&vft sV5 ;.& SMWrfsia ES-el 'r-saK33-i-'----' -- ia BST-J , ViJKtaCrf" Eos it; Ur ?r 2 -V3 --& T V--V"r ' J:x - "T j, ; wi i'i J' iil -.3f it -"x. V -"a. e? ?t "FstSKS r -t-" jc i .;. - i V? lair' -" r 't-j .- - C' sV-"1 t'r ttXVur F ' wif; ' T i2.WiSv rCIva-: w. ;-..- is- je'Ka:SSa nwi: rA 'i? w" Vv - - t ". - - vsrc in -v '- - i f m n 5 f - v wv-'?- -iA:? ?5- "V . - -" t'- j-!V : f . fc kV MMMsjftBsmflflHHflJpJflBHwmwwsPws rW SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSBsWasSSSSSSSSSSSSSwSSSSSSWw .tflWassU T.. j, ,jf " " : - ife.".-" 14 r l t fcl l""?! "? bfryi l m M W i ""VJ f? WjT . .lerlr frees ess) rwt-offtoe, wswuser Sirecfes to .tie hMMtrjrMftcrMlimwnMforwi, to reypoai.ua? for the par. The cetiet hare itooMei that rcfastas: to take fteseeapers from the postofliee. or re tnorias and" leavliw those uncalled for, is trtaia facte evidence of i NTErnowAX ritACB EST AWHILE. I win he eta so-say ast I wA be sts. Hi let lift stifl: ItnMff4iMHabMt Neither ssw eaeas aor eras U lift I Ma ae tire St ase, Ky wHl caa net ear nees eeey: O Care, I as few bears trace, I pray hce let aw rest te-4ar. nd so. eta ula restful tteesB, 1 !ct tay kauM dies listlessly: "WJlhia my Sea aad attest roan I would aet saore er hear, er Ma V.ivioa tfrappea aa sse her baua. I feli ea eruaaber dee aad ewoot, ,And wtoea I wake was stron? and calm, And f trl af rest f roai head te feat. Bo. toiler Ja life's weary ways. Pity thjae'.r. for thea aiut tire; "Doth Lady. salad aad heart hare days They can ast aaswer their de!re. Einls in al aeasaat de cotila?. Ylowur haretheir Wmo to bloom aad fall: micro i net aay lirinr thlair Can aaswta-to a ceaseless caU. nn.etimoi, Ured head, aeok slaraberdeep: TJrod htmdi. ao bunlee try to lift: Tin-d heart, thy watch lot others keep. Pity thyself nnd tot lire drift. jt row bouts' rest perchance may hrin Itcliof from wearino and pala; &nd tlxm ftaai Uttless laoKtion tprlag, ' And sladlyiirt thy wark aain. llarpa't Wttlity. A BLOODY CONFLICT. A Tlirea-Oomered Fifflit Between a Mas, Indian3 and Bear3. Ton will (tco by tho map that the 'Salmon River, of Idaho, Has il3 rise in th; Salman Rivor Mountains. Two small creeks, mcajj at tho north end -of the mountain, form tho Salmon, b:il it is Hot much of a stream until it receive Wild Cat, Bitter Sweet and other crcoks down toward the Hitter Hoot Mountains. I had journeyed to the forks of the "Upper Salmon with a band of hunters rand trnpcr and, while they had spent tho waiter in trapping for furs and pclfe, I had developed tho fact that coal, mica, slate, marhle, copper and other minerals were to bo had for he asking in tho mountains. Owing to the depth of snow and severity of the weather, I had not linished my work of prosptoting when spring came, while tho trappers were ready to abandon tho exhausted Held and move cast into the foothills of tho Mil ter llotil. On tho first day of May I was left iiono. 1 had a horse, two pack mules, iv rJuV, two revolvers and plenty of food and :imnnif.ion. As soon as the men left me I pulled up slakes and moved around to the cast sido of tho mount ain where thcro wai less wind and nar.uvo. sunshine. Bctweon the foothills ati.'i the ntouutaia. was a long, narrow, winding valley, varying in width from ten to .txiy foot. Tho snow was just leaving Uua valley, aud tho grass of lihl seaa had been preserved in pal xiaWo shtvpo for tho harses. Nothing af spcoinl interest occurred - -untl! Use sucoai of June. On that -tuoiviingt while cooking breakfast, a "monster gcirjsli', the first one seen dur ing tho winter, suddenly appeared -ro'iiliin twe) hundred feet of my camp lire, coming up tho winding valley from tho aouth. I was between him atnd tho horses, but tho latter were so territied that had they not been .stoutly staked out Ihey would have made their as cape. The bctir halted, "as I said, and as ho displayed na intention to come nearer 1 did not wish to provoke him by any sict of hostility. He was in lean con dilion.witn his shaggy coat in anything Lut prosontablo shaie. He stared at me with CHrious eyes, snified the air, jvtcw Htfoaoy after a few minutes and Snally ttMsred off down the valley .out of sight. I was thoroughly glad to be rid of Kruin, but before I had fin ished ray breakfast ho returned and brought two other grizzlies with him, .a31 full rawn. Well armed a9 I was, I realised that I stood ho show against th three. Tho Jiorse was wild with terror, and the auules were so overeomo that they lay -4iown with weakness. I piled on the .lirnsh. md ns the fire blazed and racklcd the boars took alarm and gal loped of looking baok as if to sea if Ihey were pursued. Tho presence of the monsters an noyed mo more than I can explain. I was moro uneasy than aa if I had dis covered Utreo Indians prowling about. JA -gnzitly hear is tho natural foo of everything that lives. He is without fear. His strength is something as tounding. He will fight twenty men as soon aaene. Fire all the bullets tfrom the chamber of a Winchester into him and not no may strike a vital spot. Tho sight of flame and smoko lad kept thcu fram attaoking me, but 1 was bv no means satistied that they would abandon the field. The only plan to save tho horses was to build auather tire above them. In one spot tho valley narrowed until it -was no: mere than eight feet wide, and lere I bailt a solid tire of heavy limbs one which would last for a whole . lay. A quarter of a milo below the caiup 1 faand another good spot, and Imili another- fire, and then felt com paratively safe. The only fear was thai 1 would keep the hears away to bring Indians down upn me. The heavy moke cauid be seen for twenty miles, caad4f soon by red men they would cer .tsinly investigate. I did net leave camp that day, being hmsy with specimens and in snaking re- -pairs to my clothing, and the day and iht passed without nn alarm of any zmrt. This pnfc S Prits. and Jpersnittesl the tree to die down to -rcat bed ecewK whish would retain v-iesseAusT.iudson after break fast shossfctared y nfle and started on -v . . , it tiio HuJcBhnT. ' Saod. -Tt ahost ftre miles the rallsy snddenlj broadened or de bouched into another. This larger val ley opened in from the broad plains, and was a mile long. I had no sooner rounded a mass of rock and earth and brought the larger valley into view than my ears were greeted with a terri ble yell. Right before me, and not over a quarter of a mile away, were seven or eight Indians surrounding a small camp tire, with their ponies graz ing near by. . At such a time as that men think and act quickly. If I ran back up the val ley such action would uncover mv camp and lose my animals. There was no place at hand to make a successful defence, with the odds so much against me. As the Indians sprang to their feet I turned to the right and dashed into a ravine opening into the mount ain itself. There was a stream running down it from the melting snow, but presently I found a fairly beaten path running along the ravine and winding through the trees and around rocks. Knowing that my life was at stake. I put forth very effort to reach a de fensive spot. When I had gone up the ravine three hundred feet I found further progress impossible. Right before me waa an opening into which a man horseback could have entered, while the width was all of twenty feet. I dashed into the place to find myself in a large chamber. The light was very t'im. but I saw two drifts leading off from this into tho mountain. I was after a secure hiding place, and dashed into the right hand drift without a moment's hesita tion. The Indians were so closo on my heels as 1 entered the dark drift that the foremost one opened fire with his revolver, and the whole pack yelled like fiends. The reader who has scsn the entrance to a coal mine, slanting into the darkness from the start, can form an idea of the drift I had nlunired into. The grade was very steep, and the bot tom so rough that I fell down twice in goin twentv-live feet. That was as far as I vent. The drift was not over three feet wide, and only ono Indian could come in at a time. They did not exactly understand the situation and were eager to overhaul me. As I turned at bay, the foremost Indian was entering the drift. While he was looking into the darkness I was looking toward the light, and the first shot from my revolver pierced his brain and killed him as dead as a stone. As ho fell I tired again, and wounded the warrior behind him. I knew this from the way the fellow yelled out. It was wonderful how quiek their enthusiasm eoaled down. They had holed me up, but at the same time discovered that I was not defenseless. Their safety obliged them to get out of range, and in doing this they could not shoot into :he drift and hit me with a chance bullet. All now became as silent death, and not a move was made for a quarter of an hour. I had made a temporary escape, but by no meaiw congratulated myself that tby would abandon their efforts. How far back the drift ex tended I had no means of knowing, and instead of seeking to ascertain. I crept to within ten feet of the mouth. I had a Winchester and two revolvers, and could have killed Iudians all da' long had they naught to enter the drift. Dut one warning was enough. They knew of a safer way to gut at me. By and by I heard the crackllag of flame'; and smcllcd smoke, and directly after that a heap of burning brush was pushed to the entrance of the drift with a long pole. They were going to smoke me out! I confess to making up my mind that my hours were num bered, but I had given way to despair too soon. The draught of the drift was outward into the chamber, as might have bsen expected, and not a whiff of smok could be driven in at me. The game was soon abandoned for another. A rock large enough to furnish cover for an Indian was rolled to the mouth of the drift, and a redskin got behind it and began firing into mv cover. Bv re treating a few feet and lying fiat down 1 was safe from his bulleU. He fired sixtv-eight times before ho hauled off. They couldn't say that I had been killed, and the proper way to prove that I hadn't been was to send a war rior in with a lighted torch to ask me. He had scarcely entered the drift when I banged into him, and dropped him. He fell so near the mouth that his com panions sought to draw him out, and I wounded one of them in tho ann. I had killed two and wounded two, and knew that not over four sound ones remained. I was wondering if it wouldn't be the best plan to dash out at them with my revolvers, when a series of yells, shouts, screams and rrowis filled the chamber bevond me. Then followed five or six shots, more growls and yell, and as I kept my eye on the opening 1 caught a glimpse of a grizzly bear and a warrior strug gling. In five minutes from the first sound there was no other noise than that of low growling and the click of claws on the rocky floor. What had happened? I had run into the' den of the bears seen in the raorn- ing. and the Indians had followed. The bears had come home from their morn ing walk, and the result must have been disastrous to the Indians. Al though fully realizing the ferocious nature of the animal. I was not as fearful of him as 1 had been of the In dians. A full-grown grizzly could hardly squeeze his way down the drift, and 1 was certain to kill him if he tried to. After a bit I crept carefully forward until I could see into the chamber. It was a sight to make one sick. Two bears lay dead on the floor, and a third was lying on his belly and licking the blood which flowed from several - ' wounds. Bnt others had suftered more. I had two dead Indians in we . n:.. o t.irCt rn-vnn "Poa everything, and piece of , bloody lesh wer mingled aud mixwd witb patches of Indian dress and lire- While I stood looking at the horrors the wounded bear rose up with a fierce growl and attacked the corpses. His hurts drove him mad, and he wanted revenge on the dead. I saw him put a paw on the breast of an Jniiva, seize the throat in his teeth, and at one sin gle wrench be tore the head from the body. He seized another by the leg just above the knee, and I heard the bones crush like glass as his teeth shut. He 'jerked and twisted two or three times, and the leg was torn of. It was the frenzy of death. As the bear bit and tore at one of the corpses he suddenly tottered, braced his legs and then sank down and roiled over, and soon breathed his last I was so spellbound that it was two or three minutes before I could move. The spectacle was even more horrible when I stepped out and secured a stronger light, and directly my nerves were so unstrung of what had occurred that I rushed out of the cave in the open air. As I gained the outside it struck me that the Indians had doubtless left ono of their number to watch the horses. An I went down the ravine I deter mined, if this was the case, to attack him, with the hope of wiping oat the whole party. When I crept out of tho ravine another bloody spectacle awaited me. The Indian ponies had been hobbled to prevent them from wandering away. and none of the party had been left in j .'ir"( i if Ti7.7.iies nan come noi s s I the hors-s first, and every one of them was dead on the v 'ass and horribly tm tilated. They had not been killed to satisfy hunger, but to gratify a ferocious whim. After a few hours, during which time I returned to my own camp, to find everything safe, I re-entered thc cave and secured the fire-arms of the dead redskins. The stufl'at their camp fire consisted of blankets, robes, am munition and powder. While none of the party were in war-paint, there was nothing to prove that they were out on :i hunt. They had. perhaps, deilccted from s.ome march to'discover what had caused the smoke. Four weeks later, when a party of hunters from Boise City, headed by Captain Hall, stumbled in on ine. I turned over to them, as relics of the ; singular three-cornered W'nt, the fire arms, bows and arrows, tiie claws of the grizzlies, two full suits of buckskin, three scalps of white men, and enough pipes, beads, knifes, charms and feathers to start a museum. These relics are fltill on exhibition in the Sheriff's ofiicu at Boise, aud bear wit-, ncss that I have given you a truthful narrative. If. Y. Htm. HORSE.STEALING. The KxUnt to Which It rrevalle JCear SacrawitMitn In tM&l. Horse and cattle stealing is the prin cipal crivae of tils country. The ex treme facility with winch animals roaming in large, unfenced, natural I pastures nmy ba txuight and canned to marKeis lsiiicn cuhuuuhim m-mauu large suppSes, and the readiness with which, after disposing of them, the felon may escape, and leave ao-clue by which to trace him to his lurkhig place, or fasten tmspicion upon him, en courages hundreds to engage in the pui'Miit of a livelihood by this- illicit means. Law is daily seizing :al pun ishing numbers, but this operates so feebly in many portions of thu country, rrmote from the .seats of justice, that lynch law has been summoned to re- press mo ouense, aim jiroveu the offense, and proven as it' should, valuable in puttiug an end to crime. The bst ami surest ami the very readiest method of checking it would be to give justices of the peace, with a jury, jurisdiction of the offense. Animals are now stolen in this neighborhood, sent to Stockton or some otner distant point and there sold. Procuring fresh supplies in that vicinity, the thief hurries to this market, of which he is a frequent vis itor, and where mules are now urgently wanted for compauies starting to Scott's river and the K'aniatb. sells the drove lie has brought wjith him and de parts like a shadow. His companions and compeers in this trade till every avenue and inform him of every whisper that is in circulation concern ing him or the animals ho last disposed of, enabling him. if so many be re claimed so as to create suspicibn, to es cape and sacreta himself until inquiry blows over and the charge becomes stale and forgotten that is, for a month or two disnatching his animais tnrough the hand of some tmsty friend of well whitewashed reputation, into town for sale. But the owner and purchaser both departed, his feats are lost sight of in new thefts. He may return with jingling Spanish spurs and leather leg gings, and Courish about the horse markets as boldly and honorably as before. The establishment of the tele graph between our principal towns, by starting lightning against horse speed, and preparing the police everywhere to salute and arrest the offender as he en tered the town, would effectually stop the wholesale cattle lifting wnica now j jst;n,rU;Shes California above all othef regions for cattle stealing. Overland m . m Musical Accomplishment. Miss Birdie McGinnis is considerable of an amateur singer in herowncstimt tioa. It is a fact that she has a very good voice, but she is obliged to catc.i her breath very often, being rather short-winded. " What do vou think about her sing- :nlP?" as,ked her brother of a Strang i j who t-j aot know that Hotetter wa rted to the fair singer, j .. j jje Ut:r singing very well,' was reply. "She has undoubtedly the 5 finest asthma I ever heard on the stage. vSWic. with, the twK- troduceu into tne scaooi. "a isnjsa. ?r.- said he pityiug.y to to,wter,:'itg i to be a boT.M--?o-a Tnrxnr OUil BOYS AND GIULS, THE ALLEY CAT. Tbi a poor litUe ally cat: I know what is meant by "sct: I know when a itoae comes we lilies, fly la. Who it is aimed at. I know my paws are blaek And leave a dirty track: That dlnry tretk4 of voot and ashes Are on my bieastaud back. But I bate tbe (riae and wet. Like coy place, yet No little sir! in the world M willin; To keep me for a pe:. I suppoie it is Decauie They don't l.kc broken paws. And think because I'm fleice and hunrr There's danger from my claws. Rut raa!J as I am aud ounf. No puey cvrr surur A sweeter purr?onjr. or could polUh Clt-auer with her red toncue. Oh: If tome little lady who Loves kittens only knew, fine might be jtlad. ixrrbnpj. to find me. And glad to k- ep me, too. Clara ltoly llalu. tn WUlc trcL'.-e. m m WANTED TO BE A COWBOY. romsijr Tries It fur On Hay in the Coun tfllr. I)rnt f.ltcc to !! Called Texas Kill" Any More. "What would you like to be. Tom my, when you grow up," asked Mr. Miggs, turning to his son. Tommy opened one eye, looked I smilingly up into his father's face, and replied: "A cowboy. 'You shall be a cowboy," said Mr. Miggs, rubbing his hands; "but you are not large enough and old enough to be one vet. It would be too sudden I a ch;inS to ,ift -vou out of thc n"rfics lap on to thc back of a mustang. I am going to send you out to Bcnlow's dairy-farm, where we spent a mouth lust summer." "When can I go?" asked Tommy, eagerly. Jut as soon as we can get you ready.'1 "I haven't a bowie-knife," pleaded Tommy. "Never mind that," replied Mr. Miggs: "wait until vou have reached that stage of your education that justi fies the carrying of a knife. Besides, there are no dangerous characters about Benlow's dairy-farm; but if you want a knife just for the sake of ap pearances, Mr. Benlow will be happy to lend you his sickle to carry around. n he has no use for it when the ground is covered with snow." That night Tommv Miggs dreamed himself a cattle king, walking haughti ly around in a red shirt, top boois, sombrero, long hair and a portable nickle-plated armory madly shining under his coat tail. lie dreamed of Hying aeross the prairie like the wind1 on a mad, impassioned steed, and be ing looked upon as dangerous, and avoided by the stranger. On the following day he was proud spirited, and would have little or noth ing to say tO'his companions and it is. only fair to en' that they envied him, and regarded him as oiw born under a lucky star. A day or two later he htarted for thedairy farm with a light heart. It was not a great distance from the city, and Mr. Benlow was on the lookout for him. f.s he had received a letter from Mr. Miggs instructing him to create in Tommy's breast such a hatred of cows that lie would never after care for roitMr bef-f. So when Tommy Miggs arrived, Mr. Benlow was at the station with a sleigh to meet him aud drive him out to the i farm, winch was several miles distant. After they had gone a little way Tom my said: " I've come out here to learn oe a cownoy. i t ii .Kini;.viuwr..,u1.uClul. :on g, replied Mr. ifcnlow. "Uoyou inow anvthing about cows?" " Nothing," replittlToinmy, humbly. ' Well, we'll open your eyes on 20WS," said Mr. Bcniow. In a short time the sleigh drew up before the Benlow mansion, an old fashioned farm-house, and Tommy was ushered into thc parlor, dining-room and kitchen at once, for these rooms were in one at Mr. Benlow's. That night Tommy Migg's supp?r consisted of salt poik. a glass of milk, some potatoes and a piece of pic. , Al though he was not exactlv satisfied with it, he had thc good seine to ap preciate tiie fact that it would harden him for the rigors of a cowboy life if he could only outlive it. At eight o'clock he went to bed in a large uuplastered attic room, with no carpet on the floor, and lumps like cobble-stones in the mattress, and the windows rattling a perfect tattoo in thc fierce winter wind that shrieked with out. For a moment he thought of his little sister at home, asleep under a handsome crazy quilt and a roof that didn't leak, with her doll on the pil low beside her. and the nice nursery fire; but he banished this thought in stantly, and fell asleep with a thought- of gratitude for his rare good fortune. lie was awakened at four in the morning by Mr. Bcnlow's big boots, a, that gentleman came in with a candle, and told him it was time to get up to do the milking and get thc cans ready for thc train. "We'll make a cowboy of you soon," remarked the farmer, cheerfully, as Tommy rubbed his eyes. Tommy arose rather reluctantly, far the bed was as warm as the room was cold, dressed for tiie day. and ucd the papercurtainfora towel. Hehadio-Uow on his lingers to keep them warm, and when he ot out to the barn he was shivering. "Just give each of the cows some hay," said Mr. Benlow. Tommv did as he was told, beiag n- der the inipre-Mion that he woald next as asked to go out and lasso a bull. But he was made .ii at heart when he learned that lassosa were not used, for the simple reason that every animal on the place would easae when called, like a doc. As soon as the milk was caused ami seat to the .rais. the Bealows sat down to brcikfi. which consisted of hack wheat castes and cofee that seeaaed no stronger than ordinary hot waVer. The Graham rolls and mutton cv.op of his tbrv,Wl it home would hat4 1- tuck more patatsid?, but tie uuiu't gnmhlc While be was eating on in silrace. Mr. Benlow saii: "How is Car lo to-day?" "Very sick," replied Mrs. Benlow; "and I don't pee how we are goin- to worK me ireaa-nmi ior iuc chihiuhj;. WW aid Mr. Bcniow. "we'll let Tommv run eight or ten miles on it. It will do him good and improve his wind." So after breakfast Tommy walked on the treadmill until he thought he would drop. We'll make a cowboy of you before Ion"." aid Mr. Benlow. a he entered with a Miiilc to see how the butter was progressing; "so cheer up, and don't feci homesick, for I have .something for you to do that you may njoy." "What is it?" asked Tommy. "It is to break a pair of yearlings to the yoke. e will yoke them and lntcli a . tiscin to a .-leu, ana you can orne an fat as you nice. "That will be fine," said tommy. So after dinner the jstcer.-. were brought forth, and yoked and hitched to the sled, upon which Tommy stood as a circus-rider stands on a horse, and started them. "We'll make a cowboy of you yet," rang out on his ears as the yearlings started off at full speed. First they darted in one direction, then in an other. First Tommy wa in the snow, and then back on the sled, for the year lings jerked it in everv direction, and pranced on their hind-leg, and whisked his hat off with their tails, and tried to jump fences and drag the sled after them. Tommy thought there was more snow inside of his clothing than there was on thc ground, and when he was completely upvt in more w.is than ono by the yearling", he .-at down in the snow and cried, while the vearlings seem to melt out of sight over the rim of the horizon. The Benlow Loys. who followed, caught the runawavs and drove them home. At four the next morning Tommy Miggri was altogether too sore to ari-e at milking-time. He was also too sore to go down to his bivakfa-t. That night, to make a long story slant, he was back home, ami has no! been away since. It makes him wry :-ngr when called Texas Bill, because he- has given up his dreams of cowboy life Tommy is now slrnh ing book-keeping, with a view to entering hi- father's store. lie wouldn't be a cowboy if he eonld; and now tiie wax doll goes unc:ilped, the toy babies uu murdered, and die eats and dogs in his viemily uuln"ucd. -A. K. MmikUltic!:, in JIurjter,a Yviunj Vt.ople. W .' EARLY TEENS. youthful Year Urn .!. Important Time or )u-' l.Uf . What do you think K the mot im portant time of life? Buys will prob- ahlv answer: When wo r o to Ollsi- hums, or to college iiris ?:- will s.ty: When we go out into society, or get married. But I think it is when you iva going into your teens. After tiie melted iron is poured into tho mold, it is left for a while that it mav take shape. But the first few ta.o- , mvnt.4 are the most important; for then the surface of the givat iron globule, , whi'jh conies into contact with the, damp s:tnd of the mold, is cooled, ami , the .diape is set. The time after that serves to harden the mttal. not to change its form. Life in this world is ( the mold in which our souN are shaped, for eternity; and the liivt years after we bae begun to think for ourselves, j to feel the prea-ure of right and wrong, to determine duty or indulgence these-first years ban; more to do with the making of Us than all the rt-M. Have vein been in the Adirondack wood hunting and lb hing? Jf so, you j remember that our guide, win n In- J came to the rapids in the. stream, did not daa'jk carelessly down it. He stopped the cranky little craft, balanced th boat, got a sure grip on bw paddle, then let her drift slowly townnl Oo center of the narrow sluice until tlu skiJF.s nose was in thc smooth waiter which shows that there it - deepest. ! Tlica, with eye and nerve ani mu-.;ie , all wording together, he kvL her head on., just so, and you shot down tlso rouk-slrewu stream as swiftly and a safi-ly as a water-snake. Aitk yocr ' guide whv he was so careful -at thc be, ginning, and he will tell vou that if hs stsurts thc boat right he can. keep hnr i right: but the twisting water wouM b; I to. much for him if he did not have air safely in hand at the word "Go!" Boys and girl entering your leer.". yvu are at the head of life's rapid, liour craft is already catching the drift of strong desires, ambitiotus pr..ioa. You feel them. They almot aU'iight you sometimes. Hav no an-akty ex cept to aim at the very center of what i right, and the purposes vihivli arc deepest and purest. Knit thi nvr. e of i-.i.i.- tt ritirr l.nlll t ifltl. YoW U 'JOUf- !,i, ..wt.. .v..--- . jelf. and to God. who will hdp you Then away down life's streaas! It will be exhilar-ting. grand, all true life is. But take care! For your snl ake. tkn't drift in among tiie rocks ami whirlpools without the grip. J. M, Ludlow, D. D.. in if. 8. Ttuxcs. A Vajsalljorrxigh jk-r sold a man a p.nur of rattle, an told hiin lhy never tronbled lim by Ureakmg don fences or walls. Tho acat day afler buying them live purchaser fountl them in a aeighbor garden. They bsd brokea over the w, aad wens tramp ing dawn th vcgcUbles and eating the corn. "Look hTe! h! he to the QuJter. "I thought you said those caV He never troubled yon by ht&. breachy." "Friend." said thc Quaker never allow such things to traablt: John Stewart, of Brddoc Pa.. hi! wdkiEr in a irrove Tecnllv. . fonnd a solid silver cup mlh a d&v won't 3ci la LBe, uuito- ui m. the date 1535- Pittsburgh. VL X Xalr claims that a s-iehinc of oae-horse power eioaMkso OjO satches joinf. rxi.- LECTURE ON 3 WALKING. Arestaasa's stales far wwttaz Alaas; la alipswry Weather. All but doctor and men who sell liniment will be glad to read the ad vice that follows about the proper way in walk in these slinocrv time. Tho advice came from a very oldotman. ' 0'r homo from his daily round. 5 .. Yo.ivo seen postmen climbing up J front stoop, diving into ba-etnents antj scooting acro the street in thc sjjpperic5t kind of weather." thc old ) man said, "but I'm Mire you never saw a jKwtninn fall down. un!t he was verv otitic: and inexperienced. Walk- ing. you sec, is the mo.it important part of a postman's duty, next to ring ing tho door bell o a to bring tho girl on the first ring. 1 can tell on in two minutes how to walk; and if you , n.m0mber what I ay you will tmvor fau nnv more. In Ujc r9t niaCt.vou must go along with your feet pretty far apart. That i one important thing. Most person walk with their feel close together wry close. That's all right in sum mer, but in winter it's all wrong. Your foot U likely to land on a round piece of ice or snow and -hp sidewise toward the other foot, which i- going along all right. If our feet arc c!o-.e together, nine time.- out of ten thc one that slips will knock the other ono from under you, and down you go. If it doesn't it will get so thoroughly mixed tip with it that our ankle-, will curl all together, ju-l like grajie tine, ami before you can get them straight ened out down ou go anyhow. If your feet are ucll apatt, as they should be, you have time to think, reflect and gel ivudv before the crash come, and, perhaps, save a bone. Another im portant thing : to land well on the bull of the foot when you walk. If you can't get the ball of your foot down first, bring it down jut a soon as you iio tint brad, anyhow. Com down Hat-footed. That isn't fancy heel-and-toe walking, but it's business, and it's safer. And this t why. You may slip ami fall a million times, and mtv time, if yon notice anything, you will notice that it was your heel that slipped, ami not the ball of your fot. it i- always the heel that slips. 1 don't know whv. unless it i-. that the Mile of tho hoe. bfiii" broader. oLs a liiincr hold. i ... ... ., ' t ,, .,, ., . .. lt.w I..U1 ll.iljl. i,,n i.. j .- inv ... w -., a good mnnv biitlle.s of atiitCa. There are soiiio ol her, but they are not so important. One is alw.iys to keep the beily limber a yon along; keep tho legs limber al sins knee-, loo. It Is al ways a .stiff, dignified suit of a man that goes. down, b-icaiise he holds him self so that he i not prepared to lean ituickly one way or the oilier and save hiniieJf. I don't want to see the nation get round-shouldered, bur to hold the shoulder. too f.u back in slnpvry weather i not very good either, it iix one r-trerily to full. The best way to hold oneself is in imilsitiou of those In dians that you s : pictures of going along at a sort of jog tro. with lloiir bodie stooping a 1. it It: forwanL iveup your eye on the ground in front f yon, as though you were following a I rail, and look for very slippery spot-, and observtj the othor rulc-i; and If you ant a lady you can dispense with tho humiliation of holding your muff be hind your back, trying In inaku folks beli y on ptofer to carry it that way." .V. Y. Sun. m i POLAR CLIMATES. Only a Slltfht tiitiisi lVrtHCarr (!? IhiiiI tsilli lenlurr. The theory ha long been ailvnuced that th- pole of greatest eold ao not coincident with the Uitritorial pole. and that tin- lowest mm trtnpsraturo j4 to he found in the region of the Lena ri. er in Siberia. Tin idea wa en couraged by the fact, among other, that tiie Polaris party reported a mlhl tr ulnuate at Thank fJod Harbor than Kane experienced abon two hundred imt's further south. Tu part of ih ar-'iiment. however, which relate to the Lena river valley-idirectly eontra- diol'-d by Lieiitenattt fJmely observa tions for two year at IjmIv i-niiiklin Uav, wlo-re he found tlm lowest mean t tmper.it urc -:t ohrved. about four degree. Kahreiihcil. (Iiin-H Iand. therefore. :is far as svi yet know. m tiie cobles! part of the Northern hem isphere. Dnut-h Greenland. wi-e mean tem perature hover arotuni n frtsrmg Ioint. i" buriud under hundreds of feet of i-e simply be-u about two iuchc of ice forms in wiater more than j U thawetl 'Mil In huio3kt. The author- tli in terrestrial Uiysirst agrco tha?. it would require only a slight change . ttM.M iil1itts.n fi rs-lilftVi IsssraVr! i - vTiim - -.....-... "---- , land's ice blanket and cover Ihn ll . with rerlnrc. Wre t not fr l j presence f thc imwene Ice m xrc j consnw. irii.t-.K. . ... " I surnTnr-ni lmio i.reniann w tuui be ks vrATxn a lloo of Kngland. 3lr. Wallac i of iho opinion that U the two y-rcUc crrHl that llow sotith along bolh sdof Greenland wve di verted from tfft country. Ujc grat ico .. ... .4, mar'Un wouhl rapilly diappear, aait t the sountrv nt'ght even beconK forrv clai and iahltabJc Mr, C'rtsl agrees i wiji bim h thw opinion, and both Mr. Canll and Sir William Thittsa heHt tWt it wnoid ot take a ttv large ta- crc7c is the Urwpcnttnre rud volasac f tiie Arctic branch of :h Gulf tlrm f So prrduc the ,atss reitJu I The powerful tnoslifyag 1r. fcsasce ! Uiat Uw great ocean curtirat froas t ! south exert upon cHnaV i nowhere so struugly FB3nifld a alang th Dorth coast of trmy. whUth has a ikier t?ipertor thaa aay osier part (A the world In thc saute latksde. At this moment th Iittlr town of Isoak- kop. lying at the feat of a nord which opens into the lay water af the Arctf Ocan. wrapped in the twilight of fe wiat-aighL J'ib:4tr lxhM opeas in o tne say waters at te Arctse J wrmDpJTa the twilight of $ ute Zxa a wmM w "TssMsSfr . "r , i ,, "" ". "77 mmvw l i hasMlrrd sailea scilksf tsv Malt. " awd r-- nu. twi. twn. -Zir ! - wr m . laws most northern plwsa m - whew wheat and rye npeav It is the opinion of 5r William Thomson a other physicist tt the prolific animal and vegetable life which covered Greenland and the neighboring land in a former geolog ical age. who fosail remain hav been fonnd in abundance, was duo to warm ocean currents flowing north at a time when our continent had not yet rbK-n sbon- the surface to Imprde or divert their couiw. There secnu. afl-r all. to ba no inherent improbability m the theory, to elucidate which two book have recently been written, that human life existed, and pcrhitp origin ated, in these polar land before thn present populou part of the :arth were habitable .V ). Suu A REMABKAULE THIAL. Wlttrfc .bartl the t!entn of h YnrWtitro Ph !. About the mld!c of the hvl etiry the county of York wan d-ply invt eitetl in the tnal of the father of large family who. whwi Iih mi the gr'ltMt respectability, w. ncru 1 of highway robbery 'Hie irtnl m in Yrk Castle. "Pie vrowrntur youth tJ about twenty yAr t arc. the Mn of a banker, and the pre r sttiit. athletic man f Jrft Th p -eelitor had tran-mrtiNl lit . umuU at tho ni:trsrtl town he had ;e ctivod vnl im of mny n J presence of the priMOjer; h had dm" . and about hvo o'clock had et out ts his rotuni hniit It a linn um iirr evening, aad ho rrd nti on. In a solitary lane he w everts a by the nr.stoier. who! him and ! mandril his KcXet-tili In J." !-rt agony of surprise and fr tito or -color struck him a ndral blew wvli his whp, hoi th prbtunor. ho very powerful man. dragged Mm ft m his horse, knell down upon htm. ' I took from him his iiion.-i atul nr- ! i" hook. In this ituiti'n tUe prv f begged very eartiotlv for hi hf.- he lay under the prvxiiir, h nnttr- l lhi count" ounce, and w that he w much agitated. Tho robber 4e' ls arose, moimled his hot- nnd r !" rwvay. It was then uboot tve e k hi-the evening; but the yoowg n to ,o so' much e iinuid that h did u " reph home till htte at mgat- lie tt medinttdv stated theso eirtmmu-o- s but the improhnbilitv of hits hai been robbed In opon dl's;Jl, hi .a public roai. and of hts having oit various uieiitoranda whir'i n r. would Hentvrly have taken. e ' 1 j.ome ".nspielon rosptteliiijf Ui Uo'-iff his stateiiient. A the joir were icn Ing tlui-l-ov. the young nmu who had ben roblH'd begged to be Hen id He was so much agitated tiat he ruild w:ively speak. When he rneoiend himself, be sit id "I sUtnd hen to pleml for toi. mercy towanl a man who Ustaued t. my voloe when I Wjtre! fr m-r- from him' If ha had ltr- daf i. io cry, I ahoiihl now hae hern io i..v grave, aud he hi tho bsHii of a i spectnbl family, with the wife ho -lieved hxu virtuous and the trhi -t- n who loved him. It ha Wen pi-. 1 to you Unit hi rouneetioii. bin t. acltrr, liM religious per-eiM, w . I ail imo itidVetl to ho)tr him from 'i p'.uiou, It has nlo been proved that I was lauiv from my birth, thai I nm i feeble; tU.tt I had tuutprted htm by ' itlov; nisi ihnl he knew I eonld Identify hbii; but the kind lie f hh rt o iroponiieraicd. It oveivain th f ir of ilisgt -u'e, and he ullVrd m U i. jiitit, although I might b tho ene of hi death' ff you do not pitv his niono-nlery ltpt. If yon ti not r-spef t his return io virtue, it would ht b" n welt foe iu if 1 bad dim! It i m- tJsat you will eondomn! I futtll b thi i tim of th law. and he gurj nirt mr hf in vain'" lin w.i fi fjtii.iilty iutorrupttl dur log this aWVetinr; appcsl bv lhj Umr of the juvy and the gnernl iiutnw f tin eoitrt- Tb.o prisoner v, ho- r. fotiltdogndty, and wn ",itad in duo cotir Letb JU-rrnrt. SEA-JCE, TIi.j wf 1U HalO,,. fj.4llll.- ,i, Co-. witt llnw l Hi tin-... I Ja from proM.i nxymxiun tbtftaJm fluid do. iiMdwr r-rtiii eir.'iifiistnncr. pereols.tr r Jilr in iltnfum'nd, jonvitt-mg a-u. pr, ,( ously Mltix. into i sufllnotitiy frctj l( tate t afford gMt driiikinj(-wat r J VtirH tKiwtst) Till dUeorc., Iifce a I gvoi Jn.uy Amx of mor Jmpjrtnri'. wa.aeiriIa(al. In pauig a pi- - r f f o4d ? thit 14. of ttirtti,r . r m. fdrnmlwn w,,Wl n knirtTM Uf u by im sAtd ami ruggeI outline, a t Um1 uje fto-t nhove uj aiirroun-ting 1-V4J hre-floe -J knMfk'stl n mall piec . afca.iMi putting ,i intowy nvttutf-id jt iUf Jrn,u yr0m Uml Vm tiu ,Mj;c y, 0(( UOW w,,w,Mm. ,w mlr m ,.,,, ff HU j lofrkisrl out for Hia oW r'-h le. h. !ucw huiltliug our now hut for ih, a4ghfs o-ltvr. o sv u grt ikr quickly 4:iH-noe facsi tangle mo that a kaUlrfo' of wat coVd hi oU- Ums-l much morn r-spMIy jind it lr hats wat ol lu-I by tim tnark from no-. brcaoM i Utl. how ever closMy rckew rnU'tnl mni-Si air, which, at a ttrir:ure 4 sro or lower, rvatorcd exit feel t t?rra is J up to 2t degree ;tJirnbrit; a k-Ul f fnl of sraw wjli gii litt! isor ha a. thlnl ota kcUMol cf wi. xhtlUn W. Vsr.A.Hr Of k5 will -U-Atly fiU ii, kettle Hh sats.-; tla. tn .Yag nrc. psror WiJIIam. of Genevan. sm-syc di-fef hU Gsts wUhsmst oa wUiag th! awnpre; Thry ukm tas lj(ether. atsJ the Kmlr a; ires a feish- mi c&mn A hk whercabant dttfAW ha day, n, itrJttt -, , Oras-Tv T. --- rr!L-Sl- ' Hy4 bw Z?l!?$ eYaU which aais, r--- w-tt - '-w- - ?!!' ? WM -WfOjra, Uf - A "- eonjrar dlowd like a ds .t !.- t... .. ... . 1 11"7.T" w. a wija J- th .h roriLuKl, Or., tfi other day. Sf". jr-' ?- -&,. J Sr 41 V v ts ""S3 : - 3& - . 2 ' -1 . tl'&r'JP&i; &&9lftr ? . ?"."l. mmmmi&r?z 'f-i-, r '-5JV1 ' Jl v ah i . sV'. BK '"n-'-l. -?. -24SsS&fi .X-ZJXX t?. " sr -?t -in sar1 .7j x-i!s7,-- 3MH. jLi jt' Ip $jWmwnKmm&LkM jslBsjvjaBSjpjpsssssssssjasppsjipk