 li. Trr t I t
Ki f . ! ta. lh t- !
pM. ! 1 t -. -; - I
r. irt i
Tin: r-!ii:.rl.:iM- inanif.-,to i-ti-d re- !" '" k;1w"-" l" , , , r"l''? u m.Vi .,:;V.
I" th" -.-nut" but t.-ii ji.r.rily 111 l a-i-."
-"iitK to tin- I'.hii-h S.-:i l!i-.-t in lll: I lo "onr.iiui- oti th- ISr -lir'- ! II. 'Ih"
..",.. ,- ,-' ,- I.III a-IJ1111.1. .a 1. TI.m 1- a bli ; -.V.i. fi
( .:ir j.rndiifi-ii a t.-mporary f.-clin"; ol J t,f. ,.nl. ,... A ,,fJi r((HJ ,,.rfH ,, t.-muna: ! illh..x
1 ....! a .... .... . . . 'II... la..f.r.l.Tl . II I
I illi il I rnHt ,rt MIU 1,'"-n,,-lll........l ..... .! I. .. .1 .. .. .. .
hou-"-in.-, imunin u.jiui vj .!.- u i u" u,n prl-at..v tnko it lb t-j pari of Tit un up nurii gi-i irr
-illation in th- -Mid; urds Kvrry di? -utniurr to .at. h up. Tie brt-..k in tho ! ask-d bun o
partm-n. of nor.: uns npr .-ntiil. Iho umbs prov 1 c -non- ba. .t but tb
dwi- on u- unitn.tuoii- to hold out for a (.to..-.t- fur tho rrt of U.e .ar are t-i
conlinnanco ol tli.-"i-ut bonrdny.
1 lu-u.ry
um. 1 inn t. .
"ilutfflv !r jrht.
iiii. -i-toiii- .luti. - of Koi.m.-lir. havi'
br-i-n in-r-Ms"d th.rtx M-r.-.-nl
Vi'iim.m Aii )M'Hi. fortuub: voar- tbo
ni-tant mail .-J.-rl: t.f tli" I.otn-viU. (Kj
jio-t oiln-.. wit- uri"-t"d l.v IiisKH-itr
l!r-Mi. ot St I.0111-. loft-nth. charged with
robbing tin mails.
L't 1 .11:1 m. huis.j iTturxis for --pk "inh-d
'.lav show, d an ;t"a.- ui-r.-ase of 17.1.
In "t YorJ: tin- im-it'a ua- - '
Avri:i n s.-niritb's w-i. ipiotcd in d
niaml on tin- London t-xi-hnns;. Itit tnp tl
ui-i'lv .-nd.-d .Mil 'il In I'.i-rlm iipgoiin
1 l.f
-a.u .wiirjMu, 1 it. .1 f,.m u, , try
and cvl -khup of mi j-mp.'r . f. ,
erst u do hint tin- favor, to i f f r t. .
ami a-kr-ii '1.111 f. f'l n. ... . .. 1, . . .
J. hn .M. i.iw anrmpk.Vf of th- I'not, lvUiUl ntr . rn l.r n.rt Vir Ui aiI u,..t
Pari!!.-shops at Oiiaba. a- rv-.-nt' thr hr u.w.:r I ,i..n in tl.r fa-.-. ll.rdriri.U I
u-iim of a fnhtfal an-id-nL. lb- ta- rn hr-t -..d hi- tnrl tbia man ir rt in I. .v. i-KBJT--.1
in (it-nimi o pi"r .,f uiji hinrv . lwol and not. ted !ru.rr to c u a lau.
and uasboldixi,; in hi- baud a au jartlv bail, but br rrfu-r.1 to go liri'iu.r .( ,-ad.-d
with bt-ninr A workman near In ttt. A f let ward h.r . d be u."- 1':.- .:
u a- liutumiTitiK ji pi.-i-i of ri.l ht ir.'ti
wlii-n 11 'patk tin- iron .-u :n th-b-t i-.m. f-nu-niK n t-rrifio rxpl.ion ii.
liuiii was hn...-k-.i il.inn and r-ndrre.l uti
'oit-'-'ous If., fn.-i- and rircfe w.-rr lt:rnl
l"i:.i an In. han T.-rriSorv spi--ial it " ,-- i--t -f pi- lub.i mr ih.-iii.i.oitatlou : I llI f,. Su,. ,.tmvi-ision of an old Ilu um
' ln:i-K"t". lll !!!!' til" -lll 11.11 . II-OII j ...
- Icarin-d that a 'Moral i-iul-in of Aniens th- bil - pa-.! ui- ..i..- r.-moiim.- M'lan i;n-." ton- to the moiif. it.aih.-t I.ti-
intrnd.-r- or Iioonn-r-" upon l!n- 'h-r-ik.-i-
-nip ha- li.-o;un Tin- work of n--liio:.i
i- in rliaro.- of C.tplaiii I'rii-o
ami a toiupaii of tin-.rd!i l"iiili-d Malos
t-aalr. 'Iln- Iioonn-r-" ntiinli.-r ---i-ial
liimdrt-d. and many of lln-m hav
luiilt hoii-i-s and madi- otiit-r iinroii--lm-nl-.
N r.w- Iia- ii-ai-Iicd Tcvarkana. Ark.,
from -t-i-tioii- in and about tippi-r II.-d
ri-r of a plajjin- ainoti lh- li-li of
that and trilmtaiy -tit-am-. Tin- cati-.-if
I li- fatal lrto i, not known and
1h- iiM-idriit i- a niit-iy to th- old. t
Jiilial.itanl in the all-. Tin- pl.tjrtn-
is pioii---iti"; -loul and imit-li ap-jin-ln-nion
is f.-h that it will l- -r
Tin: trial of the suit of .lames- II.
f.ood-i-II to IVi'iHiT -J."(I.IIOH ilalllllj.'!-
from th.- V.--ti-rn I'nion T.-h-raph
C'oiiipaii ua- -lo-.-d at N.-w York M--r.-nlh
In a i-rdict for (.ood-cll a.'ain-t
iln- 'i ti-rn I'liion for tin- full amount.
lt which wa- added ?1.7."o f.r roiui-t-1.
Dauiaocs wi-r- I'laiuicd In (.ood-cll for
lueai-h d contract, tin- Wc-t.-rn Union
Iituiii"; failed to make onnl a contract
In- In-ld with tin- Atlantic .V Pacific
Telc";iaph 'oiiip:iii. uliich the Yc-t-11
ti I ' 11 i. tii ab-orlieii.
tliccliiii.-i- of il "I tion Iroin tin- i". oil ot
I iimkliii Tlionia- ""li" Till- ! th.-ca-e
ol n uoiii.-iu u ho lor tuo .-.11 - -.r"l 111:1
Mn-inuiiii i jr in. nt n- a -oMi.-r ixiioul d --e!-
ti- ln-- lib ntitr 'lliiitv pcu-toti blli-pa--"l
at tli- - "ttin se-- on.
Till S"iiate wii- not in - ion on th" ".'d.
In the Hon-" tie- S.-iiate bill pa 1-! -
I.-ihIiii-tin-tiui" tuo "iii-. tor tii" t-oiiipi.--
iion of th.-St I.0111- - -.m I"i iini-ij-o
rop. mi botir--s "i" j;eiit-rall d.-pres-ei!
Tin: Sjuitiisli i.i.vt-Miuienl piopo-.- to
-ell about .-t.iM,ii) woiih of the noun
I-iiiii- and Ion t- to deti.-iy "Apt-iisc- m
tii.- ai my and n.iv.
A ii: 1 - tram collided with a jnss-n"r
conch at AttI"lmro. .Mass.. j.-e.-mK.
Ati.t-r MoiiM Ibhii: and sou uir
.!... . i tl...... . ...- ..... ... I. ... ..
''"" iii'-r i'imh i. iMisitHi. ne4 . e
k-ft Kiu'lui.d ioaod tr-tiivim: m ..-t.
Ilu m-t Pu-'h-r on tii- tJ-aiui-r that at ... d
111 IS..-'. .11 rrinu.rv ... and took ?.. , t
otuitt's Hote . .e-iI duv afViv4' i l.rt
lhu' 1 vv..i 1.. 1 "..Is. V'l. 1... ...... ... ...
111 .1 fr.htfnl manner Fellow , tnpb.y.-- to bo.rd ..i,d I'ndl vae.l at .. i,tf'. wo
rushed to Ins re-.ue and s,M-,.,-ded in rx week-. Prcl rr wn.t to tm4jt -.,
XiiiK'i:-lniii; tlie ih.ui.-5 ubnli bad waited and be rrii.aif.ed in !fc-t..n ..t .
hi- clothiti;: Ua-hiiTott at 1 ret. ratu-. r M...
Tiii-chams'iiicliarui.-! of th Pltm 14 tin l,-J' -aloou. Ir -a ,1
dt-rmiamj: tl" north end .f the bridjv nt lK,"-xhr a t.fKt-t m .. PuJ man .. at.o . t
ir-mont. rules, are mb.ptr.1 "si-.n on mo m-t t., m .Mat.;, and
promptly to st. iv th rnvaj;. ..f the current
n portion of th" I rt.le will I taken out
Tin people of (if "..tinr. t.reeh-v fount ..
. H -
i -
r. . - . . ' ,
i- t -i . t
. .,.!
1 . . . ,
- .'ii
lr I ," .
M .(...,
I '
t .-.
I t -:
- -
" .it !
. . t
! !-. r it
. . .. .
t .1 it!-
: '
t it
r .
t to t
J , I
. I.
1 !
'ir .
Ml 1
I It
t '
1 '
r- -
t ,
.J .. .
v ...
.. .
' n
I 1
r t
. i .t t
f .
to I
r 1
f .
4 -
. f
I.- I:
went mound nt r .mmJa. Il: t ki
-l. He airnrd in M. iittit M.n t. , ..J
leistite.I nt t:.e -..U!turii. !! a-.-.I l-. t
.1 tfii.tiu ! the f.rrk. "I be .is it
Have starte.1 n fund to build an aeitle:n Mtir I. .id been rti-nrl a-kin .; ,'ie
ii... i 1 .. .. 1 .. . .. . 1 .
thioui.h ih-i liieiiii-.-twn ml ho.tnn i.-.-iia. diouuednt I'liik.'isl.iirir. V. Vi, .1 -.-ntH "' ,r's" ' '"- oioniat ..ti -s-ietv l.:t- .tllt".i. ttr ..Iisutl, ,r. j ., na.
1.011-. tt-i pa mifiileu priat- iii.-a-ut.-. I K,,,invr t'.rt....... I.......... i :n...i made a i-u-b donat -on of $: ' . u hn-b. add- i!otUi.
md Turks took .. the SUl. Uaiiv "'J l" l,M ' f-t w tounsj.ple. ' fr ila T. !t. 1 atrivr.1. Tbr- I.a I
- ..II....1. r 1. .... ft ! ! . 1 ...nt ,r . . . .. . ... I a. . k
villi I ' : iUIHi lf " - ' --t 19 .!. hi .Ud rtrU
.... ..v. ... ll I l. t .
'Illi IhhIv of Hriirt Thovmin. h t:r.r.-.,. . ' "VV" "" r,' '!'"u "' ' '''
. i
.1 i
M."h"!oi n.'d about thirty u.. was fotitid
1 lid.
MaweU f-tid that I'iw et t..d
Ill" II011-" w t-tit into oiMin tt"" ol the W In,'.
I01 ilfbat" oil Iln luilill l"r.e s.'iii
bill U hi 11 th" eoiiiiu tt . 10-" Iln- M tin!.- ( wer.- Uolinded. A trtice UJls lijre.-d t.
aiiieuiiui.-iii- jo tin- I taesit l"!b "lie bill-.. 1 .. ..,,... .11. 1
were i.oncoiicuri-,.1 m mid tin- Ib.m-c- ad- ! ;""! ,,n ",,'bru,,w "rrmiRwl betu,-.., ,Le
...... I . . .. . . 1 . .I.L' BIT. .,- II VI Jain III K V. IV. 11 1.I1IIIII . .
101111 .......... ......-.-. .... .... kj.,1 ,,.... ,.,., ,.,..,.. .,. .. . n
Tin nl.Ir.-rs who were hurt in the l,ml. "mil-, mad mt.H.s".l...-.t ,11.,M;, tlirouth in thr ti.p. He .,d t(
i-j 1.I0-1..11 in Chu-n.-o uil! I... .i.v-i,i...! r..r "!l his rial in on tii- iiuuha re-el vatioti. ,1,.. .., ,. ., .,.. .... ...'..., . .... ... .
4 - n - - - -..,..- -. .-- ,.- - ;' ' ! Itl
life. M-ren nines ea-i 01 ir.u-r Uf hml Imh-u tmninties. to li biui. n -tin In. i - d to '.
A ;i lailr-iail. it, is reported.. to ! '' ad day a,J. 're!iri was m 1 if.-r -1 .-.til t
. buiit lioui I'binio to New Y.i'c In Kn ATi.iairtbe other "vetunff a u-am h :t-u- ami oiiipiumrd of ..i -. .Vavunl ut..iu
ii i .
l (.. .
II' .. I . 1 "v
It IV l! I ,
t W - I . -
111 t III .
-. .-,
ft t' 1
- hitll-l l
t . f t'o
I .1 ,!.'
i ! t 'l
lo .
i n
'. '..
.11 1 t '
it 1 ..."
!,. .., '
t. f
.- I
' 1 1
f 1
1 I
Pitoi . '1 111 oi.i:i lui..ui hast a imaii.
moti-Iv "!"Cted l'l".si.!"tll of Yah-College,
to -uci-".i i'le-.d lit N'o.ih Poller. lcs:-pcd
Tur I'n-i.b-iit ha- iiomiuat.-.l .lohti t is
1. .
. - -..
t -
li 1 1 1 .
t 1 . 1
' ! - - t
r a-
1 1
f 1
a: ui . "
I a- II
til. -
.Mi . .
.1 it.
I '
t .!
- I
. i;
I 1 1 U'
fl -.
, h.
- t
1 n
CifSfTHj RH l'v1 If
rt trd at Tut K
A'SJ pti'fi- Th -
ira4wirr R'1 lv rt.i .
ttatorwUkt r .
Vh at-1 ' ,fr
rnfrf ail
I. trrt i
I fcr'
1 llp
t,i;i 1
' tr I'. 1
1 . - ' t
. Atlf Ol
' l .
v .
ibr -
"art-ad i- .
! tatrti
Utttritut' t --tr
i '
: 1 a r i
1 1 aim
;ril .. . 1
.' 1 an I b
.. ' rr- 1.
11. t t -f t
t f III.
s lot'
1. .tr tl . '
t 1 mm
H - 1 hi M t "
I ' t tt.r 1
- tbi t ,
iMli"l .
. ' . I-
' . .
. f t.
' t 11
. !
fr '
' ..'
. t 'lli
A in tl si Iclcerani from Millwater,
a-- The lam.lx
in. I tarm
hand- ot I.. II. Tow u-ln-ml. who r--T-idcil
about fifteen mile- limn here,
wen thrown into a p.mic c-lerda 1
xt sudden loud icpurl ami upln-a al of
dirt ami stones bu:r hundred feet into
tin- air at a point m-ar the tarm house.
Town-hciid think- tin- eruption title to
tin earth. piakc. A hole j went -ti o feet
deep wa- torn in the earth and -tone-hurled
out ly the cpl.i-ioii were found
i.alf a mile : wa trout tin- bum.
t . .
I .. . ... ....... ....!.. I .. T '.-.!........ 1... 1 .. ... a .
, 1. ,.,..,! ... ..f ,1. . 1.... 1 K .. . , . irusn 1 ap.iaii-i-, to ne i.i.ou n 11s in. .ui.l " " - .. ....... .".-. ..... ... ......o . ... . -i . . " . . 1 - .
ti iii.h-i toth",.ist"iof the lan.l t.b.eeat . j lad v by th- name of IVtte w i,o wa wheel h)aMlrrHnc au.iitfe. and in-iced V .t ..- f. ,.- t.- - . .,
' !?'1 ,', ' . , , , fl. , ... I K U vnoN. one of th. wenlilm-st ,..,, S I-ov 111 a biiv 11... child w- ! '. I'.. . d. t.. .k .? -m ......, ;,,,..
N wk IU. ,.!. ,,!,, .!, ( nii(ii (.itim w picked up for dead, but HnalU reeorere.1 ' -l esf and I . - t.d ... k .,. . :., I.'.-,.,-. . - ... .
( o Indian AU.iusu bill appro- ' .s.,!s.-...s, .-s. Tl,.- ladv ua, M-t,.,dt fid.iail.P a,,,,, nli.p, ,.,i 1, , , ,., .,d..,....t . ...,
pnat.i. -UMa,l lor the ,e,..i,. o, the J J' ;. ,' , lu Z "m.d.-d about the bead" ' Hli.! !...,.. .,! ,',.-- .. . .
llast-m Uheiokee Indians to the India,, . ' - "W 1 - 1" ,)j ,.( f. s,..rioush ;'"' '" W a.. when h- ,... .,' . , f ,
Tetntoiv. 1 " ' ' 1 1. imp-. , , . - - found that w i- not ri.otnrh he v. -,. . ut .f .,. v " , .
S,-. mo,: :, uu has introduced bill ,n ! vTlli: 'ai""r l":au -"" wn" l",n":1 ni ,. ,"' ' hpn.,r . . Sl.ll4V , B" - " "...riw... I .- . ., w. ,v . , ,. .
the S-nate to -to,e ,0 oihc".-- and ,h ' .""I'l"- - ; - I-t i -.H J f ItnZl l'T ' " "" " ' ' '" '' "' ' "' ' ,!" "
, . 1 ,1 .1 ... , Mi-etuo w.tsdestiov-d on .ne .i-r p.r tb" mur-Jetet of John ami t,B,lt i iwHift t tt or! b.s u deiM, tt , ... tut. .,. ..
W..I..WS and or chiid.e,, th- ,at.- o (j r ., ,.,,. James lV:kst.. .. the of Srpt.-ml-r and sbi.t a.d b-.k K h- d.,U",- Hr i. ? , - , '.
pens,,,,, ,,..,.u,,l puor to th- reducnoi, f . fi!fjiiiiI ,,, v ,. I..,lr,4II,,.A. ,. ,, HV. IC. The uer. father and -o tl.rrw th. tbrnc- out. ,-ut bin. , f.e tiun ' ' '
Jul .... is.-. 1 s-jiii.tie! U'll.-iton. f oleo- Th"i "mirat..! nl out ..,,.. -..-.-.r ,.k... from li-l left le tl.injj- in lie- room. ' -
I in new (.reek I rune ..iiiiMer - -diey j m, , Jj;i .nn( . ,avi. .,,,.,. .,n Pairfi, Id. Mo . to ( 'hoy ntie t .uiitv. and "Th . w..t lout or inr v o K t, tie aft- ti-i ' r. i .,..,. I
will!... for pearc Jte-t'ii-miist the i-pott id the ('.mmitiee -s-ledot.nhoui.-tead thirfv nrles north wm-.ii He s,U(l he tl..-u -t.iv.d ai,.,,. lh..t t,. 1,-x , r u
P.: IH.. Liu.-, the eminent ,.hv-,c,i, x .jSUI,. ,.,, thal u ... ...f:,... o(S,.lnn TI..- were mutM-red .mo ,cht " f..av nion.u.. hm he went o : ,., ,,,,. (, f ,..
:,d se,et.-t. whose ,:f"stos ,, health .,,.,. t!ll .,,,. ,,,,.., ...... .,,.. ami U -vnolds .. ,o,mn" r..H.rt.-d ;!,at ' " ''Vi"'".'''.'.''', """t "S I"-" l'- " - -
matters have ixiven him a wotldwid. n-t. . " ... . . .. . two n.ioe- iim.n..,! th- .I.-.-.I I,.. ..r.K :,u "' J' '" " l'" hi-own tiiioit. f ut
................... s- X- , . 'and in no wa del.t.riou- tole.-.lih In " -tot s,. th. U..l. he only ,....,., ,. , . ... llflM1 ............ ,',.. t.'..fliB,.tli. 11 s, .1- ..-,.
II.. -I I IOII. 1 1 It'll III I tin KITS. .. 1 . Oil I al' .l-i. . . . . . ............ II. ... I... I ... I.. f ......,. ....... ....... . -..,,. -
r 1
1 t
.d I
- .
M. t
1 1
ri ! 11 ttt OM thr J n
d ! rll t. .te-s-ra
'mira and mn
tt.r ritbrt f.t .if nnjti
. t . ttrw rU. .f A '
bTOCK Itlf
f t 1
, 1
0 !
... :
'rfii "
1 .
. I
1 lii"
t. I A
I' 1 in :
. to fs
, I..
. ' rt ,
i" t
(Il M-ioi has decided to convene a
meet 1 11 of the Liberal pill t V before the tie
bate 111 the Iloll-eof '.Ul!Un- on tile Iloi.i"
Utile bill ha- it.ii coiieliiib-d This l"
done ill o,.ler to eoiisitb'i- th diU'.-ieir-c.s
j-a . .. ...-r.T.ixir ill- ..!....
-tippoltot thl-ti.e. .plot- 111" citlllcntes - .I-". ..-...-i u-... . . ..- ..-.. is ffr ,.,,.,,,,,. a ,.kelf. s,n 1 ,,,!. cllii tl-hts ..:...., v.
.r.i iti : - .. r t . 1. 1 iii?i: :ritIftiitiriii?iiiFi Hi fif!iti.t.ff.l . f ""
.i 1 ue Illinois .--i.ue i.o.u.i 01 ii.-nixii. - - r i-snt. hir wbicli I tbu.K hu f-aid be Mid ti-ir
1111: annual .ieinon-lratioii w a- held in - i-." " "- ...,, ..... o u. ... sjj,-,.
thai ha e at isen otieei UlliK th" lueasiil".
Si vim: ("ti t 1 has tiiiuie a favoiabli n
ciivcrs foirixjner- and native alike ami
pro. - i-.
I 1111. .Winn... .."jiioii-ii.iiiou .-i- nei.i n, .- -. - . " .- -'"'. . i.,. , ,., ., ... ,
f ..t .. . 1 . . . 1 .. ..1 IVMt t. 1o!l lliiltl. Il f.'ir. -41 . itt 1.1 Vr I?. t iill'l.. . a -
Ill 1 .1 a t 4f 'fl.
XUUlltst- buried III til" I Vie hi t liaise celll"- '-- ui-ioe .. tun. oiii"ssioii ot in" cruil. Ills ll; or 1. out ni-
let v. N'o di-order occurred
A m u Imu-e uilinishe.l. belong n- to II
IC N'ol.Je. at !.iti-lx!. by llr-
.!......., it. imiM-n' on tl... -.! t...f t... tiieotij.-r iiiurniii". loss. J.ei iho i-i-
port on Hie proposed .-..pyriclit law. which :,.,.,...., 1...11 .... . ,1 " .. .".....'. . dene oeem.ied l.v Noble w- damaa-s! to
1 ..t.. ..." truth . iii.i.t,.n- ti...t i... ...... i 1.. v ' the amount of .J.II Nob." s fmn. tur.
Kesinnmb..rtl.e-oIei-iKlittodiai:ittt;e ,-,,.. W,II.,,r while be iWiIbiir. wa-.-vami. - 'I'"..:;! ?. and. I I.. n-lH.rne s
hi-eopxiiKht book- , 'ner , the Patent (.lite., the s,Im ,.f .-,.. f..r fntmliire was dniiiaK -d :i..-l .1. II Cmd
M-. 1:1 ih-it-commended nd xnU,rmn.t ,.., , the caveat of -lo-k'- arp-t.t. r to,.K worth ;X.. were d. -
tlxtioiini l"i;i-latioii lor the tepie-sion of, ., , ... .
. ... Prof. I.h-ha bniv.
tin opium traue 111 accoitiniic wun tin
; suipletuental treat v with which
'fid- Ilnt.-i, pt.
bi the K.tit e npird is th it
I Tur Telephone Inve-tiratiiiK -"omiuittee
He to d I. e ..0 bad about -TK Up, j,,,M Jm km,m ,, t ,. , ,
to J me he itent out ami Cot a hrid ... j(.,t ., lM.n r f.,r ln ,
He -a.d I.e -;-,.: S ... be b.,t dul ,...t sav ,'.,, ,,. ,. rw(. , ,
w.a....r. le-i-nt r,Moth..t,!pb. j., M-N
rr-tia-c. tie wore a lone i?" an. he said. .. , , t. , .
.... ti... .,. u ...... 1 ."-.. .. '"r j"fl ' I'.ir.'ljh
1 . .! i. ti V i V . r M,r,', " "' -o'omi.s, ..,,.-, t ,.; , .,.,
beU,.,t lo He V.W II.N- Sd ik ... . ... .
1 11
1 -.
t.T t
t ,
i IT -
1 f "i-
.it. . .
;it t
in '
went into ell-et 111 11
Aii'.itM.. In mi:i. (I iti m wa- ,inin
Jb.'loie the Telej. bono Invest :-;atin"; "om
i mute" on the Jl-t.
AinnrioNAi. ijim'atciiks.
Tin: Kinti.I loilio- of the Hrotlieriiund of
-.s-ioii at ( li:eat;o
stiovcd This 1- th- third time Noble has
-ull'-r. d within -iv iitoxitl-. and th- r.r.
ar -uppose.I to have b.-en ine,nd.nrv lie -:i d he hi-t h.- ket- on the w ty
out and p. id a in n -.'. ".o So .h-ii h tittu-.
to the Hifi.m Ian It Is und-rr . 1
that this will he thr ar.'mru. t.srd t
1 -".t a 1. 1
Kin .1 .. i.. , ! ,
-fViH.t I- t ,
' . r.' I . 1,. ..
! s. , ,. , . . 1
l-'il ! , . ut
'! Il- n ', ,
t 1. rtt- 1 1 .
l Willi 11. f -. .. 1 ,
' -V
lirtatto m r Mf---r -.
. m .-n thr f nra of Mr
n Wo.Ho, t ..nntv a
br pl. tiMtttlr . '
l.-d thml tT ratf t
' lt bit trtt rff
Ilsm't mtor rt a j ,r
i.ot I .)
raMM. Nt. t r 11. -i .
turn rr rt'.-
twin a'rr t
t"W. Bit
. ll
.11 .
I olcomareyrinc and other iniiiation-
Itt tin. et... n.. I.- ,... .i.t t.. ..k. ... ...- '"" ' fMin wir.Htsn.iHl th tiv..s..
t..ii T -,.. I 1st ..,.,. ... ...... .. , .-.... 1 "' thr J" '" 'f "e.ftirr. It ,s tt .
leu. o tn .t. wlt. -.t.I bpwasif rwit..11""""111 Mf t H'rt Ihr risbt .. b tfc,,,,-,,
I; 1--aid that the build m; Imh.iii of th- to-s;...I,..r. 'I ,.. mini s-tut be . o.iid t.ot ' ,.," r'.r"n , " ' it in t e -(r-1r
new t.wa of Strang is -erioiislv hinden-I i-t li.Miintev ami watr. Hkj. it,.- ' "" w't. u is rw.r .t .fr. i.,.i
t . ... kin I .tor 1 Hi s. ! tt..1 ....!. tlt.i ..
rer-mth. nunoum e.l the expiil-ion of tho In th" inability to s. lm. team- to haul - he c d 1 o' have toe . bat.".., M,t huaby . ' ,, ' """"""""""wiwki
.01 o .!. 11- ae nnu vi, -j.-t t "-
to Cel if b-t.-h the net dt-U.
.Mr. Mrhoii ibt ti.cti lip
riit ft II. a rjii-i.niutd
pointed nin-tv .ias tor pai t.ispnt u;. u.. k itom a nor-e. xm-iii-,- verv imtiy mitt ..... , , .. .,.,,., ,.,,... .r, -rboorMT Aun-u Il.rr.k b.J aidrd ' -.-4 aa-1 ra. t,.. .
Kaipvav P.rak"ii;"u. 111
r.-r.'iitli. aiinount ed
twenty si niftnbfis ot tho order who onp- Iuiub-r fast "iioiijrh fr the enrprul.-r
.-V 1 I.-t.I. llllltlticr ot lictlt-iilK u ere i I....... t 1. . ..t .1. . - . 1
1 1 hi.ii 1. - iiiuiiiii fii-rimn n nil' i-ecomi ... 1 .1 ... 1 .t i t. . . . ,- 1 .... ii.ii
.. . ., . . , . 1 . , , , , in. to 11 him siiik(. (n 1,1.0 .Missouri i acui'j - 1.1 . 1 ..1 .-ii o .h'jiii .u.i.i-i bun ti
reiioilcd coinine; to the Senate rclattii"; t .mitre tonal di-tnct of Louisiana, to till , .... .... . 1 1 , i-. 1 .1 .1 .
1 . , . .... . r..i um Mio-? ......... I.t-.- li..r... .0.. ottslv l ii 111 f... I lit rrieti ! tin. ot h r .lft t.r n
, . .. ,..-...-.. . .'... t tr ..... .'v .. ... .....j-.. -.-..-...-....- ..... ............
i ne viu-ain v cau-eii nv me ti.'aili ot liettre- i . ,
... . . pnnueti
: .. let ,.
-roaa kthrwt ..
wal or .. t
I .. .
1 I
tt. J h- ...,. left, . T..,.M... ct , yaT -. IVrrtt,- tr l.J.'il . . '
(, ., .... . -..-, ' -eutntive Halm indicate the election ..f ' - ' ' "" . . , J Ibat i- had the iiionrr when'rU-ft "" ' .-..... .. nir.i ai wgm frt- . lhc ercat ' ,d the j about the fa.v. i:illtf H, a,,... u,,v.rU what be fu-m -!. lor Ibr b2 ... I rr, tla. .. bViT... ..
l.ctilions arc Itoiu a-ncultural ami llu ,.v .,,., :..m ma.ontv niilv ' -Jbuiit 1 nut -an-tioi, s-.riko- I iir .-..wl-.y- of ...rt .we-t-m ,r.ra.k.t. an.! .M -xwc'l .-Mda.i.r.1 ...: he a .ritiH Kith rannon and drSrmta-1 to rr. . tb t.t.i t. Bw,
.lain a.-sticiatioiis and fator the bill ! half of a full v. te was ,.. ' ' " ' ' "" -'". ""vim.,,, wa- kill-! by U yomimr and ( olo,do r-.-ntlv ...imed -.uh,t-s ,i, ti.,,,,,,1,,1 ,, , i!iri:, ,unp , a, fchoM riUB mml Twr mmft .j.
. . .. :. . :.., i . . . ,, ., . , ' Apache-fear Mecal on the South Pacific tb-mself - into a mutual pro:,-, tive a monev neb.r- he left p.o-.. ,VUtw.! . , . .f . , , . ' sk.-k,.-,!.,
lopo-uio; an internal rc.eniic tax ol ' l)..v ( nio-.the .-pnni-h i retonder. has ' . .,., ,.,,, ., ... ,,.,, . ,'.. r-,.,..,,. , ,, ..,. ,,, ... ... , , . U ele ber. the t.UJ sata . fbla mat ' -
1 ' , , . iiii e . . . railwav lecetitlv i-iii.iimiiini.-i th- name o. .h- KuisbL of t uilm-- cm d m) ti,a thet had iii-t ot ' f . . ., ,.
leu cut- a pound on the product pWi-h.-d :namfe-ti iepudiutuiK the m- , .,..'.......- . e-. ,..,-. , ,i... i.nri: f .ub r.r.... at - t ..o.i -..,.? i.-.t ..'i l-r-.r a venr rrt.aa walb-r TflrlVlfJ Th. I.t t A Jlijlrr attb. r.
- -- - - - -- -- ,
. f f t "1 1 l -l1 l t' ill I-". Ill l"ll trillion ni .l i.oiui i sr- --- ---------- -..-...-.
named, ami rcuulatiii": its manufacture i ,aiK 0,1"x ",,' l n-ti:iu. a- the rightful 'r,.ntlt. t,..V steps to fotm a comb.nation Tm other wpht, Phillip Ilvan. of I.Ml-e at his j.h.ii,. 'I i, tn fit. t lit .! vJiiimm . - ......
XUitl -ale. while the
-in -sor to the tin one ol Spain
i a-iurist the dr. e.l bef moi.ot.oli-r- fount v. li.fl two bend of cattle and two o " iat on the da be Irft ..-V Ii whrn ft ailowrd tbta vesrl to arm ii. r "" . - "$!,
. it'-iu in ,nivii .. ,. t . t . . .. .i
i hill. I.MU'IH l ll rilXKI I"P MU;ol'lllll I , ... . .
lire lroiu produce exchanee- and -inn- ,1k.(1 ,., p.,.,.,,, Mliv -, ' I ' PP" d.-nt hn. rrtoed two more pn nr-e- .'i.e.i i.y a s.,o... ... ,i-:tn:m:
,,. . . . . , ,- . .- i ' - - - I sioii lull-pa rd l.v (.ncri-s. ona-favoring I ur completion of the railroad to Loup
lar counncrcia hodic- pi.dc-tin- MIsmitNrmr Hand W Hamilton ami the other John D. Cty ha- Lo-n d-lax-d from lack of iron
r-uii-t anx such tax ami -Uirc-tiii"; . just t.u..tM. ou. i and .-th-r c-,ti h.-m-e th- Kr.i:i.l e.debr
crtinl state ih-v cm. Stttrs fJot-enimenS nrslrrtrd Its .!' r"lm -' "J-'! -d r,o,
fiiai it would be Mitlieicnt for Conm-c i
A TKI rt.tttM was leceited at th" War Ie-
t ta: tment tm the .i'th from l.eueral Mil.-
th-v lido Miirp-it' to u.o adr nk
atd.Maxweil ir-td. tint be bad a I tce
loll of bid atul me of them s.tfe-U-l tbt
r- i- i-ji.c.e in eirrtms n's otti.
.. . . . mi ... ..& . .
of h,r r.rta. and , patrt,. .bm .4 J - TS
t watrrs ., whkh n- -rr h.w.tlt ..fc.t,, j,,.;
I'"""'- " "- -.M-.rr .-r-io icrv.a,. baTi.tfsJ.i
Sr. iti-TAitt LtMR hn-rt:ld that tho In- lion will not take phi. .n a- exp...-t.l.
to feipiin that -lich product- he prop- j ,,., j .,,.,. ,,.m. jrMII- u,fintrv ler,,,r l' 'Paitinent will le.-ojrnire courts of nml it is -uc t.-tl that th- barbecue be
rrl.v Iahclc.I. I troor.-'and the Fourth eavulrt hd -'rrt.ek ,lie l-Aeroke. Nation a-ctitts of .cord, p.-stpon-d till the F. ttnh of July.
- the lnihiins Sundat evenin- and .-in-iite.l " h-oh po ev this pow cr-of MiniUr court- )m: ganc "f uork:n-n i- -iiik.ri- the w.-H waii'.-.I to er?ire wi.iir-'-e In i.tu-r. bow slit n Jlrtbh i.r CaiiatlUii rrui--r. daiy
--- - - - ... - . ..,. -- iw-
li-n.fl la h's rft-ket and thet n.u'J w.vr 'ofh n armarrtrnt. II trnossb.n wo1 ),j j., ffci mttfmnlm
that th-t -aw vw or J-MW In b :. i..jdt n't obtained Jr.Mta :hr (Hiommriit H t - - . ,mmm Ut lhM .
cat" jiu.rh wl..T. sf.nsi'dhtT I- all thr -tester Snow Id l,tt , orft. ...i i1
'lie; with- tb-ri io.'d what Matw-il tb- vrs-r attrrupt a fomMr rr alatatv . jrfc4 " fc-r .
of tho States
! ToitovTo, Oat. nm m the hand of a m th-foundatioti for th-coal h..;i-e. still "ibrward Uil fi.m - b wtuie-xf would anadlan taalers ., srtirji. of tvit.s ynr wl Tatbarr
seven niche-tt r rule-, ammunition, -ad-
.lt.. .... 1 .. f.... !....-. Tl... t.. 1 1
" - .1 i...... .-. '., - .ililllttiiiiisiiiiiit'tll ., i. . .. ,. ...t. .. . .
we-tuar.l as;am and were followed i,v ' " on the nipht of th J-Mh The street anoth-r 1- at w..rk on th- d-p..t . a Inrc- 'ot be u.-d-d as ttir defeft'e wtnt d be aisre V tl UlrrallT, tt mar hr tn-afr... , . j.
1 ..,. t...,-- -.,..1 i;..t--..t.i- t. vi...!. ! car -Inker and - mpataircta ovet turned for ' men and team- 1- raditic for ft v
I. i .' ,.-o - 000 iio.oi ki ..'lOiUttUti'1 1 Uf.'
were near Santa Haibaia and Huetia Yi-t.t
cara and a..aulted conductor- and iJiircr- -ide track-, and ih--e. tith lb- ttack lav
. .... , . .. .. . . .
Moiidnv jX ""'Skoi 111 lum: um. uuint-u near r- on tn- ou:n-rn nn-. uuiwr a tu-.xic
' .1 triiM-. the oov,Yte.l New- York ldor- , """el"'". W' :h :hl'r :-h: Kour l api-aratt-e in the netnity of lb- H .-.
tii.-m . M.i,t..mvl b-.- .!.?.-.. tt..,,-..,. . J of the inmates pen-brd Th tire ua- lie- M tnrd- at rub-mount, a.t-ordiLj; to the
In thcroiitt of Claim- at AYa-hin"
fun recent h. .lud-;. Dati- dclhered
the 'cci.-ion of the court in relation to
the -ial.ility of the (.ovcrnnicnt for the
Freto-h spoliation claitu- in which the
"hii f flu-tice ami all judirc- concur.
The court, after di-cuin-; the law. i
f the opinion that the claim- arc valid
lIijra:ion-aain-t the count r which
stu-rilicod the ri-ht- of it- inditidtial . . , . "1,m- " ' " up The H. ue continued the debat on
... l,K' oepo-tioiis 01 ;ne ciptam and new or ., ,,.,.,.-,..,,cn-t,i-icntva fcat national nd- Ul- F,Ia M. I-oti.htt the tt-luiu; -teamer , r.. arratpted at Spn,i?fi,.d.
A at tairc. and that the treaties ot 1m'.. -ei.-ed in I auada. and al-.. interviewed tho M . n tbl. --lUl for 3C . ,his
nml 1:1 with France, ami the treaty m-tom- cihr ami f.und out .11 what mur.U-rofMr- Sarah Urnham
tf 1SP.I with Si..iii, .1.. o. ........!,- .... I... enair-res the vo ti was hehl Ih
- - -- ---ss. - -. tit- lift ill'.'l t H' 14I
for th-railroad eompant . ano-h-r 1- lav- wtne' arerretl lo In- 4a.'s: tbt ,ir I romnisb.t.e.l. aUrwr S seix- It In A "" afbfr fci.rtiiijj
nine tears mid ten mouths impri-oiunont ,
lieved to be mcen.liarv
i Pks-iox. ca-e were lie fore the Senate on
("on-i 1 (.rtnic. Pun tN ret-entlv took
the-iTith. The Bankruptcy bill . taken
e were
poliatiin claim-, and tlu-rcfo'ro the
claitnaut- shouhl rccmcr.
1 Nelectmc tt enter nt the cu-tom houe
Pni.ttirK Hi t-Toxr called a ineet.ns of
hi- support.-: - for the ".Tth to con-al-r
UistiKit ba a broom factory
A. ". MrKiriirw. a foreman nn th l"n
ion Pnc'tle bri.l- r.t ( Iniaba Ul h: f'-ot
ititr lb- "th-r morning nd f-11 H- -u-tainei
coiieii ...n of tli- brum, a fracture
of the left htp. fracture of the l-ft.trm. tb
brea'sitij;of all of the r;b-on tn- left -ol-,
toct-thr with other injun He oaly
l.T-d fortv tuiiiut
Vbwr . Mr- rrtbiHtt nt-t kmlt
ilefi'ai no inc. nttr T siloH Its rsM-T-t t. -; (ort.'i I1 0" t tiMfnlv?n :,-s:.i,.nv d tbi wir-v. wet.: to urtaH tn tre-f.-i-s, B-v.t, r tr.--i f ter. i U,m w.,! k.,1, ?h t-s mu
show that Matw.-.i ,l,d IT-Sbr and ritorr i- unaor:ir a jreat r.M-atr?. rs- ; !.' .,,, -i ,n mmmu ai ,
that be want.s! to b.i v .tii-. u. i.-tt.fv j. utlit a Jre jeopb- (aim4v XtM n..t ' -sitaakra4t fiv .
Mae rm t
r ...'tear. I t
J " " --. j--Mnt m .-- jr-'..r- i nniiit TVti n ' ' iMin. Ml' i fr mr
to .-i.ti..-bsl -ton 11. 1.1 Ubaf. Ihr r tVserrrd by any .lanrr .. a pnmmt'.t- f1im f,, w-. ,
bt tm.itj t ... a . ,rpr . :.. th- iu r.d.'l-iow. and Its i-..I .r tvmr. .Imms!,. aks jwl'tl-
ih- urt -: l I., the a.. Iietr.- a-s u.- . rm .rtii-; It- nsbf snd rnf rtlatrii, t, ,. .. ,
im-s va- -U'j--t.s to m '-atrh.tu- rr. -v- Bf4. " , " .- ...
r It -r-a:rd a trrnutn- -eusat,iou.
Am ntH"S.
.aa-rwA ,ViWiwt ttftr
"ar-n fot-i.
('-vrifvtri. .Mat -'.-For otn- t m- J-WF- J'-. Maj Ji Vt an rf too.- '
jl Fr-tbrtc K;m. a iatarr.-. man aad retttfdrw a,.-iiiothr KrV aodr.ttftHttr-j, ; T-ftm-s jy. Vc mm.i
p:opr -tor o: a dru ? in f-JL !b-rttar. " Fw" airmtai 1.. ut 1 ----- --m- w. .aj y j
.1 :.ia.'-i.-ar 1 ere. Jd t-ren ott tntn.;
t-riu- w.tii the dauzLtrr of Wi .una Ilml
i. tle Utf Hkaarr. i.lor.nvn.:,), "" " l - I
. .....1 ..,-.. 1 .. ... ...,. At- in. .1.... .1....1. .1...
. unat .ii'is .j ia in fT'nt ii! th. nniliHh , .... . -. -. ..-.. . .-.. .- .... .K... . .. ... ..i ... .t.l-t...-v ... . '... - . j . .'
. is -i frtitcnlirlv hi-d cn-e us the cstitsin ', . ,. , . 1 iir peopir of 1 lerelam: ami Ihi-tia have .-.-..- -s- ..... --....... .-,-,-.-. ,,., .. . - . - MirHiria: -rv.,t a. . ...
, 1. .ipait.tuiant ii.i..t n-e as tin captain d,.fo..:of h,-home rul meaur m ., ',,..,.,. Trt4- ;., ., tiinI awl je-b niav he; woth-i -fMt b. K.m' fa.M.r Tbe irmrk h t-, r..aitdrf.l T1 "" w lk- t .
Itta-iptornn: of the fact that Eugit-htown Tin: chairs mad-bv the Ohio Len-la ma n:m-n lo t r1 dru-tor- ansl attt.l faw,. al.e'wa-. "... A '.. ?. '' '- -
us- ! lui't ..f entrv " . ",: nave a o: re;;.rr.uon on .ne :onr.B ,, , , ... , mitrm . juir-nrr tir,tfz-i -v n- -,, , ti-.., t
. .ts .1 j 0.1 1 ui.n ture of cornmtion acsm-t Senator Pats ..,..,. H- i-pl ed '!; rv-ti- of tKir -.... ... . . 'atarii.jM.rar m dw jfcw
In San H-u- County. Ch.tetaw Nation. htlTe w f " -nIM to Wa-h.nrton ot JUit a. wu-..n :.Uv.r.. where tl.. r.t: .." Uc e c i.w .-nre. w. , ,.,. fr, ,, , x ,. .tI-l, ,
. . the other iit-hf. te-:.biit emptietl the jail. Koa miie, nor,ho; Brownhe T-x r- in: rejn.r. t-.lia. .ae Laioa l art.ic w jUrir -.rrn-,1 ! n.-,. ; W1.. tev,..trr aiMf ln-d ;S he u.-. 3a4 tur trar, ton, -.m Vnr .U
the worst erimmals were badly f.oed lo- CCIIl, Lul w,ll.atr., the ou'neV of a 'M " ''i l i t t, -,.:: ;hr dmr -t... K.ttt.. who w- op. Tb r.jar. ol iVt-,,.!.... U r,k aal mJj tf . ,.
1 fore ItemjT set fr.... . , '...... . . Ix UTi (. ity Ut. the M.ddlf Ixup v.ill-y. .rami a .n tb- saw b n. .rarf . i.... .. .... " W '
,', , . , ' "Miry, Ltvamt jeaiou o- or.s 01 m- tare- , ... .it- a .wn in w trar gut .jr. ard rr 1 . 1 tb biste mtm '
t n t t:ni ?i n... .ttiLii.sii:i x .ni f-- uiii ..s'.. --si- a-rai :im .mji wa ataraa aTfts
f.. j. ...
.tut. t. IIAlil K- Mt M HIN-. Ol l.O-tOll
Uppcand bclorc thoenate Po-tal ctn-
iniilcc recent h :u regard t. a chanixi
d the law rc-pectine; rate- of po-ta-jt
till .-CCtIllI-cla matter at letter.. irri..
------ -. 1 lilt' Iill ni:ili:ll I t -1 I -IIIll'It.:il-t' 11 tat ? j i -
,..r... . i. .1 t . 1 . . . ast.uni and -not a:m tisao 1 ue tuo
" '- "" ,,r-lIU ,aw- c as. oeeiao.1 to retain the name ".MetbiM..-! ( olhereai,.lo. aud UnxIoa .ad H..
the jo-taire on monihh peri, .dicai-. hpiscttpal Charch South " ! then tired at W,ll,3,n-. mll-ttn:: a wound
tvlicn delitcrcu bv carrier- 1:1 the citv I A n:1,,llT a,ltl pa-etnrer tram collided fr0m which he d.-.I :a a -hurt t:me. but no'. bed" "ad l-'."nr.u-j to Iak..:.t CouatyT from :,tc to thint-i " tht l,"li'l,' OTer :1" C;:mirron nTor Jlt , until he had returned tho tire and fatal!-, cat-1- pr rice. Tim Car.-r.bme -a.. drirn
lhc tine--i-much -i-when t-in .,. ! !,n:,''r -N, M.-wuS,-v Sevoralita-oa- ,oaC(,rdBottf ' . lhrzz Wnk-:i-ld recently on lt way
jiM ui.u-.i inmn .1-ttiieii . ,--., tt,.r,. Jja:.... u., ..,.1 t,,0 to-k c-ir-I . . , 1... tt.. - - .1. ir,.-.
toativ other part of the countrt. in- . wnvkl. i- 4t":t1' :-;'"1" ':''- ".:,"..., y. ler. Uwia. iea.-rr m imt f. ai j to- waafeal. TTar Jv Trvtr i . . MWaS
A itEun of ttvy-'.: -t -r- autnl r:a? 'A'i
Xt.-t.s was ri in ac to tt.- m; ..f :ir -i
trrd, xnd K.. ..ns drpp- d-a.
Oi .-oa4 axtr raptdlr rrfrttmMa ia " s-tbrnx UM.C wtll feaa.rta- .-
( laildpatMs tti x bto-.t act tA-4a?. """ Wararm Ca. sa !. .
. ltir ilMt -wt sttrtkN-r t if .t taw
iMonsTth r-..i..t-r 1H.I I.-,l i:it'ir."at M l'.rtl. l',, I. at , r-. tJ. wrn . . , Prutst. 3r . May r?.--T tani. -utr u tra- tne . jMait7
i.KttrwoirtH. . .Kay 24. i.-axr- xarat fcere ia regard b ts At-hrrr t;od' -' Utt ,! an.
rhiditio; fr,c tlclivcrv a: all other
ramer office-, or from the to xhtrtt-! s,n?" Iho -11
five time- a- much a i- charged o!1
tvccklv I'tit'ci- for tlclivcrv in the citv
tvlii-rc pulI;.-hcd or cl-owhere. He ad
vocatctl the pa ace of the pending
liill. mtik:nr th. j'o-xac on -ocond-cIa-
1 ublicattitn depo.-ited in the letter-a-airicr
ollicc :r delivery uniform a:
01:0 ct'tt a pemd.
'home rule wa- held at Chics-o cu the i."th. ao re-errati.-a.
KvAiitruMtN-JtciiNrwa- taken to Sinp j TllK p Moine- .la - lUy oj,ro2k-.!
STK.Vv-ti. k". ha- I a de-iraa-l . on lLr "-? fc' "' -4- J- Ar ! t. ' Hty crniaarat aarrttosr- ,, M f tb - m, mu. taa. ra --
w at. de-troy tsi by rlre the other raora.a?. ' 'f the ten 1-adm eit: in
Vh.-x-s that fttond d-id la a taartt ott liut prr.-n . .mH -
A KiNTi. M jt:dena-dec:dtslasai:i-:an tjiro,,..-- tj.'. carele nr of a lv - 'h wtl! ree-iv- wcatfc-r prclietioa. by :e!- Sbri lbc brad
n-urnnee company in the ca-e of a -utctde n.-e- root- I os. :.iio 1 ;ra; h at tbe (Jovraai-n:"' -xri.r. notl Wr- rer
ty an m-a:ie man. . Tn :uo .o::. an , aao:fcer voun 21a!:
Loi tt I.. Stt.Tii. who failed and :'.t.l from hav,. n arr. fv,r :ht? I:iurd.rt,f Suam
umaha. ha-confe .lju.Ietaeatforj.WMi tnder-nst. s tt.rt:ht f.n-rf ..,l the mo-; :ri' hail -torrn evrr .? Ir
.a. t art befe tb - ger"s .uri f-aa U imI,
Tii .-.'Jir bs:in" rfnl- i . -Mt fiis-r A t . .t. . . . . .....
.--"- - - - ni.e- iu. .1 i wtfiitr, ji.irT wa jl
yet h-ea raJk.:. tmi
in fat or of Caioaco jmrtie-.
.xvurix-d on the "2it iewee:i
liai.i1. Mo. The bv have eoafe-eti the
. iKiM. occuitv.. on iiie iiM te ween t,a----i.--tV
.rtKk .-.::.! I urki-h 011:1.0-:-. The rela:ion- , A riKL OJ1 Dr-a,ir:i ,:rreu -;in Kraaci-ro.
.wtttMti trie two uovemtuca:.- wat.r.ueti rcCCat!v. antde ai-w: hf:t- fautrli hom
s::'aI"--'U- 'Iv.-. Lo-s, ?T5,ivX
U tb? arte aMae. w4rr a . -tobac! to eaaan- lk-
u - .--r-U , A . ...
iiriaii "". at ol -'aaMf va will ,&ir-
- 1 . . ... . . .i. . .. ....
u-,:-.,r t,nrfj,.t t..--.Iu-.. tkc. w.- ..if.-j.i. ,... . :..... .. H""ear -" -.t. Jim 1. asaan jn- rac
-r- r- -..- "-.. --. ..-. .-; ir.,?. . a amirr wi ( trail mh Mttirf tiai . .
ry . m-i -xi. ,lmsMlbm f -lt, M.H Ta .j
.t-r U..- TW jJar ttSftjarat ::.r aSM !.
.a jn .Tl o.- Aumst 1. .er will b-: . . . . ...... r- k . .. , . ' - a . r -r rttmz
, -. - - -- ,. mij-.-i mma w.... w. ..-T SV-ST- l afl rMHT-S.1 WMIT .w . - ., I .Jt. .
.... . . . - .....'... ..
It Mill -
. . . a I . . . - .. a a. a aBraidi a. .atrfc.. aufl mS .k a . - !-.... j a a.
, pwn i-r-, .mm i-r ocWiC'.: ; ----- . . 1 tor 1,,., . .t, .,,., j jw, . - .
n-tM-af itrrr i- biitrr tmlk in . .. .. . . "T .
! w-, .w -i rrr t w l -" ' a
-'-. vw IttXUO- f 2,,;
t. Um '
tape ha- la ;: in arad a -aetuisukr !--;. nujrt man aad bad ft-wt bvtrdia: 14 a
5-uw,- i. the re,nlt. f .frcatefl boirL Ja-C a a! a aa mw?mz
.1 . ..i. i ti i s awfWaTet.
a-j taitia '.it. Uabrr lMwrs ai tht j
. V T V.
rr? .'a-cate-at a.
3 ba-f-a tt baauaatii. - 1
fcii-y Muat. Ssjmb.. tatil a
i f rorw a aba yrar ta '
tta; caaaauj
BBBBB - - - -
fe . X. - A
f-as- . -r - 1 -? . -
1 1 "raiaMnatfi" - - ii 'aaairara n iranriaa iaafT S - . a . -s 3bs. I. ,. j-
e- -- "ats-rt 1 an- t- r- , - ." . .. ' - - naa-P iai8-ajfwaalw"--LtjMa- a g-Mtt.sgafesa r-s-
--- ' -1 - ' imj ' aa ...-1L- "Jin. . mmmmmmmmmmm
. ' .;--. -,jaaisaaiatsss aHBsraasrae
-r '- - -s :, l