. "l ClvV I 1 I? t T v. , ,f . ii 1 T 1 1.1 ..ii It.... l,i ! THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, i. ...:, ,, : .., j.,,,,,.,1 ..; i A. C. HOSMER, Publisher urn ( in. - - STRIKING PUPiLb. ! O.N THE PLAINS. WA7E3 CONVENIENCES. s.tli riant r ( U:- ..?. - t -rr t ? TVkin t . c u5t-. THE GRAY NUN. T t .?i. - . h .1 iris .lav J bii-w. ! fliITi !tl ...file'.- "JPI'V niK.t'tr roti-i ail rray aiel mhito. - of M r ': ' i1mj- r w o Th..H l.t-.t"o.t. I,, llie V -ti? -ri,- !n "' r'' ' ' ' !" ' " ' '' ' V ' V" V -tram-it-...! U..I- Thr-m-h U 1 '.- come a chum f In-. Not that ,oti r - ii.,.i-r...,- u. t:. j.t. a ' ."' -. a-: Jar. ' .- n.o-: fat.. -U- try i th- ia-i :- . . j -T a oriatcd with him intimate!-. T),..r.. ;. . ..,H in , Y..r'. f..r t... an.! bri"oai: f th Spani-h lt-pubh- l).ii the m r. fi"J !; nd but hi- had done vou a favor once, mud .mod old-fashr..!.. d mother with the j f u-. "I'd !... ?i d jr. x- reding the rantiou-dv -wraping over the wd-and- ps" fwrn w m XLI'ltASKA, that gave yon a claim on him that no good old-H-iison-d -Upper. It I no ' Pr. -.d. i.'. d f vr- Kit Cttfdar in bavr-4. mm w;ft!y gliding along, aided na: editor Imu ever 1 wen Lnnwn . ilian.. ..- il...... f,.. .k..l.v.,- . li:.,,-.. I... tt.-n f .nd :. im, ., '.,- to caiTT b tile raoid-flowinir earr-nt. down th- - . .- -. . . r -tmm.-- . wz 4 - If r-V f . - -- -- --f . fard. TI. -tiiltttt if Iip K-nnMl s. ! .I..... ;n ).;, ,,i. ti.L ,..v. ,iit H.r-:;.u an m.'tb'.l. H aoblhw-d th rh.-r thrh th t'untrr of HM.. 1. u r,t h'., . utj r" - - ' -----w- -- --, -- - "f -rw r 1"7 1 "-"' j' " " I " " rfui r-kn-il- it vrtuiiA t tin rrraftfa. ,, u.. -w.. ..u. ;.rt -i v.t if.nr i tit iiioIt rrhariK'nt and muini with it rra a -trt futt &ni inn Mnal. hrtim in bchMl ouLt to 1 abdi-hf ' h por of a dirtator. Wh'-n a n" (,rwn h.IU. ink bla. k S. vrh.n v..ur fritnd. tb. msv .!. It i n. n tl..n. i'..i t)... er.r .- Ir.iam-n! a-" :irnh-i. ;t rlu-d toup- mounir rio'. i o! f "-7 '--- ------ --- -.v v -v v - -jr - . r . - " Alt'! ! .a i' ! r Jt,T' - .-.! Itaad m my fo- lnio of jar' away. ili' ?-ia'.-- t the ty. ' curtain t.jr u view tho ffbadowy r ?: h,tn J iyii. ill, Stir Ih.iii I Uttiff. ' ." jw-rjnnj d -rav K.ti-i ljr )-ara k(. .im-r in , awiijr wjtitt-r iritled hn7. jrlv fciK-u .1. hirlrt, ! --., w ttie pni-. m tUt .Injr mu4 nirlit, I y.f i- tl- iTJiy nuii i tiutw. ,. 'ifz-wiii, J$ittfr' IJ'f ;.. nl !;XALISTIC Ph'IKXDH. (bTt tlu I!w-tt Bixh utur- m b'tr d't to furniK w - -I - !r - f r -frm an.J farm '. "i-- . r- : . w r- . n- rial. :i4kiil ou to : vrtir lrif-nrl thn Mlir.!.lir.itr u hr.1i.-t.-.. tht r-hr.'-t.h. I"rt ( -.- !ar. .tnI -n aftT Onrra! J.jW, t'.. r.r.-r la: 1 ; a:. !:. J itt- ditor. a.Hlmak-him "d.-i-t from fai cr an tb rrraut tvrants of t!i-d.ir. ; !'. ( .l'ta!4i. n. ral of Malrd. pot 4 traain? j,.. f.t . rwrnr-!.!.;; inta rmno.. -ip; . .-l -f - H,Mir of tli frauds in that ofli but for a go.l matn. ar th - inr'a-! an .-nd to I;. -.ublaa rale, '. up n rain. ,t th- iua.! m...r u :.- tuolata .u a-- ;--.! and ou Hadlv ownt.d. You didn't diarv vounff -titl-nin bar- bn I nvi-iinal tiov.rnm-nt. and iard fnph tatiuu. wbrct-w. Lam of th IwubkhMi ran-m, miM-li to hdt him a b. hoiv n,ankrd owr the in.urn-nionarv a I " w-:- !',A r orai.onmumonnnaiy ,.A.. 4J, f a -ai.--o.it. .n .1 . n-w -'"-" our fiotrrr trtT t!w man jou had ol- an'l hav finally ttl-ddown to "an ac- " th. j -r- : of ...m y Alfonso ,,f f(ir,t.w .l.-.Ta.l - !' ' from th ura. v.. r -uy . . '- . taiid ntrol ol. N ou -nt on tl- c-ptaiu-c of t"h Mutational K,!i, 1 TLo hr;. f m-y of ti,- hrt Spanish Wriil..rf t:.rfHj' dnf.- nvr r -k t-. ts - - .rr. r - .1. - fiTand with alijrht bvart and a nxmrk . platn.-d b their im nior and their bit-' Ki-u! --'" 'i tw y" - ttwn pt-n-n.lS. u!ar -an 1-hank. ha-hr- njn.. .r ... . of tin-iou- triuuiph. ittjx J pain wxi not r.p- for Mich a ytB. rrumtding away at thr tuch of th farm Ntw..r t. r. !m't know what occttrnd in tn ' Th- 1m at firwi Point and at Troy ! It !-" l'r"v. that th KepuWjcan ..ru:r, ' . v;-! !a th, ju. v -i .'r r -,r. w .t - J ! -nd r - . . .. .. ?. .- ... . . . . t : ... ... l-ul-r of that tinif wrr not akiilful in ... ..-;.., .... H,.l ,,f w i!,l.-v. a:l (. II '-I . r t otnj Know tho Editor IOiuwh Then j. lilKl HO ou?" f.h-.-r-l X. MOf I in do it a- -a-y a- .'I- at all. 1 -hould I 1 iioia tin- ditor and . I ak him to." jroiiiir to ii it, ar- ."1 ' it unii'l if a Ik . n know 1 1 . ! and, i iiion to . - II' knott- j. . uh-t ' Oh! .!:..- 1 .. :. : : . ... . 1 .. .... i.i :...- inn i h'3drn HI in.I Umr were DOl UilUUI in -. , ,nr it. r-k4 ..i rTlnl-l.it .".-- .. - Miiinriai room uunu t iuij-vhw( weiu 10 lauor umwr wk iipivwfH - - ,..., ...,, ..,- .- - - but thin suwb I do know. At th- club , that tlv an- to b.- rlad with the- , th- art of SovrrnmS. and of showmg And wift-!!.n biiK.iap-! h. ron, l-mo-t -. . au-i . t.. api . nt.. that niybt you didn't ntnak f Uw 1- working-men who have pnevan-es. the true h-neSt f Krpubhran tnUtu- juWn the nrer through la -h praine am :n-r. .'.. w. tarn t'-.- - ;.-.-...i .1... .,,.i .-ii-., .- v.... t. . ,,., tr,.. :,r.iw. M-hwil tion. Iuieed. contiderine the an- rter-d with wa.mtr rrmri and tbr f,t unrc..n.t.ft afttj aai &- ai iK,an wiriu . ," . - m 'in a :- - .-.-.-.- : - " . , were no lon.-r friend-. Why? htm ply thi-. friend ('. X., tho -ditor kneu JOU. Dear me, bow th instance nile up. neerarv for them to tnti lor lonjT j 1 1 --- 1 . . . y . ..... .. . . . r s , v 1 &. . CfTvmuehatnkitiemplo.eHr.janllarebvantf mwrmetnat prevauca wuue ?airroired wiM flow. r-. uito th-in- iur u ur jiaU.. - i . v , . ; a sraipiu"- enwtion or monopoJv. th- KepubUc lasted, and the peac and , u.ancoontry. until. !.,kin.: r ve p y .. fe farm 1 amp! um. nt t r .. r t,, , p , and tbev C-em to beheve that it i on'lv t &d government wnieh bpain expn- OJ- th. junKt flaI, uUtrunnm p-mu of ad pr, t.-al purHr- w. h . .. Ui, ,, . 1 . enceu unurr n iair xviug. ik m, irr nn.f that mafK tne coninii-r-cur- - - - - - ,. - . m ro"- (rtt) .r ', p-yMMl " fHjIB 'Tir-. U. . ' 1 T 1 --? r - . .- ' c$ " a 1 I .. .f I n ! luji' ' I j 1a iSi-n "- J j ! it d f .I-,' - "" it' r? .,td f - ' t ' 1 An n. ;- i ti v - 4.i!r,r "I lMj 4r.- and -i'"- t . ' f 3k ' o Oih- diiii ,i-ij a- U like th-shrewd play-tun-or for -horter hour of tudy oM donk-y under the lion" -kin you to eure them, but the boy, are on the ajrain lKaiiel of your ai-otiaintane , r.'rofijj side, (ionijf U school, they Kat-r iUrnitnoi- i am a" questioned if it do not jdiow that the nn j-urre of the riwr. User-, i-hinmj; A monan.hu al ii at preM-nt the be-t form m the morning ,un. ti.e d.-:: btuid- -on-tru. ;-: or apparat t . .. f pivernmont for tliatrouniry. Tt re- mjr4 of thr mshtar Ht. our d.-tma- tme r iaH.r in the dt:..r- f maiuif to be ern w h-tber. in the p-riod jj,, jjiram bright under th Id oil4 .. rt.r tn ili t. trl OUatiTi . t- f the t ! nee I' l wf 1- t - u'd. Il m-'. !!! . be v-rv ru! an ! work of a town r c.u rf. t. w it h the alitor. Vour wifn kn-w hi-i will l-arn in stid time, has no mf' wif- and you met him one. evening at relation to hard work than the flutter- 1 a uublie r---ilioti. That L the wav inr of a bird learn'mrr to fly Iiim iriirflti'fft r.ri Alit:iiititr! Vf w VirL l.iV4 li:iVfe tilailliv nU"t'tklJ !.J 1.. ii .-..-.-..! 1.. i.... 0.--..1 ib..ir.i-aw." Tl...- ar nm larc for tm; and alv, whrther ItcpubIioanira & I - . . I .1 I 1 .- .... .I '.. ..! ..... ... -l-i... 1 .. I ..( wt. .1 r .-..tv. m,-nr they hold their head-. 1 " """"r1 a "wr wajrau.- beyond Uundr-d- : imitan t.-pe """' pra-tuaJ ledvthip. are watt, r-d 0 . r the wd- plain, and adapt! to ta- farm an 1 irn . Tho RepuMi-an-. of Spain, when uni- at our approach n- ran -- the in- d-i -nd to a great -t-nt Upoa ted. are undoubtedly a formidable mateft hurrm' to the hank to watch nature id the .upp U--- !olv. Their leader-, are energeti-and the arrivalof the gnat t-siu-r Wdd- -pnng- furntoh asi ! -1-MjuenL It i-. not at all unlikely that looking navag , th-ir f c. mare.l conv. mf tn at l-a.-t one old-fadi- j a chance to make a .econd trial of a with fttrrak of bright ,-rmdjoit or -ai. and -r ap. atr - n t p; vrhn h has Mini- -lajr-ec. in- .pani-.n whtte and -ariet The-e people have lecome educated far a n,.;on-i standard floating srra. - be v-r ... -, - r to accept and support a itepubhranrs- iuiv out fnm th- tall pole a-'a.u-t complrte and -ni. n d p w arm purtle of the iky bv the lifginlatiinT which would make Un-ir-'o:h-. ami vu rich at the -xtM-.usc of the tax- to high to get a fair iew of their op- h l g' ' I 'Jk , !inrr ji. jiayTs. 1 portuniti"i. The onlj thing that can rot or the t to- So Mra. H. gac a dinner and the m t the case i- the birch -editor wa. a gue-.t. Ah! tln-re is p.-lere lippr. Mm bad him. He at- tour dinner. ' lu the en-e ut (ireen Point it appear- j drank vour wine. moked oiir cirar- that there wan ..... 1: ". ,t - 1...1.. .i:....i .:.. :....i ...... 1., -1... t...ifc n rirht vtv.w of ' ltublic ma. com- almost anv tlav: a nriiioc atv wat-nni' tin r hor- . alio ii.-n.-i .!.' w i.ir- .i nam .-,'.. .1 J ,ji,-w A ...fciir-. ,.... -.. ...f, - .---.-- s . . . r - - - r. . . .... . .1 ...... i!- .-..1 .1 ..1 ...1.,. .....n..,i !. rlnt .i ' tor it--ii-i-.-.- V3i--lu-n ill det-Iine to tl...ir (r-.i.lilv.. I..t.i..l f .rni, r-f!- t:rir hoti or ham ut f.iirir-arv oaoiii-aixiui Mtiii.-s aim j tin- .-an- aim v. m .j..r.., ,. ..., ..... -v 1 - ,--. - " .th-r i.ublic matter, almut whi-h you (taking h-r .m.g hoieful bv the .ar , put on reconi any pn-uciiou. ,traiglt down in th- luim.r-iik- ! now uothiii". Irtit think ou know ail. and leadinir him into the m hotd-room luuth's C'jtaj.ano.n. Mt.r thU dinner ou kn-w yu had This would indicate that the race of . 1 ti-' 1 M wa-r J r v t c . 1 ! t r . .1 o . I ! II I' .1 I '. k . , t-.r V.: it! I - 1 ..Mi ii . ,!V 1 p ! . 1. th !- 1 1 1 li!oi 11 ad In ' .1. fii-ud 11 ,' b l-k to 1 1 ' in. ago. a i i--world, t !. I ' .- --l-,V 1.. .- i i' d with iii- 1. tt lo the old . ixl ire to kliow- . it t ; oil know volt POOR, PRETTY VICTIMS. VVouiau's 1 'or. X.. there (ml when v.iii to ti it" for bud. Ill-lid X.. and 1 don't te--iitipl- au mt- doii'l liiil.i.'iM - utj-er..'.t to Waston l ru.-lly himI :.r-e. The little l.ijiU poor, pr-tty vic- tlin- -added an -I-iii. nt of cru itv to that of iitliu-H4 on tn- pirt of th- fa-h- 1 n..lI- l-iioi". who won in-iii ami hanged th- -pic'aior- pity into con t-mpt. in -pit- f all h-r r aching alter power and place, in -pit- of h-r d. maud- for right- and d-iiunci-ttion of wrong-, woman'- gr-atc-t -tr-ngth and punt .-ource of influence will al-waj- -pring f-om the cuiviction in the minds of th- .sincere m-n that -he rep- mild empire of lovingne and men -v. In her t-ndern - li th- n-are-t ap- Ile didn't help vour M'hcme? be didn't. It appear- be knew 11 ti ' .. -ditor. in the language of the phi- mother ha- not nttrely mn out ev--. .ph r. "in a bfle."" Jie hid ac- ' in Vw York, and if the public can b ..: d vour ho-pitali'v and now vou , a-ured that thi- good mothergave her . nd him IkmIv and -oil. It i- tru-. bov .-otii-thing aii-wering to the old 1-didn't give vou adeed for hi-paH-r .tvle inte-view in the wood -bed th- 1. n t da, but thi- wa- not ne- ca-e of th-Kinpir- State will not Ik- r - i- . Yon own-d it all the -am-. gard-d a- entinh IiOmIc-h. ion called on him m- pb a-atit f M-hooI-bo- may -trik'e for long-r -. nr-rd..v and bna-hed vour h-mc ' pjav-tinie th-y may -trikc for mor I wi-h tbr- wer- word- in the Kngli-h doughnut-, for more candy and for language to epr your horror and nt.r ba--ba!l. and they may in th am aa iiient at the n-MiIt of vour talk. ' natural l-v -lopnicnt of tin- theorv Itut I can't find lh-111 and 1 have 1 ,.(,iue to run the -rhool to -il th-m-lookcd through two dictionaries and iM-lv'-. 1'aticy a young New York a -el of th- cn-yclop.edia. The vcr-' hojM'fuI making a de-c-ut on hi-motti-naculir. Sri. nd I).. i- -tr.iugely d-b j .r", kit-li-n on baking day, with thirty icnt in - in anv particular and -oin ,r forty of hi-comrades all armed v. it h dav we mii-t pr-vail upon our friend. ( ivipes and ba--ha!l club-, and making toe editor, to r-m dv thi- defect. j a demand on hi- umthcr lor the vvhol- j prach to the divine ordinance: from ? .t 1 .......l.. ..f .ti.i rl.Bilt tli-.S ll!iV.k tll-t ' t.... ..... ...r' .,.,.1 ..l..fff ..Klc. rir!.t...ki.w -'- r..... ,, .....,...' ...... ...... j - , 1,, -j irlII U1IM .....,o.v.. . ........ -- you route warm from the fire. If -h re- fjM. ! i-ts the nei -tep would be to ti- h-r There i- one more in-t-iii-e and I am Mr to di-.ihl- her with clubs, and if the dirtic. I his time y oil -kipped half the nti-tr of the hunt- i- subject to thi alphalN'i and eho-c Q for your name. ,,,ri ,,f ro-rcion her power is at an -nd. but I penetrated your di-gui-c at a, Thi-Nrw Vmkluiv i- probably not glance. Vou kn-vv thu editor like a ,jjr,.r,.t fnm other varieti . and the brother, - you -aid. You luinl met Wjtv lo manage hini is to In-gin at bim :.t a ban.jiiet. an-I before the cv.-n- ,ojn,.. it th- fathers and mothers ing wa-over you were .n tolerably -o- ' jKril. jui ji-ir grip then New York ciable term- 'Ih- nel day you told llrti ln hnport a number of judged twry on- what a "devih-h good fel- jj",,. the one who recently -eiiteite-d :t low" the i-ditor was. I didn't hear ' mnb,.r of juvenile offenders to In bim make anv rcm:irk about you. but sanked rotitidiv and -otindlv :t tl that didn't n -train your ettu-iv- af- honte, at a -p. citbd time. I'.ut alter fection lnm cxpresdng it.-elf. J aj ,a, been -aid and don- the demand A few days later I happened to be in ,f t. hour at Troy and ..recti Point the editor"- room when you called. js j,r j,e old-fa-hiou-d mother with You had add your friend- that you the old-fa-bioncd -lipp'-r. If -In will could get any thing you wanted from ,.m,. i the front there will U the .plielest. g-utl t t of boy- at both place-that the country has ever en. I If the ra f -trong-armed spanker- i- , not extinct there will hi no strike- on the part of vj.atike.-s. i.v,ro :. r tVT'IM. ur- spr n.' lace of th-water; -oin- half--! id lad-, . at - who, lying pnne umu th ir l-Ii t. " l" and leaning far over th high .ink-, dir d have l.-n hdting m th -tn am pud ply Vi in their line- and ra ,i'"ii: th. -h-.r-. ;.. .1 I: ' 1 V t ' d ' t 11 . 1 1 COli-'TU their oar black hair tl--at ;ng on! U- pip.- - bind, and th ir broni ol'.r. 1 n ik d pmt. 1 . limb-moving vv it ii untramnieh d a . " u- I iv a- they ca-ilv keep pa- witn the lut down ' r- voting bucks ntoutit-d n h ilf-t tine.l t!t. - . 1- jionie-gallop along and mingle with gr-.tt. r -i thr throng, the white -niibr.-r- and tn-wa'-t light blue uniform- id the Indian p- i- at th. t I ice contrast strangely with the party- talln p . r..t..r.-.i r.n'- of their fellow -av aire. ed ir-.n .......... -. - --- -- As -low ly paddle up to the landing "ii-tni. . l ... .1.. ...... i.r..-.r . !..... - t.i 1-tti.l - Watet' - :? vv - 4s. .a, ,.. r '. . ...... . ." .-...-., . d ( ! 1 - r 1 erv .. i: k v.- i . I tr. ' I ' -t tt t'i. I ! V rr ' ib t ? ' - U o lli f I- :! .tt f -. . . ' 'T I ' t t lte act MV . cn b U tt w I'trrnt ' . if'er. -1 V I ' Slid A ' Km. p,.c-.t J H t b . ! I .1 it ) 1 . 1 I f . r ,' - .n ' tt . 1 lie . th 1 tt . x-i. all . I lot, ! it a- 1 ' tie. II ltl , . ' try it ami -.. I tiding thing- with Yc-. von have. If icu tliem. 1 will remind - ii- ago you wantd hint 1 thn or four col- .- newspaper to puff ! dimes for th oilier f hi-ward. V.iuwcnlby it. that time, but you were ' . you alway- were i 011 .jj,. ,.,ijtr, and vou started out to prove r the -fine a- you did -., 1 . ,j,;s - ij,it. The editor was busy 1. yon niaae 111- ac.piauu- wj. ,ntv ,.ani eame in. 1 U mei nun ai a "tj"' relMCt-U tlie CUIior as in tion. Yoii were intro- j jjt,,.,) at the pasteboard, "what sort the hotel, and yoii m- itf i4M,i ;.. ,..., u be? ------ pm, . . .. ...r..;.. n ...,p .... .n-iiitari... . lit the lit- atUoltTll ! -.' rcnts in the on!er 01 tlie universe tn " ."-- ,-.....- tie group o; shouhb-r trapjM.t nine- upp.. coats near the ambulance, which has tubing wii t just been drawn up to th- bank by it- and wh r '. team of four -trong mules, and are wat-rth-i. 1- -oon exchanging gnetmgs with our cay. th friends, who no iv- u- with the frank, may -om-tiM,. , kindly, r.-adv ho-pitality of the Ani-ri- when- a larg :! can soldi, r .. ' ;' mm, tn liar- When it 1- Venient and v; lie onif the highest development, by which eternal justice mak s it -elf known through limtc time. We have a ri'dit th- world has a right to ex pect irom liefoppo-itioti to cruelty and P'1" -'.'"-"" a -trong leaning toward the -id- of tin- THE selli-h jtt-tice. lo err against tho.-c .lualitiesi-toerrdouidv: lo yield, -ven a i:ve..ii.i w..i ..1 -M.-.iinu- u.i m. to out-ide pre urc. i- weak. hut to adopt BEST WAY. fig .1 drink Willi yon ..f th- introduction. 1 m a cigar the flavor . r I-tt the clilor -iniv . v . r will - long a- bi- 1 d r la-t-. You -pent Miu editor telling him 1 1 c you w.r and all 1 . u t.M ymir friend- that , I w .lb the pre" b 11 w In editor " Yu 1 ivr -mv. lon't ..now. U-4-au-c I -hall I". it ii is true, all the !l ; .1 1 r i' ! r the time you voluu- otli.i ami give done- ! . - tuauked you gnitcful- ud vou poM-d for n i ! .;r. for it wa- not the .- .ng to render tin o!- .i, U.. the litor- l ' 1. . old liy. that wa- a I . inc. confe now. didn't 1 " . that you were a prci- .! :il.w to pull the w.m.I e- of.on? and the cdityr-j Uark. tall, wears n beard and -piiiit- in his left y,'" replied the ofli-e boy. -Oh! vc-." an-weid the ctlitor a he threw the card into the waste basket. -Tell bim I am too hi-y to see vi-itor-t-i.iy. Have him write what he want-and mail it to me and call again Mime time next year." Do vou know him?" I asked as the boy left I he room. "Know him? I dnwild -ay I did. lie is the inebriated idiot who sat next to me at the bampiet the other night." I don't mention these instances to hurt your feelings, friend X.. -imply to tell you that while you may know the .ditor the nopiaintAitcc i- often re ciprocal. You know him and he knows vou. . Saltc? Ihnjttmi'i X-irthrop. tn A. . t rt7;ic. 1 NOT ALL RIGHT. SPANISH POLITICS. a low-r standard without cm or mo tive i- to .sink to the mo.-t degraded level of all. Tor a wanton caprice to encourage the slaughter of thousands ir 1 ,,f innocent ami lovely creature-, lo challenge admiration by a men-ihs and unliecoiniug di-play of thought!. cruehv and to spread the venom of this -anie inf-ction as far as example can disseminate it. arc not worthy uses to subserve woman's beauty and woman's influence. The North American Indian, in the light of hi- narrow code of ethics, had a right I to pride hint-elf upon the scalp- at hi. beit: they were tangible evidence 01 In- -trength and daring The K-.juimau ha.- .sound title to be proud of hi- nian- tll r 1 i - .'ii - 1 ; : .-, g.. . t 1 i!l 11 . t .. t tid '- .1 r .1 1 1' ill''. d . .' . . . 'I . 1 ' ' ,.r li- ! t .V Ot J.- Hip..,-. ' l-iv. ! . or dig through t In!! f .. be Used to good adv an J will draw wat 1 Irom 1 -b ty-sit or twenty -even f. ' 'I ue fre 'i V ! ..!. : tt a I . ' - ,: ' ' . . ; J " II n, - , ' "'" 'v-l . , k l( a -1 tl.. 1 tn t . . t. . ed, t I 1 iriv.n. '' ' " , r, , !v I " " dl . C lit ' ll ' .. ..1 i 'l w tt. I ' hllf. I , , ! ' h . I tlsHl I I. I.. . f ' ' 1" u, J thought ' .o II riu i:r- a i:ri-r i:-i- J n- iu-:.rv nt iulitii-..u lar! ot j.iilii. It i- aiinouti.ed tliat all the faction id the U-ptiblie.in- in Spain have eoiu bim d. forth- purpo-e of trying to re store the Spani-h Republic. The pr cnt Mditieal condition of Spain is -uch as to afl'onl them s.uni encouragement to hojM that they may achieve their end. Spam is governed bv Queen Mane ('hristina. tin widow of the lat- King Alfonso. a U g-nt. during the minori ty of the infant h-ir, Mercedes. A re gency is always a more or less weak government: and it is especially so when the Itegent is not only a woman, but a foreigner. All the ambitious Snaui-h faction an watching, thetv- j fore, for a chance to overturn the r jgeney. and to get into jxtwer them- e!ve- Th re an the "arhst-. who are perpetual plott rsaiidc.inspiratrs. tt. ..bio .if lHnr claws, since theV . ........ 1.: i... 1...1- -;a called fo-ter cron. A liberal lr -now iiiat ins jio.----nii- .ii-.j"-, .vi binis-lf and bis lellows. of a .scourge i.ni-. in. inning ii'i.i'f' The old melhoii ol -owing ett -moot u ptt lu-ire 'ii broadcast upon the land -own with t-r in a long pit and- : fall grain, eith-r upon the la-t -now or power onider dly A - th- ban ground, and leaving it to take furni-hed with a stop . . t its chance of uicceidiug or failing a mu-t In titte.1 to t'i- h.gh- the character of the soil or th w-athcr the siphon. Thi. n! t t might permit, is one of the very poora convenient in bl'ing .! p" of the methods in vogue. An improve- .stops flowing fr -m anv . j .- mciit upon this plan is to run a dop- When the -pring th t 1- t ing tooth harrow oyer the gram early the water upplv i- u ! in the spring, and sow th-seed upon mean-mu-t In prr. 1 1 1 .': the biosencd .sil. and then ndl the the wat-r and frn ig i w . Mirfac to cover the ed. Thi i hen- and th-n i-n't mm h pr. - i eticial tothe grain, and alu-tt-rsi'curity The hydraulic ram 1- 1 m for a go.M cab-h of gra-.s A still bt- ine-p-nivc appvr itu- f : t. tcr wav is to wait until th? grain is re- where then- . -titli. i-n w moved fnm the land, and th-n plow n -.try tali to op. rat- ami tit it in th- liest manner for the propr!y coii!ru ad tfo- s ei sown alone, and without any -o- eflWt obtattc d 1- ah.ut ing th- mi r'v of the fal.mg w .' of fertilizer then insuns a -u -ful Am-thMof nr.n -aig w . 1 ' i j. .! fit . - I -l . , r i' i- ! ar -1 d - j. on ; i V .(h t ' 1 ii In 11- a . "i a rv 1 th u .- . die ' - t J i,.. . t . ' filtlli s. - po ii! . f t nd v. rv w ! ti it fufii-h -r- .nd. hu.ng n.. b 1 .In! p.r, . I at ! , ,...i .1 ....,... .1... I.....t.v..f tl... Ab., ..r Catch. uule-.s the weather is di-a-trotis- di.tanc-. bv in n of a wi of the Tyrol wear- proudU th- ceks :-d lr.v anl tf,-n lil" ?"""? l-twe. u po!-.. wlm h rv feathers or the chamoi, foot in his cap grass would p-ri-h und-r any cm-nm- frcarr.g and b,kf. . as imbienis of hi- .-kill and daring. ianee- Some farm-rs (the writer in- -teb graph cirr.-r ' ! Kach Of these cnsi-lls is a token whi. h rliuittlj nave iounu 1 neneiieiii vo m.iv . wN.r,. Uit .. ., , carrie-with it. to th-cv-s and under- a .und "I turniji-sd j-r acrwith tarn-fr.m th. ho--tandinI men. a lix.d meaning. It h" gra-s or dov-r r both in Angu-t. a.-pth ll-w it t ,a a . nth lhc tunnps may ne piui-i or noi. 11 H,,j to :i.h "it ; -peak- as dearly a by won! of m a 1 on of achievement and becomes the natural and honorable trophy of its poss-or. Hut how a!out the garni ture of dead bird- about the bait dn-s of a ocietv llle or the paw of a dead V. -. .. 1 .. t i... ..:. . ... , pU .!. ine ioo- neu wmi may o giien .rouglit by t jr a little fresh --ed. but usually the gras two hundred y r - i- thick enough, and tin d:-turbance of thr -4 id oniv help the young gra-s. The -mailer turnip an left to die " 1. ..... I. rl.A tf.nf.. rtniT MffVk " kt. fox in the foreground of a society bon- j: " . ,..--. net! That alike . utrages aoctr? and tion by their leave-to the gra-s thnugh dene prose. ;..-'.. .j ... ,rt,nl. an in Jme of .n -ary. It i oii'.v the hou w h n waa r i n b-l Of t'timp- t i r a . t. ;n g of t?. ARMY PETS. Til- l.lltle l'iC VV hi. h r..IIo.'il a York IC'i;i!ii.iit I'lirmicli th- War. th- chief net of the 1 1 'i 1 d 1 :i ' work. Somehow, when 1 .1 1.. ..ir..... I...? 1 ten lew I III. .a.. . ,... .... . Mir plan, lie -ceuid t ol- 11 -didn't -ay much, but the printed au editorial tid- and vour nice article wa ..e .1... ..,.... t.-i ... ;,. ' mind alltng von - Wk .- -i w.m. ik. H BK&V m I - a a a. a . -. irhV-akB-a' Slat.(M rL -.! !-. 1 . .. ...,- . vi. . c...... in. -in itl.-n I- iimiiiiiiii.i.. nit n-i .. i.i"..' . - - 1 - 1 .v mil.- no- ., i- p..rter- an.! "-.. -paper- . There i- the party cf the ex-Queen Ua- , Ki.rj,ty -eigh'h New York V...im:. -r-. J A reporter called upon a prominent ! bplla (mother of Alfoti-o). who Iioh I n ,ieh took its i.ire of picket duty or 1 won -I like to m- , in restore her to the throne .-he ouce 1 !H :u 1 i" d 1 1 .i,.iit M5 r bag. want i know why you W 11. if you won't mention it it 111 tell you. Thecd- v 1 That was the reason. .1 month ago you tried it ii. mm, what was your nH-moratlc Kca-nn ,. 1- V. YtHi i ': were not j-' . u as 1. but y oh me. 1 knew you were .. the moment 1 -aw . ::,c tMiuir ai vac ciuo. you gave him a light vour cigar and this lev! to a few .. nt !. rvation- un the prcvail- . weather. From that moment you iu the editor. So you -Aid to your - hds. and of courx you wouldn't i . v aricat- about a matter of thi.- -sort. . :-ae day -liortly after thi- a friend t v our.-got into -tunc sort of tinan- ... tnmblc. and von akcd "your li .nd," the editor, to pttbli-h hi- side ! 1 he ca . which he very kindly did. ii you ever had any inward doubt :l ut your acqmiintancc with the editor at iirat. this dispoiled them eitten. and -aid. "I wouel like to m- , 10 restore vou with regard to the strike." dL-graeed. There is the party of the The prominent eilieu frowned, re- j Duke of Moutpen-ier. always on the tiect-il a moment and replied: ; ale:- to --.ipport hi claims. Spain is "No. fir. no. It i- a rule of my life still. s -he has long been, the hot-bed never a he interviewed: but 1 don't j of p. : tical intrigue and eret projects privately what 1 lo e..e on power. The spani-h K"- think." publican-- nave never cea-ci 10 khk "All right." forwanl to establishing their favorite "Hut mind. now. you uxnst p:otni 1 rtet. nce. twelve yeatv ago, the not to print a word 1 say. nor an idea 1 j !.r-t and only Spanish lie public fell he- advance." i T' loe iitary troko of General "I promise." Ivia. Thc prominent citizen ireelv ex- U was in 1S7S that Amadeo. the Italian ntvs-ed himself. And the tvjHWter alt- .prince who had been chosen King of mi"ht fool ! " again piMmising that he would make Spain after Isabella had !een de-jHei so well ac- ! no n.tc of the conversation, depart el. by the revolt of Pnm and Serrano, ab- Early the nct morning the prominent dicated the throne and n tin.! to his citizen i.'id the paper and eagerly j own country. Tie found governing the looki-J for the interview. proud and pugnacious Spaniards too What are yon looking for?" his wife hard a ta-k for him. Then the Hepubl't jk can-, nndcr the lead of the cooi-heatled "Nothing. he replied, as he threw Figueras and the brilliant orat.r. Em down the paper. "You can't place any j iiio Ca-tel.tr. had their opportunity. A confidence in tho-e confounded report- republic was et np. althougli it did battles- like a little man. vva.- rp. ati Iv wounded (for which she had a -itver the w.nter. and by their decay to up- vari.tv Tm ply ni.-t u-ifii! nutriment inthe-pnng. ferent nb I- when the grsi-s will be greatly benebbil rhain ptnip. t'. f let adapt -I l 1 tn . which it can ! af'pi By mn of :h f can be rai.-d frm ellfi or cj-at-rns md "Talking aluut t: in men.' -aid the needed, an I in .01. storv -telling pa eng-r .f the smoking- ThU i witbotit don t car, " was up m .Mi-hgan lat wi-k. tant and ind'-pen ib by it. -- i- '' A THIN MAN lit.-. a Tin mciit fit VVIfr vi..iMl-il -U...-t.ii ll.i-lxoi.r, TrH.r. Il-r i ..1t.f In- iT-r- .if f, ni.ni.innl but couldn't kee,r out f any muss the and. while U.en;, .-aw the thinnest mau yemences. (nam .ml ... t-purnp Inn- were in. She was cute. loo. and fudy understood the alvantage of br ..-t works. A.t ('hancellorsville. where wc wers hurried alout a good d-al under a heavy cross-fire of artil lery, she was greatly diseompovcd. When we got in "the last ditch. that ever lived. I guess. I wonder as used ttHt advant .. that the dime mu. uat men hain't gol trn when it i deir' hold of him." -water pun fordriukmg , How thin was he?" frejnrnt agitati n pr vn- "Wait a minute -Fnt comin - liooofwat,r. -U ' Mrr, that. While I was at the hoai. stop- orwer. Uh il. t. hirl- fr..'n r- t. a rtn d t n-. 1 aba ! . i Hi ' i.t Old if n pi -. ! Ill.illt . ! ir 1 ''itif p ' ic- ' .- f f.. - a' r apnng-.. ' .h r v r piaS.t t . t im r- . atT ti 4 iu . ; --p '.i- t - ' !i 1 I hav.- m tu 1 .TdMS OF Jftlt HI The o!.v i b.-cn trvnt of North-ru t ahf. A drummer wh- ' I : -nd.. .iv tt r t 1 11 i t" 1; 1 11 t llllj Li"ib!. t.i II -' ' I ; t vM. ... t I 1 Iu h 11 1 In -a r'i i-atid 1 . und ,ti- lern . I 'l 1 1 v ran ' .ui. ' r -t 1,' ' " I ' ad. ilita-. . 'Hill ' J "na' The 1 . . . o! N I i-. lo-t . ' ' ' t v. Ti at ' o v.. W f t - I ,' 1 1 tiy bav i"-' - . t k fr t-. 1 . so".!.. ,. . b. .. ti' n ' Tbf. ' I. tit f" H ' ' ' w 1 a ran. " . . .ii..- -a . ' a ' d, ' i i A 1, . ' rpr ' - f 1 T1 ' ' St. 1 o . r d ' - ' . n ' U) 1 I! tti . I i; , t r. 1. ii .. in : w.l -. 1. l: I ri- ti i. 1- V . V fl . A r a i 1 a i.it. "J I .'J r. in..- : r. .. South, fl I w. !r - ' Bg oj . t rStiatl' I ' in Ar. . i at 1 wh n jr Bg g II I in 1 i ! r U ' ! 1 tn f i.d - .' t- - :. 1 a -. ifi-.. A t . . t' .'1 l d H M fl -r -i . .... ii !f a ' IB 1 f ta,"i t- ping to inquire the road to Saginaw. I aL .. .J.. .. at... aata-ar la. aa 1 -a.am l M faTat- rJt. 1 aat T whih w had to rer ont of not lone- urur "P"""" "' w " after. Fan leaped in. in a hum and " ffing wn hi ru S1 .Veariv a! snuggled down eW to the nearcut lixfT nud torn a-J. J be- j, . (Tf man m a wav that made us laujrh. -w voe -,uee. xic He w '- ?la- a I.-t m--r. t n ar- n Distemper in SfOC"". aS. di--.' thai aff "Z 'rgv of ers. ntt rHxiv c the hearty snppor of the " A L. j. a) . a m. a. .Jfc.a. II I I aBt aak. mM .a. la. a. Then t-ho nm. mWn-d her master, and ?.'WK "r v-- - Iff t her sh-her to l.-ok for him. The say- tvoor bttle thincr wa hit twice at tTian- " ?. Jtdm. your- a pretty bwkin modv I tiY- -.. c-llorsville- The British army enjoy? object to i stanutn tnen laiKin w . rrnmo-t frm- .- by .,-n.ng at some hereditary nets, the trolt ot the g-ntleman with your tron-cr tor that n Ibere are t.m -whn th s vn- T "a. . . " t a Cddr. or C'f.tra.-t-'! f-oin 'Itjh- air t hr .' gn ru i : i n-v .'- v. nt .... iait a minaW an' I'll fix f It, and . -m - ! of tb. ?f - Mr K I: i , own- ' . ar. 'uaJ in I '' w i k ..twi it rr u: d it g. !r Ming a- hour I'ln .- If witi .;-. f 3tia ! M ntr. a - f inn ..--td 5 tlr . ... d tn'. . i n r- jr f and tmpc in. il, i i -I U I. n .; it...!.. ' It - pat of - 1. ft . U ai ' ig r ' r- a W ft! ' ,t f'." "i m -' mar. rjf.fs frif ., V r- . . I. I.... it - ! . il-f r UH ! f- ' V", tr r 1 3" t .d . rlT j- t f.-i. a. . 1 t 'tfl Twentv-third Roval WeUh Ftt-UIM "- a,x a - tilatkm wil' -u! " being an especially noticeable animal ' ni- wind i blow g - . .. It is p,ire white, with a venerabJo ' Wd a P ":?-t before recta. y . beard, and ha become a perfect idol your eye-.?" - tfcerol I .-: ' of animatl fetich, and. like th- Grnad , -N- -a1 -an " l :th -'r , r . -: f v Llama of Ihibttof the Sacred Bull of oat a minute or two .atcr with thn-e , CXUw th- animals to tk eM .. r i.i . - . a . &. - .... SpanL-h people, und was hred and j ancient Egypt, when oe goat dt r. w iw ciijw c. n .ser, a- .: i-; r r. ,. i-..m dreaded bv the Monarchical andarit.v successor has to be itrmediaady pro- ni irg so boiq ue uapputg pwerc w , ol. r. feej. i: i. . .1, -j cratie parties Ftguera.-. the soundot vkletl by the Qoeea of England herself. ' his trousers in n!e-'' lsmlc fca &, mh, ,4 t ... . f t. t ,Kt:... ..;..?. c .!. ! The retnment love their ?oal as they ! Otmrar-Jtmnal. m to eomur. thin: to rr-nu. . r ; t 4av.T . k' t-ftii-i u . - --' -- j - - - - . -- --- 1 .ti't H. "it Tew So: "lla5 he printed what vou said?" "Nt." "Then it's all right. .- - "No. :t s not all nghu Do vott nvkon ot ue tt-11 1 want to talk two hours and then be ; Pn-sident. but his tenure of office wa treated with coatempt? Ho ought to ' brief. The Carli-t- were rampant. have said I refused to be interviewed ' and the Radicals in -rstet: that the Uepub- aml then to have stated what 1 said. lican Clovcmraent sliowhl go further and A retvorier i a nui-auee." Arkan&uc j faster in it.- change- than figneras was r.s ! TraCi.Ur. j Willi:. to go. After the two briof I'ks- do their colors. xd take it eTerywhere. Their campaigns in Ashaatee Iand and Egypt were rongh on the men. hat must have been xerr t-Ktgh on the goat wnles,- they shared 5ta. Grr.ji Army ?cri?. Nrailibrinm of heat diH,tiurbi4----1 Farm, Fttl amd SU-Jkmmn. An army officer oa htT &e ioctx says that the gra-ioa oX he CarlL-le Sxhool who hare retnrned j A. rtTawbrjnry pJ.n- to the tribe have proved rood Jmiitme. I hibfeed In tr , - , . iate!tiretrti and vrilLir to ivoct. 1 taine 17 !-. U tt ' p. . smm--ht , it. Jr-. a In what bar beeoea f M - I it;- Hi :n tjatrd lo br fnsea. , Jin- .iVwtly iMaaifnMl thai ' wi t trrsted vegy tfeli wWa h? - -H. llWirke - Whas Smm, t'm mr prwed. fherewwrn't a nfajrhl he nlti l s-w yoo that 1 -didn't r &nt -W pazior aad tmtmXm mf eld day pf r iMKttx hwt a ioeinhle m U Vd -! t hse or . rUimimMm t-0. x- a. I SI J i 4 d ) K i fe .j ST?! M d i r h rr V I ! tl tn 1 tl l i' I fe"X ' r 1 Sr- . .? T? . S--Jft Ba , -ri miXM -c ; -4 ' - - 1 a-TJIMl I Ml "IB 1 1.1 ... in. .-..-..I.,.. 11. .. ..1. . . 1 . ,. .UN 1 . 1 . rf. -,,. iZ.-j- : a- -m...... ,. 1.1 . 1 . .I'-ai. j..l.j.ji-H!ia3.-t:'ig,jgai'iiM-a k-mmm-a-- a - jrr- v - , -r -r. - fr" m - - - iiaMynaHWl'i '' -j,' ---!-W. " " - ." "-' " "' "' ' ' j.;,t... - - - ..,