The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1886, Image 8

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MPhe Red Cloud Chief
Rat-Killing at Cambridge.
There are a few students at Harvard
college each vear. writes a correnjwml
cnt of the ew York Herald, "whose
natural thirst for sport is not satiated by
the tame and ordinary attractions of
college rowing, base-ball, foot-ball and
lawn tennis. They want something
more exciting, and to supply this want
some of the more wealthy Mtidcnts a
short time ago started u polo club and
won glorv for themselves and their
jxHiies'at Kewport last Mimmer. There,
are other students more venturesome
am! reckless, whose longing for excite
ment can only be patislied ny imports of
more bloody character. The result h:ts
been that during the pat few years
hard-glove conti'Ls and cttk-!ights have
not been of iiifntqucut occurrence in the
college rooms. Last winter there was a
brutal dog-fight in one of the most
thickly inhabited of the college domi
ciles. So secret have thevi a 11 airs been
kept that probably not more than a
dozen students have known ol them,
ami during tlie past sS.vyears only one
of them has leaked out and appeared in
print. It would mean immediate expul
sion for everyone concerned if the facul
ty should get wind of any of these con
tests. To-night a new feature was added to
this course of secret entertainments
riven to wealthy young Harvard bloods.
It was a ral-kiiiing content in one of the
moat riehly furnished parlors in the
linesi of the line buddings of the univ.-r-Kity.
A weal'hy western student owns
a pretty black :tml tan dog who reeently
has developed much .skill in killing rats.
A short time ago he oUcivd to bet a
fellow-student that Iim pet could finish
fifty of the rodents in thirty minutes.
The wager was accepted and"'20.' a .side
was put up the next day A lew friends
of the principals were let into the
sccrol, and it was estimated that fully
81,000 changed hands on the result to
Marly this evening tin; rats were
brought in a box t Cambridge by a
well-known rat-catcher of the north end
of Ioton, who a'o tuniiihcd a large,
round pit. The room presented a miecr
scene at about 1) o'clock, when thy ;ort
began. The clcgaM furniture had been
piled up priiui.'icuouIy on all bides of
the room, and .standing -and .sitting
upon it were twelve young men, the
sons of some of the wealthiest families
in this state, New York, and the west.
Tiny wore tl.vir hats on the back of
their heads, were smoking cigarettes
ami excitedly offering wagers on the re
sult of the contest. The rat.s wen; big
and hungry, ami their .-mtcals then ami
hiring the contest sent a cold shiver
down the hacks of tlu. student, for tear
that the noi-c would attract the notice
of the college officer-.
The dog ua.s soon put into tin; pit.
He is a beautiful specimen of the black
and tan, and weighed a trille over ten
pounds. lit: went at his victims vicious
ly, and after dispatching one of the
squealing brutes would grab another
with lightning-like rapidity. The hung
ry rats fought well, and often Mice-ceded
in biting the dog. In a short time he
was covered with blood, and at. out:
time, about twenty minutes after the be
ginning of the context, he showed .signs
of weakening, and it was fearetl by his
backers that he would have to betaken
out of t!ie pit. Suddenly he made a
wonderful brace and went at his little
foes more viciously than ever. The (log
killed the last rat ten .seconds before his
allotted lime was up.
The game little do ; was then taken
out, his wounds were washed and
dressed ami the dead rats ami pit were
taken back to I5otcn by the rat-catcher.
The little black and ian was literally
covered with bites, but was apparently
in no danger of thing from them.
"This h a world oi effort, you know,
Sanur, nnd re mutt never-yield when M
juchdepsads iioa us," Mrs. Chick Mid
to Mrs. Donibey m the latter lay drug
coon after little J'ajl had bcea tubored
Into the world. Uyt Mrs. Doinbcy could
not taake a.i eZ,n and "drifted oat upon
the an 1 liiuiKiftn ca that rolls round
all the vj'.Ul.'' 31 ri. Chick was not an
Bgretablc character and no words of hrt
couhJ ro'i'C the ycrtle mother's spirit.
"We vri'd mak? one more effort," said
:'.fn. () Tit niioc, of Stuart, la., to her
hu-band whtn he ai utterly dis
couraged by w. II r. Thornton made
the eliort, and why it was necessary for
him to nuke it he tells as follows:
"I had been subject to the iheumatiiia
for several years, it often confining tat to
the li'irisc for two or three monthj at a
time. During my last attack I was entirely
hclplcsj and coijd not do fco much aa to
feed myself. I had been in this condition
for sir weeks and wan getting very much
durourave i, as nothing I had already
done had even given rne relief. My wife
noticed the advertisement of Athlophoroi
ahoui the first time it appeared in our
papers. She said to me:
" 'Well, here is another remedy for
rheumatism. We will make one mora
"I took my first done about 6 o'clock and
almost directly went to sleep. Not having
had any r leep for three or four nighu th
relief was gladly received. I tlept soundly
until 0 o'clock, when my wife awoke me to
take another do-e. 1 had been for several
weeks lying on a lounge. When I awoke
to take my .second dose I found that I could
move, without much pain. X said to taj
" 'I :'iiesa T will cet tin and tro to bed.
and I did, getting a good sound bleep. Th
next day I was up and could walk around.
I continued with the medicine until I had
used three bottle. In five days after I had
taken my first dose of Athlophoros I went
to work" and I ha-o never lost a day'i
work from rheumatism since. That waa
over a year ago."
"You probably spent considerable moner
before that in doctoring yourself with dif
ferent kinds of medicines Mr. Thornton?"
"Yes, I did. If I had known of Athlo
phoros four years ago it would hate Bared
me much snflering and money lor medi
cine, as well as the time I lost in not being
able to work."
- "Don't you think you ran a risk in go
ing to work &o boon after such a long sick
ness?" "I did, no doubt, nut I felt assured that
I now bad a remedy that would soon knock
the rheumatism out of me if I had it again.
I fell anxious to go to work after being
kept from it so lone;. Athlophoros haa
done for me what nothing else could do,
and. I take great pleasure in recommend
ing it to others. It has proved itself in
mv ease to be all that it is claimed
to' be."
Mr. Thornton is employed in the Chi
cac'o, Koek Inland Hud I'ucific Railway
shops at Stnarl, and is well known as a hard
working and in lustrinus citizen. He takes
great pleasure in telling the story of his
cure and often fays that that "one more
cfiort" was the best he ever made, and
that he owes life probably to Athlophoros.
If yon cannot cct ATiu.opiior.oi of yourtlrojf
Rkt.'we will Mjnii It express jmid. on rcoeipt of
rrtfiilur price one lo; per bottle, Wc prefer
that yon lny it from your tlnurckt, tint tf he
rwMs't ft. lo not ! prv.:aleil to try Bomct.'ln
elj b.ii onlt-r nt onc from us iis tlirrciVd
4Tiu.oruor.o Co. 112 Wall Street, Now Yo.Tlt
ZlJnzzini's Political Views.
V. ,1. Linton. th writer and engrav
er, contributes to the .January CciUtiri,
under the till of -Some European Re
publicans." anecdotes- of his former
friends, tog-ther with their portraits en
gravi'd ly hiniM ?f. From a sket.-hof
jMnz.ini we .juote t, following: "The
wo rid scareeh kmw him cxeepi as the
man whose tiiouoht directed the sword
of Caribahli. who. alttrnatelv thwa-jed
ami helped by the I'icdmontesc Cavour,
did raise his I::ilv to nationhood. Hut
he wa.s nior- than this; he was acknowl
edged head of Euiop.-an . Uepubhcan
ism: ami. aulhoriz;d and deputed bv
liim to be the exponent of hi principles
in this country, it is a duty to h.- o
occasion for spying what 'th-.L prinej.
)Ie.s were. .Some interest, too. mv read-
i-i.-. nun iaw- in :e-irn;ng waai l nave
meant bv Europ.n Kepublieanism. f
give no hi.-tory of it but very briellv.
neither to weary nor to' obtrude. 1
would state what l:sur.g;i;hes the
Celtoj; tf which Ise wa.s the founder. So
early us 1635. in his oi et Avenir.' he
broke away from the tr.iditi.ns of the
first l-'reacV. Revolution, denied the ne
cessity of looking always to France for
the Revolutionary initiative; and boldlv
and disiiuetlv tlcclarcd the i!itilliuieucv
of th theory of right. Xot right. but
tluly. he a.-M-rtetl to be the basis f hu-in-n
action: not the desire of happiness
(events -the gr.ntest number), but
satTilnv the beginning of ail real pro
gress. S; J,e took his stand at once a.s
not merely tiie political but as a reli'
:ous reformer, in the tmiversalitv of
duty he found the need of freedom" fo-every-people,
toward growth into na
tionhood: that nationhood no lomvr
mapped out to suit the convenience o? a
lew royal families; mt consftuted ac
cording to mitural fitness ami attrac
lion, for the .ake of cker fellowshin
and givater power in the world's work.
j.iisnnn suuiesently indicate Hie s;ar
uig-poiiu. i-;ji
ieu"ons ;mi1 l:i.w..
moa. .of a 1 his thought and 'action,
llifc poh;ic:jl belief were, tti ,w i,j. own
wonts, bttt the cnisetptenees :mrv ot
Jess ttireet, isioro or 1-ss apparent, of tlfw
supreme laith. Whh h:ni th. .,.i,v;.i
t.a ngnt was to be free and fi.W for the
public Ttuty. LiucMdun. lie held that
the commonwealth ouirh: to b bi-r ..
one nugnty growth and statre of an
nomt juau. ns.oig aim eouia't in vir
tuo as in body.' Lke banuunai? also.
ftllllV.. fill fl5?."C Vi'Ltr-rtr.-- I... :.- .,
..vs v. .... ......... .v..,,vi, 111; !TI:vT.l
the bro:herhovd of nations;, on ttie .inv
of nations toward husnanity. Who?o
over separates families from families,
and nations from nation . divide what
tlod would have uniteil."
M Harvard tft' icLllivc inapnitude oi
tho stars is lh& ?ii:cf bjeot ot udv. ai
Prineerou: "sm'c-roKsjpy: at Aii-:rIj,.;,V
Observatxiry. the dark part of site m;.."
spectntnt and tiie ciV-vt. of lisw.inisii,.,
heat rays on the earth: :ii the 2C:;Ik:-u
Obsen.iton. positious ami .tri:ts (,
fraiuiiucsr ur. .v.iuc!HiKii3. .tm-.-
B t. r::i I jicd nc Blossoms
TJndor tho Now Flagr.
Even the balmy air and orange
groves ol Florida lail to keep its peo
ple fail of happiness and comfort. Art help nature everywhere, in the
tropics as among the nines of the north
"And chief among the blessings which
are ado-itcT to all zones" writes Dr. J.
f It'll .Y 4tX ft .
vt. .taiiace, tu rtiri laie. tMoruia, is
1'aikcr's Tonic. It seems to have the
world fir a field, ami most of the cur
rent diseases yield to its action. I
have used it in tin; cise of a delicate
and dispepttc .youne; lady, with the
most gratifying results. It .seemed to
accomplish with ease what what, the prescriptions and treatment for
"hat miserable malady failed wholly to
to tumg anoiit. lam so clad to ytato
that the Tonic, has greatly relieved
me personal'y of a troiitderome atonic
condition ol the.-toniach of lone stand
ing. It is the ideal purifier and iiivL'
ornnt." Mosrs Hiscox A Co call es
pecial attention to the fact that after
April 10th, ISS;:. the name and style of
this.preparatiou will liereahter tie sim
ply Talker's Tonic. Ihowoid, ginger
is dropped lor the mason that unprin
principletl tlealers are constantly de
cievinc their patrons by substituting
inferior preparations under the name
1 ginger, ami as niuger is an unim
portant llivoriug incredientin our To
nic, we are sure that otir friends will
agree with it:' as to the proprietv of the
change. There will be no ehinge how
ever in the preparation itself: and all
bottles remaining in the hands ot deal
ers, wrapped under the name Parker's
(.linger Tonic contain the enuine med
icine if the signature of Hiscox it Co.
s at the bottom ot the out sj,Ie wrapper.
As Wlion Shq Was Younp.
"1 have used Parker's Urtir Belsam
ami like it hotter than any similar
preparation I know of." writes Jrs.
Ellen Perry, wife of Rev. j. Perry, of
.'..lit .i ;. .. .... " .
t-i'iuorooK springs, .Mass. "MY liatr
was almost entirely gray, but a dollar
bottle of the bub-am has restored the
oftnts.s -intl the tirown odor it hat!
w hen 1 v.-as y. tine, not a single gray
ia:rlcffc. Since i began apph ing the
Balsam nr' hair has slopped falling
out. ami i find that it is a penee!y
u arm less and agreeable dressing.
; ,41 have have tried Athlophoros in
oanily. and it has worked like a charm
1 have kept it for the hisi l-uo months"
writes druccisi L .1. Kimball, of Nor
way. Mich., civing his opinion of the
5'reat- .rheumatism and neuralgia cure.
Capt. -W. A. Abbot of, fin Moine
Iowa whopcrvetl in Co. A. 79th. Ind
Vol. Infantr, during the war has been
afflicted with feverc attacks of rheumn
tism more or less ever 6ince, in a re
cent interview he stated that no treat
ment he had ever found equals Cham
berlinV Pain Balm. The penetrating
and pain relieving power ol this med
icine nlaccs it in the highest list of
curative agents known to the scientif
ic world, about all tha advertising this
medicine ha3 had has been done by
persons who have used it and reccom
mended it to their friends Try it when
you arc in need of a medicine for lame
back or rheumatism. Sold by drug
gists. Anna Draper of Hepburn. Iowa
briefly states her opinion of Chamber
ains Couct Remedy. She say. ii ie
far superior to ary medicine she ever
used for croup.
R. E. Joorc. Pres't J. 1 Mmcr.V per
John Moore, Cashier
First National Bank
fnpital, - 75,000.
i'ranact a jfeneral bar kIoit busine. buy and
fell Cunty w.irrant. Alo County. I're
;inct arnl .School District bondi. Buy and eell
-;oreisn Kxchanse-
It. K. Moore. Jhn .Voore.
i. CM veh rr. H. C. 'Jatcalt
W K IticharJson.
m m UTTLE !
Great Re
iliii i ipii
! k
fSsil -
At Mrs. Newlioiise's
t U 1
isa ess
bss y?
3Btvt2 ?
A. lot of white goods, hamburgs. hosiery, etc. . '..
sold cheaper than ever or elsewhere. Sls s0Ck 'is very lare andrRle
Please give us a call before buying. J
0. STeiser
RE A &
' 3
very reasonbie.
A'sd job lot ( f
2 j imzwtiszs
IlLK.iH i C - .ftIi H 3.1 Xta.fl fCkJ9iHK-A
Red Cloud - Nebraska
30 000 acros Land for Sale. Improved Farms, unimproved Lands.
Businoas Houses, Residences, and Town Lota
Correspondence invited.
Jelx tJu
j AC i --. - - .-.. ... ....
1213111.': B . A";r.v-;rea ")ir.' tut
bmtoil V. .(:, .int Ivw.).SrI
uall)" it.1"- fSfi'ill'o'f'.ie.
(imrart . n -1 r i v r-' . L-t C-- rfrt
ir.trc--Ty orlniurouj k.-i t' i l n sv-Jir-m
Irj. t-,.. VilUtM UC n ! '! ce t'f .. ! l-v 1 .l M
c r..crttrrMvr;rvf.--rf f -iff ' b-.V.-r. h'y. .r
ri-3 1 .' I fir:rr.. C f i' ( r r '. ''
AUOOKfurU.t-'ie,S u-l.t . t. a -If .ruu unp.
n 1 1 r ! I A3 tiTl C RlTheGREAT TURKISH
RHEUliflATiSifi rheuhatic cure.
A l-0ITIVECl'llKfrnEt'JIAT15M. '-00 fr3PT
ratu tr'snrjrt r.:i trc torbf? ,,t,,' tu. '"
.a.niitt.oftwlH-ifi O filc.ui t I. d .-. r
.urfrrraiil.iiiinj nrvcyfi MlclmM .' J.
cl ttf tnci t .l raw -H '.i.i f ftrruUn. C . or J I
Or.HcnJerson. 606V.'yardotto St.. Kanta City.Mo
"-c W Iff
Legal Notice.
t;iku iiitii-e that on tlie ITth !;i t
lhr,. .Mlnda A. Uilib. nlHintUI liiTfin. lih-il ln-r
ix-titloii in tliedis'rict "rt f Wi-'t-r count .
Xeiinika. against nii! dfi'iiil:iut. tin- 'j-t-t
and tnivcr of wind: are to Mniii a dlvotve
from . 'aid ilcii'iidnul on tin-rouud of t-vtrftHi'
crm-lty. fnlitirt'to jirovidi and liabitmil ilruiik
'imess. You ar-ri'iiir,il to an-wcr atd vtl
tion on or before the 3W day if Ma. !?.
1M'IA A'.ll. 1'l.titltilt.
Ilv Kaley ISros., hfrattoniej-. 3S
Legal Notico.
Insures horses at lite iie of from 3
,' to 1 1 years; mules from 2 to 17 years,
bullions and Jacks from 3 to S years;
und cattle from H to 11 against loss
ca u?ed In' Dinease. Injury Accident, lure,
Liiyhtninii or Theft, for not less than one
or n.oro than two years excepting
steers which are being fatted for the
market, tvnieh can he insured for six
Speei.d attention is called to our Tire
and Lightning Insurance, which is
good anywheic in the state of Nebras
ka, whereas the liability of loss ly
Fire and Ligntning ol Fire Insurance
companies is limited to the premises
of the asurt'il. and perhaps a small
radius beyond. The advantages and
benefits which this company oilers to
farmers ami owners of stock generally
are so plain ami apparent that it is
hardly necessary- to call attention to
i.v Tin: nisTKirr cnrKT ok wkustki:
I count v. Nchnnka. rohn It. l'lt-wit. ilainttf
atrain-it Murv ('. l'ri-xvit.dcfeaif.iMt.
The abow iianu'd d-li-tlaiit will take notice said iiluintllT filed ids oetttiHii ai'i-t h-r
in said t-ou t. tlieolijcct and pnijumf nhieh jtre
to procure a decree of divone lrw 'aid le
ffiidaut on tlie ground of willful an-ence from
iaiutilt for more tlian two ye;.rs. S.ud le
fendaut is required to answer said U'tition on
or before the illst dav of Mav. I.-t;.
.Inii'.v n. I' riaintiff.
Hy Kaley I'.ro-i.. his attorneys. .H
Administrator s Notico.
7.srATi:oF vi:n.s roris i. Di:fi:vsi:i)
The iiiifli-rsijrued ha iiitr be'ii aiiM:nt-il
udmliii-trafor of the estate of N-lN 1'onl-on.
late of WelMer county, an stite of Nebraska,
deceased, hereby wives notice that he will :i
pear before the county court of Webster rouutv.
at tlie ofilce of the County at tin .lime
term, on tlie flr,t Monday in .lune i'-xt. i".. at
which lime all persons having i-laiuii aniist
said estate are notified and reo.ue-.tcd to aft ml
for the purpose of having the same .idf.i-ted
All claims against said estate not presented at
or liefore the August term of salil court wtlltc
lorever baned. All persons indebted to s-ni
estate are to make linmedi.ile pa
inent to the undersimieil.
Thomas AMiKitsoN. Adiiunistnitor.
Dated April ICtli. issn. SI J
Against loss by 1'ire
. I.iliti ii!f. loriiido and
(vioms. in tie mil ie 1..'m-
German Insura r.ccCo.
(H- FUKKi'Oitl, II.1.1N Us
Insurance so!i-:ted an 1 los-- promp'U paid.
All paitie.s wishing to insure will nt ie.- prompt
:Utentiou lj- giving notice l mall r o'l,'iwi.-e
to the undersigned. ('has. miiakvmt.
jM'cial Agviit, Ki-il (Joud Neb.
Tiis Excitement Not over.
The rush at Ferguson fc Co s drus:
tore :ill continues on account of per
sons nlilicted with coughs, colds,
-sthnia, bionchitis. and consumption
o procure a both; of Kemp's Balsam
or tho throat and lungs which is sold
)r. a guanmteev and is giving entire
-at is faction. It is a standard faniilv
'ViiHHly. Price oOc and $1. Trial siz'e
Tko Impending Danger.
Thn re-cent statistics of tr.e number
ot deaths show unit a largo msjnritv
wte with coniumptinn. This disease
y roip.niencf with an appcaraatlv
irmivss cough whit-is can be cured
istatitiv T?v v..,..' tj.,1 - .u
roa and litn.-r ,.-i;i,vt.-. . ..j
. ,--, ',"." w UHiiuiicru
.eases. -Price 50
1 fize free. For
rguson & Co.
. 4 !....... 1..-.$ ... . ... ..?..i. ...1 ...
II V.lllU;. .lJii ii? .ftUiiVU. i ill .- ,,
Albanv ami laic irfuctinzv mam.o: ..:.. v .u" renevo ai
- f. ' '!; " iiry- !
Mm Why t3 Insure.
Because it is tho only Live Stock In
sutra.ieo companv authorized ly tho
laws of this state to do husiness in this
Hecnuse it is a Home Company, or
ganized with home capital; the money
naid to the company is keot in the
state, and is paid out for losses to the
citizen-' ol the state; ii all remains in
the state.
Because it is a rcliaMe institution,
whose stockholders, directors and otli, are among the wealthiest and
most nromioent business men in the
Because its manner of adjusting and
paying ioss are always in harmony.
with tie principals ot strict justice
and liberality.
Because you cannot ylFord (O bo
without insurance on vour live ?to'k
any-more than on your house and barn.
If ynit are Well otV you can loose
nothing by insuring i you are poor
xtiil cannot ailbid to loose any of ynir
stock, it would be criminal negligence
not to insure.
Because should voir wish to borrow
monev and offer as security vour stock
the security will be more atnp!e, and
you can obtain money more readily,
and at a lower interest, if that slock is
covered by a policy of insurance in
this company
Because we injure stock againstrffofA
by accident, disease or thrft.
Because we insure stock against lots
by fire or lightning.
Because no other insurance com
pany can give you the same kind of
Insuranre. 9
Because a paid up capital oi $100000
and a constantly increasing surplus
fund renders It safe and solid against
iny emergency that may arise.
Because its popularity among farm
ers and stock owners is attested bv the
fact that there are now written and in
force over 15.000 policies.
Applicationsirill be rftxicd by,
A. J.ToMLiNsoNy Agent.
Bed Cloud Nb. ; i
I Will Insure Your Hogs !
Hog & Poultry Remedy,
Probnto Notico.
I tj;t ai.'d his M-iiiiun in th rNuHv mrt f
W est,.r cstiiriu. Ncl... bow:nt: nHt oClwf
thine-tbat K'tat Cr-u-h. I.itf t Mtvyt?F rtnm.
t . -Ne iraV-i. d(--l m or atMut Uv dav trf
i'S. and .tsklUB th;l I. tUTs .' ilni'M
isirniKui iK'K-ntetl to 1L ;ill..rd I'riai i!. t
UHlnUy ttl .ril. i-. h Mt sjnrt tl- tl. r
iii of s.nd WitiHi. All iimw int. rcr. d i i
t ike iiotKv t tlie tow am a- ami be i.r . . !
to tMMHs- tlie -.(ir ! they k Jesin-Wlturs-
my hM a.l t at Uw ert r
il.s; ill lolt-l IhUStbd f uf V;r '-.
W. A. M KlCIiA.N.l' .Iij..,
Harness Shop,
in: x I it IN
i AUXINS ('l..Ai;.S, rfAUPLIfc
win iv. i om hs. i. i ; i v 1 1 1:
and y-rything iisimlly kept in i t : - -i
-lasssti ij).
A wo not rs n.rth oHst Xnt.'l.OL'D.XEU.
At half prices
U & !i l P u "r n II
i r S Iru P u inP
ibaaM kai W W SaV- Jm
m g
Gi Ji W ii
nd tho lineal Una ot
Custom work nearly done and after the mosx
approved fashions Cutting and fittms:
a specialty, prices reasonable.
Old Stand Eat Side Wobntot Str.?oU
K. P WflSER,
aicv tj a ir- j"
mfsh I
S a 3 uai Si 3
b n a rfRfl ir
rat .v t-j m : -i u ri
T, J. MOSHER, Prop,
Live Stock and gen
eral aucl oneer-
Blue Hill, Neb
Y ri SI U
I i u II m
q I ri
Market Every Day and Prices Beasonablo
Old Stand, Red Cloud
P. i l is .i .l.irk l..u. . t h c iii'ht f ir
Mil. .l'il UfV'tls Hllfll III s-u. lontlltioli' ,4
Ids sin vn a tlmmiiti tr-ti im rt.- -il.
dam li fiich tii.Mltan. himI as a tTK Jtctttir bs
a n'iilatiHi s-nitil i;iuu'.
Thlt.Ms. -To 'nsiiiv as; m.iv ltt ah.-M
mans an kimii t lw in Uai 'I'artws niual
rcl.trii mart's retriilarl.V. Aaj m,ir-s iK-.Mtl ..f
will Ih Ih-IiI to f iii f.t:i!. art will b lakfM U
!! rnt a.--l.ii-nts, but I w II i.r it sifLsibU-si-mill
am M'Hir.
-t:inlsfrtb-tfxino( sm. u mv bam In
I.Vil (ioiiil.
"Win. Gates-
Lognl Notice.
i v Tin: nisTicnT conn oif wkisti:i:
1 I'oiiiuv. N'f tinsl.-.i :
"A Unit W. Unnkli. plxiiitlU.
D.tnll IJ. l;urltaiMl'ath-ritHtj. Wwtk. tlt-ifii .
Iii-alH... naiiH-tt-lft-n.l itit -lll t.ifc-iit'-
iiiai Hit jii tiav rf Artil. t. I- .-. :- 1
lioiirs ( to a. m. anil ti p. m. at Sttfoa- ! .1. I.
Kiirt-. a iiotarv t'iii.-li- in ttw rll f I.iitxi. 1-.
I.iim tiKiiitv. loa. tbt- -4antin li i..k.- tltf ,
lt-tmHi.n t.f .lamrt VJ.jh.'t M'Tfonl. f
atitl a. W. ItunHf. simin itws.-. t.l . .1
as cv'ftrtH'f t ibr trial of !,e alt- ntith-'l
:ile, Hllh a'lIirHJ to allni Ironi tto to J
lay until mHi n-inm.ns hw- t-t" i.K-i j
iSU Kai.- I?h.K Atornvs Jr I'i.iH.tirr
Tiw ccunrny, wiut-
ce nv r aahimc rmn wtr, t t tmi
Wci' ."iv s 'i " "' i)f
- .. - - i. -- . ?- K. "X,' J r TjI "aTaaT
None Kcliiiliii" w.tbttut tnis lr..?t n ;ik ;
It lias newr bet-n surpiussett a ait ln.rta.-o. of
jork.aiil jit'iivral sw,.jh tonir. Anting 1 !;
tion. stimulating tlu bibiarj orjruis. tirvv-iutnit:
lorj'fratui fHKor'ituMit or Uif l!vir. antl rvsii-latin-;
tlu'bowv s. I. iiioeaa!.l (irrtt-iits tbpftir
illation of iliM-ase c. mis. ami rt-s.ots , j,
well bred bog ts natuial o'istittitioii. Wbrr
it bas been fed to sueb ammars m ihf jiresrrUvil
quantities, and otb'-r diivtsoiis faitittnliy ot
served. !t has jmived to bti :i tboiotrli jirt-ven-tative
against swbie dl.eas s.
in my remedy I make the ftHimi..i: oSrr.--
I will iiis:.ivbtrilMii swiut- f u.t .tn than!
onf bniUred in nuthdt-r i,;:.n M :im.-m-. at a'
miiiuI tee er be-nl provide. 1 tbey a f-l my
reiiit tly under my direction. wl iir iu'n -
anilnaiio;: ji-ii.r tf eo:itnct that thr ar- iu a
be.ihby condition awt are iei!ltrr :n-brrt.
i lose lirott ut lie i ropt ujfof .(k ti.
1. I ue 1 forfeit ilrt.m to an; b-4rr taM
offer to examine lor luMirat? 1 bfcilne wwld
n! he lor.vants to fttvrr my Sfrres
to Jujd from !vratMii tf hs. or I fail t pnv t
the siit :sfacto of at. ;!frvlet puny tht
laifiire t re-jH;al to wnrt.UHa u emfi oy t
prior etteiuiit or by i at h-& tu. ,
:mjxrt.tnee. j
Z. I will forfeit ?Jro it I 4eUiv rt rtai.i ;
hint Ion to insure sB,to buffi's lay jodgmtrut j
to tbeir tK dltlon of hnrth U ortww hj th? ;
result of an eamiutitfm nh-t) at W-l two r
tr jeriy fituiifitMl ami nnUnisj reMilaao r-
iWK.S. i
Fact3 aro Bolter Thp.n Assertions.
I'lcist read the foUo4r2 avstrUwae;
;ieoxto I'. O. I'eb 24.. k-s. j-
Dr.los. Haas. i
iw-.vrr-- l fr! s r our hl lr I
nuatred alout 2.TfO bsul. l'n brt, at
aul no remedv we liad w.xibl xrrvt tfie irmtbie
Our Ksc were Ikmvv. and w $ l gtt p
teodinc entirei f or atxnit : avKrt&s. lav
beanlof vour miiedx. and rwlrt X't! M.
and brpui fe-licacsr. Webu ar u ch
stantlv ever mr We havt i s .Writ last
recrif ei! about &.! ot acrs InUt er lr4
and have .ot h.uta sine Srtb irwn it
disease. jhlNoar eJ.terkHe. w jhmj j
lth-tt :S rfittHiv h&s tirtretet Usl- ar.d ! ..
c would not tbihh of bolnr U. A aa U
aid lntatt.nuisr loncwc ieiere u a c jp-r.
l)n this point, Isow-ever. j bv no: msjl? om ac .
tual ter. as w ax W no: risk fccilte? i-a of .
bogs without the rvnWy.
YixiTi varj tralr. j
wiirr &r. '
;y.n. Wnl;ACo Itkc vrntinx UWr n''
letted ha r irnreUrX! -C5 vnTtk f lb rwnw . ; ;
Tho rfmei R te prwwrrtl at
Attention Teachers.
Nme et oriel p-.n that J mill rvm tr '
-nMn w le i way dirf u utter thrios.-i., s , .
i-arstlirtate- for tea-iier- of UV roinnwrn . itfi'.
of V.V.tei "aint ai io ufHic In ttrtl l'nl mi
third SaJwr.lay of ea-b mowth. IJr jhHmI' it J
.'mifiHH" M 9a. m. im imC aK tor t e v
amiita;UNis. C. W. SrKt.4Kic. s-up'u
W. E. VantaPBBt
. fgAVaJirfWM: o. t3 - l- l wo i -l
lim. . - ' J - - ..... . - - - . - X- rjW
vit X i t : .n! ". HTO n J , . : tx.v U -
nontvll rc --i in: " i t if ty.
tntos tr vl ..n-l r-?r bftn .v of
la ntao t?t Uvr-iw wi bet r ' i r '
8oatb't. oiid r -p'wia i ' -. ' .- '
th ijau-1' r.Lanfl ttrnt, in U i9 iJ
"fit' 1rHBrtal Sana ri. ul
'&' J?? ? iMiyC
taivirtwitfc -.
in a awi rpums: CI
r ajt . Rorft Tiaaiitiii in i
j-'. .- . lt.v:m ( .
urm Aihmht Kri
a. n ttrwm. ix-i
nti'KiKroK of
lis Urn Dining M,
. llbrtv. l-t-rn CJtr "" &'- MB
iAuduboi. HaxJirt. o ithrt. lnt- vf
" Troai a. C5nnrn ' K . t.-"T - m
In Krr; Myr !v ltms&p',- ' nl ,'
Ia)cott. o-k! tiunl.-" l 'f snt-frcj'i. vi rtf.
.UK, iftfft, tfc
1 rn worth tr.aa At
fc m-XT """ " i '
- mnmmnKm. . - tMrtr-ria M
jj gjaaaaaaialaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCZfc
Oauraitefc ita p'trn tfca wa Of pr..n-U HaTHy m'ZmmA trfm
thoixntiihlv to JlawI rovJb!; motii 'nc f 0Utow4a raaai rmtt
FUnUollr twill -.:rr i'l 2f.J8r; .,rrt -u m am mv anarfertM
human WU traa taajeo n. w ; ppjst. r- dkhw wiiina tnraa
orwl lur-bnltw; n1 twu rx-nr-. 4fe5li i" TO' f irctaaf
opcrUm of II tv tnin Ota -f iBNartavi t ji cf tti rot at? Tmimrm m
. rJl comioctinjc jpc it ii tis.i-x WW c 1 tfc vinimrinn MM comfor. mnH
lUXUHM OC It f JUBdff tq lOftfc'n.
Ti Faat Y.xjcim Trtix. T--.-mrmsx rfjr, rn4 its JCfwnrl !! ewcav
rorf vf Tls Ttrii'-ti ftr-r :r -.oSwwa-l i r '& tiammAtkmmt - umm
Ph1o JfkN?r iaf ti '.''- -JifU M.t -i.-njne (4Mv ,.. Is vftrt
binbomtiy nxkxi c:s r ;. "'-jtr"ti rtf-irt t-,aMw
Atwclt. ami Shaani "3 ," Pasr -sr. C9tfn Ucl irt Cfrsa?I
lo tt direct ad firoriwn ' - w fJCVara a6 MJ-sa pi& r Hit ?MaV
? ' .Zfj aw wrrHBite
aoK'- rjawi ana
rbr o.r-iion -..r rvac .- . rwjn t3iT5 '-. p
nml antwr. Prrnrs rr : w'.
VaAartfts r. r-sus i-ors picc-rMaiM Jamf e
.tWrsrocrRda r f krr aJ 'J. nmYM. TtHmtee am -,
rw abMt ftlA uvt Mah.f i tejta ' f tfiJtaP Iv. r l
" ---w- - .-.- - - w x r - . Jfc - w . .
8Ua ao?tar D;BS5rjT T. k. T5 Si afca JOUMaV law
i. u- , 4
laura raort Sftnm. T-
UKET3 Mu!9a. KTiaiar C--?, -Tin'
For d.-tsftef afrarnrr'-. e
n-3ea at a taraactr: Tsi
"Vt-wai as4 itTsJ Stw. Ofeii.
f3WB4 O
ftl 1 IWkTaTfS
Mayaaf Ma.
W laa
. rvaewiE, saaKaMa, pam
aBg asr ai s
flMfilfl me ALA..'
yti udgu Uigdilbi
C. L. Cottinr. R Cloud.
rnees 52JW. SIS aal t$ arju'aciiagy. ?
2Ml. cau 512J0.
Jv. Hns, V. i!vmkr of IJIana
stale Veterinary Medical Ai-s-ciation,
lanJuutawlif, lud. . vU-i;u.
At ail Loun for 25c Lnnch.
Hot Coffee. SandiGrk-iies
Board 1j day or -sq&sk- -
Mason & Kanriix Pianos.
Are tylehrair forUir Imutr atut fit nh. onkk iei;roaGa
purity and vol u ma of ton arl ?m-! of tiw bat miiria!
Kvery LsaUnuaait&
.-tars. Plesi call
anchbv tlie itt ria: n x ai -a
;t fdllr anissiti hi all ft- ' r fiv
land exammctiiescs iastmtrja brl r
One do-ir nort-
'''aaaalfcai.iiii'a'' I n "-- S-" H'fcSS- - -
bbbbbHbbbbbbbb' aHaaaaaaVaaaBRaji.iE,
. && :2 OXl .
' -"ft?
. -J-'
- "Jta
' .1 1W
- ' -
2L- ' -''fMiBm-? -
5Sr'. "S-s
MaKaar ,Siaaisis J