- A. f L& v "' -. yr-rPrr Jr jt Bi- - BK"3cB?j?!jrat,.l -s .BBBBit" ' wt'BBbW-zI"' 3-' ay " " tsr-y- PLB H b BBBBBK B& BlBflBH fll BB BH " ffifjJEuj35Brf!ftyrt-- BB Jfti yPjijgpMjgtf a ?nffrg igtT r: 'Wf 4 -52" SMffclF--- "r- yflflHBBtSflBBBBI9flV?V BBBBbMC9 - flBKf'?jflBLS'sW.flB fll X "'- .Si5 i " fc - r 11 rr J" 4Lwa& -B.-XjhT' vHflBHfelLj'mjflHIE'jraHPW .a "BBB ?5lBrtBK 'jIBBBB BBf BBB?Bfc""BBBBffBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr " BL BBBBBBBBBBBAJfllBBBBBBVOVHBhMPTVBBf IBflBBBBBlBBBBBBBBlBlBVVBlBflBVBBBBBBBBBBBiailBB3c aBr HJMmSZ' r Vi'BBBHBHrBBBL "ZWBWPBTLJ5i BBBHbHbwSKSI flfl FV3 VOL X11I. RED CLOUD CHIEF A.C IIOSMi:!:. 'ror1(r. HoU Clmiil, W'HnHvr whuij. Nebraska. Awcuklv KiuniMl J-vrf-l tn th hitre-t f Hi" wwrM upHivnMni Wrimtrr miy ami :i(l)tut iTrhr uirlMniUri 'IIh- Jursc ami lf ui)ud jf-r m Uw jcrcul Kajtublicstn aJk-j'. '!! yt-Rr. In mvjm SI M Xt mollis, in Mltrnlir- . .. TR 'lnl &tty,(ZtnHilU) tu M4ure '" Tun Cxii't.UaK U' tnnc rireulnttoii o( any .K-r In Um- rxllfjr uimI is th-i-'n- IJh gnfalrt ailviTU4nK MHiiiM intbtii -ctMi AtlviTtl iiiir ratu arcamfMi-l wttli xHMavil ol svrn i irtiii.iou furnlai-l h'ii rt-iwlert Ol It .!!; riKl-VlllMILVT. (fiiil t in in r Hrii u..ir anl lf HS r," "' 'U'J itiiirt H.rK ilti- ir!iitlj. 1'un kh Jlif nn tw I'M , an! f.'M! tor. i'Kraiitel tr no jm Miljiluiitx.it laiK'- T'.' r at Omaiiti jn-- ;ui z iMr.nt wi.rK .iml -tofk to lf a j.''mi as aii Im j.r itrt i! n. tht vn-st Vr ar iHiunil to jili as ,i! (i.itioiiv lit ur job uVmrl-iiH-ii! (ilvv jiv a tn.ii Secret Societies. Masonic. (liaril IhIrc N l. A lr A. A M. litceti J'rilj VH'iiiii fin or !h f ir- Tin- full im'kiM ami two HtieKMlH-n-.ilt. t .1 K W iMox. W. M . V. I'icMiiK. r i t.r ( vn'tir (VnmiminJcri. No 11. Kmt;bt 'Ini lar Hl4"l ctHK-U. tirnt aotl thinl Tltttr?tlu j. .1 A.'iull.-y-. K C. i;.-t (Tkwd ,)fiat.T No it i: A. M . Mated i 'ii-:itiotifc -ttli"dM o ik lifforr the fill! niMiii. m t tfkj hloHint; 11. U l'ulton, I! 1'. W C. Pj.-kim;. Si-reurj I. O. O. F. K.-dfToud IiIk-No . ! i O. 1". iH'jots 'rj-MUnl i-iiinp .it dd 1 clou's J lull. IraiiHMsta lnUirs tordla!l lnvllcd. ilny Ilutcht on. N . Win I'rk-. t,cr,Uir'- I altii H-bt'I.Hb IaIz No 1 I. () V. nifyts tin- vrond Mini loi.rth Iu-Mtys ol i-mcIi liiOtitil at odd I i'IHiw. Hall Mr llHU'UiMut, N. 0; Mr Iltrtiut HuiuiwltH.'ifiMi. vtHt' ljiaiMiiHt nt No '. I O. O. K., iiMi'tx Uh-lirst Mtid tbiitt iIim-mIm ( iiu'h i.iouUiKll O 1) I 1111 1" I). llHiiimt'll. C. 1'; It lUrtty, ScnlK' K. of P CitniillH- lMsf No. r K id" 1 . nu.'t lirsl ;iid UjiiiI 'ritd oir.Mli iihmUIi. at Masonic Hail F IlnwtliiooK. i . A (.'. Ilosinur, K. t S. of V. II S Kali-) rami No s, S V.. meets llrt and third .stii'tiitdHwol tMli month at Masonic II ill I" I. Si.iiint it (.tdain. Hfiirv I.udlow, iHcbtli .iivi-.tnt A O U. W Hod Clotnl lanlsr No. fat, A. O. V W.. merls ivtttirdiiv on or bctorc full moon and tun wroks tJU'miflor at MaMttik Hall. K. F. Ilililainl. MastiT Worl.man, II. W. P.rvucr, ltwonlcr. C A. R (rfichl l'oJ No mi. C A K.. meets Monday iii ! btdore tin full moon, and two wiiiki tlim'jifti'r. at Masoiin ll.ill A N I'atnmr, V. i , II imm II M-Is. Adjutant W R. C IIh- Woman's !: In I rs nuvls ;Moinl;i on i before Jim- lid! it oon und tl'c -it'ond Moudaj tlM'icjtft4r. Mt . morlotk ji in. Mrs. I.. It. IviiiirfiU l'li'sidciit . Mrs i: 31 1'erman. hecre tan K of L 1 .llUlflll AsM'lllb'v No .sTl K of I. . Ill"l'ts s4ind and foiirtu lhursiiaxsuf eaili mouth tn Ood I Hows lal Churc h Directory Congrcgatioal l'n.M'htns i'rj s.,mia at It 00:1 tn. and s p. 111 Suuda svhooi 1 M. 11ung jifople s ni-'t-t lUh I' ni."rat r iiuflips Wdnesda evening. Ki .1. t aikma.n. l'astor Methodist Episcopal I'lvai-hinc eT sinidav .it it a in. and 8 y 111 Sinirf.i sv-hoo .I'l't.i. in. oun piode iiis"tui4 in Ki (,ko Davis, l'astor Business Cards. j w TlTLLKV.s. M.D., JlOMCKOr.VTHIC PHYSICIAN, r. S. KxHiinnins; .Snrceoii. Ornoi- Otpisiie 15.uk Iuh! CUmd. First ICatioual Di! L. H. 1JKCK, 1'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oivk r.. Over city Pharmacy. UHice tHs only. RED CLOri). - NKRKASKA G. E. McKEEY,M D., 1M1YS1CIAN AND SURGEON, itllltloi Jt-.Ja lA-.... . oniw iioors fnw n'. i? . m.. 1 "to 1. mtd 7 to jr im. KsHktKV 3 blocks wist w( ewirt house tKU'M.Ori). - NKltUASKA J NO. O. YKISER. A'lTURNHY AT LAW. AH buiiue prompily attended to. Red Cioid, - Nebraska. -OpmcE OpiXKsite Post Oflice.. i pTj)enne"y, PHYSICIAN a- SURGEON, RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. Okkiok Over Cook's drug btorc. Calls promptly attended to day or ni:ht. QIL1IAM t RICKARDS, ATTORNEYS. Hod Cloud, Nebraska. Officc Over City Pharmacy. C r. Kaley. J. L. Kaley Kaley Bros. a TTORSEYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, XEB. Agenti for the B. &, M. E. Ji. Lands M -t, it, U M i. , -K&zM "J. c TS mmKSElLATzLJLW? w , WJL.li . XEB Tills Of tfc . -ylLLP. OVERMAN, J1T0KXEY AT LAW, RKD CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA OrrirK. Over Ferguson fc Co'i tlruj: ftoro. Colleotons jmrnipth attended to andcorref iMiiidfiiei' solii'iletl. 1'letitN of money to loan at low rate of interest. Nc ocniniissiou is eliatxed the borrow et. T K E. Moure. Pres't J. I. Miner, Viee Pro lolin Moore, Cashier First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB Capital, - 75,000. 1'r.insact a ccncral barninir bu5ine?s. buy and i sell County warrants. Alo County. Pre cinct and School Histrict bond-. Buy and ell -norcien Exchanco- DNinCTOUs: it v ! ..- tr.... . '1 ". C.Moher. R. C Outealf K N Hi chard sou. W Gl KO. O. AND R. D. YKISER, l'KOl'KICTOUS OF THE Webster Conniy Mut Office. RED CLOUD. NEB. Complete and nly set of abstract 1'' k " cbster comity. Crazing and frmim lands and city property for sale. Offick on Nortb Webster Street VABT HORN'S City Tonsoria! Parlors. Webstea-street, Ketl Cloud. Il.ne Kvu latelj renn-atel ami put in line re pair. ha ln and lia:r cutting a sjvlalt, and exivutwl lv tlie niot .i;ipmcii workmen. lur t'alliltivdi'iurtinent lia reeentl leen relltted and ue ran now Jupoh all demands ol the pnl lte. Hot ureold tiailis to miii eustonierv lri ! tvaMHialile. Hot or cold water liatlts alv-a e;idv. U. C. Cask. ,1A. MCKXY. Case & McNeny, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Will practice In all courts of this state Collections au ell as litisated business ca'reftil-' j ami clUcieutly attended to. Abtracts luraish ;d 011 application. OrruK. Oer Firt National Rank, Red ntud Neb n IE THT! ! r Apthr-t loss by Fire, LlktHt;:, Tornado aiut Otuouc?-. t:i tfee old reliable German Insurance Co. orPREEPOKT, ILLINOIS. Insuranee soliciteil aii'l looses prompUY IaltL AH larties wishinr to ttiaure will rrciex prompt artcnUoa by cmnc notice br malt or otherwise to tiie uuOerjsisHetL Chaj. JiCHArrKrr.'"' RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. DUCKER'S 50 BERLIN "With AT 91 irf A DRIVE and very cheap, and can not be replaced for DOUBLE THE MOXEV Wu them in bla:k and all new colors. REMEMBER they are not old styles but are THE LATEST NOVELTY AVe arc headquarters for Dress Goods, White Goods. Embroideries, Notions, Parasols, Fans and Dry Goods of all kinds. the season. The anly Dry Goods House in Samples sent anywhere- W. E. Yfn femPEn. PUOPKIETOK OF The Falaee Dining M. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. . FURNISHES WARM MEALS. At all hours for 25c. Lunch, Hot CoiTee. Sandwiches, Choice Tobacco, ifce. Board bv dav or week. Harness Shop, BY ' J. L. MILLER. DEALER IN HARNESS COLLARS, SADDLE HORSE-BLANKETS wHIPS. COmBS. BRUSHES HAHNESS OIL and evorytuing usually kept in i firs class shop. Awo aocrs north of 1st NaL Bank- RED CLOUD. NEB. Live Stock and gen eral aueioneer- Blue HiH, Neb. MP k i i A ?.vsr.ri f GASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST IVED ALL WOOL Eoucle Borders which we will the Republican Valley. J. J, I Will Insure Your Hogs ! DR. JOS. HAAS Hog & Poultry Remedy, Noni Keuuine without this trade mark j IS THE ONLY PRACTICAL PRE VENTATIVE OF THE SO CALLED SWINE PLAGUE. It lias never leen surpassed :u an tncreasor ol tHirk, and general s stem tonic. Aldan; dices tlon. stlmulatins tlie biliiar organs, preventinu torK?r :uid endorsement of the licr, and reuu latlns the bowels, it motes and prevents the lor inaUoti of disease cenns, and prex'nes to the well bred lns t" natural eoiistltutlon Where It has bivn Ktl to such animals m the precrllK-d iiuantitle-s, and othrr directions faftiifully ol sened, it ha proved to ! a thorough preven tatie:untnt wme diseases. AS AN EVIDENCE OF FAITH. in tuv remeih I make the follow in? offer. - 1 will insure henis of swine of mtt le.ss than one hundred in tiuiuder asainst disca' at a Mitall fee ht head pnmdol thev are fed ihv remel under m direction and prove ujnui e animation prior to contract that tliej are in a he;ilthv eoiidUnm. and an- mither ln-bril. close bred ot the propenv J.if .in lu 1. I well forfeit sl"0 lt to atr bTeder li-tv ofler toex.unin' lor iusurniKt I deeitiM pnvid- v rd hf forwanLs reuiltence toeovermv 'ieiis to and tmm location of ho-. or 1 fail to provt tn , the atisr4Ctioii of anv dLsiiiteres'd partv that failure to respond to invitation is jratised hj ; prior riunurement or b matters of at least niu.vt j imjsirtauce ' 2. I will forfeit c'o if 1 deciiue upon exam- J illation to iisMn-,stn-h hents.Jf mv judgment as, to their ctM dttioii of Health i uwrlMirve bv the ' reMill ot an examination aiab-bv at leat twi proirl; pialdied ,uid graduated vetenuary sur cwnis. Facts arc Bettor Than Assertions. ' I'lraM read Ihe follow in- asitioas. . ltIi:sTu". 1. O , Feb. Sin! , lJs- Ir. Jo. H.-uis. Iivkmi: Alut a jenrarooiir herd litre unmbensil alat J,TfO head, lnrsc brot out anj I no reined we had huM arrest the tnnMe tnrhses wfis havA,aad we liad to rm up' tevitnc eiitirrh tor .i!t two moHtliv VctlH-ii j heard of vour rVinedy. and t-oht trial lot. I and iec:in ftrsluu; a?aln Wt-lmvc itsel it ctH ' stantlv rver 'iwr, We havt iure Apnl last f m-eivrd alsruit ..cn liead of Imcs nti our h-nl and have Lollutda se dth from "-irtr disca-sr. l lits is our rxjvrieiMr. oar ojHtiwa s tlwit the mnts:!v has prrfntss disrase and ut uvuld not thttik ol tec w.thoa' JL As aa aid infatteumziort.,w-el lievr H to be C""t. On this point, liowevcr, wr have not made aa ar tual test, a we wxnW not rMW feed las a jn ol heps w itiiout the remedy ioarsxen trvlv. WntTE & Co. IN. B. White &C Mor writiu? Use above tetteJ have purcliasd S3S3 rlli cf the remetly J The reined can be prvcured at C. L. Ckttiiir, Red Cloud. Yncr- -5iS. ?L25 and 50 ct i-tTiiarka,. :5lh.caa-s$lta. 2Ti$. Haa, V. S. Member f I'jhana state Yetenuary Medical AssiKiAUon, Intlianapohs, Ind. 4-4 m Attention Teachers. . .Notice is ferrety avea IkaS Iilt rvaaiix- aK IW"I-Mts nu K2t UDin: frU HI. IIX ilRrUIHTill L- . - - i - - a.. . ...,. . T candidates lorteariier ol the cxxviuor. sraectisl Ultra dsvoroay ct eaca saiK uanuuucas akHHHH-Bce ai 9 a. ts. D mtt--l. tur tt:uil ri- fcBTiBHTiQa SCNWf hpiaxoj sspX 50 rW fa FRIDAY. MAY d4 SHAWLS ell you 1 DUCKER & CO. CHAS, BUSCHOW, Prosidont. Kobt. V.SHIREY, TrcnBuror NEBRASKA EACH FAMMMMJ5 C RED CLOUD DIRECTORS R.DJone-, O.C.Cn.sC, R.Y.Shtrey, Chas. Buschow. R. R. Pulton E. I". Hiiriilatul Geo. B. Holland, D. m. Piatt. (Jco. J. Warren. MONEY LOANED in improved forms in Nebraska and Kinsa. Money furnished a oon a- the security is approved. Principle and interest parable tn Red Cloud. OFFICE IX RKI CLOl'D NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, v wmk- nuLr i zJ2z a 1 1 ,Um KRagJs I I wjmamWyr ill mVZZZwWmmWy 1 mlk JH :. W tWZZ 3 1.3 jm&MMm mrtfWiF M i - rr- --tmmmrmYSAW "i1f MM " II I tHHMnKm SS V -M rMmmmmwmmmmmwmm. 1b S2 who did sot bry x Vm-xiisrl witcii. O , H. Maryatt agent for Rockford watch. New good arriving chiily. Most complete Hue of jewelry in . the city. Gity Bakery anrJRestaurant A. LAEBBACH PROP. RED CLOUD, . C-? NEBRASKA KZ' !Tin- vt3irrlv on Harwl tr, traits, confectionery, etc Bmmdjiirmred to may part of tk dtty wans and com aeals nertMBHMul bours. Ice crwua mm OjTstra 1886- have ti E. F HIGHLAND. VIco-ProHidont J. A. TTJLLEYS Soci ctnrv. & KANSAS. 9 NEBRASKA. 4 Vj XocttrS ' lOntcuOi bread, cakes, cdears, tobaccos. caniMd NO 4-1 MottOrlAl Dnr. 1 1 BANr ASTER' DCT A1TTM EST Ol1 N K- I hxintix, G A U, I Qkasu ht.isp. Apdl 22, l56. Gianrci Onitv AV 3 Ooce aratn m (iio unxtatW of time and in oowphAncr rilh G on oral Ordor No. Id of Uie CommatKior-wi-CJtiof. f arc ofeHtsl upon to ol-crxt Mcmnal Day, ami honor the hrWu doad. who gave thonuolvtta a a bulwark of safriy to our Uihvcd iiattou, tn ho; KToatct noo.i, a. woR a Uoo oowradct who hvc 5oee lht W tfv &aol roll oao, ail joio4l tiw Ur&mi Army akvo- SitJCo tho JOth day of Mav tia.t falls Oct Smlay, Momfajr, tho SIM dtty f M iv. ia th um Appotlt Wy r ontt Kvw. atd wiU H o oWorvi.! by titi- dwjKvrtmoot Cumradwt, lot nt untto tn Lhl rl uwu rorvMc, in which a rotutiltd anxt patrHitto nattoo ni.'UnpvUa m paying hotnau (o tle xotitoant of rnorurUv novv' dupisiiud : volcalom l:nlrv and iu-orilHi iiiuw on the ubloln of our hoart tlo tnvmonun of tmr horota ld. May our tlottHHtra lions Ut to tho not Id a tuiUjttOtttal of raUfitl mankind, fur tl duwla they have done and the rndiattt fjtory with whitfh they hnVe crowned the naltoti. On thi day of rucolltion it U moel fitttng that wo, Contradwi of the Grand Army, ohottld dtujday tho symbol of reverence and nlfaotioH, for tbu-c who tn their marchua have reaahed the other shore, wore our comrade, d wuarc now ihvtr historiaua and wit" ttkMKii, It wm otr l behold all that they did and aulU'.'tnl, to know that they taltorud not. Utt ciperiencr-d "ihu dark hour of imprisonment, tho help lesmossof the honuul, tho abort rharp agony of Uic flohl " Human life i not altoathur moa. tired by Uio numbur of yoarg to which it may be prtdoucod, but that if mot valuable which best uloTro life's KreiU ond-i, and when thr pajMioni of the times are ."UHod in tho Kfavc, and the men of lht gauoratton have po-'iod away from the earth, the i;aiherin plandtU of coming Koncra tionf will tcruot the memory of thoc who in a jcrottt crktit navod the Nation al lifu. But today the rdindow of bereave ment yet brocKl too her vfty over many a heart And homr, toec the j;roat jjood which their Miro uz han jinrtl. Let s. tiinn, lay txaulo the carr and ilutios of daily liJe, ook out the cravo oferury oomrailn tnined within the limits of our dep&rttnetti. no mattor what hs raok or x4Lk)n, and on eaah grassy mooml hore rest our haro lay a wrenth, plnt a SUz, and drop a 'star. Nor ltooki tha pravc of our patr! ottc womon 1 Ibrotten. Above th lowly mounds of the army tMirr, of tho-e ho remlerml Utriu jorvig; te the Ctrton i-oWior. of you i own numtHjr w'jio have iallcAi by the way, nevrt agatn to rtaiioml to the call, 'Comr , and help u. ' lot londar hauwl rUv the flower Uial .hall tod the torr f loyalty nnd love. Kach Mora rial I)y rovoal unw vacanac tn our rank, and wj arc constantly w!monvhol that we arc fat pvAins away, and Uuat we too mml oon be r4iibKstl tn the rnk.i ol the "Grand Army" be yomL The J'ju)aUu ttiforrn ehtnild 1 9 wom but lot 00 tHwnhv of the Grand rrny -tayowiof tsh? k5 n thai dv f-'T WAOf Of OO. I. Po-t of the C;aad A rray every where ceWf Knfit all loyal nrt- i j orrM5 of the day. lrt wh revorooce the fls unite in thn aii'iKttnttHm of hyraltr and affection jthir rmrs4 -le.p woil, tto ter at ! Jj-ti' lhr tro(Mind Unnbir. 1 0 prrfume f flowor mkc thrir rct mors weot, Uul "xwrcvr Memorial t)xy u oiif-rrod there artj- a u t Acjd A American rkr. a boRer earc frr Uie men ho av?d theNUvti. A npni-otal jhtjUUvji hrsrhy ex tended to a! hooorablr djcljarcd joldicr. ,ukr am! marine, ail aw xnd relnotw mutx, ad I1 jtn tjlic and loyI ctUtrrt. In eorJ, zo jotn wi;n tu m tijee c?rcmont. of its: ackno eraetlr retia&tcL !t ju reqaeswd that tbc sainLtry h mvjted to ddtTcr appr7priat di coure on the Sablmtb preceding ihe Memorla! Iay. aad p: a,tet at lbexr !IU and march sn a Jody to the church; sItsrisf, IiJeposi of Arnts, rnjru ao4 other jRfcmoxui ob4:rraac nill t forwarded Joker J 0e;JL De partment CbapLata, wb5 C5tyf N, os or before Jac 10, 1&5&. Br Commaod o! JuI3? M. ThaTEC Depart Joetit 0Mat44r. J. W. UxzlSWoC JLL Adjt. G The attaoce of teacher aaS pupil oorscfaoci?. nd other, tn Miopia tUjFwert m tlie pt. $ rralefulir 1edsed. and jf coatiaueocc a a r a5a At. ! ' . , i h r 4 It lmmWmW? & JtfZ ' j2Sl -if V. 'wk ir---a8i Ji i. mi; KJT- BiEXS2-iJj. 4?