-. aaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaMa-Bg-aa 1 1 ! . . - . -I--W ' ' - .'.'.'' .. -'--a'-a- -" . - ..D.l'. ..." .'' J S. ' ""X. t- ijmm fcS?saSfiJ3S.?r. tS5r-is - -. r v.-feg35r gBr5s-aBfiKgwSBt . '-n9&g?&mMZW7vi i.iiixb :- -jy ' "wr"Httywtf iHIHilill i i i i ii - 1 'i . Tri' mm il.iTf irTTinfil f 'T: i iT " J - " - - '- "' - ' ,, ..... . . .4 . -. '-.V-.,'- .i Irs! -wii-aa la - . ,, IS """Ski 3&i ', j GRAND ARMY GOSSIP. I NLBUASKA STATIC .NKW.S. TELEPHONE TALK. THE GOULD BOYCOTT. Tli Knlcl.t. f f.t-r rr.x'- IXoyeot THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. HOSWER, Publlshor. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Am. the drivers and conductors on th Third avenue street oar lm-s h: New- Y or'- 0t:- VnmU V, 3 n:Tnilm. M " Attnrn-T lnrnl .il.-"l e. i tUm 'tied ui" their oars on th 10th. Tbe mra I At Cand-m ".be otb-r ' ii ' h d.ltet! a aaw r I wWefc r - H ( . ral Jha I .'" fU de r-tt ta la-e-nraio0 &nj o MM.I -n.l I-IU M.. H- K-e-ii.r Iwtf- r.t.i iii ti- rn-i:u-tr.t- i'..iiwi demanded higher wage nn! shorter hour, ynrd -.witrbtnen 'or the E K t 24 ' . Pan Th 'omjiatiy refused thair demand road named !ngh. mt and r-n:i e-t an I Thk cholera wa reported rag.ng at , old friend, also a brak-man orw.t.-bman. Hr.tidi-t. Italy. S.xty eight cu.., ami ten Pugh rai to th- d:.pl-b--T and rr.io-td-d Glcanod by Telojrnpli and Mall. iMf'M. r. I.-tt. Aprl P. H ha f-- --l RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA rarnt iJ.a: AttAnry l".'ittaJ ;r!anl a Jo kft ItM a -m i on font " N:: tc frV. Mn T.fa ....... . '..... t... 1rli4un Iiiri'raVsn hjI1 ra.Iro! Utnuh Ka.tn Tk-f a- tttNa nvr.i::'.';ii.vI. mi ftw Ik the Si'tinf on :h I-tlb Mr Plntt of- death rj.-currcd tn oh day. ferd an amendment to the rule-, prove! mr 0i.. to a -pl.t in the rants of lb rol. forore-rr exioiiiive ."ion-, ainl ntlr-ii ored h-itder of U'ah ugton. two proem- that if at anv : me he bould nt a go-l f" . -- rrr in 14 iw M kMMlrwi tn ntntii in Vrtn-k man in t? vard. b woald mm' ii t bis Coa. miUi-e rmticd a !rr.r W.wiwr ww lartnirr. i rrr: Mm.9j .. .'. i- CURRENT COMMENT. jr-tt-May mww nc The AttwrtvrT of !.t. ;tii bwl rrtr, ttS,,, fr.end Not imir ibaa 8f:n .?'' u.oat the Sfiuitf 'n iirort of th- irnp l on 'Jin .ion-. er oit on ihf 10th rielrat.:iK einani- jat. ii day Tbe Pritf'lent refu-"l t rev.i'W f.tber. n he did ikjI wish to tako part in the j-reOfti quarrel. Mh !iK.j r. and a ladr friend while lafel nj; in tle.r dtxiray walcbini; a to;ni at ri.watlj. I' . reetntiy Mre -ii k hv liKhtnins. ilr. Hozu ua in- -f..K ts, .k t.ii ..!. n! rrx. fcal r:-rwl irMl. l.-okmr vat an t.l:rr f-m(mHV ahmt r00 U-l afrnH Thk first edition of Mr. (;bdtone"s ilon-e bill pH ! aiitboniinr tl" .,er":r nf ur to J.-f to ib- ( if i r'r..n in- baiil eausbt an4 it . foun-i n- Jb!i. With a nHiiifou salute to the cum- ttrtub-rhip f ... W l Uwi a'v to m'.utat tb firt an'! ojnJ .. j nmncJUMj two the Uod aial worknt. I-asrw liuautiKr ' the ' Kn-rUt ntfi I v. tau! 8 ,1nn Fth . Tb wqihr f MBrtrttOrtt TV amiMl n--m-nl ol1 Arkaa Smith. cmmmmmiUn,; K.-k AfMtl 1 1. Id t. Ir. AP"i nfrNi- 1 R ' a Home liul' bill, which was printMl for 1CI1 w.i-. pnnteij ior ,.,.,., r ,ir .,,,-rty cri.irl In th'nt- wr. of rarliamellt, w:i con t.r' of fan .-ir ooxn. - iiitwkm' .., watehe- ' 'c. Mr I rr- r--olut on r- at Tifc" the iirt dav. 1 he to nir.'n ) v; aJi' r :-l.at-. tin use of mem be r. riii-fr. llu fr-'od Voi: bi. t!a". Ti.x Nbrmka S-navom xai V'4zr Z'ifU hsrr nnitfl in n IrttT Cotr-m ionr tVlm in whi'-btbv sr Inr Inj: tb lt t. nan tb farrrT an 1 lot-k tai.rs of N'.ra-kn hmro lot at- iat faoni Uiom f dllrlvsbtbf i' o:i umulion Jhc chairman tozn U hi! in the ttt;Ut coxorod b U loaVe a atrnfn: f h ciou,t.on ittt .emfa r hlr.prl to r.nl tbe the Tan KUftne t'otrpany. Ha wh"L bo (u'.dvVm. and th p an U rjotiff M sa-41. u ia Ixffure Xt- ttunniittpe and it?- muyfrttirrr to tp li r n thtr "' aSiriH tl.- wattT n n!mel i1 ' Ta!L- over the ruaUa. T..w ' t t ' u-rn: to th iTe.dnt on (.rtub?r s lat In R- x titrirt rnbij 3d at lta tAi add. tin Uf HUbnt to f i l toerthtp. dlro&- the matter, nwl it Vxs .iilin-lv ovhnu-dod t demand for cop .1 l.:il ,,il -n Hilojiti-il Tne Inter -tale oimn'-r e 1. I. w.i ie of the lull was ,,,,, ,,,,.,.,, , ,.j..r,. ,. ;-..,.. ..Lour,.-.i Teat that it w:ls prohabh: that a- many j In I lie Iione the IJiml IJotnie- tonte-t '1 cii--d tintl; al mrninent. n four editions would he required to ineet ;t. Tjik r.;nntjon cf Senator Jneks'in. of stantly killed. Tennesfce-. whs al'll -fr)r- tin- s-i-rB'f- on the Tin: iiirv aniuitfl 31r. ltnrtlt: I tai ; lith. A meinor.al from the ..it.' wool srr.w. Cti.'d in Iondon of ntirl-nn h-r b'i-laud from hoc rholru aoJ 'thT ',i,fi,,' '-si KriifM'KAN newriiaper1- are ajrain - .rs ronention hi j-t Loan a -o tr;. '.villi chloroform, while i'am'.rl of a iiethodi-t !iuii.tr Tlie rhars u.v one d.arf hh ar nt 'flt'-d Thi threat- Kmt of thai 4UUiem. i r.-'iy. itian H UYiUtHi nin Atal to tManxrc mrr voJm"- a jrreat doal of -paee t5 reron j. tented proie-tm at"i n-st putting who. on vrr:.b onr I.nrmer- and br-n !s.; Mr. Girhui'i . U?nrrl Ata.n h.! .f,. u, Mrric tn h d ord : ine:rei-r. .t two o i-;o-k the int-r -;st. (a imji J!d4(wr r. -i-3"aaa"E3eraK-CTBlBP ill" the oiidilies of Kin,r I.ndwi, ol ommrrrc i n wa. tak n nt anrliSej.ut.i tin of :h, mo-t p--uhar in cniti.aal nunnl-. mm upon o-ir to-k mfm. : ti-w : sid Ibtth fe-IiriW nf iw """.' mg as?nMT. a 'CTiK th tn a j c w- 1 rn". a- ' Ivaria. It i. Mated that v.l.en ,!,.- lie';; H.itne SX3 mi" r ""d havm, arraul h W lhe wl toru of th. tetU . ntiht d I- ..! tutr,r., w.4. ,f , ,. r . ,-., .... reeentlv ill P - nai.il.. 1 M.-ii.- t.11 1 the xno- that -he should marry the mintator after rnlT,-d in .NVbra.'.a and to t..i. tb r.! . too.srv fHi .1 W" ma i t. u u m iri.fwit.T f tfl d i.rt riubi , ., ,.. r- "--- ----- -, . ... . . f . . .m 9 .. -- -.. ... ..k Mnnieh. !he ea,:al o, -;'-; J SX;:.: A ,-. li of d;atb. from tin- Mnc wor1bt I...4. .- lt f-m a Mf. -J -- J - -J - -' ."J . , . '-;-.; Lndu:lok no notiee ol liltn. .inn in. IIJn- 4. p..rnoera' i-mmc in the neitive. s-otn eyrloiie hhons the nunil-r U I . thee dtvnxm. we r.-tfuUv urr that dettaam l. make y " rt- ... ,.,. to lh Robm a.etni a! t. ' IVmee- Lnduiff and Leopold, .he ! T.,; ina.or.tv ;.. ' .-!-" :::" ' Tn. residence of John tntkett, .oath at Von . ,. -ed a e,.m,ent ,.1 :'"' " 4, Y I' i. l S? Vlf .hTfn? JSJ , . ' ' -;' P.V ' : :. tr- ....1 .'... .iimith'I1-i! in :i .i'7" ' ti. .... --1 ..w......t . Xen.a, CJ . . re"-ntlv diM-.verel on ttre. i-hr la to tV'mu.lilT esa-uine lt tba .. .. r ... ., ,. x.-.m at i. it I .. .... ? . i. .. .1 . .1 . ' " - Mil re-pon-ihililv of entertuin - Mime ail lie "1 - 1:1 lhe mij.enal M-itor. Tim. .1 .w.. .:..., ...... ,ii.,,lrn 01II J Jll'll JIIIILl l.h.J HHIIli'-'l i Mitr . iieiuirr. . 'utii" ' 1 ! -iwii. 1 111- iiAtaani .iiiin-'in u - . - avtrvwa , jki out --- - . iiir .111 kii t -va a. a a- raa'v " - IlJiliaii4- aeiuhled at I lie Canadian I'a- u ! !r the Inter State i omnieree l:.l i i.i.i U';. ...;... . M..ti i. in. ' Tlie ! turn i.mii'jj to mn etiiiitxe e-i-.lir lepol at Winnipeg. .Man., to fT" Mo, t the .on. .... of Hbu b the Henato m.Jiiiwiirt on the road at 1. '." tM-r , , , ,. ilriv. Another hotlv ol men Ihoii-rhi the wajii-i ver not Mdewalk. .Joxeujj 1 ila-er. a -.aleman ran ajrain-t She wire and va linn"; into lhe -licet, V. here he lay teflM-l,.. He v:i taken to a pharmae-, and thenec to lii-i liome. II W a- lieileeil Iliai 111 injuries would rt-Milt fatalh. Two other men came into eontnet with the wire and were al-o thrown down, h.il t'raped .v.-rion, injury. Tin. writ recently served at the in stance of She Attorney (ii-neral of' r.. . . 1 1 .-. ..1 . 1. .i . 1 ea.s upon nioiici t unrii's 1 .oiiiiiiiiri:!. t t. .-..nl,. I ;...r i,...,. ......r..s ........... 1 .. ....... ...., . . 1V . :sliotit s-eii hundred and lift tlioti-and ueres of jrrjiin land, in tlie I'an- Jinildle seeliuii of tile Sitate, i intended to restrain him from Imihliuo; :n tuore icnres on or around school lands. The writ is also mandatorv against his keeping fences siaiidiiie; an longer which he lias alr.-adv luiils upon school 1 lands not Jea-ed or purchased In him. Similar importaul proccedinjrs will JoulillesK follow against all the free ;ra.ers in Tea. I'ltiN'fi: !'.Ismi:k, in the upper j house of the I'l'iissiaii Landtag speak-j jti" iveciilh on the (iovernimut hill ' i-propriatin: tlie land of the Poles- j 1. 11 1 .1 . .1 1 .:...: . I i'l-ill. ueeiaie.i iii;ii in- i u in 1 .1 . mil nfCcrman Poland bv (b-rmaus was a delcnsive act undertaken by I'ntssia 1., :terl the des'i-uelioii of ( !erni:misiu. j mil tn ineeut tin iuh'tiiit'iuts of lar,re ' iitinniniies of (.crman ancestry from Ixfi.mine; whollv i'olanicd. and as the Inston ot She past inirt veai's siiovved tlie were tendino; to become. "The liislon ot the liast thirl ears show. -d , tlovcrnnieiil," said tin: Chancellor, "must withstand lhe cancer-like spread ol I'olanisin. and while il ha no desire to extirpate the I'lilcs. nf theniseh e-. still it docs not wish to he extirpated iUsclf l.v tin Poles." A riii.ii: incident happened in ronitcctioii wilh lhe pardon of .iohn i Tiiornloii b tiovcrnor ),le-b. td Ii-' linois. rei-t nt!. Thornl.in i a farmer j of considerable property, the farm he- iifj: located near Peoria. Ho wa seni lo the peniti nttan for attcinptiii"; to! Kill a nei-hbor durinir a quarnl over a ! Illli-ol leiicc. i lie da. beturc Ills ::ir- ..'.,,. ', I don lhornt.ms wile ldl lrom hi" larin H;i'nii and br.ike iter neck. A ! ton iclustd to irne an order to raise Ihenioiicv. Had She Covernor known ; IIii-m' fact's it i diuihsfiil it lie won!.! have pardoned the old man. Sri is were bee-mi recently at t KalcieJi. N. C.. airaiitst tlie (bivernor and Auditor of North Carolina, with Cue object of Soivimr the lev inr and collection of the special taxes imposed in several acts ot the North Carolina AsseniHv of 1.m;--1. at which time ihe special sax bonds of North Carolina were issued. Those bonds ae-e-rojxai. eleven million dollar, and the special tax.- imposed wore suiV,..;...,. .,, ..,,... Site annual intctcst. Stil.M-....nt lo 'i- 1 .- ... 1 . ti . ;,.., iv . Tt .alton tot unto the . tato olltcefs t t.0l- I. .! : li.. vii,...i'il l-n.'. . ...i . it. ........ .! 1 " -x-- " .. - meiii so she Coiistiuttion forbids she J.cCisIaSuro o pa anv tlunr. either on ti.c insorcsi or print inal. without M,Lw .. print i i.i.itiiie tin ma. .01 iu 1110 permit. Before this suits have been brotiirht in the Kidtral t'ourts. withont avail, to" onforoo the r-rlit- of the oroiiitor. Tin: tlolcpitiott of Mormon women in W:hinjrion arcmanairinirthcir cttni naiiT't vorv hrcwdh. Tliov xo from houo to houo. Tiicv pick out from tiio li! of Senators ami lt-proont:t;ivo those r.u.s likolv So bo alVcclod bv slieir appeals, ami it is really thouirhi they tiro tuakinir considerable sentiment in thcit favor. Thev Sell in detail their oTievou.- expericnoo with She Ktl-- " . . , .,.,,, , . imtad law. and :.y mat an tlioy sK k lhe appoint mom oi an intelligent com- inis?ion So e;o to Utah and invi tipue eiioii"h. mtenered and preeiiliMi uiein went tno i immune oj tne i n. lie on Tnc in-i wiin nu;e griinue (i:Kk aitmii'Mi ui n ia tnhtit oti- tne ami an mru fm n.i rt wa, a!t inferenre aim r.et a fiet, Hionrieaiin" Tin- striKi-r- took po 5".' M'VlheTh.ut,e",il';ril,.!.'if,,r' rOW,,l,,'nff n.nar eK,. l'a.nK.-n were .Imken AiU-r ! an I plant them alon; tLtie. t- (;at ml aid. tlut the IMi-K!e It.'-t oi. B..ion of tlio ear, and ivfn.-.! admi- ' At the evt.inf.i.n ..f tl.o "tnonrn- iiosr ! u5'- 1,Ml "" ,,r tt - il ! m tb- park- Mi.y tn-.ie thatap,.:,. 4tu.n. U.e i,r r.-ii-u I I .... . ... i 1 ll r T i.nMirv I l.lin tt metif tin iiMviirMtl . . . . l. .-I .. wav fi.iiliilcit i.ll Ikii r-jin r.rt I ! at ... .t i ... .. ..... . .. ... ... .......... . .... . .... ;. .. t. il... ,.i:.r rinri .mil inru., on the 1'tii tne Senate rennieii con i-rat on t ra urn yarn u i ""' ;; , ; , , .siontothe otn.i. I inn, and -.ton. t or,Ml. ,Ilt4rMa,. ,,.. ljU ,,, . :.... tl.ut the tnnad at. (M.i.mntent b ..Ulln t .done! .mi,-camtt vuth ,..'lrr irei.t e- ivoiv frei-lv n-ed and -everal men v. er- j tor 4 ,,. j,,,,., ,...., . ..,..,. n, i uur.: , tix.sl nnadd.t.onal dtuv of :, ireeut ii ., Nli ,.,. m wllr trm in Ph-!'- man it. the lait.r jw: of Jjdy. aid .t- minred ?eii(,ilv. '" '' 'Ih. senate th.-n ad o.trned iinMI , MiRars impoited n.U fanndn thrt.tiKh ,.',.. t'au(ttln I vi - It was a fn.r ' knew hit. to K..erretar and tt.a rer J ' .Monday In the Hon.. . ,.n ni.it.. .n of Mr. , ,. , ' I out.t n anaUn J,i. u was a m.r tht. IVtn K:m tr .-. atul -oud. t-e.io n.rei. the -etiate !..i! ni.M.. forttie.-Mn'i- lu nueu .-iate Mmple of t ete and a Itikiuks ani- , . , . hri',,i..!ii . ti r AN elei-trie lisrhl Uirein Supi.riorh'Mf;W7M...i.ldMr-l: I. Tl .l.-or.ng hoe .,,, for w.nd. ,, j J ! '.T?,;:,". ,J ciree,. Clevel.md. ()., luoketh,- t her j matlT.d'ibe uiS:,:;;'!)"!n;Uto: i ',:,1;:1 .,"1 " i'!";-'t "S" i'"-' lr.Mte,I that oTery ovailal.1- lioae asas-ocll.uid.-r'of tho ronip.m. t ,.p. ,.v,...i.,.r ...nl il,.. !w.. ..r!, frll li-K.ii llip I !lM"r ttl1" " .: look ii r-i.-.s mn ! . n xnr. ol l..o. In .-w oi k the iUet.nt) was nHnJ ,,,, y r bjsj in ICntbull i imw hn- . I.ntn to.'ether. w .tne t.i . it rii-iiin and tin two mN I. II 11,1011 tne. 1 A. . ,.V,.I,IIB 3 on lorl. ,,, ,,,,. jj . , . ,. tnrir,, .,,. ..... i,...n... ..... ... .n. nciirhbor a, once tclcrraphcd the h..s- aid- to sit up and had ,vouverd tlu, free ' B"nnI "- ' "' " -v l-o- -i, BW.. - s Minwl n,m ; - j '- - nurw. ,. .,,,. M The. Um . .. ., ? .. . . n t i , i ertv s.,T,,et.me ago. rMrs-,,n ;d Al'red Vln eommi-s on , . . . n ' -t.tian and lbt telrgrat.- .fr.- r hand in his cell al .lohd and aked , " !- ''t,: Senate, on the -th. w a, t, .rlv ali mJj-i'- Jl? Chn I f -U k . U fta.rde,,t alnHit we deed. A l.re nm .. Thornton , &.. an order ., that a :;;;:;;;in:,;i:;ilt;":;;rV;;;: , r? - ' j;- T Tbe Ibm-c to-k up r,.untv H c-tote, w, a , o of airman , ,ire. if the witness re- ZZ'X leamcould lu-Mild thai moncMtuirht j tht ,., .the Hirer and ilar.ior ,.,.n..r.at,..,. bill. :b eVto f... ..v..nn Wnl,l the ,.-k Jarr.ft. He replied n , Ltvi .a iftw'r ..illl. li niisnl in liiiri his w ife witli. Thorn-' m- . t.. ' ur- coKe v iidiente hti.s eau.ed to he tKist- Ttjp oC r inft-ntft' a I'r'n iVif r is tne lie .. l.v.. t"".- ,.r . t.-r.x ..... ..,. .. ,. . . - . - ---- ------. im. v..'iiii;mi'.'t-iiiiiieiii inu-is (u j .-v-- the practical enforcoment of Site act. Hntam have agree,! to restrict tfc ontt-a: Aiioso tao irroa; eoatir-siaUc-s by tha -. . ..v. ...:... ... ,. .,.-... i ;. in onler to maintain uricrs. ! Senatr vrr.- y.r Zjci MvotU; , .. to bs sllC UUIIC ciifiiiti ;u-;ii" in ii--... i . - ...... tt t m .- t . '. . . ,. ., . The pup. Is mall th- public school build- As s-,n: Alt rt-rv (tr-raifor tac U.;..! that tho obnoxious rtiiinrs muter ute . ;..1,l.,. t. ,..v .... H-f.- S.ate lairr or Deoartat-.i. law have been r.uulo by thu rtah.h;di:o fts 1.3,, ,a th s.koil romn. ml tia liliw ; Tie City :;aboiai B-mfc. of TT ill ara- , r-Tu.rpt !- R.-H-d in : utiiiiiiifotl from Michisran. whose name Mere called nnon to enforce tlie or-iors of prt. Pa., clo-svi jt d-jr oa la ha. 1m . l-aka; Ah'.n i --'.Rt t n . As. - ...... .. ;ti..it-.tfii fr.i-.,, tho Senate some i . 1... .. - -.---- - .- -- i s Tl... t.. t ,,f -hi- ititor'ir."-.- tu and the strike waixiH)r:?d over. t.ou ct over a year ago. warn lac a.netor.J -'" - - - - - --r v ock ao. 1 he ti t oi UK- nib rpr, ... yjin!mMi cnil,;oTtf, iu lhe b,,, b.d end. avumi t3 keap ,.-&. bat at.!,. Joer.ren. a. Ji- . ' - ;-- - i-- tion ol She law ionie. up m tlu- u" ' & ohki vanls as Jw ,Locr yaitls. Chicago, 'teakiagoai, adr ted Urt baai's $lab.:.:r. ' Tar. .;t.le .a cd Orf JsS-:4t. -'IXit - -t-fn l-a d ; iv mo Court .oon. and the -'lormon : MenloI1". oa lhe 1Csllj Foa:. 3-! :ea JTaeataHttrwiBctastto 1 ay i-. i . u r - '" " - t t.r-?,- ,aJ ''-"- ' tn .- : ft'oitiirn think it is sure to be reversed. ' were on strike. iitarsta fjrH, " nu - i .. -. - .. .-s . it. : . i. tn- -s.. 1 . ... . l ' '' H"" ,h''" ',','"",,, a,", tU 0,i,, wl - .jonrnnl. Unsv tiiSwiio iw: on iIk l-rtli Jr I.ojhi .n h i.-nirthy ,.,-h fiiipiH.rte,l the r-s- oiuiion jor uiir-n cwr iiivt is.un. in ... t'...it.n I.. I uru. ft.nn mlr.li 111 t.llt IM'.l seliourned In the H"ie tf.e senate 1.. II iieeeiit.ii : Iro t. I'.r tut r.rlln fhti1'ff3 tl! J'....i'.i.....'...-.. - ........... j- - -,f' art iirt-M nted to l.etiir:: ( Ira lit wa- !or irrrt. ; aM repoited Man tli -r U i w-re re " noiteil irni roittm tiei s T'n- llon-i- then . .. .. .i lull-, iia---.! The Seiniti wa- not in ""'iiiii on the 17th In the Iloui- intiiiv lii'u of a private II. I IUI- t-l.'l -U-.-I.-1. Ill Hill....' --! I.T j ., . , . . . .. .. 1 bole, and whi 11 tin-i-ofiin fee ro-e i-evi ml 1 1 ... 1. ....... ...... ... ti... i 1 .... . . -i v ti t ;...,..,., ..... itl.ii. nftiiuie tlimi It.e.tl , ...... . . ... ..... -. ...- - import. nice the Imii-e aujoninc. l-!:i:ii.AI. AM 1-iii.iTHWi.. Tin election 1 .-tin us in I'.-iii .iidic.i:.. j that ( 'acres is ele.-t.d to the Pi.-sideii.-v. i l.itnu and Ci.Uao voted unanimously in hi.s ! f...... ; l4l P 1 .MiM-Tin .V. I.-.sn presided 11: i Iiimqu-t ,,. i',...sr... tl... 1:11. 1.1 1... 11. ..-..! M 1'iisu.nr. . . 1 v ji0 1 ,..,..,s mjulo a mkjc "Si irlMiifMii" ti... I',.,........ ........I " 1 in- Puna mn canal " ii: .1. II A km tt, stitterinteudeut of the . ... Ain.-i nan Impress 1 'oinpanv. il.ed at "i- I iiaia I'iiII-, Out ,ieeently. trom th- eireets j ot atiokeof apoplexy, "lie was -e.enty ; M-nrsof ii"i-. " I " Tin upper house of tiieCJennnn Diet has j mlopfed the hdl for ler.rf till1114 l'olatid ! 'lui: Att-trian KeieiiHiutb b a huye ma- I ;..,-.t- 1... .... .f.i...i n !....!...!.t. kIioIv.. il... 1 nn,js'trm jj. , Kth-N.-i. York Sta'e Senat" a hill Ins ! 1 n introduced toauxiulthf rhtiMerof tbc ' Con-ululated Cas Conn any f New York i mid to wind tip Us it flairs. Th company I has a mono; olv of the gas Iumucss hi .-v Vi.il. I.eiie' mud,-tin .if u Union of ! M.,.niI ,,,,,,., ' Tin; Kmgol the Sandwich Nlands has J issued an order that no Chinese should b-ivnfter be p rmitted tot nu-r the dom without a r turn .rtiilcnt . k.iig , J Mit t.i iis-tom: introduced his Irish land ! inin-ha-e m-Ihmh' into ibe Coiuniotis on the i.tlt The scheme mvolre.1 a loan of i.V, UiHi.mm. ''",l1- sf"is ol the late William II. Vander Ink have given "j..Mu to the N"v York j ''olh-ge of I'l.ysjcmt.s nnd Sittge : to j build ami endow a budding lo be us ! e- (.jusV.-h for il.nie-. The bu Idmg will cost ?l UHX I. It will b known as the Ynn- ,.Jnsivelv for i-l.uie.. The lu Idmrr will d'-rb.li cbtiic in honor of jfaeir fstth.r. Tin rumor ilia: l'resident t'levt-hind is to . --' -' - -.(. - k3Vnst i coniiru.eil by the Pre -ident's brother. ' C..1.0M.1. TtioM H. Kioik. Eighteenth Infantry. who.s uoiniuat.on as Itr gmlier souni that the im oi of ibe cables woud re-(euer.-il was .end.iigbtrore th 'Senate, has duce iate from nil points m Ureal UriSa'a been placed in oiniiiai 1 of ihcD'-pnrtm -nt to all mhiiUs east of tbe Mississippi river Id of the M.tsour:. ifhc viug ltrigad.-r (.! nerul Ml,,.s Tne Presidi nt has appointed Mi-. Yir - puna C Thoinpson pustuiialtess at I.otii- VI"e. L , Tun iSivel: Chamber of Deputies has voted all the lulls for military prepnrn- t.on Tin ltis'iop of Madrd wa- shot and fmlh w.mitded by a piiet whom he had dismissed tnen his i l.u-ge. on the Wh. j .,., . , " , . . ' Tim priest afterwaid attempted Mtn-nie. ,mt , ,.,..,.,! n.i n,.s..,i .......-....-............... . Si: i::.i i:v .Mwmm. on the ls;h was ogmre the (Struiaii explorer I'cichnr.l who r!inii to have aeiptited terrttorv around Lake Tangain tka eijual to half the area of (Sermaiiv m im I't.i.AM'ors. Tin jurv hoid.i.g an .n,ut-st on the body of .1. D Thompson. Killed on the bridge at Si. Louis, during the recent riots, returned a verd.cl of homicide against the deputy sheriff.. It was thought that over tiftv live-; were lost and more ihau two huudied person-?- mm nutslv injured by the tornado which de troyed Sauk Ilapids and St. Cloud, Minn., j on she evening of the 11th. ' I -.. at. t , ! .-ix persons, were i.teti ami -everai were seriously injured bv a tornaihi on the 1 evening of tue lita. which went through ' !., ..,, tl... . ,h ,ualrv " ar Sk,,!mor''- No-iwnv , -'l.v- il- At. Ii5ix. foitytive m:Ifs j lUH..il of .Marw-iij. mny H-ron were in- . ...... . jiiroii ;iv me -t'lrtn. i An.of th rkw whi routned work ! .... ... ..! " l!1"" n-lat "al-.ine. :,-:;.. lave oeen !-'1 f"'----0 K"'-' Ifi,--o"I''r- hie 1-rcucu gnms'ii at Imkel. Sonegai. -. r... . . .. ..... ... iiiuiir n Minmisiui orue ntieiv Kiiii.ig iiri reliels ami losmgenlv seven private. Tnr Pirt National Dank of Angelica. N. Angelica. . Y.. c-I.vsed its do.r- on tbo l'ith. .1 E. -shore striker-; in bu-agit or. the 3tlx. Tt.o r.obiuson. tiio c.i--hir. wa a defaulter to coiapniiy ks usable to aio-reua tm-grt. the amount of 4-vdLCvJ.'. He tletl to Canada, trains. II. M Hoxir, vice president of tbe Mi-' Till Laud Develrpinent Assorlat'on 1" t souri Pacific Comiwstiy. refusel to acc-tit. it-sltof Iadwn. has failed with Sji&MJUi.a' to the reouest of St. Louis eirSzea to arbi- trHU' :bl? d.fferenct-- with the Knight-, of Labor Tue mil!s of the W.-xycross Lntnher Com nanv at Wjtiterr.tvvs! I.n . Itemed She other lJav; The loss was est raat-n! at ?l.V.w: insurance. i-ixtiO. Four bcndretl persoas ' ere thrown out of unploy men:. T,,E -' tail ires for tbe seven dav- ended :Ik Hth :iumlM?reti: For tbe l'u.ssl .us lir.. or CMi:ida.,7 . .u.aU , -rj,.- fadcre were JlS tbe previou week. Tins pigiroa lusaufaeturer of Great th t-ncher. Thirt.eti Uov were sn-.iirr.d- ... . Douthet: and hi h..-, an ae.l ami ro 1 gjld -.uple. Here burned to death, ll ;w sllMir1w ,!, ,,v Wlin, mwff,, , ,,,,., ..,. tltM. th lttmim nrtH, A TrnttiitiE C'nl1t at ton tik plep In Strv. .utr:an Ualn-ia. on th' I-th tver fAi !k.i:.. er burned and more thon ti lives I.ist .y fall. II; Ha'k rfr Tiik tnilk tiain mi th IteHw-enller & H.ir ntoffn ruiln. near -MlMinv. N V . d lid tl roeniiUv with two Hat ear loaded I'm: U'orkininien'-. ltdle ("..tjm, n Social itie -oi-iety of New Yotk. held n lure inei-t.nt: re-entlv. The ed.t'ifof the lu'i ., . . .. . . . Z'tt'tiu advioi-d hi, heiirer, and woreiue. ' ... Ttir... .ti'tic r.'i v in ii fin 1 it.-iii, 4.1 vt's 111 nreii- r..,. i',.t...... t.-....l.l... Hl.tLI'Mi l"l ...v.... .'. -. 1 Ki uorrvN" money exehnn",ex w.rj (,'i'n- ernllvdnll during the w.-l: ended April 1". Aiiier.eniis.M-iiriue, weie weak. ;ovi:itNoiti.i.i'sin. of Illinois, hits issued requisition on the Covi-runr of .Missouri for the dcliv. rv of Stewart .Maitm. Suinuel -'ones. John T Williams. (001-e lltinietu W. I". Laird. I'hailes Hentler idias Km. . 1 . ti-.ti 1 I f 1 II 1... . ' ' "l""" i-m .n .mo 1. j ""-.ifu, the deputy sh-rill' in Kn-t Si. Louis the deputy sht-riils who lit ed into tho mob 1 111. runiiini: u Ktreet ears i.y eierirnity was h. irun ri-eiitlv at Montgomery. Ala., th-niueh.nerv working peifeetly. 'Ions I'.n.r.iow. who with M. De I.esspps nd as delegated repres New- York I'liandM-r of l'o and as deb-gated representative ol the mmere injweted the raiinnm canal, hus nuiimitt-il Ins i-- hoi:. lie says tnnt u wu.l if nimt ns .afe ;.. .r-die: the quart -r m which w ndt will b settled next Christmas day at St iVtersbtirg. as the t me wb.-n the cannl will Ik- lim-hed or what it will cost. W11111: experimenting in the iron works of Singer. Nimiek A, Co, at rittbiirjb. I'd lln i.llit-r il:iv. w.th a coiin.r..sit.i st,-,l m. Id. I.um pttud, of imetn u--l mi.I.IciiIn gave way. si-atteimg metal 1:1 nil d ivrtiwi. S..iiie Mxtv persons were in- jur-11. :t lew dangen.iis'y. Tin: trouble between V." It Thorn Co , hat m-inufn turer. of Ilaveilnll. Idas-, nnd the Knights of Lalior. bn h has his.-d ;a year and n half, has U'.-n settled. It is J anieuneed that tie- .'"im has O'l-il.-d to all deniand and will discharge its r.on union worknicii ntnl lake bat k its old empioves Ov.im. to favorable nvs nseivsl from f.treiv'ti markets during the past week. Migar buvrr nllVnil Udt-r not bi;h etneigb to induce s sii-rar bu or ollcred U-tt-r nrices thoiir-h sonie bolder to !!. The sales, bow.-ver. were .niportnut. Tne mark l nl Havana nnd other ddt-tri oi-tino in i"-i ' - him n;s lirm prios Tlie rainfall ba Im- ii small. It was recent Iv ! anted from a r-l.nlile -r cent. j Ki. !.n v Oak Hill Church at Elgin. !'!' - :. u as det roved by tiro aud the eircuin- ' tani.-s point. d to arson. A man named ! 'hrisfan wnnrrestel for tbe oil. use. trn-d ami ncUitt-d. The other night w bile going home in compnny with his wife. Christian was me; bv a mob and riddled with hul jt.t.s. At.SU't'l.'IXAI. tMMwirm:. .In i. ei-.l.ns -en a . h-k for ." O tn C ' ,.,,..' " K , ' r IO Deputy Si, ntl U .11 -,is. f I ,tt'e l'..,-k. i wl.i was bad'v b-ateu bv sttik' W tl ed throughout the Connedsvd!- I'u ru gun a notice v-dtititarilv ndiune'tig tho , wage. i if the in u.-i and cukediawers fiom .i ti. in p.-r cut afte May 1. Th- iti'-rea ntlects all the lO.tsii mn whtouk I art m the recent sueoos."ul strike ll'-ni.kT Woi.r. an hid. an. who w ; bare ! Ih-en bunged iu Port Sm th. Aik. on tbe 1 o' inoiiiiik. 11 i' iiuiu.kiitot k" " - -. " .ti 4 -. ia iihi ' 'J:I. had his en;uo c mmut.sl by tho '.'. bd -e divi'ta nnr nt-nd-n:. wa lVesid- i-t So itifrisoinient for life. i wrtmi'v h-fL were also n hov at) r ' ' Ci s inanufnetiiie of I.ii-h'iigh ro- ?i:n-d n :'. 1 was though; lioth rh.l por: a boom m (inm-- . inwuro. aued dr--n w-ifn;"v nin-"T. hv the great tnkefr in Helg.mn l'r;t-s have been advanced per tt nt. in oo la: tevv wee.-. A tns'Ti 11 fnun Mandalay ciya t-st A .... I tl l.n .. -.!... 1 S T--.-. .-,' "-.., .-..... mrw.w-n 1rar.n1 v loilowersof tt-oMvinrza nirt.r. .,-e set t..o I,,!wers 01 tt.e Mymgza ng pn n-e set t'ue oj the city in -..veral plates. Ib.n'.reds of hoatf were burned, and tie trrau.y.r -t- olli o and the MiialL-r build rg w. thin tho palace eacosnio weie desjioved. and oiio- .1...1 . 11 1 . . . s-r.j 01 ..--- waueu c.iv a-s i.eeu ru.ne.1 TV P.iwi-i;i.y a iK-f-r' t-nn! emm liwo: tne iioitsoot llepreser.tat v s l Vt; Ki.n the labor t.mr.toon tb--otb. ..... -tr. lowitent gave t.ie mtor amt oi.,e- n .,f - ., - . - ..,. ... t t. .. .... -- -. ..ov vi iw. s o,B wijaw--wl t.on. ttovrnxon in;iJSaT addressed tbo Lf'-- biiitit - s. Loan ORMv-ntwtiTas, owning frorr-r uear UsuiwrL Contity Kerry, Ir-siand. b5 en liovcoittl AxoTnra wolf-bittru Hn.ian. on.-l'-tratraent by PiieBr, bas died m Pa. o.' hydropholi.a. The ;.-iia:e in erecotivr s-ss'oaoi tb- 20th rtvvt.I tj pro.-osa! to r,a Ui W e 1 and I.iAbrn cki st agaat Slex .v. The vote a .iiv a .at nays. t. iog less ;bsn tv.o-ta!i r.xacy for xu ratifc-i.ton. ca - of the c. 1 .1, se was due to r. dr.'aic.- T . .... .-. . i-on ei over a vesr ara. ua ea a t-m-tar; . . , . . ..v ... matter, o'ae n : iNn the rr.iio.l Her- d,eae 1 ot.a oiiii etmt tnan ait!.ril t .ub m, ataiMa n an rirtnn:al at o for theem nt n anllretm-nt rih"x tli'tvi It i tte that m mi ..,i,-r t tdinnii ba ateei! to eouiply with the repi t A ' mr ' " town at irnk'n 'f""n nn to mipr-'' i.a? 1 ob ri" Arlin t'a"'. AhiI '..' Tif " n t.l I'Jai l. epe.-m!!y a new town, to iiidin'e re .dm t- . kind are pilrd tip out their Tin I'V'N ts i'k name of .1 new town re eenth at at ted m Urowtt C.untv, wuicl.e;-pii-ts to be the ci'iiity seat at an early 'av There me iiyf lantl othces in the town, two bu.Ls. two roller grist mills, w.th ht N. tore. etc. A cream-TV ha been star'i -1 there which utilizes the prodm I of ---tl cows. The Methodiv.s and AdveatisLs are building churches. As editor ut liomervillo is n-Torted Hs hivng -kipp'-d out under a flnancml tin 1 oe 111 cloud. letiV!!.: Istrttel Cledltol" ami ani hitsbinds to l.H.k for h m in vkhi He tool: w ith h.m the wives of two of the c : ens of llor.i rvi!le. ll is a g iv one. li ;!... a recent heavv wind -torm at Emerald the roof of Knrl Itnremnst'ir's bat tl was Idi.wu oil' Sotne.tf tl elieaii"llit ISiiretncster in tl.ebaek of The neck, killing him itisf a:t' !. ets.-d was twentv nine tears old. and Iaves a wife and child. I'usT '! ll F ti e-rtt'v e-tabllshed IB Ne b Hutte'flv. Stanton Cun' Ian- i' 1 II Kern, ji'-'mnster: Mars. Knox Coite'v. Cha!- ! eitsseii. postmaster. V.'im.t: ini'ic't".I Ifarrv It-on.'e af le'ioit.sl to -t in'o a --i-ire at (iran.t l-l-and t'e otJi- r ti trht. nnd r s' e impression that it was a h"t-l The tiropretor. who ter.r :n t' store, th rifci'i' ho waa r!le-r. I!r-' ti' h "i fi" bill fk,rg eTe.-t iu t'l- head and inflict nga pro' nb'v fatil wot:n! Sovr of tf:e famersof ta s Conntv. t s said. b-" to-U'-d a d. monjj t: pVde- 'b - w '1 d niRtiil froi n., .-tn-'t- dnt" for t if I.' -!ti r-- T) at h- it'll work for lie be t n'er s if b vii-sfitit-o..s; t? n he w I' not t ! nnv rti,ti'v r ohr vain I s of anv n:re l sf ,terer fron. iiiv vireoa$ on or nemonolv. or nnv one d-e. nnder aov e'n"-Soration. teten'I in" f h r bv to t s an'' bdl of a sidsh tm i-i"; tat he i'l intro '-t'-e or .to.ort a bi ' o n-n t' he rif-ent UfTrondonirn's- mom Itw. and t'-nt h w :H support anv W'l to re-!' r re : .' fre"-v rtts .. from and in the s5te of Nebraska t.otne ren- ..---.- - ... - , Ttre otia-tr nf Ttnrn-? ? len site ! f(ireni - . J -r .. f r -r 1 n t--r (;i-.i-..r. Tt' - n'""" f -l t na-s a for.! eh -e'- on a f ;"tnd l'and bink. but wes n.l,t. I 't 'n ae I ht.I .'tt t''r nn . crerdi"' "' "'..I n Mj r;.k fount vsocl man. to th '' '? n"I Ite-n'es had senre.l ivmiv i-eadv h an over oat and n hore A- -ntr' r '"o ' :n- 'ir-iti'"" ant has !ae jv i,-m nlv"-ti Tr fn b Srt pre., t'-n? "! 1i "i O'l'.ewor of (lmha. nli Iiev t'-. n ireltTtd bid a Ifiift. fwip'-r" in h- f-nn-itiv rmAnt-ii br rn Tlie T"" ' ll s'Al T'V . IS 'Tl'..VinV" the lrft of ttittb and i a'otislv?o .Viifitfte--'e rats of Ii ? pople m Nebraska an I Tvo--vng f vrt'O" Ttwr ?" is to. a 'rwarit- '"tirrrti iio-ti'. i:""TT-.''imnc!i.t ?i-vM. . in'o :re im rver ttert io' i. xV' . l- t" ertr-vid tf of te ra' . ni-fn" nd fotr rnrs left th'-trnet, nd t't etwi'ter ami fi coach went tn-. .. o tr-r. th" thr ear, and th --irin ftfiT tvrn tlo dnrnn J"bn t.radv r -tt-ejn- - bad'v in:nr.l: .Jnin b.-- Tt- ob- fnrn:ng o ttfrTtn.ntnan em otov.st on a :-m in vi t"-intr sw a f .jj f wd Hvingov.r th Ii"- Tf w-t to tho h-e. e'7I a con an- . ..t . ht. n-t, ,-., .n- r a w-T'-oTn- U...I l'!-.,l8n.l:V mtihnr-: t'..rr' h - l. in.ir- -- - ... .... . . '.m k;rr ? m h ! of bis " ? A lt.,oti -, sn-nmonM ''""' :N"Vill ils-fr fraetn- 1 and tS -; pns.T - fin th" b-iirt. It was eons d re " a!n.ost rnrvi!"' a tbat the top of bis beat. . . . ... .. . t.- . , wa tjo; b'own of. . .- T?t-rtviT 1 r ha ?t. !- henV SrvrtAt men were r-cr-tT err.l t moT.ngb.,b'W.rB..m wh-- encofwMsVr.d-sT.nT. Tber wrer W vrell e- . h-d with I tpor n b-.;.5ra. r e krsI?h,.workncm-n t.M-.nk w th them Tiiiswa rr'tjs-'l thrrusn n a ;n; re- J matkstasstd ict andf-.rtb and reoorr! free thrhs eaa.d Iaine tfcs ne'-iM D..wnc. oar of ; rr. ftsvrd J. A. ' ' s?nj'.,e, a wai: k-vmn tem- 'after wr-Ait j i c. Arnt y atlr ntui mrui j tanhi. F;Mi w E.kit r ird op : a ax and b-ir-r-1 t'.-e blade 10 t. x.asagea'sS'.. iknU. kilh'ns h.m. Dtsos Co-TBiy persoaal ixxc. fiT.COD X dcUscerat I fi 1 Ths e"iu3 of JobnoT. wlwvt barn wj bu-"a-yd to dis'.ulrw tbe murtiTT. Sf-ad . - aan. aar Oallaad. has .Wa ret.d hy tatVonv Cotfltn-vs oaar.. : oe'.jr- te- eta vn- r-y It taraliy. Joi.r. ..n a--- w-r .. u samti .-" a 1 '-- - -t.-araMoar-sofav 11 . . --r .-: ,. -itainis ioaers tr tbe sheriff -r rvrrcr tb amostat. D H - i: ... ' - M . -.-v-, w w ,,. o jf ,, th ., ,j b u.irtil.t it oC-rrd anv inotieriuet.t." (Vit.uu n. th ttn ! :' at Nnnf7 If.iri l ad made at.Ief.int y II. jiu? Matrment a out tl e ,nii. !,.-!. and two or lhredii afteiw.ttd he t tie bd -.: Intt.nliH-.-i t lio.-et aoa iu. son m n n liotnr. lie then briefly t!d of the mn .t- Rt.m of !... Ian i: rctne fon:p.u: a. d tfirti turned hi- attention to te 4pp 'n- tun.-, to h m 5o bunj; utf aa.ii.it il.v lk-1. lumrxt'iy. the u'p.u-n:tuir nib ul an mfrt- ence. In .hilv Yin Ilet!t!ittcr had prtMwnfeil his npii ic ilioit tor a Mi.t. basin.: it on a law wn rh. he staled, hid been jMsse.1 at the last -ess, ..11 of C,,iU-ris. 'I I e a..!,ri- tioti had been referred b the witness to the Ii. tenor ! lartui'ii:. where It s...d I I ac gone in the iifst mst a.-.-, and :, e it- nessl.ad heard in lie. re of tt u-.til it had In-i-ii tciutiu-d la: Janu.r Hith oii.it ----- -- - -- I'M-ets. Alter tiH-eivlni: Van Het.t!itnsen h-f.-r She iti.tssfs Im I .-! lit w-.itL t.. . .it...... into the matter. lor. thon-h he hiMtn.. ...t,- mat. .11 So that -fleet, be . safi'i-si t tt otbei app.natton uen d lie mmle. I.- i.g ov r the autho. .ties, he had .-.. eluo. d that he con d not order a tout and I ...d d-t. rm n.-d th.it he wotiM md ti.iivh U at ao tllilaf la 111 a tlfll.i .&. ""',: ' " "-' "'"" 11 .,.. ,. .... .. . till a &. .. m . .. 11-11 ...- imv n a :ni in ine .-sesi icj Sei.-itor Tia't ha t com- to I im oieda with a bi'l Jo authotie tM.trri.mrr. Mils ..,..1 I nd -krd his c.p n on of it. W ittte- bed .. e.. u ,.er e.i .. ne regatti.ti 11 as ti...e,e-sry and tt :.l it u.ni . I do 1,.. j;. ... 11. at nps) n) Ilt. ft.-i u.i 1 -.1 tr li.fd a! out the bi.'l ui til it I .-I leen t fli-'ht So hi-stt. i.;:oii tliro'h tl app!ieatiiu "I l.e . i.'t i.i.tiiini i e I. .id c r giV'll w.i tu the t :i ; that the Cm ,.-r.-mv. ntiotts ,.fe tmt inf rm,, en. eiit si tt the) eie improvements nsn t-'. : '...t . ; that thev weudiHernt h a p.it. i.tjl. e ai.d Weil n og:tie.t ptu e pie. 'in tin m: h s at ten. ton to the ..rdetm of It O ! ii p'lls .iut, the Wltlies ..i d tt..lt titf had .ri men to leave Waslmut u on u- gnt -.'7 m.d s.t,d the riiLr- tt.on.b ..f S, ,M timber a! i..s b - in Arka- -..-. lie i. i CflOel. that tlllie because he J(ii, fu, , Set'tiiiU-r to te the la-st n.i.tith t. U ...it ( f Wa-hu foii and 1-r.iiH' hi . .i, . s t.eer in Aikanas in thai month ni. ; i 1'tiU.e J iv. 'Ibe .Jeer did Hot heroine r i .Mit.l epcinber. Mr. fi.H!i. bad reftf i . I a' I'll! the in ihlie of Angti-t, I ..t i . will es h.ul sa.d notion-; to him ah..i t n .- nppiiealion I e Ii.kJ reri iveii Is-, tii.- I.e .1 I iit-t i now what to av He Mii.tM-d t' i- g tin n. rn who had n nde tie ..' 1 i .: ... 'i wotiut bndn rt-undy it th ' uj.p.tt l u.., had one, Mr. ".at'nt.d h d returned to tt'a-'i n-t.-ti t jilt, ut (.-.. U-t I. ami when hera n ,u t; .. f .- White Hoii-e the I'tesi.tciit h..d t.. h in "lit the pat.ts were speakin.' of tbci .!-. t :,. r- he t up ti he h.ul nude tho.'Xp'aiiition t..i .. on ti. been pi.'le!".!. and ti e- hail re.e: veis.u.i tijel.-d i n...lifh So Mr. (."! afaiut .t, l.e C'lise theS. i itur ( liera . Iintrr the stji. tde. vva jarfeeily free i.i.d in.bf.. n ..- t, arid aitne-H h.id n m. re e....ti.i .,., j .. u in Id iwitn ssi at'- nee or d rfb ty th ?i he had ver gcnllein. u iu Colter.--. He had never So this dav -..,. u So Mr. t.M..to about She hist utt i.r one alleged t" I. pending. Mr. tensle t..i I sprn tm. 'h i Htmi't ll.c r llli-el t lid the prartue ..f tbe lioveiimnns .it ileal IX w.th lhe com e . Mr. iiniland did riot know what was in she bu.. had never o. n -,.befnj,is n wh i h tne suit was pre.le.-iN d and had tirv.-r talked with eejeurv Lamar or the g.-r.t e- .ng.-. tier lor the fegtuzation oS aeom-ai, and thev lad in nle asemei,ts. the int move beinc to g.ve a lioU for .noo wb'i vv.is So.Ut-.ved by at-sjtiien?s ! sV or oj nrh. lie d.d not re-. ard the iiiveii'ioti-. 4 lifting ttnv u.rukettb.e value. The .-..in-I-anv was to ot-dd sh tbeir Utility atei put them on the market. ( ha rman Rnvie a'.e.: -"Hid yon cm tetpp.jt.. ns ng votir offwial ttt.on fot tne Mi.ttitne of the iit.-rrie!' "Not at nil. If I had been a private eit. izn I ctMi d have .time mnef. hrtter thsn nlT.?S,r..r -'W -; more atra of na mc bis fbrii infJutiee than of inniniii-r into the loton-ae t.ver with a ni..;ti'Oe arun. his n-i ! further . 1 oi.....t-ion the w rnes a d: ?.. -.. . -T ...-.. ..... ., t ..UK. ....,. ... ... .s....... a .. 1 .....- . ... - ttey G'lieta! Shst l- earu ateit in tlw r.-w-t- ist rieirre m iii.-ie ti .taate af tit4t Si.k f r -nh o r-its vaitv .a ar.y wa. I la.e r.H t-eet. at a n- 'inc aal nave r. t ir.efet. - iet - w .U t.W gcaUeraoa oaa-al ...... ...... . .. . wit's it a: all," , . , ,. , .... i "'"? s" ,"'" ' : ' u A c r4 a-D t ., n.tiUM "b " ff r om u ' , rHIf- " tSm ' "h",! r-14 th ,rr " R-artrvrrl he- " l' ?-ar rh . ti- thisubir indi- r b - .D blewlr,---. I j,- own r of Sn n " h rkbi s in atotv. n I " mun r " m rowei am,:.- ,' "08 "T own i,csiu UtlKjtt. - B s.e h?d heteri fr. -i-m- a rm- . '! v . itr b-k-1 nd -h tin tr m-- rra u - uvn r4 ntmnreai - a a t a i fcrr n.t a ; !.?'?' on t:r m'nr- ... - .... a 1- - IIJ-1 M I nt .. A.r . .,uT i li t At trrdi (nti . a.14 1 i' Ai roo. mn d-t. r J ' akrdl U.e v... re la!y. with a mi'. i.-'f-i s,;t.ewrjU a hr utasai: m t prl r. dd. "tlj. y.a rfcie-d i U c. twr kj-Hur: an-! crua dre4- .!.. a ) - t . . U&rptr m Lautr. -Wei; K?ts t r-t . f in sV pint. ; t. h t t .- T r- -a 1 rsr ". I I f :r aTtaa. g,.;,! 7: and t ahrh m-'u ,m sal fottun vitr In Mmr. N Il,pV re l ila.rhwtta. w j,;, saei-tlne-i imnnt.iJeijr ftftr ' iot, eji.Ir. and it i th . V. p,.. r t! t tt.pr l r:"'' '' ' enre dcidetl pvi h trat b.'H m tf th strtke at let M. I" jA,t oretupg a sdnred b 34 .rfsn Im tievftfL- M. Jarkm amt a awtiehi'i. BWItC .Se.ril I:nn reifWd! !ne t-, i !,, gdvlr, the ir wer not t trtnio oti i:nt.i tl. tat. road -:ti,n t n el tie Kti jjr? ot !.afn a l tod . i that wiin ft e jot Itimxrv to hi t'i . i tno eoii.in tee i i s.f. Ion Lnom t imi T.ne wuuM eial them tfrorer.e'?. A CLERICAL ?.;UROERER. . teMel t-rrt rU' 0 tr.ie .V. --ult I (MH Hi. It . MlKti'. April I'A At li :ao'c:ork jrej tenlaj uiotM'ic. while t'.e U hip of Mft- jritj ua a,r.:m. i. ;rVf ,dor to tint entMin'V of tb ratbetrti h shit with a r. eUrr b a pr;et -a'attd m at the lop ot the sefs. the bail eutrcux h alslo- hmm This taa. fo.limcil b ano'har bot wli.ch wounded ti; Iliii.or m tht adc. whereujam the onnd.nl nun frit on ttu . "'P- I ln ! lS tbe sritlei t irt " and trt stt.l another ahrt. Bturl took ef- f-.. j,, tk,, rk.h,,!,',, ihtrb. Tbe tt shoo KM Nrae In an Miutm-c 01 rood, turn to .v llottf rl.awt! in ti. athedfAl. Ue .. ' Li "' amenta fr too aU.f wete a 1- m atrre.l tohiin. In iu-.t was aire!- ' f,,, ,.,ira un,iajr the e tihef w.s m- .- tlttm buo rrowded bi ! t - . 1 wji, the fearful .rk of ' , -t w . L real e.i n iur."U atonto ' HI i 'V . r . 1 le v i .! w . I oi ! to . ,t !,..-!. I... t.s -.,..... .i t daime.. tal.ose pr-r'. lIWB.b.d. The n.t v. f revenue. 'I lie n.an win. t tmutu tl sml..! fm , f .- , li;ut fM, rii ,H,.. . ,. re i 'ed. tjtieen ' i i t i . as to t' e IS'-hop rti'it i 1. a te, .,).!. ii.-d hi tIe.u. I att.i a t e. The tet tt. . Sofoa.ui.t .i.t tn. THE LAREDO RIOT livel KUIet ..r .- of I . Owe of ! .KM, i a a. ;. le .. I . Ap i. V r ' (. . v. . -hat tU a .1 Hur to II . .11 t e i:. "n 1'. i ! . I de V .t sl I " - I o e t II e'l "f ' S.-. . ' .. Ni.i" 1 a t: M - . . V. . 'i . W I" 1 t '. -.i il .i t. . ! .. !. . t. i in"i.- ' li . i i i : i t t: 1 1 . . tr v . .- ! .. iv,. . t.. -i . fu. t d l' . i i i :l , , . de and Btlt ' ',! t't nj i nt -fi'e.il i . t . i . .e o 'loIlM I, .. t tie ibrfereiit from tav n P . ii ,V fal liSler. 'ir"A. Ario IU. -TIm town f;a!ieu. las beet a'moa; row sir.n.il. The number of boa-. IT. ' I aN"itV - '. Many teron wereki mbabitanta are rtittttr. Tb 1 i.. atetl in a mall 'Jtop and wa ear - i t fall nsr of a lamp 6 tel with pe. tush w.iid a Mo-n ant the :.-. in -eveiai parts ol She town about ih t in One hondred persona w-re k be.f twie treet !-, fadtnc wait. Tt.e t$o ha lrillrit. dere.1 a.d ttr lb' a.d'iar fti Mon bn,t (..,! a. Wm rIle.U-l 1m ?'m -m.- ro 1. ;.!!: tavvat for Um rr.irf f u. .t1 lerrrs. Ii.hI fl-f lr..l I'urHwr., IH'SsXJJf. A.ld !' -At a Urrtnig n ? ant fa , t Kddasart -.estr-day tbo t, 1 i a Isad forrbasr bi.l w- d'noooetfd a av ' (dr a mejsure fur She tcltf of tb land- ' lords. 1 1 wa da-tiif ed that if th fcran-nv b. s9t jjjf. bHnr 00 bia oi wt y,JnXW.tbrr - ' d bw -tF . . aavprarM. as tty f w.thwi- Utm aytrew-irir rapit with tdn to atda a a tart. A r-s.tntn waa ado;te.. nSiiu t?w tr - - n,. .t. f ..., . ..- - . '" -' -"-5 . - .is v T- iv..... ....... .m - - - . rl . R'tft f lrshoT!J4',.' ki'Letoif estata brkl aoeet.n ymtt oetr af a rwiaet rent, ta re- i. II tefiU in ronstsWr tn Kar." rioet.mi n( im W twenty ar ! Ilk tr i-ttu htJ itkal I m m - mtanae. 1 tb.rt-Urw prr ett. H tto r ... ...... . tenaata ;ii votcul ta tavr f aenaiaa? U J. ii. Cnrn Aart: t.-r,rw rb- -.t- m.eJ Maaaf Jaaa, awd &JS radt rt aatf hVth. of tha ilalt.a-r A Hh r4 aaM a rt0.;t a yrtrrd'j wjtb a ranauiUr atf tb atnkiae s - wiVhora, aad an afracrrat was au-wti WBwr j tbt? ir ght h1-- o that rwad ' wits rf a ra'etort ta awaiae Th wiU 3 - tnin, -, tUd thrlrr drmaod that .at !H? h-j draar--rd lata a ttm&i thai U-r p..t. TM -th: rKrrr--d 1 anaooacti thrtr aaaaaaawx- ta. taaa -- - 11. , - - " VJTJ:" V"?'' r "" "T "" -w"""" " ataw 00 to ft., -. Mwrst.rs. . ST. J-rt. AW.I I X-Ai-o.it two aeSatf yaaa - niaf aon.ni Jlr. FresJ Hkkrtrt. ah. wif - i-ca-i aw .ara tuiaaaa " F.. .. '. .. . ... art. aViJrri'. waa ia4eai iwtM ------ ftw -w n- raadiat bj lii aad on an oa a:d aitar . tJar af Omns arid a wav at his hr fc-4 fSr ' -J Hfiiii.Jtd iim krjr ta ha traah. feir. -1 "frt rra . tw. arvjr fratAnsatad - death. iU rtchaa aaati. a - af saaat aadar hi.. w" itvm tar aiMaaat av o a - ra U la t. atay twa tiu -araarra Vw. fzwr of tf-rat laaaocfttad a -nnk aaw-haii hca!x r.J-. --? s!-rr uou aaaj9 ar &arhefff. la a trwurr.. wa 3fhaWlar i iu .. .. - , . v, ,..,.- ..p, M9V0- 1 S ( n .'1 lb - 1' ' ! 1 1" . e i t ! o ... t : ' I ' a 1 I 1 t. tl- r f - t ' tt .' k . . II 1. lltoli' 'ni i u: in- la f"! a t. r- a t n ' It n t 1 f.rr al a; . . t TU ? m -n i.i m ... "1 1. 'i: 1 1 ant t t a 1 atM.iunt.dt 'i- ftriils!.: tf tt.l llt.r - . fb -1 1 1 ' o p. . 1 -. 1 1 00 j f it fa I 4 1 - 1 t B-1 1 k Mj'.iml Bii 1 a It. . II ' T ! I'- ' h it t tor t - .. tt... ' . .p.. I.. t-r s t 1 I '.ft i:. i- . f i. t .- ' t ! t a ii th iCK Hi . i R I i. . . t t I- i t . HI I ' " H t. ; I. rr '' t . t m ' ; ' l. r ! ' U -5 tt- r r, f". t f t 1 .. at v 11 m I e ar- ' 1 ti ih. t-.. l.t iaii "'"," ra.- IU, fc, ' ' JiTiBif a I fij nt t . f b. I ...t....... ... 1 " -- r"-' frj4 H.-v It ! '1 Ca.ted IHtra , - . -.. - . -, ..- w 3 a aiv wLr. ,i...-4 . autr u.i t.. a . .. . " " ""-' ' Pi ts,t. W tL - ta. wrarr ?' W Mm rH to a xtirau.a m " lh AHrar tmw late Vaf "r - " ?ras4Mri m M "rr ,lta r. a- thawtr ? " f& - ww-Fs-ao-j BjefK. Ta tint rrrr-air (r h - ury ftnairoati praat. tt ta ara. t r.hoita aaatt.taa ra rsta!ta Fanawwa wtil d wait iv - raiaw oi -wd oertaa aad. wf trh wui artifa i ... .. . . aa aay other Vs r ltaa?Uarriaa uaf.nl ?katj ' -JtU.J-J1 8VAS '--.. U. 'i' ' - -i- -i -J ..SatBtaa'S'l'-llOi-a-www, ! 'J-?