The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 02, 1886, Image 7

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Notice is hereby given that W.
P. Overman is our authorized col
ector We hope thObe who receive
notice from him will promptly re
spond, as we must have what is
duo us.
To the Farmers.
Farm loans negotiated through V.
P. Overman can dp paid at the end of
any year without a bonus. Rates at
low as the lowest. Money fnrniahes
promptly. Office over city drug stored
i .1 - -
9 Per Gent Farm Loan.
The Nebraska Farm Loan Co. will
make you a loan on you farm at
straight 0 per cent and furnish the
money without any delay. Call on
them in the Red Cloud National Bank
the 6th in special
for the spring
hag returned from
A meeting of tne patrons of school
district -iO. 2 is hereby called for
Saturday evening, April 3, at the sher
iff oflice in Red Cloud, to nominate
six candidates for members of the
board of education. Meeting will be
called to order at 8 o'clock. By re
quest of Many Citizen.
Read our new uds this week, also all
others. It will pay you.
On Friday evening a pleasant social
was given at Joseph Warren's.
1'ekkins & Mitchell have renovated
the interior of their grocery house.
County Treasurer JcNitt has
purchased a phselon and will hence
forth take life easy.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs,
W. W. Ferguson is recovering from
her recent severe illness.
County Clerk Bailey is making
nrrnngements to build a new dwelling
in the west part of town.
Miss Saraii Perry has returned to
Red Cloud and will resume her dress
making busmess next week.
A vaiiY pleasant party under the
auspices of the W. C. T. U. was hald
at Mrs. Brakcficld's last Thursday
Married, at Red Cloud, March 28,
Rey. E. D. Phillips and Mrs. Margaret
S. Douglas, both of Franklin county
Rev. Geo. 0. Yeiser officiating.
David Stkoui'K and family, from
Lewision, P., arrived in the city
. Wednesday morning and propose to
make Jled Cloud iheir luture home.
W. M. Rickakds and D. P. Rickunlii
brother of our legal friend, J. Jf. Rick
ards of this city, arc in Red Cloud
l y811" The boys are from Illinois.
We understand that Red Cloud is to
have a new lumber company. The
parties who are to start it, rumor says,
belong to a large company in Wiscon
sin. The lam snow has set the farmers
back quite a little in their spring work
but thank fortune our weather prophet
predicts pleasant weather by July 4,
C. IIines, of Ashland, Ohio, has
located in Red Cloud, and will hence
forth make this city his home. He
nas erecteu a dwelling near the
Catholic Church.
J. N. Rickards announces to
people of Kcd Cloud that he will
accept any city office whatever at
coming city election, and will
qualify if elected.
Sam West is u prospective candidate
for the. office of "PcrUce Jedgc." Sam
would make ji kKmI officer ami we
have no doubt but th:u ho will receive
the nomination.
The beautiful snow came on Satur
day and Sunday in hlizzaid form, to
remind us thnf.4wititni. :n i: ' .-1
- "- snii lingers iu
the lap of spring." (Rather old, bat
comes in good play.)
Mr. Shay, an extensive stock grow
er and a staunch retmDTteau from
Paw Paw, Illinois, is in the citv with a
carload of blooded stock and will
rrpiobably become a citizen of Webster
The Chief hopes that the next city
council will pass an ordinance looking
towards the extermination of the
social evil blot upon our city. It is
time that some action was taken in the
Asiily Pratt, a druggist of Paw
Paw, Illinois, and M. R. Reams, n
merchant of that place, are in the city
guests of G. W. Lindsey and Charley
Johnson. The gentlemen are hunting
' She-boy-gax" sang the Michigan
chieltian on beinginformedof the birth
of a second daughter. Ditto is the
burden of J. W. Mvers' somr -peond
daughter having arrived at his resi
dence during the late blizzard.
The Prairie Gem Lodge No. 7, 1. O.
G. T., at Cloverton, will hold memorial
services in remembrance of the late
John B. Gough, at Prairie Gem school
se,'Aprilll, at 7:30 p. m. C. W.
Window shades at Cotting's.
Pete L Jeffe, u in the cjty aRiiin.
M. R. Bexuey lost a fine colt this
Court eets on
School ha citlaj
C G. Codmau
Washington, D. C.
Frank Jones has made final proof
on his preemption.
Boys' shin waists in flannel, percsle
and calico j t the Golden Eagle.
Mrs. Fra vk V. Taylor will arrive in
the city some time during the week.
G. W. Houghton, of Hebron, father
of our Will, was in the city this week.
Read Van Campen's new restau
rant advertisement in another column
The Daughters of Rebekah of Salem
made $50 t,.e other day from a festival.
Divine service, will be held at the
Catholic clnrch, Red Cloud, on Sunday
Apru 4. Joseph Clery, Pastor.
Mrs. L. II. Fort is now visiting at
North Platte. Kh tw ;
baching it.
J. A. Crawford expects to open up
his Fourth Avenue Hotel sometime
next week.
The prospect for a big spring trade
is apparent, and our merchants are
very happy.
Prof. Smith has gone to York. Neb..
wherfc he will take a professorship in
York College.
R.V. Shirdy, cashier of the Red
Cloud National Bank, was in the west
ern part of the state this week.
John Young, of the firm of Athow &
Young, has returned from Chicago,
where he went to purchase goods.
The fair grounds have been seeded
down with timothy, blue grasa, etc.
John Toralinaon was the artist in
M. R. Bentley came near breaking
one of his limbs on Wednesday by
accidently stepping through a
Our aged friend, R. R. Pitney, of
Inavale, left this week for St. Louis,
Missouri, where he will spend a few
weeks visiting his relatives.
Mrs. M. R Bentley has some of the
finest ' house plants that we have
observed in the city. They have been
in continual bloom during'the winter
Jeff Ward has been appointed
route agent. JefFs bourbonism has at
last found its great reawrd. We con
gratulate our democratic brother
his success.
L. H. Rust goes to Crete
ringer will deliver the memorial
- Sehatoe Geo. W. Moon, of Manistee.
Michigan, ii extensive ship owner,
.the city a guest of his cousin, Mr,
y ea. Mr. Moon owm the Elliott and
-Tomlineon farms west of the city.
Whil .litre he paid Tub Omar
DuBMWa Month nl VmrttTK
9mk t oWM
s 1 job
f th
pWicaUoa jrf
1 fl iH?!W-t
this week
to get his spi ing delivery of fruit trees,
etc. Our old brother is a number one
nursery artist and consequently takes
a great many orders.
We are pleased to announce the
name of Harrv Pond for city clerk.
Mr. Pond would make a good officer,
and we shall bo pleased to chronicle
his election at our coming city election.
E. H. Ambler, the gentlemanly
cashier of the Bellevillo National
Bank, and wife, spent a few days in
this city visiting old friends. He paid
these steam headquarters a Dleasant
The name of Dr. Mcffeeby having
been mentioned in our citv papers as
a probable candidate for Second ward
alderman, wishes to announce that he
will not be a candidate under any cir
cumstances. Miss Mamie Hacker and Mrs James
Potter v re at Akron, Col., on home
steads We must congratulate these
ladies on the:r courage in depriving
theniselves-of society and comforts of
a city life, in order to take tip home
steads. The weather clerk jjot things a little
mixed on Sunday. Snow with hlizzaid
attachments is certainly out of season.
out. we tiii i in hin nin in
- i BBBb
ras evtrymmg seems a' little tahcle
and out of season since Grover ha
assumed control of the "Ship ol State."
The Jay SimmsTrreairical Company
which gave two of their highly inter
esting and pleasing entertainments at
the opera house this week, are above
the ave age traveling troupes now. on
the road. The show is first-class in
every respect and drew a good hoose.
Advertised letters for ths week end
ing March , 1886: Ec. Anderson,
Lucina Beatinis, Lee W. Campbell,
Mies. Tracy Eccover, John McVice.
Solomon Penny. D. Terrv, Clarence H.
Wilson, R. H. Williams. These letters
will be sent to the dead letter "Office
April 26, if not delivered before.
It has been stated that owing to the
fact that the county changed to th
commissioner system to that of board
of supervisors that the officers elected
last fall would have to be re-elected
this tall. This is a mistake, as the
officers elected last fall will hold their
offices until the regu'ar term expires.
The Chicago Nebraska, Kansas A
South-western Railway should begin
to materialize soon if they come up to
their part of the contract. We hope
soon to be able to report work on tne
road. . According to the tenure of the
proposition the work must begin bv
May 1, 1886. or the bonds will be nuil
and void.
Kahsas papers think that the Hock
Island railway will croas the river jtt
Superior and from there pass through
Jewel and Smith cotwties west The
Chief does not believe that th Rock
Islaml can afford to do such a. thief
whan for the same expense could tap
a country aurroandio; Red Cloud that
would be much mere remnaerative to
L. H. Wallace made a flying trip to
Grand Island this week.
2 fence builders: C that wonderful
post auger at Morhart &. Fulton's.
Mr. E. Davw. a brother of Rev. G.
8. Davis, is visiting in the city. The
young man is from Michigan.
Boys' suits from $1.50 and upwards
tmen's suits from $3.50 and upward, a
the Golden Eakle. t
You can find the largest stock and
the best make of boots aad shoes, at
lowest prices, at the Golden Eagle.
Wall paper at C. A. Owens' wall
paper house, at 8c per roll. Now is
your chance. I will not be undersold-
Harry Feioht's fine black horse
was one of the principal features or
the stage Wednesday night at the
There was quite a lengthy remon
strance presented to the council Tues
day night praying that the saloons
should not recieve license.
Mrs. King, State Installing Officer
for the W. R. C. of Nebraska, gave a
very pleasant address to Garfield Podt
No. 80, G. A. R. last Monday night.
A. C. Hale, of Inavale, has moved
to Bradford, Ark. We now have three
Webster county families at BraJtord
viz: Tom Poyner, D. S. Helvern and
A. C. Hale.
Mrs. M. A. Watson, mother of our
friend W. P. Watson, will return home
to Ohio this week. She will probably
return to Red Cloud in few months
to make it her future home.
A large number of our citizens
have gotten the western fever and are
now rusticating in the west on homi -steads
and pre-emptions. It is an
easy way to get a good farm cheap,
W. N. Kino, the editor of the Helmet,
has leased his office to Grant Ludlow,
who will run it in the future. Grant
has the ability to make a first-class
Daper out of the Helmet, and we wish
him success.
It :s hoped that some of our inter
ested capitalists will make an effort to
establish a canning factory in Red
Cloud. It could be gotten up on a very
small capital to start with, and would
at least make a good market for can
ning good.
A. A. Pope, our live and wideawako
agricultural implement deajcr sold in
three days last week nearly $5000 worth
of agricultural implements. This is an
immense sale and Mr. Pope is to be
congratulated on his success. He hss
purchased thirteen car leads of imple
ments so far this season for his trade.
Read what is in another
The people of this and adjacent
counties should be very careful how
they purchase from traveling agents,
who just come into the state to beat
and defraud tin- people. Foreign
lightning rod peddlers, foreign imple
ment agents, etc., are verv numerous
in the county. The Chief would
advise the farmers to purchase from
home agents who are trustworthy and
honest. .By so doing you will leave
your money at home and will not lav
yourself open to being swindled.
A Sebxoct AcciDEXT.On last Sun
day morning while No. 60. the switch
engine in the B. & M. yards in this
city in charge of Engineer Petersen
was running at a moderate gait to the
section houe with Officer Grav and
William B?hrer on the step board, the
engine struck a snow bank in the
vicinity of the coal sheds breaking of!
the step board, letting Bohrer under
the engine, but with great presence of
mind he grabbed hold of the engine in
such a manner that by the assistance
of Officer Gray h. was held ip until
the engine was gotten under control.
Mr. Gray feeling the board give ay
raised himself upon the pilot and
thereby saved himself from being
dragged under the engine. Bohrer
ws dragged along over the track some
460 feet before the accident was ob
served by the engineer, and had it not
been for the presence of mind of .both
Mr. Gray and Mr. Bohrer both would
probably have been seriously if uot
fatally injured. . As it was Bohrer had
one of his legs broken in two places,
wane Officer Gray escaped uninjured.
It was certainly yery fortunate that
both gentleman escaped with their
lives as it was indeed a close call for
both. Mr. Bohrer is getting along at
this writing very nicely.
Chakoe of Firm. On last Thursday
Mr. R. L. linker the gentlemanly
proprietor of the old, reliable, furniture
store in this city, sold the establish
ment with all its rights and franchises
.o Mr. Frank V. Taylor, of Clinton,
Illinois, an old friend of The Chiek
whom we have been acquainted with
for many years. Mr. Taylor is a young
man, full of energy and enterprise, and
cornea to Red Cloud with the avowed
intention ot making the Gate City of
the Republican Valley his future home
The Chief can recommend him in
every respect to the people of Red
Cloud as a gentleman of unquestioned
luiegruy aim ousmess nuiiuy, anu a
man who will have the interests of Red
Cloud at heart. Being made up of tjie
necessary pluck and ambition to make
whatever business he enters into a I
success. We bespeak for him iS.
usual prosperity that our business men
receive in Red Cloud from their gen
erous patrons. Mr. Taylor will keep
the store and undertaking- department
up to the usual standard ot excellence
and fully maintain the past reputation,
of the house. The Chief wishes him
prosperity and success, and is fully
assured that tie will attain both.
MftmS llM'MMWkUf.flU'J
wm m m
jiAtfHKHHB seieeiB wsaHS
wants, the
aadw beueve
to am! wiu
We hope the voters of Red Cli ud
will use due caution on election day.
and elect only the best men to city
offices. The coming year in an im
portant one for Red Cloud, and due
consideration in the selection of city
officers should be made. A good board
of alderman and an enterprising
thorough busii.css mail for mayor are
necessary adjuncts to every well regu
lated city. The local' option question
will enter into the subject, but in ths
turmoil the voters should not lose
sight of the fact that there are many
questions that will come up dunng the
next year that will need decisive ac-
lon on the part of the council, and
thereTTethp fitness of the men should
be an important faciufc-
Mr. R. L. Tixker, who for many
years has been closely identified with
the business interests of Red Cloud,
has disposed of his stock of furniture
to Mr. Frank Taylor, of Clinton, Illi
nois. Mr. Tinker nis been a generous
and enterprising citizen, and at 'all
times has oeen interested in the well
fare and growth of the city from its
first inception, years ago, when it was
but a spec upon a vast prairie with
only a settler here and there, and at
that time many miles apart. Mr.
Tinker will cerUinly be missed from
among -our active business men. but
we uuderstand will make Red Cloud
his home as of yore. The 'Ceikt is
sorry to to loso him from the business
circles, but in whatever comer of the
world he may roam in the future we
shall wish him success and prosperity.
m m
The Odd Fellows of Orleans have be
gun to make preparations toward cel
ebrating the anniversary of the order,
in April. The? boys are? determin
ed to hare one of the largest gatherings
here at that time, that has ever bees
seen in the valley. Already many
lodge have responded to inquiries by
say ing they will be here m fall force
nd expect to bring may of tbir ch-
iseas along with thm. Some of the
finest bands in the state will be,res
ent. NsHiatioos ara peadiag with
Mr.M. E. Paoe, e?UMoKuT -Mr.
xtarns, ot uotmeu stun to be
of the day. iTht proooaed eehAratiosi
win.cemlMM parage, haaqnst ii bait
, Iivatioaa wiU be mhm4 the bretfc-
" i;perw et is vaaey as ales
The Kansas City Daily News, March
23, contains the following special from
St. Joseph:
"A mass meeting of citizens will be
held here at four o'clock this afternoon
to consider a proposition from the
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific rail
road relative to the extension ot that
system west of the Missouri river. It
has been decided that if the people of
St. Joe will :ake $200,000 worth of
stock in the road, two linrs will be
built out of the city, one south-west to
the Indian Territory, and one west
through Kansas and Nebraska to the
Colorado line. The charter of the
c impany, which is to be known a? the
Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska road, was
filed in Topeka on Saturday. It con
templates the building of five lines
from the Missouri River in a Acsterly
and southwesterly direction, with a
total mileage ot 1.100 miles and a total
capital stock of $15,000,000."
Program of Webster County Teach
ers Association to be hold at Red Cloud
Neb. April 10. 1886.
The Teacher's General Information,
Carrie E. Brakefield, Red Cloud.
General work in Primary Grades,
Ella A. Putnam, Kcd Cloud.
What constitutes a Teacher, W JI.
Allen. Blue Hill.
The Teacher's Authority, in School,
John L. Springer Inavale.
Education and Man, Marion Isom,
Guide Rock.
The New Law, Eva Munsell, Red
Reports of State meetings and rais
cellaticx? business-..
Our last association was a grantu.
cess. Let your presence this time tea
chers, show that this provision for
your improvement is appreciated by
you. By order of Ex. Com.
W. C. Picking, Chairman.
The Red Cloud and Amboy nSwring
mills are considered twa of the most
complete mills in the state of Nebraska
The capacity of both mills is in the
neighbornoodof200 barrels per day.
and the flour therefrom is the equal of
any made in the state. Such institu
tions as these are a credit to Red
Cloud and Webster county and the
projectors should receive the -encomiums
of the people for their enterprise
in maintaining and operating the milll
so satisfactorily. The cost of both
mills as they now stand is from
seventy-five to one hundred thousand
dollars. The Csucr hopes the incor
porators wilt make a mini of
out ot the enterprise.
Why Were th Papers Wltheid?
To the Editor: I tee by your fwpcr
tnat there are two petitions filed with
the city clerk for saloon licence, ar.d 1
understand different parties !ure
called on that officer to see the said
documented have been refused the
pnviue, saying "you can see it when
the board meets " Now what in the
world is the matter with this precious
piece of city business? Are the men
who signed It ashamed to have it made
public, or is it the officer in charge who
fearr the consequence? Is the a.iloon
so disgraceful that men who petition
lor u ao not want the public to know
who thy are? I understand from good
authority the maioritv of ih .ninM I
men of town are the signers of these
papers. Are they ashamed of it ? If
so, why do they sign ? I think the
trouble is, every sober man knows the
whisky business is wrong, and when
ever a man begins to tamper with it
nr. w wrong anu Knows U auu wants to
hide behind something, or be in the
dark. Now if our city clerk should get
a petition for a new sidewalk on a
certain street, could you not go down
and see th'we papers, and get a copy
for that matter, if you wished ? Yes.
ot course you could. But then, that is
legitimate business daylight business.
Guess our e'erk catches on to the
President's style don't have to show
Papers. Eelix.
The Blue Hill Times in an article on
freights received, mentions that two
car loads of agricultural implements
were received at Blue Hill. They
ought to come down and see Pope's
goods he keeps a gang unloading
cars one half the time. He has re
ceived for this spring's trade:
1 car load of Studebaker wagons and
1 car load ot Henncy buggies
1 car load of Bird windmills.
1 car load of Avery windmills, stalk
cutters, etc
1 car 'oad of feed grinders.
1 car load of Monitor windmills,
pumps and pipes.
1 car load cf Weir and New Depar
ture cultivators, mixed.
1 car load of Deere. Bradley and
Canton goods, mixed.
1 car load of mixed goods consisting
of Eagle. Peru City and Mohne goods.
And lis on the way one car load of
Star windmills, and ordered for April
1 car load of Buckeye mowers.
1 car bad of Buckeye binders.
1 car load of Buckeye mowers and
1 carload of twine.
Card to the Public.
To my friends and patrons: Having
sold my entire stock of furniture and
undertaking business to Mr. F. V. Tay
lor of Clinton Illinois, I take pleasure
in introducing him to the citizens of
Red Cloud jmd the Republican Valley
as a gentleman well worthy of the
generous patronage flxendcd to me
during my business career in Red
Joud as proprietor of the Old Reliable
Furniture Store, whom I assure you
will keep up the reputation of the
house in quality jf goods and prices.
To my friends I return many thanks
for the generous treatment received at
the'r hands during the years that I
have been in business in Red loud.
Very tin ly yours. R. L. Tinker.
The Wells, Fargo Express Company
will sell at Omaha tne various pack
ages of goods belonging 10 the parties
na'hied below. Tne goods were un
claimed and belong to parlies living at
Red Cloud:
Red Cloud, Nebraska,
Our New Spring stock is on hand"
We are prepared to
gains, one
give you some great
of manv is a
IP"-- MJrlr v-jr-
- .Sl,
Worth $1.25 we will- sell at 50c
per pair. k
Mrs R II Brown
W Fher
Hunter & Tope
H A Mvcra
A A Pope
W Pensinirer
James Policy
VhA Reed
J W Robinson
J M Search
Geo Schultz
Spanogle & F
C Saunders
W A. Sirone
C, H Conk
E Ilolliuhead
Jack Haver
C Miner
A A I'npe
A A Pop
W L Pettibone
A B Rice
W E Swain
S E Sanders
M M Storey
Spanngle & F
J H Shawland
Whittier Bros
W H Williams
now k YOUNG,
- " - I
J -
Tliml Ajiimal
jau jr.wi
Throuoh a mistake in the advertise
mentofJ.J. Ducker it Co.. in Th
Chief and Argus this week our special
I"Vva.U r'a cloves at 75c
dollar when it should a
- J As T i1
u 91. Dear mis in roina iaaiee ai
purchase now.
Hay For Sal.
In Asnotmts to suit purchaser. Good
quality and at lowest prices. Can be
weighed on farm without expense.
Apply to J. L. Miller, Red Cloud.
3w2 Codxax k Wirmcnr.
inm OIUHaTIt
The square Deling,
One Price, Golden Eagle
.X Clothing stoi
Again, offers its customcrsthc folio wirg spco
lal inducements
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You arebeteay ooiiied that I kava
aoW my stock af Jarnkare, eec, ta Mr.
frank V Taylor, aad all parttM ,waa
kaaw thnaaelvariadekltJ tie saemess
the taaee by Use l$4a of April, ay
r Boie,.or laa aeeaaais wikt -a
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Every purchaser of $5.00 worth rpf coois
t one time is entitled to chance, th winning
1 - I "V . i ,-m- -
aoove prizes, uistnoution 01 prizes, July
1886. We hare marked our goods at tkfe
ty ihe largest stock ot ...
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