The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 16, 1886, Image 6

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. Jpf
-"r7-,n t:,,r,,,""',5',''V,R.,,"r ,l,b lM7'r; little." He forgot hi .liflid. nr- ami
.tuM-tr: not .hi- -i-ui- iv r.r i.:i.t -.moh i.nt '' gan to forget In- fear- for Aithur.
its : i -viurii'-f ol yiiiHi i.i th on tin- j art ot
Jiii r:tT. Will otiK oil in- -,.j.- : t n
jwjm .-. He jMH'i nliiily t -I -jI in i' x jfitr
mrt't--nixl ilitto itilrni Slii.l ii-rs ini-l S;
un i.'nli: uiel l.-iint-
fly David Christie Murray,
Z.UTJJCA or A H'juki. I-'atiikr, "A Lirt'B," Kio.
AiUiur-." h-tid Phil, "I have strange
i v. ior you "
"I": gurlhen glanced up, with a singi:-J-:
-nuie. and Mien loohed bach at hi
bit of ery-dal. Phd noticed great
el- '- in liim His h:ir wan long.
"ii t ;vr there v. a.-! a goott woman hi
tii" or!! - if ever there wa a woman
in tin; world wlio loved her hu-band
if ever there wa an unhappy woman
in th.-world 1 have -ecu In r Arthur;
then- wa- a great mi-tak.."
"Von wrote of her." said Trc
g.ull. -n. with no .-aovv of feeling, "but
ur. did not write iiigeiiuou-b. You
iir't'!td d not to Know my fcnov. b;dge
of her, and wrote of her a-, a .-f r-tirr "
"."she wa- a -trangcr then." returned
I'iiil. "but .-he ! anied from a friend
that I ennie from Tregarlhcii, and that
ton had -av-d m Hfe. .She -ent for
me and tii-d to qui t ion me about ;ou
a- if die had not been intc p--.... in '
you tin- lad wan moved at tl.e nniu
ory of tin'- -n-eii. -1.111 -he broke
down, and fonf.-sd v.ho !..- was;
and. Arthur. -inc.- you hac let m av
IllUfll yOU lllll-t U;l mt " o:, "j
have heard tin- o,rbay pr-opE- talking
Do I
II.,' fisl.wl ..!. .!.. I Mill! Ill- lltfll
...- .-,..,.,.. ,, ,,.,. , .J I -'--- .-.-...i,
sgr... vn a full beard ami niii-lac!ie. He j -"'""i von a numiieU 5, me-, and m tin ir
had i-iii m thin I hat hi-eheek-hom- j '""''th-. it ;va- av.;t- you who were .it
look gnat iomiiieuee. lli.s foreheu-1 'auji. i,ut I butler, and ! Lmw
! mad' I- :.n r- .m
! of ment:il iti m.-"
-j.-ak m f ool !!o'd and mi jo--.ioj:
i of iii famlti.-? And do vou know
iiiu ior a man of honor, who never In I 5
I in liM.ft' W..J1. lull ou tli-rcH.
no irtu that would not -.11 itself. ntl '
non. that I could not buy." (
All tin- whs painful, but. murh as he
-.iU'.ti d in thi. proee-.-. Phil ieiTroiueil '
ti rtntmne Treartht-n's miad xnoro t
-Yu nieftii." he a-kcii. that you
your-.-lf -youjH'n-onsIIy- miht Lu .ill
th" virtue in th.. world''" Tnjf:irtien
iueliiu-ij his. hi-ad jravlv.
"I iiii-an noliiiti eU ami nothing
le?,-, than" he anweivl: -tut. ai
I told Mm ju-i now, j.rWi-r and ra-spon-ibility
are inM-arablt. I dr
not put even the nieane-t Hreth m
the world to the t-t. for t!iwij;h In- i?
waiting to b- tlebauehi-d. and mum bort
v. ." de-jdy lined, and Iih eyes wcr
-You lliinl: your new- .strange,
i'i, ', " he fttid. dreainilj' -laiiu at the
ol'i' .-I in lii . palm.
Very;j" wtid J'liil. Uon
wJ: on tin- (irft fei-liii"; of di-may wa-.
jjioAhi"; fa.. I
-'J In-ie i" iiojhin .drane und'-r the
mil i, or new," Kiid Tji-.trthen. in an
iiiv. ird WJ13". 'niiii-.-o tin ir round
d. nlalk. bud, flower, fruit decay.
TJe r- i- nolhinj new, uolhtnt; uue-j.i-.
;.l. yll things are inevitalle and
in order. Tin- smallest i-, the Ivpe of
m -realenl You know the Maeliliom,
jf -,o" have i luilieil an eiblv in a ",i't-
, 11 J r
' have. n-w.-. Ihouii." .saitl Phil,
trying to dinpel t hi eoiufo: tles feeling
thi- welcome jave him7
which will interest you deeply. Ar
Jhi.r." ' "
I have new-., if cared to tell il."
retiiined Tieeaithcn, -whieh would
ti.niNloriii the world " He I.tu!i.-d,
:md aroie from hi-, seal "How oddly."
lie .-aid, "the iu.ireui.ieie-, of speech
elite; to us' I have been t-lliu ou in
'ib thai ihei- is no liausfoi malion
jio ible for the world, and a moim-nt
lat. r I prole- . l-i be aide to lian.-lorm
il. I could ii-vdve human nature into
it- imple eleiiieiil.s of greed and hate.
Ho doubl sm-li uiwt-ti, Phil, that if J
told my new., men would e:,w Mont
lU.iiie with Iheir leelh from i's highe-t
. k lo il.s low.-sl totimiatio:i- to et a '
jje .-iien nan- inal even hpoen-
s-houid vanish in its lire. So that mv
in ws would fc.ircel be go(l ,.u , (",,
lb. world. PJiil, anil may as well be
J.i t a M'ClTl '
He spoke lihlly. and wilh eery ap
i ataiiee of -iueeiily, and. wild a'.- Jiii
v.oid-. wen-, hi. manner wa ralm and
I don'l know what lo think of thi-."
that ou b-lieved terrible thiujr- ubuitt
on. ireannen. 1 bii. .-. them,
too. but I believe them no lon.r. I
I'Jiv -n her and -pok'-n to her. .iid
J-he ha- told me all the v-torv. Mie dM
not let ou know that -he had !.-, n
upon the -taire. and when ou found it
out -he thought u.ii eouid ne er for
giie her deeeit." and .-he r.ui away.
I hei.- wa-i .-oinethiug worse in jour
own mind again--l her. or you would
hae traced her and have, brought ln-r
back aain. Hut that i- all her -tor..
That is all the. eonfeioii -he has lo
in ike."
tkjii'KIlvxck j;i-:ai)i:ng.
i', .('.njif (. f .r e -t
: -in :. ,i'' ii- .t cs u
rtid i i n' w.-r- ln-T n jr.'ii.
Ii-teaj .: m i.r, : ti
t J w.. irorn m.z. tti ! r fu-tl?".
. r- 1 t' .f !. ., r -6 .
AlTl . tl)Ati- it tel U't dwriMi 1.
; iou oo-ln t mv 'nr f mngrr:
I i r.i - ir 1 n 1. a -!. 14
I jt tfl. - Xitta v (.'- ..j Uf -lory.
AoiS inj iw n.i !. -m -Mn" irmd:
For I f ) a X ..!i bmt' t IJK- - l
Tht ,'ul turttttf Miiut fet-rrtutto.
Ar-I it i rnii !! '
'iwa l? Mturti.u rta.rtijr ae'.
W-'j. t so To t.i i ry ta nn trttr
i i : 1 iuuo-4'xf th-i-
il n"h- r ! ! w'wn t n ounf. 9'r.
Aii lthr. h- marnr-i ms n
.81 I t-i. tr.m -ie.r.t--H-- trrtr.
'I b--e ii' . irtb.jr pttmr iua; . -i Mire
A T ow trora tr"r- tr t- ( ulmt,
1 tir- u it n.t or 1 - in tn r r e.
Mj f rttb-r fond f ff.v.1 1 v ag.
.l.l ..H.-.J a xn-i icij -it 1. .J wjn :
An-I ni mis. wh.-n hti n lu x.tul,
lit' 1 j-j-x iii.r tf w.ii-r in iinne
III tllMt trai tin- apje' tr- -r: i.
Ami tiiMitt I it 1 i;
walked avva. a litll.- farther. Mini th-n. -in-t Uk- .ii. titbut wntt-r.
turning, -aid. -'I I.U power ha b.-. 11 w u'n l " ' u'r!'t ttie od mu -
wi-el hidden from mankind, and v. hen- y,n . in thj-e ilMve. ttt iftt.nne
ever u man ha found it L- ha- . u ,.Urt " '" l"-i -.;
.11. f 1 i- 11 r. Moi 'iien t.K.k the r nlltvi .iu It? rerf lr.
the harm of his di-eo.r. !id ha- left ..! ...,...... one -n awin.-.
no record of the fatal "ift his tudii-- Wi!i. in nl 1 "nt nniHrw:
ha-. . brought him. I -hall do a mv " .'". iuiMia.
. - .. -.,. .. . . ... .- - .., - .
' - , t - I . .r i f- nj
:i ' 'n ""'. r 1 -. ' r j i- !. r"j ' --nt
: tt :nJi !u ii. I b- t h ?'.
th- - 4 the :.' jn.t !i "' "" rJi-tn-
-. in Thej ..-k to ! ..r.
lr.ii the curs. .V I" '. .:' .
for no better il--tiuv. and de-ir-
better, I dare not have it
that he e-tn point to 111.
a--ie and a : There i- the man who
on nv -oiil
at tiir
lir-' bought mv ronei-i;ee'
quite -,ure -!i- i- innocent
and good. Phil?" a-k,d 'JVegarthen.
looking a-kance at him.
-I am as -ure of her innocence and
goodue a-. I am of my own heart
beating at thi- moment."
".So iwii I." returned Tivgartlien
'Don't you see. Phil." he add.-d. -tint
you are somewhat nidi-creel f 1'hi-i
lad i- my wife, and it i- a little hard
that I shoul I be a-ked oilh-r to iu-
ciiiiiiiiate her or condom- her criin -.
Let nn- hear no more of her Your
love ecu..e-ou now. and 011r inex
perience alone would be extenuation
enough for -o well-meant a lolly."
Phil aen pi.-.J hi-, rebiiir in .-il.-nce, but
he w.ii none the le -nn- lb-it lie um-
right, and that .-oine dn-.tdiul error
had - -d Arthur and hi- wife.
-1..-I us i-hauge the que-lion." -aid
Tleg.ilthen. "Tell me of 011r -lu-be-Who
1-oiir friend. .Mr. I am out
ol the world hen-, and 1 know mulling
ot him, though you speak of him as be
ing t.unou-."
Phil had no he.ui to talk, but he rtti
swei.d TregaitJi.-n's .pie-lion-, and
woiideied all the uhih- what the mad
speech of an hour ago had meant.
There wa- no trace of mmlnc-.- now.
The ouiig-ter knew well enough ilia;
In- had made a looli-h uioe 111 att mjU
:.... ... :.. it... .. !-.. . 1 have done. I hate ""!
even 1-iuted until to-dav mv iio-e ,011
v I
A tin- power I hold. It will die witn
me. It i- la tier that it -hoitld. I sha'l
not eVell make U-e of it to prolong IllT
ov. n da;-, for -ufi.iing i- the chief g:it
of man; ear-. and I ha; e borne enough
t 1
a 1 read; .
I'nil -aw no way of c- ajie from tle
dn -id ful tiuth. lie wa- willing to be
lie;, hi man; inaiv il-. but the f.tnci -
winch had taken po -ion (.f Tn-
rai then were the birth of m.-r iii.ul
ne Kci pt that In -poke hop b-!v
and like a c;nic upon all them h-;
touched in the coitr-e of that al'et.
noon".-, walk. Arthur- miml .-eem.'d
sound i-nough ajuut from thi- one
a-toundiiiir aben.ition. What with
albction ai. I pit; Phil'- heart wa- Iku
to break, and when at la-t Trc.irthc:i
took him back to the hou-e. and -bowed
him that trump, r; bis of r 1 ni-h cr;
tal. a- the tali-man which could l'.vi;
riche- and power and eternal xo'ith to
il- po -or. tin. lad could hold in his
Ami tnaJ Hti.n- tuy twsr.a.
I .. ut..-'i tliMt fat.. nl tt etr
'I h r- a tim- when u lei i.k b.-ti'a
The -l m -t tn- ll I .fl ami U vii.
TiiHt t.ine - w iii'n tit n-arii.-- teo;
Ii - i-riin i then are nt fuiltta..!.
r iiidti.T bow , t.- l.ri.uslit up;
H. I'l.tik tdui he ? ai-i .; a man then.
And ti rutMUi'ii jirt i-tit j.-n-urt.- ;cuj.
in iv r'HTtj I Vej.t n'.l Jv'n i- f J-uor
111 .-iir-e 'na- torlt.'iJ.- 1 ton fellow,
lint uli.-n a tuoti liunVi-r- f.r mIiiv
Tr'Uh .loei t -tati-I tu .vh til h lnn-.
I llil'l I'ieali ot fn. I:tl- KU:tk- -m.L-',
.n-l ti .in. M'l-i uiaii) 11 t.jne
I ic -.-.-n tti-tii - t mere itt no tal'te,
.D'l -If. tik to mv tiea t.i in iu win.-.
We all -u,re tnost .-tern it of fr etiNlilp;
Tlie Here M.I v '.! ii tc i..W- lIKe III".
.ml itt a-i ;n - ii mv tn-iii tin- nthreI
W Ii. ti fiei -i Jut ..: jt -,.r-
I'll! U I tll- tltll'' tf.llllie ln ii I-it tii',
'lii. tacii.ty "pit. !( t tie-HtiU-t.
The tnv-. t.i -ae ih.-iuw l .-. -ijuealol" or
.:i.l m j- flat - in roltir" w.-re 5mt.
Twi hImi'ii thai niti" father teiu tmtier;
lie I I .tit 1 1st a,, til tt In- lull.
-Veil t mi- il tt" -n th.'Hori'l. -Ir
lit. iou H'iii.-r I t. iit t. ttti- taI?
I cou'fSn r .. mo a 1 1. .
Hat the Ui-t .11 I i -.wiw '-ilwntii"
rit- ii.'itf.. ,;4-p''-I I'V ti vi .
t lull 1 a. I. at.
T!'-- t- nelif vnt .-lT-et-(i rgitarinctie-jUt-tioit
1 .f t. at-bing Iemp.raa-r in
j'ub'ie m.-bi; 14 nt ion:ms to th.
tstehi'-h fUH'UrriJ till" l'tl;C
T- nip. iMtRe instruction ! Thr.ngh
etlcrt m thrt i!"partm'tt th- .ibj.-.-i
h.v. Ihid brought t the att. r. -si . J
par. nt-. and teaeli-r aJi r ;:. . ..ou
r;. and tc.i cao not belt ' m 1- n- -
! fs ; :i. for it ba -aus d an arr ; f
j thong! 1 aital -ul.j.- -t. andtian.
j in.r t;.er on h- I ! t. r.its.l r -.iT-I
I In..:- .ii.i-.. cialdr ti ar- . mgt i:- :
It-mjH r nee at t . ir moth, r - kn-. . "i
' in .i. f.ittoi tfulajk, ln-au-- ta t .
? ! . I . b . dm atetl tJt en. i ii,-,. i f
t bn-'.-in par. sit- along tin- im.-. lit
' hundred- o i liooi- tn- rt.-ei- o aieo
i h I and lotijuci. ttpiin b-wli. mind and
' heart arirtiig taught bevaus.,
) the ara- avne U-aelwrs he Iweti
' !!. moil that, as, etnidov of t-
State. ,t whom i ititrutt-! the tru
ing J it t'uturv c-.t 2en. tb. r .m
!!; i"ufnl tiu-a -li tho- thirty-w ;u. .
-hall guard th-m araitt-t ttu- noisi ffN
threat nitig gnl citi. nshifi.
In man; -ihtil u'-tde itn fa;. .red
ebte 11 tales tbl-. teaching 1--V-U-II1-
atnalh bne Inmi appr.v. ti u-i-
IMtk-.. In other-, where the mlnnlnc-
tioii of ;.-t-lM)ok- is not p.. tid . --
eeilent Work i- done through ral , -,
n. for which the u-.tehi r mik,.---te.-i:il
and can-ful preparafimi with
th.- aid of the In ; authi.ntie- Agiin.
much ha- been ai-eonipb-he.i b ic
intr Iemp.rnee lHM.k- of n-f. rett.-v bt
-eliiMt! hbrane-. ami t-ticourn,
.-.. .... I. ... ... I ..a A I f
iiei no longer, nut 1 uri; -ai oott n, itita.; uimi tn.-re a t sroi tv.-a- tn
with his f:o.- in hi- hand-, ami tii d. A" ' " -;:,? :' "Ut'1 '"' to, ',HU-
The ov. iii-r of tin- picciou-. An.l n.atir k time i hat., -irt then
.aid Phil lo himself As .- mimIi.t ..f I ,u" " inlluem-e 'Tre.irlh 11 b; a tin 1
laci lie Knew well enough what lo think I ""l"' N ' '"- '"'ii. ami iT lie ;;a-
.1-ceiiain a- ne ciitiu lie o ati;li-iug
that his iinjiie--iiiii wa-; the true one
IJut Arlhiir -e.-nn d iroeii into iudill'er
in' . and Phil had no .-; id.-nce t o'.-r.
even had his beiietaelor been eager to
dcin.'iid il. The lad was an; thing but
a tool, and et il had seemed to him
piite natural to -uppo-e thai he should
eonie down here, hot a- hew a-with
Minpath;. and by a mere toiuli thaw
the heart which had been fro-t-bound
all tJu-se esir-5 lb- had mi-counted
hi- relali;e fouvs. The fro-t had eon
ipiered lite lire, ami hi. own heatt for
the uioiueiil was alino-t as cold and
dark a- Trcgarthen's.
Tregarthen ceased to ipie-tion. and
the two walked side by -ide in -il.-nce.
Phil began to inu-e. :tnd while he
mused the lire bee;an lt bum aain.
"Aithur," he .said. siiddeiil;T "there
tire things we can't prove that we are
sure of all the same. I am sure I
know that .-he is innocent of :,nv
greater fault than that deceit. I
know I give win pain. Ailhur. but I
should deserve nothing ;ou done
for me if I didn't -peak." Let me luing
you togctlur. If ;ou could see her. if
you could hear her. ;ou wouM believe
Tregarthen looked at him, and saw
that there were tear- in hi- c;e-.
"It is well to have a good heart.
Phil", he said. gent!;. "b.s,. as the
world i-. Keep ; our beliefs in e,i
ness. You aie happier, and will be
happier for them, till the bitter day
when yon must lo-,- them. Viitue and
honor are line thins to b. lie;e in."
He laughed there, ami went on.
-Hope's a toothsome dish when One-and-twent;
m-i;- it piping hot. Hope
served hot Hope irone cold cold
II(i:e iu the not - nine i!m- ..1.1
nau-eou-J mess. Phil. No reli-hin"- it.
I ake it awa; .
'There wa.- a tone in this bitter
badinage which was more alllictine to
Phil than even the tenderness which
had preceded it. Tregarthen had
given him a right to love him and he
w:is;oung and cnthu-uastic. and sure
with the certainty of enthusiastic ;outh.
"You are wrong. Arthur." he'ericd.
almost with pas-ion. "Virtue and
honor live after fine and twentv. You
prove it yourself. You arc Virtuous
and a man of honor, and do vou think
that you are a rarity in atur-.J I
haven't seen much of "the world, but I
know its a better world than ton
think it. You have had a cruel experi
ence. Ailhur. You have eaten worm
wood, and ever; thine; ta-tes of worm
wod "
"Very well. Phil." -aid Tregarthen.
quietly. "The llavorwill hist nie mv
lifetime. The colli n worm will -couV
well if he scours it all awa; and gic
mc leave to ri-e for judgment with a
clean tongue " Phil sighed, and of
tered no reply. -I have had -onie-tiiue-
half a mind of late." said Tre
garthen. -peaking -u.'.denlv. and
a new ;i;act;. --(,i put "tin.- invit;
worm to tiie test, a- c
o! 11. but In- did not date In f-.ilii.i- I,;.
ov; 11 fears
"1 won't be .so tliscourleous. Phil.'
.-aid Tregailhen. "as lo refuse to hear
your newt You shall amaze me if ;on
ran. I will lock up litis valueless bit
ol deviltry," he continued, with the
g: -nish crystal between his linger and
thumb. "Jest, any fool .should liml it.
and do himself a mischief" He
rio-sed the room, unlocked a fafe which
.stood in one corner, and los-ied the ob
ject earelcfisly into a small bt.x "I
wa- always indtned lo be harmless.
Thtl. but never so much inclined that
wa; as now. Which .shows I fancy."
Jie said, :h he filaiiuiieil the door of the
Safe, "a certain hwccIiicsh of disposi
lion. for which I deserve some credit
1 owe the world nothing but hatred,
and I could pay the debt 21 million
limes over." ifc crossed the room
again, and. laying both hands on Phil's
shoulders, looked into his eyiv with a
profound niul mournful earnestness.
"Power and responsibility are insepar
iibb ." lie said. 'Tbe World . u lie in :il
rcatlv. Men arc bitten by their own
b -lies, and gratilied tlcsire. is despair.
tAnd 1 am (nc f the dirty crowd inv
elf. Phil, though 1 scarcely care to
think it. and I have not the heart to give
tin in what they cry for
Phi! could only look back at his bcn
rnt. u-lor and friend with grief and won-
-Yfiu sue hungiy after your journe.; ."
sai i 'Tregarthen. returning lo his light
or manner "(el .something to eat.
-uiii in the meantime I will dress. You
s-ha'l tell me your new .soul of door-,
xvlieii you have Itatl luncheon Ia-I me
look at y 011 again You arc honest -iv.
are not changed '' 'The little bit of
leaven has not leavened the whole
luiiin yet? Not ycL l'tire lisutds and
si f !.-an heart sue great gifts. 'They sire
iTiv.ler than any one I could give you.
though 1 made Ktnperors despair lo
think of you. Don't throw them avvsiv.
Phd. don't barter the immediate jewel
of voursoul for the husks which the
.swine do oat," He bail laid his lisimls
sigaui upon Phil's shoulders, and his
voice vvsis full of entreaty and affection,
but he broke 01T abruptly and began to
juice Hie room. "1011 will do what
you must do. Tire will not drown,
nor o'ater burn because of my beseeching-.
(.Jo your wsiy. Phil. ' Kat and
lnnk and be mrny -if you may."
Phil opened the door. pased through
it. came upon the corridor and stood
there ama.ed and desolate. He could
liml but one solution to the problem
'i'r. earthen's speech picseulcd 'That
there vvsis much melancholy wisdom in
it. and the revelation of a heart by nat
ure noble, made it none the less the
pi cch of 21 madman.
'The housekeeper had already pre
pared a meal for him. but Phil liad no
le-isv for it. and sent it away untsisted.
ly ami by 'Tregarthen appeared.
"Aie you re.uly?" he said. "Have
you lunched? Come into the open air.
then, ami let me hear vour news. Mv
took no notice o tbl- otitbur-t. but
-itling in tin- altitude m u bieii Phil
had di-eoVf re.i him a 1 ;v hour- I f.rc,
he stand at the tn ;-uic vitlh an ..!--oib.-d
ami dn-sini; gae. It v; a-tmoe-!c-i
to -ju-ak to him, tisi-h-s t. armie,
ab-unl to dcmasid a te-i. Paj! uateii
him broki-n-heat'teillv for a whib-aml
then -tole avvsiy. 1 hi n- -.-. nn f? I.i
his di-tiirb d heai t a threatcinnx
shadow 011 the hou-e. and in tin- ehil.
twi'i'hlof the loiu-h looln-i he foumj
a liar he had never known bifote.
'The hiitt-ekeejnr suniiiioiutl jiini ir,
dinner, but he excti-ed him-elr at lit-t.
until the p. ior woman broke out anc
dei I.ired tJiat then- was a blight i.pon
the place.
"No luncheon, sjr. and now no din
ner, and .Mr. At li.ur going about like a
gho-l. eating inditing for ilavs to
gether. ami w easing him-clf into bi-i
grave! For pilv'- -ake. .Mr Pm.ip.
do eat -omefiiing. sir and a h.-alti.v
V'Oling gelitlelll Ml like Will. -if. OUJitt
to have an siieite. I'm -ure :..r d
vou don't I -hall make up in; mmd
there's -nun thing dr.-stdtul in the hou-e.
I'm half afraid lo Im- in it silreadv."
At this appi al he coit-.-uted. but
when he went to imluce 'Ticgarlhi-11 to
join him he toiind the locked
agaiu-t him. and then- was tin answer
to hi- summon-.
Phil left the islam! two days later,
ft'id 'Tn gat tiien w a- ju-t sis -sine and
ju-t sis iii-aue a- iie loiiud him 011 ar
lival. "You sue provided for. Phil." said
Tregarthen. as he -hook hands at psirt
ing. "Mv will was made long -nice,
and then- i- uol.odv but ; 011 to w hoiu I
Il.t'f IriiiiM. aiel I tew, -'..-I ilijt I tn ctlt.
Jltst 't .it v-e 1 . ti- tt kt'.fl. "T-l al Wcieotuy
In t.J - h'iti. t ui- ii'cht;
Tor ton --e - r. t.-U.iv -. r- .one -ottie,
W .th im imyi- i-M-.-.t 11 tti.t.
An.l th:it - -ii -: nh M-the -.ii.Mins nro
'1 he ! il - -eletitM.r- lito h-U.
It Is ii'ili"- ! rif .ill i.-n- triunrtet
'I he up- ate I ti edfiuu- I t- is n throuti:
Il'lt Hlietl Ii III nil t t.i- It" frtil- t Other
T. an ror he thrnieht he .mil I uo.
SVoni.-tni -s I il kci-ji -.t.i-i iitnl
I r mot th- loo 1 itiu o- tr.iti .1 t tils
Att'l te h I .- e,,r .. tin- i .tl-nu
1 tn n-i kftii.s! tin- ou.--i of ml.
Vii si-.-, t.ot i-rnine!!? l:r.-n- lt-tifpr3
Ti -i-ii 11-Hie ii-iiif.i. iotl t-tftt
nite -hi. I 11- up hen- lti tin- prisort.
IS t !n:in. in neire .Icicm- titan moil.
The- -a the toe tr itiir : protcti.t
I he k- j. inr -.. 1-1 tii - stut.-W.-i,
it,.-:. . tu t"iit It wiii
- M I-
iSiit t. nn- it - a .if. r -re- t.i I. it.
; . " .. .1 , -1 . . in 'in iy( in-
r.itrr.'-tin-; an.l lu-t ru.-t it .- I ,n-t- r.l.-;
trout tin- IS. 1. 11 it l Id.- N.- ,li-i-.- I'll-
irttt s
t.-a. it- r- ami pupil- to iw ih. in. Tit.
laLt d.- te-. for I.mH-r-
Sttice III ptlb.h t-fiN' I OIIH s t.i - al f.irnia. I he C.
T. I". have ptilIi-h.-d 1 t i,f arith
metical rj'i. -tiort- M itH'h are glVeti t.
tearjier- to le i:iPorM. rated with lh-tr
e!a-s .pie-tioii. U'e give si f-w from
thf-- d--i. in d tor eat h grade If The;
tin not teach --t i.-titifie '!' mp.-r.4ti. .-"
j t .t- tfo s, t l.ii-lren th ukmg t otiecni
. mg the bi so lit M practical !mti P-
atr e:
J Th.r- ar. !Tot -ttti..n th.- t iitil
Mates. MIMt !. Oil U.) t- -, him,,, ),.. ltlU.
itt. r mi Kitt iha-i !... ;-
.' Th rmrt-8li.Mi!ftn .r-i!. ir !- 'i ffcis
I nt-; tsf.- How ttittnt Ui-i, ... mi 11,
hu .titiil- tu-h tt. tii4 Uj. -i- .ituiiK.i.t- t.rrti
II H lft!- !t -m-Im- III' l.t- .1 it.
t -!. ftOW tl-IN tl "lH-ll'.l.ll ...,. '.
! How iimn. ,.. i..-..t h;-. ,.. Ht I".. uiti '.f.
j rtmi-l Im iMMi.ttt tor tl,.- smi.ii- hio- .-
, 1 .11 . A -iiiok. r -i-n-ts. -Ji fi-it- a ;.. tor
1 -.u-. ii ikihi. i. ,dn vi t,i rt. -; 1 .! in on
iihi .1 tear- I. , it. i.mto 1 W-
a, . .iiu h.. tiuv m th ttt.- nit.ii. -
'i At 4- . .-itt-ti Kin ... . t- Sttri
ll I l. I for U t,4 I Mil lllitll- ,., .
Il.m tnm.y ihi of St..-. t . ti f.iti. Hi
tll' lli...-t iiiri till-e
IS A . oiiMu limit II..W '.'f tiitr-ot ml-. l-iroi
to ollt.i . -iy t-ttr- t I he ki- of It .iiul
! sm..k.-, . ,.,.t,t Moith ...t tt.. :i.m
I Ii - H.-rth Jl UStli, fS.Ui.l It. lu H.Ill tt..-
, ; A . or num. tent? tears of .-. -
- tin Ihi ulue.i.MiM. it He -itt.. I 11m-
line., -t'.-lll to; f.tttH, -, ti- In' Rtm nit
t. ir-ottttr- iir .l.tirf he -j.- nt,-
l.t .fr'lV . . itr. ll'.M 111111,1 ..Mlfl h- tlrttl- bl.l'
I - A te. totttii r Rt! a t.-K. .Ir.nk r itt l
t..L- thi-r on it n.irn. s. . uli ti.tti hh.-Hit
l. r-e .nut I. .jju i I ii-. tl-tttn vet-'.i' tin -
tie ln.r.s i-neti trio t it- 1 ttt the of in U
Pt.ROLEUM V. IIAbBV. TMJ. NrCjR, h A.Jj; f-.R. I
)lr. ..fcr ..i. i .IM.. , iva4i :.. t.4.. . ... . J. . , tHm 1
C,rm,.9-r H ... .' 9t !' I
miti:f. -. . k . '. imiro '' 1
: . -. t - ' tVt. atn II
O t liiU). u.. t ...... ,. t,t UIW . . "" , fi
e a fr ..I. :..! ., . t. , . ,. ' j " ' ' ' ' L! ' (
--:; -r, s r- -it n . .. k "' ' ' 1 b" J fli
i-.i. . iu. an I . vf. i-n .i. .n fe mrta 111
.t m s:mr It. n.., . h . " ' h
in .. u.ton.-! .. ' . .. ., rt " d ' ftr
...... vi.. ...- t ' h ' -:! i
- n : ' jK. - I j
'" " -' .:- r i J, ' , i
-, !,, h.- ...,.,. - ...,, s it, , fen -rT
" n. .- - k .... fl
. l,f.A - I- T l. ..-'W.. i , ft . k
t m.. r d. ,-.... . rj t ... l ? I
. . .- . . . ... .T, , ... t .
..... , B
V " - ' : I t t
.Wtt W..b t .J.;,. ,1 - I - I J '
t-rui l-fc. : r. ..ttf. r rt&n -
u'l''ri- si t. v .f . , r y t, t,
t.K.. . t. - . w .. M i . ,- . . , uito , 1
nt. i. J- ".:.f u. : v it- . JMW
i lr u.. r -..., ., -..,. ...... w
ti,- it. ,f 'S. s - rtt . -
I M ' t . . . , a. . . -.
H U U J T .1. ! Th-. i ...! . 1 h. . t t s. v.s? . ,, m
" Ztjl v t.-,. r
''""w t i lT! -! f
- r. . . r ..- , tj .i,,
-.-..!... .(-... - m j mrB H
nn. -f .t -4 Unv th I
f p- - ut i t hftt j
''"'"- it m .
-. 4 . nUTf. - 1 11
i. M ..- . i t kl iw jl
' - -.1 itiitt - 4 j
f" " ' ant M
' uh t 1.1
u ' - " ' ' S a i l til
- u&na hi-. iol
W '' 4tli ' . wM
' ' . 1ni rt.t- K
' - iTnt ' - '- P
' ' jll t . '-
- : t fmr. ' -
i -tl nm i , . -
: citi? ht
-s ,, . (jjg n . ,, .,
i ..- . . liui j, . ,..
' tKira. !
.V ti.. t ...,. ., , . t ft. , , ,,. !t,
-tutitb-i.i !.,.:. " - i . , ifhm ' -m
i-v u-un i , in . ' . T.!t.i. ... I
t 1
I f ta. -tt .r- iii
" "' " u. . j tint . j , 1
M- - ntrljn tn.-n
' ' ' ' t'ttng t.- Ir
- . !
'. I! ' I I.i,.- ' . . i . .
I.' i r-i t.i ' , 1 I .
- a r-
I k.
-ef - t.U
-ps iicri! ' -v
if. .:.? - .
ts :. j. ; ,
r ;! r i lit . ;
I r . k. r .
i i't a ! . fc
t ,:t 's.. -i r
' -t -in
; '' tii.
!' '. K ..te t ...
t i '..r e l, ,-tt,v, ti4 i
I a murmur H
ci-i. an. I nm 4r- w. ,
J. ilt unr tho -autr
'ii. -t.
i k.u tin b-rstin.l trhv tf. r h.,.f
-- . Htt-i. s.inet,m
Lin :;tt..!! .,; v. ut tu.n. . x ithottt a
lrmk I b.-v t.-.t Ute atu. Vitj;
H-iu.-v. r I . an t re. it rttn pane I
m it m on IU-. m f.,4t.' Uttt I ti t
fV.!lihi..ult e. m plate. . t itk.
the I'lir . .. ft', ilh. tie -M. Hltlte U
th t'.g- hope.! f..r ttl'l tt e f.t-to lit
t.i . . ..... . . .. ... . -. .
... ,.- ... -, , tIiT wti;, TJ-tO (,!,
h. t p t; f a-'i ftr L.t. ttun.-v an.l
tl -r-.!i . i-t, r .... n , fl .. ..fffr, ,..
lie in, !(-.r - - itA e-,-.-t
n.llall) a-,.J rtvistitt ami C J. .!. t
aul lai.kl, -
I Ih St. l im -;..-!! tu .l-.uim th.
fllttHt-t IV ,.-,. 'o.,i fr. -H, i,;
tJ at s, tl..- tr-- ,I.u bilHm t:-
.': ti. !l. t.'ie . hi. t tl . m.1i ..
t s.'t.r.l t.t n . ntrv It u? ti. t.te t
bjii.H-r.tiie Jt. -i.j. nt w.tti H.Hiikon
a Vine.i Hi ,,... t it .nit ot .it ..'h-whei-f.
. 'i-. ..,- p,.-. t ;. 1 i ,,.
jt-' -o-nn I. i . .,, k i. ! ro.tntt.T r
a iti-. r t !h t?
up mv tt i it ti :
s tti.t, V . , v, art !
ax i .- f ..- -i. i .
nor km I j,- t
fvr . ant
iJii- f !.'... i
-hip- ti..
b ! I'.- l I
estriit . fi
r.w i b. v il.-p t.
g II" -. -.T'O
r..f an. I in '
H-r tf
f. .-
tt . - f
i ortle
t! . -.
C . t.
i.: r
i ilel -
IJI-f ittk
f ''..ft tt ., .,, I lKl
1. 1 1. : tt .'i --.
I tie I.. .' I. I ..ft!
t ti. k. Tit. r am t ant
t..-tr!ai:i IbiiOM rt-, m ;;,,
from a Ibne r it.t - m.ii
tn. til-ill- He .V tilt. be
I,,-tili-lil pi.-i-hi-n t.i f.t'
in -i. ttiinn j, i nut i...i u
to lb-- " st o
Oil .Midi i-i t
.1 lttl .
a I f'n. .
'It ' .p.'! nl the Sin .ii-i-.'t ISii- i ' '" "or-.--i-Ht-tt itio. it-i tt tti.-rat. or .ml.. -'. ioii i- otn o.el vt i . n t
tti-tie. ol I..,1m .oi.i. Intiti- j .'.'' I,,;,,,r- "",1,,l1 ". thej..ri,. ,u ,-auht 'U it. f ti. tS 1 nt,-
-'.lio- rti- ill itkir toptcl Itlt. I III. . t ., . ,, I .1 . t i , ,
lo i.t the-ai.u- o. .,, s.rha.ltnni I " t WimnI tit tt I K. ! 5 -i u
FiHirtet-n M-tt s ha.. J'.tifi ails of M.t-
' tf aii ' i.raio' n title, it mittttlt .-t.-m
till- II..W Itiatlt lltk ll.I It ttibi- hi... I..
ii-tii s of Labor, the oMt'-t being (hat 'se the oiiitn-t '
.- m i . . . " ! Iii'.tr. linn h -t-lioli.tni- Couritv V
V . - !mihI.I uf .tu Iwl nit It -t for u Litrr-:
nit -t if ti.e Itel ttt .Imnh oie- tinjl it
j. itt a. hit ln.u H.iitf .iii u take h m to -rt
low Die tvlion- tontitt- il. A- the i otiSlt
contain- iim Mt-r.--. nn I thi Mhtlk w-
oi .via aeinisctts. winch, um : lit
management of si -tati-in ian of ibil
ami i pi rieiiee. Hon. 'aiioll ).
W right, h :s contribute.! iiuuun-.l;
r. the facilities for tin- -tilth ot various
social ami imhisirial problem- 'The
.Msi achtis. tt- T.un-siu was .-stablishct!
in l'U': but the bureaus in st nt tin
rolirieeii Mates ilsil.- IlfilU I--"i. stli'I
ll. It i- to be impel! thai otlnri
lace- v;ill establish bureaus at as
essrlv. n da as po--ihlc. IL co-K- but j
lilt!.- comparative!; So sii-iain rhein. !
imi .lie Iact- ami -t.iti-Sics which i he;
tii.tte.l at - a nation, -vUait Hit, lit,
in-r -.
' ! litb- V .
lit t b
t. : .. !
' 't.
-t ' ;
8 I..-
. . i tl -
-fieit to t? I an I... ittii -I : a - it tu;..
mv .afn!-v!.. u Itn a- .. o o-Jil,.ti t
know not hi n ai-iMii it. ut wto n ,i .
'Ut. I .'lKwl he tg,h.! I "t,l"y,,
but T be s!i...I it in. Inr..ur
Ilsi.ltfa btiioto- tfii-Hilti t.r!ifi.!
-how- i t-.-rK that rt h. h. - t,. a !.
foilot.t! pivM(b ut. h". at . . -t , ! i-
( i
1. l!ow tiiMnv et'in,f.-ieitl timli. f,...t -m it, ptocj m the riH.t .. t k ,ltns,
.1 atn.-ff ioi.t I. t. . r .'i.t, t.. ii.l it ink. (n it u i .
e..i t . II the -r- ,,f It ,..,.., He Will v.irk tip III tltlte ! he jrt-W ti
lit -ta-xfrn lV
-llllie I III till stju,
s.yn I
last tur -1 f.."rt
Tl. M 5lJr-
i:v we ali hit!.) to
i.ari i ti'ii i- a
b.i tt ti 'i - ibllti'llli
g. 1 l.tti at-, that while f
in ( "i il w rt i- r. fornt. .m.l -w mp that
he ui!l ftrrv it out. Inn vtoyjvb!..!;
wants f$i remove a :lt-bi h- fetter!!
l c-. Know- '-efiiiuiaeher. I ho ja.U niake- -tt to tin-1 an .-trie..- .-; i ..
II!- -a i tlii - for I tsji.t .in. .- I'rin. il-
Hi- liml No (.ruin t. s, i',. tijni,
Into VV tn-l,.
I i .t . nhf f
I ! ot mtn lift I
t u- takn Sr it
ne- l' thr f. litio
himlf rn.iii.t . ,-
t"ftt "t .-ft.pIkiM
5 mt
If at f o-..
' it t ; f ! I
Jam' H t
' ' fa) I ui-
' l MV 1 !
i j itr .
1 4h'Mi i nn
' III t I n
t illf, l '
I- ail hit i'i
i all i .
nil of ihiM
rm iv t. 4
antie-L bolii
ift!r?-1. Th
h'jitt n -..I
-or fi . iv
. . ..-,
f i ti
VuiU otVi", '"i""""" M"5 w,"h. ''I arrange an.l prrm in sv-Jiiuali meal king who h.u- ju-t lo-t 1, ic,. t.'t rk.i th- rib.U-.-tJ .raf.flv , rtt ' j-
Itsatvpeot hie at large ne sobl. .1. , b.ator-. am! to ai! -t.-I. utoi-o-' . " . : , '"V. . ' l "" ' m i Ur :.-, ..r ..(, th hetVa.b .1 ' "" ' ,m"r" ""
wuhamournfu snn'e ! have .pent ,-ial ami m.,ical ip,.-t,o.,s .Mud, u,,, " :,,I,,,,r U' 'U-r ,,,. ,,,, bf, f fha -t lhtt lu 6r I ...' . .
llie i.e-t vear- of mv I.fe in Inn, ting i,,r ,,, ,n- l.-gi-iation which i- bem- pus ' :m- l,r a tf-.-rniitn. of ntiirv. tU. ,.-,,-, ,-,MMj Jltf ,, lllot vn , . r .t . w.,I g. . . -.
ht ft
"" ' "" """M' ", ,s " upon the -tattite-I.ook- ileal- t-irher iii- , -m ".r M. al. Jit a- lug a, a m-t. furnit uuii'tt,. nt- r.-ls ItS.e Jt t.fR.ti '"" "" fi" ' ' " " '
. ami wor-e than wo rib.. --. I ,!, r.etlv ..r smbsvciU w ith -u.mi iptes, ,,,.,-. hopfM-r ami jtiM a--bv.-Iv. t , Ik, Ihitebt ro-tercv th- t .mtVdrnt tint.. attU , ''' I ' " ' -
..... b I, . T "11 "' ""ii :lU,i l ,,, ,,;,"M ,,a",,! MI,,,n !?- I am! writ.- the ,,. vi-.tro,,- K;,gH-h h? ' h. app.i.t.-.! i tb- V..rth tivr! -! " - -' 0.T -i
t ot I.;e hope - lo aim. ,.!,;e ,.,! Uieori-raslur than ;v.I!-a-. cttauieil ,,..., H ..... j., ... ..,. " . ' "' i. a rUfvin m hrll ' ni,. ..Mv -.. .. 5t Ut
e;e,-uh,ng am lha;e no . Mi to f.u.s.. N laJ). ,.., .,.,,;, a,,ip . ,B. , K il Wr si, he fr- a Jf r.. .j. ,v., r u-tr. vhf k, h r-.. . th. tl, ., ., .t.
care tor. It the-c alv 'uc !. -; wonii u ubfti.r ;. Ilnr.-.m ..t t....;t;..-...t i ..i... b r. ami vvoi-k.- -ivtet-u hour- .t-fltet ...i i... u. i - .1... .... . - ,. !
- - - - - - - - - - i - fVM -1.JI. - VI IJ.llilli . HIK rB T B. BB - IHH IK r -, -- - u - TK
II !
work i- over.
Here was the erae :i':iin. ibon.'bt
rhil. miserabh . He vvoulti at lesu-t be
-ure of that.
"How won! J vou te.-t the worhl, Ar
f M ii 1-3
oulf.1 !. but 1
INiil nse obedientlv". shrink from tlebam-hiu"- alto.'.-tbet-
lint be asked himself what gooil eml he ! ww who may not vet be wlsollvgivon
t'uu!.! serve by tolliii"; the news he had J over to the devil. "Who is vourhonest
Irsivcledso far to carry. "I have of j tM man in the worhl. l'liil vour one
lat-. "said Tregarthen, as thev eame incorruptible, unmirehasable?"'
upon iiu raas m mo rear t tne oht
hou-e--" 1 have of late, and wherefore
1 kn.iw very well, foregone all cu-tom
of eeivise.s; and indeed it jroes so
heavily with my disposition that this
juo-J goodlv frame, the earth, seem- to
me a sterile promontory: tin.- mo.-t ex
cellent canopy, the air, look you. this
brave o'orhangjiig firmament, this
insije.-ticsil roof fretted with golden
lire -why. it appesirs uo other thing to
me than a fool and pestilential congre
gation ef rapoiri."
"lie can quote Hamlet," ssiid Phil
lo himself, "and perhaps ho is no more
mad thsin Hamlet after all."
"Your news, Phil," said Tregarthen.
"You promised to surprise me."
"I hsive serious news, indeed," Phil
answered. It looked harder than ever
to offer it now, and he could not gness
Low it might be received. "Arthur. I
have met Mrs. Tregartheu." His com
panion swung round upon his heel and
faced him.
1 owe you uo much said Phil.
farcetiy, "tfiftt I mutt tfy ta pay a
vou hear of mine vu will value them.
I here is on.- tio-s,-ssiou m the world
worth eovititig. and tint i- honor,
thoiioh it :- solitllev.iliied thai m.-ii --il
it for a ni.-s of pottage. Cheri-li Virt
ue. "Ink Hie will not make a; on hap
py. 'That i- a fooli-h fable." It ;ou
;vi-!i to be happy, be a tool, ami have
no care for the morrow; be a hog with
the rest, and keen vour feet in tii..
trough. P.ut if onh one man it the
world should turn hi-s back on the
world's shameful jov-. let that man be
yourelf. Hood-bye."
He drew Phil towards him ami
kis,ed him on the cheek, am! then
walked indoors. Phil went sivvsiv 'tell
nigh heart-broken, and this was the
first great grief of his manhood.
He told Mar-h that hi- interee iot '
hsnl been u-ele--. but lie had not the .
heart to -ay more about Iti- journey, '
and he loved Arthur too well to spread
the sttr of the tali-man. He e.uue tu '
know more of Mr-. 'Tregarthen. and
to have better ground than he bail at
lir-t for hi- good opinion of her. "The
worhl i- never of one complexion niv,
even to the mosj profound natures. aiid
neither Mr-. Tregarthen nor Phil were
alvvavs shadowed by their re-ueetiv.j .
sorrow- For one thing. Ms-- Lina.
who had grown into a charming
sprighth woman, vva-on the e,. of a
briih.tnt mariiage. and was g.t from
morn til! eve. Hie alone would h.nvu
kept a more -elti-h creature than Iot
sister from stagnation, and there were
dtitie-. social and prt fe--iotal. which
had to be attended to and -erved their
turn in keeping the wolf from the
It befell one dsiy that the youngster,
walking in poetic ciuitdland toward
the hou-e ot the great actre . wa- ,-ud
denh pulled from hi-dream- bv a Ji.tnd
an i ludu-trv
"v have been ! mking over the sev
enth annual report of the Ne r .b-r-cv
Piun-siu ot ."-tati-tics ot. Labor arid In-
liistr.e-. am! have been -pecu.ilv im-pr.-
(! vvitli a chapter concerning tin
condition ot wage-earner-, siii! how it
csin U' improved. 'The chajiter i- made p.t--tge- trolll letters ijt mIi i i-
iial wi.tkin.-n and oJi.-r-. ami i-t-ry
inteii-ling a-well a- in-trui tive. We
iplote-oliic of the -elit-iu:c-. Iir-l si.- to
tll lMll-e.
lettme tn.Jus tountrv a-iMier a a that ux .lrrviih,U-imth
chur. h mouse, sutn.-d a Itttfe gro,-.ry ,,. -,?r.,,...t. ...f vho k, , ,
and be.-,-,,. m that an .. :4 ,.,, j. , fur if.. j hfV u. hm
ir.rtt b
"Wtti-ikj an! h.-er am tint ie-ni oh-sacle
then began. ui:.kse..' oaf tin- tl to i b !
null 111 Ills WoofMied. I inaUv in: -id.!
his -alotiii. p.-diibsi oatm. a! :tint fari
na fr'tm a han.I-tart. whn b In- vito. I. !
about town hnii-lf. and intbirtv ar.
luiilt up the largest factors ol that
kind in tin- v.rld. lie w...if- turv t
man iu any .e.tpaeitv who drink- t Jo--kv
or even be.-r. and has alniiie it.m
-evt-ral !imiilf.-i .-mplov.- wJn ar-
mi'stlv I mi aitttn. and.
'fringe t - v
a!ous iiihrf.isioiii-:- like hini-f !t
r'.V.'.'", v.-rv tmuh i,. m,,.,, brvuoht ov.r Jinm '.Hrittattv
"The irr-Hi.-i et i .1 -iniiicInnV " t a Workinttii xlso w -t- ma-tcl'tl fn-w
proci"--.. t.'it- in. m came c si two
I'otinrswi at a lat"g -atits-v. hi-
utirerv -ati-rii't with .Iftft IfWr I '
y r- h r I no- -. wtc-h. t-trnm gin
a b-xiitwar.- grjv- oath- JIl tK-
""tight to r tr the Vi..oiin f it
h u. ..hhI ttot in tt tb" n.g. r 'I he
oo".3. ji-t .t'rt.ut ft. wril z - inoitne
( o itolnt.
'Til e two rie-i. til-f'V Uf that I
-e 'gtt Tin place W rh tllltdi-. lit She
iu ot uv tune, jmlthni ieeiun I'.'rattit rtl,
at -j, i- , r ot itt will rti.i. uuift r
'. wt-ui nt ;hi- trce.itt tt fitisi-i fur
S -Httitr I
,- . t K'.iflr -
S'jfl'! m '
. s - Jl . H .
4ttei of or
jtnlil tn f yatN
tX t',. f,,ttr
,il.'t . I.' tB. I.
! I ! -r
if ti;
- 7
i l.vr
at .
tf I
a .
kv. rnorg igi k'.ntoSLvJ lunii fur I'V
"i nit mora.- h.-re at" .o-.v u account ot
Many of th li.tti'I- Innlc ut w
k.r at I't-. 'itn'
It 1U3V t- tll'Hi'Jt
v. t -hei gi'"bec Th- .
Ihe'l .j.:fr traitie h.t- h SjuiI est.-os on our ep.-n-i--. ')(.' guarai Iei. Hi'
hur3" oeint puucu iroui ui-ireani- uv a oaiui -v vi M-uy i- oumi u s
"That i- mv new-. Phil, if , cn,0-e ! !V,0" Vln' :M,,i Ulniinz roJni1' Saw '"PT?'T" - :-.- h. a ir ;
o tell it." Tregaithen suisw er(f. "Tell j Mtfl- - - "?. I ".-.. .j.-i-
ne your honest man. and Avill buv TO BK NUKU.j .. fZ:
-troiii- .lrm's injur---u. t-roMS titativ of u-"
"Mi-mutt .ui..t lt -' .jct'.: tor linink-
nr. -
'I'o.i i ir-e a jwirsioti of mi; (ti-. -.-o to Ihe
s-Iler- of run. iiih! t--r. '
I'mtiseniii i- U-.u '-iuk (if - or Vini-
-viittit S our men .iv.'i. vr aton'thnit Lhur
tuiiuli. "
"lir.rts 1- the wurV tt-aitta riir-.- "
"1nlti i-.i h'i.! I trs-a i-r-ttt nijiiry"
.ti-t Sor 5--r tttitl bj-... u.. re .-rv
irma. " " !
' Itii'ii .i.v.-. ncii-h To !n-r H- ' I
vv ... Mti-:-i:it-!i .IriiiX ;t,- uibi h for :h.'irwit
'Uutii mi. I ti.sir a" ur rr- at .-to-mie- "
' i .in .i.ti 1 t:mi -mu n ".s.-r ttntn it -stoiiI.!
f I to- iis.i t tr"-'.mu Sn-itt ttie -of
..,ii r iiu i Iri'ia .m
lmh uninoru..iy uii.-ky i- si t twt-
"1-rtiorance .n.l ljts-nii;-rsfiis- uri" trt- ch'ef
thii- u ti t h ti-lrti.n unir-.ji.- '
" lltteaiperHRce - Ilif ,-p'at t iev- ! lhi
?i titer- "
A- to the remedy, the follovvttg -ttg-ge-tsoii-
are nuide. .
Ijo - jin.h.biUMar xbf m mi. f . i n i an-!
-ale ot ittjuor u,.ji itHKiv- :i
tii"n - o int. i on
" Lifut .ki.a !u.- isiprotpt -nr c-w!-tion
A to-oh .t-iiry lii' oum! U ii'irk tor .t
iVct UfB Srast.l
one i"i-r In- f"ga'i w. -bii-ina
her 'mirnti! that h- w t i i-. r
drinker la two hoi.i- fiio t..-kni i-t
left th- :no -. ii.v.T o.rrturn.. utiU v ,
a t In '-i. 3r aeariv lit n th..Wraji.'I doll t
in hi.- t--V-t Ti-o- .i rite pre
eh'in.iiehr had pjul fot t;ilio!.iri
hi-piuicitwe- attd jtfon i.tij ki- no--ttowii,!.
the ;er b tier.''
" vii-ek-ago.'' -af tntnintei m
"I T;.id VfiMi a lit:f-?.ry :l.eit Nhi.
in if h i r. tin nb: oKtiiat.' K'ng w ,ti t-ef ruif'i'd !e. fa Ln ai-rtt:
in - ti1 :hoti-MJ ,itfflr rl;'
ti1 a j. '.HT ak his Ttit '-f '.-fwsing to tsn
p- a man wfi-. drtnijfc S.rotir. tjj
I'se'i I Juive b-i r in Xr and .s
Xhc ruin- of . bum.-wbt r'- rat tultt
.' :"im ilavs aftr tin- 1rt men ii
Viticir.nati cui-d n m hum wr
'L'V said th .: thev nsw! In-xr-l lt in
5he chars : tie- nQ- - a tasi nnu
tstr id gr:if..daniiX'-"t bv -ninbi aftti
it iw-r. ar I "Ji v uil -iine wttb n-U-uSion
f 'nil-. - ,j Tr.e niwr
taseI ot fr. aW a t.rgii, ai::..-.
sirm r.. fh.- ni
lit. imn ia- irv. . -uivt rnn r.
i-sob n i- rh.iitu iifltr tbr roo -,
be Mugwiiop. bu. , r-afMfi.r vt '
Otrie. afel th II It 'it- "i He. p -,t
n i otnp..-t. Wi'taii. ("iti.irbi.t
t7 tht r-Iv !. . Kis. ami ?h .lit-
lisll.-- tii rf i- in it. riti He laut-gu
-3d ut ttiv Liil-.7f. ltnnr. -iib't
I ... I'--nhiit mli i-i.iier n, timo
'.ixsit .1 - I .. ut.utS totrt :ritf.rnl
lb l!iM- mtie a-rv rvM--tt,U-. kw h
1- to o-.o up .m"j5 tt nth ti !
nta'r he .U kr. p..l.bsvi fit.- fulfil wrj
ajrom. I b r laipr i-tt Ii.w..m U thre
gT4ia.uv rt and b- i. vrt-'-. i
t' Jet, ne go .. ., 1IV...J.V,. s ;.tte
t It-t. In.jsfieii i-x m pUiftiir
i-. :rt-h m r. th dt - t. r,'l
Utrtvitf. I n , -4.tkri I HImh tttt-..m
rut .uv oT -itttrxit I m.l. ;h t. imi -m
b.t e; u. tw. Li j.. mv sn r.n9 1 tn r$t-t--tJ-
ITit'i 1 1 V .Voar. ,
him and turn him to vvhatever creed
ou like.
..I'... rlI. ...-. y i -k i -
". i nomas v. an vie. sant t'itii. biiimj- was tormerlv an auctioneer in
:-l i-i.-
I ;i-. ..- 1J....I. .- T.t. -xe" Uoo-l I.s .-fw-lt.l -fA-rMub
i.iivv ('"in iikii i.iiiin,ii, oii-ti Ktitts
.-anioiucaiiy. Kven madness if Ar
thur were ivsillv mail, and had some
:ri-ie.i fi -tu'A-b I' tt.fs-l
- tta '... nft . .r.. V..m.i wv . k. . v-.
... .-r--.-' ....b ..'-.-. .. . .,-.. . u . . J.
it III- hou-e. and a huge black t tter .rvut..aiir.n .: K. an- tr miar
Albany I r m-m'.vr ouev calling on
, him
f-Tf !SIU IV .nit,. ititntMkf fch'.!
In-w ih'ir Hirk f. r J 'fce-"r'- vh: tb Prft-H-ntii vntii.
an- goir w optw- scmd r.nlnniM
i into th itHnisAds nd h. rvjpal alrtif t "S Mr. Tr '. iti &utpx 'Vr C ifc
I lo rt : t-Vo t i. .rr v b. m.u f h. .atkrHrr
i :, ,. tb.m bupp.-ir.i to rrsiurt Utaf tttr y. wk. i.",r lb -oeti mi .-r.-t t:. .i4
.- t-. ' u . "' a,J ," myK" 2-"1 1 - - t- I"r-
, wur-itj out t uiat grast-
most curious meaning vet uufathuii.ctl . torn cat cam- lonnetnr' into the loom e" a.v irvrs.mi ; -ms
deserved no courtesy on a theme like . which Is- ailVctioi.ately and frvpientlv. u-le.'"'!! r 6..VA m"' 'U1 "'
this. "How do vou propose to do it?" j addrcsed a.- 'William. I vennin-i ifc''r-r.i.-af..n mu cu pn-StiNtHMi P:
Tregaithen laughed allowinglv. a- a i to remark thsv; it vv a-a .-vvell inmi tur lV i ""--, ' . , .v.
man might laugh at a childish nuzle . miss, vv hereupon he ,..! m.. tW .JJ:JTtl.Vli
.vtv..r...t i... ..:!. i ..n-i i - ..ii -. t :. .. .
v-ok it., im . .uo.i. it uai s.iouiu it tne cat was. i:o oruiiiarv "TimaiMii
loom .jfi. oi an men in tne worid. a blue bavtued and err aristix-nttc
ashcu i nn. "to
and lo.-e hi
you offer him?"
"Mv pulse as yours coth temper- -How v that?' "I gentlv inqiiircd." -Well
It.ilt L-....I. f mi., .tit.t -...... .. I. ...1.-. ,: ..- s. .- " .. ...
...kV ..v r....... ...... a ueau::- , j-iih oiii-siucliost I nave ciliisr-ii si I'.IIU
ful iim-ic. said Trtgarthen. -trctch- i n.zwilli.-.m. and it -ceiiis y, reconciU
out in- Hants, as i: 0 mvite Phil to test . Yi
luui. Look in-: in the face. -m
I a blue bbvKied and err aristoc---i?
gam the vvnoie world cat. ule.V got a liner nann ihan
own soul? hat could William mioth .Jo-ii. and till .x'.nr
. . i - -
i vour old bov to In- haviity lit-.'
v .- h.t-1 1:
vv H-i nor. ha.- l-sit hti-b.-t tair wit.
" -. i.m want thi- "Tain 14 Aits
vvhi-Ay of?' in -humatt-k. r.
-tepp'rng tsi: ti f.-w f.-et
"'Vt-.-; n-t ar.- ui-ts&er- in (JM-ia-uaU
"'ITira. rentJem.-n. ton can mA w
.vi. ;ruia o; tw. I aaTu u
Ii t b aidr nt). wbisfcv.
nT Jwwl'i'
sraai.' a 'i"Uil n
tmni 1 1 - . kn4l ei
r lit l
Tn - 'r
ty '. Hgl .4?
l..o. lwT wt
' ft. mi ti.e ,vie
1 1. rt, rmftr rt 4
't iml-rr- 1 t m -
'i 'Ui"A eg Nt'-
i. t xt t tint !
V.r.s J MfpatTs
fTls at S AJWW '
a t jpji o tsr
;, fc :' . ffjt.JiMr I'
... 'J t.f
; r ' 'W '
jaK" i - -!'' ;
yf Jf. . . ilNMi I"
"ttor. e-.Mti r
--.'I -r uwnltVtit fr,
I tnfi 'tt-n -
' ! t rj .;IK i.
1 fc "iHjUg b Il .-
!ttt t.t jfrf ka
1.. vmf)' i i I '
4 r t firt: Hf l
t-, jk pfoesr-4h
m4( Uau- t total
Iit ir rfwI'Mlk hi Itt a
rrfrfa r rr
e I
L ;r
' tl.
!l t
fim li.
tr 4tc .
fjlt tiT
I C r
'Mi Hr If j,
i 5pu raj ,v
s f'
.ftf i ...J
rnlMt ! r sjr Jr
br e:n.,a!r t.t tL. , rt .W - ,-' !
.flktiM t. .-.
Ut ttVy AtaT -. " ' r- "
'nflt kt .W li:
an' prmt. an J
nc;i i -iif wa;
jy i. . ttp.-n u. . r iii4
Wll t.'.- liv-ai-ik tiA.itiaUir'.i l..Mi
rram i.
ura ft. .v. !sjh
s crvv. -irs.
f..UlA mMtrvt. f"0'Iri r"d. ! a-'
. . ) awl. tkt Uta. fyT.
rM-aiMr l?n k.i pr- iAiuMNi itftit tiJtrtili kr r
hiat-Kli ut .it or ot oft-skml-ahj tisn to aMit rMW !
iwani ixz-.ri. id ;-.. s.nt! Ik tii. tttkjrr r z t.?i , i ,
t1'." r-"lh r lobae' sad :jrj,N5r ' '-rare rry Iw.Hi ,K' it to t IM. 3urtK. -U Iex rr-. -A. tu- . rV, tarl 3ftir. Bq! - t
B- h.'f
.. .... i .
CJik b .tifr to r sot tlv i. ..f itnok. "Al A- tb WvtM:,i grata O th
ASw b rj ji an.1 :occo i :t :T ittljr7- -. rblUBr.i4-
" t'r..n ). l.v . -h.-.. .t. , -ki. k.k.k. e t tire--fB-a lina WMI ?l-l IVkt' fm. o.-s Ilk. .'.n.... n-.. u - .... . ...I W lv-l
Wtl. C ''ViVor-lK Wfi." ' b Nnlioi' CUt-.ti. fr-i U '.- .Um- s-utrfiili- .!! im.ifw.. .SnnU! ha. --av shmI 1 ak tKar m. .
I Hrf- T.-. .... m. .Vka -rkCM - . -d... ... ...... i.. .4... .Ik. fc.4 ....... I a t -.-1 .L k t a'
J, jiiu to imliu thai iM'.riJ.
.overcome hinj. hrj. 1'uul. .
wm i
i'. I C tsw wat m jri
I T. Trti.
y Tffc
t2rTt ii-
. Of
I rat