The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 19, 1886, Image 2

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The Red Cloud Chief
Mud. mud, everywhere on the
ground, and in'the'air.
It haa been a good while aince any
one from Crooked Creek has peepod.
Everybody is expectant over the
new railroad prospective. I hope Ihcv
will not bo disappointed.
The wolves are very numoous fiom
the sound they emit on fine moon
light evenings. The neighbors ought
to organize themselves into n society
to poison, trap or thoot them.
After the double headed blizzard
there wan a drift in Mr. H. A. How
ard's yard, between the stable and the
house, that was 7 feet high.
Mrs. Ed. McCune has been hick abtd
for u short time past with a nervous
Jim Emigh is wintering about I'OO
head of cattle over on his fine ranch
this vi11t2r.
Mr. Wm Claypool has traded hif?
farm to Mr. Waterman, and he will go
to Kansas next fall, at least so he
thinks now.
Mr. Summy is having a nice school
in thin district this winter. He rides
back and forth from his home in Jted
Cloud every night and morning, He
lu'B had -omc very cola rides. His
school, we are very mrry to say, will
cloFe in ahout two weeks. We hope
the directors will secure him for the
next term.
It is rumored that Mr. D. F. Ten
nanl will build a fine frame iarm
house next summer. That is right, as
we all like to see frame Uouses on the
E. 1$. Pierce, of Kearney, brother ol
of A. B. Pierce, has sold his farm to
Mr. Waterman, who now has a half
Mr. A. D. Dcnno had his sheds drift
so full of snow that during the cold
weather that followed his cattle weie
without shelter.
Geo. Willard, who came here about
six weeks ago with his two brothers,
has gone back to Indiana for his two
"I jii:Ciiikk is always welcome out
here, because it is a hource of news
from the world in geueial.
I saw by one of your correspondents
that he thought all Hie quails ami
prairie chickens were killed by our
great storms. I would say that ho is
wrong about the piairio chickens as
there are as many of them us ever, but
the poor quails have gone to where
thev will never hear the pop, pop, of
the hot-tile gun.
Say. by the way, what has become of
your young poet after what the Argus
has jaid. He seems to have "gone
where the woodbine twineth." Let him
conic forth and shine.
. At some future time you -may
again from Pi.tkkicjx.
? "a' - T""" hi
Election Notice.
jt "w
Give the ground hog n rest.
The weather at the time Othis writ
ing is exceptionally good for February
a Gilford it Bu.ick shipped another
car load of hogs this week.
John Peak btaited this week for'
Cnae county where he has some rela
tives lie will probably secure a claim
there, and then leturu lo his claim in
C. Sclinflinil Esq of lied Cloud wa in
our town on Tuesday in the interest of
the German Insurance Co. We know
nothing of the company he represents
but Mr. S. is a very pleasant gentleman
to deal with.
II. W. French living one mile east
of Cowles has a full blood Jersey heifer
which rcsc.Mitly gave birth to a healthy
calf at the age of one year ami twenty
eight days. Who cm do better?
L. II.
iVnf iv virSiP'hf nil mitlinntv in
us vested by the several acts of the
legifl'ature of the state ot Nebraska,
concerning the voting of bonds by var
ious municipal corporations to aid in
icrnal improvements, we, the board of
supervisors for Webster county, Ne
braska, do hereby order a special
ejection lo be held on the 20th day of
Match, 1886, in the following townnip,
and at the following place in said town
ship, to-wit: In Ked Cloud township,
at south j-chool house in school d'sirici
No. ii. For the purpose of voting on
the following proposition, towit: Sha'l
the board of supervisors of Webster
county, Nebraska, for the purpose of
aiding in the construction of the
Chicago, Nebraska, Kansas fc South
western railroad from a point on the
state line between Kansas and Nebras
ka, on the soutn line of Walnut Creek
toinifhip, through said Walnut Cret-k
township.thence through Line township
into anil through Ked Cloud township,
and into lied Cloud City township,
issue the special bonds of said county
for said Red Cloud township in the
sum of twenty thousand and five
hundred dollars, said bonds to be dated
on the day of their issue, and to be
payable to the Chicago, Nebraska.
Kansas fc South-Western Itailroad
Company or bearer, on or
before twenty years from the date
thereof, and to bear annual interest at
the rate of six per cent., payable annu
ally to bearer as per interest coupons
10 be attacned theiCto. Principal and
interest of said bonds payable at the
office of the treiisuier of said Webster
Provided, That the work of construct
ing said road in Nebraska shall be
begun by the 1st day of May, JSSG,
provided timber, that none of the
bonds of said township shall be deliv
ered until said railroad is completed
and cars running thereon Jiom Ked
Cloud, Nebraska, to x connection with
the Central Branch of the Union Pa
cific; nulroad, in Kansas.
Provided further that said company
shall erect and maintain within the
corporate limits of the -city of Kc(f
Cloud, nonh of Division "street, or
immediately adjacent to said corporate
limits north oi" said street, a good
commodious freight depot, a passen
ger depot, side tracks, t-tock yard and
other buildings necessary to the
convenience of the public thereat.
Provided further, that said roa 1 shall
be completed and in running ordr
from Ked Cloud, Neb., to a. point on
the Central Branch railroad in
Kansas within one year from
May 1st, 18SG, or said bonds shall bo
And shall the board of supervisors of
said Webster county rause to be an
nually levied in addition to the usual
and other taxes on taid township an
amount of tax on the taxable propel ty
of said Ked (Jloml township, sulliciert
to pay the interest accruing annually
on the bonds of ?aid tovnhip; and
shall said board at the several timej
lequired by law c.iufe o bu levied an
additional tax on the taxable property
f said township sullicient to meet and
pay the principal of said bonds in this
proposition referred to, provided sid
taxes so to be levied shsll not pxce."d
the amount of tax authorized by law
to be levied to aid in the construction
of works of internal improvement.
And provided said taxes nhall never
exceed ten per cent, of the principal of
said bonus.
Said vote on said proposition shaJj
be taken by ballot and m.11 pcrsons
voting in favor of said proposition fshall
have printed- '-. x-itlwm on hit smd
Hrfrtlot tin.' w oids: "Shall the special
bonds of .Vebstcr county, NenrMcka,
for Ked Cloud township, be itaiied to
the Chicago, Nebraska, Kansas &.
South-western Kai'.road .'ompany in
accordance with the proposition sub
mitted. Yes."
All persons voting against said
, proposition shall have printed or
Written on his said ballo', the word-:
"Shall the special bonds ol Webster
county, Nebraska, for Ked Cloud town
ship bp issued to the Chicago, Nebras
ka, Kansas & Foulh-Western Kailrod
Company in accordance with the
proposition submitted. No."
By order of
Thk Board of Sui'Krtisors.
Attest: J. H. Baii.kv, County.Clerk.
other buildings cecersary to the con
venience of the public thereat.
Provided further, th-it said
eball be completed and in running
order fiom Ked Cloud Neb., to a joint
on the Central Branch railroad in
Kan.-as, within one from
f.... i, ice. - "i i l '
jj is.. jcoy, or s,ttju uuuu-i
shall be void.
And shall the board of supervisors of
said Webster county cauc to be
Hiinually levied in addition to the
usual and other taxes en snid townchip
an amount of ta.T on the taxable
property of said Walnut Creek town
ship Pufficient to pay the interest
accruing annually on the bonds of said
township and shall said board nt the
several limei required by law cause io
be levied an additional tax on the
taxable property of said township
sufficient to meet and pay the princi
pal of iid bonds in this proposition
referred to, piovided said axe- so to
be levied shall not exceed the amount
of tat authorized by law to be levied
to aid in the construction of works of
internal improvement. Ann pro
vided said taxes shall nnver exceed
ten per cent, of trie principal o: said
Said vote on said proposition shall
be taken by ballot, and all
persons voting in favor of said propo
siti in shall have printed or written on
his said ba'lot the the word-- ".-hail
the special bonds of Webster cuuntv.
Nebraska, for Walnut Creek township j
be ieeueu to the Chicago. -Tsebnu-ka,
Kansas it South-Westurn K.nlroad
Company, in accordance with the
proposition submitted. Y '."
All persons voting against said
proposition fdiall have printed on
liis faid ballot the words: 'Shall the
special bonds of Webster county,
Nebraska, lor Walnut Creek township
be i-sued to the Chicago, Nebraska,
Kansai &. South-Western Kailroad
Company, in accordance with tht
proposition submitted. No.'
By order of
The BotitD or Su'ekviborj?
Attest: J. II. B.uu.v. county cleric?
. - J
Flection Not;co. ?
-. ii
Tb Mutual lib 1mm hfij
s vi A -
F.ICHAKD A. KcCURDY, Presldoat.
Fcr tho Yoar Ending Decembor 31st, 1SS5. Assosts, 108,908,007.31
Insurnnco and Aunuity Account,
IV!lri,3nJ Annt' . In
torvcJan lil lv 1M
Ki.s Arafl
im ,, ssi.ia.u - . .. J3
Iki.i'jq iraca
' u.. t la
120. -mii r
.;l? . J.JUjC3 S7
j Hi.
To 1U1JI..C Uotii Ja
lo Ii-iu:u us
Tola'cit I.. t Vj
Rovoauo ilceditir-
.'j?sitjtia u
. U.751.MI !
5.iig,oie ;
Stirjsin )
t. Trvt-Tr
JV wjM
Kmt'WHtfRts ami p
Jilvulcna au.1 A w at
tic-. XZlJf w
$H.t-.c w
By Other DblHrsneil
CMiMMvMwHs ami torn- i
Tux iSpt :i
F7TS 1? H T
LD t ) U
Bulunco Shoot.
'lo ;:;jrre 1-t voliciei u Ioro ur
trtiflastr 1 i
lo iuwbIu"' J felted la nihuncti.
'lo .nrtus'ar foar tc cetit -
Sua.sni.r3 tM
.61(5T Ni
Hy ImoiIs fiu4 ) mhksS. m
rani e.-t
&.0.-03 m uy IBH"w m ltnrfdtt .
Cy rf! i-jittl
(5y raJi.m iMHks and trth ompc
' Ici.M littrfr
v MHurtM sntnwt
tty rrwn'.nws itelerrwi rnL ta ir-
Jij?J.i 1
y dutKlrtea..
i,i,:m i
. bavo csrciiitlr esujnlucil tbe foregnin;; slatetiient nl fimt ttte mc t9 b- rret.
Fixim i'ie Surp'us above stated u Dividend wilt lc aji.'MJr.kHicd ittl.
zv Vokk, Jajuaty'.'o, leW. .
Brnnicl KSprorlN. Lpc'l'5 Rnti wj.Saiuu! I)'.worzr s Cot. Jbn K Pell. sr
flKl'r I. Ilucd, Kichnrd A Mcfuidy, .Iniue-. C IMik-n. Ufrw is it r ou I'oa. t.wrvt 6 K n!
tr. Alms odor II R'ce. 1. It.t'cliturd st.-rt. K.-tslncV, 11 ".t ls, M-. .'t Ilurr titi.
jHvry V. Smith. .Iutn Ii. Siici'a.mmJ. ItoUorl ()l pliattt. iifwtvr I' lUlcr. .I Uofnprt4i, lMitl.
f.'i.'ot. Kivi'rlck io:nue!,..ltdun T I )a !. IU.'-rt .sevirll, a Hrt-M r . .-r. fit ir.r-. 1
Heiti'o-op. Ceorgc 1511'. Kiilns w. IVrklu-r. Win J. Duuii, J Hottjut Jlnrik Ki rl AM
( neiH., Nirt'oliM . Ml!'cr. H. Rogers. V Au-bntluf.t
5i -
Tbo bridge across tbe river .nt this
place wsis tsiken out last Wednesday
to prevent tbe ice from taking it
The rink bus been remodeled in two
very nice business rooms. families are settintj ready to
go west.
Tbe band boys are making bij
preparations for a ;rand ball on the
22d to be lielil at Talbot's hall.
The Baptists have i new pastor, is
expected to move this week.
Quarterly meeting at tbe M. E.
last Sunday.
Agents of all kinds are numerous.
Corn and hos still roll into market
in spite of mud.
The schools will soon close for vaca
tion. X. Doudan has a pet in shape of a
boil on bis band. - Tkixie.
Eloction Notice
x that by virtue of an authority
us vesica iv me several acia loi
legislature ot the state of Sebn
concerning the voting of bondr
various municipal corporations tvnid
internal improvement. c, the Aard
of suuervisors for Wcbstir cjpTnty,
Xebrsiska, do hereby order a Mccial
election to be Isold on the 20lh jffv of
.1arch, 1SS6, in the foliomnKtahuhip
and at the following place A eaid
township, to-wii: In Wnlmt Creek
township, at school hoose iv school
district o. 3, for the purpoJbf voting
on the following propbeitlS. to-wit:
Shall the of tuperviMp of Web
ster county, Nebraska, lorJHe ourpose
ot aiding in the coiMtrujjBon of the
Chicago, Nebraska, Kanap & South-
estern lvaiirosiu Tram jAoint on the
? "
Sc- .
Go to C. A. On en for your spring
styles of wall paper.
Loans made with the Nebraska fc
Kansas Farm Loan Co. can "be paid at
Go to Forrester's for your colored
glaFSwarc. Cheapest house in the
Beautiful vaces, dolls and toys On
the 5 and 10c counters at Forrester s.
Reduction in cabnets and card Pho;
toes at Bradbroos s uauery tinui aiicr
'-it - Kimnns auction room on
and secure pooa oarsmus. r
tnr ske dodMWiV h. K.MSas Farm
asotherXao, eiuKtfMoaej to loan
ed tha Km ot
i j tat- -rf"i. m.
. l irjrr ! i t r i KinA
- -- - tkri
r kMMdkimi
91 -t
-& ' iaweW or "becaaee IV fnmrmmtil
-fl' IwoaooopfcrtHrtCT .
state line between Kanvtiid Nebras
ka, on the south line o Walnut Creek
towniihip, througaaaira'alnut Creek
township, thence thrdfch Line town
ship into and throjph Red Cloud
township and intojflted Cloud Citv
township, issue thejfcecial bonds ot
aid county for aim Walnut Creek
township'in tliaauiVof seven thousand
and five huuiredjniars, aid bonds to
be dated on the dj0 of their issue and
to be nayable to jK Chicago, Nebraska
Kansas fc SpttthjKstern Railroad Co or
bearer on or beffe wenty yean from
the date thereand to bear annual
interest at UieMte of nix per cent.,
payable wnMy to bearar as per
interest AouuBg to be attached there
to. I'riRciJp and interest of said
bonds vA at the office of the
treasurer omid Webster cotyitv.
l'rotiikd,mM the work: of constructing
said wad M Nebraska ahall be hegun
by tkcIBay of May, 18S6- Provided
further y t noneif the said bonds of
s-aid tovHhip ahstil be delivered until
saWLroKs comnleted and cars ran.
tlSeon ironi Red Cloud. Xchras-
onnection with the Central
ef the Union FacihcT RaMroaa f
ansa. rrorided lurtirar
saM railroad comoanr
stabKah and Maintain rail war
tu with comoeteatdDOtfcaildtn.
ncosnu cum CAtua at i
Vin.W.loutCrtek tpvntUi;
Tided further thai aa idf
II erect and. maialiin
UmJi of,
i.l . y
tiiiit Dv nt ue oi ait hOiitv in
us vested by tne seveial iwlnjfbf .he
legi-slaline o toe state ol Nebva k:i,
conce.ning the voiiog jf Ijouii-jbv
municipal co.jtor.inoiis lo ;ud i'tto
nal improvement-, no tne ini'yo'and
i.o'rd of (lie ity cououl of llie,ify of
Red t loud. Wolwir county, Nerfsiska.
aci'Vof the tecond cl.iss, ornized
and created uinler and by virl'ie of the
laws of Nebra-ka, at si 3pecial Meeting
legally called and held lor tlnl)ui pose
and in pii'uance of a petition in
w-iiing signed by move. llia,ffifty f pc
hoidcis oSaid ciiy, which sfd pe t ion
is heieby fouml and udjudfed by said
city council to be in wiitijf and signed
by moiv than fifty fieelio vers of said
city and in be in silt respsffs according
to law. do hereby oderJ):t a special
eleeiion h:ill be Jiuld 0'ihe Ulb, d:iy
of March 1SSG at the Clowlog places
lowtl: Sam eleci'Otif til be' held in
and lor file ci y of RerCloud. Webster
county, Nebraska, niiyin the first ward
theieuf at the'me"Iy occupied
by the Argus, and jf liio second ward
thereof, at tho cottJliouse. s:ml elec
tion shslll Ue for (lmpurnrise of submit
ting to the quah&fi voters of said citv
of itcd Cloud, llffcpbilowing questions
to-w. . r
ah ill the 8.iid jlify of Red Cloud aid
in the constriction ofiLnc tiv-.go,
Nebrsiska,' & Soinh-Vfi'stoin,
Y.i'.ina(I. a cCforaliou cicated imil ex
istitig underdbv virtue of lie laws
ol NcbrasLr.vhieh said comiiny pro
poses to crMthtruct a line o rsiilrosif!
ftoin 8om))oiut on tiic Jate line
between tinsas sunt NebraslA through
Wahmtit CrecK or Jine own-hips
t'i'ough'anil into Red CIul township
and iutVnc city of Red J.oud. and
for nnJtf'as such aid bw its pi ope.'
o3iccnf;SUc the special hfnh of said
city 'Jf Red Cloud in liie sum of
Twery-eight thousand dolhws, sstid
bondrfto bear date of tluir issue, and
to hafpayable to the Chha.o, .tebraka
K:-jta3 an 'J South WeJon. lailroad
co"gh.iiiy on or beiorc ' twontv vea.s
frjifi date, aim bear ar nnnuai interest
ix per cent, per arrtinn. Provided
t the woik of ronslittcting said
llrosui in Nebraski shall begin by
:.y lsi, 1GS0.
B.ovided fu'ihc that none of said
ootids snail bcuehvjrcd until said road
;s comoicicd anil c-r's iuuniag ttiercon
iVom tne ciiy of Ih C.oiul. Nebraska,
to a connection wi Ii tne central branch
of tho Union IV ic It. R.
1'iovioed furtoor .'intss'id company
shall etect and ma;uia:u within the
eoiporate lining of the city
of Rod Cloud, no;th of
Division street or 'mmediaielv atjAccnt
to said corporate lini'ts '.loith of fsiid
street a good and com nodious freight
depot, passenger depot, side tracks,
stock yards and sucn other buildings
as necessary to the convenience of
tne public.
Provided further said road snail
be constructed and in running order
from Red ('loud to a point on the Cen
tral Branch R. R. within one year
from May 1st, ISSG, or Slid bonds shall
be void
And shall said mayor and tity
council of sad city cause to be
annually levied in ajldifuh fo the
other nud usual h-C3 on said city an
amount of tax onflhe taxable propertv
of said c.t3' suflicient to paj- the
interest on said' bonds annun'lv, and
also cause .i lax lo be levied at such
limes as the law may iequre sufficient
to meet ar.d iay he principal of snid
bonds, piovkied said taxes so leyied
shall not ccced the amount of tax
authorized Xjv law, and never exceed
ten per ceat of the principal of said
bonds. J
Said olg on said proposition shall
be taken fiy ballot and all persons
voting in Vfavor of said proposition
shall have brintcd or written on their
said ballot! the worcs: "Shall the
"special bond of Red Cloud citv be
"issued tol the Chicago, Nebraska.
"Kansas i5?outh-Western Railroad
All "nersc
prupu.,unrnaii nave primen or
written on hcir bsillote the words?
"Shall thu ?cial 'nonds ol Red CToud
city be ussgla! to the Chicago, Ne-
(.iiYM.jttv.iufas x coum-H estern
"Railnw. Company in accirdance
"withtlib proposition submitted. Xo."
Jjrdcr of tbe mayor and city
Ldf Rel aid. Neb.
. L- TutKCB, Mayor and Cleric.
rhirir-. US
W. F. AT,T,F.1T Omn.'hp... "Wfih.I
' ' ' ,,
OonGral Agont fo Nebraska, Dnkotn, Oolortulo, Wyomintr and UtaVh
M ?
f ;t P ifd 5
s s pi a 3 n
5 a R b;
I P w F a
&1 THE,
1 p q 1 1 p ft1
?z 9
House, Sign and Decorative Painter, Paper
Hanger, G-rainer. etc. t
13eg.s respectfully io inform thr public tiiat lie 1ku lo-: ted in
Ked Cloud, and ni'ler oonsitlcrablo oxpeiieiire iuilO irop-
ean cities is prepared io execute all brai.Hicrf of ilic
trade with neatness and dispatch. U willjp. y
all to see me before contracting for wouk
Leave orders at C. L. Cotting,
Block. Bed Glcml
Clothing fbiiits
fcr men and
overcoats at
bottom prices
Drv Gicxls and
1 y
Fur-nis3iing goods.
G-loves Milts, Hos-
w one
?iery Scc. ;
Boots and slioes
coarse and fine.
from 50cts
Wool boots a
specialty. .
m '
To hi) people ol Red Cloud and Viun
On jtnd aftr t)n".MtlHt of F.rjumry Ihr, will
Or produce. I can at all times use a hr
amount of butter and eggs and will aiw."
pay ti).e outside price. I want every bod
I Txrill ycitiT-iahr UMLL cLUU gUb pilUWS UUXUIU U I UlWtAI .i
sell goods for casii wner-"
ift'Pr Tovmnvv let ' So if l tontmKk It mt oboct rr all tun pycliJbr toodm. Y
Oii-i-cx .Jouucuy j.0. you uati .t all Umoa Und Lha Imrvmi ttmrntz-t eurtl momt oomi .
rJ i All tlinc:f- Iriimxn'ncr, lo of roc9rlee and qoonwri la Ui RptkUIin Valtov .
t o nr!A tVint tf mit (Mli KaaL r4nmf mrMnntlw ilatt nmrmtl fr.-
i themselves im.lebt- t pt of mcuy
ed to me. will B.F. MIZER.
!rlonco ftnllonrl e ci- Opr Ho.t iropiter of Grocery
(.tie by the above
date. v
tzSBu tSSbt
Jos. W. Vahrex Prop, v
T iiflvn rorwUv TiiiTfli.ijf 1 .the - to k of L'orwl; nt!
a. u. .x. ....,. -.. ...- .
X'ViM ww lMHk- rliat a h v nv, nr I havn
rnji-'iriiiiii'iit i.f tin M'ii!ai John H. Allti pnlIiat
wcHiMfMfuJly lo.v rir". ('.ill ami - thfu
D. McMillan, and
1 a
' -? I
pa IV'
d to .-'li an!
I q
4f is 1 rzsrzn
a I -rV'
jJS; E3
lua f$ vj- fir
L?TS KJ -tsv f-
any V1 nccordance with the
i.ub:nttteti. Yes."
s vottnir arr.uiist sai 1
JofCH 8ACX,.hvinf parched the
iMcptiKhbrcd HtrorU ctQie ol I. 3
nofr ofen.tmmfor tale?
3ttM IbOrowk-brHr- tmW
M afciltiitM iiortrhoon. Xo
Clotliing, Furnitiir- 9' J"wl Scrond-Iian(l.S'wimr.?hiii
of allkind! and in fact Farm Mariiinerv. EU "
1 "
Will hold acuctiflf?A Every Saturday atunioon. at 1 oYUx-k.
To Prohibit BidlrJT Ot Driving on
or across iidewalks.
.. 7
Sec. 1. Be it ouainod I : t in)ir
and council of tkw;citv f. I J rimd.
that am; pci-f nySho hill rido
Mve or ,h a 'iu or
hore uponfir-UM any of
the si'icvalkrfAtbe c-tx of Ud CI od
shall unondtnclion thereof, forfeit
To Prohibit Ovrnora or Maaaccre
OfBilliird Snloons from !lvtn
Minors under tho aec of Elc-hii-
oon Yors uoon tho Proni or ,
ooFi?:ea in aaj- ckzxi oratBiarda
or Pool
1 1- I k4 T TZjO
" V mrm w m mF
i m. - yn r
vM-fa 1 jl A
iiiiv , utat 2racajaa
B H SS n A t ii:
w; fM Si 13 ' "1
m tea I X
W &&J Xif ' Al'frn.ys in iock
i X
2 - ;Miy
; i. ; i- tb
-- 1.
. - - - H.
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dollar for Uit'-'''n-end 5 doilATS' other public pUu sbJi" permit or ;
fnroachanAervy - . 'edins offra-? oftw y miaor under tba sre of i Special Attention Clvon t
together wrfh. c of cin. And eighteen jeais to plr at any ra. of! CoHeciiona
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eilect aaroi - "tl "-"r "" ,r " upon sn premtf o oceati ' i
adoptiod t:. uution vrcof.lmt; to bT him a sweh billiard -loon. r k Bur nl 11 Ex-hnne. i
Uw. iljggS vrliicli ?aL bw -rh UIhnl tr and 1 faV.. mvI d. a takS
r 7-iflB'J
U I. Tittkr Mflvor. . tatolH.-. fru-i!
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tioii. Py no othpr. Thi? ir eah and -v .HKchiiw je 1
5. S)!d by FenruKin & Co druc lo'hr with tWctt of aftan ad i
Houa. 23-!v . Uad commi u-,1 iM tUr, i;nn r,J .. -
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nT auction room is ounxi for I TS Jwd.
n at all time. 'ec- 3. Thi hH uke
f eOect ari te in force on itwl fter ifc
aotwu and puUHcatnj A&nitnz to
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foot oval front show coae.
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Fiii&Offica IVurk
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per cnt Jcnat the U 4 $ t t Tiotk i47-.Tii
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