The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 05, 1886, Image 4

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The Chicago opera house managers
iave discontinued the use of litho
graphic advertisements.
At Albany, N. Y.f recently the
House passed a resolution instructing
the Attorney General of the State to
fake the necessary steps to set aside and
annul the franchise of the Broadway
curfacc road.
It was stated in London that Mr.
Gladstone was preparing a bill provid
ing for the expropriation of land in Ire
land by means of State funds. This
iill will precede the other Irish meas
ures which the Government intends to
present to Parliament. The discussion
of the home-rule question has been
postponed until next session.
At a meeting of the House Com
mittee on Invalid Pensions recently it
wns agreed that the bills extending the
sirrcnrs of pensions acts, should be re
ported to the House. Three reports
will be made one recommending the
extension of the arrears until 1888;
another extending it so as to include
all applications on file at the present
time, and the third will be adverse on
Loth of these propositions.
PiriNCE Kkai'OTKIXE, the Anarchist,
delivered a lecture in the Salle Levis,
Paris, the other evening. He predicted
a revolution at the end of the century
-which would sweep away government,
permanent armies, religion and all
abuses interfering with the liberty of
subjects. He avoided political allu
sions. His speech was applauded. He
was followed by Louise Michel, who
delivered a similar addrcts.
A Washington special says: It is
elated seventy-five thousand Italian
women, "iris and men are held in
lxmdagc in this country, and that the
number of girls imported for immoral
purposes, is increasing yearly. Testi
mony to that cfl'cct will be offered be
fore the House Labor Comniiltee.and it
will be averred tiiat Italians high in
position in this country are the men
' who profit by these practices.
Tun total values of the imports of
iiu'rcliandisu during the twelve months
rnricil January 51, 188G, were .GG0.
741),'J74, and during the twelve months
ctndfd January 81, 188o, $G 17, 172,1 It,
an incrwusc of $U),57G,yG0. The val
ues of the exports of the merchandise
during the twelve months ended Jan
uary .'Jlt 188G, were .GG5,G7G,77G, and
during the preceding twelve months
$7o.V.)09,-10o, a decrease of $90,-
In the Lower House of the Diet at
IJorlin recently, in the debate on
the .second reading of the Polish hill,
Hon Wirsebinski jiassionately de
nounced the projected German colo
nization of Poland. He declared that
x Poland would not perish although a
life or death struggle was imposed
upon her. Minister Lucius said that
the bill was an act of necessity and
' Belf-dcfcnse. The Poles, he said, were
unwilling to become Prussian sub
jects, and dreamed of a restoration of
Poland, although they owed their pros-
- ferity to Prussia.
The iron bridge over the Mississippi
Jit Keithsburg, 111., built by thePlnrnix
llridge Company, of Philadelphia, for
the Central Iowa Railway Company.
va.s completed the other day. It con
tests of one draw-span, three hundred
and sixty-live feet lonir, and cijrht lixed
fpans. Total length, two thousand
snd liftv feet on masonrv i)ieivs. This
is one of the most substantial bridges
over the Mississippi river and places
the Central Iowa road on an equal
footing with the trunk lines in com
peting for business to and from both
Peoria and Chicago as far north as St.
Paul and Minneapolis.
Joseph Ciiambeklian, President of
the English Local Board, was visited
I recently by a deputation of unemployed
workingmen, who stated their griev
ances and asked what the Government
meant to do to relieve the prevailing
distress. Chamberlain deprecated riots
and all similar forms of disturbance to
manifest the need of help. He said he
was opposed to emigration as a means
;, f relief unless the distress was
. 'Chronic. This opposition was based
on many grounds, not the least of
which was the fact that the colonies
"would refuse to welcome lanre Hum
"bers of paupers, because among other
reasons their influx would cheapen the
labor inarkeL Chamberlain added that
"he hoped the Government would soon
lc able to establish the British laborer
? upon the soil he tilled.
Ax association was incorporated in
"Washington recently under the name
the Clerks' Bencticial I-eajrue.
It is composed of Government clerks,
aad its object U to assist dis--charged
clerks bv jrivins: to each
.ftwo hundred dollars when removed.
" Tkc association was formed a jear
sad a half ago, but was not incor
aorated aceanse of the change in the
-administration, the projectors being
' Jearfnl that it would not succeed on
account of the sweeping discharges that
"" wetc expected. The present admin
' istraUon'a policy has been so consena
"Cve ifi'tMat respect that it was thought
safe to go ahead. Each member is re
ajaircd to pay aa initiation .fee of two
kllars, and whenever a member is dis
charged a sufficient sum to make up the
two hundred dollars is assessed upon
tfce' rcaiaining members. Branches
Will tx;' established in all the lanre
".-v-i-: -.
iortM rafl-oiuce and custom
-iRrSs;-23-S,.-r.''f;t -
9V -iTT T ..
Glo&ccd by Tclograph and MaiL
Is the Senate on the 2lrd Mr. Van Wyck
reported favorably from committee the bill
to confirm entries on the public lands. The
bill pawed appropriating CSJVfn) to erect a
Grant monument at Washington. The Kdu
catlon bill then came up. and Senators Grnr
and Plumb addressed the Senate In opposi
tion and Senator Call In it favor. After a
short executive tension the Senate ad tourned.
... In the House Mr. Morrison, of Illinois
from the Committee on Wars and Mean, re
ported a joint resolution directing the pay.
ment of the surplus in the Treasury on the
public debt. Mr. Kllebcrry, of Ob!o. from the
Committee on Invalid Pensions, reported a
bill granting-pensions to all invalid Midlers
or widows or children who are dependent
upon their dally labor for support. The bill
forfeiting the unearned land irratit of the
Atlantic k Pacific Kairoad Cotnpnny was
taken up and an amendment adopted provid
ing that forfeited lands shall be subject to
entry under the homestead law only. The
bill then passed. Adjourned.
I.v the fjenate on the 24tb the bill passed
for the relief of settlers and purchasers of
land on the public domain In Kauris and
Nebraska. The Educational bill came up us
untlu.shfd buslne and wns di"cii-mtl until
the Senute went Into executive seMJ'on In
the House the bill passed to annex the north
ern part of the Territory to Idaho to Wash
injjton Territory. The )cnnep!u t'anal hill
then came up and after f-oinu debate the
House, In committee, took up the!Iaf-(rulloii
Tax bill and the debut. continued. The bill
Anally parsed and the Houe adjourned.
Iu the Senate on the :i1th anion;; the bill-,
introduced was one by Senator Kdtntiml.s
providing for the inspection of meats for
cxportat.on and prohibiting the importation
of adulterated articles of food, dr.nk, etc.
The Kducnlional bill came uj and w:i de
bated at leuirth. 'I he Senate then resumed
consideration of the bill to provide allot
ments of land in j-everultv to the I ml an
The bill finally pae,j ami the Sonat" ad
journed.... In the llontc the debate on the
lientiep n Canal bill c.unc up in regular or
der, and several member spoke. Then the
Pension Appropr.atlon bill was taken up in
Committee of the Whole and a lively debate
folioncd. Mr. Morgan repotted the bill to
incorporate the Atlantic & Pacific Ship rail
way. Mr. Wheeler reported the Military
Academy Appropriation bill. The c.tfmatc
lorlSST is ?41.(r7."i. Mr. illoiint reported the
Post-office Appropriation hill. Adjourned.
I.v the Senate on the 9;th Mr. .Mitchell
spoke In favor of hi1 bill abrogating all
treaties permitting the jlmmlration of
Chinese, at the conclusion of which debate
uas resumed on the IMucatiou bill and con
tinued until adjournment In the House
Mr. Morrison reported a substitute for the
Hanback resolution on the Pun Klectric tel
epluiue mnlter. eulaiKiiiK the poMCK of the
special committee. Tlie resolution wns
adopted after some debate. Mr.4)ockory re
ported back the resolution reqtilrint; the
Post-office Committee to acerta n whether
additional legislation 1 tiereHarv to prevent
the monopoly of telegraph. c facilities, and to
fecure to the Southern. Western and Pacific
States the benefit of competition, which was
adopted, and the House adjourned.
Thk Senate wan not in session on the
27th, and the House went Info Committee of
the Whole for general debate on the state of
the Colon. The lending subject of debate,
however, proved to be the all-ab.-orbltifr di
ver ijuestiou. When the committee. roe the
House adjourned.
Thomas A. Epimi.v, the electrician, was
married to Mina, daughter of Lewis Miller,
of Akron, O., on the Jlth.
Iti:v. Hroii Stowi:i.l Uuow.v, the celc
brutcd English ISaptist preacher, is dead.
He was sixty-three years old.
(.'i:m:u.. Ha.i:n, Chief .Signal Service
oflicer, in suing George Jones, the proprietor
of the New Yoilc Tunes, to recover 10,000
damages for alleged libel, it lcing charged
that the ne.spaper published libelous
statements concerning the plaintilTs char
acter as a Signal Service oilicer.
Mi:. Ilr.Nnv Sti:vi:n.s, tho American bibli
ographer, died in Loudon recently after 11
long and painful illness.
Pkinci: Ui.smauck was recently reported
suffering from 1111 attitcl: of sciatica.
It was understood that tho Secretary of
tho Treasury would i com mend that Con
grem provide specific duties on silk.
Tin: .Queen's Proctor has decided to inter
vene iu tho Diike case.
Excitement was intense in the French
Chamber of Deputies recently when u
strango man excitedly drew a revolver
and Uuew a paper toward M. Cleinenceaii.
Tho stranger was immediately arrested,
when he said ho was an old soldier and
wanted leJiess for his gi ievanccs.
Tin: British ('ovcrnmeiit has approved
Lord Dutrerin's reiiuest that a strong expe
dition bo sent against the Shans. The
I'ritish commissioners in lSurmnh are au
thorized to secure the submission of the
chiefs either by bribing or by fighting
Tnr. Chinese on three ranches near Wheat
land, Cal.. were recently driven off by 11
mob. After their expulsion from one of
the ranches their quarters were fired.
The English House of Commons-, by n
vote of thill to 1-. agteed to a grant of i.M.'J00
for medals for the Canadian volunteers
who suppressed the Kiel rebellion. Tho
vote was opposed by Irish Nationalist-;.
At the conference of labor leaders, held
nt Pittsburgh, Pn., it was decided to send a
representative commit te of working men 1
to Washington to advocate tin? interests of
the tariff bufore Congress.
IN a recent interview with General
Crook, Gcronimo, the Apache chief, re
fused to surrender unconditionally and de
parted for the mountains. It was reported
thnt I'eronimo had ninety bucks with him.
The Wyoming Legislature recently dis
covered that it had passed a bill relating
to school superintendents which legislated
out of office tho only three Indies holding
official positions in tho Territory. The bill
went through under nn innocent guisa
without being examined into.
Dr.nvTK on tho Educational bill closed in
the Senate on the 2tb. The Indian Sever
alty bill was passed. The Pension Appro
priation bill was considered in tho House.
Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, making an attack
on the actions of Commissioner Black.
Joseph T. McKt.e. a merchant at Wood
bridge, D. T.. and associate judge of tho
county iu which he resides, is under arrest
in Chicago on the charge of ohtniriing goods
by false pretenses. His accusers are Decker
& Co.. drv goods merchants.
The Inter-Stato Agricultural convention 1
assembled recently at Jackson, Tenn.
Eleven States were represented. Hon. H.
D. Pratt, of Wisconsin, was chairman.
The coke drawers at the Morgan foundry.
White and Summit works, near Pittsburgh,
Pa., who struck for an advance of fire
cents per ton for drawing small ovens
have returned to work, tbe operators con
ceding the increase. The coke oerators
have decided to release all Hungarians un
der arrest for riot except the ring leaders.
The Virginia Legislature bus adopted
the local option law.
The total value of merchandise and gold
and silver exported from the United States
during January last am ountdd to f57.Poy.
."VtK, against sfc;fl.'V:l,."Vt in January, 1SSS.
The total value of imports for January last
was7.ryg,.ttt), against $li.'l,171 in Janu
ary, l&lsJ.
The Xcw York grand jury was discharged
on the 2oth. Xo indictment was returned
against any of the aldermen who granted
the Broadway railway franchise.
Tnn House Committee on Railways and
Canals has reported favorably Mr. Perkins
joint resolution for tho reliefof tbe Kansas
City, Fort Scott & Gulf railroad.
A luspATca form Easton. Pa., says: The
wages of the 400 employes of theWarren
Foundry and Machine Company, Phillips
burg X. J., will be advanced 15 per ceak
March 13. Orders have been bused to pre
pare the G lend in Iron Company's No. 4 ia
South Easton for blast. The stack has bea
idle for several years. The Bethlehem Iron
Company's 2o. C furnace will be xmt ia
j blast in a few days.
The Senate Committee on Inchnn Af
fairs retkortcd favornblv Sir. Dawe' bill to
amend the act for the sale of the Sac and
Fox ami Kiowa Indian reservations mKaa-
has and Nebraska. j teen horse perished.
The House Committee on Indian AlTaira It Is state! that L. L. I.u. a Method:!
has instructed Chairman Wellborn to re- itinerant, and editor of the UUde, at Wil
port favorably bills p-antins ri;;bt of way ! ber. has skipped the country, having
. .- ... m. . .. .... 1. .1 . 1 M Itf. I.l- nYIl. ... a. .. X IT-ICM ..ftkUkli.i . W- -'. "' ... v,..., ,w..
... ,'yt r. .. . , .. , i.-.i -it .k ... m, .. iii-ctM with the merder of (;rah,im if& tw reMtftttfon. Mr. Tob rJ
, . . .... ... 'i ...,. Ssn i. n inv? Ikh v .u fmd in a well oft r.-r-K: b,- minted and j4arl
Kansas ec Arkansas allev, ami Kanu qunuimnco oum lean. . - --- - - -- - , , fchl-M th.., . . , .
...... .,....-. ..-' . ,' -., t i.- t the MaKoy Jtrui. In order to shl.d them .ir. anl it was not reaJ i Uw
C. M. FHr.,, general merchant of Darda- County, l.rro.e-1 .W from a Mtchigun 'Iconf Uut fcr. t
nelle. Ark., failed recently. Liabilities, friend and save htm a mortgage on a piece , h ,,,..thir h:oi.-ic. orenuetCer. In came tnU office he found -iloo;
.,uuu; aseu not given. j
IL G. Uvss &Co. rejkort business failures
for week ended February as follows:
United States, 214: Canada, VA; total, 24S;
against 2! last week and 2T." the week pre
Tious. Moro than half of the failures oc
curred in the West and South.
Tun New York Senate has passed the bill J
ceding to the Luited htates jurisdiction
over the Drexel cottage at Mu McGregor
in which General Grant died.
Thk strike at the McCorxuick reaper
works at Chicago ended by the majority of
the hands repudiating the KnighU of La
bor and seeking a conference with the
tnnnugers of the firm.
TitK Vftlatnbrosia .-hating rink at Troy,
N. V., was destroyed by tire on the 2'th.
Lo-s, $lW,ji). Loss to other buildings
amounted to $4rX).
A F.vTitrt: Point, Quebec, dispatch of the
27th say.s: The worst snow storm in
twelve years is now raging. Twent-Hvc
inches of snow has fallen in twenty-four
hour;, and the snow is ten feet deep in
Tin: Houston. (Tex ) savings bank sus
pended on the20t,i. Deposits amounted to
about flOOVJ; capital stock. $U.r)j. It
wns not known what shape the ns?ets
w ere in.
A lotvo man nani"d Parker was re-
Thk dealing house returns for
ended February 27 showed an average in
crease of 21M5. In New York the increase
was 'M.'.K r
Gkokoi: E. Gttn.M, the bigamist nrui
horse-thief, who was recently accused at
Springfield, M.., of the muidtr of his first
wife, has confessed and given a detailed
account of tho terrible crime. He lays his
misfortunes to the neglect of good training
early in life.
The other evening as Hugh Oliver, aged
twenty-three, an employe of tho Evaiis
ville (Iud.) Electric Light Company, Was
at work replacing n screw on the ''arc
dynamo' with his right hand, the screw
slipped, and endeavoring to cutch it ho
cently piously poisoned at Colutnbu,. rently of blood l' I1'"1 J f &V'm. M.rMlKI
Ga.. bv eating an upple after he had kept I trilling cut on one of his lingers. !tn . tut, .,IIfjJt ,,,, lo.- U UM. Rn., , rUt ; ,, 4, ,n
it in h'"s coif t ocket nlong with tome "xfo and six children in poor circum- thelr. mind-, therefore n iniilni ent
. ' , ' . ' ' ,tn,.n: xistcd tt uiv tnarriupe witii N s, Uc. h.h
strjviiiuiie ho wii3 uuij? to poiMin crow . sinme.s. . remony a cuir.d Jul s lv. swl'iw,
on his farm. Iv the construrttoii of the (.land Island , All-xu., , r, , , .,,.,, ,; u tu.r (r. ?arMj,
placed his left hand also on the dynamo, I citizens donated .Slu.CV. mid P ('. Etgen
causingthe electric current of 'I.OOd caudle , hart, of Pennsylvania, furnishes the bal
power to pnss through and kill him.
A nisi'ATi 11 from Oil City, Pa., says: The
Jtcrrifk't field report of the February oil
operations shows ".Ml completed wells. '',75.1
barrels of new production, .'El dry holes.
2jy rigs mill JC17 drilling wells. This is nn
iucreiisu over January of IU well
rels of new production
ing wells.
Am. the miners in the Avcvron district,
France, numbering '2JM. have threatened '
to join the strike of workmen there. The
prefect of the depart ment has telegraphed
to M. Snrrien. Minister of the Interior, for '
reinforcements of troops.
Govr.iiNoit M'.m has decided that tho
execution of Pat Ford and John Murphy
shall take place ut New Orleans on Friday,
March 12.
The pension payments during February
were about ?ll,OJO.(0i.
The Italian Semite, by a vote of 01 to f has
adopted a bill to equalize the land tax.
The municipal authorities of Paris have
ordered that thu name of the Deitv be ex-
punged from children's books issued by
the metroj.olitan school committee.
A Sant Fe N. M.) spscinl of the fi-th
say.s: Steven Pujile, Lee HnmMctt, Kid
Wilson and Robert Holt, charged with tho
murder of the three Mexican sheep herders
in the Gnlezo canyon, have Ik'cii nrreted
and are in custody at Blootnflcld. Tiicso
are the men for whose arrest the Govern
ment offered a reward of ?1"00.
A imtiNft robbery was committed at t
Brow nwood, Tex., the other night. Whilo .
the clerks iu William Ciinieioii ct Co.'s of- I
lice w ere posting up the books three masked
men entered, and covering the clerks with 1
J revolveic pioceeded to ro! the store ami
clerks of about l..o0. As soon as they (
left one of the clerks, named Coker, fired 1
several shots after the letinng men, one of j
whom was struck and instantly kill?d. i
The dead robber had none of the stolen 1
money in hi.s possession.
The House Committee on Public Lands
ly a test vote has put itself on reconl as
in favor of the repeal of tho pre-emption
land law.
As Dr. It. Lowit?.. Paris correspondent of
the London 'fttHC. was ascending tho stair
case of his home the other n'ght a shot was
lited nt him by some unknown peisjn, bt-t
missed him.
Thkee ni"n were found frozen to death in
the streets of New York 0:1 tho morning of
the 2d.
Dt'ittNit a heavy pale the entire roof of
the Ilockland County (N. Y.) almshouse
was blown off. The building, which is a
large one, contained many inmates, but
none were injured.
A sTitiKE occurred tho other day among
the employes of the Try Dock. East Broad
way & Batten Railroad Company at New
York and all the cars stopped running. ,
The cause was because the company took
on new men. intending to discharge the ,
old ones as soon as the new men under- '
stood the work.
CvnntNAt. Anv.ei.o JAContNt is dead, lie
was born at Genzano April 2". Ii2.", and
was created a cardinal on March 27, 1SS2. (
The President, on the 2d. sent a mes-sag
to the Scnato requesting adequate legisla
tion for the protection of Chinese resi- 1
dents. I
Tnn Educational bill was again under
consideration iu the Senate on the 2d. The
House was occupied in considering the
Pension Appropriation bill.
J. H. AuniEMOKTE, the embezzling New
Orleans sub-treasury clerk, has lxen sen
tenced to five years' imrr.sonment in tho
Chester (111.) penitentiary and to pay a '
fine of 5.000. ,
The laborers on the Annapolis & Balti
more Short Line railroad struck for higher
wages Teccn t ly.
Two tun were killed and one seriously
injured by a train jumping the track at
Island Pond. Vt, while trying to force t"ue
snow blockade recently.
Secketaut Wihtnet has ordered the
commander of the United States uteamer
Galena to deliver to the United State. Mar- '
hal at Key West, Fla., the steamship City
of Mexico, seixed for being engaged In a
filibustering expedition against Honduras. (
UEOKGE W . LAKE bas Decn convictca ta
the Richmond County (N. Y.) court of bar- were foanj to be illegal, and a new election Shannon river, in Irelad. k Uhf capp
ing ruin?d hut own illegitimate daughter, rHed to vote other bonds. Ia tk ury ant' cultivation of eel. TW tak
by whom he had five children, four of titese j jaanc the water works collapsed, and n? f fort --thou -and in a sial ai-ix:
being idiots. 1 wben the election came off the bond were Kmetinw tecurrd years ago; bat lie
Tue associated chaanbars of agriculture I ,jefeted. Thereapon the contractors sued present prosin-; is mecii Je-a. iiir U
of Rreat Britain have adontcd a resolution .... :n. o.n.1 imt-mmf the drainage of tO emoiry and oiWr
favoring the imposition of import duties oa j
- w
foreign grain. I
Bhaziliax loan of .S3.00aCOO has been tn ;a itino.i thh taam wm cmvrr. kftit shr ami wutrmnea lo enrtr. itM . AUMMttr mvi
bv the Rothschilds. I mnA , mn escaped with a dactin-. dear! ansi Vi-eafc otae- betas p?ea tm ?&rfn-JV wi I
Frcsident recently informed an of-. bkoken rail ditched a 3iis5ot.i t PririCc everv morahv by -jbeatM tf brje latut- i aatarh wore ea
8co seeker that he hail something cIo to do
better than kaatic otCces fcr evta Lis
Democratic amppurtcis.
Tnn livery stable of Buchanan fc Hodges
at Wilson, was recently burned and seven
of land which he never ow tied nor had nn
interest in. Ho U now under bond to ap
pear for trial.
The IL fc M. folk are said to t meeting
with considerable heavy grading along
their EIw ood line. The cut w here the road
leaves the bead of Plum creek and comes
down into Deer creek is two and a half
miles in leugth and srenty feet deep in the
deeiwst part- Tbs-fs followed by a All of
almost equal "fCugth. They havo a well
boring gang a hich go ahead and put down
n well iu advance of the graders West
Deer creek is the farthest point west where
contractors are at work on the line.
I'Eititr Kcllck. the David City livery
man, has lfeii looking for a man who
called himself Darnall. Recently he hired
a team of Fuller to go to U! -, since
w hich time he ha.s heard nothing from his
team or the thief.
Tiik first newspaper in Nebraska was
called the .W&r.nA.i '.iMiam. It was pub
lished at Hellevue, November 1j. Kl-
Tnr. I'.ock Island engineers have t cached
Beatrice fiom St. Joseph, and are outfitting
for their march westward.
Gkamvc; has hgttu on the Nebraska t
Colorado railroad, between Superior and
Kdgar. The contractors expect to finish by
June 1.
Hem II i.n, living near HuMr-M, uiru re -
. ! r. it- 1 ....:!.-. ....I ..II ....,, t,...l
- juiiia's .-imi uiiiiwh'i " -.
m i .i.,. i ... . ,.r fl. ..... .... K.....
rnns tiuii iiie nvsi. ui 'tv ui- nit- r-wi
1 ued, and cast iron culverts are being put
in, and it will thus have, at the start, as
pood ami permanent roadbed as theie is in
Nebraska. ,
I'atkvts lately granted Nebraska invent
ors: Door latch. T. ('. II. Ilnyrhorter, of
Rising City; bird cage bracket, S H Derby,
of Utica; fan blast regulator, H. II. Wilson,
of Lincoln.
A uui.HOAii eating house will soon lie
opened for business at Emcr-on.
At u largely attended meeting of citizens
of Kearney the other night all arrange
ments were completed for a ?.V),f0 hotel,
three stories high and lOOxl'X) f . t . Tlw
ance and is the owner. Woi k is to be com-
raenced at once and completed as soon as
The trial of George E. Parks the self
styled Fremont "detective," ended by the
conviction of Parks for perjury. Pat ks w as
of IU wells, i7." j convicted of an attempt to drag an estima
, 15 rigs and 17 drill- ble and woithy citizen into the incendiary
burning of a number of houses of ill-fame.
Avotlicer recently nrrested John Hutler
nt the head of Snake creek, one hundred
miles north of Neligh, charged with the
murder of Frank McNealy iu Mason. Tex .
on a requisition of tho Governor of Texas.
Butler offered resistance, but was captured
after a short struggle.
The Nebraska Press Association has been
revived bv a recent meeting at Lincoln, at
I which the following oflieii-s were elected:
' -r, 1 . it . 1. ., ,, ,, 11 1 .
President. Hon. h. M. ( orrell. of Hebion;
First Vice-President, J. D. Calhoun, of Lin
coln: Second Vice-President, W i. Hns
kell. of Ord: Third Vice-President. M L.
Thomas, of Iloldredgo: Secretary. II. M.
Biislmell. if Plnttsmouth: Treasurer, E.
Vhiteomb: Executive Committee,
Pool. Finnic It. Morrissev. F B Bisley. W.
N. King, J. A. MaeMurphy and L. A. Ste
vens. A mr. wolf hunt was indulged in near
Milleiboto. Knox Count v. the other day,
nnd one of the pesky varmints bagged.
DrwEi'si: is the name of a new town on
the Burlington & Missouri survev fiom
J Edgar to P.Iue Hill. Fortv acres have liecn
' laid out as the town site, about four miles
' north of St Stephens.
I .Irnr.E.I S Mm hem.. of Nebraska, while
addressing the convention of earlv Iowa
settl is at Di's Moines on the 2Tth. dropped
deai! on the Hoor of the opera house just n
l.e cl'ed the sentence, '"I love the old sol
diers of Iowa.'
The young eopie of Kimbill have or
ganized a society called the ICinilKill Pub
lic Litrnry Dime Society. Its object is to
' furnish cntertaiunicnt once n week, collect
the dimes and then to purchase n valuable
library o; en to every lody. A very ex
emplary undertaking.
A Tt:iv of twenty carloads of California
oranges passed through Shelton nn-ently,
biuiuil for New York. They were guaran
teed thiough time at the rate of forty-five
miles pr hour, and all trains were side
tracked for thorn
Tnr old spttler of Antelope County re
crntlv met nt Neligh and formed an asso
ciation. The first annual cncnmpinent ill
be held September 20. lrt.
Liox- never had a licensed snoon. nnl
in onh one instance has any person had
the hardihood to attempt to sell liquor in
the town without a license. .
It is stated that a plot was recrntlv dis
covered to rob the mail carrier from Ains
worth to Brew-stcr by two men. one of
whom has but lately served as n guardian
of the public peace and as night wat-h fn
Ainsworth. but hr.ppily the plot was fnis
trated. The mail carrier had just received
his pay.
MaUMVEUV and material for the Elkhorn
Valley railroad bridge over tbe Platte are
lieirig sent to the front in large quantities.
The bridge will span the river a: a oiut
five miles west of Fremont. Tlie bridge
itself will be 2X0 feet in length, built of
forty-seven sjmns of sixty feet each The
abutments w ill rest on foundations of oak
and cypress piling, of which there will be
l.;51 peces in all.
Mit dogs at Ponca-
WaU-ace Cm lien, the young man lately
sentenced to the State ienitent!ary for six
years, on a charge of horse unl:n:r, es
caped from the county jail at Cbadroa the
other morning about three o'clock.
The committee of lawyers appointed by
the Supreme Court to investigate the con
duct of L. C. Burr in connection with the
release of Zimmerman, the convicttd racr-
,tr4.r fie.! he!r resort at Lincoln the
tts.i-Hv. Th reocrt finds him miltv of
the charges made against him. and that hi?
ca-e is within the jurisdiction of tbe court
to take such actfon with respect thereto as
tbe facts may warrant. 1
The traveling profesrional hors tradinj;
pins has struck G-neva.
Tire people OI Milford have pot lb4melve,
into a muss over their water work. I: i
seems that after the water work bad been f
. , tu .,- which were to cav for them
. 1 UiB. Att ts.- -w J w mm
theee jnca recently undcrtooir to drive
a team over the ice on a creek near Ord.
fraFjrfat traia at Danbar tbc other day, aiv' j
wrecked eight cars. 1
,, . AW., WW 1- -T " A . . L. . I-- Jm
T! rrtos'tr.'l i:ici''t ' VVlfe Mnr
U rr S!.iVr- . I utl nlton TJic stiry
ut Iti rimr.
i-iKiN.riK: n. Mo.. Mrrh 1. Mr, Cora
1a; (imham, wife .No, 2 of (Jeorr II Cra
ham. and brr mot bur. .Mrs. Matloy. were
anestel Saturday, charged ih beins: en-
tiehtlf .f Mr. Kmuia Moll an-l Mr Crw
K. (ratiHtn I t-h t state :mt dmd-ll tt
tmphatica.I that thej affint rr'.r aiwt eow
ptitejv- lanov-ent. t-oth jaorn-ly ao! -nij. of
nnv khoKils of or ctmpbc,t .. tbe denth
of tth tinihara. Neither of tin in and tho
mo-t remote idea that an crtm bad Nen
ciiii:nittsl Itoth or them hii'U:a netsj
with the utntoi hnet atd k-f I
am informed tjat both otttheu br turinsl
8;-am: me and are the loud U n thnrdi
tiuncatJoii"'. but 1 shall ui.o iwth r to tr
ent uiv doinir th in fud Jutu-e ttwidtx?
necessary, iu order t j e ou m cit r hl-try
of th - ae. to trueeents t.:h -prinr
Df l.-N,. at which l " the papfr w th hH:h I
was t-ontuctcd :n W ahiiis:i'ii. Kan .
and it tKKratne linjH.-iMe iiKsimlurl ft Mr.
nnh iSrahtim and mcif hd u.-n-r Ined
together k hjj i a f himl. n ! por
haps mlk-ht. hni e done if each had teen !r
beHnnur ith the other At th - juncture w
iiiutuallv agreed that 'lie -boiild t. 1 nrt
WaMie. IjmI . with the (hildrtn ant !evbm
I would n main in Kbh-us and pel wimtf
couaf out of the pan-r. at:d support h r
far us I wns at ie stu- rmnc f't and aN-itl
Apr! 1 I ak-o wnt to l"-rt aiv lu was
there onl two dns. durtitf wheh time I
stopped u.thmt stepaiotber. imt It mtnti
Sarah tinihani at a!i I roiu i ort Hi..- 1
went down into Ford I outit. Kuri . tor ti.e
purpose of local. i? a tlitn. Not tn-ti c
sii.tei there I rvt 'lined to Fort Aane
and remaiio-ii ai-out ten das. a .tin
toJplu with tnv stcinioth-r. though
cadin s, nil titnr upon irah Unthain to
see tliethi.ilreu. I thef latnt'lt sr.iijr3eM,
Mo. lem luiu' here .tune I. Jusi i f.r.
cnniiifr to pr nu'rteid I pa-el a tew dav in
( rti rdia. Kan . and troiu ihal p'ni ist
to both Mr. Mot.ov aed M I r. that I hal
llkX - .r , r,.murr'i t,, nk .ruhm n
(raliiiiniuli - tic me that ii knew tmy
marriage toi. jr.i and prpt mr to
I wrote to" her dciii, the marriage Sho
replied etu-ios n it inti!.Mi,-. imtue f tfc
miirriuire innl itis stisl that I -eii-J her tmnr
or she wou'd eu. tne. Iut tcitcniiinvr hr
stiitement that hhi' would neei I r ith mo
iiKiiiu. I sent lit r tiionev Mt l U it nt time-,
iiutii about s,cpt mtier 31. h-n I ipim.i .
to her that I wouM iu lo riiMini in a iiuiip
llllil llss.itne the lull 1 are llinl evj-eti-i- of tli"
I'll Jdreii. She trotit.'ht the , l!lren to ttu t
M I.t II s utl the rwri.iitf or S'ptt'lHber 3.
I-.-.'i We i uiHtm ! 111 M. I !! s until tht
lliortlllli; of V. e-hiesitiu. N-plelllher .! I en
dcaiiis to p -uuie h r e titer to return to
I irt V.'n in- or ko to her line e s in Smith st.
Louis, 1, 11 I ut Olie tilitf s,c Mils 4, Jrtr M-I-
siihiIi ! that she it-iiioM-'l nit the ihtlitrcn-i
clothttiK' fri'in lor trunk miiI pun d it in 11
viil -c. winch the oNlest Ihij hii im-if
wt nt uptown to piiichase Mic t h-npis her
mini! a halt doen t-mcs diinnir the st i n
M. Louis, am! a: the n-rv lust priti stmt tie
wmilil L' me. I MaHii'ri',)
lii-r ami she t ralare! on the k,tnw trail wi'h
aie!t anil the 1 hihlii n !xostu!rtin iMi
eniii-aii inn ot 110 hmiII. l.e 1 iime
thiouh to North printrtlell w.tb I h 1
nrniiisd witli Mr 1 .0 before 1 1. tt St Ixuts
to s.n ,. ,1 iMiin fur the eliiiilreii at her ! I li'l not at thnt time hate s-nrufi
liiiilmm nith me. I ilHieil not h-r n
theiiejio: ami s(l uctit hack tnl iisKt , what
she ioios,"il to do. he tlm abe s
ITo.ri w herever I went. I mm! her he won, (
bnve iiuhmI time it she to'Iowci tne h I wrs
oiiur to 1. ink Hve im'i hi rosr. the oiinir.
he n it r-he rijcs.(sl sfi. -inihl stand r if I
did. e:buti not iieiifximr 1 uitt-ndi I to
wnll. Weciiine nn r ti South Sj nnirar'il
mid I took ln-i to a it stnurHi't tor -ui'i r. I
wear im-r to the iriiM-r s,,r. ,,r -
Itutiks. on Unlmit street WiiHIKd ij ti
a w h Je at .nit the M J.oij e (wmition. nod I
tin 11 n ti rued to the m staimini mid uukt-d
(juitc a wh.le to mi rah.
but to retui 11 to M. Imi s or jro up 10 Kmiiii
I it, urn-re i won ii st-tid her iiiinii'r tti ht
upon. s.(M. Vl.(, .j,-) t i ist- to Hiivihtns-.
lolhiw, d me out of :ln it -latuant I .;i.'-'l
xi:h t.r ,. (;,r ,,,..,.,. n, Hrf, ,r.(, u
ini'.uce liei- to to up to Khiims ,ir I could
do not In ui. th ln-r. iiti'I I -thrteil IohuIK
oiit to the MolNiy taitti I thoniriit -nt-Hiiii .1
nt-M-r Htti-mi't to uhIIc the tl mli thnt
llfL'llt. till! "tie TolIiMW"! r uht Mtter tne I
left the tiuii ileput .ilnmt s .ti t,r n nt- o rmi-'it
p. III. illi'l uulki il the elit-re liistHII -- lo tho
tin-in. It was pro! ahiv Iih 111 . 'I hit"ltiv.
(U-tolier I, u to n the Inriu itiire irnte w .n
leuclicl At III s M.,nt I -topixs- Mli-I il:
"Niih, arlll. I mil Jit 11 tbe eiire . f the
farm. iiimI 1 011 mj-i not tro up f li-i It
u tmlil ! ht up 1 vi-ry lii 11 mel coiril Jo von
no po-s Iiie coihI ' -tv ft tl jm t -le thnt
"he would yo up to the hoii". mt.t cienr oni
out. I Inn! p'cIvimI up 11 t ck mid M-Hmhit-tllllir
with a ktilte. the t.'.Riie of v loch wns
or.e 11111I a halt inches Ion,,' Shu hnil it iiim'I
li'lio in her lintid ninI hIi 11 she w h -i M-lie-in
f -nt I insistipir thnt h would co up to rhe
lidihc anil t car tlmitr- out. I r-ititiij h r
of it Itasoii she was eiifHiri-l in ut Limit, lit.
Tills s, Miiif'risl hi r tliiit she st rue's at m
w th the IijiiIi -h. h-tl 11 her lmtxl I threw
up tit v IihikI to unnl ot; the Mow and th
klllfe striltl. her 'Il the left si,.,f the thioat
Mie i-r.i .1 out th it I had kil. l h r I irrsj..ij
her itml thr'W In r troiii me 'inl nh Jell .
lei.tH to the trruiiii'l I lf-ntit iir hi-rtml
fou ml the Moim) whs t!iwinr nfus- from
the 'round .11 the llfck. I Knew then thai It
w nil up with mi sooner or later, for 1 b
be el
"MIMHin wit.t. oit '
I pisie) th' klllfe into the wound to it
full (nsriii hihI Iben conlleml a Io-iik t n
what d.-jwiMt oi I "lmi.t iiiiiUe ot the ImmIv.
I wns mIhio"! !.nrnl.J that th- 4f"l hnd
lieeii done Mti'l the next moment after ai-l I
woiihl hate irnoii the worl I to rr--;i it I
then tm.lres.c4i the NJi mid nrr.i d it t thu
well and lrmj el it in W. thoiit n thought
thn: thecioih not m- a -cut if m
,.i-j ,: on ihf re h ew h r. 1 lrot e th
c'othliix iimfter tin-tsji . lit tb s tint ;'
iiiiMin Iiti'I Jui ri-n i "Mt l the wci i.j
jKiiidere.1 over the mitter ui I tb firt ftivn
of iliij iL'bt li run to pp. nr. wh.-n I wiii-J
out onto the am.n ro! niruln nl a!rrl up
the lull and iwst the bur, tltout n hnn
lrd feet. I then Minnd i 1 i m U k to
lie .ioiiso. it f rn the mi r
i)lt lie-ti-r hl. ltnl sl jusij l lb w rM I f.J-
ro4tn window v twit I ora nd Kltn M."' v.
w ho were s,'t.jiii'. tinfthcr. KHiikP, unsi t ru
let tne in
I changed my clothe-. hii-li wrr wet an
uii'ihly. for lrr oii-s; tlvn cbH P t r
Haw Vui". the hire-l niHn: thi-n wi-nt nrvl !!
down on tlies ! of to bl tiii hr-Ji"i w
read. ...
KtovnKVTisrj :b i.i:r.
I wish to rc?tnjte In tbe mo-t nnintio
manner the nt-ire nn1 cftpleti inm. fx
or i he s;;:fctc! poniHH-l on In n wr in ta
matter of I orn I.e dnibmn. Th loinir.
I ru-t lntr irirl has rewwinil Arm rt 9td1m't
In Iter love ami devo. on to m tarutirh 1
trif- terrible ffn r and it l on lier ccuijt
iiore than any t her th: lhi ronlr wi
nude h Is a thoroufb y rno44 tnj wnmn
h ho hn-come .nto m i if, and ht"rr .f
hotn- I h.ire m r bad ks 1.s-t 1u-t h-r.
1 half coa'W'-rcl thnt iiflrr nil tk- Ut
ar.ii at :h ininr: th-r w - ! a "3,i-v
ins- chance" on a p'ra ui not ?o-ltr. t'vit
when uiv debt o rae en.4 j-tar4 f tt
far lanr than trr w . J can
not l-ui atttn4on th" trhu T k-r I .m,
uient theer tf my l-ir c-hlilra sa. r
near to we any i:b--r cfe4rn ar.
s-he by nr rosiest tbe r rwni-M aivl I
would sk. L-entiemen. tbat tker are n t -i
avTKV frma b"r . t their w b !ic
loius taeus ami tk-y Jht. ...
CfJvaoc H CKjiu.
The French paper have rWtt filled
with stories more or It anfcrtphal
about the la if Mr. Vaaderltilt and hw
pnrcba. " ia I'an-u Oa taJf t t the
.Sect that on on- oc-"a"Km. katAing at
a .-uperb ehibit of oraamitaJ imi
ivork shown at the Palace ni I oda -tnr
t the xjtntia! fair, he itHtair! th
price of the lot. "I"! whole i- Wfrtb
liftv tbotl-nitd frar. if it i worth a
penny," proodlr said the owaer "I'll
Ukt- 1:." ttkl y(r. Vanderbtit: dt!ivrr
it :j me sf;r the exbibtlion ; over."
And he went away The tiair
plucked at the lvf of the- jrentVman
aceompanyinj: Vand'Tbtlt and ino;rel
in a wfcisjH'r: "Is vottr friwl all nbt
In the bead?" -A". "'. iltraUL
One of the. i!o-trit aJoajr iie
l . ajsfJe C oaar.'l are
in which Ue erl-
injjnoto. autl Omi ciktacaJj ' poor -1
p.c. - :
VIw of thr tlMwrllr t tU- -t- JfU
,l..rj tvinmltf-r ! is-tl- -iiioul
l"rm .
WAHi.r..s. Marrh --Tlwi.fcr.ty
report of tlw Smat Jodir Cam:Um
on tbe !ii4:n envr t ihtm ot lour t- -
long n ' m;orHy nors. aoo awsMMiTi
tha wo
mi Utu en
SAAte. T
of the oTUs bT KajMifcliratts 3f,
as a rewanl fo party inkcA. The Ir! lo
whom lh Pifsklefi: owod III-. pomtnHHw
ami ci.sctmn hd JKnrMied from sit parl-ci-p-at
on in tbc en it adoilittraUot) of tbt Ihvs
rrnntrnl fur near'.) a juartf of a rttituo.3'
the Jr.eiKls ami upf-xler of th lihJitt
suadu uppltcnt on (or a telitnbeloa of
th pub:- SruK No othrr 'rraioyttt lta
ever hern bjct U smch a rr uial o
hail j tuan crave dftVuitl, nod no otixtr
n-d sUv-h au abundant supply of valid ua
xs and cais, urgtns him to Ui fio -eteiafothks
is wf tiNMuvai fnM'lrt
eml ottipe and no oUw er m-tstrd with
more famtrsr, Shr juM elainu of hit up-
Htter. or ued rh pnwr e,' rrnoal
coisioati4Hi4i:y. NutttiUilandK tWao
facts, tto MuttuntaHuon Uar breti arnt
to Uh fH-nte In QSrum eaaca an. I bao
iieea allowed rewain befir the it nmit
:v waiwttt eaauitRt,a tnl dp4Mt
tloo. sen r m ii iHiri iet,
Sttlpfned t ttie nakevi truth without any
spe-inl ploatllutf. the i-ae matt ftrtheru
alo on tiinr itM;utuoa and wwwet of thu
Attorney inera! U ub-tiier the ."Nnal Ua
rHh: U the demand of tbe Attorney lu
(Kai Uansmi44ii aitint tin order of tit
President ot a papr ot document of thede-M-nptton
ttientiono! in the resolution, when
that paper or doemura; is UiXet inrefitsrl
to relabi ec!usrelr m the remotnl of !u
uti by tbe licklen; and Cor thac
tea-son xiott. bs wot open U lu
isrtum by tlie hettatt. Th Pre'deiit
holds that it is not u public ilornateiil, and
there is no doubt that his derision wuM be
mseptcd an ronrluie. Th Hiiuori'.r ad
uiits that all public doeuuMMUH telat
lii to any subject oer which Ciire.s
la power aru subject to rH, but denied
tin' i isfLt U) demand dMruueitU miat
sC evclusht'ly to lemov.iN r -us.,t,.us.
'IlieonU rhebtfu! cu-sUMliatt of such pt-rs
s the l':s,deu.'. The demand, ay tins re
juirt, in the present canu upot the Attorney
i"cneral iHH--saiiiy imitltM that in liw
jiultfinent of lit majority of Ihe eommiUfsa
the cnte ha Uie timr ituwer o ieioo
a!s thai it brt". oer ttdnttneni. There h
no c"4mm fioiu this rfticiai let it vin. i
in tbe I'L'iit in this rubtroi. lite N--onit
or lb Presdett.
Tilt wIMHttTV ft lyillM t.
The iitUortl) evjreie Mtrf!tt at thu
Pfi4' nance it. Uit irpori of the
icsoluiion telatiiitt lo the prefefiir uf ,.
Ii:itiii hoiMratiy dis,t,.-is .Miirrs and
sailors and acks b what uulboi.U nr i
icso.ut on WHO icjuute. and what it Imh to
! hhIi tin iutln cjsj. Tb tiibrmit on
of tl.e itiiitotity i that tftWtit ih-ut humi
I'nuiti M!dn r. but on theroiitran w 41 either
a t'on'edeiate dir or shiithl'i, and
Iliey N iiM- tip i'lJeilt of tbeeoi'u(lon W.19
to s.sjMin: jnillM-al and pita!i mlviwiUnje.
'I he i'Krt rnociudes ax rollimn. " I'lie lit-
eMtatde usiitt it loNrruicn Prepotent I U-
hunt ximI ti In 10 by the eiitu with an tin-
liieiMll) political majoiit) If malkibK mi-
Jm-h -ins u alietrcd M obi I loll of b' public
p;edue him! pnnn.(ns nd U ma ! tentovala
or hUsjiriHMis except Kh caa. Ptewidtnii
('JeM-huid's pioniies aini IimIcs .u pri
of tl.e i-ublislifd tist(y if the roiinltt.
and for their folbfnl ptfiiiiia:ir. b- de-
nnsiii re-nsibiitv u tli .s'iit-, aiwi
s:auis lewly lot ttiil b Uk rJe. JI,
did mmsc thu ptooiwe that itittiiiff tl.e
'.eriii of a c.Ml oflicer he would
not wisiieml of remr hun for tlm
xde rca ti that In o a lieublican.
Mere! Ih'.uc m iJepuliiiiTui. il be hjd beti
hlid w,ii .1 iiHlie. iaiilifn: ami t-Dnetit f
lirer. Ho Pri.lrtii itrelnrwl h wtnt.d ih;
ii-C-iitl as urtieteot raits. Hut if rh nfU
cer while in ofti e had ud it power, : in-ilii-iM-e,
or euHiUitneiit to i-nmnt4 the or
CMiizHlioii and ii'cesi n hi, party hj" at
b'tiiiU lotntrnibnw aul wakini; hiwetf
active ks h patlraan in election, tie Prt
dnl haa deriaicd atwh eondiiei and action
by any ii'eum'wi.t. howetrr eat!le, aa a
Mulaiuinof tlie p r:l of Uh- law Ulmm
that civil oU.rc ta a MtOiie truot, U tijir
natr ami not t tin eip!n rd a art eU-iumt
ut power tit patty eJ-rtuit. aad that iKt
rodH-t wood be tie led aa a ftumtUut
catni Jm uteiiiofi.
mr. rKiirT nmrrmx.
'Tl.e I'tvtMdmt dr ;ine to nubuiit vol aw
tat II v to the deci.iuw of lb trihonat nv
tu bo Jii4cfMH a to Um MtftVMMiry ;
rM-h eau Ut Mi-pefailon eir.a.iy whew
b. letr that Wfh e,diK-t ia the otftVer
iiilgbt bo ink'dd by the lirptib irw ma
jor ity wirrtMm fr iho retention tl tb
tnrumbent In ofti-e. 'Ilia Preprint! wn
turret imI a trial by :ie pn!e for th
eMrcMr of any of bta -w r or to cth
rhattfe of any ut lu tiAirtal tin ties. a hs
w.ll have a ia.r tnbanal en tb wko
Uuth. btit b- d'ritnen to any ao
Uwfu! urotb4o to ulal nodt uorpwt
aulAortty b an uafrteadJy tritMin atr
twiwrs and A" antra V te'attac rwnm-j
to sut-tuonft. and eooiam.njc 10 near 1 7
every ca niy n parUal iteiwat of th
catwut, f.irtu and r-ao(ii tor b flkiaj art
of w;-?nKu. in r. im majority of i,.
cbmm of 3rttpei,ioit, o she tamonty ar
ialortoed. Une Prr'sMlnst had iaofwatMtfi
commanieatrid b htm oral.), by wm
cooMired rei.Mr,! whieh ,! wo!d k.
latKwatbi tor hiat u rewtember or reptx-
dote ia every eaae o ao Ut pot U haaji
ut jatmaraaiioo of all th fart wkch f.
rood hint iu the miirntan. if tie iunta
had thxttUHrty nntirf U 'MiUtutioa ir
lno id tb luitvd sate to nUI hhn to an
aorooot. ! fwoeloMoa. Um mm-t ity of onr
noatm tt ate gratiaed at bia able tt
star that b the Deoaocrata oad a ma
jwity in toe Vttate ao u-h fmrtrl a
lh.t now 'Xbtbitrdf ii.f cnonty woa fee
witrxruird in It.o hitryo at re-w4iaaaa."
The report . wieaed by Jtumm L. fogh,
i:ehaH oSut, 0wrt If. V aaU Uo
K. Jacijoa.
Th ra etttwit of lritiw
merre i indicatrJ b th fa-t that a
amy fs.r withowi vgmm BrdUS veaoei
bent; Kat with all i rew. Ia'trd.
the txttU tike NMmtfa f NoTm
brr 4jj-'iw a mack grur arrrjf hk
than t!t. lor dwtiajc ifc thtrly dar no
few r Uao Mrveat.tor ahipa. w,th afl
oa board, prishod. Tktm etitftoto a
Lremewbaus toll. bwi. )kag thx rtrry
iZ tr?d - of ih world rfcirtf m aWr
hand. Itntannia. ia ai.1 lo Caar tlt
ftmtit. Th isihabftawtift of Aara&i kar
kw: lra a jwtxAhr to cta!ota,
Prof. FloweT mu?ytt ikM ijaey rbw
blr are aoi a it(iftet rae fo'rwoJ be
radanl iuditrat4 of Ota of the
nrrtmbirt attar's, bwt are rather a era
between two brarke of tJbe ek3
-ay betwe Utw frxajy-hajred Miba.
iaiw. wh iil iwhahit aoaae of Om
iZiall is2adv MJ 4oaa mtimlm Wu
ihomt UyatJL ut AaWtheim i:
-j.4.4 t4S4TY4l ASS4XS7 SSX4UBK TX W 44T V4414r. A
4. 1.. . ,... . , -.
- " " - -'"-' - '
XT. Sailt. tiwi
' jjjtiwrtfll km SaVaMO arw j a
At anwl f Wtttrt 1 ktvn U w4 k of .wand t t.w ,.
fa J bw hoibl mlJaWIW. Konoi Fort '? a r s
nit; Oat yAcrx 'ittT ""
Th Uss HIM iJM3 imt am tn-rr
l tm. frotw tho CrotMJW " llun
nifU4 a uftito U t lUahwfc r.
j.j.,,. nMoitttMMWi ftfrti( to.lrr i-
tJ ijrKrtrk' irphtma wutttm. T
iub.a:ut i ;oi!ow:
K,,Jr.L Tlt rwiitt m .
ia--f ''1 Mm br .
J,,. irctil at '? m t. .
MtublrlO . ll' i.n.
I . WW n f t I nil ! Ill fL.. r..
wpj.ttri l tfc f Ik t.i 4ti
ltl-trt.'- T.,l,' "" p- ofs
Mirt. iaiu rj i la-'! :
li t -'tepa ht Imp W-"! t
tke ! Ksrtre rowfmwjr. or f t -,
ihr-r rurp'. o t
intjuirv : ltfc ' It" t.
k . '' trr -rl ..
r th star. t otT rataii
or ora ' prtMft mii f
lao Urtrt- I'.wi""' .
oosrtt it lb :t4Utur, t ..
r rxncati ofrtmrfif of th i--,
NtWt tt t I l?l M t
fern ml f.r ciMrfat
natdr trre4: aialat o
fMia l flrr Iwd tk ! ' .
. aotn. mi mil lfc nwuoMfa
'-wnli w rni ?
citii.tusi H foftlMrr auia
n .srriir mm rrpon
'j!f "JT.V -,'"
tk olheoea.
ut any taaorw-
'ntft-nst tbe ! 4
t ttroirn t
. h. mttmr 1
a ji 1
fenMi. tl. tb ' l 4 -
It n ii to !' . 1 il
or mj s t .
tl. .) tl. 1. - ' '
tl f , ' to .. n ? . "
mtiUt n 'i r 1 al 1 l f'1-- '
th. tt i.r. 1 . "
In i.i n. a ' - "s
pi ;. - ' i
.) '.4li' '.' it
f4. I !, ' ' '
U '. the - l !
iro;sr r 1 r 1 1 ' 4
tiv-i - tht f no ' - 1 ' tk o
mat ! irt ai r- , 1 e . J
tft.t brief. Ii t sied i. ' .
U wl-rU l.toSen, of Wv4 X u 1
ei4d Pn'.ttier. wtom ha at! 1
UC tw-hind tbe entamoa ot bl 1 .
attaefc men intrad of atlaet
tho ffwt of ttio Iloaw IImp t
lifted fiom the tiwnatlttaw ,1 ,.
Mr. loraerv. of MitiMMtrl. ft 1
mUtee 4i Acomnts. retwrtod ' :
lowiatr r-Mjiiti4itt whkrh wa a
K-4..'r. 1. That tht mmittw. j .
att'S I'osl nhMla l h irl riu
-r n w helbT aat.I'tlonatl !rf ,!)
eairt ! prr-ttrul the uonf" .
praok fue.M o. and Imoiiii to tb
t in Hniunati'l ! iBe "lui. 4 th r
lf eOMlM-tltiO lr?wtn It-tKlxp'i j
!. 1h1 l .rs, t tilt 4 I e i-f b
-ats aa ul unrraMin.. rhrtf (k r
ifraohK- 4-i 1 1
A ICiiHtnt I'ltJ ltr Uwt sri
the lrrrlitt ,t.,l llof.ri. -t lf
Kai CtTt. Mo.. KeK ?t.t
itVhirW last nig-lit tl i wore eti I
Jtomi the oinnlita; ami at th awitltw
n of Tw enttaMh vnd fnowtt att'
few ittimib tho wlWJeholWiBtt. '
built of ;-ruui pine, h'h In il
fote the lire eoabi be put out h
nine aijtnin dweitiof were l t
derin; eifht ailW-i Ihhiw!m i-..i
n .
tntf a lm ot about it4.
rl Nt. a, Mr a" Rora. fi
All Hindi, dntrr. atnved, t;
iu.ile from Moetentb ktreet, a
itil4d Ut dn-ti down iaawatil I
tiH-L A nrwer waa rirtutly iad I
atreet atel in front of tho atlil it I
in MHuewbnt, aol tbe groutol i -Mil
. '1 be w biel of tho reel tn -and
at Uht hiw iiiMit llto Itame
flont lb- .d uf I be p'ftOiUC in Ui MAI
tveriMM ih "trert, lH-lrr.tiitf Ue h,
toi and etew in a wall f ftte.
i I
r. .
1 i
. t
r '
, '
tn-at aa quick I v an the ttaota bad
t aut
Hi trace of tlie hore weto ei-t
J le
and the ntt daahi out t tho thv
but to.t uninjured. Tho haodo ant t '
Nick Hum, tho rtefttn. wt - I ,
bottied aiwt'it U trarrl ho uy l t '
t b. haMt. A if hWll, Uto d lf r ra
alo burn-d. hot not badly. To ' w
wrte toasted ao totrthly tba '
of them wlil bate t be ' '
prohwb t bmb. The rani waa !'
dam -iced. Tli pUntttc mill beioniM t
Miti lieu k Well. Th d-rt. n h
wire nerup 44-1 by la'ir)n jipi. w wl
hv i44I. Ittia. tu hta?d aot KatttaWi -
lh hfi' w4 UwMtbt t be Ue worll of '.
A !.! e Itt44tn ',. i'ttttfwew
Tttteer - IU
r lr4 l.culk.
lrrijn. V. Y.. Feb. T.
f ' urk as night. wh-i tho am
U a tro e-e. a laty. aaid f
if tlo lx' 9t irrn,r -. 1
hbmtt fnn a tjtkm foarf4 ir
JCfio atd Mm at'ei 1
irowl the timing ear tw the .r;. :
hnabaad. oifner had f.c .
th p'aifottM uan ! wo
off tho f taiu. TW tra-n f- - '
ati befoee they fowod tin . -i .
"wafted iteoth. hot reroived -over
the IWt teotpte.
I'tw a. . i.. . T. T 1
yakrr o thu late m Cavern? . 1
tUn Unm a lke Mioe tran '
.tew iMtokuX ait haawtt t Ilora -iotf
taaxlay. lie aa.4 t'tt ao ab '
iKm (40erwur waa m to 'rat.
'lie- 4SwI l4Vc !.aat
Cmita.. fmtK 2 4 harta (eaeh
ttat aotwithataodimr tho iaarvttfcll
the HoeTisn i.ran. smltm of IJwW
rwwa. tho ta ff
toadiry a All put id tho eawafry,
on tho part of th rarbsoa !jraJ to,
carry ma thm uelm "X tho tirnui f -i
Fhk mrwanora 01 uo rr rmot 1
bb uaave in the awfn prwea aht
omMUmm ft i tbe awtlortft
tVftna ,e. ct.Moajrd of b hi
l.l npawt tro uaVe. lUninnt lawyer a.
'WH aa ontnloo tfeai tbe mrVam mt t
'm4 l4t m eiaanaiaw the yworatln m
tw aia-wthaiab.y by juaotwOtai 5w wnaMa
In otaof. a th tTowlilatkaa eaawaaff pav
da that any orh jwwaoattton aball he
takt mat tor on yai- mfUmt batwz lawn k
trwtueeil by thro mimtt mi.
whij th adttareot of th rtr'
that Ih-y will aoc prml thenulwo fc he
bo Vk4Ms not of the ordtw; and 'hatar
tnwf of th tronb'o aa not y at hoarfL
fntttmz 1 e tt.- r .
aLAtMruvi rh tT.-THa. JrVasjrf
Tata Kailroad raaBa. aeitoc tm Ihw
thioawn of boaaainoaa at over hh Bnan
tike Bawew Cfwek ItWlraad Coawaoot . te
half of Ha Aia4r4. and th Hananno
Ubio lUaleamd Cotvnmaiy, urf Hagt Aa
oofwrnfar af the Caata rfand tmxm.
kto4 own to thu atlfiorwt
oy tfceaa war. tw tane any
l tac au natal tate tat. tt
Th rwwNtju tms Ut I thtsl the wM
fciontano tM toraard ha un4 b .
aW arww of atfar umo anal -wa
um mtc Ukc yNrf nw b pmi tnto tt.-
3t- Lt ik PA rr. -Cjsni j. r. )M-
Ut. fKisawet : ths Tlenu a rafTirfr
ra s inwjeet y: in fc lafoawr. 4 ha av.
ttW- ntrviiana tM tU. Iaait, JrWi
tt V,'icai-a m rs., MkiH!L thf
VI t.-htt Jt Couwadw fc m lonjtlajat fiatw
. We& e4waeal iwwty4Hw aafco if!
UUaa-r, Saadijwjrt Cntr. JUau thn u
. . .A.
Tjawmn arjtrsi ltvai iaajrim. ii
- r .-. w...-. .
lhaw 4noM on. hat -
t.:rfitvd hj ate,
Km. V f - '-i. -
"B. Q r - c--' - -r -.If