HIShHPs? t't?SS , tv oerr JT ;5"J' -jf A - - ii?B;wnwR-- fu-'nTj -a. b' " i-vi- - - ---- w rrr-'"wrariTi wi r-T -t itit-t r- nn itm rniT-iirr nr i it -frr" "--!"- tttw"tm tttt mrin nm m i r 'rarrn Ti n 'nnm in iM-tnrM"ga ifmT nr fMM&iia-i-4-w-. r - - w- -: -xih. -WMn'i 'jw,iii iiuiasWtfWi.T- u f . Z'rt-iw'-1r"afi .s- HiHK - I -1 TgnreyTMr.rfi'MPg i-AtMT" "TiffUM TT H TITT t "Tiff Wiif"BMIMBrinMMMraniMT -T RB V ! -iv Ll ?fe a. The Red Ovoud Chief, A. cfHOfirMEp, FRIDAY FEBfli; Prop:IctOr 11 Y 19 ISSG r H f lit To tho Fariora. Farm loan :.ogoti:itt through 1 Overman win In p.iisu the il any year wi'.hout a bous. Rates low as the lowest. Mou'v fnrnialjw promptly. Ollieo over citWlrug stoa.-d j O Per Cent FarmYiOan. J he vlimk:i Farm I,;mj CtfK'il make you a loan on vv traiut J per cent and money without anv ! it. v. -i . . ... neni sn im- nei rioiul Nation Building. JBL l:W t :il! . GENERALITIES. PICK-UPS. il Baic CITY NEWS. lomu A Bi:auih ui, weather thi.-. j. m . jjoi.outci:. ol the u. A: .M.vas in tho city Monday. j 1'Yovn Jti:vxoi.i3 U working for Sberor fc Co. as tinner. M. W. II. Way and Mra. A. or- hart are in Omaha yisiliiur. Farm for rent and cow-? lor f-a.li Hce C. W. Uaikcr, Jlod Cloud. if, Dll. SlIIMcnit sp.fMiis In hn ricit at home in the hardware business W. I). Foui:iTi:u has returned fiom his eastern trip to the Kef-tone state. John Snfm:v has leturncd from York where he lias hecu on a lp fnr a lew days. I C. 0. Smith, secretary of the Icbrus ka Lunilicr company, was a nea?ant caller ihks week. J C. V. ICai.i.v and wife willreturn to lied Cloud from their visitito the eastern states, nxt wXci:.- I Uov. (li:o. IJ. Lane, stipfriitendent ol the state census, was a pleas-ant caller at our sanetunf this wec. ' y Hov.'i:i) C.vnici: will take yposition in the lied Cloud National iBank as hook-kecper, the (irst of the jcel:. Mil-. S. V. .Si'OKiFiKi.o f.ll move her millinery -tore into tin huildini; lately occupied by Gilliam Si Ilickaids as a law ollice. ' I V. J). Foiu:r.sTi:it will nlove his furuiiiire stoic into the tom now occupied 1)3 Mrs. Spokticld as a millinery i-toie. M. I'im;i: Ai.niiuiiif has been suffering severely from rheumatism for a lew days past, but wo arc j;lad to learn is recovering. ' J. V. IIium.y of Crete, futher of Mr Mel. Hii iiuv w;ia visiti nilis- son and family Wednesday. Ha paid these headquarters a p'eaftuut call. Ox the niirht that .TifM. Po'ter wa? burned out of house auJ home by the depot lire, Mrs. l'otteri; Histcr's resi denr.e in Illinois ivas aHo partially consumed by fue. Quite a coincidence. Si:vi:i:ai- ol the very prominent lad ies :f the state aie in aUwd.mco upon " 7T,? fsstoTi of the Woman's Ilelief Corps of this state. They are a noble lot of women and have unlisted in a reat and ejoiiuus eauie. A N:w sidewalk is behii; lail from J. X. Ilickards residence on the corner of Webster stiect and 7th Avenue to M. S. Marsh's residence on the Avenue It will be continued up to Sleepers' caniaje wiTrk"sooT, A much needed improement. IIowaki) Cwnni: and wife have re turned to Kcd Cloud where the will ie-nle in the lutuie Tun Uhiek wishes this newly married couple many yui of prosperity and happiness and gr.i-ciou-ly welcomes thuin into the social cucles of our cit'. Tin: livestock commission of .Ne braska. Messrs Uarnhard. Johnson ami Dirney were in the city this week interviewing the diilerent cases of glan .i..i.l li.n-.ses in the con tv. 1 hey are very pleasant gentleman and paid Tut: Cnifll a friendlv call. Gr.N. Thayeu, of Grand Island, a piosrtQCtive candida'.e for U S Senator on the liepubhcan ticket to succeed; Van Wyck, was in attendance at the enc.impment this week, and many more noted men of our state whom we mention in another column. So.MKoftho young fellows who at tempted to have a little fun with our t . u i liootieal lncmi, lAitz, on last rima came up minus of a dollar each and costs Mr. lAitz doesn't believe in having the peace and dignity of the borough disturbed by a bold charivari party. It's lota ol fun when you feci that way. W. I. Watson has rented Mother's restaurant and will hereafter bo found athat place, furnishing square meals to hungry mankind. Mr. Watson 5 a vcrv pleasing gentleman and we have not" tho slightest doubt but he will make a6iieeess of the venture, as he has the push and energy to make and keen a first class restaurant. AT ttie railroad meeting at Jurge WHleox's otiice on Wednesday, J. 0. Gilliam. J. L. Miner, E. B. Smith. Jno. Moore, and A. H. Kaley were appoint ed n committee to co-operate with the Kearney committee to secure if possi ble an cxiention ot the Missouri Pa cific Kaihvav from Burr Oak to Kear ney, K. V. Shircy. Ira Sleeper and A. L. Funk were appointed a committee Q!i funds. ?.irvi,pnlIsnsi.L a first-class tales man from Jolict. Illinois, is coming to - Bed Cloud to -accept a position with Miir 'ricnu. J- J. Duckor & Co.) 3 Jr. Hcdell has-been almost raised m the h're Urvoods house of the Pucker's "' -it Jolict", ind owing to his experience in that business ha been deservedly promoted from time to time until he LM'mn manaeer of the carpet "cparl- ni Kv Tnbn Ducker some tr,i.,ii xs since. r. xj.uvi.i tmctanrthv genile- HI le If you have anything for .-ale ?ee Joe Warren. W.m. Fi.oiM'.s will move into the :ity in the spring. J. i'J. Au.kn's. little boy, Ualph, ha I been quite sick this week DavwLutz was married last Thurs day afternoon to Mrs. Fearn. Li:V Ciri drew the watch which JJick Gray rallied oil the other day. Kimtok l'EfooN. of the Falls City Journal, was in fled Cloud Monday. For second-hand furniture 0 to Jod W. Warren's, McMillan's old stand. The roads beyvcen Bed Cloud and Amboy have been quite bad for a few week-. Bkv. Gko. II. Bkown, late pastor of the Baptist church in this city, is here viiting his family. Wi: would almost give $.0000 our selves to have a good bridge across the raging Bepublican just now. J. W. ChmiiB!ls has started a new dwelling house on north cdar street, in the vicinity of rfacred Knob. All kind's ol second hand furniture, machinery, '-toves, clothing, etc., pur-cha-edbyJ. H Warren, .McMillan's old stand. Fi:i:h.ijt Agent Jlulaniski vi-!ies shippeis to deliver freight for shipment before b ). in. in order to insure ahip ment tho same day. Tin: Bed Cloud leform club will meet at the Congiegational church next. Monday evening. All are cor dially invited to attend. Forty-six of our uitt.ens went to Hastings last Friday night, on a spec ial to sec Maggie Mitchell in her fav orite lole, "Little B.uefo'tt." J'i:u?:y Howard and Joe Meiker who loomed in the freight depot lo-t every stitch of clothing and valuables that they had m the lire of rescent dale. It is a big hiss to the boys. Fknk IIvtch who for some months past ha.- been connected aa clerk m Duckcr's lrp good-i house, has icsign ed bis position with that firm and accepted a clerkship with Athow fc Young of this city. Wi: would resnectfullv call the attention of our readers to tho new advertisements of Jos. W. Warren, C. J. I'arsons. and B. F. Mizer, which appear in another column of today's paper. It will pay you to read them. Ih. m: a little bieee was cieated at the depot the other night between Mr. Taylor, a night switchman am! C. . La Bash, night operator, which ended by laylor dealing LaBash a severe blow over the head with a lantern. We weie unablu to learn 'the paitictilars of the row. Tin: liver is now on the boom, ami the inhabit mis on the houth side of the river can sing very apjwopiiaicly, that god oltl song, "On JonlonV stormy banks I stand, and cast a w!st lul eye, etc." and think of the slim chance-i of getting enough food to sati-fy the inner man until the bridge is leplaced. We understand an elbrt is on foot to establish a street railway from the depot to VA. Smith's residence in the noitb end of tho city. Such a scheme would recieve proper encouragement we believe. It is certainly something that is needed here where the depot ii so lar away from business. Let us have it by ail means,. Tin: den of iniquity known as the "V. G." bujiio have built a sidewalk to their imilioral abode. It is certainly high time for whoever has ttie author ity t J squelch these houses af vice and demoralization. They should be ar rested for cairying on their nefarious l trullic. Uncertainly a disgrace to allow t. em to continue. John P. Bayua and family who for a number of years resided in Bed Cloud, left .Monday nmht for their new home in Gihoy, California. Tut: Chief fol lows .Mr. Bayha, and through the dim future will keep him posted on cm rent e'-cnu hereabouts. We liopo our fuends will bo well pleased in their .new home, lhev will -inane unroj I ..,, -iM.ens. Success to them is our best wish. Ock genial triend John 1). Fulton, die live and wide awake, real estate sgent of Biverton invaded our sanc tim Saturday making us a pleasant cill. Mr.Fulton is secratary of the Lost Lmsiana Mining Company an organi- z.Uion only uicorpoiHn.ti k""- .. las of Xcbniska., and e uiidentaiul iht orcanization lnxs "struck a rich leal." Nothing would do its more good thaito sec our friend became a mil liojaire.Wc hope he will. Vi: understand that an eastern cen mal a practical merchant is desirous ot csining to Bed Cloud to start ina chim shops if he can receive the prop er support. Now, if this gentleman means business the people of Bed i ... Cloud, should nsi lum ,or i iiere is one thing above anothyr that would pay here, it would be a ttachine shot) and plow factory. The dni:r hopes that proper efforts will bo made to secure this enterptise. We ear" not have too many ot these kind ofinstitutions. AtEtTiNO of the business men's association has been called for Satur tlavat HieritT Scott's office for the purpnsenf settling up the affairs of the associat'Ap, preparatory to organizing a board i trade. This is another move in tie right direction. With a a good boW of trade made up of our busiuess Aen the affairs ot Red Cloud would bo promptly attended to in such a maimer as would further the interests oionr city far better than in G. A. B. t. S. -E ftV-9.T,"'J(JJ r . jf . i . -"iiK-csaai - -a- i-fJ-J anv othec. t-It9 be hoped that 1 n wif be present and d WWIUlltV w.-w w- tiEj-make UitnfkMiri f trd. Candy and pickets at Hacker's. Kev. Geo. S. Davu is on the ick list. 0! Mud! has been the cry for a few days past, G. W. LiNUsKY ha-s excavated a cel lar under his meat market. Don't forget that Saturday is pay day i:i the Bed Cloud Building Asso ciation. J. X. BickaJ'.ds has 80 acres of land which he wishes to trade for town property. Tut: family of Deputy County Clerk Fot t have been on the sick list for a lew days past. Don't forget the K. 1. banquet to - night at their ca-tle hall, oyer Dick er's stoie. A iosT beautfful rainbow made its appearance in the heavens on Satur day afternoon. The weary traveller ttill goes west by pnuiie schooner line. Two or three went through town la-t Sunday. Buo juices make fo ils of the best of 'em so -ayeth-some of our friends who went to Hastings the other night. C. W. Lv Bash is working iiichts at the depot. Simmons is off nursing his hand which he mashed a few das ago. A HANisOMKboquet from Mrs. J. D. Leach was laid upon our sanctum table this week, for .vhich we leturn our thanks. County Ci.kiik Bailey's family have all been on the sick list for the past week but we are glad to know that they are recovering slowly. Skwakd Gaiciucr, who has been do ing the southern country, hasieiiirned home after a tew weeks pleasant recre ation in southern sunny climes. Stindav was Valentine day, and the mall boy got even with his enemy by sending him a snide valentine. Quite a largo number passed through the mail. TiiRl'latUfc Frees Co will open a haidware and farm machinery store at Cowles, Neb, about March 1, in con nection with their lumber yard at that place. Tnr. Fourth Avenue Hotel is neaily ready for occupancy. Mr. Crawrord will make an excellent caterer and the hoii-o will be a pleasant home for the weary traveler. Tin:i:i: seems tt) be but little doubt now that the Bock island railway is coming. The reports are now current that the surveyors are in tho state heading this way. Mr. Au.oway, of Otto informs us this week that the Indian creek cor respondent of Tin: Chief was mistak en about his lun-scs having glanders They have never had and and are well to- day. We freely make the cor rection. On Sunday Mr. J. J I. Bci.isberg le seived a telegram from Mechanicsburg Illinois, announcing the sudden death by heart disease of his brother-in-law John Cird. Mr Bennbcri: expects to go east soon tosettleup the business a Hairs of the deceased. HniToRs llassler and Hilderbrand of the Pawnee JRrpublicm and i'fw, were pleasant callers this week. Al J. John A. McMurphy of the Schuyler .Van. A. II. Brown ot the Giizcllc-. Journal were pleasant callers. They all admired our tmee story print shop. What is being done about our coun ty fair? It is time the premium list was prepared and put in the hands of the printer. The premium list should be published at as early a date as pos sible, so as to give tho people plenty ol time to get icady for the exhibition. Bed Cloud needs side walks very much indeed, and we feel it now more thanany other season of the yenr. It seems almost impossible to lUMiigate the mud between the rink and the school house. Good walks should be laid around the school h.u-o property in the second ward, and other walks should be laid tin and down Cedar street a id in fact all the streets just as soon as possible. The city council passed two mighty important ordinances ot their last meeting, viz: One prohibiting the billiard hull managers allowing boys under eigthcen years to frequent the places. The oihr relates to the care less habit of driving horses, wagons etc over the side walks smashing them up with no regard o whom they belong A heavy fine is attached to each of fence. We hope this will stop both ot the nuiscanccs. ( W. B. Cusmngh'.m, of the tvearney Journol. Attorney Hartman and Gen eral Connors, of Kearney, were in Bed Cloud looking after railroad interests Kearney, Minden and Bed Cloud want the Missouri Pacific to extend their lines through those towns and are makiug arrangements to induce the comoanv to extend its Kansas line thereto. The line ii already surveyed 1 to Bed Cloud hnd with a proper effort the company can no doubt be induced to build the desired roadJEyery effort should be put forth that can be to se cure the M. P's. line. In this issue will be found the call for the election for the township bonds for the Chicago, Nebraska. Kansas and Southwestern Railroad- Tin is one of the most important events "that can possibly happen to Bed Cloud. Iuc, and Walnut creek township. It wfl! be a good while before another road surveys to Red Cloud from that direc tion and as it will increase the value of landioohalfwe believe tiw people should assist it and work lor it w:ti a will that will insure the. road to be rtpiilt. The bonds should be voted by all means, aa this road will be Uic DMkiMortMaotliiMprtM nm thanking lh- itx. t.s f : et Vllil. " -r- ClnnA for ihr h"!itht; Vt Ninth Annual Mooting of tho Stato i and !"? nhti ""'- 01 H-NHler "I- 1" "' ramp, p ""w ni Encampment, on the battle field. FULL PROCEEDINGS. The Annual Kncawi!H-nt of the Crand Array of the Republic conven ed in thi city on Wednesday morn ing, Delegates began to arrive Tues day and were escorted to their quar ters by the committees of flarfield Post. The evening trains were all heavily laden. The Suite Grand Aniiv Cornet Band, of Kxeter, arrived j Tuesday evening and gave a balcony concert in front of the Gardner House. This is one of the finest bauds in the state, and their excellent music added much to the enjoyment of tin' occa sion. As the G. A. B. is a secret organi zation, and their proceedings for the most part conducted in secret con clave, it is a somewhat difficult matter to prepare a full report for the benefit of the profane outside world. Wednei. 1 i .:..: -.. ...I'- day was occupied in rccciwi u-un.i of the various committees of the r der, speeches, and the adoption of lon''-winded resolutions, which have not been made publie as yet, lhe meetings of the encampment were held in the new Opora, House, which was handsomely decorated and fes tooned with National emblem'-. De partment headquarters were at the Holland House, where the council of administration held its deliberations. i'he Woman's Belief Corps occupied CHtJ '-Mm 2 blowing tribute to ike vllostrson hcroe3 who have reeea Uy goo is -obedience to the call of thu prv i "r ad Commander of the LiTr. ! At ten o'clock the encnmpswe; ail- j iourned. and boys were soor o tJwir homeward march. ENCMi'ii-NT sKirrcmy One f the old wm nor" had a re! j live I adger, whose auttcs created c- j iderable amusement The proceedings of the Womum Relief Corp-exhibited mre eMbnst-a-m and im than any noKtte) convention eyer held by the :4rnrr ex- Over GOjO soldiers were .rptettii j at the en ampmeiii I Carficld Post had their hawk ftilt. i but "everv man was n brick" ml ill ' dil their duty nobly. "Brad" took the band w ith his iiuU , "riflF AIllffD A(fl!a fa"IPAflf" m Bed Oloud. Nebraska. uf nJtrMPyfss i II. iap,:nb.'7W!ev MS iXv Hi Masonic Hall and it is said to have lo OVcr Sti.tK-HJ every businers dy in been one ol me liveliest uiuunu--.-' u rd Tic hotels were unable to .Uv Tho Mutiml Life of Nox York. ' fiW The statement of the Mutual Iafe W& - lijr'U -rr-rs -rrr IiiMiraucc Company of New York for Oil th O 1 Stl Ol lAaTCH W9 Vlf the last year, printed in another cl- i timn. like all the reports that hx procoeJd it, show the conitntud mid always increasini; pro-penty aud growth of tlii corporation It is wow i im it has been for many yrar. the lar- ct and str.nj;cat life insurance com- i puny in tne worm, lis aseM naT reached the stupendous -um of $10',90S.907 51. ariKiunl of jMilicies in force $3tS.9l,l!I. 3G; income orer JO.O'Kl.OOO, and amounts paid to policy holder- l.i-t vwu $ll.tG'2.Ut9 9) eoua! n;Cir nenninoda,i so larsre a number of guest but our citizfcus came the rescue and all who could not get accommodations at the hotels were well entertained at private hnuj.es. The money received by our citizens for lodiring goes into the treasury of the home relief asso ciation for the benefit of the deserv ing poor of the city, hence the gue.-l-fro.u abroad, a-ide frem being well cared for. alio have the satisfaction of knowing that they have contributed their mite towards a wirlh c use. The weather has been fine throi. h out, and the streets in much better condition than could reasonably have been cviceted after the unusually bad weather which ha-, prevailed since the beginning of the new year. It is estimated that in the neighborhood of seven or eijrht hundred people from abroad have been the guests of the eitv dtiriti!.' the week. The members of Garfield Post and the ladies of the Relief Corps deserve nn'at credit for their indefatigable eil'orts in caring for strangers, and the systematic man ner in which the entire program was carried out. Consid"-able friendly strife existed in the encampment in regard to the election of a department commander ami the choice of a loca tion for the next annual reunion. Grand Island, Lincoln, and Norfolk were the principal contestants for the reunion. Lincoln offered highly tempting inducements, but Grand lsl..nd "saw them," '-went thm one better," and "took the pot." hence the next annual reunion will be held a't the Tatter place. The mnt promi nent candidates for department com- maimer were virui.-i. m.v.. v the year A rail road meeting wn held on 1 cdive the larest stock o a Kinds of carpets ever brought to Red Cloud. Don't fail to get our prices- ssswr-a -o- v Mnudav afternoon in HheriU Scott's office to look after the Bock Isiul railroad interests. It seems to be fHy understood that this cor;orntion hate determined on coming west, and hare signified their inlent'nm tf coming to Ucd Cloud. On the strength of these reports the mcetine, un. calbd ami on motion B. V Siurev, P F. Trunkev. J. I. Miner ami .1. I, ' H- T ih lt-t Lmt - v t "li tMu U catch or rat ihk't i ." t .! tk wriM. "Pry n fwrnutty Uot r wilai br tovlr nuUtMr '-C ttw l d UM mil nmjAK U.nl 4 .JrtV U t'rrmmt uUmt. as a tr bif U. it fHlfT" W oqiu-'V-l pc44 HfMRlU2tl M iMM h Ss: rfi-'Mi uT-Z wr ' &" rr M i'",v"l CJ" 8rtJil ma th?ni. w'nat could be done towards brineinj; the road to lied Cloud. 'llii- Indeed was a -sensible move and shown that our ciMens are alive to the fact th' the time bus come when they should t in the malt r of building up oui ', .ty. With important railway faclh ties we feel certain that th future t growth of Bed Cloud js admired beyotwl a doubt. Let th good work go on ami the Itfd Clcud of today will be known in the next few years as the leading city of siiulh-wcatcrii Nebraska. Let her boom. Welhuve placed our order lor embroideries vjatt. tlie largest impox-ting house in the iurdted States ana vvxien uiu tunw. wo can give Vwii a spicmuiu asbui ment to seiecx irom. Tm: Ilrirt , this wek wilfullr ami unneces-arily attacks our fellow towns man A. .J. ICenney, all for the simple reason that Mr Kenney moved in the Boanl of .Supervisors, at their hist M'saion that the Argus and C'iiikk publish the .falls for the bonil nlerlion Ife takes oecaa-ion to call Mr ICenney a dead beat iiid makes many other like aertioiH tint will be imrd fr him to -ub-timiate we think We ha e lived in Beil Cloud f.r a much longer time than the editor of the Helmet and liu-ii never heurd of Mr ICennev fai'iii ' to pav Iih debta or attempting to b-a l C anyone, and we judge that u j is" an upright and honoiuMe I M limn in every respect, not c with standing the abiue heapel upo'i lum lv the lislnirt. nero lit- unwiUlOL'U " - - . . .... , i it- i ... --- . Inland: J. I- Culver. .Miliord; ami v . .s far as I UK t'liiry i co?icernei w 3 11 I Ictirv. Fairmont. General Thayer have no objection to v Ww I pol. - inncarcd to lead from .the start, and j filing the not.?- i ue in, -j , HI T.!,niulr elected maioritv. cm not ,ce tor the life of us lo.v ' """ --"- . i .. ,.MI1i,i Mossiii v irert air. Krnnev i to ork foi h:s paper or hi- interei't-' after all the unwonted abu-c that he has heanrd upon him during tho pnb lientioii'of the llrhnfl We ane iir- t unly sorry that the Hfimrtt intercs" in our growing city are only mwsuri I ; bv personal tnoiive-!. He should r- tainly be able to n-e above yrBonal ' j-pitein thi instance. Lfj. fiTROI n i f JC j, Kf a v JLA. IX luullUt -. . . ... -. 1. . 1 . ? "'tho loading bou- fr Kri-;;Mf ami nw itnifij ihhmw ul tht-latesi siyU." The "rim old warrior seems to tie as grcuta tavorito to-day among '"the boys in blue" in the role of a civilian as he was some two score years or more ago, in tiic darkest days of the rebellion, wnen he htood as their brave, intrepid, commander on the sanguinary field at Donelson. Gen. G. M.O'Bricu.of Omaha, was elected sen ior vice-commander; Col. Morrill, -of Seward, junior vice-commander. Tim rreJCMt. medical director and chapla'in were re-elected. Council of adrainist-ation: C. A. Holmes. Te cumsch; B. P. Cook. Lincoln; A. S. Cole. Nebraska City; L. IX Richards, Fremont. Delegates to National Encampment, ?. B. Jones, Omaha; Col. B. Crabb. Lincoln: K. B. Fulton, Bod Cloua; .J. N. Edward; M. W. Stone, Wahoo; J. Osborne, Blair; delegate at large, II. A. Allen, Omaha. The next state encampment will be held at Omaha, and the National Encampment at San Francisco. The newly elected officers of the Woman's Relief Corps arc: Mrs. L. N. Bohne, president. Grand Island; Mrs. Fannie J. Ebright. senior vice-president, Tecumseh; Mrs. Mollie V. Cook. Lincoln, junior vice-president; Mrs. Gertrude II. Connel. Grand Island, treasurer; Mrs. Br. II. K. Fainter. Lincoln, chaplain; Mrs." Cas sel, Aurora, conductor: Mrs. Vina Leavitt. Bed Cloud, guard; Mrs. Fan nie J. Ebright. Tecumseh. delegate at large. Delegates to National en campment Mrs." E. I. Knight, Ina- vale; Mrs. Dr. Painter, Lincoln; Mrs. Harris. St, Paul. The following were the official staff of 1SS5: A. V. Cole. department commauaer. Juniata; J. II. Culver, senior vice-department commander, Miiford; J. B. Davis, janior vice-department commander. Wahoo: M. W. Stone, medical direc tor. Wahoo; 0. Neill, chaplain. Paw nee City. Council of Administration, AV. S. Bloom. Superior; 1. Crabb. York: M. II. Hinnian, Fremont; A. U. Bowcn. Uasting; C. A. Holmes. j Tecumseh. S. J. Shirley, Assistant 1 Adjutant General. Juniau; Harry S. Hotchkiss. assistant quartennaster general, Lincoln; J. C- Lewis, iispect or general, Fremont j J. Q (loss, judge advocate, Bellevne; J. AV.Liver inghoase, chief Mustering officer, Grand Island; s. Wiitaisn, sesior A.D. C. Oxford. The oftcers of the encampment and Belief Corps vere publicly installed on ihursUay ven ingiritaxBpressive cereaionies. 3Irs. Bohae addressed tke aadieace briefly bat Wqeatiy, followed fer Gea, TImjvwIm ifkc tvitc ton Um it J . 1 T;i,k S2 F25S1 Si. jftt?y , TL-nr-,- -1 IOI (I IRUMtV ? IW TO 1 rmt oiszr . ;. --r- r TMriin t TT73 rrir&T"!T fif HJ "U ft UUV WllMtt Mil liliilJiillL? IiUilllJljIl UU. f t WILL MAKI-: m - I mm i 1 1 im W.'mWPmm WC5u-W 'IC? BrWB HB rvm LUMBER. j MSVtSSII WZrrY1 i2y Vlh6aiMWBfcJ'llM"i I y m. Earth. A I)r.b?t Bi:.i.iCK. A few week Z':lZ mwx zs caa be bought from any dealaron tewn in North Carolina. Tin who. affair was shrouded in inytterr tA not even the lightOt clue to the inur- J derer could be obtained, although em- , incut detectives had been working ip the case. During ihe mtertenii .: w ? f i .. r m - laolir rr4umnfxlftys ;pqr -. a -wrn-rn - - - . tilWtB'hMlr4 U-w w C'1' to Mjk in d of th-t C- K. f ym. ... a u. i..t Thil aM B W I' U Uka llluW HAWII n I CJ M. n... f fh.4 .-itV drliH t . '" 10 - i 't ,vw. . . T. m-jr - . -2--- that he saw the ru'prit. at a crtm . pla'-ein the north Carolina Town itrikr , i ho low. that caiweti nvj uminrr ir' .tc ti the viaimt h4: Th railway qomtovn i - v nlal iwjvyjf . , ..s. jifc-.: L, .- llt-, at tht nrnttl thtf Um ,u,c!WHra4TiiECiliic h'4 u "'" " ------- . , ,mwi v ijiii.ii - -- --irag Mnuu nrnQ Bnnowj " - leath. In the dream tie saw tne man ; -vT y afc mwm of Ut Il will rain.; tfco :i.univ, .so piaiin; inii. ii mi- wu f 8iJir h... ni.umv. .so ni r.n miTirnsSion on Ilia milHl inai f could not rest conteuieu, ami nnmeui- i:riin -Iv pernel the fact as ne s.iw them .:i , J CHact r the dream to the detective. Strang-: ' Wter-ei a the case may oni, Mr. Owen f. iy?r - 1119 OO rie i f& m'M m h waiHj W a t M wwira thki t) tn$) h CMHtrr M ......-... -. i. ,-, . . vmAMlm UMM . in av mMmrm wrraM l . r r-mr-w "t"" return mail receive! wont trooi tie- OTwift jiiwjwi. " ,0iy. ad rtrovI. tl r?, w im doul t detective that the dream w an ar- Tyrf,r c lum 5 Xr!.l,f vat,rf t curate discnpuon o: the murder in , i , LTmlcr --- " JJ , ooantr t .-- ttt tba ay every particular, as to time, local.... j I- aley fc :r!tJ4. 1 .rfw- . '., - . , ,r m'c etc., and that the dkcriDUon f i -Umetf ay ..- sraita' - ' ! n murderer was al-o an acoirat" ot f HFjlil r.. .. "i:f ' w,wim 3 jj'- of a tough who hai so'iceniy leu wf r. jr r.urr town the night of the murder. Afid wa jfcfO n never suspected ol tbe enme, bu fn .niirHftnou&e -. investigation, it Iwi-? since boo fu!' I latt ii ? t'u...., proven that he s th man Wyoad a r Bni.n r fS.ml.f iliit tli.txn trie hUwulv riol mrxl &l fled from tbe -tate to e-csp-3 from U' Jotaj? -.-.m.- - ! t authonties. Thi u simply a wooder- iJiu z uomt. 'viib f" tmmiit , fui ca.c. as Mr. Owen Iwd not been '.' f ire t: we er ' , North Carolina for ftftaen teut- a'vp U re' h alxX tW: id Ui could not have ps,jd!y known or hi -fabu 5.r) Sr Ike ii l any Idea of the murderer. It is id"d iiiklir: elcj and U ismuuA. ,aW. wonderful and seem t. be another .i 3,nt thv atwooat ttftor'-i-i cas.- wnere me ui?ernawr3i h Lf Jirt &IH8 9P rmo mj i - . i? ? ptWtntoth &Kt tL4it n r4 fCj Utal ttt AtttWUM J zvmmi HCy, I mueh jcreater tmm' pt5 wii pruMr e:ip xl tnc and pros vo vu op, ri-i-V-nt itirtitifli th inilrumMiUli'T of a dream to leiry a cnminal wi Trould have otherwise ccaped cosiTt ' lion. Mr t)wen h. jnst retnmd from North Crifcna whTe he went a Jew davs ago :n obedience to a summon j jj f-tb'MM d4 r.mo4I Jfcr; from the detective trorlciiii. up th ! ..j ce- He says the rni wilt no tknibt be convirletl f the rnmn a the ti- 1 dence I now complete and coridttsive. r ttiA. M FsUvf. F. Wicker, the post-office: news and novcltr man, has some ele- j gant new cigars. c iju of Thans. Mf fd 4f. er Potter tUittfe to rifUprJ bf H r.o the-di2 rf &i Ptd U( f jreneroa vip nwe r fr-te laT? ftr fflUf A I Gates Watermax received a car load of hores Iro Dhe cast on Thursdar. u i Mt horse Arrl-e- 29tf i POWDER Absolutely Pure. 7i p&et $ti. C. A. Owen hx jnt arrived from the east wtth the largest "and beat e- , lecid stock of waB p.pcr thai cec mm taught to UwA Ctoud, larcjapoly efod ti wr Kp 5 tor casji at j- . iM:wfrti-'- .B-x-forsetthsuC A hsn tpt ti.iv four wan nivmt. .n- - Kokf t-fi til a-. 5ra.ri --T tx. -. -. - y. -. rrr-- 5a "nc. -uiimO-te sfafS VTWT7X1 y I i-r" rT. . . r. t rK Ll r. "w lsr pr V 1 tMJf " i-atalt6 mmmmWA "Hr v ttbV wwf - M-J-"' . ;-'3.. .st--- - .-- -? -tefrf: I fte-?- LVV t . s fifgm -Wx i f' - E a i" :.-;.&$ A a.tr -J1 -.Vs.. iLAif-'L, s? . , ' 7 EJi-rS8 ife&tossUi "t- -4 ir - NA M ?., -a. ? .. TJ.iMA. ir - .. , ar rt . . " gg4a :3HL' - - s1