The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 12, 1886, Image 7

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KIDAY. FEBRIjaRY 12. 1886.
To tho Farmers,
fcirm loans nccotiatcd tli rough W.
tjuvernian can b paid at the end j.of
j2p vr without a bonus. Ratc at
tm as the loweui. Aioncr mrnisuea j
rfjmptly. omcc over city wruKaiorea
9 Per Cent Pi
11. n Vt.-1., PdSBftn P-i wil
, MIlu .ivuKwr.iv -nBMZ$m "-"-" "
ike you a loan bnLiarm a
.licht 9 per cent and firnish the
bney without any delay Call on
:m in the lied Cloud INafonai wan
hildinu. f
ivi:nave repeaieuiy asi:u ;;
If i F . ... ". t.- :..
... 1 -. 11- - li..t 1 -
pinner i)i our patrons inu iwu m
I rears to come lorwaiu aiu pay up,
it scarcely any attention has been
i .. i iir i..l t
nu io our aopc.'u. ucimi; w i
large exnenec in fittingip our office
it 1 a . 1
inu need wnai is iue us to w uiuaic
)tir deqts, and we hop those who
receive notice irom oil collection
;ent will promptly rcsfmd and save
tostij. We must hayc t- money. c
Cannot run a paper on find, it takes
Valentines at Cotiiia.
Caux is steadily advaiciqg in price.
Gi:o. Yovsq was ill Riverton this
fwcek. fc
W. F. Overman wasjji Guide Rock
fihe other day.
Mm. J. A. TCm.eys
lias been very
sick this week.
Mns. Jtcv. Davis hat been on the
hick list this week.
Use Dermoline lor Ahapped hands,
noid only by Cottin.l
The snow that cam with the recent
blizzard has jrenlly ffed away.
Pilars. J'ickino
i uci springer win
lick tonight,
ti.-c that some one
J.i t..: :n
8ccchify in Guide
Thkhe is some
will get married soa in our city
Rusi.s'ijs has bin comparatively
dull for a lew weekf but is picking up
slowly. I
We are now preired to do all kinds
of job work on shot: notico at reason
able prices. j
Red Cloud neel- sidewalks, street
lamps, more busipss houses and a
water supply. I
When in wantof drugs remember
that the City Phapacy stock is new
and of the best q Jdity .
Simmons, the light lalegraph opera
tor, got his fingcj smashed one night
lust week, handling baggage.
The Episcopal Church will soon
give to our poop
canother one of their
interesting thcaincal entertainments.
The stationary engine at the round
house is being rt'tiaired. Evidently
Master Mucha'11
c IJVrney is having his
hands full
The revival meetings of the past
week have beeiuittendod with success,
and quite a number have united with
tho church.
A young jjrl, from fifteen to
sixteen years ld, can find a ood
home, where hv.o can go to school, by
applying at tiy olllcc.
There was in old soldier in our city
thisweek whe carried five bullets in
Lis body tint he received in the
Mexican wan He was a prisoner for
twenty y.ara
The Chiefs late poetical cllusion
reminds us lh connection with its
recent steamiicquisition, of iho boy
who had thejdephant. Jlcluut.
Evidently Bro. King has carried
water for the elephant and knows just
how big a job it is to till the animal.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for in the Red Cloud V. 6. February G:
Geo. Richardson, J. l Seymour. G.
Miller, S. B. View, Mrs. Delia Walker,
James Iiathaway, Will be sent to
dead letter office, March 10th.
In a fow weeks more Master Me
chanic Birncy will have a whistle at
at the round house for the benefit of
tho employes. It will be blown at six
and seven o'clock a. m., twelve and
one o'clock, -ind at six 1. M. This Is
just what hrs been needed for a long
We hope that tho Webster eountv
mining and prospecting company will
soon come to the front and make some
preparation towards prosecuting the
work for which they have organized.
Just such an institutition is what is
wanted, :uul the work should be begun
at once. Let the leaders push tho
matter at once.
The entertainment at Mrs. Wallace's
last Friday for the benefit of the poor
was well attended and well patronized
by our citizens. The fund raised was
quite large and will be properly dis
tributed as the cases may demand.
This is a commendable act, and c arc
glad to see our charitable people act
so promptly in this cause of suffering
Once or twice during the last two
months parties have refused The
Chief when in arrears to tjjo amount
of three or four dollars. W do not
care when people become tired of he
paper if they call and stop it properly,
and pay up arreages, but we want it
understood that hereafter ocph. wBo
refuse it and are two or three years
behind will be promptly sued for the
amount. Is?s poor game two can't
t..., . I tincr tr aWt thn on 11 A
uimity of onr citizen? will be tho elec
tion of city officers. It-will be fought
m the same principles as last year, viz:
Etcenee and anti-license. Both sides
agitate the matter,
two elements good
.chosen te jfwn out city
will nwfMmV their
A fcMCHT blizzard next
night. r
Jlliy Cakkik Bkakckikld has return
ed home. ?
The finest Valentines in the city al
Ed. Smith will remain in our city f'
few weeks .
lew wecica.
Mm. Wsr. Parkbj lias been
i"zr i
sick this week.
Mrs. J. ti. Potter has been quite
sick thia week.
Palmer Way wa in the city thia"
week on business.
Dn. Emigh's little girl has been quite!
sick far a few weeks. i '
j. r. 15AYHA a ume noy nas ben
quite sick for a few days.
Mr. IJayha, ex-county clerk, expect?
to go to California next week.
Thirteen people were taken iri)
tke Methodist Church on Sunday. ? I
The school at G5 this week is under
the efficient management of Miss Lizzie
C. L. Corn so has purchased J. P
Bayha's residence He will have r,
nice place to live.
Calanthk Lodge Xo. 29, K of X
will meet on Monday evening next,
instead of Tuesday.
Lawyers Yciser and Rickards locle-l
horns over a civil casein Judge M(..
Kcighan's court Monday. J
A. J. Armstrong, formerly of Red
Cloud, but now located in Fron'ti:r,
count', was in the cit' this week. -
The river is slowly breaking up. if
the weather should change the i:e,
would probably last for several weckg
A. S. Marsh has received his com-ini-sion
jls I. M.. and now lew jl V'ft A
"V J
hold on the post office for four lo ig
years. 4 '
A. ( and William ClarkltV
IIU.1 41ll,V,IVO, UUIIIVllilll, lilt g-J HI"!-'
day, where they expect to residuum the
Marrird, February 9, at Red Go idf
Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser officiating. Jariej
D. Frazier and Mary E. Kaylor, of
Jewel county.
Next fall this county will have to?
electa county attorney, a clerks if the
district court, two representatives ind
a state senator. 4
En. K.llooo sold a part of his f.irm
to Myers Bros., of Riverton this v eek
for $950. They propose to divide i I up
into town lots. (
General Hancock Ikus joined tho;
innumerable caravan that has gond'to
... . i .
tnt I .rkU tnrnij I : It rrkrriii m rit. f
mat mysterious realm irom wmcu no.
traveler returns.
Mr. John Tomlinson has just iinUh-
cd some elegant pulpit furnitutjjfor
the M. E. church in this city. Oohniif
an adept at upholstering. Jr.
If j-unie one could uet up a hydro
phobia seare and nrmage to get r.ffew
hundred worthless canines killcdXit
would be a god-scud to our citj .. 7 f
The enterprising firm, the 3'r iders'
Lumber Company of this .ity, have
purchased another yard stt. Be rand,
Jsebraska. The Chief wislni
linn success.
Maui'IEu, Feb. G, 1SSG, at the WS
dence of Mr. Win. Cather, Red Cleid,
by Rev. C. W. Springer, Mr. Willi3jj.
Matheny and Miss Nannie V. Andrsivs
both ofCathcrton. ' S
Our reporter in his rounds hunting
up Christmas presents, neglected to
state that Mrs. William I'arkes was
resiniunt of a nold watch. Thill
is better late than never. wSkX
Married, on the 3nl orFebruarf.
i- s --
at the residence of Mr. Carl$Uust,fgfr.
Richway B. Legget to MUs Ellen
r Helton, all of Smith county, Krs, Bev.
G. W. Hummel officiating. .
L. H. Wallace received woiufrom
his relatives in Omaha this weokjJthat
his brother was very sick. His raetlier,
Mrs. Ann Wallace, left on Mo idaj for
Omaha in obedience to a lelecram
stating the facta
Way sold his Rl3oud
storo this week .tiSVill
id Dr. Sherer. The two
haul ware
Mitchell and Dr. Sherer.
gentlemen arc well known to DUrJlaisi
ncss men, and will make an entori)ns
nig firm. c wish them suc(J.i
Jim Potter lost every dolljrtjiorth
of goods, clothing and moii ' ifs''- be
had. in the depot fire Sunday etmuii;.
and his wife and babe just eoAMi with
their lives from the burning tding.
It was a costlv firu for Jim, Htpeeu
pied the second try of ti.e hsjlldmg
as a uwcuiug ana me nre
1 J - l . a i: ,
Z J,
discovered in time tosayesethuM:.
It will be a long timcv,Hlim
streets are ever so irooil in widest :
as li.
ade a
A. Watson left them. Council
mistake in losing him in tliat capacity.
Evidently our friend Kifja. rv
oeled from his former psmMi that
"Bro. Watson w:is behind $ build
iur when the streets need or ?SfJrm-
"Consistency, thou art a jt'
At the resrulir 1M build
ing association for Febniaf'tfc funds
on hand were sold to fjm' W
Springer and Hairy PonsjHm money
is m creat Jemand. andillttQKr cent
increases each month
past eight niontl
made moiu
all else '
wise, lo our homejuttr j
meU for work at Mi
Miers on
Thuecbyeb-ll, fr
till five
d.ui. AUiare earne(1
heted t
be prtMQt( Theladi
W. C. T.
U. will jjo ov wjUi thj
rk com -
'acMipriQc to Ihe
At Mrs.
h M
I Candy and pickels. at Hacker's
TlD: board of .-upcrvisors have done
,om6 Kood work during this week
Ixavalk now had a telegraph office
and get i four mails a day.
THE ladies aid fcociety will nice
MaCWm. I'arkes this Friday a
meet at
Mconfectionary, I carry only the
choicest , purest and best good?, always
Creak. Enw. F. Wiener.
"fflruu. attendance is requested at
tbeWxt meeting ot Red I'loud Lodge
I. O. U. F. next Saturdav evening.
H. W. Brewer returns nis sincere
thick- to the brae men who workeI so
Tailently to save his elevator uunng
the tlepot fire on Sunday last.
"The supervisors at their next rneet
uig should hire a ;ourt house janitor
and 'make it one of his duties to take
care of the court house park.
A-lSiErpccial election for the purpose
of voting bonds for the C X K t S W
By. has been called by the board of
supervisors to take place, March 21,
"OCR new county clerk.J.H. Bailey is
left becoming adapted to the arduous
work in his office. In order to facili
tate matters he h:is arranged the inter
ior of his office.
The B.ifc M. will ,oon replace the
depot that was burned sunday by a
new one on the same location. For
the present a temporary building will
be erected for the freight business.
' A Little misunderstanding took
.plain; between some boys north of
town the other day in which one of
tli em drew a knife on hi.- opponent
and attempted to stab him, so the ntory
ii) W. II wvlev k building an addi
tion to hia building corner Cedar .trect
'and Fourth Avenue. When complet
ed it will le known as the Fourth
'Avfiiue Hotel, with J.C. Crawford as
"mino host "
The iuvitationiare out for the grand
entertainment and bampiet to be given
by t'alanthe Lodge. Xu. '2'J, ICnighta of
Py'hias, on the 1'Jth. This will be one
of the society events of the ea.-on, and
a large crowd is anticipated.
' A farm of 100 acres. 4 miles from
'Red Cloud, 100 acres under cultivation
$000 worth of timber, 100 bearing fruit
trees, and improvmeuU costing $1000.
Can be bought for 2500, part on time.
Must be sold soon. Inquire of 1). B.
Span ogle.
Valentines! Valentines ! ! Valen
tines ' ! ! A large assortment of beau
tiful and artistically designed valen
tines at reasonable prices. Also medi
um priced and cheap comic ones. Call
and examine them at the pot office
news stand.
It h rumored that the B. it M. will
proceed to erect a new freight hou-e
lf0 feet long at this place. The passen
ger denot is also to be remodeled j as
to nave two waiting rooms instead of
one, as it is at present. rlhis arrange
ment will meet with the approbation
of the ladies at all events, and should
h ive bctyi so arranged when the depot
was built.
To California. Our friend, John P.
Bayha, who has for several terms filled
the office of county clerk and clerk of
the district com t of Webster county,
has decided to go to the above named
state next Monday. Mr. Bayha has
been a worthy citizen for a number of
years of .VebMcr county and has gain
ed for himself the respect and confi
dence of all our peoule. He has been
a faithful and conscientious
officer, and h;is won the pioud distinc
tion of being one of the bet clerks in
the great state of Xcbrask.i. He un
derstands his business fully and has the
satisfaction of knowing that he has
gained the approbation of the people
Tin: Chief is sorry to lose Mr. Bayha
and his estimable family from Bed
Cloud, but having decided to move to
California we heartily wish them God
-peed and many eventful years of
nros;)erit. He is worthy of the entire
confidence of those among whom ho
goes to dwell.
Hyme'el. On Tuesday event mr
February 10, Mr. W. X. Richardson
and Mi-s Bessie Tansiil were united in
the bonds of holy matrimony. Rev.
Geo. 0. Yeiser officiating. The wed
ding was a quiet affair, only a few
friends of the high contracting parties
being present. The bride is one of
Red Cloud's most beautiful and ac
complished ladies. The groom is one
of our earliest pioneers known far and
wide for his genial manners and whole
smiled generosity, and is one of the
most extensive stock dealers in Xe
biaska. The Chief extends its hearti
est congratulations to the happy pair,
hoping no wave of trouble may ever
roll across the sea of their happiness.
Obituarv I
Died, Fei.ruarv 3th, 1S86. Francis M.
Daughter rf J. W. and Julia A. Davis,
after" a short illness. Her age was f.
trs, 1 1 months and 10 days.
T ittl
- - i
.?. .o,l .!, P!ir..rnl !
,n. j
k , , .- . " .x ... i.:...i !
Da aiieeuonaie ways mat m ;
aternal love, ller ic:nd dis-
rou for her the respect ot all
liis hour ot trouble and irre-
e los the bereaved parents have
mpathy of the entire community
ier an aupropriatcliscourse by Kev.
Ball, she was looked urfon for the last
lime by relatives and friends and waa
laid to rest in Prairie (ciu cemetery.
A Friend.
For Sale. -
Ap.xHlsnauofh&wviuules for sIe
chean. on easv terms. Innuire of U
II. Wallace or D. ILlKal"'. lletl
Tho Old B. & 31 Freight Houso
and Most of Its Contents Go
Up in Smoke.
Narrow Escrfoe Full Particulars.
Between three and four o'clock
Sunday morning fire was discovered in
the old B. &. M. Freight depot by some
of the yard men. The engine whistles
and bells sounded the alarm, while
Cropp, the merchants' niht watch
man, ran rapidly through the streets of
the city shouting fire in stentorian
tones. Downy couches and flowery
beds of case were speedily vacated and
a Urge force of men were soon at the
scene of the conflagration. But the
flames spread 50 rapidly that all eflorts
to quell thorn were unavailing, the
building being of pine and as dry a a
tinder box. Yard Master Potter's
firmly occupied the rooms on the
second floor formerly occupied as the
telgraph and roadmasters offices. Mrs.
1'otter and child barely escaped with
their lives, clad only in their night
garments all their clothing and house
hold ellects being destroyed. An un
usually large amount of freight and
merchandise had been received from
the east on Saturday night and stored
in the freight room. The boys suc
ceeded in saving a part or it, but the
most of it went down in the flames.
The battery room was also in the
second story and everything consisting
of telegraphic supplies and two main
batteries with sonic three 01 four hun
dred cells of Callaud battery were
burned. The flames leaped across the
railroad track and burnetl a shed and
store room adjoining H. W. Brewer's
elevator, but by dint of hard work and
copious drenching the elevator was
saved. The total lo3s is hard to esti
mate, but will probably exceed 20,000
none of which was insured. The lire
was first discovered in the room west
of the freight office, but its origin will
probably always remain a mystery,
although it is generally believed to
have been purely accidental. Large
invoices of valuable good's cu.i icd
to our merchant, were destroyed, but
at present it is impossible to deter
mine the amount with any degree of
accuracy. The railroad boys did their
duty nobly and worked hard to save
all the. property possible, however the
"sweat box" will doubtless be brought
into requisition, and perhaps the
The Qui Vive fire department re
sponded promptly, but as their''engine
was a little out of wiuck" were unable
to render as effective service as they
otherwi-e would have done. it is
hoped that the company v 'l build a
new freight house at an eaily day and
in a more convenient location for the
public than the ol' one occupied.
A War Rolic.
I. Maynard, a muchly battle-scarred
veteran both of the Mexican war and
the late unpleasantness was regis.ercd
at the Valley Hou-e Hatuidiy last.
The old Vet claims to have been a
regular under Taylor and .Scott in
their tussle with the Mexicans, and at
the breaking out of ihe war of the
Rebellion was in the. regular U. S.
Army under General Twiggs. May
nard claims to have bee.t in several
hard fought battles during tbe wari,
and to received serious (and what to
others might Imve been mortal)
wounds, divers times. His appearance
evidently seem- to bear out the tiuth
of the assertion. Hi skin i- nearly as
full of scars as that of a convalescent
Miiall pox victim. He will carry both
Mexican mil Rebel lead in hi- body to
the grave unless it happens to jar out
from some of tho holes made by balls
that have passed through him. The
old man i- certainly a eurio-iiy.
Dead Beats. Dining Ian week two
traveling dead beats registered at the
Gardner House in this city, and after
taking scverai meals one of them de
clared his intention of going nest, say
ing that he would be back in a day or
two, and deposited with Bro. Gardner
a "little bag of gold" to be placed in
the safe until his return, as he '"didn't
want 10 carry valuable" uith him in
such a trild couiiln, you know." His
partner remained and as time went by
and the other fellow failed to material
ize, the landlord sttspicioucd that all
was not serene, and quietly investi
gated the "precious little bag," only to
discover that therein no shining '
shekel- were-, but on the other hand he '
found several iron washers from the
sire of a dollar of our daddies down to j
. .tt. ..ttt? timikn rf)ll..l!l t..a fkl.n1 i
the mhmblci, and decendim: into the
otlice demanded lucre enough of the j
remaining pari! to settle the bill. The
tellow said he would settle just as soon
as nard X'o. 2 came back. In the
meantime Marshal Pond wa-. notified !
and reached the hold, whereupon he
compelled the bent to turn over all tne
money he had and a ,.r of plow.
he had and
u kindly iw
ami men kiuo ujie uuu nuitM.
hxC a loud sdieuUo our city, or become
!. a U,UU
mi occunatit if our e!alor.ite city
.. ,
has tile fur a ?eaon. nhere,-ith the
rippling waters of the placid Crooked
CreeK and an occasion! Nebraska
blizzard, he would have time to rum
inate over the uncertainties ot life as a
dead beat in the lest coualffj on
earth. He vanished from thetright
and will prolably turn up in tome
other town where he, will "go and do
I likewise" with his "little bag of valu
I have two very desirable dwellin;
houses on Sewanl street for sale t
otioni figure. Now ihe time to
Tho O. A- R. Meeting.
Don't forget that next wrek the Stat J
Kucampmetit of the Grand Army of
thelRepubhc of Xebrxk meet in j
Red Cloud, and that three or four
hundred delegates will be here from
different parts of our glorious slate.
Du--''c the few days that the?e gcntle
meu and ladies arc her The Chief
hopes tint the people of Red Cloud
willexund to them all the courtesy
possible It will be the first time that
nuny of these people have ever Ken
to our growing city, and it should be
the aim of our citizens to give them
generally a royal welcome, and to aid
a5 much as pos-jiblc the members of
Garfield Tost to entertain them. To
this end we would suggest that our
citizens inconvenience themselves, if
necessary, to entertain the delegates of
the Kncampment and the ladies of the
W. R. C. and furnish them with loard
and sleeping apartments, for which
each and every delegate will be per
fectly willing to pay By doing this we
will be able to establish a good reputa
tion for our city over the .-Late, and
thu- and thu- advertise our genero-tty
and enterprise to the ttate generally.
The meeting of so many prominent
men and women from over the state
will certainly be a big thinj: for our
city m more ways than one As for I
The Chief we bid them a royal wel
come to Red Cloud, and hope the old
veterans will find a safe and comfort
able abiding place while enjoying the
hospitalities of our city
A "RuBtlimj" Sound From Amowj
tho Foams A Card of Thanks.
To a mysterious I'rovtdence for in
spiring that KiMJof consumateuuved-ne-ss
Will X., editor of the clearly
evinced hell-born Red Cloud lf'1-mtt,
to etlectually advertise his true
inwardncs-, and at the -aine time the
mo-t important tuspiialioii of tht.
"luspirationist" ho refers to, viz..
God's own legend,
By Hi.- own hand,
Ufone region
Of I lii whole land.
Designed to be read at the coining
soldiers' annual encampment beie in
Red Cloud David Lutz.
"Buried 'Nontb tho Wavos of
nrlnl 'licit h tin- of oonm
(.tint .ire liliMcn rich a tut Kratnl.
Anil within the t-.irthS il.irk l'ioin
I'lirtunri lU' in olileii sinil.
Hut the ctrl of jirlrclrst value
Wlilrh mm allot u may Am!.
What to -.wk lor shall I till jou .
S-ek the jonrW of the nitml."
Dedicated to the Wcltcr County
Educational Institute ot IbSS. a Quar
tet written and composed by l'rol. D.
B. Worley, Instructor in MuKie. This
beautiful piece of music is now teady
for delivery ami for sale, l'ariie en
titled to a copy are requested to call at
the county superintendent's office and
get it and thus save soiling in the
mails. It will be sung al the teachers'
association, .Saturday, Feb. 13.
First it blew, then it snew, tlnn it
friz, then it thew all of which it did
Tho stilt craze struck our town early
in the winter, but had uone into di.-u-e
on account of the difhVultie of navi
gating snow drifti with that kind of a
craft. Hut unless we get more Mile-walk-
inCowIe- we shall expect a
revival of mat graeeful exerci-e dur'tig
the muddy msimiii which we are likely
to have when the .-now lea- u
The e.xbiliaratmg -port of snow
balling w:u- indulged in one day last
week by the boys, both old and young,
reMilting in several minor mi-hap?.
Some one dcmoli.-hed a window lor
Cook M-acham. and George II Cray
stuck hi eye with considerable force
into a Miow ball. The eye wiP get
well. The .-now ball i- ruined.
Mr. Chance has bought the hoiiru
and lots lately owned and occupied by
S. V Foe, and will .-oon remove bi
family to the ?ame. Wo extend to
him and his family a hearty welcome.
(.'. W. Fuller ha- made a good .-treet
crossing in front of his hanl w.rv .-tore.
Win. will lollow hi example
Little Htcet.
Tiie undersigned ha on hand tw-o
grade- ot ML-souri coal n gixxl iptality
tvhirli hi' trill Wo a wv xnmll vmryiu
Al-o western. White Urea4.. Ue
Moine-, and red Fort Scott cowl at
lowe-t iituh1.
15tf C. W. Fm.Kiz, C.iwlo. Sb.
For Bent.
ew .-toie bciidintr. -uitabJc for gen
eral -tore, with residence room- up
-vatrs. or for ritaurant and lolging
Fut cla I'x-atiou for either. Apply
to J. C TruNKR. Cowle-, Neb.
Come and try my celebrated 3 fr'J5c
brand-, the btit known I Hrforrna
dor (Imported), (Jueen Victoria, mid
I'rimera. A Ian:e and x-nrifl tock
in all lines from ."c up, at I. U. nc
City Pharmacy ,-elN only
drug - Citv I'hannarv.
Take Notico.
. All persons knowing tbem-elvr in
debtctl to the lateAVm. It.-Mn ill call
and settle before February 15. IS"6, at
which time I1 acount.- will Iks left
with an attorney for collection.
Alio ITriN, Administratrix.
Tho Amboy Milla Ready for Bui
ntm. Xotice 1 hereby given that the
A rubor Holler F!ourin Mill are no
readv to crind wheat lr tbir new
process. Their friend An i patron are j
conlully invited to call. Flour gumr- s
ante-d to le the cpt! of any made in j
tne 4ttiie.
25tf Fuixv Bros & Co.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Our stock of Ladit'X ('IiilriivnV and Mikm shoe? arc arriving
Dailv Tin- lxt wml mado for stvlV and durability.
On the 1st. of March we will re
ceive the largest stock o all
kinds of carpets ever
brought to Red Cloud.
Don't fail to get our
U tb Utwt Itaprtwcnant. Ko hock er but.
ferns trrich cr trta
tna tm Thj at ttuUnUjr bowl or uaWl
by ab&Dl imlluip th curxla. mmA trmM wiii
BnuJl ft&ta. YVr durmUUtr 4 hwfrtlcKy of
construction, raw ) mile imaai of opnntttoa
can DTTcr ) r-juaUn! jlo ivrua4l to tk no
oihmr, ma all clovr harlric th! Ucta cab bo il
fklnl 1ut1 to clic mUbiacUou.
Wtj ant ohi agents for t InV improved gluw. Cull and Kj
We have placed our order lor embroideries
with the largest importing houso in the
United States and when they arrivu
we can give vou a spidndid assort-
ment to select from.
"Thu leading hou-f fur Krliable and Kinr (Jradi- (JimI )f
th latest, ntvl .'."
As low as can be bought from any dealar on
Mud 1- the order f !' d4V
.Inek Ha- b pun miI it
Moortuaii prxerty
.Mr-. K M. J. fwiey lurutswl ls a
purl tjf b-t wi.'k tw, ttttpcaocr fd
other -uiijecu-.
Col. Cume. f llmlric!. ok in
1 he M F Cborrh 5lo;4' jraw
w ek
Toinpkitr-. tlbrirfcimktfr, lwe if
lurised from rw.inP. !? H? W. IUb-iti,tt-
W. Sawyor lo-t twkfty ioMar re
cently. Yunrf J liotne Acai.
Mi- Alice Kalvy. nbu Jta- Inicn sick
for - htC, i- .tl4 u lc otsl aaio.
Tli' -ksiinn: rk lw ln W to
rvutie m Spnor n 1 w hi Huh
up fr "ther porpo. TktXUi
Seodal Flax&ood!
H. W. Brar. at xhe ?rt H-Tator
h$- a qtjittjttty of pure ilas w Ujt
eed which he will l in ,tittU- to
uit purrnA-e..
FJegant 1 n; of x'rfiim- anil toiler
anicle lit Ciiy iliarmaer
I'tK-kt-t-iI - you like them t
City I'harmacy.
I ! II
Valentinw at City Iharmacy- VI
entines- 25
BcAnk'a couh ytup will cure you.
and car be hud at Cttr pharmacy"
A nice line of bb pr-ala at Om Ciiy
Khartasc'. L
tfccktt.MkU c.or(tc!
wzM ITl SBr kmBmBmmm
Absolutely Pure.
"rrfcSTi Xli EAt9S' Ucyfv rwavmlrji
tkbUt lU r5i-jr 1 xj. jt.J rneifA - -iel la
JHajl'rS I X t.XP sir at bw l-l,
aT .- liiiA. itijji-i t tip km
Wail . "
Perfect Indemnify.
Mzzmxl I -rtr y4 Lite AmmUUm. b
yr wit . lft- Urs-l, ttnmF-. rfeprl. a4
tW. Tti- Urrr Ktet lrrsr y frrS
W-feair a & t 4lfcirr. ss'jiw-rHltli.
b&coA to trrit scir. Yr IrtVr
cuxx scm a rrMT.
S-lj ZXttrktA:nrf.baOeW.eK
eT . .
:kl.- -k.
t "-.
m' .. -.-. - c
1 m iitiiii rnBm - 1 -
y,...l lf I UllV CUV IruUC!i W. CU.AUtii-fc,
Valcuiinea at City lliarmacy.
--. -
1 iJTi
v " .. .
'ii-Vi.?, .-
,-" 1V TA 5V li. Ifc 4' J
ar "
-" , &a,i
f "'X
-Vyfy 'je
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JTSC. -.4
JS.M . ie.. T V-80.3A Kt
&3b .- 'AJfJ kkW
-r?J 1mmeBmJ'vr - bmbmbmbmbmbY
--. lk-3. J-.,-wv c- W!,i . . BBnBnBnBnU.