The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1886, Image 2

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The Red Cloud Chief
Propi letor
C. W. Fuller Is doing ft good business
in agricultural implements.
M. J. Turner has added a good sub
stantial awning and other necessary
improvements to his store house this
Thomas Paul also continues to add
improvements to his new store build
ing. The carpenters arc this week repair
ing C. M. Brown's house in good style.
D. B. Buzick is making some needed
improvement! for hand'ing hog3 and
other stock.
S. Ganghin is helping G. W. Usurer
this week in the blacksmith shop.
Spmeon Urown, of Kansas City,
formerly a re-ident of this county, is
visiting his relatives and friends in
Cowle? or Blue Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Carrier started on
Thursday fur Conrad, Iowa, where they
wil' make their future home.
I). . Buzick shipped another car of
hops to Chicago Thursday.
The freight train gung north, due
at Cowles at 1:40 p. in., will carry pas
sengers between Bed Cloud and Hast
ings north bound, but not going south,
as some seem to understand it.
Mrs. W. T. Evans is back Iron her
visit at Humiioldt and reports a pleas
ant time.
Mrs. I). 1$. Buzick stalled on .Satur
day for two wuuk.s visit in Ashland.
We know how to sympathize with
you, David. L. II.
Stiiko Still On! .
Morhart fc Fulton will sell tho new
Davis 3 burner, wrought iron, 6mooth
top, automatic, self lighting gasoline
stove spot with oven cash for $1550.
5 burner, with oven, mounted, $17.00
New Eureka, 20x20 inch oven, with
30 pieces of tinware, spot cash, net
No. 8 Cook and reservoir, complete,
with 30 pieces ware, spot cash, net $25.
A full line of tho celebrated "Gar
land" cooks and ranges, finest goods
sold in the United States.
Also their immense stock of 'ranges,
cooks, shelf goods, wire cloth steel
goods, wooden, granite, planished
fancy, pressed and hollow ware, tools,
wood pump, etc., etc., for spot cash,
10 per cent, discount. Now is the
time to purchase, while the strike ia
UN! Call and see them.
Oliddcn brtrb wire, $5.35 net, spot
cash. 39t4
Boys' long hoe at the Golden Eagle
Thk undersigned take this method
of expressing thei heartfelt thanks to
their many frienJs of Red Cloud and
vicinity for attention, kindness and
sympathy shown them during the
sickness and death of their dear little
Cora Blanche. A. T. Ball.
M. M. Ball.
The finest line of shins and under
wear at the Golden Eayle.
Small grain is looking well.
Some farmers have commenced
planting corn.
School in district 00 will commence
next Monday, Mrs. S. 1. Northrup
The B. & M. have surveyed up State
Creek, and up by Helyern's school
house.then up the west branch through
.7. Robinson's old place, to the east
branch of While Rock and cros Pawnee
at Steven Graves', then southwest to
Smith Center.
.1. L. Grave-' mother, sister, and
brother-in-law, are here from Ken
tucky. II. Stcflen sold bis .steers last. week.
-We notice the farmers aie planting
a great many fi nit trees of all kinds.
We are glad to hear of Bio Ilelvcrn's
good prospects, glad to hear he has
got to paradise at last. Sin.
5?" Farmers take a look at those oak
posts at Howell Bros. They are just
hut you want. 37 wl
For cheap farm loans call at the law
office of Chancy it Bentlcv, Red Cloud,
Nen. 37f
sajrGo to Howell Bros for coal. t
To Rent!
A brick houe in nrth part of the
city, or will -ell at a bargain if sold
soon. Inquire of -Judge Yeier. 37tf
You can find the largest stock and
the best make of boots and shoes, a
lowest prices, at the Golden Eagle.
Pot, soda water, lemonade, ginger
ale, birch beer, etc. at G. W. Cline's.
All fresh and nice. Call and see him
For Sale at a Bargain.
A new seven room house with four
lot?, situated in the most desirable
Dart of the city. Can be bought on
ong time. Inquire of I). M. Piatt.
9 per com loans at the Nebraska it
Kansas FarmLovn Co.
Farm for rent, and cows for sale. See
G. W. Barker, Red Cloud. tf
The Nebraskafc Kansas Farm Loans
Co. have plenty of money to loan.
Mrs. J. H. Smith is receiving fine"
house plants from the east every week
To be sold cheap. 3Sw2
J. H. Smith will put up lightning
reds for 25 cents per foot. The very
best eteel rods used.
j&" 36aTL
Fine Office Work a Specialty.
Lauklilnz zs xlmzyoa hand. OiBcc orcr u-4
Cloud NjUioni! Ba&V .
lu-l bi -
Fine weather once more.
The has surveyed up State
creek twice.
Mr. and Mr.-. Coble have returned
from Missouri, where they have been
visiting friends and relames.
Mr. tlohn Beachamp was elected
director in the upner -'enney Creek
district. Your correspondent would
like to see Mr. lis name on the ticket
lor our next supervisor.
Bete Mcintosh is working for J. S
Frank Siiuttt has moved on hi?
fathers farm Su.i.y Jam:.
We am prepared to take in pasture
two hundred head .f cattle. Good
.water. Six miles north of Red Cloud.
37 w3 Em igh it Son.
That on the ISth day of November,
1S32. in the district court of Webster
county. Neb., John Duslin was con
victed of horse stealing. An applica
tion will be made for pardon on the
J 0th day of May, KSS0.
Heating stoves of all kinds stored
lor the season with If. It. Sherer fc Co
Monoy to Loan
On real estate in Nebraska or Kan
sas, interest at 0 per cent. No bonus
charged. Chankv & Bkntlky,
Red Cloud, Neb.
37 tf
This medicine, combining Iron with furo
rttjctftWe tonic, quickly anil comtilctcly
Curra lyiprpln, I ndlgrnttoii, IVrakHC,
I in purr nisfHl .1IaJaria,L'kllIs aiid Fererm
ami XruralKla.
It is an unfailing remedy for Difte&sc-sof the
(ilIti-) find I.lver.
It is invaluable for IiIt'ftHs peculiar to
VYonip n, and hII who lead hcdentary live.
1 1 d(H.- ncl injure the teeth, caue himluclie.or
,vo1ucc constipHtion oIKt Iron mtdicintulo
Itennchet and r-urifies the blood, stimulate-!
the nppetite. aids the assimilation of food, re
cvtt Heartburn and Iklching. and strengtii
ens tho muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack d
J-nersy. Ac., it has no equal.
a TheKfnulne has above trade mnrkef
;rc sed red lines on w raprer. Take no otl.
UUouljhj linon(lirlirL CO, RLTlIOKt,J
a gkougia sci:ni:.
Is the place to get bargains in PHAETONS
ing purchased our stock at nduccd
Successor to R, L- Tinker,
Aarries the largeft sUxk of l)ed room, parlor and kiU-Iien
furniture and undertaker s goods in the republican
valley. Oil paintings, picture frames etc.,
in great variety.
prices we an: able to place c&
the market all Kinas 01 ve
hicles cheaper than
the cheapest.
Buck Boards at
Top bugges at
Spring Wagons
$65 .00
We are also prepared to do all kinds of job aid repair work
at bottom prices. Old buggies painted and repaired at
reasonable rates. It will pay you togneus a nil
and get our price !efore purchasing elsewhere.
n k
How the lloy and lrN UmciI to Aiuiik
TliemselTen in thr Oldrn Tim.
A hunch of 30 head of nice stock
ho$5 coiHistinjj of brooil sows, etc. for
.-:iif. rn(tiuire of
:sti Joseph Gkaves.
iSajrLet us figure that bill of lumber
for you, and we will .ave you some
nionoi'. Try us, ami see if we don't.
37t-l " Howell Bros.
Kaster wtnl oil' with a hower.
School wil! beniti the fiit Monday
in Ma and is to be taught by Mi.-s
Anna Ou-krell.
There are lots of camel hums in the
country which t;et lop-sided sometimes
There is lots ol corn beini; listed in
this vicinity.
The rain that came last week wns
Kood for the fanners as well as the
jjram that is planted. No. 40.
A c.i: load of the finest and cheap
est furniture ever brought to lied
Cloud. F. V. Tayi.oi:,
Successor to II. L Tinker.
Now is the time to get your furni
ture. Car load ju.-t received at
A fink line of baby carriages at F.
V. Tavlor's. successor to R. L. Tinker.
Don't fail to call anl get 1113' prices
before buying furniture.
F. V. Tavlok,
Tinker's Old Stand.
A .vice line of drv goods will be sold
but very cheap at Mrs. Xewhouse s.
Is.-rui: your property with Cnas.
Schallnit, llvil Cloud, eb 30tf
Tin: beet and cheapest line of lace
Hamburjis, and everlasting trimmings
at Mrs. Xewhouse V
Another invoice of wall paper just
received at Cotting's.
Don't buv vour paint until vou have
examined the merits of tne King
Tinted Lead, sold by Cotting.
F01; Sale. A good baker , all com
plete. A first-class opportunity.
Impure of S. F. Spokeskield,
:i4-tf Ked Clcud. Xeb.
Window shades made to order at
Co to G. W. dime's for fresh home
made cundio?. cigars, etc.
L.idies'.cheap ho?ier- at Mrs. Xew-
It is .-afe to say that the concert to
be uiven b- Mis lio.vt; May ."jib, will
be the finest evt-r given in our city
Miss Howe has a .-harmin , voice.
highly cultivate.!, uiub-r perlect houst
control. The follouing pre--: i,iiiuv (,
speaks lor itself:
The song w an "Aii with Varia
tioiir'oncof those diilicult Italian
Cv)mposutous full of Midden traiiMtums
,11ml tt'll.-, and high mite-, wnn-h ive
a evere te-t ; the Ile.vil lhty and
swee'.ne-s of a Mngei's vic, and of
her control over it. .Miss llovi- voue
stood perfeettv the highest test if thi
kind ot singing liss Howe w is
clamorou-lv encored and re-iondel
with an extpiiMte rendering uf "Cumin' M- W. Dickerson's.
thro' the Kye." The ech song give; Two rooms fjr ren
abundant opportunity for tho suvom p KCrre-ter
plished voc-Ciist to diow tho wonderful 1
d5 and -ee the ntw hard wan firm
ol K. H. H.erer t Co. tf
Kok sale or tent A good store room
m south ne 1 Cloud. A first-class lo
cation for a competent business man.
Impure ofAV. 11. Jackson. 33tf
JIkmjy Cook now has the most
complete stock of wall paper, shades,
etc.. in the Republican Valley.
Another car load of Illinois coal at
t. Inquire of W
.-.!-. t - : - ...
coiitioi mio uas over uer voice in p-.s Xui-e uirl wanted at B. & M eating
sing fivm the full poxi enul ton, .l 1!... , h tJ ,
tram to b;,t prrfectl clear j Ko, lhe am best Rlker )Arh
herer .v Co. tf
tones. o the c Io. I lie ai:l:ence wnich
never felt that it bud heard enough of
3hss Howe's singing, compelled her by
continued applause to return alter ttiis
piece, and she sang as an encore "A
iird in the Hand." Stale Journal
Lincoln. AW.
Wanteu. A -oung girl to help do
general house work. One who can
sleep at home pieferred. Inquire at
the Golden Eagle Clothing Store.
wire call on It.
Farm Loans.
Kit rni loans nesroti.ued. Farm loans
Xothing to beat the low oven Jewel
vapor stove, at R. R. Sherer Co's
hardware store. tf
See the celebrated Crown Jewel
vapor Mover, at R. R. She'er &. Co's
hardware store. ."i:ttf
AH that want a square meal on short
notice izo to the Star restaurant. U'irin
m tut!; at all hours.
1'akk V'atsox, Proprietor.
Fie?h home made candies a G. W.
ClineV. Call and see htm.
A good team of horses, for sale. In-
After the writer had grown some
older and had been regularly adopted
in the fnniily of "we 1111s and" ran with
the boyt he was allowed all the privi
leges of the young men of the com
munity nnd wa told to ronsidi r him
self at home, which he did with a good
will. On a certain occasion it was de
cided b3' the young ladies and gentle
men to have a frolic at J. W'.'.s. and I
was warned to be on hand with a few
pounds of sugar for sweetening" and a
couple of skeins of silk for liddle string.
Strings were scarce about here then and
they asked you a quarter a piece for
them. I was on hand at the time :q
pointed with the sweetening and the
silk and ready to go after my "gal."
It was different then from now. It vou
carried no partner with vou, you had to
take the chances, a every man had the
exclusive right to his own partner.
When I got there she was ready with a
new homespun dress which had never
been worn. I, of course, praised the
check, and the stripe, and the tit. It
only took si yards of cloth to make a
girl a dress in those ilav -. Hut she an
nounced that she wa ready to start
and out we went. 1 jumped upon Hark
Mill. She lit up behind nie and caught !
l 9ttt iwilil A.I.I fflltlt ....,,. .iwt.
r" " fiiiii 111411 jwnjt iiii"iu
rear, but she was there if I did not come
off. Away we went, and came ui ight
of. I. W.'s about sundown. The crowd
was gathering in rapidly, but no fun
had commenced. As we rodo up some
of the girls sung out:
Xow we will have sonio fun. Here
comes J. and his gal."
My partner rolled off like a bag of
rolls. I tied my pony to a fresh sapling
ami we went in. lhe girls all veiled
"Why, here comes J.' like they did
not know I was coming, ami that! wa
alwavs on hand at even- folic.
"Xow we will have a reel," t hey said.
"Did you bring the silk?"
'Certainly. Did vou ever know nie
to fail?"
The old lady wanted to know where
the sweetening was, as she wanted it
for the "gals." W. H. spoke up and
said by all means give it to the "gal-:"
we would get it back in kissing them.
We took our partners, away went tho
liddle and on went the dance a long
one. We danced for a while and then
we would play awhile. "Old Sister
Phebv." "Johnny Hrown." "It rains
and it hails." "The London bridge is
breaking down" and "The big cat
kicked out the little cat's ee""were
among the favorite play. The beautv
of it was every play wound up with a
ram 01 Kisses, ii was a giorioits irolic.
The kivsing made all hands feel like
they were at home. The writer made a
small mistake and liked to have caused
troubl" by merely an oversight. We
wore playing a play where kis-ing was
mixed up smartly Otie 01111g lady
was using tobacco and snuff freely. Her
tooth-bnish was in her mouth "and a
little stream of amber ran down at each
corner. I kissed her on the cheek. She
stopped the song and yelled out:
".1. is not playing fair. He kissed me
on the check." "
I leggeU her pardon and meekly
asked her to hold her face aroitnd.
Doing so I bussed her square in the
mouth. You might have heard the
echo a quarter. Hut this restored peace
and the frolic went on. W. H. wa, in
his right clement. He called all lhe
Give him a cali. Opposite
Bank. Prices very
First National
Wall Paper and Window Shades
The grrater part uf my nv spring stock of thesr px!
have arrived, and I uliall takr pleasure in showing goodand
quoting pritvs to any who may call. My will papr wa
bought dinrtly from the Factory and the quality and lau
ty of design cannot he surpassed. I also haw a full stx k of
I still hnndlotho "Kin Tlntod load" and C. B. St Q. ndxod paltUM. thono
tfoodn hnvo olwaya irlvon antlnfaotion, an-i havo d.oii fully totol
In thia marnoL A fU'l lino of Dnur UookH, and ntattouory iU-
wuys on hand.
Citj Mr
m mm kii . m w iek
film pnnrrc pac u unncc ?
WWIk.1 WIIV V Vfltfll llVUWb i
cowles, Nebraska.
Our prices on Clothing Boots, Shoes, Furn;jh
ing goods, Hats, and Ca ps arc so low
that none con undjasell us.
In and around Red Cloud,
Of the great Republican valley. Buy your
homes while property is cheap.
Real Estate and Ineutanco Aent.
Farm Loans Negotiated. Office over FIrat. National Bank
Give us a call and be convinoed.
Bti ml m
We have just reciev-
ea our new stock of
on33ting of tho finest line of
Ladie's and Gent's
mi mRi f:ivor:iliie toruis. I.oau aw.
bo jmiil iy sivin.u o0 ti.n? nonce
int.rM- -uul cUlon me 'M my uilioe ! lo. J.iscph Craves. Ked Cloud
over First National IJ'tuk. &tyTho most lumbor and the best
1). IJ. Si'-xnogle. j QU:l;lly for the IUOU2V :U Howell Bros.
Uoys" uit from $1.50 and tipwirds
Mosr.v to loan t reionable mtc
5 on I
I linen's suits from $3.50 and upwards, a
good or chattel security. Also he "
Mm, Joans mane ai um i.. -. Before vou bin-vour furniture.-and
inlcrent. C-F. Gather, wIal ttl't ' . 1Ck Vtitu
. i rir. T1 nromi " . "" v -v -
Mtand arranetl all the couples. No
frolic could pet on without him. I'm Ic
Jack was there, too. and alonjr toward
the morning hour? he wanted to dance.
We beg:in to see ign of retl-eyv. Men
K'gan. getting noiy. lanciag-truuger.
and letting on their manhood, and
tmally wound up in a little row: but
with a few skinned head and .-ome
bruises, about day all made for their
partners and carried them home to
think and fix for another frolic obn.
Franklya (la.) Xars.
William Ewnrt Glattstonc is t&rce
cars ohler than M. Urevj" and one year
older than the pope, and he is stronger
and far more active than either. 111,
marck is six years youuger than the
Englishman, who is cieven yean
voanger tlian the kaler. and Carrie's ten
less years than Von Moitkv. Tough old
men, all of them.
Ever brought to Hod Cloud. Wo
make a specialty of tbe cele
brated Reynolds' Bros, shoes
Also we keep a fulline of tne fa
moua Rockford shoe, 'which we
warrant. All our goods aro
warranted to give satis
faction; and oar pri
ces are the
As low as can be bought from any dealer on
fZ 1 tmsm - T - .
tSiaftxra&l mxVi
T -w
TJ -T".
Itch and scratches of even kind
ILito Kc!u tMiNikt" I'icLcnjs the best
nowli.-t that eiy extoU and savs that
BO t tl OTTL-rV-Ttri" U-ll'l X-TTIf fa A I .! Jla.'s.l..l tv .U.l
'. as ail-raiaUne. - I PuLLY ate A 3
Prpoaai for Bids.
cared m 3J minnt by oolfonl j Bid will be received by the nmler-
aniury ixnon. u no otner. iniJ?Ij;ned up to Mav Ut, 1$$6. for the
never fails. Sold by Fergwon J: Co tlrug j purpos ot movins the cbool buildinir
gbt, Rsd Cloud. 23-ly in disirict 52 from it present locaUon
to a position II mile' sut to outhet
Irvl Xoorr-. rmUfet.
Eafat. V Shjrrjr.C.
Jao K.jIr-7. Aii3t Ciiir.
Capital $50,000
I t?tn-'9n Civan t
0ll iews
"TT!5SZ,ly 5Wjl.-.
wrwt3.zmma i j . .-j'
. .Siteiir ? fc; ssr. " .
-T J-
r Jk.-y "
ma&nef i
Notioa or DiMOlatk&.
Notice b hereby given that the co
partnership existing between I'clly
Bros fc Co., of the Amboy Milk, is tlik
quarter section 31, toarn 2. range II, or
thereabout. The directors reserve
the right to reject an r or all bid.
D. U. Kxusx. Moderator.
H.Sxrrtf. Director.
Dmli April t. ISM. dCtt
'. R.
. V
Bay and sail
Make co'IectMH
Geaeral Bankirtjr
Interest allowed
time deposits
4 i
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