.r"----.-- --.f i i Sgf-g-'- ".'. . III ! iiT7, - -. - B tpn.irf'TWuili ii' iT- ' 'k SSS s. 'K A SBP is-v; L V. .. v tit Fun and Physic. Stop that Couffhin?, By useini! IJr Frazier's throat and luW Italian tho only sure cure for ?d. couch hoarseness and soar (jiront and all disease of the throat nV Iiuik. Do not neglect a Cough. It may he fatal. Scores and hundreds of grateful I people owe their lives to Dr FnOuer'fiTnroat and Luri Balsam Miid no'iiiuily will evor be without it alter u.s innrvelt lar:e fii Fiiiull nri) mi and discovering its up in at tlie whop. It is put ,rc to foTfryd sold a day x Id wr. T,s g. r A girl who couldfilicoatuiHuomv. And had studied do1c,J,a,cc,- -v, Went to skate at the nun., -- And Hi quick us a wink She sat down to studv astrnnoinv. The Impending Danger. The rescctst t;itistics of tne number of deaths show that a large majority die with coniurnption. This di.eaae may coinmence with an appearantly harmless cough which can be cured instantly By Kemp's Balaam for the throat and lung, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cased. Price 50 cents ami $1.00 Trial size free. For Hale bv Ferguson &. Co. "Why do you paint" asked a violin ist to Iih daughter. "For the 8me reason thai vou use rosin papa." "What Unit?"" "Why to help me draw my beau.'' Piles! Piles!! Piles!!! Sure cure loi blind, bleeding itching pile.-. On box has cured worst case of 1'0 years standing, one need an Her five minutes after ingwilliam's Indian l'ile Ointment ami the No use- It -.1. 1 .... II -. . - miMirns tumors, nuays iicniug , acts as poultice, gives instantarHief. l'separed only for piles, itcliing of the private parts , nothing else. Sold by druggists and mailed on reeicnt of price, $ I. vii i.MMfi MfV. Co. Props. Cleveland, Ohio. You may talk of the signs of weather Of the coming days you may sing, But sitting down on a red hot stove, Is a sign of an early spring. To Young Ladles, If your life is made a burden owing to blackhed.-. Dimple.-; and oilier erup tions mairingyour beauty and causing so much chagiin, :t is nolonger neces nry to endure it. I)r Flagg's Family ointment will certainly remove all uch blemishes ami leave 'your skin soft smooth and beautiful. Sold by all druggists and mailed upon receipt ol price l'5c. Fkm:uh on tfc u- Never speak to a grocery man of grit. He. might suspect that vou doubted the honesty of his sugar. Caution, wo would caution the public to bo ware dealers oiler ing KempV. Balsam at the regular price .r0c and 1, as of- times imitations or inferior article are sold as the genuine in order to enable them to sell cheaply. Ferguson & Co. arc our agents in Bed Cloud. Sample bottle given to you free m lHi plate is handed you at the table always keep it unless requested to pass it on-. The Excitement Not over. The rush at Ferguson & Co's drug store still continues on account of ner Roiis atllieted with coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, and consumption to procure a both- of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs which is sold on a guarantee and is giving entire satisfaction. It is a standard familv r?K " -v- coacnmlfl. Trial size Athlophoros is doing ray wife a great deal of good, more good than An other medicine sit. has ever taken, id a testimonial to this great remady for rheumatism and neuralgia given by J..S, Helmicrc. of Berrin Springs, Mich . Aniron clad oath follows the sitting down on a tack. "flackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfu me. Price 25 and 50 cents Sold by Henry Cook. For dyspepsia and liver complain you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shilo's Vitalizer It neve r ails to cure. Sold bv Henry Cook. Why will you cough hen Shiloh's cure will give immediate relief. Price. 0c, 50c an d f l. Sold by Henry Cook. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedya positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, and canker-mouth. Sold by Cook. The Rev. Geo. Tbaytr, of Bourbon. Ind., says. "Both myself snd wife owe our live to Shiloh's Consumption ure For salo by Henry Cook. Are you made miserable by indiges tion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin ? Shiloh't Vital alizer is a positive cure. For sale by Henav Cook. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's atarrh Remedy. Price 50 eta. Nasal injectoa free. 3hiloh's Cure will immediately r lievc croup, whooping cough, an bronchitis. Sold by Henry Cook. Bishop Dudley on tha tfon. Negro Qes ;ien" "eiid sweetly as he kiss , o,,001 "'K"1" "Hes dieu'd. ain't he? RUjif out her little bother as ho ran up s;aJu. . Hat-Mra Arnica Salvr. The best fa (Win the world for cuts bruises soresL ulcers, salt rheum fer sores, tctlK. chapped hands chilblains, corns rtnYfcjl skin eruptions nw i"Muuiy curejBBSts, or no pay itMjmrcu. II isguranTlifa to lect satisfaction, or rnce 25cta per b nenry l,ook sV-T-ffH; he brain of man exceed Of any other animal. k ttUtWW,'Cd - .W K6 sale bv V tWNM that t Dr Frazier'a Magic Ointment. .. Miru rurs ior nous, bums soreql cuu, ilesn wounds, sore nipples, hard Mini on corns, cnappcu nps ana nanus Price 50c. Sold by Druggists. 'villi ams Mf'o. Co., Proiw. Cleveland. Ohio. Bishop Dudley, of Kentucky, has paper in the .June Century, entitled "How Shall we Help the Negro?" We quote the following: "Still the problem remains, how shall these alieu racef dwell in safety side by side, each free and unhampered in the enjoyment of life and liberty aud in the pursuit of it happiness? They are the descendant of one father, the redeemed children of one God, the citizens of ooc nation, neighbors with common interests, and yet are separated by the result of oei turies of development, physical, not lal, and moral, separated' by iaherited traditions, by the spirit of caste, by the recollection of wrongs done and suffer ed, though it may be in general a in nocent in the perpetrator as ia the sol fen-r. How shall the right of all be dniy guarded' How shall tke lower race be lilted up to higher stage of ho man development, for onlj so eaa the rights of the superior race be saade se cure for the present and for the future, and this is the chiefest right of then who are now cast down? "I answer, by the personal endeavor of individuals of the higher race; bf their personal contact with these, their ignorant aud untanght neighbors, ex hibiting before their wondering ere ia aaiiy life the principle of truth and justice, purity and charity, honesty aid courage. Perhaps this maj see ta to but the veriest platltmle. the gosh of sentiment, the twaddle of a mandlia religion, but in all truth and sobeness I mean exactly what I sy. Let me try to explain more fully. "Theso people need help, that they may bo lifted up. I mean, then, thai in my judgment tho help must be per sonal and not official, the hand of a friend rather than the clnb of aa nffl. cer. the fatint counsel of a aeiftfbor rawer man wo ueoree or enactment of a Congress, or tha mation of a President Th sanctions of the organic law are throws round about this liberty, and tho root of citizenship, full, perfect, and cooh Clete, with never seam nor rent, ha cen nut upon it. The court have do clared its inviolable character, aad thi decree affirms tho negro, the liberated slave, a citizen. Bnt doe the declara tion make him such? I raeaa do itt can it impart the intellhreat Ufa, th moral oonsoionsne wwkk shall vivify the dead mass and make It a helpful member of tho body politic? We haw had declarations from every department of the Government that the negro is a citizen; but they arc as powerless to ef fect their purpose as were the oft-repeated acts of the Confederate Congress to make the paper dollar worth mora than two cents; as nugatory and vain as the old-time legislation of Virwint that there should tz .. u na uch a df Vuated cross-road. The ne- I i.p""" . j nitivan nnl tin Itaa tKn riirKU .r nnilnr tkn rmae.l.it.n mrtA Ua flan Jfllded that- nnt? k;io. m. k... ...I - 1,. .!, n uiw uiau nap, auu jivm UW needs help, thongh it may be the black and white demagogue 'would dislik him to think so. he needs help, per sonal, individual, patient, loving help, that he mar be tilted to creraso hi covenanted rights, and to do th dnttat which these rights impose. ' Oariyle' Literary 'Belated Profssaor Masson speenlatc voir ug gestively ott this phenomenon, railing attention to a profound eh.nngu that gradually came over Crlvks work, in which he pasnos from rlir superficial phase of Utcrtttur nhrmt KtcrtUu re to the graver and deeper problems nf hnmsn society and human action, and in which the mere HUrater is merged in the more serious philosopher. "The causes of this oolatcdnos" of Carlyle's literary life, to o? an expres sion of Milton s, were various. There bad. certainly. bem no original defect or sluggishnrss of genius. The young Carlyle who had just completed his classes in Kdinburg Universitr, th young Carlyle drudging at scboolmastor ing in Cirkealdy, the young Carlvle of the next few veers agaia walking fa th street ef atdiaburgn and living by private tutorship and hack-writing, wa ratwatlaJlv tto aatMCarlyl that hecame fasnoa afterward tho una in suoodi ne, Ik same in moral magnanimity and iategrity. the mim m ratflfentual stragth f grasp. Oao is astonished now by th uniformity of th testimonies of hi Intimate of those early days to his literary and other powers, the bound Itsisnea of the terms in which they pre dicted his future distinction. His own early letters are also in the evidence. They arc wonderful letters to hare bceo wrlrten in the late fcns and earlr twenties of a Scottish stadent's life, and taint him a even them a tnroendou ind of person. A respect Carlyle' 'bulatodm,' thi-n. mav not tho "fact t hat his elcsmmt ww to bo prose and not rente count for something? It would soem a if that peculiar kind of poetic gonitis which tends to verse a it proper form of expression can alwavs attain to masforv in that form with less of dIay and dWiplino than is required for mastery in prose; and, at all events, the traditions of literature are such that tho t appearance 01 a new genius in verse is always nww quickly hailed bv th public t'lan anything eornjoTwlfag ia pro." Potrufmr Science Momlklm. I WEBSTER COUNTY CH. rfc i' ABSTRACT OFFICE IJ3U9CHOW President, . P. HIOHLAXD, A-PrWt Robu V.SHIREY, TrrT. m VTCI)DACLr c . r Vt O . O ijL-urvrxiwx tv rv.rlOVCl OHAS, F OATHER. Prop. ; Complete and only set of Abstract tooks in the county. Abstracts of Title to all lands or this county carefully prepnrad at SHORT NOTICE at Roasonablo Rates. Real Esute bought 3 nd sold. Insura cein solidcompanics Mmmy Co Cttnn 011 Itoil JBtate Miitl Uiittttle ftecurlty. TuxeMpaiil Tor iiii-rcicliitM. Rafaranoe Aoy of the business mor. of Rett Cloud. Offlco, North WalMtar Street. West aide PAIM 1LAN I), ail'ITAL,.f-Onoo. . 7 BED CLOUD NEBRASKA II 1) O.C.tVe. fc.l':iilnil lJc IMKKCTOIUs ICVIurey, C1-m tluchow, I; i. K'iU j iimiaixf, l s, riatu Ur, J. I. irreii. n imi 50NEY LOANED larnH tu .eon5 n'I S. in-.t. uoucv iiriitJ.cl a. ,, nty w upjn.viNt Trinctidi. :ud tuto4ri jkiyal-lr in Hrl C !; DI'FK'K IN K CLori) NATIONAL ItJt VJC 1?IMIN. tbr CITY DRUG STORE. )RHART & FULTO TMK POPULAR IT o Perguosn & Co. Successors to R. R. Sherer Hiirdvare Merchants 1 Allth old patrons of tho City Drug Storo aro cordially invited to i oontliiue their patronage as heretofore, wo shall ondoavor to , pleat you. Our stock of everything that pertains to tho drug trade will do kept up to tho HIGH KST STANDARD OF KXCELI.EXCK; Weshall have new announcements to makesoo n and new stock to exhibit OF JIFF) CLOUD. Uavo tho LARGEST and Most Com pie t etcko of Safes, ks, lm Cutlery, M fi Ileam la Wlaoonsla. A drunkards nose-is not painted water colors. 111 Dr. Frazier's Root B tters. Frazior's root bitters are not ad rain shop beveraSe, but are strictly medical inevoiy 6engc. Tliey act strongly up on the liver and kidneys, keep" the open and regular, cleanse the blooy and system of every impurity. Sold bd druggicta 1. The skeleton measures one inch less than the average man. Mr. N. G. Moulder, Superintendent for the Bradstreet Mercantile Agency DesMoines, Iowa, says he is highly pleased with the effect of Chamlierlin's Cough Remedy, that his family have used it with marked benefit Similar expressions are heard in every com munity where it is sold. Any one use ing will not long suffer with cold. It is pleasant to take and harmless to give . children of any age. It is the professional flute player "who has to whistle for his money. Soma one has' figured out that life is like karnest because it contains traces of care' "lines" of trouble; "bits of good fortune, "breeches"of good man ners and "bridled" tongues, and every ne has a tug ta pull through a eeveie cold unlets they take Chamberlin's Couch Remedy. Bestbuy a bottle be fore you get strapfjtd. You can't tell a fetWi's character by the hat he wearr. Wai. A Morrison, Druggist and Ex Mayor of Iowa City says: "The largest ale on Chanoberlains Cough Remedy ia to persons aha have used it before and know its curative powers. mfi A9t4 night it married arcn si familv thick tki nil dtf.: sloenins: and ovttr Sot so vn card til would b man w.i the rivt-TJ wa'n'bli on tho i and thoi hallooct wcntktl want t. TurnPu on tholl will her: 9tUuti( 6am Jonc' Story. t the Mctho.list rhnrch Friday as follows: Thonj was a uple with half a dozen chil onlv onn bod. The vrhnU t m that bod and wwo ( ono couldn't turn over nnloap when anvono got tinifl i ono siUo ho i! sav. turn . 10 whole familr went Thet to it that cron when thry ord 'turn in their slew tfcet le over. One dar this nil! shing on a Ior brMge over Tho sun was hot and the fish ng.and he fell asleep balanced imooi mo inn-s saw him t ho would trv a joke, and it 'Turn? Over th old man p into tho water. Now I temperance men to halloo 1 tho anti-men who aro asleep go over the prohibition river t an.i drop in. Atlanta - Mav a colored man DoMine etffttrtL.km&t- a letta Tim. fashion soon it hovitc of then prevail vount resi lampi. usuallv is mail course. or c Awa lp craze has broken out among lanuttm Ainany. i. I. As irv sw, a now j-tvu. thov either tdo an old lamp for it. Man? aku dosignai of thoir own. The stvle is to have a largo jax m a brass or bronze pedestal. ting something artistic. The m this jar or vase, which it a chocolate color. The shade splashed ware, is glass, of It looks as if some liquid ao!4 laterial had splashed over it maker in Newcastle. Enrland. . . . . o . has n wa soc or turns gold shirt stads, mono conreok nected hirtW dleoau above?) ing tlie. eouha (eicer to tkc( if rocal! . ta- which is a watch aad keevs The three studs are con a strip of silver inside the u. and the watch in the mid- wound up by turainsr the stud 4 the hands are set br . e below. lirt of Appeals of Connecti- llecided that railroad eases of chantv). are gii Ipients in expectation of raci r. or in return for favors at ended; and that they art i a liv I not a HAXfcTi J have read some of your bear stories with a good deal of interest writes a Wisconsin correspondent of the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and I want to toll 300 of one that has as Inrgc. a measure of truth, I imagine, as those yon have published. Thorn lives in this country, and in the vicinity of this place, a Nor wegian family that had an odd exper ionce with boars. Tlie old gentleman discovered that his corn was wring do strayed, and, arming himself and his two l-oys with muskets and a navy re volver, thor went to watch for tho Bears, or whatever might be eating tho corn. Eaek one climbed a feres and made ready for business. The bears came. The old bear wont under the tree dial tho old man had climbed. lie thoaght ho would not shoot, bnt threw a lhnb at bruin, and the bear went ander the tree where ono of the boys was. This frightened the hoy so that he Ml oat on the bear. This seared the bear as bad as the boy, and-he ran away. ls old man aad tho other boy climbed down tho tree and ran awav. Aa (hey strode the ground one of the muskets exploded, and created a general panics This ended the first chapter. Tho next day, as they were at work in the potato patch, the bears came to the corn-field again. They skedaddled, jDors scared than over. FtoMy sooa they hoard a woman scream, and ey ran toward the house, and the boys found their mother beating the bear With a clnb, tho bear having climbed into the hog-pen. When they came m the bear jumped out aad raa away, and he famijV retired to thoir home, glad to get rid of tho bears. Boston Herald. m m Napoleon IIL and Mile, do Monttjn. .The gossips since the fall of the Era- P yhat the Emperor's declaration was brought on by a somewhat comical faddet. They relate (hat nftfralng worn the ehaso one evening whh Mils, do Montijo. the Emperor ventured to in troduce himself at the door of her pri vate room and to linger there far a mo ment; thereupon he was driven out with out ceremony, and tho storv adds, with one or two vigorous blows from a riding whip. This, it is said, confirmed hU d. eided opinion as to the unimpeachable -.. 'vwato-a. -afld. was not long before ho talked of aurrlagn. He wrote a letter to tho mother of the adored ono, and tho good lady, after having shown this precious docmnent to all her intimate friends, allowed herself to bo convinced, and the engagement was soon announced to the company gathered at Compiegne. There was a great outpouring of scan dal as soon as this announcement was made. The elder Countess at Monti had the dissatisfaction of seeing her pset reviewed without mercy, and the Legiti- u-uni nu uukt lacrion 01 rae Monsrcni cal Opposition to the now Emperor gave full vent to their spleen and their satire. Tho IMnoe Napoleon was natu rallv very angry, as it put an end to the hopes that he had beftnn to cherish of being the legitimate sueoewwr of Na poleon In. Everywhere the com lag marriage was alluded to as eccentric; and so wise and careful a man as M. Theirs eve ventured to have kis little Joke at the Emperor's expense. Heiarid: "The Emperor has always seemed to me to be a dever man. Todav I stt thai he has plenty of fnrrsfgtit for by his asarriajp ho is prsbablv reserving for himself the rank of a Spa'aish grande" This little pleasantry contained a deli cate allusion to the' insecurity of the Emperor's position. m "MV hnsband is so juetifv" said cm lady to another ia a Seventh ear the'other dav. "Have von ever tried rubbin his jints with tiSTtshora lini ment, nrim?" interrupted a beefy-looking woaaa with a market basket' st her feet, who was sitting at hr efbnw and overheard the remark. Ihat'Il straighten him ent as qaick as anything I know of. if he ham t got it too'bad.'7 Watktnglon RcpubHe. Citisea to country editor "A pleasant little affair occurred last night at nrv boose, which terminated ia the asarrf age of my daughter. Woald yoa like the narticalamr Cbantrr editor "Wetter. I might make a short a-ration of the matter, bat we are badlv cramped for space." A little later: AaothereHi sn "My wile ran away last night with aaouter awn. uo yoa want the neaianr' uoaatry editor, "Tea; yes; give me the whole A maa who ased to preach the Goa sal ia tho settlsmsats haswritte to a mead ia Kareka. Ker.. that he is ran lag a bar ia Uleda, Moat., aad that his partner ia Vaugha. an old-towr from California, who ased to deal faro for Big-Mooth Lise ia Colorado. seat to the iHsiltiwrliiy far "He is a good gaadliag maa,' declares his ex-dencal partaer ia a bant of ad tnirarfam; aad he adds, br wav ol oer- soaal viadieatkm: "SrUiae whUkv New Jsvelry Store.; tho iw Nails, Rope, Window Screens, &c. i xb.ic an VUloy. W koop only tho BEST trooda and sat: m .p aa those tlrms thnt carry an Inferior stoclc Qt our i prices beforo vou ouv aud vou will save mooay. 1 Everything new and fresh. goods No old shelf worn 9m -fHp-V WNl bMACQUAIMTIO WIVM TMS CtOCSAPMV OF TMM OOUMTWV, WltL Sll BjV IXAMHMIMO THIS MAf. THAT THI 1 .. ... , 11 11 .. . . I.IWW Sina In endless variety. Watchos and Clocks. An oloffant lino of sil ver and plated ware, Gold Chains, Charms, Broochoa of uniquo patterns and Elefftnt Finish. Musical Ins.ruments of all kinds. Repairing a Spocialty. NEW DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS ARE CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. Geo. O. Yeiaer. Goo.W.? Ball. R. D. Yolser Geo. O. Feiser & Co., REAL ESTATE AGENTS ! Red Cloud - Nebraska 80000 Land for'Sale. Improved Farms, unimprovod Lands. Business Houses, Residences, and Town Lots. OorrMpondenoe Invited. W. HOUGHTON Merchant - Tailor. ',4 " JT ? v -w mKi V $ti tf t M. UW .pah. tS Wins 1st orthiflf rfi taau.. irrnOf MS KKW! -VrfMJW. cai. r .' Vf P$rr r r X. .. .-. vwr . fc3CJ -Er . . -k w T3., c srt. I .J1. sTjcsa .A v-o FSTii l-alP "ilsli '"i 1 smT tJ. CASv :k. vt- 'o 'tt; IASJSAB C Sl E F& AJ ta'""i- n rvri.i' o. y stV iy:i -" - . v.. iQu! riu, . . miUj '4 "jT L L I WO ! J" J T JMft.j--ssV t 5ST3; v ; i 1 1 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. nd tho One lino of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, MELTONS, &C. Custom work neatly done and after the most1 approved fashions cutting and fittine ' a crvialty, prices reasonable. oid 8tand East Side Wobstor Stroot. NEW GROCERYHOUSE S. V. tUDLDW Where will le found everything in the jjromrv line, .uch a.. Sugar, Tea, Coffee. Sirup. J Fruit. It aeon. Ham. Dried lieef Cheese and Cracker:, Tobacco?, Cif,.irir Flour, Feed, Glaus and (JueenswArr I and Crockery. Hoping hy fair deil'tiv to merit :i harc of the public p:itronae. IN FEATHERLEY'S BUILDING, Opposite Mie Chicnpo Lumber Yard. S.V.LUDLOVV. niniU tntof- Ih nU tJoutl Tl Jollel lMve UlK.1 A mli Trenl n Krt Dnk.ti ., l; Stnnt hum and oporl nil el lUIMl TJ DC vu elKt 1 Imlht And wtl mwrwrr rich 8: bH"M COHl r TlckH by iv Pre: id mtmmtmmmiMimmmfmm.mmiMWtmmm'Ma ;ACO, ROCK I8LANP 4 PACIFIC RAILWAY I Of its rontrnl no lUoa and r!o rntntlrMi to all nitfiriMl ! mst ! ESdttlund torinlnul jxilntM, ron.tltut'.n the inotl r ImTa rtrniT m that HVnUitn or uirou'i trautortMtlon which Invite matt rmhU I find trnffle botwoon rittw of thn Atlnntlo od rOM Ow i. Tt V9 nvorito una tHt routu u una irotu points HAM, IfSflasasS AM t, ion! corrnpondJn ixjlntrt W mU Northwest nd MouihWMK. jrk Inland yunu inrludtm in )U main tin 4 brmachwi. CMeasja, tiwn. Lit Sail-, Poortn. 0nrK. Moilno nnd Bock l4and. in inaMSt Munrsitlno. Wivxhltitfton. rnimeld. OttUSBW. OHialOSsa. WfH lava City, uo-t Mointn, inoinnoio. wintonwi, Atlantic. Kneivlna, mum, in iovt; 'inaaiin. Hiirlnn, Outhti'j Contro end Cotinril l"i In Mutnssota: Watnowa in Jiimoron mi J Kansn UUy It) M'iwtirtj lavvnwurth ul AtcSlson. t dtttn, town, vil iTu Albert ln. MlnnaDollrt nnd Id hunaroUH or intennnuaui THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND it p.itronn thnt rnn or pomonal rcuruy mlTortMa by DallnVHl rtmn dmi; kiiicoui trnii or conumiotw lallt rulvertu and bri'ltfCf. rolllna mock an n rtn miMo it, ui piiy nppiianww or ptm ntufi; nnu taut i all lta trnlnit nif points In Unl tLrt Pnjntfr Kntilutnnnt 11 tx.twiwn Chlcmrn nnd th Mvmma Mrr ara 1 !1 vrntilatod, finely upholfitcril Dny Coach. MaanlAosnt rutan IKr or mo wuw uUfn. "' nurapmoua ly cookod tnoiita aro intsurviy ?atn 'atid HAfiith on hoth." Iltwnn LI ara aia run Ui Celvbrated HcUola Chair Car. THI FAMOUS ALSIRT LIA ROUTK and favorlt line between CJhisssw aad atlsaass! iWtnrtm - mii4 4m T7nlyv TMI Iffc tHir mlt MMata M ii frovmoM. ovm .u. routa, Ftmt axpr TraM ar run Ou Ixiic. manniw rtort. plcturqui localllkM. and huntltur ad Sa- i oi iow ana Minncwoi. it laawK) in moat oaatrmM rwut to th Held and oastornl land of Interior lakota. tbr DIRBCT LINK. v 0jnc and Kankak. ha ban nntnil ft HavM. Richmond. andnnaU. IndlanapoU. aod LlytU a1 JMiMa CltV. StinnaaDella aad fit. fatil and tnmrfL. t-irn'm Dld Informal mm mm Mum and Folder, obtataahl. mmtk mm . . j M. t - A " ". B1 . 3. .. '"T "" ' mi pnsopai iicxei uaoH m nta irau aiat and Cm. - - 'A ... If , . , .. . ROUTK nraa rail:fcv- ar prctlen a buffer. akuferSM o5aotin didin wlk1i aurems ta artic4 Olhrr ("jwrialtirn of tUl rtmtm ar TitSfrmtm a Tnlon DriHDtt., nd tli UvJty0Pi rfafSTVl aa4 :lwiUiinik Kxprfm Trnlni tmtwiwn Chlouro ni th. tnptuoua iMakts: Car, m which i, "aood Dteavtkm wajjJns; on Cbicaao and Kanaa City and taaTmfu Wmti, CABLK, MCt.tftI MaRSjcr, CMcS. VwwU; or . ST. JOHN, ral Ttofc! ss Psttff Aft, anas ss Nebraska Lumber io dk ii ens uf- BER, I-ATH.SIUNOI,rS HASH, POORS. BMXDS4C. VB1 m ml flBsiF NEMTASKA o)- VIV MOSHERS MEAT MARKET T. J. MOSHER, Prop, rnHai?s, Sunfi, lolofii, Bait Meat. Freeh Plata, Oratara. Pork, Mutton. Obioaresa, Jbc 4kb. siBER K SrEClALTV, TJIK BEKf 15 THE MAKKaTT. AI iD AT Til F MIWJEHT 1111 KH. OLD8TAND, RID CLOUD. rfaTB i SaBHS5S55wRM Taa"ii - srsa7Twf Msw 1 ' K3.9u3CaiBBBSBKalBBBBBBBBBBaaA r-SHBiaaii4 - -i to. MA 8 Myers, t&Mtt&m DEALEES IX Mm.' JlSSSSSSSSSl BlllllllllllllllllllVWasBa. Baaaaa2 bbbbbbbe w ialsBaaV V mM0rW $; ' Contractorsln Stone and Brick ImbVo workl' WOBK Matariak and estimates all furnished REDCLOCD. SEBKASKA Drugs, Paints, Oiis, Books. Stationery. Etc., Etc. Etc. I'recriptions carefully compounde al all hours TIN Clou( dy exclusive Jewelry storo in Red O, H. MARYATT, F P REED Covamr Surveyor Webster County I rr af Rrei lay Ml zUtmtiaau CH; ' r .z & I ;y - f . :& X 'sv.. ;? . y&' &g?m KrSvrt.; T-v - A--aVi V n?" --.Nv ffSP-S- avai" -j' , . -" -.-w ?-.r.'- c. i ""rfil-'V - ij ISjJrfWJ ?,S.-fZ i ".'" .i nLrfai 'df 2 &..