BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB m i i iufi" ,M 'By ' " c--.,.- BIBBBBBBBBl I BBBBBIPiWMWPWIT ?T ,; --- -V -naw .;aW , .;,, fH C sJ-jr' -jja 1 iIbbbbm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB "- - iiMJlWtt-i-BBMBM'. aJTTttoiariJftBf'-' -j J iiBSsMBnju BawafffWBliftiJ"jt tni t jp -f-if 7 irifc " f '4fewBSBBBB$BSBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBB'C -, VaBBBBTBSar v VBBBBBBBBBBBbI KiJST $ 1 aHaCaUl 3TrrtS- ? sj j " b '1 1 ' """ 1 ' m ttiB"""B wfc "M B jB z"bbbbj m ts!5bbbb2b&bbbkbbS?"bmbebbbbbbb)? "vSbbb BBBffBBBTFBBrJ8aBMi-.i7' T -t bbbbbbbtisb-' " bbbbbbbb " i" " r - - jj -rTyw '-5 - BjoBaBBBBBBBBy t sbbbbb) llN --'&1f:,f- - I al lav "-r-cS5 K&H:;fllJtvcKIE9E9IH9lr W fesmisBBBBBBBVBBBBlBaT'tfff I fcf-"i ""J f f" "Bl'IBUfBB.ak lriCBPKQBDfeHllBIHKjBCtf jv V - C- - tSS J - afVaaijMf; . jKjpi'' wSMmK'5XmT "' r" BBBBBBMBBBrTaiti J 1 rn r aaaiBWraw?' 1 TSaaBMBBWIBBBBaWMBBaBBBBBBBwariBBr T ffff ""--J--; g t-- " "EaaaBMBWaaKEaBsBaaaaaazPvE?? l r a 1 n BBBMaaaaBVaawEGBaaal. m iiaMiMBBBBBBBBBBBBBM aaaBBMSMSMSMSWl BMBMBMBJBMBMBBanBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiiaW'-lL:iaj "CjiifjrMr..L : L 1 - rfc- E 5 . VOL XIII. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY. MARCH 5 1886 NO 3-J RE CLDOUD CHIEF A.C. HOSMKIt. J'rojirletor. Jtcil ClotuI, V.'cbtf-rcomity,Selrask:t. Awcckly Journal !'Vilc-il tcHli" Interests of IIjc world in p-'iicril and Wi-IisIit county and adjacent territory particularly. Tiiu largest and licut ciuipiied pajer 111 the srent Kepubiican valley. TKllMS OK !UI5SnCIPTI0N. One year, In advance , 81 M Mix months, in advance "5 Trial copy,C months) In advatiw 50 Tub Ciui'K has the laiwst circulation of any paper in the valley and is ihere'ore the greatest advertlsInK mediiiin In thin .section. Atncrtls Ing nitis accoinpauted with atlidavlt of swoni circulation funiished when icqucstcd. OVU JOII E1A11T3IKNT. Cconiplfctc In cverj' particular and bclnj; nin hy Insures work done promptly. I'iucim the vehv wvkt, and good work guaranteed or no pav. We will duplicate large orders at Omaha prices, and g uarautt-e work and stock to be ;is ko(m1 as can he procured In the west. e are bound to please all patrons of our Job depart ment. Cilve us a trial DUCKER S (XSlSSjCX HOUSE We have on hand the largest stock came to the Republican valley. of Embroderies and We say thiswthout f Dress Goods that evm- fear of contradiction and i. tlr. I Business Cards. Jtv.TULLEYS, M.D., H0M(E0PATHIC PIIYSICIAX, U. S. Kx.iuiinitiE;' .Surjioon. Offick Opposite First National Bank lied Cloud. QR. L. II. BKCK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offici:. Ovor city Pharmacy. OfHce calls only. RED CLOUD, - XEKKASK4 r E. McKEEBY,.M. D.t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offick. Over City Pharmacy Office hours from a t 12 a. 111.. 1 to 4, and 7 to i) pjni. IJi'sldence 3 blocks west of court house 4KI)CLUUU. - - NKIJUASKA o DAMERELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, .1 lied Cloud, Nebraska. Ornctr Over tke acw pojiomce. INVITE EVERYBODY TO COME AND SEE THEM The Red Cloud Chief. A.C. HOSMEft ProprUtOr KKIDAY MAUt'H i JSS Lo nl Notice XTOTICRli IlSftllttV llKS THAT nt lt. 1MJ. tlamrot Kite a4OMMi. imi m W4 initM Whether you ever wish any or not. WILL TAKE PLEASURE IN SHOWING THEM TO YOU ! OF COURSE IT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY TO SAY THAT ( tit fMtlv rfclL at "-' - rwi), NfrwktA. i4 tru- kjr Kim4 rtusrui mwrntiM MTnrnl M a lcm .? th4r rtf $M U xuh itttvrw a ralr oc t' f-r rvtu IrtMw Um 04- 4 aM .4 vi t m Mad vkft rlKv ftr4nc tirinia at) 1 itivrraiv. Uwnrlurv I vt U to HrfrT If tarm oi 1 kuauui vMitm la mvUoh 9, A, rait m in WrtNtH' wMti)r. Nnttn, Ml v ' U MrrJ r. t, MM ii. A M rf vaM 1 th ;.vUti rcri4 art. fc-wtt T - r. i !tn ( rmrfc ufvrtr 4 aMtiy T nrtci'.r a I 4k I twfc prvrlfrrt Milt MMQT t U Utt.tni Flnnl Proof Noikio. l-ui4 Ufifc. IK "HiMi. Xvb P-ft, gj, MSI, VJTI K H llltira?.lrf TIUT TMtt ii fitrhtum to ma AtuU TlkT . MMM4 m I. v a bi itl UMt JM4 pdMrf 1:1 bi- Mi fe 1 'O-IV .lihltr. or ta M Mmoivpt Utk vWfft t Jinid. Nrb . mo SMtUrtAftT Ajlftt . KM; , J AM IU .Mr.HTM:, on I! 4 a ft 11111: i In: ie ray LnWEST, I if lat In i ie. PI on I! 4 apti No. um. tor lb n h 4 s, l. ttottH ( It M W. if teiwi ia talli " WW to Mwt ki rotttitiiMMM tlbA Bttli mltiaAlMk ! uLI lll l. -jr ' " -- - m . . .., Wj. aU of K4 CTm4, N, ' ti. W h I t2:K. tU Sliorln'M alo. f J). DENNEY, BKD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Officii- Ovor Cook's dr'ijj store. Calls promptly attomlcd to day or night. pR. C. SCIIENCK. . TIIYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowlcs, Nebraska. I'rofessional calls promptly attended Office rJLt'resideucc Cowlea. 8-51 QILHAM & RICK ADDS, ATTORNEYS. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Office Ovor City Pharmacy. ., - I III !- I I -II I C xr. Kaley. J. L. Kaley Kaley Bros. 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW. Agcnta for the B. & M. R. R. Lands pRANK R, GUMP, ATTORNEY 1T IV, RED CLOUD, - - . NEB Office Over the Tost Office. O. C. CAS. JAS. MC XXY. Case & McNeny, A TIORNF.YS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW A Will practice In all courts of this state Collections as well usHUpated business careful y and efficiently attended to. Abstracts funiish ed on Application. Orrirr-0cr First National R:mk, Red Clud Neb Have just received a large line of Dress Ooods in HOME SPUNS, TRICOTS AND DIAGONALS In the new spring styles and colors. We have just received a fine line of Warner Bros' corsets at usual low prices Ducker's Cash House, 1 mW .Kit ot Uw intrirl curt uffUML J i.l,riA li-tri4't in mm! ttnr UbOr i bttrt HHtMtf The only dryfcgcause m:;theBepubican valley. RED CLOUD NEB - && j "-- J J. DUCKERS 8c CO. BUY YOUR GOOD AT TttK Reliable Furniture and UndertakingHouse Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is liSfe-W-SEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the Reps pLan Valley and my prices can not fail to please. - ... RL TINKER WEBSTER COUNTY tt ILL P. OVERMAN, - j. ri' ? i. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA r J: iiFFicE. uver uereuson & co's tirtii? store. - Cocions promptly attended to anricorraf. rMMleace solicited. I'lontv of money to loan at kXvMw nrter ot interest. No ocnnmsslon is uiuc vunvnu. ' tt . m.AU n . r t ui-i n K.ViT''''' 'ttut, rn ' w. "iiicr, trtT Iv-TEh ,,m -sioore, UMtier k lfrl. - IPl.S - faWXR&BS1 if$fjpitil. - 75,000. k Ipwrnsact taerl brc!nr buine, bmy ad 1 X m)1 CeBBty vrnmBts. Alo Conaty. Pre- i ecooi iwtnct o oads. ilay aad tell Kxcawc- DIRECTORS: ' nkm Jfoant. ? - W N Rich tJ LiT & r ' - bl. &. AassrA. ABSTRACT OFFICE OECAS. F GATHER, Prop. Complete and only set of Abstract looks in the county. Abstracts of Title to all lands of this county parefully prepared at SHORT NOTICE at Reasonable Rates. Real Estate bought a nd sold. Insurance in solid companies Money to Mn ,on Real l&tate and Chattel Security. Taxes paid lor non-residents. Reference Any of the business men of Red Cloud. Office, North Webster Street. West side CHAS, BUSCHOW, President. E. F HIGHLAND Vico-Proaldont. Robt. V.SHIREY, Troasuror NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FAMM I,AM C CAPITAL, 50,000. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS: R.D. Jones, 0. C. Case, R.V.Shircy, Cha. Huschon-, H.I J. Fulton E. F. Hicbland. Geo. B. Holland, D. i. Plait. Ceo. J. Wnrrcn. 9 B Ulll Klir AS OUtiV.Uiips.vui j,s tnl .Kit at Uw tltrlrl ctMrt ttHi Itlrtil MMMkt. Nftntkit. Hltrrvin Au 1. :ittl4tt h (MMMIB .ihd Jhi L lUc. Anj ll- VAtHa, .V I JwrtMT nd i t M Ittnrr r 4ti ndat. laMM tMirr iir o ;u puMK- ariUMi t Um mm i ;' ctniri hm ih i:ni ( i.wi m tit tmtmtf (mat tmtnKtk itl 4w .1hm uh Vit tri .f tpkt court vtRttH-fcK on IM tJ(fc ty ( AtfcL 5-l, at iii? m rtnrk. m . lb tolhHtlKt JhtU. ftl pnflj. WMnit ll It ih Nk t. VttHS )t HdiltUou U Uh Ih f Uut.W itm-k. umA hit ll .ihI lt arUi yii fc 1M H In Mixk t ifc fiM I.Vk Ut it county Mii 4fc UhlBHIMMkU-W) tUMMt Ut IMtl 4AV if lNf r. "' II. ' Fiori' Final Proof Notice lktfi iv. UHMMtiet4, Nh )Nik S.1SK. XTIITIUC W llttllltnV lilVKX THAT THlt i l (jU(viiic wih1 Vr tuu Mm not m wo tnuttwti u Mtk nbtti m im III Wl.l I.nn H III tx MNHtr Hrlor j x fe s 'I wM ( ltWk.AHfek n Nuur) !oMW' of UtMir rmti. l )m irrn i mi. !, imm( ms pmiiii u mai rami yrewf 'b jMntft ( nmwi'M) at w wwiM iv 3Iurk ink ttut ttlHMM0 . rU(MiMlt Mifl fc MMt Wif I'KANK JnK -4. J rr l M. o K furllMW ILTl imwrw(i'nH, ikmuhmVMI wuar to urot IIMM MMl fttHMTMUM l(lhkr. Taiiwww ,MiM.MU4rttt, SSbSL 9BH9y4 "l . M 1 Itmd CimiL ik w wri'4it,i A Oi B i TV?" Kx-Mdjte KM Cloud. r.A.SWKKXV. nl no Hill. Neb. llcox&Sweezv ccornejv ac taw, klK the Kc Opera Uoue IUock, lied rcjM nrx-CMss uciiuws inr nsKiiiK tana rcofterana jim'ig onuaues. n m-7ersxpeneBce ibim ioab kto eooaty am mresem wi-erpl of MMC'TMttb) iNAlBC COMMaieS ttk lands ot - number of private rtaeUof -BeforttBuklar vwloaB give aatfMtMrf-Mnas. llyoo hiTtaa old mc Umm JRkkk ywi wtsk to reocw we 1 I New Jswelry Stare KW(MC. wwpwjwrty wue i the WKMlelA II oIMNUX Jl K Kit iirmh-Mr. HAVE IN STOCK A NEW DISPLAY OF GOODS Watches, Clocks, Silver Knives and Forks, Plated Ware of all Kinds. WhY bargains feran sad alin of ood& that oanotb dapMoa '-- tadfnBadXtoiteaDaadqaalttj J. QAEBBB. Disi-itaiMONEY LOANED UKTIDV Pflflv in improved larms if ?t;a ncnni uuuiv. my i,?Pi n Drugs, Paints, Oils Nations Wall Pa ar.Ae Red Cloud - Nebraska. Contractors In Stone and Brick WORK Materials and catimatea all furnubed HEDCLOUD. 2IEBKASKA C-uut-ii Kan3."W. Monc furnnlKHl Aj ruon as the cininnn.L :J- iwi awe in lieu ,wuu. epic ami IfTTeVe , Z?al , , OFFICE ICL0UD NATIOXAL B.UV K BDllS; j --- hJ lr aore 1 - A.V lOHS City Tonsorial Parlors. WfUtnf Jrrt JU-I I lou4 Hut' !fj Jiri rt-n t t t, i jjt in n r pair .Mi3v. Ht imr . uHi. a fttiy. um rtwuM h ;h til ! 44-;'T-.fl " nm- lUiht ti' f!.f ' r ' , ln ratt4 MkI 4ii n a. I ! it .it it Uh pil 1m IIM f ! lJ ! c" rf rr rrAWKit . Il" -.r .l m t lUtm una rwMly REAL ESTATE LOANS! ON IMPROVED FARM PROPER TY AT CURRENT RATES OF aw INTEREST- ' .. rivet . mI ii'.wi "r -iXji t- " national Bank. Nakraaka , rto 4 w- N ta Tfrf contra Cloud Attention Teachers 1tit-. . . .. ""WO. 1 lr jr j y -r fe. ' ', i.!r?.!?l itt -f-i. i rtMkUim t.rf ..r T tMMTM 1 ri,' i7 iir ,s -" mhii. . JJT? . iti. MMWIiMi. , "VJ t T IHi e. vm j " ..v t5k ao" aVw-L.i2 w Cook&Meacham Cowles.Nebraskaa DEALERS IX xne o Cloud ! Harness Shop, J L. MiLLER. f fLUUVesS COLT. P-: r . ,. iORS&BIM.VKRTS ; '1 JfIf COMlii. BftrHK f Ihrags, Vamts, Oiis. Stationery. Eta, Eta Etc. Z.2.3r-r, - City RED r-?-- .s l ihkdmom aaiaaiBflraaa ummmm wa 7 n 221 rJ7tH "aj kt i k Lusive Jewelry store m Reel "-a- 1. MARYATT - . " - '- and Restaurant ixaxuDAUti PROP. il..MM , ii -. nebrasita, wi'senr rocK I uB , 4 UOKTIC'I'UrvjeiNT f. J kt4 VB Mr- -. .. . !. to, x ss 37 5 " .8 -HBt-c.-A"J"w 3wat J i 4i SjCTsssaprfX. j a? .-?3v vf . rrWMIkiwn 3 ' Some Gvown Mtrseric V -vf SC; a S$gm&8SB& (NhA Twm- "'ii iwjru.tfw-1'' Sl3 ym.Ttr)f S i L. T5S- reifttaiefr . .H .M .a.. " . TC .' ..r- .. .4 . w W Tk . A- " . 3L C X I t - i- . . 'ft TS - - rc. ra .?- . iJT . " w-i -. i-v.- '-Ma T: - JT - t" .' - " VT C --. ' . 4-i, JUiiJL' T' 'r,- t Tr1 ZL-"7 -J - - BBSBBBBHSBaBaSalBBAJiMa&A . vji?2Sii3 v.-o'' -v. " iif Jfffaa i" n'ft ffi M'arTBaawaaffwfimTTwff3 i arTIT'TrTrirai" f3 SgSStSKKSiBBBBBSCiSSmfSSBBtM. "m-.b-