The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1886, Image 6

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    .. uHJliM.i'UI TWJIJl KWI.WI 1
--. .
I I 1
'i. .
r.r.rr.'VV'XJLOTn) CHIEF,!
I A ll ! Il J J J
il 1 r l r J. i "
- ' -J J tosNIER, Publisher
' I It -
Mi i, A
TO. - -
I'm afraid ou m nit, i,-
At jik-iii on it ... ,?biistering ftcamer Cftv of
w hi tell von t '
,:i? iir.f.n nccinrfi'i iorifiifu ai
. i 1 1 e r . I -
M, "i at, Fla.
v .i -
WfF liw fortlio immc'lrtl oxfoiltioil
IjjU-.Jaw loruio jminciiaio ofcuuon
of train wrerkers when ajr.n-hnh! in
LIM .u5 ji:ii i;--si:u uiv .ijAii.iiii iiuwtj
Of I)'JUlU'fl.
'Jhk IIouf Coinmittc on Military '
A flairs lias nsportfd a bill to anthorizi:
lln Irt-i'lnt to c-onfor brevet rank on
oflinTn for irallant service-, in hi'lian
It was nimonl that th- i-oria I'a
cilic nvas siokin to obtain rontrol of
thf .Mi & Tr-nn-sof raihvay
wliifh will Uifii Ik- built from .Mr-niphi,
to I'irniiiirliain, Ala.
Tm. riian--llor of X w J.-roy has
TfluJ to jH-tjHn- tin- -'i' of tin
TPtftWii to Jh-Ijhii- ITM- -'iu o: tin
iiu,. miiiion io!i.u of uri -
J if. l-!jr-i for tin- p.iiu.lit of th
.'hr-c t'cntral ("t!ttans iml-bt-i-
irefts ly llio It:tir road.
Thk tri)MMM,itt k publi-h.'s a letter
in whir-li In- iIjiiuiicm -Air. (!-rfx-'i
iitilion-'. which, il
:ii2pt(l, will r 'iilt in m rion-h dimin
jf4iinjr thf vtrcti'ih, jro-ji-rity and
jdory of Kn!.id, ami in absolutely
ihatl'itir the Irih s-i:tl sytcai."
Kr.t Ki.Titr WmrNKi ha1 written to
the officers in c-liarjre of the work on
tin jifr.' naxai eruM-r, falling atten
tion to tin di-la in completing th- At
3,-mta. am! akinj; that he 1m- put in
condition for va : 'ooii :i pfe.iblra.
jsi'N rs f tie- ' :m oliaii I'acihe road
:ir Milieitin' tiadc in Ncv. VorK for
the new line ol -.! aniers to China ainl
tlitp-tn in Lppo-hion l. the l'acilic Mail
line- and li the henelit of the ( "ana- Paeilie load. The want t -tart
in .lime, v.ln n tin- 1 a trade In :fins.
'I'm: ('alilornia papers .a that the
hotels thioiihotit the Stale at prc- nt
were never -.o crowd. 1 with rne-.t.. In
San Iianei-i ten thou -and rdraiijo-r
are doinicile.1. At the 1'al.iee ate me
tliou-aiid Hm- hnndtctl. and forweek
the hae been turninj; people avaj
for want of room.
'I'm. London I'nff Matt (inlt ;ti!o-
al-s the formation of a -.nprcine and j
permanent court for the m-h lenient of
fisheries di-pnles iHdween Canada and
she I'nit'il St-iJ-s. The court, the
tin:tf s:ns. hollld eotisit if li
MienilwTs, two of whom should la
iM ricans. two I'.iilishnu-n and the
fifth shotlhl la .sele.-t-d l tiles, four.
and In oil her an American or an Ku
rlishnian. A i.U4.K-sifd reln-Hioti aaint the
'iM-ifati (! rntiictit Irok ut rcccn!
1 at Cusilmeria. an important mining
tiiuit in lite Stat1 f Chihtiahua. The
i". d-ral Coxcninietit had annulled the
local vlei-tion for ! Politico and sent
n man f Ih irn to act as such. The
pisiph-. tinder th.- leadership of Hon j ( asiuantcs, rw i-n tuasscand
l.ilhd the Kcl.-ial aii-oiiitcc. and rein- Don PcdrotJri.'oxeii, uh i,.M !
, , ... , ,. ' J I;a!K.l.,.ed. A ).,rjre for.s- of ,
t. . . . . . .
,.. ,.... ,,......-, ,iH. o.sp.ucnci toijucii
"fliion I
- ' """ j
Till-' inn. has. .if the W abash by the
Knjrlisii laMi.llitdib rs jucatis. s rdia
bh-iuforuictl ratlioad ii n 'nv, tint
Tit... t . .... ..,,.; .. t. ... . ; .'
4111. n lOM-.IIIK.IIIi'll s, l. , , ... ,
, . , ., i, ,
rarncd .. The road will r. mam
ill the hands ,.J th- receivers alamt sjK
mouths hiii-jcr. and tin u tbo reoraiii- ,
Ailtitrti will Ih- vf!V ct.-d. w ith Mr. .1.
ns President and Mr. A. A. TaJmap- a's !
.. . . ... . , I
fia. 4 i.t.-tr.r.kUi..lll lai 'il 111111. .
v . . .r " i i" '
'' " ,
Stripped of its worthless brain hes. the is conceded, w ill s,.,,u t.
come anion th- -.ahtablt railroad
pro-M-rH iu the .-ouutrv.
Attcti'is Irjral muddle has arisen
:n Urn a in o.tiM. ptencc.i hastv leis- j
latum. Anion; the acts of she late
iiriu-ral Assembh wa pr.vidin-
s- .i i .- r . ..
for the election ol (tmii v attomevs
.,..,- ,, ,..., .. j
and ieffishttin; the district attrnes
. , ... "
latum. Anion; the acts of the late
.mi ol .dlu-e at ihe end ot ihe present
Aatsr. The art unconditionally repeals
MHtitm ILT7A of the ede. which lics
. . . - - i- . "-
the f-alarus- and t. s ot district attor-
Ju-atton winch Ikw luvn romplete.1 -
k "S . ti f a 1
tin apparent ctlcc; is u cut on nu sal. ,
sn-s and fees f the att.rncvs who ,
have ei.-ht months to serve. i
AUB1. .svi:o v. a Lorsicau arou-,
:iolril. is n-portevl to ha e discov erel i
i ,
nix-hives which .show thai Christopher
Coiumbn-. wa iHrn in the town of
Cahi in Corsu-:,. and emi-rrated to
(J.noa. President Grow havin; o-j
aniined the e idenee and being- ati- !
lied of its anthenticiiy has authn"itsi i
ihe autluiritit- of Calvt to celebrate by
an official hoiidav the four hundredth
:mmv ersarv ot
tin. jliceiv oft
ol j
America. Tlie inhabitants f Cahi
ie lnnaojianis .i v.aivi
Will hold a fete on May . whon an
Iucription will be phtred on tlu hous-o '
in which Colmubn w as liorn. l
A j in-, k jimi
A viky retnarknble discocry it :: 1h eonnted among the secret occ:e ron- st of the l"th Uu4ature. and Deae
o..o.l -.i W-. .... t. , l. . !",- i ' demnei by the Catholic Church. Members at ' opptsl the Kdrnund.. bdL
. - . , . t are not ft.rladden iojo.n ibe order HK - "'lP Trades Assvrably on th
b the aceouiumir otlicors ol the 1 ivas. , Jth issued a c.rrular to the uorkmrmen of
., - .... ... t Stkike-s m nnec:ion with the eight hour u u "i " -or.Bginioi
tnv 1 lepartmcnt. 1 hev Had thai C olo- mowmlt :xk 1la ln Chicago o the !; l h:cm wluob ' 'r tiv:'
nel Mosbv. reeenth Vutsul General at -several firms iomsiel the deman.Ls,otrer "here dia-reement as to term, eittt. in.
Honir Kon-r. has lvi.n irninr over to ' compn .mists! and some risicd Mach ieoiphyertbrogh a committee
the l.'o crnmcni lees that under the I
law he wa, entitled to retain himself. .
it... i:i..H.m,.! 1-.,.. i,.,. .,,..t.,r. .t..s
... .'
aiul he ha5 been notitiod that c eral .
thousand dollara are in the Treasury j
determine what fees ihey were enti
tled to and pttt them in their own
. ... i -. i- . -. ..- ,.!.. . n ...... .... Kl i'aso mnti HrnT.1 'jri- inln 'J.irwm
suojeei to ins tiisposai. u is -am tnai j pioves ot uratKt t:apt-. j.uca . na ve ar- - .7 - -.- ltiiiar ibem a last farewelk
there tuner wa a ca-se of this kind : -v'h! t -mncab.e adutsunen: ot tu-ir "TTj: C f . 1. cwiJd not live longer aai
- , i .lirtW-ui':.- s-ui tS. tiaXO r 7 o an av- . . Met omu. rresnlio toontv. Texa? R- ... . ..
k-novvn. the olheers ot the Government '--1 stv.Jo. ..t.u .aen eat -.k .v a.".. Bl-r- H bi brB C"M
, ,, - 11 plove.1 there wiU continue umatemtptetl '" r" ' '" " '""p" "-" -ppawMwa afiatvav aad it w -
illllllilll 'V . a s..-v ------ -. --s --.a - , .-. & X. .- . . w iu.i cr-ss, I
s - s. i iiii ijii- r-.ii,'-uuiai rcra..
Gloanod by Tologrfiph and lilail. r.-
T. t. .. C? .. - t... . 1. .
fript wnj rpreioi frnm th- rif-rV. o? the
Ohio Les;ilaiur tn tUf I'uynf ;nt ration
(:! The hilt (tnnronriat n? J.uIl to or
I'-nn Ij xe u: - mansion javl A arjr
i . 1 -1 . . i a -v. -
"t . nrni.i- kh nmj'.-.i iw imr
o...- ,.,., a, ,,,. mrn up. huh
O.-tnK; .or.lniifO iintr imi .our'im nt In
Ua r '- .. t .It . ,. .-. .
in?Hon' th- Judicwtry r rrK.rt.-d
! ?iV'TiyJnhT ". pr,,h;'"t a:rr'St,fr"m
, II,.,jinjr ianls in tn: c. umry. lt- Hmw
H'.NrJ'; TUI liV,m.m 'J. "t.UT Hbo1' '?
ratin tho ima..tiM: roe az.l tne Houm
ArTKH routine luin;t !:. the Senate on t
! tllf ""th Jh- IVrtt-nnil . ( hill
- ---
was takti up an.i .). t.ale-1 at mrtb. aftr
whic b tbo wer.aT- w. nt .nto ut v . on
and thin nI.oiirn-. In tbe lluf a bi 1
b.?ua butter r. ,rt4-d fr.nn tn i om
niiito on Airrruture Th- bui hnt-o-f
aim 'ar rtr ct.ons M.n tfaf mamifaf-ture nrn tro vl ?-t diaatr'i. irt . r; TJ.
Of nn.all,n t'littt-r at lh.' tt;a-d ui-m to- , . .,.,... . ,i- ,. .., ? ... u
ta and a utimp tax of ten -n -r pound. iat!v. (nh-m nt-T" r-;-it. ! k. ! ur:
Th- Rtur mid llaitvr t il. m tbu taken up j f ,;:n' wall-. iut tii- i.un.ler wa- t: -t
.- uj uniii ai;oiirnm nt. t
fv iW. laUi.a.a. .... !. 1. ft.A t .11 !....
tfaolourtbof J.i,y l..,.,a l.,.ia, taken
up ami Pa,- ltl. 18!, then
rfiid ration .f f... p.. 'be Aj-rra
t.on l.ll tw-n-l nt- htb it al.owt I In
tb- Ilou tii- mi- m-.- ., (. n.irfe r-
trrtr I !. : ,r tl.. ri t i. t t ,1 e -, m
. ac- of th trn ! lo. am
y-... .,,,, j 'ilVIBa(('Btr.AlVm.(c
. ac- of th trn !- lo. am th- l: er !
j llttt:i::;:i ' ' "
j li th-Sr.a!. on tb .9th th .Ti.l.rth.-
I: t '!
I'r -.S nt ot th.!.!1 to turn o r lite t !
f ufif a in. d d ad paupi r lo ih t.t . t
Med nl . i if- hm uta n- ! i.' ix "-i a
t. r n.t ui t.i ti.i- ih- t, I .ur tin t.i
'lb- ut. r n r-jrf.rt on thi l-i i an .jir
pr at dii in.1 a oiei,rrel in 'er iti
pataye of vera' fir, at- I I the lo-l .ft
Appropriation t.ilt w.i- tak n up Aft r ine
d cuto!. tin --iiate adj.i.iriuii-iit 'I be
t.iii i r at tiff a diiartnint t.t apru u tnr-
taken nil in th- I.oijm-. and after n .ti-rt d
Imt a d aM and in- d-ration of th.-Jltn. r ,
wii't llart.r t, II r-utn-.l ticnuin ti W hn ,
tb- iiiiiiill-e roM th- IIouk- ad,uru d i
Tiir Senate u not in sn.u on atur- ,
day. Slay 1 An ex Itnur debate wa prunir
in the Houe bj tb- retH.rt of themnutfee
ti ( i ft vrviii Iteform. n tb- re-o'iition .f
iimii rv otli n-d ! lr. 'IhiuIh -. of K. utuckv. i
Mr Tau b. - made a tiirorou-. a-sau.t "-''
n- ivn --r i c i uiniii ii aiii a -a.r
oul refLi. ! i.i ty hfv-rjjl in. ml ra After
tb. r-rt of f-t.rtl coiiini if. - tb. t'kla
h.mii. .!! KB" cn.lcd tip and 1- n cp!am.-d
1-j Mr Iiill. of 'lino. Hie llnuse adjourned
I'i:i:-on.i. ami i-oi.ri ica.i..
Hi: I'm i n- Ki."ii who n, re ntlv itn
Ili-a tsl in n gtoot scninlalai Junction ("itv.
Kan , lain wntt-n a 1-tt-r t the I'r-sidinjj;
Klder t his .M-thodt-i .listrict, denyini;
th- cljaiK,. but at the -nine time witb
drawuiK frm th-chun h an.) lb-ministry.
He cliuin-'I that li- -juh the '. iclim l null
prohibit ioiti-1-
Tut: .Mesican CoiiKre,s has pass-I a laxv
ntttlKiriziiiihe i m of ?.i.oiiin copper
cents u !. l-jm! tender in sums not oer
:r cents and sih-riiv- en: pi.-ces at the
pl.-astir- of lhee4culiVf Tho utckel law
of Issl is rep-aled
Tiir London Mn'v 7". "... referring Vt
the re-eiil demonstration at .Moniomerv.
Ala, said "We think if would !- letter
if Mr Ilnvisfllb.tve.1 tlm i.nvt ;x, .!. n .
Le- and lienjomm did "
1 UK House Co:iiiiiitts on
Rulea has to report a resolution fixing the.
h.ur of meetin- of s. -i..;i, of ih Uoue at I
. l-en ocl.ick. !
Tntc President ha vetoed the lull to j
mak- Omaha, Neb., u port of entry as !
wholly unnecessary. "
J. .-il-ii V Hi-Nnrti-Ra lias 1-n nomi J
nafed l. the President forth. Ktmvt.T- i
ship of Urooklyn, N. Y : also Frank thrown. '
at Paltimore. Md. '
Tin- New York Tr. f April : s s I
the familv .f ft Pi evident Arthur are e- !
ss-ditu!, liopfnl that he will r. t well
lie ha-ls-n stead Iv imj.rovi.; for -eveial
d- V. st.-niav hU.H.adn. .ri wash. it. t !
than for several weeks U ith the rtfurn
ofsfn-iu-th has come hiiovanrv of spirit
... .. . - -
ami he ex I'resid-nl f Is connd nt tl .
lie Will recoV' r
Tiir household efTe-fs f tho Anstttnu
Miuister, wbo has withdiawn from dip
h.matie relations with the Pint, d Stat
tt,.r,. ,Ul ot murtum nt W .hiiigtm oa
Tin National
laln'ral Federation of
J,-'-Ptd ha ad.fl.ttNl r 'it...i. f.iw,-,1!?
Mi .iadst..esh..1aerule!.JI
Tn 1M fj mt h wt,i.draw .v watIm
I. if ii r t.ii kiu: t'l w K" k.
of Loui-iaua. ha- r smil and Ju !, K C
Iav. IV s.,-nt pro t- m of t '. nat- 1
t . lilt's m tlll I.lelltetintit (,'uli 11101
Js-1 l.o.'WI-tT l.Ms I'u it,l, f the Sell
v".s iiuii ii,--si tiie laj-ej jo ot; tne
........ ,, ,
late s. natoi M Her will not fi'ivtl mi
Mr 4 ,,,. (V xvUun tUnt t,H. .nM,n f
,,.,. vma ,.XH.njm,r(. WOstliat the f'meial
happemst when there was a cut m rats
nrrossthe i-otittnent, which made the cost
vf tnl-rttion er -mail.
Tin. v ate an has ordered th- Italian
-h","'t ''horttheCafaoIie-of th-ir re-
H,-"e .i.M-. s x irom voiin at
the ap,'ioat hitig eieiM.oiis f,ir meiuU-r-
l I arliametit
An the foreign Ministers at Athens -x-
cept tstr Hora.o Knmla.M. the Itntiah 3im
ister. bare rwiird instructions t tlef-
fret that the reply of the ..reek i.overn-
meat w me uumiaium oi ae i owors w u-
sufhcient -
Thk P. ht Rev Charles Franklin Robert-
Thk P. ht Rev Charles Franklin Robert-
- . -h"5'' Jlie Kp.s.s.jwii .,.H-eseof Mis.
KOuri. died at Irs residenej nt Jt Iouis on
,, , . ., , . , , ...
the IM after a and pamfu. ilm..
stkiki: nti:. .
A retoioi letter was real m the Ca.ito- f
be rhnn-hesai Mutnal it- nrntlv from Car-
dmal Tastberean. cademning tbo ICnigbta
.., T ... . ..., ......?. J;
of laiia.r as a se-rt otganuatton. mimical
The I animal, it was understood. iv
-SKaaaav 1..1 , I...HIA,1 k4k. 11 !. - i
.u.Ufi . -.-.. .. .- pr-
v'uc,ml M ho all agrtn-d bui
The onecutters and :naons of Alle-
. gbay City. Pa, have joined the movement
n, 1 , ....
for rcslnction of h-.ura and propose to
strike unless their de-.auds are aceedtnl to
Tnr employe-, of the Allison ear work,
nuaue.pnm. ueanv ev in numner srrncr
ntlynd the be ci,s d down
Kvrin large planing mill in "tjilw-atikee.
Yi ,ha thut down, the proprietors hav.n.:
rv-fused to a.xsede t toe demand f the
men for eight honiV work and ten hour
- aw.smw iu- ... ii
calling., were retort si on strike in Ctueairo
tv.,-,1 .y stMa ;..- K,tien.i .tirs mm
ready s join. their ranks m furtherance of
thedemaiidfor redin-icg tue honrsof labir.
Vn ak Ienekai C.wav. f Chicago
' state that the Knights of Labor can n.-t
eouinsion e.i:ed. btit no di-order warts
couinsion fM.i, :m no io.-aer wa re-
.... .
Thk MmvAiifcee breviers a Lhe JiKmtwr
of .,,, .... on ... ...
the fcraiturt nianafactterers- a
ad a.
Tiirtflnnnf M,1ritbA , Wic. toimher-
..... -. -. v.-.. .-. ---.-.-. .. . . - -
iiitr l.tA have made a dontand far ei!t
hour- per dav.
A I u or mutiny; f worlinrt'n wr.'
h-.d in U ) u . W a . r- -utlv t '..
!. .ri' tiii- attempt"! itttrod . n .n "f It-a!
ial labor . t. cn-tni. .on of natural Ca,
t pip" Lie- Ildut. m were ad .pled b.t-
j Urly denouncing those bi brought (Jm
.ritfti Ukr.f 1 -t. ! i f r r.f K. aiMat .Mr
.-..,,.. .. .. 3 .i ,.,.....-.. ... ... ....A
fit.. . .... '. ilk . T,ftkMk .I .a 1.
- -n- i.i...m.ui, ,
The !rra of & Hon, .'araitore f fhir.. and Cincinnati.
. ,. . . - . ,
on tln lo Oe MIa U ififo IM r.k.if
dIo9 Ian boars tt for ieht boars -orV
,n ;jr,!'r ' nB1h '" ruotnru,
. . ,. . , ,,,
t iufc vj r.ui'9 jAiv vn.uK r v vu .
KB. evt dipat--b Kypt
i.. i t i,-. . . ..... n. ., itu.n
; -""-r " l . " . r. ryr.vrr
icai All t.ia. 1'irmTH iiowrnw w tiar
rar. bal! undrtak a mitMo to Wdjr
..,. .. ... .i .1 .l. "..
' nrKHi" uu iur i - w- .
t t"-tlon of bot:hti
' A I IK brok out in Kmanu!'s rn!ton
k-tW-ninit, Mark.t tn San Ir.r.
:f, m the art-mo.n of nl 1 .i-
dentti! fc'.ow n
AVlk-i .. M... - hM at h of th- -,
" A ' " ',i'i ' ,;- ' '-
Mat" th ,,' ! r"k" !"", nnl ' ""
rktiri-an itv !n-t nirtit 1 h ..r
ri-in at tb-la'eof thr- t .-i -n ...
! A Vi.
i"ur hoiir- it.- i-v - ' -u "ii'n
I,,ur "oiir n. !. . ui- 'mu-. ..
-' ; y- s-1-u" "' :' ll,f
V'- f : r-'-u;1r f. in 1 n t,- 1 i
near 1 M ni'- . i 'uin ! ti.
f.ii,.J!i. .: p t'.ITi-' f- 1 v I
niTwa l- in a - in. n,' - .. i .
J it.--. 'l-r Kdward' '. , Nu . -t;-nrtl
1 V I.a'r. 'i e-. i .! i!
.ail- t Man h " fn-ni i'ah -i f r Hnhfax.
t ru tl.irtv I. .r- - d. ! i-'-.-itiv ! .? 1
Mitiia. Ark. f.i in tn- . .r 1 1 - of a Kt.ia.i
Khat caH-d tb- li'i'fa'o :iitt T h am
mil-. -u-k tb- trnat ini tl -r a.'iin Jim
iind it chokr the-ii t d-atb in a f : imih
ute A great main cattl- Lav- sNu died
Xrotn the xanie cau--S
V Fto . & t' . an I oth- ririn
fiurn-il out hi i.-iltiiimre, Md . rc mtlv
L,... fai.ijiai nurcd
A iiit u Tillage and two towns have
been burned in l.alicia. Austria
A i.i-i-at ii fioin Helena, Ark . of the 1st
as It in report-d from Minsewiptu that
a man was kill, d la-t night at Thompson's
I !a-- n-ar (tletidale. for ttittms tbeere,
alio at tuti" o c.ek this morning a man
was hung at Captain Ftiritson'a barn, near
(il-ndale. Mi . for tb? same off en so
It is -vs-j-ted that hirub l.tij;-. ba ap- in the ub-at fi-lds n.-ar Ceatraha,
111 , ui nirmous :iumlri. and tjrovieis
are fearful that the promisiti,; rop of this
3t,,r W,H "' "'rel d.-stn.v-d.
I t;?,,K-K Fka. is. .Montreal, and D..
1 A Kuchtn.aii, Terre Haute, wen- kill. I
' an n Mnt on tb il. nd-rson Pivij
of th I.. . V. nl U.j.dlet-.iJie, K
Pi..itiM. lions- r turns for weej
i Ma I kIiow.mI an average im-r-nv
i -'!nred with the ".ii.j Im;
last ear IU .WW olktll- UK IV
Tim Imdon Stock P ban-
during the WtH-f. etld-d Mm 1 A
securities w. redmoptn? 1 1 ' Ierl:i
Jo,,v ! At rni M.-arr. Int.- re!
rlerk in the tail-tic tMir at New
and Kra stuns M-pan!. ie-nth
f f'sp'ra. t . .. I. thr t. ..-n.:iiei
"''" ' Jud' iti.l.r.s to pi,
"l',h'"d to impiisoiiment for t
M" maximum j . n-iit
TiiEApul -tat. ment 4.s titit t
duct ton of tl - -il.lie d b f .r the t,
"J, !'" ' "N'- 1""1 f"" ,"' - ""
""'''- ' ' mist !... f,. j,,..
''!" a : t. n lie et . of 1 n.,
tK' ',v,-'' Mnaild th-a. : i - ,.t '
, ' " "' h-h-i-i. i - I f..f Mm .-,.! .) .,
".!... ...I. 11.1 .....
tl-e h-eal i ar w 11 i m.m -
tloti if .il o-it i!"'''"1"1
j im v.. man I'l.rr. of l!;i dej-lT
S. it.-eihi-id, ! ! u-fti
St-i t'le M : . a
no ii'T nn in ti -)it :i s,,, ,
' wa Mi.ed 1'V a i .i . tl m '
A t-i i t ! ' ti . th.
th--o.i d M I C'-ii'ii -i t
i nt..
...-j t.
. t. -i s
t. I on
ii t ii n
...-. L
. rec-ntn t v
t.Vtae put.s,,, p. , I
' J - '"- ,' " '
. n--iiti P
w. r wotueie.i tl. .a;t--! t i'h . 1 1 e
, ! t. a ens ra! the . I ur i an I an. -'
-ix it. "11
'lititir I- -rb-rs tiam-.I Im Lind hx
ne-ir Ureeti n V. - ! ite
Timi -I iii nu nit ! i. t ...-rpro -r
f r I tii - ft. -da n .1 !..- ' i'
d.i.iti' wl. !i ..-I-V..I- i o itxl i t.
v Miah.-iw eh iir an 1 nn. . rs
!. talh s'a!.le.
AtlITIOAl. lilsI-TriXF--
II ' in Chicago wa. rnewnl .
Ith. with se. ioiis Joss of life in at
in 'tod.-, mm a er .v.d of anaieiii-t
. t
.ilawnnk. t pait of the citv
the police wa- n-tnrned bv tie m-l..
jMiit l-euij timt four p-de m.-n w ie
'ami twentv two wounded Ihe anar about fort wound-.l
1 t i.s,..M.arrned in Lomhti on the 4th
'and rs- v.-d an ovation from the -oj le.
j Twoiuen were burned to death in a lire
;at SSt Johns. New Prunwa k. receiitlv
Tur tlartv-s-venth annual tueetiui? of
she American Medical .
St I..mi .m the stb
Koi u trnnnw .n. I
rota tramps were L
wmk on the 5
v ..... ...
North IWla ware, ill
she American Medical Association met a,
.tiled recently in a
& Alton railrood at
T ru,..-.. .. . .j i.o . i
captured everal Lundretl rifles Xlw ot'a r
UllUkO ItllilT I Kltn2 IT Lllil H.A
ti-icut. They Itclonged to company of
!.,,,,,, Vi,,,. r,m.a ., f.. . i, f
''ivestompse.t of foreign s-iaiist.
The (.hi. ago lumiiennen claim the coa-
dl no
!t0,i.ns io lheir rm.,h,s ,- d..a,and Tt
shorter davs and more waz.-s.
It n-i-rttsl ,n Winning that the Yank
tonts.oux and other American Indians are
thn atmmg. and have invited SHUag Bull
to j.-iu them.
Um s-"x ad other American Indians are
yur prf.,,c, Gnverntaent is vtimmdr
rri ,... n 1.,. n t.....!,
i 'ooiiHf. agi.iii tne v aiimn appoint
tug a . at lvk:n as tend.n- to intev
Urr wit i Krat.c- s stxular right, in China.
Tiil senate. ..i, tb- 4th. br a vote of ..
t Is. agreed to t:e sut.dizmg f Amen
ran vess-ts to carry mails Tue in
:, Canii Ul! Weaver csjnteste.i .-i.-t ....
rase iMn-;rmeI the right of Weanr. the
sttt.a iwralit
Tiir ir -n worker, at Ciacianart
i - - n mm .cjion svru -a iar iiours, on
ni.rv !,.-.... ... i.. . u i
Co' F.xhib t.-,n at I.ndon a the 4-h.
Miss Kate Fa; o aad a aaa.!er of iad.
? Itesmt at the hearing of the Mormoa
"aetitn. at Waahrngton recently Mr.
. , ' , ""l" " "
?. V. Z " . X 1." ConceSfeiWl ,
..-... . u- 'i--" "'
-. i
A -.A.snof Mextear. soldier crossed ia '
I ,J .' i 1 Ww '
i . . .... 1
- . xv.nwwai. awmraini
a uv s.4.nfa. ui mm a.. - - - - i-.. -. - - 1 j . .
iw" iKuiuiuuiiDtura ijew iYPiroai mervw
.. r ... .
T.T:7;7 TJ -T"
" -. cjiirs wjia a ntw io ijaa-
inrn"j :be trade and rveaf C Cabtu 1
- ... .-
A zr-'j train r-. in tb n- ;:'.
b .... . f ,,,,.,. Row dstroy-d $: . w. rtb
0f f,p p-ny
ptai Ba.a., preaidr-t of t' . I- .-.
national league, na a r . -
... . .
' Amn jo ubi-h fc
great importaa-e of n.-n an iji-iK-n
frtr '" flumrsr -'-T.-t ol tK
Infa 'ja.ton . i.e . f t s. -v f
r-niing U: OT'E.. 'J 'U i' . :..
' ,
i-cu" rf-" i "i"' a -. .
Mt.iaU fr-m all tL- 1-al r,4 . - f
Am. n -a on thm nn:.rtar:! . f r
: I'rUamnt. parte Hwia in:-
fo'w ar 1 ,' .tir U Mr l'r
I '.
,. . m. -. ..... . " u. . . . ....
- --......-
t.r .;nr . f i jvaj-r !- .
Rt l.inoiin.
lr koc Dti- a nnt.inoa t
hot twwte tv "flTt!!ii"i ti
t!." ' f.--r i iiu t . w iii I.
U !'-
a .-u 1 f ttal
1k'..i,i.-. are! m '
Ladt vt tat aai.ri-i m- in ia.
t' -
I. r k C;t i alrra v '
i i ' f tr. ' n!i ' t 'i
- ! .
.v ' ri--i 'di '.:- i I
r Y-.i.K ! t . '.
' r I,' -xi, in i t .in. nj -mna
N Y'.iL ' " a i ait. ) I f- I' r
t. Itr -c" v a" a-.
Ff. - ' ' . I a
i -'I
A la tmt'l.ii .t"f a H
f- - of 'i' -i . i : an i, ,'
p !,-..i f r , j ji , i -. I !
ai t..- n .uhrti j ri t .
fi-war Tic ' .. i" l ' r i'' - ... '
' i a
I r anii. !
: f :
" a upM
i - n i .i
nj i. :-t.,i,i r
i. -.i t :..
t fh
1 ..'
n. I !' at
had forrd th:r -tiaee
s ,f b. re.'a
and alo the ti i
o -!-Ten aJ'
in I-fan It
p!. of ! ' t
made a
-ost tl - '
dose ' i ,
that ..!- : , ,-.
. Hm '
j ' K FT
I lm- ' '
i i"
' x
' v '
1 .
Kt ..
barge as ti -
larger than '
lrK' "''
' ,c, - ",r
A riTr bvpk
0i. is amnnj
at Long Pin with , .
As tb nale of Offs i i
corn-Jaded in WavneC.nnl, '
ir waadis'-ovpred that the la
the premi-Ms was on Are.
rn aved. lat in one ml
fsmiiv arer living, who
iiooo'bo'd furniture, inetad
of two years, which wer- kep:
v w" -"" -"" -"' -
Th bare wa at-mtr feet long. an w
barely ccmp!ete.l
""!- Sblton vendors of dr;z an!
' ofiebmeats have been imlicte.1 f rv, r .-
Ji. .t nnty u"i u M- inn ( .w.
Tub West Po.nt Pr-jr ri. a ts't
ie talk of pla" ne an ther mortca
the city ami Cu'iuni entity It aaert
that the ie ; le have rs w a! the b'intenv
:(m can ouven.nt'v earrv Tb .ict t .f
the . ountv i e4nal to n per cartta. an !
of West Po.ut .;". 1 :, aw-wd va.aa'.tm
" .u-iou ,s .. ,. ,
Pr-T--rrP rs latetv etab'..hd ta N
i..v. r.i.. s. . -. r...,- i, . .
liuuter. jHtmaw Ihvi.i.- s..rmao
t onnty, if w M Jsmith. fot.uater in
. Caner Cnnty. Kottert Farv. -:
nawter. Joy. Holt County. l"ar.upar W
tiagensec-!. postnatr
Rtjtaviujc is crowuas over the jroapect
of a new brata band.
E. C Pira. r. for many year roroaer of
Waaluagtun Cmuty. and the lead ag tur-
nitnre deaaler of Blair, left bme toe otbet
o t Jmaaa atad aa mt-aiJer twit-
Uor.. NoUnng havrn tn brd .'row.
t,, . -, j a.r. k. w,f a . -... x
. : ... . f- ,. .. ,. I
'-a-y aad bad bis ai MMarrbed. m wbicb :
wafnd a tetters hi wxf.adrlulW:
. . . 1
saytxic h
con-4aol.e ta
r vexy atraoge:; .
fMrally mppama taat ae
atppoaad taat ae :
ixmamiiw -eiucaae
A iwr feU aaaaiar ta wkaaila tat aa.
ar a wae a aar-
"" - .
" Blat raeeaOy ae4 -iiUsJ.
.ra cjocojh! Dy. Riot to Chietac
aaTfW Tafat.OvLf
Tha Iadl ltr-ii Lain 1Tm rir i;taracd
iiaal lintwa-. Tara- Mwat loo J.
Ucana aS 'orialUt Kitl4
a4 Wmled.
Tirtc x.. 3lay V--A rejrt wju r-v !
lxt Dtl.t that a. j"i envr . I a! ',n
killel in th lla market .. .. ,.,.-.
i. er uv 'i -. i. ? n. It t; , - u ;
a eariy a T " had ?en n. : .
I -sr mbm tlie jak.i nd r
wot. .1 t'n. The j-Uce r' -i
olii 1 lav market oa Ilar.sloi h tre.
' : . i ri "!: : "l to
Tu ' rc t'i- v, . at i ' .
II :. ,i strec:. t' . (, u et t t
lier rJ H'. i.; t. j a. I
Ure .! i a Mc hr tciv I
X' t . t. :' ,.-: -
-s - t
. i.
Ml.': !
l. .
rc 4 i
-! -:
a! V
.-..- !
t -
.rr . l
v . I ,
; u-.-.
. . , i .
I v n;
r . i
! uttii
t .i
: u
' l,'l) v
A t? e r ' t .
i : .i
! i ' . i ,'
v !
'I t e c
d:i'. - i e. a
i o . . : ..
t 1
ii t
fell !- - - ' t
ft- w- i .-d
k d . e .. t ,
r t i. i t
te 1 er ,
"i e ' i lie
. at . i-' - - -d
e . i . : .
tr.-r , i. to !'
ow-d t ' Im " f' i
t . ft:
IU !!. W t . T- '
er toi.n.i !
'he e f. .. as
to t e '. ir i id 'i
wavs ! t
Uli" , "
st.i!-. (.
tic- i" - i e v
U f!' . ' . -H V
s'. , . ,. '
if , , . , vi r.
tie- ,-.-.,, si "
t: . ..J ' l
ii e -: i" i - r
..: . . .(!
I.iv i r . - .r
S-.'i IT' V
i i s II'
ji : i- t.
i .- . r t s. t
.1 a -
it I e-
..! - .
it . .!
' !
' i-l t - :
' '.) , .
'- .. tt aaMTfibi. "
;i,fow.nir .f ti e N'ii.'n
' iwmdled down to lea tuaa
I -oHaH-arth 1 '. t
Kill Kan.. Slav I - - fl tu ,-v
' ' -t to bni.d a cabSe r'
e - . . i. - a n'"v- ?
i ', ' i ' .ort'i, ti.r. i -i
, -. - - A m avie .,f , , . a
rrajny has j,n fr,r. m - .
'.-k of V) 0o- J.. I- It. I .
to i-Co' j. irate ;f .- r, n
eo-l -ise- e -.1 -t
I a ' i , . v :
tu o: - - "..:
- Ttj -ma f .1 s
P . a tl-.- - -
an I f ,r ieus
two b tm ir d r. 1 t
h'siidr-sl an I Pv
hih. m.k.- .- v. r
- o I".t?j.b r'.
. i'.- e;r s- r
v. -..! P .4
. f t r .2 ' - -
!.!. fit tTK
a. rs of titrrtr-
. ai-. a sWK , fr-.m tite P.nti.
van. a raJroid. rnt.iu throaJj ie
bai.din, ie.Id'rt .' il 1t- .ht caBra mt
one um. Tb. r e rar of the hoa
w "ia-i ia'rttr'iit. rtau-rgB
. - -
- - , .- t d tr.aer m Ameri- '
ca, ' - t wind and rano ar lir
" .. m oilier part- of ie worfcl. ,
In i-h- imra-tve plant atn -at Irm-
Uarir. in Scotland, a tract .srmla.ntnj
-w,--t-- H..- w .-,.. iracv. . M ,w. .-. ,
?t- i rrpornra u wi; r-
r. to clear U &tmd of la W .
x. Mm t i-. .v. u. . I
" ' - .-..-.,. -,- ..,
fsrimU&c 5,ciett the .Khr rai6ff.
Dr. Xoelaail aC tie latv-t pne
w,ve- immxr tke Haaf hai ,. Lr If
fj. womaa i vocajr and on-ttT tbr ha, t
fja - womaa i joctagr ol fnvtty tbr ha- j
band ha to pat to her relatives from $
Kni k.- t. .-, . k -i...s. .. .
atiaat '.a aa aw a-- m- aw anta 1 aaaaiai azaxa
s . . r v.L- j ... i
53 to $5. lortsd arv ,jW -d
. L.. .. I MA KHI I. . , .!! VS. i .....V -
at abat 31 v. ,-.
. j 1 -nti
TT- -ffth n t. l)la'l M. at""" '
O-rlar.! tf T rrriiti III !.
(a at ftcswMt.
U '
i It l t
t j;rie
. i - r ..J . sna at
' 't -Kr cM . f l-aX nS
t . A .n 'j .tiforJI - I
. . ' t p i , r rr- :
i ; i ,- m t
t ; -e
n-d k.
f Bt.,
it '
! !
i '.'
r t
I It
a -
r -
. f
r. r
" -
' '
i .. r
lie I.
a -
t ;
V '
a ! .
ur tt '
on n . -.-1
.. !
--a- a
I jMfeac, nlUtj' r. .s
f aa'"t ' I1?' e fXff --
Mtth. prec-j-i Ar jt . il rt
enp etpt.l by " Jf- f-- ,
fliir.f apr.T. r,i $ f,m ! e' j -
anrUrj are iulf a.'e ib -.
fieatat as fns. y ,!jia cc !?- . f s s.
j-r;is v-mst & ar cj. ui ,:t
with boat i4s. avSaiav tbet a.. tr.
Oat atuhaCoa barf a ba4 of mttr !
Jm aftle aaa wtavs.
.V ! iir-" C
Aao-anrrcitAX. May . -Ij&t. Vaas. a
tfeaaocWeaa efsawtua.' a f anai aa4 hm
t nf IK raarwttt mm 1 ai I .
a, fwito4irr m. mm lht ptr
y .. . wa, aJS
a- . .a. ! .i ,,m ... . .. .1 . 1
; Na -- an av l..f. , ---
ata ho4e tfe.rb kica pa-.d. Tba
. .. .. . . .. i ..
WTB T Tr,T r ri
ItUWta mv JZZr msTtZ tl
r?? T. TT " ,- - zJzzZ
ay us, per?- orf
Seaaa iut :aK. aaa
iw .k. ,..a. u - a --- - .
.. . .. -. ., .
rTT . . .TT. T
esbibbbb BfXai - . . aaaaBat auBBBBHBaaar x .aar bbbbbbitt
oi taw aJaaia f ts waflfcaa. 14 oo fee-
..S Vk BIfaS U S . iBB ..S m ..
at. r-m- 1 ! t&eaw'gnatd a eiyiuJa V' '
-! Wi)t,, m .
Cajjr wV, ; - t
iMwt .
:o.U ,' .-,x -,
tn ' i . . Br-
j - i - ? -
f - tft'
V Jk
i ,
M- r
' -.a.
t" .
lanaM4 .-
a r-2 .
ta te
f r
.'t J
Jj- 4
t eftiv s
".tevart a
Air K .
, .-4r
- a.- J
I 't n s,y . ' i'- -
mi Baora. r. a;.:7'if ' 1- ". ,
Bttwa a. " Maf -- A i,
O-taatty a ov&fa--a -? fctta-a.'. J'
Tl amaar' aaa it a T li v. .
44 la nwttri vf 3 w avianjwa to !U
" W 0-
Ji ?ffk .' .
ai na. 11 a rar am
a t t3 Dr. Ja
atoraajaa. a4 arm
Ha a atawftaai ata at
. tWsa
aaa bm -f." 7
la. aarsarr Mra !aiaxa
!.y ZJ.
af m
. -
" - T. 11- Z
J V - ?
T a