Ba""ffiBBBBMjfV'rl''2-;!-T- i'ViJ:. w sg-----' BMHplipPMr h i HitI ESS? ME-TiMMW)aHlHMMIMMevMlMMiMUAaMIBMHHPIHHlHMBHiiiiaHHl-'WnWPHirV.lHKaHT'Jbv'' s?isf-jywja5.-.-,.- r? t n i WW i 1'iw i w in f'w 9vwmmmm w'ipum mmwi i pp wi ' 11 wi a n tth jr WL n t.- &' '.-?; teatA ,4 -"V.-',' . T-- -r ."?& s?l J" ,t-V' - 5 Tg'Sfte. " j-.. 'K-SS 3c - aWs aBBBPaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVBBl VOL XIII. RKDCLOUDCRlEfj -.C. IIOSMKU. Proj.rlvtor. !:! 'Ioui!, WVIislor county, flinibl:a. A weekly Journal lcvoJcl to tlie hilere.sts of tlio worM in p:uer il :niil Weli.ster comily :uil IJaceiit territory iart!ciilarly. TJi l:iwt ami 'V-t e'jiiijijicil paper 111 tliu ureal JteiliUean l.alley. TKiiMit or suitM'itn-no.v. j One year, liiadvanre SI " ix inoiiins. 111 anvame i '1 rial -opy ,5 moiitlisj in auvanw. V Tub riiiBK lias the largest circulation of any palter hi the valley ami in there'oru Hie greatest edvert ising nieilliini lntlils suetion. Alvertl ing rates acennipaiiieil with atiidavit of sworn airculatlou funiislifd wlien remie.teil. out? .ion ur.rAUT.M i-:nt. iseomplete in every particular and Itcing run iy j sti m Injures work done promptly. rj:nrsthe i' r iiwiM'. ami good work jrivininteeil or no pa. We wii diiplieate liir,;eor .eiN at I'liinliitt iirin , and j: il.iriiiipi' woiKami skm-k to tie us hood si, can In; pntcured in the west. Wis aie gound to please all patrons of our Job ik'ir. inent. (live us a trial. BUSINESS CARDS, j , "" ' ' ' aa: y.s.Ti .""b.f hom(koi;atiiio physician, U. S. Kxaminiti .Surgeon. Offick Opposite First Ktitinnul Unuk Hwl Cloud. QK. L, II. BECK, IIY.SIC1AX AND SUKGKON, Offici:. Over cit I'harnuicy. Oflice culls 011I3'. KK1) CimUD, - NEHIIASKiH C E. McICEEBY, M. D., - VUYSlGh&S A.KD SVRGEOJ iinic ovwClly l'limnacy' "'" ' " Oillee Hours fnuitK to 11' it. in., !to4. and 7 to 11 p 111. Kesidencc 3 blocks west of court House MCI) CLOUD. - jf" NlillUASKA V-T p 1)AMEKEUBM. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEOX, i' lied Cloud, Nebraska. OrrtCKiOvcr tho now potofllco. I D. DENNEY, IY61CIAN aSURGEOX, t ,IIE!) 'CLOUD, - MNEBItxVrfkA. ? r .. A ii. i i, Wl'lIUI. VJUt VjUUK h lll'lg MOIU. i. Gil-Hs promtlj' attended to day or niht- rK. C.'SOIIEXCK, PHYSCIAN AND SUIICEON, Cowles, Nebraska. Professional calls promptly attended Office: At residence Cowles. S-51 Q I LI I AM &KICKAKDS, AlTOIiXEYS. Hel Cloud, Nebraska. Offici: Over City Pharmacy. C w. J. L. 1Ci.i:y Kaley Bros. ; A TTORXEYS AT LAW. UE1) CLOUD, NEIL Agents for the 1. it .M. U. Ii. Lands pKANlC K. L5UMT, ATTORNEY .IT LAW, HEJ)CLOri). - - NF.H Oj' 1 ici: Over the Post OlHce O. ( . I'AnK. .Ias. MoNkny. Case Sc McNeny, i i" km-:s am corNSFi.ous at law ; ..ill I'tiu-tifo in all routts tit tlii state state i :u-Ci iimi :i Ufti as lituraled luiMiuv carefttl- lk.. .... w... ' .mil tlii'hrfith atteiiiled to. Abstract, furnish- oil a-iuittii. ! i:oi i ifu k. Oxer First Natioiutl Hank. .ur Aft) y 11 :- P.OYEUMAN, I .lTOKXEY AT LAW. PvEO ( .V)riJ. - - NEBRASKA Oifi - Over Fort;uoii & Co's drugi store. CUtvtm imiHt'Aiv ntih.' t. unlcorref jwiuU'iuv n .' . riviitv : ".me to loan at low r.ito iiiiortM. N T.niiion is lImi- d llic borrow v:. i K. E. -Voore. l'rcs't J. 1 M itu- r.V Per ' lolin Moore. Cashier j First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB; fapital. - 75,000. ; t" 'r&niaot a eeuernl bar.Kini; businwj. buy and J sell County warrant. Alo County. Pre j'.nct and School District b ondj. Buy and sell , 'corcisn txenance DIUKCTOKS: K. K. Moore. nhn Joore. ff. C.iiosher. , R. COutcalt W N Kich rd F. A. SWKK7V. nluc Hill. Xeb. i.X-,IU Alli'ii Cloud Willcox&Sweezv -- Attorneys at Law, ; icMBoe Uke New Opera House IUock, Kel i !- iT Cloud. SebrasKa, Weliave nrst-lass facilities tor makiii- fann in..,.i,ii. w..iwti'r:itiii aaioiiiiu" vouniios. h . hv&btid several yoars uxiwrleuee m tlic loan lMiiiess in this county anil renneiit svvenilof ' bertaml most .reliable loaiiiiu: ooninauto Invest the funds of a number of irivatc : italiMS. o ueiays. niuiiuy u naim. or on i . iinrt. nntiee Hefore tnakinz vourloan srive t i -jU jCRU UIU Ki-"u """ ii.iuuiuiciui urn ' ".. j . . ...., if..;, i " ,i i u rV'OUr limit niwu juu iu iu rainv c ; . in voMik socciai rare. LWe e Jlso preiwirert to iusurc your property MBSt-toss by fire, lijrbtnin or tornados', mthe iwiBSluamsrotupituics: onuuiiu insur ffHa&6clusetls, ibcenlx Insurance. IW.i be l0WMLoa Monday aud a urday ( n aSh iB KIllP II ill ulmm f RED DUCKER The change has taken place, come and see how you like it we have just received a fine line of brocade dress goods at 5c. per yd. GINGHAMS 6C. PER YARD! STANDARD PRINTS' 41 cents PER yard. Lawrence LL4 4xMuslin at 5c per yd. or 4c by the bolt. rtfi&mriiitpritioii to -keep the coman VI. Successors to G. SfclJV Reliable Furniture and UndertakingHouse Opposite Postofflcc. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the RepuoLcan Vallcv and ni) prices can not tail to please. R L TINKER MORHART & FTJLTOJT TItJE 1'OPVI.AK Hardware Merchants OF BED CLOUD, Have tho LARGEST and-Most Complot stckoof r ihrkr!. Stoves, Tiawae, Cutlery, Barli Wire- Nails, Rope, Window screens, &c. tho Republican Valloy. "W Keop only 'tho BEST goods and sell as cheap as those firms that carry an inferior stock. Got our prices before vou ouv and vou "will save money. WEBSTER ABSTRACT CHAS. CATHER, Prop- I complete and only set counw. bRtmcts of Title to all lands of ctrnPT -NTOTTfSP. nt. ' - p 1 T? Urrrir and ivvaitauv wv&. MoHcy t JLmm al Estate HMd Chuttlc Security. Taxciuiidfor tton-re-idiit. RoforencAny of the business men of Red Cloud. Office. North Webster Street, Westide CLOUD, WEBSTER S v CLOAKS CI OAKS We will not rettise any fair offer on cloaks as we s ' . ,ure!iek.v- must seA -r - --asjiiP hirirest stock of notions and white dress goods lo r tiiespniiff eurta ins and raw silk. . We will A. DUCKER. IfOUR GOODK AT TIJJI-; COUTY of Abstract books in the this county carefully prepered at -RnnwnE.blo Rates. QnlH. OFFICE Jis3isi cciii solidcompanie COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5 1886- Lr.S5xdL CLOAHS t?i it !!! CLOAKS!!! !!! ! CLOAKS ! continue to lead in prire style J. J. DUCKER Drugs ! Drugs ! HENRY COOK. -oa.:.or is.. Drugs, Paints, Oils Notions Wall Pa er. Ac Re Cloud -Nebraska. If WHUIVIN 9 ITMMiJ Contractorsln Stone and Brick WORK Materials and estimates all furnished HEDCLOUD. NEBRASKA Cook&Meacham Cowles. Nebraska DEALERS IX Drags, Paints, Oils, Books. Stationery EtcvEtcEtc. Prescriptions carefully coinpotinde at all hours. KflM S8MWB U BflMW HOUSE ULOAKS! trade that Red Cloud has ever and assortment of everything CHAS, BUSCHOW, President. S. F HIGHLAND Vico-Pro3id Robt. V.SHIREY, Troaauror. NEBRASKA FAMM aDAM C.UJtTAL,ZrOf)()0. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. DIIiECTOKo: R. I). .Tonus'. 0. C.Csisc. II. V.Shi rev, Chas. Biischou. IL Ii. Fulton K. Iliuliland. " Geo. II. Holland, ). 31. 1'latt. CJc". .1. Warren. MONEY LOANED n imprhved tanns in Xebrnikaand Kansas. Monev furni-hetl as ?fon a? the security is approyetl I'nneiplo and int"Je?t payalile in Kcl Cloud. OFFICE IX RKICLbl'DXATIOXAIi HANK IIIjILDIXG. BrnVVHavQl jKaaanar Ha k .aaaav BBBBBBBB .Bk .BBBBBBE&i IBBBBBBBBbIBpBbB .BBBBBBBjk BBBBBBBar BBBBBBBBb' BBBBBBavvV aBBBBBaP- BBBBBaB ABBBBBaV aSBBBa BBBBBX pThe only exclusive Jewelry store in Bed O, H. MABYATT, City Bakery and Restaurant A. LAUTEBBACH. pbop. R CLOUD, - &eD conatantly on hand c. Bread deliTrnd to any stYrea ataa -v f seen. AIro a full line of Tur we keep. & CO. 6c KANSAS. 9 - " - NEBRASKA OCtaa city. hours. le& NO 27 .- I How to MaV.- Wlnlrr lIvrnitiK Pw tlfalilr. "HiL" i- th -ti'aMtn of .hrt day.- and lo evenings thi lv.t tttuu of all the ear fur study and hupmvetuvnt. IVr liap joii an-'a ounp man dcsiroiw o! obtaininj; commercial employment. On of th' lxt jmvHirt.i in that ditvcUon. ni to pHxl character, la Ktnnl hand wriiinj;. Of oMire. mi know how to write, hut liko the jreat maiorlty, proh ahly. you have never trained yoineIf to write wi'll. Xo nierehajit WakU hi iKKik-s dl"-linired hv awkwnnl ami iUej.- hlu scrawling. Xct lawyer will Mthmit to hadly-written copies. Wo ujjjet you devoto vourh'U this Winter tu jwrsover in endeavor- to improve your p-ninan-,-Inp. Vou will Im' -uqiriMil at the im provement whseh real elTort lit thli linn Avill achieve. Maln ott wouhl like to learn Menjrnphy and to-writln;. 'J'ln; faithful employment of your Winter e.voninp in tlii.t work may make you a tin-t-elavi pulnate IfefiinAhe lolij tiny come apt in and enahle yoti o earn a handxime support. Do ou wih to lo come exivrt a a mechanical draught man? There are evcellent instruction lMok.i sold very cheaply. Tho imlu trious occupation of your evening: hour as a learner will surely Im fruitfuhof re sults. Wo know of excellent draughU men, now enjoying giMl salaries, who taught themsefvo to draw iu ovoning hour:, while companioiw Idhxl away . tlieir timo in smoking, eardi or grvsip. Are you of an inventive turn of mind? Tlie"lMt of all limes to t.tudy up and think out plan- for inw eontrivnneu.1 U in the quietude of evening. 'Hie renult of earnest thought in tho production of inventions are simply astonishing. In general. It is tho improvement iu im- pie device-, things of every-dav uso and that ecrhody want.-, whiclt art) tha .....- ....lltnl.t.. 'I'l... luititnt f..f ltkjBk iiit7.k i ifjii- iiu itit.;iiv i ii little itjjBBBBBBjc sprmjjvinilow siiau i'l ;i.t, hut it are no msttnci age 'J he wai tlUUKIIig, tne M thing ! lo "keep1 Auuriotn. Wlint i i'alli" S. I Dwiht. nntiii" lieM UcjtuhUntn, .i,n, I t , t nir-eu in .leuers u rouni and grew to manhool in th? jiiv grandfather, (iov, Z. (ih'V the early prominent men lit & Illinois. II came to Ji'lTcrjn X (which is a part of southern IlItnoK 18HI, while lllitifis w.ui et a territ--(or. t'a-ey wag at one time Ucutetmv governor of the -tate. for a iitinilT m years a memlwr of congress from IHI- nois. and held other imj-irlant poiii. tion?.. He wa fully identiiled with tho state and the in-ople up to tho time of his death, which oceurrcd In 1WJ2. I mention thej- fact- to fhow vou that I know whereof I jenk. (ov. (,iey often explained to m in my chlldhixwl whv MMitheru IHinoi wai callel "Egypt. and it wa- this; About tho yir HS! (I am not c.-rtain ax Ur exact year), there wan throughout northern and central Iliinou a great earcltv of com, while all through southern HlinoU then? wa.-. a very great ahtmdance; at a consequence, lite- following fall ami win tr;r gnat number eariM? down into "Egypt" (a.s in ancient times the j-oplo went down into ancient Egypt for a like purjwjw) to buy and earn back corn to .-upply thy want of th jujoplc in that part f the Mali where the corn crop for that venr had Ik en a total fail tire. 'Hie chfef pnxluet of the- state at that time wa corn: fmt little elv. vrst cultivated. It was the staph article of fool. both for man and lxast. And thus southern Illinois came to !j called "Egyjit' Trie "thick darknt-JW anI . the extreme ignorance never did kxu here- Ifow Trkf- Ila Ixt Territory The Aoroc Vrenvja give the follow- h summary of the territorial looses of Tiu-keVdunng the la., two ccftttrrksu Since tlie &uuz of ConintIiofhj la U53 thev !:ad T3Iu3lly i&l tint whole of 'the iJalkaiWjwoijwoIa. rpt ing Montenegro, the elopoanwti, tW northern .horc of the lHcJcc, aa of the Sa of A?r. In ITPlJhes Otlaauia emnire not..! more terrnBfT rone than anv othfrr jwwer fl. her powisk)n extendiar to the Adriatic and tfte Daaaa,. aa4 eastward to the Vmaeter, ta the Don and the Kuban Hum arabia, the Crimea, and otaer lion region trerc under tae of theTurxs. whose pownailan aaraW continent of Europe covereJ am afam at Jd.iw4 Kjuare milea. But iod thi decadence of menced. and. with the excepttoa af (aar icinrjorar- jfocctsm aniaw juaana m 173'J. he went on Ioiar such an extent thai apoa tliaW m- i - HdL Ub7a dt. Lat M Mil square Kiika of krrri4ofT, 2,'JiS mU were Toveemed who merelv owed her Berlia treaty dcariied acn nuea, to tkat freai 17w Ottoauua eaipire kat ia ataare aaHe. ouc o w. Cyafwrtd ly Rami, wl 4;9IaMaaraMJc lfnSKm ia Jam Mtr I Awarta aaaa: r " t -- ? ; .- sja . 1 z Nv. m -2,-SS 4" S: ... $- ":j ,in 4 Mr J? r ' .". ;y. 5Ksie3 ?-i -7JH yJ. r 5?W.' ,. - It?" ' i - i51' aSfejtfJTr- jlfi C: -t ' ,-.- .CT-aJ . j? A.. "-- C rj? f .."? - v :??. avk- -2L'---iisiilltmr-sv-i- - ..- -f--' " ? -- . . ,"P "Z t -S.-?:T c"- '.w1rc. - .- & ?i .;- rx. . ;: vrKr . i&i.- -uJ M -s i-Wi fc - m? i . Turj-Ci f. ft: ' -- 1 JwL.- -jy -r" T v J JS V