M L'ygg.. y-ygrA3fe ym afiwaseS jninini ii ''irrli-,ii tiii'ii i ii iij' w ii ii ' cffijj, -i ea s .""j" v- vf. 4 t L- -?ir:niii.la.,.p M - - Tt'- . vr VbS - .J-- , aS-TyS y Ltt i -w He- 4T The Red Cloud Chief A.C.HOSMER, - - Propiletot FRIDAY. FEBItUAltr5nS8G COME TO THE FRONT. We have been to a great ex pense in the last few weeks put ing in new presses and machin ery. "Wo have something like 81000 duo us on subscription, and other ways and wo earnestly re quest our friends to respond promptly with their mites as wo need j the amounts very much. Please bo prompt. - m - - To the Farmers. Farm loans negotiated through V. P. Overman can bo paid at the end of any year without a bonus. Rates at low as the lowest. Money furnishes promptly. OHice over city'drug stored 9 Per Cent Farm Loan. The Nebraska Farm Lodii Co. wil make you a loan on you farm a straight 0 per cent and furnish th money without anv delav. Call Call oi lal BanK hem :n the lied Cloud Nation Ihiilding. I CITY NEWS. 'J in; 14th is St. Valentino's Day. Jri-ci: McICkkjhan is again on the tapis. P. A. IJr.ACHY was doing Nelson thi1 week. j Hoy Hutchison- has retired fronj railroading. E. V. Iiunuow, of Kansas, is in thi city on business. Inavai.i: has :i telegraph office air is putting on metropolitan airt. Tin: 17th and ISth the i. A. I; Encampment meets in Ked Cloud. Amv 1$i:iui was so unfortunate as ti loMja valuable gold ring the other da Fi.oyii Ri:ynoi.is is in the city on , vi.-it to friends. He looks hearty. Coon farm team jTor s'alc. lnqui; of M. W. Dickerson, Ked Cloud, Ne. A good bargain. Oi'u friend, Frank Hatch, of Due. ers Moie, has moved into one f l.allard's houses. J)i:. .Staim:koki), of Kiverton, wi doing Kd Cloud on Monday, the gud of .1. C Allen and wife. Tin: Sons of Veterans are prosperij finely just now, and are having cam dates at every meeting. I Ho-. C. T.vylok, of Garfield townsh, has lost 51 head of hogs. This loss ii heavy ono to Mr. Taylor. Ik.v Si-i:i:i'i:k has returned lrom t Empire State, where he has 10 rusticating for thirty days. '1 in: Knights of Pythias will c hrate the 22nd anniversary of c establishment of the order. T. C. Hackku has purch:ised e Uudrow building, where Clmofe Myers' restaurant is now situated. ' C. G. Eustis, our whilom friend, Is returned from Denver, Col., where e - ho has been sojourning fora weekjr " more. I Ed. Smith, of the Nebraska Lunfr Co. at Bloomington, Ncb is in lo city on a visit to his father, J,I. " Smith. I Wi: noticed the smiling countenno es of W. J. Vance, Inavale's o bachelor, and L. C Olmsieau on ou thoroughfaras .Monday. AnouT eight inches of snow fell -day morning. This was- thai .. . t r-ll ... . ,mt 1 Wcdnesi most snow thai nas ianen iui - manv vears. so saith the old settler Sausage (ground hog) day on last Tuesday, gives that lime honored quadruped more sense than has been duly credited him. He saw his shadow. Our friend, M. W. Dickerson, the popoular commission merchant of this city, returned Monday from Denver, where he has been m quest t heaiiu. He is much improved, looking 100 per cent, better. Uild Wiener's new advertisement. It will pav you to peruse his advertise ments carefully, as ne sells clothing, gents' furnishing goods, etc. at very lowest iij-ures. He carries the largest stock west of Omaha. There .will bo a nubhc sale on Saturday, Feb. 27, 1SSG, at the rei denre of S. Soper. Quite a number of horses and cattle will be sold. Sale begins at 10 a. m. Terms A credit of 9 months will be given on all stuns of $5 and over. .Tim Hituuell. the roarimr disciple of democracy, of Fairbury, was in Cloud this week paying his respects to his many friends hereabouts. Jim is a ;ood boy and should have a post ollice rrmn the fact that he is a faithful follower of the great unwashed. The creamery will start -up in -spring we are infonncd. This will be good news to the farmers. The crcam erv has been a source of much benefit toour people, and furnished them with ready cash at times when there was not much else to make money trom S. W. Foe. of Cowhvj, who lately his hardware business to take a posi tion on the B. & M. as brakemau, fell oil a car at Cowles the other day and injured his ankle seriously. He was ,wldln man on S5 and SO. It certainly is a tough experience for Sam, as he has only been on the road about two ivecks. The Knights of Pythias of Red Cloud will celebrate the XXII period ofPvthianismoathe 19th. 22 years ago the first lodge of Knights of Pvtuiaswas established m Washing ton, D. C, with membership of seven. t :... i ntnrvfinintr vears, the growth of the fraternity has been simplv unprecedented in the history of secret societies, and to-day numbers almost 300,000 members tnroughout the world. In due season invitation will be cxtc-ulcd to our citizens .and a grand good Itime may be -expected. PICK-UPS. The finest Valentines in the city at CottingV. Alderman Mosiikr talks ot renting his restaurant. L. If. Wallace has been on the sick list for a few days. Rev. Geo. H. Brown has located at Wahoo, this state During the latter part of the week we had a slight thaw. The aid society meets at Mrs. Anna Wallace's this Friday afternoon. R. L. Tinker's little girl was quite severely burned with boiling coffee Most of our merchants have been taking stock during the past few days. Will McDaniels is now night yard master at the depot. He is a good one. City Marshal Pond and Officer Gray pulled in two disturbers of the peace. Judges Willcox andiWestare hav ing quite a run of judicial business just at present. Our friend, A. A. Peak, the popular Cowles merchant, was in Red Cloud Wednesday. The new railroad of the ii. it M. will run from Edgar to Blue Hill, a distance of 2S miles. The ladies' aid society were enter tained by Mrs. Rev. Geo. S. Davis, on last Friday afternoon. There will be a concert at the M. E. church Saturday evening, given by Geo M. Plumb and his class of singers Tin: creditors of C. D. McMillan & Co are crowding quite fast. The liabilities are mostly in small amounts Married, at Red Cloud, Neb., Jan .J0, 18S5, by the Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Dwight G. Warner and Miss Laura Bailey. A telegeai'II ollice ivill soon be es tablished at Amboy. This- is a move in the right direction, and has long been needed. On: young friend. Grant Ludlow, has been appointed first lieutenant at the Helmet office Grant is a good boy and trustworthy employe. Tm: A. 0. l W. will meet nex Wednesday evening in Masonic Hall. The brethren are cordially invited. H. W. Brewer, Recorder. Tiiv: city council ought to pass an ordinance requiring people to clear the snow from their walks or be com pelled to pay lor the same being done by the marshal. Cotton goods were never so low as they are now. The Ducker boys have put a small fortune's worth in their Joliet warehouse. If you need any you had better buy now. Jos. W. Warren, our cx-shcriff, has purchased the effects of the defunct firm of C. D. McMillan fc Co, and will hereafter run an auction room, hard ware store, etc., in that room. We wish Joe success and prosperity. 1 Sheriff Pco it has taken possession of the upper story of Ballard's brick store, that is to say he has moved there. The probabilities arc that he and the county judge will use the lower room soon for their office. Just received a superb line of station ery of all kinds. Also, back gammon joards, dominos, pocket-books, fine Memorandums, diaries Large assort- 1 vint of valentines of the most artistic "Mdws mid all kings of comics, at P- 0.,ws st.m,i. ft Jx Red Clo ud Chief comes to hand tm'ek with a line engraved head and envjso improved typographieal i' Hosmer seems to have an ambitto m-ike :l handsome an.l rc:l":ll-aper of The Chief as well as to n moncv out of it. Guide Hock Si I he nVrte js ll0v being safely anchorcd lerni finnjlj m or(-er t0 prevent xi uk(m out ,n. icc when the rVbrelks np Th-JS a .T-nil lihvi :iv. i ... , ii. ""- jMC cr2ail jsnouiu ne given to ouryvisors for acc0),-IIK A. J. Kenney ft-OI1 to 1)rotCet the linages i ",unlv. Tll0 ,)e01)ic can crus u. .,,i i,.... k tl, doing so for a ltjlnc Blue Hill is avo'sl ncw B & M. railway, and tl"trrtct ,lsls l)ften IeL for the same U & M. wU1 build several branches viz; Miles , 20 J From Hastings to ra From Omaha to As' From Edgar to Bluj" Red .'5 List of letters for at the P. O. rex. SO tMfr llin ll.if I janu.,.-. r r Young, V. T. Thoma OU. ' . .1. o. Toplcfi, the J. P. M erring, Mrs. C, 0. W. Lokus, Samuel uic Myers, v m v Foy, Miss Myra Colby ' Dice, Mrs. R. Coulter, Lr j ... t ii .- . Urow, J. A. Birdsell, Miss Annu , ' Frank Ails. These lctter1 t.- iln.u" totter nfliee. Marcv ." dolivered before. t 'eft An- nnthusiastic meetm: "A . . , , ; la in Liine precinct tms wees ior pose of discussing the raih project in relation to the C. S. W. Ry. The people of i LHir- nd & perous precinct were seemin united on ths subject of railroad will do their part towards votin. required aid. A good railroad in precinct will naturally increase value of their realty. The Red Cloud Chief comes to h.4 To'the many friends who so kindly with a new pictorial head whiVrsed and watched over me during represents, among other things, : sickness, I return my heartfelt Indian chief with a mchester his swarthy hands. H'e have no ments to make on the new head than to say we will wager our last and only pair 6f socks that the designer of that newspaper head never saw an Indian chief. Holdrcye JRrpuhUctm. Dou't do it Bro. Thomas, it would be too serious a matter to expose your feet to our Nebraska blizzards. GENERALITIES. Valentines at Cotiing's. Use Dcrmoline for chapped hands, so!d only by Cotting. Soap! Soap! Where? At City Pharmacy, and in endless variety. Menthol eitarrh inhalers at City Pharmacv. Curea headache, neuralgia catarrh; try them. Divine service will be held in the Catholic Church, Red Cloud, on Sun day the 7th instant, Joseph Clery. Pastor. The most varied and choicest stock of eindy ever seen in Red Cloud, just received at the P. 0. new stand. All freh and fine. Eij. Smith has gone to Red Cloud, but to console his lady friends we are authorized to say that he will return in a day or two. liloomuvjlon Guard. The Chicigo Store will rccivc March 1st the best stock of ingrain, Brussels and velvet carpets ever brought to the west. Call and see them when they arrive The Red Cloud Chief has secured a new Prouty press, an illustrated head ing and is now a seven column quarto. It exhibits all the symptoms of pros perity. The Guard is pleased to note this evidence of prosperity. liloomlwj ton Guard. The ladies of Red Cloud will give a .sociable for the benefit of the pnor on Friday evening, February 5, at the residence of Mrs. A. M. Wallace, at corner of Elm .Street and Sth Avenue. All are earnestly invited to attend Refreshments served at 7 o'clock. I carry the best and largest line ot cigars in all grades from nickel goods up: 2 for 25c. 3 for 25c. 5 for 25c. 6 for 25c. Imported, Key West, and domestic. lvlw. F. Wiener, proprietor P. 0. news stand. The Chief, a very excellent weekly, printed at Red Cloud, Neb., by Mr. A. C. Hosmor, formerly of the Clinton Public, has added a new press and a team engine to its outfit and is fairly booming. The Chief has a sworn circulation of 1056. Mr. Hosmer, who for years was the Pantayrajth corres pondent at Clinton, is a live man, and has a most excellent scent for news. We wish him abundant success. liloomhitjton (111.) Daily Panhurrapb. County Toachora' Association. The next session of the association will be held at Red Cloud, Satuulay, February 13. It is especially desired that a large attendance be secured. .Several important matters will be discussed, among then: to r.iwfC- fuli organize and set to work our teachers' reading circles, elect county board of contiol, hear reports from local circles, and aid them in more systematic work The instructors of the institute will prep ire a course of study to be fur nished to the teachers, later, for their consideration; also to tako action upon an invitation to hold the March session of the association at Blue Hill. Our executive committee have a good program which will be sera to the teachers. Let us have a grand rally in Webster county, looking forward to the state educational mcctint' in Lincoln in March, and the National meeting at Topeka, Kans., iu July. C. W. 6. Teachers Reading Circle. Teachers' Reading Circle of Red Cloud will meet at the high school building at 7:30 o'clock, Friday even- if Feb. 5. All are cordially invited to be present at this meeting. I'l'OGKAM flight views of Education Miss Ella Putnam. Methods of Instruction Miss Delia Schaflhit. Making up mind Miss Laura Hurd. Conducting Recitation Miss Aggie Sunimy. Exciting interest iu study Miss Myra Brewer. Prizes Miss Eva J. King. Proper Incentive Miss Cordia Sher er. This program will be interspersed with music, and a pleasant and profit able time will be afforded all who may be present. Pkogkam of Webster county tcach- ers' association to oe held at Red Cloud, Saturday, Feb. 13, 1SSG: Mouxisr.. Methods of conducting recitatations, Myra B. Brcver, Red Cloud. Whispering H. F. Hooper, Guide Rock. Rhetoricals in intermediate and crammar grades Addie M. Tuttlc, Clove-ton. AFTERNOON. Spelling S. D. Clark, Blue Hill. Hygiene Laura B. Walker, Inavale Music. Election of officers. Organization of county reading cir cle. Ckm. on music, Frof. W. C. Picking. E A. Petnam, E.J. King. I Was Sick and Ye Visited Me. rifle inks, and say to them, one and all, I com-ours to count on other W. A. McKehjilvx. papcr at reduced price at City icy. Now is the time to buv. ) A pocket book, on the rail- le loser can have fame bv this notice and describing The Preacbers Knew What It Wm A good brother from Red Cloud once went to Omaha as a delegate to a church convention. The brother wanted to look his best, and to that end he took particular care in prepar ing his outfit. There were to be dele gates from the churches all over thi broad land, and ai the eastern people have an idea that Nebraska is 'out in the wilderness, and that the westerner wear buckukin suits and coonskin caps this good brother of ours was determin ed to teach them a different lesson. He had a broadcloth coat, a vest cut low and in the latest style, a broad expanse of white shirt bosom and a brand new Derby ht. Were it not that he had pawed beyond the forties and that he holds a high place m the councils of the church with which he is connected in Red Cloud, one might have taken our brother for a dude. But appearances arc deceptive. When dressed in his bet and ready for his journey our brother surveyed himself in the large mirror in his parlor. That he was pleased with his appearance there is no question, for his family say there was a satisfied hmile on his face such as they had not seen in many a day. But one thing he lacked to make is outfit complete. At home he had no use for a watch; away from home, however,' it might bo convenient to have oye. Possibly some of the breth ren at the religiout convention fc which he was delegate, might slop over in prayer or in speech, and when the other brethen would pull out their watches to warn the speaker that he was tresspassing on precious time he did not want lo be the only one in the large assemblage without a tiker. A happy thought struch him and worked :ts way through his well greased hair Une of his sons had a watch and he would borrow it. The chain would ornament his vest. After he got the watch lie put it on, and then again surveyed himself in the glass to note the effect. It was magical. At the end of the chain was suspended a cuto looking piece of ivory of about the size of a dollar but as our brothr was not acquainted with the wicked uses lo which such things arc put he looked upon it only as a handsome ornament, that finished ofl the toutc cunemble, as the French would say. One the way to Omaha he was kindly greeted in the cars and elsewhere by liash'ly dressed men, all cf which our brother took as a compliment to his improved appearance- He never dreamed that the ivory pendant to his watch chain had any connection with the recognition which he received from the flashily dressed men. Arriv ing at his destination a 1 1 mingl'inx in the church with the other delegates he found that he was attracting more than ordinary attention from his brethren. It was pleasing to him and yet at tho same time embarrasing. One good old elder who had been preaching the gospel for more than a quarter of a century came up to our brother and, with a bland smile, asked him why he wore that peculiar ivory badge at a church gathering Our good brother probably thought that his son was a member of some secret society of which the ivory piece was the badge, and that possibly tho elder was a member of the same society, so he confessed that it belonged to ono of his boys but that he did not understand the meaning of the mystic badge. The elder opened wide his eyes. Was it possible that ne had found one man in that vast assemblage who did not know a poker chip from the badge of a secret society ! He explained to on Red Cloud brother the significance of the ivory badge he wore on his vest cha n and this made plain to him why the flashily dressed men were so friendly toward him while he was traveling to Omaha. It is needless to say that following the advice of the elder who had preached the gospel for a quarter of a century, our Red Cloud brother promptly detached the poker chip from his watch chain. He then swore oiTfiom ever borrowing his son's watch again. School Report. Report of Red Cloud Public Schools for the month ending January 29 18SG: o croi i ed ............. $ i Moved from district ' 2 On roll at present 370 Cases of truancy 2 Cases corporal punishment .". 6 Non-residents ........ 11 Average daily attendance 296 List of persons visiting the different departments of the school during the. month of January: W. R. Teagarden. R. B. Fulton, C. Schaftnit, Mr. Lucas. Arthur Howard. W. B. Roby, A. H. Kaley, Wm. Mitchell, D. B. Spanogle, C. B. Hosford. A. J. Kenney, Mr. Perry, aud Mrs. A. J. Falconer, Mrs. A. J. Kenncv. Mrs. Bellows, Miss Nellie Aikman, Mrs. A. S. Marsh, Mrs. J. C Allen, Miss Lenna Jones. Miss Mattie Ballard, Mrs. M. C. Sherman, Mrs. Bailey. We are glad to record the names of so many on our visitors' list for the month of January. Some of the above have visited us frequentlr during the month. Come again, we are glad to welcome you to our place cf business, and to those who never enter the school room for any other purpose Iban to attend annual meet ings, I would say try the experiment of visiting the school while in session. It may seem a little strange at tint, but after the second or third visit you will get relief and enjov it, and your children, yourself and the school will be benefitted. Yours Respectfully, W. C. Picking. OOWLS8 The legendary ground hog saw his hhadow on Tuesday last, and we arc to have six weeks more of cold weather Terrible, isn't it ? lhinng the recent storms Peter Hill, three nilcs north of Cowles. managed to -ave his flock of 600 sheep with the loss of about a dozen, but he had to shovel tons of snow to do it. He alfo saved about 130 head of ho3 without the loss of any. The genial countenance of our old friend. A. C. Teel, was seen in Cowles the first of the week. His present home is in Frontier county, but he etill owns valuable property in Cowles. He reports the storms of last month as haying been less severe in Frontier county thin iu Webster. Thomas Paul made a short trip to Lincoln last week on business, J. T. Latta was out with his gun Fcbr.iary 2nd in search of tho ground hog, but came in without his game. On Sunday evening last while a freight train was switching at Cowles Samuel Foe was thrown trom a box car sustaining serious injury to his right loot and ankle. He was removed to his home in Red Cloud, and is under the care of Dr. Hall who is surgeon for the B. & M. Co. The traveliug correspondent ot The Chief, who painted our village iu such glowing colors in last week's issue, omitted to mention two or three bus ness houses in Cowles. We suppose he was in a hurry to get away, which will account for the omission, and for his putting it on pretty thick in sjOLs D. U. Buzick is shipping hogs again this week. Mrs. J. T. Latta has returned from a three week's visit with friends in Edgar. C. W. Fuller is selling coal from eastern, western, and southern mines at reasonable prices. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the firm of Peak fc Latta, will please settle at once and save costs. We mean what we say. Peak fc Latta. W. W. Peak started on Tuesday for Chase county to look after his claim. We expect him to return ere long to look after his claim in Cowles. Little Hatchet. Coal! Coal!! The undersigned has on hand two grades ol Missouri coal of good quality wbieb be tcill .vll on a very small margin Also western, White Breast, Dcs Moines, and red Fort Scott coal at lowest figures. lotf C. W. Fum.ee, Cowles, Neb. WHEATLAD. Items have accumulated since the storm. After diligent inquiring wc can learn of no such loss of hogs and cattle in this part of the county as reported in the last issue f your paper, from other parts. One man Io?t a hog and another a few pigs, yet the storm was severe enough to exhaust the bread supply as well as coal, but there is a change today which puts everyone in a smil ing humor. The singing class m District No. 20, is in full blast, and doing good work. The reading circle have not met since hist month, as they have not received their books. They were shipped a month ago bj the mail route to Wells and have not turned up yet. Of course wc have had a terrible storm There are a good many hogs ready for market as soon as the roads arc sufficiently opened. The Wheatland P. O. is no more, having fallen under the pruning knife ofG. C. Its papers and elleeta were last week transfcrcd to Saint Ann (Laportville) one mile south of the Blue. Tho office is in good running order, and will probably give satisfac tion. While the public have reason to feel graterul to the retiring P. M. for the faithfull manner he has so long served them in distributing the mail. Not much railroad excitement since the last survey. L WEST INAVALE. This part ol the county is in shape after the late storm. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Worley have gone to Linn county, la., on a visit. Tuey expect to remain until some time in the spring. Some of our young people visited Red Cloud on New Years' day and did not get clear home until the 3rd. James Wellcr is prospecting some where up west if wc can judge horn the trips he has been making ot late. There are a couple of our boys, both of the same given name, who haTc formed a partnership in some way, at least it looks that way. For instance, ofa Sunday afternoon one saddles his horse and rides over to the other's house- He then remains there, while the other takes the horse and rides back to his house and remains there until the wee small hours, and then thev chauge back. Thus only one horse U used. UNO WALNUT OBBBK Many thanks for our Christmas present and calendar. Mrs. A. J. Fenniaiore is very sick. Her daughter Alice has been bedfart. Dr. Sutton is very ill. He ha been in bed for several weeks. We will hcaraftcr try to be more punctual in writing our iteOM. 4 For Rant Cy A cood business rojam on Webster atreet, Red Ctd,JAp-Hj:l9 A-fSFcm JTJDGOK. Winter wheat in the stacks is look ing nice and green under the snow. Some of our farmers arc Losing their hog frcm cholera. The weather baa rccn very severe on stock tic past month. A great many hogs are not as heavy a they were a month ago ly 50 pounds. Some farmers had to feed their cattle a great deal of corn to keep them alive. A great many tarmers are not provided with sheds for their cattle, therefore most of the cattle had to ttand on the sheltering side of a barb wire fence in the late storm, but wc think fanners will learn a lesson from this year, and try to be provided another year. The mail is making regular trips again. IT. C. G. INAVALE. Notwithstanding the wind breeze from south to north nearly every day, tho snow is gradually wasting away, but the gronnd hog will decide the weather question, .is usual. J. L. Springer and fe are occupy ing their new house on the farm of D J. Judson, whwre he will engage quite extensively in the poultry business tho coming summer. Mi. Springer is ono ot Webster county's successful teachers aud is giving general satisfaction in the district where he is employed. Mr. Charles L. Humphn-y ami Mis Irene Orchard, daughter of our towns man. Mr. R. K. Orchard, were married at the home of the groom at Indiauola January 21. 1S-G. The many friends of the fair bride wish them happiness and prosperity in her now home, and congratulate the people among whom Mio goes to dwell. Miss Emma Orchard, who has been attending school at Iudianola for some time past, has returned lo the paternal roof. Mr. CS. F. Sykc, of Wyoming Ty, is spending the winter with hn aunt, Mrs. Judson, and attending school Nix. FARMERS CREEK. As it has been somo time since you heard from this part of the county I drop you a few items. We have been blocked up here since the 1st of January. There has been but a small loss of hogs here compared with other parts of the county. T. G. Richardso.i, from Chichasaw county, Iowa, grandson of John and E B. Harvey, arrived heio the first of January. He says it has not been cold. He brojght a good team ami has. come to stay. Our Sunday school at Jt. Hope still lives. Rev. Ball holds forth at Ml. Hope every two weeks. Ye-adia4-e;tt-ffiir6rrtu abQirail road bonds here, yet we want the road at Inavale. We have a very prosperous lodge of Good Templars. Every Friday night they hear knocks lor admittance at their door. Seems to be working finely. We have some very smart young men who warn to learn the working of the order without corning in at the door. A few nights ago they heard a knock. At the door? No it came from tho loft of the building. On investigation four young men were found packed away in the lott. When called upon to come down they came. Mr. ttlitor, you should have seen them On their descent they damaged the house. They stepped up to the district treasurer and made good all damage. as there was a complaint tiled against them, ami thev faw the board meant business. We leave thoo four young men with the worst company wo can think of themselves. Rumor says that Mr. Alloway hai three horses "with tho glanders. If so it ought to !c seen to, as there arc nmc fine hor-es in this vicinity. Where is the surgeon ? Nei. Tako Notion. All perrons knowing themselves in debted to the lato Wm Lcti-on will call and pettle before February 15. 1SSG, at which time all accounts will be loft with an attorney for collection. Amso.v Let?o.v, Administratrix. Sixth Annual Meotinjr of tho Stato Farmers' Alliance. The sixth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Farmers' Alliance will be held at Hastings, Nebra-ka, on Wednesday, February 2J, 1SSG, at 2 P.M. All alliances which have been or ganized in this state are invited to send representatives and all farmers who favor the objects of the alliance, viz: Securing lower rates of transporta tion. Securing a larger representation of the farming interest in our legislature and in Congress. Equalizing the burden of taxation. Limiting the encroachments of in corporated capital upon tho producing ami commercial interou and the political rights of the pcopL. And by all legitimate mctrw elevat ing and promoting the general welfare of. the farmer, are earnestly invited to attend and take part in the proceed ings of this meeting, without dUtmc lion of creed or party. As Hon. C H. an Wyck is pro eminately the representattTe of lha farmers ot this state, and as the rinjf organs and railroad cappers are con spiring to prevent bis return to the U. 5. Senate, measures for securing the united influence of the farmers of the state in favor of his re-election will be adopted, and all farmers who are in favor of his re-election are cordially invited lo attend. Propositions for enlarging and im proving the plan of organization of the alliance will be submitted, and atepa taken to strength en and extend the organization. These matters will raake this meeting a very interesting and Important occailon. Let it also be a representative one. and execeed, if poacibU . in mag nitude and qpthuaiaszfc the former meeting held at Hastings. Ihe annual election of officer will ako take place. J. Bckkows, President. Jk Iaj-.u.v, Secretary. If. C Bigelow, Cbn x Com. KMdurtr- Dimfirt or W- O.A.B. Jcx:.m. Xa, Jan. 19, 133. 1. CoJtKADn-. A Tr Articl I of tncPcpt. By-Laws, the 9tb annual eion of the Department Encamp ment will be held in Red Cloud, com mencing Wednesday, (it biafC & third Wednesday) February & l"1 1SS6, at 1 o'clxk p. ra. MeadatiarUrs will be at the Holland House, wherw tho council of administration U called to meet Tuwday, Febrary 1$, at 7.30 p. ra.. for the purpose of transact fcig the necessary bustncrand opening tho bids for the location of the eighth annual reunion, after which they will Ixi submitted to the encampment for thctr action on tho same 2. The general ttckcl'and pjuuciifctr agents of tno Burlington 4 MlMOuri, Lmon Pacific, Missouri Pacific, Sioux City Elkhorn, and Su JcMph Jt Grand Island ratlroads, have fixed th rato to our encampment at ono and ont third faro for the round trip. Ticket to be sold Fcluuary 15th and 16th good to return on or before th 19th. Agents ot tho above Une will be instructed u sell 'ticket at tho above rates to lt Commanders, pt lt Command-, delegate ami alternates. The L'mou Pacific will tell ticket over their hno to Lincoln or Halting, and return. Comrade going by way if Lincoln can, by taking the 9 A) tram at Ltucolu on tho B. fe M. the evening of the 16th, arrive at Red "3i)iid the morning uf the 17th. Tho going la ti rand Iaianii and Hasting, in order to arrive at Red Cloud tha morning ot the 1 7th. must arrive at Hastings the oyentug of tho loth at 0 35 Thoo going over the Republi can Valley road from the cast can arrive at Rod ('loud tho morning of tho 17th. and al.no tno-o from tho west will arrive at alout the tamo time. (Vimrades on thu Mt.voun Pacific, St. Joseph vt (trand island, and Sioux City ifcElk Horn roat!s must use their oun judgment as to making direct connections with the main luu lead mg to Red Cloud. ;t It is to bo hopeit that ever jPoM in the Douartment will be repreenUd at this encampment oa I believe that alt comrades mil bo interested iu the busimwj that is to be transacted there. The comrades at Reil Cloud are making ample preparations to receive u iu Fraternity, Chanty'aud Loyally. I. Commander that have not cnt in thctr reports for tho 4h or preced ing quarters will do so at ono, aa tho time is now at hand when tho Adjutant Ceueral and (hmrtormaater General should have their report ready to bo forwarded to National Headquarters, I desiro to call to tho attention of Poet that are one year in a r ream to Article 4 of tho department bydawi found on page 94 ot the journal of the eighth annual encampment. It read- a follows. Any Post one year in arrears shall forfeit its charter aud uch Pout bo dropped from the roll of the De partment, aud reinstated only by a majority vote of the Department Encampment, or of the council of administration, and upon forwarding reports and payment of all dues to tho tune of being dropped. It In-cora my duty as Department Commander to enforce tho by-laws iu this aa well sa3,iu all other respects. 1 will therefore give until :h temj1 tla' of February, 1860, which, 1 thinlir -lSfil2?u,.f?r fctich Po-,1 aa are m arrears foriw2r make their report, after which 1 ahall publish an order calling iu the charter! of dropped Poatfl. 5. Ceneral order No. 14 in hereby countermanded so lar aa it relate to the meeting of Ike council of adminis tration. By command of A. V. Cofj:, Dept. Commander. S. V. Shiulky, AmL AdjU General. Dissolution Notloa. Notice is herebv given that the firm ofKlccinand: Wiener has been dis solved by mutual conncnt, Walter Kleeman retiring from tho buslne' Mr. Ed. Wiener will continue tho bua inci at the old Mtand. Wai.tkk Kl.KE5r.f, Kl. WlKER. m Valentines at City Pharmacy VaiJ entities. 2t Warranted pure, tho fresh powdered herb. jtHt received at City Pharmacy Tho Amboy Mllla Roady for BuJ ncfis. Notice is hereby given that tho Amloy Holler Flouring Mills are now ready to trrmd bcat by thtr now process. Their friends an J natrons arc couhally invited to call. Hour guar anteed to lo tho equal of any made in thu stale. liStf Polly Baew. & Co. Soodal Flaxseed I II. W. IJrower. at tho west olavalor ha a quantity of pure flax seed for need which ho will c!l m quantities to suit purchase-. Candy and pickeU at Hacker's. Something good to cat at Hackcr'a, Full line of evaporated fruiU at Hacker's. A firt-claM livery and feed stable for -ale. Inquire of D. Ii. Spanog le. A great bargain offered in a farm near town. Will bo taken out of market if not eold noon. lnqaire of D. B. SraxooLK. Japanese napkins at City Puarmary Something new. 2t Abaolutel Pur. TfUsvcnnlrraeierHrlri Atmtnl at rer tirtrnfik a4 -rtetummeaeja. tkjuTlL? aritxarr kkktfta. a4 ft H4 tm nrMertnitw mtk tfce wWl- a?rt rtgM.aln ocf iwaal t ir. Smki I Wall 3t 5. Y. ffm POWDER 5- - . - . fU u ! U : f 4 JQ-t -Ac -i 'S3PidL ? m a T& ' s3 JT i -m rTf ! W ?- l-SSlS&g ,. . -j. - " ; -- j- .,?: w -itf 7rft u.ma,kl LW J21 J. . t. tr .5-.ii.:; i.-'siiuu -KZ&-r. L SMH&Bi9rs. ... fc"Xv. V f T--,U ... mt -fa .SSr' j& " Vv, m s-'Y "TJ lJf act r6'