The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 19, 1886, Image 2

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Sax Diego, Cal., Feb. 27, 1886.
Fuekd Hosmer: The Arrow-Head
hot springs are I6,in number andRre
(Tn, and about a plateau or mesa on
the south-western slope ol the San
Bernardino mountains, elevation 2,000
leet. A fine view is had of the Santa
Ana Valley, including the towns of
San Bernardino, Colton and Kiverside.
The springs derive their names from
blase or bare spot on the mountain
side in shape of an arrow head, point
ing downward to j the springs. This
arrow head has an area of Jive acres
is perfectly formed and can be plainly
seen for 25 miles. Nothing willgro
there, although all around it well
defined edges is aLheavy growth of
sage brush, chapperal, etc. It is a
great curiosity and came there in this
way. At the time of the war in Heav
en a scene occured not recorded by
Milton in "Paradise Lost." When the
devil found himself vanquished, he
retreated to our earth, alighting on a
mountain at the head of Devil's Canon
5milesest ol the springs. From
here he slid down to the valley and
ehied along the base of the range
until he came opposite to the present
locality of the springs. Here the great
Archangel discovered him and let fly
an arrow lrotn heaven. Tois his
Satanic Majesty avoided by plunging
into the bowels of the earth, from
which he sent forth a stream of boiling
sulphurous water to prevent further
pursuit. The springs, ..and the only
natnral arrow mark in the world, re
maining to attest the truth of the
story. Who can doubt it? Temper
ature of springs from 145 to 218 de
grees. Medicinal effect: Light, pur
gative, valuable for rheumatism, gout,
and all, blood and skin diseases, a
new $10,000 hotel, good facilities for
hot water, vapor and mud baths, pure
mountain air. Delightful mountain
scenery. Gentlemanly proprietors. If
you ever visit Southern California
plan to spend a few weeks at the
springs. A day's journey brings us to
San Diego in the very southwest
corner of the United States. As we
can go no farther in this direction we
' -will have to turn back, having reached
a place where people do not talk
about "go west." We are in 14 miles
of the Mexico line, and 2700 miles of
Bed Cloud. San Diego is a city 7000
inhabitants, situated on a harbor of
the same name, and one of the best
harbors of its size in the world- Is the
terminus of the Atchison, Topeka, and
Santa Fe system of roads and is des
tined to become a place of somo com
mercial importance. It is noted as
having the most equable climate in
America, if not the world. The re
cords show an average variation of
of temperature of 8 between summer
and, winter. The variation of South
ern California in general is claimed to
v ba but 10, consequently it is a great
resort of invalids and always will be.
To-this source, the county must look
for its main revenue. Take the cli
mate away and little would be left.
- ' The country around San Diego for 151
miles is lam out in 'additions," and a
. . . 7
large part ot the inhabitants are en
gaged in trying to sell these "lots" to
eastern people, and the pilgrims from
frozen north bite quite lively, and
much property is changing hands at
good figures, and the city is growing
rapidly. The city needs sidewalks,
street crossings, pavements, street,
cars, electric lights, etc, badly, and no
doubt iu the near future these metro
politan appliances will be furnished.
Our stay here is shortandjtomorrow we
leave on the Pacific Ocean steamer
,:m i: ;ztl jm
Hear jjK-yOUW
yu.yA. T. Ormsby.
! JOSE, v;al., fliarcu i, iood,
TLAPV j"m 1 99 ro&
Vrnm San Diego to San Pedro via
pcean steamer is but 12 hours ride.
'Vt sea was rough and Mrs. O. was
v -'kail the way. No use talking
Cfabout the "limpid waters of tho
lific." She would rather they
t bo" so "limpid." Twenty
.lVsBy" rail brings us again to
... nRniM the'Titv of the Ancels."
Lits wealth of semi-tropical ver-
r . l... ulMAto lino1 U'ltli
-S& - -
rm. m a .aiv
Stty cotUges, and modern villas,
Jkialf hidden in a minature forest of
r and beautiful shrubbery. What a
-,t.i.x iin nninu oucewi hv. ......
JlP pto thafthc truthful chronicler must
g A1SO BJ m ""
i . . .L1a nnil tlin tilronta lltl-
water nc, " w..
ved. The inhabitants believe this
o be the 6iteof the Garden of Eden,
!d say that near hero the graves of
Ldani and may yei oe seen.
Sxom the heterogenous mass of infor-
nationand misinformntion gathered
SlVring a hasty trip through this sun-
wied land, I will only speak of a tew
points, and only do so hoping to do
some good to less observing people
who come here to settle. Invalids
and those having a passionate love for
fruit and flower culture are about the
,. iay ois who should come to South-;a in sfttv Tlnn't hnv
'Ull iatil you have been here a year, or at
MNisi through the months of August,
fltfttember and October. This is the
itsftime to observe this country with
an eye to business. You can then
jdfepf the actual water supply, and
atket a place where it can be had in
vOeaiv. Xoefc Wf to M mutter of
It is the ain question. .LiOok
wall after the title of the land you buy.
Maay titles here are clouded. Dont
balieve-aoything that is told you, es
aveiallTby real esUte agenU. The
ara mostly so entnusiasuo
law! that often their veraci-
tria tt u' ba oeoenaea um. v-
t r'-
MSMta lyin Aoai
be done in a country where mos
ihingsjretopsy-turvey; where squirrels
live in the ground and rats inhabit the
trees. Don't get orange crazy. Re
member there are many other things
ofvaluetobe raided here. Oranges
though very nice, are notj'bread and
meat. In short, wait a year, observe
and gain information before settling.
Above all, if you 7 are reasonably well
fixed where you are, don't come. The
climate of Southern California, has
been less misrepresented than any
thing else here, and is truly magnifi
cent. There is more well behaved
sunshine to the acre here than any
place I ever saw. I believe a man
can get about 125 days more ot real
life in a year, than in the blizzard
swept north, (or east, as they call it
here) If you must come, better "burn
the bridges behind you" and take hold
of things here with a will, and most
ikely you will succeed. Los Angeles
to 'Frisco, 482 miles, over the route
described in a lormer letter, and we
cast anchor in the metropolis of the
Pacific coast. Leaving Mrs. O. with
friends here I take a trip south into
the Santa Clara Valley. Had a pleas
ant chat yesterday at Gilroy with our
former townsman J. P. Bayha, who
seems very well suited with his newly
chosen country. As to the good points
he says the half was not told him,
while many of the unfavorable things
he finds to be positively untrue. This
Valley is my chosen part of California
so far as I have seen it. It conies a
little nearer a paradise on earth than
anything I have seen. If the Garden
of Eden was situated anywhere in
California I think it was in the Santa
Clara Valley. Wojld describe this
town, (San Jose) -and surroundings,
but believe you prefer short letters. A
few days in 'Frisco and wc will turn
our steps regretfully towards home
to again take up the thread of life in a
village on the wind swept prairies o!
Nebraska. Will stop a short time in
Denver, and expect to reach home
about the 16th. Yours respectfully,
A. T. Ormsby.
The Alarming Prevalence of Glan
ders in Our Western States Na
sal Gleet.--Farsy and Glanders.
At recent meeting of the Illinois
live stock commissioners glanders were
reported to be prevailing to an alarm
ing extent in many different counties
of the State. The State Vetcrinaian of
Iowa, who was present at the meeting
reported that his state was no better
off. The weekly Inter Ocean has a good
opportunity to know that danders is
prevailing to an alarming extent in
many of our Western States and
territories, as well as in the states of
Illinois and Iowa. This paper which
has the largest circulation of any
weekly in the west, is daily in receipt
of innumerable letters which come to
the office for the veterinary depart
ment from all parts of the Western
States seeking advice for the sick and
disabled animals, and many of the
letters received civo a descrintion of
v symptoms peculiar to glanders. Indeed
two of the letters which we publish iu
this issue arc on that subject. We
simply state these facts in the interest
of our numerous hiibscriuers to warn
them of the increasing danger ot this
much to be dreadod malady and the
importance of reporting all such sus
picious cases to tho proper authorities
at once as the only true way to stamp
out the disease.
P. C. Snnrrinr Xnli cover T 1inv o
C year old mare that last fall hail4rr
I called tho I'it'-amnnfc.. -rw i V
undp"-?580 broke
wmfijavanu run ai uiu nose.
She has broken five or six times, nun
at the nose all the time, and is in lino
From the history of tho above caso
we think it probable that the patient
was primarily attacked with what is
known as strangles (nose distemper),
but it is alfo stated that as a sequel to
the distemper which occurred tive or
six months ago the patient is affected
with a chronic discharge from the
nose. This fnct is to say the least,
very suspicious. We cannot encour
age the treatment of subjects atlected
with symptoms which are atn'l similar
to glanders. This policy may per
haps at first thoimht appear hardly
consistent with the rights of our sub
scribers, but in view of the tho re
markable prevalence of this disease,
and the danger of its being commui
cated to men, as well us other animals,
our ceurso is justifiable. Too much
caution cannot be exercised in dealing
with such cases, or too much can not
be said to warn innocent people of the
great danger to be apprehended from
tampering with diseased horses, es
pecially if they are affected with ma
lignant and incurable malady which
the owher is led to believe is nothing
but a "nistemper," "nasal gleet" or
some other disease he is led to belisve
is not contagious.
T. M. S., Cambridge, Neb: J have a
6 year old horse that broke out iu
sores on head, breast, and belly. I ap
plied lard and sulphur and gave salt
peter. The sores dried up. Soon
after the horso commenced discharg
ing a very offensive matter from the
right nostril. He has been discharging
now for over three months and it does
not appear to affect his strength or
We do not think there is the slight
est doubt that the patient u affected
with the glanders, which appears to
haye occurred as a sequel to an attack
of farcy. The fact that the strength or
appetite of the subject does not appear
to be affected must not be considered
as evidence in fayor ot his not being
affected with glanders. It is a well
known fact that a horse may be affect
ed with chronic glanders of a malig
nant type and at the same time may
have every indication of health. This
is one of the lemarkable and danger
ous peculiarities ot this disease. It is
sometimes so insiduous and obscure
and so liable to te mistaken for other
diseases by men' who are not convers
ant with the distinguishing symptoms
that the only prudent course to adopt
m to isolate alt snpicious caea and - all
in the aid of some reliable veterinarian
- CkWctCWftr
Joseph Saum, having purchased the
thorough-bred Hereford cattle ot I. N.
West, now offers them for sale. He
has. 32 fine thorough-bred hulls and
grades and also three chort-horns. Now
is the chance lor farmers to improve
their sto k. Call on or address him at
Bed Cloud, Neb. 23tf
To "Yomxxk Ladles,
If your life is made a burden owing
to b'ackheds. pimples; and other. erup
tions marring your beauty and causing
so much chsgrin, it is no longer nect
ary to end re it. Dr Flagg's Family
ointment will certainly remove all such
blemishes and leave your skin soft
smooth and beautiful. Sold by all
druggists and mailed upon receipt of
price 25c. Fekguon dc. v
we would caution the public) to be
ware dealers offering Kemp's Balsam
at the regular price 50c and $1, as of
times imitations or inferior articles are
sold as the genuine in order to enable
them to sell cheaply. Ferguson & Co.
are our agents in Hed Cloud. Sample
bottle given to you free
ThU medicine, combining Iron with puro
refutable tonic. ouicJcly ami completely
Curra Iyieptln, Indlgratlon, WrnkHCM,
Impure Illootl, . Mai ariM,CblllnK!idFeverN,
and uralla.
It is an unfailmc remedy for Diseases of tho
jilrinryN fend l.ivrr.
It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women, and all who Imcl mlentary lics.
It does no: injure the teeth, cause headachc.or
produce constipation othn- Iron medicine do.
It enriches and purifies the blood, Btimulntti
Ihe aprxuite. aids the aImilation of food, re
tern Heartburn and ISelchtog, and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fcners. Lassitude, Lackrf
Energy, Ac, it has no equal.
B&- Tho genuine has above trade mark n-J-ironed
red hw on rapper. Take no otl j
UUujhj llltew M lit ALTO., BALTIMORE, tf
To Provide for Licensing and to
Kojgulato tho Harboring of Doge
Within tho City of Red Cloud.
Hi it Ordained, by tli3 mayor and
cotiucilincn of the city of Red Cloud,
Sec. 1. A ii3' person desiring to on,
keep or harbor any dcg or whelp
within the corporate limits of the ci ty
of Ked Cloud, shall pa3 to the treas
urer of said cit3' annually the the sum
of SI. 00 for each dog or whelp 13' him
owned, kept or harbored, and for each
bitch owned, kept or harbored aunual
I3' the sum of 2 dollars, us a license
tax, and take the treasurer's receipt
therefor. Upon presentation of such
receipt to the clerk of said city a
license shall be issued b3' said clerk to
said person, which license shall con
tain the owner's name and a descrip
tion of the clog, hitch or whelp, to keap
which such person is therein' licensed.
Said license shall he signed b' the
inaj-or and attested by the clerk. All
licenses issued under the provision of
this ordinance shall expire on tho first
tla3r of Ma3' after t.ieir date, and tho
owner, keeper, or harborer of an3' dog,
bitch or whelp shall r.ut or cause to be
put around the neck of the same a
leather or metal band or ring with the
word "licensed stamped thereon. It
shall be the duty of the city marshal to
cause tie destruction of any dog, bitch
or whelp, if the owner, keeper, or
harborer of which shall neglect or re
fuse to pay such license tax within
thirty a.iys after the approval and pub
licatiou of this ordinance according to
law. or after the expiration of an'
former license.
Si:c. '. Ithall be lawftiifor the
mayor offcaitHSrV-''fo prohibit by
m ,l,
any dog. hi
limits of sa:
ft'olamation the runnunr at lame of
tch or whelp within the
ud cify at any period of the
year, wnenevcr in 11 is opinion uiu
public saicty is in danger, or there are
rabid dogs within or rear the city.
Every owner or keeper of any dog,
bitch or whelp who shall permit the
same to run at large contrary to the
provisions of this section, shall, upon
conviction thereof, nay a fine of five
dollars for each offense. Provided,
that this section shall not apply to any
doi bitch or whelp which shall be
muzled with a wire muzzle securely
fastened on with leather strap or chain
within twent-four hours after the
publication of the mayor's proclama
tion by posting printed notices, and
remaining so muzzled during the peri
od designated in said proclamation.
The mayor :s hereoy authorized and
empowered to employ as main per
sons as ho may deem nccessar3' to
carry into effect the provisions of this
Skc. 3. It shall be lawful for any
policeman or any other person author
ized by the mayor to kill and destroy
or cause to be ki lied or destr03'ed, an
dog, bitch or whelp, which may be
found runnirg at large within the
limits of said city of Red Cloud con
trary to an3 of the provisions contain
ed in this ordinance.
Sec. 4. Any person owning, keep
ing or harboring an dog. bitch 01
whelp, within the city of Red Cloud
without first obtaining a license there
for as herein before provided shall, on
conviction thereof, be fined in a sum
not less than two dollars, and not
more than twenty-five dollars, and be
committed until such fine and costs are
paid or removed as by law provided.
This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force on and alter its passage and
publication according to law.
R. L. Tikker, Mayor and Clerk.
Notice of Appucation tor ucansa.
I Fcislit b.v fileti with the cierlc of the city
mimril tif iht pltv of
Ked Cloud, his petition
stoned bv over tliirtv frvho!der. nranue the
said city council to grant him Hcene to sell
spirituous, Inous and malt liquors in the city or
ltedlioud. ine council have nxeu naay.
Aprils, lv.7 o'clock p. m., as the tbne for
hearing all protests or objections against Issu
ins such license. Al protests and objections
must he tiled on or hefote Uiat date.
SJ- 1C L. TiSKiut, City Clerk.
I . II .1 ..! I .. 1
Notice of Application for License.
Kothrock has filed with cJcrtc of the city
council of the city of Ked Cloud, ats petition
signed by or thirty freeholders, pravlns the
said city conncil to grant hint a license to sell
spirituous, tinous and malt liquors in the city of
Bed Cloud. The council hare fixed Friday.
Anril " t&SS. 7 o'clock u. m.. as th time (or
hearius all protesU or object ious asainst- lsn-
incsuca license. All protests
Mius ue men wiui wie en
inaltfMet Kb
His stock is very large and prices
very reasonable.
Also job lot of
TTYmr "T"-r -r ,w TS"esL w ,
AmaflfeBbi aflb maP tJm JmJIPhv ca
At lialf
Prices lower than ever.
Full line of
Remember I have moved to Mrs. Spokes
field's old stand on the west side of
Webster street, See me before you
buy. I have bargains in fine furniture.
Consisting of tho finest line of
Ladie's and Gent's
Ever brought to Red Cloud. Wo
make a specialty of the cele
brated Reynolds' Bros, shoos
Also we keep a fulOino of tho fa
mous Rockford shoe, which wo
warrant. All our gooda are
warranted to give satis
faction; and our pri
ces ara the
Great Reduction in Prio
At Mrs. Newhouse s
Al lot of white goods, hasiburgs. hosiery, etc. ,
-mX MkAntMi 4Vrt--k
SU1U UliCapt?! L-UttU.
Please give us a
Live Stock and
eral auctioneer-
SwiriBlue Hill, Neb -
5 1 lW,,P
A fj H-JW
If H
W. D.
rx ii r f"
We have just reciev-.As
ed our new stock of
Pat; Congreu
ftTTftn r r I iT-rr h c vn
CVOi Ui CiCCWiioiu.
call before buying.
' . -Ti L .r t -
.ifcaiu?. m-" - t
j.t.7 T-11
i-tSfc i -",
jssmr uTWrs&r
- I'M cct- vyrjg ...-- .
fr kWJi " -4T- rn ' a--k. "
. m sz 1 ' fc 'i-im r t . 'i
IiEaII BSKS USE - . ,. , ,. acaas w. T - Zzm 1 H ) .Ck
Mj -" f rr-s -j -"
LIS w ! i 3Jr xl
am Kc t a-. !l 1 -"
rn rrtn
gea-iCernnsuranc Co.
aii tsarti thlsr u unr vM rr " P
I attmttoH hr srtritii; turner ry suit r hrvm
SpcvUJ AfetBt, fc-a Heed .Vk.
E&. m
fetfagirfS 7
Bnk R
S m fes W W
a" YBK v-fc A3i',,li
fife- &fX
r-r jb ii -1 r
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Tin nvat'r pari of. my iu-st sprint? stork of tlnv good.
linw arrived, and I shall tnkv pk-niire in showing goods and
quoting prirvs to any who mny rail My wall pnpt-r was
iMiught dircctlv froni lh Factory and thr quality and l-au-
j ty of doign cannot lv suqascd. 1 abo have a lull stock ot
1 t .. . --,,.. .-. 4t-: ti.j tji4M yfl n TV .t-. O. ml!Civ! nnlnZR. thnn
irootlsharaaMrayaglraoaatiaftictlon. and hnvo ooon fully tostoct
in this n:arKtu A ftiM 3iio Of Drue Books, nnt! atntlonory nl-
nron uu. COTTJNG.
! Clothing suits
men and
overcoats at
bottom prices
boots and shoes
! coarse and fine.
from 50cts
Wool boots a
t-TKm-IDJTavmflJlJ'-.-J.-. ., . mw-mm.m..frr,m.
Jo. 'r. W'anken -Prop.
I liav- ii-iiiil i juiii li.-tM'il l!..-l k of !'.xmN iiwnccl Iiv
1 1. M M'll.'iu aini .v. 1 it i;ii il to M ;iini lm
Clothing. Furniture Xcw and Sri mid hand Sowing Mai-hiu
of all kind, and in fart Farm .Machinery. Ft
Will hold auction Kt at'iida :ifteinon. at 1 Vh-lc
' mw
5 2 S 1
11 L
on lumber
low as can be bought from any dealer on
. Earth.
TTf-RTT: ,T?i
.v 4j- -x - .
Urn' t, nii.rrj. ihrT
Jtmtt Srrr, Aiat r
Capital $50,000
l M 1-UH. Lr ' '
W It. Jvkwm, E. f
Buf and well Exr,
Mxkti ro'If trtin nt
1 I
In and aroxmd Red Cloud,
m nATEf it v
si s ? s0 r
Of the great Republican valley. Buy your
homes while property is cheap.
Heal Eauito net! InyatAnco Act.
Farm Io&a Neirotltttod. OlSco o vor Fim Katiocai Baak.
Dry Goods and
Furnishing goods.
Gloves Mitts. Hos
iery &:C.
I will pos'tively
sell goods for cash
alter January 1st.
All those knowing
themselves indebt
ed to me, will
please call and set
tle by the above
I date.
E R !
sr :j
r. S iOM. I.G H
Fine (); f 11 'or: a Sjrrt riJty.
1 NltM.i ita.
1 M
- y
Fans For si
m aas r
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lJ&&F XfaVnlSi lj 3? filial
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3 V"3
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Sl.-r. '?&&&& -- ft
. -A.
,t,St-l" -:
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tji tfrfwa'
r-.-n fc.uni. -,
1K - ?j&.?39ftMi?9HHHGWB-Jktr
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