ytg: h nt T It v 1 1 i :u 5 ?r-l w r itFS W &ib$i &: $&& riitx&. '.af-: t- w " " ' V v:- VOL XIII. RED CLOUD CHIEF A.C IIOSMKJt. I'roprk'tor. Iiel Cloud, Webster county, Nehraska. Avvekiy journal devoted to the Interests of jtiift '111 ft the uorlii In ''-iiTil jukI WHctcr eoiiuty adjacent territory i.artlcut.irly Tli largest and iiiT i n jiiiu i rinii i uiiiu i- oot uiiiiit.ii.-l i.ijmt in the great Jteimbllcaii alley. TKllMS oi' L'itsinioN'. One year. In advance SIM M month. In advuiice " 'J rial copy ,r mouths; in advance Ml Thk rmi'K has tin- largest circulation or any paper In the valley and is therefore the greatest advertising iiiudinui In this vetion. Adverti iug nitcs aecouipauied vvitli allhtavlt of sworn ciiculatloii furnished when requested. oi;i: .ion ui.evin Micvr. s complete in even parti alar and being run ly vtkam Insures vvurl; done promptly. I'inri.s the. i:i:v ivviarr. ami good work gejiranteed or no pay. Wrvvilj duplicate large orders at Omaha jtrlees. and g ti.iranp-c vvoik and stick to be as pol as cm be procured in the vet. W are lioiind to please all patrons, of our Job depart i lent. t;iv us a Secret Societies. Masonic. riiarlty I)ile No. r.l.A I. 5,A. .M. meets I'rlday evening n or before Hie full moon ;uid I wo weeks there.iflr. .1. K. illeo, W. M ; W. i'. ricking. .Seeutary. CjienuConiinandeiy. No ti. Knights Temp lar, stated conclaves, llrst And third J liur.-xlay.s. .1. A.TuIlcys K. ('. Kcd Cloud Chapter No. n, K, A. M., stated Convocations Weduesda on or bufore the full uiiMiii. and two weeks following 1'iilloti, J 1. 1', W. C. Peking. .Secretary. I. O. O. F. I.'cd Cloud ldge No CI. I. ). ). l meets ever satuiday evening at odd bellows Hall. Trausitjiit brothers eoidlallv Inviteil. ltoy llutehi on, N. tt. Win. I'arkts, Secretary. Taith I.'ebekab Lodge No. li, . O. F. meets the second and tonrthTuesdavs oi cadi uiontli at Odd i'ellows Hall. .Mrs. h.' Hutchison. N. C; Jlrs. lieiiha Hummel, Secretary. Webster Kncammiicut No. .-., r. (. O. P., meets the Hi st ami third Wednewlavs of etch month at I O. u. I. Hall, l I). Humincll. C. 1'; W. It. Kol.y. Scribe' K. of P Calantho !.odj;e o. :. or 1. meets llrst and thud TiicmIhj of each mouth, at Masonic li ill. F. i'.radbroolc, C. .' , A ('. HoMiier, K. n. s. S. of V. 1! S Ivaloy Csunp So. , S. V., meets lir,t amltliiid Saiurdajs oi each month at Masonic Ilalirl L. Spain ksCaiitaln; lleniy J.udlow, oiderly Sargcant. A. O U. W. lied Cloud LodRO So. m. A. O. V. . meets'' Miiuiiiav on or neiore full mon ami two necks thciealterat Masonic Hall. H. I. Highland, Master Workman: II. W. ISieucr, Keconler. C A. R. (JaiTieM Post So. so. (I. A. It., meets Monday on 'or before tho full moon, and two weeks thereafter, at Masonic Hall. A. N i'atmor, P. (' . Hiram Mirks. Adjutant. W. R. C The Woman's Ibdiel Corps meets Monday on or before tne full moon and tbe vcund Mnnda thcieafbr. at 'j-vn o'tlock ji m. Mrs. J. i. Iult;bt, President; 31 rs. IC 31. rerman, Secre tarj. K. of L. Pallhful Assembly 'u. .TTt. lv. of I... meets it ond and f)uiilt'lhuiMlaof cadi mouth In Odd Fellows Hall. Business Cards. n-.TUIiLEYS, M.R, HOMfKOPATUIC P1IYSIGIAX, lT. S. Kxniuiuinc; Surueou. Opiioi: Opposito Bank Kotl Clmul. Kiist Xattoiml DI: L. IK KCIv. IMIYICIAX AND SUKGE0X, Ofhck. Over city l'linnnnoy. Ollicc calls onlv. KKD CLOUD. " - XKUUASKA Q E. McKEEHY.M. IX, PHYSICIAN AND SIJGEON, 'iiiuii OverCity Pli.inuac 0!lu-e hours from :t ti J. m.. i "jo 4. ami 7 to : p in. IJcsidcnce S blocks Vst of court House tIDCI.OLL). - NKItltASKA J X0. O. YEIEII. A1T0KNEYATLAXY. All lttsino?s promptly :iitomleil to. Hod Clovul, - Xobmska. Ofkick -Opposite Pnn Ofltce. I). UKXXEYi PHYSICIAN vt SUKCEOX, KEI) CLOL'D, - NEBRASKA. Ot-nri: Ovor Cook's ilmi; store. Calls promptly nttcmlcil to lay or nij;lit. QTL1LAM &KICKAUDS, .VITORNEYS. Red ClouiT.vNebniskii. ick Over Citv Pharmacv. "-'KVSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhkv BBJi frXtflHH IBFA- "BVflVflWBBBB vtryfS VBVlAfBVjBVVVBlB9BBBHBBBBBMBVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflr b WflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflrflVlBVflVflV'flVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVflVBBBV S-;3JBlfcfcti7 TTCiBBBBjPBMBFiJBlBBSBBBWlTrniBl iVJB ? C "4iiPvV"BBBBlB? BtsfciS - I K.M.KY. J. L. Kalkv TTORSEYS & LAW. REyCLOUD. NER. AgenU &t the B. vt M. 11. It. Lands V paAXKil.GUMP, -, ATTORNEY ,1T LAW, CLOUD, - - : XEB Over the Post Office. fe XOffice iC"W ILL R 0VERXLXf sr (ATTORNEY AT LAW, rs 3DiCWMffii.- - NEBRASKA, mmw . aSj 'irz. Jsm it: oMat uv ?" . . -.1r,.rt.- Hi. 4 , fW?9Pftyfv" .." inrh3ww a1 rr - $ f UK. .Vooro. Prcs't J. I.. Miner, Vice I'rcs .lolui Moore, Cashier First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB; Opital, - 75,000. "ransnet a barrting bu8inci. buy and hctl County warrants. Alo County. Pre :inctnnd School District bond'. Buy and jell "foreign Kxchtiuzc- DIKKCTOIK: H. E. Moore, V. C.Moshcr. i!in .Voore, K. C. OutcaJt W N Kichardon. QKO. o. and r. d. YEI5ER, PROPKICTORS OF THK Webster County Abstract Oics. RED CLOUD, NKIL Complete ami only set of .abstract books in Webster county. Grazing anil farming lands suul city property for talc. Office on Xortb'Webster Street VAN HOR1MS City Tonsorial Parlors, Webster street. Red Cloud. Hae been lately renovated and put in tine re Sla ini; Mid liair euttlnj; ; sjecialtj , ami executed bj the most ajiroed workinen. Our bathiucdefurtment h:v recently Kvu relltted and wec.m mmsiit)l all demands of the I'liK he. Hot oreold batli'tostiH customer. Pri ces re:isonatjte. Hot or cold water baths al: eadv. . C. Cask. .i.vs. Mc jln v. Case Sc McNeny, 4 THUNKS AM) COIWSKI.OKS AT LAW t. W lit inetlce in :dl courts of tliis t.ito I'olkvtioiis a well a btiiratel bu-lnes earefnb amt ertlcicntly attendetl to. Abstracts. funill. doua)!dicatlOii. OKKii B.-0cr First National Itauk, ltctl Cloud Neb mi: :m nmm Against loss m Fire, Lislitniti. Tornado and Ocuuito. lu the old reliable German Insurance Co. of fi:iu-:poi:t. iluvois. olicitetI an I losses iiruinntlv taid. All nartics wishing to insure will rerve roiupt :UteiitIoii by jriuns notice by mail or otherwise to the underlirued. Uctl. IIIA& SSOU.VVKXIT. Sjvcial Agvut. ltctl Clond Neb. Cook & Me ac ham Cowles. Nebraska . 4TS DEALERS IN '.Tfc - .iAFSL QI, Prscripton crefullv conpounded s -$- aUJkoun. .. . V 1. v . zTT .- iiiiflinplHx '". RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY. MAY DUCKER'S CASH DRY GOOSS HOUSE. On Saturday Xext, May Sth. we will place on sale, 100 pieces Striped and Checked Shirtings at 10c per yard. This is tho Lowoat Price that thoso Gooda havo over boon sold at, oithor EAST or WEST. Tho usual price boinjf 15c per. yard. Just received ten pieces of Jamestown GRAY DRESS Double width at 15c per yard. These are good bargains and can not be duplicated. 5000 yards Standard 64x64 Prints at 5c per yard. We will close out our Dark Prints at 5o. These are the best goods made, Satin Finish. AVe also have bargains in Ladies' Hose. Ladies' Vests. Ladies' Pants. And many othors too numerous to mention. Tho only Dry Goods Houso In tho Republican Valioy. Buy your Dry Goods of a Dry Goods House. Samples sent anywhere. W. E. ViingiimPEn. PROPRir.rOK OF The Falass Dining Hall RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FURNISHES WARM MEALS. At all hours for 25c. Lunch, Hot Coffee, Sandwiches, Choice Tobacco, ifco. Board by day or week. Harness Shop uv - r J. L. MILLER. ! DEALER IX HARNESS COLLARS, HOKSfiBLAXKETS S-VDDLEa wHIES. COmBS, BRUSHES HARNESS OIL and cvorj'thing usnally kept in x Grs class shop. Awo oocrs north of let Nat Bank RED CLOUD. NEB. I '. P WMER Live Stock and gen f eral aucfloneer- Blue Hill, Neb. fc , J 9i: .,i:i" . .. - . j ,y:sKJiA -fjffeiw. ..,- . .- ,-l-tk - .j- ' . ?- .. -'. jr.izSFSW Children's Hose. Children's Vests Children's Pants. J. J. I Will Insure Your Hogs ! DR. JOS. HAAS Hog & Poultry Remedy, 'Sow KHiu v.v wth ut this trade mark J IS THE ONLY PRACTICAL PRE VENTATIVE OF THE SO CALLED SWINE PLAGUE. It has inner Ueeu surpassed as an iuereasor of ixirk. ami p' sj stun tonic. Anting dices tiou. .stimulating tire lullmrj onraii-, ireeiilins torier ami eimorp-ment f the liver, and rvuu latiii tlielniwels. it nunesand pnn enLs tiie for matioii t disvase p-rm-s and jre-'nes to the well tired !us its natural lontitutlou. Where tt hasK-en fetl id such animaB in the prescribed miantitie?. ami otlier directions t.uiJifuII ot sered. It luLs pnned t be a tiioruuli preen tathe :uramst wlne diseases. AS AN EVIDENCE OF FAITH. in my remedy I make the following offer,--I will insure henls of swine of not less than one humin-d In intruder apilnst disease, ai a small fee i-er head provided they are fed mv remelv under m direetmu. anil prove upgu e amiuatiou prior ticoutnu't tliat thev are in a healthy condition, amt are neither Imbred, cioe urvu 01 we prupejiv-oi ut;i. 1. I well forfeit $V0 u) to .in.-Inverter who oITer to e.xamuie lor insurance I decline proviii d he fonvanls to rover mj tMit to and from location of iMic. or I faifto prove to thesitisfactimof ar.j dL-mtcrestel party that failure to respond to ia itation is eaiised v prior enisiemeut or by matter of at least ep3al uiiportauct. i. I will forfeit $r'0ifl deciino upon earn ination to mua such herxls.lf my judjnum; a.s to their coudltiou of tiraltli U overUoree bv the re.sult of an examination made by at least two pn-perry qualtflert and jrrartuatcd vtterimirj'sur mm. Facts aro Bottcr Than Assort ions, rieast, read 1 lie following a.s5ertioitot ;uiONTo T. O., Feb. 2nd., ls.5. Dr. Jos. Haas. I)E.i:Mt:.-Aboiitajcracoour heid lierw nnmlereI alout iT) beivd. bnvr out ami no reiaiil we had nulil arre-t the trouble Ourlovscs wvrv ii'y. and wc luvt to sive up teollns eiitireh tor about tww moulli. We thru heard of your reiaetiy. .aid tnuujtii 3 tnal lot. ami becau fevHllnasaJu. "Wcluveuseil t con- tauU ewr lncr. v e hare iaee April List received at-out V"fl heail of lnx;s into our lienl ami have lot hud a single !c-a th from swtnc d!e;ic. ilitisDur eilerieiiee. ur optnloo is ttiat the remedy lia iirrveaUI hsaac and wx would not thiuk of beln vritbout It, - As au aid lafattenio? pork. WTtbelIvi it to ! pxL. Ua thL poiuu how ever, we har sol crdc an ac tual tcl. n we nvtMnolrbk feediua ia of hotp without the reinrdy. Yours very truly. S. 11. White SCo.. rnce writing: the store fettej havepurchasc!$JTa w-orth ot Uw remecy.J Tlic reoetiy can Iw rtrocnmi at C. L. Cotting, Red Cloud. rrsccs eio. ?1JE and. CO ct$ uefickas?.f ? 2Joa. Haas, V. S. Member of Iudiama. state Veterinary Medical As3ocmio6t lauianapolw. Ind. S4-4aa. i Attention Teachers. i0teebI?frty-it;T. that twill mmw mttl KrseAft who may ucasrc t cr t!K-acmrs aw OMitfcUtes foe tochrrj of I he cvushki yiwoU m.e8 cwwsivjh woiiaKpt gmm 3MMKMliM. DetMCkak. 3- .-. a s nf -4tM f iirr t .-tf n-.T ri a GO S! riii Ribbons. Ruschings Veilings. DUCKER & CO. OHAS, BUSCHOW, r rosidont. Kobt. V.SHIREY, Troasuror. NEBRASKA FAMM la AM (Ba9 CAPITAL, 50,000. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS: D. Jones, O.CCasc. K.V.Shircy, Cliaa. IJuschovr, K.lI.Fullon K. K, Hinhland. Geo. II. Holland, I). t. Hatt. Geo. J. Warren. MONEY LOANED in improved farms in Nebraska and ffan'as. Money furni.licl jw noon sa security ta approved, i'nnctpie ami intercut payable in lied Cloud. OFFICE IX Rr t, CLOUD NATIONAL DANK BUILDINO. I ZZ I III I 0 lil l r iTi tmimmk vbnr bh mJKE9tS&m sw u MKfmmM wmmKmSnm 1 4lVkMWWf M U I Qm &aa vbo did sot boy a fioctfoni O . H. Maryatt agent for Rockford vvatch. 2ew goods arriving daily. 3fost complete line of jewc'ky n tlie city. Citjf Bakery andRestaurant A. LAUTERBACH PROP REfeGhQim . I 2. jbMhbrMd. ww, ta7BrMd "" J- - rr 1 , TTW. m. -w m wrav vhpthbv r rai --- .htbb in mmrmmmmmmmm- rr mmammmmw -mmtmwmmmw mmmw . .hibv " T? p v aaanaavaaaraaHB , . Io1IIlBHa I sa- ' ' " "m k- . -, rasrWUE. sWWiWMffidata&kMn. tt I - 1 "T - I," ' W " -- Hv HV-H B " .' 4 - TWI'MilM t - t 1 "' p -k ' -r a- -..-. 6-.-P 7 1886- E. F HIGHLAND, Vico-PrOHldont J. A. TULLEYS SocioUirv. & KANSAS. the at W --aES5s NO 40 Cundlllot. or the ItrltUh y. WIMiMi mm llio Ilr1liih navY, Juvrlnjj vrnr dlTrr i:ied wrvmrt to jrlunn dttrttif; byth jKace jind vr. rxjuiro hjw ot vrlou KitnU and tru5. l tlrt and crratt rr.mtrc:nnr of nil u that of ltt-if battk hip !n wtlkiont numtx-r to en able Kniatnl to tAiid up itcctfuJ! rj;aint any Knroprtat) navjil forr or frco.- that may threaten her or hr m jdre. If an om bouM bo dispKHt to ak why thu rr-jmremont vthich 1 obviously an rxtrcntc on. and n lm )isAtbl ons for morr than inj:! jK)vcr x taort neccvnry for EnUnd than for anv other cuutrr, tho nmrr tmust be. ('trt'ttiitjnct ' l Jook rtnind over England' empire ! to rr hy hrr fatlunj on lh hj wottbl t hrr failure nltopithor Krants. Clennativ. lulr. and ovn HuHnttd, might oarh gut along fairly wrll. losing nothing that t nbMiIutely srnttnt to thrr exutncr, even if tvrr)' jxjrl llongtng to thrm wcro .valed bv an ntnv u-vdron. Itut wero Crmt ltntain to in cut otT frnm hor )lonle- and drMjiiK-nnes, werr her. ship' to be vvet fnm the wo and her jmru i-loed by otde pindron. hc would either ' W deprte of thn .ery clement, of h.. tu.-lf. or aoiiM have U .ek frmu thocontpavtion of lirr fM tin bare mean pi ! cMatoneo. It f thU cotnideration, and tho trong par ental earn h h .he feoU for her col onial, thai make her kmh indignant at any hazardous reduction of her navnl strength 'lhen. am oven in EngUud Itself mun uhoenn not or will not mj this danger, and who iinpu'.o to thovi who triv to acrt it ambitioits. ellUh. nntl even sordid motives Hut it ia to no unworthy cnuv that England' naval anxieties are. duu. Wo liavo no dwiro for war; vve Ao not hunger for further naval fame echcrih no nnan rivnlrv of other p)viri who vek to eolotiiio or to othrwiiMi Improve their trade, we do not want th rnxstery of tho . for any conumirtiial object that are exclusively our own What wc de piro to do U tn keep the se-aa oj'n thoroughfare.- to our vant iMesttnu ami dejwjtideneie.s, and free to that eom mercial communication which baa l come Indispensable to our cJstnco aa an rmpirv. To nccotnplVsh that objNt wo mast, nt any cost. Ik tnttg. fii premelv f-lrong." in Kutofienii wtrrs; ami it K for this renjon tltnt England hne-of-bnttlo hlH ought to be nlwavi above. .itipiciou both iti nuuiln.-r and lu qtmlity. It In not a pleasant assertion for an Englishman to mnknwhmi he has to ay that thin ii very far from Udng the cavi ut present. A few months ago ihi statement, fnuii whom'vur It rum. nated, would have ln'ti rereired with distrust by the general public, for thn truth wa onty known to thu navy Itvmlf and to coiurmratJvi'ly few otit!s!der. Hut the oDinal couununk'ntlon tnadn to both HotiM of rnrllament farly in JJec'tuler huit have prctvnnjd the world fr the tnith, the Hrst brd of the Ad mlraltv in the (liamber of IVer and Sir Tfiomas I'.rae Jn the llouw of Commons hoifg then pr'e'l to Par liament n prograiiuiMi of addiliotml hip-biitbliiig whtrli provide! for a con siderable increase in Ui msmix-r cf Iti llr-t-clas hi and rruir, and whieh aUo providi. on the demand of tho present writer, that the mil- honbl be protrvtutl vvitli ldti of armor -an element of afoty pp'vxnisly deiiii to them. It need hardly b rt'.ited, after thl wholnle ndiniion of wnak nejs by the Admiralty, that Creat itntain at treizt In far fn;tn a sati faetory cfUMlition a regapl lotb the number and tin character of It shiji. Wen that not o, no public agitation could have tiHircd the government Ut revere in nerl reieti a jKjJk-y by v, hleJi it hal for o long abulml. Air Edtrnrd lUvl, m !larir Mnyumu for February. 1 Tho wife of a rtat ubtirban rU dent wa- that nulncf among god cooks a pvqx'tuflj Ixiirowtn. )u day ' it wa a cupful of ngxr. the neit a j of blueing and thf chitb-wrjnger. sml to on. And he wasn't half aw gxl t returning a h- wa at lmwjti, Qu day ;n the of her cvikm not an egg m th.rn U) IWucnd. lrrr Ijc went to one of hr nghh'r. a widow of mall means, and irTowtl the two or tlirex cgg h hajjwnel ui lirc in thi houv. .S-Trral weks 4j'-d. whvn one fonnroTi she ajxired in Uie wid w" kitchen w ith tr eg in a pf r bag. floi Krmnf. Mr. S. I have convj Ut return 'iujethmg twi U& haretfeo other dav. I had W1hJ ogg for break- fa.! this morning; and thyf arc thrr? I had left over. Egg over, r-gg arc . JW know. Huston Iljwrd, Tbo Nw Omaa ironclad OMcnbrx will be of entirely jvril corMroctJrm. It brrwdsioV h!p with Urn-inch S:n. five on each V. two abvre and rec below ilcck. bat the whok litre can bs awccatrsttJ on th same jot with pcfficient force H U to dLfc bl rrs tLe trong-t iroaclaiL Ths displacement of the Oldnbrg b 5.'J totM. and hrreagins3K.borrt.oTrrr. enabling her to icata fe-ortcrn Eaglih xsile aa hour. Tho Ocrroan GoTrrai inotare npparmtir not well xa&iKtJ wtm iae ctmracn o itn wrpea-?- tSte!Mfl. They have onkrea r rirti i rln n I aad refae Ut o Wf( fix tkal JMivbora srmtpicVcL ; DSc!ad to he bt&l kl Esg!4 m4 Xi t tiim; Mr jr aitocftSMea. pno- AWr. miti imL Ir. m Mai WtMsrht tfeesM to Hfc by umn1- '!l T sa. taev 'iSB'' StJ . - aBvttK. " -v -sTc."" 'v - C R ',: S; V . fc.t --1 - - ; . ifsTT'-. lK?5.. iJ&V4:? -a ??f e r- St . -"3 x M&mmmrs l 5 c 3tS 'mmsgmmsmmmm Jsvi- .?)feSffi5&a -., ,-rlKSiM?lS5ae;:rT!!Sl - . .'Bfckisrr -r' v ?KiS33SMSeS5sSfeiErKMS& VgiSfcJi l.tSflKIHHH