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AymlCLBSAAAAAAAAAAH AbL 3BBKtWf1HiBfly:flBBE2lBBa0SlyKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 !- T3 1 5 VBBBBBVMuflk'aBBBBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK!: BBM I IBI iM' bW jat-jM W JOiBfcr(PlfctWTin fl r UiBBJilATBl' BIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBWBBBBBWBTaBfaWBHBM -BBBaHBHBHBBHHBBHBHBTBBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBVsBHB H WaABtBMBflABBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBfim iffctflBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBB7BMBK2I--jiM1 W 4' 'W.b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'bMb'b'b'b'b'b'b'b' HalBBABiBBBBBBBBWKHBKSKPCSQQPn HHbHbBbBbBbVBbTbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbA bbI , - :SLBKflM9!!!!?9BHMaS xbbbbbMbbbbbbb1HIF I - BABBBlBBMBBaAP!-1 " ' ' f ' " jfffSKSS! Abbbbbb1bbbbbbbbbbt?bti f ' I ST 'BPaWBlA?aTBBrMMw'' '' ' tHSir m A" " ItiBBiMBlnBntMS'uSS'' '"::"i iBBAiTrlffwPBfBBMBBArBMBMBMB H '9'A-B - "" -i i -r t BJtiTABTAABBBABwBBABBBBBBBAPABFBBiAABBBATBBAB7SB - itAbbS- i "-", ' ' - AAAbwb1AbAbAAbd9Hbbbbb1bbbbbbbf& VOL XIII RED CLOUD CHIEF A.C. JIOSMElt. IVoprletor. lied Uod, Webster co uuty. Nebraska. Aw eky Journal de votd to tb InterctU of th imrld In Koerl and AVebnter coantj and atfjaeeut terrUory partlcuUrly. Tle larcct and 1mt equipped paper m the treat Republican valley. tekmx or suiwmmTio . One year, In adrauee f 1 M ,slx iiiontbn, in advaur Trial copyS Hionths) in advance THRCHirebastlie larj;et circulation of auy iiuix.t- in t h i-niiov and in ihn-'or Hit; createst idvertlsiac medium in tills section. Advertls- . hiR ratfi accompanied witb aflldavlt of nwoni circulation furnwlied wbrn reque.'Oed. OL'It JOU Bi:rAKTrKKT. complete iu every particular and being run ny tuam ItKiirM worK done prompt 1 v. Tkicm this vjjtv txiwiwT, and Roodwerk panuiteed or no . y. We wH. duplicate lrgeot-rf at Omalta Kkea. and g urantee work and rtock U be as good a can be procared Ir tb wrt. We arc bound to ideate all patrons of urjob depart ment. Of?e us a trial SECRET SOCIETIES. I. O. O. F. ilea Cloud Lodice No. . I. O. 0. F. meets r very Hat urday eveuniR at odd Fellows Hall, Transient lirotbers cordially invited. Roy Hutchl on. '. 5; Win. i'arkea, Sccretarj'. Faltb Rrbckah Ixnlre No. 10. 1, t). K. meets tbe rn-cxtuA and foLrtli Tuewlays of eacli uiontb at Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. S. Hutchison. N. r, ; Aim. llcrtliii Ilninincl, Sccretarj. Webster Encampment No. 25, I. O. O. F., meets the first and third Wednesdays of each fuenlb at 1. (. O. F. Hall. F. 1. Huiumell. C. I'; W. B. Koby, Scribe. K . f P. Calantlu' Idge No. 23. K , of I., meefj first and third Tuesday of each month, at Masonic Hail. F. llradhrook, C. C; A C Hosmer. K. K. S. 9. of V. II. . Kaley Camp No. 25. 8. V., meets first and third Saturdavs of each month at Masonic HalL F. L. HpaBOfdr, Captain; Henry' Ludlow, Orderly Kargeaut A. O. U. W- Itcd Cloud Lodpe No. SO. A. O. I". W.. meets Saturday on or ttcforn full moon and two weeks thereafter at Masonic Hall. E. F. Liehland, Master Workman; H. W. Brewer. Ilecordcr. tiarfleld Tost No. 80. G. A. It., meets Monday on for before Uio full moon, and two weeks thereafter, at Masonic 111. A. N. fatmor. I'. C; Hiram Hicks. Adjutant. - Fallhful Assembly No. 3874. K. of I., weets second and fourth Thursdays of each month in Odd Fellows Hall. Business Cards. J w.TULLEYS, M.D., HOM(EOPATflIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examining iSurpeon. Offick Opposite Bank Red Cloud. First National JJR. L. H. BKCK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office. Over city Pharmacy. Office calls only. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA! jQ E. McKEEBY, M. D., THYSICIAN AND BTJRGEON, "utick. TerCity Phanaaey Mnm hours from t 12 a.m., I tea. ana 7 to p'm. Itisidenee 3 btoeks west C court house tKlaLD. NEBRASKA J NO. 0. YEISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. All business promptly attended to. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Office Opposite Poit-Ofioe. U, DEXNEY, PH JolCIAX dt SURGEON, RED CLCUD, - NEBRASKA Office Ov.v Cook's dr.ig store. Calls promptly attended to day or nijfht. . )R. CSCHENCC. VHYSCIAN AND SURGEON. Cowlee. Nebraska. . Profewional calls promptly attended Office : At residence Cowles. 8-51 QILHAM & RICKARDS. ATTORNEYS. Ked Ciond, Nebraska. Office Over City Pharmacy. C w. Kaley. J. L. Kaley Kaley Bros. a TTORNETS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. & M. R. It. Lands pRANK R. GUMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RED CLOUD, - - NEB OrFicE Over the Poat Office. yif ILL P. OVERMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RED CLOUD, - . - jnOUUSKX Ofpicf Over; frrruaM M tore. Safc k CoHcctoas ynmiptiy aiteaded to aadcorrcf- eaaacinMU ncaivwmoay w taaa at I a( Interest. Nc ecaHalsstoo If u:C i tnanac i Hfi.AV. PJ-.- - n .$- ; ,MTft t "5. A large gf PARASOLS EMBROIDERYS AND INSERTINGS in the valley at prices that will sell them. In our dress goods departnent -we keep up with the times. There never was so uany light colors used in dress soods as are beine worn this year. Knowing this we bought fine line of the new shade of H DRffi You will find the new goods only at our store. This is the last week of our glove sale, if you want a good lad glove for 45c come this week as we ship them to our Joliet store next Monday. '& &.-.- CITY DRUG STORE ,r Ferguson All the old patrons of tlMkOity Drug Store are cordially invited to continue their patrooajre as heretofore, we shall endeavor to please yoo. Our stock of everythinjr that pertains to the drusT trade will be kept up to the HIGHK6T STANDARD OF EXCELLENCK : Comt.and see us. NOTICE To he people oi Red Cloud and Vicinity Oil and after the 20th day of February 18S6 1 will sell r si " iil T STRICTLY Or produ ce. ceii 8 1 all times use a large amount of butter and eggs and will always pay the outsider-price. I want everybody to call and get prices before purchasing else where. See if I don't make it an object fur all to pay cash for goods. Tou can at all times find the largest freshest and most complete line of groceries and queens-ware in the Republican Valley end prices that so man can beat. Goods promptly delivered free to all parts of the city. B.F,MIZER. Proprietor of Opera House Grocery Stora NEW SECOND-HAND JOS. W. WARREN,PrOp, I liave recently purchased the jlf. mcjmiai., ana am prepared to sell and buy HARDWARESTOVES '& ClBtnnffliniiture. New and of all kinds, and in fact iTfwl" Will hold auction Every Satnrday afternooti, at 1 o'clock. -,-5'i-f'?' 4. i . ' RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY. APRIL PUCKER'S CASH DRY BOOSS HOUSE. and handsome line just arrived and open for We always keep the largest H & Co. f FOR CASH ' -, V STORE stock of goods onied by C. Second - hand Sednc Machine? Farm Machinery. Etc in mi ii i urn V kil: - - " - AND A! Drugs ! Drugs HENRY COOK. Drugs, Paints, Oils ; Metlene Wall Pa er. c Red Cloud - Nebraska. Cook&Meacham Cowles. Nebraska DEALERS IN Drugs, Paints, Oiis. Books. Stationery Etc., Etc. Etc. Pr&cripton nil hour.-. careftillr compounded VAXHOIIN'S j City Tonsorial Parlors. .Vfbxterstrrrt. Rm1 Ooml. J Hae liCfii lately renovated and jn:t in mc re-' iwlr. Sbatnx and hair entttne a jnxtaJtv. and executed by tile mtwt approved worxmm." Our K Uatbtn department has rewctlv !een reStteti -and wvcao uoiUplv all denund or the niih. Uc lint orrold bath u suit rastomers. 1'rK ca reaoua!Jc Ht or eo!d water bat!i alwav elv. O. C. Cask. J as. McN r v. Case & McNeny, a TIORNKVS AM) COrXSKLOIU? AT IJIW " J. Will pnwtjre ti all coart o? thU tut lectioaa u-cll allnatei ruitjr?i4 careful- , y and cRlcSentlv attended to. Abstract furctsk. ; d on aj plicanort. vm r ver I '.rz r.tMnj.' J'auK Rtd n-id Nc4 Articles of Izscorporatiori. VOTICE IS HFJinitY ;iVKX THAT JOHN i O. rotter. Kenya Skera. lfciit Jtn- .Marvin i t .tax-alio tucuaru u Jon, on tue , - - - -- --. r .V. . - . -.-- m... - i selves Into a bodyrftnr4te. a lollotCi: I. Tte narar of tUbi C6rixratl-ti Is -The .vauovMiutui: Cwipaay. YneisuTb1bSrvtc 4 boslDf-w shall be Amber, AVpbster coaatr. Xe braka. III. The :nra aatuiv of th laslae to b- transacted shall li? .tkat of a sen-ral Booriw: lullL 1 . The aouBt of eapital toei aatiiorizM. is 13031. of whkis StLOW Sbkall be told hnnur. j beiure .Norrwber 2re. I.aisd the retaaisdr , orsaeap;r cent thfrrtrf mhala oi dars ffwn ? 1 demand aC directorsi. " ; . . !KUd CBrporaiioo shiH eotune&ce pera. fcom March ish IC. aad terjcimue :eatT jean thTraftT. VI. Tfce akest aaaottat ef isdebKsliKSf or f liability fa vhKh iht crporatioR iua at ar oae tiaie aVeC ibuf lstl i- i-. ki ctJtedbyatamii8vrdlrrorwNh a inan iar aaber a presuteat. r$. presweai wereiary ad treassarr. wfeo; c-r. : ".I5!?.??5nwi.weribrU. J Xaicat JCce Cleaa. NeWsssi, BK. JesjrtX rorrrx. Jfayq jrotrot. iiTCh ;CS. trmr rr.'ii ii nwawuu iHvi SSBOO inspection. Come and line of Wi MH J. J. PUCKER ft GO. OHAS, BTJSOHOW, President. S. F HIOMLAND, Vioe-Preeideot Root. V-SHJRSY, Treasurer J. A. TULUnTB Seoretarr. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOANCO, CAP1TAL,$50,00Q. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS: . R.D.Jones, O.C.Case. R.V.Shircy, Chaa. Btiicbow. ILILFultott E. K Hicliland. Gen. B. Holland. D. x. Piatt. Geo. J. Warren. MONEY LOANED in improved larms m Nehrnka and Kanaa. .Money furnished aa aoon a security i upproyed Principle and interest payable in ISM CICikL OFFICE IN R&, CLOUD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. flPHflK ' A VaSssaf 3s 4 J&M AV ll sMrfV??S ill SBB9sSBW T I Issfc VjyMpr f I I t BBB baSBPv wjJJTt mm III lsWSBB?' 4wi I il lis SM'saaBJB' If I II BBP9BKSBBaBBaBBsf rsaSSEala aaaaS ij 1 U aSsah3BBBBreli Tt 'Tnsa SW sV 19 il , ks did act r a frrVlwa iXla M& uj 3fa O. H. Maryatt agent x , ..,.. r S MOMug uany. aiosL compieic line oi jwclry m the City Bakery andRestaurant A. LAUTEBBACH PBP. !"C - r - 1' - ' vJjUU1 K.feD6 c ccstantly coixaad Coofaetinorv A Tt if - y ;- '' . umv au MKi. wj tu serTedatalaoura. lee Z.. ; . ... 1 jjM.jw.Migi.iiM ..m.'j . ' . .b. .. M.w.WMMM.v.wnm-mvfm..p.wim itti?ji-'i ltaKRWWBAi :. v - .t KSlSrikHI i il ' ' i IW ' hi I'm 'i imiFii tb i'i F'"ii "' '," Wliu TC , iTFtirXifTinii. i nimrf. . " "i - " n i wtti "if i iTiMiii ttmmMmkmmMmmmmmmmmmmm 23'1886- FANS see them ill? suaara .. mmo rv- !,. i for Rockford watch. citv. NEBRASKA", . wm. OreaiaaDd Ofstecs ut aarkr. Ucm-atWrSRMausa ..""--b1 ,"Bsi lUfe -'rf-BsfH .5 -V?l--i'".- - '-- -- -S 'S 1 -i - - -- ---- .-"T f"'-Slj.'J-BBBBBBBl J 335 NO 38 Thk Red Cloud Chi if A.e. FM1DAY APMIL. Tl. IMft I Artie! Obf tW hh4 uiitt 4iVtNMM Mm CMMfTf , wIsMB. TrtW kM MB laiftlr hi laflula a4 amof tat iTOHB&fl. wa 4f i0 "ilar JIMI rtrt ffrttvm fciMMtar wMi tfkr1 -No," wu IU ajMwaf. -I mm m mas 4i tuxlaj, md iW myri m4 (Mirror ra as jcrrat to wev'ii tb Bntf tiratit I uiw la MIV IwijWbI." lib u4ackarr a-Wi-4. "IM nm Tr. tn all tka tkoaaU vt uma aatl wvbsmi fiM kar ara 4i", wff mw Brail t kr Ha reaWM ttklK aa4 Um a- "Never but (inn. Satttrv, a NtfvalU a). Usaally carri Uji? ""td ftd3tJf trow one w"url.t u the otbfr. TVr hi var rarrly rv afcrtaUng tram wlat UWkrrue'd. lktttWra K, alwual 1 raTa.aa apsiJarJ ltalajf tack at vww work Irfs uaUoUe la tliwM rary I cac hm 1 havr told a iaiest Uiat ; faU rnd wa Bar, h kaa mdd, "U I txailtt iMih,M tlo wMriNlMX wklctt b Iim'1 ci:!tct id itu wailr iu afUb. Dtrkrtts in u of bl Uvftrr jjrr. tr th sfory A a mati djiwr!cd tin dUtaat foaat. wa anrw ran rwture. bat aits alostt f taa aaarr. lawkiar i hack uer th raii of water, tfmtm hrnajt tlw "T p mif lit hav & ; Utt? kind vrord u aclioti with hkh ! lie udht Uaf. mad tl llttvi A lUmm W.lx U.hind hAjjurr, mr that It U far cvur U lat" "And al!.' a tls9 rrvat novelet, "shall r iijm that trar ell"r' voyap l 11.' Hood, In UUt Of h4 jlluUi:rat Jxrf't.M, niak' a Houmu look bmW n lUr ha man n lit mid mimrl uhiHi t:. ntlhl kav? bfabl, and thr rl which U , had lrfl nusikt, Uum tkal uakrttiita aeore. The Kjjrptjaaa had a kalatos at thir kasta perpetually tu rtsalal lkr.m iA daata; taa KaaKra tyraat rM mvi aead away taa ala k atowd twiJa kU tkroaa is kk aear ut triafwf. tu lid hlw rwiisiiar an waa aMftaJ. Som to tk mc4ara tbasm k ! ewe Uaw4 ky ssesy alien sms aad vwesae HaM sbsW Jssw ww wttwm srdWiIi WrVsJw tkakayvatke tkescki d 4ratk. TW Ckiaeae a4 Mkar Orkatal aaths tk isea, as! avae tke same, al eetafsifkl k towssHir id i!!W4; IP Ha kaa aaiem ikewerM. u-y av srkk axMrt araaie. t AlkT all. ft m set 4ynj; hch ' eeraa ua. It U lift, te 4ay. fhU hr aaf Imiatrtr. Tkraa ar arvi lafh U it ;!' kan4. "Tkwu tltiak'X ol-at. ajr tha GiVUMUt. "Tklak nUkcr ol lit, muh U ao mock mufr tmsuarnt nA a- It H1 avail ytxi tiUla to tfwrJI a! Ssorning on lh mfftn asi the mft Oa!drr rsitkrr th? Uffwork anJ t tfnrtce of 0t4 waitla for you ja Uai day. and talta ft up ttaartily aa4 .' oealy; that, 4 xmt am ceDa.1 ". voa say sot niok imca aJ aay. HJf 1 cwa.4 oeiy rtium to Ja Uf ha tkert ia a j rvtara.--if ctecN9. pear ti 3JctmJ il. ?! s?wi. akrad, witkoul reaM t afI v tt trv )vttc Tkr rotjMj: prijfrl'W furrwf who scfi-r ktl at afr of mj or mowit iia acrf ol rra4, rirW--. that j by applying btiine jnM? 1 j ariculttirc. Im" ran nll tija ffliinj m ! s Wicar., Hf mit hjstfarm ' lalTw hi fatinr haI 0 1 'W av j ruut lirr In a lHtjr )uy,i- than hi s nrnt. h mni slrf a lriUr !; nh in a Iwtirr rarrm . i x Swr xuit-h. lire in a nnr f.ljf.aM th; Hay th jvnliniaH at ttwtr iifM7; tjI larsT)ti.. t , ! Lih'i. (urthrr Ihtia hi M fy' anortf ri;r tlanil ti frcarti of. ThMOi ifST! farr ha. ldt.-3 cf ctu Hch 1m ih litthn J f. 1 Ix.Hintl to kr jih' all atir. H i sot juin !o hnit i. latfll by haud. rll Utnij at" ; a '1. cl. rrj rhirk i arkt. wvar Italrhcl chJtH.3MJ irt jatr?! ;mihI ike a )dlar- N. hr. Talk to hl awrtii culttratia a lartti ff Sfn i-iy,' Why. hf raat fiH.T r lit 'huatlrMl Tt-. and h wilt Jrmtral W Jl utv that th twKv land h cwHira!-. tlitr Ian?T hi errv!.:r oi ffuSl will hf Talk. Ut oi f U-? jrjjrrm farH ert s!m: rst-r-Hf. and JJJ Iaojh at ton. Why. Iwe u arr that fee kmj thousand thjs;p that avuh! aosbh hi father Hxi-TV-no-' To U; run? t ii- not had tt fctmd. h bj ti -ho ha, zud hat U l. lltt it35 Ut tl rt. a at the U?lm uf il- lufl. U& 3 tb iov. lis don't U-t&rv in rf3ii ut It. wirvjs and rtefi. St'iniS ? "' or$. Or tai l ti t.-i .-jat. I frisks Twttux?n uj;ijt to I? Tt rbl a is4 of lrtti; with irm. ti 0OUi to lpn M:tij h&fir. iu4Md f a lirps fsrnw Uvfj sj;it to Itotc rft' a rnoll on-. 1 bWr -r-oT i :uoa. Iitfr jotftw-iii t - k. s4 tWr aU o3-W t W ft .ial tranin; "rrUi a fc-r ajT tfcy ?Ji o Urarn tHtr-ht to Irf U jrrevi t inr!r taur tt r a;. jMAf(ta swf. Biainc t oa p?ri,- y . cu4 Wc for orrrcoat asd a fnr raa. sraria.iw(s vytHi Mrvtin :kn tarkt fl ty. - iussJSsf. is ki xkfat. tWt jyiaa i . ,..M-M Vl .-' t 4P -" tif. - jai "- . -.1 .?SS -r 'BH rf ti,- mmi :m is a ', kral- -,-" si .C" .Ktwi VapaSJAgvaraf4 aaBa w4asrJaaHi