'"- -J-'- ?' SfcSr 7S' -.4-V-, tfi: " jLr?7 - Ji.ii5-.r-C bhB 1355 fcl A-S-. fillip a- r -- ' J- ? X E- "1 WJ I Si. f . f l CLOUD CHIEF. H ni ifc 1 J i G. ROSIER, ra.lv. tan rT.nini NTEHRASK OURBMNT OOMM1NT. Three successive snow slides oc sjurred at Aspen, Col., the other day. Several persons were supposed to have been buried. A Berlijc correspondent says that a proposition has been made that the fiamoan Government be divided be tween the United States, Germany and England, and it is greatly favored in commercial circles. it. DELESSErs stated at a meeting in Paris of the promoters of a North Afri can inland sea that Captain Landas bad gone to survey the Tunisian oasis. On M. DeLesseps' return to Paris from Panama in April next a company will be formed to carry out the project of creating the sea. TnE Pan Electric Telephone Com ftnny put their telephone system in operation at St. Louis the other da' and srave an exhibition of its workings. It di tiers in several respects from other telephones and includes apian by which communication may be had by anybody by paying a toll of a nickel. The ceremony of blessing the Neva River was performed at St. Petersburg on the 18th of January with all the gorgeous display of former years. The Czar and Czarina participated and showed their confidence in the people by appearing amid the great crowd without special military escort. A pautv of hunters who avers re cently in the Rocky Mountains have returned to Bismarck, D. T. They re port that in many of the valleys the know is over twenty-five feet deep, and trappers ami hunters predict heavy floods in the spring, and an immense June rise in the Missouri when the snows melt. Mi:. Siioeniiof, American Consul at the English Potteries, in an interview recently expressed his belief that the decrease in the British exports of pot tery was due to the depression in the potter' trade in America as much as to the high tariff. He added that the potter' market in America was gutted by purchasers from England in 1883, previous to the raising of the tariff. Advices from Washington state that the Interior Department has rendered n decision that hot-water privileges for bath houses outside of the Hot Springs, (Ark.) reservation can not be granted. The decision, it was reported, would bo n. disappointment to a large number at Hot Springs. There was an almost general desire for the establishment of bathing establishments in different .fnrts of the city outside of the Govern ment reservation, upon which most of the bath houses are now located. The Superintendent of the reservation, Gen eral C. V. Field, in his report to the Secretary of the Interior, recommended granting water privileges to two bath houses south of the reservation. Some notable amendments to the pe nal code have been introduced in the Uew York Legislature. They make it a misdemeanor to receive, as well as to take, a child under sixteen for immoral purposes. They prevent such prac tices as were alleged against Ramscar n few years ago by forbidding the keep ing of indigent or homeless children in tinliccii!ed, unincorporated institutions, and increases the strictness of the laws governing legitimate instigations of the sort. They forbid the training, as well as use and employment of children un der sixteen as rope-walkers, dancers, gymnasts, wrestlers, contortionists, etc., adding byciclu riding, rag and bone picking, cigar-stump collecting and market-refuse gathering to the in terdicted occupations. The amend ments aim a severe blow at the dime museums, forbidding the exhibition of insane, idiotic or deformed children. The following strange story is told by Henry J. Tolbert. an electrician of Reading, Pa.: The City of Reading is furnished a portion of its light by a company which produces the electric current by means of the Brush ma- chines. Mr. Tolbert says that he visited the plant of the Reading Com pany, and while looking at the brushes gathering the sparks of the tluid a rat came running over the floor. To es cape its human enemies it jumped di rectly to the floor on to one of the brushes and was thrown back to the ground. It lay motionless, apparently and certainly dead, but without even a fcair turned. One of the employes was ent with a shovel to gather it up, but as soon as the shovel touched it the rat fell to dust, with a little cloud of par ticles rising from the place where its body had seemingly lain. There was no vestige of hair, Jlesh or boues re maining. The River Commission report says the amount of ,money available after completing the work now in progress on the Missouri River is not larsrerthan should be retained to meet enienren oes, which may occur at any time, aud that a general resumption of work is therefore impossible until Congress stakes additional appropriations. In this connection, it says that no more than six months1 work can be done on the Missouri River in each vear, and m " that work should be begun by April 1. As the appropriation for the current Sscal year would not be available until July 1, it is recommended that fifty per cent, of the amount askei for the com ing fiscal year be app-opriated and aiade immediately available. The total aaaount asked for the next fiscal year is $1,325,000. Th amount available on Xoveiuber SO, 1SS5, for continuing the Improvement of the Missouri River " -was 17o,762. ( HEWS OP THE WEEK. Gtoaaad by Tlgrapk amd Mail. esxoiucaaioxAX. Is tha Seaate on the ICth Mr. Morrill, from tbe Committee on Finance, reported a resolution extending the custom house In vestigation ordered for the port of New York to such other ports as the committee might deem tst. This was agreed to. !r. Injrallft offered a resolution, which was agreed to, calling- on tbe Secretary of the Treasury for certain Information as to the purchase of silver bullion. Judge Moody, of Dakota, was admitted to tbe floor of the Senate. Senator Teller then addressed the Senate on tbe silver question favoring- bl-inetalliam. Adjourned. In the House Sir. Ilragg. of Wisconsin, from tbe Committee on Military Affairs, re ported back the bill for the reller of Fitz John Porter and It was placed on the calendar. Mr. Watson, of Indiana, from tbe Committee on Invalid Pens.ons. repoited back the Mil to increase the Tensions of wld ows from IS to f 12 per month. The House then proceeded to the consideration of the Senate resolutibn accepting tbe statue of James A. Garfield presented by tbe State of Ohio. Several members mad eulogistic speeches and the House adjourned. In the Senate on tbe 20tb. koou after tbe routine business of tbe morning-. Senator Morrill took the Boor in opposition to silver coinage, contending that the public faith wm pledged to the payment of bonds In gold. The debate on this question contented until executive session, when the Senate ad journed. ...In the House Mr. J!aton. of In diana, on behalf of the Committee on Invalid Pensions, called up the bill increasing the pensions of widowa and dependent relatives of soldiers from fs to f 12 nor month. A dis cussion followed on tbe bill until the morn ing hour expired, at which time the House went into committe of the whole, when the Houe drifted into a debate on tbe silver quest on. Adjourned. Ix tbe Senate on the 21st Senator Van Wjck Introduced a bill to prevent the de monetization of American coiu by certain persons in the United States. Senator Sher man then took the floor and addressed the Senate on the bill to provide for count ng the electoral vote. Adjourned to Monday. ..In tho Houpe :t number of ezecutlve communi cations were received. The House then re sumed consideration of the bill to increase the pensions of soldiers' widows, and two or three members spoke strongly in its tavor. after which Mr. Keagan, of Texas, opposed the measure as too sweeping in every partic ular. A long debate followed on the bill, during which an amendment was adopted making It a misdemeanor for any person to receive any money for the prosecution of any claim arising under tbe act. Without reaching a final vote the House adjourned. Tub Sennte was not in resbion on the 22d. In the House, Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, re ported back the Ilnutelle resolutions callirg on the Secretary of the Navy for Information relative to the alleged erasures of certa n in scriptions and the dleinisMil of Union sol diers at the Norfolk Navy Yard, with an amendment extending the inquiry to dismis sals made at the navy yard and lltrht houe district at Norfolk during the teimsof the immediate predecessors of the present Sec retary of the Navy. This wa the occasion of a long and spicy debate. The resolution as amended was adopted. At the evening session sixteen pension and two disability bills passed uud the House adjourned uutil Monday. PERSONAL AND I'OLITICAL. TnK Maryland Legislature in joint con vention on the 20th elected Henry Lloyd Governor of Maryland for tbe term for which Governor Robert M. McLane was elected by the people. The two bouses con firmed the election of Hon. A. I. Gorman, United States Senator, for six years from the 4th of March, 1SS7. The Queen's speech, at the opening of Parliament on the 21st, took a very decided position against tbe home-rule demands of tbe Irish party. Repressive measures deal ing with alleged lawlessness in Ireland were also indicated. LiEt:TEN"iNTGKNEnAi.S!ir.i:iPAX appeared recently before tbe special Senate Commit tee which is considering tbe proposal to consolidate certain scientific bureaus of the Government, and expressed tho opinion that the Weather Bureau .should be taken from tbe control of tho War Department and placed under civil law and duties. Conouesssus Rinkix, of Wisconsin, died at Washington, of Cright's disease, on tbe 21th. Ho wns born in Now Jersey iu 1S33. MISCBtXAXKOC-. A conr.nsroNDEXT writing from Jackson rille, Fla., respecting the severe weather, says: '"On the morning of the 12th of Jan uary the thermometer registered 13.6 deg., tbe lowest temperature ever recorded, ex cept in January, 1SJ5, the mercury fell to 11 deg. The injury to tho present crop of oranges can not yet be estimated, but the probability is that it will b between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000." The pretended Alompra Prince of Bur niah aud two of his adherents have been tried and found guilty of nbcllion and shot. The striking Hungarians at Mount Pleas ant in Pennsylvania had n conflict with the police on the 20th. One Hungarian wax thought to be killed. Several other fights occurred anil somo non-strikers wcre aid to he killed aud injured. The situation was serious and troops were ordered to hold themselves in readiness. The Edgar Thompson steel works at Pittsburgh, which resumed recently, have again closed down, the helpers and fillers refusing to accept the terms offered. Af fairs are more complicated than ever and it is impossible to say what tbe outcome will be. A dispatch of the 21st from San Anto nio, Tex., says: Intelligence reached here last evening from Hidalgo County that a band consisting of eight robbers crossed over from Mexico a few days ago anil raided the Palmos ranch. Carlos Scbttnaor, the proprietor, and a clei: were both shot down. Schunaor was fatally wounded. His clerk lies in a very critical condition. The robbers got $2,S00 and a number of horses. FKEiGirrins who arrived at Aspen, Col., on the 21st state that twenty-seven snow slides have occurred in the neighborhood of Maroon Pass during the past three days. A party of men and eighteen mules were thought to have perished. Discount was weak in London during tbe week ended Jauuary 23 at l8.f for three months and from ?1 for short. On the Stock Exchange business was inanimate and drooping. The Irish question, bad trade prospects and the war outlook in the East combined to unsettle business. Amer ican railway securities were depressed throughout, closing at the lowest prices of the week under the reports of snow storms stopping traffic. It was rejwrted that an agreement hart been arrived at by the leaden of both pat ties providing for the admission of Dakota Montana and Washington Territories. The plan will be carried out in a few weeks. The other morning a terrific boiler ex plosion occurred at the distillery of Fair banks & Duenwig, at Peoria, 111. Frank McNellis, George Otterman and two others were killed and several wounded. Chinese at Victoria, B. C, were reported in terrible destitution. Soup kitchens were projected for their benefit. Hovie-kule for Ireland .was considered hopeless in the present British Parliament. Neither Liberals nor Conservatives would propose it, and FarcellwotsM have to do so if the question was to be dtsjassed at alL A sekious state of affairs uaamtid ia tk Ohio Senate en the 22L TJ-asnocrata withdrew on the rating oftHke Csiir that the Hamilton County SeiafEsors cMaVi not vote. The result was tksjfctwo iSastates were formed, each aclatiaf the other rev olutionary. Mf" The House Committe- Indian Affairs favors taking action lojmmg to the obtain ing from the Rf d I-afco ChlfjpcwalndiaBS tbe relinquishment of their tils tajik res ervation. CosiMiistoxxr. Colxmx bss called" th a- Ettel convention of the Mississippi VaUy i Sugar Growers Association 'for St. LiHda, j ieoruary and .-, and r the Uzirrmtafr Association for the v. etk folio wicf. :v& Bt A DisTATC from the City of Mexico my: Owing to tbe falling oft ia the Government receipt from all sources, due to depression i trade and to tbe continned depreciation of silver, -tbe operation of tbe June decree for tbe consolidation of tbe debt as far as regards tbe payment of tbe interest, will probably be postponed for a year. Heccctakt Lamar has decided that 'all appropriations made by the Arizona Legis lature in excess of tbe sntn granted by Con gress are void. The Cuban cigarmakent employed by Oltenburg et Co., and by Jacoby & Co., of New York, went out on strike on tbe 22d. Tne strike was very general, involving thousands of men. A pardon was recently granted to Rer. B. F. Jenkins, who was serving a life sen tence for the murder of IUv. J. Lane Borden, in Mansfield, La., tbrea years ago. Jenkins, a student, charged that Borden, President of tbe Collpge, wm intimate with one of the lady students and shot him for it. Jenkins is now dying'o consump tion and for that reason was pardoned by the Governor. BROW Bnos. & Co., of New York, ipped 1500,000 of gold bars to Europe on Bn shipi tbe 23d. Mockiitar Pa.iia, Turkish Commissioner J in Egypt, has proposed that a Turko-Egyp- j tiau army be organized for tba defense of Egypt in place of the English army now in the country, as the latter army is too costly a burden for Egypt Igvnt in view of her limited resources. UrwARns of a year ago a large number I business Louses, including tbe post-oillcc of colored people living in Howard County, " and its contents. Loss, S1O.O0O. Ark., engaged in a riot, in which a white J The Eaylt estimates that the product man nntned Wyatt wr.s killed, for which shipped from Weeping Water the past year the rioters received very heavy sentences, j would make a solid train from there to They have all been pardoned, except Henry Louisville, which would require seventy Carr. Lie Thomasson and James Marsbull, eight locomotives to move it. Six hundred they being the ring-leaders. The explosion of a locomotivo boiler in the round house of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul at Mndison, Wis., recently, caused the death of one man and the in jury of nine others. Eleven bodies of the victims of the New burg, W. Va., colliery explosion were re covered on the 2tth. Giizkce has made an energetic protest against tho demand of the Powers to dis arm. Paknell has issued a circular to the Na tionalist electors of Armagh requesting them to vote for the Liberal candidate iu the Parliamentary election to fill the va cancy caused by death of Mr. John Mc Cane, Loyalist. Ci.eakino house returns for week ended January 23 nhowed an increase in New York of .12.8 compared with the correspond ing week of last year. The other cities of the country also exhibited fair increases. In the Italian-Chamber of Deputies, Sig norMaglini, Minister of Finance announced a deficit in the current budget of 50,000,000 francs. The deficiency is due to the general depression caused by the cholera epidemic and the cost of maintaining the Massowab expedition. Five aged persons lost their lives tho other night by a fire at the county poor house near Jackson, Mich. Tho building was destroyed. The printer who attempted to take the life of Estrupin, at Copenhagen, in October last, has been sentenced to fourteen years' impri.xonmcnt. Svhacts'e, N. Y., grocers have been in dicted for working a lottery scheme. The business failures for tho seven days ended Jan'itry 21, as reported to It. G. Dun & Cv , number for the United States '103; for Canada, 26; a total of :t21. as against 332 the week previous. More than two-thirds of tho number were reported from the Southern, Western and Pacific States. Tni: Secretary of Wnr has submitted to the President the rrport of the Fortifica tions Board. It is n, long document and discusses fully tho necessity and advan tages of better coast defences. It is estim- ated that it will require f .VJ.fiOO.OOO to estab- lish n good system of defences. Heiih i?sno, the Vice President of th iMnish Folkesthing, who was sentenced to sir months' imprisonment on September 30 or being concerned in a disturbance at a political meeting, nnd whoso sentence ava ""cently confirmed by tho Danish Su preme Court, has been committed to prison. Heavy floods and loss of life wcro re ported recently from rains iu California between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The first of the suits brought by the Chi cago Reform Alliance to compel the sa loons of that city to close on Sunday has been decided by a jury in favor of the saloonkeeper, who wns found not guilty. Govnr.Non Lahkmiee, of Iowa, has ap proved the official bond of State Auditor Brown nnd reinstated him in ofiice. Brown was removed ten months ago by Governor Sherman. ADDITIOXAT. DISPATCHKf. Gknkkai. Samuel R. Atotison, who rcpe rcsented Missouri in the United States Sen ate from 1S44 to l$i7, died nt Plattsbnrg, Mo., on tho 20th. He aves about seventy seven years old. and had been In feeble health for some months, gradually sinking to rest. General Atchison was for two year President o the Senate and he was President of the United States for one day in 1$T3 the time of the outgoing executives having expired ou Sunday. As President i of the Senate he held the reins until the in auguration. A test vote avas taken In the British House of Commons on the 2uth. The result left the Conservative ministry in a minor ity 323 to 2Tr3 avhen it was announced the ministry avould resign. The Parnellites Totd against the Government; a few mod erate Liberals supported it. TnE Senate Committee on Pensions re cently received a petition from an ex soldier who nsks for a "pention" on the ground that he was "cicked" by a "rauel" in the lower pa-t of the stomach near the "hart." Dynamite was exploded nt the Norwich railway station, England, the other day, injuring the building somewhat. Judge Hawkins, who sentenced the dynamiters Cunningham and Burton, left the station a few moments before the explosion. TnE San Joaquin river rose so high re cently that disastrous results were threat ened. Robert's Island suffered 3,000 dam age. The time of the Senate, on the 20th. was devoted to eulogies of the late Vice Presi dent Hendricks. The House diseased the bill to retire naval officers. A paktt of Spanish rebels made an at tempt to destroy the railroad crossing tho mountains in the province of Jcc.-n the other day. They were dispersed. CnAr.GKS hare been preferred in the State Department against Consul Gresnbanrn at Samoa, Jcnns Brewek, at Denv-cr on the 23th. decided the Maxwell land grant case in fa vorof the defendants. The suit aras broaght by the Government and involved l.TOO.UX) acres, which, it was claimed, had been ob tained by fraud. Thk other morning the Grasshopper mill, sitoated in Smoky Hollow near Yoangs-J town, ua., anu vaiued at 5KSJ, was burned to the ground. Toa. los on build ing, machinery, stodr, etc, C-Ta XO; inscr ancc, 5oO,X. Ox the night of January 14 there was a fail of ahcs at Guayaquil. The phenomena was atfrst attributed to an eruption, of Cotopaxi, bst intelligence his been re ceiTcd from tho interior to tie efTect that there hai bees c terrible eruption of ;ht empt.oa o, :if , Tcnguragua volcano. 2o pa: had bceti received and sotalnc; avis ksoTrs as to the extent of th dsrsice. NEBKASKA STATE NEWS. A rroar building and several resideacea were destroyed by a late fire in Gothen burg. Focr.TKS engines were wrecked while bucking snow drift on tbe Burlington & Missouri sices the blizzard. Harlax County claims the honor of pro - dacing four pair ot twins within about Cve months. CrxrG county has t37.2ST.21 is tbe treasury. It will reqnire 132,600 to run Sarpy County this year. Recentlt a German named Pirner went to tbe Commissioners of Lancaster County and informed them that there was a fem ily at bis bouse that be bad been caring for which the County Commissioners must take charge of, as ke was unable to longer provide for them. The matter was inves tigated, when it was discovered that the parties were bis sister, her husband and two children, waom Pirner had compelled to work as brutes. The husband was a partial paralytic and had been compelled I to do drudgery until his feet and hands wer fro2en- "ne woman- Peer's Mster, was aiso uacuy irozen irom exposure wuhs doing menial work for an inhuman brother. The sufferers were cared for and the unnatural relative, bo is said to be m good financial circumstance), was to be looked after by the authorities. Tun town of Papilion was visited by fire the other morning, destroying several and fifty car? of corn would be In the train aud the balance would consist of other grain, lime, stone and Kock. Ciiaijkon claims $27,000 worth of im provements during la'.C. John Pskkek, who lives near Bird City, while on his way to Bcuklcnian, recently, met with quits a serious accident. He was I wtdking bj the side of his wagon, when tho team became frightened and ran over him, breaking his leg and internally injur ing him. The newly-appointed Register and Re ceiver will take charge of the McCook Iand-ofTice April 1. A Keauney real estate firm sold over 26,000 acres of land in 1SS3, the price aggre gating $112,307. The newly-appointed postmaster at Springfield, Sarpy County, has been noti fied that his nomination has been with drawn, ho having entered a horaesteud in Kansas. The State Board of Agriculture recently met at Lincoln and elected S. B. Barker, of Merrick, President; R. M. Henry, of Platte, und Frank Holt, of Gage, ice- Presidents; L. A. Kent, of Kearney, Treas urer, and R, W. Furnas-, of Brownsville. Secretary. President Barker named Ed. Mclntire. J. B. Diusmore. Nat. Dm hum, E. N. Grinnell and H. B. Nicodemus as o board of managers for 1S-C0. j Nouroi.K boasts of a population of l,-9, an increase of 1.420 in five years. Anson Giiison and his son William were hauling wood recently near Ponen when they encountered the Westbrooks, father and sons, with whom they had had a long 1 feud. Jim Westbrook opened fire, the ball taking effect iu one of Gibson's mules. The fight became generuland all the combatant were more or less wounded. Tom West brook died, but the others muy recover. 1 One day recently a mad dog engaged tho attention of a do.eu citizens of Wakefield. In the United States District Court at J 1 Lincoln the jury, which had been out five days, in the Leighton & CInrk insurance ; case, brought in a verdict. The insurance ' was in twenty-four companies and the ad justment was j:iP,uOO. Thirteen companies paid in their proportion and eleven refused ( to pay on the ground of alleged fraud by j tho firm. Iho eleven were sued for the in surance and the thirteen sued the firm to recover what they had paid in. The ver dict was against the eleven companies for about three-fifths of the policies and in fa- ' vor of the thirteen to reduce what they had paid into tho same proportion. The nmount the firm will recover will be about $24,000. i As n sleek-looking young man recently ' stepped from a train nt Omaha the Shcrilf ' of Wayne County, Ind., placed him under ', arrest. The man was Georgo Washington i Harry Claire. Early last year Claire set- i tied at North Bend. Neb, He was a school I teacher, went into the best society of the i town, and in the course of time gained the airectiou of Miss ettie Uorsey, a near relative of Congressman Dorscy. In June he left to visit his old home in Indiana, but instead of paying a friendly visit forged a check on his mother for SlXX) nnd stole a span of horses from h liveryman in Rich mond. He wns traced to North Bend where lse hail married Miss Dorscy and gone to Iowa on a visit. Then the affair became known, when, in addition to his other ' crimes, it was found that he had another wife and two children living iu Indiana. 1 Mi-s Dorsey learned of the facts while ou the wedding tour and returned home. She ' was induced to state his whereabouts and by a ruse ho was captured. A specimen of the ancient spinning avheel, iu good repair and in constant use, I has been discovered in the household of a farmer in Pierce County. TnE right of way for the Elkhorn Valley Road through Fremont will cot $23,000. The price is said to be very reasonable and will doubtless be acceptable to the officers " , of the road. A man at Hartington recently tarried too long in i saloon, and his team became tired of wailing for him and started for home on their own motion. They were found in s creek three miles from town, both dead j and the wagon was a complete wreck. j Returns of losses of stock in tbe late storms are footing up well. Frank Stouf- fer, of North Bend, lost 30 head of cattle, end at Gilmore, the big feeding ranch, .0 mares were frozen to death. In the sonth- , western tier of counties 17 head of cattle , and 1C hogs perished. j St. Pacl sant a fire company. l . McHsnht, alias Carleton, the dude tailor , 1 of Arapahoe, hastily lit out recently to , avoid presiding over the deliberations of his wives, three of whom were about to as semble there. Work has been resumed on Trinity Col- " lege at Blair. Tbe four-story brick struc ture is owned by the Danish Lutheran so ciety, and is said to be the only one of its kind in America. J John Sueedt, Lincoln's most promueni gambler, was stabbed several times in the neck and face the other night by a man named Patterson, while the latter was in. I toxicated. Tnr boiler home of tbe Fremont foundry was recently destroyed by.firc Tux late blizzard replenished the pocket of a number of idle workmen in the State, j Hundreds were employed raising tee rati- ro.jj blockade, wares "ranging from ll.0 and board to fC.OO per iUy ' MoNTGoarRT, the Cambridge forger and deed beat, has been arrested at Austin, Tera, and will be hrooght back to Arapa hoe for trial. Besides beating the banii. he conUdtnctd ch friends and left bis wife in dtititste circumstances. Drx DoNtiX, of Pones, tears the dis tingnired honor ot being tie first -whit, child bom in Dixon Conntv. The -.mncri-nt ,. nw? rr. ', RS ". rtv rr!v rimr, r.-J. otct 3 blui Z2.& avas instantly killed. TO COERCE GREECE CrltUfc en4 Orwtan Iraaetais lrpartag to Cotrcm ;rce- Into Icr. Lorcno.v, Jan. 20. The Grce (Torero rnent In reply to the note of the Marquis of Salisbury says that the representation of Knrland Infnnre co fnteroat'onal ana ' dip!omatIc observances and declares that i - -- Grcec reserves per feet irccdnm ot action. The answer lunucr sas iki vuercw u- . M . .! f .,- not declared war, nor ns-s sn givra caue xor x.am iuic..c - wm T -.. h carUinz ner aimuue. """-'' ins Violated the treaty or icrw undfr tb,H Tgi of England, firtc Is justified in using eveiy means hi her povr, even to a retort of arms, tf necessary, to obtain the concessions th treaty of Berlin gave her. Greece will maintain hercislni to Thessaly sod Eplrus no matter whst the cot may be. and U pre pared to take the field at tho earliest mo ment and tub; to the bitter end Iu support of her right. She is confident of .uc cess; the tlrt movement of Turkish troop against Gree will b the lgnal for a revolt .n Albania and Macedouia, aud Europe will not look placidly on. Admiral Iord John Hay, commsndlnfC the Mediterranean qu.idrou, consisting of the Alexander, Neptune, Thunderer, Dread nausht. Iris Helicon. Carysfonl. Cocfca trice. Coque:te. CruLser. Hecla and Superb, has received Instructions as to the course he shall pursue In the event of Its becoming necessary r " to t!ike ct.on on Ens land's demand ot Greece to disarm. In the House ot Commons yesterday afternoon Umht Hon. Kobert Ilowfce. polit ical SecreUrj' ot the Foreign Otlice. In an swer to inquiries regarding the. warlike news from Grrece. s.ild that at the Instance of England the mx creat jwiwers had noti fied Greece that a naval attack by Greece upon Tin key would not be permitted. The GterK Minister, In an Interview to diy respecting the warlike news published this moni.nc from A then-, .-aid: "Tho Greek King, Government and people will tight t the bitter end before they will al low Hulgar a to ab-orb 1.000.000 people be longing to Hie Greek nee, which she will certainly do if the union of Bulgaria and Eastern Koiimclia liou!d be. recognized. Greece is fully entitled to tfle whole of Ep.ru-. I am confident that tho Greeks can whip tho Turks at sex As to the land defences of Greece, the moment war is de clared Macedonia and Albania will be set in names, thus rutting oil the land commu nication of tho Turks and attacks ou the sea poit will be made at once." l.KUMANV TAkES IWICT. Hkumn, Jan. 20. -A dispttch from WIl-hent-Iiafen, one of the principal German naval stations on the North Sea, says that the ironrlnd Pritu Frledrlch Kirl Is being rapidl fitted out for ?ea. Her destination Is Piraeus, the inirt of Athens. The Prinz Friedrich Karl carries sixteen guns of ten tons each. The North Gtriufm (i zcttewsi "The attitude of England with regard to the warlike ..osition assumed by j f. ' ... tr,....rii Tri-,,.. ,,i",mt h vk'ornnlv supported. Tho Power.s must not allow tmt Mim firebrand state to jeopardize the peace of Europe. -- QUEER ECONOMY. Horns Sawed Off Ctttle to Kcunoiitlzv Car Sp.ice. Gknkske, Ii.I-, Jan. 2.". A case of Interest alike to State Human Societies and cattlemen throughout the country cornea up in the Justices Court here this afternoon. Colonul II. II. Ha a IT. a well known and wealthy stock raiser, i charged with cruelty to animals, the alleged cruelty taking the lorm of sawing the. bonis tioiu the heads of his cattle. Twenty head of his stock were recently received at the Chicago Stock Yards, and the condition of their horns attracted the attention of certain buyers, who declared the work a piece of barbarism and called the attention of the Huuiauo Society otliccrs to the an uials. Haatf. ivlio was at one time a lauter in Chicago made a speech before the State Veterinarian Society last fall, in which he advocated fiiftitur ntT flio rnu' horns oil the iMoiititi tmt u wout, ne l)0th CCOIIonica ami kind- ly, as more cattle could be crowded Into one car and the animals would be pre-U'tit-d from goring earli other. This speech was se.vetely denounced by prominent veterin arians who declared that the operation was more, painful than cutting oil a man's leg. HaatT, however, petslsted that the opera tion was a painless one and adv.sed all shippers to do as he was doing. State Vet erinarian Paaren. Health Olhcer Wolf, of Chicago, Chief Dudley, of the Humane h c.cty, and others are here to push the case. Haali declmea that it convicted ho will carry the case to the highest courts. BOLD ABDUCTION. A Yfienjr faly Chloroformed nill( Alolnctril Her Iti'iiiiirlol!e fc.ipe. Cj.evki.ano, 10.. Jan. 26. .Miss Till! Muiikeriuaii, aged twenty, whosij home is in Hoyalton. a small village near here, had been visiting her sister in this city for a short time. Last Thursday evening she started on an errand, but had gone ,jv a few steps when, in passing through th shadow of a bilildini:. she was suddenl) seized by two men, one white and the other colored, hound ami gagged and placed in a hiiggv near at hand, 'lhe liot.se was driven rapidly away, and no oo:ier had it .tar ed than -lie was chloiofonned. She soon lo-l consciousness and renrained in-enslMe foi some time. Finally she heard the men ta.k ing about golnc into a saloon before whch the horse had stopped. She remained quiet and they, not knowing that she had recovered consciousness, entered the fa loan. No sooner had they left the begy than the irirl jumped out and ran awae a , best she could. She was a mile away limn ' her sist r's house and was taken home by a ' gentleman from whom she asked protection. j Washington. Jan. 20. -Tho President ; to-day nominated William II. Pariccr, of the bl-trlct of Columbia, to he Mitrstet Kesidctit and Consul General of the United States to Core. The Senate to-day con firmed Charles J. Canda to tw Assistant Treasurer of the United States at New ' York; John S. McCalmont, of Penn sylvania, to be Commissioner ol Customs; Joseph L. IJlclnrds, ifostmastei at Buchanan. Mich.; Thomas ILb'ja-d. postmaster at Bellefuntaiue, O.; F.etche: J. Cowart, of Alabama, agent for the Indi ans of the Mescalpro igency In New Mex ico; Eiihu C. Osborn, of Tennessee-, agent for the Indians of the I'onca, Pan nee, Otos ; and Oakland agency. LI. Thr Highbinders. St. Loos. Mo.. Jan. 2C In the trial of the Chinese highbinders yesterday Lena Lee. a colored girl, was examined by the prosecution. She stated that on tbe morn ing on which Lou Johnson was found mur dered she saw a Ch nitnan, whoa h afterwards identihed as Cong Seng, emerge from Johnsnn's house holding a handker chief to his r.re with one hand and carrylnc a satchel In the other. Hb hands were coa-ered with blood, x was aJso tbe satchel. He walked to hydrant and thoroughly clnd his hands and face and wuaed off the satce', and then departed. A Dash tor IJherty SAJf Astomo. Tex, Janntry 25. NV-rs nm Segnln Fays yesterday the priwner la the cocnty jail aide a bold dash tvr liberty duricg the tensporxry abvrace uZ tbe SheniL Eijht of tnera got free. The alarm was given, a hvy pass- was sam nonei and ntsrteU la pursuit. Aft-ra chase of oajc miles 5ve oZ them -arete -e- r-ynr-t ,.1 t,!l.l .TS l ?J,. K.r-- .& a,,MfVS,suiS Wft.4 -, M . ssav hn hrd irn TK.-atr.M.U Um " Jf.ckson, a very desperate negro, -aro sm ' con3ned for ro order cvmmliltd ri2g , Chnscsn wcei a wh't- mw, attsatra. , who Is.chxrgcd wiw thr robbery of s ranay ' Hcpct .afe atswt a swath aj aJ a cegra is jaU far sors stexfh: THE PRESIDENT ON LA BO ft. If rvr III Wal-MT Law-Hi w m rahlie VmnA ttlmNt. WAiHtNrro5, January 2A At rewt netting of the Committe on labor of th House of nprestativi UimnU were made that the spirit of the e!-M-boa; law , .,. i ; wa w,ng openiy ,.cu, wwn. or vecti in certain oi itiewnrrnns-umci part- - - ..1lt . rnent. ana tn:troin u ,m wi etnpaw- cred to present tn the Hou- a nolu.ion of - , nn,ur). dirrctol to lb various accretari. atng in dlmt terms whether tn iw was w.i. .nf.ir.1 hr "hm IVniltnir th in Uotiuct.cn of the roo.ntum Mr. 0'U1 ought an audience with th i'rrsidm winch was granted Saturday afternoun lasted for over an hour. In the ius.tr of U efht hour law the Pres.denl !d: "I txdlev that the law It a sound and a cood one. ami that It shooid be enforcnl tn th letter. I hive no inform ation retarding Instances of Its lolatlon or evasion, but If such instance are presented to me 1 will see that the lme Is remchrd and the full spirit of thw law enforce!, which 1 understand to be to pay rvrry workman iu the Government emptoy for eluht hours' work dally what Is pa.d out lde of the Government employ for a full day's work. 'I h Government can not af ford to 9W thr erampfe of noii-enforcrrurnt of and observance of Its own enactments." The President further slid: "I appre ciate the effect upon the mechanics of the rountry of this constantly Increasing use of labor-saving machinery, and I can think of no more practical relief for the unemployed surplus labor than the occupaton f th public lands. 1 do not hesitate to say that I Am heaitlly In favor of any fcasib'e p an for the rncottraement antl asittanc of tmxpective Anier.can settlers upn thf public domain by the general Government." In this connection tlie President expressed ome very strong v,j upon the subject of the occupation or va-t tracts of publ.c lands by fore.gn capitalists. Tho President teemed tieslrotis of Impressing upon .Mr. O'Neill his willingness to heartily co-operate with Congrev, in any elTorts It may make to elevate the working class and tm prove the social condition of the bread wm itr. m THE VIRGINIA HORROR. The Work df Ueorrlnic the Vlrtlio ot lh Xrwtnirc lNtcr. Nr.wnrno, W. Va., January 2,". A lc--sl relief committee has been formed with Maor Ellis as treasurer, assutetl by prom inent citizens and clergymen, and atviut J00 has been raised iu the town. Thr families are all pKr and needy, all the men having been in debt. The coal company is issuing provisions from Its store, and will nry the dead. Two families entirely without supnort will probably b.. ent hack to England. Since )es.trda eleven more IhmIics have btcii fouml and wen identited as follow : Adolph Wein, John Lambert, John Edwards, George Kiggins, I nomas Guv, John Conawav, Charles Tiin'ey, 01 nton Albright, Hairy Guy, It chard Bentley and Nicholas Betil'ey. As the liodlrs were re ceived at the shaft they were taken in charge of by the Coroner's jury for Identi fication aud then turned over to the under taker. The bodies were found In various pos.tions some with arms eteiidcd as if about to pursue their uul work, others with at ins and limhs con tracted as If Iu awful agony. Alt were terribly burned and blackened aud the distorted features told of their tenlble stifiVrintfs, hut uoii" were so mutilated n- the tin re that were re covered je-terda). Onn man was found facedown with his head ou his arm as if he had escaped the violence of the explo sion and assumed that position Iu llio hope of finding sutlic.eut air to prolong life un til rescued, but this theory Is mtradlcted by pinctical miners, who think the miners were all killed by the explosion. It Is thought all the bodies will Ikj rcrovenit by to-morrow evening. The funeral of Daniel Miller. Isaiah Simmons and his -on Wllllmn took place estenUv ntternoon from the M. K. Churrh. tin. two latter helri.' bitrieil hi tlia I ....,.. ,.-,... I OOUBLED THE COMMISSION. A Herman Kamier'nCurlou Way of Grttlng a Wife. Cap.t vi.k. Ii.I, January 25. Quite a ro mantic marriage occurred here a few days since. John Fee'och Is a German farmer living In this vicinity who by energy and economy has managed to purchase quite a nice farm and dwetlmc. All that was lack, ing was a suitable wife to make h.s hapd. ne.s- rumple!?, i-o Mr. Feejuch, who sieaki English xery br.ikmly, called on a German t friend residing In this city ami state.! tli case, informing him that what he most de sired was a wife and that as an inducement he wou'd give him 3l If he .suc ceeded In finding some suscept ible damsel as ho ws willing to entrust her future with him. The oiler wai arreptt d and the marriage contractor at once began to search for a life partner foi Mr. Feeloch. His ell'irt weie not frult.Vis. Upon naming the subject to Miss Julia Keueholt, a young Inly aired twenty-three, and after ful'y describing the situation. Mie consented to be prerntid t Mr. Fer,!jcli. Mis.s Keneholt is rather prrposeslug In ap pearance and of a luiice type of te-auty. h-t avoirdupois being about 100 pounds. Ufxin being presented to Mr. Feeloch he went into ec-taries of dehgiit. so well was he pfraaed with Miss JulU. It Is need rs to add thai there was a matrimonial Knot tied at once. The groom ws v delighted he a.d to hit friend: ' Here. I glfs jou 820, dot ts scheep Keuull." A Dynamite '.itre5on. Atlanta. G a., January 25. 1-ait Friday night viinc unc plared a dynamite cartridge ' on the front acrar.da of the house of Uni ted States Commissioner Collins In Carter vllle, Itar.'ow County, and eauvrd Its eip'o sion. Saturday morning s telegram reached Atlanta requesting Immediately a pack of bloodhound, and stating that dynamiters hud been at work and bad rped. The cxplos.on darrnzed the, hruf consider ablr arid scrlonsly shocked Mr. and Mrs. Collins. The explosion a wok everybody In town and the wildest excitement jr- vailed. Tone Jackson and his erotr,r Sim were at once suspect!, bec3aj the Com m.ssioner had Just bound tle former over for violating the Interna! revenue and th! local antl-Iiquur Jaws. Sam Jackson was ciplured and Is In Jail. Tobe Is Ult at, Urge and is being chxted by bloodhounds, m TUm VKro eUvaI. F.ocic Hir.u S. u. Jsnoarr sx At s i negro festival, held hut eight on Kobrt Cornwall's plantation, Thorax Mauey shot ' and InsUntly killed George Gibson. Musey j came at crztx to this p?ace and snrreadef r hlroxlf, stat-ng that he did th ;ct la slf ' defense. Tfcl ruonitng Jestlc? Jewell hejtl an nqt2st, yd tne verdict of th jary w that decease cams io hU death by a pUto! hot Sred by Thomas Matter. Gibson had I nourished a razor early la the rrczis aad t tbreatrard U cat another petfos. Late? hs Uicie.i Mair, advanced UiwariJ him with the razor fata! sho hoUotu ftiakmg aotl. nnrAstrOAii. i'A Jaaaary 22. A aert o cavr-ia occurred asder th bed of tbjA lading lUdroxd.iast.f this aU , this Btomlat Abtat 4ity fx of tl ra4 ; M sank i ally two fct wh.h, a ami tixm t was tsin over It, a4 a short t.'ae, affcr- ward the ssrfacs dtopped lBV!&e v&rkiafs l- n. . v'-. . .,-.. - , I " -- - "" "'"V'" US It "i - Pej5jrr WS1B CWtaJll- t- . - m. ,a ceariy a hesdred psrnos had pm4 orrr the pr a fw w.satrs b:frr. Tn&z ever the xrI U jspaifd; hs rrnistqpmor. aa-l the coUicrictf Ui xhU ecta are Idle! It wiH Uke trertl tay to 1 th hieacsl ad yet tbe ru4 ia repair. la runt!, wfcea lMrr tied ih Tn- 3 4 cisu",7 hm L Wftoien ami whisky were al th , T"!17 " W. ". of !h trotde ! nicrj." ?? - ' " CONFESSION. A rttsieUa 9trt)t rt. Tk taila-mluT ttrvwtitk It aMr.;r, WM attention from tbe pre - Is n r uiarkabt? that w ca not n ourIr If wc do aet lay It beforv ovtr readers o lln. To! RlUmrof Of Jietrr (X. T) Dm TSt Hik -On the first day f Jan. 161. I Uy at my rsdno In this ity nrrounU! hv my tnrmls nml waiting fur death il4Tt ""J m-r w only know, th" .-ony I tbn endarc,. for wuutsi can n"erdscribw It. ,nl tt, if tew years pnrTKu any cn hi im m that I waato Nibrnuphtsolow, aix!tT Jrn4 a li-. I wnM hav JmI t tle Idea. I hn.l always Inrex; nncvmnvnlr nWvngaml tallbr, au ssK.hvi otr Jt pound, arnl hwnlly Rir, in my on ex perirnr, ht la or lccv- er V ry many p?ople sho will r!d UiU tateHen: nrftlib it time thy nrw uuuuslly tr, and cn net Accvtiut for It Ther fe- d J prtlu In various tvtrt of the Uwly And J not understand hr Ortby ureete-! ingly hungry one d"-ar nd entirely t:!xHi: appetite tb neat Thw jMit th v I felt when the rrlenflr iul.Sy ntnek l. fastened iUelt utnn tn first tt-ran HtV I r thought nothinof it. tb,t ptobb)y I h I . tken a col t huh Mt-ut.1 nun jssa y oooruy aiiT iut l iioiicrt: fceAvy, and t timiss neuralgic pm in on ih! f my head, but a it would come one dr d t- fone the neat, 1 taid tittle Attention t it. "hen mv tonrh woulij j(etwuiof der and my foil often frilel to ufes, cang at time srrat in'vnvrniener Vet. ee a a phy -tcinn. I ImI not think tbnt thm thing rorant any tbng Mrlouv I fam ki I as ulTerlng frtun nuUrv a4 doc tored niyelf ccorhngiy Hat I got no ixt ter I next notii'ed n je-enlwr rdr iwt ixlor alkiiil the Uu ds I 4 jvAwiog - wl-fc,-that taer wereliarje Mnttre oii itr ari.l very little the neat. Ami tout prW rttt frotn and nm appeAtvtl n the ur f.ace, nnd a wHltinent ot:Jcsl Ami i I did not real ue myt(incer for th.1,!, teJt the ymptom wnttnuallr, I fintiy t rnnio accutomel to thro., . m pi non wa w colly iUnrmet lv th fa, t ihsl AitZnapt. til the nSferloHl orgait ur tn th-r vicinity Why I should bB lr m blind I can not itnlrrtnrd' I caMisnltcl the let meilieisl aill In tho Und I vuiled nil the famed mineral apriiis in America nnd travete.1 from Miidc u t'nlfornia Still I grew w,r. NtiMpk icifin gred as to my malady (m !! I nna tumble! tth pniil lintnl. , an other, dype"la, another, h-il I.M.a. another, nenernl debilit , inotb r eon Station of the im-o of theblll. At. I mj oil irough n long l.t of common dle., th sj miliums of many of htch 1 rsa r Utul. In tlil way ererl years pAJ ,irang which tune I m tedlv in,"wng rs. My condition had relly 1ksjiin j tttde ITjo hght ymptuittn I atrtiteajvc ko-h1 tertdeaeloiwHlinti terrdde nnd o tlant duntnlent. Mv S eight bml tcn ret4n! from '.V7 ti irrt jmuuu. My life wniltur den t inywlf and friend 1 couM rtnin no fiH o'n my tnm,b, am! llveJ tally liv injection. I wj a living n !f ilu id v pulm w uncontnllMe, In my Ag,iny 1 frvjuenlly fell to the. floor and rlutrhe,! thocnrjet d prwyrdfordeath1 Morphias had Iittlo or m efTict ludeAi1entn;;lhe.niu Forlx cUvannil tilghu 1 ImiltJiedeih pit inotiiUry filivtuigh cinttitly My a ter as filled wilh tule-eiwt nnd nlbuineti I anstruggHngaith Hrtghl'a l)leo ! tho kidneys in ita Wt tj;e-, While uiTnrfiig thus ! receive.! a ealh from mv piudor. tho ltov Ur Foote, at that time ie tor or rt inui r.jieopsi i '' , ofthicltV I felt thrttltwna our Ut in U-rview, but in the iimr of Hfimr Hon I)r Ftwite dotnlled to me the many remarkaido cures of rw like iny own which had come tin t hi obei vntlnn. A n pr ACti-lnK dia-lran nnd n grndunte of the iehi! 1 tirilded thr Idea of nny nietllciue outile t) tegular rloillliels being In the lett hennficiitl H NdCltotts, however, an Ur I'oote, that I finally j.ionile I xotiM wnlve my iirjo dice I (K-gnii lt tlit On the llrst lay f June 1---1, nnd UMik It neooiding to ill'rt. Hon i At tint It aiekencit me, buttlit! thought wti yew- " for iimin my de bllltn'ed isindltlon f eoutintie.! to tCo it the s keullig aennntlon itejiarte,! nnd ! w llnallv nble to retnlu fiKxI tij-n my !.n. nch In n. few day ! uoti e.1 i!h i.te-J change for the letter, na nl dll niyn.fe am! frieinU. My hiccough- reiae, and I exjKjrioiiccd le pain tlinn frmerl 1 wna mi rujoicrd at this Improved enndit-ii that, ujkjii my dvlng !!, I ronrt iu the present Mf my fmnilv nnd fiiitd. lil.I recover, 1 would txitll pllhliely and prl t Vntoly HiaKn 1'.. lriii,r. llil, rMih.fttf f.. SW the good of hnmantlY. lnrver nd whenover I Imd nn opjnrtiinitv, And thli I letter I n fulfUlmiiit of llmt row My ito i provetiieut u eonstnnt from that time. f nnd in leM than threo month 1 had gained '& Miunda In tleOi.ljeeamoenlirely trefrnn pin ll nnd I Ixdleve 1 own my life Aitil pre' ' ent condition wholly to Wninvr s safe cuio, , tho n-niel winch 1 nee, Huicn my recovery l have tJivronjrlily rts-InvestlgnU-l theaulijnttuf ki-lney dltllcnl te nli-1 Kright'a ilifne, nnd the tnilli d veloeil nre nt'eiiiduig I tiinief-ii lnte. , dolilxMitt.'ly, nnd a n pli) i-n, Utnt I (, ltwre m rt th m out K t!j I St -. A wv.. f oerwr in .IihtiiiI ilrt ntuttil tj JlrttfAt't iJwaii ot (hfknln"j Tills IllAy cound 111, a rl statement, but 1 em protnnl to verify II fully llright's diea hn no d'tmeitvc foAttirea of it own, (ln-led. it often dTet ops without any tiatn whulevvr in the kid neysor their viemltyi, but lot the yoij toilis of nearly eveiy other rollilii'iu mini pUlllt Htiudrrd of people die ditly, whoo himaU nro ntitlioiltl by n phy rlan aeertlfleato ns m lining fr'm "llnrt PUmm,'" Apoplety. J'arelvi. "Hplrinl CompUint, '"lthiitiiitK'i"tii.f ;'l'niiiiHiii(a" and the oth?r couitiiou efuipninl, when in reality it I from Hnxht a il(.eoe of tim kidneys. I-ew phyeirinus, nil f.wif .o. ple, realize tilt extent of thl ttea or It dangerous und insidious nntttin It un Into thi system liko n lhef. mnnifti it preaenre ff nt nil by th rsrtnmt ytni totua nnd fAtcn !telf in the smt4UHim Wore the rietiin a aware f it. It i tirsr ly ns herclitAry a coi),o:npUn, qultn a common nnd fully ii fntnl. Kntlm nml lie inheriting it from their nnlor. bar din! nnd yl norio of the number imnwur renlite! the tn) it-rl'Mi torr htb km removing thcui InstemJ of eomman symp toms it often shown non whatrer, hat brings death suddenly, from -' wlslou, ajKipJexy or heart dieoe Ac on who has ifferetl. and Vno by li!ttr exjrienc what h" njr. 1 Irnyloi every on who rd the, wrd not to pjc:lertth slightest sapltns if kidney UlSlcuIty. Fo vim can afford U hxiatli uch char.Cea 1 tnakn th foregoing stAtementa bn) poa farU which 1 cn iltantiat to th letter. Th wnjfarn of thOn wm In-ay j libly l sufferer surh aa I araj ts an ample Inducement for m Ut tk lh te; h re. sod if I can ur-e-fiHy vuttn iithn from ,tb" dangerous jath In whirh lne ati. lam willing to endur? il tba profession; ana persona! conerfunee. J It HF..NTO.V.M-D. ItocacsTot, : Y . jhsr 51 tyr U a littl cinBd.nr gems. In whUh 8th parti-a are taken la-bv th clerry ssaa. rri.' V J'ttu Baotcnms i rurd br frequent tr.lt doses of J'ito Curo for Cotimpun. 'Ur. that U dots a r.sd ! fsr nt fall, Ujhtly.V. r. Zrr- Uraaa feathers fall m aU. i - i a Atcr's Cherry PeetorwL !ntboaiAnU of CAsca, ha csrti a cragn la a fw day. CtJIBM asaas. The girl wfca scat cor Paaft aaaD cr-HHv?rs Thoss who wttl sot Do You Feel A3 V.tl tfgt, a.ne.i yrmrtu-i, ji, Sltl. - aJ rjRra. nif. Mrsiiiw tart Vv . 44f Uirall S ry tata u iMftrtif aUattia sii srUA ttc-S. Z?ZJ;SZ?Z ' K-ff's gartfsu -a-ta t Ma,. ZS5w'?Z"W 4U,"vt J; x.. j, t, ti-U:k : a, 4tneMm "'v-? ?iatti a-us ix xurs r2t- .iwwwu Jitws atr. laltr' tfM X.W TSi. tW ,, ,. . ' T . - a . ttUjJU 41 BI(W. Hood's SarsacariUa 100 Dons On OoKtr A TEftrllOLE . I 5 orax jvtz SUM. K xi 1 ft. IKL Rt . " AjS - a V- K, - Lro-v '&&& '-' '- -..Ttv. ' ' ,s h.A'r I m f --- -a-. ff -fjB: . s.rV. :W&J&afir. - jgici . jttSmm aaiaaswBjBjal ii.3 sjsplglljsMPsy pwes ' " ' " ' " - VSJ .: s-ggMg g. T Atjii. ... jtst.. ts:& .pi&assfiswsa aaamaaaWBBaBsasaBwaaasaBaaai .