The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 23, 1886, Image 3

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    ljTt i . &Jkak
- !
rl-sl'-'Mgi.g.ywr j
A. C. HOSMER, Publishor.
By Dr.vid Christie J.'.urray,
-atrtrnoi. or "A Mm.h I athih. -a Lirs"i
ATOM."! M,' i:TC-
rUAi-rrj: XlU-r..wi.rni,
'i ou arc irofuj. tu eal! upon Mr.-.
Tr l art lien '
"VV Ii.ii.
"We will o to-, U:.t." said Mar?h,
rid they walked Md ,jm1.. for a littlt:
tiiif-m -ilnce. It wa a mialit after-i.'.-mi,
ami tin-re were window -gjtrd-u-Ht
every hois. ;tl th ftivl. with bright
"..or. d jalou-i. gleaming over the
I. it, mi ii,t j.l:t-:itit sense of
v. irmth and color .-lob- to tin heart
of the two unobservant creatures a
'y walked ahmg. and bnght-md
a. ir dreamy famiei And suddenly.
n- if -he were in om- way tiw- jroduct
i t'.s- unusual follw of eolor and
radiance, app, .:,r,.,l tj,. charming Mi
Luia. accoiiipuiiicr by a little gill of
tv. elvc or thirteen year-, who looked
I i an :itt -nd-tnt fairy Ihii paw fvim-1h-ug
-., surprising m the -.-p.- of tin
little stntng.-r that he saied hm hat
mechanically in answer to the voung
J dy graciou- anliite, ajid looked at
li.e child with so mmou- ttj iiii-rrogn-ti
u that he plainly :.iami-d her.
Hh Wi- 'J r. is.ii then a dnnghtHr"
be a-ked of Mar-h a minute lat-r
"Ye-," said tin- pn.-t "We have
ji.-t pascd her. A iirctiy child, i she
'f should have jnjcwwfl her to be
Atlhiir'i- child, or nt any rale ariose
- i at v- of Ju-. wherever I had seen her,"
- turned I'inl "There i- a portrait of
AtiIuii - not he: at "1 rega: then, painted
v n.-n -In- was n child I have been
I. tnui-ir with it ever -nice lean reiiiem
' v It iiwjrlit iia- k--u j.iint'-( from
Lie 4'hihl u- ii;tv jt s . ii."
Tfi if lieu-, would hae lHen a relief
Mrh ear ago. lut it had heen
ii!iiieete now for iuanj jiiid ninny :i
tS.. of ci r-.uiJ.
"It i- no iiftcouiiii'iii that a cinM
.!i(Mi!l re.jjt. it. fat;.tr,"' li sail.
t!.miiili, "r it-. f.t:i"r - m.lher
'J r'-iMrthen ljk- hi uioHm-i?""
"Attiazuilx,'" f.aid l'iol "His feat
n rev rv irsaow-uhiic. atnl li'Ts -re
f i n in inc. hut hcoiiil that it uull
jii7.r.lf oii to hfl n d.flerencc in tiieir
"-tur-- The re-i .n jroiTiiH all "
I he tWO Ill(l- then .ill MJlllJl the
ii i -.. :ml there was nothing tn the
:ii! n.fn Jo iistiti";uifi it outivattih
Jt'itn lii;il) itth'-l'v t-. -Jjnt he fore :m, 1
nltr Hut when the had left tit hoil-t
mtii v. ere nalkiii iimc together the
Het u:ih- a rrife-.-joii
"I h:e M-ell eTiulU of a theft."
uhI. "Send that to Tre;.u it--n
titefe arc am howeK in tii man at
Jt will lirilijr hiMJ Jo ren-ui
Ih- drew lrmi U hre.isi-o''h4t a of the rhikl, and I'h'l u;iii
In i.r-t "iance at it jravc a liulc ex-.-l;iii'it-oii.
"Witli a chni'Te of costume." he
5iud. ie.'rlil' the picture attent iv 1 .
"and another inil of the halt,
it m iflit pa-- a- a pi o'ojjr.iph fnin th
jeejnie." and nid'cd tin- hk'iit-s wa
II.- vuiilf a letter that nijrht (thnuJi
he hal iille- hop of jiieii ihj th dsrk-lie-
in Ariiiiu- mind), in uini-li in
1id linn in- h:! I it-it 1h for the nr-i
t.ltie leailte.l of the existence of :i
ii.iiidiici ol Mrs. Trepaithen'-. liov
the -tirjuiMiiyr; likejies.s of the child to
Trearthen lir'd ajtpealed to linn, and
how he had liecn moved ajrnm h tin
new hnowledjre t wnte in li-hall : a
lnoHt utiluti and virtimtis lailx lie
iiiilfH tl tin- photoM-raidi. and haxine
p-.-.t"3 the letter witn ins own handh.
:twaited a !v.pone. w itlniit mtit It hope
V heu it i-:ie he exp-neiieed a -lioel;
"M dear J'iii!," J reaitheii'- hrief
h iter ran. (.!- hand ha- so molded
in . intd-f.t.e tltat 1 -Itoiild he a find a-wi-iljis
a illain t deny her ihe at
a is mine It m lie that 3011 ait
1 iriit and tiiat 1 hae heeii un-taken.
1 -iinll re-olxetliat douht before loiijr.
foi I am dn: "
U heth r thi. iii"W ucrr trup cr fan-
itul he iNodd xtt tell. anl he could
not -t hi- imtitl at iv-t exempt 1 an
iniv.f.liate rettira u 'i ie;.irthMi. hut
h tore,dln mii-t -e-M:i-h and
1 ,'HMilt ;;ii htju. it' oiil for a mo
llieiit. If he in dior." f.ahi Mar-h. who
could not d.:nv JMiilV doiiht. ut
'ii..sinr at IJm ;v ttoi he had tor
douht'ii. or cu kii'xij; that lie
doiiht'-d. "tdie Klmuld know it. and
hhoiiid let her 11 heart d fide whether
"Vou hae Mt.iwn her lonjrer." nid
rinl, "and inner than 1 haxi. Vttt can
takethe hlter to iMr. If she should
decide to . ie may aect')l lti 0.
M:ii-h aeceptetl the t rrand. and tul
l.Med it. in effect Mr-. Fri'irai'then de
iih! t M-e iier iai-taiid. if he would
recene her and tdie and he: child, in
Phil's charge. upon the journex
It ua- ow wnrteeii ear--mce -lit had
m fooh-hh run axa from houi( and
happmc . lark'nm": her own hit- and
the lift e.J tit- man who hcd her IUit
tlia had neei Msvnied her crime Her
real foil : hidtlen in the shadow of
the llieif ret t eliee w Inch had alwax
M1. nieil 4itntiual. l't-ri-ap-. -nice she
ltd: it .-t. and had aiwa felt it .-0. her
mii realh lay lucre, thteii.ii few people
vouhl' c.uvd to rh.uactri.e it hy
m hai-i. a name. She reaped fame
;u & nche- and a heart full ot ifrret-.
ami ot tiie jurj t-.'- Ir uhuii she
i-:ul litd I. id - -nieit worth uiueh to
i . . i - m to - 1 far :.i eiued to
j t it e Arthur, and then the became
I'hi I left her. "with her child and her
maid, at one of the hotel- at Gorha.
-iid n ed t the i-i-md alone to p
out the Ind before her. Tre:ariteii
ha: w here he had sat before, and rinl
:iipp-,.d at lir-t that hir. downward
jr:r- wa- -til! directed at the hit ot cry.
tn!. lut when he drew near he -aw- he
riiild".- photograph in the father hand
lh had kixviit-tl at the thnr. ami hail
rctH-itd no re-pon-e. and now he had
to la hi- hand iijkhi Arthur" -houlder
tt arou-e him Jioni hi- reverie. He wa.
ilartled at the hollow eei and the
jraunt w Ir.eii turned toward him.
You are here ajraia. rhii'" said
Trcsartheii. in a wa-:e oaadmt; voice.
"I am j:l::d of that. 1 wanted to -ee
you aiun. hut 1 did not care to ask you
to conic
1 came luc.u-e of your letter. Ar
thur."' an.-werod Phil. "That is the
photograph I en: you?"
" X C5.
"1 have brought your little daughter
vith me." .-aid Piiil. treiuulou-ly.
SVould uti like 10 .-ee her?"
yes." .-aid Trepirthun. "I should
3ke to see her. Priusrher tome. Where
I Jcft hei at Goivhy."" relumed
o .
W mmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmWfmWmKmWmT'mWmmmmtmm ' L" " '
I "BBBVTSiSb .4i-iiJfciaijr,Baa3fiir
Phil. "Arthur, your irife i- '.vtli her.
She lonjp to .-eo ou. hhe 10 .. r J.n tr
till lately that jou wihpeet- . i,.-r of
.vore UiJiti that (W-...i 0f j.r, ab'e:
the stage. If c,f h.,. fancied that ir h
a ron-trtif'tio" could he put nf'Ti hr
runtiiii :. way ;.; woi.hJ hae nt.,I
or hae leturiicd ar,n tQ ciar h'-rif
of that. Arthur. sh- i- as pure a cr
t.i! I am sure of it. I know it. bh'ali
I iniir h:r her3"
"'I 1! Iier." haul Trejarthini. htL?ily
"t'l her this 1-fore nil? COUH-fi I
have onh a da;, or two to live !ltil.
Phil' 2w, dhrf-laimers ran alt-r it. if
she can conn- here, if nh- cares to
ct.ii.e h'-r. and tell me 1 ha wrortd
her. I will belie. e til. I nhail know
ail alw.ut it hj and by. but I will h--I.'
e her. I-'or my shre in tii faith
arid folly I have borne. -nw;rh to hi
Arthur." t&k4 Phil, why dojfju
pt ak Jik' thin Way do yo-; u-Um
u are dvliijr' You only a-'d ihake
'dT the faaeie. Um' ojipre. yOU lo be
happ. and wll and -triip aAin "
"Tb- doctor rrm-f here." return!
Trejrarthei,, with a ha-tly -nule, "and
pr enbe- fHd I can't eat. medicine I
an't drink and oeeupatton w Jiicu are
inip..ible. I am diny. Phil, and
t re 1 an end of it I am ;rlad to
'o Tni- linjrerin taking h-ae i pain
ful, but I hale In-eii patient to lony to
t;r"W impatient now There n and
do vour -rrand. Phil. Pr-. me twice
a foo . and kill what earthy loniu?
may b- left
'lo Phil' mind th" tragedy was too
complete for anythmjf to add to it. The
boatmen r.uri him back to(iorbay.
anl he fund Mr- 7r rarlhea pale and
trembling witn u!eiifie, bat hfclf-jKMr-
""I !! me," he commanded, nv hat
he sitnl You told ban I v.&s here5"
Hard a.s it wa-. a do it, he told her
all .She took the wondering child by
tin hand and aro-e She had it re
moved her travel in jr-dr , and th-re
w.t--no time lo-t in preparation. Phil
ied the way -ib-ntlx through tin- (.un
lit -trt. and down to the beach The
wat-r- fparkhd soft I v. and the i-land
was a!! amiterand amethyst in tht- .un,
fr lie-re ua- aiitth- haK- abroad. which
g.svt tie- efbel f di-t ince The land
ed at th Nea-gat . and n r- iie-mbcred
her hri otiiing there, and the la:
time of here leaving, and the year- that
had pa.--el miicc then looked like a
-i roll of tune When she (tit oped
upon th- -aiid her limb- almost r-i-ed
to -up port hr. but Phil lent her
an aim. and she walked to the hou-e,
tremifliii" Tie- hoiisekeepc had wen
th m and half gu -il who
the veiled lady might be She stood
at the door with a di-turhed face, but
hei evpr. -ion changed t one ot un
nijet wonder when fhe fw the child
Pin!, with Mr- "Ire garthen elinjjing
t-i In- arm. walked down the corridor
to 'I ! jarthen'f room, and there, hav
ng jppet one.-, he thn n ojM-n the
dMi and -urrend ret! hi- eharge The
at tre and her child entered, and he,
having clo.srd the door, went axvay.
Treir.irthcn. with hi- hlhvcyes and
gaunt face. hi-, jutting heard riid neg
leettj hair, wis so unlike himself that
lo: a moment hi- wife scarcely knew
htm. though they wen so near lo each
tit hi and each was entangled in tin;
Olhel'f glance
Artiiiir'" die said "Arthur'"'
She was on her knee- at lie? side
1I looked at her with inl-nt inquiry,
and at the same time reached out a
hand for the child and drew her toward
"Clara." he said, after a. dreadful
pans-, "you gave me 3 right to doiiht
ou You gave me a right to hate the.
wot Id and thtovv mx life away I am
iinr. and I know it There is no one
h.-te liefore whom xou need pretend.
1 tdiall know everyihin m an houi or
two It 1- not worth while to deceive
me foi so brief a time Tell nic ihu
tnith V'hy ilid xti h ave me?"
"I hal deeeucd you." she anwere.d.
-till eiitaiich d by his glance. "1 knew
that you couhl never hve nor re-pect
me any mtre I couhl not bear to think
of it. and 1 ran away."
"Did I mam an honest woman.
Clara'" He had a right lo ask the
(pie-; it m, and -he knew it
This little child." she said. "Ls no
purer than I was when we married,
Arthur "
on can say that to a dyin man,
and with your arm about the child?"
"I can -ay it. Arthur, in Clod"- hear
ing, ami ca'l Him to witness thai 1
-peak the truth "
He tunn d away, with a weak gesture
td head and hand-
"sVjm reeked." he murmured, "by
collision with a bubble! That sounds
t range. Clara And the. ship went
down as though it had -truck upon a
-ohd rock I- it of any u.-e that tho
:;ho!.t- who wa-li up against each other
after all these year-should make a pre
teiise of Ih-iu alhe again?"
If tin- were but a poor reconciliation
for two mortal heart-, it wa- yet all
that wa- allow d them for the time.
Tregarthen wa -o weak that he fell
a-leep after a few minute- in silence,
and hi- wife watched him with such
thoughts and regret- a- maybe fancied.
He -lej.t til! evening, and" at dn-k the
hou-ekeeper dared to enter the room
and put a light to the material- for a
lire which lay ready in the grate The
child cried at tin- -trange home-coming,
and her mother -oothed her: and
when the room was ruddy with the fire
light Tregarthen awoke
"Phil."x he .-aid. -ofth. without rais
ing hi- head- "where l- Phil?"
Shall 1 .-end for huu0" asked Mrs.
"You are hero3" he asked, turning
hi- eye- nj-on her "We wa-ted a day
or two of plea-ure here. We nhall
have time enough to know each other
better. Where 1- Phil?"
She moved quietly to the corridor;
and there a- poor Ptnl. walking up
and d xn 1 I --i w .tn -'ippeivd
feet. At h 1 1 t muoiii: hand he cann .
"He ha a-ked for you." she whis
pered. "There is a little bo in the safe."
-aid Tiegartheii. when Phil entered the
mom and bent above him. "Give it to ,
me " '
The key wa- in the lock, and the
,-afe opened easily. Phil found the box.
and placed it on Arthur's knee.
"There"- -omclhing in the box,
Phil Take it out. What is it?"
"A greeni-h bit of gin-. Arthur.
Nothing vl-e."
Throw it in the fire. Phi!." Tht
young-ier obeyed him. "That was no
phile opherV. stone." said Tregarthen,
"and let Us be thankful that it wa
not " ,
Then the tears came into his eyes,
and he said, slowly regarding wiih" af
lection tach of the two in turn: "We
w ill henceforth eek a rational, tran
quil happiness, which 1 am confident
the future ha in store-"
the end.
Mrs. Mulligan And so von havi
no mother now Motherle- ftoy No,
mum. Mrs. MuHigtm WelL me boy,
whenever you h-l the want cf a good
licking, come to me and Tli -? a noti
cr to you. The Judgt
Ai t , .tV THC I TL Joll H. O'H't.H.
U'-lmc Ixtf.; Ay.j
VJr- r- ire Iru 1. 1- Ual to ia xirr so
Win nt- b tHf tuilav lust HIT ht RSd to
IHur. itm user iitirm
Irn-ua that 1 ,o-:. m tae gxnrm mtts Hi&
Hop- tbt t rjrr.hd are tod trtmm mm at
lUKii.'wi.'i :..r ... Msruci
Frtfijy my w.f twi hr bnaut.-ful bd.
IMr lo-ff turn-mw r
n. i.ow 1 ,.t w 1 1 Ktww he vrm desad!
botiit t n tonr mgu
h- vi an Kttrf., tnf tovf and ny rti 4o;
V.air iciMtrtor trnat rui h Iritxl:
Iv-.r iirok'-n fc"rt it w ii tusu MftM.
Urns, tuii mgnioug art.
Lr Tr,f :.k ?.' k ot th- flT a y roatto
IjOtii; I'.nfcT tiro find st
I ttiv n-i trd' ifvr t . rtu- and truth
Ixii: i'nur tw . i" a-'
'Hi if.r ih t.'i s til: w-r- nnr- ih day! f
u. f.r 'u . ib' - ar-r ititMi tber! 1
h fur "t- no ir that I -,uU'iTei m.vay.
Tiie Xtlol- r thr ( Mthuiir (litjrpb ailtt
tli- ivalu-. of litior A r.rietn Oat-
We ntw have the
, ,. , . .
ftdt b Xt Of th de-
tatho.K- ( ..unci at
ere- ff tie li'iman V
Ia.tintort . w itL r -te-ct to the -a e and
ttse of alcoholic stimulant a bever
P'-S. aifU toe ulH-iauiT UIM trwri-
.., .........I. ... 1 L..lf ,.(T -..
.... . ..:. i . ... j.. .-
form L-ch-ar and decided.
The liishopa deplor th uitf intr.x-
icating drinks as a "jestift-rou evil."
andagreat.dstatletothenpreatlof r-
ligitm: applaud the total al.tinnc-
pr;ericd bx individual-. recgnueand
tomiu-iid t the patrnal can-of all
pre s .th'JfmiMraiiciH-jtii iormd
w.ttitu the church, warn tin- failnful
a-'am-t the hpior bn-in.ts as surround-
d iv -serif . us dan. r- and oeasionsof
-in." "aithotigh mt unlawful in it-
M-lf." ami counsel them, "if th - can.
to vhoos. a mor honorable "wav of
Tit-tl ho 1- in"" " 111;. a 1 . itt.
'1 hes.- are lirave words, for great
n.....U.r. ,.f I! r t..i.r. -tr.. Tiott. ..i
" " 1"
I at holies ami ni.uiv of tie m are Ii
rul cmtnbutors br tn support of tn
ehiirch whith indtreetlv casts a re-
proa.-h on tieir btis.n.s.bx stwaking of
tf n. I.. hfimrtl,!.. tl.-iti 'others. 'Ihe'
ishot-. ttNi. to. routiTer t th prevail-
ing desire of tie- dealer- when thx ad-
nioni-.'i them to
eh ist- 1 oti nntl.iv
L....I. thir ;.lu .lis
Tne Hon. an t'ath!iehun-h is thee. .
fore tiruily ttlanted tm the ide of 'Ji-iii-p-r.ttice
reform. fr which it is capable
tf do ng mor than has liecn dtme oy
all the other agencies engaged in tiie
work sine.- t!t Temperance agitation
Iteguti half a ct ntiiry ago It- power i
ciit,.i.!i, ntl it iiotiiinioti is i-vi-r-
eis-tl ov.r the coiiseienees of millions ' itai k-pt it a long a
of our people, and thex the portion of "' ro""1 ",r!k" ""-
the eomminitx who can do niost bv 0 AxMI was an orphan. He had
their pre.:,:" and example to rev olu"-;00"' " '" he was strong, and able
lionize pu.l;c opinion and practice with "" ,arn "'" hv '- , --" w ' r'h'
ivg.ird todrmkiiifr. tiv to tak him h-.m- and car for
Th Knights of Labor are also work- ' lum a,r " r-d him to work,
it." in a verv efl'ective wav in btdialf of A h" " :" ,,, ' 1ooks. tn had
1 1 ii.jM-rance Their leader- know that ) to go to -ch'd. H- w u- -;,!.-drink
is their worst emmy. for what -t,,d w,tii '!,,'-"! '"''"-' A I n:- iei
iliex are trving to bring about can onlx ' "m" ni" a- -j.-t,! , the dtill. rv. II
Ih- accomplished bv soU-r m-n: and "- J' ' ' 'tu'.any then-. Hi
therefor, thex refuse to admit Ihp'or l"u:t.-.l IiM.. !l had no isf r
dealers into ilieord-r. .r in anx wax to , "f oth'r ,fr,"l,,! " " ,r !,r him ad im1
lcu.1 toeir couutemmc to the honor. V"1' ""t-,n,,n- or WarH ,1,n ,i:'
tr.ttli. Hum would s.K.n turn the 1:in'r H wa-famimir with all th
Knight-int.. a raging m.di and bring ; Hfgument- he he.tnl in tne di-tiihrv
down on them the condemnation of so- a?aiist -igning trie ne-dge He woii.d and the church. Th-ir success, dtn aj "1 fought for liberty .and
as Mr Pow.h :-lx tells them, depend nfv- a sht to dr.nk as much as
on their pat.en.-c and contnd. and to i l,"M'- ., l 1lV'' a r:,-i,T d" ,,ht A- !
exhi'.it tuns., xirtues thex must !-. hM,-, . rue ym-r and profano
h.isU refrain from the abuse of al- -ix.-ration..f drink. ng tu,, was not
., t i ' i repulsive to uov. He did m: -ire fr
Theo:itbMk for Tern p.r iticeivform.
aecortbnglv.i-brighter now than it haw
been at any p.i-t period Tho-e who j
are t able to make the movement !
sii. cestui have taken hold of it-, diree-
.. ..
j0jl. ,. j ',';i
A Uurtlnt l-'ttel 'I'ltitt -Ittnil.l i: C.iii
liatttMl lty Uter Conseientlou I'tij--iri;oj.
Ap!:v-!eiau who prescrllx-s alcohol,
in any iorm. in any tpiantity. even the
smallest, comraitA a crime against hu
manity It is not a medicine, and has
no rcg-ncrat ive power. It is a stimu
lant, but only liecaune it in a poison-It-
cT- rt is deceptive and evanescent,
ami i- f i! lowed ty a corresjHmdmg de-prt--"oii
of th vita! tniwers. It is not
a it'iu.-. lieeaus there is nothing iu it
ihat Js fod. It buihLo nti neither
mu-clc nor ti--ue. nor brain, nornerv .
It is a ptuson. pure and simple. As
soon a- it is taken into th body, it
go.- at once nto the circulation - into
ihe blood. Kx.-ry organ ot the hotly .--et
to work by outraged nature to ex
pel the vile stuff. The lungs xhal it.
and every breath is tainted with it
iioxiotis odor. The liv.-r. the kidn 'vs.
th skin, all ar- ta.d to nd the sx
tem of alcohol. Lvery one (.rt
hard as pos-ible to throvv t oil in tne
shortest tim and what uondrthe
aw .tk nl
y -icm i- exuausieu mn in-wnreis uieneeu niisiuss i.r inm.ves, witn run o. tn v-im was mat no one ! known and on, omv ! tb- i fo--
done, and tfia: a depression weighs gotd prsets f success. Kach of coaltlft-e'.anv reliance tn th eorrctn- anl to the law ur t. Mr h-veta!'
upon m. ml and body ? , these young mm developed very for of th-r. turn which wer made, whi.e ( manner of fx-s-utm" ,t (in rniv
I he -tutud and hurtful b-I.ef among bu-ins4 talents. lint ach of tnm jHiiidxHiks and tally-lists were fu.l of I from a prom nnt l tn Sowth
ttie ma s ma; rum i- a medicine . drank excess, xely. won failed errors and pven the ballot them-e'v i (ari,:ia tk hi-h rround on tke
-hould le com batted bv ev.-ry con- ' Tnir lives wer- failure.. Tiieir w vs re of fen in improper shape. Thr- I fpat on and urg-s u. Itt-morr t K
-eienti u- phv-icmn. M-uiy a man and children suffer, d with them. The-e wa- of this kind Tnesdav i uiport the few and mak- t riaeif.5
iu' -,e- ii- in n uiuiihiuv s grave v no "uk meu .vi-- cap tote tti t ring u-t-. .uj"s anti cierk- were -eeiC Jor ! anf n. t fK. mt&,.m. t . , .
t.fst :i'd ;n rum devil in h xui in the wond
v ta s oy taking liquor as a ra-oicine. wiaes o. mir app-itie. ana nrouf-rii maue oiiieers.o. me conrL ana wrr ' strong and d ct Je 1 prt. frow otb:
.Manx a woman ha?, lo-t all. and has sadness to their fatuiii-. Karl Hart- subjt t sever; penalties for anv ng- ifadj- Iiemorat
b-ct uiie a degraded, be.sotted x i. tim to ley. th other n. nver married. He lee: or noa-pe-formanc of dutv In- It can not b di-tus-d thai Ino-
r;im through taking it as atonic, wa-very pi isant an I agreeable, when kU-aA of narking th nd.- with elrtion rr.itr h,--,!,!t .-. -C t r s-.- !-
1 t !?. t . -- . L ..' -.:-.. a . I. 1 fit .- .
leach tne Mopie to know it as th he hail n-.t been drinking Hcw.t;air ofiicer- irom one party, the divi-jon , ,. beommgioor hold and pronounf-ed,in it really is. It i- as dangenms and honorable in bu.n-ss. He iivcd va ejuitable. Ttie polls chsd a: ad for thi tat of things Mr 'lv.
to handle s to fondle a srp.iit. Every with hw mother Wnd he was yet a four o nock. An hour afterward -om- koid- Adm o.straXKm iam a raJ
jtiiy-iiitn iu me iaiiu miwiiw arauuuti
the pr.i. : e of pre- ri'- ng or r-i m-
:n.Ti-:.:?-; : nv f -m f ..n: a a n !-
icin.- tor .oy .unliiv a: t:i mi:. Tncre i-
no permanent good can possibly come
from it- Use. and harm i? absolutelv
certain. It can not benefit and it will
.!.. . ... .1. I . .. Ji .. L...S 1 4... .. Jl ....
-ttreiy injure.
J...V.t- Wade.
Father's Old Boots.
Many a picture of moving pa:o- appear-
in the dark gallery of druaken-ne-s.
W have st.t.n lut few more
touching olio ihan liu from the pen
of Mr-. M A. Kaitier. ha lio'cnnc-
1 riv
iille benny, tne ?on of a UrunKcn
father, sittaig in a roouivvith hi
mother and .title .-.-ter. By looking
si tht- -ad and tho.ightfn! face tn--would
have taken him u be tea yar
ot age. vet he was but s. Xo won
der. r.r four year ihi almost bat-y
had been u.-ed to -mg a drunken
father go in and out of tne collage.
He scarcely remember- anything trimi
him but cmeltv and abu-e But now
he 1- dead! The green smi lu lam on
his gravt avveek or .-.. but the terrible
effect.- f hi- conduct were no: mined
with him. Th- poor children voad
-tart with a shuduer at every uncertii.u
step on the wa.k o't:.-ide. and al every
he-itatmg hand upon the latch. On I
ttie d:-.y mentioned Benny's moiaor waa
' g.;Mg dmnr "WiM w. IrtV .n
jfo :. the -tHX2-nsu. an t get mo: ,er a
few .: 'k Xf l:n.-h boiling th. kettie'
"I don't Like to go to U wood-hed,
"Whr. t little son"
"ltcansc thre i a pair of faiinr
! old ltot. out there, and I foa'; lit u
1 S, '"'"
"Why do yon atmd thr old boots,
'! moSTtiiJUI tbtf old W1
and hat uimmuc9
"iWukwid tVnnr. t.r. til imt;
J.H bin . -th v 1A aa if the?
araaxi to strk me
On th dreadful aftr-mfiuTir of a
dmnkeo father to inn -cai eliiidnen'
hat sn awful memorv to bear
throurh iife!- Htkm ml tarutitan JUt-
. ". . . .1
1 rw tl
Tti Trit- -tory at it. -u. . 1. utmy.
iHJ-lJruik-i-d-"ilo.l !n.tRauea.
Sir Hartley wa a tnrvmg farmer.
II owned a gd f xnu. H- had mx
Mn. all of whom wi-r- active and aide
to a lt him in hi ia?or He had a
dinti.'lry to make v;ut-ky. Thi mad
a radr market for cir:i Whisk v
1 aiwa in good demand Almo-t vrv
I fd mMv Mxxv u
; av vrdrd a one of the
1 ncesari. f life It wa- fuppos-d at
that time that moderate drinking was
iH-uiikennes was d.tiwl
Kterv M,mm onhl Ut kT dnnkmg
I when h had enougn. Wfai-j.y and
' other intoxicating Iimr& sold readi.y.
A there wer no railroad- m th roan-
tr at xhs" ,,n, th,rr ,v vrrT "'""'
chance to ell com xept at the di-till-
" iir- Hartley distihery wa- a
"ucces. U h-n h needed extra help.
"',r I'-nty of mn nar by who
were readv t work for whisky. Then
' ? neglet ud their own work ."ot
. ""? ftr that they took their pla in
- P"''1 n5 drunkards. Their
ianishes taTani paupr Mr. Harticv
and li, "' "! th-s men would
Shave had whi-kv.and In-eoni tlmnk-
' r- lf '" bd '" had a ditiilrv
7 A' V VV f re liol resptn-lh. tortm-ruiu
Mr. Jl.irth v was taken -ick and died
"J1" ,J,'W ltnd T ,n """" t rk
lb" di-td!. ry It brought them nion.
"-" lUv ,,n1'1 "4'r" ir v"'
J he fi t tint'V In-n lfl th- im-
"-" vitin.'v of tf.e distih. r Im
'':,m' drunkards attract d nm-derdblt
s"iii:on. iVlallV p. r-olls m mat
j something mii- l" don to -'op u,f
progre l i!i'',in:,r:'.Mi-f Meetings
wen called, d- ture- de'irtl ami !
tal ab-tim u ' ple!--s -igned. Mtch
gKjtl wa- tl ire- PuIi- on was
changed Mill - .- were opened
Total ab-'.iriie w a- ga:iiing gfoimd
The Hart by !:-!; i ry -u-ti-nd'-d operation-
It a- n longer orotitahh
r. iigi.Mis s rv ice. But he ti,....g,t he
; mal,! J -" when he drank
W lilt I. If lueu.
n- marrie I a girl who was pleaded
' ttth hi- indetH-nd. n -e and m.:!t.mcs
'ti - i : t.i i
' i ' ,' 'i'- j"'i. wui t:o- t'oiitti w or
and alving Bv living conr-
and clif.,11. 15 oy could have sonic moner
to -end for tlr'.nk. One dav he w.-nt
T. a Village about four miles awax.
Night came, hut h did not return. II:s
wife w.'-
in t -urpn-t i. t'r he oftt u
ataxed I ti
!ie rL.-. t tor night,
with her huh boy too young
t' miss I. is father. Morning came, bo
he did not return Sh was now great
ly at. raie.l . ae.-h w - mad. . and it
wa- found th t he had ! ?t th- tavern
wh re he h-td l- u d-:n..'iig. :tt a late
hour, and -t rici f ,r 1. nie tin ftt and
alotif I vv a.-da"i H- h-it not gone
tai b fore he c.jni- vv h.-re th road ran
cIo.e to b tnk of a er -t-k Tn bank
Was steep, n-arix peritendieusar. J hert
other victim
Five of Mr. Hartiev" n'f com
But tav became
. . ... wf ... .. . I... ... ..... 1 .. ... . .. 1 .
."s ia. m- .- usru s.-fc aim -
'"' us. He fancied hi- room vv a- tilhsd
i... tierv dmon. who had come :o
t'-rmeiit h m. In h.i-del.r.uin b sprang
irom his o-d. broke away from his at-
t-ndants. and niih.-d to t:i mi i-pond.
jdunged in ftnd xvas drowa.-d. Hi-
fpad. br.dsen-heart.-d mother said
'That old dtst lirv mine. I nv bovs
A my boys "
Thr? would
She t-ald not ntw av.
I have drank all lis.- same if w had aoi
' owned a dt-stisb'ry.
T.i Hartlex d-stillerv was a soeea?-
owned a d't-stilh'rx-.
T.i Hartlex d-stillery was a sorca-'
in laaking drunkard. Besides those
wno lived near by. no one can estimate
ttie number that beeam dTinkard-
from ti-mg lb whisky lum. -bed for
hotel-. -tores and grocer?.- from shb
dihJ-ry. st. a. l.
The KrMfxan ffit. rferrnr to the
home life of Mr (.tough, -ay - "No
one truly knew Mr Goagh v u"o had att
-een him in hi- owu Lom. I: wa-
tropical with iovc. btvau- M.- w n
love w a-tropical. In all h:- U'ttur-
he nev. r trave.ed alone, wife or adopt-
tsd d-vughu-r wa- aiwav- with him a
fact mat -peak- znorv for the love that
environed him taaa raa.-.y word- could
do Tno-e wao aw h:ra on:v on lh
tdatform. -aw :h lea-: nart ot ai- tm .v
auu.- n tture. Hi-I.fe was more elo-
qa-n: than hi- oratorv, and he vra-a
great orator beeau-e he wa., 0 ga-
Uiae, ao -ood. -o true a man." j
wa- no len.-c or raumg nut a tt.ick suing bond- and the $, ,oie dweont-m of . ni.i-t of u - t. t-v
growth ol f bu-he- fonmd a kmd of appropriation. Then ,udgH ani T.r Anj.- .W, ,,, ,1 thr
he.ig, . mere tt. -: tt.bieti and Jell, dks went on duTv at eight oVIo- k a U-ad g ii m . rat. pa... r. of O.. ,- ,
Ihbns.ies broke and he wa- found at m. an I dosed the poU at aeven and -litf 1 bvt m m'.r of tn. l;m
thefootof ti.e ban.. ti,:rtv f.-t bt-iow. dm k p m Then thy went off- f.4.i. N ,,,.,., , ..mmitu. jr
He had f..t. ti ,e a r k. and proUi..y most of them did-lo rapp-r an! com state, ha, bn tr.m- Vu diorr Ui
bTx'm. ?nt7rrtw,lTk- n; "ln?t nme Vloek p.m.. .rift of nm pr,.minp.t
ltoy Axte.l w s a m, tin. ofth Hartley mhM.,, W:ls pr,dong.-d far into tne night j Ifc-nr-crat- on ..- i iCrvV. t-mev
distillery The dist.hery , lose,! 4f(,r. and sometime mu tiie nest d.v Ilv ,,f lM pr..Rt A,i.,fiw, ralon T.
h. cdtHl In- earthly car.-r ht was midnight the moat of thm wr fnll of pl oe haa r-.nd ihua far ar not
the raue of hu. runt. And then-were whisk x. iiieotniietent for thir work, an I .,. ... i- r-i i -L
"lrHiyTHa1l'i 1 tl' iliT' rt' 'I'U' ""' 1 ii'itfiiii . 11 win in iiffinywtllllliWii'"'1"11' ' ' ' ' ' " 1 liSTntSmWHSmwSm ' mmmwmminu 11T1 iir r tin 1 m, U'ltrTiT
TTt- i;Ti-Tifc i;MiiJM !-
ltn In V liO-li frrntrt (1.tnul. ,tt-
It u- ngrd'sl ; V AA.sogt.m a h
t-Kul' Iv crtm
that Ui IVrelanJ
Caun.-t ran not under any rtrrum-
lUnorte koid rthrt for aAotiNr rr.
jj l( pr.,Mb that th sen.t ill-
.d n, n-tarr wIl t.
, .
af " ita: urrm from
F "-"'' imnor -
. m
last an J unm .:.:- ciangr tn u- u..rMsi wi wr ;nu uw itww
rVtdint staff f re-t-iatt atnr ' r,X - itaAsl fcwvoaJ 4ipuW
ft a ak an ! m "-rt t'att-l 1 1 la-a- t in h-or that fcwiSN
from Vnr iart. an 1 a- 4 oiutJfn ml j i- fa w v st ,vt t ori da r--ltu
earit peri J m rr.Ment C rti- : ll " '. t r .m th- f arc
land una ougt.t m' t- c-,u o"-
n- tn air t.nart r I n ! r i.
lanrlm and wb-ii.m: adio tn 1-
ntmi-tratton h v tma4'-rnl. ant iL.
' . . ...1
and dtagr-ed it offi - unt I 1: ha di-
gwrtieu not naif the ca-il" ra rtkral.
rr lrg- an I rrspib . le
nient 01 it own oav
Th Attr-v-'-n-rA' i :t4 a S
sraoip that h- de not app-.r lo br
eogn.xant of th- - tZ' tmpnfntv
in a s-andAited an A omitag n: ol
pr.vate s hf m- t r t the por'.: h ' -:
ng on ! an put. i otbe
and he i- t.'.-'-ei..r taJn.'v aAitmgti
l'rs.drn:..ii Kkk !i.iti nut coB
ww:i. r ur .tr It wouei b astound
mg ind ! if rVi-n xt autocrat- an h
u!iveVv- and -! juld. utwrat.
Uetv put-.n-or t:i :. t: - igt.ou an rt
t r r-si'int.a' t r:t - thr rvteat-oti
of a it-win c rrj.'t ! -t In one of tu
nio-t imortant ; tne.- in his t iti:
It j coii'-'-ded bv lk'mo-rAt th? '
land miU pt. or te t riuaio-nt d -grjH'f
tf I lie Atlm t..tration be ac-
ktloW hs.l.L
The l'ostmaster-tfenrra! oatrag-
on".n- aga.nt Amre at.
st am!i.i. iu tin- matter of the t-jr
rt ige of the fr-igu inai'
lOMs'lietlOtt m.-'in '
Uojt.inm -nt m
ii "
nt IllaV It -t los.
an act v
(U-pU!!l( '
Ann ri'-an
i o tr- ti.t
of vrv i
w i h he I
emp!- .tn e
ti !! .if t:
yr- - n e in
of it w -k
of its fi.-
Sm" t ir
ing lit ..tu
t 1 iy hi-
mad a
the affa'rs i
and it is n
to th I
has lat-!j
1ro 'tletlV
I tv an! w
! .
. (!
partm ir
feel- it
t u.ili
th. r.ih
blun l-rit
Tin- v fo
l :ir Tliai
isilur and
tti v ..... t
111 -Otlie reHN'cts
g'-ace I- appar. nt to every int lhgn
o: .server of it cf.nrse and it- acts It
is said upo't high authority to have be
come also patent to Mr ("lcvlnd
attti Tf have b-c me certain that h
will niak" Home iui'iortanf i hang.
v . r st Mm It remains to it seen w hetie
after a v ar of eHrit nee he can avoid
sonn fa'a! mi-tase-w hi-h he ho mad
in the p.t-t 'r,i' '! r,,.n, .
Tile Vlitelilitr sV.J in ot ( Jtlrati folltirn
ertiimieiiili Hijitilftt . V Urctilfitl sp
ta the lulret til llilirst.
In rv lew, ng th operation of tic
a-vv Election law Iu--dav. on r two
special points sugg --t th nis Ives a
wrthy of note. S' one couid fad t
have ite.-u -truck with the manner tn
which tt expedited th i lion. t'ndr
th old law last ;nng th boodle al
dermen followed the machin. svslat
Judges were selected, as a rule, wit
refer nee to t'oir capacity for cr.Kk-d
work and di-foition tit (beat. n!
tne prc;ncts were packed with j wouui unta4r t.e n-for . t .
th creatures Most of them ! alone fr-.m Senator a:. - up.
w.r whisky soak- and tough- of M-uImg Cmlsn,.. r. form i.
th worit kind, whie- the on!v quaiih-
cation of clerks seem d to las ignorane
and stupi hty. a wa- shown by tl
d -grai-eful m.innr in which the re
turns were made atitl th in-m-iva-biv
-tupid mi-takc- which o.-cnrrd in
countit.g the votes on :h matter of is-
either by ignoramsy or diiru wrcsv ,w, of" thr. memlir of tre pnx -victim
of th cr(Mkd workrx. Th Nat,a I .mmitt , U... s,mUl ,;f
their intelligence and honestv. wer-
.f.l... .............. 1. -1 1. ... . , .
jt mV nau t--n rotmiea ami
lb result made known Many of lae
judge-;ini-hed up in t.m- :o go hom
to .-upper By -nn Iowa tae jaost of tae
reuirn- wiy. st p-lie beadquart-r-.
and by .-i.h: o'clocK mo-t of in pr-.
cim t V4u-- w re labulsted in the ae-.--
pn:-r o2ic-s. ln:-ad of lakini from
t-.v -nty-four to Uiirtv-six boor- for tn
work of voting and eoualmg. it tva
done ia fourteen hour. There wa a
owi:. ords-iv ele:i(.n ia th daT-ura-.
qvn:. ori
and the
and there ws o after-dark" fcnl- :
dugerv Th
a.- jmj iaaBTv-nug
gmg uck&-. or-
wiia ballots, caaa
mg of ba-'Ioi-b-.s.
1 a ( ra -ra ,
C anva mg Board will ae-otnp.i-ii h. !
T - j
tar. of U work with eual di-pat h I
h ill coatm.nce a; oner, an f befor ,
-..,.. ... -f .w r- 1
-M..W.-. M!. .1.1s. " . """"' ewwe !
round Ui- ti-nnrtt-f; will be
r-ady : y cuahfy Ther will ir no
organisd d.f.3.y m ord-r thai lit r-J
Urtng aid-rmea niiy iin.-n up hood e '
jot'- ou v-LK-a tn-j av- conimeaf-d. ;
Tbe-e will i- ao holding the box-
bact. for two or three raooU;. m come
that r-rT:n2J aiderraea eiv d,-.-over
.-om- way of mampc.stmg aia-lv.
back mto the;rsat.- I'r.irayo 7n6ur.z. '
"''"nes the labor orgaaisatsoa-of .
thi- county havp wr-dtj out th dea- .
agopie.- taerv will "t acfexnee for boa-
et labor to et :u owi. fiiladdpfuz !
Thc ' j
I'mI- Print mf W- tw l-i. Crt VThleh
.llMur tu lKWrr-M rr t t cu--try.
Tiie tbrsf rawMMi h-h a i1 th- !-
i ral m 1-"M m vr ag tn !:.
-- wrr tn prUv t-A.jt of a 1 1-
' l r oi Matfwwapa. tn ekmrgn
J crrvrtoa &u t tifer Kublcft
' ad l: IVm.-mi- Jtsn4 m .W
t . .,, . . . ,., , .
l , J V .1
1 . ca h ln ;"';'f-
5 I t 1-ta '' . . 1. . '. fT R
. "- -r ir ?-r
t n .r ir !- r V, iv i-
l"r ""' l'":! -rC
Hut w hm.'
e h
t IV t5
;. r Ttu
r ' -a
', a..t t.-
cratti part
tt riaittied V
J a.'s "f '." I !t- (
' . r, iif "
. .
? ra
a ed ff .a:. v
-Ja -' T:.- os.v
!.' Xui-:.
d n t hf!,
jrer s. nmii '.:; ! i rr r
Uiost tTtd .!--' tl -
t. b in r --! . ' a - ;- i. w
t Jur:ar th !r i - at- f -r .-
us of m;r ..- !".i I m
c ongreissjaa. drp irtm w
tr.e hCttil l ! 'r tf J ..-.
I'u.te ! -.". 'i -"'.Hi t.' -e
th imtdi. : 4 i- r a -.. .
nT -d
t .
r v4
' t r
-. . at.
the lr:t. r i'
. in:o a r- t.
of I -, -
i '. ..
jmnr- at on t.i" t
j iaun a. uj r. s ;. r
J nt:hr . .- .!
eani.:isj i . -i
' win re th etm . .. eto. d 'Itr
lU-iw "At- (n !"i .f . i nneri arr fe ,
. vi-.l M'!iJ'r ! Utt pal vr
j a t
it ;. uie ai ( o -. i .. -jK;.- .-" i ar I ...n i
Utr iiit.K- an an t.-m of tNetf -tes
and ii5'teft' ami " citv h- hi! t
ai ' ' t:.e Isrg -. ir- to p-t.: i t it
fr mi t ! liii-r: ormolus' iio
nue st Ad !!- gn Ii at. ' of ao
:m- t!.i.-f fi.ij.r; . i i a hug n lu'w-r!
nr i . .nv l
t . r i t ) n w : t
t-s- ' ' -.- '1, i i ! of
I ass.iRi' - r-, rest
J t- tirg-vt.ta'i "t
i t is .s. i ru. .
j wtne a i
i i rl a tI -.1. v
i r . t.irif- .
f t:. "i..e .-
a n. ;i! r ' ; .
ji. ot rf..-M
j r i'e 'irrs.i-
- -T.I t lg I !
. iig'.-'i : p- ot
"' - . r tr and ra
t. I, m .
T - If Ml is,
:i'.r t -t ! r;
- ' t' J' f . tut
w ' t'U a t r m ii
i" tn ot ! -u-
-d ,n t '-"Jftr
ti- is.. i ret
. it
i '. t .i eri
.ifid . I ?., it
. - t . !,.:-
.d -gf
a 1- . : at
'r-t..: I.- .
-.! - u . i
,. . ..- . . -,
-it!.. I 1 .
it ..'
d d
,, f s- t,.
ii ' id i
J .- rr
'I t i.
wer X . ti.--' I : i
;Iiw r .nl t
f ontp ii, ion f
h'gifs' g
Anoi'i ; pr t
itit- nt. oris of
,.',r : . ,,(.. . :!,.
! w : t- l r jk
B !. 1 lie
-!v tu f land
tn .tiiiii i u!ai
l. mocrati r itiua
Hilt the rul i
I ni'i rati j r ,
r- i'-ngt'i K- ,
tb-.t.i tin I b. 'J
trr ri.-d in v
dr r- an 1 it. (.
fusing to j r ' t
Lo'imiana Co!.'
- of r I ! 14 ot
o t 1 w . a- fr.Mij
t. r.. d tv t '. vrn
t "' r- VI -p;
ie I. m. r .tt tuur
-" r -i- v r
r w i tr - fr mi
I'l t i- I !' '.OOS.-
,. ' -v a 1'if - rif.i-
whic'i mk i, i i.m tk ..mor
ami It-gi- ..fir I. v. with : tisa
ur emptied an j r- imti.t m- , ... Ju-id
tfepieted bv l,ii - r ttl tie o, ..-t"tlr-.
and etirntp ni "gmiatr , t .btib
do t's rr-.Ii'i.r. i v thr. . tn , rp
dtatioii al. t..-e are tt. ig m u.f.
of the sitt rior piirttv of ttie i i.
era!- par;v and of its ort-nnai t
dsso.aee th H fttiblican prtv wtneh
satctl t.tefjiv cm meat from di t'tittoa
and k it it tr mt dr ftm" upn n k. ol
tinancial rum f"U.n if.ii Vca.t
Cttnhoi- i;tlttra,K I., h!m (kfl t r. .lrv
Iaf4 I'ollrj I. laa.t. Hmttitlii; !
Ilal-rl I tho lUiwrtttiw.
Th att.t'nle of on senator in ton
gr- fan not b- tak an lwava r
tng the k- tton of hi nartv o. an tin
' portant ou -tin of pubic- poi
det td
n rul
t tn.
i .
Iiu nr.Kt w a- ho-
: Til mUf
' er
But thr ar. w icun
dene.- pr.rt-.n 'st.: ne pfi t . I'-nfe-
w it tt.. h n .tor Jrom Nor., .ro'ma
and th.: t- w i and -a-i a u . nti U
oroug'il tf ,- a. I m !et i.-- . .ticin-
.. .. t . ... .... ....... . .."
iti i i.i. .u: t ti i-i io m t 'it i'tt
iiot tha
m mor- than ount r'Sanetd bv the
tne-.r- V blame, Tb fJm Of th
' ..rtv witn r-ape-; u the Irtdi
t roure i nAi eX :.r .-.- in oo tif th
j tiers printed in tre Angust-v f'hrmn, U.
The writer iav ! rirrd thei'tviS-
', -TTj.-e poltcr of Pnuitdeiit tvJaid
nM'm shn. His artiott m ae,inr wr.
; mmti(i ,, imi-
' r4s demonstrate that hw p
. r hrr brwcrisv " Ko
prot 9m
bvicTtv " ?o tni .arttal
t orient
r- r tri'.l ntw-aliii tax trrtfrt tJ ikM
it. ., t-a ij r.. :i. t
nn tt, U Um i.iir t.
don- mw t u ba-ii hi partv with to
Tm of (ii-srrx c rfnrm .L a
k haa rhnmr it instafl t. i4. nl
-3 beWr hi pr-ttai and a -.
.. w.. ir cm fii I-iIi. mmtn B s tHtj
form-jic--. a- ua. d hic ual trrm-ii
;-, c nire d" h ha wnt t t-oKfmpl
.. ; . : - r.
o; a? nycrx partv and f i -4 u r a-
ronhd- n.- of ti, o-ion -.V,cdo-
tJkut -t '
Q? s-t a !.Mvjr-ra: TW jirt nndr teat name u '.: a-jkrtf
caan mou-:n :Vs 'uprt of u- potf
-t'-m uvaa m any tfcer parucwiar
A-rprrsvn:mE an o'ganiasd astr
t if loiy of a-a b-id together "b
ne "eOkae-t power of po-iltc phtnebr '"
'Jf orl aa- on.a; If to n a I) n-
oerat m-aa aar :n;a" raor ihaa tat.
;hri- n ao mi .m- of n to t- loaad
cuter m ie -powrfc of Mr W o; 1
t- ar. of his Kir;-.- -jBocsato-. S
'riJ inccr-iVcii. "
" doarn ejf- nXl "y
biSjgmr ?m b-li tai twt bsr
Whsew ttr a rrarV im W
i: ea W iewd4 by kiJs MH
aJi w.lh wal- - t e -?; - --
A fa erdar rattg. ( Wiff.
rl.ppitijpa. pUod fca ke w.B
kV a at fwa - W Wrm .
It Tmmtm way-m 4ay f? m
th. egr u hrg fltl ft I--Tfprt !-.
and Itni hmrcm l atoit j w.k
tt& a Ur j ra f Mwi
? i a t-. a '.- fact tt fraitfww
. r who t .. : a, '-it a f w acf -al.
tsu ti . ,- r .-' -
fsort Wttb t.. . : i4 1 r . t
. ' T
it l . e! f ?; r .- :flKWf
littn'r . an ; rt4
- . r i I Jp' 'f -,- . try
i rr r it - t
A 1 . ..
4trr of rp,rr U
- v i ai tfe,t ur mr a. -
n g '.i . tt -f nit
- : ..!-.! ti.-! - Mjim "i' ai
i ( ,-r-fcl. int. . .Sa '.?.
I t. ..
V rt tt -fj '. .. ti.w i" if a
r ' j n,aa lit .t t -n. a n,,x4
! .. : te aa! a; ' p d : aew
il iii-.,i .. i I - rtsanv
ir s i fuo i. r n t: . m. .! it-
iU'ui'ii of a-oiif t? ) pot.. i. J
an! : it at pr ? r a --i 4
th- t.u. f ..- . . o ,s ..- .'. . At.
I'. . : a'u'. vug f .
11 f. . ' . a :n 4i . .$ '
r vi,i i . ,,n .v
- !
i pt
tr at
j. t.
t .
.. t
u '
f i
t I.
v '
at t
1 V
A .
!. ' ' p W '
ai. i ' n i.
4, --.,'
i '. t-i. -, ! w . '
. I ' t lit '. 1 1 f V '.A
jl.l ' i t.i v -
I 1 -i ii, . h i
f .- ! t- - k .t '
.i - . . ! .
! - :. i. . t.
- " Ai' i "
1V t ' 4 1' ttt
t . C 1 .
...... u
.- w. r . - it !
1 ... -( lo "4b -'
j rot- a-
..- t
. !
. -r tit. o
- fit'
I e , , f
- . .
tti n -
.fit1.. f
! j a i. ' :
of . . '
n t
st fc.s. a
put n.
4 . t,
iSOt .
! ;. -s
n . '
w. 41
' t I
II till "I
; r . ' ,1 kt:
i . '!. I 4
. r v. if
. . ar
t. r d t-' .
., ! ' a.! ti ..
i .-ui.'ig "ti a r . L.r... I n
pou l t n y it Mm ;c.
.V lt.isl Or. a,itMi our Vh !-.
waia t. xvrta - 'Crt-t.
. ab'. f it rd if - I in '..
tli - f.f nt- . i r .! f- i i tr
lover done . trv r . . pu in
omul, i.i . ,i. . n . a It'..
fl-i ! rfft. V .
b. th
a .. !. r -f .1 I- m
s t t 1 ti ... 1 - and .1
g i - ! t fr t. thr- - I
l', ." th b. r..i ' when :l
t'M ,,i attui," .1, in. i
' i r ,".t
r .-trr A
t t- . t.
w ,4h r
t,' arfl Hill
. si i --. -4 .i.falig e. if -a!h' r
It'. 1 r b s m d- of at. . 1 md !
w ' 'wo iti '.- ft dutti t. r t.iat r.
t t. i'.n tr -m anv 'a . tulr
'I V dit-e l l !.' trtirtU'd'-tli.'ll,
a-ttj r s- . ttn a htt.. ..!.! r with
ta . r.ngs -. . ! ft ag 1 tt-" t.t f.rat
t. . t .! tte f t,-.t bt-4 r t- -.bbged
to jtj up tfoiii !,. r!. t . (..
I, ti-t ttwo ! b- rftt.i.e na
! d to t i I- ol '.. t " r iut
n'sc - th root t.' thi tit i plar4
ti th fh .r 1 Jo fc'iu t . n hm
r..t-- ! a J ' ' abiif tb e-r- aMt
ti. .' a f r -t i 't-r t. of air n.ty j-aaa
ti'td. f.rath J a ilmif hu.d (
t"4' ! ti- -t or somthea! !. a a
in .i ti,i"' aWtot iji4 d -ara
ompc A an itm btatir . t nug m
be:, r if b aer taaa th .r nr.uf
now .slid for bboiit oa cent a -(iar
ftx.t tjw ked trixw to a apno ba-iatar-i
aad abov- to Bcantimg .f uit
abl trgth. with pta at..t t-bl
feet apart. I"r a dojra hn aa si
r'.fiire ol !fti't fatrt tvar ri"
ampl-, pntvid-d tt.. bn t uf,iai
with rra-.. boo- roaJ r ov.u-r tr
clam fedi. ant an aOuivJ of
gr. o fod Th artb ab.oid b
tadel op verv w-i r ten da-. ad
gram focj-i tr-wti anting air a a rr Umj
. a to indue. 1 ft hetMi t -. ir
t'aaftge tiir fl frhr, provwl frb
Wall r a itsrJrd. k'ror-n tib ptrr !-
aad awl of U OOiJd.ttJ Sort
nirfct. atft a Laf uipfaur ia v at.
ehaag ib tra ;a ta-wt a dla a i
be-fjtuea 4hJ t 4ttt, tvt aiar
aaor lol brfir tiwas tUaa will b
eatee up la kaif as boor. aa4 ti w
may apraa front lamg trupmtvme- m
potthrv rmm$. ta a i!I aapplj
what we may eaJi a aaaesM aaaabcr
ul vgz. tbry will be fcrallfcy awl
rnted. .4t to ta Jvati
fiowera. we krw oC ao oat stor
pacaoa aauc lm ta aiww. t 1
aad la mtnrt ta hWy foiiw of Um
laauly Ta twoaev - t bna. tit tby will ana lo iat ut taw
la... and - a'i(. tb-r-fcr. Wga
if nwi If par1 bft-ed b p-frrd.
-3rt Itlai; t cat. Lataa. iiral
ma (hgbt or dsrV). yaadoUatt er
Pi,. naokUta Roeta .-ch bcsrsi. a Lg
boraa. Haaarxaa. t.-an. ate. i.c
aoc s.trfiic4ikrv &. -o-porpow-4 fo-l;
crtr titt tay Utrtrt: a. -L a eaav
ttaaaat a tb otbers. Iturv Jfoto
itfor 3kdre-t)oa to tbe pruetiK- of
&- Kfeniuctr. thr ippli'-j.s: t rr
omrd to rail- oath UtaA. ta' lf?
adopuoa of ta- prcit roat.ttaoa of
thr Mat. -. -ag a olaea lanreof.
ha ot foug&l a daei wita datilj
jrapT- itb ivaoih-r clZta of lia
Stale. ixrj.sJTc Cburvcr-st-iana!
Mwtasggiqgii m iinnimiiijun 2:mFmJmsamau