" X&& $ff . - jT4 J - - S -J N. Itj - .- 5 f J Is? ITni-- i-;' IE Red Cloud Chief HOSMER, Propi latoi tIDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1880. Fetitioxs arc being ssnt into Gov. res for a special session of the" islaturc to redistrict the state. Tins 2ms to be unwise, and we doubt very tuch whether His Excellency will pay ly attention to the call. An Omaha lice cerrespondent writ ing from Bloominton says that S. V. 'Switzer is a candidate for represen tative, and that he can be counted on a a Van Wyck man'in'case of his elec tion. That statement would kill him if nothing else came up. The state of Nebraska should at pic next meeting of the legislature pass nor amend the present law giving more power to the sanitary commission and State Veterinary. At present these official) arc handicapped by cumber some laws which are inoperative. The State Veterinary should have power to stamp out all contagious diseases, and the State should back him. He should also have power to appoint district agents, and condemn animals without, being compelled to have the sanitary commission lollow him up at a great expense to the state. Thk suspended republican office holders arc sendingiu numerous appli cations to U. S. Senators asking for information in regard to why charges were prefcred against them, and why they were ousted from office without even a hearing. Many of them are at loss to know the reason therefore. They have no objection to being fired if a democrat must 'nave the office, but to have trumped up charges pre f erred against them.and then to be deni ed the privilege of what they are is too much. Cirovcr has got his foot into it and there's a chance for some fun ere long. If the president is honest in the matter he should divulge the faets. The people are entitled to them. The annual meeting of the Grand Army of this state will be held in Red Cloud next week for the election of of ofliccrs for the ensuing year, and to make selection of the place for holding the reunion next fall. For the position of commander, Gen. John M. Thayer is being very generally named, and probably no election could be made "t!int-iould give such general satisfac tion. Gen. Thayer is one of the pioeners of our state, has contiibutcd to make a large prt of her history, and served with distinction during the war. He would wot be more honored by the choice than they would be by his election. Let the old veteran lead the other veterans in peace as he so worthily led on the fields of strife. Omaha Republican. Death of Oon. Hancock. The sudden death of Winlield Scott Hancock at Governor's Island Tuesday removes one of the three m:ijor gener als of our army lo the retired list of eternity, where so many of the dis tinguished commanders of our armies during the rebellion arc already en rolled. While so many perished in the struggle and so many more passed away soon after its close, it has been Gen. Hancock's good fortune to live until the fullest reunion of our warring sections had occurred, and the bless ings of profound peace and unbounded prosperity everywhere prevailed. Gen. Hancock was a brave and skillful soldier, and the taking of Richmond was atone time within his grasp. In June, 1864, the Eighteenth army corps under Gen. Raldy Smith, during Grant's movement to the James river, advanced upan Petersburg. Wnen at nightfall it stormed and carried the heights.about the citj, Hancock came up with his second corps, and seeing the advantage urged Smith to advance upon the city, oilering to waive all question of rank, as Warren did at Bunker Hill, and place himself and troops under Smith's orders. But the latter declined on the ground that his men had fought enough for one day. Fclcrsburg lay at their mercy then, and with its capture Richmond would have lallcn. Grant held Smith re sponsible and remoyed him from his command, and that ended his career. In the reconstruction Gen. Hancock commanded one of the five military divisions ot the south, with headquar ters at New Orleans. His policy and theories at that time led to his nomin ation by the democratic party for president in 1SS0. Through a heated political campaign he bore . himself without reproach, and dies honored and respoctcd'by all his countrymen. Omaha Republican. --JUDSON. - This lias beeu a cold winter; Water has frosen. in a 30 foot well sl$ inches thick, But at n0 cIose of the .week the weather begun to- moderate- some so that farmers can bgin to travel the roads kgaint-Sonie of the roads have not been traveled sincojthe storm. The mr.oonfcs b Judson regularlvv now. ( J&E. Wahter hd adabcp at his house. "on WednfejjjUtfJMgbt. , All had a good time, i ,i . - Reselling isflayed oinV " ..U It Hi ' - -. - TU..V- FROM SAtf. FRANCISCO. San Fjiancsco, Cal., Jan. 31, IS86. FiriEN'i) Hosmi:: Leaving Salt Lake City and Ojgdcn Jan. 24, we skirt along the shores of great Salt Lake, perhaps the most wonderful body of water in the world. Nearly 1000 miles from any other body of salt water, having no visible outlet its waters are intensly salt, although 32 f-esh streams con stintly pour into it. Nevada, as we see it, is a desert until near the west ern part we find some stock is kent- We decend the Humboldt Valley for near 300 miles. This river is noted for having no mouth. Although it be comes quite a large stream, it finally sinks away from the face of the earth. Monday night we cross the Sierra Nevada range, the dividing line between Nevada and California. Were it day we could see but little mountain ucencry on account of aiiow sheds, one of which is 45 miles long. We awake Tuesday morning in the wonderful state of California of which it has been said that "every brook ia a river, every pond is a lake, every tree is a forest and every man is a liar." It has rained incesantly lately, and Califor nia looks too us like a drowned rat. The low lands of the Sacramento Val ley are under water, and as vc glide along but for the noise of the train we might imagine we were traveling oy boat. Travel south to Los Angeles is interrupted by washouts, and we go on to San Francisco, 833 miles from Ogden and 1977 miles from Ked Cloud. I cannot do justice to this wonderful city, and the many objects of interest in and about it, in the limits of this letter, and will only add a few remarks about climate and products. Since July, 1840, only 132 days the mercury went belon 32s above, the lowest 20. 198 days it went to 80. highest, OS3. At present the average temperature is about 45. Geraniums, fuchsias, callas, etc. arc in bloom in the open air. Nearly all trees are evergreen and in full leaf. The grass is as as green as June in Nebraska. The market is lull of green vegetables all the year, one crop following close upon the another Strawberries are in the market always. From June to November, cherries, plums, pears, poaches, and grapes abound, and from December until lato in the spring the market is filled with citrons fruits such as oranges, limes, lemons, persimmons, etc. English walr.uts, almonds, pecans and Italian chestnuts arc largely raised here. The citron fair of North California is now in progress, and shows conclusively that citron fruits can be raised here as fur north as Philadelphia and New York. Some of the finest specimens on exhibition came from Shasta coun ty, which is 150 miles north of here. The weather is far from nice is warm, but damp and foggy a poor time for sight-seeing, and an excellent time to take cold, which we lost no time in doing. Shipping and business in general seems lairly lively. Tuesday, February 2, we leave tor Los Angelc?, naving spent just a week in "Frisco," and a very interesting week it has been Yours truly, A. T. Okmsijy. UI Id ' -THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with ruro vegetable tonic. ouicVly miul completely Cam !Tnprpaia. IndlrtloB, Wrakiffw, Impure Illeed, .Malaria, C'hIIUaad Fevctn, ami aralln. It la an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the (Mary nitd I.lvrr. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, an all who lend tckntary Uv. It does not injure the teeth, caue headache.or prol ice constipation Xh.T Iron mtdictn't do. It enriches and jur!fes the Mood, Hixnulatii the apjx-tite. nl !i the ImiIatIon of food, re eves Heartburn and belching, and itrcngth e .s the aiiwln and nerve?. For Intermittent Fever. Lassitude, Lackl Lr.enry. Ac., it has no vjual. S7r The genuine has iOovc trade rnnrk c4 :roM.'d red line s en w rn j j.cr. Take n oth-i UUo-lbr i:i:on. utrsii it eo, Baltixiike, EVENTS OF THE WEEK FROM ARKANSAW. Euitok Chief: We left Ked Cloud on the 27th of last month lor our new home in the South. Nothing of any importance occurred until we reached Kansas City one hour late. My wile hud a fearful sick headache which lasted for several hours, but by the time ivc reached our destination she was about as well as ever. We took the Kansas City, Springfield and .lemphis IJy for Hoxie, Ark. The word was given, and we are on our wiy at the rate of 25 milts an hour The train men on the road treated us very kindly, rendering every assist ance to make us comfoi table and our journey pleasant for four hundred miles in ihe same car. From Kansas City to Hoxie we journeyed with pleasure. At Hcxie we changed cars and took the St. L.. I. M. fc S- to Cirand Glaise, our journey's end, where we arrived at 9:25 p. m. the 29th. We stayed here until morning, then my three oldest girls, my boy llobbic and myself, walked a distance of four miles out to the farm where we met my other two boys, William and Albert, who have been here for some time. Albert had killed a fine deer the night before our arrival and we were treated to a very line dinner of venison, the first I had eaten in IS years. Monday we finished moving to the farm, and are now living at home, boarding at the same place. My familv arc all well pleased so far. I would nirther state that there is somewhat of a chamje in the climate between here and Ked Cloud. There was plenty of snow all along the road until we reached Springfield, Mo., where there was out utile snow, anu at noxie scarcely any at all, and none at all at our place until today, when it is snow ing from the north-east. Today finds us sitting around the old fashioned fireplace, some eating apples, some cracking lrckory nute and walnuts, etc. I have a very beautiful farm. In my next article I will try and srive a description of it. I am undecided what naine to give to my farm. I expect to go to rebuilding feuces in lew days. In the old of the nioo this month I shall nlanfe two or three JosKrii S.U'M, having purchased the thorough-bred Hereford cattle ol I. West, now offers them for sale. lie has 32 fine thorough-bred bulls and grades and also three short-horns. Now is the chance for farmers to improve their stoek. Call on or address him at Ked Cloud, Neb. 23tf Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. IJ.-e no other. This never fails. Sold bv Ferguson & Co drug gist, It 3d Cloud. " 23-ly Call at liradbrook's -Ith avenue Gal lery and have a negative taken at once so as to give me time to finish them and not be disappointed. I'iicIo Sam's harncs oil in any quantity, at Cottings. Call at Simons' auction room on -Ith Avenue and secure rood bargains. The Nebraska it Kansas Farm Loan Co. have plenty of money to loan. Go to Mallard's New York store for fine groceries. Loans made with the Nebraska it Kansas Farm Loan Co. can be paid at home. Go lo Forrester's for your colored glassware. Cheapest house in the city. lieauliful yaces, dolls and toys on the 5 and 10c counters at Forrester.s. 9 per cont loans at the Nebraska it Kansas Farm Lown Co. Keduction in cabuets and card l'ho toes at IJradbrook's Gallery until after Holidays. Simons' auction room is open for bargains at all times. ;sew i oric nuckwncat Uoui ai Ballard's New York Store. Delicate and lasting perfumes at tin City Drug Store. Cranberries at IJallard's New Vor tore. Maple svrup at Ballard's New Yor! store. The choicest ovstela at Ballard's New York Store. I carrv the best 'and largest line in all grades from nickel goodj up: 2 for 25c. 3 for 25c. 5 for 25c. 0 for 25c. Imported, Key West, and domcatu Kdw. F. Wiener, proprietor P. O. new stand. F. P WMEK Live i'Stcck and gen ei'al auctioneer- Blue Hill, Nebl Harness Shop, IIV ' J L. MILLER- DKALKK IN SADDLES) BRUSHES iIAHNKSS COLLARS, iOBS: BLAXKKTS win rs. com its. HARNESS OIL and evorything usually kept in i firs class sh."i). Awo aocrs north of 1st Nat. Bank It El) CLOUD. NEB. Sheriff's Salo. 1)V VIKTTEOK AN UKUFK OF SALE IS- J mic1 out of tlu lt-tru't roiirt of the L'iclitlil .niiiti'i.u iMotrlct in niul lor Webster countv. enra-Ka. wherein Asa I. IKeiUien U nlalntif and John Il'atten. Anna r.uten. V. Vamtlin. A. Uarber ami H . Millneran- defendants. I shall oner ror aie at mimic auction at the rast door of the court houe In-Ked Cloud in .said county! (triat beintiie lat place where the la.-t term ail sain court was nciii '.0111110 i.itn uav 01 Jiarcii. l!!. at one o'clock i. m.. the followins docril ed proerty, to-ult- Ixt 1 in Mork I. m VanceN 1st addition to the town of Ci tilde Kock. ami lot IS amLthe north tX fee: of lot 1 In block 4 til ftuideltock inj-ald county and state. liiven under my hand this 10th day of Kebni- 'J, lsw. ., "!"rH-u.'r' jS-oy iicrm 01 i I'icf iuiiui,) . Final Proof Notice. Itiiil Office, Woomlnston. Neb. Feb. 3. !. OTICE IS HEKEP.Y GIVEN THAT TIIH . follow-ins-named settler has nleii notice ol hi, intention to make final proof in support ol nim claim. :uitl that the testimony ollJienuesc uiBaid proof will be made before J. ". KlckardJ a Notary rtibllc ol Webster county, at Kedl Cloud, on Welne"lar. ilarrh mil. 15. and trial testimony of claimant mil lc made befor Lter:uiu iJecelter L. ?. Ind ufflw. at Bfoominston, Ncb,on.aiirua.Mttn:h -jo, 1nw Mz: t li.V.'N IV I . ts ... . . ...t? V. f. m I. r .m ot l re. i. i. -" s-i7. in Mi j tr'ArLrkL lHnUoL ranee iJeut uciwkiwb: ..lmi"vw ?nti' hlS tOBMlQIM 1 v.m . . .' . - . m . . on ami cmurannv5aRi aw tix; -iiWir i nomas n i ii mai i win : ..,.. t. 11 ..ti t u cj . ;ui ui pi! v mm. -vr i yli. .Clothing suits for men and boys. overcoats at bottom prices G i L I Dry Goods and Groceries. -Furnishing goods. Gloves Mitts, Hos iery &c G I LFORD NEW GOODS i OF THE LATEST SPRING STYLE. Boots and shoes coarse and fine. from 50cts up Wool boots a specialty. o R D I will positively! sell goods forlcasli I after January 1st. .AH those knowing themselves indebt ed to me, will please call and set tle by the above date. --ARRIVING ii DAILY- F. D. HUTCHINSON CO., INAVALE. - NEBKA.SK A. GENERAL DEALERS IN Groceries, provisions, dry goods, ;md all artirh's usually found in a iirst class country store. Produce taken in ex chance for goods. Cash paid for grain. Store in Cheese Factory Building. it Piniiiiif, ii Fan For w. In and around Red Cloud; THE GATE CITY Of the great Republican valley. Buy your homes while property is cheap. D. B. SPANOGLE. - Real Estato and Insutanco Agont. Farm Loans Negotiated. Offlovor First National Bank. AT THE Square Dealing GOLDEN EAGLE Clothing House, Home Bkery And Restaurant I Warm Meals At All Hours, Fresh Confectionery Bread. Cakes, See Alw.iyi on hsunl. CM aiid n. FOR 5ALEOwinj; lo the fuel thu Ij wish lo KO out of bufiine.-.". I otrerthe '.ihovt- ("talili-ilinient for .ale on en-y tirins Any one ui.-hinjj to uo into llmainess will do well to sc' me soon. CLINE & MYERS Wiener's New Block, Red Cloud. WEB, ft Western Cottage Organ AM) W Mason & Pianos. Lrticlos of Incorporation of tho lora and Merchants Bank ing Company. fit- ! '.! r '! 'I. W h r !. hts :riel .iK t rns who m.ii l In r i,l Lit .i I) irwiir. ' 'I s Itliorr tll lit f. of t'. ' i( N"lirak.'i dl Ujt iri"ntUiui ImH iuit I'.aiikni" ( nxn ki-l i'I )f tKt i Jn jul Llt ot V- tUm- for 'h- " TOJt lillll An- c-i'Ibrat.'fl fortlu-ir txvtuty ;ind finihli, quirk n t jiurity and volmnii of Umv. ;wi madr of tin? Iwvt in - and hy tin- lnvt workmen that can IxIiad. Kviry in-ti it fully warranted in all ha part for five yearn. " Plea and examine thene instruments lnf(n. purchaHin. , J- S. NOLL. One door north of r gun office, Ked Cloud. BOOK S ! Never were books ho cheap a thev now are. I hau .1 r consignment of the popular John B. AloVn jmblii.f at wonderfully low pric. Call and h.m- t!.. , A No Alburnnand Family B ibles, uhIcTT Artie!' -iil 0(.ill:r? v Itli a lo.iril of thSI ! 1-t to t itc'Ivniiuifj -ujiiSi "it ' Ml' lr KIlllfIrk 't.Li.i? i .. ---..-.- t. ion i:jfiirt.iin l.irafiT the I'M -Mini (: r.irii M-ir I,,. ...... ii... ..I.. M. . j . - i.iif'i-r liLT-l nuirnltiiiinlirot illrtitori. !,,,, hall "l ft-r-f.rtlirpn,ln-:ir. a.i ,.t.i Vi.. , . Cp-T an: nl iU.tIih.-t. Ilu. -.- r , I l-iit anothirrtln iifw..i.n .:. ., "v.". " L r jMTji.ut a calllrr aul iurh m r itlirT- r-y flllKtlon lutionrtit In f ..." i.i.t, -vA ta -thar-fi i,f---...t.t ..... ,.w ."7 t-itx. tor I'XJt-i;. ""J-nmoa o:jjt tin Jcf-"'" " I, coiktttoa rvouerl ja thr mnilJ-' cuht oY im,l . -"iiuru' .. jk. nl "- Hitrll lr ,J .. . ho.JT'. "- r". -'"- At much h-. figure than you can uvt them from tra ' IeidlerH. rs in stock a comploto stock of Drus and MoUlcinoH. Pnir.u C L COTTINGr. 4" , mal Seattle? fouiJ.Mitclicll. acres or Irish potatc t Probate Hotfoaf 'TATE OF SEBIUSKA, ty.N: iictitioii has Ihx-ii ;coC!f- filef ia the li.X' ESTATE - ANSI FARM PROPER- , " nnm mIk-i: - "" - - i.ro U. IIouj-M', V 5. J ur.HK. U l t. ItX'fT m - w. Luniwni irrMSf r- lDaa toiVTi to lhl. if,. xrttior ti rr.tXtwl Iter rxccalm ol Uv J iwr l&e i-aV "TJZ ,l t-irial aL fynl Jlotr. l'rrUnl. Jiw U. Slilrry. AMiLut CJilrr Capital $50,000 Special Attvntlsn CIvsn t Clletins UtRKCruBa: 1. M IZxlU I-rJ X4t .VJrk"t. K.V llicbJLaSI Buy ml ell Excluw? Make co'leclion and t. Ce n era 1 1 Jn kinj;BuijnuM, Intrst alIotd time Uet-it vti a) BaBlil Ir J. S KM I Ci H DENTIST, WB'OIOIW MUtUt. ling good to eat at ; wishes to all iuquirm jam tale. W I ovrcMASf. irj 4rr IeWic nf-evaporated ' LJ e . irtms at mam as ever D. IKS fjj Jn-51 CURRENT RATES OF Attention Teachers. 2uvM central y is Jtl Owd nm CitjPunnary Remember it takes Fine Office Worn,a.pttcilhj. i -at to Make rhotograpg. doaeo, Cards for . . -or -Bank- thellouiaays One six loot 01 l V " 7rJtiAs y kw . S.? .f j srawasyg&TsgJ w- -v. .i JPL. "i i-ii-jfc-r j j - m -T-r aaJlBnX - ."fJ3 1i2Z '-tT.S23 .. T .. ji , rime , : & -KjC-f. -... ' .BESSSSSSSSSSSSQaBa 5 JL--9 " . -c -- -L Jm flrWHaiiu -k- X JBS