The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 23, 1886, Image 6

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    Z7 coiniiniiiicatlfinH Tor tliia pnpe
ehoiiMI'Oiic'O.iiniKHiiwl by tho n.uiic of th
Author: not iifcesiirllv for ; pulilk-ullmi. In
fts ,, cvi.k-nee of Rood fa -l Iron the part
tn u'itcr Writ- onlv on one HJo or to
!.,"er. ISC partlciliirly careful in icjvl-
Jl-PMO"- r,,y ln " t llllie tilt- letters IlIIU li
Ilmr lir.niit iiml wimi! :i plant II will,
J"hulo,imliituV:tr k teiicn o'd.
AVJjito lii;t7.iiiK lu'-i .lelh-.I liio lrst
The breath of waiter colli.
Tin- l:ill clock from Is eornor.l.'in
'J lie nightly mlciifliroK
In to'luiir olf lir puss ii;r hours
With h.ow mi'l ;ininitfla;riikf.
'J'ae apple-. fti;.lT'"J aid ilooaed,
Oiistrim;s ircn- nan-,' uz IiikIi.
Awl fiir-ofK"',',' corn wvi uhli ii
Arotiinl tlio lire Uilry.
Theliijlhiiil wnlrh-iUiz. liovcr, lay
MiitstieJclie i iifxtn ihe il'rrir;
Awl iKiw :iinl infii :t ii.-i.vj v,-;ii heart
That hOii'i-'J l l: ;i snore
Aij'J puss. w.2h Iht wc'.i-kopt, coat
Of -poll,'! ivh.l- :ui'i j--ray,
I'urn.l wiftlv. uh.lf hli- mi near by
To vuleh her I; l-einpl.t.
Xiv;is there tlicj litis,- mot'e-r initio
llToii?ii!iiJtn, pi'M iiml o.'ifce;
,'Tu:ih tlir ulie put !' brejul to r,m.
Ami v.;itf)i:l iL brown ml b.ike.
Tv,-a- iJn-rti t Jiu Hj.iimm w1k;,-1 wjw beard
Jro:n eaily worn liil;
I oi- tlicri! l;iir ;rr:iii'lm.i -p1: ls"' re.jlel
TIlO lU'.t'A'J vmiIsh wlrl,.
A pretty pieltit, jrrawltnii inn hs.
With niioiv-uh I' hitir .iinl o.iji.
h-:i wintry voih her work tit. r J tn-
Her Jiwl i J.ty in liT l:t;.
Hif lro;im'l, no.loaht. of hy-iroii,lityrt,
W lifii III, wits tif w Mici httirl;
5ii lioiilttifs-i he. mi Hi-- .ttt-r, Ukj,
OI iiisiiiy 1:111- Pet
A'i'i nou-. us then, f In Siiilrrn c-.tiijo
'in lu-r vrilh er.,' .ui'l joi s:
An i now, ;i-i I Ik -ii. sho k'KMul ami rocJa-1
'I ho lialy nirit ami i,ojn.
'J lie rjiinhcains p'nycil upon (In; wall
-Vwi iI,iim:i' I upon lh- Hour.
Jitu l.iy in tlin-.i 1 ol ,jol leri liy!il
I iomi iii'oiiii 1 Ihe loor.
70 lollJflT KWIIi;' IllO-f ll IlfTJ.S now,
ro im-irr t'li:l2ri'ii p uv.
No tin.. ol p niiiiii; iit-fl is liciipl
Thiouxhoii! Hi- I. vio:i iJu,-.
I'or rfSlIfH lun'- ia- f'iSfI liiu loor
llan Jockfl inn) lutiixil il.i.i'd
JVirtl only lo Mif in- :mr. iihi s
Tlifpi; ViB.ons ol (hfpat
r.riiHllic ivinl'imoiv l.tils il'l,
' It linii to tn 'ti I a I.iium
! Tliu plfsiHtiiit ns-isfs l 1111111(1,
. I.ikf n-f(M. l-iw-wliiHp-n-.l ill hum.
' J'lttlifilv I'liki"! Iliul lnlt iuoikkI
Tim I ilfiu l.-l v-I p! .
' II lo that l:.l 'iimi ' h:i;' tiini
an iii'"-r it . j. h ;ilin i
Jnnffihtur t (iiinniij. HI f.'oil llnush'r;nilij.
JIow tlio Bittos Girld Savotl Scit
utito Town.
'I h- olmeipiies of .Miss Abigail Hale-,
oi, of Ihe heroines of (ho war of LSI:.'
i In Id l.ilely from her reitlence
eillial.e I own. Iter. I'. I). S:ir-
of Ihe Methodist Ihiiseonal
coiiilucleil (he .services. The.
ivcre inclo.s.-d in a -oliii cov-
bntadclotli, with heavy mI-
?. On a Kilvcr nlale w.-ts
Lmi. lt1KS.
ijir-. i tiiiuitJiH.
h llural (ributes.
ten in union
who died
I) a-'ship.
we l
ie tack
p stranjxe
ni site laml
n? In either
jTrouble enough.
ays in ioij. riu-
Tt war hip in 1'in.ston
P lioT pleasant. We had ,, 1
lor to li-bUhe- enemy. 1 he good
.. o..:i...i(. Lnrlutr were in "lent.
'.).. t, .ii oiv.." .-s-
Rstrcss over the. strange ship that had
IfSpeared at the. mouth of the harbor.
The town was a great, nsnmg place
in those, days, and the harbor was full
of smacks and boats of all kinds. The
ulrilish soldiers could have easily
sMitered the harbor and burnt up every
thing. There, were men enough lo
anake :v goid light, but Ihey were
xorly armed, and had nothing but
fowling-piece.s ami hot-guns. The
title w:is down during the morning, so
that there vr:us no danger for a few
liours. and all .he. people weiij. out on
faie idilTs and be:vche-s to watch the
great ship, and totscc what would hap
pen next.
v- On the end, of hu low, tciudv sjit
tliat f.nna one end of die harbor stood
the little while tower known a.s Seitu
iile lighL In the house behind the
light-house lived' the keeper's familv.
consisting of hiuisclf, wife and several
Iku s and giris. At the time the ship
.appeared Ihe keeper was away, ami
there was no ne at homo save Mrs.
Hates. tho cddesl d:tughter, Rebecca,
then about nineteen years old. and
Abigail, then aliouL fifteen years of
age. and two of the little lioys! Ue
liecea had discovered the ship while
sflie was up in the light-house towerpol
ishjug the rcflcclor. Sho at once tle
scended tho steep stairs and sent the
two little boys-o the village to give the
For an hemr or two the ship tacked j
and stood off to ea. then tacked again
and made for the shore. Men. women
2aml children watched Uio Jiip withi
ibiixKjus interest. Tho lido turned and
fcegan to Hot into the harbor. The
boats aground ami on tho flaLs floated,
land those in deep water were swint-
Diirtg around their moorings. Now!
Che soldiers would probably laud. If j
Ihe people meant lo Rare any thing it
Was time to be stirring. Boats were I
tastily put out from tho wharf, andj
gich clothing, nets and other raiua-
blcs a.s could ho handled were brou"ht
ashore, loaded into hay earLs ajil car
ried away. It was of no ti-e to resi-t.
The .soldiers, of course, were arriP-d,
and if the pcojile male a -Land anion;;
the hotihf, that would not previ-nt the
fnerny from dctroyin thr .-hipping in
the harlir. As tin- tide spread out
over the -andy Hat-, it lilled the harbor.
io that, in-t-ad of a .-mall channel, it
bi-rame a with- and iioattliftil bar. Th
br,fe rippling thf watf r and making
it ,parklf in the .,,,,. About ,w
0--1.U th, tide r.,:eh,d the h 1,-wa-
t,r mark, and. to th, di,may 0f the
,,opl,. the ship l,t o h,rJa,hoff.
sw,in-h,r yards round, and !ar ,.i..i
nliotit. hilt -i iMilffrr.rn ttw. i.';. ,s:r
auouL ii.ui .i nulf. irom the 1-ir-t dill.
'? '4 llll . illlU 111' 11. L.1 . 1, "fill II
MtT l'l (iTIil ITtil f ll.iV.t ll0 irr.nH..
. '-
TI...V M.-..I-.. ..;..., r,. 1-....I ...I .1 ...
tovn With Kir ,1 ,;
tm. n. VI ith h,ir .-.,H-la,s,s th, p-
idi: eould .si!( thn bo.-it.s i-A-f.r..i1 t.. tl...
th, 'oldii-r- ashore. I
Th,n there was conftton and
roar. ICv,rv horse in tli, village was
put into -ome kind of a team, awl the
i . ., , , .
wom,n and ,hildr-n w;re hurn.d nff
,,i i i...i.:...i .... ...
.-,.... ..ww..-. ...,, j. w im; iuji. i jjc
men woiim stay am; oiler a.s brave a
. ... ,,., . -".. im- tut; nun
r,stan,.: a- pos,:bI,. 1 heir -nn, w,re .shnll d.a.rmination. Ihtvr ihe UrftUh
lilCht and poor, but th,y could us, the ) .serami.jVd Mo Ua-ir Inrtts'
old ii,h hous, as a fort, ami pcihij.s ',i, of tl brav- officers wa nwlv
mak, a brav, h-ht of iL If Wor I.-ft b,hind on th- bumin- ,Ioop. An
ctm, to wor-c th,y eoiild at last th.-r f.-II ov.-rhoard and u.-t his ch.tht
and lake the l.,lt,r of th, wood-. It j hj., t ,.H.ap,. fnim th. Abut..
wa- a -pl-ndid -i;ht. live laty, boats I ,.:lM arm-, man-hiny dov. n tl,.. ita.....h ..
manned by sailors, ami lill-d with sol
diers in ;:iy r,tl ,(,a,. How their otitis
oJitt-red in the nn! Th, oars all
moved together in regular ord-r. and
th, ollie.-r- in th-ir lin- uniforms stiori
u to direct th" expedition. It was a,us company coming vitii a
warship ami cannon to liht helpless
lish,riiieii. So Kebecca and Abigail
I!at,s thought as they Mood up in the lower looking down on the
procession of boils :-s it pas-ed th,
point and entered the ii trbor.
"Oh. if 1 wer- ouh- a man:' cried
What could you do? See what :t
I1 of in- in. and look at their "mis:
"I don't care. IM lijjht. I'd its,
father's .iltl un tnv thin;:. Think of
uncle's new boat ami the .sloop:"
Yes, and all tie- boats."
"It's too bad, isn't :t?"
"Yes, and to think we must S't here
and m;, it all, and not lift a linger io
"Do you think then will be a li'ht?"
"I don't know. ITnele and father
ill'" in th: village, and they will do all
liiey can."
"See how still it is in the town.
There's iml a m.iu to be seen."
"Oh. they ar, hitiiic till th,. soldiers
;:! nearer. Then we'll hear the shots
and tin; drum."
"The drum! How can they: It's
her,. Father brought it home to mend
lasl niht."
"Dili lie? Oh! then let's "
"See, the lirsL boat has reached the
sloop. Oh: oh! They are joiii"; to
burn her."
"It's too bail: too "
"Where is the drum?"
"iL's in the kitchen."
"I've a n-at mind to o down and
heal it!"
"What :ood would that dor'
"S.-a re 'em."
"Th y'll see it u:is only uvo irls.
they would lauv;h and ;o on burnini:
j i t tin- same."
"No. We would hide behind th"
sand hills ami the bushes. Come.
I. I's "
"Oh. h. look! The sloop's on lire."
.... t .. . .
out -. i can i s;av ami see u anv
more 1 lie cowardlv Hntish. to burn
he boats-. Wliv ibui't th'-v o ui to
ie town and lih, like -"
Come, let its evi the drum. It'll
no harm; and p rlnps "
A Veil, let's. Tie re's the life. too.
t take th it with us."
rami w. I
'i ...
a for lor' i. r t ilk. Down to
No t
i2S-iT2i... . .....
t, ac i u r riisiieu me two
the stcj
latri t
aaeatv on u iu wnai itn-v
(I !i , ,
,00unl! v l liev hurst into
could foi
-,-.i. '- . . -.
liliKO a win Ivvind. with rosv
the kitch.
wria-s l.ur. Mrs. Hates sat
checks am fcVii; ..- ,. . .
;u th.
vkji'-; "... in mi- iiitiow
L" . ....
ua tti-suM
n going on in
jllirjvin ' for her coun-
tho harbor,
trv. and t.i
ifmc dt.-adfiil war might
bh.- could not help.
soon be ovt
fids were
Sons an.l hu
their old gun-
Hi town, and there
er to tio but to watch
was nothing fo
ami wait and p
two girls. Thev
thing, and, in t
Not so with the to do some-
f.-vcr of the excite
ilrum. ami took the
in n r.ej 1r)l th
cracked life from
e bureau drawer.
.VI rs. Hates, intent
ii the scene out
thetu. ami thev
sme. uio uoi nee.
slipped out by the d
Tlo.v must Ii, .-- .-fill, or i .-sioitiitTs
would see them. lh-ey went round toe .
back of the house tolthe north and to- f
J -- --s . . . . s x
ward the outsid b if eh. then turned
and plowed through the deep sand
just above the high-witter mark
must keep out of sigh! of the boats, and j
of the ship -.iKo. Lu.-Uilv she was an-
ch.-r.-d snrhot' tii hgh:.
as the beach curved t'o the west they
soon left her oat of sight. They then
took to the water side, and with the
drum between them ran as fast a they
could toward the mainland. Fresently
thev reached the low heaps of -ami
that showed where the pits jjincd the !
fields ami woods.
Faming and excited they tightened
the drum and tried the life softly.
"You take the life. Kebecca. and I'll
drum. We must march along the
shore toward the light."
"Won't ti.ey oe u?"
"No; we'll walk next to the water
on the outside beach."
"Oh. yes: and they'll think, its sol
diers going down to the point to kill
em off."
"Justso. Come, begin! One. two
Drum! drum! drum!
Squeak! squeak! squeak!
'Forward march !' '
"Ha! ha!"
The life stopped.
'Don"t laugh. You'll spoil every
ihiug and I can't pucker iny lips."
Drum! drum! drum: drnml
Squeak! .cjucak! "qu.-ak:
Thf mr.n i l....i:. ,
- --. ... aiI r-k ii iirrin' i: n Tn
ainaj-d ix-yond moa-!iir.
-.k,,,. t9 n.r, -At '
Had lie
o.i.i;..-- .. . i - ..
Ui! .. i U ho wer- p,nZ? th, rol of th, innly drum and
dtn. . Th -
'r 1,n.lht;!bat "? the n' a
,...-.. . iwnr wore oi ar,tmction.
t I liil ltl..- . ( . T
',i f
. a in wxiiimB-i - i v-i l . j. aaHir a .
:h, IUs h, th, en-avU Lt" ?S
n,, W ri Th
dow, with L n t T'
them off Th v wou'dHh" t
J r, Lull" v 1 X
J Am,ri,3nJ " '
I ii t
How ihe drum rolhi! Tlift fif
t ,. . - -..- ....
I ,. r , U ! d "YaBk"B
I;oiMile, -the horrid tun.-: Hark! The
.... -
,. .uc.?ra iwd; iaewv
thousand oi them in the wood aW
rara .. .!.... .'
thy shorf?
' lixiui iiiriic niaPffi.Hi stir -..
r... : ....
prU-:,loddin" ov-r the ,lian, ,.
i-'- ."wuia iivrr u Muni stouts,
...'..u.;.v,i.. t. .u ,., ... .
.' r',.Uum,-A1,i
; iM.jtt.r.rr tl... . .1.1 .!.. ...:.l. ...:,.u. t
i n " ' ... i:j Ull'iii UI1I
i main. H,,.,,.., .!..-;.. ,k- .-.. ...:...
thousand stron: How the sol.ii,r
. n -- " w .
No fancy nwiii n-,w. but
icsprate haste io pet out of the ,,laev
and es,a,,,. .., :ll ir . ,p.
How the people cbed and cheered
on shore. 1- Ut v men or more jumped
into boats to prepare for ihe chase,
binirin"; s!,ots be-in to crack over the
Louder and louder rolled the terri'de
Shar and el, ar ran-' out ihe
. , ' , , .
.seam- .-xhausted. half .lea.! with
latiw.. the Siri toile.! on- i arf ,1.
lauwiur? .ready to drop on the wet
sauo. and st,,I iH-atin- and blowm.-
ith hery coura,-,. J : boat pass..l
swirtly out ot the harb ,r on the out-o-
mtide. The lis!,, rmen cam up with
the btjnt!!ir lioals. 1'art so..jied to
put out the lires. and I lie res' pursued
the en-niv with Mich shots as thev
could r.-i at th. in. In the midst of it
all I lie sun went down.
The iv Icoats .lid not return a shot.
They expected every litil'llN: t see une
lliousaut! m.-n upon them at short
ran-e from the beach, ami they re
served their powder. Out ot harbor
I hey went in .-.infusion anil dismay.
The shij, weighed anchor and ran out
her ix puis, but did not lire a shot.
Darkiu-ss fell down on the s-,ne as the
boats reached tin- ship. Then she.s,nt
a round shot toward the lijrht. It fell
short, and threw a reat fountain of
white water into the air.
1 he irls saw it, and their
drum and lif,. sal down on the bench,
and blushed till they cried. That ni'ht
l he ship sailed aw.iv. Ameri
can army ol two hul arrived, and she
thought it wise to retreat in time.
Il-hecca died at lp-r n--i l.-nee on
Willow sJtvet. on Tuesday, Decembei
l.'J. !S1. in her ei";htv -ninth v ear. Dur
ing her last veai-s. though old ami fee
ble in bod;, sip. was brave in spirit and
stroii"; in patriotism. The I .vo si,ti-rs
were wont to descriii,. in aut iranhic
notes, which th.-v sold to visitors, as
"the Ann riean annv of two in the war
ofl-I-" Miss Abigail was u.e drum-
imr ami .Miss uehecca. lu-r sister, who
was h.-r in th
armv of
t Wt 1
was ihe lif. r. .'".'. ,n !lbc.
How It VJ';l, .mi i, ),.-. I ly tli
Sin-el ..I
' ',l '"' '" 'so,((1( ,v
1...1 ... i.:..i : .1 i...
t chum anoiu iv.-o earsoi i. uroKeioosi-
from its moorings "m front of a dry
goods sj ire on Montoe avenue yester
day ami went sailing aion for aboul
forty f.-et ami brotigh' up 2tgainst a
drv-goods box. Some bov came along
:uiii observetl
the situation of the can
and they stopped to sj.e up the occti
"Full his hair and s(, if lie has got
any grit." suggested one.
His hair was pulled. Tears came to
his eye, but he did not holler.
"Let him bite y.-r ling-r." suggested
another. "I'll dare any b y in the
crowd to put his linger in the little
felhr's month."
The deli was ace "pled. A
finger wa inserted, and the babv
..... iii "i
sucked at it m a m.-lancholv wav and
secin.-d to be thinking of the long sigo.
(ive him a marble an I st.o if he'll
swaller it," piped a little kit!.
A great big dirty marble was lishpd
out of a boy's pocket and put in the
baby's mouth. He bit at it and rolled
it around, and tmally spat it out.
"Try him with terbacker and see if
he knows how to chaw." advised a
freckle-faced boy.
The onlv one in the crowd who had
arrived at he dignity of "chawing"
bit oil" a piece of plug and wis about to
o:i"-r i: when th - mofi -ream running
down the street and br )ko into the
crowd and bestowed a kick or cull
upon each one before they could get
"You young villains!" she shonie.1.
as thev halted in the
middle of ihe
U'lin", i villvnn!" demanded the
bigg -st bov.
You are!"
"Humnh: Do von think we never
saw a kiti befon.-? IL n-ver cot
more'n three cents at the outside, ami
von are
doin ten dollar- worth of
holleriu! Let's stand around, boys,
and gin him the whoopin'-cotr." a
(roi: Frc-: i'rcs.
A new item savs: "The shor.est
man in Fennsylvania is KHis Keinhart.
of tloldslxtro. who istwenty-eigh: years
old and only thirty-three inches hi-h "
He's rather small, but no: half as
short" as the man who has a note of
one thousand dollars coming due on
the morrow and has only three cents
and a trousers button wun vvmen to i
mee; it- .NcrrtsStc-tcn Xicri.i.
i " nr M"rr "' Vimn; M.n Who
In-n to llurslarr Iit Want.
!. : i . . ,
,v " now oun" ninno
nMurH, Ir.,a, &r, WA J Jnft n;
n-inrkM Nf(?1 Cn.. ..f CaoUin
wa,i - ' " '
lM.ciirr Prirr had t arn.,t,i Frank
l .,!. .- ... .. .i
--- -- ..... .StMtV . j, ft 14, ?iW ik
'1' Wb" '"' nrt"y
- ,h
mB "" aa 1J bJ
T """' Vtt h" "
"?hf- hywant.,.,1
Wrtom. mud so d-.d.4 to to low ,t
i"T tt tHiMa-. That ban-1- u th av
-;,. i., ..,.. .. . . "
muiwwoiimtflrliiVL .Mrtr. nrr s
Gtn f t blj. walnut r. t
tm p in, wiiR wj.nm r . i
sn,t th,- wH iu th rtjt.on. be
nointed u s ntWrain?. f n i,n.:,i.
- j - "-
lTtnt-loksnr unj: man Hr is kaown
v.. .j.; t .i . . . .
- " " "
jjiti" .Mil" -mn out a t- nn of -v.-ii
P nraBonui raw se.u
anJ a half y.-a
"Now that Voting fellow, when he
lini came to Xevr York," aid the Ser
reant. "n.ts a mHiet. piet and r-jN-eiuble
a ounj; man a- ne nuld
wL-h lo meet. He had eMellent tvfer
ones and had no trouble in sr-ttinj; a
place in wholesale house down town,
where he w. well liked. When the
depression in business came in Is-vl he
was i ! i sMi i !-!. I tiiffi fit ...
r.,. .. nrT,vl'L- f..r i.;m ,...! n..
;riwl lo Wiirk lmt faiW MiI 6au
fmil hh si Jf Khhtii mn( Aid K.ih
;l mipaiu y,, ,UlnUijuim in th,
fac,.. H, had no in. :,ds wl... were abl-
to keej, him. and su became de-tM-rate.
.... W1l:1H, ,. ,..?? .u, ,,.-.. .... t.
. ......n ... ... .... ..,.,.,. ....... ...
wa.s hnnrditi". :int :m.L- tf !h him ?!
:,,. l-eis be h:d IL h,.f t.r.;n..i
' u ruis, ,,.. ; ...,.. ..v .t
honest methods not aiiearinr. be d--
rM Ul trv hou--br-akin.-. One f
lm. krl. hlhi. ,l!Jri(.h ,.,,1 Wm to
o,M-n a hous-o, one of the side stre, s
iH.Uv.en Vlf h -.v.- .,.,1 Hr..,.!.,.,
.ltui Q a t.h:tralN.I ,,. ,t,. a ,.
,lf j,.w.,.ln- an j ttt ,lt uf lh,. , .
w about iN-ind.-teet.d. This he p inn d
and ot enough money to help him out
of his financial an i jrive him
lands to spiurne on for a time. Now,
if he hail been caught then hi- whole
f'ltiirc would htve been change I and
'ie have leen taved. Success ruined
For nearly six months we had com
plaints of houses 1 in:; cut r.-d an I
viluablfs tak -n. an ! Detective I'ri-e
and Duuiop. who wer, put on the case,
w.-r, completely hafll-d. I don't re
member jijst how they Wejv led to sus
pect the fellow, suit tiny eot hold of
some rlue and arrested him. and he
virtually conf. .1 1 havui' committed
over fortv burglaries. Of eoitrs, his
arrest broke him "II mm in.l liiil.. I.
i:..i h- ,.,, ,lf ,.,...,:,..,.,.,"
i :i. m :.... ... ...""'
i.ire .o.lillllll'4, "' nail UO accotllpiU'e
in his work, ami he counted no ac-
.juaintauces anion"; the professional
tlibve- ami burglars. On the
he was car.-ful to have only associates
of "Odd cJiarict.-r. il.s biisiac s as.sU.
eiatiolis before he became a tliief had
,;iven him an ojtportuiniv to become
acipiainied with the faces of a number
of wealthy and well-to-do people. 1 1,
was a eon-taut attendant at the thea
ters, and was aiwavsin a jjood seat
irly in the evening. If he saw
the face ot 21 man he I:tnw in
tlIt. theater with his tamilv. he would
leiv.-the theater at the clos- of the
lirst or -cciiiit! a-t. ;o to his residence,
and ;ct an iinpr.-ssj ,n 0f ihe lock.
Then he would : to the theater aain.
and after the performance would go
-niti have a line supper at a small
ivstiurant. lVrh.ui- fiat was n i-tr: of
..j ...... ,
hs pl., i or b-r to enable him to sav
., ,..,... ,..,, . ... ...
wi. j.u nil. jo lit in- w ;is ;i, ;j;
certain tln-ater on a certain ni -lit in
cas, of troub!". Th- next night, cr
two nights I it,r. with a k.-v ma !
from tli- im;r ssiou h- hail, h would
fo to th" house, and if he b:i.i i-..;is.tri
. . . ., . .- . , . ,.
tc ueueve ll haU' to u ) so. would go
through it and pie'- up what -ver
-mail articles of value he- could find.
II, was so shr-wd in his tu.-tlio.Js and
so clever in doing the jobs, and so cor
rect in his habits th tdeleetio.t s.eeme.1
impossible, for he 1,-it no clues ix-hin-l
him. No m m has ever given th, of
ltci rs of t'.is pt-cinct more trouble ex
cept Manning, but in both eas s the of
fender was lin.iilv caught, ao w.t- inov
tiirtv :...,..
.. ....
"Now, that voting fe low s career is
, . , ,
' ;i siUX1ju.. (, j s...viT.ii mat me jHillee
have rcconls of. and I wouldn't b, at
a'l surprised when Manning - history
is known to iiml he his ca
reer m the same way and tirst robbed
boarding houses because he was out of
work and couldn't find any honest
nn-ans of earning a living. Thai soil
of thing drives more people into cr me
than people generally imagine Edu
cation in crime by professional thieves
isn't the rau-. of the making of one
half us many thi. ves as Is the fart thai
o-;ig r.l.'Ti of ;: ': :. t '?! .-. 'T
a,' at M.: ,r- :..:!, r.-. n t t... v ,y
by want, an 1 the fact thai they can tee
no wav of making an hon.-l living in
the immediate future."--A. . Ttutejt.
A Trip to thr summit of the Or-.! smk-
ins .Momit..tti of u.i i.-iro.
A dr.-ary, cold night was pas-ed by
the gn-ty lir- a; tie- ram h. and at four
o'clock a. m.. :.f:.-r cotT-.- and lunch.
hastily prepared, we mounted in the
breaking day and rd" to La "rux a
cross erected ti mark the sprt of death
of a former climber and che-r future
ones where we b-fi the horses and be
gan to climb. I b-ave you to imagine
the glorious views of mountain, and
valley, and town, and volranclloe- l-
jow ."ha. rt.Warde.l
n.s as w- a
on horseback, over log-, ami dust ami
trees, through bru-h. roek- and mn
ning -ireanis. in heat, and dust 3xsl
hunger. Hal when we gaed almost
jtmignt im at
the far-a!o:i tip of ta,
crater, . we Degan our ciirao, me
pjs-pj ;o an nnlraiaed man -rras one
0j (iismay to him. ror an irour we
i '''l"t. jMTspiriti. lrratliinj :fi -p
and lok-! any thm but hp-fii!
;h awful mounuin. u. sms! to
row htjlnr 2M tri toiled ap. Ttwsi lb
j a-nt rtw trtr. w pat-J rp
slowly along the frorB tWdof a c!a-ir
nninJ thinlv with w-i kiTa !a:. tiil
injrdown to r-t and brt-iiSe . r r
ssinutes wlwn we r-ai h-d thf ir twt.
whfrrwt xigiJki abtmt in oar o-nt.
through an indfrr:sabl.- s:.;. ,.f
raftu-iik itw-n nw i i ! :n. r:-!.
plant) n j or trt Ur . U I.ft t h,
rKt h-n it nu fr?rn tsrn An Ufir
of this awful toil brought ul' ..r
tni-d with rwk anl l a p , t .
sran-Iy j;av f.-tjn. and i v..- t.:
U t? n. f r ta, tn-w down .. ni''
Irs. ..urarai than thjt npw tr-1 M
ch sj I urtjrsj if h the r-rti n. nat.j
wuchokii,' with the rt; -n an I t.' n
a:r. ehmd Jrnl arxun-I a nf t
Tti.l us a dn t". ' ' w
.iwa in rhiliinjjb'a-ts and hA-.! t. siiH tonmnal-u'
us. My mT eomptni n g. ,it
and called on th, At e tr h!p
Anio we pattt d up. .?:!
fr-eilir. and audi'oV bre-th:iij'. p.i'--and
Ittkin like ik men p'iiij tr !
be eei'Uted. r five loniT, eh.tu.:.
.itsfura:tnj hours ot strain, utit.i. ;.t
last, we reached drt.-r lava dut. b-
steep, and. with a d r-rate. t--ai
pull, we turned at ".! a razeed ndjr,
of lara jelHIe-, and th" jrrvat. sniok-in-r.
awninjj crater of I Vj -. t.t : ,
was b. fore us -a fourth of n.-.,
acr.Hs, with pr-cipitoUs and n- . r
Jy a.- d'-ep ae wide, Hurin": iili;r is
smoke frm its aides; and U'!t,u
holes called ftinien!e. yell w and f r
bidiitnj in asp.t-1. its) lips jajjed
.nortnous r-d lava-Ijk. tuass.s f ro.-k.
its lips uarrw and covered with lata
lebbl-s and irr.":u!.tr in h.-iiit. on,
minute whirled in fo as totids fornix !
and envelopel the p. k. th, n-!
warm in the hoi smisltine. ht',
eascadtjsof m Itin siu.w p. .nr d no !-
l .itfwn its mnr pr.cipto?;s pj,-s i,i
J tHt. Hirn.imdiii- We threw
j olirM.u. , tn on the warm. -h. It. r. d
inner lip of the . r.ter . d-.-. an i !-
most iiiauketi ion .t;- that fii r.- w.s
no possibility tf . t!iu t the bot'om
I the tr.tter. as th- rop wer.
fitted by whi.-h We could ! 1 1
iIukii. 1 rolled down some t. s
almost in f-ar lest the hui:- lnw '.h r
like masses . the inn r ho won! I
tear loose and tini'de in. shaking th
unst.ilde-Iook.u d";e outwarl tr in-
ward and involve tis From this e;r.tnd
elevation what a prospect lav before
us. Kticihuatl, On.tbi,
Maiuie and a hundred lesser mount-
ains and hills-, and old vole tnic crater.-,
valh-ys Iw-tween, towns and viilaev,,
distant Mexico f'ttv in a uluc mist.
I Had the air been free from nttst we
could have M-en the l.tllf f M.-vi. u.
one hundred and It St v miles awav.
! I-....1.I.. ,! .....t .i. .- .v..'.
I "" " .".., .o oiv .o. rs
J beyond on the s nil hern dde. and the
, a",t rolling, volcanic e un trv stretch
inf-r :l:.V into the iiilinife blue of dis-
tance and indistin-jiiisalde smatlness A
. view for -vvr lob, ivmetubered: v orth
the toil, and doubly worth it in ihe
courage of vantpiishe.l olisl.u-Ies. After
soin- hours we Marled down, and
found, to our agreeable surjirise. th..t
there was a way down on the south ;
sitle irt-t from ice. and icicle ntui
rocks, very sleep, where lava du-i cov
ered the glacier ice. and down which
w, strode in st,ps of ten feet. iiopp !
by sinking into ihe dust. anl so w.
ton- down in a cloud of ditst. eurvi4
down the mountain to Larnt in about ,
an noin;anu mouniing ur horse, vv.
I. ... .... -i r . . .
;hi, til, wearv llllM's Ol MUslV .i.iWII-
mountain road to Aiuceameca. when
we arrived at nine fclm-k ai night.
w. as tired uien a rtvr areude.
t.,..-. .i. ...! ...t ...... : i i
-- j " .....j.. . , .in-, .lining iio-
sani dollars w..ul.l noi tempt u-to
aseend airain. now that we had tlotw it
bm thai we wotiel a "-end it. if we
I " " "
had never don, so. f..r Cr.
l,ltaiuti't i'
-iir.terri.n.-iin lire, vv i... I, imi i:.-i. I'U.ta-
Th, "He! Lands" ,.f Dakota an-
said to owe their origin lo tii, burning
, .. , , , "
ol the eo.d deposits that once eted
. .... ' ....
there. I hev are si!iia;.-d prm.ipalv
iiong im
ami the
t.-. ... i" t m .
'heyenn and Crand river ;
Little Missouri. 'I hev are
from two or three miles to, av. twen-ty-live
miles, in width. In the long ago. ,
the valleys of these stream, must have
been lilled with drift wod. Then fol
lowed a period of drift, which buried
the accumulation of wood undt'r two
or three hundred fee; of svliwieitt.
sand ami gravel. The buried wood in
time b-ame eal, the vein; being in
some instane. s iwenij- oId fet m :
depth. Kithf-r frm ponlamroo em
bustion or fn.m electricity. hr- "were
startetl in these veins, and they grad
ually bnmed out. r--torlng in part ;b"
oh I water coure by mean., of the ov r
tiow from the accumelattofi of 'svater
in thes' newlr-fonfel banm. Look-
log i;wp t -ni. een- joti s-- prt h
of &ag. tftere great bwll-r, sbowmg
unmistakable evidences of great heat,
ud on every hand seo-ja or burned
clay. re-jRbiing broken brick. Vber
the firts were checked by th ttarmg
earth and lh coal did aol barn,
mounds iwo or three hundred fet in
h ight stand. And aci-onfing to the
lit'trk lHarwmd. a new-pp-r demoted
to the coal iaten-sts, in pzu of Wyom
ing the same pr.Jees is aow s'nJ" i
-.a-l Jfids are unJ,raiin-I by abter
ranean fire-, and th biaekeoed.
-moiking plain is hiled w'nh daUoo.
TrapjK r- .-ay ijsj tire hat- b-ra in
exj-!eee ior a long time. ad lb ita
ditions of the Indian- point lo the same
conclu-ion. ScK-;;iia .Imtkot.
Two &:vt- of b-e ea roatr u th-
V.V.-t from Kentucky lb- oth'-r day es- fr.m their ouarter- aad inwi-i
iho-e cJ the pasnrT, In a rear ru a
o: Ihe tra:a. After a ptUrhi-1 b:t. ia
v-h.cheo:- wrra ced wj:a gooi ,'-
f.w- Tk- m:.i'.- -- r-sn.n..t..i
-V -- w -'.- iU,41VVk
r!';;. ;
Thev l:ft evidences of th:r ti
tisotjeh. Chico-jo Mail.
n mv4d!. sl,.R- th U-J WJ.Irh
t.c t i . - vj Vrw4e n the dry fld- of -
If jsain !. n- l.!erl!j tt M tic that the Knhh tvmi I ji--.
f' in hi hwvl when h p t 'aw. be f,, tov f lfcir btM.
s rtxuiy mot hwM b jHketbi.k fstd-jfr.
"rnftr frer?t rf-r.ntv. hutid he". v mJa , cminrtbSm nr n
. . , ,:f.rtnte a to fend himself at Mrrt, when he h .SJiX A .
- . wit?i j.j:tee H Bt iWt ft. ia the ame eadifHMi tV;'
er dnjand wtu & ? trr jt ta Uw Nj--arm .hair wtf
:.k i. d numtA?-. '.' r.sire a r- tfrtfri Stmlty Jrnl
. . i ImKat aal crntA Awt I
: t Mi ts tt t l,. UttrrOKMI
i lrth . , .waii
:.r3 of th t&wn tf JUwtgj
M - . ! en an :itan e f
' : '.- appr. -. n ! I i f-
v In V., carh day of
''-. tat a ;a;-ed '--
'i t tt h- mnprt of t!
..-.a i-K ti - aaas- f li '.
n t -r ,:. tit t;s
i. im.i.'' '
; ' :..? -wo :u
's?;s .. i N t mi. i'o!: i
u . -. ;. . :-,' , ut- Ii
d ! - . ' --. ,; i
t t-
r- y
n. . ..
- hi
. , .
"it V.ei r
V j, . I i
.: "
In mud
r m irk -t I ;
d. It Tie
D.ti t It-.
t-r b;s wat; '
t!.' av, t
r.-turit.: a- . .
n u.- rad t
t'le CMC a!.- .
h'rs. .
L. t's , , .
t p..
Ul- u-
:.i : -
e .,
a -i .
r or-
- Mr
- .:
- !?.
. Ill I
1 ' h
1 I
i. :.
the n r
. v
the . t
th.-b r
v.t.i!;- .... i .
fl. f
;.rt., j
p u i ',
.m, m . .
mar s !
n 'ii i :
'lis . . i i
" .' ! Ct
Af?.-r -t p m
Wo. fs aal t e
N,ih!.r Tt..r,
t -
f f
I 1
t. n f.-re.
"f!nt v.n
A profane r. '
arriving t Vu
waib-t ..m,s out
' But vhi nm
tnrt.Jori .--."
1 si- - ;
'I.:!!' . I
dUM p. IV '
I h- jail i preferred. r .
I e.
endetivea. It U..,.iuh. .v I
thi. mm lussb t:.Mi.i tr. .. , ,
, t .... i i. .... . t . .
inniM'ir is ii.mii io j, ll 'i i
whin the love ol Ithertt; t.t..:i.
J -What can I cu!e thebu-iness fr?
' "You must nl-t pay the turttk.v -
The tat of eighth -,nti h rr'Wr f. doll ir but tW pav t4.
V4&' t'utHf-f$.n.
i - - - -
A DULL Justice
ll AU- I " . II s I. t.,MM. I. .!'.
'lre.t ...'Mile!...
"Nat." .iiI t!l- justice of the ; ,rt
cm are charged with t i.
"'Tain't true, !.."
"I do Mlt Wy tt k. T'e- eh rf,
wu ,M, ,to!e the !.,-!
.l!li ' I
nv miieis to find nt. wh- t j
yon did o "
slege. y.-r ain't been ! :
men f.ed wid r, ha er?"
'II; A? make tick differene .
r mt
i if
. oil
.harge.i w.fh tealtogaahirt.
.,itv . ..i
-. -
".Jage. tiara wmm stwr r - r
ti,,,,. rw,.f r .mart at .-, ,
, oTftat mtUt .fft,, .;, .
bdge. .far fare s&h- t r
or Ul y.u nt teaj the ahirt?"
"Nelier ref ch er Ctltt'i th '
; a,stn hi,'t jjy! o hlte ertall Umk .
er man fee! hime.l bt- L
,, ,,,. ,ikl, m m.r tifiS-
. o- . t im .
1nii make m dmeivnee I wsnt
. ... , . . ..
l know whether or aoi you tde tb-
, -,
Yr-'f in ar jetie o 4e pam mU ?!
iin't vr" world w. o I
"Y-, molt m.n. f .
"Wall. I dotin think d4 it i my 4ni of w
jila-'- t r tell ver wander or not t dole tn ,,, ms ? , .
d, hir!L Yer hah been prym t jmrh.r tmmti -much
inter ntt-r Mzaea I tole de $ y j, , ,
-Sirt. boi It ain't none o" yV i.ixtiea
lh- h ah i er free eonnlry, f on er
wy. white imm I oi- tr twh
a (U.r fUsofj." J-knn-tu TrtKtUw.
stfji Vu nt-An
.viaet Wt
lirL V. ofr.
"(Tara. baa Chrl.- rofPiJ yet
"No. mamma, an 1 I don S think he
"Aay trouble bf;wee ra "
"No. bat ! e,M bu a,y umg, S
for bijf so Hr i
What del von
aw a man rhuij o rj-tek. lie br
eame -ilrni. and hften mmate. Jier
be a.'-e ad al be an r. I aafd
!y x5ee: him vr eall acaia.
"Clara, that man earn tarw thoa
and dollar a year aad wai a boo.
You tfiutt not lee bin 4p tbzxmrfk
Tver fiager. '
Uo; hw xm I to peeveat it"
'A'Kr TrVI Milai -v-r ak.V Weat
n e?I .SUL tnr sm. sad irfcm
V.... M .. S I.S...M S.M mmaim -m - ' ... . .
.'js A.' .w9r- ww iKliL-s. ft.i'1 JW.I A .
him lo athrtaad thai wWi yHmC
fwople s.n marrd ihwy ojfi! to hmv
-b4r parttal.' hoist-- m oflaMien
boavrkepeag t ac. I kaw W
"-" . i I b-i 'Jk.: ha
oUier b the r of it. 5ae &
n - vor :onr:ve lor a.vui: rn a-r
l - Kia - "bv-t spring"-JlWtt&JJpAw
cii. mp mp-H ino is 9m,ww , -. ,, j. . i . .
he a,kl me if I e,peeted to Ji m mJT T l MU
Ton after 1 w marrvNl f data! too LT ,' ,: . : x-m .t i . .
--' .- - . . s- -f v - -. - . m.. , . n ji
ll bM been fh--rTel bj the m n
..(. 4 r fr. d wn hn-
k ,j)if Stfklmv e if ie eitifc r
to t .itmr A mrr;.r . ... -.., bltll
; kttL to arrt hio. ' lut I
a tetHhai pft. he
then" getrel th
s .
t -v.
u t:- -are
. sher
v V
, '
He !
It I
tr. , .
-. f f: -.
:: v. i
I ?-.. r
,.l t !-'
. I'll i
i" o' t !;
ah. r
ti. -.
i. i
r .
Ii M
' M'i
iia,-"' $: r - . l ' e
a, .it t:.
tbaa t . . i i
The teak v . a i
V mura.urrs.1 bt . . - -:
rmnn.. ' Y. ;
i -. tt b - " '
t . an 1 - n t - i
ft I ' '
2 ' U,
I t...
1 s li
!lt .
- I s .
v . ,m'
S. '! . Ill .
.1 I ' of i -
h . ,tt .
f .
' " I ! .
; . t it !
is.! - 1 r
tl , i m' t
i tl. ' p..
I - . !
1 1 rhtcnanl
ijnif. nj All. t
" f cotibt Ufen to m
ltd ha
I -r
iic.v, of Kinwni.
, v
1 1
t1 '
i i
. f '
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"a. !
til !
,., -of
.1 In
. .
. t
i i
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t t a ',
hiet.r. ! j
di the w .
tel t for v- -
af- n tmi., ;.
tea '.ot t-
day TV- ft. t
aM n I . ,
-! m to be no
n ets f
.t'ai-rr , t
m I
. ' .
at r
ffo I
' t'- :,
- V
, .
nmWKmw. m rtM
&- tnm Is.. r
& jt . ..
m s4r-iHf mtr-
mmrmx -ngU .i Mr-
WTV. -aa tbat , nho
ara mmmA ytme aaali aa4 aa tJVi
sw jow rtaraertly wtta fme, $
UT i w'
tbe etbtatratf Hba
Prvbm r,
VimrmH mi fmym,,
"Warn;', tb mmumc -.rtb hmt?
mrmni v a in jrt
"TWre i aotbia, t
. tMms An.
J1 "- -Hn
- J " af
. ... ' -.",-.;.
- bai ,i wiU ,: oc Iatr
,- . mri m &.