" m n -j 'I. 1 9 f keJSwj i" wi wm ILo Rod Cloud Markets. Winter "VVh'jat- fc.v Sprtnj; lH-nl--iSftS." Ofili 20. Harley-25C;r. Jtyc-43. Hok3 is. Cattle 1 a6&4 . votrtj'.-rs" stuck jg.3 sa. To the Farmers. 3rrm Umt ne?tnitd through W P. Overman can 1- paid at th" Mid wiyycar wiMioiit a i.nu-. Itntes al low jus the Iwp-t. Money fnrnishe. promptiy. Oihce owr city "drug sioretf O Por Cent Farm Loan. The .Kehrimka F.nn L'en Co. wil! make yon a loan on vou farm al straight t ji-r rent and furnish the money without ary o!ay. Otil on them in the Ked Cio-iJ National Dnnk iiuiJdinj:. CITY NEWS. Wji. J)l'CKJ:r hu- con to farming. Ira rfcEEras has been p&iutiu his hou.-e. J. U. Tla.ii.Ey was in Guide Jiocfc the other day Miis Liixie LeisoS visited Hastings the flr-t of the wnek. M. W. Dickers s has rcahinglod his retidei.ee cm third avenue. Blue Hill i alive with railroad men engaged in building the new railroad. Djl WcTJeebt is building on na :ul dition lo his residence in the woet end of Uir city. Tjie Farmer and Merchants link ing Company have received their now j safe. Jt'h a !atidy, There are more fine Luggiea in Ked Ctand than many cities three times the xe of ited Cloud. We are orry to note the continued and danerou-i illness of Wil! P. 0verma.i mr city treasurer. A Lakoe crowd assembled around ibe liberty pole Saturday and bucked tbe lurhtuing mu hine all day Oi.o. Able'?, brother has taken joitiou with the Wells, Fjirjro fixpresa Co., vice Orange Tavlor signed. AX individual niiuu both legs and a Jeft arm, amused himself catching ball i with th strt gamin- on TueHdaj. JUvn K I J-1. i:n hh Ixtughl two lols Oppiwite th county judt'ea ofiico, and ba a carpenter shop cm ono f them 4 hi. r-xi legal iiouaay in Ked I loud after-iHnoration lh,y, will be circaa gr .. it a -. -. . I oay. il cnacM cm xnurKaay, dune 6 Iii;v. Geo. Hawi.ey and funily start Tlen,liorvfrthe4thof July. ; cd for New York state last Monday, An operator ind htti-,ti houo has with team and camp equitpage. They tecu ebUbhshed at Amhoy Junction. p,opose to lead a .sort of nomadic life and hereafu-r the click of the tclfgniph OXI thxr ivav in hopes of benefitting machine will ! hfard in the distance. At the la.t UKfting of the cit council sidewalks were ordered to be laid from the north hue of the city to tht dot ol via Cedar street. A wie net. M .! ........ m r.... ...:n ..:....' ..-.-... . vu.- iw.i k.v nis ceieorateo: let-lure entitled Jiamon and Pylhiae" at Superior fot the bene- j Lt of the Odd Fellows lodge at that place. En Cretistox. a type manipulator frmu Clintxin, Illinois, wtio has been ii( iiiiog down a ense in the Hastings ,1 .urnal olfnn1 for several months past, i- ::i Red (vloud this week. Mii. Cuiag and Mrp. E. C. Wilcox c f J Wxnior . 2svl Mrs. A. C. Wilcox.! ti.iuj;!ter An.ia and son Laird, of Champaign, III., are visiting in the city, guests of L. II. Wallace. At'VEKTtsKit letters for the week i en iiiik Alay 1., IsG: Miss arne i Tiiiu'.K-t- Mi-- r w t. t i ll.4b.mk. Mr-. W. . Dn-kt-rioa, Mr.. Hat: toh Ewan. Miss Amra 11 Logron Fira M fttill. Ji.hu May. John II. Ji'Mpcr. AitM.t Taic.nt. Ilirmanii i Tr..i. ...! ia i.o i Ti.'-ii-.-. t ... ,v ' , ,im'"r-lwlt-f'i.- Tin nhtftHwa tha .mo f ka Ai., r, ---- av VIOO i3 f prettx school mar .us hiI! lav aside the birch tsoaietimc during the co mini: month of roM and embark in the leiral ! - '-... "j. t profession under the ftwUTisi" care of ' a Hie pardne-. Uur new demon Im.. ! a creat mouth for ef ....i ri.....,.l i iest eougratu'.ations will be forth coming. , l'4li llilll(- I We understand that fbn iu,i f education hve caretullv inquired into' the "matrimonial fortv ai.iilictni t..r .. . , - i ' lZ S s jet llx; ;.",;;;; ; . . u aiur iauniui ! pw-pecis ot the ! research have seated as teachers the I piohahie old mauls look out for list I Q. E. D. ! ol teachers. The aUve was placed in our office Jx for publication, aud we suppo-e by someone w ho leeis sorry tuat nicy j are wot to joiu the great matrimonial band because they arc old maids. ! k woukl be pleased io see our j I:r with that kind of clothes, the bet- being able t find or locate any partic inend. Dr. C. S-hencK, of Cowles. J ter to enable themselves to wear the j ular street, avenue or building, which come out as a candidate fur count v i fuim'v limccii... ft.r -,,orr;oo., t;,... ' ?h.M- wnx- .to.-.. t vi.;- n- nn,i n..r t. representative in niencxt general a, scaiuiy. if iJicr is an oio citizen oi Webster county, aud is justlv p-jpu-ular. If the republicans ehou Id nom inate mm ue wouiti ie, we nave no doubt a verv mviiil eor'if'-. .n,i , a un iopuia. canaitia.e and . norablerepiesentative m every j r.u h i i or r44.A..f rit.l ...lT t.k rV,. .w......... and enterprising county. The Chief would gladly support the Doctor. J. A. CiuwwkdV little son met with a severe accident last Saturday. It .-Lt nis tie was nding on horseback anu that the h. rse run into a lenc?. cutting a severe c sh in the ; streets. We hope the city dads will lorL- thn Ttmtlnr tin !Tui in the future natter up and in "wv w ...... ... t - - .-r. -i i.. -ii: s i i. -: prohibit the building of barb wire j fences. iaus ieg, irom wmen ne nas oeen laiu uenerai bears an unsullied reputation : " nou-e m t'ie city. Hie expense Lp for the last week. This leads us to ! as a statesman and a soldier, having ' u,ou.d bejtit slight m comparison to r.mark again that h.,:b wire fences ! served his country in both Wzciti an a positive nu -ance and should be j with honor and distinct'on. Should ! awake city ht.e Red Ciond is complete prohibited on public highways and the General receive the n-jmir.atiou at ' wnout a door plate. Thev are both 1., 1 1 . I" .... 1 . 1 1 , I . . . .... I . . . " - H ACKEH, THE GENERALITIES. Tao your purp. .Miia. W. Jo'llyn i-vis.tmg in this iiy The treet sprinkler sprinkleth not t yet. On. strcots are a. dry as a St. John lecture. J'eof- Vickjsg has been on the ick li-t thi week" .Mk. Lktso.v is building a veranda to her residence. JIe.s-ey Cooe is repairing hi resi dence jiroperty. The marshali ;;un ie now loaded for canine purposes. Gka.vuma M ices has returned from iier visit to Salem. v e are pleased to learn George Young is rapidly convalescing. Ja-K' CllAIGIIKAI. Of Wowlfct jCK, 111., is vi-iting M. W. Wckerr.on and family I'iiEAr;m:.G by Kev. Geo. 0. Yeiser at lite IJuptist Church Sunday M:iv 23 at 11 a.m. 1'oWEi. Hmigii nephew of Thoma Kmigh and hunily are visiting here Irom liio Vista, Col. The pro-.pect lor an immense strawberry crop in Nebraska was never belter than at present. Majok.IoeS-.va.v has returned from bib occidental trip, greatly invigorated and looking fresh as :i daisy. Root. Fl-kst i now doing the moun tain HCt among the snow clad summits of the Jiockiek as a means of recuper ation after his recent illness. Seels Bkos circus, the boss sh tv, will appear for the edification of your self, your sisters, i'our cousins and your aunts, Thursday, June 3. 1'iie I naval e cheese factory has de clared a dividend of 95 cents per 100 pounds of nilk for April lS'sG. The Jnavaie factory is always ahead. Tin: bridge across the Republican south ol town was closed for repairs Wednesday and Thursday, but has I again lesumed business as ufuhI. t' Tlir fmiiilv of I V Tnvlnr ttiirfr.fl for ll.ugler Thursday morning where they expect to reside in the future. i Mr-Taylor has also purchased real estate in Cheyenne county. Rev. li. C. Bakiiows, atato evangel ist for the Christian cnurch, will com mence a series of revival meetings at the court house on next Sulurdav evening. Services at 11 a. m. and S p !,. .Sudav fcllowinc. the failing health of .Mrs. Ilawley. Fifth Avenue, between Webster and Elm stre ts, is in rather a muddled ' condition. Part of it seems to be ' : i .... .. v I pi i ait; juiifi i mill iuu ui iiiau -i i!lIU. - Tne Avenue ought either be opined through or else closed entirely. r " Mk. and Mrs. Chas. Ovekman, from j West Point. III.? ro in the citv with their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Damcrell at d , ... ,, ., .. .... their son. Will I. Overman. J he t latter named has been seriously ill for a few weeks past, but at last accounts was a trifle better. Attokny McNeny has commenced and otherwise improving his lob, on north Cedar street. It is lair to prosyme that at no late date in the ' sweet subsequently, the fragrance of . ,.-... i.i.,...s ;il i... -..ff.wl .i f'n .. . . ! oaimv air oi eye. f.- : . ..... e I 1,'riiiMt a visil so iiuu jiui ciuui- i day night SherilT Scott and several ! other valiant Pvthians weie called upon by the I upon bv the Blue Hill nieht police to, smooth down the milled plumage of ,,.., r,,til..,i l,n..n of sl P"R ol railroad canaries who were breaking into a gin mill. The Helmet mistakenly stated last woHC -i eo Aiei nnti resigueu his ...." .1111 1. I101110" ns csPrteS niesscngor and laceu a position in me lieu iiiouu txpress oilice. Mr. Anel has not r- f signed. D.N. Abel, brother of Oeorge,;i,miUk.lltnertl2llot tlltlitu.Iit lml is the gentleman engaged iu the ex-Initiate bv the people it must of neces- press oilice E understand arrangements have been prelected tor a series oi horse ' .-- . "--. low'p & d , ti.wJ n.. i",....i vi. SuPerior' June l4 and 15: "lde Bock, u"lt- i " "IU1 ' Iveu v-iouu, .rune zo -'- and 25; Burr Oak, Jund 2!? and 30. The purses and premiums have not been announced as yet. We hear of some more young ladies bavin- an escapade in male attire. We supnose the object is to become famil- i - ..-.. V.- iAA A AOiV.. Allillj , will be all right girls if you happen to hook on to the right hair pin. Puof. W. C. Picking has been re engaged as nrinemal of the ,.;.. school Min. p. t '-, i t? i,',,r,i t.. i i r.' ' .ord. Myrn Brewer, and Joanna Cone, , teachers. Tne entire force of teacher. ! -"--- lokW t J . Viil . - uLl. l.n... ... I., . 1 . . 1 ., ! have not been selected as vet. The i -chool board will meet again on Mon day, June 7, to fill the existing vacan cies. General john M.Thayer is b.ing stronnlv urired bv his numerous friend ' canmdate ior tne governorship. The the hands Renuolican v-k n I FO : Tv Cxitvc tvhi1h foVo nt-a.i. n iu.-hp. i (""" - ' ""--" ""- " pi-vm. j I . .. .- i i. -... i i in seeing him elected to nil the guber-j natoria! chair. of i he eMOCEM PICK-UPS. Bev Geo. 5. 1)a.xis U abfont this week, attending district meeting at Harvard. .--pecial sale of ladies shoes fo next Bead 3'dyr at the Golden Eagle. large advertisement. Don't buy your wall paper, paints- or window shades without examining tiie stock and prices at Cotting's. Hekey Cook now has the most complete slock of wall paper, thadys, etc , :n the Republican Valley. You ca:i find the largest stock and the best make of hoots aod shoes, at lowest prices, at the Guide:: Eagle. Mks. JoHK JIameb. of .Judson, Kan., died vcrv suddex.lv on Monday. We did not learn the cause of her death. The ministers of Red Cloud have tormed an association. Tney propose to meet on Monday evening of each wsek. Ti'E sidewalk from Wm. Parker' residence on cewnrd steel north to the M. E. Church, will he completed in s short time. Andy Beiig has abandoned the ,..t... , ...... .,-... .- ,-.., ..;..,.. 11 " ' and is ue oiim: his attention to ngn- culiurai pursuits. Maueiei), at Red Cloud, Neb, May 20, ltofi. by the Rev. Geo. 0. Yeiser Mr. Wm. J'. .S.tbin and Miss Ida M Weiis, H.l of W ebster county. A MLiniNo of Caiuiiihe Lodge 'o 'J'j, K. P., wul he heJd at Castie Hal! Tuesday evening next to arrange tor Decoration Day and other important, matters. Fur insurance against fire, lightning, tornadoes', cyclones, etc., appiy to C. E. Wood, Red Cloud. Neb, agent for the old reliable Continental insurance comyany, ol New Yurk. Wad Ei. Ward, of Jerusalem, will vi-it this c;ty next week and, assisted by his wife and chnd, in oriental cos tumes, gie a series of entertainments illustrating the daily life and customs of the people of the Holy Land, at the Methodist church on Moudav, Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Admission lu the full series, 75c. Union Memorial services will he held in the Opera House Decoration Day, Sunday, .May 30, at 11 a. m. Vduresss, etc., by the city pastors, music, and interesting exercises. A collection will be taken for the benefit of destitute widows and orphans. No i services at any of the chur jhes in the morning, aeruces as usual at all the churches in the evenmtr. MirtSEs Nellie and Fannie Aikmau left fur Crete Wednesday morning to nurciie studies in Doaue College. On Monday evening a large concourse ol friends stormed the Congregational ...... .... ... i. ..i ...i i i mi5uiiiii;f iu um aoieu 10 uie gills. Alter a pleasant eenmg spent mosti t I k . .......! t . ... I . i .. al. . V"u "'" ,um '3t w,a,,l? 'V1 u,tL departing ones, the frn:iids betook themselves tc their homes. Belore going, however, wishing -o show their "PP'ciation ot Miss Nellie s serv ices iia uMiiiK lor church anil sundav- M4.hlll,! .,r,. ...... .,, ,,,,,.. ....$. .... ,. ,. cameo ring, for which the recipient ex pressed in lilting terms, her appiecia tiun. : w-"s The Signal man, of Guide Rock, de. volt,J ll considerable amount of his vlllill'!-' spuce b u tirade on the r County Agricultural Society ""l ,ltSK ni"Kil "as "ruBS'uu aionc "eiween me ami ueain ior iu these i.. ir i .1 i . v manv vars 'inifJ in tni-i Mi5j incf r. - - j... . centlv been nlaced on a firm basis bv - - our Red Cloud business men. The ' .S'lffin tnuti l.i me t.-k tr oti-.ttr. K. -.'"'-fc-- .. .-u-n lv ..v .ifi.iiwii kji ' cause Guide Rock business-men do not 5tllrl !l ociation at that little hut One association is enough and is as much as the people of the county at the present day can successfully sup port, i tie sociely lo'lav is in a. good tom,d condition, has good grounds. t '" - . 'W.w. . .VS'.II . IC 444 4.. LUUU Kood sheds, giod halls, and best of all wul . rowusn m ueot. .uoiiev "" Ilul necescarny make a nur a sue- 4-t.l lift TVtlttf llltt' 4-1 .1 - , 1 hi . .m ny lo-e muncj, which it did up to last year. Had Cloud will take care ol the association, however, and we are pertj;od to mlorm the iwn. will make - nWDl7 J ab,i,ty wm .i ;t , ,. . ....j .... i... . I. II 11. - v, 141.144 I. UiO, iilUiiU, UUl UIUC your time, and when the fair comes tisti your complimentary and see what can tie done at the Gate Ctty in the fair line. We hear numerous well-founded complaints from strange and also irom our citizens, in regard to not " ' - . .- H. V J f rw4 V fc others. Scarcely one person in ten can tell where 5:h avenue and Cedar street cross, or 3d Avenue and Seward or in mci ai.no-t any ot the various sirev s and avenues of our city. Con seiiut-ii.M strangers wishing to mm tne seQuen.U strangers wishing to tim residence of a friend thev have kno lo. - merly. aie obliged "to inquire .. . . nown ouire oi everyone thuy meet and then rustle around til they find it, causing them no little annoyance and sometimes :rovukmg them to mduige m a mild i torm ol profanity The remedv is n;e- amatl signs should be placed " eer s'reek corner wita the name placed on every residence and bum oe u- ornamental and useful, and we are ..'r,..v.l . i . r . . . ,: : i . . . k ciuiens are aireaov sunnlvinc lb . . " .". seives wub thete almost i"adiiperiibl irtides. tra- ! w a . eaiKaie ox xT-aias. On iR-t riturdHy afternnon About thirty member of Caar.trj LvJg c- 29. Kuipnti- of i'ythia-. of Rxl GotMi' under instructions irom the Grxnd Chancellor oi the Jurv.di;tioo of - bra. k a. J M. Irwin, tended their ay ! to Blue Hill ;or the purpose of iau tuttng s kjdge of the order at that ' beautiiu! hule city. Pre:aratios ior receiving the Rti Cloud deloga:on had been jreviously mndt, and ? must say that a more courteoo-'. and jolly -et of Knights do noi exist in tne Grand Jurisdiction than those at li.ut Hill. The reception and entertain ment of the Rei Qoud Knights was simply of the highest i pe and wt duly appreciated The new lodge start out with the mot tl&ttering prosecv for a succossfu! career. The I )i-lnrt I)riii!v off Vtnnf .. f ,rft. V 29, had the supervision of the work f and wa. ably assisted by I'a-t Chan- ceiior, Bro. J. L. Miller, and the entire corps of Calanthe's otlicers. besides receiving much necoo?ary aid from Bro?. Campbell and Forbes, of Had Wiilow Lodge, of McCook It wns indeed one ot the most t!easnt events mat has occurred in Pythian circles j for many a day. Th2 new brethren j rode the oHt m good fly e with but vfrv little kicking The CuiEr hope- ! 5 5 will Jive Jong and do . ztt-xi work i in thv great tnuii- of Fr.T.it-;ip. Char- i - .. v. .w. n..v. v." n , ity and Benevoitt.o- ;,itti has been ' handed down Lv nlusir ious protot p-s. D-tmon and I'ythiHs. Tne great worK ol I'ythiam.-m is stiil bmg carried on, and on, by those whose love tor tiie order can only be measured by the earnfcst efforts put forth to make it one of the grandest secret s'cielio-- on th Clone it- grow in :.a- ji.n unprore .4.......! ........... . . .1. t .i.t . - u. aeo v ith a nvmhi-r.-hip ol .-een, at tne city oj Washington. D ('.. it has steadily increased to 'otnething like 300.000 members, and has lodgus in nearly every part ! it." world. The G. A. P.. Camp Fire. The battle-scared veterans of Gar fiied Post No. SO. Grand Army of the Republic, were in their element on Wednesday evening at their hall m secret ( onclave, mustering in new re cruits, and subsequently at the court house in open communion with the outside world. The Grand Commander of the iVpartment of Nebraska, Gen. John M. Thayer, was pre out and mustered in the following recruits. Ex Gov. -m1ii Garber. John F. Mers, , Wiliiam Flohr?, W. E .lackson, Wm Gatw, Judge W. A. ,cKeigiian. t. N. Richmond. Jacob Post and John KIohiB, after winch the Po'-t adjourned to the court house, where the exercise wore opened by singing several old i.nd laminar war sones. General Thayer was then introduced and in an eloquent manner the old com mauder slated the aims and objects of the order, recounting a number of personal reminiscences of the war of the rebellion, paying a glowinc tribute to the memory of General Grant and Abraham Lincoln, relating many m-tere-tmg episode- and personal inter view? with the gieat commander while on the hard (ought field- of Dou.ildron, Shilo and Vicksburg during the dark-o-t days in our country's history, and at a tune when tin. hero of Appoma tox was comparatively unknown to fame. Jefl Davis was alluded to. al though the compliment paid him wh not tlnttering viewed from a loyal -taiidpotnt. Lack of space prevents our giving as fu 1 a synopsis of the General's speech as we w uld were it oinerwi-e. Captain Munsell made a few well-timed remarks, after which tap- were sounded aud .the homeward march began. A Groat Boom. Red Cloud l- about to experience a reat boom if very thing paus out in proper shape. It seems that Mr Moon, of Rxerson, Michigan, h-is pur chased lae eight lot.- north of the Opera House, ami proposes to put up a .-olid brick block costing, it is rumor ed, something like $5u,U00 rrhis will give the uptown block a groat boom ami help Red Cloud out immensely. 5uch buildings as those contemplated have been long needed in this city, and we feel certain that Mr. Moon's investment will bring him hack many returns of the good o:d Ooli-irs of our daddies It i confidently expected that excavating for the new block will commence withiu a fortnight or two. .Such enterprises as the one above are highly to bo sought alter and from this on we may look forward to rreat results in the growth of Red Cloud. This, together wiih the railroad pros pects makes The Chief feel go.nl. and we have accordingly added another brick to our ash pile for future uses. We are fully assured that the new block is bonafide. G. R. Chanev. of Red Cloud, was nt Nelson last week on business On nis way home he called at tne Journal office for a few moments. He has not decided yet whether he will accede to the urgent request of his friends to run for congressman or not, but ll he does he will get a large support throughout the district wherever he is known. upenor Journal. I It would be our advice tc Mr Chaney ! not to "Decode to the urgent requests of his friends." It would be uo.icv to wait until after election to make "the J cieci-ion, ior in either case he wi.i get left. Ileime:. If Mr. Chaney receives the nomina tion of the Republican party of this district there will be no dan;er what ever of Lis getting left. A Card of Tnanka To the neighbors and friends during the sickness aud death of my wife, their kindness can never be repaid, but may Gods richest blessings be poured out on each one o: them, is the prayers of J. A. SNODOSAss. The Red Cloud Milling Company wo. . pay 60 cents per bushel for good wheat that will test 57 or 5S pounds. 41 if J Now is the time to get your farm- ture. Car load jus: received a: " Forrester's. j Special ale ofiadies shoes fir nn: 30 days at Gulden Eagle. Read large ! aa.ertuemcnt. J0S' : fra:er' ,e woeer-SS?:??, jc, oirca oeer, e;c. a U. . U!:ne . riiii.itQ.- 02 AU irnz and sice. Cli ftad s hix. 1 c2- jr I Tr i . a rocyn A tthu. en roc ct of towti Obiter ca bate pmprr.r It ', oTn: utmc noi 7riuz i-? th not.ee ."oethins nir tho j;!i: ilotied ,'!. np?r jul received at CMUr' "ew ceihnr p&pjr and dooorAUom - i t Cot 4ng . Uo the Straoer floor paint Mat . perfect ceroenl. at CotUn'. I arn prepied to furm?h door pUtcs which fjr durability, eboapoe?-, beaoty of defirn and finish, cannot be excell ed, rauip'tts "a exb'.biuon l ;ho oaire of The Cmiet Yvur pairooigo C. rl Wooa. tf respectiul.v -ohc:tU. C Store rtom ior rent. !5ii5 f I door- south of po toSice Inquire ol D. Fsatborlr. If yoa wj,a to sell roar nvrai or towa propcrtv call on Josiai Geavbs, 42:: " Red Houd. Nl. Fo btilo or rent A rood iUKO room in south Red Cloud. A iirsJ-clse lo cation for a coaifeKnt bueineis man. hxpnre uf W. II Jackson ZZli 'xTtuK suits, bed room su.t-, dr ers. dmme room and kitchen furniture in abundanc" Lawn chairs Mil -t : es, picture iramar, etc F. V Tvi -e A go.dfarm for sal or rent A furnished A,plt to Joseph tirvr? Red Cloud, Neb. A t: WA5TW A girl to da gprir-r'. housework. Inquir nt M. B Mi Nut r hoU" -i'tf Tlie brak Kanurt Farm I. a. ? Co. hae olentv of moftfj t '. -an. A nice line of dry goods Hu br - . 1 ( but very cheap at Mrs. Nr:.u - j A eul team of horses lor -. I: - quire of Joseph Graves, Red C i i '' t A riNE line of -baby carriage- .it F ; V. Taylor's, successor lo R L T.i k ror cheao larm loans cai at t- i oili:e of Chancy fe Bentley, Red C j .. Ne A gooo span oi nores ior "" e . an ot iones tor fai e Howell Bros lumber yard l f Boys' long hose at the Goidon Eagle Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. New- ho Use's. Faints and oils of all descriptions at Ci ttmg s. Two rooms for rent. Inquireof W D. Forrester. 9 per com loans nt tha Nebraska A Kansas FarmLim Co. Go to G. W, 1'hne? for frah homo made candies, cigars, etc. Fresh home made candies al G. W Chne's. Call and see him. iNsfP.E jour property with Chas Schaiiuit. Red Cloud. Neb 30tf Tut A in bo j" Milling Company wii'. pay no cents jnr busiiel for good wheat that will teat 57 or 5a pounds Jl tl Bo. blue flannel sailor suit- at the Goiden Eagle clothing store at $I.5u and upwards. Dou't fo.'got ft Wnntod. A woman lor laundry work, &tn dining room girls, at once, al IJ v eating house. JlPtf M. Wall Pnpor at Cost. Cotting ha? eotne fine samples of wnli paper that he is ofiering at co-l to close out. Ai.-o ajieauiiful stock of new patterns at very low pi ices. A fine line of borders, reding paper, etc It will bt to your interest too see him before buying For Solo Household Goods f'on-i'-.mg of stove-. beUtead- and mattre.-.-c- chairs, table, curpet., tc all new and in good condition Will be omI cbcap Ci:! at Co!igregHt:.nH' wro!iai-, lo-xt door west of J II Ferman'n resiJem-e Rrv J Aikmvn .: (..ir'r. I'res't. Oih.. h 11 s f.artxT '! ai. . v I'm- ,::::;: :r,i Msrchant BANKING CO., A gonoral bnnkine businoas trans uctod in all its branches. !.' triiiBi Mt tar l moil mi DUrBCTQKs : 5ft Carfcar. Ge. H. IloOaai. IL n. 5MtUi. (. 0. VLcr. w S. Gacfeir. CORK RSFON JJPliNTS Koiia:? lire.. Firt NnU-fcl Ban. First NaOooa; Hark. Ni-w Yark. city OrwaJta. NrU Uivuln. Ne POWDER Absolutely Pure. la. i 1 -rcgrt.i-'i - .-r"&- Mors ecxBtam&M ot- hvr&cr vW osJ? AX 4A.15G fuWDES CO. THE GOLDEN EAGLE v S DPP nn 0(11 UiU LI SPECIAL iO per oettt. ttff nun Ludivs THIHTT LADIES Ft member we offer you n chantv t wm one of thu following, four priifi-. July 1th. IbG. First Prize $20. Second Prize $15, Third Prize $10, Fourth Prize $5. In goods. .Every juinha.-T f will iM a lii-kft fr clian''- in alf it:.'' c. Wiener's New block. KedCIoud. - - m j. THE CHICAGO STORE Red Cloud, Nebraska. .1 U B T R E C EITED THIS WEEK. G-ood Shirting for 8 l-3c yd. Best Standard Prints for 4c yd. Figured Lawns 4c yd. A I Hit ft not iter lot of Jiohe iPrn Pattern ftt price that con not le Duplicated GOLD AND SILVEPv Gold and Silver Shirts are the Best Mad We have bargains that can the following: Parasols. Fans. White Goods. Pillo- Shams. La'rns, Shirtings, Toeis. Napkin. Table Cloths. Examine our stock of Men's Shoes. ATH Si YOK 111 Hit: ! SALES EOi: llvytiltw ShtH' n. lrivt'H on ail ft wm. pi net be had anywhere else, iu 1 J DAYS SHOES E Giorat of all Kinds. &a Spread. I I ' i i I U s I 4 w sut . r. I 2 5S?8 2J- io ,"- -r.tiJ--' . - ' ---3F mi 'mu M. . x jJJJ e -aB- - - bMHB