" J1 ' '. I'l ' g - J .-?- -r T. '.fmtmoMngft ..i.lii-. .SJ Vs tj tl J CI n gggWCTgF73' - ijifci " J1 -":" -'i - " -T- r aiximt0&m!kt.-'-'--. mBtnrsftrr m" i ' r " wjji" s r - - i' C ' r-" - ' IMP it mil m i'mMJFt' ill 'i i viflflK -7S:. . - i . ' , - ..- -t-XiA'.: r- ,--" vsf:-; r m- . ,--. r. . j Tr m .- .? .---- -i r.-r - - --i mat ,. .. - . .k: - s, r ja- -.i. -w-r .. .-- ' " ifs&MKUtjarTjr5'r5 - c, 'at'tfj!. r" j a J JiHi JSrJ?Te--!- iM MJGr ;. w w .i hi if '" .4? 3' vit h- ij n 1 i .1 zS'- 1 i f. r - iTJ: .rAM7 f 5ir. i ,'irsfti i vx.;J7LST' 1 tT--i .- aafrJ m&i 2? jt fftf V Huns s" MPi'-fit JrF .. CSr-rf ' .J5C .I.i. - S?l 'rfv' jBfcl3-J- JZ J-kV?'. qy&fsS&JW. KS 5fe. wMiDAfmmm v 22 - ii g ;- Lsr .r .- -Sl-T v.jir-.jfi &- : ; y f .ar- wFJ ' - '-r - t j---t 3K ijrfvv'i' A -. HKl ' A Al :J; . . -T-, a J y-.-K. -" 't itol 3 V - ," UTL:CHIirA.& v to Btixeu 7T.r? i Ubf JMr CKftoWf T 1 L.19 35! .one. and of ir ton fTh Ofpwtfc of Attti-jUcerdotalto Stt I tU vou. a couii I 5 . r .. .1 hwnbe of Arcntr4hre Wart Jx-sjKiry0"'.- .-r5'Vvi;'. .,n .; ?- ft " 8&-:- ' .C A-www w rewnw ? -'',-. brotlwr My 4n tte same bona "rt-;rv tin y nrrifltMlii linn'hr wnnf i ir -U . had bWMHlJwNw York JT i ,-, , oaly twodTiwlio, he beranto r. ' ; .- v kMBwickforClifaa. He Uwocbtibmt - -4-toMic would ocmgoflr the lin , out fc- 'j,- - neine atRwgir f nr ot, a mm , on i- .TkoMilui ka kA..k'nlud '-- -. mev. vaiiWM pwyaw.w . 1 1 . . . -- . irtT lia rlr HUM 1 Mriijat iamifrr;Ml '- , . . .-,-- ga-gv ttiir!- : jl Jamrmmu tmwwwmmm ; vuui um ujmtvc ki-.-':' Wa V.i ' T( j .J;," Bi. - " t. - i. - K'.' MX'VaB f?" - " v . r Jim L rf" " V""V1H J JTrm ..-r : Ji "jhfl mmmm fi,,;- --n; rr; a tgl plied bkl :porttoorofi .boenxtrea41j; kql oritop of I he .vitjkxI country to lire grol cooutrj, to live itrytiMiiem- ttogooa- c hoitte.' T - r Boreal!. MB fc s traigh s miltr:lWwrri head of caiJtf!B do in CbiEaaadWvV this w-vaiteriwuin. - Tr CMna it ktmk .wiite to take yonr kat off on QtenBg:a bouattdbenelhaTO iorgottfii rajmit a 4oaen times, and -been -stared'at and1 frowned at bj ever Bo,anytbeoaase-ri obnreta Chines etuetlc and kept my hat an ray lusad bn'goin( Into-pco-, . ple8 faotwea, , 1 find myitelf ordcrjnfny doiiert Jret at dfnner.B I and all China- c inWdoathffl) Imeanin Shaniai-. - Mnd"mv enAarraanment has been' irreatt PoHte'nativf rpa, 'acF;rinJc mknt tea irom,4iteir ianeeoi, wmen are nlaRfldrR.too of the'outM.' T-fnre-otnfr- i . - Stffr ' .-r - r c . v 7"" v - . y-jnBigKie-uian once. anq,.q -tnc samo, : ifr.''' . wiAfaaellect on others that "made me yterf nncomfortable. On ffoiag ;out I 'tevariablyhavo takenKiy.fM, asd sTJhmr like BunejeouldnH bo purchased In'New York 'lor the prieVof atown,16t I- couldn't think of going anywhere with- ootit But it? has bfoueht no onlylridj eie wnereyer i went, i una tnat mr. witing cards;1 made after thebeat Chi iiesa fashion, eacsribne printed on a-vard of the finest silkpaper. imaginable, are J 'simDlv useless fhere: and. if used -woaki! crcte-a'stronfr suspicibhffiat 1 wak in sane. In China asy.ibedVand everybody .elspVcd, is fonned f jm)Uflgf while; relaUnr' to tift mmm $wasgooc Itttia; yiyitintlH realTase r . rrreoas Hf mw 4t ?i&i r: ' .:J .v ? hero tho mattine js laid on niybedrobin 1 r ,' ,'flrrr fr inn to wiUk otUjWJinnI -imin' I ' ".. , :!"" i"" "V ." f " kllr ..1 i.1 fe asuiiltill A.rl vn.ml-T Ifiu HUUPi uu ,, mranu, nnu iiuuutu ". ' about , all nieht and can't sleep. 'At homo in'ChinaL I mean I rest on. a pillow as hardasood, and sleep lifefs .'Thjplberday myaeuhew, a. younir maawhom I like, very rauoh', ske4- jnpi what rthowrht wowM'be, a ioe-ihiae-v -for Aim tb.btiyasajtritcsent forvbfi'; fatsr'Shrfcwas.T answeceda Ks&--'. -. i j-once: ;i-T.ti '..ih.. -;' I. ' i -f x'M y fNwLKrA.-.''" -ssw; very uw cvwu - vyu amw, I'Mi '.. .-- ". ' - M i "k i. T J-rm- ; ".. , ,"" . V" vastly sfcfcc UMruuuniy -w. E pffoswt wima jo- . -ii iMil .r N t ,T"2 d6a bclievo- nie?--he V m i . - my aear ou c aaower was fed. Jt aH'oasae of y being aincsc. u is qoiu ins) fib China for a son to buv fo?nis living latlier. In fact it 11 sdlhat he will do io At he is of -mifiiolont filial jefixrd.1 L.1 told ray frendAso, ;but thatvshpckesw vnw, veoMe were .was so fine 14 -ibinklttg to tik nd such this ish-the leading Ka'siear M icrved the sfcrW PSSSJS??' 1 m w in-'jnuisasse irepliedbhi;majlt maws vuurjniMU Mlayto do it;- f" what you. llkeatjj moiToworendpQ neat 1ay the sioi .oedbrs in a mofl i torwntcn ne fins ucuiacaueniion. i eerwltill I remit! storms usually soj 4 2. Mrin.ti wSt!beirah to nnt ' rpect: atll he rt-di ! .' -.c- 11 iioproi a-senous sjj iolvod .that we'll 'and soo what thin I matter -no wi 'drops ofrsin.1 mospHefe hadal banco, liie stiwi "aside at his wtorl dently shy of oj tiutwaen- T.Ulmi l,V4 ibW Mlay a treat storms lasUa-iorSw. t-m-t .M". :." r ,MRM! 3b'itJLl ifiTiiyiyr !) r i3f'.'!i: t ha observed that an 4 it dssplnv of-aurora iably lollowodiOn the u-r-a theor wbich at fapnropnate mo- rhUh-association sat icvoar!834. lie ap- practicaljy on un? illowiffflk few vealfe litincfin Scpleaober icnu, w(io fams a ite as" a stniyland returning lateirom wliea we were thoine by a magni- wenuer nau long Itiful. and lavorable' a rather late bar- id my procnostic. rioos incident as an iracr. .Mv. friend iay that, as he con- pon, Ue should ap- farm steward ar- it, for the day'i or-. quemion wnai nis 'u-. aoo; k is ax: -i; - . '4" ,3 , -IheoistUlAiore. audi was "miserable s "w ' ?, y 5-avtI v- BTUL U . - S- 7 . . .n .-. - t ... uon k set uacK nomo lounina-i mean. i YiMI Vn'l'i fliiiin iiaiMiia In lui 1nn in -.. -- - ' ' ' V T "". ww.vw ., unma;exactiy opposite to ttewayin wnicn it si aone-nere. iiero i.anv Mr. risnouic, I'lwvtr coula' g1.,' - !f! l Bean. In China I am Dean Mr. 'They aont use any soap to shave with in mepaixro oe r. put on' with a. ui..' - a il. iJi-t. " m Lii i uawii Mjutafjrusii. ximj rain u i r r bo shaved is aever the fao,bui the top of thshead. The' front, of a Chinese book is ths last ink nod the reader be gins at TirtVhnnd-norner. ol the Sandreads down; Tne fdot-ndtej are always at;thc top."' The Utkr of the. -iifm over tlintperiotl duHn tttu was rising to itclimax. wupunn;, itt the twelfth eentnrjvu ilLvsetTter.joTiioro, advanced typtol whoj with- Or -without differences of 'fhictriue. rcbellHl againft "the thiesistingcKiuvli government. Such KectsaA thu Arnoldbs in tlah, the retrobntsianCaputiati artd JValdenes pin Frawnsfd aflurward- tiie'Stedingurs invGcrmany' and tho AjotoHeal' in Italy, arc examples; verally charac terized by. asuertion of individual free-' dots, alike in judgment and notion. Ordinarily-, holding doctrines called heretical, the 'pniurahf ation. of which was itself a tacitpmal of ecclesiastical authority (though denial habitually based on submission to an alleged higli cr authority), sects of Hii kind went on increisingln the fourteenth and iiftecnth centuries. There were theMollard:i in. England; the Fraticclli in Italy: tho TaborkeABohemian Breth'ru,Mora.vi:iiiV and Hussites, in Bohemiaj. all ettuig themselves against church-discipline. And thesthe rebellious- movement of. thc reformation, as carried forward by the Lutherans in Germany, the Zwing lians and Calviuista in Switzerland, the Huguenots in Fraii ce, the Anabaptists in England, exhibited, along with.rcp udiation "of various establisheti doctrines, ceremonies, and usages, a more pro- nonnced anti-sacerdotalism. Charac terized in common by opposition to Xpiscopacy, protestant or catholic, we fsec tirst ox all m lue government uv CTY pnllf --. Ferguson &Oo, Ffesa ie said the weather , j . I liOCV lUOb Vt Oil 111 IUU LUI Ul III1IV1II LI, f frL TSL .2IS bresbyters, adopted by sundry, of- these Ttlissentfng oonici, a rtep toward Irecdom otjudgmeut and ractico in religious onalters. accompanied by denial of psiestly inspiration. And then in the subsequent rise ol tue independents, taking for their distinctive principle the1 right of each congrcsatiou to govern itself, we ecc a further advance in that anti-sacerdotal movement which reached AU extreme in the next century with the Quakers; who, going, directly to the fountain head of the creed, and earn ing out more consistently than usual the professed right of private judgment, repudiated tho entire paraphernalia of ecclcsiasticLjin. Herbert Spencer, in Popular Science Monthly. from the "stocks' ibankment. "Do pc rejoinder "fin- corn; there is to "Wcel sir," ob- Tm sure neitheitc brawcr day than INcvermind that," tad your corn and In have got all this row -ou may do rm win sei jn io- Lt breakfast time L'apicarcd for his r autumn morning. il to call our par i master was stagr um that Nithsdalo t uritil 11 in the south and south- ran ominous as- jd every indica and it was re- to to the field rd thought of the re reached him fall, and the at- )wcrincc appear llookcd steadily pie, nnl was evi- for?1his ophSpnt with grnatetn-! lookinr aw- ken o't yestcr- than I can tell." ensued, and this prognostic. las never found. jatino. All tho old pat cono of tho City Dni5.. Store ro eordlpilly IwrtKnl oJ continue their pntronno as-hcrotcforo, wo shall tflfccvor to - '" ploaso you. Our.sfoek.of ovorj,thln?r t-hnt-portiilon t i drup tido?iU"o;kept,ipto'the 1 1 IG J I KST S'J'A N I ) QU) "O j KX CXh KHV ' Market Come iinci sc- i f iffHS.-.. - - j . s.- ,v a) I srsK ls"m ana vjT.i llsSR c rfy jb1 iib ss nw nv . - - ' .an w an . w n h'a n nv 45Ill'fi VTS-sfet aSfiwi.'- . - "? mr F. D. HUTCH INAVALE, Ptfi ayj' Ui. , - a & Hfsli - - ; NEBRASKA. GEXEKAL DEALERS IX n Grocfiries, provisions, dry goods, awl all artidtjs HHtialiy j foVnd in a fii-st class couutry store. Prodiuv taken iir -, cHance for goods. Cash paid for grain. Stor&in Ghei3se Factory Building.; 1 na- fa Hl'iw i lltitSmmu, feed Oloiad 'Cr: . . - I . -t. 4 o xeier oi y t - TA ueo. u. JlL ; A.G 3S tS-TT S j&eci. Oloud - Nebraska ill j 1 jl 'imi iiiuiiiii ii ie i .I'iiiesn i ., I 1 1 II iVl'll IIU ' I ' If ujriiiv- MH uij Hopi oiiBrfliJifii nil i nn In j f ( ijulb, 30 GOO acven IUxl ftar Halo Improv.Ml Buh:iim4 Ho-Corre?ponam-o tvitI. , HotnUCMtoois at Town I u - Over in England in a great house thirty or forty servants is no unusual number, and when there is a house party as many as 100 arc often assembled, for each guest brings his own servant, and the various valets and maids, the extra coachmen and grooms, make up a'com- 5any tbat rivals the array in the draw-nc-room for pretension and pride: for all these especially the upper servants J muse dc pmccu acconuncr to tuo ran o convcrsatkttVL of tfio masters. The servant of a duke. of course, precedes tho ser-antof an" earl, and the valet of an ambassador naturally goes before the gentleman of a merfc-envoy. They are usually called by Jlje names of their masters so as 4o settle i once this point of precedence. "tssftaj tA "jC-Ti.i-.c. - -i?--.-jr - PaoTKddni dayijoCioeler; through tfce. J tree, I -- . . -a,- ;i 4i& - ' aoocjs priniea on Vis outaoe margin of fie pajgeCvIf y ou shonld, enter aschool rooninOKiha vou would surelv think ?"V ou would surely .tMcoblan were engaged in mobbjng" tttieacher. for the v skid v their Inisbns m 4arlood:ahe4rr lungs will let them., .jSfK T Wftnntnay recite ttey- backnp to thn; .n - -j-1 - " -a--: j juv ai Ti a . .- !"" ;"H:ijwmi NwuiMn wUMIi w-ir-i l- : najningachokra, instead of thoT: 4-TZL-u t.'VUUILVI ' Will nollection of savage fb 4tTVn.tA. k.l-. !.- T-i- .-. rt"3-' - u yuuHriwiiBigguro uu -wawiw &- "a; - -SRiitesi" e tunnman naneves, it uocs. Xhere: Is no ikkthwnstor southeast. .In. their r 'nil if rin -rfin7 ti rrn -t tn nrHfnri it n -- - -"-- - --w-... -,-" . "w. ipnwr. - ' f Lsee that vou haro in New York Artists ? , ,wlib;lrfntrinifigeath v mnm?cmt;of Jinn, for apewon1 v. " . - 'Sv- - teacher, wnflenWv veil their recitations -. '.,''l"- ilA2i.JLii " . Ir"Vvr'- - ' c m:gS2giM: r- Vlb. tr r . J an4tscenaoi fi&elZnSSa'wiite career iafcpidlys tains aCUBs oil roval BaL whei ihasrenflmAis lBiuelj9m .hehenVJrt JftJ 1 1 mimmmmmmmi sunkad m f. proud jsHP'nj1 ai? oisa uallv. SJK"?!S ixneouawnv anew. vigor, .would be ml uvw. juwuwv Lwith.its brfrht Jruurs of blacl.li SlwiBiannv-hiia t ixdrrAicmhm iby'thofcandfohtpn leayinKiWiiv axay , troy what valne h :afterhe Otesr The tLl V-- ' " J uaa UMH,ifHU'Wtt dkcaseMmbintd.-u the Zoological soeii from the London fmvUyltofeiKd . ..-. - J - - ....C1 wild beast ever cxlUtnni -,iijnwu WW.MIIIWI H?-sr S'?' -5j I ' A --l ? r'ohaVlmger:iafourin('long ,4 -- ff there iim much in sooiety. g--.-r?"""'.' . rM"gnr,rJ: miu V f- r. orar.in China. JFintannChil imAoWym t m nafants navoetromeu ner to .name no-. ;: rnfflWi rf neighhor:i,lqfc V vvtaisltt ib o refold,, foril7 sh v?c- -Weio this country. she; would be xlav- f SS :"7Jw'9 "yt-lshegoe8ft(tn .sww w.nerj ananasa anunarrtes MXm. , B WMIHU WUH SKIM . v j? i. flauim una jm iBuiuauBf a. -. . ts-. -v -. t. - : - -T-3-rf r T- kgUaaiy'O' nero is always K. 4C, it n uuneae ;,. -l- Ihe.linndajuav and :-." .-r '. -N "-- ,-i li7.-. 7T-7- .T .eanUenisthe oownot.onj Whalr J.5 i" fWW rle75;gin.JVhyv ,:i;. .Sou3SnJoiee?4 Wnisirhe1 tii; f lJeWjfty8hdgl(lMr r-- taPvdC."111', - pn g dm n? nuta.;- i o vwnr r.'s .. . . . ' t .- ? -, r.,...- .waa CnnnLriBMi.iul ri 'il. .,.t-. - v, Vj 'rannni oegreeane .BUKmyiuwyn iiwhi probably-not be man cruel chninscnntitttg vanaine om ntnst mu Ithe eyas of children wtww. , m -v "f aaWMBBBMakak r.i iv, . 't -?. 4. . -M never laus io nuure what W'wanteto snj Wn'rntfi..raliant.. : -'.- . rnonaa annnr- liter. rhilethc dark Iir chill blasU incnea: of tne. rienrdcsolation retty inclosuro Lhis" tigership's auous mmi nadowy.4(ir- iieer. .the rcr hino years and darted' of his great,. slowly but-, smost rank in the rare kals. He has' le decrepitude.' if his best lis prime and tcognise him shiny coat. hilly, striped Marina. Their the hair in apparently and sides, his will de- might have of the beast by ago and tiesh seems first of tho j secured by as obtained 1 has been tHiriod of I'St of HBV Ithc public. garden ha lig, but by ronderfully kt It will sfore Jim's be broken. jger delight :iaiors at rum. dm. He lnderstand sr fails to him. -He Legal Notice. J -, " NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT RY 'Virtue of seven -chattel mortgages dated January 9. 1885, March 5, 1885; Dceember 1C, 8R5. and January B.nMerespectlveiy, tu.fiivor or the lUBdersiuncd and'trulyllled In the offlce of the county cleric of Webster eounty. Nebraska, ami. executed by u. u, .ticaiiuaii in., xo secure nte navment of gan.oo. S'Jlioo. im;40. 8124. av 87U.75. 855.45, and t! 10.22, wlUi interest from- In and around Red Cloud, THE CATE'-'.-CITY WW Of tlie great Republican y alley.. Buy your homes while property is cheap. D. B. SPANQ&LE. Real Eatuto nnd Insutanco Agont. Farm Loans Negotiated. OfUco ovor Pirst National Bank. 2ZV X & tc 'IL-T-i ay ;v Fi RED CLOUD, rjeyw P JmzilQT KT- lmvliig been made in the payment ot said sum, ana s:iia nioncauces iceunir unsaie anu. inse cure, therefore we will sell the proierty ' in RJdil noftcsKesideMribed'.atqiubllcauctlon at the auction room one door e:ist of . Henry. Cook's -moftrageiMdeKrited'.atmublloaucUon at the drmr store luKed Cloud, websteeceiuuv Neb raska, on Satnrday, tho 20th day of February, J88G, st 10 o'clock ;u in. of said day, tho following' property to wit: 8 lap robes. 4 horse blankets. 2 saddle blankets. 1 side saddle. I man's .Mexican saddle. &: l set double buggy harness, IH, bales reaping twlue. 1 harrow l two horse walkl ng cultivator. l set double harness. 1 Tiffin corn shelter aad feed table. . 1 hair m 111 for whipping hair. mgsioves -a - , -JMierten.noi nanir : oace,4'on6thi laeai,4kwn.ia Xc 1, Tt;-M-v r i . S3k Wl&L ' h- -1 -33:--? turn:rUhlnsthinjl nAkl while he -wfln ai i:, V-iWmBki wwn uo.nu an Pmtowito.mm &$&mm?mKm WW nJkw. ItoWVon iT: rin .ue, : lanMnwnl rtrffmh ri irwjr raam -Asik . iki iainnKrui-cnae' m Sirvsi4nrnoSM,5M jm zz J52s:i ?Jt-'Jtiib--'J aJ-HfcnTnVl STrbita.. t . . iJ w-- -i --"jj wV-La"4 ,Ti;3 V- "n.. I 1 setra-'c-ll waBoUciondladj ho.. . -m .w- . Fm o - v nfianwsavsna.inrwif ,a lfl NlflMni snnnw .-n-fiuan.r -t a.','tk. 'sssssbussi " - i nn : VsTGBsniar. j-,u .-- ; . i.ib'- nrnrA 4nrnranasnrnn p jsnrnnnvnnnnnnjnn . 9T?. . -T rnflsnnanaMY-VLK -t ' 1 1 m- "-m-t vnsnnjviiiHaiBnnsBB) ,El??M5-S5!t' ntiHnWniirinillir MPNRtN1'11 9M mg man, I Lindlev a's an- sy;h-aid i Lester s Igon our' powerful There .and she. poured idecdote I jpea one Not or two got out ro.thcm- 1L It. bed at in the besides. 3 .soft coal heatlmr stoves. 1 Ottuniwa walking cultivator. 8 Detour stirring plows, t oil tank and pump. 1 Dayton corn planter. - 1 Daisy siUkyJiay rake. 1 pump and ll pieces pomp stalk.. V 2 bbls. machine oil. lbbl harness oil. 7 stirriDg plows. 1 heating stove. - ' ; 5 new cook stoves. - 15 screen door frames. ; 2 screen doors. I t.?r0M?e'itea fan,,,y carriage- 1 Hall's fireproof safe. .. 1 thoroush-brcd sorrel mare. " . 3rand Detour Plow Co. Seeberger. nreaky & Co. . Keith. Jlenliam & Dezendorff, - Jos. 11. jjhott, I- M. Rumsey Manufacturing.Co.. irector, Wllhelmy & Co.. Fuller sf Johnson'Mfg.'Co Kaley ros.. Attorneys for MorUoucces. . Western Cott f Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Are celebrated for their beauty and finish, quick rasponcc, ; purity and "column, of tone, and made of . the best material andby the -lesfc workmen that can be had. Every instrument i ifcfullv warranted in-alL its -parts-for iive yefrs. Please eaLl ; and ermine these instruments befirepuix-liarfing. ' -v" ' I . J. sVnoll. i One doop norJnbfrgus oflice, Ked Cloud. i - -, EBB&SKA. GQ!EHS, CASSIMEiS. lCESC-TOjEfT, &J GustoKt work ntly clone And after the m approved fiishioiis cuttiag Oid flrtintr a siecialty. prices :yasonaile. OHl'Stiuid SHosVtrt.,rBti 1- r7v- FnV fSmBt nW JBft BYM Mfnv nssnaaw . x i 9-. ! - ww mnu s vn jS?v tefW11 iliE W ss u L E IW Sifa II S E K-P WISER v- icsefc ?.- v Live I&tockBid -gen-eral auctioneer,. Blue fiufflJejb Harness Shop, BJ J. L. MILLER, W n fjBL4 -iii'. Zi c . i w .J - ; l VMstrnw ' S, Vi! ;3LLrDil)W u (wi r tutw !-; t rf lino, iesH3ra j 4 A .M . . ... ... toiiyar, xsifrs.-UoffiiCi, Jsirttii e ffi'ifn iitt von . mm &': f Bvj Jh Olnuae-fljid Cra-kr. T-d.. -. (lfcr. Kl.ir,, Fnnrf ;laa:t t.ir. il'ipin If : ' ,- i. . , i i: ( Jr . pff(NMse V HOBXU-l: UafcKiKff AM1).M.V 1EB3EIK-AK, Nursery !UUfE 4 v IN J?SiiEBLErSBtQXK3arG', b- . i , OpfKjatto hc niito liiftifStafJM.: Oppeatifo hr Otipaifjp Jjilblfitjr av' S.WflDLOW r- R As I bar&had 'm c tj.f-'.t . hi ie Xarsery Utisluess, I tliii.k t -an fum' ye i stwk w tm our clmute from Homo Grown Xu rscrloa!' W&SCr iSh hT iJSJVi2ift, "E'" -. mZK .-. -"5T2SSP' Legal Notice. George B. Brock & Go. vs Harriet Shurnan and Harriet Shuman administratrix of the estate of Wil liam Shuman deceased,' aud others. " X0TICK. To John W. Shuman, Winfield S.V Shuman, Phoebe A. Miller, and .Mary JS -.iuacu, nonresiuenc aeienuants, you and each of you are hereby notified that on the 29th day of January, 18SG, the plaintiff herein filed an amended petition in the district court of Web ster county, Nebraska, against you and other defendants therein named, the object and prayer of which are to joreciose a certain mortgage executed r DJ2ALEK in- ttAKIV3S JUJjA1(B.J& HORSE-BLANKETS i& WHIPS. CO.MBSrfpiJHX:S WWSI ."Wrtr VJm.-ir'i-L'i&'.J' nnd. eyory thing tisnallylceptin; firs class shop. ,,Awo doors nortli of 1st Nnt. Bank ,RED CLOUD. NEB. I i pggsgnmy. rvirsHryrcvvTefcajxawftya I . i 3 B fe-rsi-C- ;S 5L.TTit;r5 MEa "V R nrsmi 4 T- i jT tV1 itollJilliHliiyji. nmuuir Hts-"'-; iS.-vfefS r??- ; ' . Prf3SgS ra i: V3fiaWBSS8 Bssaai -jrrrirRKaaaa- IB! S.iSSiiV aR '"'KTTrtn Zf ir rv:-..."., w. H K J 1 t f"V - -s frrJTSl Lif t H H k' SsOSWatf iari-i'ri r' n a n w ra"ia'X'Tri'T i t,"ns:-i ri l . r irk ij3 .irmo 'S"i--a-!-y-hy r r? .-r "Ti.t jfr ryf. ;rs-:c"irr4iJtirw r.u . -pf-sxsws a 5-i&'ai'rsf- .2 V. fA- ?tM Fi 2 i.irT, , -.if'' K2 ' -mfjr jymz WHO 10 (KlACO'JAWTEO WITH THC CKOCRAPHY OPTICS; (JOUNTfcf, V!tU avwur ..rirfiu imis map, that Je a! -if- -s ;raviKruKOF an oraFn ofsalkis-1- 'JO snedtrat of the district court of theKudtth 1 , Sheriffs Bale; Denver to Cniicao. Denver to Kansas. vtv JndleialDiHtrict in nml fnp V..btir i.mnIV. nnnuac A ArU- ' 1 Nebraska, wherein Asa t. IKetttlen la plaintiff, zi v""-? . 'andJohnJLVatten. Annal'atten. V. Vaugtui. A. Omaiia tO CrltcagOj usruerand JI. Millnerarv defendants, l shall . ior,coc. rJv v r!-!rirft t 0TT6T for sale at imblie aifctfon at the east 'door tvansas Olcy .v -wrt.CcigO, f 01 ine court nou&c'Ui neucioiKt in saw county' imat being the last place where- the last term- oi said court was held), on the 13th lay of " March, ' tot iter Istaddition to Ih&townof GuldeJto:k.. aud Jot Omaha to St. E,culsr IMC. at one o'clock n. ol. the following ile?cril r cd property, to-wit: Lot 14 in block l. in Vante s BEST UHE FHCM T rr, --?nv S Si2TSr TJ't 77r-X ., U F. J. I '. 4V. ...... V- Z'Tj.-fX . LA) " i&4T - 'V ? f " ' -"ja-vwMrjr j,l, " vjif:vrr3ca t ! Watnr " AM ve-t,Ji. i . "sr'-u-A, HrtP.it 10 iv jB-, "fl t T J 1? k ., I vrtivv f iSf 3 'iSfc er.JTiixi --"-- nw o', f jr r-A "ii? - - "' i,-T? rr- rt". . ?'- e&r "iv,x- .- ' & -: x v :m ?i..w ..- rv- . . ii mn , '. II a. - " " .. - V.1A .'. .v- '. ' .i s. . - w;. '. 2 i i BfeJ B gr SKAMSAa CT, SK.. '. "VI I tcSZ 'W W" F-j. -Bfcj T ' " "W o "" !. nBtt Vniy 4BnsTfc p9flp y sn?,'r 3 (taiU 11. yj!!y fi H i-i JMI a isc "v-! . ?piX?L3r :--v3- -..sv.?: iVrs-h- Srf'Si-Wl'T- ? ..& o .-- ?- - JJV 3- J9fV' nnwnjM H9nnM gyi CnjrJ defendant. Haniet Slraman.- tb. "iiii wife, now the administratrix of his iatetioJohniiattent7Jn-the north 2b feet of lot sight (S). of block our- )ii'frd,tneouth2 fcct of Jot eight .(jlock four (4), all Imthe Village of tjuide Rock. Webster rnnriit. x'k,-o. Ki to secure the pavment of a certain" JSanS&umnn, dated March 8, 1884, which note and mortsase were duly assigned I said Patten to this Plaintiff before maturity thereof. That there n bow due on. wud?note and ttwgagJhe.sni of one -.hundred dtUrsjsiUi'sreent. interest tehre ;oo from March 8. 1884. Piaintins ask for a decree ordering said premises old to satiafr the amount !. . stated. Defendanli are nmnim) ' 58" .Wii-r ' - GiLRAV n; fiirr 4n- '-Attorneys forHniMt;r and tuernorth 2G reet ot lot 1 1 in OIock -l Guide Roclfiu taid county -and stat. .Givenundermv!uui4thisloUi(lay of V ar', 18W. t 2J-5W in Vhni- II.'C. SJ:orr. f Sheriff of Webster Comity. J " iWEST TO HAS TT V. 3 CHICAGO, ROCK tSL4D & PACSFIO RAILWAY a; pwat ...! ti r. K-.ttos u, ai wntjMUift r.M . w- t yFt iTBtic fja fii''. -. Final Proof Notice. SURE CO7tEC'T!C8 LCV RATES BACGACE CHECKED -fKieOUCH. Through tickets ovor tho Durflng- f Land Office. lUoomlncton. Xel. Feu. 3. 1S. XTOTICE IS HCBEBVQIVKK TIIa'T TUB his intention tomaWennsii)rooCln sripiwrt of ton Routo sro for &n!o by triw Onloaj" hiscia!nuandtiKitttJciestiaMMiy8feitMej5es Pacific, Denver & Rio Cranclo and'f lie U:n: ji " "j --"'. i lasara prooiwnioewHaeneier;.vj.ickam. jj "w-wMwAieceaeeu, ana tueH -pi Kmii Ilrrecr.i .f f:-t WCs ':-iVa: RtW twrtT'.-.ntti YInttlTrik fu '.!jt aynt- ; tninseHv;iuxi tc&. '- tamo W' Tnnn'j no -- C. n l r ,-r ."'- vrzte mock itnri -. - - . Jo3nt. ot'j3r. r-s f-i - mMi . I f: ! . . . tAk.-MporUM9R Whir ui:w pui f-r; '!" w. JMrtiwiian'ti i - f ii tcj Alaair mMt! mt-j t . .,'r.j to ma trout isr", k. m.l.. ... ..i r- 'H 4U TOtei: lie- .l ..'-,- tj. i waitM-. Z i-irttj -jar. kktc .;-. ttdtlOA. IiT .. 'i. . :en. C-Wrw : j . - O fCsiCBA; Aftrt - l'i: upjettOk. na'i baaci: !'? - .Ti Fa'id, u .v Z-i)'-t..- - - - - h. .i ""Tr "-';"a'. k5urK-. IKH- I rji V"0BMSi ruJI. t Li. .W. '.-- - , Jr ta Kttfft Lurmwori& .t' ai - l tl ft h.-J.fak'u.Mri.- T .-,-, .-' i. . iHin. i tjwl r-i'itra. - T THE aft EAT HOCfC !6LAItD H&UTE . t- J. ' Jte. w nn ninnr orincmai ra wavs. nc . r:r-AA. it nam ?- rfn- r -M.kUw,i - - - .- , . eX&aSStfuSd.by ah scents of tho "Bufl:rWn "Slnf-7 ' testimony of claimant wdl 1 made lIore, Dcu'q." -'f.'J'-t.. ."rj :. ' .': T: ?. .' v!r' r,.?OIw w w aur wrtr' r.;, twand Receiver V. 'S-'Xand office, at Cn t.., t t. ,. m i?r", . TT. JlflS-f fe'l .jiff tmt9t Udr :-- Xeb,on&dunlayrMrclri?V6. r .' l;"l' 1 ' M 'J 1 riT Sf. .TlaSi cZ -ZZZ?2jr Jf '? fl?7w V'' : i J- fcJj jt,j-j, ui w . , Tt""T. 2JT7 . . . . . TT -. .7 Vfcll . . ""S jr --- wir r a rfc.', - .w.-vT'; P.S.EUSTlSf.?T-k.r nSSrul.-.wf ': !. D. S. No. ks. focth&se ii. sec 18. T i. o'MAif wn i vJtrf r", ? 5i-ii J,-1 - rcM . ... . . . . ,..- , v-" - .'-"'.. ." x . .! -v ". wa jfc.iaui4ii ju j wf ne " n '. 4 powaoia mi w, itt wf '-.vMMaaHl Diry Cdti. &faQttmft fl. . , - rru6r taat Reel BloorahJgtou, TtZ en north of range K wea , ton; t. De naiiies the followiitf: his coetliUKMPr- rrtldeDe upoaatul cultivation of. sa&tMaiid -jUi (TTinton JUnker. Tlioraas Keimedv. Emfrori FoIItt:. John Mitchell, all of KeU Cloud. .- i S.V.SWnZEKIg!stfir. 4 ' ----- Action Tejudtwrs. 4 t- fi gsaq ixnnnMnnMBF&n Probato Notice. - S'lATE Of" TaHUSKAWEB6TERC0n.V-. ty.ss: AVtiercas, a petittoe ha IkS2i WUcl la the eetmty otiri of WebreosHty. in said -tau settiac forth tkstJovrpii Bart; Jatcrt WeHtsr couaty, il4on'or,abot tae isth thrfet -Jafisary, isss. and aakinx that Ed wardi; Y& ti ai 'Kftu-edadralBWjuorofsa:fI.IfjAei-. Jrr'i HtHe. Tursday, the Srd day of FebntMT.lSe?. h t , apart ior the iieariss otsatd yfKloo,-' All peV snslnterestet: raay attedd s:-jncrjaWin &H Ckd on saM day as cjice if. thsyftd- & Horn Rll-Sh SrnTrUc S4U3 And Restaurant J m; f si &tl Tt-. ? rL ftnr . r -. E-ivt.. . . . -wm .-- i. win. .jw w; .i wwt- csl M"i rr..tr.-- rt-.t.. i. fdvrTatr aoolurl iMte tr 'atirntv . .J.J Tfti!TiJz2ii!lt.' . AnVtit. ad IiA. ur bon-,.' . &wki 6ikio raSSitJcfe "-.. r si-o r-;a - c "aratfctt k-fsiMa CtwU-rr. FBH FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTS tltbiL 2E? 2l f?r:? ,lir"wpi,hcaB ?kS s&esaneiu oi i.: SJiYirSrSit: "v .-' uax;a jwwarr&rft? potesw : tnaTw-1-.- 'i w4r:mmaw vr-rTs.w t-j. jtwri sx urma Trta r r3 '-- wryhf 1' iwggyr,ryyrw. ptcturftsqoa ifxatUtJt 3Kl Im&tte u ' ! f. -,awhr. at led CSowI; ..Febrarjr?i Iss?. : xwrAjicKKn;uAK.crtiftj4u:-. Meals ria uSftMk isucsa&yr rr'rts. pi srrtmmtki a lorwra. (tr! tli'ifMtoTjR. b -atrhttU 3id and wfttcjd lxTVttf of Sum aoo-.bfer EnTtaSLfiK yto Ss 5t 2a hss&tiBg s f tss nct 5ijtos ro v' later- Ltfc&eta. .irf-r4 -i-vr VfctlL. W.. .,J S3st sstf sf:l Jla$3tf, t:aB E, ST. JQtm, t '1 RE1AL ESTATE '- . ""ISfcfc - ; ijf. M iCU Hours, f Fxesk Confectionery Ay Bread. Cakes, Sccl? ' &hhJla.tL shingles fa; tfi'S i ;Wrs i3R?ST.sn saas i wn nrMlai-ii HB 2KSSS9S2iVcf in BnT Oonliss? IsVBJnBSk- nW ssiiBLBBni SB sWh: NPntaa;nLcarS''i5KSBg: t" J 1: "jCl?",Unfe PtSJ' ff!"!"iV - -w3tnnittniEnnXg: "fjVsnlliFnfliiMnHlnflBFnW' sfcjrr? .nnw tm. -tt-..jfjr - . . -t - . r? .. 1 Bf1 - Vsl. -.. 'a. sjv--i - j ,? g'1, , . i . ----- BsTnW ndn' SrflBBflBB&SBslBWBBnnnnfnht abmIX - - twnfc""jswBSBssMfc nsnnS & "" -, - - Bar' '- SwCSffjy?M'snwaaiaMJ n. i- ;e BnMMfw ?7P"ninwnnMManfc'daMMBM r .Tnwi'nssnMaflR . fc'- TTTW nilM i T - X "-' --"- ., . - . iiiH - - r "' - - wmiiiiiiKr- miiiiiiiiiiik.. iiiiiiK . Ba. . r . . . . --s.3" w sES SBiSS&BnVnS iJ&im W'te to 50 into -tV,-- ssTnTnV - ... -Ss-jS ... 4fc . Always en tasd. fail ww -. . . tr , t yJgX"B Owing tt? tha feet tbtv iXHgo out of businc3o:Ter the. ebaj6nt for sk- on wv N sbraska . Lu m bar ,r Co f -L- f-zys ijL.wmi. 1. ' LBsnTnTnTnTL.- ir 7 1jiiiiiiiiiiiiii&u . 9HBFnTnuB& ,srg. Co- JKUVlr- rPEriALTY. THBKn as-rfip. - -i Jk?vl ---y- w--- "v OJKiD Ii SnsBnL . Wl1 WmmmW vJii j -mmmmmmmmmmmmW NMpkSKA ' "i. asn s -j vir-CnTni-BBS X MttmiMiMF v'rBX nnnnnnn 1 T if-WSm- rk nTnTnTnm npHK -- jaLw nnnnnnBawjiai BBrnpiBBnS'lns? nv"4nTJnl iTSWI JP-nl 3' v ElaBWi .-v-.'-ni &!&J'3k -JF:'11' 'tUnn V & jnBh. v''-sbbb1 v v '-jrBnvnvnvnvnvl '-- NnBBBTnBBTnl V : -ATaTsBTnBBBTnl f5 :-.- 3i- fV.KaK"?' f Mt-Tk..-cv-rM"- tv ,- .-- r a. w . -. b r .' "Bk.cfiSS5iianT5rK fnVnVSr. r' ??CiiaK i ' iwhi nnnnsiB u n i " i i t .)hnnnnnni'wiva.. - - . .. j.,s- fnvs t; UKMHHHHL .44- IfnanBL 'v ? SSEifTP-i--J--S.. -'-"-v ' a . Mi j mmmmmmm. sl-- - -- '- " rt.-r.. Far-tsnnjy-rV Bnnnnnnn