The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 28, 1886, Image 3

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Het "Kj1
am. V
A. C. HOSNIER, Publisher.
- - - - ' -
ui:n nrn - - - nt.i.uska
.Not It) -'inn- lar-oS, 'ill'- I! I ,
Hivik1 inn-! -mm u!rK. un:
ilr ! Vtf I- Hi lilt iiflb) ) ,
ThlU itriiw me tottllTfl ttlflt ti.TiaV
N'om- nij.' tli-tn iinl I attx-whi-r-
tl i They lie lit WOill'T S UnTO '
TiT" JH.14 1 lb- UrKik ilirliif
HX' nrt1l fancir ntitttdruu cstvuct.
Of iaT "'al u HUtJ IT' iRlilfH
New -.t. antS nrti a rort
I -uj--t iroid. met :iirn a1 sontr.
Aurt cojirtt--. vrmie-rotte.. happy Urrrnm
Hut tbe re x-rx Ijtr away.
And Unity . ..7. iti-i- at iwaJ;
Tle-ir -Miiltur nra.M a ii.-riert tay;
I ITJ" lilt limits MtHl Ulid-:-tJtnr!
Hon Kitmor' Wil ntwl set aril wis?;
Mitral CJ- )ior a I5ab e .ye'
Som'flimea 1 ii :? ii : ttno at"?.
Tit" cio-nl tSuritrn tt- day ;
Atnl uW u-ti Ta thfu. natrti ! &n,i
To -Rteh tin- nrt 'njiirifis rax
3'rni li-jillm. M9 imn- ha !aralJ:,
Ttiax hi xv ttem Hi l;at aexos.
Ttr. II .1 u- .i r.juiit-
1tSi ittti- t.. H. trrt-mtt.
. t.d hh1 -i ju-t. , H u aba". Ii "
Aid o I ilnl a h, -.jij r-
In all 11i""- t"iHliT tinman tic
7lntl i-at r tii Itai., e -
TI.'AIM.M." IiOf.S.
IBcra- Thoy Gua Be Taught by tho
Hog are the f. i. .?! trv-k annua'-.
f reai-m that t!i x are eanablr of
" 1 inor jii' -' i.. :ttn with man
? ! '!! r 1 ,iiI-! Hi- annua! ra- 'I in
'' . ;-"f Iii m i ur-i-d a bui-
! :iii J . a. '
v ' J i-r. I
w:J -' n ' .- 'i i ni !".! you n
J.-?.'i" m it! : nr i- in iii Ken h. (
lut v:; J."i.lJ v .'i.i,. to umltTst ni '
J th.iT 'Mi ihIii- th- HVi'-)'-. :! v, rn
ihritujrh t-a-hm; hna lie inu" In- a (
i -.vh i.i s" it pn: awav vi-ry carsrful- i
i JV. I J auif a u it; ruiriitv iw M.-ri i
vtv tiav fr x w-K. Tbi licit stajr
in ich-al-":irnr hK-ois u pia '
the aitu 1- n tin rnuml and irch tle .
iut tt hna it t you only whfii '
vu ? Stv. jj fru-b." un sciIh,ai .
w. i to ;ui it dtiw a and msky hnn i
kj to h'.I" by tii motion of tli-
jjajj-r. until ?! rdT 'ro fftrh' i-
givn. v.hich Im will Vm latently xvairh-
t" ttc- Jf"l. ' ; to r.
v t-a i'-J :S- r ta.-i to toMea:
Tii put it t. b . tetur;
It n !)' matb-r icurb
TiJa l nys ft Jh" itr:
Vnj -itn nnt mutft II- Sibt:
Taa ao a: nr- yo-ar lillir tjtsi-;
1 OU .1 l:Mtrr b at UJi-lit.
. i t.. v
ljl oT t
iM-a lJ !!
i ;
'I ur i ,
i. ?'i. hr-;.n Wiin m lr-- an 1 :h oi"! m
Hut ' . tj it) t ' itit nC
V. -t'1 a " tcr d'-
Artl - Il and tt H tjtn ousa"
H. i u jh l mn m nn-
t- r
. t
V !. s
t rf :
tiimk of tiw-Uimr we jutt pnKt-i r ?
t 'iclaini Tr-;fa tb- n :
Hr bart u jo-mI thiB u- wSiob I tMt
(If Ibf $tx r.rtu.- tvr. t .. nwt a
' - . it jtl ta L
. i ti w -, . J r, V.
U'crxl - I .t
IB' p -
S o ,
jOipr r.r.i- KitA., UiJ . naif n
jf .rk.t ic ,. -r. n-.t- fu., .a :b-
k -. i'wmii rn
n; . I'.n'ji.n
I . I ii !. ri h
A :-!.
r m'l! tr
A;jint ! K-ttT I nirS-M-.
i.ii .!.'
bark n-! it- '-..- .
Uw -am- njitrii
tod a ultle ;b . a:- ?...
pij.ici. With Un
r. .
:. r. f ir -.-
- j .-t of tbr ftwrr.,..B Uiji! n '.V .a
l.nsaat! n r m Ir-iaa4 cu trrit-
J " r rtt 1 -. .". jnJ IA- t"-
I ij .
t t. o;
v ) 4..r tn rtrn h fto rt:
I w - -i . 1 . . ...
..irt. ir bd peff, t thr -Ibo., b-rlrn4b. arJu..-i.frM ar.J ,rx mWz-
. ' w i! ',l.-ti tr! k
I ui.a I t-ouid irni .u. drr ,,.. -. ,..-,.. ..... , ... . ..
.... ..... ... ... . . ..... . ... -. .. . . nrlv ii-;'.' U w.-jr b:rd on umr hit. i.. . ! .. .v .
Jh-traint-r laa.vsrrsdtixIJvincrj'. -" - -' -........-.-. .., , - . ts--r wu n r- . ,.- . - ..u, -. .-. -,.'. A :. .: t.r-.rr .a
wait an! tml in a Su.. U .n in.nt, x jj, L ,K.r,.h! h j. ;w --d-
tat w'i;a! of tii arti-l-. and if the
jiop ha Jwpn jre-.iotirilv tauj;ht u
fciwp t h'-I" In- v, ill Mjon boroni" very
TijMrL K-'jinj to li"i! is vri cri1
taurbt- f tak- a 'an- .ir lon rii'i:
and attRfh it to the dof". rollnr by a
triof iut -i;httn inch in Ifnth.
and walk about thr janis. stof.muj:
wnaioii&ll. and ii-n ftartin rvt
bitn lb- oniiiiand vm bi"il." at lb
asm- tim- ju!hi4 th tK-k rlo. up to
m-. Tli" v. ill havt- to l- wy ar
Inliy don-, and tb- orl aiut lx ut
itrl Jtrinly. iu; :it o inurb m uz
tb d; xuuy b i-on-d. Ini in
fwininna ran t un a- Mn stt the
don i brk-n Ut ntri- It i al-
i'U.-n(.i.fpriul Hi.ri.-r. 7)u: .N--r nr -v n a rnnt n?t t B our
Mir Mi.tkr,. rr hi.v. If rr'.ud h'.w tbf
If w,u crr to root on on? of th-sn rrurit. of faaiiinn wbith tnffi-- iadi- '
arii -i.r.n da. into a fortst you boan t with .jfjjr-birds s robbuig tb
would . that a jrrt-at work wa going- rove. and wood. ,f tbnr mow. if y
on ta.-r.-. thtiuirh you rouid not h-ar a Utouht of the ju-t that in many lom.i-
-ound sav.-. jM-rha:. the nwt..- of a tii a pnr: is -t on the litUr faUM-rrd
I.-.-.-- arnon ta: bruncht-t. nor b-au;. s. tbet tnry arv trapped b tb u
any Uiin m motion cwpt ajt-rht bt tb.uand- nud t,txxfUm actually
awaiia? boun or a flutt.-nn W-aX ' kmnd alif. that tb ir pluma- msv
ISii; u aouhJ note that a rvat and looL th- n br fr Tour adornmrnt,
rapid t-han; a roisim or tb- ou could not w'ar a bird at udb s
-n br'ft.r.- ou V b r . but a frw pruv.
v. !- no, thr trn nod nariiUt and Onrt I had a J-y fan ttf ftvaV
thf j;ftuad brnrath wi-r- alike barr ' dw n. witb a robin nd-brrat aaoun&
and trw:i, you would obrr indica- -d on tbp -atrr Thr robin. stuaVd in a
I .- "ill- tT f-"tt J
turn of rrtuniin lift- and U-aut. Vu ' ttv iifr-likr mauurr. and wttb his ht-
WuiI at'oii ia trr- uiJ idant the tl numili itien. r-mtd mst rt-adv to
wlMtow by tbrr.r,.r r bu1, , ..tart.n u,M.n otbrnt tbr ! H,a5. aad, tt.r fan haMng born a -if t,
in fallow -.vat-r 1 do not n-k j,.,v. .bull unfoLbd. and on thr pnmod I krpt it a a arlor ornatnrn; itte
i.,W!.m b,yc.d hw d.pth until tb W-dr of .J -ra. and U .Ulk .omr prid-. Un- dav a U-ndrr-brartrd
br i, tjuitr at hoai.. in npla-n-nj: uf &, tUmiinig: tbnr war out of th babv R4rl. ibn-r Trari old. a looktnf
around. I do not mran that ... , ,.,, ,, , , ; . . .- , ... ....., .u 1...1..
..! iwt ui'Fi'j it in -! tin "i i i ui mil, i ii 11 uuuru. uir nuir
litti to dr and lritw tb ait- JS brtaf an
bar. a br!t of tbr same brxr b-id &y -- in ,
mall fanry buttirs. brwt r
Tbr U'nu ulur ta oti.--n rt k n Bj, n
C.dv with eoarftiM' ap ar ,Tli v---t f - :h. ..: :. b ,r.-. r
anton; thr rrll bad-air and (.- 6!,!j .j fc r,. ia ;Ufittl L. r. . ,t
irat Ihry juv rtrrtat: Ur ,-...;.. r- . r, . , ...... . .
.rbN- fr tb antictpat.n; a tox.r ..! ,......, f,, j. k. ... ., ... mft4
an kind, and will r.rrT u- aii ...! UA, m , k f -. -r- . r Fj
trar;mg drrt ..mpirt.'.x Tl.. 1. n yrar i. ba -r-i.: i -i.- . -t.t-
br aUo inr advaatagr of briny m -"uf &. -Vt t-r r 11 1.. . fx4
4U-t tatc and arr not at a- prn- jr e-i, sfta ..,, 1A; n,fc. -. ,f
Jt $ prr 4 "- br tu-" .
1: is brt to purrhar n yarlwfa' jw,r far rrv rv - arid :a-. .-
H-at a baif ari of aa.inj; at oar umr WtrBr, , 7 j., r rr I; . . o
Tbr jrar is muen cUeapor tan warn ep-nr fam. .- uh farn c a-4
n.t up into i.uj-th. and thru a Srefe u ha. i---n . r. affrl . :. -
tb-n- i nturh rik of drowmnr. tut
( tb-r- is a ri-.k ol -jiv mj; bitn a injrht
i and niaktiir bint wat-r-di. j !.;
'an br taujrht diiny. but tbr atT
1 1
- ii
a N
1. ' !.
hi . 'f
in.ii'l M
: t.
d. .1
1 -i In
- !"!!
:in "'iid rnvraiployrd
. - uf ttop-t
1.. -k.-d Mr r. (
! T.tmrr in tin-
' ii-n- 1 in not
. III!- '! ! Ill'4 lit
t ! If. l-d
- ' , - ilk
.1 ' fj !. i till
II '.-tl ' '. . l
1 f il!lt
. 1 .! . . f a
t '.m
Mj :i - " il
II - ' ll .t b,
V i j !
.' in inn.' and
' 1- t'l 1 tbrt,
v t ,!- tbi-ir
11 1 1. '1 lam! v
. - ;. . . v yuur
'. '.!. . I' Vll VAtl
'd. a- v -rr. with
tu i' in f that
I'M. . x - n t.-arl-
111 ; j .! t Morttiy
1 irn iii -'akr t
u Itip 1- . -. ntial to
! if- ;h l ..II 4lf tlllM'
I !' ii alt)i-d
:ii- i)twi.t plat that roiild Muh , Iipa tjuirrrrd and tbr brown iy" fild
ir jjuajrinrd. and yrt onr of tb.- ino-t ' with trar-. I wonJ-rrd a momrnt at
i4-t Tbi rr i a jar aud nbir of ; tbr r;rtrmz look, and wsa Mry tnu h
tnM'li. no bum of and thud tou bid w brii tin- bltironr aid Ml.r
j n.u.t not ! drrp at hrst. and it mut f , pratmjr -Hin.N of 1,1. - or birdir' Th. la-t Mn ramr froo hm
lw-.,n.- ,n wr. miH-in M.ror ariir- M I i,M,,r. ., .... ,1.,. ,,. ,Mll.ltllir, WILi, h..r ,1Bv w. t...
.. ... ..- . . . .... j. . .. . 1, .
uondrful work- of arrb t. tur- an- ojn-n lull.
: .ni up. tbr motif rurioui pattru j IVhrn wr think what a jrjad. buoyant
; that uui Ntnk at lir-t r -iowU. and
j tbat mii In- - n at thr bottom. Anothrr
i arronipti-hiirn a jtimhI wat-r dog
I -houid 1 tauriit i- tiat of taking tin-
u:iti-r i:h a -prmr und stiH aiiothi r
! of i.-.tjiii fiotu H bright, but It
tr.k.-- -iiin T t j 1 - Jo u .liirr tbl Hr
IUU-.1 bftaufit lir-t to jump tff a bunk
) of a -tt-aiu Whrii br ha- omplrt'i
11. t-trrnl ti.- :trt f -printing. th hi.
Jot t-. t hmuii u.-i! out aud hi& rlnn
1 Mil : ! :v. n !iif.-t or bib in Jin- ;.ir.
Mh li Mm tr ilhi'! r til itirrr.i-. tlir hrltr'it
I'.iin v. in- ii ! 1m- till finally hr ill
'.nip It .in a 1. r! budjji" akil and
u..i.ti'h a- from a Ion bank. Jump-
m' :ioiti a ImmJ 111 mot.ou 1- tin- nt
frat in tin- w.i!-T training in thi
r:iHf no -flor! mu-t Ir- niadr to fon
I tbr tlo. but hr lllt Ir r Iti d by pr-
J t'Midmjj to tiirotr tbr tirk arrral
y litnr- Ir-forr it art uall U-ai" thr
J tramri'i hand !iairir norktl bim
' up tt thr prtjrr pitch of ntiiii-:a-m.
trtl lo otir br will po aftrr it llr lUU-t
tJirn br :rii tbr i;-u.J ri-nai1! Siv-
f in;; livr i-::alh t-itiw" natural to !!-
van i ahrat on band
Eenn ir of hKt t:nt -ho.
alwa If of aj rrirnt .-uahti u -tti
itiy i'rnt-r than prari-raj. r fawn i
iiir trn. bit ov.- lirm rntir
Mit i.f favor A, ffoti pajr f ?Uri
nia be Iranrti -rrTa. tmic- and 9:
nK a 2H,1 tP"i . w.i a tst-np pa.i
ran not br worn inorr tun a fca.
iloz'U un-v
Tbr iT4- 1'ith in wanh jT'Minl- ar
amony th- iitit tat fi.l h . n an
wBi'' in b"tn drk and I.y..t ' "
r-- tbr faru. ' it j!
; w fur ti in t
n j ! r U . a' !.
.f ;... i, ; m ' t it 1
! ii -ar- :id 1 J dh 1"
-:!,; atttii. v --. .
!i r : at . t i :. a
w f '
... i ..:........ ..n .....i ti... ...... t ..?-.- i.r.. . L.-.i" !... , 1 . ......... .. . ....
J.-rrhou and nmta. i .- j.. -.r..
t-atr ptrrr of norkmaudiip &? brin pWd'tDf". th br.ii" to our hunt . . .. . , . . ,
' . . . . wuird to inm dr" 1. .f tu.- uAtT .!
put tni'tb.-r. , thr mrii! tin makr in tb,- iunitn.
If our -iirht ould prnrtratr tbr !od- tin- cr-t h tuiiV.n t--pr- wmrb drram
jr of tbr irfrHW: rouid 'm Miiiifi anav and la.nt m -.n tin .n th miiu-
kntiHlitljfr of uaturr'.s iHi tf uork-j nn-r du-., w. ran irt V--'. hajp in rr
iii. Vi'r would Mt asrt tiding tbrougb j flrrtm tbat t"T a "aprirr of lalit.n
tbr mo-t iniii 11 tr tuit. drawn up i , thr -onj-i-ird-. arv murd-r'd by wbidr--oiur
ini-iblr ptiwrr, a rount ir mini- jalr.
b r of otrram- of n wrrt watrrv aub- . !)o not fitrjrr tbat it a att individ--t.mri
ra'lrd -ap. Ihi -ap i rom- ' uaL Kat. . AUir. t.r.'- . MdUrl. Kaitli.
p..-! prinripallv of watrr dra'.vn ut can dt imrtbiu b tuaa.t this barbar
f tin arth b tbr root-of tbr trf- ou Mlr a thin of thr past. ItriiiM!
and rarrjinj; with it crrtain subr-tatirr-whirh
lftdp to makr thr Mid-. lr:.r-..
J'onrr- ami tiir rrrii. nrw UmmJ. Thr
ap taa projrrrU rallrtl Ibr hfr
bioiid if plant-, mrr it ofiirr i- irrv
murb thr atnr tu plauth a that of tin- against it tint -nit- of nirity will
'I-hhI in man and othrr aniiuaK arr- iva-i to ! prohl.ihir -- Inli hnWr.
mj tbr Jib .U-tailliTig p.-oprrtlr- :o '
rrry part i th- hod, l.ikr man and
brutr-. plant- am-t bar liuht mid :iu
and tbry will lo b. w-.rn '.m
an rrnm tr i. u- dr- tt ?
wai-t w ni !nk w.-i m rat'
o'.njr hrar. and -ui u a i- .
inatSi' at hum .
t ombiuatioti dr
matrriai a
that main . i
otif A lad
fa-hlltrrr kl.' '
polonaj' has
-uit f tbtn
caiubrir w.
t f 1
br-t madr, at. i
' 'Uir
-1 l
. th.
to adorn jour-rlf with a orad binL
Thrpowrrof th.- unit i- arvrr niotv
. ,.;i.t. .!...-.. !..... ;.. .. ....;..t ......-.
. , ... front wrrr laid twrntniKuUr pi. n
........ ... .I...... .- .! ..Mil ...! ..... mm
fill I- III IIUIIl llll. ilHU UlAklll i t
vvmnj utj"puiar !i jirl- drridr '
r.' '.
1 . bt- ;'.
t:.- "'i' hi-.!
r , ' t T t .
.- 1 ! - ! . : '
,, f . t r .""
al . f ' r.
tfi. :. .r . -t!.-
t ' ' li. I
- I: ii. . .i 1
t - v . . 1 ! v
V . i ' A !
w .' ' ti ti v . : .
.' W i. it - '"i '
! 1 ii' In . j
I .1 ! V 1 f !
pr- "J i'i i t
Ib-r. v " t
fruiu ro'n t I'..
7 h.' ' r: ..! f .-
. !:. tr tit ti r
- .! u .. ! m ! -l
r ! t t'i n ;.
; 1
n if
. f ' ft t
1 ts. t 1
I r
1 '!
tl'. .
.' t
u 1
. -J
Tne Sleeping Frogs.
Anions tbr muv rrratun
1a or li : to hr. Thr p i-m If uould , s.,.p 1M tjH. wlt,.r .irt. tbr frog, tvith
not Mi-taia th- lifr of tbr pant, if it . lhrir lWo v,.rx i,,n;r hind lrjr. bort
WtTr not for th h.-ll it rrr. i-. . fr,. I,.,,,. :1 n itli In" blafht--on
!---- P -" -
aitrrnatr -tnn'- of rrl and blur, rat ti
an im b and a b.tlf widr. I brr ran from
iht'Wal-t to tbr fdjr of thr k irt. wbirb
wa- tmi-brl b a t-itit h rtit h:tisr ! tir . r ,,, . s ,5
f-riuiMtn. Tb ba'-k drajw-ry a- t tin .. ,f Iu, n. ,,
lluiiti ! aud th wai-t of tin rnm-on ,, !,. t
t.i-iitnrr with a iar jat krt of tbr ji;i fit'' i -
tlark biur. - . j .-?. rMt..
Miu-binr anl tbr -urrounditii: , ,.arh -,dr ol tbnr rr hi: atouthv
1 - f..
1 !! tl 11
i ..
iv.-ia . .
: i- -1
r; )i! i
: - ta
nli 'i.
' '.. 1
.iMl m
ii n t 1- iii- ow 11
' ; t-n mitiutr-
'i " l afi rrnr iiolild
t. n! natural in-tinrt
i t tti- limr li mj. but
t! m-taiit tin tail It
r Lit' . rtn'ttnizi-e tbr
1 tii at. On no ar-
u ti'i I im mtj'r
. u 1 Miniif t lash
'.tin- it vd nad lir
Iii l V. Ii '1 Tl. -fh'l'ii-ft
f tl will !
tl H 1 V. il II j.,l..-ftt-.--
' i 1 j;ii 1 M'liM- and
1 l.i p. .-r that Iw
" 1 tin 1 into-; t -
i 1 nt In aiSKirr. 1 1 :t in mrad tbnr
a d-niaud ltv
in 1 : Thr.1' ut of
tit i la riiuiir;-
. ' on. I'atirtMt and
irtui'- that uiti-t bt-
IMP lrv-,.11- iitr
- .1 rrlo-r hi- I. nirr. a'ii nt ' birwd -rtttrki-td an
' j.,., traiurr i-patirnt. kind
:. I t.i'arr. br iuul alM br prr-
: .iiid linn A puppy iwu1d bar inattrr boiv clmp
' n 1- of two tra:tirr-uiay arrt-.
-i .-rrt ttf Mhi-i's- n thr part
' .1 Jim- to -jn-ak di-tiurth and
H. -hould aluay - u-i' p:vt i-f-iiur
in ton at it m til o:rt. tbr
m k and motion, a- wrll at. tbr
1.1 word-, a- dtts tfttt go a thh!
dralbv ibi-. 1 vs-onld liar uo1itMj
tion in undrrtak!ti tt train a clr:'
dts,ntt'ly by tin-tlutabbow nirtloul.
and would prrf.T a t-rttrr r jtomtrr
xraiard ta t hi-way. a- thtn arr thru
anv 'a-;.y rulrd witbu a ni-r m
thr tirld t,iuitr a varirt f tri-k- may
i r taught tbrtu. and thr wi-r: tbry :uv
and th wi-.t tiwy Ittok tbr more
trarbaidr tbry will hr."
""What kind ni dg ran If tnunrd
TOitaily. und nhat arr u-u-Jiy ibr
Jirt tnrk- trtuiit tbrin'3
"Vrry miItiiiii roimtraaarrd ili
Mbloui Irani rapid 3 x Tu? tno-j att
3upil- art- dog- itti a fair amount of
dx-h and '.-t up in thnn. Tb nt of
uatural atlrctinii. and al-o .oin- -ra-r
f fi:a ;iad humor ai gttd -ign-.
1 na thr taut you come in pi-. .ma
.f y mir pappir-. -ay at ;hrrr or four
iHtaihs of agr. many important lf--n-.
may br sivca at Irrdmg that. ;.:!
you aadrrtakr :ht- m..rr difficult ta.-k-.
aad in gmag order- or -.honkl u-r
uch "word-; a do not often occur in a
-oav,r--atiou. TVits i tbr reason 1 pro
irr vbarg'" to lon.' an i toho to
-hold up with all kind- of d:.
2-Vte biur: and earn iag arc wry u-rhil
itrqutreairnis. aad at" ir ra-ily
sr.ugat b-r. tin iii" and aiatrr jht
fcdly t::i Irr;aad tv-'b othrr.
J!c i:r: f thr-r U-.-a- :- ru
i:"aliy r;rn dnriac a iaair
tj romp.- u ith a bail, -tick or new
.ijHr. Tartiw- the art.cle a:id :! :a
iuppy ii ran after it: when be ha--t.i'..ii
u call bim ;ward you. take it
irntn aim ami throw it again, ami re
peat tbi-. rewarding bim whenever he
de-rrve- iu but be careful not to wear
.your pupil out. Repeat thi until be
thoroughly learn- it. tarn change
.-ground when vou call him. and vou
' Itri-d N'wfoun ilautl dog. Whni it i-
i not. it may be t night by grtting up a fr tj .
.J t t 1. .!..... ..
i O IOII 111 lllll it II. I IIW III" li lill.ll . . . ... . i .1 i . . ! ...
i .tmtt-jih.Tr, am mocr than tbr bloutl j
, nxt-rintard irim tbr Imat. in full i-w '...,. . ..,." ..i i i . . i .. .
in nn WoiiUf Keep it ttiit'r atnl nii
I j Mgormi- it it rrr plarrtl ta a dark.
hriii" on bor--. Jbrrr ar mam otliT , . .. t , . . , .
' air-tiht room. Iurr plant ha lung.
thing, if our will watch In br. thai ..,. i . ,4
. " . or rga:ir. which an-wer thr purpoi'of
iua ui-inupiii iuiii. .Minn' any jiarin ti
lung- in drav. ing air nit it lunly.
Kriy iraf of a piant h- a count Ir-
I tiitinbi-r uf Iiltl.- (mi-inn.-, or mitiith-.
to do it to r!r. Ir'tlr. hirjre ., .. . " , ..
1 - -o -mall tbat urn fan m.l m-c thrin
, lar ttiek or m.iuiHr tin- dog tua h.i
i "-
audix fit a naiUf.Mid hr u il! -m barn
dog hai' a l.abit of tn t-hmir - tbat ..
. . with
i- liy rti-m!mg their torrpan and '
brn tin ( oid day- rulUt-. and tbr
aler b.-g.n t fr.--.r in tbr pond.
tbr frog know that it i to go tu
ImhI for all winter !own tbry p.
and their famiin'- with them, to tin
i tot torn, thru tbi' brfin to tlig with
tbnr long bind ! rt into tl oft mud.
Tnry work th m-rhr- down into thrtr
ItrtL- barkward. until at ia.t tbrv ur
etu w ' iat :
ot r ft t
in '"t att 1 ."
C I 'I - I'l I -.
rln 1 "un -
Iwtli'' ' t al ! oi '
ti i -ti
- ft' I
lit ,'
r . i.t
t of f -.Iii.. ' I. ZI
ittxl .
. l.lll'. '.t '. ..
! for i . -1
. WT ! ' . t t . .
iiiliua. iv.r.i.-' lit
' Mi tt ! b f i'm
' ii ,
. i. ti .t.
i. , , ' .'i
I r -
. ti
i 0
- .ii
. . i.f i
- t?t.-'i ' '
' tl
mouth iubalr varioii- pr'r
tit . of which thr air i full. 'jrrially
tltr i:iis tbfi itf i.t tii!iL tlii-ni !iw
Ihw. "Wh'-n Miu -! a dttg doing tbi .... . ., ,, , . ...
V " Ibroiigh iSiffii lbr al-o . nd out thr
of lit own accord tu might r.-itrat , f . , .. ,
, .!..' a,,d gar irom which tbr ha
i tbr nor J- to bun. and it will br ur- , ,, .. . . . .
tiM it i. ii. . i-.iiiii. unit mi ii
tfoii:r : m purr and tintit to brent hr.
I'nr .ip wbirb ba cttiiir up
rot-into tbr leaxcf. thru meet with
the a:r. and togrthrr tbry makr won
derful combination of nrw matt-rial,
which tbr napfarrira bark in if. r. turn
jourm-v lo help build up othrr pait- ol
tbr piant.
W r may imagine tbat tbr p.irtirlr of
ap aiv little -en ant or workm- n
whom Nature employ- to build up tbr
tr.-r- and bml and weav the tex
ture of their leave nod flowtr-. .Jut
follow, in itn:.gination. onr of th
little workmen who are carrying tip
a mieroM-op... Through the. ' (ovtr. -1 und.r tbr mud. all rwpt tbr
lowrrjng tin- Ittwly and brad In-tttr-n
tbrm fbi- max be called "making a
' pr".ing bon Min b- will makr tbr
larw to ttrdrr. Traliiug a dog to
bake him-rlf i aceomphhid in thr
atiie wa. and i- a very urful trick.
Thrtr are many other deter an a..
-iM-b a t Tting and shutting a door
with bt paw or me wlirn told, or
-andingup on Iii hind legs Thr
should le iiurht a oaUc or tther
fixutll animal, as b w ill have he tb-r
pover of balancing him If. Tbr
trirk- ol 1 eginjf. giving the paw.
napping tb:n- fron. the iu.e. etc..
are all too nr'd known to deTile.
A .lu-llen W ln Ik ,!- ii -tt.rt. i.i l.el
Im)'. tti-tiiilH ..ii 1 1.. ml.
Jb material to build the plant- in
., . .. 1 t
-i;nr Mien way a you nave ren t'n r that trii- u- -i
woikmru earn tbr brick and mortal t Uu.l it, ,r .
... !,!. I tl... ,...11. ..." .. 1. ... . ft.
.... . . ... . n. I'uim i. ...-. m n it. .it . t ll
Moil want to-ne tnul man. uo on3
, i, . , ,- ,, " i tittle buntr:i-lM-anr set- hi load ot j
-Oil n l li!-!ii'f til tlie ii :!. I
..- ,, , t -.irtHtn and -omr otlier ul-tHncr that
"r.l. la-fon-w M-nv ati paper ou i ,, ,
,. , . . i t . arc cabril tor tlown m the dark ground,
him I want to Know if Mtu hae got n , ,
, w acre . attire Keep- lirrclloicr-t Ntore.
I c..1,1 t, iMd l!lpn ' ?'""' ' uu kl ui tUt ,,,ns
j tip f tbrir lio-r Tbrrr tbry go u
deep After awhile they bairr an irr
nprrndoxtr thriu and they ran .lrrp
nafrly all wmtrr. Tbry do not grt
hungry all thi- time
Afti r awhile - ring romr. r.nd the
-un grow- bright and warm. Jack
I rot carrir- awny their rovrrmg. and
old 1 .tthf r Vrz tn-t'it"1 to puh hi
iiftsr up out of tbr mud until bi ear
an- uueoentl Then br nudgr-t Moth
er I"rog. "V.'ak'- up" hray-.
you bear eer btnly Ihi- up thrr.-3
Aim! oli! bow l.rpy she i. poor tti.ti-j
Hut br hail trird the water and found
it warm, aiisl tbry mu-t not rr; any
By thi tune thr oung frog nr-
awake, and xrita a atiddrn pu-b tiny
go like a through tbr water.
1'ivtty iMin ali around t'e lr uf the
t nd ou in in ar ti I'rrp. M-t'p.'
t t it ii ouit . Jr. (i.
... .
t . .
Ae I 8
. tin f "
-d I In
. tinp. -
: ' . ra? fit
r ! of Ami
.' tu i tin t f"
ti i : f triii.- i
! I
M oil if
.1 f
f tf
Ii !
a luxu" m ami tit . i
fanner frt.u tin r t . fmg- in
-f. 1
l- f.i
Willi I lli.
nii i nth ui.i tin
Nun fttld-. or -urpiirr front, are
, in hih faxor i hex ur' rrit upon fb- rrnrn! for x .
h'rt bit liri' of lualix of thr ru'br-t Nk -1
F rem h ;owii. for itumuirr wear $-."'. a x. -
i Among tbr lat'-t lari norltir m b-.x- (n .
wr.ijmi- tbr ?"anoii mantle. tul aotbtng to m
of whet-brocaded rtannnr. tunl Im-'d are -nd : :m
wit!i-int -ilk in color of aearlet and rpti'.n- :
gold. For young l.tdie. the wrap h.i 'I h- tie .-.
no end nor point, and t- but httn tralia ai.l I-
! t run met i. thr only decoration a bit jio li tx.
i n.onk h mmI. I mnl with -iirah and
tieI iu front with rod at.n nbbon
for matron tbr wrap ba ereedinrix
lon rnt'-.xx hi-h fall atraigbt to n arix
th- foot of tbr dn-- kirt The
Nation ' ir.antn- in th latt'-r ttir i
rytiegant ma b o -ilk gr 'ttadtii".
tpantb net tr oth-r blf k -etiu-'iiapb- tlue mirt tbat t drib pr
I atiou fabric matebing tbr dres. ,j'i x ."at in i w r
111 the ro'ifrnihrrnt li ir of new eie- bail i n f '7 n. ;il' f ii
gant ai.k tbrrr i an imilirne dt-plaj hxr x ,t-- 1 b- .nMii'n S !
of -trip-, th iatrt brine; wulr no nt of Imu 4. tt,.- :.ier x. . -.r
-tr.n - of riV and xrltet in xrry nd tson fr mi tbi ide of n,.
arrant aunt- f rir. Uir iik wit wo'k . gr.-.t r : m 'ti
uual!x of tbr lighter l,ti 'Ibr new culture on t. I'.ts .- l.a..i
liantHtnir and rmtra-! in tbee g.f.! To'
-bow drk - grri'ii on fa '. .
x lob-t on do gray, matixr aid gold on
deep Venetian green, and pab psnw ,I, th" i"mo viia x
A remark.' i nl m fXi.t
? far a w -t
pnrv in Ki.g .
nir't? o! tii
linti-b i )
tion from nn
t ..
. ia
a' of
i ,.
tti tr
. alt I
I w
v 1 t-
I ,
.1 p. '-
' K-'
. m :
t '
1 car.
a ifctl llf t 14-. ttlri.v.1
, . ,, . winding -ta-rxxa in thr mirrior of the
, a In over two tear ago and be nexvr , , . .
.. . .. ' tre. up and up. leaxing a httl here
isaitl a cent.
' " T, . . , . , .. , and a little there, a- be got to tb. tot-
i lie promi-ed u par. did her , , , .
' . . ino-t branch, and out into the littb
i e-. ! ...
tenxler J wig. xx her' he leave hi? load
! to help .-xxcll tbo bad ami open the
"Well. 1 gur- yourra-e i- all tight
1 rnidajuta-ecanib-ioofarxfurbuut: -" o. tur -iranget tamg-
?!.... ..,-s. about thi- busuie-5 i- that the--e xvork-
t"tun I' IIa.1 III- TVll.-
plo.ii.. K..tiit
A Iio-?'n pnx.i un was ealjed oat of
a 5ound -lumUr the other night U an-
"I -"po-r yon'te dnauetl bitn?"
t)f coiire
p ! -"po-e ml
J "Vc-. you'd I e urprird to sro b"
many lart in without any case. Why.
xx lira I tir-t Ir-gun in thi- re ini-'ne-1
bad t decide pretty near half the
ca- mi faxt.r of tiie tbfeiid.'.nt 1 axx
htox" tiuaj-. wen gtiu aud exrr uiee 1
ha juri quethued each man right J-'111"
Aad our of tbr
out thi- busiae-5 i
meu aevtr make a mistake. Uprt are
ety : trrr- aad malb-r plant of dif- i
rral -hape and trtun. with
i!lM.-?-.'?.T vlt'l-il l.-l . in.l 11.. . I
.......... ......... . ... . .... ....... -s
(T tile telephone.
..XT t tl'l . . - I ... .tu.viiur at- 8M.M. Hiye prdrrred for bail tmleta. but a foil
plra-ed at thr idea of imxing hi coai-; straight train 1 imanablr added to il
iortatic bd.
"Baby i crying, doctor, xx-ha; aball I
do came a ro the wires.
"On! prrhap it's a pm. "' uggi sted '
the doctor, recogn.zing t roicr of a '
young motarr. tnr of hi patients.
md nibx on ea! i-lur There are aio
brought out amr eerpttina'H rl-g-ant with fnr r. It.t
or s'owrr-bruratlrJ atm atnpr n
grotin.l of b-avy ajj; canva or on
it k'raiuat
Jktrt of drraara for tbr
-muni' r wil! a- made more clinging
in front than t.oe worn the oat wu.-
t.r The iotirreau -txlr gene.-aUv "1r-'.i.irttiil.f.r ur rtm
ortr to b- x i 'wed f t-aiturii Moth
er, ann. grand mot n'r and amtt
tb- Kot.m.tiii ma 3'fing tn Mr W't-If
t arpa'hiaii hTy ye..r. -f ... t t
of tbr Ap'rirj I. tr and I'an -a m. ti
ke: b ' I ott tbr t r-t o' t.. .aif.
from fix" tboun 1 to x . ,.t I f . . t
nbttxr tb h 1 of th e u ..n .' i r -x'l
tin ae gir' of tn rut.--
T - t.u I " f '" 'g vr
r i. -i "x .rr
If T . t t t e ( tttf
f , ir -a, m t
n, -.' . twrt
ta. . . . ,. t m. J. A" I -
- i
TaM ft''aii wtk r-2k tb . tiri
- : J - . x j J
tt bi i r t p t '. AmW
ajJB ".. s"i
.. - .-.-, .. i,
HtV' : ' m ".ug
tre.1 v- '- f - t
Thr .-- i x-rfi
' l ttt ? nr. - . l-
-i it - ' ' t-
. t t ? ' ff
:. htr ' u ' S
a.i ,''i
r h ---.. -.. - g
l ' i it ' i .N '
t !? i 1 . . - '
n - i . , ' i
' .' " i x '
V, ,.! -,. b .'.. i' 'am
! at at -ti ' ' .' " 'b
., , i ,. n . . f t l
f v tt'. Ik-!. ..- . I
.". i oi t I. Ha
x if
v. t ' '
I.t !! '
a'f i."
;.' !
t t ' .
. t. t l . ' -
to t t t
1 t ' t -
t x t x thi' r
a i i. p- t
. .. ' .! Wit', 'i l: i
afi ! : t r not
t ii f i.ii- 1
'. ar
- t
; ii
t J
I, 1.1
' "
v,, 1
r kr
' a
.' a . x I I ' " 'f
o i -. wit le 1 ' lb '
. in I r o t? ' it f ' :
p - ! IH it. 1 . ! . ' !.
..., i urn o afftttai . 1 .ftw
nr 't t pa ' ,fW ;
it r t .ott
Vet Vrtra ltaittl .' sir
I il t44t 1
l ml nibt. d. tb" , ra fi
bred hall. 'l ' ... ' Mi l. l
t"ijittful. and t .'' ' -
neu'K e tntrmp fl.. ; ot the
ini,or'd t'-h ot. . on t
tb )' t-ifi ( ' ' if I 1 i I
the f t - 1ft. H.' i " 'o b - b Xd
lltt. ta and " at . it i r 1
f.M i- to tii ' ti o w ( or
' ii i ba i. ! I '
t I... j-'i "d. '. '
. x-t au x p .
f. . W .'.'. n't
..:t .: r b! n. ' .' '
i .i lit' i W in !
W.t.i .i J till i.. I . .
.p" I bt 'lots. '
tin r t ritu . t I n
,.... fc f .:...' t
1 1 ! . m r I .i i in
t i ii ht.attoi.. i i
tit.' t iDi fo iii t i' u,
r at r Hi n'- ' t,
f.iUii 1
' ' a
. d
1 t
.f i..
. r n
i u
! . a
V h
. . I-1.
rt rf jm
i i 1
..v ' ...:.
female fri-adai oatrbu?r to tbr tiowrr.
1 tbia compb ted it . f,Tted to tlr mar
krt on tbr t.aiia in rati.-Bia4
tnink. tireoratrd w.tb flow era. ami
l.i.itl.l li- il-Il Moilr-.tlj In xip.w ot carri'd 1 . tr famia brt borae.
a. ...1. 1". ..... .. ...l '
att.. : una t.'n. r howarbo..! rp
It , wd: that rxery tmin should looir ar mmtt ,
a; th. xxorid fm-i h. owa pomt of c tbr t.amrrrr whu a ba-a
1 view, bat it i not wrr that anv man
No." eainr thi r.nlv. ! ann if
growing in a -mall -parr a great x-ari- j can't ! that."
v " 4i I:u: " Pant- n-i "IVrhr.p- he hx- the folk." retoraed v"" " ' " ' ' . any ian mjuTj,, daogtrr ort npra a di-
twm sfn-rai .napit im trxtur-. wi, with wju.j, -ww .wgr: ma; mere are otaer tmrt lat. tn wbrb .be dowry a. r
n:td !ripng I'stVerrnt k't-Uof tm-t. xet
.!. .. nor 1 l ta ?. .. ... !...
ai x. lll , 14 ! 4IIV ft.tiur ?t ft tt 111 ai
No. i dont think ao," repBrd the u" rP ncu aa
iviou niothrT: "lie do-cn- sri thai ' h" boar5?I '
Hie -xxr-t xiolet and tar wav."
vint o; x MW .-:(! h. own V bta :t:htlL and ,. which -he t,m- a-wr
tbr Fp-ncb dar.t ng-tnaster gaxre u a f,-- -rM i.k,-..,. ,,.. .-
ant for oxer n year.
That"- gtod."
p.!. t;.t nu ..r eTii an-umntr,ih9mMSt.urrmiMUfm.ia
t wlnra afilirt mankind -pnng :r..-m .,.-..... . .... .'
The y.Hiajr aa ,
tmm-. whJ -m b
tvartirularlv r ne w tb a nro oi
tain- tbnr giaat protector Ibe nttb- th(.n j wa& ,lh j. 4. MrM v own. but br boxvd aA0 Uil bia polfJ w ,,;,.,. Afu.r ,H, 4,, 3
workmen -de, t inxm the -a.e gr.t back to brd and wa ob ial ale.p own 1WJte ' U -ituid-poiat from cmmrn, Im U trotbai taferi
a 1 . L. a. -llr X a..lV ...L. IL. 1-1 1 .a, fa
down hke Idid xon nad found how l---n iv wtle a! 2je fw't '. .-Then iH-rharr be nangn." smai ' mrn " IA"ranr '-' danrmg. . . ..i,.,.
matter- tom! la-fure I I oal" and ob,;u" iheir ft!'P ' ! thr d.K-tor. a a iat m-ort. , be -howrd tbat be lookrd at tbe gi at bnn5: jar ta.,t tbT
haven't had a ar go lor tbo dofend- i-wat from the -ame -oil that u-j "Ub! Iii-,. car aero? tm-wirra- "4ut''n- "; W- " a aaad-potat of mog pmrti-ularh e t
Oh. if- ibr only way 1 caa do and -tore-bon- ih? matrnal that i- needed a?am AlwMJt ha;f aB aja.-a -Hkrd at them. Few of M piMcfm :m: drt-d by a Wrmu
haxe any ytem "lumt lay bu-"nc . -'" plant w here tbry are appoint
. a . .1 ta a at-a
brwa- agam awArnrd hx a nolrcl U"1 mr W mik u wbo lrrra ta thi lp-sdr a$c Tb
Now .m -re tn your t .w. Ill jui en- i ed t . work, Tbiy acx. r make uch a j nnr n? uJ ni. ,..,..,.,. bri;" jun., ,... dainnng-mastrr in ordinary tbtaga. bos . iif bt-trU' 1. r-v a
trr it in now in your lax or and then . blunder a- to xarry way up so the top- . ,,ut uf tw.5 ,nU ,,la, 1Mff ,hr mn;r .4, U - a lbi U akake tbr -am- j B w.a,.lft,, T , as.rf,trr-f
when the day of trwU a.i I 11 tu-t txvig of that maple a that , B . j. ,-brerd bv th, f,M...w-' misUke ,n tllt VfB' t" s? b. rww.1 Ta bx-.rvtiu. 1. m
haxe to dtixvili be to makr bim thr ""a." iaundcd ;- help form a birch in 1.,,. ! ao; m ea.t!x rorreet.-jj ! common-
- i. .. ... p -r" '. . '
uttountor -end an ou cer out and grab 1 trre: ami a- lor carrn.g up .- bit of, you -.Yrr.' rgrit. dortor; babr was t sn'M or "." prri. lbr way to
oato tbr ho xx ith n -tirpeny. In tiie-e ! iwiut. tntendeii for tb- l.urri. intth.-' hun tx.'
, court matter- thcr"- attb:ng like xind- mninvti; lai ot the aKxlea. such a i
; rag out jut boxv the thing -land- and
i ax od tbi- error ie to ae to rorrrrt
the exaggrauva of tbi detail 0 t4
rara prrarraagr-J. but ta- mn aa.; v
att br goae throgb i..i tbr aasrac.
.. Y. Wf-
thing 1- really impo-auir. We mar! I: :, .irotl((.fj ., , at . MMi . -- . oar -cliar poit of -A y-ti rJd oa a
then going ahead with tue trm kno-.vl-j tnt-t tbe-r xx-orkmea af-xay-. for tbry . ;hr,.na:h. tln-aKut 1-Ia:id. otpi-itr xw :ask a . I? tomiini wi-rr. and fua4 hint at tb tabic ea
vdzc tbat iimr;. uhi arda"t
minii "ixont commg in tbr dav of volt.
never are di-obedieat to
ArchitiM-t ot nature, under xxho-e direc
he great .-xron. -o ;nat n. .b-tcwr M r- ' fmz CB 4i't-5 rrauls ob- , dravonng to ratrb a t x lrrar:l fa
I'll "tend to excrv tbiag." 1 t.on the, are emtdoved.
t .igbt ar--
EMhc (. T.) .:..
It i- aid that the aexv V.'a-hiagt-.n
si'wer 1- the large-: in the xxorUl. I: 1-
. large enough for a l-'xm of hnr - snd
lord ot hay to be tlraxx u throng the
ontrattcc A". Y. M-sil.
om N'rwrwjrt to ,,r, v naf-' " - "- iJJ anae . -r-irt in .atrjppag v. hra h
l.:... i. j? . . - 1 . 1 ... . . . t
and there run I a -uarrni -uuo-KHai. ? iaam.:ait pat to It n;zmr iawwl
Aad w ha: an innnmrraM- multitude n-ct with Uie .-bore-l.inr Railwav. ii:w- 9CU comoao- aad eorrr-- J aai aj; r2a t&r rwif Tbr g-r.ti-of
:hc-e iittie joiner-and ma-on-. t m- horunlag the time :o Nw Yori: ' lKa "cr a Pia,oa -aJ- - -,i-i aa akaal for aa n.alawata of tbi
er- aud m.i-ter-iHii.der-. at :;: xx ork in U. a: iea-t an nour .V ) . .- j "J. lrw o; pcaxsiUIr corrr-- .trgKr -prt. "T Saxli yoxa.' xtaai
tar fore: to-dax nuttiag
thi- xt ouderfal archi:-awrr the-e Th- native- of A'.a-ca believe in
mr ixv column- th gi -lularcbe. ! wiurhcri. aad tave hornble p--b-
tue-c bovver- of I.uxe uad green pend meati lir -o-ca!cd .iiiterexa.
oa at -ome iu;n.- uxse. 1 : r av. j th-. aui-rr, a tnaatf-uaat xtw aiir
wr -ball I- -ared froat Taawr s fcraih ; -j idiag ai roMVraptv a- -fo.
rrrorand aiax a moruftag btasd:r. -I x,.at to mrrtaa if th- rrat
i. -i. Tur.n.
ji-.eai :c ,agar.-V. i'. J5VkU.
b tti irl i.g a' t l 1
1 it '- 1- the p ti pr , 1
1, fr -itl. w 1.. if 1 1
t A' ' X ttl ' I "Xi! . '
g,. n' in f - N ti.
t..iii I "p. ix - 'r 1. of ,a.
rx tb tkour f..f t p-. : .' ti ng
He ra.-e. leirt ..- ! p '.
tin f. - in i. i. f l ! f li 1
t .11. . 1 o t.. r f . t . rj.
Ai I .. ft let t. 4 Mtjt : ,
' , rial M I ill 4! . W I
i - tbr tat' f ' 1 1 n
MM tri' v'i 1 ti ' I fip.
whTi laeti .' o'f - f ii
frofji !! - .o', ;.!.- . i ta
r..v a ai'Mi . J. it .
put .t t tb- I 1 b t 1 1 t g.
t ." to lar pr I f r- i ! - . tftt
of tin -ikr it 1 - -,. ',fc-
lott I r thr por4i- . - s t at
Ibr r aep. lo t . -i i , m r t
b auar it j fi t .' .s 1 ' n
ii'm iot it a ?.i , - 1 .
th l- o ttg-'it. ' ' v1
gr at pT. m .u' ' ng " '. ' f r
xarf. t. if tii' Milk uui' o,d.
few tortaaxajt a n . t i. IMJf
rt. J. at a bo ti,rrl f..a nM
tt. gaajr big 1 ,? a- 1 t faf-n-f
a an.t ta ta u l jumI uj . pro
t. ! hn proprrtj Af 1. r ait that km
brn aaul t' -atr. af ja
dared ptaopit n i !i-a- who rrpraO.
Itor.r WoTda. tb i mty I a g mml, aaiiba
bab. l.'iat hi '" btait. a.! bra
awaajry aad braith t tia fr r aaf a
jf i-ftwrar. rarp tJ- il'ir - laat
spawaiag -ra. aai iron. JVj.y 1
laa: ui Juw. wiJ, b aelrrvjr. fla ana
aay bab ta-ra atarmg tbr a-ao uf
fwaiB: far aaaa ti if t ..
"abrrr Ihr wat baa hT (f,rBBlr
rrr tDTaa f r a rnticf rrloal.
Tav trjrrtaxaji t iark of ot la narp
uo trxihajr Ut raa4rrati4t. waaw
jira:a)r tar rroaoaatr ptaar $ tka
aa ajtjrataiam. A btafra aaaav wfaryi
jttf dowa tr. appraaxe bt aajH
lr-t. 'im io atop t lavpaitv afifM,
ta rMr of tar aWh afci. r
tar abapr af it bed Cafforr ifltn
!;- tlar atf-r if tlar Cab a p)ii-
falr aad Mappta. ta wsau ' taa af.
traa a ct ifbrij. A rxvttXi. an ad
ar3pwaar4 pj tW S axvt vrrr
tmcrt!a! ; apy If'tiay i4p-rt. haw x
wrU-raaataj ywapg ni trxab port, tar a
4ar of soiT-bctlaa baai p'-l
to ta palate aaai tah haajr.
("arp aa-fa-t aav tb furata "rpfa;
at-At tbat ii hau aviff !- itawa to
b- bate 11 witb tnriuao. c K :bx
tau: of -rra-tnia. aor tt lt tb 't
trjo tapc-rti- ra.r-e I'crttr.
Sfcv -.1
X ajW-1
. -. a . .
lay1 1. 1
. j - ".. .l-a- .-k !.&. ., r " t i J . . k
J- aafaaWS&iaFaaa.a yli,... r
X ..... "-- SlaaTOiWiaii .; at rTITlZZlSffrrr?' ' -. jsataaf.fe-i- ajffff.illfjrf iJaaTiTni iWIMlli
i. JMsj 'Wfaiii -tat -aaaatjjac-
E a? ",T I
Ba KSaaaa-1 I
Vr iftfaJlH- - -C-amatt ir J! L taaaaami
fatnlr 'p jfeaL. ,.aaWBaWareaatlBaBaBaBaBaBaH
H4aanBK. .at Ti catfa "Haaaafaw,'fh- .a"4aWaav.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal