10 -,, Pi. -t .. .twv & TSi 53 lF2f&&BiF. r sci "Ne .x T--s i X pj PV " - " ?J se r - - a v " $- a-'AoL -. -. ? -" V- w- 7. rf jT3fMT iT. t? 3g S-. i . - A : HtW"I. - "T.0 ' HSg&H , 51, Hf - ' - -"'-" - '--" .'...J.V- ' H K "i- Ji. HrtvTTaWW.-- " . fi- Sr-'Sw- w la6w-a " ?vraJ? .: ,-l" ' r 4&A& ": jT-: - 'JlnSSS -;. v ,. r -t ' " ft 9 : l1 ftr Q 'he Red Cloud Chief FRIDAY, MAKCH. 5, 1RSG. To the Farmors. Farm loans negotiated tfirousli W. . Overman can bo p-iid at the nd of bij-year wxMiout a bonus. Kates at low :i? iiH incat. .niuuy inriiianes lnomptly. Oiliee over city dru:; stored 9 Per Cent Farm "Loan. The Nebraska Farm Lo:n Co. will lm;ike yon a loan on von larm a -r.uYnt 9 per cent and furnish "the t ,,ipv wiinoiu anv uetnv. Ktau on ti.em in the Red Cloud National Bank Uuikims. JITY NEWS. H. F. Kixi;y is in the city. Tin: iruight depot is koiii up fast. F. -M. Siici.au is back from Iowa. G.W. Dow is buildinjr a new house. Tin: father of G. W. Lindsey is 111 tlie city. M. V. DiCKnitsos w.'is in Blue Hill this wc-k. .1. 11. Fkkman will build a new house th - -prim:. Yotk for th bonis on the 20th. It wi.l jy you. Pkitty ?ni:i:ipr Smith wa in Blue llil. tliis week. Ii: J Emkjii will build an addi tion to hi? leMdence this spring. Mu Cu uvFoiip, of Batin prec'nct left fur Florida endesday night. Tin-. B. fc M. Tty are going to refit andre)aint the eating hou?-e soon. TmruK wa a very pleasant social at Row Geo. S. Davis last Friday night. Ki. Wikkkil. the P. 0. news stand man, h:is some handsome new sins, Tin: building boom seems to be on th' wmir, and we htok foi a boom this t l'n.g L A. Bi.i. and five other men left IV Cloud this uvek for California on a meaj) excursion. Mils. SPOKifcni:i.i has moved into the room formerly occupied bv the Home Bakery. ,Ii'i. W. W. Gaui)Ni:u h:ii3 been on the -irk li.-t durim; the week. The ivsilt of a severe cold. A nur-e "irl. a lnuudrv irlrl. and a pa-'ry ciok wanted at the B. fc M. eating house. Gifil wages. Jcixii: JlrlCnioiiAN made a very fine Fpe'h at Ha-ting- the other evening btfoie the Fanners' Alliance. Wntaill attention to a sherifTa sale of agricultural implements at the lib ei ly pole on Friday IMnrch 10. Jim Uvva'.vaa. was in our city "Wed iu d:iy. but informed our reporter that In- vi-it had no political significance. M. Doitu, a resident of this city ivb. ut twelve vears ago, was in Red Cloud this week the guest of Mayor Tinker. W.S.TJay, route ncent, and F. L. Clark, superintendent, of the Wells, Faro Express Co., were in Bed Cloud this week. .loiisToMMXsoN went to Blue Hill on Monday as special commissioner for the county to law out a ney road in Unit vicinity. . A gkntixmax by the name of Van Campen has rented A. J. KenneyV buildhm and will embark in the res taurant business. Auian B. Camkuon. of Vermont, the the champion base ballist of AUvin pnrinrt in Nuckolls county, is at Fj. A. Stowell this week. 1iim E F. rn:Ki:n's ad on the 8th jiase of to-day's paper. He will give away a $-10 gold watch June 1, lSSt. It will pay. you to read it. Tni:i:nlould be a full attendance of the members of Ren Cloud Lode No. C4. 1. O. O. F. 1 mportant business I transact. In- our elevator item last week tin ouch nii-Mke Mr. Melker's name was spelled Melehoir. We acknowledee the error and arc willing to be forgiven. Oru woather bureau reports lots of March weather of the genuine old fa-iiioned Lion sort; wind, sleet and .snow. The lamb business may be con fidentially expected in due season, rs mg barometer and everything lovely. On: friend. Win. Docker, has pur chased five acres of land north cf Mr. Win. Outlier's for a residence p-operty. We are pleased to note this, from the fact that by .-o doing he will become a permanent" resident of Red Cloud. It will make a tine residence property. Tin Earners & Merchants' Banking Comimnv of this city are making all the necessary arrangements to open ior business "on the iirat of April. The Chiki" wishes the firm success, and we hope that they will never have an ncsioi! to regret going into the busi i.Mt. in this city. Success is our best wwh. Tiik Chief has for several weeks pst oalnid the attention of the city council that alleged houses of prostitu tion v-ere being erected in or near the eitv. Rial that the business was being i"arrml on in direct and flagrant viola 11 hi of ivntU tate and city law. An effort should bo made to put down this grout hcih! evil in our eitv. It is time that the prostitutes should be forced to leiive the city. A telephone line has been erected ww The Chief office and Wright A- Wallace's jewelrv store, and tele phonic communication established. At present the 1 epulis havo been entirely satisfactory. The line and instru ments are being subjected to the sever est tests, and if they continue to give tisfuction other lines will ho erected at once and our chv supplied with still another of tho.-e long felt wants. Tiir. Congregational supper at the rink Friday evening, March 12. will be tened from n quarter to six to 9 'dock. A first-el:ts supper will be givf u for 25 cents. Business men and rlc-ks are invited to come and bring their wives and sweethearts. Maple wax. hot lii-cuit. maple syrup, and Other luxuries will be seryc-d during the evenitig. Tableaux, charades, ringing, recitations, etc A grand good time ior an. Ok lat Monday the receiver ot the Nebraska Lumber Co. sold the yards in accordance with an order of court at public enle. Howell Bros, of Atchison. Kansas, were the highest bidders, and toot in the prooerty at $43,000. During the iat 30 days the" receiver has been, as he alleges," elUng lumber at cost which, if we understand the order of the comt, was in direct violation of the court's instructions. Quite lnc 1 umber or lumber dealers ware pretest GENER AUTOES. Window shades at Cotting's. Call on Cotting for your paints. Candy and'pickels at Hacker'g. - B. Koby has choice seed oata for sale. 31 w4 "Come, gentle spring, ethereal mild ness! come. ' xAn-0lfer,car load of Illinois coal at VI. . Dickeraon's. Allie Alriiight had a away the other day. little run- All kinds fresh Hacker's the grocer gardcn seeds at . Mils. A. F. Lockhaht is in Bloom mgton visiting friends. c "l'T rent' nnd cows for sale. flee Or. H . Barker, Red Cloud. tf I.vhuke your property with Ciins. bchafrnit. Bed Cloud, eb 30tf Fuakk DicKEitsoN- has been in Iowa for a few days on business. A nice line of dry good will be sold out very cheap at Mrs.JNewhouse?. ri keasukei: Hildkctii. of Franklin county, was in the city the fore part of the week. Divine servicer will be held in the Catholic church, Red Cloud, on Sun day the 7th instant. The best and cheapest line of lace, Hamburgs, and everlasting trimmings ai .urs. isewnouie b M. S. Bali.aui is making arrange ments to build a new houe bouth of Wm. Gates' residence. "Raven's Food" can not be excelled as a spring medicine for any kind of animal. .Sold by Cutting. Master Willie Cupp has gone to Beloit, Kansas, with his grandmother, Mrs. C A. braves, on a visit. The ladies aid society will give an ice cream social at the residence of Mrs. Wallace this (Friday) evening. The ladies of the Congregational Church will give a supper and maple wax at the rink Friday evening, March 12. Rev. John G. Walkeu. A. M., M. D., will preach every night next week in the Methodist church. All are wel come. A. X. Wuioht, of Chariton, la., of the firm of Wright it WiKace, was in the city the latter part of hit week on business. Pauk Wat 'on has a bran new sign and all persons hunting a square meal will find this a "star route" for a first clasv restaurant. C W. Kai.ev and wile have returned to lied Cloud from their extended trip to eastern cities, glad to get back the best country on earth. John Young will move into the house lately occupied by Rev. Geo. II. Brown. The Chief welcomes John among the dwellers on Sacred Knob. The society of the Home for the Friendless will meet permanently at the residence of Mrs. Wallace evcr' Thursday afternoon from 2 till 5 p. m. II. 11. liiiUliAKEK wno advertised a sale on tlie 13th of March, notifies this office that tlie same will be withdrawn, having disposed of his goods at private sale. Aekanoements have just been made to have the Stewart Grand Concert Company at the Opera House next Thursday night. Evervbody come. This N one ot the beat concert troupes traveling. The editor of the JTclmet has let loo.-e his ribaldry on Dr. Klliot, one of Webster county's best citizens. The Doctor tvas not the author of "A Just Rebuke" and therefore undeserving of the Jlrlmci's abuse. Lent begins on the 10th ot March this year. There will therefore be services in the Episcopal Church next Wednesday at. 10 a 111, with Holy communion, and 7:30 p m with ser- 111011. A.: persons are mvucu mj .in tend. It has been reported in this city that three clog- supposed to beafllicted with rubies were killed at Ri vert on this weeK. The report further says that emir bond of cattle which were bitten by the dogs, died from hydrophobia since Fkank Smith, the well known and affable clerk in the dry goods house of Athow t(- Young, goes to Vermont on Saturday evening on a pleasure trip, where he will remain about three weeks. Wo understand a lady tviend ol Mr. Smith will return with him. Tiik Ladies of the W. C. T. U- gave a musical social at the residence vf Mrs. H. A. Baird lit Friday evening consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, recitations, etc,. The event was a very pleasant one to a larse number of participants pre-ent. The ladies ot the W. R. C as a na tional organization return thanks to . J 1" 1 "1 .-. 1 - f II Alt tin. i-ttiznns 01 leu v-muu ivu ure hospitalitv in entertaining the dele "ates to the national department of the W.R. C. Mks. E. R. IvXioht, President. Mrs. E. M. Feumax, Secretary. Du. MlLi.Eu's;)ro.V7 seems to have our indebtedness on the cranium. He probably has more 1110rtg4p.cS of his own than he can posibly pay otT, if he diould pav strict attention to them; The Chief will take care 01 nseii without bleeding its friends. Tn is "irontf. Eo.l If voti want to savt money ana con vince vourselves who is advertising the truth in regard to carrying the largest stock of clothing. bDOU r.nd shoes, men's furnishing goods, hats and aps. .,i. ol vnlists. etc call at Uie square dealing one price Golden Eagi Clothing house. L. II. Rust says that all persons nvinc him an order for twenty dollars worth of smali fruits or standard stoci: .iup HJrrtPTin of the county loard the bridge will bo partially rebuilt and put in first-class condition. This is what should be done. The county should then proceed to replace the present bridge with an iron one at the most opportune moment. Fkake Dnun has purchased the fur niture and household effects and mov ed into tho house occupied by V. Josselvn. .Mrs- .Tosseiyn will viit friends in Iowa and eastern X"ebra?ca until Mav, and then start on U ix innitpd tour through California and ,nnr the Pacific coasL Josselyn ha taken Charlie Smith for tetti-- and the iUustrious RmcQts xt "J to occupy 8lesPV5Sward strnei azicl4th old sixst&J'b uill receive the Chifcigo rrauie rarm- orv..i m..Mw.v , .v. - er one ve-xr This is good till the first ested m good schcok. members of er one:. x ,, k first-class and the cnool board and teachers residing i ?me w n down- Shade :uid forest in and about Bod Clou. Let us wake So? kimls No agents, and won't up that we may reahze the vastne's of boVindervold on first ehtss matter. , our school interests, and be prepirad be unatrioia on i demandsof the times. The bridge acrp"S the KjHJJf discussion of cdi4itonl topics The Chief readies its thousauds o r " v,., readers, will be duly replaced and will do much oou. . t r nriik 1 i li &K a.jt ' --. i . . - i.i . .ti wopit j 'AVM A. Bominiscenoe. Amon& the th ii:gs we aw at Red Cloud that brought very forcible to cutid a good deal of history and pesonal surroundings of year gone by, wag the old St. Louis made seven-clum hand press, on which for many yeara the Plattsmouth Hearld was printed, and the old-fashion paper-cutter with itt cniacl-blade knife and creaking cranky wheel that we can hear grit yet as M. H. Hathaway would stamp his foot on the old lever to hold her down while he sawed off slabs of White paper. H. D. Hathaway has pulled that press many a time and M. H. H., and "Old Stiles," and Mather (who used to holler "Re 11 1 roll!! vour soul V all day at the boys) and Billy Shryock, Rush Fellowe. and meny more whose names aie not no familiar. It was of peculiar pattern, ne-t made at all of late years, (not a Washington) and its old familiar scrolled head-mece brought back many and many a scene, and hot political campaign in which the old ores? did faithful work, "br in ita early days there was no Lincoln Jour nal daily; no big "Republican" daily at Omaha to shoulder the light as they do now no Beejto, buzz and sing solemn re cjuiems over the faults and follies of politicians or to tell of the political grave yards that have been filled so the old press was in important am ill iary in shaping and making the for tunes of ebraska in an early day. M- H. Hathaway always insisted that it was the first press set up in the state; there ie a dispute about that; but it Was planted at Wyoming at a very early date, taken from mere to Ne braska City, and nought from there by II. D." Hathaway, of the Lincoln Journal, to Plattsmouth a part of the Herald outfit; and it took a souse in the Missouri River to get there, too MacMurphy sold it and the tither ma terial that went to make up the first RiiU Cloud Chief under C. L. Mather. Th ere the poor old weather-beaten machine of so varied fortune sets out hide the door, rusty and battered, awaiting its tune to be shipped to the foundry to be made over again, we suppo-e. Tne steam power press has kicked the old fellow, and some day, and not so fai di-t.mt, shall we be set ouL-ide and one side for the newer, the younger, the more vigorous ot the rare, who are to fili our places for coming time. Will they do their won: better, Wi.-er, more helplully? Wo hope they may, but none more faith fully perchance, than the Old l'ress and its ;ard wotked owner and masters in the days of us glory. Schuyler Sun It a Daisy. Our new sign, p.iiutcl by Mr. C. J. Parsons, the new Red Cloud painter, is a dandy, and has been admired by the hundreds of people who pass by ottr three story print shop. It is almost a true repre sensation of our engraved heading. It is a beauty and a credit to the Bkill and workmanship of the painter. Bonds. The Chief hopes that every man, woman and child will see to it that the bonds in aid ot the C X. K. it S. W. Ry are duly voted on the 20th. These bonds should be carried. The C. X. K. it S. W. Ry will be a road that will be of great advantage to Red Cloud and the country which it passes through. It will improve the value cf land and give tho people something tangible to receive taxes from. We hope to sec the bonds carried without fail or a dissenting vote. C. M. Wallace will sell at public auction on his faun six miles nortn of lied Cloud and 5 miles west of Cowles, at 10 o'clock a. m., March 11. 1 new Huckeye cord binder, 1 Marsh wire hinder' 1 McConnick mower, and other valuable farm machinery too iiumerDUS to mention; a large lot of household and kitchen -furniture; 1 thorough-bred Poland China boar; 1 snan of brood mares; 1 team cood work horses; liamiltonian stallion, weight 1201); and other stock. Terms A credit of S months with good securi ty, on sums over $5. A St'itrRisE. On last Monday night the ladies composing the Woman's Relief Corps of this citv, very cleverly surprised Uarfiuld Post No. SO G. A. R At 10 o'clock about twenty ladies pre sented themselves at the outer door and duly stormed the cast'e, and the door being opened took possession of the hall and lodge and proceeded to spread a bountiful repast which all partook of with due relish. Speeches were made bv Comrades Fulton. Mil ler, McNitt. West Lntz. etc, and was responded to by Mrs. E. IJ. Knight, president of the Relief Corns. The evening was pleasantly spent and highly enjoyed by all. The ladies know'how to" get jp a pleasant surprise party. IlEi-oitT of Red Cloud public school for month ending February 26, lSSGj Total number enrolled 395 Moved from district 3 On roll at present 3(J2 Cases of truancy 4 Tardy marks.... ........ .......i jo Cases corporal punishment 24 Non-residents 6 Avenge daily attendance -2SS Visitors during month: D. H. Spanoglc, B.T. Reed. W. B. Roby, Mis Perrv .'Mrs. Horrick, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Rinker. Mr. Hosford, Rev. J. G. Aik man, Mrs. Lossing. Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Barttiold. Mrs J. Q. Potter. Mrs. West, Mrs. Feight, Mrs. Baum, Mrs. Gump, Mrs Stowell. W. C. Picking. The Red Cloud teachers' reading circle will meet at the high school building Saturday evening, March 6. Subject, for disrus-non. School Ar ruigenients." A few of the citizens have visited us in our meetings, but not so maay as we expected when we organized, "vtv tender a cordial and a cial invitation to ill persons liner Notio V Tlie following described education! lands in Webster county have been forfeited fir non-payment of interest and will he subject to lease at office .ot treasurer of said county on March '21, icaft- TflKl mdi neorne qr, and lot S tn nw qr ne qr, and s hf ne qr, sec 9, to I, r IP w; ne qr so qr ,- r I 1, r 10 w; lot 3 in ne qr sw qr, and lot 4 1 in nw or sw qr 2, I, 10 w; ne qr nw qr, aud lot2 in F qr sw qr 2, 1, 10 w; nw nrswjjr. and rots 4 and 5. In s hf nw Lfc.and lot 6 insw qr ne qr, and n qr Hwqr js, l,9jr: e m seqrjo, a, iu , se qr nw qr, anU nw qr ae qr J6, l, i- By order oil josepn acow, com mM-iioar of pci ic lands ana buiia i ...... ,.;. mvitotinii th mi nnrjnni mior. SLJLIiWATEB. John B. Crosier is building a frame house on his larm. Mum EmtnaOrrwiojourningin Blue Hill. The pewg for the JL T. church have been received and placed in position- J. W. Smith is preparing to put a a ihingle roof on hi houee. One ot J. M. Woodaide's children has been quite sick during the last two weeks, but i better. Mr. DeihPfi school will close March 4th. Tne roads are improving. Mr. Charle Molley and Mits L. Dowler were married Febrnary 22. Retortec COWLES. The fine weather of last week has very gracefully retired and given place to the usual series of changei for which March is proverbial. Joseph Paul has sold his houi-e and lots in Cowles to W. T. Evans, our gentlemanly railway agent. G. W. Hager, after a tew days visit with old friends in Franklin county, returned on Tuesday to his bellows and anvil. T. J. Ward and family spent most 0 last week enjoying the hospitalities of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Arnold. J. y. Gray shipped a car load of household goods and farm implements on Tuesday last to Benkelman, Neb., near which place he intends to make his future home. Our old and highly esteemed friend R. D. Carrier, informs us that he will in a few days leave us and take up his abode in Iowa. We. regret to lose him and his estimable wife from our midst. They will take tlie kindest wishes of the communitv with them. We understand that R. C. Butcher has pold his farm and will soon remove to Red Cloud Our former fellow townsman, M. I. Hurd. has been in our town for several da v.- past, and informs us that he is coin into the hvery business at Inavale. as jt Xo. 1 We can recommend Mr. II liveryman. Ij. H. JTJDSON. .0 i Thu literarv at Mount Hone is si in progress. Question last meeting. Resolved, That cattle are more bene ficial to man than horses. They are talking ot voting bonds to build a new fcchooi house in District 90. E. Walner threshed 570 bushels of oats for I. B. Stanser Ist week. There was a meeting of the board of trustees for Mount Hope cemetery to arrange for fencing the burying ground, also to sell lots. It is surveyed and laid off in lots. F. L. Smith says he has got a new kind of oats. We don't know what kind they are. I. Graves and S. Johnson sold their hogs at Inavale because they could not get to Red Cloud. We expect to pat ronize them when the Red Cloud bridge is put in, for Red Cloud oilers no accommodations for the south side of the river. Sin. T:k Chief of the 19th, ppeaking of the river breaking up, said the inhabi tants on the south side stood on the banks of the river and sang "On t7or dan's stormy banks," etc. Now, Mr. Editor, we think if the song had read something like tho Allowing lines it would have been nearer the mark; On the Red Cloud side Of the stormy banks. The people stand and cry, Because the farmers On the Kansas side. Can't get across to buy. School in district 90 is closed after a ter 11 of three months. CROOKED CREEK. Bert Tcnnant has bought n team of mules and will farm Mr Sam Smith's nlacc this coming summer, while Mr. Smith will be a ''gentleman of leisure" Mr D. F. Tcnnant will commence on dis new house in a few days. Wm. Dixon has Fold one of his teams, nnd he who has bought it will get a fine team. Mrs. Ed. McCune is some better. We all hope she will get around soon. Mr. J m Emigh has about 500 bush els of com to husk yet, and quite a number of the other fanners have some to pick. It is rumored that RobL Hicke wili go to the "Land of pure delight, where saints (cow boys) immortal reign" that is, to Texas. John Chapin has built himself a fine little two-story frame house and will keep bachelor hall. If it was only leap year the girls would have a fine chance tnere. There is lots of corn leing hauled to town now, and tince the pnow has all gone the roads are in a nice condition. Everybody up this way is fairly wild over the prospect of the new roads. Thev want the business men of Red Cloud to presi- on and hold out induce ments for the Rock Island Railway. The M. P. too, it they will, and we will back them. We want the L P. to come up Crooked Creek and go 'up to Kearney. The ex-sheriffhas rented his place to Mr. Mayfield, of Kansas, for one tuird delivered in town. Mr. Wllaef the genUeman who taught Mr. Hilkey's old place, has concluded to sell out and go to Colora do. . Seeing that a person whose sobriquet is Peterkin has croaked from Crooked Cicek, I thought I would send in my mite, 3 you may near again irom Buixfuoo. ottp - ForSala. or address 31w2 A. A. Pcxc Goarlcsr 3eb Good Hon Far Sale. Good work or dxmnc horse for sale 5 rears old.) Will gir time oa od note. Apwlr at t&w occ or to inu rnfflTi rrrmrwi nnTYn" imkiiks. vicii x ."a." xi ?. wT;ii' i..ii . 5r r- wil broken to drive, sound and gentle rutcd tt 3wi 4aj ei Jici. tii, . r- --- . ., - j w mJLfc A m - - - -i i VliU UCCViU 1...... . -.".. - T WAI.KUT CHEEK. Being cal fd away to attend a meet ing at Ash C ek, your corres pondeni has not written for orac time. At the rtlifious meeting many touls have been brought to Christ aad others renewed. Mr. Can.: expects to lere ut next month. Mew re. MarV and Harris Noble each have a new ho!. Those who '.I not have their corn gathered before the snow are now trying to gather it from ihe mud and budding stalk Beiu. - GUIDE P.OOK- Tne public will be glad to know that the bridge across tlie Republican river uouth of town, t.-cssel work of which was removed in order to prevent tlie possibility of its being carried away by the ice gorge, has been replaced and i now in much better condition than before. Tins much nooded work of precaution and repair meet.- with itie hearty endorsement of our people, and reflects great credit upon those having the matter m charge, amongst whom may be mentioned as being actively prominent is Supervisor Hampton, who so efficiently served our people under the old dispensation, and who now looks after the interests ot the county with his brother supervisors under the new. 'The right man in the right place" is the verdict. Rocket. WHEATLAND. The prospect is now good for early seeding. Last weak, nine mile south of Minden, in Kearney county, Mr. Goo. Whitten wa- dangerou.-ty gored by a vicious bull and seriously, if not family injured. Mr. Walker's singing Mihool closed hifct Saturday owning. Tlie olnae will be continued undor the direction of a leader. The tjooks ot the rending circle have turned up at lat. Aftt-r rtmnmmg ah, winter in the ha nda of th mail currier ;u Wells, tht finally reached their -.e.tjn ion in a i-ecoml hand condi tion. The circle will meet the second Saturday in March at 2 p. m., Wheatland school h oL.-e. Elder A len, of the U. 11. held the quarterly meeting at the Jl lurch ut the Valley school house. Two members were received into the church. Rev Mr. Smith the pastor in charge is an earnest and zealous servant of the Master, and is under God, accomplish ing a good work. Rev. Mr. Durham, of the M. 12. church, has jut closed a series of meetings at the Amazon f-chool houso with about twenty accenions to the church. This burg is now cheered by tho merry peals of the church bell, which rings clear and strong from tne Catho lic chapel at Lnport ville. An interesting and pleasant sociable wa" ludd Inst Friday evening at the residence of John Barney. Itwaone of a series held for the bei efit of the 11 Aw school house. Tho next will be held 111 tho residence of B. C. Burt. Wednesday evening of this week will be held the donation Eociable at the Valley school house for the benefit of the pastor, Rev Mr. Smith. A good time is anticipated. Mr. Douglas is expecting soon to take his leave for Thema.- county, Kus M. In confectionary, 1 carry only the choicest, purest and be-t goods. ulways fre.-li.Ew F. Wiener. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This novtirr n?Tr ra-.t-v A marrn nl jwrjlr trenstij ami w!joleowin JJorc rooalra: than tin-ordlnxrj k.nti, and ranaoS tx- W Is compeUlin tuh Uir ml:ltde of l-r it. short. wetcM Alnm or psupbat- trdc r mmi oaiv in cans. Iyal Rapine rvjwder Co.. JW WaJS ; V. Sheriff's SaJe. rY VIKTTE or AN" nXKClTlON 7SCE! tn J. H luilry. rit ol :b- -liarW man otth-lviUtii jTMticuM ditxt In -mk! fc tt cocntv ni b4-r wwd sUte oi N--t-rafca. a4 to me ddifrrd la tATr ot tt . J--i ri C iUlutS-i aiTaiirrt .--BwJk & 9. X It and A-v-h L. I ank 'ftMlAW'. I fcar V-e4 e uic p.iu-- - -:"-:-, 7- 71 -Tf m it 4 mm e-crv. W: aaJ lfi-Q J?t u cunu juhI -ricJe. pW haali-. roacr etdtet, I craiatlnlt. i. Jo til. ruwsr zlfc;tt &.. l tiLtt brrtw. 2 Caa3ttr- t-Urvp drift. r- riBjtpkj.- Wjr lcr lfcdscr3:&. 5 Key- j caa". 15 earn pVms. wfcicli I caJI exv at . i i---.. . - ' -z. .- - i. . . r-ww ? t-t tft hhrbt MdJrrlorejMb .!&! I .SKwMltWh day -of ilanSu lf. a: of rifEKJESCIMU. rr. $hm. t o lJJ-t.K. J ATTOJCTEY AT LAW. All Irtisiiiess promptly attended to. I Onim- Of pi!fe Tcgt oaes 8? Aa-tS 1- FB-X. I ni -is-4. nn bit . . JbbSiO.i. 'WciT-UUT-t'crf'tU. J tra-i.J j ikm n..-w-r-ilrAk. sUetirz rtJrs-v. K-r - I . o CHICAGO Red Cloud, Our stock of LadieV, Childnua and Mines' shoes are arriving Dailv The bct finnxk made for stvle and durability. CARPETS I CARPETS We have rccchcd the largest stock of carpets consisting of. Velvets Drussles, all goods j Hemps. Kjwfct S . . alXfc I tbi Utnst Improrrsnit. Ks hocks or bev ionjiorfttch or strain iboktl, tnill oC. orj4iea tho wrwt. Tl:'r art ItiHatiUy iacnl or uoUcnl foj- BJronlf pitUiot th carta, imJ ttktiral vtih b kv.aIX tLla. To? d-r14U:jr ml ai)tty of coiartructku, rtw tntl ra.ttwj of t;raUou Can XlYrr ln JUallrl lUy vrUiJnIto UlKbQ Otfirr, am eSl f;Uxrtt h&rttur lbl 1-! caa t vl cJJ i:Ktn la ftrv tiUiiacUoii. We arc solo .agents for this improved thorn. Our embroideries and white goods have arrived. Nice stock oi Spring Clothing uist received Also the Latest Style Hats. ATHOW & mm, 'The leading Iiou.-c fur liulmblc and Finu tirade Goodn of the latest stvletf." CETY QRUe Ferguson All tho old pntrons of tho City Drtwj Store rero oordlally InvJtod to continuo tholr patroncwra its hartttefbra, w hn,fl owdonvor to ploaso you. Onr locfc of wrerytMmr thut parfcoino to tho drug trndo win bo kopt p to tho HIGHEST STANDARD OF KXCELLENC Come and F. INAVALE. NEBRASKA itl.XKRVI. l'h.Kttf I.N Grorerits!, provision. lry ijoj'Im. jukI all arlicloa usually found in a first claas roauUy storn. I'rotliicc takon in ul clianw for gotKls. Ciifiii paid fnrjcraiii- Store in Cheese Factory Building. Of M In and around Red Cloud, THE GATE CITY Of the great Republican yaHey. Buy your homes while property is cheap. D. B. SPANO&LEL Fiirm Ioa:is Necotlasod- Mason & Wpefprn I n Fa i!niT-iTiir? tiw inai riMiTiTr nri iinrn rmif rifiiriTicj. . -t i - - i . ,m;f r -ml rJnwn i? nn onl rnnna ftf !ia lv2f rntriril MIU1BI HKA JZllliiU "J. WIun. 1LA. and br tbe bast workmen that I it fnllv warranted in all its t and examine thece rnstrument? Oat door noriu of Arjrui cMo, liod CIn(L 1 STORE Nebraska. 1 apestry and hody oi .nd mp-rain glove. Call nnd && & Go. SC- ll 5 STORE HUTCHINSON & CO. j it! ii Fn Ft ak. 3! ISaAairV aod Iiwutaiie? Acnt. OBhco ovr "First JfatfconaJ Beak. 25X ! ZX.. - -euriiunc QIIO Vi A XI) Hamlin Pianos. .. r??- rt . .. m-, W fc j.i,. ;,mm,-. .-. can be had. Every instrument parts for lire yearn, rleae call Tiefore purcliaeintr. J. S. NOLI- " lb - 4 - & T F- 4 J g ir h 8r 3 str I k i i ,4k -i ,' m -J - i X '' . r 1 ij B I' f and the bid quale : !? 3 t "h' J I j r t -2,-J.r?-J ..- .- - Hf rfJ" k . j -Sas&aA3Lass..H,' ' - ? l - amK .wb -.-r tiJ'.T' V'Hte .. . T "-r.r- . - V-.a. s dik' .T" XV- . j-jk.- ., t -.- -2 m&Li&& r-f-4 3- 1& Nas3 y? y 0 t - !SeSraa?S! Pr-i:. ? - -TS KS'VrK rur.-r -!7r-5 t.. fci-.T 4ft-Si3fi - -" afc-jy; , &&&tXRi$&!&BJ- t J fXtf - . -.- mil I ' "! -- -t--J M - .1 7- ji -" -J - " f ifc."v - zr " u-7: bd mJc- PPi ""7' v ;HBHHH jg,., k -VWBH