The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1886, Image 6

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F rs F rA:jy
BiMBBPPTffTBS"'!ISSI'"5JH ... .. . ! - ' ' "
' tiu.miinw" """' " ' ' '' ' ' . nr -tti
R 1 1
1 1 " n v r
Dinr!". fi-"
1. - I
n .
t -. .
i'.i-t --r
i' a
i t
It i- .:i!v T -- -i a
odor that ..r- jti d
ri t ; I, . Ilrr ik i.t -
.:-i. I
Just nnw I Tiiir-1 irom int i nI lair
jf. J.iylul tiiul proa ti
As to mi ha that urav.- ion j
Tkm. t-lH the world iuy il rcare.
.wl Htk- fou!:-j on th- floor
Wf- fStat4 I I 3 HAltf. BIV JfTl.
7MV'if tuff tlietn.-. iwl ilt-t. I tbft
rtM hoftltr to tin- '.t.r.o lxi
? rljrlji no owil ' tuo'ti. nt fn-jli
4 if tan E!t"l mj r.i.-- Oirouirti.
" If .. tii I. ttiai I mm y in-w
A la; '.' tlo-J Iron: bart an-I t !i i it
i.:th"i 11'iiHliRi' Th- (i It". .
,--i ,- j t -! if.. . ayy.if :n J ! i.
' ! r. . v sii'ij1 )in li i -c ii"l
W ' tt ijiin; ttioi . j,t ,i
T- - J v !. .r.k n J ir
A e.. I. t 'i -u .. r ii.' on tv j Hrj;
'IT i k.ot. . - il)r.; T .
"tV- i il -Ml! II lli. r3 Jt .! jl J t.l
$li ! I l .!.!-
t i
11i v '; ! ilJ, . i: . W
li. f .u t ! h " li ti i. - n
3i- o . mi'S ti. it d .
it th.
.. t
1" Mill, ' S
I. Mil I.U' J.
-1 1.1 . I
!, I
ii 'ii it i'n!i ..
J ( ' r a.ui !. ,
i.. I ' i.irii '.i i ;,ii- ii ,j ,. II,.
y-i ' i -.,!.! u i - , . .mi
I 1. .. ! at..; L,- -i t.. , k 1 U4-,
.Hi - i-u.ur iij.l . um . k
1 j ' ? ; m i j -i'.- ,ti i i
M yi'l i. tins' li.
i ii - ;
ii i.i hnl
An i jti-J ii ) t..r li - .j i
THE Tf'ItyriMSK.
tu-ro 't is Fouji-2 and Why It
h iiosmtr Its Vul :o.
'4 iir- .iT" i ' . m in ,; . i-iioiino'iiv
!. i i-w.Jr :li m t'. ''.. tur.j'ii.i-.
I'-.!. o::,.n, -. . . s .' ,'i irin"N-. it,
jN -iii ojiii , u,i;i ,,,t tIi,i ...
ino'J.-i ii- t .-.. sj,: uu ;,v jj , ,,
in vh -t,--m,-J lltii. ;( f V , ,-f.j,.
'iioi Ju fin, j, , in. . ,.f j,,. .,,!.,
rani. vtli 1 J- '"ri h in. I nr.-" p-m-
7 hi- n iJik.-h- '. r of I. r-i.t U-.u at,
u:u .ii'i all t!. r.-.j ,, j. ,,ji,f. ,t i
wo-iM. no fnilit. h,- -.-an".- anl i
-i -
. ir oui-,i.i.- in,- iiottimitiii of th.- shah.
mh r n i. .mi) in ifi.,1 , ,tititt tliat tin-
.....,....., .i .,-,.,. , n.r in,- ji-wi'L-r ,
jturj.oM- . f.Min.l. .iiii-li an.
j.- iii, uir.pioiM- i, U-..-.1 lor jmi.jmJ
rn:imftiK fl uilv h.t for nuv
lii."""4-..d."iJ Jh.-d.inam!
fjtl lor iinr Ntoin'iof an nuioniimui
-m. J.iit. as is tin- with all
jr.-.-i..u, -.tuii.-s. unii-tT.illv lar-.- jiiri-.-s
thoM- approai-hin tin- si..- of a lia.-I
nut. fir.uuplf wli-ii of rood .juali
t. ar.- i-ajj-rh s-juht alVr. and han
X. lu'h int i in -u- alin-
.Tin liinjiiois.- !ias in all iik.-.'iliood
ipir s-d as a r-ni iroin a-r ri'inot.-
anlnjtiity. siui-th. ran-oi niutintani"! j
n3t-rrit i.s ph-iiiijullv found i- -ituat."d
a; w -jm-al distance from the southern
mrcs of the ' s,.:j. m-ar to. if
not within, the aii-a lnlieed l iiiauv
It have lu-en tin cradle of tin- hum in
ir.i IU sonic m holai's. it is lhou"!i,
hih'v prohahle that the timpioi-c was '
sc fur inlay in; the delicat and
iH'.uitiliil old-woik ol am lent (Jrii
and at all ctents. there is a cameo
jMrtrai! t a clas-n- ;rc'k I'rince iu
this uiiiii'iai auionr the sp ciim n in
the famous coll. - timi of iM.irllinrouh
jenis. 1 "iicre is smut- tloulit ahoui th"
n -inn this jrecion.s -tone w:i known
!t iu IMiny's tune. TI nieulions that
the '-'tfttti. which was profialdv the thet, see tunpi li-es. without lc.iii aro at kkI prices. I'p t. the time
tiir.pioisc. wa- found in A-.M, where it , rN-r -i!pjMrts to prexent the t.tllin"; , that I In v wcr.- 1I, their color had
i- tirre.1 trojectin; from the surface in t th. mine. c.-ral la'Ntcr-h:ne liccii pr--red !y k epiu- them d.unp
t inae.ssil4e rck-. w hetice it was -' ditlereiit times Ih n luirtcd iu the hut when taken out ot their moist pack
oht.iimtl Itv nieaiis of -liu-s; hut the-e j railleries through tin- ruiihi-h Iu in- , in--. t!i.- -lowlv l-.t-.mie w Kite. It in-, d
. n- t!ie day of fahles. That it was ' h.idh propped ttj The perpend h ular j hardl In- -aid tiiat the c4orof most
known to the auciciit Koin uis is. hovx-! depth ot one miue is one hundred and J precious -ton. s is .-r pm-inam-nt.
t '. proved h. the i. ut that there still j -ixU feet, and others arc nearly a- 'i in-rc is. how cut. a varh-tv of opal
vi-i -ome. thotirh oiilv a eiy few. of deep. The miners work with pick- oerunitijr " M-ico whn h i-ver lau
lln t work- of art cut in tilts , and erowhar- in much the -aim- wa a- tsful when lir-t foiimi. hut alter a brief
Wiut of ci t. um :t:..ut the name
applied j,, ihetiir.pioi-c in c!i i times
le.n.siis indouht a- to what nn-tk-
4 ir tie-were then ittn' ti'iil t- it. liut
Im the middle rtJrv. the tur ,, like
ut) v -;ems. wis h to h..e won-1
Ji-rfuiroperiie-. indeed, it wa- credit- i
'd with itur'j sup. rii.itutal irtues than ,
f.i...i ..r il,... r, ,.....-,.-.,,- .. i, ..a i
m-mm- i -w m - . - " . 1 I tril
both his -ijht -tr.'ion-ned and hi
4ints cheered, he cui.h1 iiuuiuir.t-.
from the cotise.ju.-nce- a fall le, th'
jrem t. If breaking, in order to -aie ! ! :ll-,t mol'' ie-tnic!ivc. a- it break- - nio-i neauiiiiii i an porce
fs. 1...H -m.l In. t..t- ,.. t;i.. i the turoiioisc-into -mall nieces I Iain, the ere-w.-ui' of soft bt-iy made
-.-if, tunted tiale it -he Inv.-nne s ck. I
WJh-ii it- pos-cs-oi died it etitirelt. Io-
it coloi. bin tvcnercd it .ijjaui on pa
&rt inii the hands .it a new .inner In
swnie im-terioti- wav. when su-pi-ndcd
Ia a strin!;. it correct h -truck the
Lmir in the iu-nle ol a ;!as- .-s-el
father precion-stones hai l.-t all the
taarri'liHis owcr- that !eIon-yd to
them for ceuturie-. the em-'r.iM no
;n-.-r relie.cs th" fatigued t,e-ie;ht; '
V.. .I...... i ... . .. ... i- . t .- I
t b.. --...i.Uir.. ,u.Mu ..!! .. .i.i ... u
.' .lijiutuiii ran iiivi ii.iu iii,ii..i T.-'tv" i
- i
touch. ha oea-.-.l i. o, aiK to ctiu
ru.'sli tire In thc-e perverse la- the
fc..rl-stonn come-down upon the wear-
r of an aniethw. and bright red coral
r.;tT.i-ts rather than ieiels ro'dvr-. !
ai .-;-. mens that Udiivc in thi-ea-yiu
ioms manner are fo'.nd more com
mon. th in ;host whorfC oir i- di-.-t.
' h rni.ineut.
1 he tux. ;u .is,, is call.": in chemical
I'ti.iMLV a hvdrated pho-phatc of
a'-.Mii.nt. This means that it cn-s-t-
in:!i!il. of phosphoric acid and alum-
.:ia. at nr with nearly twenty per cent.
rfwatr. It ,we it- color to -mall
' miti of compound- of copper and
i-ax. it tM-ctn-s blue, pven and blui.-h
j-rN-K: bin the hanj-e to a pale.
-aao.lled. or white 'ol,r. which inferior
-Un-qtto:-es undcio. jrenerallv take-
gila" soon after they are taken from
tJs mine. The-e color- are opaque.
40V only very alihliv trau-luccnt, aud
. .1 - .. -1 - - . . . i oiu tiiiiies. m un- iiairisuuijiu im- i tlf Minrci. vnn itun t l.n . ' .. - ... - .
I.ui the timpioss,. still ivtam.meoi inveterate opium-moker-. Ajmoiilture d,-coven-d in ihe ar-- 7x i .7 ', hvJ ki-m! nn imprm. - . "
.-mv-:.nous pro-rties. and tiaunt- i ne-lectcd. Tur.juoi-deali:,- and ,.r?;- ,X ., " u-ot;. ' U W1" V" Jt nn i-un , U .
r. .. .. t e i - . ..11 . .'chive- ot IVnn-nlvania that William ni,mK -Tha"s eurht Aiv thnmt,1 ' ' ' iU-.. ... "fr
- inthefi, -of m,,JernM,cncc ;- u- gam- maKC the people carcie- ot, - nh. Tha r.pht da thrown ,.r R( ,hkh,,r , , ,r.,lK J, a
,- mowv ain thins e!-e. A-a rule, the m-mcv . . OIU1ifuf m, t to the J U Llli"L -.: .r.- : m f..r ... . . ..
"v ecci'i i -4 turn- pale, lvcome i- .juicklv -pent, and men vho ea-ih . .. . . , , . in u - ( , .., . i
..... , ... "... . .. .- , Indian- for a tract ol land. Then- ..t .i.v ri.r .m.. . - t ' - - --'.. .......
;n iinr ii'i.. t 'r. m itir, )-
i jtp m tur ,i'
more h.uiy v!u. d t!i in a ': 'u on
NoHafJaj-, m vt. ji-f !! hai- n
j:tifi-' with "ithT tr :o i- -t n
jir--i'nis m-ta! th'it -n l. it-i'v j.i.
taken iir how j" nif-nor .i!u K
tbT riv-n l ;-ar. nhwh i- of th- , taint- ii-.Ir:! lix-n thvn t tati
naww barln --, or inaJahiti-. which i- ' uri'lfn'.'t j r ! - . -.f t .' "'--ft'r.
miiit !c im-'ak n for "'r -n -....-.-. ti r'. - i '. j :i
tjrU':. aii'l lnt:i an- ni!ii'n n:i!- , "Ma'-r ; a J:.if i-.ti i .r t'.-- ! :- r !
j ral- Uut t'i r. i- h r!. ;in n:in r a j .ri a J.ip ..,r- J !.r ,u...- itjj
natural "ton or th -am. or tn in- , out t,i- :t' j- wor.u U'.ixi"" II
f rior, li ijiii'- th it an I confti'!-' -tiv ,,.'. .J.". !,.. . . ...
1 w !.! a !!! TurjU'n-- l ii- mi.
n t f -ni- fo--i ti-tii v ij-n ' .r
uuh j.Ji--t.hat of itoti i,.--. h.).;iir,
tr- f!.' it. -!.. tinT- r-I
-oitf-i-i'i!i, iu i in... ti.i- uii't.ii'
tV r It .- t i!il oJ'.nt.,. ,,f .
' ! ttmjtjoi- uhi. -tht r i. -
i"kiio".n i ji.'.3-r-. - th on- w 1
! tur-jiio.-.- i!io',i- it -a-i' r
n: i iiii ! r Jh in to-"oi
har . n-t i
iu uk'tiir- of lt n'irii".
a.j'. i. j" j;. i
ai tf fiiiiJ i ::n -
t .t tt tu'ji..t.i . hut tJ.- forii.i r !.f
! r- it I !- i a i-l :n Th n-'tiif of I'
ll . 'hi
'i ir ,ti .- - an fonn 1 in Tilwt.
t ..ii i an 1 t!)- n")l'!.'.rho'n o
Mom, ..,. ,mt a, ,a, .,.. .,r, j.;,,
-t tti-J, .- -in-fi'v for j. vt. I. r j-'.r-;
- .tin. . ,.jii .-t uli',!! from tin-
li ' r tt-J I' :- in tu.ri -. V-rv Iitl
.i iil.'imvii a'.iit tin- till a r.mark
I '
i-it. i. -ti:i a:i! h'iuti- rMort
jo:i t!i in i r-- nth furiii-ii.'I '
1. 1, u-i! ror.'iu iu- i y Mr .1.
iioiittiin N-ioinll.-r. v.ho ;ii for a
I...l. I - . jar i
-hort t:ni.- iir tor of th- niin
'I In",
- tM iifl iu a rn. of itioiut ut
, ' ...n ut.-j on th- iiorh an op.-ii iJ uu
.n :n- i! n ii-t:. t, t;urtv-t
- " hw.-t of Nih ijur. t
j-ovun"i of K.'i..r,t-- tti ! ' i -
u th t ti..- Iri"'ht. -t hltn -
' Ij'in 1'o.-i- If iur- t. '
'iM '. -tijj.-- -f !..'
-Ior of -i .'. hi a w.lf i- i ' .
thi-r i no of it wu '
,tioi- -iii'-s ( cur. Thfir o
hi ti; tn- anl -i thou-'tn! t
ahov. the l-.-I of t!..- . ::. ainl .t-tnn
north uiml iIov. almost eotitinuuIU
ov-i ihi- riIsj. - ut ihr hill-, r.-iiinTiii
tn' "it si tl ion 'rv iiranhi.
j ...
' ': ami tmilo rrv tnt-. nr wM
-nM" at th.- lovr !; nl th - -
, :;'i-
j f ;-oIoi"a!h. tin- Jiioiiniain- an roni-
j p ..,-.! ,,f v.niitoiif and niimnmlitir
t liimsion. - Ivin on i-l.t v .fab., am! in-
,lo-in iniim-iM,-IiihIh of rp-iim ami
i rorkall. Hut t!n-.i ttr.ititi.l r.M-k-.
:tr. 'irokrii through and .-tainor-
niio-i.-.l l.y rock-of iimou' origin. -.nrli
a rri-'titon.-. and porj)hv rit. 'I In
lurin!.i-.t--!t,-anii; v-in-. n'-cnr In tin- j
liii-ianiorphii" -.trai;!. and thtr mm..
rop-r -ou-i--l of -.haff- ami jal- ;
li"ri-. in h- solid n-k. TI"iv
an- also dirin-" in tin- di-tritu- of
,n,u,r:-t,l rork washvil down
toward- th." plain, and it i- h-r' h:t i Ntw t3wicsriiiit.ui. -torn--, which look i tin- Int turjiioi-cs an toiin-l. j well at tir-t. hut on chanjr rlu-ir
A utiiuU-r ol th-tnim-s arc ancient an! i 'ohr ai4 fad. Mr. Si-inn Ilcr rtv
cry ct "iisic. ami altiniuh most of j an iut.ti-c f a r. ntlv lonud ttir-th.-m
an now ntoror lc-s in a t it.- ijmisc. a- Uire as a ,j:ilnut ami of fine
of iic4i-t. Mr. Sc'uudlcr s that tJr. In pr-scuti .! to hi- M.ij-t
the jre-,ncc l tuanv old shaft- now (
Idled up f..r liht and ventilation
troc- th it tlnx liaie at om
tune luv-n -kii!tuil work. -d. and were
juohaldv then umi-t ti'Vcriiun-rit con- ;
trol. itut th,- aiM'car to hac
iieen. for ne.irlv two centuries,
farmed h the villap-r-.wiu oil think
of a uiek return for tin ir nioii.y. .n-.l
tln-relore cut awa tie rock w in re r '
that in which .iu-minin is carried on t
e!-ewhcrc. and it is a curhnis illustra-
1,on o1 l,wv H,,w"
'rMi.scs are alt r. tl in the K.tst. that J
?nm"wi'T -hould have he.-n u-d in j
thc-e mine- only within the la-t thirtv ;
,'",r- loll it i-not -trance, as can he j
"M' n " "M,,"" examplesof rock-hla-tin
at liojue. to learn i 1:1 t lie r.-ii t- oti-
tained In -junpowder are. in one -view.
less -at isf acton than llm-e e;,t iw the i
pick. The p.m. icrloe-more work, but
. .!.. -m . . i . ti
llt-iv we mai -:n a fexv word- about I
how it fare- with the people who arc j
iiccupicd with the uiinui- cuttinjr ami '
ii- .- .i . ..
-clime; ot the tur.iuoi-e-. About two i
iii i-i i
hundred mcu work in the mini- or at
the .liffirinjrs. and -om. thim more
elder- ot the i ill.-.... hm- th.. t,,r. .
.ilioi-e- and S.-.I them to merch.mi- !
ami jeweller-.
.....:.. , ii:.: .. .i '
i iru.uii aw.iuioiiiii
n...i... ..f i . ,.i ....i: u .i... i
iiiiiii"! .". ii.iuu'" -.ill ;n m I'lMl-ll me
- lone - ; bu
it thi- work i- doue ei-e- I
..i .. n .. :.. .i. . i: . ... ...
vh -re '
- ..., - mv.. f...t ti ,.t ..,;..,. ,-,,..
u iii'n. :l w.'ii .is iii i.B niinii viit-Ti i
- ii
Mila-e- iu the neighborhood of the
mine.- i- about twelve hundred, and i
the inhabitant-, a- in mo-t mtninir db-
tnct - . are improvident. Nearh
men. and not a f-vv of the wom
all the
men. atv
jun! to nitv pot;
-tcrlinjr per annum, have often nothing
to eat.
At the mine. the lonptoise- are
rouirhty divided into three da. e-. of
tir-t. -eeond and third qualitic-. All
.! - . ..- 1 ! . . j
me Muiir- ro3u an a--i coior an t
. ,.l.. 1.-w. 1w.1..t - ,h, r -
tavorable -ha, Kdon- io the nr-.
cla-,. Rnt how cumn:-ly the.- vary 1
in value will be be,: umW-too i by ;
uuoiin.iT lr. Sehindler"- own vrord,
It is impo itle to t:v ain- pnee. or
ela---:fy them according to different
.jualitie-. I have not yet -ecu two
-tone- alike. A stone two-third- of an
inch in length, two-tifth- of an inch in
w idth. ami about hah" an inch in thlek-ne--.
cut ;Hi.t':i (conical) -hape. wa
valued a: Meshed a; three, hnmired
i f - .-
r J i t..
i do. i M
!u if ! k
r ' . ' ".t-r i -r - r ..
I! .
- ".r
:.j.r -
m U: ii-
' i '
- .a.
i-;j. r ti t
i .
- :. . ' r- li j- .! . '
! : r j u -.-- . -'... f
-ii th- t :
; r h
t t'i-
.n of t! K. -.--" t
Vi. a;
) for tar
liTl'J " ' !
i.i. r
o'.j " . .. t
M - . I f '.
I. ..- .' U . T. i-
in. i.i i
-. i.t I
in ..;; r- ... .1. 1 it w
, !. r- l U t- a ii- 1 at -l
h-iii'lr ii jx.utj'i-
iU'iT. h (" r
h t "ir- J .ii.-. i.'tv
I in- mm i.!iil 'r-
! :i.v ".-. .
.i J- tor :t t'.i
viii'U'j .- !
t r,ii'ii- -,'. i.'M- jH--i
-:'! of .'. t ih. tn r- i- on.- a!'i-U at
wo t!ion-.u.t j-ouu'!-.
l"'i -
-. -oii.l
l II I-
. if r .r
;tr v..i
j, ,!..,, j .... !
: t t!i-
I..!l"" .
i" r
-i r-.-!-. hnn a ti ::li '. jart tlu
nr." Ih'-ittt'T tr" u. t! u--l
- I'm mi fir t'i !
- !ior-.--traiiiii."-.
or it on nf .iri-
',' -i. .1 i- Will th
onuiio. kni-1- of j v. r in.ili
'.r. , ,.,,., ,,f t ,',
r ij'
.i , -
mi in tn j: at t!.- r itf of jnuii two
to tlir -h.iliii" i..-r !.i..ii-.iri(l It. .
thin! -Ia ar-
j t
i i - i
I. .
I . . . ., r .
. , ,
, i ,.- - '
, . , j
(. 1 ,. . t
, m
- -..tin - , . n ti ..
form, th.-ti..'i r. !...-.
j low ilroo or .! h;u
I .1
U I - . rj
turn "i :i '!
I I V i i .
I-. I :. tai-
I .. hi'jiHT
j th-1 otucal ami mtur nrf:M"S in th
; two I.ttt.-r. th mrv thf an.
i pn.ii. ?.on.- bin :i lim- .-.'j- oI..r.-I
-oii.- ran W aiJ.mtai,'i.ii-lv rut into a
' oiniai -uhi- oiu of j.ah- roivr
wonhl aj.pi ar .tlniot whiti'tit tn- ajw
"Innjn iw-, ar- -ut hy tin- hand oi:
hi'-s ni.uh .f a i-omiio-itioiioi cmn-v
ni ?inn 'l"i'f ar ajt":"wanl jol-
iiil hv li.-inir "uhiM'.fon a tini"-jrraiii-d
"aa'.-iiiiH'. ami sJn-n m a ttt- ui" oft
I.itlMT tvith tur juoim- ilut.
iJ tin i-w inim- w Jikh yi-M jjood
ttirif4oiM". mir oi two an dani-mus.
n aitwiut ol tin loo ruhhi.-.b t!nv
, entail 'I In- oti from ivin.'h tin? In-st
j of all an- ohtaim! it-M v-r U'.
the Miah. hich In- -n f..r onl tw
!.-. whei it U-cai- jjreen ;uui
whiti-h. at.i tin retorc of no aliH-.
I hroiihoul Kurop- there ha- Imn a
rr. at lali in "Um pru e of thi- with-
m the la-t levi ir-. ami it! sm m
lhat thi- is v in"- to the f u t that Iar"e
uantitie-of -ton,-- whn h appeared to In
ot wet. reaih of fujritnt
coi-r. hoI len dispo-. f of not Ionj;
time it ciitirel-, lose, it, .ri-ht pla of
eolor-. Itth the tunjiioi-c ami ihe
T" arepecuu irineontamuij;a con-nt-
r.lK- amount of water im their cum-
iM,-""' '
', '" r f a lino tur.juoi-.- h:u not
e-capeil the notice of ciiamcih r- and
jtters. For centuries, an nuiiationol
- luarai-un-iw- ami ioeiv mue na
li.-en annli.Ml nn..M-..! ..v .,.l.r, t. tho
ejui-itel tlei'orat.-d ott rvi IVr-n t.
()a "'' io-t .pen-ie and jnrhap
in tm ,ltter na-f "f "l r-nt,,r
t"r..uoi-e blue i- often a conspicuous
,,,,lor- '-'..wani- the nnd of th-rentiin.
when she director- ot the far-famed
tii'trtnu ch-iti"-ed the character of the
' "V" u.ui o u iu.w.hi i ui ....
I ... t . . .... i .-
,n,n:l lo WM OI a naru J,:l' "r l"Ml'
li uworauou w i.n a lunpmi-t- co,i
W:" n ,on'r lw'
Hut modern
:!- !. it.'
l-UlTU-n noiVelilin. UKe Illi- Oiil .-i' re-.
i- i -.; pa-ie: aim one 01 hmk on -
:. r - a i - ? ik .. " .... ...
u hith "r -Iv--- i-itVord-hire pott-rs
l,r,,i, i- the -ucre tul pn- (
diirtioii upn it. in recent year-, of a
; :UJ" " a,r -u.l-"- '
V r s JvUru L
... 1 l VI
- A new origin for the term "paint-
ins; the town ri' h.i.- U-en du-j out by
thattriU- ot Indians nllinj: themsclv
up w un taat tiltv .iilon.- o. rum an
doing the rreat decoratinff a-et tn '
iTirvatj -live pound- of rd paint. Why ,
a cowt:. t,Kt or a .awa -.ympo-ium
- -
... r i . . .i . u..
" ' noim"- compsrw ?
abori n,., carmimHi the vicinitr of the
f whwm dwrfl BllIv-Pettn
pJi7 . L
u-ar caae
renuire? renlantine
vvji-t in three vear? in thi'
r-ta:v but only once in twentj in Cu
ba. OJbcc.70 TtnuA.
At a recent Austrian court recep- j
rion .-o:we ot the titled ladies wore
train- tweuty feet long :oibe:rirejiaiea.
J t i t '..- - .1., t I I
. i.i.'jh J- 1 h- .. r in
-T- . ? .9 TT t 1 T 7 tclfS.I irnfM.. lttlfl.-f.-T.f ! .. .1... ..
jjjjjj i, .... .. I r.T ll.-- I --f l I .. I" . .
tic comments- "ansi imagine. ..Tt... u rARtt.;n,r...,.,i n. '-.. -..,
1 .
., i
ii i ,nta, j atiri a; t.
T - . " l!"..' "
M t V v
.i .si l. !L r
iu .'iit ! - ! . tr
r-"jii4 'ih i tr :
' - u ! it
!'Hir 'i;
It 1
t .:
t v" t :
: ot i :
... .,: .. ' i j.i ,
:..- pr .J..' l.:,
V r-
T i
.it. :i.
huii'Jrt .1 ! t troni tin
r t : - : - ! :
to .i ti . . . . !i .... a ; .
ro. k
r-:u-h tin- rovk ! "J" t! .. -
- a n . ' , ; . :
I'i!i- i n .- f ., ! V. - .: .i
!!! OJ. II ai! t!"i t ik i'l I.i. o ...
o .m i.-w our 2i. - r
At ..
- t-thl x:ro!.ii, w.-rr a.
in u ! f
'.'! I '
i l
- .ti t'. r i
ttH f .-!llo, il .
it .-
tit f.r hav- not lh.m i, iiro ami .'
jr:.U fnuh t t.t. atn;
r - t - '
t -i
liot.-i i r. '
a i-ourt-. ii i
m th iu !-:
j u m ? ( ; ,
r i.
ii.,r. jt ,, .t . ,
, nti-r.I tfir- m'.i j
i ''i
.m.i a I- . tit
. iit. of tin fja- a ! f.. '
.j.r,. ffa, 8" m),(li , Ui ,
....... ti... -...i u,. . .....
,AX f. fcr,-,.t wcr Ihm . i
jfrrt :iW ,(W,.d with t
.J.fE. r-. 'Ih.--.toni l!M-r n -
w rtU mat-, and "-rv noiv 1 i I
,,T .MUn,. cio.d from '.
r,j(,f, i c,n,. ..i- o-f th- :
1 v.
i i
were arrantred ru-r thv "t.t i
nan SA.inner. u1,t!i i t' .
-ated- tt-c fr.rn.-. th i-.- ! '
-'.'ii. ;fi f' in i - -..1 ..J . . .
at nt'h ' i -
.' A II ' 111 '
room .i .- '.
ol SI
imtriiiii -I :i-. 'i
' detii.iiiitj,n; a
HrayiJian. ukeotherl.. i
ami an or.i ie hen Ii-
inorr:inir. nd hrcakfa-t-
o'clock. IF t'e tt ntnlllt
. .i... ..... .,;..,, i... ., ..t i.. .
.,..,.,; i i i .i .......
- -. ...ii. x ... '.....i'i. '- i.wi'.i
o. lM-k until nearl noo. ' a i up
rollec and au orange. - n re than
ran umler-t.t' ih The tmdi .ii-. t .
mi; their cotl. e in t'n .limn.' r o'.i.
kel at nn. ! wa- . T.tli m -thmtr
of th-f. .iirjs whit- .'Iw i !s.Tt
"ated l.oinau- nut -t hac e;pri-ncid
ihen the -a the North 'Ti har ir,
. of their day -ortriti"; 'm- - -ith
1 e-f iiid -troii"; al I '-'i
ni -elf to think that tin re i- -me -fianjr
um iviiir 1 and hrri'a! nh..i;
t hps and e- a eiht "(doc :u th
irmiin-. hut t!i id a did tmt ren,r
hit m.ikmira .'"'I hr. akfi-. Iit 1-
.w.iro , ur y j. j,,',,,,
tbw i-m-ni i ;iHiri.,.BMilB w imm
ol Hi- lime lirn olil.l.T.
He had a -ample tly . r e;, luder hi-
arm. and he turned a-ide ami cnt. red
a iuiw
u p on Laf.t-te -tre t
-I vhas werrv buv t.iav
-aid th-
cobbler, a- he h-ok. d up
-Y-. . I uppi'is . ai.d .r an- the
-- wa- the i
' " P
moirsentuous oucn
... t tu
r in Out r in i ni
.... . .
tlic-." wa- the nplv. "Mv irn-i. I.
an? thoue-ht to th-
lhall I Ke. p tile
k summer '
..1 lfcf lr r.t . hikit &kr.4 in h if
.. "
.... ..y
h.xactly. ami I iion t prop.--.- t-
hinder vu. I am takinjj order- for ffv-
-. i" t
l ou ! . pe avvav.
, - . . ii . .ii, ii.
wnnr-u' ,.i. iuik h.-swbn
"l uoan man: .-Mime.
"That i to a. toii propose to sit in
thi- shop ail summer and vr-cotira"'.-
the visit- of wmp-il msi-fts. Ih, ,,i
know how much time a man io-s in
four month in striking at fie-', '
--I doan figure ootj on him.'
That is. von think o dn t. Hor
manv cubie"fvt of air do von
oimrt through tiiat d-r .a fr
months ?"
..jaT j. si-j.'
t.Mav Hai'iion How mn It .
dovou sUppoe accompanies tha
... ,h JJTerrr buv '
"r.-sactiy. bot mom than --to
cis of dtt-i enSer th- shof - . -
that door, aad you inhale : .-- :. .
iiow many UGicrvbe ax .
the dibt?"
j -Dis -shop vhas nncer mxtga. ycu I
! see'" 1
That5 all ri"ki, but for um boors s
tjy yon inhale one bundrc! chokm
rakrofecs aa hour
! O
. t t:..
"T " '
r '
III .-v .- - r." iM
tf to -'. .( i- r t. .' . I
-i- v 'it:. !' to l a! i ' nj.
rt . -r . " '
I w m A-
5 i
t .n i.ftt it, hat n
t I
" I - :
. t.'. t
.: 11 f ' i:-' ahi' I
J ' . . ! t
. I: i. '
ii. ,
... ' . i
, , i t!-'i r a in .a -1.
-r '
b H A M I
OOMPLA'N IS ,'. I. . r
r . i t . i
l. . t
- . id . :
n .
w - !
i w ' .
Hi i. " t ' .
Iloi' ! . . .. -
i oil I . t .
! t.I. . .11 . - i .
up u!d r
I .i'i a-
imi r 'n. i . t
I W llo V. . i1 .
p.r i .- i
-s. and ti' i ' .j i
: !i at ia i. .
JT'li- '. Ml I ,
! I'l'.".' " . .
I t
i. i
t .
j. . i
,- I
.1 -'
i .
hv t
t- Iain
. d- .
. Ill '!
Ilisl .i
'.im- t
-o a-ii'
i cat
' "No --noutett
. in hear th-
in arm.'--
I' I.
i .irl .
nv .
- .. ! . .
l!'.' t ,
a uiiir-'
T V' I
iff !
ro-uc, but thh time we i- eajjh
hi v our own trap." Ihii-td Ar.
'I't. Hi :ri.r.Hi.i.ry l'rl I'.i'I lac n SinwJ?
lt.'e-. f llrl a-ltriif.
At a. tade jt;.st h el .n Tins an tra
ordtn?xy prn-e w.w. r.-.iiitd for a .-r
maU pi.e i bric-a-br. It a n
li-h -uiut-d by ia!iy at r a nn.gVi
by Hrlut. The ante. cd.-nt otf th.. pun,
were iMit tra-eI wry far On k i point
of tircr. bus the hi:ry .t - txr a
if went howed a erv 'vmjrkabf''jr'iMon in vabi. Ti.-t - -,a,
it had been in the po -ix-i . pr,
a? enth-man .'n N'v-r. v. . .,
jf rl-' i'v a-vlounded to
dea. r an ff'r of fit, h m,
for the dish Ni T'-Mii pi f e
3j not t be aUowe.J - - i
'l.-h .w handed orr .d tri
t- in a
f "tries
-i t .-tan
aa.i tlw
IV. h'lf.-
J I in $.a- d at t
"ir-'l ftnii.-. 1l.'
C ,1'
. .t-
1 f. r
!i. t 1 Iir-rUwt
A:. ' ' - r i -
k I ..- f"f tweftt-'
v : - jundr.1 fracs. -imL i.'.
tv j , Nr-thrrn TirjrnU, -.'-
,-. . .- u occurred ev manv hav
bov se poor that is dors not itinu
pasorctc. d ratxie mnstn? thrrr ha.i
v i
ii '
. i
n 5-.. -
bTC't.iv t.AtMoo.
.. i. i.lri r. V ... 1. . I .
il -
' '',,u it to cpfr.. print. um i
. .iv iu .' wi!l b ' i-t diJL '
v,.l i.f.T )'
lb ni. or
t-n VVr'
llp i " Olllf. fit
ay ! appir -r . - pj
tf. iirn fh- tk . i t . w .
r rn-fii. an-' . '.. c .
ti pi. ked over -r 'j niipod tj lit ".
lush "Mid lb.if .rh n pnasirms m .
t !alxr. it i..' i. the -;--to . i
a los .f mm h r i'tai.;. tfmt th t m -
tv U-tter ni.ujt-.! f the farmer w . I
pn.vide hi in-. J with al! th- -. 1
ficihtt.- fr am h: ft-..! .-- - .
mj hi jotock .I.t . . - it .
iK'nlit tbrref' . Ms., ... , - t
mamqpmnf r,. ,
t . v. . i
,- talrr t-wn. t - J
''rtX-Xi.lfcM. In I'.rM". VI V..
tm flfrwir 't l t Pr
'" lift" W3" f l"T '
p-mi"ei.t r
no- j
t :
d to
. S
U- -I
f .r jt th- tj -
It.. ftot.! t o r.
.i ! f ' .
l i j'. tr.ia u; t 'r
;- t p
1 . ' t
. .-.
- 1
f .
a r p.axt utrjoid b t- fjtr- xa
r --. i- : ".'.J: i :& rfi
coavi a
mmrmt .
SAi I H -,
i . i
r i'
r 7.
r 7
4 '
ft ,
-1 :-' i t-
wA . '
- I ! UMl.'.V.' '.-. ;
1 -..I:.;.- - " - .
-A-; mm! . rra 'i-
t'i ,'akVktJk. f . hr- i rSfnt. j