gz;,f2'tJlr -"-? .' ?y -3s. S"ttE9A"i's& SK fie MMMMMgy.svv.rrigyw!!?g y ji . '"""""""""gl'gf'f'-w'-W" ,,TCW" jP i"1 l'1 .' IW J . ,i. i. .v',; l'lla's?ifegK5fe 'Mj ji P1 PM y 'JMM aBMieaM i t " "HeaaBKL . ..1,T ,' . -...:. T"1'1 . "F"1 . ' -"--- , .. ,m .wowwMwr- , wllfig7"""'"c- I " -I i "M"5k VOL XIII. RKD CLOUD CHIEF A.. IIOSMM:. rnirJ-tr. IS-1 Omul, WHiNti-r comity. Xchra-ka. A xxeektx journal lwtcl to til" Interests of tin HfirltfiiiKciicnl :inil -lstir county :iimI ut l't...fit li.rrilum 1 1 irt litlll-l K- fll hirsl Illlfl llCst !II)l'll JI.IJMT III lllC XICIl t''lllHMII t TKHM (r M'lWltll'MO.V. (iiicyar. Jn ;il:iiif .... ? S months. Ill :ulx:ili i- ... 'Iiitil riiy,iiii(iiitii ill ailxance -Vi Tnr.Ciiihh li.it Iln- largest (-inula t ion of am ( l-aper in tin allej ami Is lliere'ure tin Kri-:ilist j n'lwMl-ln;; iii-liiiiii liitlil- vrtnm. Alv-rti-- lnu' r.iti" at'iioiiiiiiiiiifil w HI i nlliilnvii of . uorn nri'iilittioii liinilili-l wlim r jn -ll. J ori:.ni. iii'.I'AIiimkxi j ! coiiiIi-t in c-r. pitttii-nlar :iml Iifliijf run iy kti:)i liiinn-K nk iloue ironij.tl. 1'itn Ktlir I Kin i.MKr. ami jool work ciianiiitccd or ii I a. WV will ilupliiMti- Ian;' onlors at Oiualiu j iri(H, ami x i;iutt work aiul tork to Im- im youil ax rtiii Im iiui-l in tin- hiI. Wt :ii J tioiiml to ltlunv all jiatroim of our Job dcjiatt- , iiici.t. Jlv; us a trial. , Business Cards. i j w.TUM.KYS, M.D., HOMCKOl'ATIIIC PHYSICIAN, L. rf. ExnminuiL Surj:rii. On in: Opposite Kltst .Nationnlj Iridic Kc.l Clou.. r)H. L. II. liKCIC, 1'IIYSICIAX AND SUIMJKOX, Offici:. Over city I'linrnmcy. Oflicc nill only. KEI) ci.on, - NKBKA.SKA' G. K. M K KKIJY, M. IX, J'HY.KMAX AM) Si'UGEON, linn r. out city I'lurinacy I11T Iioiip limn Mo V2i. hi.. : "to I, ami 7 to !l I in. I!Tsilt ikt .; liloc-ki ist of rourt Iioiie (1'imm.oi i. - - ni:i:kaska l DAAIKKKLL.M. J).t rilVSM'IAN AND .SIJKC.KON, lied Cloud, Ncbrsisku. VPOrpiCK: over the nru iiodlrn. i i) di:nni:y, rilYMCIAN .v SUm: HON, j: ED CLOUD, - XKHIIASKA.I On-'in: Ovim- Coolc's ilnii; turt. J unus promptly aticintoa to ttny or 1 tnhl. D it. c. si;in:.vci;. rilYSCIAX AND SURCKOX, Oowlc'ft. NYlirnska. rrofcional rjlls piomptly attottdod ; Offigk: At n'sulencc Cowlea. "5-51 QILIIAM t KKMCAKDS, A'lTOKXEYS. ltl Clotul. Xi'liras-ka. Ori'irj; t)vor City Pharmacy. C v. Kai.kv. .1. L. IvAI.KY j Kalky Bros. A TTOKXKYS AT LAW. KKDCLOPD. XKIL A.qonts lor the II. A M. It. K. Laiulr. pKAXK K. (JUMP, ATI'OKXKY AT LAW, RED CLOUD. - -OrFin. Over the Po?t OlHce XEli i t', r vr. .1A., Mc.N K. Y. Cash & McNeny, k TIORNT.YH AM) (Or.VM:i.OK AT LAW ' C MH inutliv In an -imtt of tlijx statf ollfCtiou-aN wfllnslttiKitvit lish nr-ftil. nml rlllricnth attomUM to. Alitnut furinli- it on :tiUratton. KKtcr. Out l"irt National P. .ink. Kv.l "louil. Neb "jylLL P. OYEKMAX, .ITTOKXEY AT I.AW. j KKI) CLOUD, , - XEHKASKAI Off ice. Over l'ergiii-on Si Co's tlruj; stote. ' , (llt'0tn roiiiiti attt'iulcil to auilvorn'f-1 jHimli'tHV M'lioittfil. l'lcntv of money to huu at low nit of intfiv-t. Nc ociiifiiMoii is charxe 1 thcborrouvi. I R. E. Joore. Pres't J. 1.. Mim-r.V Tcr John Moore, Cashier First National Bank! RED CLOUD, NEB; 4 apital, . 75,000. Iranfiict a general bar!n bujinf sj. buy snd fcM County warrant. Alo County, Pre jinct and Schoil District b onds. Buy and sell orcisn Exchange DIKKCTOKS: K. E. Moore. nhn -Voore. V. C. Moer, H. C. Outcalt i W X Hichard ; J. K. WiM.ro .v. KOtiilK0 KcdCloml. 1. A.SUKK7. nine Hill. vl. Willcox&Sweezv Attorney at Law, OfllCO 111 tllC NCIV OlKTU 1IUUM lillK'K, Rod Cloud, NehnisKa, i Ve li:ne tlrt-cl:iss faeilltkw Mr making farm I loans in Webster and adjoining enmities. We lliaveliail eeral ye.ii exivrienee in the loan liuslness in this cnutitv aim reuresciit svenil nf ths lest and most reliatde lounin eompanits and im est the funds of a tinmUer of priate' caiiitalist-. no delavs. mnney on hand. tr on erv Miort notice Before makinjiyoitr loan h ? us a e:ill and set our tenns. If ou lia- an old loan on your land which you wiii to renew we j cam Ktveyu:iMeei:iiraie. Wereaisoirepareuioinure your prwptTij acninst loss liy lire, lijrtitniuj; or tornados, in the fnllnwins reliable eoimianifet: Snrintield Insur ance Co., of Massachusetts. hceniv IiiMirvnce t Co. of Hrookliu N. Y. ! v nf iirookini.?. i. We nave- an rrttice in r.u.e ittu wnere -ir. 8wczy ran lie louud ou .Monday aud u urday ".'-- .. ... . m MCSCU VOCK. RED WMl m i ,?.'The change has like it we have just received a fine line of bro cade dress goods at 5c. per yd. GINGHAMS 6C. PER YARD! 4 Standard Prints, 4c "a yd. I jLawrenceLv L 4 JP CLOAKS CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! We will not retuse any fair offer must sell them, It is our intention to keep the largest stock o no tions and white dress goods for the Spring trade that Bed Cloud has ever seen, also a full line of Turcoman curtain and raw sdks. We will continue to lead in PRICE STYLE, and ASSORTMENT of everything we keep. J. J. DUCKER Successors to G. A. DUCKER. Mil X Reliable Furniture and OndertakingHouse Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the RepuoLcan Valley and my prices can not fail to please. t City Bakery and Restaurant A. LAUTERBACH PROP. ! . , i K H I .( I I w " '-' srf- -y Kreps constantly onTiand : nAnfAnfirtMftf? x j TrTo, j i1 "' '. -, . '. Warm mid c&-1 oals served at all hours VVUiUULlUiiUl . LA1. 1 (111.11 lirll otoou u. CLOUD.. WEBSTEH m taken place, come 4 Muslin at 5c per yd. or 4c by the bolt. it? ti t CLOAKS ! ti ftt CLOAHS OUR GOODS AT Tfll: R L NEBRASKA Bread delivornd to any part of the city. VH! Ill) ice cream and Oysters in COUNTY, NEB. g and see how you ULOAKS! on cloaks as we & CO. is TINKER Drugs ! Drugs ! HENRY COOK. Drugs, Paints, Oils Notions Wall Pnpmr. Ac Rd Cloud - Nebraska. FRIDAY. JANUARY The RbD i.lou:. Chihf A.C. HOSMER, - - Propilotot r HI DAY JANL'AUY '20 ? NK;i.r:rTi:i i:n;a;i:i i-:nt. From Matk Twain" "IVixati" Hitorv of :i ("anipain tli.it Katleil."" in the ! fi'inlMT ft. ,( . we tak tin- ineiiietit: "For a time life h;I illv ilellrioti. it was jwrfert . tin-re was nuthtn to mar it. Then ennie -mue farnii rs with an alarm mir dav. Tin s.iol it wu ru nioreil that tin i-mtuv were advauuiii; in our liin'rtinn. from oer llie'-i prairie. The rotilt was a har stir amonjr ih. ami ;encnil contet nation. It was a nnlenwaketiinj; fronnmr jileas tint trance The rumor was Imt .i ru tuor nothinir liefiuito alout it. . m the. confusion, we ilnl not know which wa to retreat. I a man w:i for not re treating at all. in these uiiertain cir- cumtancca: but he fottnil tlt.it if he tricil o maintain that attitmlr he wouhi i fare liailly. for t lie commaml were in no ' hun:or to put up with insubordination. So he yiejileo! the point ami railed a council of war to consist of hmiM-lf and the three other ollirers; hut the pri vates made siu-li a fu alxjut lviti"; left out. that we had to allow tin nt to remain, lor they weic alrcad present, t and doin tin; inot of the talkitiir. Ut. ' The iicstjoji was, which way to retreat: ' but all siHMiici! so llurrictl tiutt nobody i seemed tohac ev'efi a ntes to oiler. Kxeept Lyman. lie expigined in a f w j calm wonK that inasmuch a the ems. i tin were approachm; from oi r Ihde's jirairie. our ixiurse wa.s iinph -ill we j luid to downs not to retreat toward hum ' any other direction would answer onr needs perfeetK. Kver body .saw in ,i niuinent how true this w.ls. aud how wis-; so Ionian :ot a in eat main com pliment.. It was now derided that wt .should fall bark on Mason's l.irm It was aft i r dark b lliia turn, and a ' wr could not know how mmiii the neir.y tiiiht arr:r, it did not eem best ti; take this hores ami things with us: ,) we only took our uusaml aminuuitiou. and Mailed at oner. Thu route w:w 'ry rouh and hilly and rocky, and ( prcM'iitly the nijrlit ;nw ven black and j rain liean to fall; x wr had a troiuV , leoiue time of it. .strulinand stmul- liti"; aloii"; in the dark, and mm in oine t purxin slipped and fell, and then the , next M'ron hehiml stumbled over him ! and fell, and o did the rest, one -ifter J the other: and then Mowers came with, the kejr of jxiwder in his arm, whilst j the coininaMil wi re all nnxcn tojreiiiet. amis and les. on the minldy .slope: and H lie fell, of re. with the ke";. ( and this tarte.v,.,( b detachment ' down the lull in a 'body, and the) laud- . cd in the brook at the bottom in a pile, ! and each that was undermost pulling .he hair and seratchinr and biting lhosi that were ou top of bun: and il that ( were beinirscnitchcd and bitten seratrh iiiy and bitMi"; the ivt in their turn, and i all .sain the would die before they j would ever iro to war ar.iin if the ever i ;ot out of this hpHik this time, and the I imaiUr iniht tot for all the rand, j and the ct.utitiy alonir with bun and I all siul talk a." i hat. whi'di wa uin:i. j t.-i hear and take part in, in Mich j wnothercd. low voice, and ueh a irri-ly ; dark place and o wet. and tin enemy I mav be coininir anv moment. i The krr of powdrr was loJ. and tho jnin too: o the ;rnwlin and com- plaitiin": continued traiirht alotijr whil-t the linnjaile pawed around the patv hilNide and lopjKd :inund in tie bnniK j huntinr for these thin;;: con'miently we Uwt considerable nine at thi: and then we heard a ound. and held our breath and litened. and tt Mvuied to be the enemy rominj. though it rould liax. been cow. tor it had a cou'li t like a cow: but we did not wait, b it j left a couple of nm liehind and truek ' out for Maon ajrain a hrikh :u wn , could .scramble ahm in the dark. Mut ( We pot Iot proenth anion"; the ni2l little ravini-, and wa-ted a de:il of time, finditi"; the way aiin. .mi it was after nine when we miched Ma-on- tile at l.'Lt; and then before wr could oT! tur niouths to jrive the countersign. s.''ntl i do" came loundinr o"er the fi nee. j witli pnat riot ami iio:m and ':u-' of them took a .oier by the slack of hi- j troars and In'an to back away with I him- We could net hooi the do- J without endangering the jierMin they were attached to; m we hail to Io-k on. helpless, at what was perhaj the nu-t mortifying 5ject.icle of the civil war. ( There wa li;ht enough, ami to sru. for the MnMin had now nin out on the orch with candle. in th-ir hand. TIic , old man and hi -on c:iu:c and undid the ilos- without ditliemtv. all but IJ.mv- j ers: but the couldn't undo hi do;;, they didn't know hi combination: he , wa of the bull kind, and ,vmrd to b- , y-t with a. Yale tiine-hx-k; but thex pot i him loo.: at la-t with Mime M-ajdtnp j wuter. of which Mower 'jpl hi- hare and return.tl thank. IVter-n Dunlaj ( nfterwanL made up a tine name for this , enpar'ment. and ab-o for the ntpht $ march which recele-l it. bntbth hav.j , long ago faded out of my memory. , . m. ' " STUDY OF LEG. I Uvtag on a Hill Aaiottroc to Cmiim 1 -Litry'i Crukil LJmb. The women and the men too. of Coupmj. who live on the hilly idc of town, have calvo hajetl entirely un like the cahes of tbo-c who live on tho Oat. It results from a cane which ;very man who has paid much atten tion "to phyic?-I tnuBin understands. IIHI-cI jib'ng develor the muclei on tb3 nde and uopcr portion of the calves. Tbiec level .-aIking nerer ejccrctes and which coucquratIr never develop OInupic club men. to develop aide and I cripe'r lutfcjclc od 4he lowr k. Uo 29 J8S6- In-ltlM.n-tj.. ml eer : frr.m t' b.il! of the feet -pntijpni; In thai - rcie thu -ime miiM le npn!iiiueiilh I emploet n- Mi waikiui; up hlh. hence j the hlil Women hae bp- dVeop,tl tc ' such form as to n-duee. I eoinpariM.n tiie .srze of Site ankle- Phe sell o! tie- calf is more pnuxMineei in th . dwcilets on the tint Mile oj tiwn. who air sometimes ejK-n ! the cntieisni made b a I"al 1'rem h sho--leaIer. who. peakni; to the tejMjrter f weaithv p:t iron. aid: .M.idam ha a IxMiititiii loot, but her le-r 1-Mriu tto hOOU. iii the da when in n. nt least, were pien full Heeuse n the mutter of dn-ss- ' ins; their le-;- to -how them and their taste to fu'l advrttit ipe. the French had this proerb "t'el.i hut. nit Udle jattile." literalh. "'niat make- him a handsome leg." Thi was sm! (,f : man's for tune: ilcluis l'M,o") Iraues of his own aul .'(Kj.oo'i which his mother left him." Answer (.eli bit f.til belle jamlHj.'' Ill tho-e d.Us It Is pi im lh.lt the klL.il of beauu that tuoiie tinik the place of wast'ie l.-.uit ot th !ep. therefore, how highh priced the haiulsouie leg M an e;ts ieT-al miiit not a hand foiue !e; take the place of a fortune tn fiirtherni-; a man's stieeess in life? As it is now a man with a 'me o( a mus tache, soft, brown. Milling, but with an unspeakable le; w.!. make uioro head-a ltt a t.tll-ioom lull of mar . ri.ige.ibfe irU than a man with a jht- ' fecth -shaped leg, baed up in straight- cut bre.tdcloth. 'I his is obioiinly wrong. ne luiU-i rotitro's one't mustache, but the shnpe of the leg i!;. petals upon lie- manlier of life, tho habits and pr.u tires of thu ownet of tho teg. 'lhalhcaiiU ot face indicates simply nothing a- to the beauty or ug liness of the leg was signally proven b tiie rase ot Mrs Laugtiv. After .l.i.mg two continents with lite beauty ul her taee, the f.mioiis l.ily ouco plaed Uo-.ilind m pioper costttuie. and , ha.s evei -,l. i pl.ied it. to the itiuae inen; ot theiiitir. m a costume in-, eluding a sknt. which came below her ' kinis. The rc'soii for tin is that it wow Id be an ea trick to hang your . hat (u either of the l.t!A kme. " An uglier b'g than heri wns never undnipcnt , before an astonished audience. lNs sdbh Lily ueer knew how ugly her leg is. This conitiionh occurs, aud for a er) .stinplo reason. Ker manor wo man examining bis or her legs does o from a Irmil and upward point of Mew. I hi Is ei d ceptive, as the sale inii.i ric ; the eahe thu seen give an im pression of rounded contour uhich a t.ide iew may totalh lack. The beautiful Langtry might havo tnki ti a front view of her leg uutil tb end ot time without discovering tha dreadful forward .shoot of her knee. It is .t suit- view that makes the te-it. Then the .side uiucle are uo longer d ceptie. W.d tin' knee, if it is too prom uncut, taints otU, . literally, like th no on ;. face. Therefore, madam, taud in f.'out of your jiier mirror. r. f oii have none. lean a wash.staml minor against the wall, restiug It ou tlie lloor. taking care to -tand, our.self, o as to get a profile iw (,f your lee-,. It ma;. gie oti a urpri-i " A front iewouare of cour-e. familiar with, and know whether or not our v h:ie an accoiititalde atti action for each oilier at the knee. Man ha onl a limited opportunit to stud this pecul iar t win -o main women are Lnock kneed. K en his opinion that mi innn nrr is fouudei' on observation largely C'juIiih.I t. the t age. and it is po-sihlu that there aia o' nr- ".linitc ! :he stage : ud women wi'h knock !.. if course, the profe-'ouaI git' m. b irlesfjuer are not ircjuded in this tudy. as they bnvo all I '-n tiaincil how to .stand in onler to orereutne any dis position on the pm of their knees to rome together. Imt whn the legiti mate aeire lor the f,rt time lont shape" rlotlii', n new jmir of can', ing kiJM'st is diselo-ed. Ilio-e who n niember Md'e i'ntcmr a- jHrformacc here as Hamlet will retneinlT a , i"a;ght a pair of leg a- ha ever car ried a legitimate aero- a California ttagc. et there wa- a noticeable ten dency to tltK-k. together diplaed by the niali. -hniK-lr leg. Whe'her thti peculiarity obt un in the simc projKr tion among women in private life as f nmong r-ctresM-s will ouly b knows when women drc so a- to display as much from the feet up a they do now from the head down. It i th-ir tyl ' of drcs. totally hiding their legs. th:ch ranke the women o much tncra ditlicuit to -tud than men. When on look at Toby Koen:h3l CouLaesU " IV'verlv it Li In r leg w liich indicate sot I on y ncr teeiing- at tr.e ttoment wnca shci jortrajnti. Imi: .-10 ruucii of kaV & i, :!atav-:;r. -.San .' -'.c-fc CAror r.ntint conw- in I IonM-opathk: doc tor, alter a short comer-ation. take- a little jowIer from a jar anI ay to thj atH-nt: "Smell that now ton re cnrel. Fatient -ay; iKxtrr. how much tlov It owe r lctor .'.-: Trent y ilollars." Tatient. tike out a ?S0 bifl' anH, a - "Smell that now yoo re aiL Find Inde "Vou think that h lores you. tLcnT Second ItiIe "Praaw positive of it. my deah 1 ." FirX 1) "What make "rm rvr'r' Second I). vabcha natiifl her odlc after me. mr ikah boy. and if that i-nt a wrong p!Tof of a. Muig lly aCeo tion. theii I'm no jndge of tht deak cweachali-s. that- alL -Uoston Courier. A little -t-Tear-oM girl wa jwit U N.tl is the third-tory of hT lurfiic ami left, a nual. in the dark. A terriblr thun der torm came up. ahd her mother, thinking that the child would be fright eBeAt, Umi hghtnhjg. wi-nt Ut her. On sMCfinr tlie child called out with Wight 'Mammal tlw wind bVw tlic fnn np jnt now. HA o .-c ii Jear had no e&lramx lhex - NO 26 The llees oT South A Meic;, In an 4d Uk we an toM f n little hbu k lss-, found in tke iUnl f I iiimiii lHip. which li-rs in h-dkm srvs4 r ikt, mitiis of n-ck 1 tin "isl, and Uyi ti) hoiie in e-dis aU.ut lUr sfc. ml h.'tje o! pgisn titsX" '!! rvlls ait black or ib-ep n4't cnfctr, al jiid tigetler n t ea 1M xtWiHj tlwui IUe fiilktwin arv metiuWrned by Iandie as iti4lipnois to Itrnli "thi an I'M-ursioii tounni up r Tpyipit. and skirting the lrt-r hi! wairli extend to the int-n-r. I 4srx,d lh tn- tiHre ldisl with ln."." its Ulno eeu in tHi nngM.rliiwl t INift lt ipini "ITiey eotit s! a po4tietnHh 4ilt of ela. oMih-ntr-it ittid.trl u tK mar tin's int, swelling tni bigfc ii aln.iit it fiMt thick. aMl ti.rmmv nit h1 mass full two Jts-t in h iitwtor; uUo bmkeii the w.tx s nrraiigel .ii in mir llles. Mild the hotle s nlmMdttllt. HJU. M Hall fintnd to HUh Amrtir.-i tJn kix'o of ,i honc-lxe en ilttlcretit finiiH ititt Itnialtnn. but oenrh mIImnI to, it twt t.? ame. a that of titdMloii "1W Mv we s oisnel. ' sas he ' nv p.lltl.lll idled, whk-h etutltlisl Un Ul ( the eisttimin of the Ulterior to tnw a U x.intagk- 'lJie hone s mt HiMtaitiH iu the elegant hrxagoitttl cell f tr hlvt but in waxen Iwe. not ipitte 4 Urnp' ks all egg T1m-s' iMgs or bladder r hung aroiiml the sie of the hii nm iiejir aUmt half lull, the pmutity Idl ing probabU just gniil tJin strength ot the wax will lnr wiilmu; ti-.itmg Tlfise mmr the Uitiom 1nIH; b Iter s ip-irted r- iihk-c till-l than tH uppTones. In the (i-iitt r t iKr Ur p.itt of the hle wt ol-erxeiiii imgitlc s1i:ih. mass of eotub. iiriil"Hl with cell Ills thoe of out Inn's, nil eonilll- ing young ones in such nit nitvnil tate that when we hioke the eoiub add let tlietll Ollt tlle llew tliemh RWHV.M w 1'ortll.llll Sjene. Ia-siug along ttr-t Mrel last ny.. ning the writer noticed one of thelrMW class of ('hlnauieu lending b the hund a It-year old daughter, win., adorn ments lejHike the eiin lntowm upon her. Tlie two saunter d along, jnulng to glance into the window, tod siiiut coiih nt with UieiiiMhe and the world. Tln paiiM-tl for a moment on the eof in r. when clattering up the .tnhit iniiHH u Madge Wildluc of a eomteHin n resiles., uucniih. wandering -prite ell often flitting heie and then- if the M'Ven d'xiU x bleb xxent out of Maiy Magdalen had full es,siou of hr. No more xxeird and uiicntiiix peeimiMi of fallen liiiinanitx. it men child withal in npiiciir.uico. me xxill hnrdlv w'. Mil and degradation haxe sti nieU'iicoriUlM . ds iixiu even feature, and . us he n cur d her txxo cotintrx folk hr th ing pace slackened ton slow walk and pin gavd wi-tfulrt ujoii what ti le'r represented home. fiod. eothe. vl, jM-ace When the ioir wanderer of thi) night had jas-l the ipnn and child ! Mopped a- if imjM'lled bv an irni-tibli impul' and eahd tin- little one by Hm endearing dimintitlxe. lM'traied lllld di--;tP'd b It feinllillie JtlM and pathos. , 'ii. who until then had moved with a 'in. 'Min-d jm. caught the child hand, ami . a motion which wa. of itvdf a shudder of horror, draggi-d the ball" awav a If fniin the gav of j-dlution nml j-'rdl-tion. Tlie outcast gave one morn bifc. heitntel a moment, nml then with a gesture of ile-pair faded away into th night, as ihekc u ha it m hi "Tab- of a t'lsnal." in the ttraiige-t manner -nbb- In this chance meeting of tknni if the Chine-" race th re was jwUir a complete a. ever artit txtK of the gulf which diids the fallen from thi pun It i a cjillou- h'lirt whloh. wit nssing it. could fail to ptt the daugh ter of j-erdition. who, jmusing a ih ment to Hak a tender word Up a trn ger' child, found hT-M purnel a f Iter ter vomsi had in it a naiiMilw-i cur?. JWthtnd Ortyunmn. A Mtofj AtKtHt Mrfiillotisfi. When he wa- hen -7TTnI yrar ag he told a funm littb inodnt "hMi had wxurtT'l during hi acting at KJeli mond jti-t l-'fo- he raioe hern. 'I1ij story ha l-n Hihit-ltrd. lrt it i fr gHten now ""Hie Ijid of I.von-' wm the lay. ami aiomg the tibtver- wa a maiden amahnir who haf the tags on the brain, ami had it lad. ."sli tf.ru paMion lo tatter, and thrir a fin and fervor into her b ve cTie which lth amu--d and ercit-I !' auiH-rw. A time h; tell frrmi the -ihline to tltj ridiculoo. and where Claude Melnotttr. mi tlie hapr tit McCuIJoogh. wa 1 acribing hi jdasj. ,m the Iike f Cott-. n-jieating tho-e tnbns: wl- of lU wer. tJie naidn Ijf-'!!!! wa. -n U hrare. her eye let tilt with fire. Blnl when he c!o-l wjOi th trndT -ij-ti-rM-r. "Prithee. loTe. dot thou like tki fitctnre"" he threw her-If into yirCttU ough arms, crying out in toot of .ujrlative afli-rilon. "h-h-h-h CM-a-H-d-. lmg-ring w--tiwsv- fn drawn out. Siu then c-'dlxiti-d Ilk- a balloon, and bring, a MKulfougb aid. liki a irou piaster Ut hi form. At tld rnomt-nt a Hgusj-il neT-loy in the. gallery. Jn th jtw tone in which -h- had uttered hr Iat rxdauia tion. howbi out: "Oh-h-h-h -l-u--li. The bone cara- i!oa. Th audiT:-r roared, howled, and Iujwlrl again. McCuIloujd bar; inU a ha ha fciwelf. ftftll a4V sl-ml 9m - -- ?-t Mmt.f. -a- v-ap m vrr M " s-- Ja rn. lit; girl, however hrWtH tn JgU of laughtrr. Jshc carricl m htr jart. but thi- nest moment, with a carewsinij gtsvturv. thru her fingrr mto McCul lough hair at the side away teom tlt anIieno and tadling a lricii ueariy out by the root hi-l ia hi ear: "JIow"t!arc you buga. lr. at that rid jrar rcruar". Hie pain in kit head brought ti3 tear to hi- eye, and Mc CuIIoii roumrd his art in th xii. m '2' 5- . r -a- f r- . . & s -5g ' F' ! V x - 2. ., v Jf 4t ?-jf r-v r-Afc- ri'. 3 1 r X? l - A "S" ?4? , 3FKWT. feja. i.s -t 3T j-.VU:i.-.Stt. S 4k$r 'te f-gg