r tt ( I j v. 4 . i ... . . rur Ucta rmiin Iuimd Hh KED LOUD lHIEF T ...... v., . ..-.-.. .. r. FUUhW. JAMiAin aa. iw,. Orit democratic coiijnj-s.-ninii -ato j determined apparently to keen Dakota j from becoming a Male if possible. However, she in entitled to be linked in the chain of stale.- and .-hotild .be admitted an .such. I'ltiiiiENT Ci.KVKI.anij has decided to withold the causes ol" diainisdal of republican officials from the prying eyi s of the U. S. Senate, so fays the New York Herald, an administration paper. This will undoubtedly cause a little bail blood, and he mny look for ward to the fact that some of his un worthy appointments will fail of con tinuation by the senate. )u. 31 1 u.Kit and J. Sterling Morton, the two great democratic lights in Ne braska, are now quarreling over who shall be the dispenser of public pap in this Mate. In the meantime a great many of the .Tack.sonion faith are standing by ''waiting for the war to cease" with the hope that lightning may strike them in the shape of some kind of an office, no matter how small just so Us an office. Tmk press, without regard to politi cal affiliations, .ire clamoring for a he'ter protection of the frontier. The facts are the IJ. S. army is compara tively a shadow, and should he increas ed so a-i to protect at least our own people from the lawless outbreaks of tins Indians. The demand for heller military protection in this state on the Dakota border should receive more tuaii a passing notice from congress. SMITH COUNTY, KAS. Weather rather :.o!d and snow deep iu places. .School commenced the 2wth of .Ian nary, David Wagoner teacher. At tendance first day was . We have a fine dehatintr society in our school. Harvey Merrils hoy is getting bet ter. Our newspaper was read at our last debate, Miss Nellie .Saunders, editress Married, on the 27th, Mr. Kidgeway Leggelt to Miss Ellen Hilton. K.vr. LINE. .Snow, beautiful .snow. At tho organization of tho lycouni at Holvern'b school hmiM Wedncsdav. .January VI. tnc tollowing were the nfl'iccrs elected. V. It. Leonard, presi dent; .lohu Osborne, vice-president C. (). Vanderwater, secretary: Mrs. J. T. Xorris, editor; Lewis Sadcrliug, treasurer; T. M. Long, marshal. The ne.xt (juestiou for debate is, Resolved that man will learn more in traveling than reading. Mr. and Mrs. (loblo have returned from Holdrege. (Jtw. Shutts has purchased J). S. Helvern'i stock of sherp. "ill Krhis Will .start for Illinois next J i . ., WCCIC. A. 15. I Second animal clearing sale! The square dealing tJoMcn Eagle clothing store will make a big reduction on overcoats, heavy hoots, underwear, woolen scarfs, woolen socks, and will continue to give the 20 per cent, dis count on -ill ladies' shot's from now until February 1, 18S6. to all cash buy ers. EVENTS OP THE WEEK The Nebraska &. Kansas,,, Lo.ln ,o. have plenty ofinrMjp;. , ,WI1 VIM HI I'" -,VT- "?.. it rtm.'s New York store for It IW " irt'iitiii'iiik.' .iw.ri i Loans made with the Xehraska & Kansas Farm Loan Co. ean he paid at home. .Stylonraphic ink, the only ink ft to use in the Independent, pen, for sale hy Ferguson & Co. The choicest oysters at Ballard's Xew York Store. Srarh t wool underwear at 50 cent and upwards at the (.iohlcu Eagle clothing store. If you would see youosclf as others sec you, purchase one of those elegant ly ornamented mirrors now on exhi bition at the City Drug Store. Evans it Perry wish to say that they are prepared to move buildings. Maple syrup at Ballard's Xew York store. Uo to Forrester's for your colored glassware. Cheapest house in the city. Cranberries at Ballard's New York store. Beautiful yaces, dolls and toys on the 5 and 10c counters at Forresters. y per cant loans at the Nebraska & Kansas Farm Lovn Co. Joski'H Sai'.m, having purchased the thorough-bred Hereford cattle ot I. N. West, now offers them for sale. He has 32 tine thorough-brcrt bulls and gradts and also three short-horns. Now is the chance lor farmers to improve their stoi k. Call on or address him at Red Cloud, Xeb. 23lf Reduction in cabnets and curd Pho toes at Bradbrook's Gallery until after Holidays. Remember it takes suiilif lit and Unit to make Photograps. For Salo. One six foot oval front show case, C. L. Cottis. Cabinets at $4.00 per dozen, Cards for $2.50 per dozen until after the Holidays at Bradbrook's Gallery. Mmons auction room is open lor bargains at all times. Don't fail to see the elegant line o albums at Ferguson fc Cos. The celebrated stylographic sen feeding pen, the most convenient and desirable pen ever made, for sale by C. E. Wood Red Cloud. Price $1.25. Orders left at the office of The Chief will receive prompt attention. One of the most meritorious articles in the market. To be appreciated needs but to be seen. Seventy-five now in the city, and all giving satisfaction. f J I - I ,,c Golden fcglc sells the bes . mailV hoot for ?2 ever Pold in the ' nullity, :ind thrir Solz IhioIj. anil hoe I in iillaraik." caiuiut lie hcsit fur iu:ilit3 1 am pjrlc,. llliywliere For Sale at a Bargain. if ki r-.al.lj tx.1l1illfl 111 tllO fltt" ff if...t fi..iwi v..i.rL--i luMinr lirf iv" ii .. u.riiaiv. v.7u wvf vfc j IS. If. 17. IS. l'j. LI), in block IS. ornrin- al town of lied Cloud, with house having four rooms and good cellar good well and pump, 115 fruit treed on place, variou- kinds, nearly all bear ing, also small fruits bearing; 42 shade trees' on and surrounding the place; blue gra-n i n front louse. A delightful residence and good location next square north-west of court house. Also three lots next square north of school house. 2nd want. All can be bought at a bargain. Inquire of J. I'. Kayiia, County Clerk. Take Notice. Tho Traders Lumber Co., of this city, Mr. F. E. Ooble manager, is now fully prepared to furnish the people ol the country adjacert to KcdCIoud witn lumber, building material, lime, hair cement, hard and soft coal, etc., in any quantity desired and at the most reasonable rates. It will pay the peo ple of WehMer, .Smith and Jewell, counties, and iu fact any and everyone in a radiu- of fifty miles of lied Cloud to get figures from the Traders lumber comdauy if intending to build, as the company are bound to sell lumber at all hazards. When you want anything in our line call ami see us before buy ing elsewhere. TiaPKBri' Lumiikk Co. Per F. E. Gobi.e. Itch and scratches of every kind cured in .'50 minute-! by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Sold bv Ferguson & Co drug gist, K21I Cloud. " 23-ly Delicate and lasting perfumes at the City Drug Store. Call at IJradbrook's 4th avenue Gal lery and have a negative taken at once so as to give me time to finish them and not be disappointed. New York buckwheat lioui at Da Hard's New York Store. Uncle Sam's harness oil in any quantity, at Cottings. Call at Simons' auction room on 4th Avenue and secure irood bargains. It is no wonder that the Golden Eagle sends out ho many large bun dles, when you can get a good, servic able suit in men's sizes, for 3.50 and upwards. Overcoats from 2.25 and upwards. Math of Anne Dolcyn. KXECUTKD 31 A V 19, 1W8. Hift huur iHcfiine! CSrlm walls n-Iuetant I'o ylfltl their rHptlve tn Ihc treuchcrouf trlocfc. Ami m.'ver ctft jiif)re fnlr. With royal mlon She erects ilie viickiiIk of tli Inconstant Klny; (riitiiiwell. fntfe tli'htor to her loft eKtnte. Kiev fri,ifi.)liH in her fall. Hut nil in vnu lli prineely nilnfoiiH wiitch with JeuloiiH hut F'orslph, for fiilfrlnt-He;.. ernTtvl tenr. In soiiiIkt ittlicn. tit kviiiIkiI of tier woe. Ami white, sucet eiiililem tit lier ItiniKfiire, The victim eoiiie. Willi teiKlerwitnlnnml low, She (alms her maidens' f?ricr, then to the court: "fJooil iMropIe. hither inn I come Iodic. Aceonlliitf lo the will ol' Kiij:lanilH KiiiK I'o die, ami thus to yield unto my lord. Sty Ion!, the Kintr, olmiicnce to IiIh will. MiiyCoil ircM;rveyonrBovereipn lonjrtoreljrt O'er you ami yourn. To me he erer Bi"'ir.c1 A L'ood nud pentle prince, airracloun KIiik Commend inc to his Mnjctity. I pray. And Miy unto his pmee that he huth liecc Mo-t ;'.cal(,us ever in advancing me. piiviiteKentli'Mouuin of his realm. He maile me marchioness, he crowned m Queen. And now he leave no htjrher rank of fame. 5liiw tic Is pVnsctl unto my innocence I'o rIvu the liulo or a martyr' crown. Ala, poor head! Alns. l:ow nhort n iace And thou wilt make thy pillow in the dust. Hut as in )il thou didst not merit well To wear the coionct of Kmrland'ti Queen, So now In death dost thou arnlre no lens Than even such a mournful doom as thlc A fill VC HIV fllltllM'ls. Who liarn rrnr shnn VouiVelvesfotulthrulinmyeatise my stay in mid my iiiuii uour nun agony lii Ik-! t.T fort mil- vi win lni-nl ft-i. ..! And now In death ye still desert me not, W ouM 'twere my lot to recompense your lore. He of i;ool comfort, rnithliii to ronr Kino. And to the one whom, with much happier fat. Perchance in fiitum .von mny ha-e as Queen. Estwm your honor Itetter far than life. Ami now farewell! "ris thux I tako mv leave; Nun hid rarewell to life, the world and thee." Hie queenlr heud that for 6o frail a nritc Had imnidly home St. Kdwunl' le-., ';cled erown. Uhv'" ..m-'J and rtiyalty was free Alice M. Unidfonl. Appietuo. XtiM. A Silver-Mine In a Htreet-Car. She wa8 old and stout and red-faced, nnd she wore a drab dress and a prim bonnet, from which waved a military looking feather. Then; was war in her eye and all the fifteen passengers in a Sixth avenue hore-car. as she boarded it and jKaineed on a seat, said to them selves, "What a fierce old woman!' One could see. that she. was pining for a dispute, and when the comltictor, in taking the fares, gave her live iiennies in change for a dime she bristled im mediately. "I won't take ennies. Give me a five-cent piece." "Sorrv.niadain.but vou'll have to take these." "I won't" "What ele can you do?'' "Do you think," said the old woman Ioudlv. while everv one in the audience of fifteen liMcned intently, "that I am going to earn- thoe live horrid copper cents around just liecause vou're too ugly to give me a nickel oli, 111 fix von,'' and he whipped out a little brown purse and nreM'nted a $10 bill. "Give me hack the dime," she said, "and change that." To everylxMly's .surprise the conductor returned the dime and took the bill, re tiring to make the change. "There is xinie jicoplc nowadays,' he said to a .sympathizing passenger, "a- growls alwmt x much silver instead of bills, but I have to carry a god deal, and I guess I can get even with that woman.' Then there was a clinking and count ing of silver, and presently he poured into the irate j.asenger's 'lap two silver dollars, four half dollars, fifteen quar ters, and twenty-two dimes. When the stream of silver started he wanted to say something, but she didn't, she onlr Wgan counting, and when she got to f7.2o she missed the count because everybody was watching her, and be- Snagain. Four Mocks were passed fore she had oapated and stowed away her iuet.nl ha11Nt, and then she got up and stopjtcd the 'car, and the military featlior. a IrUe let military, disappeared down Twenty-fifth Street. "She's three pouada heavier when she get oft thaa when she got on, chuckled the conductor. . "uess that silver mine would assay pretty rich." A'ev York Tribune. ' - Z Hie Knights of Temperance ia the name of a new organisation jnst started in Xew York to do battle against King Alcohul. Tha ritual and imrigmia are modeled after tluise of the Kaights Templar. The badges aail gttJadiqli arv inurilHol u-ith thi iimiHa: .ffifihrwv ta Keverentia. liiritas"Hv A Pretty Compllme t. George Wilkes invented a beautiful compliment for ladies, one which I ! lieve to lie nerfectlv lniiiiur. He paid si to me. and I appreciated it highly, and do .mi Mill, although not quite m much I as I alitl before I was told by a dear little ! friend of mine that he had prettily said. ? . . . - . - thesame tlunsto her. "If 1 hail ou I a wife. I" oh.Mrv.I. with a eoiirtly lxjw. "I should have been President u the I "tilted State.-." Di-MH-t that and see what a magnifi cent ami complicated compliment it is A compliment to the lady, to the .speaker himelf, and to the great office sKken Of. For all his wandering-, iu foreign lands, his near views of king and em perors, there wa. but one position which seemed to him pre-eminently grand that of President of the United States. And it is. indeed, an office o imjiortam-c: a fair salary to penL. a good lioiw to inhabit: much power in the matter of making apoiiitiiiriit: on the whole, a giMl living. S I'm tob' by the jKi-tnian's nistcr. vltvc l.ojiu. What are on iloing down-town at this time of night?" a-ketl one ede trian to another in front of the eit-)all at lU;cloek the ither night. "lit en working at my book.-, down at the office." What aileiT'ein?" "My ish account wouldn't balanee. Old Smith was look in" over the !ooks this afternoon, and he said he'd give ue till to-morrow noon to see that ca.-h balanced eash-oii-hand aceount." "fan oii hml the error?" '. I've fouml it and made everything balance. I brought iV.6.j down from the Iioum. you know!"-- Ze troit Free i'rtvw. Thomas A. Edi.Min i one of the iu cw,rjHirator of the International Hail way Telegraph Ai Telephone Company, capital sjl.lMUMi. to operate telegraph and telephone, lino between train.- in motion, etc.. oiitMiie of th United Status and Canad'i. -THE RECT TnUIP aaa Thbi medicine, combining Iron with pnrj TCKctnhle tonlrs, ouirkly and rrnnidctely C'arra ljrnpMlat failratlnn, U'rakariMs Iniiarr Illae4, .llahutetChllUand Vrvrrs, Narmlia. It to an unfailing icmcdy for Diieascsof tho iCMaeya nmi l.lvrr. a It I invalualile for I)iM-ne5 pTiil!ar to VTemeB, and all who lead M-dcntiiry lives. It doc ne; injure the tccth.caiiH: liea:laclic.or jinxliice ronlliition dh'r Iron meilicmrttlo. Itcnrichennd iurifli the Mood, ("tiiimlatc tlieapix'tite.uidf the asrimilatinn of fiMl. re erca Heartburn nud llelrhlnp, and htrvngtli cni the muxclcs and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Latitude, IjicV.J Energy , &c, it hat no tiual. - Ttie cenuinc has a!.ve trade mark a 4 irosM-d red linekon rajKT. Take iMitl.t ' W mIWt CllllHlll 1IIIL 1U iLTIBIIKE.tf Attention Teachers. Not lee Is herety jrlven that I will examine .til H.-rsoii! who may desire to offer theneelve as candidates for teaehers of the. eommoii xlmoN of Welmtel eoiaitv :tt my oniee iu Kel Cloud on third Saturday of each mouth. Kvamiiiations Lxiiiimenei: at ::i. m. I not ask for M-eia ex aminations. . W. M'KIXOKIt. Mlit. L gal Notice. (Icorgc K. IJrock tt Co. vs Harriet Shuinan and Harriet .Shuinaii administratrix of the estate of Wil liam Shuniau deceased, and others. SOTICK. To.Iohn V. ahumau, Wiiifir.hl s Shunian, Ph.ihe A. Miller-, and Mary J. I'ickett, no- yi",uent Jefendants, you a i wl r. w'.lCu of vou are hereby notified that on the 29th day of January. 18S0, the plaintiff liereiif filed an amended petition in the district court of Web ster county, Nebraska, against you and other defendants therein named, the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by William Shunian deceased, and the defendant, Harriet Shunian, then his wife, now the administratrix of his ef-tatc. to John L. Patten, on the north 20 feet of lot eight (S). of block four (4), and the south 2 feet of lot eight (8), block four (4). all in the village of Guide Rock, Webster county, Nebras ka, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note of the said William and Harriet Shunian, dated March 8, 18S4, which note and mortgage were dulv assigned by said Patten to this plaintiff before maturity thereof. That there is now due on -aid note and mortgage the sum of one hundred dollars with S per cent, interest tehre on from March 8. 1884. Plaint ill's ask for a decree ordering said premises sold to satisfy the amount due as stated. Defendants arc required to answer said petition on c r licfore March 8, 188C. GtLHAM & RlCKARDS. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Legal Notic. NOTH'K IS IIEKKIIV i;iVKX THAT MY virtue of seven chattel niortgaja" ttatttl Januarys, ltcc., March 5. two. lHtrinturr l. JisSi, ami January ". t. respect I vely. Iu favor of the undcnUjm'l ami duly nkd In the offlrr of the conntv clerk of Welnrter county. Xebrakj. ami executa! hv C I. McMillan & Co.. to scrim the payment of H.nn. ttUon, l.40. i:i.av STy.T.V !5SL45, ai.il fllo.-jL. with interest from date of saW Biortpw?! rcsicctiely. IH-fauIt having been made m the imytnent of said sum. and said mortgaKce ftflins unsafe and mse curc. ihercfore re ill sell the property in said mortKajxs decribed at puh!ir auction at tlie auctiu room wie dwr east of llcnr' Cok's di ur store in Rett Hood. Webster county. Neb raska, on Saturday, the anth day of Felruary. 1MK. at 10 o'ekrk a. lit. of said day, the follow ing property to wit: slap robe. 4 korse blankets. 2 saddle blaukets. 1 siL'e saddle, t man's Mexirau saddle. 1 set ikwble bupyr karnes. 1A bales reMpiux twine. l narrow l two horse walkins cultivator. 1 set double harness. 1 TiRln citra oeUer aatd feed Uble. 1 hair mill for whipping hair. 3 soft coal heating stoTes. 1 Ottuiuwa watkioc culth-ator. s Detour stirring plows, 1 oil tank and pump. 1 Datton corn planter. 1 I feaUv sillkv hav rakt- 1 pump and l pieces pump stalk. 2 bbls. machlae oil. 1 hh harness oil. T stirnpg plows, 1 lHating stow. 5 new cook stove. I5scren ilonr frames. 2 screen doors. 1 two seated family carriage- 1 Hall's fireproof site, 1 thorough-bred sorrel ware. Cnuid Detour Mow Co. Seeberger. Breaky ft Co. Keith. Itenkaai ltezendort. Js H. Short, ! M. EomvTr Manofacturin; Co.. Rector. Wilheteiy ik.Co.. FI)cc C Johnson Mf. C- KaWr J0-, Attoraeys tvr Moftjaecs. BRg IUI I u City Projerty and Farms For Sale. Vi nriH r rniTTIn f? H lilrmH A" dUU dl U UI1U XVUU VIOUU, THE GATE CITY Of the great Republican valley. Buy your. homes while property is cheap. D. B. SPANOG-LE. Farm Loans Nogotiated Clothing suits for men and boys. overcoats at bottom prices Q I LFO R D Boots and shoes coarse and fine. from 50cts. up Wool boots a specialty. I Denver to Chicago, Denver to Kansas 2ity. Denver to Omaha, Omaha to Chicago, Kansas City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Louis. BEST LINE WEST TO EAST! a & a. Mk ak aia m . ni FROM SURE CONNECTIONS LOW RATES BACCACE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over tho Curling" ton Routo aro (or en'.o by tho Union Pacific, Donvcr & Rio Cranrie and all other principal railways, and by all agents of tho "Burlington Route." For further information, apply to any agent, or to P. S. EUSTIS,. ulT k't 't. o.maiia.m:h Articlos of Incorporation of tho Farmers' and Merchants' Bank ing Company. Ait irlr I. -We. the innIiTiimtril tin hi-n-h tiiroriHiniN' (Uirwlcs ami :ili -t.ii tIm inav ' lH'rtitmti-KlHMi' herrol itittialxxU toriMir ate ftir m-iienil liaiikin Iiiinih.n iiinlrr tli "in. enil lnt'iirHir.ttiiil:iu-I the tatt .Vthr.i-ka j Artirli!'. The iijiiiirol the rrHiratnii shall ' lie the lanners" :m. .Mi-reliant- i:.iikln- ( tun II.IIIV. Arllelt'S. -riicrnrixtnitiitli shiill h, It.c.H.'.l In Ketl Cltiiiil. tiMiiity ni Wehster, anil statr nl N- Mutual l-nc I'mul Life A-Iation, of hniska. ' Nev Nnrk. tin hinrest. tni.;;i't.i'hr.i'iit. ami Arth'le t. -The inenriMinillon is iloii- ir the ""',' surcrs.ful hn-u Assessment A-v..-i.itloii hi trdiitutioiior ;t ueiK-ra li.iukiiii: lnisiiies,. i thtMtrll. Total iiiemlM-rshli .lauu.iry 1. s.. Article ..--Tin eailtal stink til the eor-Hr.i- 't -V". (VrtilleatcH Issiicil Inim J!ih t, lion shall tie an aiithnrieil e:iiit.il of ntie lnni- ' ? I '."'. Tnntlne Id-u-ne Funl aln-.i yexeiiM tlretl tli(iii-:uil ihillars ilivlileil inin shares of j ""f-half a iiillilninif iloll.tre. it1, mt rent tln one humlretl tlnllars eai-h. to i,e ii.inl hi lu mh-Ii ' '''nl lo i-ristent iih:imI"m For further in- ainmiiii ilireetont of salil t-or'mratioii. i Artiflefi. The t-orMinit!oii shall ilate fruii April. tli. lsx:f ami .shall continue t-r tu.iitv . yean, ana may ho cniitiuticil from time to time i in mlennifelv Article T. The eiieial control ami mt-rn. iiuiit of aIlaTair ami tnuisaitloin shall rest' with a hoard of three ir five lirector. the inim- lMTfolMMletcrmliieJ amiiialh b a ni.ij-rit ote hf the Moekhohlers :semhlel Iu im-etnur on the llrs.t Weilntsilay after tin tlr.st .Momiay in April of each jear. Immeiliately following, the stiKkhoMtr shall iriH-eeil to elect the re juireti nuintier of tlinrtor. who -hall hold of nee nir me eiisiiui!; year, ami until their ue-, cessors an eleeteti antl ipialilleil. i he Ixianl of j tlirei'tors shall elect one of their iiumlivr pre' tlent.auuther lct-pn-sitleut, ami shall elect or appoint a cashier ami such other ofllcer.s ;i mav le tleeineil iieeessjiry. To siieh ofliecr.s the di rectors .h:ill tlehxate the onllnar eiiMttorr ' futictioiis inherent in the position to which Mich officer it axsfcneil. At all niectinsH t st.wk hohlersi each Moekhohlrr slmll le entitletl to i one vote for each .share ol stock vniil, as shown hy the IxHiks of the corior.ition. only such sttM-khoMiTs as are Uiualhle owners of ten shares of eapit.il stM- shall le eli-ihle fur Uieuftieu u( director. Article Xo intlchtcthiess shall hcomtrart etl bythectirjioratlnii other than tleioits ami collections received iu the regular nmrso ot huslntrsi anil the tlrawiui;of excliane. Article 9. For the iuterteiitiu lime fnmi the roiiimencenient of the iiil cororatioii u-tll t!i annual uniting of stockholders, the lei tma of ilin-ctors, ;unl the election or apj ointmn; of oflieet. as pciriitl in article s.-eiith. Silas ;:irhrr shall act as pr-iileut. ami W. ;arlr uail act yahlrr. with full jwiwer to ilo nil thiurs consistent with the proper maiiaeunnt of the affairs of thecorjK'r.Uloii. In witness wheieof we hae hereunto s.-tonr ' hands tin, 14th tlav ot January A. 1 l ". i:il::iietl Sit(, t:it.i:. I 11 it. XMI1II. HtJU. (. YrlsKII. .r.o. 15. Holland W. S. Cauhui:. n the 14th tlayof JatitLirx". V. I. is-:. lfor me. W. 1". ovennan. a notarv luihlle. fersrtiail7 came MLs Jartr. K. It. inttli. Ceo . Y-I-t. to. It. Ilollaml antl W. . liartier. rsmallj tu km known to le tlie hlentlral j-txhis wh. names are afJlrI to the aNe writins awl acknon letlgcd the execiition of the a.i.e lor tae ntenLs antl purpose statetl thrretn Witne mv hand and notarial mI ,calJ iMgnrdi W. 1. UVKKX.vx, Notirj- rnWx-. DR. HENDERSON. '"rr""" 133 &6U rfCrtei3ltjit-sj.lTrfT?tl SA2KKaKiS! tVoii-Ml Wt9n4 wtttIaari.Srt- ai Vmiul tj f I. f sssfTul rrrmlAi-. Gx.r trr mmtrty r-txtrL. CMm ssrTJvs . - I mm fl . ' i ' mmi mnm !. . f AOOKwfchKRi.o.MJffctajjBp. MR RHEUMXTISM1 iTlMCIICATTURKrSH RHEVIATIC CUKE. rSlBB 'MBT rTTw ArnrrrvT.critEiirtTi4Ti5M- oofrrr PsioJsfKr.f-ww Osr d.w & rfcrf "'rr mu-n-.lr-Tms,ir- l"itiiJi4rlrttlJfcIi7. r4ohc;(n' iiassjIrCirrBUj. Ca.wl. 0r.M4M. VAVtj4v SC Km Crty.MsV Roal Eatato and Insutanco Aont. Offlco ovr First National Bank. G I L Dry Goods and Groceries. Furnishing goods.! Gloves Mitts. Hos-1 iery &c. o R I will positively j sell groods for cash after January 1st.; All those knowing themselves indebt ed to me, will please call and set- D I date. REAL ESTATE LOANS! ON IMPROVED FARM PROPER TY AT CURRENT RATES OP INTEREST. First National Bank. Red Cloud, Nebraska L.H,Kufci, ilOICTKIIri KIKT A.V Ill KIN GiEKiEJRAB, NUrSery StOCk! i :: , "" """ '-iirririire ill lli. MirTV i l!iisliit'.s I think I e.in i inilih ou NliM-k lo Mitt our -lliit.ita from Home Grown Xur series! Av I II tt'.. It t.l - ... I i .. Harness Shoo ! BY J. L. MILLER, IKA I.Kit IN HAUXKSri rOU.AW.S, SDI)Lr HOh'.Sfi HLANKKT.S ulIIPS. COM US. IIKCSIIE.S 1IAKNKSSOIL anil evorytliini; usually kept in i firs cl.u- noi. A wo li(irs north of IhL Xat. H.uik- KKnri.ori). nkh. Perfect Indemnify. II Ax sniAKFNIT. Illstrict Airent, l.'eil Omul. .... -y Home Bakery And Restaurant ' Meals At All Hours, Fresh Confectionery Bread. Cakes, &c Aln-ay on hand, t all and -e u. FOH SALE On-in to the fact tha I wish lo go out of buiiie-f I offer the nbov.- ciftblt"ilitnetil for ale on easy terms. Any one wilitnij to co into btiine will tlo well to ?cc me jfon. CLINE &MYERS TT 7-k TT,TT7nn M, rS U) f-T M i x 'x ' MM)fltnrPin HhPRA Vnotcm H111IH1 Live Stock and gen- OTtl Ck TX ot nn (&V wi www-svw Blue flill, Neb. Se u AT THE Square Dealing, Golden Eagle. Clothing House. WILL MAKE A BIG REDUCTION ON OVERCOATS' Heavy Boots. Underwear, Wooen Scarfs Woolen Sacks. And wil continue to give the 20 per cent discount on all Ladies shoes from now until Feb ruary 1 1886 to all cash buy ers. Wiener's New Block. Red Cloud. Western Cottage Organ ! AN!) W j Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Alt' ril'lratd for tlii-ir bc'iuty ami flniHli, tjuifk n iK)iu purity and voliiiiiu of lou. and malic tif tin lwst mnTfria' and bv tin bt virkinMi that ran 1m-had. Ktrv iiihtnuii' ii it fully warranted in all its part I'm five yean. l'lrn and e.xaininr tlnw in.truiiitnt Iwfojv puifliaHii. .Hii One door north of Aru BOOK S ! Xcvi'i'Ui'iv books m eheap a tlit'V now aiv. I hav.a i eonsit;niiient of the popular .John 15. Alden puhli-atn. at wonderfully low pri -. Call and net them A No Albums and Family At lUUeh lex-s lie;nre than sou peddle. !'. AlwnyH In stock a ootnploto Htck of Druun nml Mollcino, Pnlnlii Ci tt C L COTTING. m a: rf Iy lrr, lrr. !!.? W K J A" .!. - Vfr Ki.tt ! r-y I !., r J'e li. ! r y i ta.it !' r r Capital $50,000 Special Attention Clven te Collections fi M I1a. lyti M "fp W. FJ. JjfV-i. K I lllrlwjiwl IU Wrr. Buy arxl ll KsrhAnjii Mate coMfCtttitt- ami I a General lUnkittc Uuine. Interfft nllcrsred on all time dcin-ti3 F. D HUTCHINSON, & CO. LAALK, - ftEXKKVL Gro-erie-;. pniviHon. dry itnA. aurl all artielfs vnu fouml in a first Has.- roimtrv ..!...,... for fjood?. Oili paid Or CD iaiiuax AmalClcarliiSi p u. n ii.i J. S. NOLL. - . yA Cloud. Bibles, '.'in fet tlifin from travt b --.v A ESrf5Kf, sx NEBRASKA. DEALKIU I.V .ton.4. I'rrxluc taktn in for ratn. - J. S KM IGl DENTIST, CLOUD MCBS4SKA. WIENER, Pi '- :T TT r-;. A' . 'ZPSZr rw06feis.3-3K ' sr - f iw vjfj a. manummm Fine Ofive WZorfi a Special ti Z aJay m, juiH. CU orr i, i I -s vtatMcoj litai. - .-V, &-' &T$gr& J Iv- try- l- f y -vsr-wv. k '. - r .far atfa. s?i-S. tot, ".! -w .. - . kS,S&V 'JB&s jK.zaj WB23SEife&S&&j9&kiPflB'lJfiSaKKItMt?&&L A m r'liMM 'mbs&&&zs&& f