-sa: J- UK 9 9 a ft H J h ? J "s- ED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. HOSMER, Publisher. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA CURRENT COMMENT. The Kroadwaj' and other New York street railroads have been enjoined from soiling' or transferring stock. Nirvv steel works are to be erected at Gcrniantown, near Philadelphia, and operations will be begun in January iicxL Km: thousand pictures have been sent in for the spring exhibition of the Paris Salon, but there is room for only one-half of them. Commission:!! Colman, of the Agri cultural Bureau, lias already arranged for .-ovcral addresses lcfore different associations this .spring that are recog nized by his department. Postmastki: CIenekai. Vilas, in :m-uer to a recent Senate resolution, Mated that 8,0:15 fourth class po.-tmac-ters hae been made since March 4, J&v. Jn Missouri, 287; Kansas, 1'tW. Tin: annual report of the coal tAde shows a total output of 102,1...$ ton.- for tin; United .States during the year if IS.Ni. of which :il,G-23 J&j ton-, were .mthracite and 70,(101 ,0J1 tons bituniin oiis. O.-.man Dk;na ha erected a fort on 1he old battle ground at Tainair, whence lie retreated before the IJriti.-h expedition which .-tailed to build a railway from Suakim to P.erber. He lia placed eir!it zim in the fort. Kmii:i:ui: Wii.i.iam, in a letter to Prince liiNiuarck. .-peaks (f the joy ami gratitude he felt at the loyalty ami patriotism evinced by hi- -ubject.- in their dciuondratiou on hi- birthdav. I and publicly thank the peojde for their Manifestation- of atlectiou. TllE delegate- frnin the lie civil jed frilies f Indian-recently in convention -at Kufaula, I. T.. entered into a cun act idctljrinir them-che- not to cede or in any manner alienate to the United State- am part of their prc-cnt territiry. Pro i-ion.- v. made for the puni-liinent of crime, re-toration of .-toleii property, change of citizen ship from one nation to another, and Mippre ion of the sale of spirit.-. The .-nit of the (iovcrnment again-t the I Jell Telephone monopoly com menced at Columbus, O.. on the 'J'.Ul. The attorneys repre.-entinirtho (iovcrn ment aro .lolni Coode. Solicitor (om en:! and Acting Attorney Ccneral in thisca-e: Philiji Hates Kumler. District -Attorney for the Southern J)i-trict of tlliio: Allen 0. Thurman. (iroavcnorP. Lown. Ileatou T. Chandler, Charle . Williams and IL Ilumjihric-. -pecial couii-cl. The replies to the circular letter sent out by the Trea-urv Department lo merchants and manufacturer.-, re-ji:e.-ting their views on the revi-ion of the tarilT, have ju.-t 1kcu jmbli-hed. 'The total number of replies w:l- l.i'ijy, of which 7G7 apjiroved the reply of the National As-ociation if Wool Manufacturer.- objecting to any change in the wool tariff, or a gneral revision at till.-, -c-.-ion of Conirre. . The -American Iron and Steel A. ociation and the Amalgamated A ociation of Iron and Steel Worker- recommended the adoption of specific rather than ad valorem duties. PuiNt E Honapakie. the a-pirant to the l'rench throne, ha- written to a gentleman in Canada, inclo-ingthe lir.-t installment on live thou-aud acre- of land which lie wi.-he- to tak" up in a French colony recently started at Lake Temi.-eaminguc, north of Lake Nipla siiiiT. Seeral eccle.-ia-tical and civil dignitaries in Prance have taken up larirc tracts of land in the new colonv. and have already interested thein-elves in t'.irecting emigration from Prance in that direction. Prince Honaparte has reijuested that the deed for his property be made out in the name of his wife ::nd three children. The discovery of oil lields in Upper Kgypt has attracted considerable at tention in London. The Times cor respondent at Suez says the discovery of the oil was made by the Hubar Pasha expedition into the Soudan, and states, that the geological formation of the country indicates the undoubted pres ence of oil in large deposits and in more than one stratum. The corres pondent avers that even with the present extremely crude means of lift ing the petroleum to the surface there ha been obtained from a single well as much as twelve to fifteen barrels a day. The specific gravity of the fluid thus far obtained is reported at eighty-eight. The territory is not far from the lied Sea coa.t and is described as easily as cessiole. A st'iT jxrow inr out of the arrest of lViil 11 van. charged with train robbeiy ::i Cllendale, lo.. several years ajro, was settled recently by the Court of Keferecs at Nashvjllc. Tenn. Kyan w:ls taken in custody six miles from Nashville by W. L. Earthnian and sev eral other persons for disorderly eon duet and earning; a pistol. He was irfcntifictl by W. .1. Overton, and taken to Missouri, being afterward tried for tlie robbery of Paymaster Smith at Itfuscle Shoals. Ten thousand dollars reward having been offered for the ar rest of Ryan, the amount was claimed Ijv Earthnian, Overton and six others. The matter was referred to arbitrators, who decided that Earthnian should receive one thousand four hundred dollars and Overton one thousand dol lars, the remainder being distributed Mien" the other six. Overton appealed, end the Court of Referees affirmed the -i-x'isiou of the arbitrators. NEW3 OF TEfc 'rT'ma.vadP' vcrM $5 Gleaned by Telcrjraph and ilaiL CO NO It KSSIONA I- Tnn Senate on tiitr 'S'aI pas-cd the Hotie bill j-rantini- a pen-. on of 5010 :t j ear to the widow of ("encml Hancock. Mr. Loan's bill to promote tin- HHticncr of the nriny win tln.fi tli-cu-'cd. but the 1'II was Jail BiHde, ucil -Mr Van Wyck's bill to contlnn t Aiiiirot committee row the conference report on the I'rirenry I'ctlcteiiey bill was ajjrce'l to ami the House uil.ourucd. Tm: Senate on the 21th further eon 6l!eril the bill Increasing the arxny. ar.'l at tuo o'clock the bill went over ami tin- Senate relapwil Into its late monotony on the report of the Judiciary Committee In lbe Hou-e, on motion of Mr. Ander-on, the rommsttce on Iibor wa prunted lca i to report ul any time. At the expiration of the inorninv hour the Hou-e n-umeil vonsulerntioii of lhe Indian Approiriation b.u. wlilcli wa tlnally pa-el. The I'o-t-olheo Appropr ation bill wa. then tiiki-u up in ( omunttee of the Whole and di-cii.-?ed until adjournment. Aitki: routine business in the Senate on Ihc-'.lh debate was resum d on the report of the Judiciary Committee. After executive i's.ion the Senate iid.'ourned In the House, after rejiort of cotnm ttee-. eon-ider-at on or the Po-t-otSice Appropriation lull in eomiii tlee wa- resumed. An ccmii? - on was held for the purpose ot deliver. nv euSo Kles upon the death olTonirres.-man Uaukiu, ol Wisconsin. I)i:itvTK continued in the Senate on the Wth on the report of the Judieiary (omm.t tee. Senator- lufralls and Ilarn-on lead.n in fuvor of the report 'I he majority report was llua.lv adopted and the Semite adlourned to Monday In the Hou-e the vote wa- recon sidered by which the bill mi delea'ed irntrit in a pension of $.a mouth to the widow of liencral II. W. Ilenham and the bill pa'M'd. Tlie iliiu'i'ffH in eoiiim ttee the leinaluder it the day on the pr.vate calendar. At the eveuiiiK' -e-sion forty pen-ion bid- pa--ed. Tin: Senate mii not in se ion on the 7th. . The se Ion of the Hou-e wa de voted eiitltely to debate on the silver iiue t.on. ri:usoN.i. ani i'oeiticai.. A im:i ti: telegram from New York, received at Kan-as City on the J-tth, an noiinced the death of A. X. Kello, the founder and president of the A. N. Kelloj; Xew.-paper Company. .Mr. Kello had been an invalid for several var-. and in consequence had practically retired from all active management of the bu-ine hearing his name. He was not quite fifty year- of age. and resided in New York City. LiriTi.NWT JI .cs, in his last report, claim- that Captain Crawford was- delib erately a-sas-inated by the Mexican--. Hon. Winn Hint. ex-Associate .lu-tice ofthel'nited States Supreme Court, died nt Washington on the :Mtii in the peventy si.Mh year of hi- ajje. About six voir; ajo he had a paralyti? attack which so com pletely di-nbled him for the time that he was unable to sin a request for his retiie meut. Ax- inane -oldier scared Queen Victoria in London recently by throw mp a paper containing alleged grievances into her car riage. An" attempt was made recently at Hous ton. Tex.. tj assassinate W. It linker, who was running as an independent candidate for mayor. The bullet- ju-t grazed linker's head. The would-be as-as-in e-eaped. Nciionu i-t candidate- for the board of guardian- were recently lm.dly defeated in County Keriy. Ireland. Tm: non-appearance at New York of U'lJoiiovan lbs-a"s organ, the I'n-tftl Irih ihim. gave birth to many wild conjectures in irirh circles Cmmiii:i:i..m. the Uadical member of Clad-ione's mitiistiy. .-aid on the'.'tith that he had 'not yet handed in his resignation. a- it n hoped that some settlement v.oiild be eSlected the coming week. PuiNtr. lw-MniK appeared in the Cer- j iiinn Keich-tag recentl and reallirmed that he was not meditating a cotit d'etat. He warned the Heiehstag that it should not stand in the way of (icrinuiiy.- prog re.--. Iti.v. SM Jim. the Southern icvival jireacher, aunounced in Chicago re.vuliy that he had given up the tobaieo habit, to wlr.ch he had been notoriou-ly addicted. Tin: (Mivcriiorof 1'loitda declines tt name a Miece or to Senator Jones. i:ni Cur.r Ainin u. of the Locomotive Hrotherhooil. con-itlera the eight hour agi tation ireuiatuie. :; i s c i : i . i .a x :: o us. Ai vumini. tl-spnlclics were received frmo ltru el- tut the 'J-'Uh. The .-prcad of -ocial-i-in and iiiceiidiari-in.con-cijuent upon the miners" riot, wa- causing serious apprehen sions of the future. Troops were under ! arm- in the principal cities. .Ii i: M. siii.kt-, Fred Chilton. Frank Walley and F.d. King were killed and Fen ton Wood run" and Charley Kmery weie so badly wounded that they were not expected tti li e. during a shooting a'Tiay atTa-cosu. Tex., recently. The all ray was all the re sult of an old dilliculty over stealing steeis and changing their brantls. Tin: Western Paper Hag Factory, at Ha tavia. 111., ownetl by Van Xotthwick-. was entirely tle-troyed by tire recently. Loss, $7."i.lHM: insurance. $10,00i. Tut: boiler in a saw-mill belonging to the Calera (Ala.) Land Company exploded re cently. William Fletcher tiud James Kobin son being instantly killed and Ilerry Rob inson and J. M. Thomas fatally injuied. Several other men were seriou-ly wounded. A mo rolling mill at Naomi, Pa , has shut down and other concerns were pre paring to stop work becau-e of the scarcity of coal, owing to the strike of the miners. Tin: mammoth barn at tliL Hopkins stock farm. Fast Providence, H. I., was destroyed by lire the other day. Sixt. -live cattle and four horses were burned. Loss. $.V.(VJ. Tin-: employe-of the Itrooklyn and Hroad way (New York) street car lines struck on the "Jtith. The bii-iness failures during the seven days ended Match -" numbeied: United States. li7; Canada. J-t: a total of J21 agam-t "2i" the week previous. Tun North UuiTalo (N. Y.) Hear mill- were burned on the X5th. The Ike spread lo the Gilbert starch works. They were also destroyed. The lire then spread to buildiugb on Thomas street and several others on Itarber street. The total loss was . " roughly estimated at i-.VX3.0r0. Mi:?. IIex::y Fkanki. agei forty-two years, living near Heading. Pa., tried tv start a lire with eoal oil the other day. when the can exploded nnd she and her tW' into drown Tw by star " X -T Vi .7. . - , trikeonthe2.,th was the publishing of a , Tur .ikt.tr' fAtitiiN A ltiA Muvftn--i T-ui. ? 1 circular by Grand Master Powderly, of the Knights of Labor, dated March 13 and is sued secretly, in which he said there was too much striking and boycotting in the order. Another freight train, under an im mense escort of police, got through the strikers at St. Louis. TnrtEE negroes recently shot and killed a colored boy in Suwanee County, Fla. Friends of the boy captured the murderers and killed them all. A mou of strikers marched recently to the palace of .rviag Leopold, at Brussels, I and sang the ""Marseillaise." Beyond this thev created no disturbance. A few arrcats were made for diso-rderlr conduct. cntrte. or ttie pumie lunus in aceonjiwifij ,..a.irc U1ai,iliu.wu...lv court room n:is 1ri1v ero!rd. "'"" hiiuwuiihhhi: iiiTO . ... ( tfi t. V. Ittwnimtr. with the ruliiii'S of tliolan.t-oilicftut the tirae . cattle otr the rt.iervalion. T 1, . i- ..!,.," 'Ivr. mile ha-1 been had by either party heretofore. Vh.a th-- t,4.-, , ,-j... i...- -.. inmii. -n tiilrfii mi ueil iiat'il 1 .. .. ... . riiK farm of It. L. rueonman, .!- mr tatn m'i iiwcnm i9Cttvii hkj iVIdo1 Sl"n V tl-,: rt'r;0,, " fCri rt ' V north f Lvon.. W recently the Wnef a ' J. " n .""jp- J: h ee Wr tHe uem T the report or the Jml entry Committee on that a j.artv of Comanche Indian.-, uum- - ., o.flli1H ..,. ro- a,,J0Un untsI eenmc At n-tcii p. m. - IhelW-tlnea-e .the r.-rlit of the Saute to !.., about Ifw camped at the mouth of ' t-rnl.le tm;I. M . fcu-adinat .. .bv pro tbc confrrenco met r.nltu -.U - 1 nu wdern.c Ih im-ft to retttm to k tkli call for pji-en In ei-es of removal trom ,. ,,7n. '.v rinii -i.tt,. there Inetor of two creamenc-. one of tae mo-. ,Mr. i'UWirrlv had In kac to Vetrpan m- m.uinc. tmt Uit4r ptnn wete atrrsl o children were set on tire. Shejunipci , - - .; mi ffom Ka & rolve a r-tat. for which he wa, tW ad- "Cr."l ". ' ' .7 fWM-!T,r!. '!? m V1 .My n cistern in her agony and was ... , "- . . nt -. . IKlTSnil Two of i ministrator. Mr. Mathew-n x widely "" ''" f."'.- "s s.7 T "T ti. " ;--," . i , .... ..... , ,. i.. ,-, v, . i... 1-,- k-.- " '" -r "- - itbw .,.,,. , , mt.-i.u.iuivii.aj.-.-..u.l-a- v,. .v,. w ... ..... ........ . ff. i-BAim K.h- nf M h ruch In nml icrmma, & Ust B&w )lez EVrv-sr.VKN bui'.diujrs were destroyed ' ,, a,t.w..-f -l.. ,lc,.-, .,,.,1 tl... mnf.-r menMo-setl n n cnndttl-iie for tejver-MK-. A TCCll-KnOtt n ISO 01 JlflWin IM . ... .. ... ,- , .. . .. mT. fire at. Salida. Col., iweatly. The nre , was not or-WIC,ito recover ' a bi.nr b s,oa : Le o-enI at Hyc- 3 corlott- sttlier-tition. Lpn au-nnj j,,. ef &utlttz htm U be refu ted in the mdsor lioteL i TIE s3rna:tf. OB :he :th. had the Army I center. , Tvnm inr "e "r1 "" '"" " to 9nxxisAetm -jfSiinbrigantine Gcorgiana, of Liverpool. N. S.. has oeexi three months on a voyage from St. Thorna,- to Liverj,ooI. ami all hopes of hearing from lier sire nlsndoned. Sh- was commanded by Cnj " " n Nat Z'.vick it and a crew of seven men. A t.nVAT limine fire wns reort.sl raging on the Crow reservation near Kort Keogh. Mont. It had covered rnanv miles of terri- it i .t " i i . r tor.- and burned mt thousand? of ton-, of ... uncut har A report from Billing .-aya il ,",.,. ,i i .i v.a. ehareil that Crow Indians tired the river a Miorl diaMnce and then returned to their camp, burning all the country as they went. OnvoT's bank at Calais, France, has sus pended payment. Liabilities stated to be .Vijtjo. Araian interview with (.rar.d Master Workman I'owderly. at New York, on the 2sth. Jay Gould con-entel to arbitrate the differences between the -tnking workmen and the .Missouri I'acitic I'.ailway Com - tnmv. icc-Pre-ident Hoxie was notihed i. , i.i . t. ... . i. ,.... 1. 1 tr accordiuglv and the str.ke was thought to be at an end. , ... r f. . ...,, ,, i..;i.i Tm. (hicago c Great Southern Kailroad ii !. 1...1 ,,i,. was sold at Indianapolis, Ind . recently u- i .it .. ti r,... . ,.f fi.i der a decree to Henrv H. rorter, or Ciu- .. , ,,,,, f-jniwo cago, the onlv bidder, for .'0IJo. AMiritK ts "stock- were somewhat lower in London during the week ended the -.Tib. The Paris Hourse w as unsWadv. AV employe named John Kolman and more than forty horses were burned to death in a tire at Neisw anger"- livery ....i... l-......... ;.,. i ,. t... Mw.it.iii r.tiitfi JVitilio vii1 .iw. v .-. -.w,.....r ( of llie't!i. Tin: German Iteii'h-tag. by a vote of 1SI to :i. Iiils ieji cted Bismarck's Spirit Monop oly bill. The member of the right refrained from voting. Ft itTiii:i: socialistic riot broke out at Charleroi, Belgium, on the J.-th. Many persons, including women, were killed and wounded by the troops sent to repress the di-orders. For a time tho town re-em bled a pandemonium. Immen-e damage was done by the incendiuriMii of the mob. Ci.i:i:i.nc, hou-e returns for week ended March -'7 showed on average increase of l."V..- compared with the corresponding week of last year. In New York the increa.se wa- ."i;.4. Tm: Peoria fill.,) County Alm-hottso was destroyed by lire the other morning. Loss, SIO.POO; insurance, Jil.Wn). Tin: principal car shops and locomotive manufacturing -hops of the Northern Pa cific railway, located at Brainerd, Minn., were ikstioed by lire recently. Los. .lH).(jmi. Focu wreckers of a freight train in Mex ico wen recently captured by the soldier and at onre -hot. Tin: estimate- for the mxt ii-cal year as introduced in the Canadian Parliament -how a retrenchment of '.UX),0V). Tin: damage done to property by tlie striking miner- at Chartois. Belgium, amounted to S!.i.(il. 'I he striker-threatened to destroy tin gas works which sti'H plitd the city w ith light. A KitnvNT ha- been i-sucd fr the ar rest of Spear- Hoiliiisworth, county treas urer of Knox County. Ind.. on the eharge of embezzlement. He was alleged to be -hort in his account- between -v-IMa) and lM,0cO. Fjivvk Ij--i.u: and Thomas Green, moiinted United States inspector- of cus- loin-, while searching for sinuggleis at I.auoria. on the boundary line, twenty-live miles southwe-t of Tomb-itoue. Ariz., re- ( centlv. weie attacked bv Mexican-. I lie iii-pector-promjitly ie-ro-ed theline,and. when on American -oil, opened lire on the Mexican- and wounded one. Li:wi- Ti:i.Tr.i: wa- as-a-siuated recrnt h in Santa Clara canyon. Mexico, while en route from Jimulco to the silver mines iu :h State of Ditrango. Tin iir.udered man was at one time a wealthy a promi nent citi.en of Chicago, but for the pa-t mx year.-has been engaged in mining in Mexico. Tin- make- the third American muiih'ivd in the canyon tlii- vesr. lti:. i )-cl ItvitM -. of Cincinnati, has been sent up for two year- for bigamy. Tm:i:i: Detroit tiruts voluntarily advanced the wage- of 'J.."iiii men the othi rday. Om:u -1.0il.lHJ in gold was exported from New York during the week ended .March -Jr. Two more Chicago linns adopted the eight hour sy-toin. A MiN'ri:-' strike has bi-en ordered in Penn-ylvnnin District No. "I. Tin: schooner Charle- H. Tilor.-e is- stip poted to have sunk the Oregon. AXil'ITIOXAI. nisp.vTCiins. Ui:av liood.s and much destruction of property were icpoitetl in Alabama nad reuue.ssee on the "50th. Tin: pnnciial feauire in the Missouri I'a citic strike on the '0th was the consent of II. M. Hoxie. Vice-President of the com pany, to nnct n committee of the men to arbitrate the diirerenee.-. At Kansas City a train was switched oiT the track and some of lhe cars were wrecked. Une of the sup- , po-ed guilty purties was shot in the leg by i an ofiieer while re-isling arrest. At Par-' sons. Kan., n pu--enger train was wrecked and Mail Agent Moore was seriously in jured. Fii:: started in the St. Clair Theater at Key West, Fla.. early on the morning of the "0th. An immense area was swept by the flames, the lo being put down at j $l,ol0.00o. Insurance only about SlCO.cVJ. A ".yiloni: reeentlv swept Hcro-s a por Hon of Bullock Lounty. Ala., and in lit, ; path struck a negro church in which a fu-, ueral was going on. The church was blown ( down and four person- were killed and tea ' badly injured. Di-ecri un- from Bel-r-um of the 00th re- ported the troubie.- in the mlniug regions . quieting down. j Mii. !!r-ti.CY anil daughter were Imracd to death in a tire at Bron-oa, Mich., re cently. , .. ! A imsPatcii from Frsnklin. La. ....:.-.,..... .1 . .. .... ..,,. ,1-r,. ll.r. uvmi . uhu -"- ....-., I...... ...... . I .. . ......I . ,. AXh say-: l"he steam-r .Mary Lew is of the ' lif-n vilu: ha- an A. U. L . v Jt-dge. Morpin Line was snnk lat night by collid- Tur petiple of Norfolk were greatly str ing with a bridge acro.-s the Atcbafaiaya , n-I ami shocked by the recent annntiart- river n reilc and a balf Im-Iow- Patter.-.u- vilie. The engineer, pilot and two negro , deckhands were hru To-day the eteamer ! Barmore went to the cen- of the w nn-l: to . save the cargo and machinery n:nl wo ' engagetl in thi- work when her boiler e-c-( I lotieu. Tttj men were very sunou-iy , wouade and four wcrJ drow tied. ... ... . m -fctiK'tcncy lull unaer uiscus-:e. iaeu-nse . was in Committee of the Whola on tLe Post-otlice Appropriation b:lL Senator Cilu-m has introdaccd ia the , Senate a bill appropriating AM,iaM for th-, rectionofamonninent to Abraham cole. The corres-H)ndence of the State Depart- meut relating to Chm-hje immigration has becn sent to the Senate. It is verr volcmi- , . . ... , . , . . ; nous. our. Tnn membe isaid to Sexatok Senate the House to z Pavy, the the UreeJy Tur r..mi!mf t..h?r !o1!r.-nit. afiWior ' tinuneial character and t-osib.v mav in- ." ... 1:... r ,:i.. ..1 i,..l -i. 1 : r "a snT e . rani-mi nriie oi irri inicrcsi. t. .. ... . ... .: vn. ., w.. ... .v ..-. .- - ...... ..... - - --,..- --- .-. rsh.p of the ITn.sLt-; of Labor : 7 " , '. . I tnj-ncr irvtsoorn; at -cTrn vk.. 01 ck-ei. xol aa nKKivii or --j--- ,-.-. . -...., fvs,w .--: . lac miuic ua:i: wt.u o. ... -"-":- th. ii ;l.!i: tin n ,-r U.I.M U hl-St ti- d,lul r-rh-fi !u-r. K . ... '" vtt--5 R"i DMSwr-w.i,ufc. , -..,--,. whi-h tu-v t-j Tj-en for tatr T V ,.-.. 7'l " " i." -.1..- . T.. . ' ,7.'. .-".' . r J I nxtt bto-rlv A Coua has inroduceJ In the, . ,: , " m-r me. v nuc -at hto m a -a----i .- nr "i v. j --- "'"J"'-A -M ejM?I dVrrs- a,-i ,. . .-, :. j 1 1 -- r-v .- t b" "-- -". h.n r,. -.-n r. hv xtti hfT brtCili-ri WW t-r ttCUln VH tva H atil I&4ffi I- . " ' "" ;DI:Uu.airou-reuu.t.uaia TTilfr vor - r iht --" "- -r - ,,..... ,.-.w - . fc .'- n-lUa at vmv t nsE.o wiiMiui ;u r- vt-TC . , . ,. .. ,-MjtJ.miMM.-1, V "y "I"'". 7 .- " '. - . , ?i . f c -.- . .tiw '. . : i ? IttiylUrsubmrt -. r - r r 1 -.---.-. .-- - , inr TiTt-nn iiat- Tirfr iiiii -. - matin --i-w -- ----r- ww- -- - , ,----, mg9 ii-tu widow of the arct. explorer in " T! kJT t0 K - ?B? bC "' 1 bXrtl . tZC" " cantirtioi. - cr-ts-c:- ever cs car- , . NfiMlASKA STATE NEWS. At Omaha the jury in th ca of John TV. Lnuer. who -hot hi; wif Lit October, claiming to have mistaken her for a In: r-rh-r. returned n verdict convicting Lnue: cl man-laughter. Under the statat- the -enalty tconflneeal In lb penitentii-.T from ono to ten year. Switnce '.va rt- .erved. lm: it wo Iwheveil that ..hejiMjJ ., . ., .... tw.-i.v o'th. .ciii(! mm (9 toe ejcuvnie ttniij o. me ,OUKX ""l . ia 71'-,---.... law. The jurv va-out nearly Ir.r-e -3. , ,'' -.. .. , .. . .i..! tr hours and at the trial, wh.eh latel alon had Ja his employ a man named J,bn-on or Andcr-on. Steadmaa discharge! the man, wbich so angereil him that he shot Stead- rnun in the lowel-. causing deitb in a short tim-. Tlie deteraiio then t'.ed, hotly pur -uel by a po.e, one of whom. Edgar Kv r ett, was shot and killed, and several other wounded. Tlie murderer took refuge in a barn and detled arrest. During the -.egw the barn was fired and totallv con-uined t-. :,....t :.,.Af ti,..,i....,..r..,i r.. ...... loaini in ilc runt.-. ! As unknown tramp made an otitragoiis . ..... . it. n-satilt upon a little girl near Long r:.i- ., . , . .. . , tho other dav. but was speedilv btiu'.etl - . down and captuied. It rcjuiriNi a po e , , , thirtv nun to prevent the infuriated - , , ""1 !lu hanging htm. , . is state, that hou-ehold goods are U- ' 'K unloaded at aIparaio by the carload, hich goe-to prove that many people ate "hng home-on the fertile prairie-of Ne- . bniM:n. .... I mui.v Li-srrrn:. a tinted States naval ollieer vi-itmg hi- brother near Wnketield. ' wa- instantly killed the other da.v by the accidental di-charge of a gun while ruling ; in a wagon to go hunting. t Po-t-oifii r changes in Nebra-ka for the week ended March 'JO: L-tablished. Butka. Loup County. Frank Butka. postmaster; Loyal Hill, l.anca-ter County. Benjamin i.ojii inn, i.niiea-iei i oniiiv. jeujaiiiiii - ' - . I . Dodrill. po-tma-ter; Phebe. Keith t oun- ,..,., .. tv, Mamie F. Jack, po-tma-ter. D.-owi . ., ii ,. .. tinued. Bartonville. Iiontier County. Brooks, Howard County; Loup Fork, How n nl County. Two appropriation bill- have been re ported from the Committee on Indian Affair-to the Hou-e. making appropriations for the rebuilding of militarv jio-t- and thr completion of the po-ts already begun. The lir-t contain- a chiu-e appropriating SH0 (re) for the rebuilding of Fort Hob.u son. Neb., and the -ecotid bill authorie the completion of improvement-begun on Forts Niobrara and Omaha, in Nebraska. Tm: bridge over the KIkhorn river at Crowe!! has been -wept away by the Hood. Tin: Union Pacific leads by twenty milei in the railnad race to the North we-t. Tho B. v M.. however, is making giant-liUe stride- to clo-e the gap, and contractor have l.'VH) men and 1 .(. teams at work on the Grand I-land vV W timing Central grade. It i-expected that both road-will reach isroki-n uow aiMiut .inly -I. I wo years ago a farmer near Scotia. Greeley County, found a gold nugget in the craw of a chicken, and the other day ' the same farmer in digging a well discov ered the glittering -and laden with gold nugg"t-. varying in si.e from a pin's head ' to a pea. Scores of people (locked to the tiuil and were permitted to ti-h u; the rich , sand and nnnlwe it. An old mine pro- peetor was found, and hi-opinion that it was pay dnt increiietl tie excitement Fivi; thousand homestead entries have been filed in tie- Nehgh laud otlice. Tm: body of George iloge. who disap pear"d fmm Kiini'V Inst November, wa- leeeatly found near the highw ay nortli of town. Tur. lo-s of Farmer John-on. in who-e barn the Hurt County desperado took refuge and was burned out. enn not be ib linit-'ly e-t:inated His barn, with con tents, i- coinp!etcly de-trovetl. His dwell ing i- considerably damaged, and his farm and lint orchard completely ruined. A Illinois wool manufacturer oiler- to locate in Omaha and put 10,0iyi in a fac tory if the city v. ill raise ? .'.1.0)0 for a build iiig. Tun nineteenth annua convention of the Nebra-kn Sunday School As-ociation , will be held at Central City, Merrick Couti- 1 tv. commencing Tu-dav evening. June I. 1 -. and continuing Wcdne-tlay andThur day. J L-T November the confession of a con- , vict in the Nebra-ka pi-nitentiarv wa inail public which implicated a fellow convict named Pieron. ll charg'd the 1 latter with the murdcrof Wat-on 15. Smith. , former ch'ik of the lnit-d State- Court at Omaha. It w a- one of the most noted trng-ethe-that ever occurred anywheie in thi country. and wa- the result of a content be tween the temperance people ami saloou- t-rw.,ir,rr Pii,-cr.c trtll 4-rTiirrfl fltl I he !- ; -i --- .-.mi. nun n-nes-e-.j.etioiiiMiiijoi wic-in-iin he was arre-ted. At the preliminary exam ination he wa.- held to nn-wer. Cn i:i- Nrmio. of Mndi-on.denies the story recently published to the elTcet that he had salted a coal mine near Ewing and sold the adjacent land for a large .-um of money. A rui:r fight with knives at Kenk-dinan the other night re-ultcd in seriously wound ing Cttis Kleber and Jo-eph ("ootlwin Tb latter is not e.xpect-tl to live. The dav 1-e-fore T. C Munger. county attorney of Dundy County, was without provocation murderously as-aultcd by Mike Farrell at Haigler. Farrell and Kleber are u.idcr nr-re-t. CJroKor. Cu.i.r.v recently went to his . i.. :.. t-t. ,.... f- .- . , . ...,-, ,r- iie-iii-eM -u.ns,.iii tiL in- iiiiiiii. . in- it-r receivetl a serious wound in the brea-t ami was bnitally leateii. and his son and daughter each reeei--d a slight wound, Drink was the cause of the trouble. Callen Avas arresftl. W. (". Ki-Tt.r.K. foreman of the flouring ! mills at Madi-on. wa- tlrowaed the other j dny. He was in n lont removing -ome ice I in the vicinity of the mill dim. when the loat uji-et anil he wa- -wept over the dam m'nt of the di-apintnnet of Clutrle- P. Malhewn. pnicent of in .or.o!k .- tioual Bank. He left the city and mub-d a letter to bis wife on the Ukii nr Cki- cago. aying he was m:al "hnd cxmUl not face tli-R.-tcr and would not rclurc Hi- i:c was prusii-aieu j .ne --. a. is suppo-o-i a:- t::i.u-uit:e- are coienr a AN od ladv bj- the 3ain, ot Kaitmaa. -nnhftl, ' ' ..-, K,r MMrrij i sons near nelson, one uiorainjr recenuv ... ..,... ..! ., 1TW.tfs.t-1-w on, nnd ..-! . cad h?artv. Aller brMkfa-; she took Uu-llw,thr!. nhil, w wrat oct ! 1 to do the chores. Ui-on their return tb-y 1 faanj aer ,i.C4- atdl sitting in tue chair, bat j To -H-am.J uuw.-. .v.-r mwi... t- , , .. i. .l , l,. .p.n.i, rr , - xA-rmi a -!- TaSlB VtZ Tiy rH irt. IWiCl 0i la-arl 1 rlia-nni. tn fir.,1 tl-t tUfr hn.ll ltl -IiCfi . . i . -. . .. . . i .. . .'w.- . ..1. a THE STRIKE SETTLED. owtirrl.r ami CmtM Mrrt nn-i ,rrnt th 3Ii-.-ourl rn.rii.1c Tr-mldo AHillrwtloa A-r---l l"in. NcwVons, .March i0. Yesterday worn- Ing at eleven o'clock T. V. rowurtT and V. II. McDowell called on Jay i.ouW at the latter' rkience. There t!iv wet Jlevr. ja. r;otlj,i Hnnkln "wnio, iiop.in ,. t Hicnr a a cicra! . ,,, , .. ,v atlon in the southt and (iconre .ttIL dirtteMn of the 5ilu- ut by both stdo. and a Waslnn ton to render a.-.-lance if I oMb: Insett.tn the stt,ke. Mr. MclMwell, howcer. r tnaued with Mr. l.uiiSd aihl lus Iart and Mr. liou'd l.nall, handed to Mr. Mr I owell the tol.owuig cotniiiuii.cation T. V. PowtUrlv, (,raml Mn-ter WerVlimn I jti:-ii.KT- uniir. li ot ki I i irta I . , , t- . l ...I. I Liu - .. I!.... . iti , r. tfitir if!nr itf tho f h in.fift! T Hr N f tt' " ..- '""' I .' " that I uj.i to-morrow mornnir ed the fT- lowing telegraphic tn-truet on- to Mr Hon, i.-enerat nutimfc-erof th-M oiin Pae tie mil- mill. r -i l.ou - In re-uiirn-- the invi- iiu-nt of tr rams on the ,M.-.ur Put dc h.I .n the tille- nc ot iiilnirer- in the -i vt-r. le- partirierit-o! th -ctimpan. (rie pr fereitceto iur late emjilote- whether the ht, Kn phi of Ijtlior or not. excerit that oti i.. imi em- Ploy uiiv p.Twm utin ha injured the eom- puny s pnifertv diir.usr the jMte -mke tMr Aill'011 ds--hnrire mi per-on b h' taketi r u e wiui ia.- et.:npmi .iitnwir - - -- w enccs tdtweeii the emtioj t - iiJ the totn- i'V no onji'vir t i' aiii'iiniio i - .- . v.l.a. ii. uff. - f iiinr UToP. imn. pu-t or future Hop nir the ninive ui be satistuctory. I reina n our- ver Im'i, J VV (tut l.ti. iTc-ld'Ht- The e.xtctitive Unml of the Kn.glit of Labor have sent-out the lolloping tele gr.on: Martin Inm-. chainiian execnt'te bonni. I A. lei. M. I.oiii- I're-idetit Jn (ifiild has coii-eiiied to our pro;m tin fcr rtrt tration nnd -o teiei:ntdi.- Viet 1'res dent Hoale. inler the men to re-time 'irk at onic. lly order of the executi e I oanl. T. V. Pow ih:ki.i . ii. !. W. The executive ImhuI also .-at out tho folio.. hie telegram: '-. ..,,, l-i,.i., ,,r i i.., ..,.-,. 4,- v.. . ii,. .o the Kniifht.-ot Labor now on 'tr kens the i Nnitiu-t) h.. . .i, iw.i!.i ,.i ,A.....i..i i,..iii. I n - dent J.t (.oind hn- t on-ente.l to our pnqio-ltioii tor url'itntt.oii ni:d -. teli-irntph Vic. Pn-ident Hox.e. lur-uant to wst- erittili:e lii-trm l.ou. m-nt tit tin- e ha.rinitti i-f 'the eecutie I. oun!. Ii -trl I A emb) b'l. j oil are d reeled to re-inae 'ork at unco. By ortle r ol the tcutt bnaitl. T. V. Powiuiti.v, G. W M. I Congressman O'Neill arrived from Wash ington just in time to get the new. He saul Hint the Labor ( tiiiim ttee had pre- paretl a bill which he wmild pre-ent lo tlie HoiKe to-morrow In wlrch he thought w re proi-ioiis winch could prevent fututn trouble like this. He -.ml that -ome 'J.vOO or IO.U0U ui'opte had leeii tlnectly ailected by the strike, ami unnumbered thou-aitd.i had iiulnei tly been alfcctcd. Heepre.ed great p!ea-itre thai lhe end cone -o p. ace- ably. He leturneil to Washington at nod- night. Me--r-. Powtlctlv and .McDowell will meet .ur. iioiini Hi..- moiiuug by a;- pomtiucnt. ('t irriNo iow n. St. IU!-. March -t. -The strike -titu-Rtion on both -ides of the liver was ery quiet yesterday. Aside from Its be.ng Sunday, a dii.htig tain with now ami then a bti-k shower, fell mo-t of the day. and nobody caied to loiter lut the di-t iiml yard-, 'lhe Wabi-h -cut out one tian in the alteration, but lcoitd this no ultcmpl was made to move train-. 1-1 tiltlKH n MIl.triA. Ti:xai:kana, Ail:.. Match ". -'I ho freight blockatle in this city was biokt n r-Iciday morning ami a fteiglit Imin w.n sent north with freight ftom M. I.oius un der a strong guard of mi itia. Gicnt ex rlteuictit prevailed, and ln) -Inkers weie :i-sciiiblid in tin Missouri Pacific janl. '1 he imiitia ovciaweil thein, however, and the train left without .qo-ilnii. At Matidei.1 Ie. ten miles north of '1 exnrUann. a crow d id stnkcts tiied Jo sidctr..fiw ami w reel; Hie Ham. in mi 1'ia -catteiou them and captured twehc tf the trik-is, who weie brought back to 'I cxarkana and put in jat:. The ihmii ng of tin- train i- re g.utleil bv the p-op.e ot Texarant as bicaking the backbot.e of the .stni.c at tlui point. FATAL FLAMES. Neisw ailg'T- lllble at K.Hfii. I'll I'.i.rnri! .o I'mplote and I'orJy llor.e- !. Their l.i--. Kan-as Ci rv Mo., Mareli . Nei-wa ti ger's lively -table, at Fighth and Wnlmit streets, was destroyed by lire at :t:3u es teiday tuoiiiiiig. A hostler noned Folmati was -niothcreil and. r.ll the Imr-e. in the stable, abo.it fifty in number, jHti-lnil. The large stock of buggies, -.Vigli-. rtc, canicd bv the linn wa- badly damn-reo. and the pecuniaty Joss will aiiioutit to fin y SJ.1,000. Ti.e oiigin of the terrb ble tue is unknown. It wai twenty minute- p-ft three when an em- plojeof the stable named Chris Jjghteiiger tli-coverfil lire in a pile of straw In tin; northw.-st corner of the basement, lie gave the nlarm and ju-t had time to cra-.l out m his ingt'ii c.oine-'. i or- omer em- . .,..-.. it pitnes were aw2i.eneti in nine 10 --r.nioie ou; a,i tin till dejfirttiient w.ii at once rot 'lied. The Uanies spread as if ennpowder had been ignded. ami it was iuipo-sib!e lo even attempt a rp-cne of the hors. A hostler called "Ibii- ton," who-e n.me wa, John Foimin, wai .sleeping in the finat part of the stable, tin- tier the sidewalk. There was no way of get- ting nt Intnl. and It w.s not t-ll the fire was . under control that Ids Lodv was found. He , was twenty-eight ears old, and came here J from Hostnn a few months ago. 'I he . smoke ; was so dens that it tilled the street for blocks awa, and the firemen could do nothing but stand on the out- side and pour water In at ojK.nlngscutbya.xes. The slruggk-of the hor-es were terrible. They groaned and klcke.1 In their terror and sulTer.ng. but all ethirts to aid them were futile, ami every ,rtJ.,ix hors--; wiP, t-!ougt-d to the th -art of :h- G'vrnifunt u ffer- jjrui and In addition to the-e wrre a large "'' to 1s rlalt.i for .'. :sr rent. .f nuuiber of boarder, inc uding fine hor s the -unount of the ran-mc f tfc "m1 o'viud by Judge PMIip, Mr. Alex Fraer, u'ider th- art of 1-J. The I'onti of CJ.xi.- Mr. John Suutli md half a -iw-riM tlwKle.1 that the r-.ilr-n! ("-niMi.r tm - other-. Most of the nones were valuable, rtrtlcd to $!0.( fr-r rnM rmrf-nl -o-ne being worth as much SiOOOapieo-. It was about four .,' clock le-foje lhe fire , u:- .sufWdenUv und-r control to cobb- ; the hremen "to rtl-r the b-itUiug. tlosWin wa touno oil in- i-nj. uaviu-; ,4pxci.tly been .-.atotherctl 111 hU sleep. ) ni tn-tti minvi.i tif ii! iWpnt nirn siitl all decent neriodicnJs i- to -tabU-h u y character s.il to kc-rp it altar It j, It Isn't a rfin-lon of tnoniKtr M, mUch n.-of Ini-in---.-. It u ! tt"r to j. truthful arid honi-st Ujai"-i liar or ft ;0,.f. It ;-the tjHCstioii whether to 2 -, : r , .-. hii-ine.- oi a iww . the center and bow- to each coris'-r- " declare- that tbl- exhibition of yo litenes.- U intended to prwpttiau the ... . .-.. . , --. i. P,nlA. AfCWU P- lo.m' " " . T jra . J? -i, sS Z o( ; P!ny pecoharir it- own.-rti- lHlk AtCJ. ! The jKxition of sroman in the Ko- op le otr-- a- t isprtnea , mm rr.ffo. Metis Uillioa ta-n-an .--.x-ial economy is a strance one. ' d ri--fc--r-. Tb acUoo i tainj s trrjaj-iVd tlt throe -- NOT FINAL. , ItJ'rh In th A-Trrmnt Mj-'I I t-t - lnwtlrrly aii-l hnilliUrtir Mlifc- 'till ln- ttlr.I. st. Iavi March SA. Ia: ntglr-z, while the catcalir cmunlUe wa In Mt4ti, th follow in dima-rn w, u-ctrivt-tl ttvta New Yot: .nrJttn ! anwt n to tb nMtlW i rtMtrato. AiKrttkrr der of tb ttmni. "i '' MI ' !- wc - ' condition of ailaits la New orc mU- ir ch d be thine by tbe eccMti.e oom- mittce in the asv ot onlrrinc tbe tne twek to work until further ItWnwttnni were received fri Mr. IViwderty. N"t or,jor will imw be ud. Noihtnr rati lo . .inn.. , k'l flr.. u ..tLiHi'v ,Im. ilu. tration id U iirreci to. ' Mr. ltHH. tbo chairman of the committee, h exivctetl .. j- Jr,M., ,HlniL this luornlnr. a1 he "" - ...'.. - "-' ....... , ...... ... - ,. ,. , .. "" "" -" " '' """'-- Vl'iKT AT -T. I.ot I-n Warrant-were sworn out .tvtvrirtv nt tj. ;,tnn,.,. f .K,cUI att.irne Of the .Mb- . ,, , J , ., .. OU!"1 ''' ""d ca n-t J. J. MH.any. Judire AdMc:e of Ih-tr ct A-scmbJy 101 ; C. M. Chae ain! a man iumd Itunlette, under the eeucrl rba.e id te.tmv. but fnr " " - r- - - - - the sHciiic otfensj of ohv.iwrtjm; tra. ami iit-pa3-int: ujx uie ptopetty ot tne ttni.tniiv. Tnttllc ha- Imcii rnrtKn:t t- su.uei! on the It on Moitnta n nail . - . .. . TKM.Ns t l -ltr AT hW-.- ttTV. Kan-a- i'ir. Mo.. Mntrh 30. -1 Uree attempt.- wert- made to run trim- hereje--er.Uy. two of which w.ru attended with dithrulty. Tl-e Sirt was at 7.30. 31 r. Drake, .Mr. Dalb and stveral other otUchiLi had :eeii in the nrds -.iwe Iimh o'ctocSc and at the hour mciitioi.cd had a tnuimt iwrnty cars loaded with grain readv to co out. A few striker- were In the ard, tut: after ha vim: pulled a few coupling Jhii- they . , . . were tl riven away by eu-eaiit Newgeut. ,, ... ;. - . . .. At Atip.eton tin tram wa- met by , , , , J uuzciiG with tings and a brass band. M nmui another train of twenty cr.ts was sent eat. This one wis tijggett it the distiller, by -rnkeri and tho eti'Tiiieer at their te,tiest backed the tm.ii to the State lu'ir. Here the tlieuiau and two tirakiviien left the train and refu-ed to go ImcSk. Their places were supplied by other men, and at three o clock another start w.i- made with Bound-man MrGtnnti and oftVers Jd Dai-, William Dais, Clarklu and Fo-ter in the cab. 'lhl lima i.o intertuptloti occurred, the o(Iicert !- laainmg on the engine until lnilceudence wa-ieailusl. The la-t train out was one -cut west at I -::u. At Bjiun. alsuit ekht miles from W jandotte. some thirty ineu sptnng out of the woml and signalled the en- gtm-eitoslop. A-he did not do so one of Hut men turned the -wtich and the engine ran down on a lde track. When the train wro balf way ist the switch the latter was turned back and two car wrecked. Tim men allowed the engineer to clear the tualn trick. but as soon as he had done o tho engine was lati-d. Mr. Drase say he 1ms the name- of several of the party and that one ol tb'iit was a-witchuian who stiur withtlie Kidgbls ot Ldmr. At .ui On, Te., March 30. An dig nt nnd ten cats aimed here uMciit (roui Pott Worth. The strikers dro.e the eii-gineei- lti-ui the ch and killed the eimii.e. and last night Unity m.isked -tidtei lo--k--I up the glMiil at tie- it-iilid liou-r ami di atibtl the engine- in t. A .stxoKg ftUJtil w watching the btii.duig. FIRC AT COLUMBIA. Viiiii Hull-till-:-.. TiztlT Willi futile Htxt lilirr rtitiell, lrlr,Hl it! Ctalni' Ma. Mn. CoMMltlA. Mi., Mnrclf il. taliur. nft'-r one o'clock ye-tenl.iy inomlnc a ttn- tailed In the Marsh ,V 3terii -ab utlle. a frnine building In the center ot the Uiok between Ninth ami Tenth st-eci o IttoHd wa, and it was not long until the follow ing buildings weie coiiMiuicd: (MoiiImiI-tat'-- three story tram- building ore -piml by P.itker 'c Dcar.iig, turnitute tealet undertake!-. and (.crime's eonft-c. tioiiety sj(Jre and resilience J. J Stephens' two stnrv fiauiP; Hopj.r .V Sxi't gifHfiy; (.'. W. Juki lis two sVry tueUI UMif bilc. orctipitt! by Itotith .V Hull, fur- iilliireniid uiiduiiaket': J. S. UiK-ey, two story btlrk. occupied by Ilatbm's jmjMr tore, at;d K. .o!dings cotifecthuM-ry imi with Frank Thomas phohtgtaph cattery above. J. S. Dorey alo lost his ftame rd deiiceandone story btick .-.lore tMrur-ieii by Mr-. Lougeay, ml incry. .Mri. Netf i.st a two stor)' frame -tore, ox-upletl bv Ke.Iir. sboeuiat-er, and Mrs. I! chanMi. iiill.lne". witli Tohhi, photographer, n'-ovc. Th Stem and Marsh -tables and thirty bend of stock weie a total lo-s m.m also a btlrtt re.dcnce on the .vmtheast corinr tf the block owned by btewart .V I'ri". Mr", -.--' j 11. Prew.tt lost thtec dtviliin i .ni-e-nrniss the -t reel west of the viable. i he .iitirrnHtn iiiiiitiuic truilsi a a .. .. . ... .... ... .. . . . .. pnniing oiii'. up .a;r. ami vot ikc mwi news -tand and hanlv-v Ure on the fttt floor, is the only bulitiiu- -a twteu.ry. btick that Is iefl "Uiidmg chi the jti-n-. 'I he total losi on buildmg, stck of gt-o-J-. etc.. will probably atnount :oJ."0.0W. atct halt itisureil. LOST THE CASE. Thr limrrnm-ni l It. ,pp-iI In ih- Milt .c'-'i the Lult.t. r-ritir itllr..i om-.i-.ir. Wasiii.n,toV, March 30. The -supreme Court of the i'nib-1 St -tc hx affirmed tli- j,,.-,,,,.,,-. f)f th-s Coort of Clalin in U. . ,., ,.,. , uts between the I nion.I aciftc ILnlro-d Uimpany and the I nltrd .Stab, grov-im oiimimwcc- ""'"- "" -o- i iranKirimg trie man ani g-'Trsrnwetn anI gi-Tfirnwetit them, ail -o mr i.m-riiDin.1. hw wi iw i mm auw on their o,nb-r c a.ra wrrc cnUJl U) b- envcr St.4'T.fcrT. awl Kate 4ciM'nt m favor of Ue t Mrd State for tfe -fiffet- - "-. ..fc.M wi v. t-- Mat app"-d llii- K-tihs t;!ljl Cra-ifortl. r ,. - t t i. . . .. f.f.j. i. w,. rr4l ,- t'- Pi f-M, Naft-rt. M-. Thr tvmnrTut s --wt Uy Uud-7taker OiIic--t. kImi arrtie-l fcet- Jo-4ay, He -aifeh-we-! Un- bljr -ativh I l hen - i! u. I. kb.-.tifti mm iv.il. reui-a east, Te jvrr nt W . - Tin- Ci o-lii. Mllitl. t 1'mxI. WxinisoTi... March 30-1'erry IIH- , I-rrrus: lUx. .tt iUtch 'X.Ymi: nvn, cbaJrtsa-i of tkr lUe Ccr-Rraittce -T fcnijt.: train -hrk -ot tii frutu oa Kwrim Affair. ll tli aftrrocrm hv H--- at ta. rrtjuc-t uf tb ct'lirtcs vl T- trwJac-; a bJI arjn-jinat.nr tLe uta of arkana, j ai4 -- o-jJ.lt-. jsrvt-ctcit - 1 51C-1.O0O Ui faj tfec -Uacr mi-cl TERRIOLE RIOTS. MN IttiM lllsb Cmlai In tllrlim4. lrrfct ll-l of Trrtr-lrnmit UfTrt t HttiT Vlilr. Itwrwrt , March 'l. The danw 4r In pcnt:tv bv Uie jtrkiBiC ttir xi Clxrt4pi alone Irrody aRKMmi to Jit. 060. Tfc xi6rf Urracwd U 4ritr ' Kixs TOt wlucli upfs'r the city vrlth t ? rtl uuo rlfor-vtr.it'i of tfr h bn : ivt W pitleat tb! ;frt Pirrty S nmiM vaImo !? hrm -inw M Vj Ui ttii u aih xrmmt ChM n:. ami rvmtrr eJo fca i btl iHuif' xmd msn4. In .Mer pv ifti Vtj tknM a Wv of il.MftOiNI ba k-nm mi by uto vtrilto.' ilnlniylMj; Ubw cm fae turln. At HtM, tw- mile ttmn "ka1wl. U .i r&altict tfneft ti-tK ,ml rforsw dv of tlie Utter we hi 4rL Tlli tVtVv ate rtaiil wtih Uu.l:(-n and a.iH )tr they c.mld Mt r4(ata H?nrtt, The rhaSmiR OntrvrttAat &t lvm$t h Uu iletnel Uy ftrc by the tnkrtx T cU-wofVs at Marcomir au Wml. t ImHiv. frwMi Charlcrol, were born4 hf ri t rr Sfltunlay. The &l mHw prtrar j,t HerltfL thretf mUe ttm l.rtr, br r fit-isl to arrcde to tho iewaml tm a tmva-tv-oYc jf cent inerra. in lbe Hace of !bir men. and lhe miact CI nikdoa5p4 r trite. The roUtm: will, at Mates ae 1'fea acKCl Uy Ufcnrv (Un .striker ate everynhexr In the Mtnlir:( tic. fofCioc iMrli tt 4op wtrk. mmJ ,, gtilu; atxMt p4l!axno: lh (n'Utt tm. Tb 1--a1 mtthrfUi-s art ab-o atT rr Jess I elure re ial UWron-ir. crra)(t of the rioters It will now rsiuir :.. . " ' - re .nfoir-N-te itls of trtops to iitoil b tin. At Vi'letie the thurcer tttttu trn. r ot tarftftH--i cttttit Stnrdy that a -tfUrbMrtii i.f triMq-- with art. lien wa il it nnnmmm h an apHn for help, ami the w!4Wr ti-ht the scone jrt-t in time to xin- frMH 4trir torn the Linileit works, nhirh th twtet- wri, at Hi I ti train. Many of ttMt ttuit were ariostctl. A reijn of terror prvntl It OkirW'. The sttlVers. thi-MiitN lit imidw. a, armcit with weapon- of every drT iMMti heltl hsm".oii uf the lrrtta ail dj. .VUer stont niMl dwellitor hare t-tM actitrt-Kt and pllhkctt nnd In -oie rase tnMMnf. The mtlUarv missed In fti frtHM nit t nelghtHirlnc iontr were w.l wlili Wfrtb'c etSt-c: to dt-qwrs-j the Mrker. Tfco trtMi-K, ai "MHii ai tly apfen-t, were met by the mob and ftrrrrtr asialtnl. Tho oriler to Q . linallv clxeti and ereri t olio's i-r- quickly oiircd Into the rants ..f Uk slrlker. The result was twrtt of tan rteu rr, kliletl ami !itudrrd-i of them n inmitriL The ino-d iiitentrciteiniHit ptoslX Tht hoje Is that the terrible nttair will ry with It Us Irsso-?-. Ani.tfiw tbo UtW1-rt burned by the mob I the ciMivetd ot .Haiolt- mont. The city U hi a tate of the wlht-4 o. cltcment growing nut of mows of ni-rt-ife;- and Hots in many inrfs iWlrtMM. Crowds of roilglM pamliHt the kUhi-Ik ,-kJ- unlay, breaking svtndows ani j---tltt citleii. The pobcf matbt a m Wftr exelttoti to d!ejse the IIH-h, wblril -coiiij'osed of the worst fiemettU of Uk- isiptilnikui. lMsp-itchiM Ir-.m Chtit stitte thxt I.Oirt) a(ldtbmat tri.- ti mi rlxed there and that the town id In tat of Mege. Trvops ate mmi tlt:tMH(hni the plare and Mo one ti tTiiUMl I ppt the seittrle- without autbrUy. Tb In bald Unit- rc Mfgisl l tkt ttsB a clal.s to temaltt within dtrv -4y of strth.-r-i nttaeketl th Cnuil't imu wrli-t. Tbi weie tepul-l by th trttfpi. Mt lid utriit UMW riH-nl..t. If m iiotrrs threnb-n Ui rnturn In tme tvi i tw ttVlr attack -Mm th witrk. i advice rum Um mty tfet tlw ight tfc- b-tlt ifi lb u l-$s ami thr- Milk ft f lit- m-1 de-nt- rhr4rt-r. Tn of t trikt- wtftu h 4ail ntl n Ukttw s-Mt-A t wer wiMimlt'd. M lUnhMtk ! t if nncr- e't4mMed ii i i-lti Uw tank. Ti iit-Vtt roHtfh: tlffpermirl. and - --efHl m iIhvIm-- (Ik- UtM-f, hfUitm itm. A LU-ntrttftiit nit uitriii nt tt auf.t H WirtlMile!. It in r-ttMbHt tfuM tl- Mm- Hiimt rwlhVrr ha-i tN-rii .t mi ir by Ui HNrh. Ml titttt l.e t5..f Hm- iHwt-4 Mm Pinrmrs nnd MoHdcin gh-..sn wrllA. IlKtsris, Mnicn -i I Mt-4-H tmm (Urleril -y Unit Uicti m u (rtiM-r riouws it Ual luvm, i.wlihg in uW kaitttg "' -" erwi mm1 Hi,, Ht-wmitln-f C MMI,,3f w Th H-M.-t ai J-Mf. ap-- th fprar k of tlie. Uv.p et iimmmm J""1- l' mu In th IrwlfMlf, Th" Uwn of.eit-J fire himI nmf t ttm m1!) wrru woMiMtod. A. N. KELLOGG. Ilr-ttllt "f ill- Orlctii'tttir .t the .'M,fir I'whlUlilttr. Il,i.,,ra In lh t,',tHl -Ualwt. Cm .'. Marrh 37- -N--sIwmi bmn t ax-l f Um t4tMUt, nt I'Uovilb. Ci., of Mr. A. V. KHk-cx. wmnl UM A. N. Kt'Mtg Newpr-r CotntMMtr. Tbm4m- roa-i-l )il fctici an ittvalVt tut rtmwi ltd f Uto wn imabie w 4rmt ri -cmI niiuUm u ttm ktttw lt-i r-i-ftfa -hr'. U mmttdf tMv i nwth Hi hi fcKr- nUi. H-tC7 1 trxwt. huh w-ii-- wi.en-. mm mm titeiin--- In the anxtliary jjlal-g wUk-lt has grn init Mh mcrtm4 -m-4 m jrUre xillon a hui or twi-t? - umn. 1I- -- t-il-o s4rd--.l tmmm. a mmt nt "-Tbn iMjejrfitj mwt uprlnHl-i-mti rf cU-rrt. fk- Mt gr-utly e4-Hi all lit m wa t.cialed thU him t mtj of hi kiwi md iJip4hUi- -talari, awl w- -.letjUllt'Os -:0efot:T. Hctltitfl'lMMi jear t.f ar. H- Ira- a wbtmr -h i-n d-tNchtT-. Ki Wate ther tMnHe la yw lort. i nfciiii eiiy the r-uK-i' .! Ut t.ken ff bwnal. Mr. K-W-sf Ixkii t itj-sdlMc P., ;Marr, '. ; ) i.Jtl -! 4.ht. t,", al ( afi-i-i-. Nrw Yrfc. m ,fcAx ll-,-,,,,.. iWr K, BW the yimmt of x eJ.iMr-r. ! . nei Awm- i. iani-- at Ilarab.-.. Wp Aogt SI, mM. lu -f. wUtfc . -j- riewe--r. U- kt-amo hu t m aH emrrif4 tke Mr of tb ttml Jn.fr. -Mt ha! cpe pttMi w j, .Ma,,,, ,W..j I Jvumtt rmm ;i rpni.nwe.1 to prnt a -pt-. -!- mtHf m,ui 14&. hrm fan ui"hmm arm 14 irfliiUnf 'tnit i-wiiWlii cHwtt) j-rj-v Hr Sh!.U wp tk V.MimrS X-nti i A,. 1... Tjfm , ( i.HTaj. .,. K t ,u$mL rT-wrr .uj. j4-m--i., .s-j-w yk ltmi - '-tlrinz" It IrS.l. Cir- limn.. MMfcartcK. March rr.-nr- u.m -I m t ,JI of tkUnz Mbd aaM- "MK '" oc-- -etn tamtzUl tr " '?-f Hie rrtottMl t.-jt toMkf. atwt lb-- xart-trat- -aiMlt ' ifka 1. i. ---.-- ..---- .-- -MH--; mm im I',i4awl - xis-to-rs in txmvrt attork on UM- -M-t'O pfnl tm -tjfti--. A ln !- cUc-e i-H.itAi miRtf -, ep, to -4U ihe Uv. Th pttti?t. ra-r JtUMtf frrTTimrtnl sea itij, .-,,. 1h t r-iae-Jt Shy kul ttot w-rrked U eumu x-.sa- ai--J Urfcirtbo 1--to -anr-jj-Jj t-rolcn. "wrtW by :rtk--r at Fr-ursaa. -mtat !- - a-n In ac-i Iht L'vrti Mala ial- tr-stioj; the fcrtc and cal'tits Utc U aUi hi pt-rvsvt; t&ter r, T--st-r llujfes-a Jj1 eililtla 4 f s - -aT '.Lt$-Z. 5-?S "S" -