?: - . '.Jf '.S Jt1 v Jjr va,-.-(4 r 1. &V V. &m$e v Jfs- v s Tsift.t . - . J .4 f t--v.5 -J.; r f'i.Wf'. ' . :, vjW' " A - ' -t'S S t: , --. -tw - -.. - jST a " - t -fia BT V -. ': - ttJtSCJEH' " : i.:i& !- ?'-A6t5 -?r 2V;,K tr - PissawiBi- ri - i iJ2i -'. j. .- .. ;.. JV - JF.j mm , t - - .HI - ; wetted ' 1v itiwctri 9i ' &.-.JS- !, i Iff r : ' - i VW-. fcfiL til:-; a -- MM 9 i.-'-f- - WPiaiJ i" " wWmlmLm asS? -k i BKkJSS&'rk'' BHlsssssv -- ' BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST BBBBBBBBBB BSSSSSSSSSSSSBSsF - smM ; m-z i- BSSSaSrI mmmmm-i rjt BSKfSit v swli; -v Sff'tr it TV-- sssssMttP. MMMMml f.l . r. i.- 1.1 JfzwZl mf .iiUwHWttty ipjfdiiglp ;JHiie-Pwera s, jr. mrmm: '&. Bis v;v' ri' . JS: vt "-i..-X' ;- It . '--, - ;? isla-'. v Sfes-- "sp BBBWir:r$.:& ' LAM . ifc.w - - - aaamVv A-sV svt AeT! BBmit-i- lBai, -sfssjV BBKrmssflli him tlvaamlim ' -tj;BBv KMBBBDMf KJr-rV L-fi ?laBMaKl'lv aeST 7.fsaana?AJ jI . - . . - a2M'' iBSftfVS-"1-. ErsSI-jc 5syfc..-SSSSS iif.4-? ? ? BED OLOUD . Baa' ..-.!.--! TlT'5., mm ' ttrmiiiii K2t5f.v-.-s aimmmmmmm-m mmmmmm VEBaUflLsV CUBMMT OOMMMHT. jMcrtMAMT BonBB,wfco'waa ar- ftOaae tilae ago lor publicly villi tka Qaeea of Spain, baa been to eight jean1 confinement , aailittrr prison. He wm com- of the palace guard and a of tie late King Alfonso. UbKDOif correspondent eays that fbe old public schools in England are Relaxing their strict adherance to the lilaMics. "Rugby," he says, "is about to institute a modern side, and changes la the same direction are being grad ually introduced at Eton, her great .rival, -Harrow having long had sonie--tfcing of the kind." The Turkish Porte has issued a cir cular to the powers in which it point? . -.BtthaUhe present strained political fcitaation is unbearable. It says that 'Turkey, though not to blame for this late of affairs, is' compelled to main tain a huge army on a war footing at a ruinous expense, which will empty her .treasury, unless the" Powers effect a speedy settlement. The recent murder of Mr. and Trs. Jesse C. Wickcrsham, near Clovcrdalc, Cal., by their Chinese cook is reported to have again aroused the anti-Chinese sentiment throughout the Pacific slope. As soon as the facts of the murder were confirmed, anti-Chinese organizations - were effected in many of the most im portant towns in California and resolu tions to boycott, the Chinese were An Austin, Tex., dispatch of the J8th says: Thursday afternoon, from out of a clear sky, a tdiower of very fine dust began falling. There was no wind at tho time. The shower in creased toward nightfall and continued through half the night. The dust had ,a peculiar effect on the lungs and throat, causing irritation and hoarse MCAs in some cases. A similar phe nomenon was witnessed here eight collections of internal rev d ir .'v. .' first six months of the I year June SO, 1885, Were 918,519,611, asscreasc of $2,0291G4 'jmtmt the collectiotli during the same Mriod of the last incal year. Tliere was an increase of 96v73 on spirits, Mil9,S(5 on tobacco and437,801 on twwented liquors, and a crease of 974,475 on miscellaneous item. The isteeipta durinr Dccomber, 188JStwerc .rJH9,241 greater than during De 1884. ccokdiko to Mr. Erastns Wyman, be Baltimore & Ohio railroad will not 9, prevented from crossing the Kill-n-Kull and reaching New York har- eren u tne new Jersey iteeislatttre refuses permission to K tridge that atrip of water. He says ;fJb wiU be boilt' out into the 'fsmmmmT? ene knndred feet on either iSfcl uffcttUue ;: .- -.. .A.'m. $ Ui! ksd that a boat four hundred feet T -. -T- 'leag will be constructed to fill the gap, Hlirnishhig a continuous track across. -Whenever a vessel approaches the boat will put en steam and paddle out of the way. mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm The people of Athens, through a rptvamittee, telegraphed .to Gladstono jn$eat1y as follows: "We place in :r hands the Hellenic cause, with hope that we will find in you a champion.1' Gladstono in telegraphed: "Considering attaching to the action of both on general grounds wr.aaA ot their intp.rrp.mmn in the formationf the Greek kingdom, ' I earnestly jhoptftbat Greece will pause 'Jsjtforo placing hevsclf on this occasion Weeiiev,w:th iHeir deliberate anH jMtcd-rfoinmcn(ittios., " - " "' 4Thk advance sheta from tew blen- Wl "Millers DireeUry1' published at ; Milwaukee, show a Bet decrease of jplj iijht flouring mills in the United and Canada, a compared with The cross capacity shows a ifcghtiarreaeoverlS6ft Every Statu saWl Territery shows a decYwiso in the -awaaber ef mills, except Dakota, Neva U and the. District of Columbia. In 'iHlaeonsin "there is a loss of one kun 4redand twenty Mills.tho present nuin- bcing six hnndred and fifty-sevev. f -te . it--- . .... . . Ti- . - - waa, Ohio. New lore, Illinois, wiseson, Hk. - i. fc - - S A mmS . ' vf T ' I p aw VSBW ASWMW wa - w- i i j vsisa rannni or miArin. Tsm Siaploa tunnel, which will very lortlv he commenced, ia the most . JBB-- .M tiS:mL . .- ... ... . J. Jl -. . '. WBiiaaDM i uw cizanttc nu vw- $ IjfaMlioM nndertaken of late year to , naeilitaU the eoaamwnicatien ibetweea - ;:SmlyaWtareatofEaropvThencw IS WtolajHttlf4 analBrieg XWppasBltM .'moemtama to uao aw- yyrvsmlei' aaar as jBSi tBunou ma or stress, Aftthktttnncl at a aancar lewer of the otheta, it wUl jNi. larsje, tats asajTaaaimaaa 'T- Um p-ri. . , antr 2&. fciiS w .-fiK. . v -. bbbbbbV .-w . - . "" " ,. W BlSBBUk2.,.A. - - mW lar""16 tfly , banquet given tae students ec tne vxmuercec t Paris. In a speech he said he tefnl 'for the honor conferred He eulogised the French f education, charactersing it enlightening, ennobling and liberal. aaM for that reason many Amer- availed themselves of the educa- sdvaatages afbrded by France. tuts renown." he said, "is far der m juilitary glory. When I ; to America a snait suit iaa of France ki the traditions of .chivalry, cenrage and devotion beb!fidvby the Frefchmen whose iftde- tPaft HEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleaned by Telegraph and MaiL COXGVJKSSIOXAX. Warn tbe Senate had finUhed its pre lialoarj work on tho acta. Mr. Voorfaeee sailed op bit retolutlon exprcmMve of the Bemmte't dnep sense of tbe public lef In the death of tbe late Vlce-Fr!dcnt Hendricks. Tbe resolution barinz teen read Mr. Voor hees addresned tbe Senate. En Ingles we:e mlao delivered by Senators Uainpion. 8hor nan. 8ulsburjr. Erart, Ransom. Spoooer. Vest and HrrJon. The resolution w. adopted and the EenHtearJJourncJ,...Iu The House tlie call of States for bills was fol lowed hy the Introduction of a nil in tor of new biUs. Several committees u!fo retorted bills, one belnjra bill to pension sucvivoni of tbe Mexican war. Mr. Thomas, of Illinois, on behalf of the Committee on Navr.l Affair, called up tbe bill authorizing the voluntary retiiemciit of cc-rtuin oRlcers of the nr.vjr who have rendered conspicuous w.-rvlce In battle or served thirty yearn in the navy. I't-iidlnif discussion en the bill the House ad journed. In the Senate on the 27tb tlio tuemormls of the Knnsm I.eislaturn for the establish ment or two additional military stations an a protection iipninst Indians and for tho ex tens on of military facilities at Tort !tl!y werepreen:ed. Senator Plumb's resolution of inquiry n to the nuinler of military bands in the army wm agreed to. Senator Ilnrd'on's suhMitutu for lii orJKinal resolu tion or inquiry as to the ndm.nist ration of the IVnsion Olilcf, whb taken from the table ami without dvbnto aj.rf.ed to. The Kif utorul Count bill was postponed until Monday. Senator Harrison called up the bill for the ndmision of DaUota and addressed the Sen ate Jn itn favor. Senator ISuUi-r then took the tloor to icply to Senator JIarr son. but yielded for an executive seBion, after which the Senate adjourned In the House tho Senate rnxolut.ous upon the death or Mr. Hendricks were preented and ltt.d over until Tuesday. Tbe morn int; hour u as taken up in dir'cni'J'n tlie tiill for tho retirement of certain naval oliirers. and the Hoiikc proceeded to consideration of tho bill declHnnjf forfeited certain land urantstothe States of .MissiRHppi. Aluluuiui and Lnuibinna. to aid in tho consti notion of railroads. This bill is identieaP with that p:ubed by the House in thyorty-eij:lith Con tes. An amendment was adopted that the lauds re In red to the public domain rdmll b Subject to entry and settlement under the provisions of the homestead law only, ami contirminc; sales of such lauds heretofore made by the United States, and the bill passed. Adjourned. Amono the bills introduced in the Sennte on the 26tb was ono by Mr. Sherman to dis continue the coinage of the silver dollar, to provide for tlve purchase of sdver bullion in bur.", at cot less than Ouo,U) ounces nor more than 4io;.0'j0 ounces per month at mar ket price, and for the :siuo in payment there for of coin certificates of not less denomina tion than flu each, thn bullion to remain in tho Treasury as security for tbe payment of the certificates. Tho bill for the admisnion of Dakota came up and Mr. flutter addressed the Senate in opposition to it, Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, followed In favor of the bill. Several meosnxefl were receded from the President transmitting Information, when a iiicsshkc f roin the House announced the deuth of Hon. Iteuben Klhrood, late member of that body from the State of Illi nois, and tho Senate adjourited....Mr. Weaver, of Iowa, introduced a bill to pro vide for the organization of the Territory of Oklahoma. Also to open unoccupied land to actual settlers. In Committee of the Whole tho bill reported by the Shipping Committee to abolish certain tees for tcr Ices to American vessels was taken up and pending couniderat'on the committee rose and the House proceeded to the considera tion of appropriate resolution touching the death of Congressman Iteuben Klhvoml, of Illinois. Kuloxfes were delivered, and the House adjourned. In tho Senate on the 20lb Mr. Jngnll., from the Committee on Judiciary, reported favorably the bill relieving f rom political dis abilities Oeorjro S. Storr. of Torap. and on Mr. Inalls' motion the bill was ptissed. Mr. Call introduced a bill to pav ecitaui claims of the State of Florida and in a hort speech blistered a WnHliinulou claim aj;eiit who put In a b.ll of f (i'.'.WK) lor service:, in behnlr of the State claim of ?5fVK)t). At two o'clock Mr. Vest took tho tloor on the Dakota: biii and Hpokc against the measure, at tbo conclusion of which Mr. I.opau took tho floor, but krvo way for a motion to adjourn and the Senate adjourned until Monday . In tin- Uotife nor a tow pnvnio measures nail i-een re- Tied by committees, the House went into CSSjnniitteo r tho Witole ii the private cal cnHftr. When tho committee ro: the House tooJrtkrcecs until evening-, at which Fess'on fifty psssiou bills passed. Adjourned until jaUUUMJTiSv v rim T POMTICAT- ThbTih: Jutrm announces the permanent reti: t from the turf of Pierre Lorillard, ns for years figured to prominently in ncin;r annals of this country, and whoa Ush turf with Pare Ictories on tho Enjj- d Iroquois made his fame world wideAtl racers will he sold. albert m, urn ;, formerly of lttch ily at Algiers, where mond, Ind., died he was Consul, ot c? iiinpUon. The sentence im in tho case oTPny- master General J. t initli, U. S. N., h.iv- ing been approved,'' couflrmed by the President, was pron; ;atcd on tho 29th. The court found hini ty on both ciiarjccs and sentenced him id' dismissed from the Uureau of Provis ion, rank and duty position of Chief oflt ions, to bo suspended? as a paymaster, on fi urIi pny for three resent number in years, and to retain his grade during thai- iod. The Queen has acot Id the resignations of Lord Salisbury atl ummoned Oladstoae Tna wife ot Sacra. s cnbinct and 1ms a consullation. Hnynrd died at She had been in Washington on the It improved health six i the death of her daur milts previous to ir, Catherine B:ty- ard, a few weeks sifi'.' Tho melancholy features of the dee f her daughter brought on congestion he braiu. macKLxlaii oca. There were ifteea ons discharged from tho Patent Offioa he 27tb, nil from evades below the civil ce classification, laborers. cnt their resig- embracins messengers The Salisbury Cabiatl nations to the Queen or',1 21th, tbe day arter tboir defeat tn ths liags' allotment resoluii Aa thk TTnlnntowm wtr wuions on Col s cams rolling down to Redstone, Pa.,Y other night tho engineer saw an alars. gnnl light vio ck. Ue slowed lently wared across the ap and discovered that k ge bowlder had slipped dovn the hill aj track. The train had bs rested on ths aved by a boy named Clarke Isler, for V m a purso was made np by the passen The last of the thirtv i persons killed by the explosion at tnetji bnrg (V. Va.) mine was recovered oa rtb. Rio Martin, while oat rti rTt rti klt Inting in Lan- conipanioni, was fatally shot by tiej Accidental dis- chargo of a gan. y The executive committe1 t tbe Knighta of Labor has issued an on' again bovcot- ting she tfallory Steam: Company at Galveston, Tax. 4 JaxBE, the naturalized merican citi- sen, was arrested atXiel many, on tbe au ana expenea irons x tinse of his notice to leavej FctXTiN families ef'i country, tbo ing expired. iutn on the Gaape and Boaaveatare t of Canada have been rendered desti y tbe failure ftaeRobmirmof J - IX-aauTMatedia Be?lbBat the Chinese ' nri . . aaBBBP Lmmnmmmmmt a against a new ttwfll "postpone the laying of rail ways. In the Connecticut Senate on the 2Sth the rules were suspended and a resolution passed calling upen Congress to increase the daty on leaf tobacco. Parses Bismarck, in ths Landtag re cently gave as the reason for the expul sion of the Poles from Germany that they were disloyal. The Government proposed to bay the land of noblemen in Prussian Poland and plant thereon German colonies. The question of the policy to be adopted in regard to applications by tbe Senate for information relative to "suspensions front oSicd'' was considered in a Cabinet meeting on the 2Sth. Tbe President was understood to be opposed to complying with requests for such information and was sustained ia tba.t view by the member of his Cabinet. Rhode Islano manufacturers fcire formed a compact for mutual jeroUctiaa ialabor trouble. I Thb hew York Produce Kxclmuge has adojded resolutions calling for the im mediate suspension of the coinage of silver dollars. The Texas State Treasurer temporarily suspended payment on claims of all kinds on tbe 29th. A deficit of SI),ODO exists in tbe various State funds, especially in tbe school fund. The cause was due to the ex cessive reduction of taxation by tbe last Legislature. Kohrkt Maixokt, of the Mallorj Steam ship Line, denies that hht company vio lated tbe Galveston agreement with tbe Knights of Labor. The Attorney General sent a letter to tbe Senate on the 20th Jn answer to tbe rcsoln tion calling for nil the document and pa pers in relation 0 the management and conduct of the oftice of the United State Attorney for the Southern District of Ala bama. The particular information ask-.d for was refused. The twenty-fifth anniverrnrj- of the ad- iSHion of kar-safc into the union was ce!e bra ted at Topeka on the 22th. j Ku.viTZKY IH:adovci?, justice of pea.-v. ! Setntjrj: Yu?ky and 0.owrky, recently condemned to death for IeIouging to n ; Polish socialistic rovolntionary association I styled the Proletariat, were executed t " Warsaw on the 2Utb. j Fiiti; originated the other night in tha Ityan Drug Compan v'jj building nt St. Paul, ! ilinn. The loss footed up 'J55,000; fairly ! insured. I Tut: Secretary of the Treasury has iestw.i a cull for the redemption of bonds of the j 3 per cent, loan of ISsi. The principal and j accrued interest will be paid at tho Treas ury of the United States in Washington, March 1, I65J, and the interest will cease . on that day. The buKineKs failures occurring through- , out the country for the fceven days ended the 2$th numbered for the United Slates. 2-Vi; Canada, 37. total, 2i'J; compared with 329 the week previous. 1 Ausxnic was recently placed in the tea pot of Mrs. McConuell, at Davenport, Iowa, anil the whole family of seven were in poisoned, home fatally. Tun Delaware & Hudson locomotive en gineers, who are members of tbe Urothcr bood of Locomotive Engineers and Knight1; of Labor recently refused to haul can, at Troy, N. Y., because the goods contained in tbem were boycotted. Trouble was ex pected to grow out of the affair. If an en gineer wan discharged all tbe others, it was said, would strike. Thiutt-fivk thousand acres of land were inundated recently by tbe breaking of a dam at Roberts Island, near Stockton, Cal. Six houses in tho llolloway road, Lou don, collapsed the other day. Five passers by wero instantly killed and a number of others were injured. Tin: count of the coin in the sub-treasury at New York has been completed and shows that tho vaults contain five cents more than the books call for. Aitr.iticAN' railway securities wero in good demand on the London Exchange. A fiui: broke out the other night in tho building occupied by tho clerks employed in examining the records of the medical and hospitnl department of tho army at Washington, but xva.s extinguished before any great damage was done. Ci.f.auino house returns for week ndcd January "0 showed an average increase of 2S.2 compared with the corresponding week of lr.t year. In New York tho increnso xvas -lo.". At Teluride, Col., the other morning a snowslide demolished four cabins at rhe Sheridan mine, burying twenty-two men under seventeen feet of snow. Four men wero killed and two fatally injured. A riKB broke out recently in the four utory brick building owned by 2. and G. Lindsey at (Jrangc, N. J. The loss wa estimated nl$W0,(X. Tun engine house at Ihe head of Masonry Planes, near Shenandoah, Pa., look tire early the other morning and was totally destroyed. The massive engine ami ma chinery were totally xvrecked, and several weeks xvill be required to repair tsie dam age. Tho loss to the Philadelphia & Head ing Railway Company is $riO,000. Font unknown men attempted to cross the river to tho Kentucky side in u skifT, 1 near Evnnsvillc, Ind., the other day. Tho ; river was full of gorged fee, making cross- ' ing very dillicult. About midway across ' they encountered a heavy Hoc, which crushed the bout, aud all the four men ! were drowned. ' Ar.otrrono mile of the side of Scraper ' mountnin, near Sterling. Ala., fell into tho uualtnuoogn river recently. 1 neie was no loss oT life or property, but tho crash was 1 something awful, creating great cou.sterna- 1 tion. I Tun House Committee on Public Lands ban agreed to a bill forfeiting the land gvaut of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad. ADDITION'.. L. DISVATCniM. Tun announced policy of Princo Bis marck to expel tbo Poli.sh people from Prussian Poland has created intense ex citement in Germany. The Germans gen erally favor the policy. It xvns reported thnt tbe Pope was preparing a protest. Tun Nova Scotia Sugar Refining- Com pany, of Unlifux, X. S., suspended recent- . ly. "Liabilities, ?JK)r,341 ; assets, SVS,Sll. Gr.NnitAt. David HcNTr.n. xvho wns nrcsi dentof the court that tried Mrs. Surratt for complicity in the assassination of Prcsi I dent Liucolu, died ut Washington on the 2d. 1 The matter of tho President's refusal to give reasons for removals came up in tho I Senato on the 2d. A motion and a substi 1 tute xvcre offered, which were onlcrcd to i lie over till next day. The Electoral Count bill wns recommitted by a vote of &) to 22. The House devoted its time to eulogies of the late Vice President Hendricks. Goveknoh Mrr.UAY's second veto mes- J sago to tbe Utah Legislature is of a joint resolution providing for the compilation of the laws, nt a cost of 10,000. His reasons are that tho Territorial Auditor and Treas urer are not legal orllccrs. and that many of tbe laws of Utah nre in direct conflict with the laws of the United States. Seven Conncll&ville (Pa.) families wero evicted from the company bouses tbe other night and their household goods thrown out side. A niSASTnors collision occurred the other morning on the Cheapeake & Ohio rail road ot Staunton, Va, No. 3 night express ran into a freight train on a siding and completely wrecked both engines. Fire man Getting?, of Richmond, and scTeral others xvere seriously injured. A dispatch from Houston, Tex., of the 2d says: George L. Porter, wholesale grocer, made an assignment this afternoon. Liabilities placet! at f 122,000 and asset JlU.000. Later in the day tho Hous ton Flour Mills Company succumbed- Lia bilities S2,000. The assets embrace the mill property only. Scuvetor General Dement, of Utah, was examined by the Senate Committe on Public Lands recently with reference to publications which embodied alleged utter ances of his implicating Senators, member of Congress and high executive official ia Washington and Utah in eonspiraciea to misappropriate public land aad to i fluence by bribery legislation affecting: the Mormons. Dement denied the statement attributed to him. Tnn night of the 2d of February waa re ported extremely cold in the West and Northwest- At Chicago it was 15 below zero. It was reported at El Paso, Tex., oa tk 2d that the Apacoe awtne enter, uerocirno 1 had surrendered to Lieutenant Haas, wis - ' succeeded Captain Crawford, lately killeaU by tke saistake of Mexicaa soldifcra. ySttiiASKA STATE tfih.VS. Ttfi! coroner at North Platte was rec-nt-ly notified of tbe death, near that place. o a kertnit, who lived in a sod hut with only a horde of dogs for companion. He imme diately went to tbe place indicated and m j at.. Am ."11 I'MMtifn vsrskih ftTi-T the dead body of the-r mater. Sev?u of 'and In a few minutes nesrly half of that tbem had to be shot before the body could , Immense structure, which stretches neatly be touched. Among tbe effects of tbe ber- f three fouiies from north to south. wa on mit wa found S73 in dime and nickel-, in f,re 'pjie fire department responded cpjlck small bags. He was probably iaaue over i jJ DU. owinjr j0 the tierce southwe: gale tbe eubject of breeding dop, and some . a'mj mtenM. W1S unable to check the trouble had driven him to solitude with mV fi . 9znsfVgSit ami MMn the entire structure camne friends. Iti behaved that he fre a ot The t5cl,,r.mcnt WuVle Mr. and Mi-s. Steen were recently ' worked heroically, but could save nothing ... .i5..t..D... 'f,h.,r, .nniif tVmn. : In the freielit hous- and rJevator. and alt uulk."..... "- ning gear gave way ana ine nor.M- v.ni m-u to run. Mm. Stecn jumped from the cuttr and fell upon tbe frozen ground, striking tmnn tbf bnek of her head and receiving j jjurjes which rendered brr unconscious J jor ejtee for eighteen hour. Tnr.bsnk of Stella ba fllfd articles of in corporation. Capital, $2,-?,fX0. Ql'aii. and prairie chickens were killed by the thousand in tho late lonns. The young and growing town of Mend. Saunders County, lies been incorporated. Tiik espress- company has niaf!? good tbe losfc by the robbing of the Cbadron coach. It is said that Mi- DNhner, thb seventy day tdecper, hns recovered th u-e of brr limb?, which were patalyzed at the great awakening. L. K. .Tone., a Dixon County farmer, rc- cently struck a seven-foot vein of coal on his farm -i'A) feet from the Mtrfnce. The coal is said to be of good quality. The City Council of l'laU-moutu has pasted an ordinance levying u 'ccupa , tion tax" on all elates of bu-ines.-. in Minis ranging from 53 to J".' per year. Haw kei peddlnc and non-reident druinmern ate taxed by tbe day. j C11 vintoN ha a board of trade w ith forty- ono members representing as nmuy bu-.i- ncss house. The object of thin organixa- , tion is to secure manufactories and mills j upon the adjacent streams and to secure arMitional railroad lines. A ten to estab lish a jobbing and wholesale trade. i 'Cue Secretary of State has i.ud a cir cular notice to the eded that on and after February 15, 1S--H, prepayment of fees will be demanded for all work done in hi. oltlce. I Omaha bns a scheme to bring the Elk , horn river to that city and utilize it for power purposes. It is proposed to tap it at Klkhom City, a distance of about twenty five miles, aud conduct the power to Omaha. JJau.aho, the Omaha murderer, who was FPntenced to hang, has been granted a writ of error by the Supreme Court. A new j trial will follow. j Late port olhVa changes in Nebraska: ' Established, La Kline, Keith County. Wil ! liani La Khue, postmaster. Discontinued, Lavaca, Cherry County. Postmasters ap ' pointed. linker, Buffalo County, Sidney M. Childs; Blue Springs, Cage County, Wil liam M. Young; Cherry Creek, Bulfalo County, K. Farr; Newark. Kearney County, Dcnjamiu W. Vaughn; IVter.-ou, Cuming ' County, MUs Mary IVtcivon; Pilot. Cm.ter County, Lewis d. O.diourn; Itiverview, Ituiralo County, John W. Adams; Sett, Furnas County, Mrs. Ma Loghry; TaMe. Hock, Pawnee County", Junius A. Carloek. Coi.ouxix) coal brings $.'.W in Araphoe; in Omaha ?ft,4(K Tin: A ins worth skating rink has be;n turned into a court hotisu. Tiik Union Pacific ha let the contract for forty-five miles of road from Howard City in the direction of Brokii Il-r.v. A D.wm Citv photegrr.jihr grcel.i his guests with a novel and eirctive motto a loaded revolver in a glass case, .sur rounded by photos of "dead" beats, which filently commends the patrons to "pray or pay." It is stated that a petition is receiving signatures in the vicinity of Deloit, Ante lope County, requesting tho Postmaster Crucial to trxp?dita with dyunmits or other forcible means the mail carrir of route :;s,:iVi. The petitioner:? are not particular about the consequences if the mail carrier gets there. TitK school population of Fairmont has increased so rapidly that another school hour.e i" an imparntive nece'sily. Tnr. City Council of riattsmouth has sub mitted a draft of a waterworks ordiuaii'o to George 15. Ininan, of New York, who has made a proposition to build the works. In ease he accepts the provisions of the ordi- nance it will be submitted to a vote of the people for rat ideation or rejection. A wauimnt was recently is.ucd for tin arrest of Nick Teit sort, upon th charge of a robhory committed nt Kennard, Decem ber 12. The postmaster at that p!nc is also station agent, and on the day mentioned he mics"d a registered loiter containing $20, which he had just received. Teitsort had been banging aiouuil the station during Ihe day, and suspicion pointed r.t once to him, but as no proof could be secured uo'.biug was done nxcept to olace the matter in the hands- of too authorities, who by r. decoy registered letter soon caught him. Patents lately granted Nebraska invent ors: Frederick Itruminger and K. Quinn, Hastings, fire escape; James P. Gge, Fair fbdd, folding table; James K. Patterson, . Crete, grain drier. j Tub report is that the new county com- ; mi&doncrs of Dawes Countv have removed th county seat from Cbadron to '.section 20," near that town, which they claim is tbe legal county seat. Tnn bridge nenrn tho Republican at Trenton is said to be assured and it will probably ba built neat mouth. Trcntoa will enjoy a solid and substantial boom dating from it? completion. A sad accident befell Miss Nash xvbile at I the post-office at Fairfield the other morn- ing. The trap cellar door being open, she T .,.- 1 I .. nfj -- I l Arci-uo recently oiu a ii,t.u lire. 1 Tna body of a man was recently found a , tnile east of Benton near a b ay n tack, cot- ; ered with bay. An old carpet ack and a large supply of fishing tackle were found with him. He had evidently been smoth- ered by the haystack fall'ng oa him, and , had been dead a long time. Nothing to , identify the remains were found. 1 Focr. school houses and fifteen tacben guide aud shape the young idea of Blair, a: an annual cot of $7,4.13. Belva LocKwoon, attcrner, lecturer and ? Presidential candidate, ia said to be gather-. I n f itAtif nllit aI I intn Ld 11 . , uuiuiuianj cn .uiu .ue t.ci.a. uu bus- . jtqnare ! , tained seriou? injuries. : tiirongh to the back of the brain, lean officer find It bard vt rcstra.n their t t"t rrii' irl T--,.i A Chxdkon Journal: Wo have now two here it lodced. Winn still Hv-5. but the n.i from Crmg on Cfook'a Ituiian wouU : mlxU'M SStlm In Sf.V .rata of county government, two county . !lors say there is 1,0 Ikp for him. Wlnr. vl.enever they m Its contact r..U, tbem. f nCr ofilal , treasurers, two coantv iudVes two countv is a widower. His wife died last 5 prints. Itespons.b'e American reading In Mea- ,." "' . "" JSr j treasurers, two county judges two county brother-in-law to Hon. W. W. Kat- ic confirm the rrprentatbms maile tf 1 "f? '.'? n!r "". cweIttMel lwi commissioners from the first district. And ,.'"' "-'"., '.. '""" "k fTiw , ...! .mi ts .,i t" luilcc rrcotomcivlerl Crant for a 1 .u r 11 .. u teroott. cierk of the Uoone county court, Mexicans to a certain stent, rhey say i,f. r-,, i .. .JL ... . now if some other fellow w.ta a wven-by-1 w ; ,, .n m tb ,bnon ,5 a . the b?t th-ng Crook can do will b v, Uko ! .lil!:?J " P1. Su,)lU 1 e:g PnacK on section niy w start hew b Iuaiasfe of tlw yruvlWtnr ut tn Indtan fconts out ot Mexico , oon a, j ftrt- , " LT,, k ..!. , second uost-ofMce we nballb "fixed." .,. .......J r -..., hm.J.' ,.... . ,,.ii,u.f i,.u..i,-,..!.i r....i f rtury IJ. l;-0'i. while that of hmfln 1 nr-fatirtoV-Si0" " Vi,al - 5 ibc ho ttrmy pennies tn the small to.ns of , of thf ;; drclxTKd by UebUte' Governor. Hubbard aai Mayor Uice. Tho A xzw lodge of Odd Fellows has been er- gaaUed at LtBeola. Th bridge acroea the north fork of the Rermblicaa river has beea ceaspleted, BtacJi to the advanUge of the freighters who have been continaaliy getting stack ia the sand. The yoaag daeghter of Jessie Irwin, of 2febtak City, was serioasly injured while coasting recently. Kbe collided with a horse aad was kicked by the frightened assspsaL aredactag eosenssioa ef tae braiau A Sacxaaaa Ceaaty bhtckesaith is tfca aeasaesor of aa Eagiieh stiver watch 2SS yeaW M. It was aaade ha LiTrfsol ia lGeaad keep time with the best watch at gMn?ef Central Citv'a rovar have ftiafaairtcrkmitrelcib uiafil tket A DESTRUCTION. Tw Grand irvt recht IXntt.c rtara4 Ittr-yrd by m Volcano A Coord SnotTfttldr. Gr.A.vn II a vex. Mich., Telv 2. Fire brofcu out at 10:30 last night In tho Detroit, Grand Haven t Milwaukeu frclsh: 1io.lv, , . .,-.... .. . J5..t.... I... 1,4.... p:ierj;y was immvn 10 jijiiis, uumf- The asvnger teamer Cty of Mihaukco was lying aiongs-do tin elevator and wxs 1 ailly sctrchcL At H:tJ i. m. tin oleia tor was entirely envclopttl In tierce tlatno, toetlier with the remainder of the i '.varchous, and nothing cuM ."ave i It. Lumber jard aro jut north of the tire anl a large portion of the city was threatened. Twcnty-livo or thirty freight car-i were de5Uoil. At 11M3 o'ciock the elevator fell and the warehouse mcth of the elevator rauzbt fire. At I'Jrtlo , o'clwk the tire ws under control but was ; t U fiercely burning. Allhunsh coverrtl 1 with corrugated iron, tlso bul'dirgs would ! have all trone like tinder but for the hard and SnteiJigent work of the fin-men. Tbo gale continued blowing fiercely, but had ; .shifted to the wot which allied materially :u the hour of greatest need. The total Ios will not fall short of Si50.(HH. which auint.t is supjMised to Iht fully tn.-ured. It Is conjectured that In connection with tho shed jet stand. tig. temporary sheds will at once be put up and hu?:lics uii the pail of the ra'liond company will not Miller. i There is cn!iU rabie storage room In tho part of tho shed saved. in sti:oi :t nv a voi.r.vvo. I Pan.vha, Feb. '2. The Coveti.ment Com r.il'.sinn. consisting of I'tof. Kocketnck and Mr. Walker, sent from (luatemala to tejxir: iij-nn the probability of an outbreak of tho l'aravn volcano, announces the total destruc tion of the village of St. Vineetite I'aeaja. Some tile-naifed houses completely col lapsed, making Mich a cloud of dust as to cn-alu the belief that a new crater had opened. The hot springs surrounding Like Matillan emits a larger volume of water at ' a higher teiiienituri' than UMial. The crater of I'acaya remains unchanged, while that of Ktiego has been ver liely. 1 thi:i:k sii:v ku.ikii uv a.v avalani'iih. ' I Iii:i:cKi.vi::i(ii:, Col., Feb. 'j. Sunday, while a paity of men were clearing tho snow from the track of the Denver fc South Park railroad, six miles above Ftl-co. n snowslfdofivc hundteil feet wide and twenty fivti feet tteep came down the inouii'.a 11. hweeping away the track, .lohu Mr Wil liams and two shovelers were biirud under 0110 htindnil feet of snow and locks at the bottom of the mountain. Their bodies havu not yet been recovered. THE PRESIDENT'S REFUSAL. Tbe Senate Cnnsbleriiii; What tn l) Atmul It t'liiul Aetioii !c (trrel. Washington, Feb. -. Tho Senate, had a long cwotitivo session jrs'.etday nfter tipoti, and it was neatly dark before ad journment. The leport of Attorney Gen eral Garland 011 the lesolutiou adopted in executive session hist week calling i"-r the papers on tile in the Depaitment of Ju-tlco connected with the re moval and appointment of a Fnitcd utiles District Attorney for the Southern Dlssriet of Alabama, was under discussion. Inasmuch as the Attorney General had seen proper to glvu a copy of his icport to tho President. Mr. Kdiiiiinds could not see any iiiipropiiety In considering il publicly 1111.I gixing the widest publicity to the .action of tho committee. Mr. l.utler obp-cted to having the matter dtMMissi'd In open se..sion, and cons dcmlilu debato followed over tho general pioposl tion to consider any kind of exeeiitive busi ness with open ibiois. Mr. Hoar during thy debate claimed jurl-d ct:o:i of the re port from the Attorney General for lib Committee on Privileges and ICtectlou-, but after some discission his claim was di.il lowed. Ilefoie taking final action on the. question of discussing the matter in open bcsN.oii the repot t 011 object.011 went over to the next executive session. A JOLIET JUMDLE. The Mmilc'pnl I.ttv to be Auii'IiiIimI In Or-b-r I" s.n,,rr' 1 1- Salvation Ami . Jni.ir.T, HI., Feb. 1. The trouble between the city efhri.V.s and the Salvationists will be brought to an end by amending tho ordin nice so that it will lead that nt so ciety. clr.,s or sect can jmnule or create any diversion or make any loud iioIij or ob stitict the street, tending to scare lniree, or obstruct the passage of vehicles without first obtaining the mayor's permission in writing and giving a goiwl bond for any damage that may rustiX' The abler ineii. Protestants included, uiiauituousiy sustained the mayor, and one of the ader iuen reported that 0:1 investigation he found tJit the Salvation Army had abused Its priv ileges, ami that had they accepted tbe priv ileges olfered by the mayor as they should have done and not defied Ins authority, no dirtui Oauce would have been precipitated. l.ot:nI in tbe ISraln. STvr.nr.oN, Mo.. Feb. 2. A shooting scrape took plr.ee about eight inilr.s south of Sturgeon late Thursday evening, which will doubtless prove fatal to ono of the jwrtle. It seems that Alex. Winn and John Winn, distant relatives, had a dispute over souio road matters, and from words they came to blows. Alex. WTirti, who was a powerful man. physically, was pressing hard upon John Winn, so we are In formed, when Dnvid Rickey, a relative of John Winn, drew liU "revolver and shot Alex, through the he."ub Tho ball struck the forehead and pas-d tureeon T!i Ic" Cm!rAl- A St. Paix Jlinn.. Feb. L This morning the finishing touches are being circit fo thu Ice 1 alacc. and after dusk St- Paul's pet project will be inaugurated amid a blazs ot splendor. Airca-iy excursion train are bringing in large numbers of visitors from point, and the street are thronged, The pvrade- to-night will be compos of th winter clubs, miiiUa and other orgwirz- atforw. and a large number of memN-rs of Jf 7'" "777' ., , V V . great pat&Je ot the carnival occcr ca W ednoday. .. ' lot KadiMt.: Cniaco. liU Feb. 2. A meetiag of rep- ( rocaUttTrt of the railroads in the Chicago, J St. Loals aad Mlsaouri faver Paenger AiMM-tailon. whlrh "err'rH hv Imtlfiffm .' , " - -r--- j - - ir 1 l.ij t .. 1 ih.. w&nj, cci ticie jcaiTttiy. i cere wa, but re dlon aad done except to adjourn sine Le- Contrary to general expecUtioo tna St. Paa! adhered i to Its posUioa tlut the Northwestrm bttv in shoald oe lsdaded la the aodit!oa and tbe Koek I!astt reaia-l fina ia opoe- wtlon. Both tht Ifect Island and 'Jiei S t ' Paul awiagrs assert tlt KorwifjiUndiBg the cstmctlen ef tiie pooU rsst will ba Gituly a-x'nUlacd. 1 i xi riiuiiiruii iMiur- uc4i'T ?iiirriiLiLTii?ci- I'tvinv ,w -- -i ewircr4 wiw DEATH OF MRS. BAYArTO. Tt Wtl tf tfc rrmtry t tat Siirvtwe erlnlttr OnljrTww H"a. WAmsoToy. rcU L Sirs. Kayar. wife of the Secretary of Stat, died at rifcnt o'clock j estrrday monilnff. The Immrdiate caue of Mrs. lJayanlit death was con erst Ion ot the brain, brought on by the nhock of her J Opera Hqumj m thU cJtv yeAtarday after daughter's sudden dcatli two werfcs acn. qoou nl fvtmlns. For the first werk following that evrnt dio t Tlicoirntne aildrr wa dcJlTcrrd ty rx stood tbe strain and excitement n,ullc ndl, thvett.r Charlc.. Kobiruou on "The I nr but a week ago last Friday srwi ww com- ocer of Kansas.' I-?llctl to take to her hrd and gradually (ki.-?rnnr Joliu .. Martin next spy r grew worv tron day to day. tn Thursday raiding the srnwth of Kana.. c.mgrt)onnt the brain madr Its appearance, t At tb conclusion of t;vcrnor Martin a s;id she was uncun-clous for twentr-(oar remark Hn. IL F. Istini !-po hour iH'furc Iier drath. Aitnnoti tor years .Mrs llayanl had twc;i a cunfirmwl Invand she bad for the last ut months lt.n n better health than for many years. I,tst Mimmcr she was very U. at her home in Wthnicgton. Icl wtUi a couiplicat.on of dlM-af of the liver aud ;olllach and h-r recovery at that tn.: as cnsiderrl doubtful. At the solicitation of tier da uglier. Mls Kat Mis. ltayant put lwr If under the can of Dr. F. A. (lardncr of thLs city and under fits tteainirnt she bad iuiptntrd jo much as to be able t m In Liety tlus winter and aiihotigh still an In valid he was 111 couiparatixely ginul health xxhen her daughter died, i-he was about t!'tj-obe )eat of age. With the excentiou of her daughter. .Mr. Warreu. of Hotoii. nad her .v..n. who Is Jn Arizona, the family wete prrent xvhen she dictl. The body will be taken t Wi!nlngUm for burial to day and the funeral will be held thereon '1 uesday. The dra'h of Mrs Ilayatd will have a marked ellect on the xvial festlxilJes at tho capital. It c ins in absolute mottruug for a week the White House ai.il the uoturs of the Cabin. t Minister?., and withdraws fioin society the President anil Mts C.rvelami, tho members of the Cabinet and theh fam ilies. On the nnupuuceiiiciil of the sad event the President directed the Immediate, recall ot the imitation for the state dln.ier to the Supreme- Court, which was to have been Thursday ever.inc, and Stvictary and Mrs, Kndtcott'wUhdrew their Invitation. for a cabinet dinner on Friday evening. Mlv Cleveland will not be at home to callers during the week, and her S.tuntay after noon nci'ptioii will te abandoiusl. ieete tary and Mr. Whipiey had Issued cards for a er.-s of Thursday evening leceptlous, but their house will le elosist for this v,s:'k and all acceptances by late Cat.iiiel lamllu-a will for that M.-riod be rcvokeil. WASHINGTON NOTES. The Itlll ti I'rrtnit tbe Sprrmil of I'lritrn. I'lifiiniiiitia Krprul ut l'rr-riiiitlun 1.11 Ma. Washington, Feb. I. The Home Com mittee on Agriculture on Saturday began the consideration nt bills Intended to pre i nt the -j trail ot p!eiirt-piieumouta aiiJoii; domestic atiiiuiils. The committee was ad dtussed by Mr. Wilson, of Iowa; Kopte-H-ittative llreekeundge, of Kentucky ; Cur tis, of New York; Commissioner Colmaii, of tie leiariuient of Autieulture; Pr. Salmon, of the Itureau of Animal Indus try; Mr. LNijd, of Maryland, arid Mr. Tuwet", of Kans.is City. Dr. Sa'tnon ex )tiained tbe nature of plrtito plU'iituori.a, mid snid t.iat the llesh of iufected aiiiutal was not injurious as food, and that no trou bles hail been known to icsult from lbs use. Tl.e dis.nise was communicable to iiiuuial.s w'tlilu a M'rixi of tifteeii mouths utter infection. 'I li-lef:e .iianuitliiesliot!lil be X'emied to a period ot ciMirli months nt least. Mr. Wlbou expressed the opinion that tl.e tiade in nilr- l'tueen the Kast and West facilitated the ttaiiin.sioi of the ilsasi. among auimaS. Ail of Mat speakers f 4 voted a liberal appropriation to ciitblethn Depnrtini-nl of Acrleu.tute to establish and m:iiuta!ti quarantines and slanui out the tltse.ise. 'I bey favorcl a meastito tiiat would not allow the payment of damage to bld pent for toek found to bo in jected and de.slioyed wtifio it ajipopfisi tlmt proH-r ptccatitliHis had not been taken by the exporter to ascerta-n the healthful con dition of the htoek. Several ireiittcmen ex pressed the opinion that the committee hiiotih! report a bill liicliullui; iIIsomm of hogs ami other domestic annuals. Mu.r". Wiliis, Curtis. Maybetry. Whitney and Candler have lieen appotnted a sut-cominlf' tee of the House Committee 011 Kdticabounl bills re atlNi; So Government action 111 re gard to pub'ie edltcatioti. The lliair edu cation bill will bo refer :ed to this Mib-com-luittee. PKK IMITION ani tisiiiku rPl.TfUK. The henate Committee 011 Public ltudi has eotip:eted a bdl for the repeal of the pir-cmpUoti ai.u titular cultute lam! law and hcfci the iucautc will be reiortt-d to the ato tod.v. It repeals the two laws mentioned oir tight, amend thu desert IhimI ret vi as to give the claimant S0 Te, on coiilltiou that he shall make it hi permanent irsliii lire and shall Irrig-tte otn liali of it. the patent to lvun five year from the dab of filing the c nnuautV notice of intention, does aw.iy w.th the comu.iitalion feature of the hnruesbjAiI law ami limits the time within winch the Gov ernment can attarh a patent to fiejrais. The rommitiee a o auieudiMl Nmator Jbr r's leioiutlon mi a to make It declare that In the opinion of Cong.e the lease tf th bath houses and hot water privileges at Hot Jpriiii: should not i renewed by the Sec retary of the Interior until the i'ortv-nlntli Congress should have legislated with ref erence thereto. The reoititiou will Lo favorably repotted to the Senate. CROOK'S SCOUTS. Indian Sefut Alleeetl to bo m Ix.t of t;rMk. Titox. A. T.. Feb. I.SIetlcan clti zrns, who atrivtrl here lo-Uy fm Nacorl. say the rrar the 31exlcan troopi fired on Captain Crtvcford. Indian out .0. ... ft, ! Mexico ' were etiually as objectionable 1 tne to-called iinnrade Apache. Tho tteaty doe not autboriie brlnzing Into the 1 country hostile Indian, wiso tn tinier thfr j citizens and lay waste their property, rhs claim can lc proed tliat Crwk wrout have rejeatcdly conimittnl dprrslations In i.f. in n tb- I . ,, . i Mexico and Hon laid the blame rrhcsau". iliw being me ca lb I2xatlons aial fwslbfy war ulth Mcxko. The tUiitor. Pomoxa. CaL, Feb. L Owing to an Item which appeared In thi raomlng'a Ios Angras Trttu In rrcard U tho Morrbmn Fuilcr ep-ode, Uie reprefcntatlre of the j-apcr was attacked on tb street hre tht moniing by Mr. Poller In tree puxilbmc tyle. The Tmea rrpreswnitite, it beinc rqcal physically. d:ev a pUtoI and fired one shot, whlt aid &ot Uke eCect. He n arrestrtl and Mr. ra.trr broocht ehge of sliooti with totenk to iBardcr. The 7Txr. representative te a bond cf forIlU W-r for a preHalaary minat.oo to-trorrow tontnint at tm " &ot t aiiair catuen a wsg secsauex Lere. I .(nnlir - - - V... f l 1,7. ..--.- v.s , t.. c..-,. iht NaVT rfceiVrd inforautii f rota taa pacic Mail Steawthia Cosapaay to tbe effect that aafttiurr nrvrdattflai U "- - - w. .. .- r Citl ikm i!htnfM nf Ttstxi'm uJ lfu I - ", -; r" " '" " dfrretJ by wire to reasala at As4f. watt with the Tsaee for tbe sxearat. It is pOMib.e that a TeacM bad sallftd I ,"frBBl '"P1"1' " 7 West before reJ.f teatrsetteerf, la wfekk esae will fcr ordemi taek ki raae laa stica- I iioo arusxM 11. asa ouer tewwi win alas f le ordered to his axsKaaea. Set saacJl iaronaKOB U atlacaed la tae prsaaag if fxtr daaaage. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD. :Zmmmm CUmrt llrr Twwtjr-afth fttrtb Jaj- In Hmic 5lttf. ToricKA. Kan., Jan. JHJ.-Thi-tvieoration f commemoraUn the iwentyfiftli annivcr sary tf the adrohHioa of Karas Into thi j l,U'tho"d of State vw held at the t.rand length on 'trie vtTamioi.evotwi.uu.il. K tloveruor Thomas A. fHiimu anil Ctilef JutNj A. II- Ilortnn WliHtfl Mr. Simian m hort aldrrsv. tb fwrinrr jip.-aktng with rcferenotf t "The Mat t.ov rrnmrtits.' r.nd the latter taic fr h& mbii.-t -T5i Jt.d.cary of Kana-' Ttf lion. Cyrus K. HoMldav stroke n.xt cotKvruii; the "I'ltlca of Kns." Ilim. Janice Iluii)rfV. nwtfccr of 'ht Stato lMunv 't Itattroad Commlsa.r ft. K " k - lowed 4nel IioilMlay in an aiwto on. Tfcr l:ailnds of Kai." Uev. Dr. t'ordlcy iHke on Tin' 5rhnd 3f Kaa Ttt c.en;ng rvercl-" cMmKrlal7 S) irkek. rttttf ojnetl by an a.Wrrws ! t 4.ei I. 1L Anthony. ProMdaat of tho Mai llUioruat xfety. l'apt:n J. H. Jtion. Spckr ft thr lions,., and Ueutenant (onerwr Ubi'o fiiiow,nl m short aihlrea'?., aftur wht-h ?v N. W.mI dHUerrsi a tiwM.ch with rwfervncc to the "PMMies'rs of Kansas. The lion. John h, ear, of l-awr.ti. f. -he.l in all 'e,dlent paper mi Ihe IV,r. tral f.oTeinment." Mr. iefr rev.wt It thoroughly and bis remarks wtic well ie- !. The Hon. David Timelier poe 011 tho "I.ejectVd CtmtltHtloits," FoUowitig Mr. n.her,5 address I!n. V4) W"iMt de-lvercl a jap?r on "Tbo tr-ss of Kansas." lion. William J'Ims, ivvtetary of tbo 5tate llotru of Agriculture, detlvurwl n fty n-iiiiitks concerning "Agricultorw tn Kai. Itev. Dr. F. S. McCabe upoke next on tho subject, '"l he Churches or Kan-tA. Follow iiu Dr. McCntn? lion. Alexander Ctld well dellverc.1 a p.-pT on "Kanao.-x Manufartures and Mines," The i'Xeiel.cs tloMsii wltfi the addrosof lion. Nob:u Fieiith on the "Women f Kansas." DOCUMENTS REFUSED. Tbo I'rrsbUnt ! Not Think It I" tlio In Iririlul llir lubllo to CtilOplj Willi thn .n.t,.'s iiiitiit. j WA.miiNiiro.', Jan. 2t, 2 p. in. Tho Attorney General M-nt a letter to the Sn ate tht morning In answer to the tesolu tion calling for all documents ami paper In relation to the management aud con duct of the nflloe of the United Mate- ' Attorney lor tho Southern Unit let of Alabama, lit which. aftr aeknowi- i rdgiug the receipt of the resolution in ipieot'Oii. ho ys: "lit repMis it, ' laid rebuilt t on tbe President of the t nlbtl Mates ilttisMi me to say that the tM-r Wbleli were In Hits dejsulliient relntiir to the lllneKt of l. Iteitliett, iDtvully ireolit meiuled to ivuld olHo. have bei-n aJiead) teit to the Jiid'Ctttty CointMlttee of tne Sri, nie. and the prttH-t and ibciMieiit wti.cli nre mentioiied In said tes4iitlon it;t t n.iilit In the custody of tttl ib-p.it t lnlit and lavu etehwivo retetrneo to the supeii by tbe Pi ddiU f ls'ij,'i' M. iMtfttlit. late itieutulnit of the olo-i' .f Disltiet Altoniev of lint United ftlnim fi the Sot'thcm I'istiiet of Alniia. it i not rtoisldere! tlutl the pb4i ItttetiMtA Will be ptowiobil by eotup-latifu sk ildr.. ' lotion and the tmiitHlii of lh (mp-; niol AH.tunieiits therein utiUoted t tbo . Senate In exeotltlvo wnwloti." j NATIONAL FINANCES. Sentttir tlKTillls 011 tb riiirwintol Oolt.x.tt uml fiioKr..n. l,v;UtKtIoM. 1 VAiiiiTON, Jan. . Sctiatvr turn-It thinks the fact tb-l mttrly lM.W)0.euO f the S10.000.iHH) Iximh eallinl are in lin'IwirMU or National banks very i-tdtiennt, "lin menus the let'tlug of tiboMt 44O0,OO Nutioiml iMiik not,-." aul h laH inreiiii. , "if till ptopMtloti should cnniitftte In ju f turn case, we w.H have tho entire Imili m Nat'oiml bank note auiotiiitla u ovet 4?30fj,(HttMti rvt'icd lefi;re ve aro prepari lor M. We ate then bt'Htcbt faro to face with the problem: What tea'l m rubAtitiiie for nnlbuial Imnk note? ftbali we issue another etn-i of hot d bvajtos ,1 low inte of interest to be mi ss th lti ot another aue of NhIIoomI twit 5? !- Sttatl we lme Trrtitwry note? hboll ne t, turn to the oid statu l-oiel jytrm. or nb.! we continue to luc I.ver ntMl rtrtjtettte baed on ilvei? I do not think the proo woitbl ruent U nil lncfee of tbo publ delif. and Treasury note drpttid ! itiueli :: Coogrein4l action. 1 be only .o!ttUt ai'parettt to my mind J the su. of iinrr r.-rtirlr4tr M Mr. l.'H'all t that under the condition governing the pr-ot rite. the wboie iMiie of .National Intuit rtoU.. vill be re Uted in front Vih to fen )eai?k CONCEnril.NQ GRANT. Tbe 1,'lt,.- f 4.-nrt l l.-,k r.'!i,,rcl"ff I t.rtirral (Snant Willi lruo'-inr i;llm-l j l ! VrTBrj. j '; Vtinif, Jan. .". The Tribune pnt ; JUhe a letter from J-tirr4l fJrorse W. Cttii- i lorn, of .Vew Yurk, fbe chief of Centra! Jiallreks Uff in isll-'fij. lit which h Uteri that lb; rrcmtly published ailfged dl.-trttrh of :ienera Haitrck Ut(liu-tl Mr- '''Ian rmtuinic trant with drnktine l' fw,'r' ,H fh Ie4f-r L.c.Jan rhauinic (irant with drtinkune ! 01 l-nerai 3Icl leliaii'. ollicul rwrr. in 1,1-1, h M ' ,. e writer ttes that alter careful examination of y.c "Je'lan'n tu.t tn ech 1 dlspab-h can br found, (infrxl Cutlotu "-" '-n, iii, j.pmi -iirni onni tH"'atjn afKl I'ohnt'l Frctl f irant In cent coniribuUon t th? Xorth At aWi bow that fotli f.-n-rat Grant in hi hU re- rnzrienn j not drs! until March 31. Jbtfj, more than UIUU.O 1UCT. rrMoiliIofv f th. Gaixxa. XJX-, Jan. ZQ.-J,hn lirsrotk. I for By rar a rwkfcnt of Oaleea. did , yestrrJay afternoon at tlws Vaor Heev, thi cotjfttrv uadcr rrsrmkab.Vr chcgraAUac. " He was aa octocraarian aad for mmt Uate havl hr Ia fe& health, aiUoxh ant cwrj- tJri to hi bed or his roost. Shortly afbrr dinner Wednesday w rvmaxkrd to hi cwes- panSona that he xois la ill. h tfim wrat Xt sof k deUarravly to pre- Si waf I ,& LT.seif af ally hV: wrV aja cka Jr , After wbii--ei eieaa utier- wear sad dean eater garment. The jtnmnum cotap;ea a wrat la ax laid deva eat his bed aed .M wUbia if taaa sahaatas srUhat a strsvgk. WaUiJifXA. 5. CU Jaa. 3. Tera i asfar&w rrrtleaiaat taioafbawt txU sectless swer ta aaj araadklac a4jgay ay twa Uurmm Wes via hare rcsUy asade tbeir ais,aartcs arairad here. Tfcey kea ay f tfce osaeaca, featdiac llr Kathifs at aat ia kwrty lata. Taay r to tke yeaur cksae aa4 by aysaaaUdzlac arJUt Iktie eeiliaa rata their adbetOea, kee4c tteir i: . il e4 The jaaac ata aaT iraeatJy arcaaiiea aad served aaiahax aaaat tna ataafefliU taat tVy mill aa ieWy rfeaJt ka. Oaavllle. aertkices: af here, aacaat to aw tteif efclrf o-TUa Pjng , arms aeaWd Abm BLja2cJBpBssnAanja s sa&f?S- ' BSaBBBBBJSt-CrfSE.-- PSBBBBBBBiMll-iWrB- BMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLaBVWBR"n-r?Si BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKl2BBBV'ms9Siyk1miT&s k 1 -" - ,s --"- tyr ;a & - . , '. '4 '& "VI M: Sv ZMZs ?.. WjM5' 3S? JVWi -.L &f le t '? t If ' . . . ti :. l ' ii? f. 'STOa&lSSw . '&y& if r-iw,Ef.; . m r.- . mr-i-5--- P, -'.J PryjEuir Qfaati L ij j- i -)rniia.n "! ' r "TWi'ULaWtafnW'Hrprl Sr r A-ty- K-J J-mite?J&1mmm3&, 'V- .' --- -imMMMW Tat s .AM?m' s -laaaaBBKaalM jglg-.A - SaaaaasaslBi sPtaM V y Jt , t4