The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1886, Image 2

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The Red Choud Chief
A Musical Treat. The Ethel Howe
concert at the opera house Wednesday
evening, drew a crowded house. Miss
Howe is decidedly the finest vocalist
that has ever appeared in Ked Cloud.
Her voice is a marvel of sweelneR3,
under perfect control, possessed of a
coropasa leldom equalled, and whose
Clear intonations comhi no to produce
the moat charmi.ig melody. We
understand that the lady is to appear
as leading soprano in the Oratorm of
the Messiah at Lincoln in the near
future- The music loving people of
that city may confidently expect a
rare treat. The evening's entertain,
ment was interspersed with song-j and
choruses by the male quartet, Messrs
Picking, Plumb, Albright, and Aik
man; mixed quartet, Messrs. Albright,
and Aikman, and Misses Aikman and
Emigh; 6ong, Mrs. Chase; piano solo,
Mrs. Wood; duct, Misses Richardson
and Becker, all rendered in a- charm
ingly creditable manner. And right
here, while we have the subject matter
in hand, we wish to remark that Red
Cloud has a musical array of home
talent that will compare favorably
with any of its sister cities in the wild
west. Our citizens are largely indebted
to the untiring energy and indefuligu
nble efforts of Rev. C, L. Fulforth,
rector of the Episcopal church, for the
pleasant entertainment given. We
hope the reverend gentleman will not
weary in well doing, but furnish us
with another one, equally as good, in
the near future.
Ik there is one thing above anothei
that is decidedly to the interest of Red
Cloud, it is the fact that the hills and
dales called roads, lending to this city
should be made passable, so the farm
ers could be able to get to this city with
a load. A few hundred dollars would
do the work well and it is the opinion
of The Chief that the repairing of thu
roads is one of the most needy pro
jects and of greater interest to Red
Cloud than anything else except
railroads. It is an actual fact that the
fencing of farms over the county has
thrown the roads on to section lines in
many places, milking them in many
places a barrier to the trading public
who wish to visit and trade in Red
Cloud. We hope the matter will be
looked after. Good bridges and good
roads are very desirable adjuncts to
the city's trade. Pcint o any road
lvai'iug 2 Red Cloud and we will show
ycu ono that should be made more
nuitahlc to travel over. And the mer
chants of Red Cloud aro more inter
ested in this caii pc than anyone else
and ought to movo in the matter
promptly, we think.
Wm. Gates, Judge McKeighan, and
eight other gentlemen have purchased
a fine Clydesdale stallion, costing
$2000, recently imported to this coun
try by an importer of fine draft horses,
at Superior. The animal is a fine one,
and probably the finest stallion ever
brought to this section of country.
The Chief points with pride to the
fact that the gentlemen have been
ontsrprising enough to make the pur
chase, as it shows that the fanners
generally haye awakoned to the fact
hat the improvement of horseflesh is a
consumatiou devoutly to be wished
Fine horses, cattle, etc. gives our
county a good reputation and shows
that our formers and tock men are
progressive, wideawake people. The
probabilities are that in the future thn
company will branch out into import
ing stock direct
At tho next cit council meeting an
ordinance will be acted upon fixing
the salaries of the city officers and
couucil. The C:ief behoves that the
councilmen and other officers of the
city should be paid reasonably for
their services, but docs no', believe
they should be made too high at pres
ent. The tax payers cannot aflord too
many city heirs. However, we shall
trust to the judgment of tho city of
ficers in fixing'thesame, believing that
they will not go beyond what it is ac
tually worth and a a fair compensation
The councilmen should have at least
$3 per night, and the mayor and clerk
from one hundred to one hundred and
Gfty dollars eachv Public servants
should be paid reasonably for their
services, but not in excess.
W. and C Schenck, of Cowles, have
two fine stallions which it would be
well for all breeders of fine stock to
investigate. The animals have ex
cellent pedigrees, and arc just the kind
of horses that farmers should breed to
if they desire to improve their stock.
We call the attention of farmers and
others to the advertisement of Frank
Jones in another column. He has two
fine thoroughbred horses and a good
Jack that he will keep in Red Cloud
this season. The horses haye good.
A good farm for sale or rent. All
furnished. Apply to Joseph Graves
Rpd f!loud. Neb. . 40 tf
jFarmers take a look at those oak
posts at Howell Bros. They are just
what you want. r 3"w
Boys' eults froin'tl.50 and upwards
tmen suits fro 30 and upwards, a
the Golden Ealex
J.H.Smith'wUIW UP Shtnio
i x o onti nrTWftrnie very
JWI3 JV - vv r- .!
befit steel rods used. f f
The best snd cheapest lineof wee
aberaiMleverbitiog trimmings
Cowles was visited with a heavy rain
and thunder storm on Monday night.
C. W. Fuller and Thomas Hodgson
event Monday in rigging up a check
Mrs. E. J. Potter has taken rooms
with Mrs. Waller in Cowles, and will
engage in dressmaking in all its
branches; cutting and fitting a special
ty, and all work entrusted to her will
will receiye prompt attention. We
bespeak for her a liberal patronage.
Miss Lou Wright is teaching the
Cowles school successfully.
Regular meeting of H. 6. Kalcy Post
G. A. R. at their hall in Cowles Tues
day evening May 11. As this will be
the last meeting of the Post before
Decoration Day it is important that
all should attend.
T. A. Waggoner received on Tues
day the sewing machine he drew in
the Omaha Bee's distribution of prizes
in March la.t.
Miss Nellie Arnold, one of the
teachers in the Guide Rock school,
spent Sunday in Cowles visiting her
Marsh Hurd shipped his household
goods to Inavale on Wednesday hist
We learn he intends to engage in busi
ness at that point.
Mrs. S. W. Foe visited in the city
Lost week.
Ed. Pratt spent Saturday in Hast
ings. The third quarterly conference of
he M. E. Chu-ch for the Cowles and
Inavale charge will be held May 15
and 1C, at the school house in district
f, known as Pleasant Hill. Rev. L.
Morrison will preside.
D. R. Ruzick is beirg favored with a
few weeks' visit from his mother from
Southern Illinois.
G. T. Clark enjoyed a short visit
this week from his uncle Zach Clark,
whose home is in Cleveland, O.
G. A. Latla is the happy father of a
baby boy; Ed Kecney ditto. L. II.
Miss Addie Tuttle was elected clerk
Saturday at the Baptist covenant
meeting held at Calher',s school house,
Ford Robinson resigning.
Plainvicw elected the following of
ficers Sunday last: Superintendent, C.
II. Ruj-t; assistant, Liuhcr Richards;
Mary McCallum, secretary: Mrs. E W
Tuttle, treasurer.
Miss Addie Tuttle opened school at
Xew Virginia Monday. i.Shc is one of
our most accomplished teachers.
Jcl'Ji McCallum sold his beef cattle
to a Mr. Joncs.oi Hastings.
Mr. Burnett is again among us,
building houses, and he ha done
several jobs in this part, always giving
Will Britton has a white jack rabbit
he caught last week.
J .G. P. Cather lost a valuable colt last
week .
C. II. Rust is building an (flico to
his house.
Luther Richards, of Plainvicw, was
in this part Sunday.
Mr. Baker, a Presbyterian minister,
spent Sunday with Mr. Gruob.
We arc pleased to note the progress
of Miss Fisher's school. Tintt.
Some time has elapsed Bince wo last
appeared in the columns of The Chief
Since then we have made a trip to the
western line of the state ano eastern
Wyoming to select a homestead on
the public lands. We purchased a
land ticket at Kearney to Kimball
and return for $12.S0, but extruded
our journey to Pine Bluffs in Wyom
ing over the U. P. road. The country
seemed to be fully settled as far west
as Colorado Junction. West of that
point thero is plenty of government
land. The railway follows the Platte
bottoms to North Platte, where it
leaves tlu river and follows the divide
between the North and South Platte.
From that point it is high rolling
prairie to Cheyenne. The soil is a
gravelly loam, very easy of cultivation
The country has been used as a cattle
range, and but little farming has been
done, but enough has been done to
demonstrate the fact that the soil is
fertile and productive. The Bav State
Cattle Co. purchased a large tract of
rail u ay land in Cneycnne county and
have been using it for a cattle ranchc,
but the rapid settlement of the gov
ern mdnt lands has rendered a change
necessary. They have built a land
office at Kimball and are now bringing
their lands into market, and will re
move their cattle to other parts. The
intiux oi emigrants is enormous the
rush has been to "Pumpkin-seed
Valley, ' about SO miles north of Kim
ball. We did not have time to visit
the Valley vs we found clainn near
Kimball. All the settlers we saw
moving out wre enthusiastic over
tneir settlement. Over 100 families
were located here in one day. The
climate was much milder there the
pist whiter ihau hers. Cittle lived all
winter on the range without hay, and
looked quite as.wcll as here.
Local items scarce.
A wedding is anticipated.
A number of railway teams are
seen wending their way to the grade
west of Blue Hill.
A new lumber yard has been opened
on the farm of Mr. Budlong in the an
ticipation of the deDOt The road is
expected to be ready for use by next
September; as a consequence land has
advanced and several sales have been
1m7de. ""i
There is iiewrfcgrtr service at the
Wheatland school house once in two
Before you buy your furniture, at d
wish to save money, go to Forrester's
He buys by the car load.
Heskv Cook now has the most
complete stock of wall piipcr, shades,
etc., in the Republican Valley.
You can find the largest stock and
the best make of boots and shoe?, at
lowest prices, at the Golden Eagle.
I 'or, soda water, lemonade, gingor
ale, birch beer, etc. at G. W. Cline's.
All fresh and nice. Call and see him.
Jof Let us figure that bill of lumber
for you, and we will save you some
money. Try us, and see if we don't.
37t4 Howell Bros.
Don't fail to call and get my prices
before buying furniture.
F. V. Tavlok,
Tinker's Old Stand.
Window shades at Cotting's.
Fine suit of rooms to rent over
Morhart k. Fulton's hardware sfbTe.
Wanted. A girl to do general
housework. Inquire at M. B. McNitt's
house. 40tf
Special sale of ladies shoes for next
30 days at Golden Eagle. Read large
Special sale of ladies shoes for next
30 days at the Golden Eagle. Read
large advertisement.
Boys' blue flannel sailor suits at the
Golden Eagle clothin store at $1.50
and upwards. Don't forget ft.
Foil sale or rent A good store room
in south Red Cloud. A firsf-class lo
cation for a competent business man.
Inquire of W. E. Jackson. 33tf
P.uilok suit, bed room suits, dre.-s-era,
(lining room and kitchen furniture
in abundance. Lawn chairs and sct
es, picture frames, etc.
F. V- Taylor.
A woman for laundry work, and
dining room girls, at onco, at B. fc M,
eating house. 39tf
Wall Paper at Goat.
Cotting has tome fine samples of
wall paper that he is offering at cost
to close out. Also :i beautiful stock of
new patterns at very low pnees. A
line line of borders, ceiling paper, etc.
It will b& to your interest too sec him
before buying.
County Convention
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Unions of Webster county, will meet
at the Presbyterian Church in Red
Cloud at 10 o'clock, Tuesday. May 1 1 .
lor the purpose of organizing a county
convention.! Other temperance or
ganizations arc requested to send
visiting delegates, and all interested in
the cause of temperance- are invited to
attend. Entertainment free. Mrs. L.
I). Robinson, district president, and
other workers, will be president.
L. S. 0. Bkakefild,
County President.
Millet seed at A. L. Funk's.
Strike Still On!
Morlmrt fc Fulton will sell tho new
Davis 3 burner, wrought iron, smooth
top. automatic, polf lighting gasoline
stove spot with oven cash for $15. 50.
i burner, with oven, mounted, $17.00
New Eureka, 20.VJ0 inch oven, with
30 pieces of tinware, spot cash, net
No. S Took and reservoir, complete,
with 30 pieces ware, spot cash, net $25.
A full line of the celebrated "Gar
land" cooks and ranges, fincit goods
sold in tho United States.
Also their immense stock of ranges,
cooks, shelf goods, wiro cloth steel
goods, wooden, granite, planished
fancy, pressed ami hollow ware, tools,
wood pumps, etc., etc., for spot cash
10 per cent, discount. Now is the
time to purchase, while the strike is
ON! Call and see them.
Glidden bnrb wire, $5.35 net, spot
cash. 39t4
Important to Broodora 9! Good
Draft Horjoa,
Mr. J. W. Small, of Fairfield, Neb.,
anjxtcnsivc breeder and importer of
Norman horses, will keep for service
mares at the liver bam or G. B. Gates,
north of the Holland House,
Ono of his boat Imported Norman
Horae9, Blue Cloud,
Blue Cloud is a fine dapple gray, IT
hands high, weighs 1S40 pounds; large
bone, excellent limbs, perfect form and
proportion, fine style and action, kind
disposition, and a remarkable breeder.
Imported in 1SS2.
Money to Loan.
Dr. Schenck has been appointed by
the Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan
Company as their agent at Cowles.
Parties wishing loans will do well to
see the doctor. The company is pre
nared to make loans at 9 ner cent, and
in sums 10 suu.
Money to Loan
On real estate in Nebraska or Kan
sas, interest at 9 per cent. No bonus
charged. Ciianey fc Bentley,
37tf Ked Cloud, Neb.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A new seven room house with four
lot. situated in the most desirable
nart of the citv. Can be bought
long time. Inquire of D. M. l'latt.
Farm. Loans.
Farm loans negotiated. Farm loans
on most favorable terms. Loaus can
be paid bv giving 30 days notice with
out extra cost. Look to your best
interests and call on me at my office
over First National Bink.
D. B. Spanogle.
A car load of the finest and cheap
est furniture ever brought to Red
Cloud. F. V. Taylok,
Successor to R- Lr. Tinker.
Mosey to loan at reasonable rates on
good personal or chattel security. Also
farnj loans made at lowest rates of
interest. 0- F. Cather.
. 35tf Abstract Office, Red Cloud.
Itch and scratches of every kind
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a
Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This
never fails. Sold by Ferguson 4 Co drujr
gist, R2d Cloud. 3-ly
All that want a square meal on short
notice go to the Star restaurant- Wrm
meals at all hours.
Park Watsos, Proprietor.
For Sale. A good bakery, all com
plete. A first-class opportunity.
Inquire of S. F. Spokesfield,
34-tf Red Clcudb
A bunch oJ0 lifcUrfmee stock
hogs consitjing of brood sows, etc for
sale. Intulire of
Joupm Gkats.
Is the place to get bargains in PHAETONS
ing purchased our stock at reduced
prices we are able to place r r
the market all kinds of ve
hicles cheaper than
the cheapest.
Buck Boards at
Top bugges at
Spring Wagons
We are also prepared to do all kind of job and repair work
at bottom prices. Old buggies painted and repaired at
reasonable rates. It will pay you to give us a call
and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
on slating of tho flnost lino of
Ladie's and Gent's
Ever brought to Hod Cloud. Wo
niako a specialty of tho colo-
bratod Reynolds' Bros, shoes
Also wo koop a fulljino of tho fa
mous Rockford shoo, which wo
warrant. All our goods aro
warrantod to glvo satis
faction; and our pri
ces aro tho
New .'ooils at Mrs. McIlriuVd.
grGo to Howell Bros for coal, tf
Boys' long liosc at the Golden Eagle
Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. New
house's. I'.unts and oils of all descriptions at
Two rooms for rent. Jnquircof W
I). Forrester.
9 per cont loans at the Nebraska &.
Kansas FarmLoun Co.
Go to G. W, Kline's for freah home
made candies, cigars, etc.
Fresh home made candies at G. W.
Cline's. Call and sec him.
iNsi'KK your property with Cnos.
Schatlnit, Bed Cloud, Neb. 30tf
The Nebraska ifc Kansas Farm Loans
Co. have plenty of money to loan.
A nick line of dry goods will be sold
but very cheap at Mrs. Newhouse'?.
A eood team of horses for sale. In
quire of Joseph Graves, Red Cloud, tf
Fashos headquarters for evrything
in the millniory line. Mrs. McBridc's
A fine line of baby carriages at F.
V. Taylor's, successor to K. L. Tinker.
J-The most lumber and the best
quality for the monjy at Howell Bros.
For chean farm loans call at the law
office of Chancy Bentley, Ked Cloud,
Now is the time
ture. Car load
to get your furnf
just received at
All the latest and most fashionable
styles of spring and summer hnUi at
Mrs. McBrides.
C. Schenck !
Cowles, Webster Co., Neb.
Real Estate
Collection Agent.
Farms and unimproved lands
for sale ou the most reas-
onable terms.
Beta leeaXl iwartfec cratr I Wtslnter was
- tW fcrts faeUWe fer siiss ! wJ
f llslJUrdsorrowBkioaSrtieiJc, I
w wIfctarUburor U Uad t
iMtowrote Ulrrtflvc prwi attc-
C. SCHENCK, XoUry PabUc i
We have just reciev
ed our new stock of
Pat Con
The Celebrated Hess!
Young Dexter and Bobby
And the Celebrated Jack
Will makt; the w:ivn of !. t the City LXitTj
Stable in K.l ( loml, ncry !. ot Ums wek.
YOLN nUMKK-I a t-rlsht hf. vclsks
ivo jxMind, and tn oM He H a Clydes
dale and Knsltsli Imft. aJ ia foo tredr.
a. hi colt will show.
IMUIM DLKNS-I a eool tLvrk. wslfbs
ivo iKiundv and l ear old. He li Cljoc
d&Iu and and a od tock Kcttcr.
HOXKSTJOHN -W-l KO rounds aal In
PCkkI lrcr?lcr.
T:i:MS--l'-jbbv lUm. 510 to laBre; for
for the ai Vonnc Iriter.fto lnarr. fC
lor w.-w(n l!rnri John wilt be tood for to
Injure and M for wawa. ilare will be taken to
revent .HTidnt. b-at I wHlaot be rr?poolblr
for anv that may rur. Irro parting Ith
mares before failing, win be lM"ld for lnaraoe.
Absolutely Pure.
Tki p.wier urxrmgies.
trtactkaia t
Una Qe trKmry ttorfiL
ner k ,
its mil M
grtwyr H a gB
Mm4r vmwr
Successor to R. L- Tinker.
Carries tho largest stork of bee I room, parlor aw! kltelkm
furniture and undertakers gtxnls in tho nt.Miblir!Mi
valley. Oil painting, pirture frames iHa,
in tnvat varietv.
Give him a call. Opposite First Nnrioiiwil
Bank. Prices very low.
Our prices on Clothing Boots, Shoes, Kuril li
ing goods, Hats, and Caps arc so low
that none con undeasel us.
Give us a call
11 1U M
As low as can be bought from any dealer on I
rzz w - r-
rt Montr. rkr!-
Lrrl Montr. rlr!-
W. K. Jtttm.Yir-rTV
KC V 9rrx. CfeJ?r.
Jhm K. Skirrj. AwiUst Cklrr.
Capital $50,000
and be convinced-
rNMS - '5 flit " 1
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