The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 16, 1886, Image 3

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    I -A
f m
I .--MM--M---M-MMrM-'-M-MTa--a-T- S
invi 4.
A. C. HOSWIER, Publisher.
. -
ta c i.orn.
i i thai ! .' tiliiflunl. Ii' s ini
i i tit t : -ii -Kv,
pr s ijii '. .iIlK- in'n-ii ;: niii-'-ji-
II u . :ir it l!iite-i.kc fitni. ciei ni vi-
r iir ii'.i
'it 1:1 ! ullliii?ni5iii'-!rjai It? im !o-H-
1 tillU'lt .
ll oij -- inHt t-uMcn -ohm. tin 'lii' s
I I l.'t llllllM'.
I.i l1.- tl ilusKy wno-i me- n -ntui u: uv- j
' - M:itl.e. j
' i -.ii 1- "t't vo.e 1 ;iiill:o:ii s St
"IT ! Ollil V.H.
- , ik-Ii immiiIs nt son;? in iHuiry iouihI
. .t
t J -t t'u wltitr,l luriiiK'!: t)i:it swwplhe
- lit Mil.
i s in th.r chioN, witH uliiiiiv so
v. .i -iitms Jut.
i.'. ih-:r tmipy !v anl j-nie tliir
n iit.'s 'itur.
:iu l:-.m: . o'er her btoiv miiy wear one
vt. iiehery Mini'.
ti.'i-H ! tornn'iil'sl Idrd-. in ooiim-U
. .y tM l
I i i itii'liiTiK'! wroiiRs h;Snc'llii'ii)iiil-'iit
Iji I.
IT m.iil'l lwsi--li tiiltllVltMl to "pure tli'sni
ly liitiiM' ii ,
l.i .- .iiiiilit'T ! tln iiiiiuo'-nt-, IroHi vrvti
111 ITHI-! Jl -s!
, . r w.-ii-l.liil-Iroin nil Hit; ivwls iiml all
" .".I'lils iiroiim!,
". t i.tifni f ttif -otm-ldniH, i'lnls wjtli a
!'irv iiiiH'ii 1.
1 .i ;rilMU :uiil tin klnx)inl. woo'lji'jck'TS
srrny iiikI iks,
'. -.iiiilcH a k. t ! Kri'luMiii'l full, that ImiJTit
th- wilt, r sili:
T' li.tiiijriii"l tli" wax win-., ih Min-klilnl
s .i-li ! with ih.
uMtir. tin -nuullow. th) juy with Ti,itil
In !.
1 i'. tlil irnnf" liom tin' woo'llanils, tin
ill n 111 ft "JI1U.I
.A il-t liitiii li-ilyi' jiii.I tlili-Sti.'t, lroni nn;h
iifl iiikI Iriiin v:t!-.
J t j. smitr iIiut hviiins. ihy pouiM tln-lr
uz in I'liilu) ItoiK'iit.
i i-i'iin 1 tJifir iMiniishM nltiKJ. tlii-lr
i l.s in iiTi-i-l tlii'v Miil;
I i - ! sj.;iii-nt:iii tl.oy Ifjjjfil ni'h
i "-U iniiiil
"i , kihI ti' -talnisl tliiiiifs liliovo
l, r lni-li-i.l la.l
mih W I.'IIiih, in .iifrirnn Aujrr.
1 ,.v It Whs C:imutl Ovor Until
Toa Time.
V.'nil a Ureakfjisj I shall fat!'
: . I .IaH. Aliltolt a In lnnnil into
1'i-Tfinjih' Lam. lovariNlliivh:iiii
I of hi, olil frii-inl ami tutor. Cooil
:, II-iw J s!i:Il ram tlou u tin rolls
. . illy tin iii-iil. lots); how apolo-
tor olio i'iiji iikut! I ul (iooiiall
.ti i'llut oiil fi-lhm. In won't
.! To In stiri. I tn rathfi lal.
'I i mils will In rolil. hut any thin;;
, . 1m tlrlit-ious. If I niit a !iakir 1
ii! -at his liaski-t." .I.nk Ahliotl
. a MMtt-ln,arli'l, iari'hss lrllow.
w , hail walknl tliat moniiii'; from
1! m!hi to iMvaktas! hv ;i jni tit itiftit
'.1 'ii-tutor. Arrived at the door of j
Iri.'iid s roo
111 h knoeks. and the
do .r is opened h (biodal! himself, a !
1 ..I
1 1 1. ;ri..leil itsoiia";e. in an old
' si:iirjr eyebrows, and a
ill 1 bl.tud and benevoleiil expression
ol oiiuteiianee a sort of Dominie
Js tnpsoti. an ail;e of the dilsly heaven
of book-stalls and the I'lritish .Museum.
I utoi Innately for the hero of our
k! .i, this aii;el of sixty -live, unshaven
and with stockings down at the heel,
bud a memory whieh eoubl not reeol
bi t what had been told him six hours
b fore, mueh less i days. Aeeord
i.t !v In had finished his breakfast loiti;
bitue his late pupil had presented hiin-m-
t The .iiiel was also very short -s.
bted. and in response to .laek Ab
bott's heart v: "Well, howd'ye do. my
d ir sir? I'm afraid I'm very late."
r pii'-l in She bbiudest tottt-: "Ah. me! I'm very I be; panlou
U tv who is it 1 have the pleasure of
sp akin; to?"
"What! don't you reeolh-et me, my
tb .ir sir? .laek Abbott. I met you. you
kliovv. and was to eome and
Oh. .Mr. Abbott, is it?" My dear
"M Abbott, to think I should not see
xo-..' And how is the ;ood ladv. vour
in. 1 Iter?"
"Very well, very well indeed, sii;"
hi re. laek "laiieed at the breakfast-table.
1 tn iptile rejoiced to . see that the breakfast-cloth
is not removed. I'm horribly
late. Hut don't take any trouble, my .sir. The kettle. 1 see. is -.t ill
.siniiii; ou the hob. I'll cut myself a
piece of bread and butter mime ilhitcly. "
"Ah! You have come to breakfast,
have you. my kind boy? That :.s very
;ood of you. very ;ooil imleed."
"Ah.! thouelit hungry .lack Abbott,
xnulin; even when he sighed. "How
ompletely he has forgotten the invita
tion! Thank you. my dear sjj-. thank
you. lo tell llie trutti. 1 m very
1itin;ry. hungry as a hunter. 1 walked
all the way from Heiidou this morn-
Hless me! Did von indeed? Whv. 1
, , - . ... . (I
thai s a verv lonir vvav. isii t it? vv ell.
i 111 1 .......... ....-. ...- ..,..1 "
J II ill IM ".'till i. .. ..
. , 1 - . . 1 r 1
" h.-.r mlerrimt ! .i:iel.
av ho in a furv of hunger and thirst was
pourin; out what tea he could tind in
the pot. "I can do very well with this.
at any rate to be;in with."
Ah! 15ut I'm sorry to see what are
avc to do for milk? I'm afraid 1 must
keep you vvaiiin; while 1 step out for
"Don't stir. 1 be; you!" ejaculated
our hero, "don't think of it. my dear
sir. I can do very well without milk.
J can indeed: 1 often do without milk."
"Well, imleed. 1 have met with Mich
instances before, and it's very lucky
you do not care for milk, but
xvell. well! if the sur:ir-ba-iii isn't
- empty! 1 will ;o out instantly. My
hat must be under those pamphlets."
"Don't think of such a thins;, pray
don't, mv dear, sir." cried Jack. You
may think it odd; but sujrar. 1 can as
sure you. is a tiling that 1 don't at all
care for. I'he bread, my dear sir. the
bread is all 1 require, just that piece."
"Well. sir. you're very j;ood. and
Tory temperate: but now ah, as for
v ""butter 1 don't believe "
Butter!" interrupted our hero in a
tone of the rrcaic M-orn.
! y . I
- - n't .-at,.. i.wt-r id,.t
w iii). ,oi a ".j. sir. vi"
must make ha-t-. ir Iv. ir io Iuti h
with up. law-.i-r an 1 he'll -.p.ft me to
(;! s,,nM-thinu '. iijjfot. I'm -o
anxious and ! 1 ' nirri' d t.' I mu-t
be off. mv i." "d -'. 1 mil- imbed."
.I;uk liail in.'nl- p his i. nd ) .wk
t!i' lieai'e-t ollce-ln" US'.. :- I--- s i-c
sibb-and '.. re have the h-.ifi-t ami
mo,: lux:.. ou- lm akfa-' shtt eouid
make am iiU for i'h di-M-pomtiucnL
I'inr oiii-' more out of !"! -. our hero
rushes hk" a li-T'-r ii to F : r-et and
jiliiiijr'" ''' "; ' .st coti- -house in
Wiiir:'"' -.s-
-J5reakfa.t imni'diatcl'
ami j;nen, and all i hatHj"
Yet-ir. K 'irs id ton
r3, 1.1a L
I'.v all m-an-.' f
"V.-s-ir. .Iul u. anl in-tafit.J.'"
V.-ssir. ' oh! l- wl, si: '
l'rMi-'ly. anW no del i'.. "'
yi-s ir. 1'i'kh-, .sir?
iSriiij; all ever thin-; no. I don't .
:r for piekh. l)u. briii'.' in v tbinjryt-u
ike. and do mike haatx. m ; I i'l-
low. Do hurry uji! I i.-.r was o
huiirry in in;, life!"
y sir. JUrfi t v, sir. I.ik th ja
jmt. -ir?"
Thank ,oii. thi.nk -u N .'. for
ln-avi-n's .-akr. I l-r of voii
yi---ir. I in in diatc!. sir: n-
thin; naily. -ir. '
Kvrrv tlnn; r- idy!" thought .Iark.
'iii-aiitifnl ilai. :. cofl.-hoiisi! Kin
Kii;Iish plaii v ;rv thiii; so -tiii:, so
roinfortahh. lla'-e wh it oll Ii'.. ami
no about it. Wh it i lnakfa-t I
shall al! Ami the pai-r. to- horrid
murder my-trnMW all or aas-ina-tion.
II-s m. 'vhat horribh ihin;-
how vi-ry roinl 'rtahl ' Waitr!"
Yi-s-ir. "oinii rt j,jr. I)ir--:Iy. sir.""
"You've aiiothe slice of to.t-t ;ettin";
read. ?"'
-Yes sir. All rifjht, -"r"'
"Let tin thii I be i.i'ker, if yttu
please, and the U tirth."
Mverv thin; i.- served up hot andrieh:
e;;-. plump: ham, h'i:-: old fowl,
(lori'iils lll'liKMll! Hi'. 1 idly j:ie
ulaled .lark Ab tt. Il doubbd
the paper eoiiviiientl - ;i- to read ! r.-ide.J to throw the ;Teatest riii ul
the ICpress iroiu Pan-." in j.rfeet . on tin filar, but :He daek a note t.
eolillort. I'l f Ue hi: I'. id poured out j the fortfe-hollse, desirin; t!..
his tea. he was in the : ; .f putt in; his ! t.t..t n-ke. p. r to furnish the jytlemu:.
hand to one of the inii- : -ii s of j with a breakfa-t at "his t peii-e. aiiti
when aw ful .i-i tation' whom -ho.ild exphihtiu; lie reason why.
In see paini; the Avi'idov. but his 'jth altundatit, of aekiiowbd; -friend
('oodall. He i i-omiti;. f s jn.ii!-. anl in raptures at the now t-r to read t mj pap t-. and this of . ,-, ..,j,ro:tih of the bivad and butter,
all lite i otl'ee-h tss li li worbl. wa- jjat-k m.ide his v a;, to the tarn. "A"
the one he mu: need- ' Jo! What Ja-t 1 have the.!'" t ried he. internallv.
was to be done' .Jack eouid not hurt t .-(i. most fu;aeiou of nieal-, .
anybody's h-ehn s. ' break f 1-! I shall hate! Never wa a
There was no nin"" b 1' for him but . brtikfa-t o inteiisilieil!"
s I
to boll. Aeeoni iily. ili.-r hidiu; his
laee with hi- piper till ii bill hatl
taken i auotl :, hi: t ndn- out as if a
sheriff was a lie- him.
.lack eon;rt ilatin : him-.-l! that In
had neither beei seen b .oodall nor , j.rj,t ,,u but the other iainlbrtl whom
.. ..-.i"""
tasted the bieakfast utip.ii-I lor. lias
ordered precise ,' such 1 breakfast, has
;ot the same iiWp.ipet and s.-ai d
himself as marly it- po--ih.e 111 the
vervsanie piaee
Now," thi-i ght lie. "I :im beyond
the reach of ol .uieu. t.nodall can not
read the naiier-siii two eotlee-hmises.
P.y .love was ev r man so hungry a- I
am? What a b -eakfast 1 shall eat!"
Knter brealtf. -t served ,i befoiv.
"(Ilorioiis n oiuunt!" thinks Jack
He has ;ot the middle slice of toast
lis liti'rs. precise. v as b. fore, when
happenin-; to lcok Up he sees the wait-
erof former 1 . fftebiuse pop his
in. look him f H in the face, and :i-
suddenh wilh-l.'siw i 15.. ek i;oi's the
to:ist on the plate.
Abbott to the dooi
1 -'n:i;s poor
rushes tot tit foi
the second tiiiu!, aud makes as fast
he can for a tb nl ci"lee-hoiise.
tn I nevei to hi akfast?" thotilit
he. "Nav. Iroakfa- I will. People
can't ;o into thr tl'ee-hoiis.. on
purpose to mi I'Uta.uu What a break-
fast 1 will eat!"
.lack Abbot after s..un delay, owin;
to the fullness of the room, is seated as
before. Tin vaitiir h is "ves-ired" to
their mutual satist.i. tmn. the toast is
done, eejijs p'niup, h.itu hu;e. etc.. etc
rnluekily three patrol eyes were ob
serv in; him all the while, to wit: the
waiter's of the first tavern, the waiter's
of the second :llid the landlord's of the
third. They v'oref now resolv in; upon
1 course of ai'tiori. .lack w:i in the
verv agonies .)f hunger l!y Hereu
lis. what a brr.ikfst 1 will. -hall, must
and have ecrt-unlj c-'t to eat! I could
not have sloi'd it .mv binder. Now.
now. novv isth-Rlor ..ii-jn.uneiit of 1110-i
incuts." .lacU tdk ui .1 sliee of the
toast and - wi'ii ajs:tati-;e look of mis
;iv in-; laid it ilown .; 1111.
l'lll tilesseil ifihe's touched it after
.,t -..;.! ,. .;iir:tli.- tn--t
Well, this
I .111. .-.! I .III - '' "
, , - .,.
,..... - ,... ,. .. m
I . . ...
' "lie s a rrueio - 11. iletiemi
i " ' t ..
on :. s.ivs tt c Ian-, oru
-Well nab
Let us Jiolt'' :'' do..r."
"I'll be hai gettfit !:. ain't ;oinj; to
bolt ai;:iin!" tiaiii'tJ.. -.cond waiter.
Search hi pock-s." -aid the land
lord, excitedly, j "Tir.c breakfasts
and not one eaten"
-What a vilU'tu'
said the ti:st
IU this tiir'e all
coffee-house had .-... ded mto --
at the ibior.j ,f ..,,,
"Heres a chat, s had three
breaktasts tl'Sttnim;. exclannei:
the landloi-u. j
"Ihree brta-sWs cried a div look-
in-;maii ill secU .. s. -how could In
- .
possibly dojt a
"1 didn l .-iyi!l-' t eaten them. I
said he d onl "rea .111:111: dulu t eat
them. Thn- uct.tasts
fereiit Iioiie ' v.ti.
m tliree dif-
. s iHHMi to
my house.p-iiog ths man's house. 1 jomtjv ..u..nnH 5l ,. :l, inr wa-.,.r offerin; i'ot revvani to "any citizen of
and to thisjti - -i'.d we've -earcheii hMi ;n,tMi ni Jnck ihreo ?ik.t.; wl,j, . ?SW c-y for t.3th and every ho-:ile
hiiii ami Jit .. t a penny in hi- , be n,nlH iulo uiltu - ! tvuotrade ApacW kilhd by sucli ci:i
pockets. f -"H 1 u aeeoniiajdy made, the ir.oulh wa- j zeit. on pre-entatioa ;o said itoard of
"Thafifti .'-K'ri-d .lack, who hnd l ready 10 iW-low--e::;cr Mr. GoodaU. I tie sca!ji of -Kch Imiian.' T
..oulr .l't-mt.t.d to m 'fv !.nis-l:
i'.-.i.:. "inal'i th vi r r-.. ' I
V. iat V th rv oa-ii''' iioiiin-d ;
tii iitlnian ia .fta !. j
..u-i.. t - -1.11 t fiftrt in.:
" 1 - pirnnM --: j - .
no, that I had hit im urs at home
irs th- hurrr of oniin5f 'u ai-I
-Uh. oh." crid the laliffhiag RUdl- !
,.:,. hr-r.-n the jtoliwrmaa! Ik-Jl j
'!th- 1 im " I
ut how diH.. that rx plain th othr 1
iwn hivxkfast.?'" aki tlw gatkBi.aii
'Not at all." -.aid Jack.
"!uiadui rascal!" said Utc latad
hird. 1 inan." aid b-. that that doesn't
liii it. hut ! vn flain it."
W.I. Iiw?" aid th gnt'man.
hti-hia; tin afirr lanilorl. ho had
im-.tiiwhilc ;:fii our hT in -har,r.
Uii"t la hiri'I-on ni'-V ri-l Ja'k
111 jroiuj-t:.. if you let me aluae. .
ht!t tir-t let ni explain."
TIar him. hear him"" cried ih j
peetatorsf and ath yur o-kets '
l!-r Jaek jja a rapid tatrmiit f
the e 1 fit if tb mrtiinr. Thi only
,t.d laiirhtr and Ierisin, and our
ht-ro nan hustl d ofi. and in two
minutes found himself in n rowu
po!i- oftie.-.
A -ou.-iidr:i'olti delay .ook plate be
fore the landlord':-, charge eouid t
A-.jiit of i-MHflatioTi." railed
I s - "
! poor Jaek. '-I'll have bread and butter
wh-n I breakfast not toa-t: it's inor-
hearty, ami besides you ;et it .-ooner:
and - t. ) table-eloth. thiek .-liee-. I)
tea. when shall I hae breakfast!-'
Th t :ise is at length bnujrht on.
W.dl. now. you sir- Mr. What"s-yiur
name." ijuoth the magistrate. wha
is the wonderful explanation ol thi-i-ry
extraordinary of akiii:
lhr-e breakfast, .r? ys seem ter
eool ainMtt it."
ir."" aii-wereI i.r lnr, "it trout
nl tin ilir. l to you that I am too'
Ytu may wl! lie iiijin'''! at the etr
iimsi.ttii-s under whieh I find :nelf.
but 111; a reiitletnau atel :
man f'liii;. 1 hae 110 doubt
lit will tliMover a ra ity in any
whi.h ha- --eaped eyes h-s 4,
t eriiin;." No .luek j've an aeountl
the uiioh inatt-r. and the upshot of it
w;i.h that the in a;i -tral not only pro
lai-k Abbott, with the note ill hi
hand. arrivetl at the ta.-rn. went u;
tie -teps. hurt iid through the jtassajr,-.
ICverv iueh of the way was full of hop.
and blis-. when, lo' whom -botild li
j. Imd just lett in tie court-room, de
jaiUn-his version of the stnrv So tin
n,.v- landlord .and v idet it 1 x poi-onin
j,j, mind with everv syllable. II i;:n:
with Ininirer :s he was. .laet. cou.u no
! stand this. With a despair for whirl
hi could liml n words, he tni'i; !
awav in the direction of his lawver-
"Now. the law ver." iploth In, sulih.
ijutin;. "was an intimate friend of my
lather's, so intimate that if In offer
me breakfast I cut accept is. and ot
course he -vx ill. I shall plaiiilv Sei!
him that I juvier br' to lunch.
! in short, that I have made up my
. mind to have it. even if I have to vvaiS
until dinuei-ltnte or tea-time, ami In
will 1 iu;h. and we shall be jolly, and I
1 hall ;ct sninetlun"; joeat at last. Kx
ptisite moment: What a breakfast 1
shall eat!"
I The hiuwr. Mr. r.illin-on. occu
pied a em d larjri hon-. with s!ie
marks of plenty on it. .lack hail-d
j the -i;h; of the blaiui; lire in tin-
' kitchen. Delicious ,,,!" shoti;hs
he. "kettle, pantry. audallthaS. Hop.
there is milk lett. and bread aud butter.
What slices I will eat!"
P.ul .lack unfortunately rani: the bell
of the office instead of the house, and
j f,,,,,,, himself anion; a parcel ot
j ,-b rks. Mr. Palliiisou va- out: v a-
not expected home until cveiiin;. .lack
ill desperation stated his ca-e. No re
sult, but. "Very s;ran;e. sir." from
one ot the clerk-. No Mr. Palliiisou
existed to v lioiu he mi-dil apply. ,
bltishin; and staininerini; "(Jood
iiiorninj;." .lack found him-elf out
a;ain in the wide world of pavement
aud hott-es The clerks had told hnn
that Mr. PaIl:n-on alwav - dined at the
Mendal eoffee-lu u-e when avv.iv on
j speci il bttsiut
tow a
it ur
hero turned hi- melancholy -tcp-
termined to wait there for him. "Ah."
thou;ht .lack. vith a si-rh. "tiveo'clmk
isn't tar oil. and then I'm certain.
Whit a break: ist I shall hive lutt it
I l'lll.
.. 1. ...i ..
i .1 1. .1.111 .... - ... -
;r:Kes. ami at the same tune cuter-
Mr. Pallin-on. He wa- a bn-k. ;oh1
uaimvd inan.whi greeted .lack heartily .
"Here. .John. idat. - for two! You'll
dine, of t our-c. with vour father"
1 tneud. .Jack s heart telt at home with
j this cordiality, mid he at once entered
.... ft. . 1.- a. r i-a
.uu ine aisiorv o: ni mornm;-. 1 nt
j hh! and merry lawyer, whounder-tood
! a joke, entered heartily and with
. -- IT itil-tl's.7 -itiT I 'lltef r v.T ItlT.. Iriet
;lim of otln havint; his breakf;v.-L and '
exida:ia:ion to Ihe waiter 'that "hi- i
fri - ,,.... ,,, ... ... ... ..,.,: Muh iahiuuMc hoir. lhtl ht,
m,w m-eds bn-akfa-t while he him-elt
, . ,- - . , . , . . ,
, .v- dmia;. Ami -o. -aid the shrewd
... .. ., .-,
j .ii"iini. .i- me . ;iuti .1.- ifsjn-s."..!!!-
j,v llowinjr him-elf out. -no harms
oiu ami now j.h'1; away.
did 1
not wait for a -ecosni bnidia;. The l
1 bread and butter vva? at last actual!.-
, befwrt-
no; sU thick u he had i- i- 3..0. shd J'-r in-.
tho-nlit Jm . laying down th Sr.-.vl
and l utt-r. ,tiir. " ao -u-h Uuug.
lIiiorth I will not attempt it."
Hm lawyt-r and 3ir. fiwisll
wi! known to earn otbrr. wa what
had brought him thithr ua- a eon-
ii TlJLt a.
" " now nraru
of a Jir. Abbctt hain ord. nd liree
"5ll",t- ' hjning l-n taken to
J- i-i-wi mm optima
j.ia. 10 piace uii ue .oor.u mm in ine
I'm vt-ry glal. ir. to tind 500 so sjtuat-d. afu-r the !trT
that half-w.lfc-d ftliow of a wait;- told
m at th ef!--hou. Hut dnt le.
iu interrupt your tea. I -'Z of jou!"
Lu'kt-?t of innot-fiit fan' i-.'
thou-;h our hept. "be tinni.- !'m at
tea! " He plunHl ajrain at the bread
I ..i u . ...1 - -..n.. i.-.t.-,..
... . - . ,
with his mouth full. "!'tn -atia a
I ;i!ii 100 ;;-i oui mar 1 irouoit you
for that loai? The sSio-s an Ty
thin, and I'm o ranotisly hungry."
Jatk doublfd bi thin .sli-e; he
00k buy- bit: h pi:hd his tea, a
h had sworn h would: h had err
on one sid of him. ham ou ih oth-r.
his frnnd befij him. and was as hap
p a a print e-eapid from a fori;ii
land: and hu h had at hn;th tin
ishfd. talkin; and lau'rhin-; all the
uhih. or hfarin; talk and !.u;htr. he
lU-hd the brakfjst--up aside, and
lint, kled to himsiif I'e hat! it!
Ureakfast hath h-.-n minv And no.;,
mv dear Mr. r.iliiu-011, I'll take a la---
if your port!" I.'t'jU Hunt, m U-d
'I'll. it 1- VVI1.1t a I I v Viiiiii; M in (.tll-tlii.
I i.ii.Ii-i an 1.I1. 111..
" It.i- of tin- furious trail- atHitil tho-e
l"reneh- an idit:i." si,. a fly man yes
terdav. "1- tiie fat that they never ill.
of old ae. some -eVelit ell years a;i
a fOUpIe of u were workin; a lireat
Westi-rn train, and we lai a I-'re'ieh.
man out of tiftetn tlidlars n the hri-ar-i
moiite racket. If. was a little.
old, wiliid-up sMf'nitn. sMmiti'r t.
e all of seventy -live yars old. ami h
didn't ;et the .iiu through hi head
'fore we jumped the train at a -mail
-t itioii. The other day I was cumin;;
!u Detroit from the Ki-t. aud when the
train s.pvt! at St. Thomas I ;ot out
to stretch my !;-. I had scarcely
tout-bed the platform when somebody
grasped me and a voie cried out:
I !' is da maaii! He bait ma out ot
f.efteell doil.lir.!"
"1 looked around to hud that :ini'
old li. nehm.-in bauiii; to my arm. 1
1 oiildn't see that he had changed a par
ticle in looks or ;rown old.-r by a lay.
l Wallt llie feefteell tioll.iin!" be
-honied a he danced around. Dis
man In throw one two thro eaard,
and he taak ma feeileeii dollaire and
"I tri'd to bras it out. but is was no
;o, and tin result was that I hitdtotork
over the tttoII'V. He .stood theft a-the
train moved off, ami shakin; his li-i at
me he shotlt-d:
Ah! I forgot! Yu doan't pay me
110 in teres on zhal feefteeii dollaire lor
seventeen i naiv-! I -ee vott a;. tin -tuebbe
seeiiteen yaati s more!'"'
I,trnt V.. I'r. .
Ilioi the l.i-ti-lli:; l.tnnli XI.ill IIC il to Hn
VV itlmiil a llin-il i.ii I.
"Mv dear." -ard Mi'v (i.ii-in'j. ad
lies-in her husband at tie br.-aktasi
Sable.! am ejoin; tdiseiiar;e tin 1 ired
;irl. for slie tle- not tb anyttim; to
ple.lse inc."
Wll. I hope you won't discharge
ir.r until we et another ;irl to tak
her j'laee."
"Ye-. I will and'll s-'e that w
et alon; jitst as well. 1 am oint; s:
b In r work myself. Now don't you
sav a vvo r 1 for I'm ;oiii'; l do it '
Mr. ( Jcn-iii'; said liothin;. for. to tell
sin truth, the economical idea pba-ed
him. but tin next morniu; he could not
-ee hi- wife evl up and make lire- s(,
he made them. Then he brought w a-t.-r.
and milked the cow. in fact di.
chari;eil nearly all the duties 0f th?
hired ;irl.
"My dear." lo'iisini;"- wife -aid a
few day- later. "1 told you that we
could ;et aioni; jtt-s as well without a
hired irirl. Wli.n". the iis. of wastin;
money '' Now we are ejettin; alon;
jtist a well as can be without a word
of eomp'aiut. You have never ;iven
me i redit for vvhat I can do. Say.
tIeor;e. before you ;odow!i tow n I wish
vou would brin; in some wood and a
couple of buckets of water, and. if you
are not in too much of a hurry you may
wipe the di-he- for me." -.Irl.i-M-wv
A New Fabric.
(loods are made to .a cnitbrablr
extent in Saxony frma a textile tils-r
obtaimil from the iiiedle of the :i:
ir-.. The needles, ntin; and r.en.
.re drhii. and -ubjeet,-l to a s,.t;ini
antl fenneutin; ppn-e-- sianlar to that
in u-e for liax. whieh -often- th.
woody part and hosen- them tnm
the liber, thouiru Uie coinplfte spani
tion is onlv obtained aftr a ln;tbv
boilin:; by steam. Duriii'T hi- boilm;
a by-jridiici apinar-. calle-i tir-wmul
i oil- w ' -n'1-" iunH-atiiif. The
irH"r ' I- umui-n a iiuuin; ma-
. -, -'-' - - -- - ---- - --..
is carded and spun hk- cotton.
;h,. canje,i tiUr i- mivd
vv5lh a -."-a-a pnp.rtion of ct.tum or
wool, and thu- a kind of merino v arn
; i- protiuceti. which i- worked in the
n-irT traoitf into -inrlet-. drawer,.
; -:,M-Uii-- ixi :h- 'ib-ii i-in :hen
-" --"'--. c. ,m--i . mm t in. imn
' ,ld i- anti-rheumatb-s and as a ore
. veativeoi : gout. -A. ..
Ls a pre
1 he t'ountr 0mmis-iers
(.mat CotuiSi. N. vv Mexico. h:w :ntb-
i I'-hed a card ia the HttMwt j-'cnttn--l
Nrw MrnirntM l" l"l.r rtllt T.l-
to i;h-Jjh1 Iit a l-r.
When C'apt-uri l"airatr i tf.
Antic fthslrr Terra Nova mad- hv
ts: ft Uj lb nlg. of tht BW tn fr b - rh...l .- i. t al-fo. t.Vr- .
PrinorHepnt Inlrt ia Job last be "hn i,r nxturai J--rl..pnv nt
wm v--rv aioch -urrvtl bt n tb-t " - -"1 bt ro0'
f.-m a'tiumi-tr of En maut wh. t tmuxPr rr-M . .1 ., n. ! dir-e-wenrlad
in l u tnttri-s. re and ' '" J' " zr n -. i-. it
wo-'Ieti oirt. bs pilot ovrroats and - " ! - r f- I
Iairlish rs. TWr hatl ent.nv di- , in-r v b-unt-l Mtny a !.' br
rarld th usai S--piimau trapping-. K,,bbn we . rrt.a d--ir. wr tnvit
and it wa r-,ii-i,t that thy hs-Ifound ii b.-! v 1 -. -... .,. .;
the treasure trove Wt if hind lx (-m. tu ' !h' ' ':- ! "' d ' :'
Antte travelers !t did n-t tli ti. ar' ! an 'n: retria (mm t..
raptum lonU-rtain thnt Utev ha.1 .n-Unt -.f-c .mnd r. I ..t. .h
piund. r.-d the depot ttuil. by th- ttinj; i.rrM4a. n i or . u., . ..
Frakdnarrhrxi'li.MMtmt-hrtv'ra mh tH" trwr- ';
. ... -. . t..' 1.... 1 .... -v..-!. irohi!:tisn 1 itn-l'i W
I' 419 MiZf 'U Al-.-M- -.llv. i, ., 1
ffji. the
Arctic Ueadiuarter-' of the
t.iin virb K-.rt.e that rot-n-d t.e n-t time it di-d. it nturv..y i-r
arrhii. -Iasr north of thi rontmetit bv i- falrh-Jto atrs 1 fHinfhiu nt t '..
way f !ama-t-r Nund. It found -rn an- m ra! y and phv... ;:t . ..
lattr that tev had tripp-d tbe ard. and tti sTai. st , ar- i. n r.
l5,-.tlH.v !slanl"di-ptl every thm- to pn-xent tbi wr tkne fn-rn - -..
that would Im- o( Mrxite to vvhtt-j mn S -a"" ,lrt a th. ir t tiara.
in th-.- deM-late rt-jnoa- A thoagbtW-. tvnn- act ... t. I
Itwasthe cousin of th-t. KJui-S'W--'', -
mau. a lilt!- furtht-r -outh. wh.. m -bi!d opportui-tt - r e.; igr.orane., destroved m. many - thouj;ht!ts w.w I d - n -:
pr eious rib, of Kranklia's til-fird -ohow that ? ataioth. r slip, .. i
party -relic, which were of no earthly many tf th- ma!i mi-d m n-.r- m .
ue "to thrm. and which they euld -!- ' t-t hf "'"
exsily hav- barUr-i for mo ijrb tolme- nl.r. The ttvnti tf h.r mtlurn. . :
to and o;h.r little luxuri-s t.. !at th-m && iw h miTB imp.rtan: nni
half a ceiuurv. Captain Fairweath.-r n L-t a rhild wv-,de in iua
tu t bis party of natives just m t:m to rbit. when it i. out of t.nbr. replatr
save s4,tn,. v,ry inttn-tin; d'Mumnt it with a little diturb.xm-e as pol.le.
in tin ease- which the K.,uimau - w" "'"' Jfr -,!"u
t bought would serve ;him ndmirnbly . thinjr. and it i thf fluty of parent
as ivnddint; f..r their fun- As it was. that the conditions siirr.undm is
the captain obtained ih record, of ar f.nducive t. a halthy and pur.
.very ship that had Heechey ffrtmlh. and t. it th fault trait, it ha
Island, except two. from IS -1. h.r s undoubted! v in h. r. I 1- era.ated bv
-eanh expedition of I-.'.' The , vt-ry mean- p..-:-le. tii IIut
arliest records detailed the many vain . '- .
endeavors oj th- party to hnd t!i Kre- .... rn"C t FACTS
bus am' Terror an 1 th -ir tinfortun t
, . ... ,iii' Mar. eli. llirur-i.i.i-. M'.le Iiv (i VarltJ
trew-s. an I lh ili-a-t-r- winch ha I ..,i
nl I -ktRt V n trie-...
overtaken the search fxtwd.i i it. It. ... . , .
. ar i oiist.niTiv .ii. m tn l.:!
1 hese rioriIt. am! .om ot;.r inter-i
estin; re!iei of the famous si arch m
which over twenty htps and n.-arlv
on-- ihoii- ind men wr . ujja: -d. t ' p
taiii F.nrweath- r brtur'it hount I"in
tlee, utld h .eft the natiV.s li eij..v
the tobacco, rum and other U-oty Hith
which they had laden thir -ded; at
the lifi-ihey Isiand dtHt.
Ktiland, (termatiy. lbdiand and l-t
Tnit'd States ail p-s.,., interesting
collections tl r.iics oi ioiar extwiii- , .
1 w art pr d to v.u li ti ' .
tb'tis th t l.-eanie famous throii;h their ', . . . . ii
' thelilieitV III 'm-! oft! .fliil. --
achievements i- mi-fortunes. Almost . ... .... i
anv oj th parties m ntioaed w ...
tverv article lii-loiiirin-; to th. .lean- .- k . . . i t
- tiirtiishid t. anv it. re.lttN.u- r .!
uetl exp'-ditioii found bv th- various'
. n p ttion
search parties alonvr the nv.-r ha- -y;, rx., mU. 5I, ,,.., , , ,..,,, j
bitn b:oii'ht h.m . rh.v itolud.
ev.-n the boar ! with -carved let that marke.l the plae where
Kiick-on's was buried in the L-
na. anii also arti. i. s ot t-ioutin; worn n,,,, Xerx.s f. it a -ii trj pain tn his .. f
by De Loii-; and his comrades whtn . a,.,l.H.M a in, iit mu ma i
their bodies were found. A number of mur, t li :l,toiii-!iui nt. a pip r .:
these r.lie, an temporarily in sh. ear. M.,j,., Worked th.-tr way to th.- on
of Mr. William Bradford, tin artist, wrj, ,. He.tlbs er. twod... i
and they were recently exhibited in a m numH.r an, yv. re titatly don. upan !
P.rookly n store window. Aiuontr Hum i.Um.;,., iir Smyth. will exhibit tn-wcreDel.on-;"s
lar;e P.ible. Dr. Amb- n,.,.,j,.4 to j,ji wi, ar,. .uriously m
brs case uf surgical imjdfin.-iits. and ' ,.;M1,.,f
some rry int-r-tiiijr plants and ilow- . Samantha Ad.m. of Adams.
:s jjathered ami pres-.-d by one tif danis C ounty. Mass . tw a-;..
(Jreelv's men around tln-ir station at
l.adv I'ranklin I'av.
Tin two most interestin" collections ! few ap. she wat utd with io
of Aret e relics an tin remains of the , lent convulsion-. The f.iiuilv phytftan
I raiikiiu expedition gradually jjather.-d wa. tailed and tin tily t-xtracte.1 from
to-;eS her during many years and now- tin lady '- n;ht arm a e.p of a ram
in an Knirbsh museum, and the liar nts pat;n paper dated Uc..!.-r. Iv-t.
relies now exhibited at the Ha;ue. .lehos.iphal Jakstr.iw, of Tufftowii.
which were recovcr-d a f-vv years a-;.. M... on the Iih of January last. a i
attr Iy in; fr nearly three cent uri s m dentally wailve I a tab-ndar with
the rub ho.ise at tin north nd tf s!ih lieann; pMtbaI -ttMm- tt
Notaja Zemli.t. where antl h. mirk eah day in the year Tht tlate
inn spent the lozi winter niht "in faded t. agne with him. and he ha
Tcat cold. jwirty. m.sery and ;rief." .not U-en feelin; well or -".me time
Many of these articles, ov.-r two bun- i m the l.'lth ins., he exhibited mp
dfed in iiumbr. wer. alnaly well-, ioui of pois-onm.-. A tiaarh-ptinip
known ihrou-'h the graphic narrative , was brought mU. repiiHift and tht
of De (inr. the historian of the exjM-dt- ealemlar w.i hrimjrhl to lt-fht Stransr
tion. and th.v are exhibited in a rMm ; say th- slip- had len torn otf bair
whieli is arranged ti represent, .th hi that m trkm; tht date of it- extrar
nearlv a- the interior of th ; tion. March lit. Mr. Jafktraw -a
Arctic hut as it is represented in the , In- h unable to accotint ftr thU b-
De (J.-.-r mad. of it
.v. r
-.-Ity uf tli-f Ail i..t Inn "f I ir" t
r. Clillil'a Tur.
Firmness and con-ideration are ear- lw J -- -&' intr. st n tV !ol
dinal principle- in di-cip!tnitie -hiI- j lar "' lr rm- I"8 - J-:-tlreti
nrinne- i- i,eee-arv at the ViWbisnoWkiekinjr'b.fah-did
earlie-t a-e. In all the care and man- " rwrix- inte;.,? at .-. high-r rate. -a-remetit
..: a child much thought . Tht ;... r
should be exercised. As a v.-ry early
a;. a child will take advanta-;. of a
weak mother. A: the -nine time it i-. , Wl') "" vi.i.rn ... i.'...v.i ttt i.i..-H.t
, , , , i I nun I riii,r 1 ri-eii!.
not strength to make a -et of nib- and
, iii . ,i. . ,u ... . ; ti Two no n'; ri the strfe.
compel children to one. a it all . -
children were made alike: but w aUh ; "That roal'-' "il "u"' I""'." s
a child clo-ely. find out what are it- P-T;. " "" 11 vrrnoK
natural tendencies, and adapt to thetn om-
the U' rub- to their lie.-d-. ! U'h- ' lh""?ht ha w "
If it is natural for a child to want h of int.-rity. How did h- wtxmjf .-u "
f.rod at certniit int-rvnl-. then f.-d i; j "VrIl h.- and I w-- rwadtttat- .
regularly a.-eordini: u it- natural de- ald tmion. and h withdrew in mj
mand-: anl sM on through the various j favor.
thine- in w Inch a child inu-i I- tram.!, j " ImhiM think that hf att-wpts to
Ilv careful ob-enation a mother can befriend vou
soon bam a child'- necessities xthI ' " he did not. !! ar.l hi i
make it- life nfulnr without frietion. J thtrao- andrl-ft -1 m .'
The -ecr.; of i.Hd discipline lie-, in ! W' ""''
!-...-.:-..- .- - .- .w- .. . ..t'
adaptation ot toret-. ui ;ne naiurv j
.u. i.:i.i .,... ;.?....; i ., i;
. - - 1
itw mu-t b mU- xm ia verv roun
children. Seldom two children can b.-
governed in the sme w-av; and it U a
diuv of parents u -tdv tV.r iadubl-
uaiities. others.. lh..;. is no dieS
pline, but the care irivea a2n"vat-s
evil ;end'-acie in them. There fan b
iiodoi-hi thni mnch of :he naufhti-
a-- ia children i- uainteati.maHr I 'Wb- w -A
, 11 1 - 1. it- Tmmcr.
tnnrjai. or ciTelH ia them, u nn ,.., .. , ..
srown people an far from perfect, ii,ifwl, yim $ 5 &
i; em- unfair that every appanra; Xt-xte tatv rr oalr i-ur BtUitrJ
fault of 'Jie child shouid b- aiade s entriiac., to BArhr wbrr tiw deptit
, mnch of; aad ataay time- what --ems j M mm w watw. -t ,rr kxt iWt. 1
xrmnr in a child is hiIt a natarai nc; whjj .. 1,-, j 4raW im
wndr lb evcitia; cotvUtion-. ami if ? lWt.mii la ;eBt;.-s-i-bt a&4 &
we ; ;ime to examine the matter 1 . t. ' '
shall be mor fn-c I niu-t ire aad
vveaJciK- in parent- aiav --:bjiti-4
. - -1 1. i
with children"- characters. Th-ere i a
itroa Uien: forre in uhihinea which
i we mnsi rixo to -coatro!; re csa nvz
r. .- ii!'ir. '
!. IP Atv! to 4
gUl'ir tt
' -"P"-1 !t . " n 'r
u .
-'- - h di-.U - I "
pap-r- reports .. ?n irv'.us iv.
in the human -.-bin ni.ob by n '
Nnui.s and tl-r arti. ! of ' i
bra. intrdiMsd tin r m tlh. r
dent or dsn A a ; n r.U ;. v
are loth to ;ive red n ? l - :
W hit II often s.'illt ItiVellti ! bv .fi,'
writ- r ot ti. tio.i f..r t!. b-I, . i
th marine-. Tie fobon m, an-r-lat-
similar ittcidnt th tt b.n
under our o-rson tl !... it
I of Sliotun t ouiity. "lev . when t
' ran a needle itit-. hi- load too i
a ,., .t ,, nl ,..m, .. , ., n ..-ana
itnce and was f-r;ot. n A few da
, -wallowed a t.traiaij;ii He. Nh thotirbt
little of the m ttt-r at the t:lll. but a
j noinenoit.
1 Kittle Wdlie Pfrkin. -n til tht it-
i mister nt IVrkuuviSb. N"b . swal-
Ioed a dollar tw a .-. and. dav
in -fort ye-.tfrd.ty . he xtraft-rt from kts
left ear a dollar and tweltt tmt. th
- -1
Well, xes I hal not bn ia the
.- -
i council rmr hai; until h trirdt-
; ' m
"V ' ? " ' w'
"Y lmi akittS " fW"
I w ;f mnm&
1 ' Ma l'
! -
"'hat w thn"
-The Caa-taliaa itmi-ter of iiarfa-.
r-jport- iA lirhh-m-r --uuiojn ia the
dootdttinra. Ai Jm ttrMw of ihm tSBWS
ta-eru it: alT eier-ttss.
- proper ti -fl-. .f rtli.-rtftiM wiR
,--fta fMkir U-m-a ptmArvti-9. mmI
hnn; -. .tt lt 1 ' -" A'
rt t
- All s i 1 -
Um frrr U lurt bJ bMl whwk
cn '- :' ' " - f" p"" 1
ne,;1.. --.. v r t rr-.p f '
ixr up I. hi pr ...jr" ff-r"M
XJon t put a!t 'f -; in -ba4t.
Jir- h t. - If
r .. o '. ;
t m b'i' . t .r ' . K ,!- 1
... 4 m 'k anl t-i.'V. - - ItriOif
i t! r. .! - " 4 fr t '
I' ', - . tl
...rtij . ..or ."". ;th 1
. r- t f '- -T ' f
t-rA.e. . - iw. r..x us' t m .- f t. - f -
ir. ! . '. r .'. J .-
. .
. . -. . .. v -ar
.;at t. :. tu .. f o .i
. al i f '.-- - v-
!' 0 "u: . It . s,-l !,!
:. iit if . . .j : . ' 'U h" I
t . h"Ts. . ' t. . ' ii'i ! .. tn
! .-r .1. ! A ' -' t
In . ' 'op i t . 'n t p'.ae'rst
?t th,. ,'." . :! t - 'I !
. lv.M! .'i- d !!! r bn th
r lr Ii. d bs ..':. . r. f
!' i tr! ti.tuit.'. I i
vlr.JU i i.i ! t. !.. s-.ili.'i. t .
tttularj:.- ft priort..n -t ". ...,- ...'.
ear- .V 2' Tnt. . rips. '-! ; b- ' -tnvf
th-ir f.M.t-1 tm.ii'i t' ' '
tlv or ix t ' 4 i i . f l -
If wo ran k- he . ?f t- t..
in- tior .- i. -I I' fi t ' '
uii! bv u-.... I i f
m.-tittlt !
it t . !: ' ' , . M
or an 1 t . .it
i k n m . i' d '
. t. W .. .
A. !
:ti ' !
t iit . . in
tt. :. -'
o 4 t
b t
t;. . i
si. "
.l- i
t -
; v
n. ?
,: .
- -
! . '
: . I
i ..'.-.
r. ;
nj. I I
ll. f
ll . - .
I . .
i .
'l!f '
. (
d- !
t t.'.i t
' III I . ' I '
i - i b i '. i I" "
? in
I ilii I Ik '
-n.. t -
. or S '
t r . X :i
: v . in. "
atti 1
li -
1. '
,. I i-
' t v "
,- v.- : -;
, i.!.- i : -t I .
' Hi I ! it '
' b-r ;t 1 - iti 01. 1
reli .nl Iii Ol v ' l
lrv -!r hi a n tin. -. '
tt 1 x pr r I'e 1' ' tt I'"
but a j": oiii.. . . el'
straw. ntkini it . 1 r 1
cttws It 1 pitde thrtt tariii- 1 -
tit take ! nowitii; -wee vert .. ,
f)tr the o!" porpo. of ftavtiriMj, '
winter's ftupoin - of drv ttrw n .41
milk rucoro-s.
'Iltelr VJwp t. l".ftHit,' sl llv. 'Ijli-.
stiwlll U.l
A rejri-irv of the m ilk t .w ill e
anl the r- orl in butt, r -ril h -.. f
btb, i- now i..riMlr ! !- i.r
all v-!brettlafe. br-.tsn; eti
meat whir-dtirv -.. are hr ! 1
tbi way it ran be hoMt at ; .
)U-t what the prtellict ' f i o
milk, antl lso h r
wek, nvrnth or yer I
tion it i prop, r t -' '
.! who erp the f.
;a!bni- and frat..ti. "
mistake it'I '
for by jrraxity r '. r
ehoild milk he e?.tu t!
I pr
to ' !
at " p
- ! t.f n. i
f tif It. k
: ' in j-.
t ' n .
.! "Ih. . i
eauily ascertained h" o poi-! !
mllfe git ! he p-e.t. I f tut. r
rhcte, r tt-tth. ! ii oh :
milkixl the pad I p. f -1 i-i th
find -t weijjht f imi .-. r .r. !
ad thi i reor.e.J in a : -k ;-' t
rubl. I"hl htf whew open ty
axis-wof ope Wr!l rer-fr In !-.
lelt-haad etdttmn are la n ' .' f.
cw; &it the rtffht lure J art.' i -
una. tv f wbb h rr . tbe m ,rt
in mhiI .jTematf f-uJ .f ti
In ;h aaal oiluari ot. n, t
pear the m ee 4 fr) I ' e m .
and spare i albttf f r w. rnnrii
aeee9sy. Fraetha ( '" 1 r
a eatered. nale . -L. f . .- .
is dr-uretf ot rf half nit)' d ft
tiitlered a whole pottnd. b U. o
baJf a pmatt h iK-ed.
To the foravr t a i n-n
erarj U k-p thhitaillt; pert-tf! . r felatitrely a taos
him a to aar thrr ymrmm I :
sar his the xrtatxt auU . ' '. I
different riW. and tha 'o . . .
o4 the ta-tiiVre-Bt . r pirn itj- m
with better. it will W teenal afi'. .
whieh ar evea aitker . f
whn-h naeveti e-o-w cc a !-
tftow for horr ttftie tutef then , !
4ely fxrnk --i" ri- ptmtt M-
othierti n-b m..W AH tit taaii.'.'
aruiy he -" 'W 1 " refjrir a4 l"
that the -. &tX bMfe fiWw Sur V
lmr time 1. the -yro6tab4- t
the rw -riinC a avjlrte taw ''
rirh ailk. tt fr a "r perw-4. 1
art. il ta at erce irrir rm4wr9t l
hut ha www- iHth the wmd'- atrsr-trary
to detail wr oaly hi Iter- dmtry brat k
e-rerjr .leparuaeat of the tana. thfW
rmld W im that mmfjm. laf?
aawaer fcotttt.
The rester of arulk t teUh artajF vary
pro-perW he twppbi'fi ntei wtfhr-f
raaeie. Tbew mat fc-f ata4rr jf-h
tM hcddinj- a tje-jalt aaathtw tf
oojter- of nail V. Hwwt :t aeapurttMtoi
f craa in aiilt a I
ai iht aioipwcw-aite rr ni pn
vaiwiff-i mi itlt.tlw-- Tnhct-
1 B"
I !
jaSdH -bV M
H " " aw T