.:;V - r ? -j: !" " . .':f 4: r "r - .- W - ?&F- ; .Arar-j a- i . .'f-j ; iVi . c ' , .RunnGig; nr, '-swj-jtt'- -t ,- i --3r.Tt H.-rf --" -. - .5- . -.jXi '!. !a- f . '. -r & y . -pt .J!&- '-t " '"- if JT' 3 W -i J 8?i"i8HPlamBSEmjBHC? wSfcestt5SsiOTiS8B.. 3PS& 5fflBETl; r - - EagEMBmwB. . ,&: --- r-7T am-- ... -. -g"jjw -.- w- - '. ' Kr c '. . v(j v--. ?t J -mm - U ,1V Jt a-1- fc i. A 14 Fi s i ft r j i ' tST Mtt.."r - .. i -v v t - if te tK." f TC vX -. ;4r' , n 5 &??&?: ;a . i . ffrr - 1 iV-S.:.s.-- - 3 5 t. ijt"vr"" jt;: tea.v c. -i. ' ' ij-iW, '. . "i' ic - . "trivSiWKr .b.' . h'i- . t "sTt,trfT-fcr'- S it 5- r " : ij . i :jss-7: r t r .: mmMM-' T -. i. 1C '-i .- SkV Jr.ir HnrT 2 .;.. . jju.srim..v.v. -j--rf- if.r w.tfi -TvmlCB" Sr O-r-' -." . St . W . T .-- , wf-" .ji ,ie;frser.--o j-f j r i -.--- -- - - -- nrsist i ti in jw- iT-ms--m -ssi r we .. m-:r-. - .sf j bsmt -?" isijsibp i i --. vam - eaMemk c -vjiBB'v.JSSBa.. -Hrft-- i-i -J3 HIliF FJIIY. A',KII, lf Chinamen ntiil Chinamen. I h:vr Irciriuit. vr:" II. JInrvin In hr Overland Muuthhf. llSnl tlirns nr. f'liinnnifii siiul riuimimn. A.- we!! jinl.'.' lint Maim f:int-r M Iy tii Ntv York cii :tr:l n- ilir ivrJMm.il. Imnuxl. itlv vmnjr i-Um fnsisi sin K; fcirm tip lhV riv r from ('aiHMi. by tin- lluii Ktui"" ..tn-rt rAiJv r ! '- Mot M.H)jlr an- 'ju J " tlitmi isr iniii.-itioii in M!!ftJnjr :i Hrm- .irlviiinn. mid awm 1 tiiTitlc it : i:r.- lu.Jc m-IihIut , thnv "' ' rlrar-knjii'l. liht-- ! Im". 7iiinlr.il. iiili:ll:j:-iit. :nnl lni: wiirtliv. or n listit!-!i!'iir '! opium .oiiiciki'r. It i jx'l'fr. 1 1 v iM-tllr lo srli-i'i witli Mum? riTi:iIiilv: hut llic only wnv I know t il it is u 1m :ii')iiaiutMl with mhic m'IihIiIcj, trustworthy Cliina inaii. and c.vpiain to him what yttti want, ami if it is his opinion that nil will In; n fair anl ajrii-i-ahlr cmploviT. whom In; i-au frl julili-il in itcoiu mumlin? ti hi frit-mis. yon will, as MHjti ns In-can liml tin- riht man, Ih Vi-n Kitifcfactorily MippliiI. Hut if yon havo a hail reputation as an i-mnlnyrr if you an; uureaMinahlt: or Itaii payor unpleasant in your wavs anil iiK-onsitlor-atr of n MirvatitV fi.M-fins, you will he polittslv toh I, month after "month, that no suitable Iniy has yet been fount!. For these farmers hoys an? snlf-reseet-iii fellows. '1 hey will not take in.Milt ing treatment, nor even rouh jikes; they will not lnrar nntsiimis on their personal dignity. I have known one of them to leave ;i place hecausc somo artiele of food was locked up fnnii him. on the ground that then; was only enough to go around the family; yet he would, probably, if nothing hail been said to him. have estimated" that some one must go without, and silently re frained from taking any himself, as I have often known them to do, even when it was a favorite dish. Manv a house hold has been btiddenlv deprived of its very satisfactory cwk hecausc someone had mocked him rudely or put hands on him roughly. It is worth while to note this, in view of the jxjpular idea that a Chinaman will go anywhere anil cmlun: anvlhinir for monev. On the contrary, many of this class of China men will throw up a paying position ami remain omo time out of work MHHiiir than receive indignity. Thev are, in fact I scak formj' cwn ncijuaintancc. among them; others may have a dim-rent experience gentlemen. They show inMinctivi-lv a simple refine ment anil careful breeiiing. In my own home wo havo in more than a dor.cn years had only two cooks, handsome young fellows from the .same village; ami in all ihcse years, sjKmt tinder the ime roof, in the. isolation of a country house," 1 may ."-ay thai I have had pretty fair oiioiitiiiiiy to know thesu hos. Ami I have, found litem both essentially geiithiuen. 1 have never seen a Euro pean foreigner of their huiiddc class who approached them in refinement, simple dignity, ami unfailing sense of propriety. I do not know how many if our own boys could go to a foreign land ami carry oil' such a ositinn so well. In a somewhat cnnler way, the fann hands that I have seen much of show the same native refinement and pronricty. though thev are often bashful "am! awkward. Ami I do not doubt thai they a IT have been, in fact, care fully bred in their simple homes by jiainstaking parents. When tiny lie come c i tain that you intend no. ridi 'cule. and will listen with entire respect, t they will tell you a little about their homes, ami from their fragmentary ac counts it is easy to get an idea of the plain, honest, and temperate jH.-asantry from which thev come; and it is an idea that must give one a sincere ropect for' uiuiii. ., The Red Ci.oud C Koir or Paper. A roof pronomied-Miperior to that of slate Because of its lightness and other advantages i.s now male of any fibrous pulp, says the I'.oston Journal of Cqm maw. l-Voin this matefial tilcol any shajMi desired arc foi-mtnl bywceastiro 0 under machinery or by any other me thod which may suggest ilse'f. Pressed into the ilesign wished for t-.e pulp tiles an- partially dried, previous id being subjected to a water-proof solution. 1 Thoroughly impregnated with" the pre- paratUm to 'rtSjist ibolsdirt .thej are. bakeil to Ijanjiyv in Jlieniho wntcf- pnyf mixture. After tho baking the tii.ss ans trcateil to a mixture imparting nn enameled surface: to this is added a coating (f sand, whereby the pulp is rendered proof against the action of heat or flame. Hy tlie use of different -colored sands a variety of tints ma be 'f'Oft J"Irtl tot4ilos, wldch, after the V Q application of 'th enameling mixture and sands, arc baked a second time. after which they arc readv for use. Be- sides tlie iahcreat lightness of pulp tiles, which obviates the necessity oi a heavy franmto support a weighty roof, the iiulp tik, being tourh and " not brittle like slate is far less liable to be broke from blows, stones thrown upon them, or human footsteps. Again, slate tilcf o r". r- a eant,ot ',0 kid coniacUv togeUier om a J&Ijk V ;4 roof on account of their brittleness which prevents their being drawn tight ly together by nails. Through the fibrous pulp nails may be driven as close homo as in shingles thereby binding them closely to the lcd and together without anv possibility of lateral move ment or licing blown away in a high wind, as slates loosolv fastened on roofs o fretnamtly arc Kails jienetratu the pulp tiles luoru easily than shinglbs, and liedoser together; being more clas tic than wood. Some- Good Atlvlcc. - . . It is said that tho wine-cHp has ocea-y-i, aiiMially circnlatwl among tho legisla tors, and some have even achieved ccle--britrby this convivial disposition. iH hicvtIm has; since aehie.vt:! n-putation as a lawver the folhiwini; ston cirvu laeel asaoti his legtslati-o friends, lie faJtefMfol a ball one evening; wnd in the. 5rjrtis :' cswrse of th leVtivitivs ho became somewhat too joyous, ciii this, one of his friesnls aiwnaichcd htm and ad vised him tb sock his room and bed. The yomig lawyer said nothinar. ImK witircrcat solcmnitv took a dollar hill from hie packet and" thnssC H iata the hand of hie friend. "Bt 1 eWtvrant moey,v said th caUcman. "1 smctcIv s-jcfited that vtM ro to brd.n " fakok.takeiCjMi the repjy ia "thohlaadeKof tones, 'lvu chsiqps4t2 for xnod deal, poorer a4vice thaa thatr'JNyewifeceni. - ' inua Drape HcyhyrW .7. .x.yj y- ra- - - -- - . - - TC ,-l,"5?! -v -. T J -s-V-V -- gmm "" : ;Baestn it-Hi iSfB P- c-m.' j. k H-ni XL TBIP TO COLFAX SPUEM. Colfax Spring, on the Chicago, Back JmA aad Paci6c Railroad, is a popalar health retort to- which many Wetter pepple go to trf the water, which are noted for their healiaf properties. They are churned to lie beneficial for rheoaw tian and kiadretl trouble. Mr. Charlea P. Gnfin. a butcher of Stuart, la., re eeatlj made a trial of them and, while ther appear to hare done him aotoe good, he afterwards discovered a cure which proved infinitely njpre efficacious He givea thia account : " My attack wsu a very severe one, and for three months I wu compelled to close mj store, as I was not able to attend to heeiases at all. My joint were swollea aad there did not seem to be any part of my body that did not ache. After suffer Sag in this way until the pain was almost beyond endurance I went to Colfax Springs to try the effects of the waters. The day 1 left home I had to be carried down stairs. After remaining at the Spriags a month I came back home feel- lag somewhat better. A lew weeas later, however, I hail a relapse which prostrated see the same as before. It was at that time that I learned of Atblophoros. I sent for a bottle of it, and in fifteen minutes after I had taken the first dose I felt the effect of it. and when I had finished my third bottle I was well. I hare not had any rheumatism since and have attended to my business trtrj day, which is a thorough test, as I am obliged to lie out all kind of weather and at all seasons of the year. If I had known of Athlophoros in the first place it would hare saved me hundreds of dollars and the detriment to my business in closing raj store. I take great pleasure in recommending it to others." Dr. h. D. Ilounds, a dentist, for six teen years a resident of Oikaloosa, but for the past three years of Albia, la., relates an equally pleasant experience with Atn Iophoros: " Rheumatism," he says, " has been my most serious trouble until about ay ear ago, when I used a bottle of Athlophoros. Since that tune I have not had a twinge of it. Previously I had been subject to sciatic rheusaatism for several years, many times ee badly that I could scarcely drag myself aroand. When I comsaenced with Athlo phores my legs were so stiff that I could scarcely get up the steps to my office. But I am sot troubled that way now, and the joists of my legs are as free as they ever were. I had tried so many remedies be fore that I had no faith in Athlophoros when I began with it, but I changed my mind after I had taken a few doses and found relief. AU I used was one bottle. It is the grandest medicine ever heard of for rheumatism. My wife has also used Athlophoros with success equal to mine.' During the Tears I have been in busi ness," says O. :. Givins, a druggist at Stuart, Mr. Griffin's home, " I have told snaoy different kinds of proprietary medi cines but none that has given such uai venal satisfaction as Athlophoros has for rheumatism. I always feel when I hand et a bottle of that medicine to a costo aaer that I am giving him the foil value of his mooay. Since I have seen its won derful effect among my customers I gladly recommend it in every instance for rhss autism." If you cannot cet ATiuntoRoa of your drug gist w will wnd it express paid, on receipt of rsaular price one dollar per bottle. We prefer that you buy it from your druggist, but if be hasn't it, do not be pentuaded to MrsseMtalag 1m, but order at o-irc from u. as aJraffeo. 4AionioRos Co., i!2 Wall street. New Terk. OR AW CBS AND FLORIDA. B it In cjf si Blossoms Under ths New Time. Even the balmy air and orange proves ol Florida fail to keep its peo ple full of happiness and comfort. Art roust help nature everywhere, in the tropics aa among the pines of the north "And chiet among the bjeeeings which arc adopted to all zones" writes Dr. J. G. Wallace, ot Fort Dale, Florida, " i s Parker's Tonic. It seems to have the world for n field, and most of the cur rent diseases yield to its action. I have used it in the cise of a delicate and dispeptic young lady, with the most gratifying results. It seemed to accomplish with ease what what the usual prescriptions am treatment for that miserable malady failed wholly to to bring about, t am so ghul to state that the Tonic has greatly relieved me personally of a troublcrome atonic condition ot the stomach of long stand ing. It is the ideal purifier and invi: orant." Messrs Hiscox A Co call es pecial attention to the fact that after April 16th, 1883, the name and style of this preparation will hereahter be sim ply Parker's Tonic. The word, ginger is dropped lor the reason that unprtn princtphM) dealers ate constantly de cicving their patrons by substituting inferior preparations uuder the name of ginger, and as ginger is an unim portant flavoring ingredient in our To nic, we are sure that Jour friends will agree with u? as to the propriety of the change. There will be no change how ever in the preparation itself; and all bottles remaining in the hands ot deal ers, wrapped under the uamc Parker's Ginger Tonic contain the genuine med icine if the signature of Hiscox & Co. s at the hot torn ot the outside wrapper. As 'When She Wti Young. "I have used Parker's Hair Belsatn and like it better than any similar preparation I know ot" writes Jrs. Ellen Perry, wife of Rev. P. Perry, of Coldbronk Springs, Mace. "My hair was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle of ihebulsam has restored the softueas and the brown color it had when I was younc, not a single gray hair left. Since I becso applying the Balsam my hair has stopped falling out, and 1 find that it is s perfectly harmless and agreeable dressing. ' "I have have tried Athlophoros in family, and.il has worked like a charm 1 have kept it for the last -o snonthe" writes druggist Ii J. Kissball, of ; Kor way, Midi., gmug b'is. opirilou of the Ireat rhesmitiiai aad-rera)gia care. The SjBotteBBMtrt Not ore. Tlie rieh at Ferguson Jt Go's drug store still continues on.aocount of per sons afetkted "vkh cogs, colds, aithma, timtchitjeaJMvconsjimptton to wroenre a fcoU Keenns for the throat and hnp wwiefcfcs 6 a cnarantee ssmIt w rir fre-yV .Prite M;t TiM sn jRSnPNsjslnflUVv. ,. W W; TnssBBBBjBrn1BSSBjBSBjw fe",, .:?; .Tr$fc &-k .. - " ll '1 - " "' -- efJeattotlwmeisntk SewiUi l . "" ' ilBBPPPP'l. M i TBSlsBBjSlSsnflnWOSSsBBWV- Lf SPSBSB' PBBBBBBBBBJ t tJ( l TtTsentiliirislfieUs nsssiner Slsfge -JsajBrvty CosusBfjseAsMiTss)eenSe m or ' SSW SSSBJBBBnBBSJW JSSISS V WSBBBBK. WrT?- InBBnAsABnBtT-lssnr'KBBnMBnASBBBBn " sLtinT fr-tsmsm PssHsnelna4jfMffa IPsnnWfsW -NnBV nsyfw tBnBBBnBBsVlBniMlHMlsHB "'' --' " J -- " Tsm -jm" 3&Z?-rr- - , JK:UmZ'99ttt. MWtUtL t Capt. A. W Abbot, id f)i .V.ii.j. Itw.. who served in Co. A 1'J'U !id. Vol. Infantry, ilurin- the war ha Im-ii atllicted with severe ;tt;ick of rlienma- i tim more or It-.- ever incr, in a re cent interview he. taUd Hint n in-at- nieiit be had evr found equal Chain berltnV l'.un iiiiui. The pcn-irtni! and pwin rclieviuj; power of tbi nit-d-irine nhu-t ti in llu- hi-.'liest li.-t if curative aj-ent- known to the scn-ntif-ic worhl.aUiut all lh adverti-in thi inetlicim- hi.- had ha. been ilone by person;- who lme ii-ttl it ami rcccitiii n:endcl it to their friend- Try it when you are in need of a nmlieitie fir hunt back or rhiMiinati!!!. Sohl by dru- Ct-ts. It ItnilicrtMl Him. Bill Nve -ays t.f hi i-.N-ri-nc at th Fifth Avenue Ilob-l: "I it'iwnt miiui-wiiii ve.-tt rtlav at tin- tabic that bothered. It was a new kind of a .silver dmjrits. with two handles' to it. for :cttin; a lump of Mijrar iifto oiir tea. 1 saw riit :vway that it wa-for that, but when I ttnik the two handle in my hatitl like a nut cracker ami tried'to scoop up a lump of suyarwith it I felt embarrassed. S-veral M!niilu who were total stranens to me sniiled. "After dinner the waiter brought me a little pink 'htss bowl of lemonade and a clean wipe to dry my mouth with. I reckon after 1 drank "the lemonade. 1 do not pine much for lemonade, any how, but this was .specially poor. It was ju.st plain water, with a lemon rind ami no .sugar into it. -One. rural rooster from rittsburs .showed his contempt for the blamed stuff hv washing hi.s hands in it 1 may be rough and uncouth in my style, but I hope 1 will never lower myself like that in company." ', HE WESTERN BOSER AHD CATTLE INSURANCE CO. ! THE ONLY AUTHORIZED LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE COMPANY IN THE STATE. Insures horses at the age of from S to II years; mules from 2 to 17 years, Stallions and Jacks from 3 to 8 years; and cattle from 2 to 1 1 against- loss caused by Disease. Injury Accident, Fire, Liihtninij or Theft, for not less than one or more than two years excepting steers which are being fatted for the market, which can be insured for six months. Special attention is called to our Fire and Lightning Insurance, which is good anywhete in the state of Nebras ka, whereas the liability of loss by Fire and Lightning ol Fire Insurance companies is limited to the premises of the assured, and perhaps a small radius beyond. The advantages and benefits which this company olfers to farmers and owners of stock generally arc so plain and apparent that it is hardly necessary to call attention to them. Seasons ly lo lasare. SJ s, Because it is the only Live Stock In suraace company authorized by the laws of this state to do business in this state. Because it is a Home Company, or ganized with home capital; tlie money oaid to the company is kept in the state, and is paid out for losses to the citizens ot the state; it all remains in the state. Because it is a reliable institution, whose stockholders, directors and offi cers, are among the wealthiest and most orominent business men in the state. Because its manner of adjusting and paying losses are always in Itarmony with the principals of strict justice and liberality. Because you cannot afford to b without insurance on your live steck any more than on your house and barn. lf you are well off you can loose nothing by insorinf if you are poor and cannot affoid to loose any of your stock, it would be criminal negligence not to insure. .Because should yon wish to borrow money and offer as security yonr acock the security will be more a -i. pits, and yon can obtain money more readily, mad at a lower interest, if that Mock is covered by a policy of insurance in thie compel y r Becnase we insure stock agaiai fry accident, iluvtue or thai. Because we insure stock againH Because no ether insurance c nay can rive yon the tame kisnl. e Inenranee. Becanse amml nn capital et HMMl fsweV resdsss It safe 4, soinl any esnergency tnnt may snee. -,,,' ii 1isfaMiiilantT asBMsm mBSarnjejsBsnwK vw. ssnnmpwnjBnnnasnw enmnnssnm en an4 tteck oners h aUmtii hy the Jnet the! there art na written ami in fceee ever lsnas.aoslcses, Aal.TpMLiKsoN, Afpcnt. SnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW nilfsisnBsgilM i M'W VbBBBBBBBBBBbP' -ft ZjLZSsftLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsT' MJSlBnmmmmmmmmmSsisnm WALL AT HENRY COOK'S His s tock is very arge and prices very reasonabe. Also job lot of CURTAIN S AND FISTUES At half Great Reduction in Prices At Mrs. Newhouse's WE SELL CHEAPER A lot of white goods, hamburgs, hosiery, etc. sold cheaper than ever or elsewhere. Please give us a call before buying. DR. HENDERSON. iOi &OOSWYArDOT tir., LAKSAS CITY, MO. laravBlcniiu, numuiii i . .V.TT""- Chrootc. Nenoo and HicUI DiaMM. BMloal WiMikM lWht LtiHI.S cat D'ill'l7 IIaj, f 8inal FswvrLSc. Oaarantt Curr or irvnry irfUadaS. CbaMr low. AibihI rpcfiiit art ImporUnuNo Tioua mrrtxiKC "!- Vv tlaaa laatftoai IViUtiU Am a !itnf trratrrt MtnaM. mmu- rawaiHl end for trrmi. O.Mallatton fr-ana filrtiV, A BOOaV lf BOIM aura, man u. m w iu . - - i RHEUMATISM ThtGSEATTunaian RHEUMITIC CURE. A POSITIVE CtTRK fcr RHEUMATISM. tSOO frf any narU.it Wnrt,l rail. ..rrorhp. ,,t '""JJ !. frTrrar.4 ptl.i mj..lnf j irr -Ht.pMH In Sla I dtjj. d!r-mrnt olr.. .Hh .hi. for C.rculart. Wktrai Dr.Hendvrson. 606Wyandott St. KsiM City.M Probate Notice. IltAO. MAKTIN THIS fiTII DAY op AI'KIL 1 t;, fllett tiU petition in t!i county omit of Webster county. Neb., showing amonc otlirr tiling that Kliza Crouch, lat of Webtr coun ty, Nebraska, Uiwl on or about the day of 1K;. and asking that letters ot admin istration be Kranted to Ed. Cilfonl. Frltay. the aotti day of April. 1K. I wt apart for the heir lug of said wtitlon. All persons Interested wll 1 take notice ot the time and place and be proton to oppose the tame It they so desire. Witness my hand and seal at tlie court room f l.il in Red Cloud this cth day of April. I&ri. W. A. MoKeioiia.v, County JuiIkv. Harness Shop, J L. MILLER. DEAI.KR IN HARNKSS COLLARS, SADDLED HURSfi-BLANKETS wHIPS. COM R3. BRUSHES HARNESS OIL and cvorything iirftially kept in i fir class sbop. Awo doers north of 1st Nat. Bank- RED CLOUD. NEB. I Will Insure Your Hogs ! DR. JO S. HAAS' Hog & Poultry Remedy. None genuine without thia trade aurk. 18 THE ONLY PRACTICAL PRE VENTATIVE OP THE SO CALLED SWINE PLAQUE. It baa never bees surpassed as an Inereasor of pork, aad general system tonic Atdtnc diges tion, iftlmuaibax tin; billlary organ, areventtac torpor aad engorgement ot the liver, aad reru hurnztbeboweis. It meres and nreveata Uh far- nwtfton ot dtaeaae sarwa, aad BctatrTta to the weO bred hag iU nataral eoaMHatlan. Where quantities, aad eMier directlea UlfhfuUy ob served, it has proved to bn a thorough nreven- k aa bccb lea w stiea aaiRasis in uie nrtscriDea tattve against swine dfsaases. AS AN EVIDENOEsOF FAITH. ia my'reaaedy I make the fnawirg e4Ter; I wis laaare herds at swtoe of net lew thaa oae handled ia anmder against disease, at a small fee per head pravided they are fed my rumidy andtr my dkecltaa, and yreve apaw ex ammafiwi prior in ceatract that they are la a healthy raadltma. aad are neither In-bred, ctaae bred the pmgtajlhC mich. 1. 1 wel icwteM Siaxai tm aar breeder whose afcr f ejtamhae far iauaraacu 1 deaUae provid ed he forwards wmitenee to cover my fexneaaes t9 aad tram tomtioa af hags, er I fall to nreve to theaattstaetleB any dUlaftiuited narty that failure to respond to krvMatien is ramwd ky prior eagagemtwt er hy maam ef at least eaal I mnertaare. 2. IwtUlMfeKimtf IdeeUne mm exaav bml1amtoaMwremelMrda.Hmy jailgmtfit as to their eacdtthm ef healtt is ut irlmm by the result ei an examination made by at team twn rewcttr qnaHaed aad gradaated Veterinary sar- read a Gtaeearay, r. (X. rah. riiaat tiaaatal Imaasw-Ahaaayearajmamr herd hte Oar asases smi haary. aad ww had to atva m feedsajteawanjrjT hsr ahaat twa maatha. we amw. aa4mawladmafa. Wehaeeamita a stamttjerar . Wehaw ahma JtarU ton man'id jmsat 1,am fc i atjat Imeajato aar herd aaaaaa lkkaasr amaaetoaar. Uar aaaaam mlfcinanmai ly aas prssawhsl dhmaae aad wwaMaatamahathesmr wmmat tt. Am asdmlamalaa awrh.wehTai.iL a ha he mmd. mamTjngwtKmartdfc lemMaga pea af lmsa wahaag at amsmhr. YJj Kiji tr Jr .WaTCa. v ft aa 'SsjaifLSI aatf M ataiaBaaBaaBe. !ml igaillatw v-; s "" ?-atl J.as M'-'J - 2 ..af' ,-v rfwa;aaaav-wv .wjaaawmpr ot jaamaaa TA.YER prices. STILL. F. P WMEK, Live Stock and gen eral auctioneer. Blue Hill, Neb Bay Frank. Hay Frank Is a dark lray, coding eight ears old, and weighs uht-n in show condition 1300 pounds. His lire was a thorough-bivd Imported Clyde, dam French Canadian, and as a stock getter has a repuUttion second to none. TERMS. To Insure M; nionej- due wlien marrs arcknowu to be In foal Tartlra must return marei reitularly. Any mares dlii-vl of will be held to be in foal. I W will Ihj taken to prevent accidents, but I will not be resjKuislble should any occur. Stands for the season of tx. at my barn in Red Cloud. Wm. Gates Leffal Notice. TN TIIK DISTKILT COUJCT OY A'K.liSTKK county. Nebraska: Aiircu . KtuiKie, piaiuun. vs llaniel K. Uuck and Catherine 0. lluck, ilcfeuC- nnts The above iiuiiumI defendants will take notice that on the acth day of April. lw5. Iwtwreu the liours ot 10 a. m. and c p. in., at the office of J. K. Kurts. a notary public In the city of I.Wbon. lis IJmi county. Iowa, the tLlitifT will thke the deMsitlons of .Tallies Mlnot. ifeorge.Morfonl. and A. W. Itunklf. sundry witnesses, to le used as evidence on the trial of the alxne entitled cause. with authority to adjourn from day to day until such dctwltlons have bren taken. .Yit4 KAt.r.v HiiOH. Attorneys for ITaiutlf. Attention Teachers. Notice is henry given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the common acheeis of Velste! county at my office In Red Chmd ea third Saturday of each month. Kramliiatie Dommence at a. in. IV not ask for speehrt animations. C W. HiKiKiaa. Supt hsube m nomTT ! Against loss by Fire. Wtnac. Teramto and Cyclones. In the old reltabm German In sura nceCo. OFFKKEPOKT. iLLiSOW Insurance soUcited an1 losses promptly pald, All parties wtshlw: to Insure wjll ' recseve JJE aitentlon by gtving nailer hy wail or atherwise to the undersigned. cA'J!Sfi5yi?'i. sipeela! Agtai, Ked Camm Seh. W. E. M.i6ifljran. FKOrKIKTOE OT The Falies &8i8g lalL RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. FURNISHES WARM MEACS ?;-. At all hoar, for 25c IJack, Hot CosTee, .Choice ToImcco, Sk. BoEidbdEyoc .BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBrar NEWGORCERYHOUSE s; v. a,uiiiM)W Where mall l-o found everything m mc ynwrv lintut 8ugi Team. Coffee. Sirup. Fruit, iiacoti. Ham. tMneii liee. Cheese and Cramers ToUcoriMn." l?w, wl 4'"'"'' "iiopinbyl'ir .letting f. it it Oi of tho t,w p.troua IN FEATHERLEY'S BUILDING, Oi.joii- I Cbtci?- I umUr Yanl S.V.LUDLOVV. W.HOUGHTON Merchant -- Tailor RED OLOUD, - NEBRASKA. and tlie Cntat Uno ot CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, MELTON, &CO. Custom work neatlv approved fashions cutting and fittine a specialty, prices reasonable. Old Stand East Sldo Wobstor Street. Geo. O. MEAL 1 AGENTS Red Cloud - Nebraska 30 GOO acroa Luntl for Snto. ImnrOViHt Farms, untmprovod Liuittn Busltioas Corroapondonco invited. UtlCUCD'C UCAT UADIrTT ! T. J. MOHER, Prop. Fresh and Salt Meats OF ALL KINDS. p Market Every Day and Prices Reasonable Old Stand, Red Cloud m WHO M tlNACOUAIMTIO WITH TMt sis by saasaatao aaMaaaji i na rrr aaai a n i CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND t PACIFIC RAILWAY rsaaon of l centrnl pomcn ar. i a at Initial ofvl tarmSni trAnu. matink tn ttnt nywtma of ibro-? as travel and teniae bt-wwj ftt- la aJao tnm ravonto una ui. m Doathan-rf and corravmaiwt poinds Joitot. Ottawa. La Unlit, tp! Jno, Uollnt mnvl Xcv Uiamiil IMTahDort, itancaUn?. V.'idnxVJp. tirn4. OtUirawi i2(i3L Tim KOCX liana mjnva wciuwn wpo,rn:;S:u,"tl,1'. txnic frZZZ.Zfl- 11.. :th- ft-a Audubon. lUrtan, Gathrta Onti f&MfnmwnnlKBVtKM k.... '-. -- - .r - ' - , , m awwu. Ir7?rrrrz''Z7.rr Dakota, aad bundrada t oumodi- THE CRKAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Otaaraanaaa iui jnvrvztm ins. t? ritanTaiTlr troilz. cilvtrtu r, buiSM akllJ can tomx. It. Um rtrt- arDnuce. jcvj uuu mmnzityg rmmoa of nU H tr70a.. QUwr CORBweuoiC jw ttn m uiwn mJ-Jtr-n, iV'iVi ift-V - ..M.. S..m tM nMllM TaMt Exnrss Train bmrtet-n srivi iATtJrr KfHmi'jgs&r.z. oT mrmU tmtlti'lM.tMti. 9TmiV cn!M1 rv f-.Tr R" .TWT mrw -w.. - .- - ww--- t.-.-w-wt A' A THC FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ta taa dJract and fmvmUm Itn ba'srwait Cirmr, uui sat. 25tS2fls, r?: & rZLSirTjl""SS-S-J'Lr? ii2SJ!L CSKHff f nai to aSSsSSCiF 5Ssatri . saat aaouawr ptaxcTux. rs 2JS?2fJ!T!ic?nd- aiii ikaiHBw uvr. i in nra iiKaH. av& Bui 'Bmaaau ivau' trvu R. R. CABLE. rwdet asd msaaaar, OOms. or dtitod amraln liaJasZ drtaiiad aMoraaatVon wkv ; Western Cottage Organ Mason & Hamin Pianoe flnM - iJaBV 0xaUA for tbdr bwnttjr aahd titiaV qukk iwpoi Tt l TTlsfr taail i i 'm w Artr. - .rf- .a : -. - -..t ii?t.'T Ban ,nar mis aim an iii i am s si -. ' J- 3 j"!- iMSSaavEamamaEjafcaa??? "aaaaa mmBB EaEEEmjEsA s3smmlWKmm W IMUJ WSUimmwEjBmaTFEBnii tMmf JcJT ftrarammm. famEfC a"w -wi as w a - - r '- . .- . j.-. $ atari wwwaW IKam-fgU TTTiialii' - J & JKOala. SEflaawmaEF k r "& 3t-'aaii"' avswaaaas BammmT AmmmmmEs mmmfamPaaaai ' ammV A mmmmamXXai - mAamLaLl' ESaBaEVal'SaLaaawaml JBr.w' - " i done and after the most & Co., IPATE Housob, Uosldoaces, atul Town Lotfl tOGArty Of TMtS COUaTftv, WILL Taia mwt that the aoeo rvuiuott to ail principal J!n Yj& rontiiOUi th-a rnant (sanortjint jeMjs trtvfrxrttKti whtcii favtt of lh Atlantic isjJ Ic?ft Jt 1 t& li? IA' vt hot ircm txi ;',rtlKvi ssi v cu Jorc&wfcmi Hoi ut ty "am uim al branch Itrut fVMtr.rtr ii...i ",u int f5uBrT X--'! . a.. -... 1: Lvvrorth ni AS Msi .- ci cKt. UnnM. vutaa 7u r,Vjv. - MV:r ?to' tnmriUi . Wntarbtnrs pp. " fcatwt wctz tntOmm, ttteWV of tfcm .-: wraKu arvm J. .. - - .T ""w 9mm - cuu$or-m Cliet4 ?wl at arj . m w jmmtmll ROUTS p2? i?SThr Imsmca ad ltjajr-jr -- -. . cia. 1-iasMr.U t-ad 1mj4 Ed rnn aaua tar i -. . i i . ... ' m t Coi f 4 Csnd E. AT. !OHH, samfai ri tiaa riif. mate! ' w- as. rawaBjamas- .-wr Jvcryti v. pvraowjavi aectintr affrtUwt rr.' jw, wk.ovj "mck or cotiUnuoua kWi .- iw of MtKi' rnJLVZ 3mi2L aaj Oara l-z-lA lS, ?., sSS V-'t j.31 -' v-rr , ; ,,- . - i .r.JT L-SSS " rS5KSi?&jU5 .l"-.,isAjrt-rfci rswir i rii BssnTsT sTri l irTsi n lTiii sihis rm- m 3- - a 9w. cttm.wtt 1 m-m v-ti - m , -ti, -h - . pi - h tmttm r r mum tMwm T" tum bk ,-j.uhh i Jh . .r ik - . -mtMW - m .- 5- t- . m S 7TTTTS", -K'-Za: -. --"SST-sZ-' T.TTl,l..-'Tr., ." T 1 -fc . t H B" M .-a-nnr. am. M'.'BBTn'.Mi B f . , "-- ' J - - .,' T .-.-. , -."'-' - v ; "'t' ',wJB r-. P-v tS5?5P-Si?,-2M 1 IHnsBg.-'igsisrjsfce mm?mit7. -.Mr'myts, i&m!i!!xE i?BTTsi.S?iJtS-T. vj-I..5!'W?fSi?55J3BP5Sii?.i S&m-?S5 " rB . - -r. .j, i' ri.Muaih''viBinB.'.aM-.u;iBi.-i mm m i . imm mwmn m v- b' ejixuis. mmmmmrrmmmmm-,mMmmdM msMmtmmmmtmtm - mm&MB s nsHssHBVe3 TsaasTBh.,erreritsr nfcaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaar !eaaaaeaaaaaaaar i n isssssssWntaJgJ-as3Sfc.jsgjsaL -v-a . g-aassiTsssiLfc, emfio -jmEm&Ba&iWzz&tt2z&gdm -- . sia53iRflKiCSia.a jB5Siawjs?a3itigMsaiigUfgi.i .. i afejjLMSUriiiaft.-SAJaaiawt-tg ajtsr vawisMw?.s's?eT1 . "fs m-M.w . - .-j--t.. .-. -..rr ,-. -rr-- .. j, , . m-r M iMii. I n I 1 1 BlTl III II - - -- - -Tr carr.c ul-jaHn II il -r.-itr THItn-. a ,-Tr. j-n a . rt.-iSa mtjm- - - - Kf Vj 7"JK it JT"TK A.Vn .JMrflii : JT - -" 'Swil . " . u -..--. t-v, -i--, . 1 ,. , , 1 ,n, 1 ,, 1 1 fc in, sn iti'i mil! iii h. hin iw .n di h.wii.1 jitSMi 1 i ,c 'jrirJTTTtVmr'Tfrrr, ..tjrfe - . 2w2