The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1886, Image 7

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    g. f'J, 'vvvtJ"P
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Red Cloud, Nebraska.
"We- place on sale thin week a
Four-ply Linen Bosom, Kc-inforced front
j For 50c Each J
Gold and Silver Shirts are the Be?t Made.
We ha. vu bargains that, can net be had anywhere else, in
the following:
Parasols. Gloves of all Kinds.
Fans. Bed Spread.
While Goods. Pillow Shams.
. Lawns, Shirtings,
Towels. Napkin.
Table Cloths.
Mxamiin' our stock of
Men's Shoes
For Low Rates
n rv)
c;o to Tin-:
First National Bank,
No Do!ays in making Loaus.
if! Fourth Avenue Hotel !
Cor. Cedar St. and fourth Arenac.
i:ei clouik
One block wvst of the liberty pole. New house, new furni
ture. The most convenient location in the city.
Board by the Day or Week !
rieasuit iiom u i'i -m .1 i ntil.iuoii TilN- MitlMt'ut with I lie luM the market atfonls.
cii'N i ky PAi KON.vvn-: soi.u 1 1 i:i
Window Shades,
CuilFinet Pattern the Market, also Paints. Oils, Drucrs. &
Oil Pmli a
Fail I sale.
In and around Red Cloud,
Of the great Republican valley. Buy your
liomeslwhile property is cheap. ... -
.-. - . ia.
it -- A eronf
Farm Loans NecoWatpfflootWtytion&l Bank
To tfao Farmors.
Farm loans negotiated through W.
I. Overman cm be paid at the ntl of
any vear without a bonus. Kates at
low as the lowest. Money fnrniihe
orornptlv. OMce over city drug stored
9 Por Cont Farm Loan.
The Nebraska Farm Lo?n Co. will
tnaku vou n loan on you farm at
straight 9 per cent and furnish the
moncv without any delay. Call on
them 'in the lied Cloud National Dank
Ujccle Pcteu Maosdek is still husk
ing corn.
Cms. KolusON, of Catherton, has
moved to Ked Cloud.
Chaiii.ev 1'uttku is building an ad
dition to his residence.
Wr. Zerwkkh, of Iowa, is visiting
his Red Cloud relatives
Mr. Mathews i9 pruning the foliage
in the court houe park.
J. L. Kalkv and 0. C. Cage were in
Nuckolls county this week.
J. II. Smith has returned fro-n Min
den, where he has beon for a week.
The recent atmospheric humidity
caureth the "garden sum" to boom.
Kev. Geo. 0- YeisEU preaches at the
AmbovsLuoo! house on next Sunday.
DhCOKATio services will be held on
the 31st this- seaton, 30th comes
on Sunday.
Si F. ItaAinutooc ms purch.'4301 lhrec
loU near the M. K. Church, Oere hc
will build soon.
A vai.uaki.e lap robe was stolen
from the residence of C. K. Wood one
night last week.
The wall.s and woodwork of the Hed
Cloud National Hank are beu
decoiated and grained.
Mis Katie Keioee h wielding the
birch over the future great men and
maiden in Line Township.
Sami.i. We&t perlice jedge is making
some .substantial improvmcutd to his
noith end lesideucu. S.m believes in
C. V. Ckone is building a new barn
and otherwise beautifying his hand
some residence with a line picket
fence, etc.
Iheke ought to be a sidewalk on
Fifth Avenue to the I'ro-byteriiin
church. It would be :i decided im
provement. .1 mes A. Caiikiei.d Fo-,t, No. 80, of
this city, are making all of the neces-.-ary
ariangemeuUi to propeily observe
Memoiial Day her.
M hkii:i, at the M. E. l'aisonage,
May fth, by Geo. S. Davis, Mr. M. F.
Howard. of McCook. Neb, and Miss
Alice Stroud, of Illinois.
Kev. John Cali.achek, Presiding
Klder, Hastings District, will preach in
the Methodist Church tonight followed
by the third quarterly conference of
the year.
Miw. Wauke.v Davis died nt her
home in Harmony precinct, Wednes
day, May f, aged 25 years, making the
.second death in the family during the
pat few weeks.
J. L. Fkamk was taken suddenly i!l
on Wednesday while in attendance at
the meeting of the Webster county
congress, but has since recovered and
returned to his home.
The Ethel Howe concert which took
place Wednesday night, was (lie finest
entertainment that has ever been giv
en in the city. She was assisted by our
home talent. The Opera House was
The citizens should not forget that
the city ordinance prohibiU the lariat
ing of cattle or horses out in the streeti
or so that the ropes reach across the
street. Take warning, friends, and
prepare for the inevitable if ye fail in
any particular.
Kov Hutchison-, our new city mar
shal, calaboosed his.first man as marshal
on Monday. 'I he fellow had been
imbibing too much spirit frmenti and
had to be sheltered in the city bastile.
beside the rippling waters ol the
murky Crooked Crock.
At the next session of the legislature
the' salary of the representatives and
senators should be increased to five
dollars per day. It is simply an in
justice to jik a man to leaye his busi
ness and spend his time in the interest
of state affairs for the paltry sum of
The salary of the governor of Ne
braska should be raised to $5,000 per
annum. As it is now the governor
has to spend more money than his
office allows hiin. The salary should
be put at a decent and living figure so
that a nun could come out whole at
the end of his term.
The ladies' aid society met at Mrs.
Wallace's and the following oflicers
were elected:
President Mrs. Wallace.
First Vice Mrs. 8tuitb.
Second Vine Mrs. Pope.
Third Vice Mrs. Strohm.
Secretary Mrs. M. W. Dtckerson.
The name of C. G. Wilson has been
suggested as a possible candidate for
representative in our next legislature,
from Webster couuty. The Chief
could endorse Mr. Wilson freely if he
succeeded m getting the nomination
for that office, as he ia a man that
would be an honor to the coauty and
oue who would fill the Dlace with
ability and to the agrandizement of
his constituency. Wc also understand
that Mr. Newcomer will be a candidate
to succeed himself.
It. V
?,,r,i.i .w m Trw,l- fhi ' The board of education met
j week and organized.
R. V. Shibey ii viaitina in! The ladies' aid society mceti at Mrs.
Mil. Jajies Potter has gone back to
her claim in Colorado.
FERVirEs at Episcopal Church,
Sunday, 1 1 a. in. arid 7 30 p. in.
Howaud Cvthek is building a dwell
ing westofC. W. Kalcy's residence
I. Ii. Stan'sKU, who has been on the
ick list for many weeks, was in the
city this week.
Attoiin'ev VEisEithai inovctt.his law
office to the Weoster county abstract
office, ju-t north of The Chief office.
We call the attention of our readers
to the farm loan card in another col
umn, of the Frsi National Hunk. The
house has a larire amount to loan on
real estate security.
A new Knights of Pythias lodge will
be instituted in IJlue Hill in a ew
days. The petit:on ha. been sent into
the Grand Chancellor, and will be ac
cepted Calanthe lodge will do the
Mu. Titus, a prominent farmer of
Iowa, ha.- located in Webster county,
on A. F. Lockhart'a farm. Mr. Titus
was up in McCook, but did not like
the country as well :ir in Webster
John Storey, of Wells, Henry
Cook's favorite clerk, will live in Kcd
Cloud henceforth. He had his Wells
residence moved to this city Wednes
day. It took eight wagons to bring the
house here.
Tur Webster count v con"ress held
it.-. cgtJar aC-s-ion thi-. week. We
noticeu acnaior n i, . r i , .
Hill in au wnl'1"1. The senau '.'"
uotten down ' .wusinr.-s, aim piiai.
matters right th rough.
The city counciV should by hook or
crook extend the corporation lines
ea-t and west and tak? in little more
territory. The line should be a mile
and a half each -way, giving us more
territorv and moie tax jiayeM.
Mi:s. Kino, the installing officer ol
the W. It. C. i- to deliver the memorial
speech at the decoration services at
Blue Hill on the .'1st. One thing is
certain, the people ol that place will
listen to a good .-peech, as the lady is
well able to deliver it.
Two pieces of beautiful nw music,
together with a large illustrated cata
logue of musical good's of every de
scription, will be mailed to any address
on receipt of only 10 ccnti in coin or
nostagc stamps. Address, Will L.
Thompson & Co.. East Liverpool. 0.
LirriEi: list for the week ending May
3, ISSfl.. D. H. Brenley, E. G. Bean,
W. E. Davis, Chas. G. Dalooner, Mrs
Walker Graves, Mr?, Julia Merriman,
E. I). McCartney, B. P. Wilson, W. S
Perry, K. L, Honey, Newton Itoberts,
Ella Keno, C. A. Seckler, Sohnon
Temple, John E. Yaplc.
6'rs. Lautekuach, our enterprising
baker and confeclionei, surprised the
Knights ol Pythias boys on Tuesday
night, with a freezer of his best ice
cream. Gus 'nvs jut how to make
fine froair -"tarcd
r Vonc Kfiiulne without thl tnulo mark.
au)iu neiT lnfii sHr.iscl as an increaMtr (
( and general ostein tonic. AkIiiik uln-f-"sUiitulnlhiK
the Miliary n::ui, iirvwtilin
th iT!UuUii:on;fmt:ntortlieer. ami rrcn-,-
UieliowfK it moc ami presents the lor
1,1 inn ol UoaM: perms, ami pnrorw to the
pa hrvil ls it natural oontitutioii. Wln-n
-,, mhct'ii Ifl to inch .inlinaN in tin I'noriN'il
,,,' itltli". ami otlu-r tHrt-vtioiit faithfully !
I' ol, It h:vsirot'il tohi a thorough jtrovt'ii
G c airaliwt swine tliM-'OM.-.
al iy rvuuMly 1 make the following orter.--
ill niNurc iK r "i mv i ii't .-''.
tllPTTTTrv-iii yiitmltT :alpt
ng one ot his
iy bought the
farms west of
BnJt'iSaB'. at
The following officers were elected
at the last convocation of Cyrene
Commandery at their Assylum:
R. C J. A. Tul leys.
G. lv. D Jontfs.
C. G. D. M. Piatt.
P. R. B. Fulton.
S. W. J. L. Miller.
.1. W. R. L. Tinker.
Trcas. G. W. Lindsey.
Recorder M. Birney.
The Ancient Order of United Work
men of this city are prospering finely
They have a large membership and on
last Saturdiy nii;ht they received the
applications of 29 candidates. The A.
O. U. W. is a worthy society. Beside
giving to its members a benificiary
certificate of $'2000 payab'e at death to
their family or leal heirs, the lodges
hold fraternal intercourse?, watchcs
with the sick, and cares tor distressed
brothers and their families. t '
certaiuly tlourishing like the green
bay tree.
The Farmers and Merchants Sink
ing Company will open their doors on
Monday next for the transacting of a
general banking business. The Com
pany has been delayed for about aixty
tlays from opening in consequence of
the safe company failing to get their
5afe here as contracted The Chief
wishes the new firm success and liopei
they will be able to more than fulfil
their most sanguine anticipations. Hie
gentlemen connected with the bank
are a guarantee of the soundness of the
company. ifce mc:noratorj are
A. A. Pope's this Friday afternoon.
Juiwe McKKiGHA.v'.has one of the
finest three year old teams in the
J ake Seller. ;ity marshal of Or
leans, and wife, have been visiting in
Red Cloud tins week.
Special sale of ladies' shoes for next
30 days at the Golden Eagle. Read
large advertisement.
Ax extra good man and wife wanted
at the A in boy Mills to keep boarders.
Good house and accommodations.
J. Q Potter and wife have ret.irnod
1 from the tate of MUtouri to Webster
county, where they will live in the fu
ture. Fkvnk Jones, of Scott, has moved
his family to Republican City. He
will remain in Red Cloud for a few
At the meeting of the board of edu
cation on Monday I) B. Spanogle was
elected president and A. J. Kcnncy
clerk. Both are good selections.
The Rev. G. S Davis, of tun Method
ist church has been roaming around in
the western country looking after his
claim and playing cowboy. He return
ed this week.
JrikjK McKeioha.v now wears his
left had in a sling from the fact that
he has his second fing broken in two
places. The acciden occurred while
the Judge was hitc
Mi:. Moos, who lat
Elliott and Tomlinson
the city, has about 200,000 feet of lum
ber on the farms which he propose to
'make shed of, and other improve
a The Chief is pleased to note
" v -:-e of the Michigan brother
the entcrpt. rt ,.
', , "niic of the btrcct
v. hat has bee ... ,.
. i r. , foi) V UP the
sprinkler? It seems to a II"
street (when the wind bldws from
Kansas) that a sprinkler is just what
ii needed to lay the dust. The enter
ptise is a laudable one, and one that is
much needed provided the work is
well done.
Now would be a good time to talk
about water works. A good artesian
well, or something liko that, that
would allord a source of water supply
thee warm dusty days so that a fellow
could lay the dust in front of his
business house, would be exceedingly
joyful and decidedly refreshing.
Considerable complaint has been
entered at these headquarters on ac
count of the fact that the city dads
have not ordered the crossings put in
on the sidewalks on Seward street.
This chain of walk should be com
pleted soon, and the gap filled in be
tween ). C. Myers' and the Methodist
chun '
I.v 10 New Republic published at
Linct Im. we find the names of several
ofoui piominent business men who
signed the petitions for saloons in this
city recently. The Chief faiU to pco
where this movement .v 1 1 1 help the
cjreat cause of temperance one iota.
Judicious treatment of all important
luxations does more for the cause than
hinodic attacks.
he Chief's "devil" is out on a
kc for oight hours' work and fifteen
irs' pay. So far all ij serene about
e headquarters, though the chief
;ul threatens to strike unless a few
R. re delinquents pony up a few dollars
pur dads. AririH
fes, our ,,inip"has4t'one to jine the
, still The Chief will continue to
blishcd at the old stand' as usu al
m Hj. 50 a vear. Subscribe at once.
fficer Cnorr Friday night put out
p tint might have caused a con
ation had It been allowed to run
easure. He noticed quif a liirht
'-lm Street, and wondenn what it
d be, hastened to tae scene. Once
e it seemed that a hammock on a
hbo-iing porch had -audit fire
p ashes that had beeu thrown out
a fence and were tanned into a
by the wind. The officer put the
tit in it incipienev, and thus
sayed the destruction of property.
People should be careful.
To teP whether a town is alivo or
dead: The first thing you do after
you step off the train is to hunt up the
town newspaper office and invest a
nickel for a number of that journal.
Then seek some shady, qtnot and se
cluded spot, where you may read witfi.
out frsir of interruption. If you find
no home advertisements in the paper,
you may know that the town is dead'
without going to further trorblc; but
if you only find four column' lor cad
ing matter in a lorty-cu: .t column
paper, you may know th- town 13 ahvc
aid too proud to keep Me fact to her
self. Such a town i where the far
sceine business man will Iocatcc everv
timc. Exchange.
The Faith doctrcss, Miss Behahn,
has certainly created quite a sensation
in this city by her wonderful mode of
B1 1W '
20 per oent. off from Itcyular iBricc on at!
Ladies' Shoes.
member we offer you a chance to win one of the following
four prizes, July -Ith, 15S6.
wKfti5TK jrirri to tr.
treating ths
and cauoing them
to bo healed through faith alone,
stiver al f whom in our city can bear
testiar ny to our abortion. Our re
ligious . ditor does net understand the
exact rivJuf opcmndi ( the treatment
but suffice- it to say ti at she has many
followers, and many call dailr for
ner to cu: e the ilia wl rch flesh is" heir
to. Many marvellous coses have len
treated, au. i manv are ther vim rlim
to have been made whole through her
laith, rhe lady Uses no medicine
wliatever, but depends upon and cures
by religious science alone.
For Sal Houstboid Goods
Consisting of stoves, bedstead mnd
matiresses. diairs, tables, carpets, tc,
all new and in good condition. Will
known to the people of ibis section ai ; be oM cheap. Cull at ConsrcgalioBal
straightforward, upnghu business men
in every way capable of running a first
parsonage, next door wit of J. H.
terman's rcdenc.
Kir. J. G. Aikmxs.
First Prize $20, Second Prize $15,
Third Prize 10, Fourth Prize b.
In goods. Every purchaser of c5 will get a ticket for a
chance in above prize?.
Wieners New block
. lit
m: '
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i J.
clue baking institution.
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