am. f0mrmrKamt $v: v wc K"iff " lT 'i-l v M-4 l J: 2 & &J tfe? f HSA1 Jiid til ZWWM BBBBIajBBBalaBMBBBiiflLijBBEMBBMIEI . .j, .... ,.rrpifcgy - w""" " " " -, ? y r ir ft-- I'm- Red -iAoltj Chief a. O. -i03R, - - Propiletoi iUiiZx JANUMtY 2tf 1880. To the Fanners. Ruin loans -.tegotiateil through W. P. (jvcrmaii can l p.ud at the ml of ai'tv wi'Jtout a bonus. Kates an low a-the lowest. Money furnished .roni)lh. Olfiee.over city drug store. PIOK-1 GENERALITIES. 9 Per Cent Farm Loan. Nebraska Farm Lo:n Co. wil vim a loan on vou farm a Jt.uulit 9 per cent ami furnish the Tl,D'V without an v delay. L,an on Jinn "in the Red Cloud National Hank - Ihui'ling. lie ni:iv' CITY NEW3. A. L. Funk wsi-s in McCikiIc this M iiti. v. cck . D V. Tkuskkv has returned home fmii. his trip cast. Kaym-ali:, of Kuncsnw, Neb , ji-, -.i-iiing S. M. Cupp this week. .Miti. Kkv.Gko. H. Bkown is recov- ii r 1 !.. JH.w.j Feimg r.ipmiv irom net in in hhimo. Tin: M. E. Church will hold icvivals thi week, and piobably in the future. Tiik people of Walnut Cicek are all nrximu for the C. N. K. & S. V. Kuil- V:iv. Jrv. FVi.roiiTii was. in McCook last week on husuics., connected with the chinch. I!ai:k Biios, of Amhoy, have lost quite ii number of lings tins winter by the cold weather. Mauvi.vS. Makhi goes to Itiverton next week tc ojieu a temperance bil Hanl hall in thai burg. r. . llosFOKU has :ii ranted to rattle oil' hi- wagon, team, and pi mien. Thin will oe a chance for some fellow to get ii team for $1. A i.ii. Mosimt has been patiently nursing one of Job's comforters on the inside of his no-e. It about doos the alderman up. Tin: soct.i' at Kev. Alden's Monday infill for the benefit of the distressed indigent of our city, was a nuecess and was quite largely attended. Sr. Vai.kntksk's day will soon bo here, and then the average School boy will get eyen with the teacher who has abused him. "It was ever thus." Cn. Buschow went to Lincoln Tuc-day on business connected with the railway commission. Charley is a good fellow and the right man in the light place. V. N. Ki.mj, editor ol the Hclvtrt, ha accepted a traveling position with the Omaha JlentM. Ho traveled three or four days last week writing up the ,irioiu towns In the V alloy. M. S. Maksii has the finest gold watch in the Republican Valley, the list price of which is $300. The case is finely inlaid and engraved and on tho back Hd a. sparkling diamond is pleased. It's a dandy. Mit. Fkank Jos is, onu of onr stanch democratic friends, of Scott, paid these hcadquariors a pleasant call and took a peep into Thk Chikk'h steam print ing establishment. Aho, we noticed our lriend, A. PieristolFin the city. Mkspks. Spraoher, Thompson, and Dr. Schenck, from CowIcb registered this city Monday, and paid their com pliments to these headquarters. Wc also noticed the fimilier faces of the Messrs. Waller. Mr. Fuller was also doing the city Dit. Gkhtii, the state veterinary sur geon, made Tiik Ciiikk a pleasant call Monday while enroute tor Denvei. The Doctor is a graduate of two celebrated veterinary colleges and nnderstaiuts Iii husinwi fully. Ho is doing good woik for the btate. TiiAtrs entered the residene of .Mr. A.J. Kenney ti lew evening sim-ef during the absence of the family. The only articles missing were a lot cf chicken bones that had been partially picked by the juvenile members of tho Jamily. and a quantity of mi'k, Dn. Maiias and H. W Lippincotti ofOberlin, Kansas, were pleasant call cm at these headquarter this week. ne i eports circulated here that forty people were frozen to death in that vicinity by thtt late bliiuard they nay aie without a semblance of truth. A L. Fc.nk lias moved his agricul tural implemout office into the office lately occupied by the Western Im plement Company. wet of Miner's stoic on 3rd Avenue. The new office is much better suited, to his business than t le one lately occupied by him. We can not see for the life of us why Nos. 3y and 40, camion ball trains, should not carrv mail from this city and along the route from Atchi son to Denver. Tlie governmen should see to it that a mail service is put on that train. This service is very much needed, and Thk Chief wishes to enter its protest against there beinj; no mail carried on these trains. Tin: B. fe M. have been quite un fortunate this last week with wrecks. Thev hav had one at Guide Rock. and another on the Oberlin branch. Several people were injure! by the branch accident, and a drummer had his legs mangled so that they had to be amputated. The accident is report ep to have bet'ii caused by the snow plow colliding with the passenger train. We have received the tirst number of the Harlan County PemQcntt, pub lished at Republican City. It is a neat folio and is evidently published by a Chinaman, as the name at the top of the column is "Lu Di," and what makes us all the more believe that he is a Chinamau. is that only a Celestial could possibly,, have the courage to start a democratic newspaper in that republican stronghold. However, we with our editorial friend success in his new venture. nm ! i '. A .-ii.n;ui nieet Kiorui Vis-cunt fc DkeS'Sj - - . . r.'l linn ni nainicrs. a ' 13a ItefiiSEas has been pi r.1 1 .1 - I Mouu mis week. . TiibW. C.T. U. ml. Alden'h Wediiesdav f, Vrf titnlordf unit tH'il-1 . v " . m aim ur. 'iiere. win ao; hardware store. AikjLT 30 r.ivelini: ed in in this dty duri; jwrd. 4$ Hodgson fc Fuu.ti ; opened a me it malJ;; tirimni' (nn'ti. ? J John Laws has pur ol rniversity land frm Scott, near Aniboy. DiiN'T furget that'tt i inent of t:ie G. A. II. jf be neld here in Fcbrjj We publish an iuton cation from A. T. Onu enroute for Los Angola! Mies. NewkoPsE h;i; some substantial iiupr week. the Candy and pickels at HickerV Married. " Ctm:r Ki.kv. At the residence of the bride's mother, in Caicy,".. on COWLES. 'Hie iiyperlHTrcan wenther of tho la4t I FROM UTAH. new ?LT LlKEC FutEM HkM.K fair in Red ht at A1R-. ,afj:W. HI! Mitchell t tart another were snow- le late bli.- Cowles, have that euter- d 4W acres Tiunkey t kind vncamp ibiaska is to i ng coiumiiui who is now .ii. 'en making inents on the interior of her dry goodfVorc. Oil ! how long ! hour Imk, will "them aire bli.jirds continurl Will Mime weather prophet give- ms pointer' The plat for the Caimpo. Nebra.-ka Kaunas &, Southwei ,ni r:,,'W:,-v ',su been filed with Co'jni.y.aleik Railey. .Sutton Hour at I'erkin-.t Mitchell's Thuisdav cienimi. January 14. IC. tlin e neck. !i Mtnrncrct down to .... i i... n r t 1 t ti 1 i .. t . !. i. i ... ' Soinethiti'; ?ooI to cat at Jlactter.-. y iu ... .u iuiymmii, . n ... u , vt.M imchiu umier iniiHT. ami ri , crioin-t lull I -i t r , J.i .1 15-CG. Ouanartv of ex- ' i It fitJu.r nf !;! Clnnii NVIi unit Mia Anna C. Kaley, of Cirey, O. . I The nuptial party was very quiet, JIIV. L1.4V IKV II1V.U1V i3 ? Full line of eyauoratcd fruit Hacker's. L lilies' hand eatcheU at the IM... ...... .... inaiiii... bride being prc-ent. Tlie h.ippy par IHAIIKO, cougo am. ..o.K swuj, ... , Mnv wUh yr w K;l,ev HM, City Pharmacy, cures every tune. j w- Jf Re, nn The best and choicest candies at 1 ! cveninj: train for Wrtsh:ngton. D. C. U. news stand. Lad,!-, come and give , hv lhc q( a ht q( them a trial. Ale '81 warrant ja wanted by Treasurer McNitt. lfft.m have any it would be wise to caHMnd get your lucre. Sg Vis&ciiKK, the arti-.itJipis leceiveil an order to furnish pbtiJpf the ex ten-. on of the Ited Cloud ' Bank block. p E. L. KNiia of BiirifKloii, Iowa, a member of the NehriMn Lumber Co of this city, was ir fled Cloud this week. aK Ot;u now county omm- are having lots of fun gettin;yiokc into the complicated narne.'? their various offices. Mit., of Mjile llean-j" ture- billou-nes-', head ache, constipation, fir sale at City Pharmacy. K. (': Cook will probably go to Decatur, Illinois, soon, to take a posi tion in the American Kspres office. For.M. Itelwccii the MethlNt and Hapti-t churches, a ladies rubber shoe, Owner can have same by calling at this office. Ql'vkterev conference to-night at M. E. Church. Sacrament sabbath Take It Oirr It seem- to us that evening, Ilev. John Call.igher, P. K , t now is the time to take car of on Hastings, preaches. , bridge across the Republican Kiyer K. W. M Do.salI), grand lecturer of , A good idea is that which ha been the A O I. W., wn in this city this j euggested that it be taken out until week and completed the organization the iee is !r.ken ip We think this friends in thi community, where the bride h long and well known and highly esteemed. Returning, the party will visit friends at Winchester, Va. After returning and visiting fr.iends in this city, ami probably in Michigan also, the bridal party will go to Red Cloud, where they will make their iuture home. Long may they live, and greatly may they prosper. Cury 1.0 ) Timrj,. j boiler and engine, w purchased of A. L Monday. Feiikuaky 2 is 39 les, took the he recently to Cowl en, hog day. That intelligent quadruriWwill have settled the weather question! ere our next issue appears. Ko. Hio.iil.yni is:iu- a half ton of coal, and the lei fW who borrowed it didn't even leave gall card or slate when he would rctJMftit. ). II. SrANocLirljMuother column of to-day's paper, n'MHiiucoa the fact that ho U now reai.Mte operate in the real estate aim inswBce business. of Ited Cioud bulge Xo. GO. The firm of C. D. McMillan it Co. general hardware dealers etc, were closed by creditors this week, We were unable to learn the.r liabilities. Hurrah ! for the Eclipse and Mag nolia Hour, from .Sutton roller mills, ecipeall other brands in the market. Perkins & Miichei.i.. Kdw. F. Wiener, the post-ollice news dealer, will leceive in a few d iys an elegant assortment of stationery, back gammon boards, dominoe. tab lets of all kind-, etc. Fur the beat and choicest cigala in the Republican Valley go to the P. K new.s stand. Try the 3 for J5c import ed cigars. Also an elegant stock of nickel good, cigarette.-, etc. . H. Ri'.-T .-ays he has atiout three thousand yearling apple tiees that ar grafted on two year old roots to sell cheap. Also all kinds of first-class niiisery stock to sell at reasonable pri ces. Sind i.i your orders early. subject would be good food for thought by our business men's association, a they aie more interested than an other of our citizen. Something should be done a- soon as po-sible in icgard to tho matter of saving the bridge from being taken away by the ico gorge - Ouk devil, since reading a recent .oelical effusion fiom our ilemocrAtic A Cotnrottnicatloot Rei Ct.orr Om.r ! Iwl Jf "- - , roadlm: you r iper tfcat " p Ps wiiNum-f ik .'. . t v, n 4. , yotJ v i, i rcht ,4,4 ettAJWa j R. Ct at 7 40 a. m , Jwit ?.' A run of Uigri a railroad luiH fti ' y tivtett t PJOimivo "outlmarj nmoi.g 'he foot ! w frxa to Kh! Cid. .i?itwc a vA4t extent ol n;r - tin ny hne of rocul. rrdv UxtK tm nine C4l and rt. hrfsic fiS and outhe4:. in,v.!n Jh UUier as our former have got th'ir Inib- flleil rady to haul their fifteen cun corn to market th" snow t, molting j hill of the Kockic bring i to Pueblo and leaving the road bare in .u Colorado pnng nc gc' a fcur tiw ulace. of Pike' Peak, .-tandiny grim and knc J. C. Waller hauled hi new -team ' n his frigid niAiitle of nhic, hkc a engine from Retl Cloud to Cowles this ghostly enttnet guarding the Amnion W"Cek nf the Civt !inl lhi mtnt' li.idiwork .... . , ...... ... ........ ....... Ml o'Ark.i from hewT -pi liiJO v ----- -T-. .--. . . ,- c......i LriA ..i... ii- - ..,rw:t:-... ..... ciuiuvi i vc, wiiw iwk . jrj-ii4 j oi tmiure m ant atu .Mauunii, Aia r itpni i 'ii nil (MA H f'T lii.. flu. A..Li . .f 11 t. ,....-& ;... t i d" W1..1.... " ... .. . ... ....- ....- i mii .ii i nemo o: oarriy u nuiiuin lori,.,. removed hi family to Red Cloud. , dinner and we turn westward un V& T(no. J v mis of CV'v x! .it (nm iStl H.I H gwl 1.-4 ur sin ywn .-4, aJ I ikmlmmf - V - --.-- I IHIIIU'I .ttitl T i- lint nr.nnil l.lf jrrim- JSiVVT . .! . f i' if l i! , - .k. ...,.. -... . i ,. jSESK?St t lux's v i t lam ffn99 Mr. C Waller Iook he tram on . ArkaoM, rnvr At (Vinnoii UgjEg5'! Jnrv uf tho Hm TW Monday l.-ist lor ( onw.iv. Iowa, where , arc xxv lo he IMnin laugsXJfflliT J j.pJ 1K. amt l Wiiv ttM tt m thv wa Ciilhil by a tCicgram an-' little engine turn notiucing the seriou- illne-s hcrmcallv towaiI SCriOtl- lIUH-s Ot her till -t fill.r nf hll. TimimtntM. JI..W i i -- r- ............... ...--- brother. A lutir telegram announces 1 j, th2 barrier to by p4ed W!l nv his death. o mcr, nmler or through' The uc- Hotl-oii t Fuller are liavint. a large uon is soiel a oir train makimg n lot of ire haUed for u-e in connection j.hort nire enters a imritw Iepth m with ihvir meat market. , the rock. and no know w are m th D. II. Ruick i- iing the bii-'hest jCrniHl CamHi of the Arkan.. with market price for corn and lii. j UmAy rtKm for tho river and nulrtnid .Mrs T J Latta is spending a few ilWv, :j,veiiitg walla of grnmie weeks with friend- in Kdgur, Xeb. yv) feet high we am th rue-tan tH of Prof. Fickiso is J as superintendent So far wc have ul.1 complaint. Ttmt.V - ,. .... 2 11 lor ins ai'iuiy n . It. V. SlIIUEV, t Cloud National B ii big snow banks out ring line Micees ir public schooU turd a word of speaks volumes Hutendeut. ;r ol tho Rod y was virwing the r-t this week. In his absence, oirJaudoiue young To tho Ladies of Red Cloud. Last winter when the encampment of the (J. A. R. and the department convention of the Woman's Relief Corps met at Ilcatrice, the delegates of the W. It. C. were all entertained free by the ladies ot the city, thereby es tablishing a precedent which wo hope Red Cloud will follow. We want the delegates to carry away as good an opinion of our city as they did of Bea trice. The storms since the ev Your came in have delayed our arrange ments so much that we fear we will not be able to sec the ladies at their houses, and we would be glad if those who would entertain dologates would call on or Peiid woid to Mrs. McBride at her store. By so dchig you will confer a great favor on the R, G. it. Ci: K.VIlSHT. contemooraiy, has concluded that he. too, lias poetical aspirations. The following isdii- latest effort 'I lie "IN-Iuh'I.' iii a oniiniiii l u", I iiiitf! ! a l'ultrr .IliimIi rv . 'Ihc"Arii"liaci:iiiycl to a iii.irto, rol iiiiin -i. ( wliirh tin- motiu' jMtwor I Itulu Mlkli. Wliilr ;ill Tiik Ciiikk man has to do I- Mini on -team ami uriml Vm llinmli Owing to the excellence of the above poem we have promoted the young man to chief of tlie poeoeai staff. The following itam is taken from the Omaha lies of last Tucsda. "At the evening session Judge Dun dy signed an ord r of sale in the case of Howell Vs Jones:, naming II C. Jalonc of Lincoln as receiver, requir ing him to give bond--in the sum of S50.00U. The plaintiir, Geo. W. How ell, of Atchison, and the defendant, Richanl Jones, of Red Cloud, were formerly in partnership, and lumber, vatdsat Franklin, Bloomiiigtou, Alma Blue Hill, Red Cloikl and KiverUmk in this city. The present prnoeUluR are with a view to aolliug the property and luakint hu equitable division." Miss F.nnie Ru-ter. who ha- been rt Mjc , tlv Uiwet- of the eurth i vi-iting in Cowle wnh her -ister-, Mr- j u,e turrow -trip of sky k-iW over, (f W linger and .Mr.- J. C. Waller. , head stars may be stun in ifavtitne. It sieturued to her horn. in Franklin , i,!tiiv- ioUi .h.un U.,r.. rv ,J county on Mopilay last. i sunlight icaclm this cna-m No Rev W I) p,ij,.. and wife, -tneo x, "elation can ei-i, and nut t..Ul their return from their wedding tour j lta neor enturu into it depth. A in the mountains, are coilv domiciled ( httlu further on uud we leuth tho in the parsonage. j Urand Iorge wheie no room u touml Since writing the above another l,-ide the stream fut th nilnd. ami arctic wave truek Us, we aie ,t ,., built Tr it, supported h an arh threatened with another bli.. .il sli ol. w nh lKUngs in ihe ciaiule Miirihd, by Re W. I). Page, at j u.ill-. For mile- fiuther the rtM-ky Cowle- Neb , Jan. g, !vs. M i. Iaac nuiitrur ol the emioit coJitimiOs grnd- 11 iiuuni-l Mi all ot i Utlu f.idiug :iwm iwtu a lotmratiM'h Webster count v Mauled, b C. .heuek. i: l- at Stillwater. ob-ter count., Nebraska, January i!l, liHti, Mr Daniel Cook to Mi- Saiah Krwin, all of Webster a ojwirativ ch open rountiN A tew station aloe Sahdn anothei engine L aMached and we notice the t:am men rritically e iimiug the wheel, brake-, etc. iiimI we know soiui'thllig 1 aheail Yes. in- county, Neb The bride will please j ,U-ed: we now havu to climb the Rock accept the thank- of The Chikk out- j range, winding back and forth arms fit for a portion of the doliciou- wed-1 the face of the mountain at a gtade ot ding cake-1 L. H. . 220 feet to the mile. hen one third . ,77 ' . . ( of the wav uii u halt l- uuide and wo Cowlos, and ita Businoss Mon. . ..,.. , , , , fluid that one of oiii uguus i d.abled Arriving the town of Cowle-wc at J Meanwhile a furious -now storm has once made our way to the baidware -et in, and lo be snowed in for a few store of C. W. Fuller, which store i-! weeks on the Mimmit of the range friend, John R. financial departmi tion. John F. Dunn, whom we menlU .i having drawn n Jpm v, steered the f that iustitu- rplaud, Kansas, d last week as lion from the V. S ig to$u.70died in Upland. The re long to etnov f i Shef Corps will government arao i l us wcck ai ins in poor fellow did n the noney. The Woman meet at the usiMiMhour and place Monday, Februai fX It is desirable that every mcmbtlioiild be present nl that time, nsjbirc is in;,, .mit business to be atttilitd to in cornice tion with the coJMf convention. Coi.. URRIF.. wlBl h.ii been in the city for a few t1attp the interest cf the Western Mvtltl Benevolent As- A New Fihm. Cn Thursday of this week Me.-srs. U'm. dates and B. F. Waterman, two well known citlxens of this place, formed a copartnership for the purpose of dealing in horseflesh, etc. They have purchased the Flymi stables, and seven lot, near Nebra-ka Lumber Ynrd, and John Street, well known to many of our people, cainc to Ited Cloud last Friday, w after- transacting what im-lnes he had to attend to, bundled up and started for home towards evening." He got na far as the river bottom, and w'jtrcu there lost his" way in tlie night an wandered Around un til almost morning,' an liad it not been lor a light in the depokby which be was cnaUed to find bis way. back to the city he might" have possibly per ished in the intense cold. A it was he was so chilled, tlmi it took some time for him to recover. Aftergctting to the depot he went to Mr. Philip Harklev's, where he found .-belter for the I the balance of the night, und Saturday wjj j morning returned home. It was a clo-e call Ji)i" Mr. Street. full from top to bottom. Mr. Fuller i etijoyiug a picnic at prescu t, as lie is iiaudliug coal. Passing up street wo rome to the oflice and lumber vard of Piatt t Free. iMthout provi-iop.-i t- an unpleii-nut prospei t, and we all breathe freer nhril altera delay of halt an bout a fiesh engine ariive? ith a nw plow in fiont. and we again move laborum- withMr.A. H. Linebaigur as sake- ly forward. In on hour our train huh man. Thev have lumber and snow for j in a snow shed anil here we are in that sale, as alo lias the People's Lumber company. Next is tho store building of Turner va-t notch in the backbone of Amurtc.i, M-ir-hall Pa-s, 10,S."iS feel abote i-h level the highest point, except one. Bros, which ot procnt is occupied by reached by anv raihoad. Ilete wr leave one engine, and with all team shut oil ami air brakes ct wo begin the dc-ccnt of the western slope. Wu aie fortunate to get over when we did. a Mil ix bonis theienfter Marshall Pas was eloed by snow It requires an abler pen than mine to poitiay the grandeu- and subhuie beauty of the Black Canon ot the Cunni-nn b moonlight, in midwinter, beside I wa? aslecp when we went through tt, and for these reason wi'l not attempt a description. Wc awake in the morning well out in the western de-ert, ur rounded bv a scene of desolation. Mr ociation, has g: to (Inide Rock. henceforth buy and sell hoises and keep a general feed and sale stable, In a few days Mr. Waterman will 0 east to buy horsOs. The Chief wishes the new firm -ucccss and piosperitv. This, plaints made to his oil... r. . .ri' Tan iiistiiuuon inai nun uouu mis Undered horses in this louiity. Out long needed, j ()f some head examined he found fiLANbEiis. Dr. Ccrth, state veterin ary stirg''tj Nebraska, was in Red Cloud -rT2. investigating com- the barbershop and, we are sorry to say, the pool and gaming tabic. Fussing on we next come to the city drug store, owned by Cook tt Meacham Mr. Meacham is a very pleasant gent and is enjoying a, good tiade. Peak it Latta, general mcrchan ti carry quite an expensive sioek, alo deal In iiardware. ..fc Mr Here we arc at tlie black-nnth s)iop and as listening Jf- the muic of. the anvil we can but think of the smith who propo-ed to the giriA)MJLwon her, too, by showing her hi hand ftill of gold. Pas-ing on to the livery and feed j ;. of Lincoln, mid iiiysnlO-made 'J,0-i stable ofSchenek ,t Jark-in we find I each before breukfal. marking up our them up to their ears in bii-ine.-. Cro-sing the street we come to the photo ami art gallery, which would be a credit to any town. The Captain ii srjrlcriii his business He succeeded ui'ifbiming an advisorv board in this at ) jjunijiuMjil of iome of our must PrH-fl,t business men. JS. J. Siiuii.EY, mitant of the state encampment of Hfllra.ka. was in this city this week tQaiua arrangements lor the meeting i:l1 ho,'v m Iod Cloud next xnoiitlli He selected the Gardner House aajipadquaiter for the band of 17 inei-eigfcnd the Holland House as heu! 'qwrters for the eu- r campmciit. '21 1 ptits will he repre sented. Jj The relief ooiawfiee ol the W. C. T. U. dcire to thunkhe public fur their generous reapo'Wtto their appeal for aid. Monev reClfed, ?JL35; coal two ons; provision, w-'k). also consider able second hwi4lothing. Through "" z t i- the suggestion oyadies, not members of our union, v' 'will give up this work to an associatin"l be lornieil by the ladies of the city. S call tor which will be found in th s djlereiit papers. We are p1Mf4 le:irn tl,sU c- J Crone, who liiw(n helping our en terprising alnMJ. man. Mr. C. F. Cather, has r:id the appointment of deputy trr! from County Treasurer 3Icl"tl? Mr. Crone is a de serving gentkK niiSand every way ful ly qualified ti uRhe important posi tion of deputy CO11." treasurer. The Chief congri.ttH the good brother on his appoMIMpt to ttie aforesaid position will meet in ad- The W. C. T. U. of Red Clo jd hold their annual election of ofliecrs Janu ary G, 1SSG, and elected officers as fol io wv: President Mrs. BrakefieUl. Vice President--Mrs Aldcn Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Dr Denney. Recording Secretary Mrs. Noll. Treasurer Mrs. U. B. Gates. Lonil Vice-Presidents The Mrs. Giaves, Lossing, Yissc.her, Maryatt. Money raised in the past vear, i3IO. Held six weeks of temperance meet ings, and over 400 signed the pledge; 100 Lei ong to the cadets. The band of hope under the auspices of W. C. T. 13. is self sustaining. Collection. $15.15. three that were diseased and warrant ing condemning, which he proceeded to do, and two that were quarantined tor eight weeks. The horses con demned were o.vned a. follow.- J. Rilev, one horse 111 eilv. W IL Peck, one horse; and a man by the name ot Crawford in Ratio township, one horse The horses quarantined belonged to .V. Bryant 111 tin city. The live ctock commission were here tlii week and ordered the horses killed. This is right an J citizens of the county should have no hesitancy in making complaints to Dr. Gerth if they are satisfied that the horses are glaudered. It is a duty they owe themselves and neighbors. J..iijii ir i HWiraska land. A good breakfast t Green River and away over lh dert we go again, ent Pric- river, which we thereafter n-eend. through Civile rhen there is the citv hotel. John I Gate. Ctle Canon, and the Ui Nr it. !. . . 1 . 1 1 i i.w. . .-.stv " Lio- Mine makiiii: a grnnuni if. 11 iiiii. ... r.v .-,. - . from iiuni. '"IK to the plain, about the uk, lTf-- gentleman i a .-ucccs- as a landlord j here 1- a hay stack, the i.i-t -cmi hi Next i-the office of Dr. C Schenck. 5X mile- mid 11 attract more utti-u- 'Ihe Doctor is too ell known over the tion than Mt Nebo. who lifts m ow jountv to need any word of oiiuii'mi I Had -ummil to the south, or th :'el . . t .1. i.i. .. a rhe.v have a neat house and do a good ' a-cent of the a range t ' ti'luMi i i ib-C(Mwl nlnii" S OU-lliesS. ' " --- Next 1. it. W. Wells' retaurant, 'lhc trl j -iatot. tnt Utt MXmn ifrMl known to mll I uUi aopmm jvm ahI Dnqottua, and b ihlrUm liwx I defeat your romd I uis ttumy twf rcaoi- tor dirt4n?: tt. ami jftio Jev lofi u I rAl my battle ho t twvl !h faiHy What mhaUrff lo Krd CUahI ml its ndf.etU ptoj: wuwhl t( W buuhl tkm proposed rvnJ W bt 't at! m a tloaeii other mud WwUttts rl m im (knulo cl ti?. rtuiuusc - or omh-oti m Um Utr lUm 4 Arkann ami T Uir ol lreadv uoo kI rv. to bttt Hnr bur truni i"Wu nl owl frusn Xhmr Tr AimI do w mi h lmAt nrds m Red 1 1.t,l. td eal tftcwltff tu Why. Mr Mn. jimi rrMua!jr A not kuou Unt i liMUn. Iatfdte, uwl ierv iliw fnMut if tb tt w Imiu tbi'i nto CiMijtusg lour at mml ixl ami Uinbi t ciirftr ttt huru. frti ti two to ilr duiiar vm eaml, ami aJmhU lit- ?.im it UhumumhI MMi on himUer Itring tt ajH cii tiutt ot xvtidn hrrt mid bfiM lM -ai toe com jhUImmi tti lubrr m4 cwl. tlor ;tliiiil ml, for in a vtVfi ir :L thto lui ttJ lumir a !ta4Mi ddu tr t 4 lvnOtWtl, H nu-t t' blctni(c in fith U. pffawii'ti Ml'in nenm Ht i . Jf ciis' it I uhl wilr Ui m tfe toiot ( tbe limn hair ho cuM m to Denver uid by ri, btr U r (IM prseiit roiul uimI ciijmH llii Mt Jttt m in UttttkH-i Did y mH try l? ml how lui; did ihtM. my ttvimdf I .bum that it 1 Uu irr-r w hf tni one road, for oa iin in arh bfucli tti the dttb'reiit tuMg inUrt Is U that nut taml in. Wtik two riMMis V.ii l.rtog mid nprtt ttmt4lUt MMi thee b ehHi'r trisli-fUiM. "Ill cheaMr the trnitptftAliui tbo bgtr the pn. o is lor H kt-nl rf rohtsr, iumI the lower 'he 'itv fot tbtAgL c uimil, which is :! vHily trw l- E iMommv Ami no t orrHi Wfei we watti t to bottd tf tH 1wb, kPW bri !g aero- ibe Hrablen. H mr wacon nmU prwhir f all kind run be hauled bre and totft- by r UiNers i.tnl shtpfil over tt rul wu me Had we the lrtdg ao! tWnd that thu peoplo roliM e-iMty tfft Kr A J with their giHwts wo euwld hi il Ului " the produce, tuck atnl trvrftlhunf. ' within one buodred mil An mi RrI l IkhI over the preet at ruMl Jl ll b it oti had one dozu uUm r f'tuU aim ttu tunes the buyer Ry bnvmc gii! bridge and rmule we mhU up town. 1 nproe the price i eut tU. I'ompare Ril tl'MMl ami ; n rf land oetore the piueratrilt wm Utlli with the Bftme town and tnrm u Uttt to dtiv and .ee hri ti are. With tin ruiupaiiV fnirlv md I ! m: tint need of nuolhur railrvad l . till otto We hae gl Hlltb' ! get ihw freight mid w will nhip I sav tha thin new bnii ( nl m i h bi'iiieti. mid fottfver definlM It hr - V better for u- who iihI in with uV ti it M. to keep ail other nmU l. tuwl now Imi, m forming our lo" - t uiaku t'hi the eeitier of th fttfbt If we can get tho people. pijr2iy lh farnier. to rati h mt IHW rd hi defeated jmru I he Iwtit l lh Arywc long and loud that vim nh ,ro-l road i tiothuig utoru nor Urn- ! -ehem of tho R .t .M. 1ki AT tiUf the builder and p!;uUr u Mim mm line lor tbe iurti-ii ( Hfl4itf dy liaung other irl- workiMg Mt itw whole mutter Nw. tihwMVMI thl line We lOt lAs ofquMnl t ! It. Si M bo tiding u) mr rU It wouhl not hqi 11 in frtil tnmpmA tton Ihtt on the oUer rmud. !: gy fa or any ilher rd a- er ' o.f t..f : iHir loli nl i.-ti roni 1 from ti rj,y waters ot Lake Ctah -eett in the Here we ate at the post oIhc Mi dt-tance. Now our route t among ri'.ir.m i f H.r.. i. flu. t.Iui-.. to ro-tlitt" tllaire. and thrifty htm VIIIIUIU. '' w w v -..- f- . - get stamp-. ceries, quecuswarc. or a Vfui r irl on-. We next call 011 Mr. D II. Ruirk, ' Ctali , fre.h), dr.wn the bank of tin it.. urnM. Innr 'I bo lnitvor. river Jordoti. e ilebouch into 'lo lilt lllli41 ,1.11.1't.. V... ..... . .., I ' P clothing, drv gool.-, gro. houc. surrouinb'u by orctiani ami letter from broad and level gram Item- and mea.b J-ktrlin.r along the edge ol Lake ;j.i o mU K1''-' " .e I ir I" ' ' eiTOtie I'tlo-r rd wo!S l; .V M We lllift Im a niK-e ntilnay r-i'ior u P. X M Uithl thitt pro) He Mt tdebit kj;i all other fuj Now let tin. bi ".' ' 1 1 ; th ftrt ti ' t leftw tig. ml ir 1 rvK line wr 'an rn e w hirh has Im"i w ij five or U y'rtr I .' war wImxiii until - 1 r user aMl ier Once yMi hare tb m A Cn wiJK of Knt.M. On Monday the dry goods and notion house lately .ztfirtA.l tti flii nif l.t fr Clk4riri Averatre attendance JO; number of,"' , - . ,"....,,- . ...t I Ducker, nephew of our friend ilhsini mem jew, aw, ineomcersare . r.. . ,. al venlict i- that he give- gO(nl weight plain abo'tt Salt lik. and at .VIO p ,iMK her op. but '- m arrive at the fatnoii Mormon itv lhc par- ' named after th lake It i warm here nti'l -treet- inuuuy ami .Superintendent Mrs. Maryatt Assistant Mrs. Ballard. Secretary Mr. Teaj.arden. Treasurer Miss Mattie Ballanl. Chorister Mrs Denney. If you like a good cigar, by Moore' Choice, 5c, at City Pharmacy. - - ' Take Notloo. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the late Win. Letson will call and settle before February 15. 1SSG, at which time all accounts will be left with au attorney for collection. Alison Letsox, Administratrix. For Rent. A good business ro m on south Webster street, Red Ckud. Apply to A. L. Funk. Tiik supenr1 journei meet nfFu t,ie wh f febru-1 ary. At thtVk'tnsMing the petition for special eleettt " i votc bonds for the C. N. K. & Si Wy will be presented aud acted uJH,n--here is 110 doubt on w:ll be favorable The people are en- lew road all along -,- but what tliei to the project thusiastic foe " the line, anC lJ arrangemellf tiors iromi buioe. naicing ttie nece&s.-irv ave good large peti- vwnship. They mean A first-class livery aud fecit stable for sale. Inquire of D. B. Spanof le. - "A gTeat bargain offered in a farm uear town. Will be taken out of market if not sold soon. Inquire of D. B. Spa-ojle. The Amboy Mills Beady for Biud noes. Notice is hereby given that the Amboy Roller Flouring Mills are now ready to, grind wheat by their new process. Their friends anJ patrons are covdially invited to call. Flour guar anteed to le the equal of any made in the state. 1 2otf Tolly Bbos. & Go. Ducker ot this city, changed hand, and is now known as J. J. Ducker & Co., Mr. John Ducker, formerly with Miner Brrw., lfaving porchaeii an in terest in the store. John is one of the best dry goods clerks in the west, hav ing been reared from childhood as a counter jumper. The change of firm was made necessary hv Mr. Geo. Ducker having to assume charge of their interests in Johct, Hi. Thk Chief takes gieat pleasure in usher ing John into the active business cir cles of our city, knowing full well that he is fully able to keep the store up to the standard of excellency that it has already attained, by hi years of exper ience in the busines. He will fill the store from top to bottom with x rom nlete line of all goods that the trade demands, and will as in the past sell goods down at bed rock prices. He will be assisted by his sister, Miss May Ducker. Miss Sadie Becker, and Mr. Frank Match. We wish the nerfirm an abundance of success, and tespeak for them the same generous patronage that has been extended the house in the oast. Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the firm ol Peak & Latu, will please settle at once and save costs. We mean what we say. Peak A Ltt.. An elegant line ot uvrfumes,- at City Pharmacy. on gram. We came near forg rttin sonage. hcrc the Rev. Pace and wife -" -nov an" ;l"MM ... . r .. ! loppy WenreunfaM are enconscit. Here lite oung ioih r( Vu!) ,lt(. n,,.t.3raIHC ,f thertty. but wander in two- and listen to the ittys 1 no doubt it looks much better in um- oratnv impre tic words, and leave as one. Dr. W. T. Johnson, who located here 1 r. .. limn ii truly. NORTHERN NEBRASKA. Fine weather for this part of the country. We have not had any of those double-headed blizzards uch as yuti have had in Webter county. The trains could run here every day until now. They were blockaded at Free- niont and Long Pine, but not in this pait of the country. It has not been cold enough hers for cattle and bogs to freeze to death. Everylody likes this, as; well as they do any other part of the country; and then this county is pretty level untii yon get outh of the Xiobrara river, which is about 15 miles from here. when you reach the -atiil hill. "lite country between here and there is all very level and is splendid farm land. I have seen potatoes growjust as well in the sod as in old ground, and so it is with most everything which thev r raise here. Cif.vs. Woiilej:. again, U 3011 tvtsit. 1 our A.T Orm-hy. mer wnh trees in leaf anil flower- in bloom. Shal attend -ervice in the If n.-mnt. T..I......Ia Ir.lnV rtfl.1 f, . Ill , ,. , . ., II.. i'IIIIIIIUII lITliHH .--...J, 'T. -- . - but five month- ago. i. a thoroughl I c0 for (),Aihu s:.lcramcnto . wnil , competent physician, having taken full ' .ngelc, from whence you may hear course in medical college, as well a practical exiterience m hospital at Cinciniiatti. has an extensim practice which i daily increasing At the B. it M. office again, and as we take a tie pass out of town we are heard to ttigh. "Blew me. it -nrould le pleasant, riding on a rail." STILLWATER. Plouty of s now. Road bad!) blocked Considerable -tock lot tlunnz the late -torni- John Webl-cr Jot over 'J hog. and a cow Vetera I other loot quite a number of hogs and chickens. One man i rcjiortdl to have loft three hundred head of h'p. Mi ranma Orr ha returnil from Superior whre he had len tayiig dunng the pat nmmer and fill (i W Orr and Hugh Crawford re turned la.t week from the west whre thev had been looking after fmv claim. Dan Cook h moved lack to hit farm. J. Robinoii ha Ixiught the old ? i-ciiool hMie belonging to dwxnt No 2S. A ItMlgo of fJcKl Templar ha lceii ; nrgantzeil m District No. 'ST. '. Rki-oktix. j ' ' jF jii v . .-" ' -' IV t t bi r-i . - rw n1- 'aS , Wt mi' S 'tniiiiiB jHb- ', -'H K irmm VPg "qH k 'rihelrM L 011 u t m r not on S' p ein eti u, Ifct -4 t w- hv ""Sk ,r !.- 'urn i . ' P I Tf E" giro the Mild f W ir w are itr volt hane t n m hn Jnoti cr iwbtig , Ut j'itr or l Iftwn tlf run the wltrtp itugti' a th'Te. 1- orno ibo:r 'f whooped oneo U0 frn f -,k-I W M Kok TO fcad of fcJf hft W fpil- loway ralr- bufs aiel b-if-r 'HT to Di' 11 P nr t Dieeolntlcn Notice. j Notice ia hereby given that the firm ' of Jvleeman & Wiener hx been dis- solved by mutual con-ent, Walter Kleeman retiring from the bujinest , Mr. Ed. Wiener will continue the ba- 1 incs.-: at the old stand. Wlt.k Klkk Kb. WiEMJt pOTAi jxr-H'-v ' IrlDI i AKlKg POWJfl Abs4ytflHK nasi srt .& ? x Sv i.- ?s --- V- -C r. S.? - s A:-?''' -&K ' i -Saf-. ts :- : k?-jA. lJWV.V jtjt br?-":"? ' v , $m ggSjfiftfc.p -atffe -jftalU-v. . !&-ik &" 2 jsy'-r X , fA Ty J I K Nfc I! i It 1