The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 19, 1886, Image 7

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    m 4m BBflB w Ty "w
Tl'i BBFMt!fr-gt1' 'Lw'
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HunBtV -
he Rh-d Cloud Chiep
FKIDAY. MAKCII. 10. 1880
Notice is hereby tfivon. that W.
Overman is our authorized col-
Ictor We hop 9 thOio who receive
otlco from him will promptly ro-
pond, as wo must have what is
lue us.
To the Farmors.
Kuril) loans :icoli:il4:d tlirotih W.
Overnmn can hi p.iul sit the iMid o!
y yejir wi'.hout a. houu.-i. Jutes at
)w :ts UJc imvehl. jioiujv inrnuiicH
Mornptly. Office over city lru Htored
g O Per Cent Farm Loan.
f The Nebraska Farm Losm Co. will
hainke you a loan on you farm at
'ilraihL 'J per cent and furnish the
3oney without any delay. Call on
-lli em in the Red Cloud National Bank
ki Cloud needi Htieet lampd.
have them soon.
Tiik roadrf are drying up f;tit
(Usincbs is picking up.
Va). Wikxkii id aj;ain on the
ftcr a two weeks illnef-s.
AhK Charley Piatt anil L. If, Wallace
ow ihvy like wadini; for ducks.
CO iodtl chains for nale. Inrjuire of
uv. Geo. S. D.ivis at the )ansonaje.
A. T. Oumfijv and wife have return-
d home from their trip to Southern
W.VHD conventions Hhould he held
or the nomination of aldermen for the
ity election.
F JI. Mi:i.i.oiu ha gone to Almena,
!Jnnsa.s to live. He will embark in the
3aiul buHine?.s.
F. N. IliciiAftiJSO.v, of Amboy and J.
II I'ottcr left Friday nij?ht for Holt
iiouuty, Missouri.
It. D. Jones i.s hnppi'. It is on ac-
Ji'miiil oi another heir. Keguiar ?m-
rntli ut n nrln i1 tLtrrttf
if, Mils. W. U. Way and Mrs. Adam
lorhart have returned from Omaha
nush improved in health.
Fuk Cimn-'has heard it confidentially
'jcmarkcd that M. I). McNitt and K. L.
Pinker will be candidates for mayor.
II. II. Taylor, of Obcrlin. an old
own. friend of M. W. Dickerson, was
n the cit' last Saturday on his way
Lou Vakck has returned home. Wo
ere misinformed iuj to Mr. Vance's
mother hoing sick. It was his sister-in-law.
.Fkishii: Riciiaudsok has roup to
fHSouri where ho proposes to sec all
that is in the J. Q. Potter mineral
Fiiak V. 'r.KYUon, of Clinton, 111.,
enjoying the sights of our city this
ok. He will probably locato here
in the near future.
James Potter and M. Birncy arc in
the north-west and have taken up
homesteads, upon which they will
soon move their families.
Wk behove that it would be money
in Ked Cloud business men's pockets
to establish a plank road from C. It.
BcsFe's corner to the bridge.
Thkkk will be an ice cream social at
Mrs.Brnkcficld's next Thursday even
ing, for the benefit of the temperance
cause. All arc cordiallv invited.
Tiiosk parties who aro in the habit
of stealing or otherwise appropriating
boxes from tho school nousc ard
nhould wait until tho snow is gono.
One of our men tho other
day received a red card with the fol
lowing mystic words thereon "Be
ware! tho Mystic League has its eyes
on you."
The festival at the rink last Friday
evening, given under tho auspices of
tho Congregational church, was one of
tho finest that has ever been presented
to the Bed Cloud public
Mrs. A. II. Brown was very sudden
ly called to Ohio this week by the
announcement by telegraph that her
mother had departed this lite. Mrs.
Brown left Monday night on the can
no n ball.
Farmers should boware of all kinds
of frauds, as this is the time o! the year
T when the fiend is in the land. The
Bohemian oats dodgo will no doubt bo
tried here, and to all parties wo will
say that that company is a fraud.
Considerable excitement has been
created here during tho week over the
news that a faith doctor would make
some of their wonderful cures ih this
city. If faith is a good medicine and
will cure all ills thst flesh is heir to,
then there is room for somo wonderful
cures in Red Cloud. We hope the
facts may be substantiated.
On Tuesday evening J. II. Rcmsberg
and family gave their son Charles and
wife a recention t their elegmt resi
dence in the north part of the city.
Everyone present report having had a
tine time. Mr. Remsberg aud wife
have just returned from New Mexico.
The voung couple have our best wish
es for a Ion; and prosperous life of
Wedded bliss.
The Nebraska lumber vard at Red
Cloud and this place have lately been
purchased by Ho well Bros., of Atchi
son, Kaus., and we understand Mr. M.
.Edleman will take charge of their
yard "at Red Cloud and will soon re
move his family7 to that place. We
to lose Mr. JSdleman as he is
Jls T &scol8 our loremost cuizene,
&nd.ABO his estimable lady who will
v,erKuy missea among me-society
i ell of this place. We think Howell
lave made a great mistake in not
If Mr. Edleman the management
yarn mm. ishk uul uma.
Gestij: ttpring.
Votk for tbe bond.
r .. t
Jfcw coods At JVh) McBride's.
J. LTMiSEtf lilt'c child is
SbThc finoot linof idling and
wear at the uoldeirragh.
En. Kei.LOGo has returned
Katida City.
The metdov lark now siJij;b
the tree top.
Spring! priii! 4prin h.i's at
Mr, ,
Spoki-sfield's. 33 w2
A lakok number of rtrangers in
city this week.
1 ,
Vote for the bonds. 3
Headquarters for all kind of HtyJUn
millinery at Mrs. McBride's.
For the lightest and best Baket bjrb
wire call on It. It. herer & Co. tf
Duckek's cash dry goods house ;lui
the largest stock of dress goods in ,th
city. w ' tr
J. II. Graves has been on a btismcj
tourtoKearnfy and other Nebraska,
C. M. Wallace has just completed.
delivering 2300 bushels of corn tol;
M. Piatt.
Sr. Patrick's day was duly observe J.
in Red Cloud on Tuesday by a dame
at the rink. ,
Vote for the bonds. , w
C. L. Corri.vii has moved into his;
new residence lately ,, purchased of 1.1
P. Bayha.
Tiieiu: was a very pleasant social tijsv
party at Airs. DamcreH's on Wedncs?
da' afternoon.
Nothing to beat the low oven JewaJ
vapor stove, at K. K. blierer ic M't
hardware store. Ji :
Wi; call especial attention to Heijyi
Cook's new ad in another colum,iTf
Read anil reflect.
Miw. Pond, mother of City Marth A.
Pond, will start for her home in New
York state about the first oi April
There should bo more
. '.
houses in the city. Every day wo ar
anked it there are any houses in t tlnh
Mrs. Snokesfield's for nltiHhes. folfaf!
banner rods and ornaments. 33t2 4
s r -
The building boom seems to
picking up lively. A large number of
private dwellings are contemplated tV
soon as the weather becomes settle
For plain and elaborate dress go.df
in laitcslsnrim .stvlns lo to J. J. l)n k
- t. '', 'im... i i. i 2ii
zi v jkj a, -iiuy iiiivi; iiiu iuri;n
stock of ladies' drcas goods in
-r J
Webster Jones of Alma, brother to
R. I), and Dwicht Jones, was so t
fortunate as to break his leg the otlolft
I'll r WcZtow iq n ttntiilii-KT In luT
.t.fc. . . . . ... .a.v.W.r . 0 UblV.IUIttL. VV JJ
Hair goods at Mrs. McBride's.
Married, at tho Gardner Hot
this city, March 16, by -Key. Geo. 8
iv,..: t r:,.. fr 5Pl
yitia, .111. -. u. 1 iso, ui iuiimn uuiuij
ty, to Miss Elizabeth Richmond, W
Webster county. ffs
At C. M. Wallace's sale on
. . !,! ,r r "
't WV
11 siock soiu as iouows: norses ir
$116 to $182.25; cows at $33; shoats ;
4. Everything sold high. Ifc Jtf
Simons, auctioneer. '
Heo tbe celelirated Crown JiJrt)
yapor stoves at R. R. Shorer & (jo'1.
hardware store. 33tf
Charley Garrer, Hank Ludl
Geo. Sauni and Charley Kaley, wnt
hunting Tuesday in a wagon and
turned linmn on font, thn rrnm 1
... ...... '?if
ceding them about a hall an hour. 9&
For fine hosiery go to J. J. I)ucknf&
Cos. They have tho most comp
stock in the city. Remember tliiii
prices aro always the lowest. A MJfc
Imrk rT il rtoa r-ri1 titil virtrkrtD in BiJk
iiiiu vt inur-kj llwmv cttv4 uuttuuo 111 vaw,
latest spring styles.
A very spirited meeting of
Webster county teachers' assceialMMi
was held at Blue Hill last Satm HfJ
A number of our teachers were nreltit
, .., .. V,
auu an report a goou ume anu
ro:eival of much benefit.
Latest slyles aud cheapest eiMM
at Mrs. SpokesfieUPs. 33
AN e re sorry to learn that V
John Tomlinson wiw traveling MM
the county this week he had I
misfortune to lose his two year oic
mare valued at $250. It is im.
a serious loss for Mr. Tomlinson;?
More new sidewalks this week.a 3Se
.. ., . ., ...... -,.!
wancon ine casisuie 01 weosien .
from Sleeper's carriage worktj; I
been built to 7th Avonnn nnd nn
west side the gap to Feight's lols
closed up. Let the good work go ...
They are decided improvements.
Voters should take care nnd rt'kyp
the richtj polling placesj on Satt rilijy
All those who live out of the city! fe
poration andin Red Cloud tofthw(
will cjxst their votes at the new , ImmI
house, while those who are in thff fm
ward, comprising all of the city, io
of Fourth Avenue, will vote at lH'SiiH
Argus office. North of 4th .Ctcm
voters will vote at the court )3M.
! W"
Just why The Chief throws itf ftf
batteries open to drive
ou'iiv im a nivctnrv trV- I
-....j . .. JCV.J '
sensible person. ITflmtl.
Nothing more than the abov
tion could be made to demonst j
ignorance of our democratic op U
porary. We stated just wHlCI
son ii tor said, 1. e
aid, 1. e. "lie had ngg
r ."H
sition to make."
Vote for the bonds
- ( .
We were permitted to cull fr
private letter to one 01 our
prominent business meu on Tmikt
a tew lines from Dr. Wassaxauj
states "With confidence I asnr?.
that the road will be built,
negotiations have been
This seems like business at
in good cheer and hope that
who has the interest of
srt.wid TOtt for tbt 1
r 'SHI
Window siuides at Cotting's.
I'andy and pickets at HickerV.
Boys' long boe at the Golden Eagle.
Ihuteriek'-j j).iltcrns at Mr. Me-
Ten prairie schooners went west on
MCal! mid - the ntw hardwr firm
It. It. Hi. rer 4t Co. if
if Come and see the ten cent wall pa
lpal r at Henry Cook ..
S(J. R. Cha.vey ha- a fine law office.
!hc now occupies three room?.
i ft i Ifi'ul nf h..i h.-ivi bi'n
H" '
M).pprd from Bed Cloud llii-i month.
MFKtour and Roth rock have made
ibeir applications for talono li-en-e.
g Ci. W. Clint has a fine line of I'iars,
1... i- i- t . r- .,. l.:
cannier, ire-ii peanuu-, eiu. jim iuiii .-t
r -
Mlv..le your dogs, says the city
council. This is dog-on rough on the
xatiiue tribe.
v Charley Melkeu of Farbury.Ja
former resident of Red Cloud, is in
'town the guest of his brother Joe.
! A commission firm have engaged to
mud out of Red Cloud in a few days
.71 cars of sheep, making a total of
ft J 00 sheep.
Lvf ,,A ,.- rnnt K wnrA atrkwr t-nnm
f i Ktik rill; u iuiii -. wt'uw civiv w-i-i
in souiu lie-! loiiu. .v ur&i-i:iass lo
cation for a competent business man.
Ilnmure of W. E. Jackson. 33tf
g- On last Weifnesday night, Marce 10,
Chris Je.-persen lo-t his house and
hou-ehold goods by fire. A defective
Jlue was the cause. His friends raised
'turn a
Hiry Cook now has the most
Complete .tock of wall paper, shades,
tte, in the Republican Valley.
1 A petition is out for a sidewalk on
the west side of Cedar street from
north of Tenth Avenue to south of
Second Avenue. TVe city council
should giant this petition.
Mrs. Spokesfield's for fancy
materials. 33w2
; We are sorry to learn that Mrs. W.
W. Ferguson is seriously ill with the
tnoaslcA in her old homo in Ohio.
iVhither she went to attend the
funeral obsequies of her mother. We
ihope soon to hear of her complete
f Tin: following B. it M. railroad mag
nates were hero on Tnursday evening
Vice President Potter, General Man-
iiger iioidrege. General Superintendent
MCalvert, General Freight Agent Miller,
and Superintendent Campbell. They
left for the eat on Friday eyening.
i ('or-ets and bustles at Mrs. Mc
Bride's. The B. it M. since March 1, have
icroived at Red Cloud and unloaded
four cars of emigrant goods and Ptock,
I two cars of horses, 10 cars of lumber,
I fifteen lots of household goods, which
goes to show that people arc (.heading
Ifor Boil Cloud in good shape. The
ab-ive is certainly a good showing.
A nice assortment of ladies' muslin
underwear at Mrs. McBride's.
Fair Play.
I Editor Red Cloud Chief: Mv
ittoution lias been called to a statc-
nient recently made in public by Rev.
Davis in which the honor of Jolonel
K. G. Ingersoll, as soldier, was assailed.
While I believe tbnt Mr. Davis was
lionet :i his statements. I know that
ho was mistaken. Colonel Ingersoll as
a soldier was without a stain, and as a
momberoi his regiment, I request you
to publish this. I believe that Mr,
I)avi. will correct his tnistako when
he knows the facts.
W. A. McKeicjuan.
Wi: would respectlhlly
attention of our readers to
advertisements this week
Forrester advertises his
call the
our new
W. 1).
while A. Cook hangs his banners on
the outer walls notifying people of the
arrival of spring goods. C. L. Cotting
announces that he h:vs Dr. Haas hoir
powder for sale, and J. J. Ducker &
Co. announce to our pitrons somo
unheard of bargains in spring dry
goods and dress goods. Mrs. Ncwhouse
calls especial attent.ou to her large
stock of goods for the ladies. In fact
read all of our ad? and it will pay
each and every one of you.
Notice is hereby given that a general
city election for the city election lor
the city of Red Cloud will be held
April 6, 1S36, far the purpose of elect
ing mayor, city clerk, citv treasurer,
city engineer, and two councilmen
irom 1st ward. Also, at the same time
and place of voting to elei t a board of
education for the city of Red Cloud,
consisting of six members. Polling
places. 1st ward at the Palace dining
room, formerly occupied by the
Webster county .rlrpti.-; 2nd ward, at
the court house. Polls open at S
o'clock a m.. closing at 6 o'clock p.
m. R. L. Tinker, Mayor.
A New Company. During the last
few days, the Amboy Mills owned by
Pollv Bros, have chadged hands and
has merged into what will hereafter be
known as the "Amboy Milling Com
pany" the same having been purchased
and incorporated by Red Cloud capi
talists whose nanus are J. Q. Potter,
M. Chase, Dwight Jones. K. Skeen and
R. L. Jones. The Chief is pleased to
note that the above gentlemen are
thorough business men and will make
a complete success of the mill. During
the next few weeks the Red Cloud
Mills will put in a roller corn meal
mill in this city. We wish the new
company success.
Notioe of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership existing between Polly
Bros fc Co., of the Amboy Mills, is this
I day dissolved by mutual conscut.
& VMM mtvm- vv.
List of Votinjr Places in tho Coun
ty. Guide Rock precinct, at E. O. P'ri:
erV office.
Beaver Creek precinct, school hoi-
district 61.
Stillwater precinct, M earns chool
house, ditnet 56.
Oak Creek precinct. IUii:hv cld
hou.-e, di-tricl IS.
Garfield prfciuol, -tou 5rlu.)l h
di.-trici 76.
Ple.iaant Hill precinct, school hou-.
di.-tnul 15.
Elm Creek precinct, -;c1uk1
di.-trict 13.
Potsdam precinct, McClelland'.-, Hal)
Blue Hill.
Line precinct, Ktiehu school hou-e
Bed Cloud preciuct, KellcKo's barn.
Batin precinct, school hou-e dUttict
Glenwood precinct, Prairie Gem
school house.
Walnut Creek precinct, Kennedy
school house.
luavale precinct. Harvey's
district 66.
district 12.
precinct, school
precinct, school
Every man in Red Cloud who think:
that bonds hhould be voted for the C.
N. K. it S. W. Ry. should be out aud
working tomorrow for the bonds. Thi-s
is an important consideration forever,
citizen of Red Cloud. All railruad
projects aie of much importance to
Red Cloud, inasmuch as upon the
number of railroads we get during the
year will greatly depend the future
greatness of our city. Up to date of
going to pre-s we have only the C. N.
K. it S. W. proposition before us, and
we believe that every citi.en should
vote on this subject as he believes is to
the best interests of Red Cloud. The
Chief hopes to be a able to report a
proposition from some of the other
roads suryoyed into Red Cloud, and
especially the C. R. I. fc P. Ry, soon,
but as we have no others we beln" it
is our duty to act on what we aw,
and act promptly. The Chief believes
that with due enterprise Red Cloud
can and will become a railroad canter
Polly Bros., of tho Amboy Flour
ing Mill, who for a number of yeans
have been actively engaged in oper
ating that mill, hac sold that institu
tion to a firm of Red 'Cloud capitalist?
who will in the future run the business.
Polly Bros, take this method of thank
ing their many friends for tbe f'yor
extended to them during the year-
which they have been in the milling
business, and hope that too new
company will receive the same gener
ous patronage extended to them. To
all their friends aud patrons they wi-h
to say that thev shall always remem
ber the favors so kindly extended to
them during their career as proprie
tors of the A mboy mills.
It seems to us that regular city
tickets should be nominated for city
officers and given to the public in
order that the voters could have a
chance to discuss the merits and de
merits of tho-c who arc to bo our next
officials. The Chief does not believe
in two or three people fixing up a
ticket a. id springing it on the voters
at tho last moment. If a man is tit to
administer the duties of any city office
public scrutiny would not injure his
election. Let us have regularly nom
inated tickets and go into battle in
regular ordei, and whatever the
majority say on election day let us
abide by it.
The Western Horse and Caf.le
Insurance Company, of Omahi, the
only company in the Ur.ited Stitcs
who will insure horses mules or cattle
against contagious diseases, injury,
accident or thoft, and including or
excepting fire and lightning, has
appointed our fellow townsman, A. J.
Tomlinson, as their agent for Webster
county. Mr. T. stands amongst our
best judges on stock, aud we think the
company has done wisely in selecting
him as their representative- Every
farmer in Webster county should see
to it that their stock is Droperly and
promptly insured.
If you want your house protected
from lightning, call on J. H. Smith, the
veteran lightning rod agent of Red
Cloud. He will call on you and it will
be well for you to save your orders for
him. "We will offer a reward of $500
dollars to owners of buildings to which
our rods are attached in a proper
manner in case they fail to protect the
building from damage by lightning.
J. H. Smith.
Di--solutiDn Notice
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween McAvoy & Farrell, proprietors
of the Commercial livery and feei
stables, has been dissolved by mutual
consent. John Farrell will carry on
the business. Parties knowing them
selves indebted to the firm will call
and settle. K. McAvov.
John Farrell.
Red Cloud, March 19, 1SS6.
Agricultural Sociaty.
There will be a meeting of the of
ficers and executive committee of the
Webster county agricultural society
Tuesday, March 23d, at 2 p. m, at the
office of the county judge, for the
transaction of important business, and
a full attendance is desired.
J. L. Miller. Secretary.
Boys' suits frura $1.50 and upwards
men's suits from &50 and upwards, a1
tbe Golden Eale.
Ramc rerjv.-r,4j(' .; 1. u
critical .fll of. ok '-.
MU S.irah Fti?r clai Urr -m)
1 term of hvoI ni Mrtiitfii FndU.
with n U tHKiMT tltt
- .shttrtje f Uwtjf in psth
. of tii C. tf. lirH, i
a r!f al t. IV;li-r
8 Lhi- -Kk.
siie If h
- dl
iau)iKi l
Mb? K ucb Gifa-Mja. uw-Jtf 4-p thai
Cn"r "'..kkjH hatt. ekl hiM ittit
itt rd iv
Mr. .I-Uo, ui Tunuu oooij k
vi-uiug urj.
Tlw hwrarjr Uvqs, -Mid M. IV. Twlf
1-. the ciiHmpiu of ilaiarieir.
Mr. Uuitaehukitn- kif!l a Urg writ
Will Brittin nr a wik! ci the
contents of hi, gtm, bnl to ny ofioet.
w: t. . .. t
luiur im- 'vme, ani spinnc 11-
coniv. Hurrah'
Hear the birds sing, white th duck
and r-etao are firing 10 ym northern
I). F. TiMinark's hoie u beiang u
loom up. Who ln hp the ivt i
'I ne sale ui C. M. Wrulaco's was
largely attend!, notwithstanding thf?'
inclement weather. i5vraVvof t
neighbor- invented. s
Tardy farmers are gathering Vbi5
corn thv lufi hil far iImf. titkKtL-
and chicken.-.
Tiie road, that were so hnd nrt
steadily improving.
Uur last "iHrautiful" uu goe and in
the place riieref i iiicii nico mud. 1
It would Mt'in from the wound ofths
many guns that .mo hears lhat the
geese and duck wouni lm lew m
number lhat reached the north polo.
Tne farmers will .moii be out in the
fields at woik putting in thir cnp6,
and they will le ll-tenin for the
rumble ami roar of the now railroad,
that is to be.
Hay is getting scarce among the
li.meni, ami the cattle nro buginumg
to get thin.
Joe Warner has uiie cov tht is
down, Tfit he hopes to get her up.
As 1. '.va is icarcc wi will hare to
close. Bru.Hea.
Clubbing Untoo.
ArrangemeuU have been made
whci ! v-e can furnish to lK)lh old
and new stih-icribers to Thk Ciur.K the
weekly Omaha .'pfi ami Ciitr.i
for the low rate of $'J.'J.j. The Rrynltti
cdu i the be-t iipr in tbe Riate and
salisfactoiy to all readers.
Ih you want li rat oU-ns nursery stock
at Crete price- ;-end in your order to
L. II. Bust by the tir-t of April. rfhnd?
ornamental and forest trrfs. AUj all
kinds of standard and riimll frtiiK.
Go to G. W, 1 'lino's for fresh home
made candie.-, cigar-, etc.
Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. Ne- ;
Boy.-' ,-birt wai-ts in fUnnel, pt-rral-and
calico at the Golden Kgglc.
W.wri.P Anv pi ron knowing of .1 ,
house to rent will ulftaso leave word at ,
this office.
W. li. Robv haii choice seei oaL- for
isili. 31 w4
Von can find the large-t Uck ami
the be-t make of lxot- and i-hoe?, st
lowe-t priees, at the tJolden I'lale.
First-Class in Every Uospoct.
This refer- to Wut-m'a .Star rcU
raut, one dior outh of The Cmirr
office. The be.-t v. a 'in me!-, and the
daiutie.-i lunchr- lor all who come.
A No, polite and prompt attention to
patron- One trial "H'ttlcs tluwo faia
Another car load of Illinois coal at
M. W. Dickerson'--.
All kinds fresh garden sotdc t
HackerV the grocer.
Kami for rent, am! cows for saisw Se
G. W. Barker, H.hI Cloud. tf
;A KifE line of dry gooda will be told
out very cheap rtt Mr. wln6e'.-.
Call on Cotting for your patntd.
In.-i'ke votir property ith Cna
SchiiHiut. Red Cloud, eb 3tf
TiiEbtotaud cheapest line of lace
Hambures, and everla-ting trimmings
at Mrs. New house''
"Baven'- Food" can not be execifal
as a spring mwlicine for any kind of
animal, c'old bv Coiling.
Good Horso For Sale.
Good work or drtrm: hore lor ftle
(5 vear- old ) W : ne tun n pood
note. Apm v
M th ' r t
C. F. ('urn., B 1 Cwd.
Absolutely Pure.
This MJ'TSfn'nr. ssa'il I j nJ"l
5trvn-nb and wlwtfrw-y-r. H-r- ric
hort wArht JiJm or -rnill nw itr hctl
niv laca.Tv
KvtI UiKiiii Ttf-i.fcT OX. 105
.V. V.
I is Uwt Usrr
tws uccii c trl3 tb IV1, tn ff. c rise
ti nft. TJj"X ar IfctfAnttr Ul or ttaWwtl
vj car jo r--i3i-
e cuui
lc 1 cr
citrc. u3 (!. t
faonl Uvtt Ut lrc
J0urioi'k(if I-ulir ( hihirv..' atttl aro arriving
. Dailv '1 hi 1m l i'ihhK iiia.Ii fur fr and htrahiHtv.
rc have received the largest Mock o carpets
j cdnsisting of, elveis
Brussles, all
W'c aro solo atrv!it for llii" imjiroviMl
We have a splendid assortment of broailhead
dress u-oods Irom
New York, the
in the
Nice stock of Spring Clothing uist received
Also the Latest Style Hats.
Tin.' It -adit iir Iiouh: for Reliable and Fiiut (.Iradu (iojdd of
I In latfsl rt vl-fs."
WAnnivrrn tttu to n:r.
The square Dealing,
Again ofiers its customers
1st prize
3rd. 4th.
livery purchaser of
!at one
rime is cntitiea
1 -
j above prizes. Distribution of prizes, July 4.
rt r r 1 1 r
iooo. vvc nave marjeca our gooas at tnc
LOWEST CASH PRICES and positively car-
ry the largest stocK oi
r 1 t t
. Call and be convinced tliat ve
rWianer "s New block
Reil Ooud.
Eed Oloud, Nebraska.
- ?res - iL X hsck vr !
uo cM, Ukt tMtrrx-4 mtA
urH3:r a1 torcR at
tpxr&sr tiz Ofrrtuiba
rr-i UV -
Lria tiU Ucta
I apestry and nociy
oi innrain and
. - m
iclovir. Call anil H
ths iamestown Mills
hcl wearing gooJs
One Price, Golden Eagle
Clothing store.
the following spec-
in goods.
S5.00 worth of goods
to cnance in winning
11 1 .1
can -ave von monev.
c. mnyM
$ i'
IJI MrflHKlPaBB bmJbS - " SbbVAbVAbI
Bk2Bj j , L B9bbbbbbbBv JcHhSbbbbbbbbi
K -
.4 -
1 1 iiijlwjujm
..i-..j-rt.-?S5!5-.A:3,."s ?. ..ri - v-'
&'.j-- T"S55S -. iH