The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 12, 1886, Image 4

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A. C. HOIMUI, NHthw.
Facteck hopes to be able to treat
diphtheria and other diseases success
fully by a method similar to tt at of his
treatment of rabies.
Tjie Finance Minister reported to
the Dominion Parliament recently that
the public net debt of Canada on
March 1 was $208,500,000.
TnE New Jersey Supreme Court has
decided that the act under which the
Slate and local boards of health were
organized is unconstitutional.
The wheat plant in Kansas, West
ern Missouri and Eastern Nebraska is
reported to he in good condition, but
the acreage is largely below that of
last year.
The Arrny Appropriation bill as re
ported to the House, appropriates for
the maintenance of the armv during
the next liscal year the sum of $2tf,
The President lias approved the acts
removing the disabilities of Alexander
Stewart, of Mississippi, Edward G. Sut
ler, of Missouri, audThomas L. Kosser,
cf Virginia.
JIkaii AroiiKAi, Simpson of the navy
has been placed upon the retired list
having reached the age of sixty-two.
He entered the service in 18-10. During
the rebellion he was Fleet Captain to
Admiral Farragut.
A dispatch from London says: Lord
Kosehcry, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
lias given instructions to Ilritish agents
in China to assist English manufact
urers and merchants to seeinre control
of the Chinese market, and to conduct
their treatmentof the claims of the Chi
nese! Government to suzerainty over
Durmah with that end in view.
At a fete held in Perpignon, capital
vf Pyrenees Orientales, France, recent
ly, forty thousand persons were pres
ent. An aeronaut made a balloon as
cension, although the wind was blowing
violently. The balloon dashed against
trees and buildings and filially burst,
when it fell to the ground with the.
aeronaut, injuring him dangerously.
For years past the Town Council of
Cambridge, O., has annoved the Haiti
more & Ohio Company by arresting en
gineers, conductors and brakemen for
running trains on Sundavs. The com
pany has now determined to tear
its tracks up through the town and go
round by way of Georgetown, thus
leaving Cambridge without a railroad.
Secretary Manning has answered
the resolution of the House calling for
a statement of the moneys seized at
New Orleans by Generals Butler and
Banks, between the dates May 1, 1SGL',
and May 1, 1865. The Secretary says
General Butler seized and accounted
lor $202,534, taken from New Orleans
banks, while General Banks seized
$47,889 in cash.
At Chicago recently Judge Gresham
entered a decree in the case of the
Third National Bank of Chicago,
against the Chicago & Pacific Railway
Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Kailway Company. The
latter was ordered to pay the bank's
judgment in thirty days. In default a
receiver will be appointed to operate
the St. Paul's leased property.
The German press loudly protests
that the rebuilding of Home will re
mit in the destruction of its remaining
, uitiquitics. Memorials are being
signed by artists and architects every
where protesting against the sacrilege
)f Roman building speculators. The
Rational Zcituvg of Berlin warns the
municipal authorities of Borne that
they may learn in an unpleasant man
rhat are the views of the orld of
Negotiations for a Congo loan, ac--cording
to a dispatch from Paris, have
been broken off. A French commission
went to Congo to meet a Belgian com
mission, for the purpose of delimiting
the boundary line between the territory
of France and that of the Congo States.
The French commission waited a
month, but the Belgian commission did
not appear. The French commission
is now returning home. Premier De
Treyeinct has demanded an explana
tion from the Brussels Government.
TnE grand jury for the New York
-Court of general session after being
sworn into office were charged by Judge
Cildcrsleeve on the 1st. After defin
ing their duties he said they should not
nd an indictment unles? the circum
stances warranted it. He referred to
the alleged corruption in the procuring
md granting of the franchise on which
the Broadway surface railroad is now
operated, and said: "Let tbe axe fall
tvrhere it may. We have but one code
flawtu They-recognizc neither color,
nationality, nor rank.
6iKATOK Vaxce, who recently went
io Detroit to bring Senator Jones back
f Washington with him, failed in his
,9lkekm. He saw Jones, and remon
strated with hia about his conduct, bat
M4& sot prpdvee the slightest effect
low him that he was capable of
to 'his own private affairs.
his mtriMOBial aspirations were
3aclicd in that category. Vance gave
up as ; hoeeMM case, eator
air mts he was with Jmks in Dublin
fMfMmv&XtUBruA tiat-he had a
J iri)i tkidM wiUi. hk jm-
lv -st .-,' - - "N " 1 -"-
1 - V . "
v' J-
WwpHtJH; . . -,! - v . ? i.
Gleaned by Telegraph and MaiL
Iar the Senate on the 2d Mr. Van Wyck
reported favorably, with an amendment tbe
House bill to increase tbe pension of widows
of deceased eoldicr. At one o'clock the Sen
ate took up tbe Education bll. Debate on
tbe bill continued until adjournment In
the House Mr. Morrill, of Kansaa. from tbe
Committee on Invalid Pernios", reported the
bill extending- until July 1. 18&J, the time
wltbin which applications for arrears of pen
sions may be filed. At the expiration of tbe
morn'nir hour the House went into Commit
tee of the Whole on the Pension Appropria
tion bill. 'When tbe committee rose tbe
House adjourned.
In tbe Senate on the 3d sereral petitions
were presented, one from many New York
savings banks asking for the discontinuance
of silver coinage. Mr. Beck offered a reso
lution, which was agreed to. calling on
the Secretary of the Treasury for certain In
formation in regard to the payment of the
public debt, and after tbe trantttct on of
minor business, theEducuton bill came up
and was dicuscd until adjournment.... In
the HouccMr. Hutch, of Missouri, from the
Committee on Agriculture reported u b II to
cstihlish agricultural experiment Mutton in
connection with the colleges of the !-everal
States. At the cxpirat.on of the morn ng
hour tbe House, In committee, resumed con
sideration of the Pension Appropriation bill.
When the committee rose .Mr. Umax, of
Wisconsin, reported the Armv Appropriation
bill, and t lie House adjourned.
Aitku the presentation of petitions in
the Senate on the 4th the bill passed accept
ing from Mrs. Grunt the tokens presented to
the lute General Grant by foreign countries.
The IMurittiou bill was then tiikeu up unit
after debate the Fenutn adjourned in order
that nieiiilKrs might attend the fimerai of
the wife of Senator HawIey...,The
tliee.vp ration of t tie morning hour, took up
tho Pension Appropriation lull, ami alter de
bate, the hpeaker announced the spec ni com
mittee to Investigate the fuel concern. ng
the ownership of tho I'an-EIeetrie te ephone
f-.tocl; by eerta n public olllcers a4 follows:
?!esrs. lioyec. (mte-. Eden. Hall. Hale. Hnn
ney. Miller. Ilanback and Moiratt, and the
House adjourned.
Afti:i: adopting a resolution on tho .rth
calling upon the Fccretary of the Navy for
Information concern. ng the .Dolphin and
other vpmscIs. the Senate nguln took up the
Kducnt!on bill, and alter a lengthv dclat
the third reading was reaehed anil the bill
pus.-cd; ayeti. ."!; n:t.s. 11. The Feuate then
took up the reporl of the Judiciary Comni t
teemitho removal from ollico cjueptum but
soon adjourned. ...The IIuuc, alter the call
of committees, went into t'nnuuittee of the
Whole on the I.'rgent Deilolcnev bill. After
debate the bill pu-cd. At the evening
seion llfty pension bills passed. Ad
journed. Tin: Senate was not in session on the Cth.
....In the House the day was devoted to de
bate in Committee of the Whole on the state
of the Union, in wh'eh the silver question
wan the leading subject. When the commit
tee rote the House adjourned.
Tin: President, on tho id, sent a message
to the Senate requesting adequate legisla
tion for the protection of Chinese resi
dents. F. Child, of Richmond, Mo., has
"been nominated Minister to Siaiu.
Tin: Hev. Dr. Samuel Kntnsey, who led
the split in tlm l'resl3-terinii Church which
ended in the establishment of a Southern
branch, died at Louisville, Ky., on the '.Ul,
aged sixty-eight.
Tin: President lias nominated Alfred U.
Tiny to the vacant Major Generalship
held by the late W. S. Hancock.
Tin: wife of Senator Joseph Jl. Hawley,
of Connecticut, died at her home in Wash
ington on the .'5d.
Tin: Chinese Minister at Washington de
nied rceentry that his Government ivns
meditating decisive action because of the
anti-Chinese riots.
Tin: pallium was conferred upon Arch
hop bisCorrigan ntSt. Patrick's Cathedral,
New York, on the 4th, with imposing cere
monies. Tin: French Chamber refused to order
the Orlcanist princes to leave Franco by a
vote of :H5 to 17(5.
A ti:st vote recently in the English House
of Commons showed Gladstone with 'Ml to
160. Houi.Axr.Ki:, tho French Minis
ter of War, lias decided in favor of destroy
ing the forts of Paris.
Fki:i, the well known colored
leader, has tendered his resignation as Re
corder of Deeds for tho District of Colum
bia. Cor.oxr.i.E. II. McPiiunsov, a grndttnteof
West Point and a well-known Indian fight
er, who at one time gained n great reputa
tion by rescuing two young women front
the Indians on the Platte river, committed
suicide at his boarding house at Evnnsville,
Ind., by taking morphine. Indulgence in
strong drink led him to the dogs.
Ex-CoN5iti:ssM.x Finkktv, of Chicago,
was the orator at tho Robert Emmet cele
bration at the New York Academy of Musiu
March 4. He predicted Parncll's success in
his labors for home ntle.
Assolaxt, the French author, is dend.
CoMMi.-tsioxr.u Colman, of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, lias received quito an
unfavorable report on the Government tea
farm at Suintnerville, S. C. The severe
winter and protracted cold wewther have
stripped tho tea plants of their foliage. The
Commissioner is of the opinion that the ex
perimental tea farm had better be aban
doned. Tin: Abbess Malcgnc Cneponse, while
dining in the hospital of the Sisters of the
poo, at Fcrpignan, France, recently was
attacked and murdered by a band of ntf
fians. Several of tho miscreants were ar
rested. Their motive was supposed to bo
Tin: House Committee on Levees and Im
provements of tho Mississippi River has
agreed to report favorably a bill to appro
priate $3,000,000 to close gaps in and
strengthen the levees of the Mississippi
river for the purpose of improving and
giving safety to navigation and preventing
destructive floods.
IK the Kentucky House of Representa
tives at Frankfort, recently, a dispute took
jdaco between two members, Robert G.
Thomas and Jackson, of Louisville.
Thomas drew a pistol and became very
demonstrative, but was subdued by friends.
A special from "Winnipeg, Manitoba, of
the 5th says that Poundmakcr and eleven
other braves have been liberated'from the
penitentiary at Stony Mountain. They
will go west to their homes.
The Amoskca? mill strike at Manchester,
N. H., ended in a failure. The strikers ac
cepted tho terms of tho proprietors and I
went to work, excepting a number who j Dust in case. Mr. Edmunds made a lengthy
were sbnt out. I address on the subject. Tbe Hon, passed
The street car strikes in Jfe-w York and! the bill forbidding the Government to hire
Brooklyn ended on the 5th in the triumph out the labor of convicts. The bill requir
of the strikers. There was a general "ti -ng Pacific railroads to pay the cost of sur
hp" of the cars, and no prospect but sub- veying was also passed.
mission appeared oien to the companies.
The strikers were reported jubilant over
their success.
The English House of Commox refased
to abolish the Bouse of Lords, oa the 5th.
by a vote of 302 to 1C0.
The Knights of Labor hare ordered a
boycott against the wagons aad sleighs
made by Gage, Hitchcock & Co., W. X.
Broekway aad the Homer Wagon Ceaa
paay, all f Homer, N. Y. The firms are
censed ot discharging
wece Knights of Labor.
Kiearof the men coaxicmd of baring
taken prominent parts m the races Len
doat riots, hare beea iiatanssi frank ann
talH years of penal serritnde. "' ,-"-
Mu. has been iatrodacedin themarr
land Lsgmlatnre Wsenre "iwai maa aTiin
far the less ol slaTaby the emanoiasmtM
civ , - t ,.: : !; : :i'
w j, "w--r-saf .rsi'T -.--' ST-1
11 1 pwi 1 nawaiaiiiai in 1 1 ;&.,:, .."s- . . . ; -'
amneajmjfcisa-mmftv.. snescer... -jsJseaex.'sv 1. -: w- -: n-:- jiiE a 3tZ&? r!S
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-. r STvzjwvsiMie e- &rzm-?. ftBvnHVBiL r 4 n
The grand jarr recently ignored the bills
against the strikers recently locked up,
charged with riot at Bradford, Pa. The
costs in tbe cases were assessed on V. F.
May, the representative of tbe syndicate of
coke manufacturers.
Tnr. trial of James T. Holland for killing
Tom Davis, tbe confidence man, at New
York, ended in his acquittal on tbe 5th.
The Knights of Labor employed in the
Missouri Pacific railroad yards at Denison,
Tex., recently refohed to handle any freight
destined for point5 on the Texas & Pacific
road. They claimed they had received or
ders to that effect.
A mentation was caased in the Paris
Bourse on the .rtth by a crazy man throwing
a bottle of explosive liquid among the
broken and brandishing a revolver. He
was arrested, when he proved to be an An
archist named Petroritch.
The business failures for the seven days
ended March 4 numbered for the United
States, LW; for Canada, K; total 246,
against SIS tho week previous.
The Cuyahoga Paper Company at Cuya
hoga Falls, O., made an assignment re
cently. Eighty men were thrown out ot
Tun fire losses for February as estimated
by the Cvmmrrcial Jlnlhtin of New York
were ?0..VO.0 hi the United States and
Canada. This was aliont the "average for
February losses for the Iastelevcn or twelve
PcnstwNT to nn order from the. executive,
the Knights of labor on the Missouri Pa
cific went oyt on strike on tho morning of
the nth. The .strike was very general ami
grew out of the boycott and strike on tho
Texas Pacific.
Ax immense conflagration broke out in
the docks of the Monurc.'i j,ino Steamship
Company at Jersey City, N. J., on the
morning of the tth. Extensive damage
was threatened.
One person was hilled and several in
jured ami a number of houses destroyed by
an earthquake in Cosenza, Southern ituli',
the other day.
Tun clearing house returns- for week
ended March ' j-howed an average increase
of iili.O compured with the coriespouuiug
week of htt year. In New York tho in
crease was J11.0.
The daily papers of tho 8th were filled
with strikes, boycott:, combinations and
other labor movements more or less threat
ening. Tin: Paris Bourse was uneasy during tho
week ended March ti. Other European
money exchanges were reported steady.
A rim: recently broke out in tho Ford ik.
Shoemaker mills nt Akron, U., destroying
the structure and many other buildings.
Tho loscs v.ere estimated at nearly $l,uX),
OJi): partiully injured.
Seveuai. hundred miners in Pulaski
Couut3, K, recently threaten d to drive
away the convicts and their lessees who
were operating in tho district. The Gov
ernor was appealed to and the free miners
were overawed by th" militia, but tho peo
ple were determined that the convicts
should be ousted as soon as the militia were
Ai.ueut Fi::ew.a.vie::. of the firm of
Friedlnnder S; Co., cloak manufacturers
of New York, was arrested t!u other day
on the complaint of Jordan, Marsh it Co.,
merchants of Boston, charged with de
frauding that firm of $."i7,b00 by collusion
with their buyer, one Hughes, who has con
fessed. Caitaiv Gr.usTri., of the Austrian army,
was recently tried by n court martial for n
slight offense and was convicted. As :i
matter of form a light sentence was im
posed upon him. He heard the sentence
with composure and bowed respectfully to
the court, then drawing a revolver he fired
two shots and fell dead.'s band is credited with the
murder of two or three more Americans
and a Mexican f-inco his refusal to sur
render unconditionally to General Crook.
Seveuai. English firms have been prom
ised railway contracts by the Chinese Gov
ernment and the authorities at Pekin have
instructed Prince Lin, tho newly appointed
Chinese Envoy to England, to negotiate
with the English banks for a special loan
to be devoted to railway building in China,
and nlso for another loan for tho construc
tion of improved dock yards at the princi
pal Chinese ports.
Tin: Colorado cattle-growers in conven
tion at Denver recently indorsed the In
ternational Range Association and agreed
to eo-opernte with the association.
It was reported at Denver. Col., recently
that not) miners in the employ of the Mar
shall Coal Company at Eier had struck on
account of a reduction of wages.
Tin: report on the exhibition of 1S73 has
been presented to the French Chnmhars. It
shows a deficit of :W.0tJ.(KX) francs.
The widow of the lato Horatio Seymour,
died at tho residence of Mrs. Roscoe Conk
Iins at Utica. X. Y.. on the Sth.
It was reported at Ashlaad. Ky.. that
I Neal. Craft and Ellis, who were lynched
and executed for the murder of three chil
dren on Christmas eve, 1&1, were really
innocent of the crinio. Detectives were on
the track of the gudly parties, who occu
pied respectable positions. It will be re
membered that nearly forty persons lost
their lives in the attempted lynchings, tho
mob being tired on by the militia.
The report of tho committee investigat
ing the Broadway surface railroad matter
in New York declared the franchise was ob
tained by fraud.
Tnr. three brothers forming the notorious
Archer gang were hanged together by a mob
on maple trees at Shoals, Ind., on the morn
ing of the 10th.
The strike on the Missouri Pacific ap
peared to be settling down on the 9th to a
long struggle between the Kn'ghtsof La
bor and tho railroad company. H. M.
Uoxie. first vice president of the company,
laid off nearly five thousand hands for the
purpose of reducing expenses. Freight
trnfiic was completely blocked and the pas
senger traffic wits very much upset.
Ex-Pkesihent Authuk was reported in
precarious health at New York on tho iUh.
A ntsiMTcn from Rome says that Arch
bishop Tashereau. of Quebec, and Arch
bishop Gibbons, of Baltimore, would be the
new Cardinals.
Tns Senate, on the ?tb. took up the:reso-
lutions offered bv Mr. Edmnnds in the
Tns carpenters on strike at New York
Tor .M50 per day gained the:r point.
A motion to disestablish the Aurch in
Wales was defeated in the British House
of Commons.
Ex-SexatokJerokeB. CaarrcE. of Col
orado, died of laryngit's at the residence of
his daughter. Mrs. Utysses S. Graat. at
New York, oa the 9th. He was sixty-oac
years of age.
A MCXBEB of Chicago boot aad shoe Ina
surrendered to the Knights of Leber oa the
Sth. Tee firms had been boycotted.
Tbe Feller Ascom Stove Compear, ef
Troy. X. Y.. after an eighteen moata' eejr;
cotUksti sorrendered to the Knights ef La-
: Tns Brnnewiek cotton aaifl, nt Mesehry,
Bag., was deetrayed by Are recently.
h Vi wwpw ,. v;it.,V. " - ! "
- -- ' .. r . -. . .
-... . -.. ' - X
BraoLAIW recently raided the hardware .
tore of F. J. Hoerger, in Sutton, and car- j
ried off cutlery and shooting iron valued
st $1.7).
I Tor FJthn V.llr railroad IhMv paid ,
I SifLSemmt tor "iniurieV stained by
" her in a railroad accident September lai. '
! James Vouaoo. an old Italian, recently
. lost his jrife at Omaha, and after her death
he found about f .VW sewed up in her cloth
ing, in 4umi ranging from . 10 to f.V). Ho
! determined to give her a decent burial, and
accordingly ordered a hand-ome coffin, and
secured the services of a priest, who discov
ered that Vbrago bad never been married
to tho woman, although he had lived with
her for nearly thirty years, both in Amer
ica and Italy. He therefore iH.'iemptorily
refused to celebrate mass for the dead.
Vorago got mad and was with dtfliculty
previntcd from flumping the coilin and
corp- in the river. He then went on a
spree, spent all the money and landed in
A rETitiriED human body was recently
on exhibition in Chndron. It tvns discov
ered in the bad lands of Dakota, netween
Rapid City and Cbttmlerlain. by William
Allen, a cowboy. The destination was the
Smithsonian Institute at Washington.
A ri-iiv story comes from Pottea to the
effect that a butcher in that place recently
killed n cow ami in her stomach found u
pound of nail and a t1 inh wruw, all be
ing worn as bright as if polished on iui
emery wheel.
i It is stated that work will be resumed
this spring on the great Kearney ennii',
which, when completed, will furnish ths
best water power in the State.
PnT-oroi( i:s lately e-t.ibUshed in Ne-
. hrnska: Adtitoti, Sheridan County. Mrs.
1 Ada Foster, postmaster; Lydia, Custer
County, Mrs. Lydia T. Keyes, postmaster;
Thurman. Brown County, Albert M. .Ineox,
; postmaster: Wrightsville. Buffalo County,
S.nmucl M. Wright, postmaster.
A Yorvo man named Prentice commit
ted suicide ut Fairfield the other day by
taking poison. Ill health caused mental
. aberration.
A fiue at Kearney 'the othr morning
burned the American House and six frame
buildings in the same row. The loss ag
gregated 510.0X), half covered by Insur
ance. Tho heaviest loser was C. .1 Alex
ander, landlord of the hotel, who lost all
the furniture in the house.
CoxnrtTon Hai.u in ehnrjre of a freight
train on tho Elkhorn Valley road, was
killed whilo coupling cars at Rock Creel:
station the other day.
(SovEitvnn Dawes has appointed M. L.
Hawood, of Nebraska City, as j:idg of
the Second district, to (ill the vacancy
caused by Judge Mitchell's death.
BfTEEit '""ounty is all excitement over
the reported goldlind in the bluffs four
miles north of David City. Messrs. Apple
dick and Ri".ed'rf. tho men who own the
land, have been working the hhiii's for over
lhre-months, and it is said that . une of
the "ore"' has been sent to Umith.-i for as
say. ("AV-ov HiMiirnru. trcasutvrof Fiauklm
Co'inty. was taken to Lincoln recently in
charge of an ofiicer of the Fniteil Stat.
who had arre-ted him on a warrant stteI ;
out nf tho United States Court, charging
htm with content: t. Tiis contempt con
sisted in trying to collect, tnves from a firm
that had been placed in the hands of a re
ceiver. Rev. J. L. Jn-ov. n colored nrercher of
Lincoln, will soon l"ave for Africa where
he will devote the remainder of his dnv to
missionary work. l!o will be one rf a band
of twenty to join Bishop William Taylor's
s"lf supporting mission work in tle Congo
VaU" Mr. Judsou is the firs", colored
missionary from America to join Ihe band.
, CiivfTAt-QfA and Shakespeare clubs are
trumps in Exeter.
WKa'n:i.i boasts that in the mnttrof
chess players it can down any tiwn in the
Rtat. " "
It is stated that Rushville n ilkmen re
cently got into a row and cut oA prices un
til they cot down to two cents per quart.
Thc'r mill: kept getting thinner as they
went down.
Neiiuaska potmat"rs lately commis
sioned: James L. Diffonderfcr, Cnmniin
ville: Peter Setler. ShIl Creel-; Ceorge E.
Brag":. Waverly: Willam I:. Heiijant'tt,
Bnnk!villf: Josh,.:n R. Jacobs, Jacobs;.
John C. (high. On -h. i
l'.i.ucn (' the yotntr man r"
contlv sentenceil to the jienlt'Mittarv for a
teryt of six years for hous stealing, es '.
aped from the county jail a; Chatlnm tho
ther daj.
A coi.ovv of forty familiis. who expect
to settle about eisht miles i:orth of Lodge
Pole, are expected in a week or so.
A locomotive collided with n team of
horses near St. Edward. Bv n County, re
cently, killingboth animals
The voting town of Merna. "t:sf or County,
mrrnwly escaped a nekt'f f-stival o:i
night recently. A tlninken r ufiian mad" an
a;atilt on a lady and w jll have been
lvnched had not tho sheriff hid hint in n
prairie duo'it.
S. M. Yor;owarecentlvfirr,st-lnt Lin
coln for robbing th" American Expr
Company f ? I .fXV at (ilonwoHl, Iowa, on
the 13th of Fobntary.
CoNTKAtTOjf for the grading along th"
extension from Tobias ex-wt to have tho
work completed by the middle of April or
the first of May.
i A chattei: of Royal Arch Maons will
soon be established at Geneva. i
A coek packing establishment is among '
the possibilities for Norfolk.
A. W. LAtitn. brothe- of Congressman
Iainl, was recently killed near Albn
qnenpie, N. M . by a train. He had len
vtsitihg an Indian village and ot, returning
at about eight o'clock in the evrnintr in at
tempting to board a freight train while in
motion, missed his footing and was thrown
under the wheels.
J ArtorT six years ago n sonatt-r in Madi
'. son County becoming diguied dd his
farm for a team of horses valued n $2ftl.
. The other day the purchaser sold thi farm
for ricox
Ceihr Countr is ont of debt.
A lost cbild canned ome excitement at
' Greenwood the other day. but th- little
' one was found in a few hours, having im-
ply gone a mile or two oa an exploring
A tocxo woman livirur at Liberty was
terribly burned the other day by her
1 clothes catching fire from a spark from the
stove near which she wa standing. She
j had been only two weeks a bride.
I The residence of Jlr I-. Bird, near 3Iount
.' Feasant, was burnwl to the ground one
f r.lght recently, cau:ng a los-s of SLAV.
The family had a Barrow escape from cre-
I The recent Catholic fair at Crete netted
1 jat completed the purchase of a large
I nnnt of timntv in and adiolniar
1 um"... -. r r -- . ' . -
Sterliarr. They expect to take a hand In
i the imDrovemeat aad envelopment of that
liTcry Kara.
A jeer in nilmore Coanty claiau ta
msMaiam. Hereporteatarkey aadersBOW
for tfty days with no food, bat living:
X junrleft in a basket at the doer of a
,-. -.. v fs.-.,. i. it . i
naun. -- "- -" ' . . !
a ...aT.-7 --- aaaTMTa i-iii r-taw
faraJtcaoso nv. --
Ba-rr a. Cowmtren reat. Van r
WtawMaarm -acneoS .far seenliac '
ma '-aVSateeense.irfi'I'-- hiuiii w-aa 1 r .-r. -- .a . a t
8'k SRl a---T-CfS- -!$, h ' s -.?" - - 'S rS'C;5-1-
mmmmmmmmmmmmsammmBmjRii.ZjSBlSt-S' Tfe-SSSBi. ..- -ii..Sj'.--&i' .t..rx."'A;, , TSfc-. fc:-'" ?a - .jne -s''J J .'K.., .ascJKi61ailafcir. ,j . V. f..
I A Knuu ttor MnrUrr IIU rlhr. MnikM. (
lirother Utr Tit Trrrlt.U kemr. ,
QsAdj: MiyMoy. Kan.. March 9. On of
the mo;,t ttorrible murders ever known la nnrn.tni.wl vi..i..
!"" w ' "." -'""- ) "-
"lft I! "onhwest of this town, tra
awakened about one o'clock In the morn-
in by a scream, shortly followed by
mother, cotnin? from the road In front of
his house. lie went to the door and was
met by WUIIo Sells, the sou of a neighbor,
J. W. Sella, Hvlrii; about a quarter of mndlo It allows that while foreign power are
up the road. The boy cried out: Mr. Men- building: formidable naval toeU tha
del, a man H at our house with a hatchet United State I about at a stand
ami has hurt father and mother: I dou't still In this particular, and say: "After
know how badly."
1 a sioiit.
' Mr. Mendel wen: with the 003, arousing
J. I. Rice, another neighbor, on the way.
l'ln reaching SelN' house a iuot horrible
sight met their eyes. In the bed In tne
north room lay Walter, Willie's tldot
brother ami bedfellow, aged nineteen, his
thrat cut and the entire ton of his head
chopped off, exposing the brain, and his
left eye hanging iij.-ui his check. Pavdng
Into the Miu'.h and main room, where a
light wa, burning, they .stumbled over the
prostrate, form of Mr. Sell, his head
emitted and almost severed lrm his body.
Near by I Mrs. Sells, a ;ady of forty thtec
years, her hc.ut unshed and a fearful g:ish
in her throat. On the l'd in the snuthevtt
corner of th.s kmiiii lay Ina. Willie's I?ter.
aged fourteen, killed in the same manner as
he other three. Lvuir near .Mr. Sells head
was a bloody butcher knife and on a chair a
hatchet, matted .with hair mid blood.
i Tin: hoy's sior.v.
The boy saul that he had been awakened
. by something and linking up saw a low,
' heavy j-et man, with dark hair, cut clo-e,
sttiittuiir in the door. Th s man stepped in
i aim icnelntiL over WilMe Mrttck Witty, who
lay in the back of the bed. Wil.le jumped
out and dressed while the man was still in
i the loom. This operation, he claimed,
took him just half a minute. The man
lushed out of one door, while Wiliic ran
out of the other, and started up the toad
j on a run alter him. A short distance off
Mood a man on horseback, holding another
horse, upon which the man vaulted and
both made off. Willie then went on to
Mendel's. Alter the bodies had been din
covered Rice took Willie home with him, '
where he slept soundly till morning.
; invi-.siicaiio.v.
j A coroner's jury was empaneled and tho
subsequent investigation brought foith nuicli
from the boy. Suspic on ieted tijxin him,
anil he was put upon the stand. He swore
that he had not washed his hands since tho
uittider, but inspection showed while
h'.s liitiuls and wr.sts weie clean, there was
a water mark about his wrists ami his fore
arms were deeply euci listed with blood
which appears to have spurted up Ins
sleeve?. A round his lingei nails, too. was
h;ood. Upon lemoviug his pants his draw
ers were .seen to le sat mated with spat
tered blood, and his hue feet were covered
with the same saiiuiiiue linid. His feet
fitted all the bloody footmarks to be found. ,
The boy stoutly denied being the murderer,
and throughout all the trying ordeal main
tained a bold front. The conclusion ot tho
inquest was postponed until ten o'clock to
A Xiniilo-r of .Miners ICIIN-il ami U'oafidt'il
Nisir rnuiirlUi-llli'. I'a.
Co.VNKM.svn.i.K, pa., .March '.'.--Shortly
after noon yesterday a series of explosions
took place 111 the rnioudale mine at Dun
bar, four miles from here, by which two
men wen; killed and twelve others icceived
injuries which will prove fatal in at le.i
four eases. The cause of, the explosion
was fire damp. There were twviit-thrc
men In the pit. The first explosion oc
curred about l'J:30 In the afternoon. It
was a terrific shock and was fol
lowed by two others in quick sue
cession a few minutes later. Tho
first exn'oslon caused the death of the
two men and iujtued three. The rest ran
tow.ud the mouth of the nit, but before
they reached it tho explosions occurred.
The liirhts were blown out, the dm; blind
ed the men, and the passage ways were
blocked up ami cut off all escape. The
pit was on fire and a horrible dealh awaited
the impilsotie.I miners.
'. 1:1:1 in ESCAPE.
Nine of them, who had been working In
another entry, oniiasred to make their wav
put before the mouth of tho pit was choked
up. The forre of the .shock can If, hns
Inetl, as it caused the men In Mone'l, Cal
vin and Wheeler, the i-djr.lnlng niinrs, to
drop their tools and rnh panic-stricken to
the top. The ground rolled and quaked o
that manv fell down, and three or four in the
Morre 1 mine were violently thrown asrainst
the walls and seriously injured. Every
body rushed towaid the I'nlondah mine.
Columbus Sha. of the Ma' work.
ana .lames Henderson, of the Calvin mine,
headed a rescuing partv and went to work
with p'eks an.l shovels to forre an entnnce.
In a few moments an entrance wai made
and several rti-hed forward to enter th
mine, hut were repelled bv a volume of
flame. It ttok several minute for the
smoke anil fire to clear a wav. The eric, of
pain and the moans of the inhirrel in"!!
wete pitiable. They were lying in every
direction, buried under masses of elirt.
Several of them were hornblv burned.
Their .MiflVrlngs were terrible. T we've of
them were found in a dying condition.
Two otlu-rs were dead, mangled almost in
to an tin recognizable maM.
the Kii.t.Ki) a v worvrri.
The killed are: John Williams. InxrJc
man. aged forty-five years, wife and four
chlhlreu: Joseph Cope, miner, aired fifty wife and nine children; Jacob Cop",
au-eel fifteen years, burned so tcrrdi'y inter
nally that he elied ooa after Iwdng re
moved; I Mart.n. eighte-en years. btrnl
about the head and intern dlr
o tint he died In a short
time. The injured were: WiHian Starr rig
; (colored! burned and internally injured:
witl probably d,p. Stnallv Martin. Irg ,
broken. Wibiam Shaw, arl seventy yar.
elangcroitly btrrnML I.saac Frey. IVtcr
Runt. Hiram H'gbec, William Rose.
. Thomas Owen (pit Lnj. Mai Hantion, Peter
I Keanis.
The tobaeto-chewtn vouni; man
svho decorate the floor, repjnlless of
where he is will be wry apt to j-ive
certaiu Harrbarjr(I'a.) church n wide
berth h-reaftcr. The church liad just
bought a new carjet. anel a sjccimen
of the kind of ho mentioned had mined
a cousidtrahle area of it dnrinr one
eveiiinrs chevrinrr TK'rformance. It
was publirly annountvtl in ennrt-a mat
. ..
he would have to buv a new niece of
(arpct or .stand a lawsuit for damage
anel a criminal prost'cution for nji-de-xueanor.
Pittsburgh rost.
Netv York auctioneers hare oli
several cases of old saler-. ritles. bay
onets and other small arm--. The
were picked up on battle-fieM in the
sVinrb i!ttrtnr the war and sold to tha
..---. ..-....j. - ,
manufacturers tvho had made tbcru.
Aaton'T the lot were many sword-bay-
one and canteens- rJullet-Jioifc wens
jn tlie leather belts ana Gents inetne ,
. Ther were sold to a Brooklyn ,
jank-dealer for two or three cai
npiecc- X Jl Time. -
'' 1 1.., ;, :
I . . . ,T. t T. f
An lixnenenceil vocaiit uas. n 1.
,i...l. --. Wn nH asv
ai :.i. i;uiin' auui (-v - - w.,- M
, JVs,t- w,rL h i
1 vizi wmm . t m-u u. -i innwi.u n m i mm mm
pretcnblar tbe free e-s of raw ortril
n a Xet- The resnedjr ii caUr trKL
iN-. w w, .- n g
M ... Co.nln.. on Vara) Afflra m KnrRU- Ktorl o Our -
tnlnm Cmin.
Wasmiisotox. March fl. The Hou
PratiBiliiiai nn Vvl Affair hat COttJ rJtCl
--""- --; - - tlf '.
for a Incrnu of the naval eUblbhmcnL
It Pl"t out that tb coast cities of the
United Sutca ate absolutely t the mercy
ef a eend rate naval wer, arm mat w.c
Government is without adequate mean of
defending its foreign coastwise commerce.
studying the characteristic of other na
tions we find that we arc not only at the
mercy or foreign nations but our neighbor
Brazil might exact tribute of any city alone
our gulf or Atlantic coast while Chill could
enforce similar demand- on the shores of
the I'acitic. The Readme!, and Agulda
ban, those formidable
HU.VZtt.lAX AltMEIi cut tSKIls,
coti!el steam at thirteen or fourteen knots
an hour from Brazil to New York In ten
days. They could with impunity pavs our
forts and anchor In New 'Wrk harbor. But
without doing this their guns c uld easily
throw shells Into New Yorfc city front off
Coney Island beach. The Chilian vrisel.
Esmcrelda, earrlo coal enough to enable
her to steam at eight kinds an hour from
Cl.l.l to San Francisco without exhausting
half her supply, and with her tush power
guns she could He outside tie (.olden CtAlc
and lay the city of San Francisco under
contribution without going wtthlu the reach
of Its guns. The Cochran and Blanco Kueal
ai'.o, other Chilian ships, are pioteoted by
nine inches of iron arumrand carry batten
of six and eight Inch breech loading ritltM.
In iew of this state of aff.ur the commit
tee iccouimeud the eouipJel.on ot the ninl
tors and the building of the vi-m-I. ami
torido boats dtscusvd in the 1 til already
jutlilisluil. The committee hopes timt in
view ed the very comidei able i.n.tutlty of
ainior required for the vessels, thst
EK.sPO.NSllll.K AMI.i:i!"X I'H.'U.H
mav be induced to enter uju the work of
making the armor needed, and the oplnkm
is expressed that the needed workshop
will grow up along with the navy, and that
the arts of forging hcaw sleet and of
budding gnus ami ships of war will develop
In America side by side- The report ex
plains ami defends the provisions of the
.ill submitted by the naal roiiituis
sion uz'A concludes as follows "We trust
the bill utay meet vlt!i the approbation of
Ixtth Houses of CoiigttM, and that its en
netuieiit into a law ma, as an Important
step toward the cnation of an cmVp'iit
navy, e-oiitrihute to a feeling of Increased
National security. At present surh a feel
ing of security among wed informed people
can onlv come from the belief that no
Nation date attack aimther when if is help
b's.s." The lepoit Is signed by ecry mem
ber of the coiuinlttec.
Hill us fii'-trd by the siut, , Ttitl
I 7'.l.0!O.(0O
U".sniMi-t).v, March tl. -The Keiicntioti
bill as it ja.ssed the Senate provbhu that
tor eight j ears aftur lU j.s-age hhall
b- annually appropiupmcd friHii the
Tieasr the following Minis n aid -if com
mon school education in the Mate.vid Ter
nlores and District (d ( and
Alaska: For the lirst year, ST.OWi.l'OiV, the
see'en-.d year. SIO,00,000, the third year,
Sl.yOiK).(H0; the fourth ear, St,(K0,0UO;
the fifth j ear, SI 1,000,000; the sixth r.
5fl,ooo,Ooo; the seventh venr,, and
the eighth,S7,O0O,OO0; making. '577.0O0,.
000, beside which there N n itpecial
appropration ef $i.(K0,000 to aid in the
ileitloil of .scilool houses ill spiinely het
tlcit districts, unking the total firel $70,
OOO.iMW. The money Is given to the .several
.States antl Teiri tut irs "in that proMirtloii
which the whole number of persons In
each, who. Iieing ef the age of w-ti yeart
and over, can 1101 write, 1m,im to tie wlioht
number eif micIi 'icrsou.t in the L'uited
hta'.es,' accoiiHng t the ri'imn ef ls0t
until the ceuus figuies id 1M0 shall lm
il)t.uii'il, and I lien nceonbu to the
latter figures. In htaU- hiving sepa
rate c!l(M.s for white iud rohireel chll
e'leti the money ha!l 1m; paid out
in sut'w)tt if suh white and eo!or-d
childrtu bet we n ten and lweive jent old.
"o Mate t5 to receive the benefit of the act
until lis lioveinor shall file with the N'-crc-tiry
of the Interior a ,-tatemcnt t'tvlng full
statistics of the schtNil strm, att.'iidauco
of white nnl colored clihdie.i, atnotiiit of
inonev extM-uilel. etc., uuiiiUt of sehixds In
.ration, number and ctn!':isation of
teachers, cte No State or Territory shall
teeeive in auv yar fremi tin fund mote
money than It has paid out the previous
year fioiu own revenues for common
ehooj... If any tnte eir Tetritery iedmM
to take Its of the .Nations! fund such
sbaic U ti be distributes atnotii: the
Maters acre-pting the leucfits of the fund.
If any J:ate! or Territory misapplies the
fund or fa N to comply with Ihe condition
It les.s all Mtscetit;nt ap;ortionment-.
Simples of all M-liooi txoks in tr In the
common se-hooU id the States and Telle
tone-s shall be hied with the S-eMnry of
the Interior. Any htate er Te-rritory ao
repUng the prov.Mon of the act at the first
siss:oii of Its legislature aft.-r the pn--'"
ef the act shall rreive its pto rta share of
all preview annual appreipriatiou-, 'on
gry.s rese-rves tlie risrht to wlle-r e;r retural
the act. lite bill now ge-s tee the IIoae
of KeprcsentatiV'- for concurrence.
Iiomlcr-lln tr lknln.
St. I'At'u March .'. IL M. Tuttlc, of the
JHi Pioneer of Matidan. Iak., who Is in
town, ays that the outlfiolc In the Wct
Mi-satiri country along the Nerth-rii Pacific
Is encouraging. A gooel ileal of work has
been demedunug Uie winter to seetuc Immi
gration from the Ka:. anil thesaj-rior ad
vantages of that rountry are craxJaally L
ceitniiir kiKwii attKn the thrifty farmers
in the Kat. who de-slre frtre lanis
for themselves and tiielr sota. Thrre
is every indication that tlie country
wetst of the Missouri will reev-lve a large-r
Immlgratadi this surmg than any ollwrr sec
tion ot Dakota. Ps Sne farming ne! rrxr
ing lands, excellent -water and lran'ne
bid ut lignite coal Iyln ner th- sarfacr.
are attracting the attention of j&t Ua kind
of mern that are needed.
m m
A Clrroit J-:id-r VrttwnmA.
linrwQST. Ma, March 5. laformatlon
has hern received from Va ltsrra, Cartr
Coonty. ot an scci-Ii-fitt! drewntng witkb jn
'ccurm! In Current ruer. four wiles afcer
Van Har-m. Per. James lianfy sad roo
pamoii, totti moootcd. were abeat creb5g
the ford wn-n tt?o jooax I-wler eae uy
who wished to cross. The ceatiSR-t cart.
trolcr a lady on behind him. Mr. Ilardj
horse stutsbd la the river aed Mr. Hardy
rather scvtrreJy jerkerd tbe reia. ska tee
axiinsai reared aad Ull tacit ward ia tb
water. Tbe joa Izdj'Mccrr&ed e-
caphsr. bet Mr. Hardy wa atrewaes. At
last account his body had so4 teca femad
"TTT t.
Sfr Aaerm.
Nra- Yokjc Hareft aw A eteeeiea irom
KreriMad hMt i-Ut says: "A iarze
M&E .
T;a itrem wiles eeC en
-j.,, js mars-
.t , k la htwmk 1&em1
T , , , .. . , ,,
,M rmrm ." . ..
tin w hard acroea en a ser nun .
tbe sa brcaiviai ever hr. eress4C-
saw are ns. vm --"-i" ymm .
. . !-. . t. ( (..U.'k.f. .. .
Wer. Tha life teTtw erre meee ae aw-,
saeertafal attcttf t SjK n MM te Sen k
- bi - -
Ihaaahstf Ux make k
- . . r .w ,- . .-
a..t-. - ... C T a siai 1- lam mm 4.
emw amaraa- m .
frMa er u sev Jt in
m J
1 . ---'
w . w,.j .a " 1 . i mmmmmmmm
Ilmilil rnt Wrttt 1f
J ! lulil Vlm
j Knight of Ijt-.r-Ttt Kl Ttr-te-
j t Ail.i r...o- Ti. Ma. March & Trcram re
Mirm! bv ihf rhiiftnin nf I tin trVUj.!Tr
"- . .;"'". " . . ' .. ,
i u$Catc thnt the ,trikr on U, Gould ILn
prdrnM thU mornlnC U cmert and
Utat at ijlatla. :t. !n. Nevada.
Holdrn, JcJTcrwn Uty. lhmols n.i
Kan? City, and all points In tb Indian
Terrltorj-, Arkim. Kna td Tnw
hare responderd to the cath The leaders
of the .striker are confident that the
strike hIII end with ic.oy perchenl
on their banners. The rallre.ud oftlciils
are in consttltatiem. but ref a lt say wUxl
they Intend to do. Tbe strike is unet
IrctM to them, and they evidently recant
it as the most serious outbreak of lat-orlng
men that has occurred hi the West.
Jvr. l.i in March i Vrrv little can tv
said nt present aNut the local ttwatlon in
rtinnivt.on with the railroad trti.p. Tae
strikers were very fjUlet cterdat, the ttM.i
of them attend. in; secret ineet-ncs Weih
er' held at I.lgtiLstone hall. tt-.r ha
Huarters. Moth nc t? known of tfr iwi
ecedm's. ami their leaders H ..t Ult; fce
vonel sating that they ate ut to slay tsatll
C. A. HaU is reinstated at Miusha.l, Twit-,
and all the:r other grievance- see ittn-tvrl.
Afta r lit the .Missouri ParJtJe jnnl hove
len at a standstill. No attea4 ba trin
made to none flight trains, and an all lln
yaid men are eut, ronsttlerebio d SVeatty Hn
tleitlel the itmktMg ttp of imvk
ger train. Two train wl.lcle hfl
lor the Wtsst :t iitrkt at U hm
made up bv oiPeiats of tle nsv.1. Umtttal
wjM'ruiteiMtent Kerrt-i aei4t m th
op.'r!ht. The sUiker say Uiet will p
to It that engines ami jsUl eats ate mad
ready for th rod. so tlMt maiU ait eat
bo ileUltnil or lelayiL btl Om will tee
eler no a- stHiire In makiug mj imaimaer
trains. Whether the tniv wi ie
dcavr to -iiiply the nacf irf tin r4rfcMi
by the oiitUyieot of new mk-h fwr tkis
work I not kiHewn. bt maa Ut n
there is liS.ety to Ut dilbetilly in MtotiSrg
pveni;'r trains. The ltewt 1 1 til se
cuutmiMt.itiou train was ubot4w.t. Tmosb
whs m ttoitblc em the l:iii MxiHl.On rewl.
a! trains celttng away ;romtlT llb
Hitches from outside peitHts aee ten nml
bate ef lutfMHUtit lufutiMtiikm. 'PHe
most Inti n-simg Hem of news eoiiMs frat
.Sedal a. niiel is to the eUect ttit tbe Keen
there have l-al ffiievances. snd that lhy
couteiiif!ntei a strtl.e ef their emu b? May t
unless they wete fullv ;id)tsiiM betWv that
time. The nrtiiKi of (.'oveimtr (tretwti ai1
ihe Texas A P.trtnV t iul, ttay miv. Momly
pre-clpitatetl the wtrifcc, None iltanll nt
tloti l.s eHted to l taken lotUv hr
etnor lUoun, Rtid tnt asttMMt ef tho
strikers s that tinhrss he CHnpfto wtti
their eb-itiands. the strike will kv .tibrtttl
mid made ion; ettivtivu ly irtettte ant
all the other KoiehU of l.alnjr Mp4syrl n
the (louhl s) stein.
' iilrlvl.l.s. Mf .March S -T rfrv-p-liients
in ihf stilko luve Uitm m-ar. TH
strikers, are timi ninl .v that ltte ate rMo
paled to stay mt MU! tiee dtRVti tr to
Texas is tisf.cbirily adjusted. 'I brie ae
now two ImiHlreii rmm! seventy tfatee car hi
the Minis nl tliN .it. (if thn-H im. 1i
or Mftfcii ateloadetl with J-erlliftbJe troieHlU
which ts tner. Theee nre thv or fUar
lilts of lioti.vlr.iuI i"'hIs aad stoek. Kwtljf
thtie iHienie nr in the rowiH I twines najt
on the llit ttaek. The liHMi ttaeer
trnins betwrrti t. l.ots mhI
ant Kill Into boe?i nbniiil,d. ami
It H tM.een.Ml that nil pas.n,ir trU
wilt be alMiMliMtcd by tH (uttiuMitiv nm
Ihnt the! wdl iy tiiee oat the titaU esttts
with the ec".
tisl.vus !. Mnnh . T1nltilHirtiaWns
thtoiigoMl lx: it-HMin it, statu mo.
There ate s-ur.Uii-es It il 1h'Ii trs vUl
tmlKiily atti itpt a etv'ip deUt .-.. At
this iinl the Iwr e h al n'ti.'i -- of
the Kite -mf hr he ' p " es-l niret
llltfs es.-ldAr7?laK?Mltidlir si er
elers .Kit re-WiVceTfcui J I-!
Paclfk iiiaifccfjirnt to nWr-atsLfl
lalxirers liable who are not
l-eis of V M KnlghU of I,ahor, and "I
furnish 'heiflf HiftpottatJon to other (dnt
At utrlkrrs held along M-cret
session aiidBl.qw no Ign of wrakeuln;.
At Pub-si 11 Arte Kn-gliLs have detalie-t a
guatd to pSe-el pt",ft!y nod watch the
roinpaiiy's An. At U bprliitf ererjr
thing is T'Sj No train cune In or wit
out jerstenhM The strike has not rechr-l
Waro, AutW or fsn Antonto. but th
Knight beiBu largely atlendl luretirtf
esterday in jtlciratloii of to-day's urdrrs.
1,0 H'mI f MM lfoltOWr fit
A lffc lrs.
Sxs; N'T'
o. TeX, March U.A Jfttrr
, (toodalutt Cottnty. UUi
lt the community was hir
from New Hi
March -, av
nNel on til
.discovery ot an uuuown
cerjse xs h Ii
rvtdiilly had he-n dr4 U
week. I b-
i.ta!o wirH y tonch de
si (; hole wa fooo-J In iw
IV ng etrri m tii tKVle
wmH, the b
mi ce.Uie i
ii was s
valiou and ,
tlM San
a Cefy e( Ik
.1 Uue ffstel ryr. Hn rhrth-
i.l In a fair tle f prT
:trui was ferurxt a fiopy
5 Hrpnn tat-d Janttar 10,
hrstn ,Verf elabsd Jfirt
pof pjer lwte.rsi fT.ak
Hill. The KtEeta f ht
m wtduar si$ jQt UtUsiU
aplrtl (ht th pwi4t
t rAr tns fry wtiffl tfc
arj li. ard a
Weeks L.r
pants v-re
lug he hail
ef iel.VrXi,
nrelr'r-r u.1
l hiVntilifsI t lr fact lhat
iHir ft the II
ftrc4id tfc v-ret,
man Ih mHf wHIs
haTlor se
' tno etlvfs
l'4 U IMftW J Ml
; aUfHt the '.
t-wnr: I wswi w mm
j Molted and
;; ej.uJo ixiiJ tfest trie
j conipo..s i
fl -4 of tmin.
rft.. Marth SL 5e a
reeettH h-
Itet'fckW tint a W4 f
t,tr Aid!
saWkerd a jwty t travel
er fiflsri
.eatn ol 'fi-rt, SmtK
Ieiico. u
i eee aauc wmm
. American
wtw It
Lie- Amm. ie -i.
iktWr4 Wfeawrt tt
f,crn roo tj
l;tweKe--i l WUtUes
maw Mtntnen r s
lat fpfrtmU
an4 killd ! s4 j
coicuaur. Jl
t--rtl wfith
ttimpfi - ewe tm e
Itttm Wy sVr 0f
San Petr,
U-llw tie SrttJs-vH, 4 ts
srent n tbe
ef ia Sierr X
,Aa, Smyt
rraeJed lUltl
- ' - w nt m mi I sa -- mJf an awCkmaaaltiML 3L
l taw -.- - ..j...
Wwf ewC FawWBB-1'
oatL S-r-ir
Ceo - :, -!
B'PML -PiPm "rmWiy
detrd. C
C Ba4TaWil wG&JJQ11 mmm
tUlioa at t.
-ftek te
cwJ4 aot gl
broke the
trasoc II
hU tod djn
c: et Tl
hj, utak
f.Maa1 Utbit 1
falher ei
mm 4sss w m
fasaKr. fce
tw Jrmn j.
.xuraMl Irr 1
baU C.
- - ... ,
snajaM vus
- i. -.
ti4mw nfIar
S 4
2MaaaWHKr- W IwC mwWWmw'&Si ?
B-ltri-( f MWi
eaataa aaee femWlP s
WmwmmmFj 9mWW eeaammayj1 ag'
I f!a t'ae, aeen ael I
.. . fAmtmm. m-lmhmA BSm mmmmlmmmmWi
' vwmm'w: 1 ". 1
4 tasia(efenaesfeaf ee
rt aiakafaeeaV M
...Xrfessa " m
mr n aa - mtl aav s- v t
mX--Ammm' mmmtrnW .mmmmmmmm
" C sessse? taltenW M
K ( we"i'fc-'--'P-sa.-efBm " &&
e-t anamr - MMmaHmBal
ma T' IT. !. .mmmmM- ' -iBmmM'
mm?f tW. aVattam amfttflRamV- CJBamVI
mV-SL mP&ti&tBG tfmm9KliBt
Lm " -'' "" JmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmm
amljimTttamlBV amMamHHmV 'JmmHI
'mi M Wl
is -mm- m
s& am ImWm'g jt
Mm&mmmW- '-Ki "f
3 1 t -aF .
if :
f2e .
iSsSftSs- ,-ftvf 5jaa&atJ6BeB-Sfla f-yWrW&jmM&&. --.'::
- mr -
'--- ai in nt 1 1 1 amaw 1 1 1 mmsammsmiiiii j- --